The Orangeburg news.(Orangeburg, S.C.) 1873-05-03. the CO infant' General G'.lbm ordered a...

THE ORANGEBURG NEWS GEORGS BOLIYElt, Financial and Busikkss Makaqbb. Official Paper or the State and or Oratngchurg County. SATUKDAT, MAY 3, 1873. _iii ¦. ii-j ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ . The Centennial and the South All men know by this time that (he fourth of July, 187G, is to be celebra¬ ted by a pageant as grand as was ever conceived. The arrangements for the celebration of this the One Iluudrcdlh Anniversary of American Independence are already thoroughly organised and are upon an immense scale. The cele¬ bration will be bald at Philadelphia, and there is no dsubt that the whole North will enter into the spirit of the occasion with an enthusiasm that will count no cost nor spare -my pains. Will the South participrffe 7 A late number of tho Philadelphia Evcniny Bulletin comes to ns with a **u 11 account of the meeting ofagen(s of the Philadelphia World' Exposition of 1S7G at Memphis Tcnne^ee. The Com j missioners to represent Tennesee in be half of the scheme met in the city named, and an association was formed embracing seme of the leading men of the State. We subjoin extracts from the ad tit ess of Col. Win. II. Stephens which will erince the modus ojtci'ttndi. and the spirit that should animate the entire South. RS&ARK8 or COL. VYM. H STEPHENS. Colonel Win. II. Stephens said con- versationally that, as a member of the Ccriteytiinl Board of Finance, it is not ituprqpcr for nie to speak a few words at this, your first meeting iu Wost Teu Uy an act of Congress, approv¬ ed pn the third day of March, 1S71 provision w.-ir made for tho due celcbrn (ion at Philadelphia of the one hund¬ redth nnpivcrsury of the Aniciic.ui Jnd^jipudcuso in the year 137(\ with appropriate ceremonies, and by the djs ait»3j|i ..I.itoii.ii rc 5fl * < ;*c £3 at.d titir progress in the useful arts,, ou. a scale which should attract the,attention ul the civilized world. I'nJor this act one commissioner and one alternate com¬ missioner were appointed from euch State and Territory io promote and con trol the exhibition. For Tennessee, the Commissioner is Tim II. Coldwell. of Sbelbyville, and the AIuconte is William F. Prosser, Nashville, both of whom have broujht to the disa))urgo of their duties much ability and the most commendable seal. On the first of Juno, 1872, un act of Congress was passed creating a corporation with a capital of ten million dollars, to bu known as the Centennial Pourd of Finance, composed ef citizens of all tho Slates und Terri tories. Bud, gentlemen, there are other mo¬ tives, for -our participation iu this great industrial exposition. Its iaflueace in re-establishing cordial relations amon^ those who havo heretofore been aliena¬ ted from each other cannot be too highly estimated. Since, to all human views it seems to be the will of Providence that we arc to remain united in govern¬ ment, to obey the same laws, (o speak one language, to live under the same roaf and to worship nt the same altars, it is obviously the part of true wisdom to da* ell together in unity, and to pro mote a spirit of eoncoid throughout the wide extent of oar country. In the celebration of the "year of jubilee," and in the flow od good fo< ling tu result from it, wa cau sou a way of escape from those social and political troubles and complications which havo utterly con founded the of the party politi ciaus. and* have perplexed oven tho wls dom of the statesmen. Compulsory legislation may enionco- obedience rf t he law, but it oannot heal the wounded spirit, nor rekindle fires*of patriotism. It is for tho people themselves to re establish their ancient friendships, and to obliterate the memory of past aui inosities. Can you conceive of an occasion more likely to inaugurate such a friendly spirit than the assembling of a nation to eclcbrato the hundredth anni¬ versary of its birth, around the hall in which Independence was first proclaim ed, where John Adams, ef Massachusetts, held counsel with Thomas Jefforson, of Virgina; whero Charles t Carroll, of Maryland, struck bunds with Itogcr Sherman, of Connecticut- where Benja miu Franklin, of Pennsylvania, sat sido by sido with Richard llcury Lee, d Virginia; whero John Hancock stood shoulder to shoulder with Mjddlcton aad Kutlcdge, and where thoy all "p edge to each other their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors." Only let the people meet now iu the snmo epir t that guided their fathers a century ago, oust¬ ing behind them all thoughts of the past, and soiling their high hopes Upou n glorious future, and as surely as '-One to'och of nature make* the whole world kin, m) surely shall bitterness of tho p;st be washed out iu the charity of mu¬ tual forgiveness. Gentlemen, you an: eo-vorkers with many of r the w isest, the most pr.i'-licaj. tho most enterprising and mist Ilhorn I citizens in all the land 1 trust that your counsels and labors will tend to develop and aggrandize our I to enlist her people iu an enterprise which promises much bcucfit to them and to the whole county. Yi:X A < UAA't K FOIC Tili: DKRTOIt. A Substitute lor the Homestead. EXEMPTIONS UltDKU TUB NATIONAL BANKRUPT LAW. The National Bankrupt law was amended by tho last Congress, so that in addition to the uniform exemption of $0(10, nil the property is exempted from its operation which '.he several States have reserved from execution for debts. In South Carolina the exemption is one thousand dollars id' real csratc and five liuouM il id' pcrsopul property, >cwn Summa rj. '.One little Inj tin An. Boy" SAVAGE STRATEGICS. San FRANCISCO, April 20. A courier arrived at Yrcka to day from the Lava Heds bi'tngiilg tbo intelli¬ gence of auother battle between the troops aud tho Medocs. Ou Saturday lust, the CO infant' General G'.lbm ordered a recoanoistuco tob: mile of the enemy, who were suppose 1 to be south of the Lava Beds, For this p r pose he detailed Aixtymen of tue Fourth Artillery aiad Tw-dlth Infantry. Tljc troops theiMitasch <| across the bods iu the direction, of thu blufi, to the south, where U;<* jind/ies wore supposed to be cntreuöhed/, Thu cueoiiuoi.saueo was mado with due caution andi it shar plo >k out was kept. T lie U so;.. rn 1 '. twenty feet of the blu$i Vfilh-iUt III des tati' ns [ob discovering any irac:? of the enemy, when suddenly the M >d >cs w!i > lay iu ambush a uong tho rocks awaiting fho'r approach opened a most tolling and dostcueiivc lire upon the. ipisuspecti'i g troops. The latter on raiding th .4. tlioy h >d Dillen idilo a trap attempted to r treat. A number sprang among the rocks and crept into the crevices for shelter Itum thcgnlliug li e ol' iho In¬ dians T I i w ho w ere hidden behind the r cks, fired with deadly precision and had every advantage over thu troops, w ho found themselves upp is- ed to the withering fuc of an unseen foe without being able to return it elloetively A part id'the infantry rat routed a hollow spot among the rocks. Tho Indians saw this and in a Ccvj moments tlie troops were surrounded. 1 ho Mo docs secreted in the rocks opened lire, aud killed nnd weiliulad i'JI except thro who managed to- escape. No Mo docs arc repotted killed. Tiie umbuscude was so complete that the Indi.v.s vvi re entirely covered fjoui die return lire of the no ips. The latter were completely taken by surprise. During the entire engagement seventeen privates were killed and twenty.three wounded. Great indignation is expressed her«; at the bad III il IUI gC IIIO IS I which has resulted in such wholesale slaughter of the troops and the entire ad air is regarded as most disgrace! ul. mV VuH'if w.ijt. Wash INUTON, A;ril 21. General Sherman appears perfectly confident to day that the military are iinw< lusters of the situation iu the Mo. doc couiisry, since the teccipt of iut-dli- g: nee that the Indians have not escaped to th* mountains, but are still in the lava beds. General Sehnlich. i.> satis fled that the Indians will now be extoruiitia- ted aud that the Moduo war will nut bo the subject for daily talk throughout the count ly many days longer. Fftfc»l ki'iou'k. M.\onti», April *J2. Information received here Stales that Lordia is being subjected to .i doge by Carlists who arc attacking tin UUfii i" large force, The Cai lists having, inves- ted the city of Figuoras, the inhabitants of Lejungucrn have goue to tho alsslde of tha city, tu strengthen tho garrison andassist iu defeating the insurgents! . iV ¦ WIOM AFRICA. CAliCUT A, Apiil 22. The negotiations of Sir Hurtle Freie for the suppression of the slave trade on tho African consts and Eastern gull have been attended with much success. The Sultan of Muscat and tho chief ol the A rub tubes bur (luring on the gulf huvc signed an unti-slnvcry treaty. It is believed this example will bo followed by numerous other chiefs af adjoining pretty principalities where tho slave trade stiII exists. 'Tho Kur:il ('itrolhiisMi. We are in receipt oftho May number of ti c "1'ural Carulinian," which fully main tains it* well earned reputation as a Grst'chi?s Agricultural Magazine. The lea ding articles in the number before us, are up to the hu h standard ej" previous numbers, while the selections generally possess more than ordinary interests to those engaged either in Agricultural or Horticultural pursuits. We arc pleased tu nqtico that the '¦Literary Department/' is Ii I led with judicious sei» elions ol high met it, in f ull accord with the well known literary tastes of Mr. D II Jacques, thoedjtor. The addition of this department to the Magazine is meeting with general favor. It gives a variety to its pages, making it a desirable family companion while it does not in tho least detract from its merits as a faithful representative of the Agricultural intents of the country. Announcement is made oftho associa¬ tion of Mr. Win. L. Dnggott with the Publisher's Department ofthe Magazine. From the energy which he has over exhibited, during his long connection with the press of Charleston, we loj»k to to see the ItuUAL carolinian., main-, tain its past reputation in every particu¬ lar, and go on prospering in the future. Those of our readers who have not already sub cribed to the lluitAL car¬ OLINIAN, should send for a specimen cop)', and enroll their names at oucc . n its subscriptiou list. Proceedings of Council. OitANUEiiURc;, S. 0. April '_'.>. Control] mcl pursuant to adjourn¬ ment. Present, the Mayor and Alder¬ men Doli vor, Willeoek, Martin tjnd Oliveros. Minutes <d* lust meeting were t cud and approved. Upon motion the Mayor war empow¬ ered to is*y^ftommissions to-UUjn- ber ot ulgliVrollee. Upon motion, it wns resolved, that n Town Tax of oni: ;üi l, be levied upon all Uutil Instate, and also, at the same time,'to bo collected the License Tax on till I justness :m<l Professions, &c, us i- laid down in Ordiimnec Hooks, on Page 2!j to page ->1. inclusive. The time for coWviCtlug the said Tax on Heal Instate and Professions or business shnil begin ttu the Fiftenth lo) day of May 1*7-'», und tin-Tax Books will be closed tut .he üd day of June \*~'-', at which lime all defaulting Tux-Pnycrs shall pay a penalty of Twenty (20) per ccn- tum (-it their original assessment. Wbcrcus appeals from the Kllit>ft Hook aul Ltuldor Company, hnvo conic tu tili» Council £.». nti&i.'lujice to put tlicir ovgattiintion in better plight tu contend with the firc-liend; and ivhcreus, this Hotly appiccinting the efficient und valuable services ofsueh an organization to the Town in the event of lip s, unanimously, vote tbein, the sum of One Hundred ami Fifty .(150) dollars. To be paid u ;.».;» the order of the Company, when Council i.- in funds. l'l> >n motion it was resolved, that two, if not more, of''llnbcoeks Fire L*'x- linguishcrs," bo procured lor the ser¬ vices of the Tow it. < Mi motion, Council adjourned. K. ,J. OLIVKKOS, Clerk O. T. HYMENEAL, Mabhisd.On the :2lhl April, is?::, by the U- v. J. Woj:kiimn, Mr. ItOUKltT ,JON KS to Miss ANNA Ii. SMOAK. All of Orange- burg Count v. I Ki j'n the Newbcrry .'.) Irerald ol March 1*4, 187.1.) Nkwukbuy, S. ('.., 3, I87.Ü. .yjussusvu/. vkii niioriiuns: It Ls with pluasuro that we cominend your Parnicr Cooking Slove tt>ihe general public. They arc an absolute household necessity ul ihis lime, r.-| cria H,\ »\ hen so uiutdi <>i ibuues- tie duty mid iiiAiiugciitctil depends more or less ii| on our wives and daughters. The Stove is as simple ami beautiful a construc¬ tion us ii is rapid mid reliable in its w.ork. Iu a,word, U is as near nerfeel »s it can be. .lohn 1'. K ilia I'll, .1. K. (J. Nance, J. C. S. Urown, Isaac llcrbeia, ('. MuOrneken, A. Longshore, John Ahrains, \x I'. Hawkins, \Y. F. Metis, t>. v. Harris, Jus. Lcaicr. 8. Worts, <". M. Williams, I). P. tilifliu, I!. Sober, M. Longshore, T. J. Ned, .Mrs. A. Holding, L. Dicket, J. I*. Williame, II. W. r, J. M. IU Huff, I). 8. Hu lo, J. W. tiilliam, J. I». jSpps, J. P. Oxncr, J. W. Uhpades, .M Heeder, Samuel Abrains M. C. Lonshore, M. L. \ oung, I f Stewart, J. It. John.-, n, W. L. Wall is. II. Kendl icks, H M Kinard, Leva Slaw'sou, Jacob Kibler, J. li. I l'.o.i, (J. W. Andrews, IL S. Iluiloii, J. 8. I'itts, Janu s dan ell, L. Longshore, W. It. Peterson, Win. A Pnir, John S. Cook. John Met'alley, J. II. Itooxcr, W. Dorroh, A. C. Ilvllingswortli. -.. ¦, _»_. .'f. ¦ '.+ STATE OF Sol'TII CAROLINA, (Jounty <»k Nk\\iii:iiuy. I certify tlnu 1 um iwc<|i>nitit«.«! with John P. Kinat'l, J. C S. Drown, and others, whoso name.- .11 ¦«. ppcndc to the foregoing roeomiuvtidathm. Unit thoy arc i opiiiublc oili-cus of Ncwbony county, and entirety worthy ufcrudit, Uivcn uuder my hand mid s?al of oHic© Me.vcu \\ 1*7«. WAHREN M. FI'.ACU:. yeputy ('lurk, Newberry c-o^nry, [From the Abbeville (S. «'. Pre.-s .v. Baubcf, ¦W- JiU. \:>, 187.5 ] Aonlivai.i:, s. ('. n.o. 10, ist/J. .V MSits V}H. I' Kit IUI <> III IUIS. I Wo cheerfully grant yon pcruossiou to use our na111os as 3-011 see proper in cotu- m*mlution, yf yopr Farmer ( ooniftg Stofo, fer \\u rugnr<l it io> heing n't together !!". best cooking stove in use. It is nil thai is desirnblo in a stove, for it in }imple in construction, 1ms no dampers or rlues tn burn gist, cmd bakes quick and beautifully. Wo bespeok for you a liberal hutrontigc from our m-i"liliui~« and Friends, believing as tt c do dial none who purchase one el ilit'so slaves will ever r'egrcnt it, but «ill consider it a rare prize in those days, when good coots are so ! nrd In gel. Your enter* prise merits aucecss, und **« hope you will a tin in it. .1 \V Jordan, Jehu Jones, J D Ncol, II NecjL 5 Tiilbort, W McCain, .Inihes ubrnes, .1 U Britt, P Tucker, John Ungan, W Watkin, .1 !'. l'vuitt, J li Bell,; Henry Rowie, A Hall. W R Ho rip, Juo. Vance, T V Piuitt, [' Ii.oinsli, M C Rivers., C .lours. 0 W Nichols, S It Oeek, J C Hall, S () Young, J Jordan, M Freeman W Wioklitfe, .1 ('ri^wcU, V Sharp, .1 S( Priiilt, A J Wi ed, W A Ball, A J tJlitikscsles. T '() Bill, Burl lliley, .lasj ThoaesAii, (1 W Itowen, Win. <"ouk. .1 l> .Montau, A Ever. J T Clicatlnun, It Tarier, II Rilev, II M Prince, Ml.. Ashley, W Koos-15«;, S W Brooks, N Icker, H Vi Davenpetf, J S Shirley, Wm. Began, J .1 Acker, J M Jerdaa, J C I'ooahec, W C Cromor (i l' Oneall, J Aäutnk. W F Anderson, W M Webb, J I) Faosheo, T 1! Pu kclt, W Whit ley, U V Acker, m II J K| !ing, P A Tribble. STAfK UF SUUTll CAUOI.RNA. Arbkv{llk County, January 14, 1>7I. I. L. I). Bowie, Clerk of the ('wurt of Common Picas and General Sessions, for I'outiiy ami .Slu e aforesaid, do hereby certify tbnt I urn personally acquainted with the above signers, and lake pleasure in saying "that (boy nra severally honorable gciillFmco, und uro inon of credit and un¬ doubted veracity. I will add that Messrs ¦ 'nlvtfr BiKtlier- have .1.1 several hundred of their Faruioi Cooking Stoves in this county, and, .-o far as l have heard, lUcy ari\ i" universal ini isfnet ion L. L>. BOW IK. npril 10 It l.urekiti Clmpter, No. 13, U. A. SI. The ÄBGCLAR CONVOCATION of the above CHAITF.R will be held on Friday May 1Mb, is; t, at 8 qtfdook I». >L J'i -adeK of ij. F l|. l\ TUKoDOlti; ^ UN, may .tf Sen ptary NOTICE, In accOrAoice with an.ACT of the Gen rel Aeseitwiy passed on the '_' L Fcbruuiy, 1S7.5. all persww UCVf*OlN(. CLAIMS against the Comity of Ornugeburg prior to the Drat day of Koveitibtr A. I». 1872, will | prsstnt the snyie 10 Ooorjje holiver, F--|.. \ ( lurk of the Court t»f said County, foi Ur.- . islration, nn or before the first div of siei j bcr, A. I». 1^7 '.. ami all Claims not Regis¬ tered within said lane will no! I> . paid. F.. T. It. S.MOAKK, Chbiru an Board Tounty Cbniuiis&ioiiers. G KOUG K t*OI.IVfli, desk- j may :! tf I^IXAI, .\BT1CK.- All perseis having dt'iuauds againal the Estate of Juhy Weeks decejfscd are iiotilied 10 pre sen! (ho sanie properly nttestwl t>» t!i>- nn- ( dcrsigned ami all persons in hue I lira re¬ quested i" make iininedtO/te nay incut ns 1 desire (o close the Estate. I*. M (' \R.^(»,C. Ad minist rutor pf lbs Sut.iif ofJaby Weeks, may ;> 8i Uüitöd States Internal Revenue^ Notice (o Spccial-T^i Vayere." The law of pt'cetnber '.'-i, isT'J. requires eyerj persou engaged in un- blisiupss I avocation, if ciuploymcut, wliiph r(uder& I him liable to a SBKGlAi,TAX lti(.rvcure ami place conspicuously in h:s establish- j incut or place of btisincss, A BTAMV de noting the payment of said Special Tax be- j lore cnmmcticing business. j The taxes embraced within the prevision!1 of law above quoted are the fcjlovying, vi/.: Kectifivrs.?-Co Oil Dealers, rotaiMiquor. '-'"> 110 Dealers, trholesalo liquor. l<-> IKI .cnlet;^, in nudt liquors, wholesale... »u fKi Dealers, in malt U^uors, retail. 'Jg (»(» Dealer.; in leaf tobace. -!.'» 00 Retail ilcnhus in leaf lolmcco. 0<x» (Hi ami on .-ales of over $l,O0t», fifty ' ceil'!' tor every dollar in cxccss of ^l.<"' (s Dea'. -is in manufactured tobacco. .'. (mi M-iuufivMurers ofstilbi. f»U Oil .ji'l for each >till i u worm mnnu- fnclureil. U<t oo Manuta-tin ers of tobacco. Jo Dt) Manufacturers of cigars. IU 00 Peddlers ol tobacco, first class, (wore than two horses). .V DO Peddlers o* lobacjjo, sccoii I pi iss, (*J horses). 'Jo (Ml Peddlers of lolmeeo, third elnss, 11 liorse). (HI Peddlers of tobacco, forth clnss, (on foot or public eonveyanco). )(. IM) Drewers ol U»*| ihnil ö(Ki lp»rrola. .'.(. (Ml Brewers of '»ov barrels w nvore. !(»(» oo Af.y person who sbo>!l fail to ciuuply w;ih tlie foregoing requirements tvil] bo subject to severe pernhics. Specinbtax Payers rliroiigbmil the United Stairs are reminder) thai IheyniUsI make spplicalioa (<« the Collector (or Deputy Colloclorl of thoin respoetive districts, and procure the proper slutn.p for the Special- nix Year, cominenoing May 1 1873, without waiting Cor I'm her iintico. W. It. ( UM TM \V. Collector Internal ItoVCIlUC, '2D Mistrial ftontli Cnrelins Application aiay also lie made (o>, and alauq ^ procured of, EOBET B. STAK ELY, Deputy Collect or, Charles!on South Carolina. Max a tl i Sheriff's Sales, lty virtue <>t' Sundry JixeraitiotiS to i reeled, I will se'd lo the lllghen* lu l Orange I.u i * C. H., on tbc FIRST May ooxi. FOK CASH, BiglU, Tille and lni< res* of th<} auis in th<- following Property, 1 I. vine tr:tct of Intel euo,taiuii<^ inore oi- less, hi OrangoUurg County, bound¬ ed on ilie Northeast by Columbia lloud, East by lands formerly of II. Waiinawaker, South und Weal l>y T. K. Susportit*. ö. (im- tract in said County containing i Metfor luui-i! or lose, bounded on the Kurth mid West by laud of O. Piimnm, Kust by tin' tract above described, and West by hind of T. \\. Suspprtus. Levied on the property of G'Mper Iimtyuvt at the suit of Jucivh Auii'l'vr. AH that truct 01 parcel of land ii^ said County, eeatHinhlg 1-j m-rei*, with Dwell¬ ing House und other Improvement*, being; traet whereon j. Hamilton Felder mow re. shies, bofinded on the South by tho Orange- liui/ Head, nu'l on nil oilier tuden by Linda of .1 Hamilton Felder Levied mv uj the property ol j. IliTiniUoh Felder at the suii of i'Uouiaa W; MeUicbatap. ALSO On* Boggy. Levied on the property of loel It. Wht'taetl at the suit of John F. ami Laura S. .). Jack Hon. ALSO At Lewisville, (begiuupig 0,1 11 p clocfc pp. Monday nud continuing from, May to day until the wholo stock is dispose*! of.) nil the Stuck Uliods iii Store, iif Wiutleld <Uyk. consisting «if Dry Cowls, Qrocories. Shoe*. ILit!-. Crookery, Tin Ware, Ac. Levied on .li the property of Wintiuld CliqV- «t tfye suits of I'eake, Opcdyke & ''<». fuel other3. Bheriffs offee. i IS. I. C UN. Orangeburg C. II. S. C. I S. tl. C. Apl. 1Mb, 1^7\. } apl ID id Ov«»ngol»urpf In Prbnte f'imrt. />. /. 7Vi7y, vs. I'. M. /fwiiT, A,lmr. John A. K-itl, \\\ person.? .,8V'UR el^iii's ngainst tb« K?tnle of the late John A. Keill are reipitvst- ed to present and pru^e their respective uc- uuiuds befpre this Court on or before tho twenty-ninth day <>f April. IK73, to which late the further hearing of the iSbovo en¬ titled action is cuuliuueo). A. V.. KNHWLTON. Probate J udgo. april .*> Jit NOTICH TO ( nF.DIKHtS.- All persons having deiwaudij Against the Estate ..!' II H. Muni, deceased, and all persons indebted t" said Estate will present tin- yuuiu und make pay incut to the under* signed within ihre« mouths from Ibis date. JOHN P. SPICKS'KK, »i ilitiod Administrator* February I lilt. 1*7 !. 10 ol N- OTIC'K..All pcrHOtiH iiuv ins nsii:i*n^r»i'i«l the Kstulc of Ktixii belli Moj . liec'J, IVi'.l presenl them properly iiiie-tol. and nil parsons indebted in t>m -aine. will niiike rn"i'.< i i io .. Kings- vtli a 'J , li. &, .'. \X-.l".. gy^v^Vlfnr. arv'.f *V. & IN TU K COUUT OK 1'KUrU'iT Wiit'iüv«, George Coliver, Clerk 'of *hc 1'olllt- of lieu |j| Si --i.OlS atld Coiltlll.lTl I". ¦« . «mi I > utility^ hftth in.ilc siril (u me in grant him !.<-u of Adiuiiiisiration <\J" he l!-'.i!e Mid KH'ecia uf Sarah Iiin-uakeo, i.itr nf said County, deceased. 'I hose nre therefore !.. In tyle mid ndiiion- ich ..I! nud singular flic kindred find Cuedl- tnr* tie sai . Sarah Itinnakepi deoehaoVll that t h v he ami tippenr before me, in thje t'oiirl of Probate, in n.- held nl f'jahgst'urg i ein House ii !!..¦ !7:ti day nf May nc\i, ufier publiuatiyti hereof, at 11 o'clock in the t.o .uOoii, to »iie>\ cause, if auv thev havo, why Iii«; said Aduiiliislratloil should mil be grapied. ISiveii uiidel my hand, this Ith day of Ajo il Anno Domini 1^7"'.. LS. ] AUC. IL KNOW 1,1»IN, l*lob.ite Ju.l-e, O. C ..pi S -Jl file, State of South Carolina ORAJTjS KBVIIG COI'NTY In the Court or Proihat^ It v ACGL'STUS H. KN0WI.TOX. Esq. Judgs of Probate in said County. WHKI.KA>, Kosa V Clnrk hath applied tome for Letters of Administration 'ju the Kstate ol Lawrence 1>. i lark, lute of said i 'onnty. rJedeos . I. These are therefore In eito and admoaish :i!! -.:.d siiigiilai I ho kindred and i'red.tor* uf the said ile'ceased', In lie and appear, he- t.-r. me at a Court of l'robuto fur iho said i loiiutv, to be holden at my i Itlicc iu < irmigo- l.u;v'. S. P., en the twelfth day of May, 187 '.. a* 10o'clock a. M.. ia show eanM«f*if any, why the saul Aiiiniuiitrat^pi. should not be grunted. iii\en under inv bund and the Seal of I In-' Court, tili.- 2"i.lIi day <J" April A. D. lfc~o,. and iu iL«- '.'7tii ytiax <_f Aiuierican Imle- pen lenec. I L S. I ACGt'8TCJa U. KNOMLTON. upl -t Judge of Probate. IN T.ILK COlJUTf OF n.OllATK. W ii Kit RAS, Newton H. W. Slstriink made suit to nie lo gm ii l to him Letters of Ad¬ min i i rut ioil of the Kstate and effects p,f \|.-. Ann Sisttruiik, late of Oraiigeliurg Comity, deceased. These are therefore k < ite aijii admctnisli all and singular Iii« Kindjed und l'reditorn of i he Said vAi'VA'd, to bo nud appear be- forc me nl a Court of Probate for the aaiil Ceiiuly, to he lioldert at oran^i'lun g on the ili day ol .May, Is7.:, at lb u'dlvMi A. M. to slo.w cause it any. why the aiiid Ad- minist ration should noi bo g'rlinte'i. Civeii uuder wy h.-ijid aud the Se.»} of my t'.oin, Hit U day uf April., A. D. I87:t, ami in the ninety-seventh yea r of Auk rlcan I mlopeaileuee. Aid. 15. b.NtlWi.T^N, j I s ] /ndgo <rf ProJ^aie O. (f. apt I'.* 21 _I_ J. FELDER WEYERS, IUI AI. JI ST I CK. OFFICE COJURT HOUSE SQUARE, Will give prompt attcntiop to all bueiness entrusted lo him, mnr 29.If Sale Und er Mortgage. I'y virtue of a Mortgage from 1. .Nf. Y*en- ninglon |o Hujl, Scoyill & Pike, dated March 2d 1*7-, mid with the consent of parties, I will sell at Orangeburg Court House, on lue-.lav, the (itla day ol May next fir ca*h, two Mule-and one Four Horse WagpjB. ' upl pj id W. 11 JOINER, Agent. IM RS. CS. MAULK, HU SS ELL hTUKKVj Tuko* pleasure in^pnounnMt JR her Cum tomcrs and ihr l'iiblio in general ihm she '¦htm. opened her MP^tlfc 8TKKB»naitftitS of the LATEST r>TTW oM 1 MILMNpitf (jOt)n$. Thankful fur f:. »Spcet full^' solicits * continuance of the Rnuie. A SPECIALTY.Dress Making, Cutting nn<l Fitting Carried on as usual by Mrs. 1. S. CC M.MINOS. Country Orders respectfully solicited und will meet -.vitli prompt attention. apl lU liu NOTICE. Delinquent Land Sales, OKANCJKBUlltJ county. An\tU<t Township. J K L A maker, 1047. T A Keriick, 20. Estate 1'nul Spigner, 95. Pavio b. lioiglor, I2Q0 «icrs*. IltanxhviUt Towmhip, r»t. of J. 1). Mem. or. E. crook, 80 atTCs, 8 Buildings, 1S70 *7l '72. Tat. of John MeKfhwirty, ZOQe acres, .> Buildings. 1870'7 I '72. It 0 A| Berry, WnjL (,'<!:* Cair Township. Angu» Me I.(Mir. I'm acres. I'J Ider, Onardin 1JR. \ A Inabinett, 800. YV Pi'airick, Ageut Estate »f A S 5u»b, 100. etmnrt Summers. 18\ Daniel Stolon, 1H7. It, Sarah Tokand, 75. ** T P \Yaiiuuiuakvr, 250. f Elizabeth '^^nt^ips. R^H OciTun, 816. (i A Furtick, 200. Martin Livingston, If fit Estate Sam'l Pearson. MO. Mrs Ann Simons, 180. (Soodbys Tvt<.n,}k\p>. .1 A A rant, 60. .1 C A rent, 00,. Mary M HanUler, 100» K- Jim Keunejly, Mi. T E Kiclcubuker, 0"». Goftdlitint Township^ Mnrgnrct E Arge«, 200' i>. J II Morgan, «7, B. Jus YY Young, 50, R. 7. ill 11 if To ten.i Sip. John C YYhetstene, 700, bought from D R. Burton Nero Bloom, R. Jerome MeMjchael, lGffi. A \e S>ttS xVlaVl t tat ^e^^a a w j jst l.vxn'i Ti'Kiuhip. J YV ITunki-ipdler, Oil. Affin1* T'>icn*Mp. E R Dantalcf, JQ3. J I. Dantiler, low. j i> iiioucr. tuej S B Smith. Agent, 100. .A"'"" //«ye Tvic\\iliip. D S Sub , l:J,0, It. (Jiii)fJ' TvtCHihip. C Chaplin. Town Lot. '70 71 J'j De .i Bj»s, i»8,». Jnl 1* Mays] true town lot. " Uuiuc More. I Mi. tesay A s>s» Mxlton, 7. Punron» LUbinson, ou*> Intro lot. O UcvVerl S.i.«*r oe»etlowu lot. EstaAe Sili^niee uue t^wii^t. T K Si-'pftrtSs. 2 town l<»n an l 163 I'iitf (Irnve 7'utcitship. C B, TaVr- J,;,*). r^j? r¥!cn*%>* Sakwl \V r>nk!iari, 7^* Nero C ha vi*. ISO, Estate A lum Felder, IS 1. Pvtci ItaioiTii, 1 Rondo" Lau rcnee, 'j«A /tfAun* Fainter, Bit». T C Perkins, 2«». R A M Stone, 84. B. J*rWJ8tnrt Tvu nship. .lorn l^eiit.'riti aeres. ljhndy'Johnson, 60 acres- \i li Dautxlor, 127. Jol^i T Urigju. \(% 111. William V. RjctR ^ FranÜ 1*^11 ins. c .poline .1 A §*ile¥J Mrt Bi John D Sbuler. 9fl Sam p Shuler, Hi t; \Y Tfympsoa, lix). Mrs'M A, 18, ft. l';iolt Ti'iriltlnp^ Sam Buabec. 50. R. ,YinBrowh,.,a. Y'Mfr's Toin/Llfi -iik Avlnter, 100 1 I, E Daimler. 442. S js:« Ü. Kciit. :i41_ U'lUote Township. J ..ccb Uf drick, .jim. Jarucs llngan Ü7. Joluu M Jennings, 50. K. W B Mathcnjj loo. *i CO Stcpbcng, o:'.t>. " Il^nsfojd Stewart, rttjO. Zmn Township. Andy pragjplin, 5. i* Kiua Franklin, 25. " Ann B Funehsss, 'j20. Pet er Jacobs. .'1ft. «. >Y N Mount Agt for B S Mosnt.. 750. R. PUrsusjit, te "Aii Act" to aaaend An Act entitled An Act l'reviviisg far l|,e Asaess- nient and Taxation of property, passed September 15, 1948, and all Aeta Amenda¬ tory thereto. approved Manch 12", 1872 Notice is hereby given that the whofe of the several Parcels, Lois and parts ef Lots ef Real Estate ejescrifoed in tlje preceding list, or ao much thereof aa will by tjecessaxy to pay the Taxes, Penalties and Assessments charged thereon, will be sold by Treasurer of Orangehurg County, South Carolina, at his Ofüee }u said County, on the FUat Men- day, (fifth) of May, A *>. 18YIK I'trbjsa said Taxes, Assessment a and Pen- allies be paid before that time : and snob Sale will be cjutin^e^ ffom day to day until tx\\ of said Parcels, l.mi »r,d parts of Lots of Beal Estate shall be sold or offered for sale. Said lands to be Sold and Conveyed in (<c simple without any right of redemption JAS. Vas TASSKL, Auditor's Office, County Auditor, Orange- burg County, April Utb, 1873. 2 I Spring Arrivals AT IM'NAMABA'S cat reduction in prices of Spring tieode. light in llic lusl ten >l>y. IF You WANT TO GET TH HOEST AM |i Cljeupcut rcudy-itaide Spring Clo^h^ng. go lo M< NA.MAHA ST^ mm t f JM |f Vor WA nt L\IUKS ANlfJ-JULD- m. reu*« Bilden ol'lim best qualify atalf a\ low pricus, go to MuiNAMA^A' If you want i:3Pi|tf mits&ttMtf Cheup mill Sljlioh, %o!tlS FT McNAMARA'S. JL iiKMi .s. i loths, Tweed», Mcftoua, DraV d'ete, Summer drills end cottonadee, ete., nil of tin.- lieet.qu-ilitj, apd, tb« Urgent Stoek, in tonn, und at low prices, too, go To If y(ir wan] flOOl» RVf/A r»,*B LR&* ForSl. KOto MoKAMAHA'8. f, or $1, go to MoKAMAHA'S. vor want <;o6i) P. un oue wide, ut' VM ccnta, go tq --\uvti4aiMur?< P TOU HAST »O 1»UY »<III'.A1> FOR . tj.,1,, gfl to Mi^eiW^.,<; FVmg for Hie libe'Mlpiilre^elkg** bestowed on in« ip- ibe tywsk'l ^J^tnHjL * *cUoii,u. cBii^in^m,^ of 1 lie ^uwo. ... Apprilür». t«73 < Notice of DKmissaL -\TOTK'E IS HERUICS GIVEN TilAJafme; "le my final Knowl* tjin, .liidpe of Probate fbf "^raangeberrg' .Month t 0111 date l will tile my uee.oint w ith the Honorable Aug. 1$. Knowl; Countyr an (Siutniina vt Jo.pel WAantd<- Danifl J. Grithu, ami .,.»« tor be Hero of Vim-: missal. JpCN 17. GRIFFIN. April ir.tR, 1k7.::. * Guardian. npf !'.» jmAr.dhfl'« -.... -¦- - - ¦ * » aji'. b»(: ./n Medians?, Quu&y of-tk* FxkM Imyrt * ranr*- E J. OLIVEROS, M. D., DEALER IX DRUGS, MI'.DK'T.Nl'.S, PA TN TS, OILSv VARNISH, 1<0il-BJ5rWJfilVJt LAMPS. IJAJtpfN SEEDS, Ac., Ac, PIlESCRlTIOWS- pfeparod with ACvvR- ACV ami Flb4*I7JTY. fo» which, pmlßim B*t full and eoinplct« aaaiji leant* # uMBHHi (Ml KMH'ALS an-1 OFJvUlNK DRUGS* will b* con-taut! v on hand.. I wne> Long expei ienco.<: aucceaafHl buaiaes*- caroejr ßf mere ]han cijhl yenra in Oranga- h'lrR. a i^ee/l IjRjiiiwlcdgo «f^ theJMUJO- MAHKlvD hv|ip,e aip} tjljrs^d, will aFord ßf tmfllcient goarnntee M,.il all goods »oW UUpenseu ai my «-tai;llK'im«nl will be «pni INK r.ipi "HMiVIWb.-.-- . Apiirteiir/if»g the success vjlilcfi in th%- past lta.« nttuud^d my cüarl*, 1 U*t« d«- tj.rinitied to spttrO nf, j aiim 10 inrrit * oon- li un nee ot the puli oua^a jo Literally bestow¬ ed'. .F J. flf.EVKROS 51.71. ^ No lfl|V'Itrfs'<elT3t»eetfJra»igah«rgiJ.n A SMALL FARM Foil SALE about Ihre« <]oart«ra of ay mile Iron; i!i« t Hirt Iloua* conlninine ' *. .-.eres with a (JOOÜ4>WECKING. KITCHÄN^ <T U;i.i: and p.n KxeelU-nt WEM. of WA- t^osoi^t GIIOD'K FRUIT TltgC5 hnfe ree»Wly Bl»oii jBTtajk^Y \ r 1 The ahiiv« is on* of; the' laost 'tloiirnhlai an<l healthy places in the Sint«. For jar- liculaw eppiy to /., M. WtH.Ff, Or to TIIAD. t\ ANDKRTTs. "**,m* n Jon tS s , |ra Whereaa, Ge'oiF^-^n^r.-^leH^r the t'ouno «< .ÖoVrti Seasi««a flflMlflffTlt« rleu.4, of Miel 4 onniy, hath applied to no for Letters of A.biMiiistraiion on the Kstato and KfTectN »f Lavwrenoe Avinger, laic mf Oratigeburtti.'FioajCAJ, deCOAsed.T A 'V^jSW These artjihe'relVire titbife' nwrnHMwh all and »ie,2^J*»< W*: hiae\ro«l aud Ccedit'irq tUo *'cea><ii, to be and appear, be¬ fore n e; ut i ».ort of Probate for the said t'ountv to be holden at Orangeburg, on the 17th 'day of May ls77, at 10 o'clock A. |. M., to -ho\y cause If any, why the said Ad- , minist ration slvould not be grnnte^. filven uiy!*»r my lla^*l nud.ihe Sea>Uof Couaff/ \ tbi^^iU .la,y ut A pi A. D. 1875, fUid/u the ii^i.> uth year qf American lnde« pcMfence. (l,S ] AUG. IL K^OWLJM. apI.W_H Probate Judge, 0. C. ' , All persons who desire Picture^ taken, will please... come forward a£t once, as I will' close my businew at this place by the 15th May. * * C. D. BLUME, ARTIST. mar '22 «| $ tf _I_?'.»_li \mm D U JA AM SOW A'nXMlJfKY AT L.\'W'; lU' Will practice jrt theiouftaof Q^ANOf^r nL'U^l and RAUNFIM.. 0FPU'S COVRT HOV'SE S^'AR/.. ^ 1 For Sale Cheap, A small WELL IMPROVED PLACE in j mile ?f Ccdcr Grore 8tore, in the Fork. Terms easy. Til VI) C. ANDREWS. Jan ^oth if

Transcript of The Orangeburg news.(Orangeburg, S.C.) 1873-05-03. the CO infant' General G'.lbm ordered a...


Financial and Busikkss Makaqbb.

Official Paper or the State andor Oratngchurg County.

SATUKDAT, MAY 3, 1873._iii ¦. ii-j ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ .

The Centennial and the South

All men know by this time that (hefourth of July, 187G, is to be celebra¬ted by a pageant as grand as was ever

conceived. The arrangements for thecelebration of this the One IluudrcdlhAnniversary of American Independenceare already thoroughly organised andare upon an immense scale. The cele¬bration will be bald at Philadelphia,and there is no dsubt that the wholeNorth will enter into the spirit of theoccasion with an enthusiasm that willcount no cost nor spare -my pains. Willthe South participrffe 7A late number of tho Philadelphia

Evcniny Bulletin comes to ns with a **u 11account of the meeting ofagen(s of thePhiladelphia World' Exposition of 1S7Gat Memphis Tcnne^ee. The Com jmissioners to represent Tennesee in behalf of the scheme met in the citynamed, and an association was formedembracing seme of the leading men ofthe State.We subjoin extracts from the ad

tit ess of Col. Win. II. Stephens whichwill erince the modus ojtci'ttndi. and thespirit that should animate the entireSouth.RS&ARK8 or COL. VYM. H STEPHENS.Colonel Win. II. Stephens said con-

versationally that, as a member of theCcriteytiinl Board of Finance, it is not

ituprqpcr for nie to speak a few words at

this, your first meeting iu Wost Uy an act of Congress, approv¬ed pn the third day of March, 1S71provision w.-ir made for tho due celcbrn(ion at Philadelphia of the one hund¬redth nnpivcrsury of the Aniciic.uiJnd^jipudcuso in the year 137(\ withappropriate ceremonies, and by the djsait»3j|i ..I.itoii.ii rc 5fl * < ;*c £3 at.d titir

progress in the useful arts,, ou. a scalewhich should attract the,attention ulthe civilized world. I'nJor this act one

commissioner and one alternate com¬

missioner were appointed from euchState and Territory io promote and con

trol the exhibition. For Tennessee, theCommissioner is Tim II. Coldwell.of Sbelbyville, and the AIuconte isWilliam F. Prosser, Nashville, both ofwhom have broujht to the disa))urgo oftheir duties much ability and the most

commendable seal. On the first of Juno,1872, un act of Congress was passedcreating a corporation with a capital often million dollars, to bu known as theCentennial Pourd of Finance, composedef citizens of all tho Slates und Territories.

Bud, gentlemen, there are other mo¬

tives, for -our participation iu this greatindustrial exposition. Its iaflueace inre-establishing cordial relations amon^those who havo heretofore been aliena¬ted from each other cannot be too highlyestimated. Since, to all human viewsit seems to be the will of Providencethat we arc to remain united in govern¬ment, to obey the same laws, (o speakone language, to live under the same

roaf and to worship nt the same altars,it is obviously the part of true wisdomto da* ell together in unity, and to promote a spirit of eoncoid throughout thewide extent of oar country. In thecelebration of the "year of jubilee," andin the flow od good fo< ling tu result fromit, wa cau sou a way of escape fromthose social and political troubles andcomplications which havo utterly confounded the of the party politiciaus. and* have perplexed oven tho wlsdom of the statesmen. Compulsorylegislation may enionco- obedience rf t helaw, but it oannot heal the woundedspirit, nor rekindle fires*of patriotism.It is for tho people themselves to re

establish their ancient friendships, andto obliterate the memory of past auiinosities. Can you conceive of an

occasion more likely to inaugurate such a

friendly spirit than the assembling of a

nation to eclcbrato the hundredth anni¬versary of its birth, around the hall inwhich Independence was first proclaimed, where John Adams, ef Massachusetts,held counsel with Thomas Jefforson, ofVirgina; whero Charles

t Carroll, ofMaryland, struck bunds with ItogcrSherman, of Connecticut- where Benjamiu Franklin, of Pennsylvania, sat sidoby sido with Richard llcury Lee, dVirginia; whero John Hancock stoodshoulder to shoulder with Mjddlcton aadKutlcdge, and where thoy all "p edgeto each other their lives, their fortunes,and their sacred honors." Only let thepeople meet now iu the snmo epir t thatguided their fathers a century ago, oust¬

ing behind them all thoughts of the

past, and soiling their high hopes Upoun glorious future, and as surely as '-Oneto'och of nature make* the whole worldkin, m) surely shall bitterness of thop;st be washed out iu the charity of mu¬tual forgiveness.

Gentlemen, you an: eo-vorkers withmany of r the w isest, the most pr.i'-licaj.tho most enterprising and mist Ilhorn Icitizens in all the land 1 trust that your

counsels and labors will tend to developand aggrandize our I to enlisther people iu an enterprise whichpromises s» much bcucfit to them and tothe whole county.


A Substitute lor the Homestead.


The National Bankrupt law was

amended by tho last Congress, so that inaddition to the uniform exemption of$0(10, nil the property is exempted fromits operation which '.he several Stateshave reserved from execution for debts.

In South Carolina the exemption isone thousand dollars id' real csratc andfive liuouM il id' pcrsopul property,

>cwn Summa rj.

'.One little Inj tin An. Boy"


San FRANCISCO, April 20.A courier arrived at Yrcka to day

from the Lava Heds bi'tngiilg tbo intelli¬gence of auother battle between thetroops aud tho Medocs. Ou Saturdaylust, the CO infant' General G'.lbmordered a recoanoistuco tob: mile ofthe enemy, who were suppose 1 to besouth of the Lava Beds, For this p r

pose he detailed Aixtymen of tue FourthArtillery aiad Tw-dlth Infantry. Tljctroops theiMitasch <| across the bods iuthe direction, of thu blufi, to the south,where U;<* jind/ies wore supposed to becntreuöhed/, Thu cueoiiuoi.saueo wasmado with due caution andi it shar plo >kout was kept. T lie U so;.. rn 1 '.

twenty feet of the blu$i Vfilh-iUt III destati' ns [ob discovering any irac:? of theenemy, when suddenly the M >d >cs w!i >

lay iu ambush a uong tho rocks awaitingfho'r approach opened a most tolling anddostcueiivc lire upon the. ipisuspecti'i gtroops. The latter on raiding th .4. tlioyh >d Dillen idilo a trap attempted to r

treat. A number sprang among therocks and crept into the crevices forshelter Itum thcgnlliug li e ol' iho In¬dians T I i w ho w ere hiddenbehind the r cks, fired with deadlyprecision and had every advantage overthu troops, w ho found themselves upp is-

ed to the withering fuc of an unseen foewithout being able to return it elloetivelyA part id'the infantry rat routed t» a

hollow spot among the rocks. ThoIndians saw this and in a Ccvj momentstlie troops were surrounded. 1 ho Modocs secreted in the rocks opened lire,aud killed nnd weiliulad i'JI except throwho managed to- escape. No Modocsarc repotted killed. Tiie umbuscudewas so complete that the Indi.v.s vvi re

entirely covered fjoui die return lire ofthe no ips. The latter were completelytaken by surprise. During the entireengagement seventeen privates werekilled and twenty.three wounded.

Great indignation is expressed her«; atthe bad III il IUIgC IIIO IS I which has resultedin such wholesale slaughter of the troopsand the entire ad air is regarded as most

disgrace! ul.

mV VuH'if w.ijt.

Wash INUTON, A;ril 21.General Sherman appears perfectly

confident to day that the military areiinw< lusters of the situation iu the Mo.doc couiisry, since the teccipt of iut-dli-g: nee that the Indians have not escapedto th* mountains, but are still in thelava beds. General Sehnlich. i.> satis fledthat the Indians will now be extoruiitia-ted aud that the Moduo war will nut bothe subject for daily talk throughout thecount ly many days longer.

Fftfc»l ki'iou'k.

M.\onti», April *J2.Information received here Stales that

Lordia is being subjected to .i doge byCarlists who arc attacking tin UUfii i"large force, The Cai lists having, inves-ted the city of Figuoras, the inhabitantsof Lejungucrn have goue to tho alssldeof tha city, tu strengthen tho garrisonandassist iu defeating the insurgents!

. iV ¦


CAliCUT A, Apiil 22.The negotiations of Sir Hurtle Freie

for the suppression of the slave trade ontho African consts and Eastern gullhave been attended with much success.The Sultan of Muscat and tho chief ol

the Arub tubes bur(luring on the gulfhuvc signed an unti-slnvcry treaty. Itis believed this example will bo followedby numerous other chiefs af adjoiningpretty principalities where tho slavetrade stiII exists.

'Tho Kur:il ('itrolhiisMi.We are in receipt oftho May number

of ti c "1'ural Carulinian," which fullymain tains it* well earned reputation as a

Grst'chi?s Agricultural Magazine. Thelea ding articles in the number before us,are up to the hu h standard ej" previousnumbers, while the selections generallypossess more than ordinary interests to

those engaged either in Agricultural or

Horticultural pursuits.We arc pleased tu nqtico that the

'¦Literary Department/' is Ii Iled withjudicious sei» elions ol high met it, in f ullaccord with the well known literarytastes of Mr. D II Jacques, thoedjtor.The addition of this department to theMagazine is meeting with general favor.It gives a variety to its pages, making ita desirable family companion while itdoes not in tho least detract from itsmerits as a faithful representative of theAgricultural intents of the country.

Announcement is made oftho associa¬tion of Mr. Win. L. Dnggott with thePublisher's Department ofthe Magazine.From the energy which he has over

exhibited, during his long connectionwith the press of Charleston, we loj»k to

to see the ItuUAL carolinian., main-,tain its past reputation in every particu¬lar, and go on prospering in the future.

Those of our readers who have not

already sub cribed to the lluitAL car¬OLINIAN, should send for a specimencop)', and enroll their names at oucc . n

its subscriptiou list.

Proceedings of Council.OitANUEiiURc;, S. 0. April '_'.>.

Control] mcl pursuant to adjourn¬ment. Present, the Mayor and Alder¬men Dolivor, Willeoek, Martin tjndOliveros. Minutes <d* lust meetingwere t cud and approved.

Upon motion the Mayor war empow¬ered to is*y^ftommissions to-UUjn-ber ot ulgliVrollee.Upon motion, it wns resolved, that n

Town Tax of oni: ;üi l, be levied uponall Uutil Instate, and also, at the same

time,'to bo collected the License Taxon till Ijustness :m<l Professions, &c, us

i- laid down in Ordiimnec Hooks, on

Page 2!j to page ->1. inclusive. Thetime for coWviCtlug the said Tax on HealInstate and Professions or business shnilbegin ttu the Fiftenth lo) day of May1*7-'», und tin-Tax Books will be closedtut .he üd day ofJune \*~'-', at whichlime all defaulting Tux-Pnycrs shallpay a penalty ofTwenty (20) per ccn-tum (-it their original assessment.

Wbcrcus appeals from the Kllit>ftHook aul Ltuldor Company, hnvoconic tu tili» Council £.». nti&i.'lujice toput tlicir ovgattiintion in better plighttu contend with the firc-liend; andivhcreus, this Hotly appiccinting theefficient und valuable services ofsuehan organization to the Town in theevent of lip s, unanimously, vote tbein,the sum of One Hundred ami Fifty.(150) dollars. To be paid u ;.».;» theorder of the Company, when Councili.- in funds.

l'l> >n motion it was resolved, thattwo, if not more, of''llnbcoeks Fire L*'x-linguishcrs," bo procured lor the ser¬vices of the Tow it.

< Mi motion, Council adjourned.K. ,J. OLIVKKOS,

Clerk O. T.

HYMENEAL,Mabhisd.On the :2lhl April, is?::, by the

U- v. J. Woj:kiimn, Mr. ItOUKltT ,JON KSto Miss ANNA Ii. SMOAK. All of Orange-burg Count v.

I Ki j'n the Newbcrry .'.) Irerald ol

March 1*4, 187.1.)Nkwukbuy, S. ('.., 3, I87.Ü.

.yjussusvu/. vkii niioriiuns:It Ls with pluasuro that we cominend your

Parnicr Cooking Slove tt>ihe general public.They arc an absolute household necessity ulihis lime, r.-| cria H,\ »\ hen so uiutdi <>i ibuues-tie duty mid iiiAiiugciitctil depends more orless ii| on our wives and daughters. TheStove is as simple ami beautiful a construc¬tion us ii is rapid mid reliable in its w.ork.Iu a,word, U is as near nerfeel »s it can be..lohn 1'. K ilia I'll, .1. K. (J. Nance,J. C. S. Urown, Isaac llcrbeia,('. MuOrneken, A. Longshore,John Ahrains, \x I'. Hawkins,\Y. F. Metis, t>. v. Harris,Jus. Lcaicr. 8. Worts,<". M. Williams, I). P. tilifliu,I!. Sober, M. Longshore,T. J. Ned, .Mrs. A. Holding,L. Dicket, J. I*. Williame,II. W. r, J. M. IU Huff,I). 8. Hu lo, J. W. tiilliam,J. I». jSpps, J. P. Oxncr,J. W. Uhpades, .M Heeder,Samuel Abrains M. C. Lonshore,M. L. \ oung, If Stewart,J. It. John.-, n, W. L. Wall is.II. Kendl icks, H M Kinard,Leva Slaw'sou, Jacob Kibler,J. li. I l'.o.i, (J. W. Andrews,IL S. Iluiloii, J. 8. I'itts,Janu s dan ell, L. Longshore,W. It. Peterson, Win. A Pnir,John S. Cook. John Met'alley,J. II. Itooxcr, W. Dorroh,

A. C. Ilvllingswortli.

-.. ¦, _»_. .'f. ¦ '.+

STATE OF Sol'TII CAROLINA,(Jounty <»k Nk\\iii:iiuy.

I certify tlnu 1 um iwc<|i>nitit«.«! with JohnP. Kinat'l, J. C S. Drown, and others,whoso name.- .11 ¦«. ppcndc to the foregoingroeomiuvtidathm. Unit thoy arc i opiiiublcoili-cus of Ncwbony county, and entiretyworthy ufcrudit,

Uivcn uuder my hand mid s?al of oHic©Me.vcu \\ 1*7«.

WAHREN M. FI'.ACU:.yeputy ('lurk, Newberry c-o^nry,

[From the Abbeville (S. «'. Pre.-s .v. Baubcf,¦W- JiU. \:>, 187.5 ]Aonlivai.i:, s. ('. n.o. 10, ist/J.

.VMSits V}H. I' Kit IUI <> III IUIS. IWo cheerfully grant yon pcruossiou to

use our na111os as 3-011 see proper in cotu-m*mlution, yf yopr Farmer ( ooniftg Stofo,fer \\u rugnr<l it io> heing n't together !!".best cooking stove in use. It is nil thai isdesirnblo in a stove, for it in }imple inconstruction, 1ms no dampers or rlues tnburn gist, cmd bakes quick and beautifully.Wo bespeok for you a liberal hutrontigcfrom our m-i"liliui~« and Friends, believingas tt c do dial none who purchase one elilit'so slaves will ever r'egrcnt it, but «illconsider it a rare prize in those days, whengood coots are so ! nrd In gel. Your enter*prise merits aucecss, und **« hope you willa tinin it..1 \V Jordan, Jehu Jones, J D Ncol,II NecjL 5 Tiilbort, W McCain,.Inihes ubrnes, .1 U Britt, P Tucker,John Ungan, W Watkin, .1 !'. l'vuitt,J li Bell,; Henry Rowie, A Hall.W R Ho rip, Juo. Vance, T V Piuitt,!» [' Ii.oinsli, M C Rivers., C .lours.0 W Nichols, S It Oeek, J C Hall,S () Young, J Jordan, M FreemanW Wioklitfe, .1 ('ri^wcU, V Sharp,.1 S( Priiilt, A J Wi ed, W A Ball,A J tJlitikscsles. T '() Bill, Burl lliley,.lasj ThoaesAii, (1 W Itowen, Win. <"ouk..1 l> .Montau, A Ever. J T Clicatlnun,It Tarier, II Rilev, II M Prince,Ml.. Ashley, W Koos-15«;, S W Brooks,N Icker, H Vi Davenpetf, J S Shirley,Wm. Began, J .1 Acker, J M Jerdaa,J C I'ooahec, W C Cromor (i l' Oneall,J I» Aäutnk. W F Anderson, W M Webb,J I) Faosheo, T 1! Pu kclt, W Whit ley,U V Acker,

mII J K| !ing, P A Tribble.

STAfK UF SUUTll CAUOI.RNA.Arbkv{llk County, January 14, 1>7I.I. L. I). Bowie, Clerk of the ('wurt of

Common Picas and General Sessions, forI'outiiy ami .Slu e aforesaid, do herebycertify tbnt I urn personally acquaintedwith the above signers, and lake pleasure insaying "that (boy nra severally honorablegciillFmco, und uro inon of credit and un¬doubted veracity. I will add that Messrs¦ 'nlvtfr BiKtlier- have .1.1 several hundredof their Faruioi Cooking Stoves in thiscounty, and, .-o far as l have heard, lUcyari\ i" universal ini isfnet ion

L. L>. BOW IK.npril 10 It

l.urekiti Clmpter, No. 13, U. A. SI.The ÄBGCLAR CONVOCATION of the

above CHAITF.R will be held on FridayMay 1Mb, is; t, at 8 qtfdook I». >L

J'i -adeK of ij. F l|. l\TUKoDOlti; ^ UN,

may .tf Sen ptary

NOTICE,In accOrAoice with an.ACT of the Gen

rel Aeseitwiy passed on the '_' L Fcbruuiy,1S7.5. all persww UCVf*OlN(. CLAIMSagainst the Comity of Ornugeburg prior tothe Drat day of Koveitibtr A. I». 1872, will |prsstnt the snyie 10 Ooorjje holiver, F--|.. \( lurk of the Court t»f said County, foi Ur.- .

islration, nn or before the first div of siei jbcr, A. I». 1^7 '.. ami all Claims not Regis¬tered within said lane will no! I> . paid.

F.. T. It. S.MOAKK,Chbiru an Board Tounty Cbniuiis&ioiiers.

GKOUG K t*OI.IVfli,desk- j

may :! tf

I^IXAI, .\BT1CK.- All perseishaving dt'iuauds againal the Estate of

Juhy Weeks decejfscd are iiotilied 10 presen! (ho sanie properly nttestwl t>» t!i>- nn- (dcrsigned ami all persons in hue I lira re¬quested i" make iininedtO/te nay incut ns 1desire (o close the Estate.

I*. M (' \R.^(»,C.Ad minist rutor pf lbs Sut.iif ofJaby Weeks,may ;> 8i

Uüitöd States InternalRevenue^

Notice (o Spccial-T^i Vayere."The law of pt'cetnber '.'-i, isT'J. requires

eyerj persou engaged in un- blisiupss Iavocation, if ciuploymcut, wliiph r(uder& Ihim liable to a SBKGlAi,TAX lti(.rvcureami place conspicuously in h:s establish- jincut or place of btisincss, A BTAMV denoting the payment of said Special Tax be- jlore cnmmcticing business. jThe taxes embraced within the prevision!1of law above quoted are the fcjlovying, vi/.:Kectifivrs.?-Co OilDealers, rotaiMiquor. '-'"> 110Dealers, trholesalo liquor. l<-> IKI.cnlet;^, in nudt liquors, wholesale... »u fKiDealers, in malt U^uors, retail. 'Jg (»(»

Dealer.; in leaf tobace. -!.'» 00Retail ilcnhus in leaf lolmcco. 0<x» (Hi

ami on .-ales of over $l,O0t», fifty '

ceil'!' tor every dollar in cxccssof ^l.<"' (s

Dea'. -is in manufactured tobacco. .'. (mi

M-iuufivMurers ofstilbi. f»U Oil.ji'l for each >till i u worm mnnu-

fnclureil. U<t oo

Manuta-tin ers oftobacco. Jo Dt)Manufacturers of cigars. IU 00

Peddlers ol tobacco, first class,(wore than two horses). .V DOPeddlers o* lobacjjo, sccoii I pi iss,

(*J horses). 'Jo (MlPeddlers of lolmeeo, third elnss,11 liorse). (HIPeddlers of tobacco, forth clnss,(on foot or public eonveyanco). )(. IM)

Drewers ol U»*| ihnil ö(Ki lp»rrola. .'.(. (Ml

Brewers of '»ov barrels w nvore. !(»(» oo

Af.y person who sbo>!l fail to ciuuply w;ihtlie foregoing requirements tvil] bo subjectto severe pernhics.

Specinbtax Payers rliroiigbmil the UnitedStairs are reminder) thai IheyniUsI makespplicalioa (<« the Collector (or DeputyColloclorl of thoin respoetive districts, andprocure the proper slutn.p for the Special-nix Year, cominenoing May 1 1873, withoutwaiting Cor I'm her iintico.

W. It. ( UM TM \V.Collector Internal ItoVCIlUC,

'2D Mistrial ftontli CnrelinsApplication aiay also lie made (o>, and

alauq ^ procured of,EOBET B. STAK ELY,

Deputy Collect or,Charles!on South Carolina.

Max a tl


Sheriff's Sales,lty virtue <>t' Sundry JixeraitiotiS to i

reeled, I will se'd lo the lllghen* lu lOrange I.u i * C. H., on tbc May ooxi. FOK CASH,BiglU, Tille and lni< res* of th<}auis in th<- following Property, 1I. vine tr:tct of Intel euo,taiuii<^

inore oi- less, hi OrangoUurg County, bound¬ed on ilie Northeast by Columbia lloud, Eastby lands formerly of II. C« Waiinawaker,South und Weal l>y T. K. Susportit*.

ö. (im- tract in said County containingi Metfor luui-i! or lose, bounded on the

Kurth mid West by laud of O. Piimnm,Kust by tin' tract above described, and Westby hind of T. \\. Suspprtus. Levied on theproperty of G'Mper Iimtyuvt at the suit ofJucivh Auii'l'vr.

AH that truct 01 parcel of land ii^ saidCounty, eeatHinhlg 1-j m-rei*, with Dwell¬ing House und other Improvement*, being;traet whereon j. Hamilton Felder mow re.

shies, bofinded on the South by tho Orange-liui/ Head, nu'l on nil oilier tuden by Lindaof .1 Hamilton Felder Levied mv uj theproperty ol j. IliTiniUoh Felder at the suiiof i'Uouiaa W; MeUicbatap.

ALSOOn* Boggy. Levied on the property of

loel It. Wht'taetl at the suit of John F. amiLaura S. .). JackHon.


At Lewisville, (begiuupig 0,1 11 p clocfc pp.Monday nud continuing from, May to dayuntil the wholo stock is dispose*! of.) nil theStuck Uliods iii Store, iif Wiutleld <Uyk.consisting «if Dry Cowls, Qrocories. Shoe*.ILit!-. Crookery, Tin Ware, Ac. Levied the property of Wintiuld CliqV- «t tfyesuits of I'eake, Opcdyke & ''<». fuel other3.

Bheriffs offee. i IS. I. C UN.Orangeburg C. II. S. C. I S. tl. C.

Apl. 1Mb, 1^7\. }apl ID id

Ov«»ngol»urpf In Prbnte f'imrt./>. /. 7Vi7y, vs. I'. M. /fwiiT, A,lmr. John

A. K-itl,\\\ person.? .,8V'UR el^iii's ngainst tb«

K?tnle of the late John A. Keill are reipitvst-ed to present and pru^e their respective uc-uuiuds befpre this Court on or before thotwenty-ninth day <>f April. IK73, to whichlate the further hearing of the iSbovo en¬titled action is cuuliuueo).

A. V.. KNHWLTON.Probate J udgo.april .*> Jit

NOTICH TO ( nF.DIKHtS.-All persons having deiwaudij Againstthe Estate ..!' II H. Muni, deceased, and all

persons indebted t" said Estate will presenttin- yuuiu und make pay incut to the under*signed within ihre« mouths from Ibis date.

JOHN P. SPICKS'KK,»i ilitiod Administrator*

February I lilt. 1*7 !. 10 ol

N- OTIC'K..All pcrHOtiH iiuv insnsii:i*n^r»i'i«l the Kstulc of Ktixiibelli

Moj . liec'J, IVi'.l presenl them properlyiiiie-tol. and nil parsons indebted in t>m-aine. will niiike rn"i'.< i i io .. Kings-vtli a 'J , li. &,

.'. \X-.l".. gy^v^Vlfnr.arv'.f *V. &

IN TU K COUUT OK 1'KUrU'iTWiit'iüv«, George Coliver, Clerk 'of *hc

1'olllt- of lieu |j| Si --i.OlS atld Coiltlll.lTlI". ¦« . «mi I > utility^ hftth in.ilc siril (u mein grant him !.<-u of Adiuiiiisiration <\J"he l!-'.i!e Mid KH'ecia uf Sarah Iiin-uakeo,i.itr nf said County, deceased.

'I hose nre therefore !.. In tyle mid ndiiion-ich ..I! nud singular flic kindred find Cuedl-tnr* tie sai . Sarah Itinnakepi deoehaoVllthat t h v he ami tippenr before me, in thjet'oiirl of Probate, in n.- held nl f'jahgst'urgi ein House ii !!..¦ !7:ti day nf May nc\i,ufier publiuatiyti hereof, at 11 o'clock inthe t.o .uOoii, to »iie>\ cause, if auv thevhavo, why Iii«; said Aduiiliislratloil shouldmil be grapied.ISiveii uiidel my hand, this Ith day of Ajo ilAnno Domini 1^7"'..LS. ] AUC. IL KNOW 1,1»IN,

l*lob.ite Ju.l-e, O. C..pi S -Jl

file, State of South CarolinaORAJTjS KBVIIG COI'NTY

In the Court or Proihat^It v ACGL'STUS H. KN0WI.TOX. Esq.

Judgs of Probate in said County.WHKI.KA>, Kosa V Clnrk hath applied

tome for Letters of Administration 'ju theKstate ol Lawrence 1>. i lark, lute of saidi 'onnty. rJedeos . I.These are therefore In eito and admoaish

:i!! -.:.d siiigiilai I ho kindred and i'red.tor*uf the said ile'ceased', In lie and appear, he-t.-r. me at a Court of l'robuto fur iho saidi loiiutv, to be holden at my i Itlicc iu < irmigo-l.u;v'. S. P., en the twelfth day of May,187 '.. a* 10o'clock a. M.. ia show eanM«f*ifany, why the saul Aiiiniuiitrat^pi. shouldnot be grunted.iii\en under inv bund and the Seal of I In-'

Court, tili.- 2"i.lIi day <J" April A. D. lfc~o,.and iu iL«- '.'7tii ytiax <_f Aiuierican Imle-pen lenec.I L S. I ACGt'8TCJa U. KNOMLTON.upl -t Judge of Probate.

IN T.ILK COlJUTf OF n.OllATK.W ii Kit RAS, Newton H. W. Slstriink made

suit to nie lo gm ii l to him Letters of Ad¬min i i rut ioil of the Kstate and effects p,f\|.-. Ann Sisttruiik, late of OraiigeliurgComity, deceased.These are therefore k < ite aijii admctnisli

all and singular Iii« Kindjed und l'reditornof i he Said vAi'VA'd, to bo nud appear be-forc me nl a Court of Probate for the aaiilCeiiuly, to he lioldert at oran^i'lun g on the

ili day ol .May, Is7.:, at lb u'dlvMi A.M. to slo.w cause it any. why the aiiid Ad-minist ration should noi bo g'rlinte'i.Civeii uuder wy h.-ijid aud the Se.»} of my

t'.oin, Hit U day uf April., A. D. I87:t,ami in the ninety-seventh yea r of Auk rlcanI mlopeaileuee.

Aid. 15. b.NtlWi.T^N,j I s ] /ndgo <rf ProJ^aie O. (f.

apt I'.* 21_I_


OFFICE COJURT HOUSE SQUARE,Will give prompt attcntiop to all bueiness

entrusted lo him, mnr 29.If

Sale Und er Mortgage.I'y virtue of a Mortgage from 1. .Nf. Y*en-

ninglon |o Hujl, Scoyill & Pike, dated March2d 1*7-, mid with the consent of parties, Iwill sell at Orangeburg Court House, onlue-.lav, the (itla day ol May next fir ca*h,two Mule-and one Four Horse WagpjB.' upl pj id W. 11 JOINER, Agent.

IM RS. CS.MAULK,HUSSELL hTUKKVjTuko* pleasure in^pnounnMt JR her Cum

tomcrs and ihr l'iiblio in general ihm she'¦htm. opened her MP^tlfc 8TKKB»naitftitSof the LATEST r>TTW oM 1

MILMNpitf (jOt)n$.Thankful fur f:. »Spcet full^'solicits * continuance of the Rnuie.A SPECIALTY.Dress Making, Cuttingnn<l Fitting Carried on as usual by Mrs. 1.

S. CC M.MINOS.Country Orders respectfully solicited und

will meet -.vitli prompt attention.apl lU liu

NOTICE.Delinquent Land Sales,

OKANCJKBUlltJ county.An\tU<t Township.

J K L A maker, 1047.T A Keriick, 20.Estate 1'nul Spigner, 95.Pavio b. lioiglor, I2Q0 «icrs*.

IltanxhviUt Towmhip,r»t. of J. 1). Mem. or. E. crook, 80 atTCs,

8 Buildings, 1S70 *7l '72.Tat. of John MeKfhwirty, ZOQe acres, .>

Buildings. 1870'7 I '72.It 0 A| Berry, WnjL

(,'<!:* Cair Township.Angu» Me I.(Mir. I'm acres.

I'J F« Ider, Onardin 1JR.\ A Inabinett, 800.YV Pi'airick, Ageut Estate »f A S 5u»b,

100.etmnrt Summers. 18\Daniel Stolon, 1H7. It,Sarah Tokand, 75. **

T P \Yaiiuuiuakvr, 250. fElizabeth '^^nt^ips.

R^H OciTun, 816.(i A Furtick, 200.Martin Livingston, If fitEstate Sam'l Pearson. MO.Mrs Ann Simons, 180.

(Soodbys Tvt<.n,}k\p>..1 A A rant, 60..1 C A rent, 00,.Mary M HanUler, 100» K-Jim Keunejly, Mi.T E Kiclcubuker, 0"».

Goftdlitint Township^Mnrgnrct E Arge«, 200' i>.J II Morgan, «7, B.Jus YY Young, 50, R.

7. ill11 if To ten.i Sip.John C YYhetstene, 700, bought from D

R. BurtonNero Bloom, R.Jerome MeMjchael, lGffi.

A \e S>ttS xVlaVl t tat ^e^^a a w j jstl.vxn'i Ti'Kiuhip.J YV ITunki-ipdler, Oil.

Affin1* T'>icn*Mp.E R Dantalcf, JQ3.J I. Dantiler, low.j i> iiioucr. tuejS B Smith. Agent, 100.

.A"'"" //«ye Tvic\\iliip.D S Sub , l:J,0, It.

(Jiii)fJ' TvtCHihip.C Chaplin. Town Lot. '70 71 J'jDe .i Bj»s, i»8,».Jnl 1* Mays] true town lot. "

Uuiuc More. I Mi.tesay A s>s» Mxlton, 7.Punron» LUbinson, ou*> Intro lot.O UcvVerl S.i.«*r oe»etlowu lot.EstaAe Sili^niee uue t^wii^t.T K Si-'pftrtSs. 2 town l<»n an l 163

I'iitf (Irnve 7'utcitship.C B, TaVr- J,;,*).

r^j? r¥!cn*%>*Sakwl \V r>nk!iari, 7^*Nero C ha vi*. ISO,Estate A lum Felder, IS 1.Pvtci ItaioiTii, 1Rondo" Lau rcnee, 'j«A/tfAun* Fainter, Bit».T C Perkins, 2«». RA M Stone, 84. B.

J*rWJ8tnrt Tvu nship..lorn l^eiit.'riti aeres.

ljhndy'Johnson, 60 acres-

\i li Dautxlor, 127.Jol^i T Urigju. \( 111.William V. RjctR ^FranÜ 1*^11 ins.c .poline .1 A §*ile¥J Mrt BiJohn D Sbuler. 9flSam p Shuler, Hit; \Y Tfympsoa, lix).Mrs'M A, 18, ft.

l';iolt Ti'iriltlnp^Sam Buabec. 50. R.,YinBrowh,.,a.

Y'Mfr's Toin/Llfi-iik Avlnter, 100 1

I, E Daimler. 442.S js:« Ü. Kciit. :i41_

U'lUote Township.J ..ccb Ufdrick, .jim.Jarucs llngan Ü7.Joluu M Jennings, 50. K.W B Mathcnjj loo. *iCO Stcpbcng, o:'.t>. "

Il^nsfojd Stewart, rttjO.Zmn Township.

Andy pragjplin, 5. i*Kiua Franklin, 25. "

Ann B Funehsss, 'j20.Pet er Jacobs. .'1ft. «.

>Y N Mount Agt for B S Mosnt.. 750. R.PUrsusjit, te "Aii Act" to aaaend An Act

entitled An Act l'reviviisg far l|,e Asaess-nient and Taxation of property, passedSeptember 15, 1948, and all Aeta Amenda¬tory thereto. approved Manch 12", 1872Notice is hereby given that the whofe of theseveral Parcels, Lois and parts ef Lots efReal Estate ejescrifoed in tlje preceding list,or ao much thereof aa will by tjecessaxy topay the Taxes, Penalties and Assessmentscharged thereon, will be sold by Treasurerof Orangehurg County, South Carolina, athis Ofüee }u said County, on the FUat Men-day, (fifth) of May, A *>. 18YIK

I'trbjsa said Taxes, Assessment a and Pen-allies be paid before that time : and snobSale will be cjutin^e^ ffom day to day untiltx\\ of said Parcels, l.mi »r,d parts of Lots ofBeal Estate shall be sold or offered for sale.Said lands to be Sold and Conveyed in (<csimple without any right of redemption

JAS. Vas TASSKL,Auditor's Office, County Auditor, Orange-

burg County, April Utb, 1873. 2


Spring ArrivalsAT

IM'NAMABA'Scat reduction in prices of Spring tieode.light in llic lusl ten >l>y.

IF You WANT TO GET THHOEST AM|iCljeupcut rcudy-itaide Spring Clo^h^ng.golo M< NA.MAHA ST^

mm t f JM

|f Vor WA nt L\IUKS ANlfJ-JULD-m. reu*« Bilden ol'lim best qualify atalf a\ lowpricus, go to MuiNAMA^A'

If you want i:3Pi|tf mits&ttMtfCheup mill Sljlioh, %o!tlS FTMcNAMARA'S.

JL iiKMi .s. i loths, Tweed», Mcftoua, DraVd'ete, Summer drills end cottonadee, ete.,nil of tin.- lieet.qu-ilitj, apd, tb« Urgent Stoek,in tonn, und at low prices, too, goTo

If y(ir wan] flOOl» RVf/A r»,*B LR&*ForSl. KOto MoKAMAHA'8.

f,or $1, go to MoKAMAHA'S.

vor want <;o6i) P.un oue wide, ut' VM ccnta, go tq--\uvti4aiMur?<

P TOU HAST »O 1»UY »<III'.A1> FOR. tj.,1,, gfl to Mi^eiW^.,<;

FVmg for Hie libe'Mlpiilre^elkg**bestowed on in« ip- ibe tywsk'l ^J^tnHjL *

*cUoii,u. cBii^in^m,^ of 1 lie ^uwo. ...

Apprilür». t«73 <

Notice of DKmissaL-\TOTK'E IS HERUICS GIVEN TilAJafme;"le my finalKnowl*tjin, .liidpe of Probate fbf"^raangeberrg'

.Month t 0111 date l will tile myuee.oint w ith the Honorable Aug. 1$. Knowl;Countyr an (Siutniina vt Jo.pel WAantd<-Danifl J. Grithu, ami .,.»« tor beHero of Vim-:missal. JpCN 17. GRIFFIN.April ir.tR, 1k7.::. * Guardian.npf!'.» jmAr.dhfl'«

-.... -¦- - - ¦ * » aji'. b»(:./n Medians?, Quu&y of-tk* FxkM Imyrt *




ACV ami Flb4*I7JTY. fo» which, pmlßim B*tfull and eoinplct« aaaiji leant* # uMBHHi(Ml KMH'ALS an-1 OFJvUlNK DRUGS* will b*con-taut! v on hand.. I wne>Long expei ienco.<: aucceaafHl buaiaes*-

caroejr ßf mere ]han cijhl yenra in Oranga-h'lrR. a i^ee/l IjRjiiiwlcdgo «f^ theJMUJO-MAHKlvD hv|ip,e aip} tjljrs^d, will aFord ßftmfllcient goarnntee M,.il all goods »oWUUpenseu ai my «-tai;llK'im«nl will be«pni INK r.ipi "HMiVIWb.-.-- .Apiirteiir/if»g the success vjlilcfi in th%-past lta.« nttuud^d my cüarl*, 1 U*t« d«-tj.rinitied to spttrO nf, j aiim 10 inrrit * oon-li un nee ot the puli oua^a jo Literally bestow¬ed'.

.F J. flf.EVKROS 51.71.^ No lfl|V'Itrfs'<elT3t»eetfJra»igah«rgiJ.nA SMALL FARM

Foil SALE about Ihre« <]oart«ra of aymile Iron; i!i« t Hirt Iloua* conlninine ' *..-.eres with a (JOOÜ4>WECKING. KITCHÄN^<T U;i.i: and p.n KxeelU-nt WEM. of t^osoi^t GIIOD'K FRUIT TltgC5hnfe ree»Wly Bl»oii jBTtajk^Y \ r 1The ahiiv« is on* of; the' laost 'tloiirnhlaian<l healthy places in the Sint«. For jar-liculaw eppiy to /., M. WtH.Ff,Or to TIIAD. t\ ANDKRTTs. "**,m*

n Jon tS s , |ra

Whereaa, Ge'oiF^-^n^r.-^leH^r thet'ouno «< .ÖoVrti Seasi««a flflMlflffTlt«rleu.4, of Miel 4 onniy, hath applied to nofor Letters of A.biMiiistraiion on the Kstatoand KfTectN »f Lavwrenoe Avinger, laic mfOratigeburtti.'FioajCAJ, deCOAsed.T A 'V^jSWThese artjihe'relVire titbife' nwrnHMwhall and »ie,2^J*»< W*: hiae\ro«l aud Ccedit'irqtUo *'cea><ii, to be and appear, be¬fore n e; ut i ».ort of Probate for the saidt'ountv to be holden at Orangeburg, on the17th 'day of May ls77, at 10 o'clock A.

|. M., to -ho\y cause If any, why the said Ad-, minist ration slvould not be grnnte^.filven uiy!*»r my lla^*l nud.ihe Sea>Uof Couaff/\ tbi^^iU .la,y ut A pi A. D. 1875, fUid/uthe ii^i.> uth year qf American lnde«

pcMfence.(l,S ] AUG. IL K^OWLJM.apI.W_H Probate Judge, 0. C.



All persons whodesire Picture^taken, will please...come forward a£tonce, as I will'close my businewat this place bythe 15th May. *



mar '22 «| $ tf_I_?'.»_li \mm


Will practice jrt theiouftaof Q^ANOf^rnL'U^l and RAUNFIM..0FPU'S COVRT HOV'SE S^'AR/.. ^ 1

For Sale Cheap,A small WELL IMPROVED PLACE in j

mile ?f Ccdcr Grore 8tore, in the Fork.Terms easy.

Til VI) C. ANDREWS.Jan ^oth if