The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and ...

JUNE 2016 The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

Transcript of The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and ...

Page 1: The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and ...

JUNE 2016

The Parish Magazine for the parishes of

St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

Page 2: The Parish Magazine for the parishes of St Catherine and ...


Sunday Services Please see inside Link for details of Sunday Services

Midweek Services St Catherine’s - Wednesday - 10.30am Holy Communion

Holy Trinity - Thursday - 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

The Ministry Team

Rev’d Hugh Wright 01983 853729

Email: [email protected]

Gill Chaloner Reader 854659

Hilary Davis Reader 855797

Jenny Hopkins Holder Reader 852575

Gill Smith Reader 856134

David Tamcken Reader 506693

Morning Prayer Tuesday - Bonchurch Old Church - 8am

Wednesday - St Catherine's Church and Thursday Holy Trinity Church - 9am

Friday - Bonchurch Parish Church - 8.30am

All Welcome

Ventnor & Bonchurch Parish website address Email: [email protected]


St Catherine’s John Holder 8525755852575

Steve Northern 856953

Holy Trinity Jo Nicholson

Tony Morrish 840570

St Boniface Jonny Fitzgerald Bond 854824

Lyn Ridler-Lee 404508

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Dear Friends,

On 12th June we will gather in celebration and thanksgiving at St Catherine’s

for Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday and her 64 years of service to

this nation and the Commonwealth. There is much to give thanks for, as Jenny will be reminding us on the day. For me, as for many other Christians,

it is her consistent and unashamed loyalty to the Christian faith, combined

with respect for people of all faiths and none, which make her most worthy

of praise. In a country which is increasingly secular and where the word

Jesus is little more than a swear word to many, she consistently uses her

Christmas broadcast to articulate the way faith in Jesus can bring hope and

light into our troubled world. Last year she cited the verse from St John’s

Gospel: ‘The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not over-

come it.’ In a Britain that is increasingly divided between and within political

parties over many issues of the day the Queen stands above the fray as a

focus of unity. Long may she reign.

Talking of which, this month also sees one of the most significant elections

of all of our lifetimes- the chance to choose whether to remain in, or

choose to leave the European Union. I was too young by just 25 days to

vote in the last referendum in June 1975. At the moment we are being

bombarded by information, statistics and opinions to sway us in one

direction or another. I pray that each of us would take time, before the

23rd, to really consider the implications of what we are doing before making

our decision. Afterwards let us, seek to bind up the wounds that will

inevitably be created in our nation by the outcome of the poll. As Churchill said in different times: ‘Let us go forward together.’

Another thing that will take place in June, on the 26th at St Catherine’s

Church, will be a focus on the plight of suffering Christians throughout the

world. We take for granted the privilege to gather together freely to

worship God through our Lord Jesus Christ. For increasing numbers of

people in our world that right, and indeed the more basic right to simply

exist as Christians is denied. At this service we will be updated on the work

of the Barnabas Fund on speaking out for persecuted Christians and helping

them to safety where possible. This is a hard subject which takes us into a

dark place, but, as Her Majesty reminded us last Christmas, ‘it is better to

light one small candle than curse the darkness.’

Finally, let us hope for some warm summer weather in June and

opportunities to enjoy the wonderful place in which we live.

Your sincere friend and Vicar. Hugh

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HOLY TRINITY NEWS The Mystery Worshipper.

There used to be a reporter called “The Mystery Worshipper”, who wrote in one

of the daily papers…I can’t remember which one. He or she (I always suspected a

“she”) dealt with all sorts of things that happened in a service ….nothing was left


The cheerfulness of the welcome,

The warmth and cleanliness of the building,

The efficiency of the sidespeople,

The quality of the liturgy,

The standard of the music,

The content of the sermon……..and even the strength of the coffee!

I was thinking of this a few weeks ago, when, on a visit to my daughter, I went to

her local church, one of the many named after St Richard, in Chichester Diocese.

(For reasons which will become obvious, I’d better not say where, exactly!) It was

an interesting experience; one that I enjoyed very much on one level, but not on


I’d been there before, but only as one of the crowd at Christmas; I hadn’t been to

a normal Sunday service. The Vicar was the same vicar who has been there for

twenty plus years, no assistant clergy, and no Readers.

The worship was familiar, very similar to that at Holy Trinity, with English Hymnal

hymns, a good organist, a small-but-perfectly-formed-choir (!)and well-trained


As it’s the only Anglican church in the area, there was also a small Sunday School

and a slightly older group called the “Sermon Skivers”, who disappeared for their

own discussion in the vestry at sermon-time. There were six sets of banns. So far,

so good!

The sermon started with a quote, “An Englishman’s Home is his Castle.” And that

was what was WRONG with this church! It WAS like a castle, one where the

defenders were poised to repel boarders! It was interesting to see it with the eyes

of an outsider.

The Churchwarden (I assume) was in the porch when I arrived, discussing some

point of maintenance with another man. I had to hover a bit and say “Excuse me!”

to even get into the church!

Two ladies handed me a hymn book and service book without drawing breath

from their conversation or looking at me.

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When I found a seat, I looked in vain for a collection envelope, went back and

interrupted the conversation, to be told “Oh, we just gift-aid what’s in the

plate,” in a rather off-hand way.

At the Peace, I shook hands with a bewildered-looking Banns couple (I assume!)

behind me, but lacked the courage to move out of my pew because no-one else


Half-way through the service (I was glad it was me and not the Banns couple) I

discovered that the whole centre section of the service book was missing. Vicar

shook my hand without saying a word!

On the one hand, there was a sense of UNITY in worship, on the other, a sense

of DISUNITY and exclusiveness!

So, as we approach the height of the holiday season in Ventnor, perhaps it’s

time to take stock of what we do in OUR churches and OUR services. How do

we appear to outsiders, whether they are familiar with what happens at Church

or not?

I hope and pray that if the Mystery Worshipper turned up at any or all of our

churches, he or she would feel a sense of unity in both worship, and in the

pastoral care of visitors.


And to balance this rather serious article…a more humorous one from the

Parish Magazine of the Shaftesbury Team of Churches. Thank you to Tricia

Begent for supplying it.

Reluctant Worshipper.

On a sunny morning, William’s mother came into her son’s room

and said, “William, it’s Sunday. Time to get up! Time to go to

church! Get up!”

From under the covers came mumbles. “I don’t want to go!”

“What do you mean?” she said. “That’s silly! Now get up and get

dressed and go to church!”

“No! "he shot back. “I’ll give you two reasons. I don’t like them

and they don’t like me!”

“Nonsense! "she told him. “I’ll give YOU two reasons to go! First,

you are forty two years old, and second, you are the VICAR!”

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Holy Trinity Church

Wednesday 29 June 7.30pm


Handel • Clark

Morricone • Telemann • Bach


Ghana News.

I have had a letter from Barnabas, who is now at Techiman and whose

parish of St Andrew’s is linked with St Blasius, Shanklin. He works hard as

a High School teacher and Parish Priest. He has managed to make one of

the rooms in his mission house (vicarage) into an office, but the church

building is still an on-going project, as a rainstorm destroyed the pillars just

before the roof was due to be put on. He asks for our prayers, so please

pray for Barnabas and his parish. Many of you will remember him as a

very energetic and enthusiastic Parish Priest when he was at Wenchi, St

Catherine’s linked parish.

Dates for your Diary

Sunday, June 5th St Boniface Patronal Festival United Service at Bonchurch

Parish Church, 10.45a.m.

Sunday July 3rd Sea Sunday at Holy Trinity

Saturday, July 9th R.S.C.M. (visitors welcome) Evensong Workshop with

Malcolm Archer at Holy Trinity. More details in the Link

Wednesday, July 13th Holy Trinity P.C.C.7.00p.m.

Friday, July 15th St Swithun’s Day Concert at Holy Trinity, 7.30p.m.

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St Catherine’S newS Ghana News (all good!)

New correspondent

It is great to report that Lynne Paffod has taken on the role of correspondent

with our link parish of St Paul's, Wenchi in Ghana.

She has already written her first letter to Rev'd Samuel Amoh, the new priest at

St Paul's. Correspondence is by snail mail at the moment, so news may be a bit

slow at first. We hope Samuel will become email familiar before too long.

Thank you Lynne for taking on this responsibility.

Help! We have become the victims of our own success in collecting item to send to

our friends in Ghana. We currently store them in various corners of the

church, and they are becoming a bit of a nuisance.

Does anyone have a dry, accessible space where we could store stuff between

sending off consignments to Wenchi, Tamale, Wa and Techiman?

An unused garage would be ideal, but if you might be able to help in any way,

please....please let me know.

Tom's Triathlon

Tom is the son of Diane and Stuart George, and he works on the staff of

St Catherine's School, Ventnor.

In February he visited Ghana, to see the progress on the establishment of St

Catherine's School, Tamale. The Tamale school will be committed to the

education of pupils with special educational needs; there is sparse state provision

in Ghana. His advice and expertise was a great encouragement to Solo.

As part of his ongoing support for both schools, Tom will be completing a

triathlon in the event called 'Challenge Venice', which takes place in that city on

Sunday 5th June. The challenge involves a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile cycle and a

marathon (is this man mad?).

Tom hopes that this massive effort will get loads of sponsorship which he will

then share between the two schools. There are sponsor forms in each of our

churches, and sponsorship can also be made via Tom's on line site

Please encourage Tom if you can.

David Tamcken

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RSCM workshop to be held at Holy Trinity on

Saturday 9th July ‘O Lord Open Thou Our Lips’

A workshop exploring new repertoire for Evensong run by composer and former

cathedral organist, Malcolm Archer, now Director of Chapel Music at Winchester

College. Cost to members of the RSCM and affiliates: £8.00

Cost to non-members: £10.00

The event will start at 2.30 pm and will conclude with a celebration of Evensong

at 6.00 pm. Under 18’s must be accompanied by an adult.

Contact Helen Slade ([email protected]) or (07813 139434) (01983

853504) for more information.

Ventnor Heritage Centre

11 Spring Hill, Ventnor. PO38 1PE - 01983 855407

Email: [email protected]

Come and explore the history of Ventnor and the Undercliff.

We offer artefacts, photos, models, and narratives that tell the

story of why Ventnor happened when it did.

Opening times:

Open Monday to Saturday, 10 am - 4 pm 30 April - 29 October

Open all winter, but on Saturday mornings only (10 - 12.30).

The Ventnor Horticultural Show

3rd SEPTEMBER - 2pm St Catherine’s Church This year there is a prize of £10 for the Largest Pumpkin

Pick up a schedule from St Catherine’s Church

or Crave Ice Cream, Spring Hill. Contact details can be found in the schedule.

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Ventnor Townswomen's Guild Afternoon Social Studies Group.


Speaker - David Tamcken

6th JUNE

Group Leader: Mrs B Joyner - 857567

2.15pm - Held at The Residents' lounge, Byrnhill Grove.

Park Avenue. Ventnor. £1 per meeting including tea/coffee and biscuits.

Ventnor Townswomen's Guild

JUNE 15th

American Tea at Three in aid of the Hospice

3rd Wednesday of the Month

2.15pm - In the Common Room at Knights Court, Ventnor

Next meeting - July 20th “Being a local author” JOAN ELLIS


Winner of church school design competition for

Queen’s birthday

The winner of a church school competition to design a logo for the

C of E’s celebrations in honour of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th

birthday was Lucas Salinger, aged 10, from Potten End

C of E Primary School in Hertfordshire and was picked from over

1000 entries.

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'Swanning Around'

Cherub Billy had a bright idea one fine and sunny day,

He called a meeting of his friends, he had something nice to say.

Farmer Bell was present his geese had just been fed,

Then Billy started speaking and this is what he said:

"Our four dear congregations all deserve a special treat

And this is the sole reason that I wanted us to meet,"

It was then decided to go ahead with joy

They all vowed to do their very best, Man, Woman, Girl and Boy.

"I will ask the Royal swannery" said trusty farmer Bell,

"To see how many swans they have, we should do very well."

By the time the meeting ended all was set to go,

This is what they planned to do, I would like you to know:

All the congregations and the clergy too,

Will be given a big swan to ride for one big pleasure cruise,

To fly all round the Isle of Wight and picnic on the way

So now let us ask them all to see just what they say

The congregations all agreed, great joy had filled their hearts,

The swans were all so friendly they even liked jam tarts.

They flew in line formation for many many miles.

Everyone was happy; you could tell that by their smiles.

The swans, they liked it too of course, their wings were big and strong,

The views were quite fantastic as they slowly flew along.

Billy was so happy to share his great idea,

"We must do this again " he said , " with all my friends so dear.

Swanabillycally yours ...........Ted.

St Catherine’s Church

Saturday 18th June 7.30pm

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During August of 1976, I realised an ambition of a lifetime: A walking pilgrimage

from our school chapel here in Ventnor to St Paul's cathedral, London, a

distance of about 130 miles. I originally intended to go alone as an act of

devotion. However, several friends heard about my intended venture and

wanted to join me. I was very fit and explained that to take this on would

require an intense amount of Strength both physical and spiritual, deep

meditation and prayer. Eventually the great day dawned and eight of us set out

after receiving Holy Communion from our chaplain: Rev’d Alfred Tedman who

intended to accompany us at various stages of our journey.

Our first night stop was Chichester Cathedral where we stayed in a parish hall

and slept on the floor. The following morning six of our number decided to

return home, leaving just two of us to continue.

We received Holy communion and set out once more to be welcomed at the

village of Cowfold by an enthusiastic crowd of people where we were given a

roast dinner and a bath. The local scouts gave us the use of their hut and

bedding for the night. After a good night's sleep, we received Holy Communion

and progressed onward.

Our journey proved to be very hot and tiring. being the hottest summer for

years. We arrived at East Grinstead and the Church of England Convent of

St. Margaret to be greeted by the Nuns who welcomed us with great joy

insisting that they should wash our feet, which were quite swollen by this time,

they also provided us with comfortable beds and hot meals.

The following morning we joined all the Nuns in their Chapel for Holy

communion, their blessings for a safe onward journey to London.

On our arrival at Kennington Rectory we were greeted by Rev’d Tedman who

had arrived by train to guide us through the City of London to St Paul's

Cathedral. There we were met by a huge crowd of Clergy, Friends of St Pauls

and much to our delight the six pilgrims that had dropped out at Chichester.

We then attended a special service of thanksgiving with Holy Communion in a

chapel off the left of the main aisle within St Paul's conducted by the senior

Cannon assisted by other clergy including Revd Tedman. This was followed by a

tour of the great Cathedral.


Don’t forget to pick up your free copy of

The Pompey Chimes

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Who are YOU?

So, you read the title and think “What is this guy talking about?” That’s the

thing: just what am I asking? Well, maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself, so

I’ll try and explain. We all have an idea of whom and what we are. Generally,

we tend to identify ourselves by what we do, or did: for example – “Hello, my

name is Chris, and I’m a Phlebotomist.” We also do the same when we say “I’m

so-and-so, from such-and-such a place”, which includes places of interest

(football/cricket/F1 fan), denomination, or historical context. Seems obvious,

when you read it, but is it? What do you think of when someone introduces

themselves and says “I’m Joe Bloggs, and I’m a Born-Again Christian.”, especially

in terms of a church context – a service, or in an outreach, such as the

Hub? Would you reply “That’s nice/good/ how much money do you want?” or

do you instantly think of the conversation in John Chapter 3 v 1-14, where a

seasoned, dyed-in-the wool, Torah (or Bible)-quoting master of religious service

Rabbi, Nicodemus, had a conversation with Jesus concerning what he had to do

to be right with God? Probably not, as being ‘Born-Again’ carries modern

connotations that don’t reflect Jesus’ words in that passage. What Jesus was

saying about being born of the Spirit has to with making a definitive informed

choice of wanting a total renewal of life, despite what Nicodemus (you and me,

perhaps) thought he knew, and allowing the Holy Spirit to affect that change in

totality; spirit, mind and body, from glory unto glory until one is indistinguishable

from Jesus, often a long and sometimes painful transformation. This then would

establish in one an identification in Christ as to who one is, in grace, not

works. One does not lose one’s own personality, but finds it enhanced

daily. Or, at least, that’s how it’s meant to work, and one becomes fully aware

of it, despite occasional slips, which often happens. So, where one comes from

or what one does becomes secondary to who one really is – the person people

see in one, and how God, more importantly, sees one – you; an image of His

Son. And that ought to affect one’s way of thinking, mode of speech, and

actions, at work, home and church. So why ought it be important to

you? Because God often draws ‘lines in the sand’ as to whom one serves, and

to offer the choice. From Moses’ and Joshua’s declarations to the complaining

Hebrews in the Books of Exodus and Joshua, to Jesus’ exhortations to the

Churches in Asia Minor, and, in inference, to us today, to make decisions to

open doors (Holman’s portrait of Jesus standing outside of a closed door, titled

‘The Light of The World’, for instance) to Him; He saying that we ought to buy

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from Him eye salve and white linen, out of (our) riches, to see the truth of

(our) spiritual deprivation in the midst of (our) supposed wealth; to wear the

white, clean robes of the Holy Spirit, to be re-established in right relationship

with Him – in essence, become the righteousness of God, in Christ. Jesus had

his disagreements with the self-righteous Pharisees of His time, because of their

lack of true humbleness before God of, and in, their position, of their not

‘getting it’. Where does that leave me – or you? It’s a tough question indeed

and one many tend to shy away from, preferring, instead, platitudes that

comfort, So, my identity, for instance, first, should be or is: I am the

Righteousness of God in Christ, but only because of Him – I have not earned

that privileged position; not cajoled, bargained for, or bought it. Without it, I

am a ‘Christian in Name Only’. It is His free gift for the asking, individually and

for the Church, and I need to remind myself, and ask for it, daily. If we are to

witness the Gospel to those who are lost, we should ensure that we are right

with Him and with one another first; a spiritual realigning.

May this be a season where we rediscover that, grow together and move

forward in our True Identity in Christ.

With blessings, Chris Maguire.

12th JUNE 3.00p.m. Celebration Service for the

Queen’s 90th Birthday

No Evening Service at Holy Trinity.

Please note changes of Service at Holy Trinity.

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Dear All,

A very big thank you for the card you signed and Jackie Brewer brought with

her on the 1st anniversary of my heart transplant. It was so kind and very

touching that you still think of us. I would also like to thank you for praying

for me. I am certain that the prayers have aided my recovery and God has

blessed me and the Doctors and medical staff at the Freeman Hospital in

Newcastle. On my anniversary it was arranged that I spent the day at the

'Beamish Living Museum' working with the Pit pony team. This was something

I thoroughly enjoyed.

I have improved so much that although there have been some up's and

downs, to be expected with such major surgery, they have been relatively few

and very minor. I treasure all the prayers that have been said for me. John and

I have prayed ourselves and are convinced that the prayers are answered. We

would like to share with you an example of Gods helping hand. We had

prayed in our own church, in the Cathedral in Durham, but it was in a tiny

little church in an out of the way village deep in the Durham countryside that

has convinced us. Last year before my transplant I knew that without a new

heart my life was ebbing away. We would go out in the car for me to see

what I firmly believed would be my last springtime. It was on one of those car

rides that we came across the little village and it's Saxon church, which dates

back to the early 700's and built from stones taken from an abandoned

Roman fort. We went in and a prayer was said. It was less than two days later

when I got my new heart! This year exactly a year to the day that we

revisited the church and gave a prayer of thanks adding that we hoped the

test results from the imminent out-patient appointment would be OK. When

we got the results the Doctor said they were 'Spot on'. This we are

convinced is Gods work in action.

Once again thank you and God bless you all. Jacqui Fuller


and Jacqui


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On April the 20th I went to Durham to see Jacqui

and John Fuller.

I was pleased when they asked me to go for this

special day. 1 year since her heart transplant ,

24-4-15. John did it for her special day.

Sunday the 24th we went to Beamish, the Living

museum of the North. She was with the pit ponies

all day working with them. It's hard to believe that a

year ago we nearly lost her. The smile on her face

said it all. They gave me a lovely two weeks holiday.

Jackie Brewer. (A close friend.)

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Carisbrooke Priory presents …

An Audience with

Tim Daykin - BBC Radio Solent

Wednesday 15th June (Time to be confirmed)

Messy Church JUNE 25th 3pm - 5pm St Francis School - Upper Ventnor


“Come and share a meal with us”

Rock Solid What is it? A fun, weekly, Christian based club involving

lots of games and a talk.

When is it? Every Wednesday, 4.30 and 6pm

Where is it? St Francis School

Who is it for? Anyone in years 5 - 8.

Who runs it? Hannah Fenton and her amazing team of

volunteers! For more information, email -

[email protected]

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Saturday 11th June 7:30pm. A Concert of English Music to celebrate the

90th Birthday of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II.

“A Garland for the Queen” Admission Free, Retiring Collection

Refreshments available. A cordial welcome to all!

Sunday 26th June – St. Albans Patronal Feast. 10:30am. Solemn Sung High Mass with Procession. Anthem: “Ye that do your

Master’s Will” By Orlando Gibbons. Motet: “Laudate Dominum” by Jacques

Berthier. 3pm - Evening Prayer & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

St Albans the Martyr Church - Upper Ventnor

Carisbrooke Priory Open Door Speakers for June 2016

2nd June Alan Brown (Communion)

9th June John Izzard

16th June Mike Connolly

23rd June Sing & Share

30th June Elizabeth Lilley

Open Door Meeting every - Thursday at 12 noon followed by lunch in the Dining

Room at approximately 1.00 p.m.

Activities @ The Priory:

Art for Beginners Wednesday 1st June – 10.00 a.m. – 12 Noon. Very limit

number of places – booking essential. Contact George Goddard on 07999


Poetry, Past & Present - Friday 17th June – 10.30 a.m. – 11.45 a.m. (please note

new time) Poetry Appreciation – Bring along a poem or two to share

Creative Writing - Tuesday 21st June 10.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.

Melodies & Memories - Monday 27th June 2016 – 2.00 – 3.30 p.m.

in the Priory Chapel

Come along and share some musical memories

Intermediate Art Wednesday 29th June – 10.00 a.m. – 12 Noon. Limited number

of places – booking essential

Contact George Goddard on 07999 726998

All enquiries to Carisbrooke Priory Trust Phone: 01983 523354

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Thanks to Mike Wood for our weather information.



Rainfall of 46.5mm (1.83ins) was 101% of the average of

45.97mm (1.81ins). Rain fell on 17 days the wettest day the 10th

with 14.7mm (0.58ins). The mean temperature of 9.5C (49F) was

just below the average of 9.7C (50F). The warmest day was the

14th with 18.0C (64F). The coldest night was the 27th with 1.5C

St Catherine’s Church

The HUB Coffee Shop 10.30am - 12.30pm Monday - Saturday

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St Catherine’s Church



Friday 3rd JUNE - 1pm - 5.30pm

Saturday 4th JUNE - 10am - 4.30pm

Raffle, Sales Tables. Refreshments


Adults £1. Children Free - Competitors and Exhibitors 50p

St Catherine's Church June

Friday 10th Julian Group Prayer meeting. 2pm

Sunday 12th

Service of Thanksgiving for the Queen’s 90th Birthday

Saturday 18th Tritone Singers Concert 7.30pm

Sunday 26th Evening Praise service 6.30pm.


Saturday 9th Orpheus Signers 7.30pm

Notices in a church news-sheet:

- Organist required: to work with small but trying priest and congregation.

- The Low Self Esteem Support Group meets Thursday. Please use the back door.

- Weight Watchers to meet at 7pm in the church hall. Please use large double

door at the side entrance.

- The students will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the church basement

Friday at 7pm. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

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Ventnor Day

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HOME GROUPS Monday Evening 7.45pm

Contact Jenny Holder 852575 -

Tuesday Evening 8.00pm - At Mick and Nava

Young’s St Andrews, Belgrave Road.

Thursday Afternoon 4.30pm

At 28 North Street. Contact Hilary Davis 855797

Sea Sunday at Holy Trinity 3rd July

We are celebrating Sea Sunday a week early to

accommodate John Attenborough,

Port Chaplain based in Southampton.

It is a privilege to be able to welcome a member of this

Chaplaincy, where the Outreach has to match the battling of the

elements and is as wide as the sea.

The Mission to Seafarers works globally to

minister to those who work and live on

the seas, and locally the ports of

Southampton, Fawley and Portsmouth see a

vast amount of traffic.

So as you gaze across Ventnor Bay at the

vast ships or smaller ships think about this


I am sure John Attenborough will be an inspiration to meet.

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St Boniface and Bonchurch

The Hub Shop

Please support your shop by buying or ordering from

the catalogues or enquiring whether we can obtain

anything you want or need.

Come and have a coffee and a browse.

Tuesday June 7th

Coffee Morning 10am – noon

** The Flower Arranging demonstration


Michael Mathews has been postponed

to a later date.

Sunday 26th June 6.30pm at

St Catherine’s there will be an Evening Praise

service featuring old and new worship songs

led by Hugh and Patience Wells.

There will be a chance to share testimonies and

be drawn deeper into God through worship.

All welcome. Hugh

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All requests for the Prayer Chain

should be first directed to Kizzie Baker on 853779

BEREAVEMENT GROUP….Can we help you?

We are aware that there are a number of

people who have been bereaved and might

like someone to talk to.

If this is YOU or someone you know, please contact any of the

Bereavement Group from St Catherine’s, Holy Trinity and

St Boniface, by telephoning 857795 (outside Hub hours you can

leave a message) or visit the Hub at St Catherine’s any morning

between 10.30 and 12.30. If you’d rather leave a note, there’s a

box in the Coffee Shop. Anything you wish to discuss will be

treated with absolute confidentiality.

Is something worrying you?

Want someone to listen to you? Why don't you book an appointment

at The Living Room

82-83 High Street, Newport PO30 1BH

On the 1st & 3rd Monday of the month 11am - 2pm.

We have trained Acorn Christian Listeners

you can talk to.

Contact Nava Young for an appointment on

01983 852680 or [email protected]

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We pray for those

recently married.

And we pray for those in hospital.

We remember with love and affection those

who have died recently, especially we pray

for their families.

We pray for those who live on their own.

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Bible Readings for JUNE

June 5th The Second Sunday after Trinity

St Boniface Patronal Festival


10.45a.m Bonchurch Parish Church.

No services at Holy Trinity or St Catherine’s.

June 12th The Third Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church


Celebration Service for the Queen’s 90th Birthday

No Evening Service at Holy Trinity.

Please note changes of Service at Holy Trinity.

June 19th The Fourth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Family/All age Worship, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

June 26th The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

9.30a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine’s Church

10.45a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church

6.30pm Evening Praise service St Catherine’s Church

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Worship for JUNE

June 5th The Second Sunday after Trinity

Readings set for St Boniface Day

Isaiah 49:5-10

Acts 20:24-28

St Luke 10:1-11

June 12th The Third Sunday after Trinity

2 Samuel 11:26-12:10, 13-15

Galatians 2:15-end

St Luke 7:36-8:3

June 19th The Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Isaiah 65:1-9

Galatians 3:23-end

St Luke 8:26-39

June 26th The Fifth Sunday after Trinity

1 Kings19:15-16, 19-end

Galatians 5:1, 13-25

St Luke 9:51-end

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Articles for the JULY/AUGUST Magazine should be handed in by

JUNE 12th please.

You can hand it in at the Hub or email it to Joan Garlick

at [email protected]

Size format for Link pages A5 - GILL Sans MT - font size 11

Hand written reports/articles are accepted

if you do not have access to a computer.

The Julian Group

All welcome.

Editorial Team:-

Holy Trinity Church - Gill St Catherine's Church - Steve

St Boniface Church - Sally

The production cost of The LINK is subsidised by

Meet at The Hub

in St Catherine’s Church 2nd

Friday of the month - 2pm

Encouraging people to practise

contemplative prayer in their

daily lives.

For further information contact:

Hilary Davis - 855797.