The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269

JULY 2012 THE ORTHODOX VISION 1 July 2012 IN THIS ISSUE Attending Church in the Summertime ―The first feast day the Church celebrates over the summer months is the Feast of the Holy Transfiguration, when Jesus takes his inner circle of disciples—Peter, John and James up the mountain in order to pray. Luke records in verse 29-31, ‗As he was praying, the ap- pearance of his face changed, and his clothing be- came as bright as a flash of lightning.‘ ‖ by Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas ΚΑΛΟΚΑΙΡΙΝΗ ΘΕΙΑ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ <<Άλλη μία εξίζος θαςμάζια γιοπηή είναι η Κοίμηζη ηηρ Θεοηόκος ηον Αύγοςζηο, πος μαρ διδάζκει να ακολοςθήζοςμε ηο παπάδειγμά ηηρ όπωρ με ηαπεινοθποζύνη, ςπακοή, και αγάπη. >> “Come and See.” John 1:46


The Official Monthly publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport, Connecticut

Transcript of The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269

Page 1: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269


July 2012

IN THIS ISSUE Attending Church in

the Summertime ―The first feast day the Church celebrates over the summer months is the Feast of the Holy Transfiguration, when Jesus takes his inner circle of disciples—Peter, John and James up the mountain in order to pray. Luke records in verse 29-31, ‗As he was praying, the ap-pearance of his face changed, and his clothing be-came as bright as a flash of lightning.‘ ‖

by Fr. Andreas Vithoulkas


ΘΕΙΑ ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ <<Άλλη μία εξίζος θαςμάζια

γιοπηή είναι η Κοίμηζη ηηρ

Θεοηόκος ηον Αύγοςζηο, πος

μ α ρ δ ι δ ά ζ κ ε ι ν α

α κ ο λ ο ς θ ή ζ ο ς μ ε η ο

παπάδειγμά ηηρ όπωρ με

ηαπεινοθποζύνη, ςπακοή, και

αγάπη. >>

“Come and See.” John 1:46

Page 2: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269




8:30 AM

SERVICES Paraklesis at 7:00pm :

Wednesday August 1

Friday August 3

Wednesday August 8

Friday August 10

Monday August 6th - Liturgy

Transfiguration of our Lord -

8:30 am.

Eve of the Panagias - Tuesday,

August 14th: We will be going to

the Danbury Church , as it is


Wednesday , August 15th-

PANAGIAS - Liturgy at 8:30


MEMORIALS Sunday July 1 10 years:

Frossie Trigonis

Sunday July 8 1 year:

Barbara Chirigos Reihl

Virginia Vlantis

Chris Savides

Fofoula Cromas

Patricia Agortsas

Kostas Stavropoulos

ΜΝΗΜΟΣΥΝΑ Κσριακή 1 Ιοσλίοσ 10 ρξόληα—Δπθξνζύλε Σξηγώλε

Κσριακή 8 Ιοσλίοσ 1 ρξόλνο -

Βαξβάξα Σζηξίγνπ

Βηξγηλία Βιαληή

Υξήζηνο αββίδεο

Φωηεηλή Κξώκα

Παηξίζηα Αγθνξηζά

Κώζηαο ηαπξόπνπινο

SAVE THE DATES September 23, 2012—Annual

Champagne Brunch, sponsored

by Philoptochos

October 19, 2012— our Annual

Wine and Food Tasting

Festival 2012 Raffle


1. Prize: $5.000 ticket number:

#3851 Steve T. Contreras—

Bridgeport, CT

2. Prize: $2.000 ticket number:

#14857 Dave Zublin

3. Prize: $1.000 ticket number:


Peter G. Detrik— Fairfield, CT.

Prize: $500 Gift Card – West-

field Mall ticket number:

#5912 Vana Kontomerkos—

Trumbull, CT.

Prize: $300 Gift Card – Stop &

Shop ticket number: #8174

Nikoletta Richardson -

Trumbull, CT.

Prize: $200 gift Card Home De-

pot ticket number: #0008

Ron Dougiello- Bridgeport, CT.

Thank you to all of our support-

ers! ~ The Festival & Raffle


Scholarship Recipients 2012 1. Athletic Program Scholarship to: Andre Loukrezis, Krystianna Toth

2. Frossie Trigonis Memorial to Christina Takos

3. Georgia Demont/Dorothy Pappas to: Georgina Fatibene, Nicole Frey

For College / University

4. Georgia Demont/Dorothy Pappas to Margarita Kolitsas for High


5. Harriett Chirigos Memorial to Michael Patsiarikas

6. Nicholas & Alexandra Keffas Memorial to Johnna Vereb

7. Parents Teachers Organization to: Andre Loukrezis, Margarita

Kolitsas, Demetra Skenderis, Eleni Georgakopoulos, and Krystianna Toth

8. Philoptochos to: Margarita Kolitsas, Michael Patsiarikas, and Eleni Georgakopoulos

9. Stavroula Rountos Memorial to Demetra Skenderis

10. Irene Mellas Memorial Scholarship to Andre Loukrezis

11. Dean & Pamela Hatzis Memorial Scholarship to: Alexa Hallas, and Demetra Skenderis

12. Maria Skenderis/Isola Memorial Scholarship to: Christina Takos, Amalia Valiantis, Johnna Vereb, and

Andre Loukrezis

13. Sophia Vlantes Memorial Scholarship to Eleni Georgakopoulos

14. FORCC Scholarship to: Alexa Hallas, Demetra Skenderis, and Margarita Kolitsas

15. AHEPA Scholarship to: Michael Patsiarikas, Demetra Skenderis, Johnna Vereb, and Margarita Kolitsas

16. Daughters of Penelope Scholarship to Michael Patsiarikas, Eleni Georgakopoulos, Margarita Kolitsas,

Demetra Skenderis, and Johnna Vereb

Page 3: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269


I would like to start by

thanking all the volunteers

who made the festival such a

success. My family and I had such

a wonderful experience here at

Holy Trinity working and

celebrating with all of you. For the

most part, we had amazing weather

and a very large attendance. It is

obvious that the Holy Trinity

Festival is well known and well

loved by many because of the

terrific food, dancers, vendors, and


It seems to me that our parish

has much for which to thank God,

particularly with the success of all

of our events, organizations, and

church attendance this year, which

tells me this is a very strong,

faithful and loving community of

which my family and I feel very

blessed to be a part.

Now that the festival is over, and

as you begin to fill the calendar

with summer activities with friends

and family, remember not to let

Sunday liturgies fall by the

wayside! We had such a successful

attendance and fellowship during

this past year, that we don't want to

forget the benefits of attending

church over the summer.

Moreover, now that Sunday

school is out, we don't want our

children to think that God and

worship are merely seasonal, but

rather, something that is always a

part of their lives all year round.

During the summer, our children

are not busy with homework and

school activities and have more

time to reflect on and reinforce

what they learned about faith and

worship during the year in Sunday

School. Likewise, for most adults,

summer is also usually less

stressful, which can make

participation in the liturgy even

more enhanced. Summer is a great

time to recharge spiritually, and

there are two very beautiful feast

days in which to do so.

The first feast day the Church

celebrates over the summer months

is the Feast of the Holy

Transfiguration, when Jesus takes

his inner circle of disciples—Peter,

John and James up the mountain in

order to pray. Luke records in

verse 29-31, ―As he was praying,

the appearance of his face changed,

and his clothing became as bright

as a flash of lightning.‖ Even Jesus

needed to take a break from

his ministry to spiritually

recharge. He also taught His

disciples the importance of

doing so. But most

importantly, on this Day,

Jesus revealed in anticipation

to his followers the


Another wonderful feast

day during the summer

months is the Dormition of

the Theotokos in August, As

in all of the Church feast

days of the Virgin Mother of

God, what happens to Mary

happens to all who imitate

her holy life of humility,

obedience, and love. With

her, all people will be

―blessed‖ to be ―more

honorable than the cherubim

and beyond compare more

glorious than the seraphim.‖ If

we follow her example, we

will have Christ born in them

by the Holy Spirit; all will

become temples of the living

God; all will share in the eternal

life of His Kingdom. In this sense,

everything that is praised and

glorified in Mary is a sign of what

is offered to all persons in the life

of the Church. I look forward to

seeing all of you attend the

beautiful Paraklisis service.

I'm not saying we shouldn't take

time out for having summer fun,

rest and relaxation, but we should

still make church an important part

of our lives and our children's lives

throughout the entire year.

Throughout the summer, the

liturgy will begin 9:45 am sharp, so

that there's more time during the

day to enjoy the sunshine and

outdoors, for which we must

always remember to give thanks to



Church in the

Summertime by Father Andreas Vithoulkas

Father Andreas with Bishop Andonios of Phasiane at our annual Olympiad festival. June’12. -Photo courtesy of Cristina Hasiotis

Page 4: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269


“Children are God's Apostles, sent forth, day by day, to preach of love, and hope, and peace.” James Russell Lowell



ΛΕΙΤΟΥΡΓΙΑ ηνπ π. Ανδρέα Βσθούλκας

Θ α ή ζ ε ι α λ α

επραξηζηήζω όινπο

ηνπο εζεινληέο γηα

ηελ κεγάιε επηηπρία ηνπ

Φεζηηβάι. Ζ νηθνγέλεηά κνπ θαη

εγώ είρακε κηα θαιή εκπεηξία

ζηελ Αγία Σξηάδα εξγαδόκελνη

θαη γηνξηάδνληαο καδί κε όινπο

ζαο. Δίρακε πνιύ θαιό θαηξό

θαη βνήζεζε ζηελ κεγάιε

πξνζέιεπζε ηωλ επηζθεπηώλ.

Δίλαη θαλεξό πηα θαη γλωζηό όηη

ην θεζηηβάι ηεο Αγίαο Σξηάδαο

από πνιινύο γηα ην λνζηηκόηαην

θαγεηό, ρνξό θαη θηινμελία.

Ζ Δλνξία καο έρεη πνιιά γηα λα επραξηζηήζεη ηνλ

Θεό, ηδηαίηεξα κε ηελ επηηπρία όιωλ ηωλ

εθδειώζεωλ, ηηο νξγαλώζεηο θαη κε ηελ άλνδν

ζπκκεηνρήο ελνξηηώλ απηή ηελ ρξνληά πνπ ζεκαίλεη,

είλαη κία πνιύ ηζρπξή, πηζηή θαη αγαπεκέλε

Κνηλόηεηα θαη εκείο αηζζαλόκαζηε πνιύ


Σώξα πνπ ην θεζηηβάι ηειείωζε, θαη αξρίδνπκε λα

θάλνπκε ζρέδηα γηα ηηο θαινθαηξηλέο δηαθνπέο καο κε

θίινπο θαη ζπγγελείο, κελ μερλάηε θαη ηελ

Κπξηαθάηηθε Θεία Λαηξεία.

Δηδηθά ηώξα πνπ ηειείωζε θαη ην Καηερεηηθό

ρνιείν, λα κελ δίλνπκε ηελ εληύπωζε ζηα παηδηά

καο, όηη πεγαίλνληαο ζηελ Δθθιεζία είλαη θάηη

επνρηαθό, αιιά θάηη πνπ είλαη πάληα έλα κέξνο ηεο

δωήο καο θαζ΄όιε ηελ δηάξθεηα ηνπ ρξόλνπ. Καηά ηελ

δηάξθεηα ηνπ θαινθαηξηνύ ηα παηδηά καο δελ έρνπλ

ζρνιηθή εξγαζία θαη έρνπλ πεξηζζόηεξν ρξόλν γηα λα

αλαθεθαιαηώζνπλ ηη έκαζαλ ζρεηηθά κε ηελ πίζηε

θαη ηελ ιαηξεία ηνπο ζην

θαηερεηηθό ζρνιείν. Σν

ίδην πξέπεη λα ζπκβαίλεη

θαη κε ηνπο κεγάινπο,

ζεωξώληαο θαζήθνλ γηα

π η ν η α θ η η θ ό θ α η

ζπζηεκαηηθό εθθιεζηαζκό

ην θαινθαίξη.

Ζ πξώηε θαινθαηξηλή

γηνξηή πνπ γηνξηάδεη ε

Δθθιεζία καο θαηά ηνπο

Θεξηλνύο κήλεο, είλαη ε

Μ εη α κ ό ξθ ωζ ε ο η νπ

ωηήξνο, πνπ ν Ηεζνύο

παίξλεη καδί ηνπ ηνπο

Απνζηόινπο – Πέηξν,

Ηωάλλε θαη Ηάθωβν – λα

πάλε κέρξη ην βνπλό γηα λα

πξνζεπρεζνύλ. Καη όπωο

καο πεξηγξάθεη ν Λνπθάο

ζ η ν 2 9 -3 1 , «ό πω ο

πξνζεπρόηαλ, ε εκθάληζε

ηνπ πξνζώπνπ ηνπ άιιαμε,

θαη ηα ελδύκαηά ηνπ έγηλαλ ηόζν ιακπεξά ζαλ

αζηξαπή θωηόο». Αθόκε θαη ν Υξηζηόο ρξεηάδεηαη λα

πάξεη έλα κηθξό δηάιεηκκα από ηελ δηαθνλία ηνπ θαη

λα αλαδωνγνλεζεί.

Άιιε κία εμίζνπ ζαπκάζηα γηνξηή είλαη ε

Κνίκεζε ηεο Θενηόθνπ ηνλ Αύγνπζην, πνπ καο

δηδάζθεη λα αθνινπζήζνπκε ην παξάδεηγκά ηεο όπωο

κε ηαπεηλνθξνζύλε, ππαθνή, θαη αγάπε. Αλ

αθνινπζήζνπκε ην παξάδεηγκά ηεο ζα

θιεξνλνκήζνπκε ηελ αηώλην Βαζηιεία ηνπ Υξηζηνύ.

Γελ ιέω θαη δελ ελλνώ λα κελ έρνπκε ρξόλν γηα

ηηο θαινθαηξηλέο δηαθνπέο, ραιάξωζε θαη

μεθνύξαζε, αιιά πξέπεη αλ κπνξνύκε ε Δθθιεζία λα

είλαη ην ζεκαληηθό κέξνο ηεο δωήο καο θαη ηωλ

παηδηώλ καο, θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα όινπ ηνπ ρξόλνπ.

Καηά ηηο ζεξηλέο ώξεο ε Λεηηνπξγία ζα αξρίδεη

ζηηο 9:45 πκ –αθξηβώο- ώζηε λα έρνπκε πεξηζζόηεξε

ώξα λα απνιαύζνπκε ηελ ειηνθάλεηα θαη ηελ εμνρή,

γηα απηό πξέπεη λα επραξηζηνύκε πάληα ηνλ Θεό!

Bishop Sevastianos of Zela

Divine Liturgy on Sunday of Pentecost, June

3rd—photo courtesy of Cristina Hasiotis

Page 5: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269




Ά ιιν έλα θεζηηβάι είλαη

ήδε κηα αλάκλεζε. Έλα

κεγάιν θαη ζεξκό

επραξηζηώ ζε όινπο ηνπο

εζεινληέο –πνπ έδωζαλ πνιιέο

ώξεο πξνεηνηκαζίαο γηα ηε κεγάιε

εθδήιωζε, εξγάδνληαο ζην

θεζηηβάι ή δώξηζαλ ρξήκαηα ή ηηο

ππεξεζίεο ηνπο. Δίρακε έλα πνιύ

επηηπρεκέλν θεζηηβάι, κε

πεξηζζόηεξα έζνδα από πέξπζη.

ύληνκα ζα ζαο ηαρπδξνκήζνπκε

έθζεζε γηα ηα έμνδα θαη έζνδα

ηνπ Φεζηηβάι. Κάζε ηκήκα

ιεηηνύξγεζε ρωξίο πξνβιήκαηα

θαη είρακε πνιινύο εζεινληέο λα

βνεζήζνπλ παληνύ.

Δίρακε επίζεο ηελ ηηκή λα καο

επηζθεθζνύλ θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα

ηνπ παλεγπξηνύ καο δύν

Δπίζθνπνη θαη αξθεηνί θιεξηθνί

από ηηο γύξν πεξηνρέο γηα λα

γηνξηάζνπκε ηελ γηνξηή ηεο

Δθθιεζίαο καο καδί κε ηνλ

Θενθηιέζηαην εβαζηηαλό.

ύληνκα ζα έρνκε ζπλεδξίαζε

γηα ην θεζηηβάι, ζα ζαο

ε λ ε κ ε ξ ώ ζ ν π κ ε γ η α η ε λ

εκεξνκελία θαη ώξα. Πξέπεη λα

εηνηκαδόκαζηε από ηώξα γηα ην

επόκελν Φεζηηβάι.

Καηά ηνπο Θεξηλνύο κήλεο,

επίζεο, είλαη ν θαηξόο λα θάλνπκε

πνιιέο βειηηώζεηο θαη επηζθεπέο

ζηα θηίξηα. Όινη ζαο ζα

παξαηεξήζαηε ηελ επηζθεπή ηεο

εηζόδνπ ηνπ δξόκνπ δίπια ζην

γξαθε ίν θα η επ ίζεο ηελ

ηνπνζέηεζε λένπ ηαπέηνπ ζηελ

είζνδν ηεο πίζω πόξηαο. Δπίζεο

αξρίδνπκε λα εξγαδόκαζηε γηα ηελ

επηζθεπή ηνπ ζόινπ ηεο

Δθθιεζίαο καο πνπ όπωο βιέπεηε

ε π η δ ε η λ ώ λ ε η α η γ ξ ή γ ν ξ α .

Γπζηπρώο ε Δηθνλνγξάθνο πξέπεη

λα θύγεη γηα ην κήλα Ηνύιην θαη

πξνζπαζνύκε λα βξνύκε ηελ

θαηάιιειε ιύζε. Ζ νξνθή ηνπ

Γ π κ λ α ζ η ε ξ ί ν π κ α ο ζ α

επηζθεπαζζεί θαηά ηελ δηάξθεηα

η ν π θ α ι ν θ α η ξ η ν ύ .

Αληηθαηαζηήζεθε ν ειεθηξηθόο

πίλαθαο γηα λα ρξεζηκνπνηείηαη

γηα ην θεζηηβάι θαη ν νπνίνο

ζπλέβαιε ζηελ επηηπρία ηνπ

θεηηλνύ θεζηηβάι.

Όπωο βιέπεηε είκαζηε πνιύ

απαζρνιεκέλνη θαη αλ έρεηε

ε ι ε ύ ζ ε ξ ν ρ ξ ό λ ν ε ί ζ ζ ε

εππξόζδεθηνη λα καο βνεζήζεηε.

αο πεξηκέλνπκε.

Θα ήζεια λα ζπγραξώ θαη

επρεζώ θαιή πξόνδν ζε όινπο

ηνπο απνθνίηνπο θαη ζηνπο

παξαιήπηεο κε ππνηξνθίεο θαη ζε

αλώηεξα. Έρνπκε πνιινύο

ηαιαληνύρνπο λένπο ζηελ

Κνηλόηεηά καο. Διπίδω όζν θαη

απαζρνιεκέλνη ε ίζζε ζηα

θνιιέγηα κελ μερλάηε ηελ

θνηλόηεηα ηεο Αγίαο Σξηάδαο.

αο εύρνκαη έλα επράξηζην θαη

αζθαιή θαινθαίξη κε πνιιέο

θαιέο αλακλήζε ηο . αο


Our Parish by George Mourizakis -Parish Council President

A nother annual festival is now a memory. A big

―thank you‖ all the volunteers who spent many

hours preparing for the big event, working at the

festival, or donating monies or services. We had a very

successful event with more sales than last year. Once

all the numbers are in, I will report them to you.

Every department functioned without any problems,

and we had many volunteers to help everywhere.

We were honored to have visits from two Bishops

and many local clergy and also had the honor to

celebrate our feast day of our church with Bishop

Sevastianos. We will be having a wrap up meeting for

the festival in the coming weeks. You will be notified

of the date, as this is the most important meeting for

the festival and this is the time that we make any

advanced planning for next year’s event. As you can

see, we already have to start preparing for next year’s


Summer months are the time that we make many

improvements in the church buildings and grounds.

All of you will notice the new section of driveway next

to the office that needed repair and the new carpet by

the rear door. We are working on a schedule for the

repair of the dome of the church that is deteriorating

fast. Unfortunately, the iconographer is going away

for the month of July, and I am looking to find a

solution. Hopefully, the Gym roof will get redone over

the summer, which will help to avoid a repeat of the

troublesome season we just had. We also replaced the

electrical service outside for the festival, which

contributed to this year’s success.

As you can see, we are very busy. Anyone with

some free time is welcome to come and help us.

I would like to congratulate all the graduates and

Scholarships recipients for their achievements. We

have many bright and talented young adults in our

community. I hope that, even with their busy college

days in the future, they do not forget their family at

Holy Trinity and that they come often.

Wishing everyone a nice and safe summer with

many good memories. Thank you and God bless.

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Page 6: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269


“Life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized.” Leo Buscaglia

Sunday School Graduation Speech by

Demetra Skenderis

R everend Father, Ms. Eva,

teachers, parents and

ladies and gentlemen,

Good Morning. It seems like

yesterday when we all first came

to church to go to Sunday School

and here we are on this bitter

sweet day graduating. Why bitter

sweet? Because we are no longer

the children that every Sunday

morning, mom and dad are

running around the house

frantically trying to get us ready to

go to Sunday School and be on

time. Why is it that our parents

put so much effort into making

sure we got to Sunday School?

Why did our teachers who

volunteer their time make sure we

understood the teachings of our

church? Why was it vital to learn

the importance of a sense of

community? On behalf of my

fellow graduates, we thank you,

our priest, our parents, our

teachers and our community for

taking the time to cultivate our

Christian conscience and devotion

to the ideals that prepare us for the

journey ahead. Thank you for

giving us the foundation to live a

Christian life in a world where

faith and good works are not

always rewarded.

Sunday school instilled in us

the spiritual values, rich customs

and cultural traditions of Greek

Orthodoxy. We, in turn,

developed our faith throughout the

years, learned to become active

participants in our religious

upbringing and to develop

spiritually and morally in

accordance to the teachings of

Jesus Christ and the faith and

traditions of the Greek Orthodox


―Train a child in the way he

should go, and when he is old he

will not turn from it‖ Proverbs

22:6. God calls parents to direct

their children to their Savior. And

as a church, you equip us with

more tools to do so. And now, as

I have grown older, I have come

to appreciate and truly feel

blessed for having such a gift in

my life.

I finally just wanted to share a

story with you all that I now also

see as a gift that put it all in

perspective for me. As I’m sure

most of the graduates can attest to,

I am constantly being asked

―where I’m going‖ and ―what I’m

planning on studying‖ and ―if I’m

excited to start this new chapter of

my life.‖ The last few months

have been a whirlwind of different

emotions to say the least. In this

m i d s t o f t h e c h a o t i c

i n t e r r o g a t i o n s : s o m e o n e

whispered a string of simple

words that will forever stay with

me. This ―someone‖ was no

one significant in my life. It

was an elderly woman who has

been a customer of my father’s

restaurant for years. Every

Sunday, she slowly lays out her

bills at the counter, once

handing them to my sister and

now to me. This little old lady

that insignificantly passed me

by every weekend grabbed my

h a n d a n d w h i s p e r e d

―wheresoever you go, go with

all your heart.‖

These words lingered in my

mind because of the simplicity

of it all. We hear them in

different form even from our

youngest years from our

pa rent s , t eache r s , and

encouraging friends. On that

note, I find it very important to

say a few words to Ms. Eva.

As all directors you hear the

good and the bad. I'd like to add

to the good. Other than our

parents, Miss Eva, you have been

the only other constant in our lives

from the time we were three. You

have dedicated your l ife

volunteering endless hours and

days to make us good Orthodox

Christians. On behalf of the Class

of 2012, we thank you with all our

hearts and honestly appreciate all

you have done for us, your

Orthodox children. Accept these

flowers on our behalf with much


So graduates this is our time.

Our time to laugh a lot, make

mistakes, love and live to the

f u l l e s t . B u t r e m e m b e r :

wheresoever you do go, go with

all your heart.

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s f e l l o w

classmates on reaching this major

milestone in our lives.

And on behalf of the graduating

class, truly we thank you all.

photo courtesy of Cristina Hasiotis

Page 7: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269


“Failure happens all the time. It happens every day in practice. What makes you better is how you react to it. “ Mia Hamm

Daughters of Penelope by Helen Yeotsas - President

T he Daughters

of our Chapter

are wrapping

up another very busy and

productive year. We had

our End of Year

Luncheon early in June,

where we honored 28

Sisters with certificates

or pins for their many

years of dedicated

service to our Chapter. We were honored to have our

new District Governor, Penny Pecka, at our luncheon,

along with the new District 7 Secretary, Myrsini

Papoutsis. How wonderful that Penny handed out the

awards to our members that day! It was a

heartwarming event and on that day, some of our

Sisters shared with everyone their reasons for joining

this wonderful organization. Whether it was to do

something to help those in need, or to be a part of an

organization where the spirit of loyalty is

predominant, or whether a good friend "made them"

join... the common sentiments confirmed that this is a

very dedicated group of women who want to support

those in need in any way they can. It should be

noted that our longest standing member is Theodora

Valmas who earned a 60 year pin, with 64 actual

years served. She told the group how moved she was

to be part of the Daughters, and that she was a charter

member of the Norwich Chapter! Tina Morici also

received a 60 year pin, with 61 actual years served!

Many more years to them and to all our award

recipients. Here is a list of all our award winners:

Milestone Pins

25 years - Maria Agortsas (actual years 28)

25 years - Christina Tsocanos (actual years 29)

35 years - Kathy Angelos

35 years - Stella Capiris (actual years 38)

40 years - Connie Forkiotis

45 years - Eve Davies (actual years 48)

45 years - Frosso Kokenos (actual years 48)

60 years - Tina Morici (actual years 61)

60 years - Theodora Valmas (actual years 64)

Certificates of Merit

10 years - Maria Bothos (actual years 12)

10 years - Denise Dimas (actual years 14)

10 years - Pauline Halkias (actual years 12)

10 years - Sophie Magoulas (actual years 14)

10 years - Viola Skenderis

10 years - Poppy Stevens (actual years 14)

10 years - Barbara Tsoupas (actual years 11)

15 years - Mildred Arahovites (actual years 18)

15 years - Ollie Crist (actual years 17)

15 years - Marge Ellis (actual years 19)

15 years - Christine Hatzis (actual years 19)

15 years - Vicki Karavitis

15 years - Helen Klamka (actual years 19)

15 years - Sally Perna (actual years 18)

15 years - Helen Serevetas (actual years 19)

15 years - Eleni Spyrou (actual years 19)

15 years - Maria Tatalias (actual years 19)

15 years - Maria Zervos (actual years 17)

15 years - Kay Zorzy (actual years 19)

On Father's Day we participated in the Scholarship

ceremony at our church. I would like to thank Stella

Capiris, who is the Chairman of our scholarship

committee, and who helped us coordinate our awards,

which is not an easy task. The students were very

worthy and we congratulate them all! The recipients

were: Eleni Georgakopoulos, Margarita Kolitsas,

Michael Patsiarikas, Demetra Skenderis and Johnna

Vereb. We wish all the graduates much success in

their future endeavors and with their studies while in

college. These awards have been a tradition of our

organization for many years - a tradition we are very

proud of. A past recipient said to me recently, when

asked what this award meant to them:

"I felt honored to receive the DOP scholarship to

help further my education. The mission of the DOP

and their support imparted upon me a sense of

responsibility as a woman, a Greek-American and a

citizen of this country. Throughout my years in

school and even today, I feel a deep respect for the

continued work and dedication of the women in this

organization and hope to one day become part of it, in

order to bestow the same sense of civic responsibility

upon the generations of women to come."

Onward to the summer months... please plan to

support our Brothers in the AHEPA in August at their

Taverna Night. Information will be in the Vision and

in the church weekly bulletin.

We hope everyone has a wonderful, restful and

peaceful summer!

Page 8: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269


“Every act you have ever performed since the day you were born was performed because you wanted something.” Andrew Carnegie

PTO Maria Gountas -President

W here has the year gone?

It seems like yesterday

that we were starting off

t h e

s c h o o l

year, and

here we

are at the


of sum-


On behalf

of the PTO, we would all like to

thank our teachers, aides , and di-

rectors for all their hard work

throughout the year: Thank You! A

teacher’s job is so remarkable and

so important so thank you for your

time, energy, and dedication.

In May we celebrated Sunday

school graduation with 21 children

receiving their diplomas. Our chil-

dren who participated in Sunday

School also received their pins and

certificates and then celebrated with

a pizza lunch, which was hosted by

the PTO.

In June, we celebrated Greek

School graduation with 2 graduates.

They received plaques from Kiria

Eleni and Father Andreas. The rest

of our children received their certif-

icates. Afterwards, we celebrated

with some Greek food and great


On June 23rd, we had our end of

year field trip to Six Flags. The

kids had a great time going on rides

and playing games throughout the


On June 28th, PTO had their end

of year dinner at Viale’s Restau-

rant. A great time was had by all

who attended. We enjoyed the night

with great company and friends.

This was a perfect end to our busy


PTO will be sending out mem-

bership forms in August. After you

fill out the forms, you can mail

them in , or hand in to me in Sep-

tember. PTO needs everyone’s

support. We provide fun activities

and sponsor many events for the

children throughout the year. How-

ever, without your help and sup-

port , it would not happen.

On a personal note, I would like

to thank my executive board for

their timeless help and energy and

to everyone who has helped in their

own way through monetary dona-

tions, donating their time, energy,

and resources. A big ―thank you‖

to everyone.

Have a great summer!

AHEPA by John Bochanis, President

T he Bridgeport Chapter of AHEPA

held there annual dinner meeting

on June 20th. At the dinner meet-

ing AHEPA member George Christopou-

los was presented with a certificate of

recognition for his contribution to the de-

velopment of the AHEPA sponsored Ta-

verna Night. In addition, a certificate of recognition

was presented to AHEPA member Alex Vlantes who

recently completed his service as Secretary of the

Bridgeport Chapter of AHEPA.

The Bridgeport Chapter of AHEPA would also like

to congratulate the recipients of the 2012 Bridgeport

Chapter of AHEPA college scholarships which were

presented to Margarita Kolitsas, Michael Patsiarikas,

Demi Skenderis and Johnna Vereb.

Our Chapter also recently sponsored

the regional AHEPA basketball tour-

nament. Thank you to AHEPA mem-

bers Tom Trigonis and Perry Kout-

roulas for their work in organizing the

basketball tournament.


nual Taverna Night sponsored by the

Bridgeport Chapter of AHEPA will

take place on Friday, August 24th

starting at 7:00p.m. at Penfield Pavilion , Fairfield

Beach. Tickets are $10.00 per person, due to occupan-

cy limitations it is highly recommended to purchase

tickets in advance. For tickets see any AHEPA mem-


To become a member of AHEPA or for information

concerning Taverna Night please contact AHEPA

Bridgeport Chapter President John Bochanis at 203-

394-8001 or [email protected]

Page 9: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269


Around the

Parish- by Stella Capiris

Athletic Department by Pericles Koutroulas -Director

O n Sunday June 17th, the Athletic Committee awarded scholarships to Krysti Toth

(volleyball) and Andre Loukrezis (basketball). We wish Krysti, Andre, and the

rest of the graduates much success in college. Registration for the athletic program will take place

after Church on 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, and 9/30. On behalf of the Athletic Committee, I hope you all have a

wonderful and safe summer. See you in the fall!!! Please feel free to email me at [email protected] or

call me at 203 556-0489 with any questions, concerns, and/or ideas.

M any thanks to the

G O Y A n s f o r

presenting flowers

to the fathers on Father's Day

and for the coffee reception sponsored by the Goyans

and the P.T.O.

Ahepa/Daughters’ Day was recently celebrated with

a Proclamation received from His Eminence

Archbishop Demetrios. Also on that day, the Daughters

presented a check for $2,000 to the Church. A coffee

reception then followed.

Many thanks to Philoptochos for all their efforts

throughout the year and for their recent donation to the

Church of $2,800.

Many thanks to all who volunteered, assisted, and

donated in any way to our 2012 Festival. The names

are too numerous to mention. It was very successful ,

and we were blessed with good weather. Kai tou


Many thanks to our School Directors, Eva Vaniotis -

Sunday School and Helen Limberis - Greek School, the

teachers of both schools, and the P.T.O. , for serving

refreshments at both the Greek and Sunday School

graduations. The P.T.O. has consistently provided

support to our Schools throughout the year, and we

deeply thank to them for caring for our children. We

congratulate the Greek School and Sunday School


Scholarships for 2012 were presented to the

graduates in June. Many, many thanks to all the

Organizations and to the individual sponsors for

honoring our youth. We wish all the graduates much

luck in their future endeavors as they move forward in

their individual colleges of choice. We are proud of all

of them.

Closing year-end lunches/

dinners were held by our

Philoptochos, the P.T.O., the

Daughters, and AHEPA.

Thanks to all of them and

their individual members for

all their efforts and support

throughout the year.

A spiritually inspiring trip

was recently made to St. Paul

Cathedral in Hempstead,

Long Island, which is the

former parish of Father

Andreas. Paraklesis and Vespers Services were

conducted as we venerated "the Miraculous Tearing

Icons of the Theotokos." A reception followed.

Ninety-three of our parishioners attended and were

deeply moved by all that they saw.

Congratulations to George Kapetaneas upon his

recent graduation from Eastern Ct. State University.

George received a degree in business. We wish him

good luck in his future endeavors. Congratulations to

Philip Cook who graduated Summa Cum Laude from

Boston University receiving his Bachelors Degree in

Archaeology. He received many awards such as the

Award for Writing Excellence in the Social Studies,

College Prize for excellence in Archaeology, Core

Curriculum Polytropos Award, and was a Phi Beta

Kappa inductee. Philip will be pursing a Masters

Degree and will be attending Trent University in

Ontario, Canada, in September. Kai eis anotera.

Congratulations to loanna Karageorge whose school,

Tomlinson Middle School's 7 grade, participated in

Laurelton Hall's annual Spring Science Olympics.

loanna and her class took top honors.

Perastika and get well wishes are extended to Gus

Agortsas and Barbara Demetros, both long-time,

dedicated parishioners.

The Community extends its deepest sympathy to the

family of Theresa (Terry) Kokenos upon her recent

death.. .to Denise (Sia) Dimas upon the death of her

husband William (Vasili). May their Memories be

forever Eternal!

photo courtesy of Cristina Hasiotis

Page 10: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269

Ελληνικό Στολείο Greek School by Eleni Limberis, Director

Page 11: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269




DOP End of Year Luncheon —photo courtesy of Kathy Yiannoulis

GOYA -C. Hasiotis

GOYA -C. Hasiotis

2012 Parish Scholarship Recipients C. Hasiotis

GOYA -C. Hasiotis Sunday School -C. Hasiotis

2012 Parish Scholarship Recipients, Families, & Presenters— C. Hasiotis

Sunday School—V. Andriotis

Page 12: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269

Greek School Dance Group—photo courtesy of Cristina Hasiotis

Olympians—C. Hasiotis

Festival photos courtesy of Cristina Hasiotis

Page 13: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269

2012 Sunday School Graduates and their Families—C. Hasiotis

2012 Sunday School Graduates and their Families—C. Hasiotis


AND FORMER STUDENTS Trevor Bellows, Argyroula Kouvatas, Chrysoula Vlamis,

Christina Pertesis, Christina Kalogeris , and George Pertesis





Kiria Eleni

Page 14: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269



To our Parish’s 2012 Graduates

HOLY TRINITY Greek School GraduatesHOLY TRINITY Greek School GraduatesHOLY TRINITY Greek School Graduates Argyroula Kouvata and Chrysoula VlamisArgyroula Kouvata and Chrysoula VlamisArgyroula Kouvata and Chrysoula Vlamis

High School GraduatesHigh School GraduatesHigh School Graduates

From: From: From: To: To: To:

Eleni Georgakopoulos Eleni Georgakopoulos Eleni Georgakopoulos Trumbull High School Trumbull High School Trumbull High School ––– Southern Conn. State UniversitySouthern Conn. State UniversitySouthern Conn. State University Andre LoukrezisAndre LoukrezisAndre Loukrezis Trumbull High SchoolTrumbull High SchoolTrumbull High School --- Fairfield UniversityFairfield UniversityFairfield University Alexa HallasAlexa HallasAlexa Hallas St. Joseph’s High School St. Joseph’s High School St. Joseph’s High School --- Marist CollegeMarist CollegeMarist College George PertesisGeorge PertesisGeorge Pertesis St. Joseph’s High School St. Joseph’s High School St. Joseph’s High School --- Fairfield UniversityFairfield UniversityFairfield University Anthony AbrahamsAnthony AbrahamsAnthony Abrahams Central High SchoolCentral High SchoolCentral High School --- Binghamton UniversityBinghamton UniversityBinghamton University Christina TakosChristina TakosChristina Takos Central High SchoolCentral High SchoolCentral High School --- University of ConnecticutUniversity of ConnecticutUniversity of Connecticut Michael PatsiarikasMichael PatsiarikasMichael Patsiarikas Woodland High School Woodland High School Woodland High School --- Southern Conn. State UniversitySouthern Conn. State UniversitySouthern Conn. State University Margarita KolitsasMargarita KolitsasMargarita Kolitsas Masuk High SchoolMasuk High SchoolMasuk High School --- Quinnipiac UniversityQuinnipiac UniversityQuinnipiac University Demetra SkenderisDemetra SkenderisDemetra Skenderis Masuk High SchoolMasuk High SchoolMasuk High School --- Colgate UniversityColgate UniversityColgate University Krystianna TothKrystianna TothKrystianna Toth Masuk High SchoolMasuk High SchoolMasuk High School --- Eastern Conn. State UniversityEastern Conn. State UniversityEastern Conn. State University Johnna VerebJohnna VerebJohnna Vereb Bunnell High SchoolBunnell High SchoolBunnell High School --- Housatonic Community CollegeHousatonic Community CollegeHousatonic Community College Amalia Valiantis Amalia Valiantis Amalia Valiantis Fairfield Warde High Fairfield Warde High Fairfield Warde High --- St. Vincent’s CollegeSt. Vincent’s CollegeSt. Vincent’s College

College and University GraduatesCollege and University GraduatesCollege and University Graduates

Christina YeotsasChristina YeotsasChristina Yeotsas--- Fordham University Fordham University Fordham University George KapetaneasGeorge KapetaneasGeorge Kapetaneas--- Eastern Connecticut State UniversityEastern Connecticut State UniversityEastern Connecticut State University Philip CookPhilip CookPhilip Cook--- Boston UniversityBoston UniversityBoston University Dominick FatibeneDominick FatibeneDominick Fatibene--- University of ConnecticutUniversity of ConnecticutUniversity of Connecticut Maria PertesisMaria PertesisMaria Pertesis--- Quinnipiac UniversityQuinnipiac UniversityQuinnipiac University

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Page 18: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269

©2012 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bpt. Ct Publishing &Design-Vicky Andriotis-06/17/2012

AHEPA J. Bochanis 203-254-7595

AROUND THE PARISH S. Capiris 203-259-7344

[email protected] ATHLETIC PROGRAM P. Koutroulas 203-556-0489

[email protected]

CANTOR G. Bakes 203-374-8561

CHOIR P. Leask 203-258-9160

[email protected]

COUNCIL OF CHURCHES S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

[email protected] DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE H. Yeotsas 203-374-1729 [email protected] ECCLESIARCH D. Trigonis 203-374-0725

FORCC E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013 [email protected]

GOYA N. Pettas 203-925-0189

E. Yiannoulis 203-372-6591

GREEK PAIDEIA L. Protopapas 203-929-1582

GREEK SCHOOL E. Limberis 203-371-6305

[email protected]

GREEK SCHOOL DANCE GROUP E.Limberis 203-371-6305 [email protected] M. Cook 203-375-9329

HISTORIAN & ARCHIVES ROOM S. Capiris 203-259-7344

[email protected] INTERIOR COMMITTEE B. Pappas 203-268-8907

JR. CHOIR J.Bogardus 203-736-6501

LIBRARY H. Vittorio

L. Protopapas



MAINTENANCE G. Hatzis 203-261-3247

L. Tsouris 203-334-2781 MEDIA-COMMUNICATIONS A. Loukrezis 203-268-5377

[email protected]

OLYMPIANS (GOYA) F. Papachristos 203-380-0566

P.T.O. M. Gountas 203-650-3246

[email protected]

PARISH COUNCIL G. Mourizakis 203-373-0580

[email protected] PHILOPTOCHOS K. Tsitsipas

[email protected]


PUBLICITY COMMITTEE E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

[email protected]

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE S. Karagiannis 203-820-1975 SCHOOL BOARD V. Boudreau 203-734-6754

[email protected]

SENIOR CITIZENS G. Agortsas 203-372-1015

STEWARDSHIP A.J. Metsopoulos 203-292-6418

R. Arvanitis 203-226-4140

[email protected]

SUNDAY SCHOOL E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013


V.Andriotis 203-371-6856

[email protected]

Church Office Eleni Limberis

Email: [email protected] Office: 203.374.5561 Fax: 203.374.5770

Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm Sundays after Services: 12:00pm-1:00pm

On the Web

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On Twitter –

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport,

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature.” Mark 16:15

Robert Arvanitis 226-4140 Michael Bouloubasis 336-2116 Stella Capiris 259-7344 Phil Georgas 257-7452 Argyris Karagiannis 260-6124 A.J. Metsopoulos 292-6418

John Mihalakopoulos 261-4732 George Mourizakis 373-0580 Chris Papachristos 380-0566 Peter Tsimbidaros 334-2578 Scott Vereb 520-2781 Constantine Vlamis 268-5464

Parish Council Newsletter Editor Vicky Andriotis

Newsletter Staff

Eleni Limberis George Mourizakis

Father Andreas Vithoulkas Vicky Andriotis

Father Andreas Vithoulkas, Presbyter [email protected]

phone: 917-334-4192

Services Sunday: Orthros 8:30am

Sunday School Special Services: 10:00am-10:15am Divine Liturgy,Sermons, Announcements:

9:45am – 11:30am Weekday Services,Orthros,Divine Liturgy:


Summer Sunday Services (June-September): Orthros 8:45am

Divine Liturgy,Sermons, Announcements: 9:45 - 11:15am

Page 19: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269

651 Villa Ave. Fairfield, CT 203-384-8176


857 Post Road, #110

Fairfiled, CT 06824

(631)258-3933 [email protected]

Joanna Bolovinos,GRI,CRS Realtor / Certified

Relocation Specialist 2000 Post Rd Fairfield, CT

[email protected] t. 203.255.6101 x375 888.248.7488 c. 203.545.1704 f203.254.0166

Page 20: The Orthodox Vision - July 2012 Issue #269

JULY 2012 THE ORTHODOX VISION 20 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604

Address Service Requested

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity

July 2012—

Issue #269