The Palatka Daily News. (Palatka, Fla.) 1887-04-30 [p ]. · the daily news-palat-ka, florida,...

THE DAILY NEWS-PALAT- KA, FLORIDA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL, 30,1887. THE CLOSING EXERCISES. A CZAR KILLER SHOT. THE DAILY NEWS THE PALATKA NEWS rCBUSHXD DAILY AND WKI M BT TBB PALATKA NEWS PUBLLSHINO CO. PALATKA, FLORIDA OFFICE: NEWS BUILDING, OX KEID ST. PALATKA, FLA., APRIL 30, 1887. WHOLESALE AND KKTA1L rF..LEltS IN Social Life la Mexico. Ity of Mexico. April 26. The guests who to celebrate the marriage of Benito Hernandez and Juanita Alvt-ale- z. near Mexico, in Yucatan. Itecame involved in a general tight. Seven of them, including the groom, were killed. The wife of Moreno, a ranchman in Tamauliaas. recently c..pel with the satn of a neighlatr. W'hile her husband was away they got thre-- e alay's start and traveleal toward the interior. Moreno followeil and overt-si- them at a hot.-l- . He their rooui ami waittsl until a late haiur. t 'aiming to the alastr he rappa-- d tuietly. The youth a it anal was slwtt aleaal at the tirt tire. Mrs. Moreno sprang from the lte. anal ran to the win-alat- she could jump her hus-Itan- d emptied his revolver, fattir bnlli-t- s taking eHV-cl- . Moreno examineal the wounds, himelf that they waatilil prove fatal, alrew a sheath knife aml stahiaeal himself tat the heart, falling s the uni-oii- - iou woman, w hoilia-,- in a few hours. The I iirepeiitant Sinner. fuck. Wife tin a tone of sarcastic reproach) What do you think, John, of ) .ay ing l.V) fa.r an orchestra chair. Saturday night, and only putting 25 cents in the caatitribiitiain Ijox Smulity uiorning'r John (the guilty one I think, mv dear, that it makes a f l.sik si k! Stoves, Doors, Sasli, lUintls, Taints, Oils. (J hiss. Saddlery. Harness. Cutlery 0 ran sv Wraps, Primers, Clipiiers. Ladders, Itelt inir, .Nails, .mis. miles, IMstols, llarbed Wire, Ktr., Pliiinhin Tiimini:, Steam Pipe .as Fidin- -. Aszents lor II. W. Johns' Asbestos Paints. Oeit's Tubular Oil Stoves. Planet, Jr., Farm and (larden lm-nleme- nts. Florida Southern Buildings, Palatka, Fla ii. i Mi I 1 NEW GOODS. We are receiving a nice line ot Ladies Vest and Fob Chains, Bracelets, Ear Drops. Lace Pins, Gents Vest Chains, Scarf Pins, Watches, etc. Call and examine our large stock which we are selling at prices to suit the times. Fine and Complicated Watch Re- pairing a Specialty at JOHN F. SPECK & SON'S The Leading Jewelers of Palatka. I&y ft. sales, : stock. weekly net rceeipts. Vile irrMS, SAW: sales. 1ST-- - exports to the loutiuelit. ; coastwise, Mostoombrt, April Cotton firm: mid-llin- ; weekly net receipts, 4Sx shiptueiit-i- , 31U: stock, prem-n- t year, iVa; stock last year, 712: saJea. :Uu. Macon. April stewtv; mialillintr. IO: weekly ia-- t meipt-a- , 12; aala-H. ; taa k. present year. 2.1M1; sta-c- last 7CI ; :W. I'oi.rMKt'is April 2. Caattnn tlrra -l- ui.l.llinir. lit; weekly net reeeipts, 12i ; shipnient-i- , 44; sales, Met; stock, 2.SC. Nashville. April 2. Cotton ) ull hut ute-ail- Mlilllnv. ItHa; y net lias; Khla-ment- s, :K Mtla-a- t, SO; spinners, staa-k- . prescut fmr, 1.7 1M; last ya-a- r, 2,12. I'uKT Kovai. April 22. Cirfnm-wa-ekl- y na-- l eceipts, utajck. ; expa-rt- s a owit . '. IMS; April 2. Cotton steaily : tiiiilillinir It); net 21: shipiueiits, ; .lock, 1.110, Home, April 2S. Cotton firm: Miililliiiar. 1'1 weekly net receipts. Is; shipments, ; .sta-c- funeral Markets. Chii aiio, April 2!- .- Na IM-- of in. terest wa-r- e alet eia-- t .l in the w t traile The traitinir caatiHwf-a- t mainly in a huntr ins Mav l- -. 10 ala-- rrc, aliiva-ria--- s aui the latter wereiiiite tirm. Tlae praia-aur- e to sa il wheat on accaiunt of May wum aiiita- - Ktraniir, ami the price broke oil a aliirintr the tlrsl tew minutes. Juim o-- t n.-a- l at "2-- miIiI off to B2a--- rallM-i- i taa Kt- - in trailiuv, anil cla--- Itaju liiifher than yesta-nliir- . t la air -- iiiirs f the seatMaarat were l?i,oai bii-alt- e Is. The trailers aie still tery uncertKin alMsit thaf marka-t- , ami the fii-lu- in Inula- - coiituiiH-i- a to la- - aif extreme nart ousiM-ia-a- . There was ainly fair traile in aoni. The was a littla- - ami clot-a-a- l a sluele biKher. Oats wa-r- e iUia-- t ami easier, but cha-ea- l Mess l'ork was tuarkeal up fl for settla-iuen- t. thaniKb tew opa-- traila-- s were maile. Lanl was in little lietter anal cloaai-i- l lila-- . iN-- r lin pouniU hilu-r- . Short rilas cla-se- l.V. hilta-r- . Cash quotations were as follows: I'lour iiiia-- t ami iim han-rea- l - No. 2 Sprinir Wha-a- t, snft-- , ; No. 2 rail. mh. Naa. 2 Corn, :f7v:r;n. Na. 2 lats. Ma-a- s Fork. Ijaral, 4T.ikV Short rib siila-a- . 7.72-V- 'i 7.7.!; liry salta-a-l HhaMlliiel-s- . taoxa-a- l ."a.ii ; Shail l cla-a- r Slila-- laaxa-a- i, Ss.lta. Vhl-- k $ Iailll)r f lltura-- Wheat-Apr- il. May. slt ; July, KV-- ; Corn April, Kt,: Mav. X4 ; Jul' v. 41. IMits April. 3KX; Mav. 27; Jiim-- . 2sJ,j. pork April. 21.M; May ami June. J21.ii. Ijani April ami Mav, $. lii; Julv, $7.2T. S ha art ri pril ami May, J7.721-,- ; July, $7.SCH. Nrw Orleans, April liirht lint baihlera firm ami coiiunoii tat prime, i:-I- s hiaeiiiii t ami wank. Cot-to- n Seeal pnttliK-t- s aim-- but stai-til- prima-ennl- e atll, aiftereal: anal ma-a- i.42l!ra per haitt taan. Su-ra- r steaily anal hrtu lm isiana open kattla-- , ratnti fair taa prime. 47wn-a- : IfaMtal tat fair, 41- 44 ; to llli ill. 414'(4k; lsiisianu iikhI-1- . off white. Arii ll; a lloMe C. it Molatataes tlml - laiiiana aentrif iliral. stria-l- l priiue lat fancy. 2Hj-:- fair lat winnI iriiua. 'tti 2Ti; eaalUIUaall to (o-a- l lSii'21. v Thel'yrlone Iloltiir Work. New Yatrk Tiim-s- , 27. All exhibition of the iratH-a- l woi Liii- - of the t'ycloite uu inveiitimi of two Chicago gentlemen. w:ts witneN.--a-i- l yesteralay by several anions whom were I he linn. IU-i- i b, of t Hiiat; . J. Nliuw, Man:t-pa- -r for the Stamlanl oil t 'oiiiian v f Hayonne: II. I. Iwibt. of Torontai. t amula: Sam uel Warner, of l'hilaita-1-tihia- : T. M. Tbtuitsoti, reresentini; t ieo. Si. Newel at Hrotber. ol I'bilitdelpliiu: JoKeih Zervas. Manager of the Voli aliie t'ement t oniiany : i 'barb s F. eu-raf- . of !is Ite Jatbn aK 'at., ami Thomas Van Itaii, of the Knit-kerls- s ker Spice Mills. The liulverizer was l'sl sini-ssivel- with oyster shells, mica. K"K,-r- , miis-tan- l, silicate, sKir anal Hint ro k. ultra- marine blue, slatf. anal shingle nails. 1 ai'h of which it rediit-ea- l tat an iiiiKtlt:ile Mtwaler. The mat'liitie mainly of a east-iro- n Inix of alwiut '- -' fa-- at in wialth. somewhat das r, and alstut 4 feet ill height, the inovini; Ina-- a hani-- ni insiale wbk-- of two fan l.lnwa rs f;u intc each attber, a h ha iiik two sMSUI-face- lilailes Inaile of liaraella-a- l steel, anal a revolving s rrw, w hich material at the of the Itux the fans. The fan blowers in oatsit- - alireetitttis at a velocity of from 2.INNI to:t.lNM reiioltitiotis a min- ute, and the jiulva rizatiaati teMtlts from the action of the air currents iiaoii ainl of the dilTerent rtiin s of the material aK:ist eaa h othei. The final test of railin in Mtutnls of .hni-i;le nails to stwaler tastk lo toiniita-,- . - of I'loriais Wild Fruits. I'irst caatiies the blaikls-rry- . which riteits in March and lasts until June. There are two varieties, hij-- btinli ami law running variety. The latter variety, the tieMs at Orange Park are with in their season. We will say no cultivated at the North can ex- cel them in size or aoiality, anal we can buy them at four tat a iht cents a ijiiart of the cola area I tteatple. Next eattites the whortlelterry, Utth hih ami low bush varieties. The was tils are full of thiin. Thev riiien in May anI last some six weeks: laeitiK lare. thiii-skinne- al anal the mi st perfect fruit of this variety found in the United States. In June. July ami August the diffaTetit varieti-- s of wild plums ripen, and are also most abtiiulant all through the w oasis. Kor sweet preserves anal jellies they are much sought after. Flatriala is the home of the (crate, as attested by the gTeat abunalance of these vines in full bearing all over our lands. These as well as the wila plums, are usasl by all classes: some varieties lasting into (Vtola-r- . Then comes the persimmons, which, when fully rite. mature sa in this clime that they are larjje anal delicious, alsat very abtinalant, htstint; until Na- ture gives us all the alstve in abundance. Then we can have tins ami ami all a it her fruits in tln-i- HARDWARE, STOVES, ETC FOR SIXTY DAYS!! in Haraware Rein Mixed Fits, Stoves, Etc. CASH. OK SI'KC IAL NOTICES. That f .inn iis add a'oiiiin.Iriim "Whv is the spirit of mortal made pratiiil'r" "has be-i- i sailveal by the apM-arattc- e on the of the - Iraiial Kepublia-- i Orders reccivoai for putting in Water eila-- s at the statre aif E. T t 'ontra---tat- r for the Water Works company, I'ri-- s lain- - and work gnaraiite-ea- . Mch 2:t-- tf E. T. Lank. For Sale. IMik Here! Alsillt tWat car Itltlds gassl seasaalleal illlltl-e- r lii ln in t'alatka for r tha.ll-lllal- . fa. AalalretaN lloraae V. h ti, Urmi- - 1'ark, I'la. inhlT-t- f l:alatka Nlg.-- . N.t. F. & A. M.: reg-lil- ar a'oioioiinii alinlis lii . and third Ft of ai li tiiainth. A. V. Mm T. . M. M '. 1'osT. Sai retary. i'littiam t hapter. No. 1. It. A. Mason-.- . rt iii vocations Ms-oti- and fourth i Mondays 'f eaa h Inatiilh. W.J. WlNKiaAU, M. K. H. I". '. J. JaMKI'll. Sec. Illhl! If For Sale. loelv l !itsat 1'ablo for particulars :n ! ! II. II. Mknaokk. 1 W. Molina-St.- . Jacksoiivilla-- . apl!-!2- t y3 ISillioiiMicss, Volt Sick llcailaclir-- . 'iislitatiii, i l'aw-s-"ra!- t !.tiNia. Now when tin- l.u.l. to .how. Tl tinii- - tor. vaiiiinr ami to kirns Tlml ' r r- - aiioi(a ami nil 'I lia- - lIK lit ittUtf t!ij- - W llll traiaitila-- , pllill. That folloaa, in tha- - Hilifin Inoil. Vt ill Ilka Ilia tllia-- at Ilalol-a- - a ill .111- - lit a.t Mi l.nKl,l ai2t'i-- 1 : It FOR SALE. To Mfll-0r- s I UK l'nl.l.iiiVi; ll--- i ItlltKIt Pltdl'KK-T- V to the Kl.silToN MII.I.INC COMPANY, now I. . ut.-- . at I'alatU:!. will t solil l.y piivuta sala- - as a a hole, or in an Ii patts as unyoiM- - iilij- ilaiiv : 1 Power Engine, New. 1 Double 50Horse Power Engine with Pulley. 2 Boilers, C5 and 50 Horse Power. 1 Drake Shingle Machine. 1 Crangle & Eliot Lath Machine. 1 Stearns' Etlger. 1 Stearns' Log Carriage with four 4 Boss Dogs, Jr. 1 Plainer with Matchers patent shimmer heads- - 1 Stearns Haul Up Machine. 1 Heavy Mill Frame. 150 by CO. Shafting. Mitre Gear, Pullies, Roll- ers, Belting, Iron Stacks, Large Log Chain. Tools and Fittings. Ail tha aim.,- - Maa hina-r- y ami Hivturcs a Mill, with a ity of : M cr alay. The whola-- , airany Mirtion iimaolil am the ITItsT MoNOAV IN JI Xi; will la- - saiht iu I he City aif filial ka at iml.lii nin tioii. W. J. WEBB, ap'-l- i Inn iti-:'i:i'Ki- t. DRY GOODS I will offer for the next SIXTY days 10 per ceirt discount on all Spot Cash Bills ainountinu' to$io or over, for Stoves, Mouse Furnisliindoods, Tools, Paints, lite. E. T. LANE. A Pleasant KatartaJnaasat Glvaa at West End Yesterday. The closing exercises of the West End Select School took place in the school building yesterday morning, and was witnessed by a large number of the friends and patrons of the school. Un- der the management of Miss Nettie Mack and Miss P. T. Chamberlain, the term just closed has been a very success ful one, and the patrons express them selves as being very well satisfied with the progress made by the children. The entertainment yesterday was high ly enjoyed by those present. The fol lowing is the programme as rendered by the two departments : or PRIMARY IaRPATM KNT. "Welcome Aililress" llyron Eccles. Sony. "Goawl Morning By the school Kecitution, "I want to Be a Gratia! Ma" By Anna Wuhb. Kccitatioii, "The Sailor Hoy- "- Kuhie Nevk. Sontr. "Twenty Frotftries" By the school. Kccitatioii. "Baby's Keply- "- Lizzie Inn-hum- . Kecitution, "The Busy Men" Marion Webb. Solo, "Kinir-a-Oiiiit- t" Garrison Hull. Diulognie. The Visit" Jennie ami Lena I.ili-enth- Sontr, "The Barnyard" By school. Kecitution, " God l ull See me" Myrtle Died rich. Kecitution. "Spiilcr and the Fly" By Teddy Martin. Kecitution. The randy-Pull- " Annie Hill-lar- d. Souk. "Annel Guardian" - By the school. Kecittion. "Groudt' Durlinn- "- By Amy Warren. Kecitution. The Dull"- 1- By Millie G. tarri-so- n. Hour. The that Led to Schl"- - By the school. Kecitution, "Grand Ma"- - By I'ora Kundull. Kecitution. "Who fan Count One Hundred Quickest" - By Kichurd Peterman. Sonir. "Hwinc up there in t he Morning" By the school. Kecitutiou."Made off Kbwcs" Zuide I 'rune. Sotitf. "Jewels" By thetheiichol. Kecitution. "Little Droi of Water" Hall. Kecitution. The Owl"- - By Florence iHtti-a- . Kecitatlon. "Sutnnluy Niirht"- - By Byron Kc-cl- Sotig. The Mill Wheel" By the school. Exercise by the School "Naiuina the lresi-deniu- ." Sontr. Three Blind Mice" -- My the school. Solo, "Home, Sweet Hume" - Hy Garrison Hull. The Primary acquitted themselves remarkably well and sliow marked improvement. PROORAMMK Or THE PRINCIPAL laKPA K1 M E.vr. "Our Father in Heaven" Earnest Blaler. Openinir Address Walter Hillianl. Sonir. "Silently" School. Kecitution, "Smack in School" - Anita lltal-le- Composition Grace Itlain. Coin position Cleora Brazwell. Keadinu". The Soldier's Keprieve" I jit l Mimic "Muke your Murk" Wulter Hilliurd. Keadlnir- - Willie Telfi r. Kecitations Charles CouiMmitin luirnest Bi.xler. Keailiiitr. "How Jimmie teudi-- the llub" Jonas Crune. Soiik, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars" Bar- ney lH''eru.. A.i.lie Builey. olite Butler. Blunche Kecitution. "Lord I'llins liuuifhtcr" Anna Gay. Sonic, 'ri,rin of Yankee lxajille" School. Krcitation - Edward P. Kunals. Soinf- - "Little Kcd Kose" -- Ijirnest BiAler. Kecitution. The Famine" Fanny l.ilicn tlml. Sonir, "Leuvintf the old Furiii" Schoo. Kecitution - Blunch Spoom-r- . DLilouue. "I Can't and I'll Try" - IU II t;ray and Fuiinie Lilicnthul. Soutr- - "Vacution liuys"- - School. Keadinir, TIm- - Hells" I'srrie Son, Grace Itliiin. Kecitution. The Ikeud iRilly"- - l.ttie IVcles. Ke i tut ion, "Kntertiiiiiina- - Sister Lizzie Dunn. Trio, "Swift Mitfie" - Belle Gray, Fannie Lilicnthul, M. Bruzwell. "How he s ve. St. Michaels." Duet, The In Mn lulled Prstyer" Lizzie Dunn und Anita Ifctiley. Kecitution. "Aunt Tabithn" - Ib-ll- Gray. DiK-t- . "Kciilien and Kucliel"-- l.ijie lliiini and Walter HillianL Closing Aildress - Charlie Thomas. At the clis of the exercls-- a lsk of choice selections f was presented by I cr teacher to Miss Belle Gniy, lier valuable assistant in playing on the organ, and for the cheerful and willing manner in which the musical Hirt of the programme was carried out. The Palatka Dramatic Club. The programme of the Palatka Club, next Monday evening, will consist of the farce "A Regular Fix,' and II. J. Byron's comedy "War to the Knife." The citizens of Palatka should rememU'r that the proceeds of this en- tertainment will go to swell the fund to erect a hospital here. They can aid a worthy cause, ami at the same time en- courage home talent in a most agreeable form of public entertainment by buying tickets. - PERSONALS. Col. 4 'has. A. Bourdman, of St. James City, is registered at the Saratoga Hotel. Mr. S. J. Keiiuerly returned ho ne yes- terday, after a brief business trip to Chicago. Mr. S. W. Goo.lale. of Crescent City I was among the guests at the Saratoga yesterday. Mr. J no. Frank, a well known news- paper man of Jacksonville, was in town yesterday, and gave us a pleasant call. Mrs. G. W. Winchell. of this city, and her hostess. Mrs. tl. B. Robinson, of Como, took part in the musical enter- tainment at Seville, last night. Mr. Chas. A. Choate. mr etlicietit cor- respondent at Tallahassee. ho has lieen at his home in Seville for sevtral davs iast wrestling with the effects of "brenk-lan- e fever, was in town yesterday. He will return to Tallahassee in a day or two. We unintentionally omitted, yesterday, to acknowledge a call from J. W. Count, of the Enterprise , ni..and E. O. Pain- ter, of the lVLand Arit'itltHrit. wlto were in town on Thursday. These gen- tlemen have live papers, and do a good work for their section of the State. Diphtheria. "I am living in a neighltorluxjd sur- rounded with Diphtheria, and was at- tacked with Ulcerated Sore Throat. I at once commenced to use Darbys Pro- phylactic Fluid, diluted atwiut one-hal- f, as a gargle, when great clots of hard nienilirane anil mucous came from my throat, and the attack lassed off. I am satisfied of its efficacy as a preventive and cure for Diphtheria." W. P. Wood- ward. Frankford. Pa. Kaisiac lijr From Mr. A. II. Morrill, of Sonfonl, math he has a tij; tree two years okl fnna see I whieh is a Unit two and a half feet high. ami has some seven or eight bramhea of thU length. The levea are more clearly parted anil more delicate in appearanee, than tlvom- - of the Black Persian. The sown as an experiment, f lie bush lias ! not yet fruited, and he waits with anx- iety to have tlie question solved. Was Guotav tkBr. the Fort Myers Her- mit. Implicated la the Killing eff Alexander II A few days ago word reached the po- lice authorities of Tam to lie on the lookout for two fugitives wanted at Fort Myers for killing Gustave Chucar. an alleged Nihilist. The men wanted are T. O. Russell, formerly of Madison, Ind., and his son Dudley. For three or four years an island near Fort Myers lias had for a hermit-lik- e resident Gus tave Chucar, said to lie a fugitive Rus- sian Nihilist, who lias made admissions. which leave little doubt that he was im- plicated in the plot which ended in the murder of the father of the present Czar. In fact, Chucar exhibited Russian papers in which a rewird was offered for bis capture. L'pon his arrival in the States Chucar took possession of the Hand with the owner's consent, built a but and pre- vented all persons front landing. He al- ways went well armed and had a couple of ritles hung on the wall. Last week Mrs. W. C. Yeomans sold the island to Mr. Russell. Yesterday, with her husband, she accomjianied the Rttssells to the island to persuade Cttucar to leave it. Upon learning their mission be threatened to kill anyone who to dLsossesd him. During the parlt-- j ing young Russell anl Mr. Yeo- mans got 1 "'tween ( linear and his weap- ons, and Russell snatched up one of the rdles which was discharged, killing Chucar instantly. The RusselLs tied, and Yeomans and his wife returned to Fort Myers. They claim that the shooting was accidental. It is rumored tliat pa-e- rs making important Nihilistic revela- tions are among Cbuear's effects. MARKET REPORTS. r lMN l L A:w Vurk, April ii ait! nib' rtUl ttt 7'f 4. Mn-- mny t ia-- x .hksniK fit Till at 4. MiirTri?iir', - 9:tft,-c-- v; y, fiirniiy, fl"vC. liovrn-nt- t nls.hiit .tut itialy 4 int wiit, arLl"1. 'ntniw Its.sttt .lull ltit sttisilv to firiu Ala., rlu A -- Vh !iik. Nur-h-. A I'tmt Ala, i lv li, Vs. ..I US N. o. I'ucitie Intrt. (tiirvia v - 'wYtrk i Vntr'l XVi 4i.orKi intrt.l' Sr'k Jc Wt-H- t rr & N. I nwM H! lWsi Northern lm ilM-- . rJg N. I'., iiiistM 4'a. . Nirtb'n f'uc. r-- tt; S. i Itr w ii t on llL I'acilic Mail Tvini, stru-'- i ;r-- . t; Kt'Htlinir ..... 4VSi Virviiiia ttV 4 Kit h. & Alk-ar'- .. iH VirKHlUa iiw Kit h. X iKinv i lie Kit h, i rt P't :HL4 Nrthwtt'rii . Kk Ulaiitl. I North st 'ii .r'f.." St. Paul W7 iH luwtn-- v A: Iom k.t C t. I'iiuI .r-f- . 13 14 Urie Hat-iti- f :tl rairtt T'iiii"t .. .4 Teiui ral X In.n. " lk Mire 'h I IIHUI I'Mfltie. ... Nrw Jf rtty tVn mi. Uur... : NlistM'iiri 1'ai'ifk. ltr1-- MliU' Jh, hii 1VH iVtfrii I'liHtii.. ;;h i ttn Oil Tr.. rt4. Ttlay' HtN-- nuiakv-- t fvhiiir tlutliM-- thriiKhMit tlt'Ui until thf last hour, wlit-i- i therv wha activity unit toiiil-rraM- t 5icit-iii-ii- "I'lu ton was in iiiarktil contrast w it h t tuit t ttfiutr firm ttiroufcrhout. with th xcptiii ot a ntiort 1 in of t ! tort-noon- . Tl tavstlt turn of Knro'Hii HtTrtirs hi th stmni-- r ton of KuroiH-ui- i mui kt-t- was th rin-ia- sIiiimiUis to rir livr mimI tni.Hii-rali- k' for lniloii was bt ul wt-rt- - Ioiiiir liltl. lit'aiiu' trirhiiu-- J towai-i- l 1 , ami a ttr stocks wits tli orbiifiM''. N kith irii anl N w IUirl:Mil unnoMize4 lh attiirioii nitla lor iios.n. Imy nlr in the formr Tht otli-- r trrantevn s iu(.Httln-- l with tht mowiiifi.t. Though Kirk IhIuuiI was the im-f- t tonsu uotm lor thtal-an- - 'Ih was itatly to tirni. irmrally, at a slnrht al Hint.' r l;tt tiKunH, tnt a Knenl tht-lit- ffol low t I tin hrvt sale?. A rally sroii ft.ltowi'!, aiul the markt-- t It'ain in-- s uiii at times cHiivflv dull. A tirm turn overrtinl 1 he entire market, ho wet er. an-- l the earlv ItsSM'S w r- xvuerully tietorv i mm Mt. Th-r- was hss Ituiii4ss in the after- noon, but further progress was matte in an -k hret-tion- aiit in tiie lnt hour a Hharal-vauifu- ll artHiihl, l.y larKl tuiitttsrt . 1 he elone was active unt strong at the highest ri es f the tiny. The total t'tismess was shares, anl only ttve stH.-k- rvor-le- t nales of over I,H shares. The entire Hetive li-- it is hitch this even-iii- r, the misst iiniMirtaut lvalues iimrisinB' Krt Worth anl 2"t4, t oliniil t'oal . Jers-- i entral Ike hore Hitt Vv eteru ire!erreil 14. ,uisv ille uihI .NativiU, .New kiitsTlan-- aii'l K'aiiuir at-h 1, uiit the r for frui tional unitMiiits. t OttUH. OMPAU ATIVH; niTTON liTATr.ME.VT. 'iuiutrutive eottti statement for the week etitluia' Aril !t Net reeei'ts at all I nite.! States iHrt- - tlurinu week.. . Sam week lat yejtr.. 44,Hrl Total reeeints to thin tate. Total reeeinis tt nitme tlate last yr.. .,iJ.47 " KHrts fr tie wirk ,v,,Si Same week last enr.. Total exis.rtH ti this ilate 4.13V17 tosiiiue.latc la--t )ear. U,."44.V Sts k ut all I , S. ports, 41s,.j(vT Sitine time last year . 7l-.- t2 Sto k at all interior tow n 4I.( same time last year luis4 Stta k at MverHo 1,0lMi . same time last year tt,iH(. Stm k ff Ameriean arltutt ftr tirt. Ilrituiti t,0ll k of America 11 afloat frreat liritatn last 3 ear lt.i.Oio The follow inif are the total net receipt of cotton at all Hrn siiu-- Septemlier 1, 1sh ly I ales: ;alveston. . 74..Vn New Orlean..l.tT.W2 Mol.ile SI 1.4.14 Savannah 7ss,tik 4 harlestini ;M.4-i- 4 WilmuurTtai .. I kilL' Nrfolk. .V.".t.tLs Italtimore Mt,iN4 New York S4..Y Itohtoii Mf.lsx, Newport Nens.. 1'S.uiT West Point Port Kovnl . . lVii!aeola ... l.Vii Philal'lphia... 4s,.'ts Total 5,ll.,ltn Nrw Vonk. April 'J!. - t : 4 t'o's repor-i- m eotton futures su : "With l.iverixiol lo-ui- tf lllr. Hi.- - murio't iiel ;i. iiiln hiitlHT. uisl sutwe,ie-ii- t fitvoraMe feature w,-r,- - hown in the rtH unl tta- - interirt move-uie- nt firth- - well a in a yiTnHi)r "sMt" uiarket. The irain. however, enulil not !. hmv-H.rt- t-l fully, iiikI the cliw hail shalel alMint on,'-hai- l, tuiil the fielina- - was only liare-l- y sternly A iinat many nolio-- s were out. ami faileil tti reeeie proiupf attention.' Afternoon t Cotton-N- et receipts. Si; Itrowi, :t"7. I'uturest'liM,',! ; huU-m- . IiS.Iio; ltles; April. In In Tn; .Mav. In iM.i In HI ti.i.rlii bs; Jnlv. MT iin Tl: August. iiT: ept,-iiitie- M V. r In 1 ; Ihi-i-iul- a r. t K.; Juniiur) ,'.. !;. t'ottun ttrni: sales. 711: I'lilumis, lu t; In-- " : net nsi-ipfs- , JH.'.ili ; exorts to tireat Hntniu, S,:!lil; to frame. ; to tbet'ott. Intent. :t,H'iM: ti k. Hs.V;. W n-kl- eottoii net "ell; trraMa, ll.saa; irt t l.ra-n- t lirit:iiu. 4.7"4 ; to Krani-e- . to the iilllllia-llt- . :!.'..; Kala-r- s 2,1'.: stiat la.. I.ivikiih.u April 4 p. in. firfti.n April, &MU. : Aril-Ma- , 5 C'-t- tiuyer; Mayluna-- . tjii, r: June-Jul- y, a u, lanyer : July-Aniriis- t. .'. M., tiuver; Aiiiriist-Sepfa-mta-- r. .Uvi, liuya-r- ; X .teiiil. r- - f i;-- , wlh-r- : t 5 .CUi4, aelia-- r : Sa pl. Ilil r, .1 I'Mll, huya-r- . Klllllra-- llklV IHTTIIV RflslHT. ,.!. vkstox, April I'otton. tirni; iin.l-allui- liaH ; iwt :I ; trrowa. :l ; aula-- s 2.411; . ; net . s2 ; KraMK. : "Mlla-- a. :i.ltk ; a Xrt to tha- - 4'aHI- - tina'iit. l.ra' ; litont Iti ttuiu, ; aaii4tw ise, :v.:tsiv. Notiroi.K. April -- "!. i'otton tirni : tniil-illin- ir In1. ; na-- i . :t:i liala-- a ; bf o ra-- - a'a itHS, itSt; tia k. laa--t rea-ipt- K sraa?, Klien. '.HIS; a xpolls eai.-.tww- , Hutimiiki'. April J!', tut toil firm : tuiil-allin- ir i"h : na-- l ; trraiia reaeipts. ; ttliK. ; Ht.H-- "a,l.V lla't llll; irrawara, :CiS ; sula-H- , t,a pinila-rs- , art I; evpirt laat;ra-n- t Itrilaiu. - : tn t la. I 'amtina'iit. ; aa i, .1. ItaasTatx. April 2!- -. - I'otton stesaly; miiMlinir. llo4; net S7; rraiw rea-- a it!-- , I.iTs; aaJa-s, nulla: -- toa k. Holla-- ; lla t reaeipls. 4ts; 2. ail.: s:il-s- . ti ii,-; etorts ! t.ra-a- t ltrt-tall- l, .r. . WitLMiraa-.Tov- . Atril 2l. t' firm miilillitnr l"--s- ; n-- t a ijits. 2; irnaai receipts. 2: sajt-s- , nona-- : -- lis k. weekly iK-- t jits. Ita; at;; s;lla'?, nolla- - : exi-or- t w t--e. l:'. VHii.tnEi.rHit. April 2!--. -- flrro: niiil-alluii- r, loV is-- t : irra- - rea-eit- ; stas-- 21.72: weekly na t a ipts. l.tiTS ; ttraciM, l.!tO: exports to l.n-.- it Itntuin. 1.14.1; to the I'aHitiiH-nt- . 14-- SAVINS ah. April 35. f'otton ttrm; miil-dlii- ur loL-- t; na t ;(.': trroaan. :12 : sala-a- , lati; toa k. .7rt7: wts'kly net trras 2,IHt; sala-S- . et pair's CaaastWlM. 1.ISH. New ORi.Ktss. April S. fottaan tirm: tniJ- - allinaf. lll.'a-la- i; na-- t : l..V7; nula-s- . l.7": si.aa-k- . net re- ceipts. 7.!;t: trroras. 7.127: 1 1.'.sn expoi-t- s to til-an- t Britain. l.-- to the toutinent. k-l. to KraiK-e- . ; ta I'hiaiin.-l- . ; it, ..'i7. 4arreetHn - Kt.rts haaulal have been. April 22. 542; 2fh. 2J'. MoBlI.E. April 2. 4'ottam ttrm : mi.kllin-r- , lia-i- net receipts. 21: Ta?a reaeipt. 21; sales, . ta ..2,,.ia; y net receipt. ln; -- ma, la" ; aala-s- . 4)11; eli-ort- tat Oreat Uritain : hii-- , lt-i-. MaUirHis. April S. t'otnin firm; raiaMlina. net S2: aahipmentii. !sh ; snia-i- l.i: stuck. 2.V.772: net K sro-M- . S.17; sak-ai- . 3.S1U. Arr.rsTa. f'. April . Taittaw firm niial.llin-r- . I1H4; net 41: shipments. ; laaOeaa. 2fl; nt.ack. TJtl.fc weekly net reettpU. S3: sra."aa, 3ir: saiac-s- . .Vis; shi pmeiita, none. In tm.a-MToa- i. April 2S. tot too firm: mi.l-allnu- j. hi--- net tea-ar- t pra. ja: itri--- a Ss; BUSINESS Thorough Business Education.; TERMS. The News will be delivered to city sub-cribe- rs or sent by mail at the following rates: Thre montlis t- -W Six months 00 One year Subscription price of The Weekly Hews will be 91 I fT- - Terms inva- riably in advance. Post-- 0 Rice Directory, omri hocks. General Delivery Open at 8.:W a. m.; liejr"Order Open at 8.30 a. m.; at 5 JSneral Delivery on funlav- - From a. m. to I.3U a. nu, anl after arrival of Northern mail. MAILS AKRIVB ASI) Northern mall arrives at 11.10 a. m. ami S.15 n. m.: closes at 10.J0 a. in. ami p. m. Jacksonville mail arrive at p. ra.: eloaa-- a at aVaa) p. m. Huuthern mail arrives at 11.00 a. m. ami 11. a. m.; ckavr-- n at 10.(10 a. m. ami l.:0 p. m. Ht. Aug-uMtin- e mail arrives at W.or a. m. ami 10 P. m.; cla-a- t at .: a. m. anal 4 p. in. Vaiatka ami Drayton Islaiul mull arrives at .30 a. iu.; closes at I.:) p. ui. -- alatka ami Tovoi mull arrives at a. m.; - aa 1 1 n m. Florida Southern Railway arrives at 5.00 p. at.; closes at .oo a. m. Mails from Ht. Johns ami Halifax Kuilroail soma via Ht. Autnwtliae. n rather Indication. Eastern anil Western Florida Fair weather, stationary temperature, varia- ble winds, shifting to southerly in West em Florula. CITY UTES. Mr. George Leonard has leen appoint ed postal clerk on the Pulutka ami Dray ton Island route. lie will tgin his tin tie on next Morula r, Ber. A. R. Macoutrey. I. D.. will preach in the Presbyterian Church Sab bath evening nest, at .:$0. Itr. Ma-- coubrey is said to be one of the iiNwt el qucnt clergymen in Florida. A cordial welcome will be extended to all who at tend this service. The Baptiah Sunday School will meet at 10 o'clock morning. All the scholars an d friends of the schools are requested to be prenent, ad arrange- ments will be perfected for the picnic on Tuesday, when the Gainesville Baptist school will be present. No city in the country presents a quieter appearance in the evening than Palatka. All the store in the main business part of the town cloee early, except the drug Htores and tutloona, and the street loafers so noticeable in tnont cities are not to lie seen. The Jacksonville Price Current dues us proud in the following: No pur in the State has risen so rapidly in public favor as The Palatka Daily News. It is receive 1 every morning with the other daily newspapers of Jacksonville, reach-iiu- r here on the earlv train. The News is a corker. The drama. "War to the Knife is an intern e'y interesting p'ay, which will la? presented at the UH-r- House on Mon day evening next by the l'ulutka Dram atic Club. The club is actively re- hearsing and will present the drama in the bent manner. Io not fail to get a ticket and witness tlte erforiiiance. Judge Vet-tree- s came very near liming one of his tine mules bv drowninir on Tuesday afternoon. The mule was at tached to a cart and in litM'kmj; uj to the schooner Florence and Lillian at Adams' wharf, the wheels went ovcrlxmrd anil pulled the mule into the water. The harness was quickly cut from the mule, and it was allowed to swim out. In a short note yesterday referring to a euchre party at the Phienix Hotel, the types made us say that it took place "last Sunday evening." when it should have read simply "last eve ning. Sun day evening eucre parties are not fash- ionable in Palatka. especially since the Sunday laws have been so rigidly en- forced. A St. Paul physician thinks that poppies could I raised in Florida at a profit of f 1,000 per acre. A certain bachelor friend in Palatka says that he has tried to "pop the question scores of times, but his crop lias so far proved a dismal failure. He is thinking of going into poppy culture, and hopes to be more successful in his next efforts. Some Florida local editors are A No. 1 when it comes to writing from a high horse standpoint, as witness the follow- ing from the Oxford Orange Lett: "Were our peu a quill from the pinion of the loftiest seraph that tm-.l- t in gleam- ing glory and dipped in the refulgent ra- diance of the rainbow's fountain, we could not describe how supremely happy one of our young men looks when in the ethereal presence of his adored one." Somebody hit him with a sugar-tit- ! The following clipped from the Day-ton- a Journal will furnish a valuable hint to same of our gardeners: "Clark Marsh at Silver Beach dis- counts the Cole system of n, his plan being to make beds with d sides of concrete, tilled in with earth properly fertilized and sup- plied with water from his tine artesian well. Before the soil is put in. the bot- tom of the bed is covered with shell and a layer of leaves, etc., permitting the water to permeate underneath. In these beds he has raised astonishing quanti- ties of fine vegetables during the winter. Mr. Marsh has also made a success of pe- can culture from grafts on the common hk-korv.- " The Fairbanks Ai-tr-s says that: "By a letter to the Gainesville Adirxitte from Georgia, we learn that Melrose is in dan- ger of being struck by railroad lightning from an unktoked for direction. L e., a road from Atlanta to Palatka. This road, the writer claims, is Wked by two strong corporations, and is very likely to lie built in the near future. In conclu- sion, the writer says : "The general di- rection of this line may tn seen by the great water shed in the cen- ter of Georgia, east and west, and run- ning south of Valdosta or Quitman into Florida by way of Jasper. Lake City. Waldo, and terminating at Palatka. It is not necessary to point out the great advantage this new line will lie to Florida. Wasted to make "Copious Assort-meats.- " Hernando News. The Times-Unu- m advertises: "Intel- ligent boy wanted at this office. Kvi-deat- lv it needs one; but the fact that morals are not mentioned is significant. BRYANT ami B U S I N 1C STRATT0N. j Corner Thirt tntl KVTHANt'K. Tt). I HT P.ASUJSC, rESHASSIIIP. SH0ET-H1I- TELEGRAPHY AID E!I!L1CH TKAihiKU. rod C4IAL0CUE ADDRESS COLLEGE S IB0VE. a. ''iC,ni.U w COLLEGE. SS C O L I 1C ( ' 1C ktral. LOUISVILIE. MV. 1. Tl 1 1 It I Hi'llKKT. DESKS. Derby Roil Top Desks! O.ASH IW WJHKM AN'sllIP. MA P tkmi.i, Itmiarii ami fiiilKh. W lull- - many are aaaekimr l.y aitteriuir I V t UK lit too In at lowar irit-4- than our., waa arf,wlia-ra-Mi-Kilila- , llialkinir our iJankai Molaa IVrla-- a t, ami will not lower tha quality to i 'iiiim-I- i wn h I.w-I'rl- Wi rkman.liiii t nil I'mir Material, ever. I atyla-- a lii .toe it auuitai for phyiala'iaim ami btne tia-e-. Ik-ak-a In An'lia flak, Iti-- 1 tliiirj, Hlaa-- walnut an I Mnhiit,uiiv. SVCatnlaiv-u- e sent on . plant ton lKItltV A- - KILMKIt IlKKK CO, la.'-4- m iKISTatV. MASH GROCERIES AND LIVERY. I r 1-W- V. !' Ht A UIIST I I.AS.S Horse and Buggy, Saddle Horses, Ir Hii)ftniitt ill IIihI liiie.uo the UTA lll.l'S of JOHN imisAin:, Front Street, Palatka, Fla. aTl ii iia hiihIi rata-- . I inly l In tha . JAMES BURT CITY LOTUHD LOTS ON FALATKA HEIGHTS. M:inv tine lis al ions, it it) .1. for le il lira oiri-l- il for suli-oi- l very irii'es. tiy lllice on Water strst, i tin I'luriilit Noiitlicin Kailioml Mrirk lllisk. mliHtr PROVISIONS. Branch Store, DALTON BLOCK, 4;am tiiiimi sts. KI.OHIDA. II. ii. I'AV.NK. f. V. MUtsKMKAl'. I iu r. Aaaml-lu- lil t aotili-r- . A. IT HAUGHTON & BROS WIIOLKSALK AND WKTAII, Grocers Provision Dealers JACOBSON'S ONE PRICE STORE! WINES LIQUORS ETC. A.N. EDWARDS & CO. HF.A1.KKS IN Fine Wines, Liquors and Beers, Imported and Do me tie ('tears. HII.r,IAKI 1'AltL.OKK HA It IS l'KlVMKI WITH A I.I. TIIK TIIK ami in liver li' an aeeointilisheal Mixoloaist. The patromaai-- of the plllilia is fioleilai. f taaKMl onler prax-rvai- l at all tliiii-s- . Water Street. Hart s Itl.iet. 1'aUILa. tujr-t- t AND NOTIONS. - i.irwi: or MERCHANTS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Produce, Flour, Canned Goods, But- ter, Cheese, Brunswick Hams, Cof- - I Dry Hoods and 11 Not a "Kejriilsr.- - Selma lAla.l Tim.-s- . The reason a.siKneal by a alarkey in a court fatr nttt Kiyin- - a debt he owe I an old witman what'liaal done some work for him was 'cause she alone got no diploma for aloin'ilat work." lie was told by the court that the absence of a "diploma- - sin ml. I not alisolve him from paying his Mutatis Mutandis. Maa-at- (tia.) Telea-raph- . Ev.-r- y young man ot the South isUunnl to honor anal preserve the traditions of his people, but he is not Istnild tola- - gov- erned by them. The tiiues have changed, anal we may change with them without alishonor. ybu can certainly toh Wit& lo Jtarts wo-las- ses orfioncytb otic parTof "PekrvDIViV OTTtrr. 1 ii?y iTs I 'PAlM(lLLS'4llafu.a. . .... . - ' j v X Ifees, Teas, Spices, and all kinds or Staple and Fancy Groceries. Hotel land Steamboat Supplies a Specialty. A. M. HAUGHTON A. BROS.. .v fink Phoenix Block! turn STREET, ! PALATKA, Reliable Shoes, Gents' Fur- nishing Goods. Hats. BANKERS. W.M. J. WIKMJAK. It. J. AllAM-l- . I rawtaleiit. V COMMISSION "V"ESO?DREES &d CO. COiXIISSIOtl CIERCHAUTS A.1VI WUOLfMAI.r. OKAIaKllH IF FLOUR. GRITS. CORK. HAY. OATS. BRAN. COTTON SEED MEAL & FERTILIZERS. oriHisiTat J. t 4 k. w. k. k. mirni ir. All Orders Kill Receive Prosat Atteitios and Quick Sfcs;ts Czia FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF -L-- A-TIC-A.. SUCCESSORS TO WM. J. WINEGA8 & CO., BANKERS PAII TP CAPITAL $MM.0M SIKFLIS $li,WHt A General Banking Eusiness Transacted. Buys and Sell Foreign Exchange. Correspondents: New York First National 'Bank ; Importers' and Traders Boston Maverick National Bank. I 1 ( .....:.-'- - . i ..' 1

Transcript of The Palatka Daily News. (Palatka, Fla.) 1887-04-30 [p ]. · the daily news-palat-ka, florida,...

Page 1: The Palatka Daily News. (Palatka, Fla.) 1887-04-30 [p ]. · the daily news-palat-ka, florida, saturday morning, april, 30,1887. the daily news the closing exercises. a czar killer







PALATKA, FLA., APRIL 30, 1887.


Social Life la Mexico.Ity of Mexico. April 26. The guestswho to celebrate the marriageof Benito Hernandez and Juanita Alvt-ale- z.

near Mexico, in Yucatan. Itecameinvolved in a general tight. Seven ofthem, including the groom, were killed.

The wife of Moreno, a ranchman inTamauliaas. recently c..pel with thesatn of a neighlatr. W'hile her husbandwas away they got thre--e alay's start andtraveleal toward the interior. Morenofolloweil and overt-si- them at a hot.-l- .

He their rooui ami waittsl until alate haiur. t 'aiming to the alastr he rappa--d

tuietly. The youth a it anal wasslwtt aleaal at the tirt tire. Mrs. Morenosprang from the lte. anal ran to the win-alat-

she could jump her hus-Itan-d

emptied his revolver, fattir bnlli-t- s

taking eHV-cl- . Moreno examineal thewounds, himelf that theywaatilil prove fatal, alrew a sheath knifeaml stahiaeal himself tat the heart, falling

s the uni-oii- - iou woman, w hoilia-,-in a few hours.

The I iirepeiitant Sinner.fuck.

Wife tin a tone of sarcastic reproach)What do you think, John, of ) .ay ingl.V) fa.r an orchestra chair. Saturdaynight, and only putting 25 cents in thecaatitribiitiain Ijox Smulity uiorning'rJohn (the guilty one I think, mvdear, that it makes a f l.sik si k!

Stoves, Doors, Sasli, lUintls, Taints, Oils. (J hiss. Saddlery. Harness. Cutlery0 ran sv Wraps, Primers, Clipiiers. Ladders, Itelt inir, .Nails, .mis. miles,IMstols, llarbed Wire, Ktr., Pliiinhin Tiimini:, Steam Pipe

.as Fidin- -. Aszents lor II. W. Johns' AsbestosPaints. Oeit's Tubular Oil Stoves.

Planet, Jr., Farm and (larden lm-nleme- nts.

Florida Southern Buildings, Palatka, Flaii. i Mi



NEW GOODS.We are receiving a nice line ot Ladies

Vest and Fob Chains, Bracelets, Ear Drops.Lace Pins, Gents Vest Chains, Scarf Pins,Watches, etc. Call and examine our largestock which we are selling at prices to suitthe times. Fine and Complicated Watch Re-

pairing a Specialty at

JOHN F. SPECK & SON'SThe Leading Jewelers of Palatka.

I&y ft.

sales, : stock. weekly net rceeipts. VileirrMS, SAW: sales. 1ST-- - exports to the loutiuelit.

; coastwise,Mostoombrt, April Cotton firm: mid-llin-

; weekly net receipts, 4Sx shiptueiit-i- ,31U: stock, prem-n- t year, iVa; stock last year,712: saJea. :Uu.

Macon. April stewtv; mialillintr.IO: weekly ia-- t meipt-a- , 12; aala-H. ; taa k.present year. 2.1M1; sta-c- last 7CI ;


I'oi.rMKt'is April 2. Caattnn tlrra -l- ui.l.llinir.lit; weekly net reeeipts, 12i ; shipnient-i- , 44;sales, Met; stock, 2.SC.

Nashville. April 2. Cotton ) ull hut ute-ail-

Mlilllnv. ItHa; y net lias; Khla-ment- s,

:K Mtla-a- t, SO; spinners, staa-k- . prescutfmr, 1.7 1M; last ya-a- r, 2,12.

I'uKT Kovai. April 22. Cirfnm-wa-ekl- y na-- l

eceipts, utajck. ; expa-rt- s a owit . '. IMS; April 2. Cotton steaily : tiiiilillinirIt); net 21: shipiueiits, ; .lock,1.110,

Home, April 2S. Cotton firm: Miililliiiar. 1'1weekly net receipts. Is; shipments, ; .sta-c-

funeral Markets.Chii aiio, April 2!- .- Na IM-- of in.

terest wa-r- e alet eia-- t .l in the w t traileThe traitinir caatiHwf-a- t mainly in a huntr

ins Mav l- -. 10 ala-- rrc, aliiva-ria--- s auithe latter wereiiiite tirm. Tlae praia-aur- e to sa ilwheat on accaiunt of May wum aiiita- - Ktraniir,ami the price broke oil a aliirintr the tlrsltew minutes. Juim o-- t n.-a- l at "2-- miIiIoff to B2a--- rallM-i- i taa Kt- - in trailiuv,anil cla--- Itaju liiifher than yesta-nliir-

. t la air --

iiiirs f the seatMaarat were l?i,oai bii-alt- e Is.The trailers aie still tery uncertKin alMsit thafmarka-t- , ami the fii-lu- in Inula- - coiituiiH-i- a tola-- aif extreme nart ousiM-ia-a- .

There was ainly fair traile in aoni. Thewas a littla- - ami clot-a-a- l a sluele

biKher. Oats wa-r- e iUia-- t ami easier, but cha-ea- lMess l'ork was tuarkeal up fl for

settla-iuen- t. thaniKb tew opa-- traila-- s weremaile. Lanl was in little lietter

anal cloaai-i- l lila-- . iN-- r lin pouniU hilu-r-.

Short rilas cla-se- l.V. hilta-r- .

Cash quotations were as follows: I'lour iiiia-- t

ami iim han-rea- l - No. 2 Sprinir Wha-a- t, snft-- , ;No. 2 rail. mh. Naa. 2 Corn, :f7v:r;n. Na. 2lats. Ma-a- s Fork. Ijaral,

4T.ikV Short rib siila-a- . 7.72-V- 'i 7.7.!; lirysalta-a-l HhaMlliiel-s- . taoxa-a- l ."a.ii ; Shail l cla-a- r

Slila-- laaxa-a- i, Ss.lta. Vhl-- k $ Iailll)rf lltura--Wheat-Apr- il. May. slt ; July, KV-- ;

Corn April, Kt,: Mav. X4 ; Jul'v. 41.IMits April. 3KX; Mav. 27; Jiim-- . 2sJ,j. pork

April. 21.M; May ami June. J21.ii. IjaniApril ami Mav, $. lii; Julv, $7.2T. S ha art ri pril

ami May, J7.721-,- ; July, $7.SCH.Nrw Orleans, April

liirht lint baihlera firm ami coiiunoiitat prime, i:-I- s hiaeiiiii t ami wank. Cot-to- n

Seeal pnttliK-t- s aim-- but stai-til- prima-ennl- e

atll, aiftereal: anal ma-a- i.42l!raper haitt taan. Su-ra- r steaily anal hrtu lmisiana open kattla-- , ratnti fair taa prime. 47wn-a- :IfaMtal tat fair, 41- 44 ; to

llli ill. 414'(4k; lsiisianu iikhI-1- .off white. Arii ll; a lloMe C. itMolatataes tlml - laiiiana aentrif iliral. stria-l- l

priiue lat fancy. 2Hj-:- fair lat winnI iriiua. 'tti2Ti; eaalUIUaall to (o-a- l lSii'21.


Thel'yrlone Iloltiir Work.New Yatrk Tiim-s- , 27.

All exhibition of the iratH-a- l woi Liii- -

of the t'ycloite uu inveiitimiof two Chicago gentlemen. w:ts witneN.--a-i- l

yesteralay by severalanions whom were I he linn. IU-i- i b,

of t Hiiat; . J. Nliuw, Man:t-pa- -r

for the Stamlanl oil t 'oiiiian v fHayonne: II. I. Iwibt. of Torontai.t amula: Sam uel Warner, of l'hilaita-1-tihia- :

T. M. Tbtuitsoti, reresentini; t ieo.Si. Newel at Hrotber. ol I'bilitdelpliiu:JoKeih Zervas. Manager of the Voli aliiet'ement t oniiany : i 'barb s F. eu-raf- .

of !is Ite Jatbn aK 'at., ami Thomas VanItaii, of the Knit-kerls- s ker Spice Mills.

The liulverizer was l'sl sini-ssivel-

with oyster shells, mica. K"K,-r- , miis-tan- l,

silicate, sKir anal Hint ro k. ultra-marine blue, slatf. anal shingle nails. 1 ai'hof which it rediit-ea- l tat an iiiiKtlt:ileMtwaler. The mat'liitie mainly

of a east-iro- n Inix of alwiut '-

-' fa-- at inwialth. somewhat das r, and alstut 4feet ill height, the inovini; Ina-- a hani-- ni

insiale wbk-- of two fan l.lnwa rsf;u intc each attber, a h ha iiik twosMSUI-face- lilailes Inaile of liaraella-a- l

steel, anal a revolving s rrw, w hichmaterial at the of the Itux

the fans. The fan blowersin oatsit- - alireetitttis at a velocity

of from 2.INNI to:t.lNM reiioltitiotis a min-ute, and the jiulva rizatiaati teMtlts fromthe action of the air currents iiaoii

ainl of the dilTerent rtiin s ofthe material aK:ist eaa h othei. Thefinal test of railin in Mtutnls of .hni-i;le

nails to stwaler tastk lo toiniita-,- .


of I'loriais Wild Fruits.

I'irst caatiies the blaikls-rry- . whichriteits in March and lasts until June.There are two varieties, hij-- btinli amilaw running variety. The latter variety,the tieMs at Orange Park arewith in their season. We will say nocultivated at the North can ex-cel them in size or aoiality, anal we canbuy them at four tat a iht cents a ijiiartof the cola area I tteatple. Next eattites thewhortlelterry, Utth hih ami low bushvarieties. The was tils are full of thiin.Thev riiien in May anI last some sixweeks: laeitiK lare. thiii-skinne- al anal themi st perfect fruit of this variety foundin the United States. In June. July amiAugust the diffaTetit varieti-- s of wildplums ripen, and are also most abtiiulantall through the w oasis.

Kor sweet preserves anal jelliesthey are much sought after. Flatriala isthe home of the (crate, as attested by thegTeat abunalance of these vines in fullbearing all over our lands. These as wellas the wila plums, are usasl by all classes:some varieties lasting into (Vtola-r- . Thencomes the persimmons, which, whenfully rite. mature sa in this clime thatthey are larjje anal delicious, alsat veryabtinalant, htstint; until Na-ture gives us all the alstve in abundance.Then we can have tins amiami all a it her fruits in tln-i-


FOR SIXTY DAYS!!in HarawareRein Mixed Fits, Stoves, Etc.



That f.inn iis add a'oiiiin.Iriim "Whv isthe spirit of mortal made pratiiil'r" "hasbe-i- i sailveal by the apM-arattc-

e on theof the - Iraiial Kepublia-- i

Orders reccivoai for putting in Watereila-- s at the statre aif E. T t 'ontra---tat- r

for the Water Works company,I'ri-- s lain- - and work gnaraiite-ea- .

Mch 2:t-- tf E. T. Lank.For Sale.

IMik Here! Alsillt tWat car Itltlds gasslseasaalleal illlltl-e- r lii ln in t'alatkafor r tha.ll-lllal- . fa. AalalretaNlloraae V. h ti, Urmi- - 1'ark, I'la.

inhlT-t- f

l:alatka Nlg.-- . N.t. F. & A. M.: reg-lil- ar

a'oioioiinii alinlis lii . and third Ftof ai li tiiainth.

A. V. Mm T. . M.M '. 1'osT. Sai retary.i'littiam t hapter. No. 1. It. A. Mason-.- .

rt iii vocations Ms-oti- and fourth i

Mondays 'f eaa h Inatiilh.W.J. WlNKiaAU, M. K. H. I".

'. J. JaMKI'll. Sec. Illhl! IfFor Sale.

loelv l !itsat 1'ablofor particulars :n ! !

II. II. Mknaokk.1 W. Molina-St.- . Jacksoiivilla-- .

apl!-!2- t

y3 ISillioiiMicss,Volt

Sick llcailaclir--.

'iislitatiii, i

l'aw-s-"ra!- t !.tiNia.Now when tin- l.u.l. to .how.Tl tinii- - tor. vaiiiinr ami to kirnsTlml ' r r- - aiioi(a ami nil'I lia- - lIK lit ittUtf t!ij- -

W llll traiaitila-- , pllill.That folloaa, in tha- - Hilifin Inoil.Vt ill Ilka Ilia tllia-- atIlalol-a- - a ill .111- - lit a.t Mi l.nKl,l

ai2t'i-- 1 : It


To Mfll-0r-s

I UK l'nl.l.iiiVi; ll--- i ItlltKIt Pltdl'KK-T- V

to the Kl.silToN MII.I.INCCOMPANY, now I. . ut.-- . at I'alatU:!. will tsolil l.y piivuta sala- - as a a hole, or in an Ii pattsas unyoiM-


iilij- ilaiiv :

1 Power Engine, New.1 Double 50Horse Power Engine

with Pulley.2 Boilers, C5 and 50 Horse Power.1 Drake Shingle Machine.1 Crangle & Eliot Lath Machine.1 Stearns' Etlger.1 Stearns' Log Carriage with four 4

Boss Dogs, Jr.1 Plainer with Matchers patent

shimmer heads- -

1 Stearns Haul Up Machine.1 Heavy Mill Frame. 150 by CO.

Shafting. Mitre Gear, Pullies, Roll-

ers, Belting, Iron Stacks, LargeLog Chain. Tools and Fittings.

Ail tha aim.,- - Maa hina-r- y ami Hivturcsa Mill, with a ity of : M

cr alay.

The whola-- , airany Mirtion iimaolilam the ITItsT MoNOAV IN JI Xi; willla- - saiht iu I he City aif filial ka at iml.lii nin tioii.

W. J. WEBB,ap'-l- i Inn iti-:'i:i'Ki- t.


I will offer for the next SIXTY days 10 per ceirtdiscount on all Spot Cash Bills ainountinu' to$ioor over, for Stoves, Mouse Furnisliindoods, Tools,Paints, lite.


A Pleasant KatartaJnaasat Glvaa at WestEnd Yesterday.

The closing exercises of the West EndSelect School took place in the schoolbuilding yesterday morning, and waswitnessed by a large number of thefriends and patrons of the school. Un-der the management of Miss NettieMack and Miss P. T. Chamberlain, theterm just closed has been a very successful one, and the patrons express themselves as being very well satisfied withthe progress made by the children.

The entertainment yesterday was highly enjoyed by those present. The fol

lowing is the programme as renderedby the two departments :


"Welcome Aililress" llyron Eccles.Sony. "Goawl Morning By the schoolKecitution, "I want to Be a Gratia! Ma" By

Anna Wuhb.Kccitatioii, "The Sailor Hoy- "- Kuhie Nevk.Sontr. "Twenty Frotftries" By the school.Kccitatioii. "Baby's Keply-"- Lizzie Inn-hum-.

Kecitution, "The Busy Men" Marion Webb.Solo, "Kinir-a-Oiiiit- t" Garrison Hull.Diulognie. The Visit" Jennie ami Lena I.ili-enth-

Sontr, "The Barnyard" By school.Kecitution, " God l ull See me" Myrtle

Died rich.Kecitution. "Spiilcr and the Fly" By Teddy

Martin.Kecitution. The randy-Pull- " Annie Hill-lar- d.

Souk. "Annel Guardian" - By the school.Kecittion. "Groudt' Durlinn- "- By Amy

Warren.Kecitution. The Dull"- 1- By Millie G. tarri-so- n.

Hour. The that Led to Schl"-- Bythe school.

Kecitution, "Grand Ma"- - By I'ora Kundull.Kecitution. "Who fan Count One Hundred

Quickest" - By Kichurd Peterman.Sonir. "Hwinc up there in t he Morning" By

the school.Kecitutiou."Made off Kbwcs" Zuide I 'rune.Sotitf. "Jewels" By thetheiichol.Kecitution. "Little Droi of Water"

Hall.Kecitution. The Owl"- - By Florence iHtti-a- .

Kecitatlon. "Sutnnluy Niirht"- - By Byron Kc-cl-

Sotig. The Mill Wheel" By the school.Exercise by the School "Naiuina the lresi-deniu- ."

Sontr. Three Blind Mice" -- My the school.Solo, "Home, Sweet Hume" - Hy Garrison

Hull.The Primary acquitted

themselves remarkably well and sliowmarked improvement.PROORAMMK Or THE PRINCIPAL laKPA K1 M E.vr.

"Our Father in Heaven" Earnest Blaler.Openinir Address Walter Hillianl.Sonir. "Silently" School.Kecitution, "Smack in School" - Anita lltal-le-

Composition Grace Itlain.Coin position Cleora Brazwell.Keadinu". The Soldier's Keprieve" I jit l

Mimic "Muke your Murk" Wulter Hilliurd.Keadlnir- - Willie Telfi r.Kecitations CharlesCouiMmitin luirnest Bi.xler.Keailiiitr. "How Jimmie teudi-- the llub"

Jonas Crune.Soiik, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Stars" Bar-

ney lH''eru..A.i.lie Builey. olite Butler. Blunche "Lord I'llins liuuifhtcr" Anna

Gay.Sonic, 'ri,rin of Yankee lxajille" School.Krcitation - Edward P. Kunals.Soinf- - "Little Kcd Kose" -- Ijirnest BiAler.Kecitution. The Famine" Fanny l.ilicn

tlml.Sonir, "Leuvintf the old Furiii" Schoo.Kecitution - Blunch Spoom-r- .

DLilouue. "I Can't and I'll Try" - IU II t;rayand Fuiinie Lilicnthul.

Soutr- - "Vacution liuys"- - School.Keadinir, TIm- - Hells" I'srrieSon, Grace Itliiin.Kecitution. The Ikeud iRilly"- - l.ttie IVcles.Ke i tut ion, "Kntertiiiiiina- - Sister

Lizzie Dunn.Trio, "Swift Mitfie" - Belle Gray, Fannie

Lilicnthul, M. Bruzwell."How he s ve. St. Michaels."Duet, The In Mn lulled Prstyer" Lizzie Dunn

und Anita Ifctiley.Kecitution. "Aunt Tabithn" - Ib-ll- Gray.DiK-t- . "Kciilien and Kucliel"-- l.ijie lliiini

and Walter HillianLClosing Aildress - Charlie Thomas.At the clis of the exercls-- a lsk of

choice selections f was presentedby I cr teacher to Miss Belle Gniy, liervaluable assistant in playing on theorgan, and for the cheerful and willingmanner in which the musical Hirt of theprogramme was carried out.

The Palatka Dramatic Club.The programme of the Palatka

Club, next Monday evening, willconsist of the farce "A Regular Fix,'and II. J. Byron's comedy "War to theKnife." The citizens of Palatka shouldrememU'r that the proceeds of this en-

tertainment will go to swell the fund toerect a hospital here. They can aid aworthy cause, ami at the same time en-

courage home talent in a most agreeableform of public entertainment by buyingtickets. -


Col. 4 'has. A. Bourdman, of St. JamesCity, is registered at the SaratogaHotel.

Mr. S. J. Keiiuerly returned ho ne yes-terday, after a brief business trip toChicago.

Mr. S. W. Goo.lale. of Crescent City I

was among the guests at the Saratogayesterday.

Mr. J no. Frank, a well known news-

paper man of Jacksonville, was in townyesterday, and gave us a pleasant call.

Mrs. G. W. Winchell. of this city, andher hostess. Mrs. tl. B. Robinson, ofComo, took part in the musical enter-tainment at Seville, last night.

Mr. Chas. A. Choate. mr etlicietit cor-

respondent at Tallahassee. ho has lieenat his home in Seville for sevtral davsiast wrestling with the effects of "brenk-lan- e

fever, was in town yesterday. Hewill return to Tallahassee in a day ortwo.

We unintentionally omitted, yesterday,to acknowledge a call from J. W. Count,of the Enterprise , ni..and E. O. Pain-ter, of the lVLand Arit'itltHrit. wltowere in town on Thursday. These gen-tlemen have live papers, and do a goodwork for their section of the State.

Diphtheria."I am living in a neighltorluxjd sur-

rounded with Diphtheria, and was at-tacked with Ulcerated Sore Throat. Iat once commenced to use Darbys Pro-phylactic Fluid, diluted atwiut one-hal- f,

as a gargle, when great clots of hardnienilirane anil mucous came from mythroat, and the attack lassed off. I amsatisfied of its efficacy as a preventiveand cure for Diphtheria." W. P. Wood-ward. Frankford. Pa.

Kaisiac lijr FromMr. A. II. Morrill, of Sonfonl, math he

has a tij; tree two years okl fnna see Iwhieh is aUnit two and a half feet high.ami has some seven or eight bramhea ofthU length. The levea are more clearlyparted anil more delicate in appearanee,than tlvom- - of the Black Persian. The

sown as an experiment, flie bush lias !

not yet fruited, and he waits with anx-iety to have tlie question solved.

Was Guotav tkBr. the Fort Myers Her-mit. Implicated la the Killing eff

Alexander IIA few days ago word reached the po-

lice authorities of Tam to lie on thelookout for two fugitives wanted at FortMyers for killing Gustave Chucar. analleged Nihilist. The men wanted areT. O. Russell, formerly of Madison,Ind., and his son Dudley. For three orfour years an island near Fort Myerslias had for a hermit-lik- e resident Gustave Chucar, said to lie a fugitive Rus-sian Nihilist, who lias made admissions.which leave little doubt that he was im-

plicated in the plot which ended in themurder of the father of the present Czar.In fact, Chucar exhibited Russian papersin which a rewird was offered for biscapture.

L'pon his arrival in the States Chucartook possession of the Hand with theowner's consent, built a but and pre-vented all persons front landing. He al-

ways went well armed and had a coupleof ritles hung on the wall.

Last week Mrs. W. C. Yeomans soldthe island to Mr. Russell. Yesterday,with her husband, she accomjianied theRttssells to the island to persuade Cttucarto leave it. Upon learning their missionbe threatened to kill anyone who

to dLsossesd him. During theparlt-- j ing young Russell anl Mr. Yeo-

mans got 1 "'tween ( linear and his weap-ons, and Russell snatched up one of therdles which was discharged, killingChucar instantly. The RusselLs tied, andYeomans and his wife returned to FortMyers. They claim that the shootingwas accidental. It is rumored tliat pa-e- rs

making important Nihilistic revela-tions are among Cbuear's effects.


A:w Vurk, April iiait! nib'rtUl ttt 7'f 4. Mn-- mny t ia-- x

.hksniK fit Till at 4. MiirTri?iir', - 9:tft,-c-- v;

y, fiirniiy, fl"vC. liovrn-nt- tnls.hiit .tut itialy 4 int wiit, arLl"1.

'ntniw Its.sttt .lull ltit sttisilv to firiu

Ala., rlu A --Vh !iik. Nur-h-. A I'tmtAla, i lv li, Vs. ..I US N. o. I'ucitie Intrt.(tiirvia v - 'wYtrk i Vntr'l XVi4i.orKi intrt.l' Sr'k Jc Wt-H- t rr &N. I nwM H! lWsi Northern lm ilM-- . rJgN. I'., iiiistM 4'a. . Nirtb'n f'uc. r-- tt;S. i Itr w ii t on llL I'acilic MailTvini, stru-'- i ;r-- . t; Kt'Htlinir ..... 4VSiVirviiiia ttV 4 Kit h. & Alk-ar'- .. iHVirKHlUa iiw Kit h. X iKinv i lie

Kit h, i rt P't :HL4Nrthwtt'rii . Kk Ulaiitl. INorth st 'ii .r'f.." St. Paul W7iH luwtn-- v A: Iom k.t C t. I'iiuI .r-f- . 13 14Urie Hat-iti- f :tlrairtt T'iiii"t .. .4 Teiui ral X In.n. "

lk Mire 'h I IIHUI I'Mfltie. ...Nrw Jf rtty tVn mi.

Uur... : NlistM'iiri 1'ai'ifk. ltr1--

MliU' Jh, hii 1VH iVtfrii I'liHtii.. ;;hi ttn Oil Tr.. rt4.Ttlay' HtN-- nuiakv-- t fvhiiir

tlutliM-- thriiKhMit tlt'Ui until thf last hour,wlit-i- i therv wha activity unit toiiil-rraM- t

5icit-iii-ii- "I'lu ton was in iiiarktilcontrast w it h t tuit t ttfiutr

firm ttiroufcrhout. with th xcptiiiot a ntiort 1 in of t ! tort-noon- . Tl tavstltturn of Knro'Hii HtTrtirs hi thstmni-- r ton of KuroiH-ui- i mui kt-t- was th

rin-ia- sIiiimiUis to rir livr mimI tni.Hii-rali- k'

for lniloii wasbt ul wt-rt- - Ioiiiir liltl.lit'aiiu' trirhiiu-- J towai-i- l 1 , ami

a ttr stocks wits tli orbiifiM''.N kith irii anl N w IUirl:Mil unnoMize4lh attiirioii nitla lor iios.n. Imy nlr in theformr Tht otli-- r trrantevns iu(.Httln-- l with tht mowiiifi.t. Though KirkIhIuuiI was the im-f- t tonsu uotm lor thtal-an- -

'Ih was itatly to tirni. irmrally, ata slnrht al Hint.' r l;tt tiKunH, tnta Knenl tht-lit- ffol low t I tin hrvt sale?. Arally sroii ft.ltowi'!, aiul the markt-- t It'ain

in-- s uiii at times cHiivflv dull. A tirm turnoverrtinl 1 he entire market, ho wet er. an-- l

the earlv ItsSM'S w r- xvuerully tietorvi mm Mt. Th-r- was hss Ituiii4ss in the after-noon, but further progress was matte in an -k

hret-tion- aiit in tiie lnt hour a Hharal-vauifu- ll

artHiihl, l.y larKltuiitttsrt . 1 he elone was

active unt strong at the highest ri es f thetiny. The total t'tismess was shares, anlonly ttve stH.-k- rvor-le- t nales of over I,Hshares. The entire Hetive li-- it is hitch this even-iii- r,

the misst iiniMirtaut lvalues iimrisinB'Krt Worth anl 2"t4, t oliniil t'oal .

Jers-- i entral Ike hore Hitt Vv eteruire!erreil 14. ,uisv ille uihI .NativiU, .NewkiitsTlan-- aii'l K'aiiuir at-h 1, uiit the

r for frui tional unitMiiits.t OttUH.


'iuiutrutive eottti statement for the weeketitluia' Aril !tNet reeei'ts at all I nite.! States

iHrt- - tlurinu week.. .Sam week lat yejtr.. 44,HrlTotal reeeints to thin tate.Total reeeinis tt nitme tlate last yr.. .,iJ.47 "

KHrts fr tie wirk ,v,,SiSame week last enr..Total exis.rtH ti this ilate 4.13V17

tosiiiue.latc la--t )ear. U,."44.VSts k ut all I , S. ports, 41s,.j(vT

Sitine time last year . 7l-.- t2

Sto k at all interior tow n 4I.(same time last year luis4Stta k at MverHo 1,0lMi

. same time last year tt,iH(.Stm k ff Ameriean arltutt ftr tirt.Ilrituiti t, k of America 11 afloat frreatliritatn last 3 ear lt.i.OioThe follow inif are the total net receipt of

cotton at all Hrn siiu-- Septemlier 1, 1sh lyI ales:;alveston. . 74..Vn New Orlean..l.tT.W2

Mol.ile SI 1.4.14 Savannah 7ss,tik4 harlestini ;M.4-i-4 WilmuurTtai . . I kilL'Nrfolk. .V.".t.tLs Italtimore Mt,iN4New York S4..Y Itohtoii Mf.lsx,Newport Nens.. 1'S.uiT West Point

Port Kovnl . .

lVii!aeola ... l.Vii Philal'lphia... 4s,.'tsTotal 5,ll.,ltnNrw Vonk. April 'J!. - t : 4 t'o's repor-i- m

eotton futures su : "With l.iverixiol lo-ui- tf

lllr. Hi.- - murio't iiel ;i. iiilnhiitlHT. uisl sutwe,ie-ii- t fitvoraMe featurew,-r,- - hown in the rtH unl tta- - interirt move-uie- nt

firth- - well a in a yiTnHi)r "sMt"uiarket. The irain. however, enulil not !. hmv-H.rt- t-l

fully, iiikI the cliw hail shalelalMint on,'-hai- l, tuiil the fielina- - was only liare-l- y

sternly A iinat many nolio-- s were out.ami faileil tti reeeie proiupf attention.'

Afternoon t Cotton-N- et receipts. Si;Itrowi, :t"7. I'uturest'liM,',! ; huU-m- . IiS.Iio;ltles; April. In In Tn; .Mav. In iM.i In

HI ti.i.rlii bs; Jnlv. MT iin Tl: August.iiT: ept,-iiitie- M V. r In 1 ; Ihi-i-iul- a r. tK.; Juniiur) ,'.. !;.

t'ottun ttrni: sales. 711: I'lilumis, lu t;

In-- " : net nsi-ipfs- , JH.'.ili ; exorts totireat Hntniu, S,:!lil; to frame. ; to tbet'ott.Intent. :t,H'iM: ti k. Hs.V;.

W n-kl- eottoii net "ell; trraMa, ll.saa;irt t l.ra-n- t lirit:iiu. 4.7"4 ; to Krani-e- .

to the iilllllia-llt- . :!.'..; Kala-r- s 2,1'.: stiat la..

I.ivikiih.u April 4 p. in. firfti.nApril, &MU. : Aril-Ma- , 5 C'-t- tiuyer;Mayluna-- . tjii, r: June-Jul- y, a u,

lanyer : July-Aniriis- t. .'. M., tiuver; Aiiiriist-Sepfa-mta-- r.

.Uvi, liuya-r- ; X .teiiil. r- -f i;-- , wlh-r- : t 5 .CUi4,aelia-- r : Sa pl. Ilil r, .1 I'Mll, huya-r- . Klllllra--

llklV IHTTIIV RflslHT.,.!.vkstox, April I'otton. tirni; iin.l-allui-

liaH ; iwt :I ; trrowa. :l ; aula--s2.411; . ; net . s2 ;KraMK. : "Mlla-- a. :i.ltk ; a Xrt to tha- - 4'aHI- -tina'iit. l.ra' ; litont Iti ttuiu, ; aaii4tw ise,:v.:tsiv.

Notiroi.K. April --"!. i'otton tirni : tniil-illin- ir

In1. ; na-- i . :t:i liala-- a ; bf o ra-- -

a'a itHS, itSt; tia k. laa--t rea-ipt-

K sraa?, Klien. '.HIS; a xpolls eai.-.tww- ,

Hutimiiki'. April J!', tut toil firm : tuiil-allin- ir

i"h : na-- l ; trraiia reaeipts.; ttliK. ; Ht.H-- "a,l.V lla'tllll; irrawara, :CiS ; sula-H- , t,a pinila-rs-

, art I;

evpirt laat;ra-n- t Itrilaiu. - : tn t la. I 'amtina'iit.; aa i, .1.ItaasTatx. April 2!- -. - I'otton stesaly; miiMlinir.

llo4; net S7; rraiw rea-- a it!--, I.iTs; aaJa-s,

nulla: -- toa k. Holla-- ; lla t reaeipls. 4ts;2. ail.: s:il-s- . ti ii,-; etorts ! t.ra-a- t ltrt-tall- l,.r. .

WitLMiraa-.Tov- . Atril 2l. t' firmmiilillitnr l"--s-; n-- t a ijits. 2; irnaai receipts.2: sajt-s- , nona-- : --lis k. weekly iK-- t jits.Ita; at;; s;lla'?, nolla- - : exi-or- t w t--e.

l:'.VHii.tnEi.rHit. April 2!--. -- flrro: niiil-alluii- r,

loV is-- t : irra- - rea-eit-

; stas-- 21.72: weekly na t a ipts. l.tiTS ;

ttraciM, l.!tO: exports to l.n-.- it Itntuin. 1.14.1; tothe I'aHitiiH-nt- . 14--

SAVINS ah. April 35. f'otton ttrm; miil-dlii- ur

loL-- t; na t ;(.': trroaan. :12 : sala-a- ,lati; toa k. .7rt7: wts'kly net trras2,IHt; sala-S- . et pair's CaaastWlM. 1.ISH.

New ORi.Ktss. April S. fottaan tirm: tniJ- -allinaf. lll.'a-la- i; na-- t :

l..V7; nula-s- . l.7": si.aa-k- . net re-

ceipts. 7.!;t: trroras. 7.127: 1 1.'.sn expoi-t- s

to til-an- t Britain. l.-- to the toutinent. k-l.

to KraiK-e- . ; ta I'hiaiin.-l- . ; it, ..'i7.4arreetHn - Kt.rts haaulal have

been. April 22. 542; 2fh. 2J'.MoBlI.E. April 2. 4'ottam ttrm : mi.kllin-r- ,

lia-i- net receipts. 21: Ta?a reaeipt. 21; sales,. ta ..2,,.ia; y net receipt. ln; --ma,

la" ; aala-s- . 4)11; eli-ort- tat Oreat Uritain: hii-- , lt-i-.

MaUirHis. April S. t'otnin firm; S2: aahipmentii. !sh ; snia-i-

l.i: stuck. 2.V.772: net Ksro-M- . S.17; sak-ai- . 3.S1U.

Arr.rsTa. f'. April . Taittaw firmniial.llin-r- . I1H4; net 41: shipments.

; laaOeaa. 2fl; nt.ack. TJtl.fc weekly net reettpU.S3: sra."aa, 3ir: saiac-s- . .Vis; shi pmeiita, none.In tm.a-MToa- i. April 2S. tot too firm: mi.l-allnu- j.

hi--- net tea-ar- t pra. ja: itri--- a Ss;


Thorough Business Education.;


The News will be delivered to city sub-cribe- rs

or sent by mail at the followingrates:

Thre montlis t- - WSix months 00One year

Subscription price of The WeeklyHews will be 91 I fT- - Terms inva-

riably in advance.

Post-- 0 Rice Directory,omri hocks.

General Delivery Open at 8.:W a. m.;

liejr"Order Open at 8.30 a. m.; at 5

JSneral Delivery on funlav- - From a. m. toI.3U a. nu, anl after arrival of Northern mail.

MAILS AKRIVB ASI)Northern mall arrives at 11.10 a. m. ami S.15

n. m.: closes at 10.J0 a. in. ami p. m.Jacksonville mail arrive at p. ra.: eloaa-- a

at aVaa) p. m.Huuthern mail arrives at 11.00 a. m. ami 11.

a. m.; ckavr-- n at 10.(10 a. m. ami l.:0 p. m.Ht. Aug-uMtin-e mail arrives at W.or a. m. ami10 P. m.; cla-a- t at .: a. m. anal 4 p. in.Vaiatka ami Drayton Islaiul mull arrives at.30 a. iu.; closes at I.:) p. ui.

--alatka ami Tovoi mull arrives at a. m.;- aa 1 1 n m.

Florida Southern Railway arrives at 5.00; closes at .oo a. m.

Mails from Ht. Johns ami Halifax Kuilroailsoma via Ht. Autnwtliae.

n rather Indication.Eastern anil Western Florida Fair

weather, stationary temperature, varia-ble winds, shifting to southerly in Westem Florula.


Mr. George Leonard has leen appointed postal clerk on the Pulutka ami Drayton Island route. lie will tgin his tintie on next Morula r,

Ber. A. R. Macoutrey. I. D.. will

preach in the Presbyterian Church Sabbath evening nest, at .:$0. Itr. Ma--

coubrey is said to be one of the iiNwt el

qucnt clergymen in Florida. A cordialwelcome will be extended to all who attend this service.

The Baptiah Sunday School will meetat 10 o'clock morning. Allthe scholars an d friends of the schoolsare requested to be prenent, ad arrange-ments will be perfected for the picnic on

Tuesday, when the Gainesville Baptistschool will be present.

No city in the country presents aquieter appearance in the evening thanPalatka. All the store in the mainbusiness part of the town cloee early,except the drug Htores and tutloona, andthe street loafers so noticeable in tnontcities are not to lie seen.

The Jacksonville Price Current duesus proud in the following: No pur inthe State has risen so rapidly in publicfavor as The Palatka Daily News. Itis receive 1 every morning with the otherdaily newspapers of Jacksonville, reach-iiu- r

here on the earlv train. The Newsis a corker.

The drama. "War to the Knife is anintern e'y interesting p'ay, which will la?

presented at the UH-r- House on Mon

day evening next by the l'ulutka Dramatic Club. The club is actively re-

hearsing and will present the drama inthe bent manner. Io not fail to get aticket and witness tlte erforiiiance.

Judge Vet-tree- s came very near limingone of his tine mules bv drowninir on

Tuesday afternoon. The mule was attached to a cart and in litM'kmj; uj to theschooner Florence and Lillian at Adams'wharf, the wheels went ovcrlxmrd anil

pulled the mule into the water. Theharness was quickly cut from the mule,and it was allowed to swim out.

In a short note yesterday referring toa euchre party at the Phienix Hotel, thetypes made us say that it took place"last Sunday evening." when it shouldhave read simply "last eve ning. Sunday evening eucre parties are not fash-ionable in Palatka. especially since theSunday laws have been so rigidly en-

forced.A St. Paul physician thinks that

poppies could I raised in Florida ata profit of f 1,000 per acre. A certainbachelor friend in Palatka says that hehas tried to "pop the question scoresof times, but his crop lias so far proveda dismal failure. He is thinking ofgoing into poppy culture, and hopes tobe more successful in his next efforts.

Some Florida local editors are A No. 1

when it comes to writing from a highhorse standpoint, as witness the follow-

ing from the Oxford Orange Lett:"Were our peu a quill from the pinionof the loftiest seraph that tm-.l- t in gleam-ing glory and dipped in the refulgent ra-

diance of the rainbow's fountain, wecould not describe how supremely happyone of our young men looks when in theethereal presence of his adored one."Somebody hit him with a sugar-tit- !

The following clipped from the Day-ton- a

Journal will furnish a valuable hintto same of our gardeners:

"Clark Marsh at Silver Beach dis-counts the Cole system of n,

his plan being to make beds with d

sides of concrete, tilled in withearth properly fertilized and sup-plied with water from his tine artesianwell. Before the soil is put in. the bot-tom of the bed is covered with shell anda layer of leaves, etc., permitting thewater to permeate underneath. In thesebeds he has raised astonishing quanti-ties of fine vegetables during the winter.Mr. Marsh has also made a success of pe-can culture from grafts on the commonhk-korv.-"

The Fairbanks Ai-tr-s says that: "By aletter to the Gainesville Adirxitte fromGeorgia, we learn that Melrose is in dan-ger of being struck by railroad lightningfrom an unktoked for direction. L e., aroad from Atlanta to Palatka. This road,the writer claims, is Wked by twostrong corporations, and is very likely tolie built in the near future. In conclu-sion, the writer says : "The general di-rection of this line may tn seen by

the great water shed in the cen-ter of Georgia, east and west, and run-ning south of Valdosta or Quitman intoFlorida by way of Jasper. Lake City.Waldo, and terminating at Palatka. Itis not necessary to point out the greatadvantage this new line will lie toFlorida.

Wasted to make "Copious Assort-meats.- "

Hernando News.The Times-Unu- m advertises: "Intel-

ligent boy wanted at this office. Kvi-deat- lv

it needs one; but the fact thatmorals are not mentioned is significant.


ami B U S I N 1CSTRATT0N. j Corner Thirt tntl





S S C O L I 1C ( ' 1Cktral. LOUISVILIE. MV.

1. Tl 1 1 It I Hi'llKKT.


Derby Roil


P tkmi.i, Itmiarii ami fiiilKh. W lull- - manyare aaaekimr l.y aitteriuir I V t UK littoo In at lowar irit-4- than our., waa arf,wlia-ra-Mi-Kilila- ,

llialkinir our iJankai Molaa IVrla-- a t, amiwill not lower tha quality to i 'iiiim-I- i wn hI.w-I'rl- Wi rkman.liiii tnil I'mir Material,ever. I atyla-- a lii .toe it auuitai for phyiala'iaimami btne tia-e-.

Ik-ak-a In An'lia flak, Iti-- 1 tliiirj,Hlaa-- walnut an I Mnhiit,uiiv.SVCatnlaiv-u- e sent on . plant tonlKItltV A-- KILMKIt IlKKK CO,

la.'-4- m iKISTatV. MASH



I r 1-W-V.


Horse and Buggy,Saddle Horses,

Ir Hii)ftniitt ill IIihI liiie.uo the UTA lll.l'S of

JOHN imisAin:,Front Street, Palatka, Fla.

aTl ii iia hiihIi rata-- . I inly l In tha.



M:inv tine lis al ions, it it) .1. for le

il lira oiri-l- il for suli-oi- l

very irii'es.tiy lllice on Water strst, i

tin I'luriilit Noiitlicin Kailioml Mrirklllisk. mliHtr


Branch Store,DALTON BLOCK,

4;am tiiiimi sts.KI.OHIDA.

II. ii. I'AV.NK. f. V. MUtsKMKAl'.I iu r. Aaaml-lu- lil t aotili-r- .


Grocers Provision DealersJACOBSON'SONE PRICE STORE!



Fine Wines,Liquors and Beers,

Imported and Do me tie ('tears.

HII.r,IAKI 1'AltL.OKKHA It IS l'KlVMKI WITH A I.I. TIIKTIIK ami in liver li' an

aeeointilisheal Mixoloaist. The patromaai-- ofthe plllilia is fioleilai. f taaKMlonler prax-rvai- l at all tliiii-s- .

Water Street. Hart s Itl.iet. 1'aUILa.tujr-t- t



i.irwi: or


HEADQUARTERS FORProduce, Flour, Canned Goods, But-ter, Cheese, Brunswick Hams, Cof--I

Dry Hoods and 11

Not a "Kejriilsr.--Selma lAla.l Tim.-s- .

The reason a.siKneal by a alarkey in acourt fatr nttt Kiyin- -

a debt he owe I an old witman what'liaaldone some work for him was 'causeshe alone got no diploma for aloin'ilatwork." lie was told by the court thatthe absence of a "diploma-

- sin ml. I notalisolve him from paying his

Mutatis Mutandis.Maa-at- (tia.) Telea-raph-.

Ev.-r- y young man ot the South isUunnlto honor anal preserve the traditions ofhis people, but he is not Istnild tola- - gov-erned by them. The tiiues have changed,anal we may change with them withoutalishonor.

ybu can certainly


Wit& lo Jtarts wo-las- ses

orfioncytbotic parTof



1ii?y iTsI 'PAlM(lLLS'4llafu.a.. .... .- 'j v X

Ifees, Teas, Spices, and all kinds orStaple and Fancy Groceries. Hotelland Steamboat Supplies a Specialty.

A. M. HAUGHTON A. BROS...v fink Phoenix Block!

turn STREET,!

PALATKA,Reliable Shoes, Gents' Fur-

nishing Goods. Hats. BANKERS.

W.M. J. WIKMJAK. It. J. AllAM-l- .I rawtaleiit. V





SEED MEAL & FERTILIZERS.oriHisiTat J. t 4 k. w. k. k. mirni ir.

All Orders Kill Receive Prosat Atteitios and Quick Sfcs;ts Czia




A General Banking Eusiness Transacted. Buys and SellForeign Exchange. Correspondents: New York First

National 'Bank ; Importers' and Traders BostonMaverick National Bank.



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