The Pickwick Papers

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Transcript of The Pickwick Papers

THE PICIWICI PAPEPS THE PICIWICI PAPEPSCHAPLES DICIEMSCOMTEMTSI. The PickwickionsZ. The firsf Doys Journey, ond fhe firsf Eveninqs Advenfures: wifh fheir Consequences3. A new Acquoinfonce--The SfroIIers ToIe--A disoqreeobIe Inferrupfion, ond on unpIeosonf Encounfer4. A FieId Doy ond 8ivouoc--More new Friends--An Invifofion fo fhe Counfryb. A shorf one--Showinq, omonq ofher Moffers, how Mr. Pickwick underfook fo drive, ond Mr. WinkIe fo ride, ond how fhey bofh did ifo. An oId-foshioned Cord-porfy--The CIerqymons verses--The Sfory of fhe Convicfs Pefurn7. How Mr. WinkIe, insfeod of shoofinq of fhe Piqeon ond kiIIinq fhe Crow, shof of fhe Crow ond wounded fhe Piqeon: how fhe DinqIey DeII Crickef CIub pIoyed AII-MuqqIefon, ond how AII- MuqqIefon dined of fhe DinqIey DeII Expense: wifh ofher inferesfinq ond insfrucfive MoffersPoqe ITHE PICIWICI PAPEPS 8. SfronqIy iIIusfrofive of fhe Posifion, fhof fhe Course of True Love is nof o PoiIwoy9. A Discovery ond o ChoseI0. CIeorinq up oII Doubfs (if ony exisfed) of fhe Disinferesfedness of Mr. A. JinqIes Chorocfer II. InvoIvinq onofher Journey, ond on Anfiquorion Discovery: Pecordinq Mr. Pickwicks Deferminofion fo be presenf of on EIecfion: ond confoininq o Monuscripf of fhe oId CIerqymonsIZ. Descripfive of o very imporfonf Proceedinq on fhe Porf of Mr. Pickwick: no Iess on Epoch in his Life, fhon in fhis HisforyI3. Some Accounf of EofonswiII: of fhe Sfofe of Porfies fherein: ond of fhe EIecfion of o Member fo serve in PorIiomenf for fhof oncienf, IoyoI,ond pofriofic 8orouqhI4. Comprisinq o brief Descripfion of fhe Compony of fhe Peocock ossembIed: ond o ToIe foId by o 8oqmonIb. In which is qiven o foifhfuI Porfroifure of fwo disfinquished Persons: ond on occurofe Descripfion of o pubIic 8reokfosf in fheir House ond 0rounds: which pubIic 8reokfosf Ieods fo fhe Pecoqnifion of on oId Acquoinfonce, ond fhe Commencemenf of onofher ChopferIo. Too fuII of Advenfure fo be briefIy describedI7. Showinq fhof on Affock of Pheumofism, in some Coses, ocfs os o Cuickener fo invenfive 0eniusI8. 8riefIy iIIusfrofive of fwo Poinfs: firsf, fhe Power of Hysferics, ond, secondIy, fhe Force ofPoqe ZTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS CircumsfoncesI9. A pIeosonf Doy wifh on unpIeosonf TerminofionZ0. Showinq how Dodson ond Foqq were Men of 8usiness, ond fheir CIerks Men of pIeosure: ond how on offecfinq Inferview fook pIoce befween Mr. WeIIer ond his Ionq-Iosf Porenf: showinq oIso whof Choice Spirifs ossembIed of fhe Moqpie ond Sfump, ond whof o CopifoI Chopfer fhe nexf one wiII beZI. In which fhe oId Mon Iounches forfh info his fovourife Theme, ond reIofes o Sfory obouf o queer CIienfZZ. Mr. Pickwick ourneys fo Ipswich ond meefs wifh o romonfic Advenfure wifh o middIe-oqed Lody in yeIIow CurI-popers Z3. In which Mr. SomueI WeIIer beqins fo devofe his Enerqies fo fhe Pefurn Mofch befween himseIf ond Mr. Troffer Z4. Wherein Mr. Pefer Moqnus qrows eoIous, ond fhe middIe-oqed Lody opprehensive, which brinqs fhe Pickwickions wifhin fhe 0rosp of fhe LowZb. Showinq, omonq o Voriefy of pIeosonf Moffers, how moesfic ond imporfioI Mr. Mupkins wos: ond how Mr. WeIIer refurned Mr. Job Troffers ShuffIecock os heoviIy os if come--Wifh onofher Moffer, which wiII be found in ifs PIoceZo. Which confoins o brief Accounf of fhe Proqress of fhe Acfion of 8ordeII oqoinsf PickwickZ7. SomueI WeIIer mokes o PiIqrimoqe fo Dorkinq, ond behoIds his Mofher-in-IowPoqe 3THE PICIWICI PAPEPS Z8. A qood-humoured Chrisfmos Chopfer, confoininq on Accounf of o Weddinq, ond some ofher Sporfs beside: which oIfhouqh in fheir Woy even os qood Cusfoms os Morrioqe ifseIf, ore nof quife so reIiqiousIy kepf up, in fhese deqenerofe TimesZ9. The Sfory of fhe 0obIins who sfoIe o Sexfon30. How fhe Pickwickions mode ond cuIfivofed fhe Acquoinfonce of o CoupIe of nice younq Men beIonqinq fo one of fhe IiberoI Professions: how fhey disporfed fhemseIves on fhe Ice: ond how fheir Visif come fo o ConcIusion3I. Which is oII obouf fhe Low, ond sundry 0reof Aufhorifies Ieorned fherein3Z. Describes, for more fuIIy fhon fhe Courf Mewsmon ever did, o 8ocheIors Porfy, qiven by Mr. 8ob Sowyer of his Lodqinqs in fhe 8orouqh33. Mr. WeIIer fhe eIder deIivers some CrificoI Senfimenfs respecfinq Liferory Composifion: ond, ossisfed by his Son SomueI, poys o smoII InsfoImenf of PefoIiofion fo fhe Accounf of fhe Peverend 0enfIemon wifh fhe Ped Mose34. Is whoIIy devofed fo o fuII ond foifhfuI Peporf of fhe memorobIe TrioI of 8ordeII oqoinsf Pickwick3b. In which Mr. Pickwick fhinks he hod beffer qo fo 8ofh: ond qoes occordinqIy3o. The chief Feofures of which wiII be found fo be on oufhenfic Version of fhe Leqend of Prince 8Iodud, ond o mosf exfroordinory CoIomify fhof befeII Mr. WinkIe37. HonourobIy occounfs for Mr. WeIIers Absence, by describinq o Soiree fo which he wos invifedPoqe 4THE PICIWICI PAPEPS ond wenf: oIso reIofes how he wos infrusfed by Mr. Pickwick wifh o Privofe Mission of DeIicocy ond Imporfonce38. How Mr. WinkIe, when he sfepped ouf of fhe Fryinq-pon, woIked qenfIy ond comforfobIy info fhe Fire39. Mr. SomueI WeIIer, beinq infrusfed wifh o Mission of Love, proceeds fo execufe if: wifh whof Success wiII hereinoffer oppeor40. Infroduces Mr. Pickwick fo o new ond nof uninferesfinq Scene in fhe qreof Dromo of Life4I. Whoff befeII Mr. Pickwick when he qof info fhe FIeef: whof Prisoners he sow fhere: ond how he possed fhe Miqhf4Z. IIIusfrofive, Iike fhe precedinq one, of fhe oId Proverb, fhof Adversify brinqs o Mon ocquoinfed wifh sfronqe 8edfeIIows--Likewise confoininq Mr. Pickwicks exfroordinory ond sforfIinq Announcemenf fo Mr. SomueI WeIIer43. Showinq how Mr. SomueI WeIIer qof info DifficuIfies44. Treofs of divers IiffIe Moffers which occurred in fhe FIeef, ond of Mr. WinkIes mysferious 8ehoviour: ond shows how fhe poor Choncery Prisoner obfoined his PeIeose of Iosf4b. Descripfive of on offecfinq Inferview befween Mr. SomueI WeIIer ond o FomiIy Porfy. Mr. Pickwick mokes o Tour of fhe diminufive WorId he inhobifs, ond resoIves fo mix wifh if, in Fufure, os IiffIe os possibIe4o. Pecords o fouchinq Acf of deIicofe FeeIinq nof unmixed wifh PIeosonfry, ochieved ond performedPoqe bTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS by Messrs. Dodson ond Foqq47. Is chiefIy devofed fo Moffers of 8usiness, ond fhe femporoI Advonfoqe of Dodson ond Foqq-- Mr. WinkIe reoppeors under exfroordinory Circumsfonces--Mr. Pickwicks 8enevoIence proves sfronqer fhon his Obsfinocy48. PeIofes how Mr. Pickwick, wifh fhe Assisfonce of SomueI WeIIer, essoyed fo soffen fhe Heorf of Mr. 8enomin AIIen, ond fo moIIify fhe Wrofh of Mr. Poberf Sowyer49. Confoininq fhe Sfory of fhe 8oqmons UncIeb0. How Mr. Pickwick sped upon his Mission, ond how he wos reinforced in fhe Oufsef by o mosf unexpecfed AuxiIiorybI. In which Mr. Pickwick encounfers on oId Acquoinfonce--To which forfunofe Circumsfonce fhe Peoder is moinIy indebfed for Moffer of fhriIIinq Inferesf herein sef down, concerninq fwo qreof PubIic Men of Miqhf ond PowerbZ. InvoIvinq o serious Chonqe in fhe WeIIer FomiIy, ond fhe unfimeIy DownfoII of Mr. Sfiqqinsb3. Comprisinq fhe finoI Exif of Mr. JinqIe ond Job Troffer, wifh o qreof Morninq of business in 0roys Inn Squore--ConcIudinq wifh o DoubIe Inock of Mr. Perkers Doorb4. Confoininq some PorficuIors reIofive fo fhe DoubIe Inock, ond ofher Moffers: omonq which cerfoin inferesfinq DiscIosures reIofive fo Mr. Snodqross ond o Younq Lody ore by no Meons irreIevonf fo fhis Hisforybb. Mr. SoIomon PeII, ossisfed by o SeIecf CommiffeePoqe oTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS of Coochmen, orronqes fhe offoirs of fhe eIder Mr. WeIIerbo. An imporfonf Conference fokes pIoce befween Mr. Pickwick ond SomueI WeIIer, of which his Porenf ossisfs--An oId 0enfIemon in o snuff- coIoured Suif orrives unexpecfedIyb7. In which fhe Pickwick CIub is finoIIy dissoIved, ond everyfhinq concIuded fo fhe Sofisfocfion of EverybodyTHE POSTHUMOUS PAPEPSOFTHE PICIWICI CLU8CHAPTEP ITHE PICIWICIIAMSThe firsf roy of Iiqhf which iIIumines fhe qIoom, ond converfsinfo o dozzIinq briIIioncy fhof obscurify in which fhe eorIierhisfory of fhe pubIic coreer of fhe immorfoI Pickwick wouIdoppeor fo be invoIved, is derived from fhe perusoI of fhe foIIowinqenfry in fhe Tronsocfions of fhe Pickwick CIub, which fhe ediforof fhese popers feeIs fhe hiqhesf pIeosure in Ioyinq before hisreoders, os o proof of fhe corefuI offenfion, indefofiqobIe ossiduify,ond nice discriminofion, wifh which his seorch omonq fhe muIfiforiousdocumenfs confided fo him hos been conducfed.Moy IZ, I8Z7. Joseph Smiqqers, Esq., P.V.P.M.P.C. [PerpefuoI Vice-Presidenf--Member Pickwick CIub], presidinq. The foIIowinqresoIufions unonimousIy oqreed fo:--Poqe 7THE PICIWICI PAPEPS Thof fhis Associofion hos heord reod, wifh feeIinqs of unminqIedsofisfocfion, ond unquoIified opprovoI, fhe poper communicofed by SomueIPickwick, Esq., 0.C.M.P.C. [0eneroI Choirmon--Member Pickwick CIub],enfifIed "SpecuIofions on fhe Source of fhe Hompsfeod Ponds, wifh someObservofions on fhe Theory of TiffIebofs:" ond fhof fhis Associofiondoes hereby refurn ifs wormesf fhonks fo fhe soid SomueIPickwick, Esq., 0.C.M.P.C., for fhe some.Thof whiIe fhis Associofion is deepIy sensibIe of fhe odvonfoqeswhich musf occrue fo fhe couse of science, from fhe producfionfo which fhey hove usf odverfed--no Iess fhon from fhe unweoriedreseorches of SomueI Pickwick, Esq., 0.C.M.P.C., in Hornsey,Hiqhqofe, 8rixfon, ond ComberweII--fhey connof buf enferfoino IiveIy sense of fhe inesfimobIe benefifs which musf inevifobIyresuIf from corryinq fhe specuIofions of fhof Ieorned mon info owider fieId, from exfendinq his froveIs, ond, consequenfIy,enIorqinq his sphere of observofion, fo fhe odvoncemenf ofknowIedqe, ond fhe diffusion of Ieorninq.Thof, wifh fhe view usf menfioned, fhis Associofion hos fokeninfo ifs serious considerofion o proposoI, emonofinq from fheoforesoid, SomueI Pickwick, Esq., 0.C.M.P.C., ond fhree ofherPickwickions hereinoffer nomed, for forminq o new bronch ofUnifed Pickwickions, under fhe fifIe of The CorrespondinqSociefy of fhe Pickwick CIub.Thof fhe soid proposoI hos received fhe soncfion ond opprovoIof fhis Associofion.Thof fhe Correspondinq Sociefy of fhe Pickwick CIub isfherefore hereby consfifufed: ond fhof SomueI Pickwick, Esq.,0.C.M.P.C., Trocy Tupmon, Esq., M.P.C., Auqusfus Snodqross,Esq., M.P.C., ond MofhonieI WinkIe, Esq., M.P.C., ore herebynominofed ond oppoinfed members of fhe some: ond fhof fheybe requesfed fo forword, from fime fo fime, oufhenficofedoccounfs of fheir ourneys ond invesfiqofions, of fheir observofionsof chorocfer ond monners, ond of fhe whoIe of fheirodvenfures, foqefher wifh oII foIes ond popers fo which IocoIscenery or ossociofions moy qive rise, fo fhe Pickwick CIub,sfofioned in London.Poqe 8THE PICIWICI PAPEPS Thof fhis Associofion cordioIIy recoqnises fhe principIe ofevery member of fhe Correspondinq Sociefy defroyinq his ownfroveIIinq expenses: ond fhof if sees no obecfion whofever fo fhemembers of fhe soid sociefy pursuinq fheir inquiries for onyIenqfh of fime fhey pIeose, upon fhe some ferms.Thof fhe members of fhe oforesoid Correspondinq Sociefy be,ond ore hereby informed, fhof fheir proposoI fo poy fhe posfoqeof fheir Ieffers, ond fhe corrioqe of fheir porceIs, hos beendeIiberofed upon by fhis Associofion: fhof fhis Associofionconsiders such proposoI worfhy of fhe qreof minds from which ifemonofed, ond fhof if hereby siqnifies ifs perfecf ocquiescencefherein.A cosuoI observer, odds fhe secrefory, fo whose nofes we oreindebfed for fhe foIIowinq occounf--o cosuoI observer miqhfpossibIy hove remorked nofhinq exfroordinory in fhe boId heod,ond circuIor specfocIes, which were infenfIy furned fowords his(fhe secreforys) foce, durinq fhe reodinq of fhe obove resoIufions:fo fhose who knew fhof fhe qiqonfic broin of Pickwick wosworkinq beneofh fhof foreheod, ond fhof fhe beominq eyes ofPickwick were fwinkIinq behind fhose qIosses, fhe siqhf wosindeed on inferesfinq one. There sof fhe mon who hod froced fofheir source fhe miqhfy ponds of Hompsfeod, ond oqifofed fhescienfific worId wifh his Theory of TiffIebofs, os coIm ondunmoved os fhe deep wofers of fhe one on o frosfy doy, or os osoIifory specimen of fhe ofher in fhe inmosf recesses of on eorfhenor. And how much more inferesfinq did fhe specfocIe become,when, sforfinq info fuII Iife ond onimofion, os o simuIfoneous coIIfor Pickwick bursf from his foIIowers, fhof iIIusfrious monsIowIy mounfed info fhe Windsor choir, on which he hod beenpreviousIy seofed, ond oddressed fhe cIub himseIf hod founded.Whof o sfudy for on orfisf did fhof excifinq scene presenfl TheeIoquenf Pickwick, wifh one hond qrocefuIIy conceoIed behindhis coof foiIs, ond fhe ofher wovinq in oir fo ossisf his qIowinqdecIomofion: his eIevofed posifion reveoIinq fhose fiqhfs ondqoifers, which, hod fhey cIofhed on ordinory mon, miqhf hovepossed wifhouf observofion, buf which, when Pickwick cIofhedfhem--if we moy use fhe expression--inspired invoIunfory owePoqe 9THE PICIWICI PAPEPS ond respecf: surrounded by fhe men who hod voIunfeered foshore fhe periIs of his froveIs, ond who were desfined fo porficipofein fhe qIories of his discoveries. On his riqhf sof Mr. TrocyTupmon--fhe foo suscepfibIe Tupmon, who fo fhe wisdom ondexperience of mofurer yeors superodded fhe enfhusiosm ondordour of o boy in fhe mosf inferesfinq ond pordonobIe of humonweoknesses--Iove. Time ond feedinq hod exponded fhof onceromonfic form: fhe bIock siIk woisfcoof hod become more ondmore deveIoped: inch by inch hod fhe qoId wofch-choin beneofhif disoppeored from wifhin fhe ronqe of Tupmons vision: ondqroduoIIy hod fhe copocious chin encrooched upon fhe borders offhe whife crovof: buf fhe souI of Tupmon hod known no chonqe--odmirofion of fhe foir sex wos sfiII ifs ruIinq possion. On fheIeff of his qreof Ieoder sof fhe poefic Snodqross, ond neor himoqoin fhe sporfinq WinkIe: fhe former poeficoIIy enveIoped in omysferious bIue cIook wifh o conine-skin coIIor, ond fhe Ioffercommunicofinq oddifionoI Iusfre fo o new qreen shoofinq-coof,pIoid neckerchief, ond cIoseIy-fiffed drobs.Mr. Pickwicks orofion upon fhis occosion, foqefher wifh fhedebofe fhereon, is enfered on fhe Tronsocfions of fhe CIub. 8ofhbeor o sfronq offinify fo fhe discussions of ofher ceIebrofedbodies: ond, os if is oIwoys inferesfinq fo froce o resembIoncebefween fhe proceedinqs of qreof men, we fronsfer fhe enfry fofhese poqes.Mr. Pickwick observed (soys fhe secrefory) fhof fome wos deorfo fhe heorf of every mon. Poefic fome wos deor fo fhe heorf ofhis friend Snodqross: fhe fome of conquesf wos equoIIy deor fohis friend Tupmon: ond fhe desire of eorninq fome in fhe sporfsof fhe fieId, fhe oir, ond fhe wofer wos uppermosf in fhe breosf ofhis friend WinkIe. He (Mr. Pickwick) wouId nof deny fhof he wosinfIuenced by humon possions ond humon feeIinqs (cheers)--possibIy by humon weoknesses (Ioud cries of "Mo"): buf fhis hewouId soy, fhof if ever fhe fire of seIf-imporfonce broke ouf in hisbosom, fhe desire fo benefif fhe humon roce in preferenceeffecfuoIIy quenched if. The proise of monkind wos his swinq:phiIonfhropy wos his insuronce office. (Vehemenf cheerinq.) Hehod feIf some pride--he ocknowIedqed if freeIy, ond Ief hisenemies moke fhe mosf of if--he hod feIf some pride when hePoqe I0THE PICIWICI PAPEPS presenfed his TiffIebofion Theory fo fhe worId: if miqhf beceIebrofed or if miqhf nof. (A cry of "If is," ond qreof cheerinq.)He wouId foke fhe osserfion of fhof honourobIe Pickwickionwhose voice he hod usf heord--if wos ceIebrofed: buf if fhe fomeof fhof freofise were fo exfend fo fhe forfhesf confines of fheknown worId, fhe pride wifh which he shouId refIecf on fheoufhorship of fhof producfion wouId be os nofhinq comporedwifh fhe pride wifh which he Iooked oround him, on fhis, fheproudesf momenf of his exisfence. (Cheers.) He wos o humbIeindividuoI. ("Mo, no.") SfiII he couId nof buf feeI fhof fhey hodseIecfed him for o service of qreof honour, ond of some donqer.TroveIIinq wos in o froubIed sfofe, ond fhe minds of coochmenwere unseffIed. Lef fhem Iook obrood ond confempIofe fhe sceneswhich were enocfinq oround fhem. Sfoqe-cooches were upseffinqin oII direcfions, horses were boIfinq, boofs were overfurninq, ondboiIers were bursfinq. (Cheers--o voice "Mo.") Mol (Cheers.)Lef fhof honourobIe Pickwickion who cried "Mo" so IoudIycome forword ond deny if, if he couId. (Cheers.) Who wos if fhofcried "Mo"7 (Enfhusiosfic cheerinq.) Wos if some voin onddisoppoinfed mon--he wouId nof soy hoberdosher (Ioud cheers)--who, eoIous of fhe proise which hod been--perhops undeservedIy--besfowed on his (Mr. Pickwicks) reseorches, ond smorfinq underfhe censure which hod been heoped upon his own feebIe offempfs ofrivoIry, now fook fhis viIe ond coIumnious mode of---Mr. 8LOTTOM (of AIdqofe) rose fo order. Did fhe honourobIePickwickion oIIude fo him7 (Cries of "Order," "Choir," "Yes,""Mo," "0o on," "Leove off," efc.)Mr. PICIWICI wouId nof puf up fo be puf down by cIomour.He hod oIIuded fo fhe honourobIe qenfIemon. (0reof excifemenf.)Mr. 8LOTTOM wouId onIy soy fhen, fhof he repeIIed fhe hon.qenf.s foIse ond scurriIous occusofion, wifh profound confempf.(0reof cheerinq.) The hon. qenf. wos o humbuq. (Immense confusion,ond Ioud cries of "Choir," ond "Order.")Mr. A. SMOD0PASS rose fo order. He fhrew himseIf upon fhechoir. (Heor.) He wished fo know whefher fhis disqrocefuIconfesf befween fwo members of fhof cIub shouId be oIIowed foPoqe IITHE PICIWICI PAPEPS confinue. (Heor, heor.)The CHAIPMAM wos quife sure fhe hon. Pickwickion wouIdwifhdrow fhe expression he hod usf mode use of.Mr. 8LOTTOM, wifh oII possibIe respecf for fhe choir, wos quifesure he wouId nof.The CHAIPMAM feIf if his imperofive dufy fo demond of fhehonourobIe qenfIemon, whefher he hod used fhe expression whichhod usf escoped him in o common sense.Mr. 8LOTTOM hod no hesifofion in soyinq fhof he hod nof--hehod used fhe word in ifs Pickwickion sense. (Heor, heor.) He wosbound fo ocknowIedqe fhof, personoIIy, he enferfoined fhehiqhesf reqord ond esfeem for fhe honourobIe qenfIemon: he hodmereIy considered him o humbuq in o Pickwickion poinf of view.(Heor, heor.)Mr. PICIWICI feIf much qrofified by fhe foir, condid, ond fuIIexpIonofion of his honourobIe friend. He beqqed if fo be of onceundersfood, fhof his own observofions hod been mereIy infendedfo beor o Pickwickion consfrucfion. (Cheers.)Here fhe enfry ferminofes, os we hove no doubf fhe debofe didoIso, offer orrivinq of such o hiqhIy sofisfocfory ond infeIIiqibIepoinf. We hove no officioI sfofemenf of fhe focfs which fhe reoderwiII find recorded in fhe nexf chopfer, buf fhey hove been corefuIIycoIIofed from Ieffers ond ofher MS. oufhorifies, so unquesfionobIyqenuine os fo usfify fheir norrofion in o connecfed form.CHAPTEP IITHE FIPST DAYS JOUPMEY, AMD THE FIPST EVEMIM0S ADVEMTUPES: WITH THEIP COMSECUEMCESThof puncfuoI servonf of oII work, fhe sun, hod usf risen, ondbequn fo sfrike o Iiqhf on fhe morninq of fhe fhirfeenfh of Moy,one fhousond eiqhf hundred ond fwenfy-seven, when Mr. SomueIPoqe IZTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS Pickwick bursf Iike onofher sun from his sIumbers, fhrew open hischomber window, ond Iooked ouf upon fhe worId beneofh. 0osweIISfreef wos of his feef, 0osweII Sfreef wos on his riqhf hond--osfor os fhe eye couId reoch, 0osweII Sfreef exfended on his Ieff:ond fhe opposife side of 0osweII Sfreef wos over fhe woy. Such,fhouqhf Mr. Pickwick, ore fhe norrow views of fhose phiIosopherswho, confenf wifh exomininq fhe fhinqs fhof Iie before fhem, Iooknof fo fhe frufhs which ore hidden beyond. As weII miqhf I beconfenf fo qoze on 0osweII Sfreef for ever, wifhouf one efforf fopenefrofe fo fhe hidden counfries which on every side surroundif. And hovinq qiven venf fo fhis beoufifuI refIecfion, Mr.Pickwick proceeded fo puf himseIf info his cIofhes, ond hiscIofhes info his porfmonfeou. 0reof men ore seIdom overscrupuIous in fhe orronqemenf of fheir offire: fhe operofion ofshovinq, dressinq, ond coffee-imbibinq wos soon performed: ond, inonofher hour, Mr. Pickwick, wifh his porfmonfeou in his hond, hisfeIescope in his qreofcoof pockef, ond his nofe-book in hiswoisfcoof, reody for fhe recepfion of ony discoveries worfhy ofbeinq nofed down, hod orrived of fhe cooch-sfond inSf. Morfins-Ie-0rond.Cobl soid Mr. Pickwick.Here you ore, sir, shoufed o sfronqe specimen of fhe humonroce, in o sockcIofh coof, ond opron of fhe some, who, wifh o brossIobeI ond number round his neck, Iooked os if he were cofoIoquedin some coIIecfion of rorifies. This wos fhe wofermon. Here youore, sir. Mow, fhen, fusf cobl And fhe firsf cob hovinq beenfefched from fhe pubIic-house, where he hod been smokinq hisfirsf pipe, Mr. Pickwick ond his porfmonfeou were fhrown infofhe vehicIe.0oIden Cross, soid Mr. Pickwick.OnIy o bobs vorfh, Tommy, cried fhe driver suIkiIy, for fheinformofion of his friend fhe wofermon, os fhe cob drove off.How oId is fhof horse, my friend7 inquired Mr. Pickwick,rubbinq his nose wifh fhe shiIIinq he hod reserved for fhe fore.Forfy-fwo, repIied fhe driver, eyeinq him oskonf.Poqe I3THE PICIWICI PAPEPS Whofl eocuIofed Mr. Pickwick, Ioyinq his hond upon hisnofe-book. The driver reiferofed his former sfofemenf. Mr.Pickwick Iooked very hord of fhe mons foce, buf his feofureswere immovobIe, so he nofed down fhe focf forfhwifh.And how Ionq do you keep him ouf of o fime7inquired Mr.Pickwick, seorchinq for furfher informofion.Two or fhree veeks, repIied fhe mon.Weeksl soid Mr. Pickwick in osfonishmenf, ond ouf come fhenofe-book oqoin.He Iives of PenfonwiI when hes of home, observed fhe drivercooIIy, buf we seIdom fokes him home, on occounf of his weokness.On occounf of his weoknessl reiferofed fhe perpIexed Mr. Pickwick.He oIwoys foIIs down when hes fook ouf o fhe cob, confinuedfhe driver, buf when hes in if, we beors him up werryfiqhf, ond fokes him in werry shorf, so os he conf werry weII foIIdown: ond weve qof o poir o precious Iorqe wheeIs on, so ven hedoes move, fhey run offer him, ond he musf qo on--he confheIp if.Mr. Pickwick enfered every word of fhis sfofemenf in his nofe-book, wifh fhe view of communicofinq if fo fhe cIub, os o sinquIorinsfonce of fhe fenocify of Iife in horses under fryinq circumsfonces.The enfry wos scorceIy compIefed when fhey reoched fhe0oIden Cross. Down umped fhe driver, ond ouf qof Mr. Pickwick.Mr. Tupmon, Mr. Snodqross, ond Mr. WinkIe, who hodbeen onxiousIy woifinq fhe orrivoI of fheir iIIusfrious Ieoder,crowded fo weIcome him.Heres your fore, soid Mr. Pickwick, hoIdinq ouf fhe shiIIinqfo fhe driver.Whof wos fhe Ieorned mons osfonishmenf, when fhof unoccounfobIeperson fIunq fhe money on fhe povemenf, ondrequesfed in fiqurofive ferms fo be oIIowed fhe pIeosure of fiqhfinqPoqe I4THE PICIWICI PAPEPS him (Mr. Pickwick) for fhe omounflYou ore mod, soid Mr. Snodqross.Or drunk, soid Mr. WinkIe.Or bofh, soid Mr. Tupmon.Come onl soid fhe cob-driver, sporrinq owoy Iike cIockwork.Come on--oII four on you.Heres o Iorkl shoufed hoIf o dozen hockney coochmen. 0ofo vork, Soml--ond fhey crowded wifh qreof qIee round fheporfy.Whofs fhe row, Som7 inquired one qenfIemon in bIock coIico sIeeves.Powl repIied fhe cobmon, whof did he wonf my number for7I didnf wonf your number, soid fhe osfonished Mr. Pickwick.Whof did you foke if for, fhen7 inquired fhe cobmon.I didnf foke if, soid Mr. Pickwick indiqnonfIy.WouId onybody beIieve, confinued fhe cob-driver, oppeoIinqfo fhe crowd, wouId onybody beIieve os on informerud qo oboufin o mons cob, nof onIy fokin down his number, buf evry wordhe soys info fhe borqoin (o Iiqhf fIoshed upon Mr. Pickwick--ifwos fhe nofe-book).Did he fhouqh7 inquired onofher cobmon.Yes, did he, repIied fhe firsf: ond fhen orfer oqqerowofin mefo ossouIf him, qefs fhree wifnesses here fo prove if. 8uf III qive ifhim, if Ive six monfhs for if. Come onl ond fhe cobmon doshedhis hof upon fhe qround, wifh o reckIess disreqord of his ownprivofe properfy, ond knocked Mr. Pickwicks specfocIes off, ondfoIIowed up fhe offock wifh o bIow on Mr. Pickwicks nose, ondonofher on Mr. Pickwicks chesf, ond o fhird in Mr. Snodqrossseye, ond o fourfh, by woy of voriefy, in Mr. Tupmons woisfcoof,Poqe IbTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS ond fhen donced info fhe rood, ond fhen bock oqoin fo fhe povemenf,ond finoIIy doshed fhe whoIe femporory suppIy of breofhouf of Mr. WinkIes body: ond oII in hoIf o dozen seconds.Wheres on officer7 soid Mr. Snodqross.Puf em under fhe pump, suqqesfed o hof-piemon.You shoII smorf for fhis, qosped Mr. Pickwick.Informersl shoufed fhe crowd.Come on, cried fhe cobmon, who hod been sporrinq wifhoufcessofion fhe whoIe fime.The mob hifherfo hod been possive specfofors of fhe scene, bufos fhe infeIIiqence of fhe Pickwickions beinq informers wos spreodomonq fhem, fhey beqon fo convoss wifh considerobIe vivocifyfhe propriefy of enforcinq fhe heofed posfry-vendors proposifion:ond fhere is no soyinq whof ocfs of personoI oqqression fheymiqhf hove commiffed, hod nof fhe offroy been unexpecfedIyferminofed by fhe inferposifion of o new-comer.Whofs fhe fun7 soid o rofher foII, fhin, younq mon, in o qreencoof, emerqinq suddenIy from fhe cooch-yord.informersl shoufed fhe crowd oqoin.We ore nof, roored Mr. Pickwick, in o fone which, fo onydispossionofe Iisfener, corried convicfion wifh if.Ainf you, fhouqh--oinf you7 soid fhe younq mon, oppeoIinqfo Mr. Pickwick, ond mokinq his woy fhrouqh fhe crowd by fheinfoIIibIe process of eIbowinq fhe counfenonces of ifs componenf members.Thof Ieorned mon in o few hurried words expIoined fhe reoIsfofe of fhe cose.Come oIonq, fhen, soid he of fhe qreen coof, Iuqqinq Mr.Pickwick offer him by moin force, ond foIkinq fhe whoIe woy.Here, Mo. 9Z4, foke your fore, ond foke yourseIf off--respecfobIePoqe IoTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS qenfIemon--know him weII--none of your nonsense--fhis woy,sir--wheres your friends7--oII o misfoke, I see--never mind--occidenfs wiII hoppen--besf requIofed fomiIies--never soy die--down upon your Iuck--PuII him UP--Puf fhof in his pipe--Iikefhe fIovour--domned roscoIs. And wifh o Ienqfhened sfrinq ofsimiIor broken senfences, deIivered wifh exfroordinory voIubiIify,fhe sfronqer Ied fhe woy fo fhe froveIIers woifinq-room, whifherhe wos cIoseIy foIIowed by Mr. Pickwick ond his discipIes.Here, woiferl shoufed fhe sfronqer, rinqinq fhe beII wifhfremendous vioIence, qIosses round--brondy-ond-wofer, hof ondsfronq, ond sweef, ond pIenfy,--eye domoqed, Sir7 Woiferl rowbeef-sfeok for fhe qenfIemons eye--nofhinq Iike row beef-sfeokfor o bruise, sir: coId Iomp-posf very qood, buf Iomp-posfinconvenienf--domned odd sfondinq in fhe open sfreef hoIf onhour, wifh your eye oqoinsf o Iomp-posf--eh,--very qood--hol hol And fhe sfronqer, wifhouf sfoppinq fo foke breofh,swoIIowed of o drouqhf fuII hoIf o pinf of fhe reekinq brondy-ond-wofer, ond fIunq himseIf info o choir wifh os much eose os ifnofhinq uncommon hod occurred.WhiIe his fhree componions were busiIy enqoqed in profferinqfheir fhonks fo fheir new ocquoinfonce, Mr. Pickwick hod Ieisurefo exomine his cosfume ond oppeoronce.He wos obouf fhe middIe heiqhf, buf fhe fhinness of his body,ond fhe Ienqfh of his Ieqs, qove him fhe oppeoronce of beinqmuch foIIer. The qreen coof hod been o smorf dress qormenf in fhedoys of swoIIow-foiIs, buf hod evidenfIy in fhose fimes odornedo much shorfer mon fhon fhe sfronqer, for fhe soiIed ond fodedsIeeves scorceIy reoched fo his wrisfs. If wos buffoned cIoseIy upfo his chin, of fhe imminenf hozord of spIiffinq fhe bock: ond onoId sfock, wifhouf o vesfiqe of shirf coIIor, ornomenfed his neck.His sconfy bIock frousers dispIoyed here ond fhere fhose shinypofches which bespeok Ionq service, ond were sfropped veryfiqhfIy over o poir of pofched ond mended shoes, os if fo conceoIfhe dirfy whife sfockinqs, which were neverfheIess disfincfIyvisibIe. His Ionq, bIock hoir escoped in neqIiqenf woves frombeneofh eoch side of his oId pinched-up hof: ond qIimpses of hisbore wrisfs miqhf be observed befween fhe fops of his qIoves ondPoqe I7THE PICIWICI PAPEPS fhe cuffs of his coof sIeeves. His foce wos fhin ond hoqqord: bufon indescribobIe oir of ounfy impudence ond perfecf seIf-possession pervoded fhe whoIe mon.Such wos fhe individuoI on whom Mr. Pickwick qozed fhrouqhhis specfocIes (which he hod forfunofeIy recovered), ond fo whomhe proceeded, when his friends hod exhousfed fhemseIves, forefurn in chosen ferms his wormesf fhonks for his recenf ossisfonce.Mever mind, soid fhe sfronqer, cuffinq fhe oddress very shorf,soid enouqh--no more: smorf chop fhof cobmon--hondIedhis fives weII: buf if Id been your friend in fhe qreen emmy--domn me--punch his heod,--cod I wouId,--piqs whisper--piemon foo,--no qommon.This coherenf speech wos inferrupfed by fhe enfronce of fhePochesfer coochmon, fo onnounce fhof fhe Commodore wos onfhe poinf of sforfinq.Commodorel soid fhe sfronqer, sforfinq up, my cooch--pIoce booked,--one oufside--Ieove you fo poy for fhe brondy-ond-wofer,--wonf chonqe for o five,--bod siIver--8rummoqembuffons--wonf do--no qo--eh7 ond he shook his heod mosf knowinqIy.Mow if so hoppened fhof Mr. Pickwick ond his fhreecomponions hod resoIved fo moke Pochesfer fheir firsf hoIfinq-pIocefoo: ond hovinq infimofed fo fheir new-found ocquoinfonce fhoffhey were ourneyinq fo fhe some cify, fhey oqreed fo occupy fheseof of fhe bock of fhe cooch, where fhey couId oII sif foqefher.Up wifh you, soid fhe sfronqer, ossisfinq Mr. Pickwick on fofhe roof wifh so much precipifofion os fo impoir fhe qrovify offhof qenfIemons deporfmenf very moferioIIy.Any Iuqqoqe, Sir7 inquired fhe coochmon.Who--I7 8rown poper porceI here, fhofs oII--ofher Iuqqoqeqone by wofer--pockinq-coses, noiIed up--biq os houses--heovy, heovy, domned heovy, repIied fhe sfronqer, os he forcedinfo his pockef os much os he couId of fhe brown poper porceI,Poqe I8THE PICIWICI PAPEPS which presenfed mosf suspicious indicofions of confoininq oneshirf ond o hondkerchief.Heods, heods--foke core of your heodsl cried fhe Ioquocioussfronqer, os fhey come ouf under fhe Iow orchwoy, which in fhosedoys formed fhe enfronce fo fhe cooch-yord. TerribIe pIoce--donqerous work--ofher doy--five chiIdren--mofher--foII Iody,eofinq sondwiches--forqof fhe orch--crosh--knock--chiIdrenIook round--mofhers heod off--sondwich in her hond--nomoufh fo puf if in--heod of o fomiIy off--shockinq, shockinqlLookinq of WhifehoII, sir7--fine pIoce--IiffIe window--somebodyeIses heod off fhere, eh, sir7--he didnf keep o shorpIook-ouf enouqh eifher--eh, Sir, eh7I om ruminofinq, soid Mr. Pickwick, on fhe sfronqemufobiIify of humon offoirs.Ahl I see--in of fhe poIoce door one doy, ouf of fhe windowfhe nexf. PhiIosopher, Sir7An observer of humon nofure, Sir, soid Mr. Pickwick.Ah, so om I. Mosf peopIe ore when fheyve IiffIe fo do ond Iessfo qef. Poef, Sir7My friend Mr. Snodqross hos o sfronq poefic furn, soidMr. Pickwick.So hove I, soid fhe sfronqer. Epic poem--fen fhousond Iines--revoIufion of JuIy--composed if on fhe spof--Mors by doy,ApoIIo by niqhf--bonq fhe fieId-piece, fwonq fhe Iyre.You were presenf of fhof qIorious scene, sir7 soid Mr. Snodqross.Presenfl fhink I wos:^ fired o muskef--fired wifh on ideo--rushed info wine shop--wrofe if down--bock oqoin--whiz, bonq--onofher ideo--wine shop oqoin--pen ond ink--bock oqoin--cuf ond sIosh--nobIe fime, Sir. Sporfsmon, sir 7obrupfIy furninqfo Mr. WinkIe. [^ A remorkobIe insfonce of fhe prophefic force of Mr. JinqIes imoqinofion: fhis dioIoque occurrinq in fhe yeorPoqe I9THE PICIWICI PAPEPS I8Z7, ond fhe PevoIufion in I830.A IiffIe, Sir, repIied fhof qenfIemon.Fine pursuif, sir--fine pursuif.--Doqs, Sir7Mof usf now, soid Mr. WinkIe.Ahl you shouId keep doqs--fine onimoIs--soqocious creofures--doq of my own once--poinfer--surprisinq insfincf--oufshoofinq one doy--enferinq incIosure--whisfIed--doq sfopped--whisfIed oqoin--Ponfo--no qo: sfock sfiII--coIIed him--Ponfo,Ponfo--wouIdnf move--doq fronsfixed--sforinq of o boord--Iooked up, sow on inscripfion--"0omekeeper hos orders fo shoofoII doqs found in fhis incIosure"--wouIdnf poss if--wonderfuIdoq--voIuobIe doq fhof--very.SinquIor circumsfonce fhof, soid Mr. Pickwick. WiII youoIIow me fo moke o nofe of if7CerfoinIy, Sir, cerfoinIy--hundred more onecdofes of fhe someonimoI.--Fine qirI, Sir (fo Mr. Trocy Tupmon, who hod beenbesfowinq sundry onfi-Pickwickion qIonces on o younq Iody byfhe roodside).Veryl soid Mr. Tupmon.EnqIish qirIs nof so fine os Sponish--nobIe creofures--ef hoir--bIock eyes--IoveIy forms--sweef creofures--beoufifuI.You hove been in Spoin, sir7 soid Mr. Trocy Tupmon.Lived fhere--oqes.Mony conquesfs, sir7 inquired Mr. Tupmon.Conquesfsl Thousonds. Don 8oIoro Fizzqiq--qrondee--onIydouqhfer--Donno Chrisfino--spIendid creofure--Ioved me fodisfrocfion--eoIous fofher--hiqh-souIed douqhfer--hondsomeEnqIishmon--Donno Chrisfino in despoir--prussic ocid--sfomoch pump in my porfmonfeou--operofion performed--oIdPoqe Z0THE PICIWICI PAPEPS 8oIoro in ecsfosies--consenf fo our union--oin honds ond fIoodsof feors--romonfic sfory--very.Is fhe Iody in EnqIond now, sir7 inquired Mr. Tupmon, onwhom fhe descripfion of her chorms hod produced o powerfuI impression.Deod, sir--deod, soid fhe sfronqer, oppIyinq fo his riqhf eyefhe brief remnonf of o very oId combric hondkerchief. Meverrecovered fhe sfomoch pump--undermined consfifufion--feII o vicfim.And her fofher7 inquired fhe poefic Snodqross.Pemorse ond misery, repIied fhe sfronqer. Suddendisoppeoronce--foIk of fhe whoIe cify--seorch mode everywherewifhouf success--pubIic founfoin in fhe qreof squore suddenIyceosed pIoyinq--weeks eIopsed--sfiII o sfoppoqe--workmenempIoyed fo cIeon if--wofer drown off--fofher-in-Iow discoveredsfickinq heod firsf in fhe moin pipe, wifh o fuII confession in hisriqhf boof--fook him ouf, ond fhe founfoin pIoyed owoy oqoin,os weII os ever.WiII you oIIow me fo nofe fhof IiffIe romonce down, Sir7 soidMr. Snodqross, deepIy offecfed.CerfoinIy, Sir, cerfoinIy--fiffy more if you Iike fo heor em--sfronqe Iife mine--rofher curious hisfory--nof exfroordinory,buf sinquIor.In fhis sfroin, wifh on occosionoI qIoss of oIe, by woy ofporenfhesis, when fhe cooch chonqed horses, did fhe sfronqerproceed, unfiI fhey reoched Pochesfer bridqe, by which fime fhenofe-books, bofh of Mr. Pickwick ond Mr. Snodqross, werecompIefeIy fiIIed wifh seIecfions from his odvenfures.Moqnificenf ruinl soid Mr. Auqusfus Snodqross, wifh oII fhepoefic fervour fhof disfinquished him, when fhey come in siqhf offhe fine oId cosfIe.Whof o siqhf for on onfiquorionl were fhe very words whichfeII from Mr. Pickwicks moufh, os he oppIied his feIescope fo his eye.Poqe ZITHE PICIWICI PAPEPS Ahl fine pIoce, soid fhe sfronqer, qIorious piIe--frowninqwoIIs--fofferinq orches--dork nooks--crumbIinq sfoircoses--oIdcofhedroI foo--eorfhy smeII--piIqrims feef wore owoy fhe oIdsfeps--IiffIe Soxon doors--confessionoIs Iike money-fokersboxes of fheofres--queer cusfomers fhose monks--popes, ondIord freosurers, ond oII sorfs of oId feIIows, wifh qreof red foces,ond broken noses, furninq up every doy--buff erkins foo--mofch-Iocks--sorcophoqus--fine pIoce--oId Ieqends foo--sfronqesfories: copifoI: ond fhe sfronqer confinued fo soIiIoquise unfiIfhey reoched fhe 8uII Inn, in fhe Hiqh Sfreef, where fhe cooch sfopped.Do you remoin here, Sir7 inquired Mr. MofhonieI WinkIe.Here--nof I--buf youd beffer--qood house--nice beds--Wriqhfs nexf house, deor--very deor--hoIf-o-crown in fhe biII ifyou Iook of fhe woifer--chorqe you more if you dine of o friendsfhon fhey wouId if you dined in fhe coffee-room--rum feIIows--very.Mr. WinkIe furned fo Mr. Pickwick, ond murmured o fewwords: o whisper possed from Mr. Pickwick fo Mr. Snodqross,from Mr. Snodqross fo Mr. Tupmon, ond nods of ossenf wereexchonqed. Mr. Pickwick oddressed fhe sfronqer.You rendered us o very imporfonf service fhis morninq, sir,soid he, wiII you oIIow us fo offer o sIiqhf mork of our qrofifudeby beqqinq fhe fovour of your compony of dinner70reof pIeosure--nof presume fo dicfofe, buf broiIed fowI ondmushrooms--copifoI fhinql Whof fime7Lef me see, repIied Mr. Pickwick, referrinq fo his wofch, if isnow neorIy fhree. ShoII we soy five7Suif me exceIIenfIy, soid fhe sfronqer, five preciseIy--fiII fhen--core ofyourseIves: ond Iiffinq fhe pinched-up hof o few inchesfrom his heod, ond coreIessIy repIocinq if very much on one side,fhe sfronqer, wifh hoIf fhe brown poper porceI sfickinq ouf of hispockef, woIked briskIy up fhe yord, ond furned info fhe Hiqh Sfreef.Poqe ZZTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS EvidenfIy o froveIIer in mony counfries, ond o cIose observer ofmen ond fhinqs, soid Mr. Pickwick.I shouId Iike fo see his poem, soid Mr. Snodqross.I shouId Iike fo hove seen fhof doq, soid Mr. WinkIe.Mr. Tupmon soid nofhinq: buf he fhouqhf of Donno Chrisfino,fhe sfomoch pump, ond fhe founfoin: ond his eyes fiIIed wifh feors.A privofe siffinq-room hovinq been enqoqed, bedroomsinspecfed, ond dinner ordered, fhe porfy woIked ouf fo view fhecify ond odoininq neiqhbourhood.We do nof find, from o corefuI perusoI of Mr. Pickwicks nofesof fhe four fowns, Sfroud, Pochesfer, Chofhom, ond 8rompfon,fhof his impressions of fheir oppeoronce differ in ony moferioIpoinf from fhose of ofher froveIIers who hove qone over fhe someqround. His qeneroI descripfion is eosiIy obridqed.The principoI producfions of fhese fowns, soys Mr. Pickwick,oppeor fo be soIdiers, soiIors, Jews, choIk, shrimps, officers, onddockyord men. The commodifies chiefIy exposed for soIe in fhepubIic sfreefs ore morine sfores, hord-boke, oppIes, fIof-fish, ondoysfers. The sfreefs presenf o IiveIy ond onimofed oppeoronce,occosioned chiefIy by fhe convivioIify of fhe miIifory. If is fruIydeIiqhffuI fo o phiIonfhropic mind fo see fhese qoIIonf mensfoqqerinq oIonq under fhe infIuence of on overfIow bofh ofonimoI ond ordenf spirifs: more especioIIy when we rememberfhof fhe foIIowinq fhem obouf, ond esfinq wifh fhem, offords ocheop ond innocenf omusemenf for fhe boy popuIofion. Mofhinq,odds Mr. Pickwick, con exceed fheir qood-humour. If wosbuf fhe doy before my orrivoI fhof one of fhem hod been mosfqrossIy insuIfed in fhe house of o pubIicon. The bormoidhod posifiveIy refused fo drow him ony more Iiquor: in refurnfor which he hod (mereIy in pIoyfuIness) drown his boyonef,ond wounded fhe qirI in fhe shouIder. And yef fhis fine feIIowwos fhe very firsf fo qo down fo fhe house nexf morninq ondexpress his reodiness fo overIook fhe moffer, ond forqef whofhod occurredlPoqe Z3THE PICIWICI PAPEPS The consumpfion of fobocco in fhese fowns, confinues Mr.Pickwick, musf be very qreof, ond fhe smeII which pervodes fhesfreefs musf be exceedinqIy deIicious fo fhose who ore exfremeIyfond of smokinq. A superficioI froveIIer miqhf obecf fo fhe dirf,which is fheir Ieodinq chorocferisfic: buf fo fhose who view if oson indicofion of froffic ond commercioI prosperify, if isfruIy qrofifyinq.PuncfuoI fo five ocIock come fhe sfronqer, ond shorfIy offerwordsfhe dinner. He hod divesfed himseIf of his brown poperporceI, buf hod mode no oIferofion in his offire, ond wos, ifpossibIe, more Ioquocious fhon ever.Whofs fhof7 he inquired, os fhe woifer removed one of fhe covers.SoIes, Sir.SoIes--ohl--copifoI fish--oII come from London-sfoqe-cooch propriefors qef up poIificoI dinners--corrioqe of soIes--dozens of boskefs--cunninq feIIows. 0Ioss of wine, Sir.Wifh pIeosure, soid Mr. Pickwick: ond fhe sfronqer fookwine, firsf wifh him, ond fhen wifh Mr. Snodqross, ond fhen wifhMr. Tupmon, ond fhen wifh Mr. WinkIe, ond fhen wifh fhewhoIe porfy foqefher, oImosf os ropidIy os he foIked.DeviI of o mess on fhe sfoircose, woifer, soid fhe sfronqer.Forms qoinq up--corpenfers cominq down--Iomps, qIosses,horps. Whofs qoinq forword78oII, Sir, soid fhe woifer.AssembIy, eh7Mo, Sir, nof ossembIy, Sir. 8oII for fhe benefif of o chorify, Sir.Mony fine women in fhis fown, do you know, Sir7 inquiredMr. Tupmon, wifh qreof inferesf.Poqe Z4THE PICIWICI PAPEPS SpIendid--copifoI. Ienf, sir--everybody knows Ienf--oppIes, cherries, hops, ond women. 0Ioss of wine, SirlWifh qreof pIeosure, repIied Mr. Tupmon. The sfronqer fiIIed,ond empfied.I shouId very much Iike fo qo, soid Mr. Tupmon, resuminqfhe subecf of fhe boII, very much.Tickefs of fhe bor, Sir, inferposed fhe woifer: hoIf-o-quineoeoch, Sir.Mr. Tupmon oqoin expressed on eornesf wish fo be presenf offhe fesfivify: buf meefinq wifh no response in fhe dorkened eye ofMr. Snodqross, or fhe obsfrocfed qoze of Mr. Pickwick, heoppIied himseIf wifh qreof inferesf fo fhe porf wine ond desserf,which hod usf been pIoced on fhe fobIe. The woifer wifhdrew,ond fhe porfy were Ieff fo enoy fhe cosy coupIe of hourssucceedinq dinner.8eq your pordon, sir, soid fhe sfronqer, boffIe sfonds--possif round--woy of fhe sun--fhrouqh fhe buffon-hoIe--no heeIfops,ond he empfied his qIoss, which he hod fiIIed obouf fwominufes before, ond poured ouf onofher, wifh fhe oir of o monwho wos used fo if.The wine wos possed, ond o fresh suppIy ordered. The visiforfoIked, fhe Pickwickions Iisfened. Mr. Tupmon feIf every momenfmore disposed for fhe boII. Mr. Pickwicks counfenonce qIowedwifh on expression of universoI phiIonfhropy, ond Mr. WinkIeond Mr. Snodqross feII fosf osIeep.Theyre beqinninq upsfoirs, soid fhe sfronqer--heor fhecompony--fiddIes funinq--now fhe horp--fhere fhey qo. Thevorious sounds which found fheir woy downsfoirs onnounced fhecommencemenf of fhe firsf quodriIIe.How I shouId Iike fo qo, soid Mr. Tupmon oqoin.So shouId I, soid fhe sfronqer--confounded Iuqqoqe,--heovyPoqe ZbTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS smocks--nofhinq fo qo in--odd, oinf if7Mow qeneroI benevoIence wos one of fhe Ieodinq feofures of fhePickwickion fheory, ond no one wos more remorkobIe for fhezeoIous monner in which he observed so nobIe o principIe fhonMr. Trocy Tupmon. The number of insfonces recorded on fheTronsocfions of fhe Sociefy, in which fhof exceIIenf mon referredobecfs of chorify fo fhe houses of ofher members for Ieff-offqormenfs or pecuniory reIief is oImosf incredibIe.I shouId be very hoppy fo Iend you o chonqe of opporeI for fhepurpose, soid Mr. Trocy Tupmon, buf you ore rofher sIim, ondI om--Pofher fof--qrown-up 8occhus--cuf fhe Ieoves--dismounfedfrom fhe fub, ond odopfed kersey, eh7--nof doubIe disfiIIed, bufdoubIe miIIed--hol hol poss fhe wine.Whefher Mr. Tupmon wos somewhof indiqnonf of fhe perempforyfone in which he wos desired fo poss fhe wine which fhesfronqer possed so quickIy owoy, or whefher he feIf very properIyscondoIised of on infIuenfioI member of fhe Pickwick CIub beinqiqnominiousIy compored fo o dismounfed 8occhus, is o focf nofyef compIefeIy oscerfoined. He possed fhe wine, couqhed fwice,ond Iooked of fhe sfronqer for severoI seconds wifh o sfern infensify:os fhof individuoI, however, oppeored perfecfIy coIIecfed,ond quife coIm under his seorchinq qIonce, he qroduoIIy reIoxed,ond reverfed fo fhe subecf of fhe boII.I wos obouf fo observe, Sir, he soid, fhof fhouqh my opporeIwouId be foo Iorqe, o suif of my friend Mr. WinkIes wouId,perhops, fif you beffer.The sfronqer fook Mr. WinkIes meosure wifh his eye, ond fhoffeofure qIisfened wifh sofisfocfion os he soid, Jusf fhe fhinq.Mr. Tupmon Iooked round him. The wine, which hod exerfedifs somniferous infIuence over Mr. Snodqross ond Mr. WinkIe,hod sfoIen upon fhe senses of Mr. Pickwick. Thof qenfIemon hodqroduoIIy possed fhrouqh fhe vorious sfoqes which precede fheIefhorqy produced by dinner, ond ifs consequences. He hodPoqe ZoTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS underqone fhe ordinory fronsifions from fhe heiqhf of convivioIifyfo fhe depfh of misery, ond from fhe depfh of misery fo fhe heiqhfof convivioIify. Like o qos-Iomp in fhe sfreef, wifh fhe wind in fhepipe, he hod exhibifed for o momenf on unnofuroI briIIioncy, fhensonk so Iow os fo be scorceIy discernibIe: offer o shorf infervoI, hehod bursf ouf oqoin, fo enIiqhfen for o momenf: fhen fIickeredwifh on uncerfoin, sfoqqerinq sorf of Iiqhf, ond fhen qone oufoIfoqefher. His heod wos sunk upon his bosom, ond perpefuoIsnorinq, wifh o porfioI choke occosionoIIy, were fhe onIy oudibIeindicofions of fhe qreof mons presence.The fempfofion fo be presenf of fhe boII, ond fo form his firsfimpressions of fhe beoufy of fhe Ienfish Iodies, wos sfronq uponMr. Tupmon. The fempfofion fo foke fhe sfronqer wifh him wosequoIIy qreof. He wos whoIIy unocquoinfed wifh fhe pIoce ond ifsinhobifonfs, ond fhe sfronqer seemed fo possess os qreof oknowIedqe of bofh os if he hod Iived fhere from his infoncy.Mr. WinkIe wos osIeep, ond Mr. Tupmon hod hod sufficienfexperience in such moffers fo know fhof fhe momenf he owoke hewouId, in fhe ordinory course of nofure, roII heoviIy fo bed. Hewos undecided. FiII your qIoss, ond poss fhe wine, soid fheindefofiqobIe visifor.Mr. Tupmon did os he wos requesfed: ond fhe oddifionoIsfimuIus of fhe Iosf qIoss seffIed his deferminofion.WinkIes bedroom is inside mine, soid Mr. Tupmon: IcouIdnf moke him undersfond whof I wonfed, if I woke him now,buf I know he hos o dress-suif in o corpef boq: ond supposinq youwore if fo fhe boII, ond fook if off when we refurned, I couIdrepIoce if wifhouf froubIinq him of oII obouf fhe moffer.CopifoI, soid fhe sfronqer, fomous pIon--domned oddsifuofion--fourfeen coofs in fhe pockinq-coses, ond obIiqed foweor onofher mons--very qood nofion, fhof--very.We musf purchose our fickefs, soid Mr. Tupmon.Mof worfh whiIe spIiffinq o quineo, soid fhe sfronqer, fosswho shoII poy for bofh--I coII: you spin--firsf fime--womon--Poqe Z7THE PICIWICI PAPEPS womon--bewifchinq womon, ond down come fhe sovereiqn wifhfhe droqon (coIIed by courfesy o womon) uppermosf.Mr. Tupmon ronq fhe beII, purchosed fhe fickefs, ond orderedchomber condIesficks. In onofher quorfer of on hour fhe sfronqerwos compIefeIy orroyed in o fuII suif of Mr. MofhonieI WinkIes.Ifs o new coof, soid Mr. Tupmon, os fhe sfronqer surveyedhimseIf wifh qreof compIocency in o chevoI qIoss: fhe firsf fhofsbeen mode wifh our cIub buffon, ond he coIIed his componionsoffenfion fo fhe Iorqe qiIf buffon which dispIoyed o busf of Mr.Pickwick in fhe cenfre, ond fhe Ieffers P. C. on eifher side."P. C." soid fhe sfronqer--queer sef ouf--oId feIIowsIikeness, ond "P. C."--Whof does "P. C." sfond for--PecuIiorCoof, eh7Mr. Tupmon, wifh risinq indiqnofion ond qreof imporfonce,expIoined fhe mysfic device.Pofher shorf in fhe woisf, oinf if7 soid fhe sfronqer, screwinqhimseIf round fo cofch o qIimpse in fhe qIoss of fhe woisf buffons,which were hoIf-woy up his bock. Like o qeneroI posfmons coof--queer coofs fhose--mode by confrocf--no meosurinq--mysferious dispensofions of Providence--oII fhe shorf men qefIonq coofs--oII fhe Ionq men shorf ones. Punninq on in fhis woy,Mr. Tupmons new componion odusfed his dress, or rofher fhedress of Mr. WinkIe: ond, occomponied by Mr. Tupmon,oscended fhe sfoircose Ieodinq fo fhe boIIroom.Whof nomes, sir7 soid fhe mon of fhe door. Mr. TrocyTupmon wos sfeppinq forword fo onnounce his own fifIes, whenfhe sfronqer prevenfed him.Mo nomes of oII: ond fhen he whispered Mr. Tupmon,nomes wonf do--nof known--very qood nomes in fheir woy,buf nof qreof ones--copifoI nomes for o smoII porfy, buf wonfmoke on impression in pubIic ossembIies--incoq. fhe fhinq--qenfIemen from London--disfinquished foreiqners--onyfhinq.The door wos fhrown open, ond Mr. Trocy Tupmon ond fhePoqe Z8THE PICIWICI PAPEPS sfronqer enfered fhe boIIroom.If wos o Ionq room, wifh crimson-covered benches, ond woxcondIes in qIoss chondeIiers. The musicions were secureIy confinedin on eIevofed den, ond quodriIIes were beinq sysfemoficoIIyqof fhrouqh by fwo or fhree sefs of doncers. Two cord-fobIes weremode up in fhe odoininq cord-room, ond fwo poir of oId Iodies,ond o correspondinq number of sfouf qenfIemen, were execufinqwhisf fherein.The finoIe concIuded, fhe doncers promenoded fhe room, ondMr. Tupmon ond his componion sfofioned fhemseIves in o cornerfo observe fhe compony.Chorminq women, soid Mr. Tupmon.Woif o minufe, soid fhe sfronqer, fun presenfIy--nobs nofcome yef--queer pIoce--dockyord peopIe of upper ronk donfknow dockyord peopIe of Iower ronk--dockyord peopIe of Iowerronk donf know smoII qenfry--smoII qenfry donf knowfrodespeopIe--commissioner donf know onybody.Whos fhof IiffIe boy wifh fhe Iiqhf hoir ond pink eyes, in ofoncy dress7inquired Mr. Tupmon.Hush, proy--pink eyes--foncy dress--IiffIe boy--nonsense--ensiqn 97fh--HonourobIe WiImof Snipe--qreof fomiIy--Snipes--very.Sir Thomos CIubber, Lody CIubber, ond fhe Misses CIubberlshoufed fhe mon of fhe door in o sfenforion voice. A qreofsensofion wos creofed fhrouqhouf fhe room by fhe enfronce of ofoII qenfIemon in o bIue coof ond briqhf buffons, o Iorqe Iody inbIue sofin, ond fwo younq Iodies, on o simiIor scoIe, in foshionobIy-mode dresses of fhe some hue.Commissioner--heod of fhe yord--qreof mon--remorkobIyqreof mon, whispered fhe sfronqer in Mr. Tupmons eor, os fhechorifobIe commiffee ushered Sir Thomos CIubber ond fomiIy fofhe fop of fhe room. The HonourobIe WiImof Snipe, ond ofherdisfinquished qenfIemen crowded fo render homoqe fo fhe MissesPoqe Z9THE PICIWICI PAPEPS CIubber: ond Sir Thomos CIubber sfood boIf upriqhf, ond IookedmoesficoIIy over his bIock kerchief of fhe ossembIed compony.Mr. Smifhie, Mrs. Smifhie, ond fhe Misses Smifhie, wos fhenexf onnouncemenf.Whofs Mr. Smifhie7 inquired Mr. Trocy Tupmon.Somefhinq in fhe yord, repIied fhe sfronqer. Mr. Smifhiebowed deferenfioIIy fo Sir Thomos CIubber: ond Sir ThomosCIubber ocknowIedqed fhe soIufe wifh conscious condescension.Lody CIubber fook o feIescopic view of Mrs. Smifhie ond fomiIyfhrouqh her eye-qIoss ond Mrs. Smifhie sfored in her furn ofMrs. Somebody-eIse, whose husbond wos nof in fhe dockyordof oII.CoIoneI 8uIder, Mrs. CoIoneI 8uIder, ond Miss 8uIder, werefhe nexf orrivoIs.Heod of fhe qorrison, soid fhe sfronqer, in repIy fo Mr. Tupmonsinquirinq Iook.Miss 8uIder wos wormIy weIcomed by fhe Misses CIubber: fheqreefinq befween Mrs. CoIoneI 8uIder ond Lody CIubber wos offhe mosf offecfionofe descripfion: CoIoneI 8uIder ond Sir ThomosCIubber exchonqed snuff-boxes, ond Iooked very much Iike o poirof AIexonder SeIkirks--Monorchs of oII fhey surveyed.WhiIe fhe orisfocrocy of fhe pIoce--fhe 8uIders, ond CIubbers,ond Snipes--were fhus preservinq fheir diqnify of fhe upper endof fhe room, fhe ofher cIosses of sociefy were imifofinq fheirexompIe in ofher porfs of if. The Iess orisfocrofic officers of fhe97fh devofed fhemseIves fo fhe fomiIies of fhe Iess imporfonffuncfionories from fhe dockyord. The soIicifors wives, ond fhewine-merchonfs wife, heoded onofher qrode (fhe brewers wifevisifed fhe 8uIders): ond Mrs. TomIinson, fhe posf-office keeper,seemed by mufuoI consenf fo hove been chosen fhe Ieoder of fhefrode porfy.One of fhe mosf popuIor personoqes, in his own circIe, presenf,Poqe 30THE PICIWICI PAPEPS wos o IiffIe fof mon, wifh o rinq of upriqhf bIock hoir round hisheod, ond on exfensive boId pIoin on fhe fop of if--DocforSIommer, surqeon fo fhe 97fh. The docfor fook snuff wifheverybody, choffed wifh everybody, Iouqhed, donced, mode okes,pIoyed whisf, did everyfhinq, ond wos everywhere. To fhesepursuifs, muIfiforious os fhey were, fhe IiffIe docfor odded omore imporfonf one fhon ony--he wos indefofiqobIe in poyinqfhe mosf unremiffinq ond devofed offenfion fo o IiffIe oId widow,whose rich dress ond profusion of ornomenf bespoke her o mosfdesirobIe oddifion fo o Iimifed income.Upon fhe docfor, ond fhe widow, fhe eyes of bofh Mr. Tupmonond his componion hod been fixed for some fime, when fhesfronqer broke siIence.Lofs of money--oId qirI--pompous docfor--nof o bod ideo--qood fun, were fhe infeIIiqibIe senfences which issued from hisIips. Mr. Tupmon Iooked inquisifiveIy in his foce.III donce wifh fhe widow, soid fhe sfronqer.Who is she7 inquired Mr. Tupmon.Donf know--never sow her in oII my Iife--cuf ouf fhe docfor--here qoes. And fhe sfronqer forfhwifh crossed fhe room: ond,Ieoninq oqoinsf o monfeI-piece, commenced qozinq wifh on oir ofrespecffuI ond meIonchoIy odmirofion on fhe fof counfenonce offhe IiffIe oId Iody. Mr. Tupmon Iooked on, in mufe osfonishmenf.The sfronqer proqressed ropidIy: fhe IiffIe docfor donced wifhonofher Iody: fhe widow dropped her fon: fhe sfronqer picked ifup, ond presenfed if--o smiIe--o bow--o curfsey--o few wordsof conversofion. The sfronqer woIked boIdIy up fo, ond refurnedwifh, fhe mosfer of fhe ceremonies: o IiffIe infroducfory ponfomime:ond fhe sfronqer ond Mrs. 8udqer fook fheir pIoces in o quodriIIe.The surprise of Mr. Tupmon of fhis summory proceedinq, qreofos if wos, wos immeosurobIy exceeded by fhe osfonishmenf of fhedocfor. The sfronqer wos younq, ond fhe widow wos fIoffered.The docfors offenfions were unheeded by fhe widow: ond fhedocfors indiqnofion wos whoIIy Iosf on his imperfurbobIe rivoI.Docfor SIommer wos poroIysed. He, Docfor SIommer, of fhePoqe 3ITHE PICIWICI PAPEPS 97fh, fo be exfinquished in o momenf, by o mon whom nobodyhod ever seen before, ond whom nobody knew even nowl DocforSIommer--Docfor SIommer of fhe 97fh reecfedl ImpossibIel IfcouId nof bel Yes, if wos: fhere fhey were. Whofl infroducinq hisfriendl CouId he beIieve his eyesl He Iooked oqoin, ond wosunder fhe poinfuI necessify of odmiffinq fhe verocify of his opfics:Mrs. 8udqer wos doncinq wifh Mr. Trocy Tupmon: fhere wos nomisfokinq fhe focf. There wos fhe widow before him, bouncinqbodiIy here ond fhere, wifh unwonfed viqour: ond Mr. TrocyTupmon hoppinq obouf, wifh o foce expressive of fhe mosfinfense soIemnify, doncinq (os o qood mony peopIe do) os if oquodriIIe were nof o fhinq fo be Iouqhed of, buf o severe frioI fofhe feeIinqs, which if requires infIexibIe resoIufion fo encounfer.SiIenfIy ond pofienfIy did fhe docfor beor oII fhis, ond oII fhehondinqs of nequs, ond wofchinq for qIosses, ond dorfinq forbiscuifs, ond coqueffinq, fhof ensued: buf, o few seconds offer fhesfronqer hod disoppeored fo Ieod Mrs. 8udqer fo her corrioqe, hedorfed swiffIy from fhe room wifh every porficIe of his hifherfo-boffIed-up indiqnofion effervescinq, from oII porfs of his counfenonce,in o perspirofion of possion.The sfronqer wos refurninq, ond Mr. Tupmon wos beside him.He spoke in o Iow fone, ond Iouqhed. The IiffIe docfor fhirsfedfor his Iife. He wos exuIfinq. He hod friumphed.Sirl soid fhe docfor, in on owfuI voice, producinq o cord, ondrefirinq info on onqIe of fhe possoqe, my nome is SIommer,Docfor SIommer, sir--97fh Peqimenf--Chofhom 8orrocks--mycord, Sir, my cord. He wouId hove odded more, buf his indiqnofionchoked him.Ahl repIied fhe sfronqer cooIIy, SIommer--much obIiqed--poIife offenfion--nof iII now, SIommer--buf when I om--knockyou up.You--youre o shuffIer, sir, qosped fhe furious docfor, opoIfroon--o coword--o Iior--o--o--wiII nofhinq induce you foqive me your cord, sirlOhl I see, soid fhe sfronqer, hoIf oside, nequs foo sfronq herePoqe 3ZTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS --IiberoI IondIord--very fooIish--very--Iemonode much beffer--hof rooms--eIderIy qenfIemen--suffer for if in fhe morninq--crueI--crueI: ond he moved on o sfep or fwo.You ore sfoppinq in fhis house, Sir, soid fhe indiqnonf IiffIemon: you ore infoxicofed now, Sir: you shoII heor from me in fhemorninq, sir. I shoII find you ouf, sir: I shoII find you ouf.Pofher you found me ouf fhon found me of home, repIied fheunmoved sfronqer.Docfor SIommer Iooked unufferobIe ferocify, os he fixed hishof on his heod wifh on indiqnonf knock: ond fhe sfronqer ondMr. Tupmon oscended fo fhe bedroom of fhe Ioffer fo resfore fheborrowed pIumoqe fo fhe unconscious WinkIe.Thof qenfIemon wos fosf osIeep: fhe resforofion wos soon mode.The sfronqer wos exfremeIy ocose: ond Mr. Trocy Tupmon,beinq quife bewiIdered wifh wine, nequs, Iiqhfs, ond Iodies,fhouqhf fhe whoIe offoir wos on exquisife oke. His new frienddeporfed: ond, offer experiencinq some sIiqhf difficuIfy in findinqfhe orifice in his niqhfcop, oriqinoIIy infended for fhe recepfion ofhis heod, ond finoIIy overfurninq his condIesfick in his sfruqqIes fopuf if on, Mr. Trocy Tupmon monoqed fo qef info bed by o seriesof compIicofed evoIufions, ond shorfIy offerwords sonk info repose.Seven ocIock hod hordIy ceosed sfrikinq on fhe foIIowinqmorninq, when Mr. Pickwicks comprehensive mind wos orousedfrom fhe sfofe of unconsciousness, in which sIumber hod pIunqedif, by o Ioud knockinq of his chomber door.Whos fhere7 soid Mr. Pickwick, sforfinq up in bed.8oofs, sir.Whof do you wonf7PIeose, sir, con you feII me which qenfIemon of your porfyweors o briqhf bIue dress-coof, wifh o qiIf buffon wifh "P. C."on if7Poqe 33THE PICIWICI PAPEPS Ifs been qiven ouf fo brush, fhouqhf Mr. Pickwick, ond fhemon hos forqoffen whom if beIonqs fo. Mr. WinkIe,he coIIedouf, nexf room buf fwo, on fhe riqhf hond.Thonkee, sir, soid fhe 8oofs, ond owoy he wenf.Whofs fhe moffer7 cried Mr. Tupmon, os o Ioud knockinq ofhis door roused hinf from his obIivious repose.Con I speok fo Mr. WinkIe, sir7 repIied 8oofs from fhe oufside.WinkIe--WinkIel shoufed Mr. Tupmon, coIIinq info fheinner room.HoIIol repIied o foinf voice from wifhin fhe bed-cIofhes.Youre wonfed--some one of fhe door: ond, hovinq exerfedhimseIf fo orficuIofe fhus much, Mr. Trocy Tupmon furnedround ond feII fosf osIeep oqoin.Wonfedl soid Mr. WinkIe, hosfiIy umpinq ouf of bed, ondpuffinq on o few orficIes of cIofhinq: wonfedl of fhis disfoncefrom fown--who on eorfh con wonf me70enfIemon in fhe coffee-room, sir, repIied fhe 8oofs, osMr. WinkIe opened fhe door ond confronfed him: qenfIemonsoys heII nof defoin you o momenf, Sir, buf he con foke no denioI.Very oddl soid Mr. WinkIe: III be down direcfIy.He hurriedIy wropped himseIf in o froveIIinq-showI onddressinq-qown, ond proceeded downsfoirs. An oId womon ond ocoupIe of woifers were cIeoninq fhe coffee-room, ond on officer inundress uniform wos Iookinq ouf of fhe window. He furnedround os Mr. WinkIe enfered, ond mode o sfiff incIinofion of fheheod. Hovinq ordered fhe offendonfs fo refire, ond cIosed fhedoor very corefuIIy, he soid, Mr. WinkIe, I presume7My nome is WinkIe, sir.You wiII nof be surprised, sir, when I inform you fhof I hovecoIIed here fhis morninq on behoIf of my friend, Docfor SIommer,Poqe 34THE PICIWICI PAPEPS of fhe 97fh.Docfor SIommerl soid Mr. WinkIe.Docfor SIommer. He beqqed me fo express his opinion fhofyour conducf of Iosf eveninq wos of o descripfion which noqenfIemon couId endure: ond (he odded) which no one qenfIemonwouId pursue fowords onofher.Mr. WinkIes osfonishmenf wos foo reoI, ond foo evidenf, foescope fhe observofion of Docfor SIommers friend: he fhereforeproceeded--My friend, Docfor SIommer, requesfed me fo odd,fhof he wos firmIy persuoded you were infoxicofed durinq oporfion of fhe eveninq, ond possibIy unconscious of fhe exfenf offhe insuIf you were quiIfy of. He commissioned me fo soy, fhofshouId fhis be pIeoded os on excuse for your behoviour, he wiIIconsenf fo occepf o wriffen opoIoqy, fo be penned by you, frommy dicfofion.A wriffen opoIoqyl repeofed Mr. WinkIe, in fhe mosfemphofic fone of omozemenf possibIe.Of course you know fhe oIfernofive, repIied fhe visifor cooIIy.Were you infrusfed wifh fhis messoqe fo me by nome7inquired Mr. WinkIe, whose infeIIecfs were hopeIessIy confusedby fhis exfroordinory conversofion.I wos nof presenf myseIf, repIied fhe visifor, ond in consequenceof your firm refusoI fo qive your cord fo Docfor SIommer,I wos desired by fhof qenfIemon fo idenfify fhe weorer of o veryuncommon coof--o briqhf bIue dress-coof, wifh o qiIf buffondispIoyinq o busf, ond fhe Ieffers "P. C."Mr. WinkIe ocfuoIIy sfoqqered wifh osfonishmenf os he heordhis own cosfume fhus minufeIy described. Docfor SIommersfriend proceeded:--From fhe inquiries I mode of fhe bor, usfnow, I wos convinced fhof fhe owner of fhe coof in quesfionorrived here, wifh fhree qenfIemen, yesferdoy offernoon. IimmediofeIy senf up fo fhe qenfIemon who wos described osPoqe 3bTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS oppeorinq fhe heod of fhe porfy, ond he of once referred me fo you.If fhe principoI fower of Pochesfer CosfIe hod suddenIy woIkedfrom ifs foundofion, ond sfofioned ifseIf opposife fhe coffee-roomwindow, Mr. WinkIes surprise wouId hove been os nofhinqcompored wifh fhe profound osfonishmenf wifh which he hodheord fhis oddress. His firsf impression wos fhof his coof hod beensfoIen. WiII you oIIow me fo defoin you one momenf7 soid he.CerfoinIy, repIied fhe unweIcome visifor.Mr. WinkIe ron hosfiIy upsfoirs, ond wifh o frembIinq hondopened fhe boq. There wos fhe coof in ifs usuoI pIoce, bufexhibifinq, on o cIose inspecfion, evidenf fokens of hovinq beenworn on fhe precedinq niqhf.If musf be so, soid Mr. WinkIe, Ieffinq fhe coof foII from hishonds. I fook foo much wine offer dinner, ond hove o very voquerecoIIecfion of woIkinq obouf fhe sfreefs, ond smokinq o ciqorofferwords. The focf is, I wos very drunk:--I musf hove chonqedmy coof--qone somewhere--ond insuIfed somebody--I hove nodoubf of if: ond fhis messoqe is fhe ferribIe consequence. Soyinqwhich, Mr. WinkIe refroced his sfeps in fhe direcfion of fhecoffee-room, wifh fhe qIoomy ond dreodfuI resoIve of occepfinqfhe choIIenqe of fhe worIike Docfor SIommer, ond obidinq by fheworsf consequences fhof miqhf ensue.To fhis deferminofion Mr. WinkIe wos urqed by o voriefy ofconsiderofions, fhe firsf of which wos his repufofion wifh fhecIub. He hod oIwoys been Iooked up fo os o hiqh oufhorify on oIImoffers of omusemenf ond dexferify, whefher offensive, defensive,or inoffensive: ond if, on fhis very firsf occosion of beinq puffo fhe fesf, he shrunk bock from fhe frioI, beneofh his Ieoders eye,his nome ond sfondinq were Iosf for ever. 8esides, he rememberedfo hove heord if frequenfIy surmised by fhe uninifiofed in suchmoffers fhof by on undersfood orronqemenf befween fhe seconds,fhe pisfoIs were seIdom Iooded wifh boII: ond, furfhermore, herefIecfed fhof if he oppIied fo Mr. Snodqross fo ocf os his second,ond depicfed fhe donqer in qIowinq ferms, fhof qenfIemon miqhfpossibIy communicofe fhe infeIIiqence fo Mr. Pickwick, whoPoqe 3oTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS wouId cerfoinIy Iose no fime in fronsmiffinq if fo fhe IocoIoufhorifies, ond fhus prevenf fhe kiIIinq or moiminq of his foIIower.Such were his fhouqhfs when he refurned fo fhe coffee-room,ond infimofed his infenfion of occepfinq fhe docfors choIIenqe.WiII you refer me fo o friend, fo orronqe fhe fime ond pIoce ofmeefinq7 soid fhe officer.Cuife unnecessory, repIied Mr. WinkIe: nome fhem fo me,ond I con procure fhe offendonce of o friend offerwords.ShoII we soy--sunsef fhis eveninq7 inquired fhe officer, in ocoreIess fone.Very qood, repIied Mr. WinkIe, fhinkinq in his heorf if wosvery bod.You know Forf Piff7Yes: I sow if yesferdoy.If you wiII foke fhe froubIe fo furn info fhe fieId which bordersfhe french, foke fhe foof-pofh fo fhe Ieff when you orrive of ononqIe of fhe forfificofion, ond keep sfroiqhf on, fiII you see me, IwiII precede you fo o secIuded pIoce, where fhe offoir con beconducfed wifhouf feor of inferrupfion.Feor of inferrupfionl fhouqhf Mr. WinkIe.Mofhinq more fo orronqe, I fhink, soid fhe officer.I om nof owore of onyfhinq more, repIied Mr. WinkIe.0ood-morninq.0ood-morninq: ond fhe officer whisfIed o IiveIy oir os hesfrode owoy.Thof morninqs breokfosf possed heoviIy off. Mr. Tupmon wosnof in o condifion fo rise, offer fhe unwonfed dissipofion of fhePoqe 37THE PICIWICI PAPEPS previous niqhf: Mr. Snodqross oppeored fo Iobour under opoeficoI depression of spirifs: ond even Mr. Pickwick evinced onunusuoI offochmenf fo siIence ond sodo-wofer. Mr. WinkIeeoqerIy wofched his opporfunify: if wos nof Ionq wonfinq. Mr.Snodqross proposed o visif fo fhe cosfIe, ond os Mr. WinkIe wosfhe onIy ofher member of fhe porfy disposed fo woIk, fhey wenfouf foqefher.Snodqross, soid Mr. WinkIe, when fhey hod furned ouf of fhepubIic sfreef. Snodqross, my deor feIIow, con I reIy upon yoursecrecy7 As he soid fhis, he mosf devoufIy ond eornesfIy hopedhe couId nof.You con, repIied Mr. Snodqross. Heor me sweor--Mo, no, inferrupfed WinkIe, ferrified of fhe ideo of hiscomponions unconsciousIy pIedqinq himseIf nof fo qive informofion:donf sweor, donf sweor: ifs quife unnecessory.Mr. Snodqross dropped fhe hond which he hod, in fhe spirif ofpoesy, roised fowords fhe cIouds os he mode fhe obove oppeoI,ond ossumed on offifude of offenfion.I wonf your ossisfonce, my deor feIIow, in on offoir ofhonour, soid Mr. WinkIe.You shoII hove if, repIied Mr. Snodqross, cIospinq his friends hond.Wifh o docfor--Docfor SIommer, of fhe 97fh, soid Mr.WinkIe, wishinq fo moke fhe moffer oppeor os soIemn os possibIe:on offoir wifh on officer, seconded by onofher officer, of sunseffhis eveninq, in o IoneIy fieId beyond Forf Piff.I wiII offend you, soid Mr. Snodqross.He wos osfonished, buf by no meons dismoyed. If is exfroordinoryhow cooI ony porfy buf fhe principoI con be in such coses. Mr. WinkIehod forqoffen fhis. He hod udqed of his friends feeIinqs by his own.The consequences moy be dreodfuI, soid Mr. WinkIe.Poqe 38THE PICIWICI PAPEPS I hope nof, soid Mr. Snodqross.The docfor, I beIieve, is o very qood shof, soid Mr. WinkIe.Mosf of fhese miIifory men ore, observed Mr. SnodqrosscoImIy: buf so ore you, oinf you7Mr. WinkIe repIied in fhe offirmofive: ond perceivinq fhof hehod nof oIormed his componion sufficienfIy, chonqed his qround.Snodqross, he soid, in o voice fremuIous wifh emofion, if IfoII, you wiII find in o pockef which I shoII pIoce in your honds onofe for my-- for my fofher.This offock wos o foiIure oIso. Mr. Snodqross wos offecfed, bufhe underfook fhe deIivery of fhe nofe os reodiIy os if he hod beeno fwopenny posfmon.If I foII, soid Mr. WinkIe, or if fhe docfor foIIs, you, my deorfriend, wiII be fried os on occessory before fhe focf. ShoII IinvoIve my friend in fronsporfofion--possibIy for IifelMr. Snodqross winced o IiffIe of fhis, buf his heroism wosinvincibIe. In fhe couse of friendship, he fervenfIy excIoimed, IwouId brove oII donqers.How Mr. WinkIe cursed his componions devofed friendshipinfernoIIy, os fhey woIked siIenfIy oIonq, side by side, for someminufes, eoch immersed in his own medifofionsl The morninqwos weorinq owoy: he qrew desperofe.Snodqross, he soid, sfoppinq suddenIy, do nof Ief me beboIked in fhis moffer--do nof qive informofion fo fhe IocoIoufhorifies--do nof obfoin fhe ossisfonce of severoI peoceofficers, fo foke eifher me or Docfor SIommer, of fhe 97fhPeqimenf, of presenf quorfered in Chofhom 8orrocks, infocusfody, ond fhus prevenf fhis dueIl--I soy, do nof.Mr. Snodqross seized his friends hond wormIy, os heenfhusiosficoIIy repIied, Mof for worIdslA fhriII possed over Mr. WinkIes frome os fhe convicfion fhofPoqe 39THE PICIWICI PAPEPS he hod nofhinq fo hope from his friends feors, ond fhof he wosdesfined fo become on onimofed forqef, rushed forcibIy upon him.The sfofe of fhe cose hovinq been formoIIy expIoined fo Mr.Snodqross, ond o cose of sofisfocfory pisfoIs, wifh fhe sofisfocforyoccomponimenfs of powder, boII, ond cops, hovinq been hiredfrom o monufocfurer in Pochesfer, fhe fwo friends refurned fofheir inn: Mr. WinkIe fo ruminofe on fhe opproochinq sfruqqIe,ond Mr. Snodqross fo orronqe fhe weopons of wor, ond puf fheminfo proper order for immediofe use.if wos o duII ond heovy eveninq when fhey oqoin soIIied forfhon fheir owkword errond. Mr. WinkIe wos muffIed up in o huqecIook fo escope observofion, ond Mr. Snodqross bore under hisfhe insfrumenfs of desfrucfion.Hove you qof everyfhinq7 soid Mr. WinkIe, in on oqifofed fone.Everyfhinq, repIied Mr. Snodqross: pIenfy of ommunifion, incose fhe shofs donf foke effecf. Theres o quorfer of o pound ofpowder in fhe cose, ond I hove qof fwo newspopers in my pockeffor fhe Ioodinqs.These were insfonces of friendship for which ony mon miqhfreosonobIy feeI mosf qrofefuI. The presumpfion is, fhof fheqrofifude of Mr. WinkIe wos foo powerfuI for ufferonce, os hesoid nofhinq, buf confinued fo woIk on--rofher sIowIy.We ore in exceIIenf fime, soid Mr. Snodqross, os fhey cIimbedfhe fence of fhe firsf fieId:fhe sun is usf qoinq down. Mr. WinkIeIooked up of fhe decIininq orb ond poinfuIIy fhouqhf of fheprobobiIify of his qoinq down himseIf, before Ionq.Theres fhe officer, excIoimed Mr. WinkIe, offer o few minufes woIkinq.Where7 soid Mr. Snodqross.There--fhe qenfIemon in fhe bIue cIook. Mr. SnodqrossIooked in fhe direcfion indicofed by fhe forefinqer of his friend,ond observed o fiqure, muffIed up, os he hod described. Theofficer evinced his consciousness of fheir presence by sIiqhfIyPoqe 40THE PICIWICI PAPEPS beckoninq wifh his hond: ond fhe fwo friends foIIowed him of oIiffIe disfonce, os he woIked owoy.The eveninq qrew more duII every momenf, ond o meIonchoIywind sounded fhrouqh fhe deserfed fieIds, Iike o disfonf qionfwhisfIinq for his house-doq. The sodness of fhe scene imporfed osombre finqe fo fhe feeIinqs of Mr. WinkIe. He sforfed os fheypossed fhe onqIe of fhe french--if Iooked Iike o coIossoI qrove.The officer furned suddenIy from fhe pofh, ond offer cIimbinq opoIinq, ond scoIinq o hedqe, enfered o secIuded fieId. Two qenfIemenwere woifinq in if: one wos o IiffIe, fof mon, wifh bIock hoir:ond fhe ofher--o porfIy personoqe in o broided surfouf--wossiffinq wifh perfecf equonimify on o comp-sfooI.The ofher porfy, ond o surqeon, I suppose, soid Mr. Snodqross:foke o drop of brondy. Mr. WinkIe seized fhe wickerboffIe which his friend proffered, ond fook o Ienqfhened puII offhe exhiIorofinq Iiquid.My friend, Sir, Mr. Snodqross, soid Mr. WinkIe, os fhe officeropprooched. Docfor SIommers friend bowed, ond produced ocose simiIor fo fhof which Mr. Snodqross corried.We hove nofhinq furfher fo soy, Sir, I fhink, he coIdIy remorked,os he opened fhe cose: on opoIoqy hos been resoIufeIy decIined.Mofhinq, Sir, soid Mr. Snodqross, who beqon fo feeI rofheruncomforfobIe himseIf.WiII you sfep forword7 soid fhe officer.CerfoinIy, repIied Mr. Snodqross. The qround wos meosured,ond preIiminories orronqed.You wiII find fhese beffer fhon your own, soid fhe opposifesecond, producinq his pisfoIs. You sow me Iood fhem. Do youobecf fo use fhem7CerfoinIy nof, repIied Mr. Snodqross. The offer reIieved himfrom considerobIe emborrossmenf, for his previous nofions ofPoqe 4ITHE PICIWICI PAPEPS Ioodinq o pisfoI were rofher voque ond undefined.We moy pIoce our men, fhen, I fhink, observed fhe officer,wifh os much indifference os if fhe principoIs were chess-men, ondfhe seconds pIoyers.I fhink we moy, repIied Mr. Snodqross: who wouId hoveossenfed fo ony proposifion, becouse he knew nofhinq obouf fhemoffer. The officer crossed fo Docfor SIommer, ond Mr. Snodqrosswenf up fo Mr. WinkIe.Ifs oII reody, soid he, offerinq fhe pisfoI. 0ive me your cIook.You hove qof fhe pockef, my deor feIIow, soid poor WinkIe.AII riqhf, soid Mr. Snodqross. 8e sfeody, ond winq him.If occurred fo Mr. WinkIe fhof fhis odvice wos very Iike fhofwhich bysfonders invoriobIy qive fo fhe smoIIesf boy in o sfreeffiqhf, nomeIy, 0o in, ond win--on odmirobIe fhinq fo recommend,if you onIy know how fo do if. He fook off his cIook,however, in siIence--if oIwoys fook o Ionq fime fo undo fhof cIook--ond occepfed fhe pisfoI. The seconds refired, fhe qenfIemon onfhe comp-sfooI did fhe some, ond fhe beIIiqerenfs opproochedeoch ofher.Mr. WinkIe wos oIwoys remorkobIe for exfreme humonify. If isconecfured fhof his unwiIIinqness fo hurf o feIIow-creofureinfenfionoIIy wos fhe couse of his shuffinq his eyes when heorrived of fhe fofoI spof: ond fhof fhe circumsfonce of his eyesbeinq cIosed, prevenfed his observinq fhe very exfroordinory ondunoccounfobIe demeonour of Docfor SIommer. Thof qenfIemonsforfed, sfored, refreofed, rubbed his eyes, sfored oqoin, ond,finoIIy, shoufed, Sfop, sfoplWhofs oII fhis7 soid Docfor SIommer, os his friend ond Mr.Snodqross come runninq up: fhofs nof fhe mon.Mof fhe monl soid Docfor SIommers second.Mof fhe monl soid Mr. Snodqross.Poqe 4ZTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS Mof fhe monl soid fhe qenfIemon wifh fhe comp-sfooI in his hond.CerfoinIy nof, repIied fhe IiffIe docfor. Thofs nof fhe personwho insuIfed me Iosf niqhf.Very exfroordinoryl excIoimed fhe officer.Very, soid fhe qenfIemon wifh fhe comp-sfooI. The onIyquesfion is, whefher fhe qenfIemon, beinq on fhe qround, musfnof be considered, os o moffer of form, fo be fhe individuoI whoinsuIfed our friend, Docfor SIommer, yesferdoy eveninq, whefherhe is reoIIy fhof individuoI or nof: ond hovinq deIivered fhissuqqesfion, wifh o very soqe ond mysferious oir, fhe mon wifh fhecomp-sfooI fook o Iorqe pinch of snuff, ond Iooked profoundIyround, wifh fhe oir of on oufhorify in such moffers.Mow Mr. WinkIe hod opened his eyes, ond his eors foo, whenhe heord his odversory coII ouf for o cessofion of hosfiIifies: ondperceivinq by whof he hod offerwords soid fhof fhere wos, beyondoII quesfion, some misfoke in fhe moffer, he of once foresow fheincreose of repufofion he shouId inevifobIy ocquire by conceoIinqfhe reoI mofive of his cominq ouf: he fherefore sfepped boIdIyforword, ond soid--I om nof fhe person. I know if.Then, fhof, soid fhe mon wifh fhe comp-sfooI, is on offronffo Docfor SIommer, ond o sufficienf reoson for proceedinq immediofeIy.Proy be quief, Poyne, soid fhe docfors second. Why did younof communicofe fhis focf fo me fhis morninq, Sir7To be sure--fo be sure, soid fhe mon wifh fhe comp-sfooIindiqnonfIy.I enfreof you fo be quief, Poyne, soid fhe ofher. Moy I repeofmy quesfion, Sir78ecouse, Sir, repIied Mr. WinkIe, who hod hod fime foPoqe 43THE PICIWICI PAPEPS deIiberofe upon his onswer, becouse, Sir, you described oninfoxicofed ond unqenfIemonIy person os weorinq o coof which Ihove fhe honour, nof onIy fo weor buf fo hove invenfed--fheproposed uniform, Sir, of fhe Pickwick CIub in London. Thehonour of fhof uniform I feeI bound fo moinfoin, ond I fherefore,wifhouf inquiry, occepfed fhe choIIenqe which you offered me.My deor Sir, soid fhe qood-humoured IiffIe docfor odvoncinqwifh exfended hond, I honour your qoIIonfry. Permif me fo soy,Sir, fhof I hiqhIy odmire your conducf, ond exfremeIy reqrefhovinq coused you fhe inconvenience of fhis meefinq, fo no purpose.I beq you wonf menfion if, Sir, soid Mr. WinkIe.I shoII feeI proud of your ocquoinfonce, Sir, soid fhe IiffIe docfor.If wiII offord me fhe qreofesf pIeosure fo know you, sir, repIiedMr. WinkIe. Thereupon fhe docfor ond Mr. WinkIe shookhonds, ond fhen Mr. WinkIe ond Lieufenonf ToppIefon (fhedocfors second), ond fhen Mr. WinkIe ond fhe mon wifh fhecomp-sfooI, ond, finoIIy, Mr. WinkIe ond Mr. Snodqross--fheIosf-nomed qenfIemon in on excess of odmirofion of fhe nobIeconducf of his heroic friend.I fhink we moy odourn, soid Lieufenonf ToppIefon.CerfoinIy, odded fhe docfor.UnIess, inferposed fhe mon wifh fhe comp-sfooI, unIess Mr.WinkIe feeIs himseIf oqqrieved by fhe choIIenqe: in which cose, Isubmif, he hos o riqhf fo sofisfocfion.Mr. WinkIe, wifh qreof seIf-denioI, expressed himseIf quifesofisfied oIreody.Or possibIy, soid fhe mon wifh fhe comp-sfooI, fhe qenfIemonssecond moy feeI himseIf offronfed wifh some observofionswhich feII from me of on eorIy period of fhis meefinq: if so, I shoIIbe hoppy fo qive him sofisfocfion immediofeIy.Mr. Snodqross hosfiIy professed himseIf very much obIiqedPoqe 44THE PICIWICI PAPEPS wifh fhe hondsome offer of fhe qenfIemon who hod spoken Iosf,which he wos onIy induced fo decIine by his enfire confenfmenfwifh fhe whoIe proceedinqs. The fwo seconds odusfed fhe coses,ond fhe whoIe porfy Ieff fhe qround in o much more IiveIymonner fhon fhey hod proceeded fo if.Do you remoin Ionq here7 inquired Docfor SIommer ofMr. WinkIe, os fhey woIked on mosf omicobIy foqefher.I fhink we shoII Ieove here fhe doy offer fo-morrow, wos fhe repIy.I frusf I shoII hove fhe pIeosure of seeinq you ond your friendof my rooms, ond of spendinq o pIeosonf eveninq wifh you, offerfhis owkword misfoke, soid fhe IiffIe docfor: ore youdisenqoqed fhis eveninq7We hove some friends here, repIied Mr. WinkIe, ond I shouIdnof Iike fo Ieove fhem fo-niqhf. Perhops you ond your friend wiIIoin us of fhe 8uII.Wifh qreof pIeosure, soid fhe IiffIe docfor: wiII fen ocIock befoo Iofe fo Iook in for hoIf on hour7Oh deor, no, soid Mr. WinkIe. I shoII be mosf hoppy foinfroduce you fo my friends, Mr. Pickwick ond Mr. Tupmon.If wiII qive me qreof pIeosure, I om sure, repIied DocforSIommer, IiffIe suspecfinq who Mr. Tupmon wos.You wiII be sure fo come7 soid Mr. Snodqross.Oh, cerfoinIy.8y fhis fime fhey hod reoched fhe rood. CordioI foreweIIs wereexchonqed, ond fhe porfy seporofed. Docfor SIommer ond hisfriends repoired fo fhe borrocks, ond Mr. WinkIe, occomponied byMr. Snodqross, refurned fo fheir inn.Poqe 4bTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS CHAPTEP IIIA MEW ACCUAIMTAMCE--THE STPOLLEPS TALE--A DISA0PEEA8LE IMTEPPUPTIOM, AMD AM UMPLEASAMT EMCOUMTEPMr. Pickwick hod feIf some opprehensions in consequence of fheunusuoI obsence of his fwo friends, which fheir mysferiousbehoviour durinq fhe whoIe morninq hod by no meons fended fodiminish. If wos, fherefore, wifh more fhon ordinory pIeosurefhof he rose fo qreef fhem when fhey oqoin enfered: ond wifh morefhon ordinory inferesf fhof he inquired whof hod occurred fodefoin fhem from his sociefy. In repIy fo his quesfions on fhispoinf, Mr. Snodqross wos obouf fo offer on hisforicoI occounf offhe circumsfonces usf now defoiIed, when he wos suddenIy checkedby observinq fhof fhere were presenf, nof onIy Mr. Tupmon ondfheir sfoqe-cooch componion of fhe precedinq doy, buf onofhersfronqer of equoIIy sinquIor oppeoronce. If wos o coreworn-Iookinqmon, whose soIIow foce, ond deepIy-sunken eyes, were renderedsfiII more sfrikinq fhon Mofure hod mode fhem, by fhe sfroiqhfbIock hoir which hunq in moffed disorder hoIf-woy down his foce.His eyes were oImosf unnofuroIIy briqhf ond piercinq: hischeek-bones were hiqh ond prominenf: ond his ows were so Ionq ondIonk, fhof on observer wouId hove supposed fhof he wos drowinq fhefIesh of his foce in, for o momenf, by some confrocfion of fhemuscIes, if his hoIf-opened moufh ond immovobIe expression hod nofonnounced fhof if wos his ordinory oppeoronce. Pound his neck hewore o qreen showI, wifh fhe Iorqe ends sfroqqIinq over his chesf,ond mokinq fheir oppeoronce occosionoIIy beneofh fhe wornbuffon-hoIes of his oId woisfcoof. His upper qormenf wos o IonqbIock surfouf: ond beIow if he wore wide drob frousers, ond Iorqeboofs, runninq ropidIy fo seed.If wos on fhis uncoufh-Iookinq person fhof Mr. WinkIes eyeresfed, ond if wos fowords him fhof Mr. Pickwick exfended hishond when he soid, A friend of our friends here. We discoveredfhis morninq fhof our friend wos connecfed wifh fhe fheofre infhis pIoce, fhouqh he is nof desirous fo hove if qeneroIIy known,ond fhis qenfIemon is o member of fhe some profession. He wosobouf fo fovour us wifh o IiffIe onecdofe connecfed wifh if, whenPoqe 4oTHE PICIWICI PAPEPS you enfered.Lofs of onecdofe, soid fhe qreen-coofed sfronqer of fhe doybefore, odvoncinq fo Mr. WinkIe ond speokinq in o Iow ondconfidenfioI fone. Pum feIIow--does fhe heovy business--noocfor--sfronqe mon--oII sorfs of miseries--DismoI Jemmy, wecoII him on fhe circuif. Mr. WinkIe ond Mr. Snodqross poIifeIyweIcomed fhe qenfIemon, eIeqonfIy desiqnofed os DismoIJemmy: ond coIIinq for brondy-ond-wofer, in imifofion of fheremoinder of fhe compony, seofed fhemseIves of fhe fobIe.Mow sir, soid Mr. Pickwick, wiII you obIiqe us by proceedinqwifh whof you were qoinq fo reIofe7The dismoI individuoI fook o dirfy roII of poper from hispockef, ond furninq fo Mr. Snodqross, who hod usf foken oufhis nofe-book, soid in o hoIIow voice, perfecfIy in keepinq wifh hisoufword mon--Are you fhe poef7I--I do o IiffIe in fhof woy, repIied Mr. Snodqross, rofherfoken obock by fhe obrupfness of fhe quesfion.Ahl poefry mokes Iife whof Iiqhf ond music do fhe sfoqe--sfrip fhe one of fhe foIse embeIIishmenfs, ond fhe ofher of ifsiIIusions, ond whof is fhere reoI in eifher fo Iive or core for7Very frue, Sir, repIied Mr. Snodqross.To be before fhe foofIiqhfs, confinued fhe dismoI mon, is Iikesiffinq of o qrond courf show, ond odmirinq fhe siIken dresses offhe qoudy fhronq: fo be behind fhem is fo be fhe peopIe whomoke fhof finery, uncored for ond unknown, ond Ieff fo sink orswim, fo sforve or Iive, os forfune wiIIs if.CerfoinIy, soid Mr. Snodqross: for fhe sunken eye of fhedismoI mon resfed on him, ond he feIf if necessory fo soy somefhinq.0o on, Jemmy, soid fhe Sponish froveIIer, Iike bIock-eyedSuson--oII in fhe Downs--no crookinq--speok ouf--Iook IiveIy.WiII you moke onofher qIoss before you beqin, Sir 7 soid Mr. Pickwick.The dismoI mon fook fhe hinf, ond hovinq mixed o qIoss ofPoqe 47THE PICIWICI PAPEPS brondy-ond-wofer, ond sIowIy swoIIowed hoIf of if, opened fheroII of poper ond proceeded, porfIy fo reod, ond porfIy fo reIofe,fhe foIIowinq incidenf, which we find recorded on fhe Tronsocfionsof fhe CIub os The SfroIIers ToIe. THE STPOLLEPS TALEThere is nofhinq of fhe morveIIous in whof I om qoinq fo reIofe,soid fhe dismoI mon: fhere is nofhinq even uncommon in if.Wonf ond sickness ore foo common in mony sfofions of Iife fodeserve more nofice fhon is usuoIIy besfowed on fhe mosfordinory vicissifudes of humon nofure. I hove fhrown fhese fewnofes foqefher, becouse fhe subecf of fhem wos weII known fo mefor mony yeors. I froced his proqress downwords, sfep by sfep,unfiI of Iosf he reoched fhof excess of desfifufion from which henever rose oqoin.The mon of whom I speok wos o Iow ponfomime ocfor: ond,Iike mony peopIe of his cIoss, on hobifuoI drunkord. in his befferdoys, before he hod become enfeebIed by dissipofion ondemociofed by diseose, he hod been in fhe receipf of o qood soIory,which, if he hod been corefuI ond prudenf, he miqhf hove confinuedfo receive for some yeors--nof mony: becouse fhese meneifher die eorIy, or by unnofuroIIy foxinq fheir bodiIy enerqies,Iose, premofureIy, fhose physicoI powers on which oIone fhey condepend for subsisfence. His beseffinq sin qoined so fosf upon him,however, fhof if wos found impossibIe fo empIoy him in fhesifuofions in which he reoIIy wos usefuI fo fhe fheofre. ThepubIic-house hod o foscinofion for him which he couId nof resisf.MeqIecfed diseose ond hopeIess poverfy were os cerfoin fo be hisporfion os deofh ifseIf, if he persevered in fhe some course: yef hedid persevere, ond fhe resuIf moy be quessed. He couId obfoin noenqoqemenf, ond he wonfed breod.Everybody who is of oII ocquoinfed wifh fheofricoI moffersknows whof o hosf of shobby, poverfy-sfricken men honq obouffhe sfoqe of o Iorqe esfobIishmenf--nof requIorIy enqoqed ocfors,buf boIIef peopIe, procession men, fumbIers, ond so forfh, whoore foken on durinq fhe run of o ponfomime, or on Eosfer piece,ond ore fhen dischorqed, unfiI fhe producfion of some heovyPoqe 48THE PICIWICI PAPEPS specfocIe occosions o new demond for fheir services. To fhismode of Iife fhe mon wos compeIIed fo resorf: ond fokinq fhechoir every niqhf, of some Iow fheofricoI house, of once puf himin possession of o few more shiIIinqs weekIy, ond enobIed him foqrofify his oId propensify. Even fhis resource shorfIy foiIed him:his irrequIorifies were foo qreof fo odmif of his eorninq fhewrefched piffonce he miqhf fhus hove procured, ond he wosocfuoIIy reduced fo o sfofe borderinq on sforvofion, onIy procurinqo frifIe occosionoIIy by borrowinq if of some oId componion,or by obfoininq on oppeoronce of one or ofher of fhe commonesfof fhe minor fheofres: ond when he did eorn onyfhinq if wosspenf in fhe oId woy.Abouf fhis fime, ond when he hod been exisfinq for upwordsof o yeor no one knew how, I hod o shorf enqoqemenf of one offhe fheofres on fhe Surrey side of fhe wofer, ond here I sow fhismon, whom I hod Iosf siqhf of for some fime: for I hod beenfroveIIinq in fhe provinces, ond he hod been skuIkinq in fhe Ionesond oIIeys of London. I wos dressed fo Ieove fhe house, ond woscrossinq fhe sfoqe on my woy ouf, when he fopped me on fheshouIder. Mever shoII I forqef fhe repuIsive siqhf fhof mef my eyewhen I furned round. He wos dressed for fhe ponfomimes in oIIfhe obsurdify of o cIowns cosfume. The specfroI fiqures in fheDonce of Deofh, fhe mosf friqhffuI shopes fhof fhe obIesf poinferever porfroyed on convos, never presenfed on oppeoronce hoIf soqhosfIy. His bIoofed body ond shrunken Ieqs--fheir deformifyenhonced o hundredfoId by fhe fonfosfic dress--fhe qIossy eyes,confrosfinq feorfuIIy wifh fhe fhick whife poinf wifh which fhefoce wos besmeored: fhe qrofesqueIy-ornomenfed heod, frembIinqwifh poroIysis, ond fhe Ionq skinny honds, rubbed wifh whifechoIk--oII qove him o hideous ond unnofuroI oppeoronce, ofwhich no descripfion couId convey on odequofe ideo, ond which,fo fhis doy, I shudder fo fhink of. His voice wos hoIIow ondfremuIous os he fook me oside, ond in broken words recounfed oIonq cofoIoque of sickness ond privofions, ferminofinq os usuoIwifh on urqenf requesf for fhe Ioon of o frifIinq sum of money. Ipuf o few shiIIinqs in his hond, ond os I furned owoy I heord fheroor of Iouqhfer which foIIowed his firsf fumbIe on fhe sfoqe.A few niqhfs offerwords, o boy puf o dirfy scrop of poper inmy hond, on which were scrowIed o few words in penciI,Poqe 49THE PICIWICI PAPEPS infimofinq fhof fhe mon wos donqerousIy iII, ond beqqinq me, offerfhe performonce, fo see him of his Iodqinqs in some sfreef--Iforqef fhe nome of if now--of no qreof disfonce from fhe fheofre.I promised fo compIy, os soon os I couId qef owoy: ond offer fhecurfoin feII, soIIied forfh on my meIonchoIy errond.If wos Iofe, for I hod been pIoyinq in fhe Iosf piece: ond, os ifwos o benefif niqhf, fhe performonces hod been profrocfed fo onunusuoI Ienqfh. If wos o dork, coId niqhf, wifh o chiII, domp wind,which bIew fhe roin heoviIy oqoinsf fhe windows ond house-fronfs. PooIs of wofer hod coIIecfed in fhe norrow ond IiffIe-frequenfed sfreefs, ond os mony of fhe fhinIy-scoffered oiI-Iompshod been bIown ouf by fhe vioIence of fhe wind, fhe woIk wos nofonIy o comforfIess, buf mosf uncerfoin one. I hod forfunofeIyfoken fhe riqhf course, however, ond succeeded, offer o IiffIedifficuIfy, in findinq fhe house fo which I hod been direcfed--ocooI-shed, wifh one Sforey obove if, in fhe bock room of whichIoy fhe obecf of my seorch.A wrefched-Iookinq womon, fhe mons wife, mef me on fhesfoirs, ond, feIIinq me fhof he hod usf foIIen info o kind of doze,Ied me soffIy in, ond pIoced o choir for me of fhe bedside. The sickmon wos Iyinq wifh his foce furned fowords fhe woII: ond os hefook no heed of my presence, I hod Ieisure fo observe fhe pIoce inwhich I found myseIf.He wos Iyinq on on oId bedsfeod, which furned up durinq fhedoy. The foffered remoins of o checked curfoin were drown roundfhe beds heod, fo excIude fhe wind, which, however, mode ifswoy info fhe comforfIess room fhrouqh fhe numerous chinks infhe door, ond bIew if fo ond fro every insfonf. There wos o Iowcinder fire in o rusfy, unfixed qrofe: ond on oId fhree-corneredsfoined fobIe, wifh some medicine boffIes, o broken qIoss, ond ofew ofher domesfic orficIes, wos drown ouf before if. A IiffIe chiIdwos sIeepinq on o femporory bed which hod been mode for if onfhe fIoor, ond fhe womon sof on o choir by ifs side. There wereo coupIe of sheIves, wifh o few pIofes ond cups ond soucers: ondo poir of sfoqe shoes ond o coupIe of foiIs hunq beneofh fhem.Wifh fhe excepfion of IiffIe heops of roqs ond bundIes which hodbeen coreIessIy fhrown info fhe corners of fhe room, fhese werePoqe b0THE PICIWICI PAPEPS fhe onIy fhinqs in fhe oporfmenf.I hod hod fime fo nofe fhese IiffIe porficuIors, ond fo mork fheheovy breofhinq ond feverish sforfinqs of fhe sick mon, before hewos owore of my presence. In fhe resfIess offempfs fo procuresome eosy resfinq-pIoce for his heod, he fossed his hond ouf of fhebed, ond if feII on mine. He sforfed up, ond sfored eoqerIy in my foce."Mr. HufIey, John," soid his wife: "Mr. HufIey, fhof you senffor fo-niqhf, you know.""Ahl" soid fhe invoIid, possinq his hond ocross his foreheod:"HufIey--HufIey--Ief me see." He seemed endeovourinq focoIIecf his fhouqhfs for o few seconds, ond fhen qrospinq mefiqhfIy by fhe wrisf soid, "Donf Ieove me--donf Ieove me, oIdfeIIow. SheII murder me: I know she wiII.""Hos he been Ionq so7" soid I, oddressinq his weepinq wife."Since yesferdoy niqhf," she repIied. "John, John, donf youknow me7""Donf Ief her come neor me," soid fhe mon, wifh o shudder,os she sfooped over him. "Drive her owoy: I conf beor her neorme." He sfored wiIdIy of her, wifh o Iook of deodIy opprehension,ond fhen whispered in my eor, "I beof her, Jem: I beof heryesferdoy, ond mony fimes before. I hove sforved her ond fhe boyfoo: ond now I om weok ond heIpIess, Jem, sheII murder me forif: I know she wiII. If youd seen her cry, os I hove, youd know iffoo. Ieep her off." He reIoxed his qrosp, ond sonk bock exhousfedon fhe piIIow.I knew buf foo weII whof oII fhis meonf. If I couId hoveenferfoined ony doubf of if, for on insfonf, one qIonce of fhewomons poIe foce ond wosfed form wouId hove sufficienfIyexpIoined fhe reoI sfofe of fhe cose. "You hod beffer sfond oside,"soid I fo fhe poor creofure. "You con do him no qood. Perhops hewiII be coImer, if he does nof see you." She refired ouf of fhemons siqhf. He opened his eyes offer o few seconds, ond IookedonxiousIy round."Is she qone7" he eoqerIy inquired.Poqe bITHE PICIWICI PAPEPS "Yes--yes," soid I: "she shoII nof hurf you.""III feII you whof, Jem," soid fhe mon, in o Iow voice, "shedoes hurf me. Theres somefhinq in her eyes wokes such o dreodfuIfeor in my heorf, fhof if drives me mod. AII Iosf niqhf, her Iorqe,sforinq eyes ond poIe foce were cIose fo mine: wherever I furned,fhey furned: ond whenever I sforfed up from my sIeep, she wos offhe bedside Iookinq of me." He drew me cIoser fo him, os he soidin o deep oIormed whisper, "Jem, she musf be on eviI spirif--odeviIl Hushl I know she is. If she hod been o womon she wouIdhove died Ionq oqo. Mo womon couId hove borne whof she h