The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1908-10-27 [p...

1w u i I ocronnn ar PAr U St1NTWJD I ftftll ro1n0flrl AH JOT3NING 4 L u TbePadueabSun AFTKHXOOV atM wmmry SUN IUBMSHIXG COMPANY IVCOIUOUATKII F M FISHER Ireildent n J PAXTON General Manager i Entered ht tho poll mco at 1actucah tr Kjr B8 second class matter SUIISCIU1TIOV lUTES i T1IB lIlllY SUN By Carrier per week ilO- My mall per month In advance Z5 By nail per year In advancot3 00 TUB WUKKIV SUNI I For year by mall goBtagpalda10 o Address TUB StfV Prtducah Ky Omce 111 South Third Phone 358 Payne 8t Young Chicago and Now York representatives THE SUN can be found at the follow ¬ ing places i It D Clements Co Van Cutln Ural r almer House TUESDAY OCTOHKU 27 CniCUIiATIOV STATKMKNT i MMMWWW September 1008 16099 10 COTS 26094 17507- 1GOp1 18 JW73 45103 196089- x6104 21 0- 94T610G 26100 86094 23 60- 986095241i11G 0 106098 2G6119 11 5103 2C 6122 126102 285118 14 BOSS 296112l- rr 11070 30 Gl07 Total 132547 Average for September 1908 5098 Average for September 1907 3902 Increase 1196 Personally appeared before me this Oct 2 1908 R D MacMlllen business manager of The Sun who affirms that the above statement o the circulation of The Sn for the month of September 1908 Is true t the best of his knowledge and belief My commission expires Januar 10 1912 PETER PURYEAR Notary Public McCracken Co Cc i u I Tim TICKET President Wm H Taft Vice 118 Jas S Sherman Congress J 51 Porter City Treasurer A It Grouse City Jailer Wodo Brown Aldermen W T Sillier II S- Wells Finis lack U S Wolston and II W Cornellso- nCauncfmcnFirst I want John W IJebout second ward Mike W Ilcbout second ward John Stock Idol ward C SI hiker fourth ward Jr L Wanner filth wand T K Ford sixth want It S Ilarnctt School Trustees First wand William If Iooro Second want J K Ilondurant Third wand O I li Shirks Fourth wend ICd Hubbard Fifth ward It S Morris long tenn J U Sic N Qltr n short term Sixth worth It Ifc Treadwny Song term W K Itlrktnaii fciiort Icrm- ANNOUNCEDENT OMaty Court Clerk TIle Sun Is authorized to announce Hiram Smedley a candidate for re ¬ election to the office of Clerk of the I McCracken County Court subject to I the action of the Democratic party Dally Thought A man has Just as much religion as bo can command In the time of r roublo Andrew Fuller Home Is where thq memory lives q If the NewsDemocratic circulation man made that estimate of Iho crowd l at the court house last night we know Just about how many subscribers tho paper has 0 The Idea of calling Mr Bryan the man of the flour1 Anyone who has been running for president as long as he has deserves better than that Man of the generation at least A gentleman l In Ballard county said be is not going to vote for Bryan this time but he is raising his boys to vote for Dmnt r o THE CITY JAILER There Is more chance to graft In the office of city Jailer nndj mpro chance to do good than in ny other position In the city The J Janer hTis charge of the city prisoners and the chain gang and the city halUe feeds tho prisoners and is constantly buying small articles Jar the hall and Jail By kind and firm treatment a p the unfortunates In his charge rem ¬ reJIfralnlng er can be ofsorvlce tohuuiantty a well as o a guardian over the don ¬ gerous character Tho kind of man ircqUlrcd for suchI a position as thhx Ja one of proven I honesty and character a man who combines flrmnctk and mercy In b1 disposition a man of cleanly an I thrifty habits It was just such a man that tho leading citizens of Padu cab desired when they waited on Mayor James P Smh end requested 1 kilns to appoint Copt VYade Brown It was upon the so ICltalj n of these gentlemen that Captain Brown con ¬ sented to accept the appointment Captain Browns attention to the city hall evokes only one criticism ho Is gradually wearing It away by con start scouring Upstairs and down stllrl11pd In Judgo Cross chamber he has prisoners at work Ho bus mado Inst effort this year to Im ¬ prove tho yard of the Jail and Is suc¬ ceeding admirably He Installed con vencles cheap but satisfactory for cleaning tho city prisoners Prev ¬ lously thero was no arrangement If a prisoner desired to wash NowIt Is compulsory People not acquainted with police affairs have no Idea of thembunt rid kt iiNrmln Con- stantly carried Into a Jail Nearly every prisoner Is covered with It and Captain Brown is keeping up a con- stant warfare on the vermin and manages to keep the Jail sanitary but If Is nn every doy battle for rev cruits are going In constantly t Compulsory cleanliness and order In the jail la a new experience for most of the inmates Disorder hat been theIr rule of life and former Jailers have contented themselves with keeping theprlsoners locked UP considering their duty done then Captain Brown Is a hard worker Ho was brought Up to It Xo matter where he Is put he Is the kindof man who hunts for work and ho If never hlllXor are his prisoners Let the voters of those who know what chances there are for graft In that ofllce let them Inquire what a Jailer can do In t kl 1caro of the cltys propbrty if do Escapable and willing and how he can neglect It let them Inquire the kind of man Capt Wade Brown is not from parti son politicians but from those who know him arid will l givean honest opinion Then let them vote for Pa ducal o TilE Cm TREASURER CUy Treasurer John J Dorian on authority of the states attorney gen- eral doss not admit that he Ja In eligible to the office to which the good people of Paducah elected him and 1 If by any mischance Mr George Walters should be elected nothing but long litigation would ensue through Mr orf the office If the Republican party como ¬ plications which would result from andy his consequent suit to get the office nominated a candidate who promIses If elected not to Interfere with Mr Dorians rights Mr Dorlans Position has not been compromised or embar sassed Ho Is simply standing on his right to the office If Mr Grouse is elected he will permit Mr Dorian to serve while he holds the title nomin- ally In which case Mr Dorian would have no cause for complaint If Mr Walters Is elected there will be a lawsuit If Mr Walters attempts to oust Mr Dorian and the city gill pay for the privilege of seeng a can dldate try to oust on a technically the peoples choice fcr treasurer 0- WHO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR NIGHT RIDING Some days ago The Sun commented on Ollle James comparison of the United States to Rome and Babylon and Egypt In his effort to prove that the country is on the verge of de ¬ struction because of a favored class and hs slighting reference to Gove- rnor Wlllrons soldiers Not In this connection but quite apropos the CourierJournal says Inciting the Irresponslbles to an archistic activityno matter whether It Is done by a longhaired agitator who believes In bombs as a panacea for economic Ills and preaches Insani ty In the alums or by misguided per sons In a rural community who en courage barn burning and murder as a means to an end entails moral re sponsibility for results Such results as the massacre In southwestern Ken lucky and the murder ln northwest ern Tennessee are to bo expected Then It says In Tennessee and In Kentucky various atrocities perpetrated by night- rIders went unpunished because of th utter rottenness of local government and the corruption of men qualified for grand and petit Jury service Only a short time ago at HIckman a little distance across the Kentucky line from the scone of the latet outrage there occurred a night rider frolic the burning of a negro cabin and the murder of a negro family It the language of the local correspond ents that hideous affair caused no ex cltemeht Wo may rest assured that the outlaws about Reelfoot lake were not uninfluenced by the news that outlaws In fulton county could Impunity commit such a crime I the local government In Hlckmat county was unstirred by the massacre of negro women and children why should the local government in Ten- nessee ¬ county Just across the line be expected to make an effort to rebuke a band of outlaws for the murder of ofr Fulton county Ky view the massa ¬ cre of negroes with complacency why should not the citizens of Union coun- t ty Tenn at least acquiesce In the murder of two attorneys And since these things may occur q Ithout resultant excitement and w hout popular Indignation taking the > form of a thorough beating of whata fecthe structure of government sav ocpstraln those who are by habiOant inclination law abiding whlle Iltbosfc who lire nbtorb free to commit whatever crime the Imaglna anon ofth eeavage can conceive- d With theilajjun a restraint for good citizens andjtholailure of Its enforce ¬ ment as h license to bad citizens a community Ii1na sorrier plight than 1g a country where there u no law but the survival of ttfe fittest and tacjj e 40 + tics of the tiger to take prey and t to defend himself from those who 4v6uld make prey of him t H t Is because of the lawless existing In the breastsof men who are perhaps not consciously fed ¬ ons that the temper of public opinion becomes such that permitted outlaw I ly Is possible Not the ragtagand bobtall element that actually burns I barns In Kentucky but the smug pro I maters and supporters of night rider Ism constitute the element really de structure of the peace of tho commun ¬ ities In which barns are burned These smog promoters and supporters go to with a good con ¬ science and consider themselves good cltlietiB although they deserve a cell h and prison stripes as accessories be ¬ tore and after the fact Some ofthete gentlemen are conniving holders of rI thelJaw f t strength to nIght rlderitm In that thqy are upon Juried when a night Tlder Is upon trial These typesthe officer of the tew who violates his oath In the Interest t of a class with which ho sympathizes to such an extent that hs sense of r duty Is obliterated and the venire man or grand Juror whose personal 1 I Interest or sympathy blinds him to the enormity of the offense charged I are tho backbone of mob rule They andjnot the hoodlums who ap- ply ¬ the torch have put Kentucky to the expense of maintaining a small I standing army In tho field to prevent disorder They may eventually real Izo that they have prayed with fire l In II both the figurative and literal sense o Sir Compere takes advantage or the opportunity to answer President Roosevelts charge that Bryan sale tlona Oompera attacks on property rights not by answering It but b vIlMfylng the prosMont The char was directed to Mr lirytm but he will never answer It e JAMES AND WILLSON In his Speech at Murray yesterday Governor Wlllson said that Ollle James could hot excuse himself asa leader of the ix ople by refraining the night riders when he falls to ray anything in of those0 who are upholding the law Going to Murray yesterday Mr Jams In ¬ quired If anybody hart been killed J around Murray According to tli I this morning the only reference this leader of tho First district people made to night riding was to say Willson In the pardon of the mur ¬ derers of Governor Gocbel created more disorder than the night rider have done In Kentucky loadinf Kentuoky on night rider question Din one blame the extremes to which tho underlings go It was reported that when Mr Bryan stumped Kentucky for Beck ham and Hager last fall and ho hear of thq raids he sail he was devoutly thankful that tho people had taken the law Into their own hands to dow the trusts qyesHons r ¬ PQIsAndust t that the Democrats under James arid Stanley will stand up for the IncrftiiP lades and murderers of the mack Patch and the Republicans under Wileon will uphold the law and the protection of the country home If tho First district siren that old I time majority Ollle James speaks of t will be considered by tho night I riders as a rebuke to Governor Will son an Indication of the trend of t sentiment toward tho I race three years hence and encour RRement for them to strengthen thou organization continuo their work ofI f r tnCmldaticn and prepare to run tit a Democrats party after which they may reasonably expect the gpUIeri l 1 t f Rtt j jUCk 1 SSREIION ifi1 I I- x F ° D CPWV I gAEE RUBE ii AQPUrNC I II LAvd i t rij I O- o4rIERSs 1fb HOUtt 1AY 1 I I LAI CN1L I A I t III I IN PE GTIOTIL LAW 1RR10 MENT op LA oP- aESF + 4- CURRla1CY19 fSSfM- rt rt r gOE- t1EdEtoPM NT vEt x + NAVA AUMINiStRF1EEcnt I Tilt PPNANAMA ZNE P9- Attl31Z 1 AUS Ib1o1 1 1AOoR f3URF WAGE FPIhEt dw μ EfISHIP 1 F4tE MP ° Y ° ° pn uiE- EryEslT tOUREAUSGN ° U t + dRyAN tNS4tCt fax ii7s4 llr s KEEP IT UP sympathywlth prayermeetlng fdcjiondable encouragement NewsDemocrat 1 gubernatorial 1t- HE urgdllk RATION to be withdrawn and as Bryan said The people to take the law Into tholr own hands NIGHT RIDER GOT Continued trt 10 1 pofiue of their crimes and they sear die vengKineo of talk partners In clime if they confess Young Prescott 1 lart typical carol He was shot In the firm on the Blrm handage9h cleave which led directly wily to his homo L Ilk famllyi name had never bone talmltltor I ehct bit beaters out T ioQ are other rrra 4a ire Ausperat plight They i ere the rolls labtonlng around them The ro diems will May Their leader j U in hiding Thefe lowg with whom they conspired are planning stir more deeporatc crimp to cover up those already committed earl those i men do not wish to go further A pit to tho organisation seems ap 1 ¬ parent t and some of tie mltguU xl rght riders fear tbatt they wH be the prey of their more dcsparato ns KMlaMs They own land still coon m I tell I U because the night rider situ ¬ i aton has mado r ca4 estate a drug on the market They have to stay or fieo fcomeiess I Another think that Is adding to tho apprehon on of tamq goof citl man who once entertained the hope of forcing nil their neighbors Into the pool ls the report that In n Jamagc suit shortly to j > e filed In tho- r federal court at Loutevlllo the gen Aral conspiracy hi to bf alleged antI I aU known night riders in Kentucky and Tonaojeee are to bo made de fondants whether they actuaUy lmr tlcliaed In the roW or not Tho at- torneys ¬ have gone deep Into the di ¬ gust and declare that they can pro¬ I duce aulfeofltle which will warrant tho fcdcfflt court In admitting oil dnnco of the gono + st onspfracy and holding ail I members of tho night rider bawl ltabe to damages It win expose many ptibMd olllrdaJe and lead ¬ ing citizens of the Bbtok 1atfth who omlooed the GrllnIt which tlxy would not stoop to participate In Jury wnwlH Si u Ted Tho great difficulty eo far felt In bringing night rldore to justice hew been found In the Jury wheel Au ¬ thorities have become convinced that long before the first plant 1 boJ wee saaitedtheJury wheels nrore niod with tho names of n ght riders tart night iidar eympiathlzore and now a jurtP1a with oil the Wry of outraged dtlzon ship confident of the fast that A night rider Jury will fall to return on nActmont admnld w h CiCloway and MathAlcotinUo8 and i there ate many associate membem fn f In awleiencgs but yet are eotlsfactony or Jury eeniioo t YOU WONT I AVE TO WAIT seep doss matte yea 1 telbtMtr Las Po itepiyourholt Insides ri hL Sold on Ihi I e ebrk pUn ncrywtictr fneeUtreti Govcjniiiicnt Kinployiiiciit Bureau Many post cards have been edvat i the Jaducah rostomco fro AVaihlnpton to be distributed nmon Persons needing farm laborers cons man laborer and mechanics The lards arc front tho bureau Of Imml ¬ gratlon and labor and following the receipt of 4he i > ost sores from per ¬ sons laborers will bo directed Rher- p 0 procure work The cards aro nt he jioctofllco and snap boJiad for tho 1 Ing Tho cards are awirked sal buslneta and no postage Is re ipd tomal1themI I I tJ 1 t1 Where is Johnson Tito Toiler a pub oion 61 dent started for tho purpo f t3ooit lag oamlldnt before w I ixmoeWUC pasty at a prteo under th tutee of Mag a l labor organ has uspoltdod J C Johnson an agitator who hnIK from lout UIe and Mrmphl tItS not be o eeen since Saturday And he is f bdng nuxAUely I tougbl Besides his newapaper vottture Johnson was nfthe In the manage moat of UM Democratic campaign In the city and county and ntriieil In K tongtalled frock dmt out hot air from Mreet conMM The T ler1 was an acUvo ag ntt la ftMlde Ottr Jailer VYashs Brown IIon Capt William Army HetnlltllI inite J of nrrlvlng todiy to enlist neon In the army will boo here tomor- row ¬ ftorooha Svrgt t c A Disk the TtwulUog oTBon ha nitS men to Ibe callit d They hre Wllttnm Co XII tharp of Fulton coast artillery York harbor tecoed llnmcnt Joseph Spteori of Dre den Thirteenth cavalry Pt Loavonwbrth iflOnd n illitnvnt Kdwill I < WrUhU of Iadu zsh Fred Horsing I or Marlon and Lens Walker of Marion The last three will be ntysted for the roast artllrv Capt Reed will come here from rairo and will go to Princeton Government scientists who have been measuring hem say raindrops ipecklof 111 1W1 I NOTICE j Persons wishing to aid the financial cohdition of the Paducah Public Schools can do 10 at prescnt most effectually by paying their taxes due + f now to the city treasurer which will be proratedt t t- f promptly to the school fund and there will be no ncccsiity for closing the schools if the citizens will pay thir taxes promptly r L CITY OF PADUCAH KY By Alex Kirkland Auditor Approved James P Smith Mayor A V t tI t I J Our NniiicMikuV Opinion mi llio Srhotd blond I i911e I w n pale i > rocMion I II The ctioolroonvt alert balk TI I ir hwirti were sad their frees ri i To the tI6 cted wallflI I i in IrnUjUft of faded gray Oftr Lib unwed slowly on tad tit his tide marched nofwhwiy Our RjnrlCHu Washington Itw fr I4 olns taddwrd Nf tltanf thin a mist of teen tall VVfelttlorVi > laintlw Jniibl I Ofcino fniUjr U> my eon LfHsffMlow tone fcaa tkaifrd to Ilu I I Art I lI Prankllnt wit t to gloom The wMtoyMtfKlHlvya spirit iMtatlinI A ICINsOtte from till tomb Ok rota ef old Iadurak Theo ebWroui champions we Give to them freedoms birthright tdgh That blftttrtght ere have died I to boy 00 A Vtrtbrfekt bought With blood end 11tM Ohrat y nr children free Drive fron your h arths tOB i I Ic morale Her f item from ur I lead 11 Knowledge ladit- Till 1 her torch oft t si I our countrys hearths ar hrlllht Tskup the fhII for 11 I IlIn1 rl ° For litue arQ rntt land MY EMIH r IARROWI I MW nor slretth Utabt lorry emit + ntt I + + ar a I to N y To Republican raters of Paducah We an unable to roach all of you bj mall and as we post Important bulle f- tins at hoadquartorii dally you ilea klrdly roquottinl to cult and look them over It will koop you In touch with tWe Ituation Notice of speak IIIKR ciiaBKtm of dales ate and other n formation that will be Interesting NO HOOVVJH Rv Telephone 205 old 1400 newV HimiN for Sale Ior a aMeut we offer for > ssie lw rollowlnc flrat morifaga bdldi + 144- Jlayilelsl Water I Light CojlJ40oC- slanh ae Mfg Co 8000 xrtovll o Un fvliool tenets S800 All hearing fI I pet rent Iniarmt CrXRVf iI TIN08 HANK When a man I is short he usually has a toBR tar- ehave r WE the only cu- tChrysanthemums in the city 10000i i I really for thetl market SCUMAUS BROTHERS a Both Hints 192 I HOW IT MIGHT HAPPEN IIo I I I I iThis company Is tryinto prevent this accident happening to you You ought to be interested You ought to be willing to be careful enough nott to get off a car and walk behind it in front of another or where there l 1G n single track in front of a swiftly moving vehicle Remember that npbnc yoclis toWait a second Look Open gog me without the help of an ambulance It will surprise you to find out how careless are the women in your familyat least in this matter Watch them It will call attention to your own carelessness perhaps l 11o 1 TUB PADUCAH TRACTION CO Incorporated Copyright 1008 by f Stpno K Vclwter itItN YA ur J- lr II r +

Transcript of The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1908-10-27 [p...

Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1908-10-27 [p 4] · 2014-06-25 · the office of city Jailer nndj mpro chance to do good than in


u i

Iocronnn arPArU St1NTWJDI ftftllro1n0flrl AH JOT3NING 4L

u TbePadueabSunAFTKHXOOV atM wmmry


F M FISHER Ireildentn J PAXTON General Manager

iEntered ht tho poll mco at 1actucah

tr Kjr B8 second class matter


T1IB lIlllY SUNBy Carrier per week ilO-

My mall per month In advance Z5

By nail per year In advancot3 00

TUB WUKKIV SUNII For year by mall goBtagpalda10 o

Address TUB StfV Prtducah KyOmce 111 South Third Phone 358

Payne 8t Young Chicago and NowYork representatives

THE SUN can be found at the follow ¬

ing places iIt D Clements CoVan Cutln Ural r

almer House



September 1008

16099 10 COTS

26094 17507-1GOp1 18 JW73

45103 196089-x6104 21 0-94T610G 2610086094 23 60-


106098 2G611911 5103 2C 6122

126102 28511814 BOSS 296112l-rr 11070 30 Gl07

Total 132547Average for September 1908 5098Average for September 1907 3902

Increase 1196Personally appeared before me

this Oct 2 1908 R D MacMlllenbusiness manager of The Sun whoaffirms that the above statement o

the circulation of The Sn for themonth of September 1908 Is true t

the best of his knowledge and beliefMy commission expires Januar


Notary Public McCracken Co

Cc i



President Wm H TaftVice 118 Jas S ShermanCongress J 51 PorterCity Treasurer A It GrouseCity Jailer Wodo BrownAldermen W T Sillier II S-

Wells Finis lack U S Wolstonand II W Cornellso-


want JohnW IJebout second ward MikeW Ilcbout second ward JohnStock Idol ward C SI hikerfourth ward Jr L Wanner filthwand T K Ford sixth want ItS Ilarnctt

School Trustees First wandWilliam If Iooro Second wantJ K Ilondurant Third wand O

I li Shirks Fourth wend ICd

Hubbard Fifth ward It SMorris long tenn J U Sic

N Qltr n short term Sixth worthIt Ifc Treadwny Song term WK Itlrktnaii fciiort Icrm-


OMaty Court ClerkTIle Sun Is authorized to announce

Hiram Smedley a candidate for re¬

election to the office of Clerk of theI

McCracken County Court subject toI

the action of the Democratic party

Dally ThoughtA man has Just as much religion

as bo can command In the time ofr

roublo Andrew Fuller

Home Is where thq memory livesq

If the NewsDemocratic circulationman made that estimate of Iho crowdl

at the court house last night we knowJust about how many subscribers thopaper has

0The Idea of calling Mr Bryan the

man of the flour1 Anyone who hasbeen running for president as longas he has deserves better than that

Man of the generation at least A

gentleman lIn Ballard county said beis not going to vote for Bryan thistime but he is raising his boys tovote for Dmnt ro

THE CITY JAILERThere Is more chance to graft In

the office of city Jailer nndj mprochance to do good than in ny otherposition In the city The JJaner hTis

charge of the city prisoners and thechain gang and the city halUefeeds tho prisoners and is constantlybuying small articles Jar the hall andJail By kind and firm treatment ap

the unfortunates In his charge rem ¬

reJIfralnlnger can be ofsorvlce tohuuiantty awell as o a guardian over the don ¬

gerous characterTho kind of man ircqUlrcd for suchI

a position as thhx Ja one of proven I

honesty and character a man whocombines flrmnctk and mercy In b1

disposition a man of cleanly an I

thrifty habits It was just such aman that tho leading citizens of Paducab desired when they waited onMayor James P Smh end requested1

kilns to appoint Copt VYade Brown Itwas upon the so ICltalj n of these

gentlemen that Captain Brown con ¬

sented to accept the appointmentCaptain Browns attention to the

city hall evokes only one criticism hoIs gradually wearing It away by constart scouring Upstairs and down

stllrl11pd In Judgo Cross chamberhe has prisoners at work Ho bus

mado Inst effort this year to Im ¬

prove tho yard of the Jail and Is suc¬

ceeding admirably He Installed convencles cheap but satisfactory forcleaning tho city prisoners Prev ¬

lously thero was no arrangement If

a prisoner desired to wash NowItIs compulsory People not acquaintedwith police affairs have no Idea ofthembunt rid kt iiNrmln Con-stantly carried Into a Jail Nearlyevery prisoner Is covered with It andCaptain Brown is keeping up a con-

stant warfare on the vermin andmanages to keep the Jail sanitarybut If Is nn every doy battle for revcruits are going In constantly t

Compulsory cleanliness and orderIn the jail la a new experience formost of the inmates Disorder hatbeen theIr rule of life and formerJailers have contented themselveswith keeping theprlsoners locked UP

considering their duty done thenCaptain Brown Is a hard worker

Ho was brought Up to It Xo matterwhere he Is put he Is the kindofman who hunts for work and ho Ifnever hlllXor are his prisoners

Let the voters of those who knowwhat chances there are for graft In

that ofllce let them Inquire what a

Jailer can do In t kl 1caro of thecltys propbrty if do Escapable andwilling and how he can neglect Itlet them Inquire the kind of manCapt Wade Brown is not from partison politicians but from those whoknow him arid willl givean honestopinion Then let them vote for Paducal


TilE Cm TREASURERCUy Treasurer John J Dorian on

authority of the states attorney gen-

eral doss not admit that he Ja Ineligible to the office to which the goodpeople of Paducah elected him and 1Ifby any mischance Mr George Waltersshould be elected nothing but longlitigation would ensue through Mrorfthe office If the Republican partycomo ¬

plications which would result fromandyhis consequent suit to get the officenominated a candidate who promIsesIf elected not to Interfere with MrDorians rights Mr Dorlans Positionhas not been compromised or embarsassed Ho Is simply standing on hisright to the office If Mr Grouse iselected he will permit Mr Dorian toserve while he holds the title nomin-ally In which case Mr Dorian wouldhave no cause for complaint

If Mr Walters Is elected there willbe a lawsuit If Mr Walters attemptsto oust Mr Dorian and the city gillpay for the privilege of seeng a candldate try to oust on a technicallythe peoples choice fcr treasurer



Some days ago The Sun commentedon Ollle James comparison of theUnited States to Rome and Babylonand Egypt In his effort to prove thatthe country is on the verge of de ¬

struction because of a favored classand hs slighting reference to Gove-rnor Wlllrons soldiers

Not In this connection but quiteapropos the CourierJournal says

Inciting the Irresponslbles to anarchistic activityno matter whetherIt Is done by a longhaired agitatorwho believes In bombs as a panaceafor economic Ills and preaches Insanity In the alums or by misguided persons In a rural community who encourage barn burning and murder asa means to an end entails moral responsibility for results Such resultsas the massacre In southwestern Kenlucky and the murder ln northwestern Tennessee are to bo expected

Then It saysIn Tennessee and In Kentucky

various atrocities perpetrated by night-

rIders went unpunished because of thutter rottenness of local governmentand the corruption of men qualifiedfor grand and petit Jury service Onlya short time ago at HIckman a littledistance across the Kentucky linefrom the scone of the latet outragethere occurred a night rider frolicthe burning of a negro cabin andthe murder of a negro family Itthe language of the local correspondents that hideous affair caused no excltemeht Wo may rest assured thatthe outlaws about Reelfoot lake werenot uninfluenced by the news thatoutlaws In fulton county couldImpunity commit such a crime I

the local government In Hlckmatcounty was unstirred by the massacreof negro women and children whyshould the local government in Ten-nessee


county Just across the line beexpected to make an effort to rebukea band of outlaws for the murder ofofrFulton county Ky view the massa ¬

cre of negroes with complacency whyshould not the citizens of Union coun-ttty Tenn at least acquiesce In themurder of two attorneys

And since these things may occurq Ithout resultant excitement andw hout popular Indignation takingthe >form of a thorough beating ofwhatafecthe structure of governmentsav ocpstraln those who are byhabiOant inclination law abidingwhlle Iltbosfc who lire nbtorb free tocommit whatever crime the Imaglna

anon ofth eeavage can conceive-d With theilajjun a restraint for good

citizens andjtholailure of Its enforce ¬

ment as h license to bad citizens acommunity Ii1na sorrier plight than

1g a country where there u no lawbut the survival of ttfe fittest andtacjje


tics of the tiger to take prey and ttodefend himself from those who 4v6uldmake prey of him

tHt Is because of thelawless existing In the breastsof menwho are perhaps not consciously fed ¬

ons that the temper of public opinionbecomes such that permitted outlawIly Is possible Not the ragtagandbobtall element that actually burns I

barns In Kentucky but the smug pro I

maters and supporters of night riderIsm constitute the element really destructure of the peace of tho commun¬

ities In which barns are burnedThese smog promoters and supportersgo to with a good con ¬

science and consider themselves goodcltlietiB although they deserve a cellh

and prison stripes as accessories be¬

tore and after the fact Some ofthetegentlemen are conniving holders ofr I


strength to nIght rlderitm In thatthqy are upon Juriedwhen a night Tlder Is upon trialThese typesthe officer of the tewwho violates his oath In the Interestt

of a class with which ho sympathizesto such an extent that hs sense ofrduty Is obliterated and the venireman or grand Juror whose personal1IInterest or sympathy blinds him tothe enormity of the offense chargedI

are tho backbone of mob ruleThey andjnot the hoodlums who ap-


the torch have put Kentucky tothe expense of maintaining a smallIstanding army In tho field to preventdisorder They may eventually realIzo that they have prayed with fire lInIIboth the figurative and literal sense

oSir Compere takes advantage or

the opportunity to answer PresidentRoosevelts charge that Bryan saletlona Oompera attacks on propertyrights not by answering It but bvIlMfylng the prosMont The charwas directed to Mr lirytm but hewill never answer It


In his Speech at Murray yesterdayGovernor Wlllson said that OllleJames could hot excuse himself asaleader of the ix ople by refrainingthenight riders when he falls to rayanything in of those0

who are upholding the law Goingto Murray yesterday Mr Jams In ¬

quired If anybody hart been killedJ

around Murray According to tli Ithis morning the

only reference this leader of thoFirst district people made to nightriding was to say

Willson In the pardon of the mur ¬

derers of Governor Gocbel createdmore disorder than the night riderhave done In Kentucky

loadinfKentuoky onnight rider question Din one blamethe extremes to which tho underlingsgo It was reported that when MrBryan stumped Kentucky for Beckham and Hager last fall and ho hearof thq raids he sail he was devoutlythankful that tho people had takenthe law Into their own hands to dowthe trustsqyesHons r


PQIsAndusttthat the Democrats under James aridStanley will stand up for the IncrftiiPlades and murderers of the mackPatch and the Republicans underWileon will uphold the law and theprotection of the country home

If tho First district siren that oldI

time majority Ollle James speaks oft will be considered by tho nightI

riders as a rebuke to Governor Willson an Indication of the trend oftsentiment toward tho I

race three years hence and encourRRement for them to strengthen thouorganization continuo their work ofIfrtnCmldaticn and prepare to run tit aDemocrats party after which theymay reasonably expect the gpUIeri





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to be withdrawn and as Bryan saidThe people to take the law Into tholr

own hands


Continued trt 10

1pofiue of their crimes and they seardie vengKineo of talk partners Inclime if they confess

Young Prescott 1lart typical carolHe was shot In the firm on the Blrmhandage9hcleave which led directly

wilyto his homo L

Ilk famllyi name had never bone


ehct bit beaters out T ioQ are otherrrra 4a ire Ausperat plight They i

ere the rolls labtonlng around themThe ro diems will May Their leader j

U in hiding Thefe lowg with whomthey conspired are planning stirmore deeporatc crimp to cover upthose already committed earl those i

men do not wish to go further A

pit to tho organisation seems ap1 ¬

parent t and some of tie mltguU xlrght riders fear tbattthey wH bethe prey of their more dcsparato nsKMlaMs They own land still coon m I

tellI U because the night rider situ ¬i

aton has mado rca4 estate a drug onthe market They have to stay orfieo fcomeiess I

Another think that Is adding to thoapprehon on of tamq goof citlman who once entertained the hopeof forcing nil their neighbors Intothe pool ls the report that In nJamagc suit shortly to j>e filed In tho-

r federal court at Loutevlllo the genAral conspiracy hi to bf alleged antII

aU known night riders in Kentuckyand Tonaojeee are to bo made defondants whether they actuaUy lmrtlcliaed In the roW or not Tho at-torneys


have gone deep Into the di ¬

gust and declare that they can pro¬I

duce aulfeofltle which will warranttho fcdcfflt court In admitting oildnnco of the gono +st onspfracy andholding ailI members of tho nightrider bawl ltabe to damages It winexpose many ptibMd olllrdaJe and lead ¬

ing citizens of the Bbtok 1atfth whoomlooed the GrllnIt which tlxywould not stoop to participate In

Jury wnwlH Si u TedTho great difficulty eo far felt In

bringing night rldore to justice hewbeen found In the Jury wheel Au ¬

thorities have become convinced thatlong before the first plant 1boJ weesaaitedtheJury wheels nrore niodwith tho names of n ght riders tartnight iidar eympiathlzore and now ajurtP1awith oil the Wry of outraged dtlzonship confident of the fast that Anight rider Jury will fall to return onnActmontadmnld w

hCiCloway and MathAlcotinUo8 andi

there ate many associate membemfnfInawleiencgs but yet are eotlsfactonyor Jury eeniioo t

YOU WONT I AVE TO WAITseep doss matte yea 1telbtMtr Las Po

itepiyourholt Insides ri hL Sold on IhiIe ebrk pUn ncrywtictr fneeUtreti

Govcjniiiicnt Kinployiiiciit BureauMany post cards have been

edvati the Jaducah rostomco froAVaihlnpton to be distributed nmonPersons needing farm laborers consman laborer and mechanics Thelards arc front tho bureau Of Imml ¬

gratlon and labor and following thereceipt of 4he i >ost sores from per ¬

sons laborers will bo directed Rher-p 0 procure work The cards aro nt

he jioctofllco and snap boJiad for tho1 Ing Tho cards are awirked sal

buslneta and no postage Is reipd tomal1themII

I tJ 1


Where is JohnsonTito Toiler a pub oion 61

dent started for tho purpo f t3ooitlag oamlldnt before w IixmoeWUCpasty at a prteo under th tutee ofMag a llabor organ has uspoltdodJ C Johnson an agitator who hnIKfrom lout UIe and Mrmphl tItSnot be o eeen since Saturday Andhe isf bdng nuxAUelyI tougbl

Besides his newapaper votttureJohnson was nfthe In the managemoat of UM Democratic campaign Inthe city and county and ntriieil In K

tongtalled frock dmt out hot airfrom Mreet conMM The Tler1was an acUvo ag ntt la ftMlde OttrJailer VYashs Brown

IIonCapt William

Army HetnlltllIinite J of nrrlvlng todiy to enlistneon In the army will boo here tomor-row


ftorooha Svrgt tc A Diskthe TtwulUog oTBon ha nitS men to

Ibe callit d They hre Wllttnm CoXIItharp of Fulton coast artillery

York harbor tecoed llnmcntJoseph Spteori of Dre den Thirteenthcavalry Pt Loavonwbrth iflOnd n

illitnvnt Kdwill I < WrUhU of Iaduzsh Fred HorsingI or Marlon andLens Walker of Marion The lastthree will be ntysted for the roastartllrv Capt Reed will come herefrom rairo and will go to Princeton

Government scientists who havebeen measuring hem say raindropsipecklof

111 1W1



Persons wishing to aid the financial cohdition of the

Paducah Public Schools can do 10 at prescnt

most effectually by paying their taxes due +f

now to the city treasurer which will be proratedttt-f

promptly to the school fund and there will be no

ncccsiity for closing the schools if the citizens will

pay thir taxes promptly rL


By Alex Kirkland Auditor

Approved James P Smith Mayor

AV ttIt I


Our NniiicMikuV Opinion mi llio

Srhotd blond Ii911e

I w n pale i >rocMion IIIThe ctioolroonvt alert balkTII ir hwirti were sad their frees

ri iTo the tI6 cted wallflI I


in IrnUjUft of faded grayOftr Lib unwed slowly on

tad tit his tide marched nofwhwiyOur RjnrlCHu Washington

Itw fr I4 olns taddwrd Nftltanf thin a mist of teen

tall VVfelttlorVi >laintlw JniiblIOfcino fniUjr U> my eon

LfHsffMlow tone fcaa tkaifrd to

IluIIArtIlI Prankllnt witt to gloom

The wMtoyMtfKlHlvya spirit iMtatlinIA ICINsOtte from till tomb

Ok rota ef old IadurakTheo ebWroui champions weGive to them freedoms birthright


That blftttrtght ere have diedI to boy00 A Vtrtbrfekt bought With blood end

11tMOhrat y nr children free

Drive fron your h arths tOB i IIc

moraleHer f item from ur Ilead11 Knowledge


1 her torch oftt

siI our countrys hearths arhrlllht

Tskup the fhII for 11 IIlIn1 rl°For litue arQ rntt land



MW nor slretthUtabt lorry emit +nttI+ + ar a I to N y

To Republican raters of PaducahWe an unable to roach all of you bjmall and as we post Important bulle f-

tins at hoadquartorii dally you ileaklrdly roquottinl to cult and lookthem over It will koop you In touchwith tWe Ituation Notice of speakIIIKR ciiaBKtm of dales ate and othern formation that will be Interesting

NO HOOVVJH RvTelephone 205 old 1400 newV

HimiN for SaleIor a aMeut we offer for >ssie lw

rollowlnc flrat morifaga bdldi + 144-

Jlayilelsl Water I Light CojlJ40oC-slanh ae Mfg Co 8000xrtovll o Un fvliool tenets S800

All hearing fII pet rent IniarmtCrXRVf iI TIN08 HANK

When a man Iis short he usuallyhas a toBR tar-



WEthe only cu-


in the city



really for thetlmarket



Both Hints 192





iThis company Is tryinto prevent this accident happening to youYou ought to be interested You ought to be willing to be careful enough nottto get off a car and walk behind it in front of another or where there l1G nsingle track in front of a swiftly moving vehicle Remember that npbncyoclistoWait a second Look Opengogme without the help of an ambulance It will surprise you to find out howcareless are the women in your familyat least in this matter Watchthem It will call attention to your own carelessness perhaps l11o1

TUB PADUCAH TRACTION CO IncorporatedCopyright 1008 by fStpno K Vclwter

itItN YA ur J-

lrII r +