The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-11-26 [p 5]. · I Wesley Caldwoll for divorce altos ¬...

t SATURDAY xOyPmEn J THE PATJUCAH EVENING SUN PAGE rrz9 a L r padres and children F1L13 4 I Now H the time to buy your Besides a most magnifi ¬ r rFur cent showing we are offering 4 some special values in sets that will not be here later If f you are not quite ready for them select and we will hold until later They make excel ¬ lent Christmas gifts k I At Sludq 8- w- it J THE LOCAL BWSl S GET IT AT GILBERTS 1t Dr Gilbert Osteopath C42 c V 4 Broadway Phones IDC Rubber stamps seals brace itcnclU etc at Tho Sun office Dalton Dye Worlds havo moved to 114 South Fifth street Free city and farm real estate price list Whittemore Fraternity building Phones 83C fro8lgn writing 0 R Sexton 401t1 Dye Wurki bavo moved r streetf day and night Buchanans restaurant 219 Kentucky avenue HOOSHIl TAILOR R flned clothing for gwotlota n CIO Broad- way ¬ i Sbitnrsck Bldg This years crop of Fall Bulbi 41f direct from Rolland now on sale at DruDPoni G Broadway it reliable taxicab service le any object to you tnko tho car with yol lew wbeels Phone DIG Smith Dlmmlek S aUORT Hottow SUM hoat t whisky hair gallon 100 Itloderman Pit 1 N1111iag Co K ft ToHHeMro Telop4tollo l com paars dlrwtary will go to pre Po rembvr 1M All sauces of changes Rd iddtloos tkodld bo rvcolvod be- fore tbU stele- s Christian Solonco servteeR are bid at the hall In tho Three Links building corner Fifth anal Kentucky nvonuo ni follows Sunday school from 945 to 1045 regular Sunday mootf4 I In this hall from 10 a m to 1 p m every day except Sunday and boll ¬ days Tho public Is cordially Invited to visit tho reading room and to at- tend ¬ the services Mr Rd Ovey Is qulto 111 nt his homo 409 South Sixth street + flora to Mr and Mrs Wagner Aof 1207 Kentucky avenue a fine boy lion Hal S Oorbett I U 111 at hit tcL home Fountain avenue and Joffor von street today V Dr S Z Holland city health officer has crnllwl a meeting of tho board of health for Monday at 130 oclock at tho city hall Mrs Joseph Gardner who has been III at Riverside honpltnl for two weeks was removed to her homo 333 South Fifth street SOlllhf week I Is Improving t That + Cough t I of Yours Will ylnld mighty quick to tile Influence of OLD fJlmmSTI U HOREHOUM t COUOIMUlorS Theyre mode f up according to the formula I of nn old plantation doctor I ittIIIof healing herbs and purest sesugarnot a suspicion of j v 1dppo In n car load Get relief Todaytr- yr4 8 11 Big r Bag t 5c Hiio GILBERTS C jl jlDrug t Store Broadway1F GET IT AT OILBKnirS i1 d a r TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED Gill Old riiono 818r- TYIKWIUTKIl HIIUION8 8ICCOM HAND TYIK WHITKHS IOU SALE EYE SEE JEWELRY OPTICAL CO 823 ronihray TO iuciivius ov ritinniiT On November 11th or 12th some ono took a box of books from tho llllnol Central freight depot through error it was marked J C Cheek Iaducah J Ky if tho person l who received this box will kindly advise mo It will bo appreciated J T DONOVAN Agent I C R R Paducab Ky 11111111111111 111111 M1111111111 In lied Top and Rack IHoollI I Tojw nil sires AT HOCKS W I YY IIYI YI YI II Y I II YI Y ICY W WI YI Y I I HEWS OF COURTS j f tf Ford Marshall 21 lot Marshall county school teachor Gllbertsfvllle of Marshall county I R C Fowlkcs 18 of Tennessee farmer and Frankie Hood 1C of TonnoMco Stilts Filed In Circuit Court Clara Caldwcll flied suit against I Wesley Caldwoll for divorce altos ¬ ing cruel treatment In Police Court Broach orPNCC Charles Brewer fined 141 urn flanker fined Uo Joe Cunningham John Jacobs and John Kenneda continued to next Tuesday 1 1 A11 11 11 11 11 1111 A I 11E111111x11x114 A full lino of house Slippers AT ROCKS 1 11 11 11 1 11 11 11 11 I Y1 11 I ICY 111 I ICY Y ID STATUS TO SHARK IV NATIONAL Tltlli REVEXUi I TamInrton Nov IIInolon states will participate la the 25 per cent division of national forest rove nue for the fiscal year ending Juno 30 1910 according to a bulletin IIf rued by tho forest mrvico today The states portion which Is for road end school purpcwos amount to 500194RlutCICINI J VIIJTI IUAV IltcaISIUII j I HATS IOU 11 TO 9S MUS K Ki i MILLS itl IlltOADWAV I SEASONABLERock pounil speedily relieves that annoying early season cough and cold Price ROc amt 5100 AND Malarial Tonic Capsules aro guaranteed to break up any case of chills They dont make you sick like tho sweet syrups do They are splendid appetizers Irlco noc Per Box JDBACON Druggist Seventh and Jackson Streets Sloth Phones 237 fi IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Double tlllllnI I With ono ceremony two couples worn mauled this morning in tho parlors of tho Hotel Craig by the novoJ N Henson of Uenton The young people are Miss Lonuio Joe Ford of Benton and Mr Clifton Jenkins of Ollbcrlsvllle and Miss Myrtle Grlggs pf Denton and Mr J W ODanlel of Gllbertsvllle The couples cams to Paducah this morn Ing for a quiet wedding Mrs Jen ¬ kins resides near Benton but has been a school teacher near Calvert City while Mr Jenkins is a young farmer and the son of H J Jenkins ono of the wealthiest merchants In Marshall county Mrs ODanlel re- sides ¬ near Benton while Mr ODanlel Is a prosperous young farmer near Gilbertsvllle Ills Eleventh Hlrtlidny Master Henry Gockol entertained a tow of his friends yesterday after ¬ noon from 2 to 4 in honor of his eleventh birthday Tho afternoon was spent In games and music De- lightful ¬ refreshments were served Those present were Misses Mary Englert Elizabeth Logan Elizabeth Oohlschlaeger Ruth Byrne Ann Calahon Olga Vogt Susie King Elsie Krug May Ella Lcako Mary Ellington Mary Gockol Eloiso flyer and Masters Claude linker Oscar Sluts John Stanley Melvin Lulgs Harry Ruby Sam Gott Leroy Per ¬ due Joseph Yopp Henry Gockel Altnirtlvo tit Morning Tho Art department of tho Wom- an dub hrgd Us regular mooting this morning at tho dub house It was n delightful session with a largo memborfhlp attendance The sub ¬ jects of tho morning worn most inter ¬ estingly featured as follows Sir Joftbua Reynolds Life and Works Mtai Jonnie Citron George Romnqyt 1731liSO2 Mrs Dan MeFaddcn John Opio111G1SG7Mr L V Anncnlrout Henry Roeburn 17S61S23 Mr Hrs W II Coleman Reception for Itrldo and Groom In honor of Mr and Mrs George Barkloy of Memphis who are visit ¬ lag In Paducah on their honeymoon Mr and Mrs J W Barkley 103G Monroe street entertained last night with a six oclock dinner and recep ¬ tion All of the relatives and a number of friends of the couple wore proton t during tho evening While in the city Mr and Mrs Barkley are the guests of Mr Bark leys parents Mr and Mrs J W Ilarkley Mrs Barkloy who was Mlles Maud McOutchcoti formerly re ¬ sided In Paduoeh sad has many friends In Paducah Mr and Mrs Dirkloy will return to Memphis Tuesday Mr B B Ctagry of Jackson street t loft last night for Chltago hero ho will remain several days on businessMr Hi Pace returned to hk homo last night after a trip on busl ¬ ness dir Rudy Albrttton returned to his homo tat night after spending tho day In Paducah on business Mr J W Hnrnwn of Woodvllle pawod through the city yesterday on route to his homo after a several week visit at Parte Tenn The Rev R Ai Nadolo returned to Ma homo at Barlow lost night after a trip on business Mrs J R Lemon returned to her homo at Infield last night aftor spending yesterday In tho city Mrs R S Prather and son M H Prather of Mndisonvllle were In the city yesterday air nnd Mrs R C Fowlkc of DyorsburB Tenn have returned to their homo after upending several days on a visit Mr and Mrs George Cunningham returnedI I In the dtn Mr John Hofholnx of Cairo was vlxlUng friends In tho city yesterday Mrs George Stephens and sister Mrs George W Grief are guests of Mr anti Mrs Ed Stephens of Metropolis II Attorney C C QrasJiatn returned laU night from Madlsonvlllc Mr Robert W Wallace has gone to Lexington to spend several days Captain W II Stone left today for Iloonoville Ind returnedFlo a vMl to MIR Willie Willis of North Sixth street Mr Gregory Harth has returned from a several months visit In Curvy villa Ky Mrs Harry Brashcrs of Metrop ¬ lolls 111 returned homo today after a shopping trip to Paducah Mr AVbort M stall of St Louis Is visiting his sister Mrs Coo J > hn hard and clammilyr0f 422 South Fourth street ilr gall Is ono of ofI Mr Arthur Fisher of St Louis Is the guest of Mr and Mrs Vincent Salvo at Tho Shamrock Mrs Oscar Kahn loft today to visit In Louisville Oapt J M St John steamboat In ¬ spector of Nashville Tenn Is In the city on government business Miss Belle Ball of Chicago la vis ¬ iting her sister Mrs C W Trent 321 South Seventh street DR I B HOWELL DENTIST CoIambU Bldg Phone Ml i < t Messrs Maurice Lngorwall and Spencer Johnston wlll leave tonight for Puryear Tennr to spend Sunday with friends Contractor Albert Hood of St Louis Is visiting his sister Mrs George Lchnhard 422 South Fourth streetMr O B Starks has returned from Louisville where ho went on businessMrs J E Arnold 1234 South Seventh street loft this morning for Lexington Tenn where she will re sideMr L C Robertson former chief of police of Fulton was in the city today en route to Murray on bust ¬ nose 1 Mr William Ruoff left this morn Ing for Princeton on business Mr and Mrs John Cockrttl re ¬ turned last night from Louisville after spending several days visiting friendsCaptain Oscar Barrett of the Bar ¬ rett Towboat line of Cincinnati Is In the city today- Steamboat Inspectors Green and St John of Nashville are hero to ¬ day Inspecting tho steamer J D Richardson PASTORS MEETING METHODIST MKKTIXG MONDAY DECEMBER R residing I lejW J Mccoy Issues DUtrlct CnHfor Itrouchvuy Church At Broadway Methodist church Paducah Monday evening December kit at 730 all the pastors In Ute district are called to meet that wo may confer together for the boat method and means to success Monday 730 p m preaching Paul Jefferson Tuesday 830 a m pastors meet for counsel Scripture reading and prnrerE M 1 Peters 845 How to best prepare for tho pulpltR W Hood 900 Pastors place and work in tho Sunday schoolJ A Patterson 915 Best way to hold prayer meeUngJ B Pearson 930 How to keep the Epworth League thriving P B Jefferson 945 How to circulate and have read church literature A C Moore 1000 The need of district paper ts cost value eloG T Sullivan 1014 General discussion 1030 Recess 1040 The pastor and revivals benIE Support what should a pastor have to say and do about ftW J Naylor 1110 How to utilize the laity or how a pastor can reonforco or multi ¬ ply his onergleS U Jewell 1125 What do I purpose accomp ¬ lishing this yearGeneral discus lion 1145 Rcconeecratlon priycr Ad¬ journment for dinner Afternoon 145 The pastor In the homes what fortToE Calhoun 200 Reasons why It is best to pay the Connectional Claims the first of the conference year Hayes How ell 216 How to beg collect the Con acctonal ClnlmsD J Russell 230 How a pastor may help or hinder lhostewardU S McCaslln 245 How can a pastor best use his time BO as to do proper studying and pastoral visiting without neg ¬ lecting his family or friondsJ G Jones 3V0 The preacher and debt its effect on his splrt and ministry H L Johnson 315 How to help our successors to succeed W A Banks 330 The pastors cdre of the par ¬ eonageJ R Womblo 345 The pastor and his person with reference to drees manner and little hnbtsJ T Banks 400 Tho pastor a man of prayer T J Owen 415 tho advantages of coopera ¬ tire etrortW J Mecoy 420 How to use our local preach ¬ ers and oxhortersW A Maker 435 Are we ready for the work General response Evening Hour 730 Devotional exorcisesP II Fields i i 745 Loyalty to the hurchS B Love 800 PreachingThe Ministry of Methodism S L Jevfeltt A This will or should boa very im ¬ portant meeting to thli pastor Let each one Give prayerful consldera ¬ ton to tho topic assigned cad attend tho whole session On arriving re- port at Broadway church and be as- signed ¬ to your homo Expect tho presence and help of led with us JYMiocoyr I Now is the Time To have Those Fall and Winter Garments Dyed or Cleaned Bring us your Plumes Hats Suits Skirts Waists Etc Wo will restore them to their former brightn- essDEMERCg Model Steam Dte Works 100 South Third Street Pl4I1 1108 286R New kcie 28 j 14v 4 I4 I7 I I I I ICI Z 111 1 MI 111f M ITIv 1 1 1- I THAXKSCIVIXa Ie 2 Icnr In lima Hearts of All Yo That 1 t I hocks Shoes IIcur 4- If j 0r4thnnk I I Ifnge and shall strive each SeajI son to do n little better and fc make all comfortable and 11 pleased with Rocks Shoes g t 3 Try n pair and tell your r I Irlendllt OEU ROCK SHOE CO t I 5 821 BroadwayI eL1i MM MIi1 1YIM LYMIiiYi1i I BIUCK TAFFETA WAISTS nilAXI XKV GUI mXlS HKGU I IL1R OdiU to iIO WAISTS TO CLOSi OUT 250 TO J75 MILS I K It MILKS 310 BUOAMVAY I ADJOURXED UlST NiGHT TrnmSM11SSISippI l Commercial Con I gross HcsoIutloiiM San Antonio Nov 2111110 twentyfirst annual session of tho TransMlajiaslppl Commercial Con ¬ gross adjourned sine die Among tho Important resolutions adopted by the congress are Urging tho throwing open to In ¬ dividual patentees of all coal lands In AJatka Urging a 500000000 bond issue I for tho national government for the improvement of tho intend water- ways ¬ and gulf ports Favoring the extension of tho re- clamation service to swamp and overflow hand- yRequesting congress to create a I permanent iblpartiean tariff commis lIon J H Mocquot Returns i Attorney J Denis Mocquot who is president of the Kentucky State liar association Is expected to re ¬ turn home this evening from Louis I ¬ ville where he was called to meet with tho executive committee The committee met to perfect arrange ments for tho annual meeting to be held at Lexington In July 1911 CIIILDIIKNS HATS ABOUT 100 OF TIIKM VALUES UP TO 100 CIIOICK 8130 MILS K H MILLS 310 BROADWAY JJ 1 WANT ADS oiw 41 0 NOTICE TO LODGES AND CHURCHES Hereafter The Suns advertising ntes for lodges and churches char- ity ¬ organizations and societies will be the same as to all other adver ¬ tisers Also on account of difficul ¬ ties In making collections from many of these acounts all publications of this character must be acompanled by the auhI FOR RENTFour room house CIO Adams Apply 501 South Sixth POSITION WANTED1n private family Apply 945 Clay I FOR RENT Modern 4 room cot- tage ¬ 320 Madison New phono 181 WANTED 4 boys to pass bills Monday Noahs Ark BOYS WANTED at Shinn Glovo Co 127129 North Second street FOR RENT Five room cottage with bath Old phone 1292 FOUND Ruby blanketon Fountain avenue Owner can have seine bpi calling at this office and paying for this ad MONEY returned It you are not satisfied with lots bought near fast- est ¬ growing city for a dollar a week Booklet free Tobin Improvement Co El Paso Tox Dept 205 YOUR FORTUNE TOCDAston ¬ ishing revelations Let me guide you to a happy successful future Send birth date and four 2 cent stamps Prof W Allen 8 No Wood street Chicago LOST On Broadway between potoffico and First National frank Purse containing 4SQ3 Finder please return to Bonnie Warren 1904 Guthrlo avenue and receive to- ward ¬ J SALESMAN WANTEDWo have- n fine opening for a well educated neat appearing nnd energetic young man as city salesman In Saint Louis Selling experience not necessary ndvnncemellt1Will I mission to the right man Address i S S care Sun LISTS Lettuce Lotion For ChappedSkin 25c Bottle LIST DRUG CO J Phones 108 412114 Broadway I LOST Gold link cuff button Re- ward ¬ Phone 083 paymenl8r WANTED 4foot wood 100 cords per month Johnston Fuel Co pun SALK lour room cottage 320 Madison Call 181 now HAIR WORK Ada 1ullen GOO South Eighth Old phone 2005 EXPERT piano tuning only 200 C W Hahn New phone C47 FOR SALE Cuttings from 1adu ah Cooperage Co New phone 2258 FOR OOOU FITTING suits go to M Solomon 111 Broadway FOR RENT Dwelling at 232 North Seventh Call old phone 3 1C for appointment to Inspect FOR SALEGood dry country stove and heater wood 100 Now phono 1611 FOa RENT Warenouso Ninth and Harrison on private switch Old phono 1218a FOR tALE CHEAP Some ured barber fixtures J Turner 11C South Second BEATS THEM ALL on prices Williams Furniture Depot 501 So Third New Phono 981a FOR RENT Apartment jn flats 603 North Sixth street Gee Raw lelgh WANTED Vou to bear In mind that Bradley Bros are solo agents for Old Taylor Coal UMBRELLAS covered while you walt Eye See Jewelry Co 315323 Broadway FOR RENTFive room cottage for board of one person Apply 1143 Jefferson FOR RENTteams modern con venlencies suitable for housekeep ¬ ing 723 Madison street RING w SOLOMON the tailor and havo your clothes cleaned and pressed Old phone 110r XTEDcolored boy who un ¬ derstands pressing Steady Job Ad ¬ dress R this office FOR RE TFlatl Seventh and Broadway Steam heat Old phone 1218aI GOOD PAYING restaurant tar sale 400 The best location 4n the city Address I care Sun motorlonohntt care Su- n3iOEY GOES FAR I you buy Christmas gifts from Parrish the Jeweler 218 Broadway FOR SALEGWQ Gyealold lotINew FOR RENT Room 117 Brood way fitted out with bank fixtures fireproof J A Rudy VANTBD White or colored man with small family to qive Just out side of city Apply to Jake Bleder man MISS MARY MIX will make spe cia prices In dressmaking during the next tow months Evening dresses a specialty Od phone 1107- STRAYEDBlack mule lame In left hind log Halter burn on nose Return to 1003 Boyd undo receive liberal reward YOU aro wanted for Government position 8000 mouth Write for list of positions open Franklin In Btitute Dept 104a Rochester NY YOUR LACK curtains need clean ¬ tag You wlU make no mistake ID LnUndrrjPhone WE WASH lace curtains very care fully Get them clearer and whiter I than you could at home Star Laun ¬ dry Phone 200 S IL HOSTEN Dyeing pressing renovating French dry cleaningI Work called for and JlOO per month Old phone 338a WANTEDYou to give Old ray lor Coal a trial We guarantee to please you Bradley Bros 339 both phonesI WANTEDTo furnish your um ¬ brella with a new cover or handle W N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬ way FOIL SALE OR RINTeven room houso corner Eleventh nnd Monroo streets Has furnace and all modern conveniences See F M Fisher I FOR SALE Farm of 24 acres 312 miles from town good for truck for poultry on easy terms Harry Glsh 1440 Trimble street or old phone 703 1MEN = Learn automobile business you at home Get you 2G weekly Job 10 weekly while learning Rochester Auto School 306 Rochester N Y FOR SALE or tradeMyplace 27 acres 5 miles from Paducah on Cairo road New phone 7 US or call nt 1531 Broad stream George J- Jones WANTED You to remember when placing your order for coal that Old Taylor Coal Is by test the best and at the same price of the other Inferior coals sold on the Pa ¬ ducah market- WANTEDMen to learn barber trade Few weeks completes Money earned whirs learning Big demand for our graduates Wages 12 to 20 weekly Little expense Be in dependent Catalogue mallcdi free Motor Barber Colle e- FOR RBNTTho store house on South Seventh street formerly occu- pied ¬ by C J Howell the undertaker The house has undertakers fixtures In it and could be utilized at once Good chance for someone to go Into the undortakera1 business There be lag Just one colored undertaker In tho city Apply or write to Jake Blederman or E C Carter Paducah Kr 1 A 4 Lc MAGAZINES Make the Best Christmas Presents Come select a few of the most popular magazines as gifts for any of your family or friends There Is nothing I most of us appreciate more and they make such frequent I calls and bring such pleasure I rememberedI I IWe Make Cut Rates on Magazines Wo will duplicate any offers you have from any cut rate agents and assure you prompt deliveriesThis m- uchDRWILSW The Hook Magazine mind Music Man BOY WANTED Paducah Irlnt ¬ ing Co- JOlt SALPNew 25 grapho phone never used Call phone 335 GROCERY for sale good stand Apply to Covington Brothers LADIES WATCHES the Ideal Xmas grt8 10 11250 to 130 Parrish She Jeweler 218 Broadway WHOS PAimiSIL 1oj Jeweler at 218 Broadway Moneysaving Chrstmaa goods are here I I SEE Sacra Xmas offer 900 photos for 350 Get coupon before December let- WANTEDGood middle aged wo ¬ man to live with family One who- m be good to children A good home to the right party Apply at St Nicholas hotel LOST Tho addresses of 500 per ¬ sons who would be glad to know of bur chargo account system Ask us Parley Aakln Clothiers 217 Broadway 1VATEDEverybody to know that the Farley Ackn credit plan places good clothing within the reach of every mar woman or child Costs t nothing > Ask us 217 Broadway I improvedharm Husband road Will sell cheap It sold at once D A Want R F P No 7 City FOR RENT Five room cottage on Washington street has all mod- ern ¬ conveniences including tnllbt hot and cold water sink etc J A RudyWANTEDAt once experienced carpenter for forming etc on City National Bank building Fourth and Broadway Apply to W It John ¬ SuperintendentI day per ncro EIi fled Tobin Improvement Co El Paso Texas Dept 97 SALESMEN To call an grocers confectioners general stores 150 monthly and expenses yearly con ¬ tract Manager 17 S Main St St Louis Mo AN OPENING FORMEN AND- WOMENGood pay copying and checking advertising material at home sparo time no canvassing send stamp Simplex Manufacturing Co London Ont WE STARCH lace curtains Just the degree of stiffness that makes them hang nicely and dry them upon frames that make them square and stretch them smooth and area Star Laundry Phone ZOO ABLE BODIED MiN WANTED For the U S Marina Corps between nahive Monthly poor 15 to G9 Additional compensation possible food cloth Ing quarters and medical attendance free After 30 years service can re- tire ¬ with 75 per cent of pay and al owances Services on board ship and ashoro In nil parts of the world Apply at U S Marino Corps Rv orulUng Office postofflco building I KyI SALESMENThe most highly rated and best known firm lu America selling groceries by sample to consumers Has an original plan to offer reliable Industrious men enabling them to quickly establish a permanent business of their own yielding a good income Goods sold subject to trial no investment commissions advanced semimonth ¬ ly settlements Experience desirable but unnecessary Write for particu- lars ¬ today References required John Sexton Co Importers and wholesale grocers Lake and Frank- lin ¬ Sts Chicago 111 COMING TO FLORIDA Tntn dont miss tho opportunity to visit the Sldwood Farms the newest and best colony Sldwood Farms thirty minutes from Jacksonville the corn AtIlantlc ¬ rolling year Ideswinter i lightful bathing best social condi ¬ tions greatest farming opportunity 30 per acre easy terms values In- creAsing ¬ dally Write for booklet Florida Hoinesoekers Corporation Jacksonville Florida t >

Transcript of The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-11-26 [p 5]. · I Wesley Caldwoll for divorce altos ¬...

Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-11-26 [p 5]. · I Wesley Caldwoll for divorce altos ¬ ing cruel treatment In Police Court Broach orPNCC Charles Brewer fined 141 urn flanker



r padres and childrenF1L13


I Now H the time to buy yourBesides a most magnifi ¬

rrFurcent showing we are offering4 some special values in sets

that will not be here later Iff you are not quite ready for

them select and we will holduntil later They make excel ¬

lent Christmas giftsk

I At Sludq 8-




GET IT AT GILBERTS1t Dr Gilbert Osteopath C42

cV 4 Broadway Phones IDC

Rubber stamps seals braceitcnclU etc at Tho Sun office

Dalton Dye Worlds havo movedto 114 South Fifth street

Free city and farm real estateprice list Whittemore Fraternitybuilding Phones 83Cfro8lgn writing 0 R Sexton

401t1 Dye Wurki bavo moved

rstreetf dayand night Buchanans restaurant219 Kentucky avenue

HOOSHIl TAILOR R flnedclothing for gwotlota n CIO Broad-way


i Sbitnrsck BldgThis years crop of Fall Bulbi

41f direct from Rolland now on sale atDruDPoni G Broadway

it reliable taxicab service le anyobject to you tnko tho car with yollew wbeels Phone DIG SmithDlmmlek

S aUORT Hottow SUM hoat t whiskyhair gallon 100 Itloderman Pit

1 N1111iag CoK ft ToHHeMro Telop4tollol com

paars dlrwtary will go to pre Porembvr 1M All sauces of changesRd iddtloos tkodld bo rvcolvod be-

fore tbU stele-s Christian Solonco servteeR are

bid at the hall In tho Three Linksbuilding corner Fifth anal Kentuckynvonuo ni follows Sunday schoolfrom 945 to 1045 regular Sunday


In this hall from 10 a m to 1 p mevery day except Sunday and boll¬

days Tho public Is cordially Invitedto visit tho reading room and to at-


the servicesMr Rd Ovey Is qulto 111 nt his

homo 409 South Sixth street+ flora to Mr and Mrs Wagner

Aof 1207 Kentucky avenue a fine boylion Hal S Oorbett IU 111 at hit

tcL home Fountain avenue and Jofforvon street today

V Dr S Z Holland city healthofficer has crnllwl a meeting of thoboard of health for Monday at 130oclock at tho city hall

Mrs Joseph Gardner who hasbeen III at Riverside honpltnl for twoweeks was removed to her homo333 South Fifth streetSOlllhfweek IIs Improving




I of Yours

Will ylnld mighty quick to tileInfluence of OLDfJlmmSTI U HOREHOUM

t COUOIMUlorS Theyre modef

up according to the formulaI of nn old plantation doctorI ittIIIof healing herbs and purest

sesugarnot a suspicion ofj v 1dppo In n car load Get

relief Todaytr-



Big r Bagt 5cHiio






d a r


Gill Old riiono 818r-




823 ronihray

TO iuciivius ov ritinniiT

On November 11th or 12th someono took a box of books fromtho llllnol Central freight depotthrough error it was marked J CCheek Iaducah JKy if tho person lwho received this box will kindlyadvise mo It will bo appreciated

J T DONOVANAgent I C R R Paducab Ky

11111111111111 111111 M1111111111In lied Top and RackIHoollII Tojw nil siresAT HOCKS




ftf FordMarshall


lot Marshall county school teachor

Gllbertsfvllleof Marshall county

I R C Fowlkcs 18 of Tennesseefarmer and Frankie Hood 1C ofTonnoMco

Stilts Filed In Circuit CourtClara Caldwcll flied suit against

I Wesley Caldwoll for divorce altos ¬

ing cruel treatment

In Police CourtBroach orPNCC Charles Brewer

fined 141 urn flanker fined UoJoe Cunningham John Jacobs andJohn Kenneda continued to nextTuesday

1 1 A11 11 11 11 11 1111A I 11E111111x11x114A full lino of house Slippers

AT ROCKS1 11 11 11 1 11 11 11 11 I Y1 11 I ICY 111 I ICY Y


TamInrton Nov IIInolonstates will participate la the 25 percent division of national forest rovenue for the fiscal year ending Juno30 1910 according to a bulletin IIfrued by tho forest mrvico todayThe states portion which Is for roadend school purpcwos amount to






pounil speedily relieves thatannoying early season coughand cold

Price ROc amt 5100AND

Malarial Tonic Capsules aroguaranteed to break up anycase of chills They dontmake you sick like tho sweetsyrups do They are splendidappetizers

Irlco noc Per Box


Seventh and Jackson StreetsSloth Phones 237


Double tlllllnII

With ono ceremony two couplesworn mauled this morning in thoparlors of tho Hotel Craig by thenovoJ N Henson of Uenton Theyoung people are Miss Lonuio JoeFord of Benton and Mr CliftonJenkins of Ollbcrlsvllle and MissMyrtle Grlggs pf Denton and MrJ W ODanlel of Gllbertsvllle Thecouples cams to Paducah this mornIng for a quiet wedding Mrs Jen¬

kins resides near Benton but hasbeen a school teacher near CalvertCity while Mr Jenkins is a youngfarmer and the son of H J Jenkinsono of the wealthiest merchants InMarshall county Mrs ODanlel re-


near Benton while Mr ODanlelIs a prosperous young farmer nearGilbertsvllle

Ills Eleventh HlrtlidnyMaster Henry Gockol entertained

a tow of his friends yesterday after ¬

noon from 2 to 4 in honor of hiseleventh birthday Tho afternoonwas spent In games and music De-lightful


refreshments were servedThose present were Misses MaryEnglert Elizabeth Logan ElizabethOohlschlaeger Ruth Byrne AnnCalahon Olga Vogt Susie KingElsie Krug May Ella Lcako MaryEllington Mary Gockol Eloiso flyerand Masters Claude linker OscarSluts John Stanley Melvin LulgsHarry Ruby Sam Gott Leroy Per ¬

due Joseph Yopp Henry Gockel

Altnirtlvo tit MorningTho Art department of tho Wom-

an dub hrgd Us regular mootingthis morning at tho dub house Itwas n delightful session with a largomemborfhlp attendance The sub ¬

jects of tho morning worn most inter ¬

estingly featured as followsSir Joftbua Reynolds Life and

Works Mtai Jonnie CitronGeorge Romnqyt 1731liSO2

Mrs Dan MeFaddcnJohn Opio111G1SG7Mr L

V AnncnlroutHenry Roeburn 17S61S23 Mr

Hrs W II Coleman

Reception for Itrldo and GroomIn honor of Mr and Mrs George

Barkloy of Memphis who are visit¬

lag In Paducah on their honeymoonMr and Mrs J W Barkley 103GMonroe street entertained last nightwith a six oclock dinner and recep ¬

tion All of the relatives and anumber of friends of the couplewore proton t during tho evening

While in the city Mr and MrsBarkley are the guests of Mr Barkleys parents Mr and Mrs J WIlarkley Mrs Barkloy who wasMlles Maud McOutchcoti formerly re¬

sided In Paduoeh sad has manyfriends In Paducah Mr and MrsDirkloy will return to MemphisTuesday

Mr B B Ctagry of Jacksonstreett loft last night for Chltagohero ho will remain several days on

businessMrHi Pace returned to hk

homo last night after a trip on busl ¬

nessdir Rudy Albrttton returned to his

homo tat night after spending thoday In Paducah on business

Mr J W Hnrnwn of Woodvlllepawod through the city yesterdayon route to his homo after a severalweek visit at Parte Tenn

The Rev R Ai Nadolo returned toMa homo at Barlow lost night aftera trip on business

Mrs J R Lemon returned to herhomo at Infield last night aftorspending yesterday In tho city

Mrs R S Prather and son M HPrather of Mndisonvllle were In thecity yesterday

air nnd Mrs R C Fowlkc ofDyorsburB Tenn have returned totheir homo after upending severaldays on a visit

Mr and Mrs George Cunningham

returnedIIIn the dtnMr John Hofholnx of Cairo was

vlxlUng friends In tho city yesterdayMrs George Stephens and sister

Mrs George W Grief are guests ofMr anti Mrs Ed Stephens ofMetropolis II

Attorney C C QrasJiatn returnedlaU night from Madlsonvlllc

Mr Robert W Wallace has goneto Lexington to spend several days

Captain W II Stone left today forIloonoville Ind

returnedFloa vMl to MIR Willie Willis of NorthSixth street

Mr Gregory Harth has returnedfrom a several months visit In Curvyvilla Ky

Mrs Harry Brashcrs of Metrop ¬

lolls 111 returned homo today aftera shopping trip to Paducah

Mr AVbort M stall of St LouisIs visiting his sister Mrs Coo J > hnhard and clammilyr0f 422 SouthFourth street ilr gall Is ono ofofIMr Arthur Fisher of St Louis Isthe guest of Mr and Mrs VincentSalvo at Tho Shamrock

Mrs Oscar Kahn loft today tovisit In Louisville

Oapt J M St John steamboat In¬

spector of Nashville Tenn Is In thecity on government business

Miss Belle Ball of Chicago la vis ¬

iting her sister Mrs C W Trent321 South Seventh street


CoIambU Bldg Phone Mli

< t

Messrs Maurice Lngorwall andSpencer Johnston wlll leave tonightfor Puryear Tennr to spend Sundaywith friends

Contractor Albert Hood of StLouis Is visiting his sister MrsGeorge Lchnhard 422 South Fourth

streetMrO B Starks has returned

from Louisville where ho went on

businessMrs J E Arnold 1234 SouthSeventh street loft this morning forLexington Tenn where she will resideMr L C Robertson former chiefof police of Fulton was in the citytoday en route to Murray on bust ¬

nose 1

Mr William Ruoff left this mornIng for Princeton on business

Mr and Mrs John Cockrttl re ¬

turned last night from Louisvilleafter spending several days visiting

friendsCaptainOscar Barrett of the Bar ¬

rett Towboat line of Cincinnati IsIn the city today-

Steamboat Inspectors Green andSt John of Nashville are hero to ¬

day Inspecting tho steamer J D




residing I lejW J Mccoy IssuesDUtrlct CnHfor Itrouchvuy


At Broadway Methodist churchPaducah Monday evening Decemberkit at 730 all the pastors In Utedistrict are called to meet that womay confer together for the boatmethod and means to success

Monday 730 p m preachingPaul Jefferson

Tuesday 830 a m pastors meetfor counsel Scripture reading andprnrerE M1 Peters

845 How to best prepare for thopulpltR W Hood

900 Pastors place and work intho Sunday schoolJ A Patterson

915 Best way to hold prayermeeUngJ B Pearson

930 How to keep the EpworthLeague thriving P B Jefferson

945 How to circulate and haveread church literature A CMoore

1000 The need of district paperts cost value eloG T Sullivan

1014 General discussion1030 Recess1040 The pastor and revivals

benIESupportwhat should a pastor have to sayand do about ftW J Naylor

1110 How to utilize the laity orhow a pastor can reonforco or multi ¬

ply his onergleS U Jewell1125 What do I purpose accomp ¬

lishing this yearGeneral discuslion

1145 Rcconeecratlon priycr Ad¬

journment for dinnerAfternoon

145 The pastor In the homeswhat fortToE Calhoun

200 Reasons why It is best topay the Connectional Claims the firstof the conference year Hayes Howell

216 How to beg collect the Conacctonal ClnlmsD J Russell

230 How a pastor may help orhinder lhostewardU S McCaslln

245 How can a pastor best usehis time BO as to do proper studyingand pastoral visiting without neg ¬

lecting his family or friondsJ G

Jones3V0 The preacher and debt its

effect on his splrt and ministryH L Johnson

315 How to help our successorsto succeed W A Banks

330 The pastors cdre of the par ¬

eonageJ R Womblo345 The pastor and his person

with reference to drees manner andlittle hnbtsJ T Banks

400 Tho pastor a man of prayerT J Owen415 tho advantages of coopera ¬

tire etrortW J Mecoy420 How to use our local preach ¬

ers and oxhortersW A Maker435 Are we ready for the workGeneral response

Evening Hour730 Devotional exorcisesP II

Fields ii745 Loyalty to the hurchS B

Love800 PreachingThe Ministry of

Methodism S L JevfelttA

This will or should boa very im ¬

portant meeting to thli pastor Leteach one Give prayerful consldera ¬

ton to tho topic assigned cad attendtho whole session On arriving re-port at Broadway church and be as-


to your homo Expect thopresence and help of led with us

JYMiocoyr I

Now is the TimeTo have Those Fall and Winter

Garments Dyed or Cleaned

Bring us your Plumes Hats SuitsSkirts Waists Etc Wo will restorethem to their former brightn-

essDEMERCgModel Steam Dte Works

100 South Third StreetPl4I1 1108 286R New kcie28 j14v 4I4

I7 I I I I ICI Z 111 1MI 111f M ITIv 1 1 1-


2IcnrIn lima Hearts of All Yo That 1t Ihocks ShoesIIcur 4-

Ifj 0r4thnnk IIIfnge and shall strive each SeajIson to do n little better and

fcmake all comfortable and11

pleased with Rocks Shoes gt3 Try n pair and tell your rI IrlendlltOEU ROCK SHOE CO

tI5 821 BroadwayIeL1i MMMIi1 1YIM LYMIiiYi1i





TrnmSM11SSISippI l Commercial ConI

gross HcsoIutloiiM

San Antonio Nov 2111110twentyfirst annual session of thoTransMlajiaslppl Commercial Con ¬

gross adjourned sine die Amongtho Important resolutions adopted bythe congress are

Urging tho throwing open to In ¬

dividual patentees of all coal landsIn AJatka

Urging a 500000000 bond issue I

for tho national government for theimprovement of tho intend water-ways


and gulf portsFavoring the extension of tho re-

clamation service to swamp andoverflow hand-

yRequesting congress to create a I

permanent iblpartiean tariff commislIon

J H Mocquot Returnsi

Attorney J Denis Mocquot whois president of the Kentucky Stateliar association Is expected to re¬

turn home this evening from LouisI¬

ville where he was called to meetwith tho executive committee Thecommittee met to perfect arrangements for tho annual meeting to beheld at Lexington In July 1911




oiw41 0


Hereafter The Suns advertisingntes for lodges and churches char-


organizations and societies willbe the same as to all other adver ¬

tisers Also on account of difficul ¬

ties In making collections from manyof these acounts all publications ofthis character must be acompanledby theauhIFOR RENTFour room houseCIO Adams Apply 501 South Sixth

POSITION WANTED1n privatefamily Apply 945 Clay I

FOR RENT Modern 4 room cot-tage


320 Madison New phono 181WANTED 4 boys to pass bills

Monday Noahs ArkBOYS WANTED at Shinn Glovo

Co 127129 North Second streetFOR RENT Five roomcottage

with bath Old phone 1292FOUND Ruby blanketon Fountain

avenue Owner can have seine bpicalling at this office and paying forthis ad

MONEY returned It you are notsatisfied with lots bought near fast-est


growing city for a dollar a weekBooklet free Tobin ImprovementCo El Paso Tox Dept 205


ishing revelations Let me guideyou to a happy successful futureSend birth date and four 2 centstamps Prof W Allen 8 No Woodstreet Chicago

LOST On Broadway betweenpotoffico and First National frankPurse containing 4SQ3 Finderplease return to Bonnie Warren1904 Guthrlo avenue and receive to-ward



SALESMAN WANTEDWo have-n fine opening for a well educatedneat appearing nnd energetic youngman as city salesman In Saint LouisSelling experience not necessary

ndvnncemellt1Will I

mission to the right man Address i

S S care Sun


Lettuce Lotion


25c Bottle


Phones 108

412114 Broadway


LOST Gold link cuff button Re-ward


Phone 083

paymenl8rWANTED 4foot wood 100 cords

per month Johnston Fuel Copun SALK lour room

cottage 320 Madison Call 181 now

HAIR WORK Ada 1ullen GOO

South Eighth Old phone 2005EXPERT piano tuning only

200 C W Hahn New phone C47

FORSALE Cuttings from 1aduah Cooperage Co New phone 2258

FOR OOOU FITTING suits go toM Solomon 111 Broadway

FOR RENT Dwelling at 232North Seventh Call old phone 3 1C

for appointment to InspectFOR SALEGood dry countrystove and heater wood 100 Nowphono 1611FOa RENT Warenouso Ninthand Harrison on private switch Oldphono 1218a

FOR tALE CHEAP Some uredbarber fixtures J Turner 11C SouthSecond

BEATS THEM ALL on pricesWilliams Furniture Depot 501 SoThird New Phono 981a

FOR RENT Apartment jn flats603 North Sixth street Gee Rawlelgh

WANTED Vou to bear In mindthat Bradley Bros are solo agentsfor Old Taylor Coal

UMBRELLAS covered while you

walt Eye See Jewelry Co 315323Broadway

FOR RENTFive room cottagefor board of one person Apply1143 Jefferson

FOR RENTteams modern convenlencies suitable for housekeep ¬

ing 723 Madison streetRING w SOLOMON the tailor

and havo your clothes cleaned andpressed Old phone 110rXTEDcolored boy who un ¬

derstands pressing Steady Job Ad ¬

dress R this officeFOR RE TFlatl Seventh and

Broadway Steam heat Old phone1218aIGOOD PAYING restaurant tarsale 400 The best location 4n thecity Address I care Sun

motorlonohnttcare Su-n3iOEY GOES FAR I you buyChristmas gifts from Parrish theJeweler 218 Broadway

FOR SALEGWQ GyealoldlotINewFOR RENT Room 117 Brood

way fitted out with bank fixturesfireproof J A Rudy

VANTBD White or colored manwith small family to qive Just outside of city Apply to Jake Blederman

MISS MARY MIX will make specia prices In dressmaking during thenext tow months Evening dresses aspecialty Od phone 1107-

STRAYEDBlack mule lame Inleft hind log Halter burn on noseReturn to 1003 Boyd undo receiveliberal reward

YOU aro wanted for Governmentposition 8000 mouth Write forlist of positions open Franklin InBtitute Dept 104a Rochester NY

YOUR LACK curtains need clean ¬

tag You wlU make no mistake ID

LnUndrrjPhoneWE WASH lace curtains very care

fully Get them clearer and whiter I

than you could at home Star Laun¬

dry Phone 200

S IL HOSTEN Dyeing pressingrenovating French dry cleaningIWork called for andJlOO per month Old phone 338a

WANTEDYou to give Old raylor Coal a trial We guarantee toplease you Bradley Bros 339both phonesIWANTEDTo furnish your um ¬

brella with a new cover or handleW N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬


room houso corner Eleventh nndMonroo streets Has furnace and allmodern conveniences See F M

Fisher I

FOR SALE Farm of 24 acres312 miles from town good for truck

for poultry on easy terms HarryGlsh 1440 Trimble street or oldphone 703

1MEN =Learn automobile businessyou at home Get you

2G weekly Job 10 weekly whilelearning Rochester Auto School306 Rochester N Y

FOR SALE or tradeMyplace27 acres 5 miles from Paducah onCairo road New phone 7 US or callnt 1531 Broad stream George J-

JonesWANTED You to remember

when placing your order for coalthat Old Taylor Coal Is by test thebest and at the same price of theother Inferior coals sold on the Pa ¬

ducah market-WANTEDMen to learn barber

trade Few weeks completes Money

earned whirs learning Big demandfor our graduates Wages 12 to

20 weekly Little expense Be independent Catalogue mallcdi freeMotor Barber Colle e-

FOR RBNTTho store house onSouth Seventh street formerly occu-pied


by C J Howell the undertakerThe house has undertakers fixturesIn it and could be utilized at onceGood chance for someone to go Intothe undortakera1 business There belag Just one colored undertaker Intho city Apply or write to JakeBlederman or E C Carter PaducahKr 1

A 4


Make the Best

Christmas Presents

Come select a few of the

most popular magazines as

gifts for any of your family

or friends There Is nothingI

most of us appreciate more

and they make such frequentI

calls and bring such pleasure

IrememberedIIIWe Make Cut Rates on


Wo will duplicate any offersyou have from any cut rateagents and assure you prompt

deliveriesThis m-

uchDRWILSWThe Hook Magazine mind

Music Man

BOY WANTED Paducah Irlnt ¬

ing Co-

JOlt SALPNew 25 graphophone never used Call phone 335

GROCERY for sale good standApply to Covington Brothers

LADIES WATCHES the IdealXmas grt8 10 11250 to 130Parrish She Jeweler 218 Broadway

WHOS PAimiSIL 1ojJewelerat 218 Broadway MoneysavingChrstmaa goods are here

II SEE Sacra Xmas offer 900photos for 350 Get coupon beforeDecember let-

WANTEDGood middle aged wo ¬

man to live with family One who-m be good to children A good

home to the right party Apply atSt Nicholas hotel

LOST Tho addresses of 500 per ¬

sons who would be glad to know ofbur chargo account system Ask usParley Aakln Clothiers 217Broadway1VATEDEverybody to knowthat the Farley Ackn credit planplaces good clothing within the reachof every mar woman or child Coststnothing> Ask us 217 Broadway


improvedharmHusband road Will sell cheap Itsold at once D A Want R F PNo 7 City

FOR RENT Five room cottageon Washington street has all mod-ern


conveniences including tnllbthot and cold water sink etc J A

RudyWANTEDAtonce experienced

carpenter for forming etc on CityNational Bank building Fourth andBroadway Apply to W It John ¬

SuperintendentI day per ncroEIifled Tobin Improvement Co ElPaso Texas Dept 97

SALESMEN To callan grocersconfectioners general stores 150monthly and expenses yearly con ¬

tract Manager 17 S Main St StLouis Mo

AN OPENING FORMEN AND-WOMENGood pay copying andchecking advertising material athome sparo time no canvassingsend stamp Simplex ManufacturingCo London Ont

WE STARCH lace curtains Justthe degree of stiffness that makesthem hang nicely and dry them uponframes that make them square andstretch them smooth and area StarLaundry Phone ZOO

ABLE BODIED MiN WANTEDFor the U S Marina Corps betweennahiveMonthly poor 15 to G9 Additionalcompensation possible food clothIng quarters and medical attendancefree After 30 years service can re-


with 75 per cent of pay and alowances Services on board shipand ashoro In nil parts of the worldApply at U S Marino Corps RvorulUng Office postofflco building

IKyI SALESMENThe mosthighly rated and best known firm luAmerica selling groceries by sampleto consumers Has an original planto offer reliable Industrious menenabling them to quickly establisha permanent business of their ownyielding a good income Goods soldsubject to trial no investmentcommissions advanced semimonth ¬

ly settlements Experience desirablebut unnecessary Write for particu-lars


today References requiredJohn Sexton Co Importers andwholesale grocers Lake and Frank-lin


Sts Chicago 111

COMING TO FLORIDA Tntndont miss tho opportunity to visitthe Sldwood Farms the newest andbest colony Sldwood Farms thirtyminutes from Jacksonville the corn

AtIlantlc ¬

rollingyear Ideswinteri lightful bathing best social condi¬

tions greatest farming opportunity30 per acre easy terms values In-


dally Write for bookletFlorida Hoinesoekers CorporationJacksonville Florida t >