The pitch dd

Pitching our trailer Outlaw!

Transcript of The pitch dd

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Pitching our trailer


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What is our Target audience?• We hope that our film we have the capacity to generate wide audiences of both

genders and a wide diverse of ages, however if we were to be specific we would say the main target audience would be young adolescents those who are rearing between the ages of 15 to 20 I believe that this age group will be the majority of the audience when it is being screened. This is for many reasons such as the major themes and sub plots that are continuous throughout the film, we focus a lot on relationship issues, a young couple that are experiencing all the different turmoil's and hurdles of being in a relationship, although relationships are significant part of life for all ages these characters are maturing developing this relationship as well as finding themselves. We feel it should be seen more as a first love scenario than a matured couple. The innocence and first time experience may not attract those older viewers that may not feel this relates to them. Another theme that may separate audience guidelines is the idea of young lad in a gang and being part of illegal activity, this is an issue that everyone can relate to in any way, however youths in society may be more aware of the gang culture and be interested in watching a film that shows a perspective of someone with this lifestyle. The violence of the gang culture shown in the film may attract those of the male gender as boys tend to enjoy films that are more action packed and violent. However this isn’t a concern for us as we really have focused on a relationships of all kinds friendships and relationships, young people building close connections an emotional rollercoaster. However we no that the audience will not be those of younger years as we have put the certificate to a 15 so young children will not be able to watch it, however we feel that this doesn’t matter as young viewers wouldn’t enjoy or relate to it.

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How will the trailer establish the characters?• I believe that the trailer main importance is to establish and introduce the characters that will be

featuring throughout the film. It is so important that audiences are able to visualise and understand the characters personalities when choosing to watch the film. This all comes down to characterisation in the trailer which we tried to include the most, we did through dialogue and expression. An example of this is the character Alex we shown his dialogue being said in an aggressive manner this just demonstrates to audiences that this character is one that is angry and frustrated with the present situation, we felt that the small amount of dialogue would be more affective “ I can’t tell you.” creates a narrative enigma what has he done and what is going on in the characters life. Another way we can help establish the character is through mise en scene, he wears dark clothes with connote this idea of anger and subdued wearing tracksuit bottoms and hoodies help convey that he is a young lad as well as these are signifiers used to show those who are from under privileged background, we can use different props like a gun that show he is was violent and being part of something dangerous and illegal. It was also important that we establish the character Jordan she appears to be quite, focusing many shots of her filled with sadness, this shown audiences that she is vulnerable character that has been led into a situation she has lost all control over. Through the use of props we were also enabled to create the idea that she unfulfilled, shots such as her smoking a cigarette, we understood that this is normally associated with someone that is stressed and unhappy which we were able to show to audiences. I

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What mood will it create? • We wanted the trailer to portray a range of different moods throughout, this can be

done through dialogue, locations and through the soundtrack used. At the beginning of the trailer we want the mood to be very subdued, you get a sense of danger and violence, this can be done through particular shots like showing the gun being aimed, the character Alex putting a hoodie up in a dark alley, all this we hoped would be portray a tense atmosphere and mood. We found that locations are very important we tried to look for locations that are sinister to help inflict the subdued mood, we also did many shots of him alone this showed that he was isolated which provided a more mysterious tone to the film. We realise it is important to portray various emotions that the characters will be going through, sadness can also be shown through expressions and dialogue able to create this feeling but most importantly I feel music is able to express the real mood to the whole trailer. The soundtrack will show what sort of places the characters are in, when choosing the sound I made sure the shots that are more violent will require a song with a very strong harsh beat. Sad songs we want a more melancholy feel, so audiences were able to understand what is going on not just visually but be able to hear the emotion. This will comply with the happier scenes in the trailer, I feel we will not have much dialogue but instead the music and the shots will perceive the characters in a relaxed and happier place. Close up shots are very useful when portraying the mood, it enhancing and makes clearer what the characters feel just based on their facial expression this can convey how they are feeling without much interaction with another character. Wide shots also help showing the location helps create a mood instantly just based on the surrounding area of where the characters are placed. Over the shoulder shots are very useful when portraying a conversation it is an important shot as it shows weather the characters are experiencing conflict this can create a tense mood so audiences can feel the friction between the characters.

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What parts of the narrative will be shown?

The main narrative!

A young working class lad who lives in the outskirts of Birmingham finds himsef in a terrible situation when a night out goes terribly wrong. With his fingerprints on a gun and the pressure from a gang he finds his self with one ultimate choice he will have to leave the life he once knew and live a life on the run.

Alex may try to escape the life he once knew but that comes with having to leave behind the people that mean the most to him, Jordan his girlfriend is left frightened and alone she knows Alex has done something terrible but can’t work out what, all she knows is he must leave her. This breaks in the plot of the breakdown of a relationship she loves him but knows that he must go or something might happen to her if she sticks around, aware of his criminal lifestyle but stuck with him she now realises the life she once knew has changed and gone forever just like her boyfriend.

Sub plot

While Alex is on the run the narrative turns its focus on Jordan she is isolated and alone and finds comfort from her friend Mike a lad that she has known for a long time. She finds there friendship is building and their emotions appear strong, however is she really ready to move on from Alex. Mike who despises Alex wants to save Jordan from the downfall she calls her Boyfriend, he wants to save her from the life of corruption and make her happy again. Jordan has lost the boy she once knew and has fallen into the arms of an old friend, she feels a strong connection but she isn’t sure if she wants romance from him stuck in a terrible situation she goes away leaving both lads behind. However when Alex returns and faces Mike who will Jordan choose?

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Locations• Throughout the trailer we hope to show varied

locations around Birmingham both inside and outside. Locations are vital when it comes to creating an atmosphere to the scene, each location helps set a mood and tone to the action taking place. Most of the shots that insinuate danger are in dark alleys or back streets this is because this helps create a sinister mood so audiences are aware that the character may be in danger or add suspension to what the following scene may entail. Not only does the location help set the scene and tone but also familiarity to audiences for example when show shots with friends we may choose to film in pub areas this because audiences can relate to location providing a realistic portrayal of life. When it came to location shots that are specifically showing the surrounding area of the characters we feel that locations that are consistently associated with social realism films would be the most affective, for example the block of flats and graffiti walls. Which just helps present the background of the characters and where they live helping develop the characterisation. We used location to portray a mood or symbolise a situation for example the sun setting could show something ending for a character through juxtaposition shots we are able to show the location representing something happening to the character.

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How will my film be distributed?• In the UK distributors spend up to £300 million on marketing brand new releases. “As a

filmmaker, I know only too well that films do not exist for their own sakes... they only exist when they are experienced by an audience." Sir Alan Parker CBE. The biggest way to distribute a film is by showcasing it at the cinema this has been the most popular and valued way to distribute any new releases. However with new technological ways of broadcasting and showing films technological convergence is now just as successful, such as Apps on Ipods help promote the film release bringing in wider audiences, advertising the film on such films websites as Netflix and lovefilm all advertise new releases. The different ancillary markets like these really help move the distribution progress along, I also hope that we will be able to broadcast the release through viral video’s streaming the trailer through various websites like social networking sites. I also know how important advertisements are so I would make sure that we were able to work alongside with sight and sound magazine that focus their attention on the genre social realism and hopefully they will write and inform the public that are into this niche market that are film will soon be released/ releasing. As well as posters and bulletin boards also play an real vital part in making sure people are aware of any releases. The British distributor I have chosen for my film is studio canal who are distributors for films in the UK and Ireland released over 200 films a year and were one of the most prominent distributors in the UK independent film and world cinema market since the closure of Tartan Films in 2008. I feel that this distribution would be ideal for my film as they have worked on so many films that are social realism that they would have the ability and expertise to may sure my film had the best distribution possible, they will be aware of how to attract audiences and where the film should be advertised and presented the most.

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How will it be exhibited?

• Exhibiting our films is really an important factor in making sure we can enable wide audiences both nationally and internationally. We will exhibited our move on Birmingham’s electric cinema where we will show the trailer to audiences so they can comment on what they thought was both positive and negative aspects. Another way to exhibit my film would be through film festivals such as radiant film festival a film festival that focuses on independent films it has been going for fourteen years and brings people from all over the world. As well as the BFI British film institute in London one of the most spectacular nights for independent film makers seen as one of the most important publicity generating festivals. As well as UK premiers which gives the public a chance to come meet and greet the stars on the red carpet as well as gain publicity through the press and gain opinions from some of the biggest critics with star ratings, this helps allow people to make a choice of whether the film is something they want to watch, the critics just help shape and give an alternative perspective on the film hopefully positive.