THE OpportunityUnlimitedforAllPersonnel ROCKETEER

TEM,EIATUW ........ "" .. " '1 51 .. .. " .. .. .. "" .... , .... 3 ..... .... 3 ..... .... , ..... Friday, ,April 10, 1959. Office, Housln, BId(.. Top Deck Desert Wildflower Show Income Tax Expert Will Be Here Monday M. Clemmer. Internal Revenue Department rcpr('llentatlve at the Bakersfield Office, wlll be on the Station Monday, April 13, lrom 8 a.m. to .. p.m. He will ansv"er aU questions reprdlng the liling of tn-I come tax ""turns. :MIlitary .nd civilian personnel may _ Mr. Clemmer at the Hous- Ing Building, Room 10, or may con- tact him at Ext. 72938. Babe Ruth League Benefit The \Vomen'. Auxiliary of the Babe Ruth League will hold a bene-- lit Ipaghetti dinner .t the Knights of Columbu. Hall, 700 West Ridge-I L..JLl .... J .. crest Blvd. on saturday, April 26, SHADOW BOX EXU181T--CommittCCll are at work preparing the ex- lrom :i to 8 p.m. hlblb for Ihe 1Mb .nllllal Desert Wildflower Show to be held In the Tlcketll will be $I lor adultll and 00 centll for chUdren under lZ yean (JommunU)' Cenl-er Saturday and $onda)', April %5 and 26. Bett)' Hoff- old, and may be obtained by ealllni' man (left) ehalmlfln of the N .... I Alr .'aeUlt)' wins \ludow boll es:- 1<1691. or Station 74734, hlbU5 III assisted by Poll)' Easb. No,·el Ihree-dimenlioDai arranr;e- and aftu 8:30 p.m.. 76:5i1. menta ...ill mako this a unlqoe feature ot the .-bow. Concert Artists NOTS To Host Touring Tour NOTS Mexican Naval Party N.idinil' Conner 3nd Eugtne Con- Admiral Manuel Zermeno, Secretary of the Marine of ley, noted MmopoliNln Open mn Mexico, and his parry of four officials of Mexico's Navy, who 3ppeued 3t Tue5<by night's NOTS Gvic Concert, 3nd 3CCom- will be guests of the Station next Tuesday and Wednesday. p3nist, Henry J3ckson, rl!'turncd to Accompanied by LCdr_ A. A. Schirmer, SC, USN, tour the Station Wl!'dnesday following director, aide and interpreter, the group is touring selected their perform,1nce to visit Chin3 Naval establisluncnts as guests of the Secretary of the Navy. L,1kc 3nd Ridgecr«t. Accompanying the Admiral are: During the firat portion 01 the Vice Admiral Luill M. Bravo, Com. orientation, Conley and Jackllon NAF Donation mander General 01 the N.vy; Reac were escorted by Henry H. Wair ot Admiral Antonio J. Amar, ),Iexiean Tli'st Department.. In a tour 01 Naval Attache; Captain Gusta\·o Ridgecrest and the he.dquartl!'rs of Martines, Chil'.I 01 Aid" to Seere- the Station's G Range$. It was lJIry 01 Marine and LCdr. Enrique pointed out to the visitors how peo- Baltan... Head of Section TIto·o, N'4 pie will settle and develop a com- val St8rr. lDunlty such .. RJdl"lI'oCres:t when The llinl.-try of Marine 01 Melli. rood woril.lni' conditions and con- co Ineludea the Bureaus 01 lUer- tentment Illllplre peraonnel to "put chant !Iarinf'.. 3laritln>e \VoriU, down roots." Dredttlll\t' S.''1I1 Con- Conley was Impl'li'ued with the 'tmelion. Fishlnl and Ihe 1'0'1\.,.. modern community, tbe scope 01 The No\')' III Imall, wm;Il;;Ung of 4' the Station'. operations and Ita and some 8,000 mpn, \Villl range laellltlCl-ellpecially the mag- elllilhasl, on de,'elopmenl- for port. nltude of Its than the lind eOllslnl lands b)' the pre8C-n* State of Rhode hland. tto,-ernmental admlnl!ltrutlon, the He wu partlellll"l)' a ...a,"" ot the 3Unl!itery ot j)larine hllll been r;1\'. funel-Ionin, mllltar)·-eh'l.Ii.n team- en .dded n'lipon.slbilities. work reflec:ted In the liUCCl'Mfol lntroduetiOll to XOTS ope...tion of the Stallon. It Is .. xpceted that the tourln. Hi. genuine Interest In NOTS $218 CHECK--c.pL Anderson. group wUl arrive at NAF at 4 p.rn. .tII'mlJ lrom the fact tbat he it a co- NAF Conunandinl Ollleer. prellents A Marine Corps Honor owner of Yelcon. a 2$-man machine hoene-fit eheek of S!II from ail Guard Inspection will preeede their sbop In L.a\ItTCnee, ),(ua., wblch ndlitar)' person_I to UttJe Lesla;u.e vt..wlng the Station'l new moVie. contracts with the Navy. PrKldent Dellis lfammer. Fro n tie rs In Ord. The second portion 01 the tour nance," and the welcome to NOTS Included mit to S:-;ORT con- by Capt. W. W. HoUlster, Station dueted by Or. I. E. Hl,hberg, Prelll- Ba be Ruth Baseba II Commander. There will be reeep. dent 01 NOTS Civic Concert Auo- tlon and dinner bonorln, Admiral dation and head 01 Te.t Depart- L T t A Zermeno and his party at the Com- ment. At this point.. Conley and eague ryou s re mllllioned O!flcers' Mcu berlnnlng Jack30n were joined by Nadine Tomorrow at 9 A.M. at 6:30 p.m. .Conner and her husband, Dr. Hay- On Wednesday, Dr. Wm. B. lofc- cock, who bad tpent the nli'ht with Try-outs ror Babe Ruth Bueball Lean will review Station Technical her brother, a bu.Ineasman In League player. will be held tomor- Progral1lll for the group and they Wofford Hel,hts. row morning" at 9 at SchocHel wlil tour thc tett ranges and wit- The party left after lunch for Fteld, Jack O'Brien, Leai'ue prCllI- ncu I'ulded mlatile tetlts. Palm Sprinp Where they were dent announced. All boys 13, 14 and Admiral Zermeno enllated In the scheduled to give a concert I..-t L:i of age, living within Mexican Navy to qualify u a Na- night. mile radius of the Station'. :MaIn \'aI Cadet In 1917, i'raduatin, lrom Gate al'li' eligible to try out. tbe Naval Ac.demy .t Veracruz In Boya wbo were reCUlar pl.ycn 19::!1 .. mld.hipm.n. HI. promo- on the Babe Ruth l.eaCUe teams tiona were regul.rly: he lut )'ear will not bave to p.rtici- served aboard varioWi .hlpa and pate In the tr)'-OUu; howl!'vli'r, they w.. gi\'en other commiulonl, .uch must complete .pplication. and .. Instructor and General Aide at have them in the handa of their the Naval Academy, Inlltructor at mana cera by tomorrow. Appllca- the Mexican Army \V.r Colle,e .nd tlon' were dilltrlbutcd to all schools Aide to the Presidential Statt dur- In the Indian \Vell. Valley. Any Ing the oflice 01 General boy unable to obtain an Il.ppHcation Cardenu. It was during this lat- at school may call Vera Taylor, Ext. ter post that the Admiral wa. pro- 73944 II.ltll'r 4:30 tonii::ht. moted to Ueutenant Commander, Team managen for this lea- He acrved as Naval Attache fo1' .on's pmes are: c.rdllUolb--Capt. the Ml!'xlean Government In W..h- R. C. Ml1Iard, :m-B ElIacx; Cubs- Ington, D.C., followed by duly dur- Kenneth Seaman, liO-A Franklin: Ing \Vorld \Var n as U.lson Of- IWl R. J. Landry, 200-A Fowler, fleer between the Mexican MlIItary all on the Station; and h_dian!I-Q. Region of the Pacillc and the U.s. M. Embree. 332 Toro, \VbelT}' WC:lItem Naval Frontier. Houlling-. (Continued on Pa,e 2) Civil Service Exams Open ExamlnaUon announcements for vacancies at China Lake have been reported by the StaUon ReprCllCnta- tlve for the Board or u.s. CiVil Scrvlce Examine". PosItions to be ltiled are: Elec- trician (Lineman Communicatlonll); Welder; and Te.t Range Traeker. No closing dates are listed lor thCle ._L Two otbn announcements with closing dattll are: Helper (General) closes Kay 7; .nd lAborer or lA. borer (Heavy) QIaie) closes April ... Application Form :i7 and Card Form :IOOI-ABC .bould be filed with the Board RcprClentati\-e in Per- sonnel before the closln&: date. U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China lake. California Dan't Call Us- We'll Call Yaul AIr condltlonJng .re oul In full foree in the retlldentbll areali aDd aU unJl!i are upceted to be In top operating condition by 130, to Public \\·ol'ils' SIIoPll I::nl"loeer. AJI the p ... jed Is sel up on a f"u:@d Khedule, Indh·idual call.. "ill dli'lay Ihe o\'erall completion dat ... To a,·old a dela)' which .. 111 effli'Ct )·our nel\thbor' comfort:, don'l call u_..-e11 call )·ou.. lCdr. Ennis Reports To NAF Maintenance LCdr. Wilbur J. Ennis, USN, re- ported to the Maintenance Depart- ment of NAF recently whl!'re hc will 8Cr\'e all a pro- ject pilot. Hit lut duty aaaipme.nt was .. Officer for Fight- er Squadron 61 .t the Oceana.. Vir- ginia Naval AIr Station.. PreVious asslan- ments Include .e ..... lee as the LCdr. Ennl. night operation. Officcr for the Fleet All-Weather Training Unit, Key West from :i7, a Bureau of Aeronautic. rep- reaentsUve In Kansas City, .nd duty .. a flight Instructor at Cor- pus Chrlati. Tu.... from aU-4.7. Sea duty h.. Included 8Crvlce on the USS Hancoek, and during- the K0- rean connlct.. on the USS Sicily and the USS Sb.npt-Ia. LCdr. Ennla and hill wile, Jose- phine, arc permanenUy quartered at :iOt-A Euex. ROCKETEER Budd Gott, Editor " JOlt tow. tho. good ,hal you_ '- OflOl.... you _"- I' your own. -$0. ...,.., lhe Gr.." Val. XV. Na, NOTS Appreciation Day Set For Tomorrow in Ridgecrest NOTS Appreciation Day, the first of its kind to be sponsored by the Indian ,xrells Valley Merchants Associa- tion and supported by the merchants of Ridgecrest, will be held tomorrow, April II, in appreciation to residents of China Lake for their patronage, The big day of bargains and numbers on a prominently exhlb- IS orfcred to acquaint all eus- Ited pOiter for cach of hi' pr\'tet. tomera and potential customera One will be the winning number with the stores and wares available and the other will be an alternate from Rldgecrellt merchants and to number. At tbe end of the bUlllness promote I"ood will. day Saturday, unclaimed wlnnln, In addition to the cltywlde bar- numbera will be aw.rded to boldera gain ..let: and lIerviccs ollered,.p- of .Iternate numben. proximately 200 prhea rangin, tn Winnera may claim thli'lr prisel on value lrom $10 to $lt5 will be Saturday but merchandise may not ..... rded to bolden of .ny type of be removed until the next bUlliness Station pauea poueulng a lucky day In order to minimize the con· humber. lusion durin, the crowded hours. The IIlIt 01 pass numben wu It it hoped by the I\VV Merchants picked at random and submitted by AasoclaUon that the event wlll be the Security OUice. Theil' are Ihe the most sueoeaaful In RIdgecren red numbera that appear on tbe hLstory and that it will pave the back of all Station pauCII. Identity way to more barpin da)" in the 01 palla holdcn will not be knOwn luture. to the merchanla until the are claimed. Each merchant wUl display t .... o Pre-Wildflower Show Events Will Set Mood Event..- leading up to the 'Vildllower Show .scheduled for Sat- urday and Sunday. April and 26, \l'lll be hli'ld at China Lake. At 9:30 a.m., April U, Pat Cox, talenled China Lake artist. wlll lpeak on Color, and Loul.e Rich- ards will depict the "Principles of Flower Arntni'li'ment:" In Ihe Com· munity Center. Baby .ittlni' .rnlngementa may be' conllrmed with Mrs. Ext. 76614 ror wishing to at- tend the evenl, Co-chalrmen 01 the Detert Wild- nower Show, Jeanne Bruce and Ellubeth Sean. have proi'fllDlmed tbeft prior meetinp. SIXT1' \'EAUS--Three Test Deportment emplo)'_ receh·e 2O-Vcer plnJll from Dr. h'llr HlKhhoerg (lefU, TC$t Deparlment "cad. Pin rec.lplenls (aeeond from L to r.) are: George Schriner. Earle Cow.n and Lewl.!> Stephens. 01 the tolal 6i ) .... ,.", :e are Te5t Department time. Marine Generals Visit Local Test Unit Two .Iolarlne Co.". ,enerala, Maj. Cen. H. R. PailI'. and Bril". Gen. G. R. E. Shell, from Marine Corps Headquart..n In Wallhington, D.c.. visited the Station on Tuelday and iWedneaday. They were be['ll' to study thp Marine Corps mobile Terrier mlsalle unit and the Sidewinder air-to-air guided mlllsile. Accompanying them were: Col. T, C. Moore, Jr., Col. D. J. Roblnllon, Col. A. M. :Mahoney, Col. J. O. Bel\, Col. R. J. Qddy, Dr. C. E. Wise, L.t. Col. J. K. Dill, Lt. Col. C .W. Hoff- man. l.I.. Col. T. McDonald, Jr., and Lt. 001. G. E. Norrit - all lrom Marin.. Corp.l Headquartera, and ;)taj.. E. B. Keyes from Headquar- Fleet Marine Force. AUantlc. Frid.y, April 10, 1959 handles the off-Station training programs. tlon of pre-supen'i&Ory trainees, proceuing development plans, etc. Most of the departments M\'e .1- ready completed their guidelines .nd it III expected the new day c1assell will gct under ...a)' In late Aprll or early May. Trainlnjf III for e,·erl·one, and Ihe Sialion will aSJli!it an emlllo)'ee 10 de\'eloll hlnl!lot'lf, but t.lle eJuplo)·ee mll'J1 take Ihe Initialh'e. AJI)·one In_ ten'lltetl In furtherinr; hili career ill urgf'd to do 116. The opportunlt)' I, readil)' a,·albbte-take III Consistent with the notion that training iI everybody's busineu. each department elIUlbllshes Its own polletes and procedures for Super- visor Development, .uggestlng dc· sirable limits on the number of day cla!Jllu, procedures for the Supen·isor oe'-I!'lopment Accordini' to Bob Stephli'flson, Coordinator of the program, the key to Supervisory development Is the Supervisor De\'elopment Plan. Once a department h .. decided to participate, each lupcl'"Vlsor Inter- eJlted In the prog-ram designs a plan for his development. He and his boss then agree upon a plan of ac- tion lor the coming year. The plan may Involve supervllIOry day es-there are 19 of these eovedn, such lields .. personnel regula. tiOD, human relations, aafel-)'. lie- curtty, contract adminlatration and wide variety 01 management skllls--nli'ht school and correspon- dli'nce courses. committee member- ship.. rotation ualgnments oU- Station training- programs, .nd other opportunities all deemed .d· vlsable. In prep.ration ror the n..w sup- day clauea, a special ference Leaderahlp Course for Tralne"" WtUI given IfI3t Marcil. More than 30 'upervlsory tralner1ll attended this week-long course taught by Prot....or George Leh- ner of UCLA .nd thc Employee Dc· velopment DIvlllon's Bob Stephen. son. The course proved to be 10 popular that It will be repeated early in June .. a portion ot an· other conterence leaderahlp COUI"S' -the "'CUlarly scheduled ence Course for Sup- ervlaor1ll. SI'ECIAUSTS-I'!clured In the Education Office .t lltiehelson Itoom 101.%; 0. 10 r,) .re: D1ek Felton, Coordinator, ProteHional Den.f- oplllent Proc.....,; \·nmne TI'e.d ..... U, Edu.catlon Speda1i-I, and oIt'Il.-IS Kli'hlalan. IiofC:retar)·. An'll. Anderlwm, liCLA repl'li'wntath·e. ill not howa. rHADI" , EOl!<JAnOS---8heetOlel.1 aplJl'li'ntkes learn lbe Intricadea of the toob 01 their tl1lile durlnK vortion of their lralnlnl. Adult E\'fmlng- High School. rang- ing from s'll'immlng l...-ons to sup- ersonic aerodynamics.. In tbe put three yea,.., more than 100 UCL.,A coursea have been offered, wltb O\'er J,lIOO studenta attending them, with arrangements lor thCMl cllUll- es being made by Dick 1<'elton, Co- ordinator, Profea.sional l)cvelop- Program. After acveral years on the Sta- tion, aU kinds of new training op- portunitlu become available to the employee. The lormer JP may apply for an edue.tlonal fellowship cn- abllnl' him to leam about hls field .t the collel'e ot his choice at Station I!'llpente. The Sup.ervlaor Dcvelopmli'nt provam could be thli' next ,uep lor the former tiee. The newcomer Who w.... - signed to an ex.ecutive de\'elopment THE ROCKETEER AI'I'JtI!:!\"TICE I'UAOI'ICE-I'art or the tmlnlnJ" .hen the SlatiOll's electronic n1l1'oChanle apllrenllees IIn'ot.·es the Ollerathm of varied equip- menl-__edtH'lltlon inn_htllble throughout their careera. Unh·er.lty, while Dick Feltonc;o;:. dlnates the professional develop- ment program. About half way through his training the JP wlJl take a 3peeial week-long orlenUltion program administered under the direction of Bill Hampton. Techni- cal Presentationll Coordinator. The program for the Junior Gov_ unment Assistant I. quite Similar to that offered the JP; however, the JGA Is gi'·en work In .uch art'llll as Pel'llOnnli'I, Budi'el, 'Mana,ement Engineering and Sup- ply. Spcelal seminlll'1l are conduct- ed coverini' management practiCCJI and theory. For the 23 men who begin their apprl!'ntieuhlp each year, their .chedule calls for .pecltic c1auroom .tudy In trade theory, mathematics, drawing. phYllle., safety, etc., and rotated .hop auignmenta to pro- duce apprentiecs With more know- ledge than Is aetu.lIy required for journeyman statu.. Thc succf'Uful I completion of an apprenticeship at NOTS Invoh'cs the equivalent of a i junior college education and lead. I to an Allaoclate ot Al'lII dcgree trom ' Bakersfield College. Thli' Station'. trade theory inslructors lire Carl Flagg, shcetmetai, plumbing and pillCfiUlng instructor; Al Sievert.. machinist instructor, and Joe Strllfier, electrician In,ltructor. Others Instruct on a part-timli' b&s- U. The new employCol' may be'gin at NDTS under a Ci\'ll Ser\'lce-ap- IIroved training agreement. The Station hili active training pro-- lr"'m. tor computer programmen. program may lind himllClf lJIklni' .eeountlng specialists and person-, a COUI"Ie In orpnizatiolll or human nel generalillts. It Is eVl!'n possible relationl taught by n.tlonally that a tailor-made de- kno,.,·n expertll ... ho 'illt the St.a- velopment plan-a .peclal type of tion under .peclally appn:l\'ed con- trlllnlng agreement-will be work- tracts while th .. former JeA may ed out. Per&Onnli'1 technicians play travel to Jlllnois to take a lIpeclal an Important role In these trllinin;; course In management engineering. agrecment.t with help from the en- The higher level supervisor may tire Employee Devclopmcnt Di\'l- complete two weeks' ltudy at ilion staff. UCLA·s \Vestern Training Labora- 0pIMlrlunlt)- for All tory or II confcrenee on Weal)()nS Rci'ardle.. or the cmployee's job. Syatems at 1ttassachusett..- Institute he will find about 00 courses avail- of Technology. Orr-Statlon meetings able each .acmester from UCLA. lind eonferenct'Sl al'li' coordinated by Bakersfield Collei'e and Burroulhs Bob Blalac: Y\'onne Treadwell th", Jurisdiction 01 the tee. Thu", the TL't:hllleL.n alld Artl- Nln Coullnitice hali four Wml)OlI- enl_lhe Al1l'rt'.ntice TraininJ{ Co- ordination Bo'rd, ..-Ith Earl Looml" ali dmirma.n; Journe)·nillll Traln-' Coordinatioll UOll.rtl, EIl- Inl(toll, chairullIn: the Technical Training Coordination 11oMrd, ..-ith !'lonnan UUml'P .... chairman. a/ld the IV-A Tnllnlntr Coordinalion Board, chalnnlulship \"lU2.nt. Ordnance Havlni' reeporulbility for the ed- ucational and technical growth of NOTS' peeplli' II the Education Committee lor Ordnance Science•. The protcaaional dcvli'lopment plan I. a comprehcnllive and well-Integ- rated SChedule of UCLA evening course3, technical day_clas.ell, tech- nical lecture., proreaslonal vice training programs, varied and progrellllive work uslgnmenu, edu- cational fdlow.hlpa. junior prolea- .ional training and undCl'I'raduate .nd cooperative tralnlni'. The pro-- gram Ls designed to fulfill employee need for prolesslonal accomplith- ment.. advancement and recorni- tion: their rt'quirements for ad- vanced academic degree.: and the Station's interli',u In the develop- ment of competent, Imaginative and productice p.eraonnl!'l at both the working and the .upc..... I&Ory levels. Another ot the working sub-com- mittee. 01 EDC Is the Administra- tive Developmcnt Committee who»e purpollC it Is to tuggest training for administrative people, Includ- ing traince.ll enrolled In the Junior Government Assl.tants (JGA) pro- I'ram. Twice each year lhree 1Ieleet- ed perllOnncl begin the .ill-months- long JGA tralnini' prOi'ram coor- dinated by Yvonne Treadwell. The new .Iupervlaory devl!'lopment proi'ram ill concemed .pceificaily with the de''1.'lopment of .upervl- .IOrs. The Pf'Olr"'m, InlLiatl'd last December. la baaed on the philoso- phy that supervillor requlreJ a ,lightly dillerent training fro'lI any other; theretore a variety of de- velopment techniques has been mllde a\·ailable. Training-brief or Intenslve--is offered In a vllrlcty ot .ubjects. Bob Stephenson, Asllillt- IIont Hcad, Employee Development Division, coordinates the program. TraillinJ{ Ope... tlon Nearly e\·cry employee beginning emplo)'ment at NOTS undl!'rgoc" Station-lIpon&Ored tl'ainlng. The firat formal education the newcom- er receh'cs most likely will be Sta- tion orientation. coordinated by Yvonne Treadwell, Education Spe- e1a1itt. After this Introduetion to NOTS. training oUcred the employ- « will depend on the goalll and the work he wlil do. II the newcomcr I. a Junior Pro- fellSlonal he will be aaslgnl'd to a rotation plan designed to broaden his technical knowledge and famil- Iarize him with thc Station; he will enroll in technical day classes and may takc eoune. from UCLA. Arva Anderson, UCLA rep- reacntatlve. acts as agent for tho:: Page Four OpportunityUnlimited for All Personnel Station Training P.oogram Aids Development at Eveloy Jol) Level Not necessarily unique are the educational opportunities afforded Federal employees at NOTS-limited in scope and purpose only by the interest and initiative of those un- dertaking available study-but the training program is onc designed to benefit any Sta- tion employee who wishes to participate. 'xrith training the key to accomplishment, the Station's varied programs have quickened the career progress of countless emp!oyees- tradesmen, professional or administrative personnel-thousands of men and women have benefited b)' NOTS-administered educational opportunities since the inception of the first such program, in 1948. Concurrent with the de\'elopment of the Station Itself wa, the de- velopment of facliltle. specifically formulated to meet the unique re- qulremenla of NOTS' overall pro- I'ram. At the time when much or the activity hlld to do with con- .truction, thc need lor tradellmcn Wall met by Initial training .ched- ulell for app""ntlce. In the buildlni' rt\lIOe&I'ch and develop- mental activities expanded In seope .nd import. 110, too, grew the need lor skilled artllaDll In de'·elopment fields with .uch trades' education thli'n added to the apprentice- ablps .Iready oUcred. Just a )'1.'ar artcr the Initiation of .pprentlce tr.lnlng, tbe Junior llanagement Aulatant.t' program was launched, evolving In In- to the prescnt Junior Government Assistants' .chedulc. Meanwhile, the Station'. eVf!r-expanding need for teehnlcal people - enginef!f'lI. physici3t3, chf!ml3ts and 0 the r .cientlsts-Ied to the lormulatlon or the Profealonal Development pro- gram encompaulnl' Junior Pr0- fessionals, the Work Asslgnmcnu and the undergraduate progl'ams and provlaion for lr"'duate stud)' by selected penonnel. Other St8t1on·3poDllOred oppor- tunities Include the technical da)' cia.ues: ort-Statlon training (IOv- SUJ't:la'l.SOR DE\-EWI'lIlE!'lT-I'rof_r GeotTe Lehnu 01 UCLA at l!l'1lment, unlveraity and profea- Ihe I'9litrum durln, lhe wpen'ilior)' tralnel'1l eoune eondueted In i\l.arch. .iona\); technical lectures. execu- tive developmenL prOl'raml, Man- .gemli'nt Retreats, and Civil Se ..... Ice .pproved training agreement.t for computer programmen. perlIOnnel generalbts and accounting train- ees. The newe.t program conccrnll .Iuperv!.aory development through c1lU1l1work and the plllllll formulated by the varioUll departments. In addition to the Station-wide prolrunut, man)' offer C&Uf'$CS Iipeclfle:tLIl)' designed to ntet't the need!J of the:ir 0""11 I"!-rson- .,.1. AlIl1O!it all departmentll hold n'CUlar meetinll:' 10 di§eUS'J De.. prOC'edul'li'li and and •• n)- of thenl h.,-e periodie "re- for hl,her le\·e1 liupef\-ison. By the very nature of hill duties, each NOTS employee, howevli'r, Is Involvcd In &Ome form of tralnlni'. This may be the day_by_day lurn- Ing aceompll.hed at one', place of work, whether by a typist. an en· i'lneer or II technical editor. All StaLlon penonnel are urged to en- roll in the .dult edue.tion couracs or the claue. offered by &ken- field Collei'e. Thoae requiring a high school diploma may obtain It through clUleS offered by the Burroughs Evening High School .nd many Baker,tfield College cour- 8<=S are creditable toward Bachelor or Asaociate of ArtII degree.. Educational l)e\"l.,IOIJn>ent St.ation training policle. are rE'COmmended by the Employee Dc· velopment Committee, under the COi::nizance of Dr. T. W. Milburn, Head, Employee Development and Research Division 01 the Personnel and Community Relatlon3 Depart- ment. Reorganized la3t year, the Committee Is a policy-making bod)', coordinatini' the activities of Its four .Iub-committeli'tl. whleh In turn, adminlstli'r the Sl'\'eral .peel- f,c training prognlmll. The of EDC. and their l!Iub-commltten, are: Cdr. Robert C_ Engram, Technician and Artisan Committee; Russel Bjorklund_ Ad- Jllinistrath'e Development Commit- tee; Douglas J. Wilcox, Pasadena Employee Development Committee, and Dr. Milburn. A vacancy has ex- Ilited on EDC ,Inee Howard \VlIcox., lormer chairman of the Education Committee lor Ordnance Sciences, len NOTS recently. To optimlt.e emplo.ree de\'elolJ- ment, 1::00, .-ub--eOllunittees are broken do..-" Into liub-.-trueture!l re- .-ponsible for -pcelfle 'I'li'as ,,1tllill

Transcript of THE OpportunityUnlimitedforAllPersonnel ROCKETEER

Page 1: THE OpportunityUnlimitedforAllPersonnel ROCKETEER

TEM,EIATUW........" ".. "'1 51.. .." .... .." "

.... ,

.... 3.....

.... 3......... ,.....Friday, ,April 10, 1959.

Office, Housln, BId(.. Top Deck

Desert Wildflower Show

Income Tax ExpertWill Be Here Monday

M. Clemmer. Internal RevenueDepartment rcpr('llentatlve at theBakersfield Office, wlll be on theStation Monday, April 13, lrom 8a.m. to .. p.m. He will ansv"er aUquestions reprdlng the liling of tn-Icome tax ""turns.

:MIlitary .nd civilian personnelmay _ Mr. Clemmer at the Hous­Ing Building, Room 10, or may con­tact him at Ext. 72938.

Babe Ruth League BenefitThe \Vomen'. Auxiliary of the

Babe Ruth League will hold a bene-­lit Ipaghetti dinner .t the Knightsof Columbu. Hall, 700 West Ridge-I L..JLl....J..~crest Blvd. on saturday, April 26, SHADOW BOX EXU181T--CommittCCll are at work preparing the ex­lrom :i to 8 p.m. hlblb for Ihe 1Mb .nllllal Desert Wildflower Show to be held In the

Tlcketll will be $I lor adultll and00 centll for chUdren under lZ yean (JommunU)' Cenl-er Saturday and $onda)', April %5 and 26. Bett)' Hoff­old, and may be obtained by ealllni' man (left) ehalmlfln of the N....I Alr .'aeUlt)' wins \ludow boll es:­ 1<1691. or Station 74734, hlbU5 III assisted by Poll)' Easb. No,·el Ihree-dimenlioDai arranr;e-and aftu 8:30 p.m.. 76:5i1. menta ...ill mako this a unlqoe feature ot the .-bow.

Concert Artists NOTS To Host TouringTour NOTS Mexican Naval Party

N.idinil' Conner 3nd Eugtne Con- Admiral Manuel Zermeno, Secretary of the Marine of

ley, noted MmopoliNln Open mn Mexico, and his parry of four officials of Mexico's Navy,who 3ppeued 3t Tue5<by night'sNOTS Gvic Concert, 3nd 3CCom- will be guests of the Station next Tuesday and Wednesday.

p3nist, Henry J3ckson, rl!'turncd to Accompanied by LCdr_ A. A. Schirmer, SC, USN, tour

the Station Wl!'dnesday following director, aide and interpreter, the group is touring selected

their perform,1nce to visit Chin3 Naval establisluncnts as guests of the Secretary of the Navy.L,1kc 3nd Ridgecr«t. Accompanying the Admiral are:

During the firat portion 01 the Vice Admiral Luill M. Bravo, Com.orientation, Conley and Jackllon NAF Donation mander General 01 the N.vy; Reacwere escorted by Henry H. Wair ot Admiral Antonio J. Amar, ),IexieanTli'st Department.. In a tour 01 Naval Attache; Captain Gusta\·oRidgecrest and the he.dquartl!'rs of Martines, Chil'.I 01 Aid" to Seere-the Station's G Range$. It was lJIry 01 Marine and LCdr. Enriquepointed out to the visitors how peo- Baltan... Head of Section TIto·o, N'4pie will settle and develop a com- val St8rr.lDunlty such .. RJdl"lI'oCres:t when The llinl.-try of Marine 01 Melli.rood woril.lni' conditions and con- co Ineludea the Bureaus 01 lUer-tentment Illllplre peraonnel to "put chant !Iarinf'.. 3laritln>e \VoriU,down roots." Dredttlll\t' L.ilththou~ S.''1I1 Con-

Conley was Impl'li'ued with the 'tmelion. Fishlnl and Ihe 1'0'1\.,..modern community, tbe scope 01 The No\')' III Imall, wm;Il;;Ung of 4'the Station'. operations and Ita ,·es~l, and some 8,000 mpn, \Villlrange laellltlCl-ellpecially the mag- elllilhasl, on de,'elopmenl- for port.nltude of Its lIi~larger than the lind eOllslnl lands b)' the pre8C-n*State of Rhode hland. tto,-ernmental admlnl!ltrutlon, the

He wu partlellll"l)' a ...a,"" ot the 3Unl!itery ot j)larine hllll been r;1\'.funel-Ionin, mllltar)·-eh'l.Ii.n team- en .dded n' reflec:ted In the liUCCl'Mfol lntroduetiOll to XOTSope...tion of the Stallon. It Is ..xpceted that the tourln.

Hi. genuine Interest In NOTS $218 CHECK--c.pL G.~. Anderson. group wUl arrive at NAF at 4 p.rn..tII'mlJ lrom the fact tbat he it a co- NAF Conunandinl Ollleer. prellents A Marine Corps Honorowner of Yelcon. a 2$-man machine • hoene-fit eheek of S!II from ail Guard Inspection will preeede theirsbop In L.a\ItTCnee, ),(ua., wblch ndlitar)' person_I to UttJe Lesla;u.e vt..wlng the Station'l new moVie.contracts with the Navy. PrKldent Dellis lfammer. ~E:xpandlng Fro n tie r s In Ord.

The second portion 01 the tour nance," and the welcome to NOTSIncluded • mit to S:-;ORT con- by Capt. W. W. HoUlster, Stationdueted by Or. I. E. Hl,hberg, Prelll- Babe Ruth BasebaII Commander. There will be • reeep.dent 01 NOTS Civic Concert Auo- tlon and dinner bonorln, Admiraldation and head 01 Te.t Depart- L T t A Zermeno and his party at the Com-ment. At this point.. Conley and eague ryou s re mllllioned O!flcers' Mcu berlnnlng

Jack30n were joined by Nadine Tomorrow at 9 A.M. at 6:30 p.m..Conner and her husband, Dr. Hay- On Wednesday, Dr. Wm. B. lofc-cock, who bad tpent the nli'ht with Try-outs ror Babe Ruth Bueball Lean will review Station Technicalher brother, a bu.Ineasman In League player. will be held tomor- Progral1lll for the group and theyWofford Hel,hts. row morning" at 9 at SchocHel wlil tour thc tett ranges and wit-

The party left after lunch for Fteld, Jack O'Brien, Leai'ue prCllI- ncu I'ulded mlatile tetlts.Palm Sprinp Where they were dent announced. All boys 13, 14 and Admiral Zermeno enllated In thescheduled to give a concert I..-t L:i yea~ of age, living within • 1~ Mexican Navy to qualify u a Na­night. mile radius of the Station'. :MaIn \'aI Cadet In 1917, i'raduatin, lrom

Gate al'li' eligible to try out. tbe Naval Ac.demy .t Veracruz InBoya wbo were reCUlar pl.ycn 19::!1 .. mld.hipm.n. HI. promo­

on the Babe Ruth l.eaCUe teams tiona were regul.rly: helut )'ear will not bave to p.rtici- served aboard varioWi .hlpa andpate In the tr)'-OUu; howl!'vli'r, they w.. gi\'en other commiulonl, .uchmust complete .pplication. and .. Instructor and General Aide athave them in the handa of their the Naval Academy, Inlltructor atmanacera by tomorrow. Appllca- the Mexican Army \V.r Colle,e .ndtlon' were dilltrlbutcd to all schools Aide to the Presidential Statt dur­In the Indian \Vell. Valley. Any Ing the oflice 01 General L.a~aro

boy unable to obtain an Il.ppHcation Cardenu. It was during this lat­at school may call Vera Taylor, Ext. ter post that the Admiral wa. pro-73944 II.ltll'r 4:30 tonii::ht. moted to Ueutenant Commander,

Team managen for this lea- He acrved as Naval Attache fo1'.on's pmes are: c.rdllUolb--Capt. the Ml!'xlean Government In W..h­R. C. Ml1Iard, :m-B ElIacx; Cubs- Ington, D.C., followed by duly dur­Kenneth Seaman, liO-A Franklin: Ing \Vorld \Var n as U.lson Of­IWl R. J. Landry, 200-A Fowler, fleer between the Mexican MlIItaryall on the Station; and h_dian!I-Q. Region of the Pacillc and the U.s.M. Embree. 332 Toro, \VbelT}' WC:lItem Naval Frontier.Houlling-. (Continued on Pa,e 2)

Civil ServiceExams Open

ExamlnaUon announcements forvacancies at China Lake have beenreported by the StaUon ReprCllCnta­tlve for the Board or u.s. CiVilScrvlce Examine".

PosItions to be ltiled are: Elec­trician (Lineman Communicatlonll);Welder; and Te.t Range Traeker.No closing dates are listed lor thCle._L

Two otbn announcements withclosing dattll are: Helper (General)closes Kay 7; .nd lAborer or lA.borer (Heavy) QIaie) closes April...

Application Form :i7 and CardForm :IOOI-ABC .bould be filed withthe Board RcprClentati\-e in Per­sonnel before the closln&: date.

U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China lake. California

Dan't Call Us­We'll Call Yaul

AIr condltlonJng n~h.nlcs .reoul In full foree in the retlldentbllareali aDd aU unJl!i are upcetedto be In top operating conditionby ~lay 130, ...,...,ordin~ to Public\\·ol'ils' SIIoPll I::nl"loeer.

AJI the p ...jed Is sel up on af"u:@d Khedule, Indh·idual call.."ill dli'lay Ihe o\'erall completiondat... To a,·old a dela)' which ..111effli'Ct )·our nel\thbor' comfort:,don'l call u_..-e11 call )·ou..

lCdr. Ennis ReportsTo NAF Maintenance

LCdr. Wilbur J. Ennis, USN, re­ported to the Maintenance Depart­ment of NAF recently whl!'re hc will

8Cr\'e all a pro­ject pilot. Hit lutduty aaaipme.ntwas .. Ex.~uth--e

Officer for Fight­er Squadron 61 .tthe Oceana.. Vir­ginia Naval AIrStation..

PreVious asslan­ments Include.e.....lee as the

LCdr. Ennl. night operation.Officcr for the Fleet All-WeatherTraining Unit, Key West from 19~­

:i7, a Bureau of Aeronautic. rep­reaentsUve In Kansas City, .ndduty .. a flight Instructor at Cor­pus Chrlati. Tu.... from aU-4.7. Seaduty h.. Included 8Crvlce on theUSS Hancoek, and during- the K0­rean connlct.. on the USS Sicily andthe USS Sb.npt-Ia.

LCdr. Ennla and hill wile, Jose­phine, arc permanenUy quarteredat :iOt-A Euex.

ROCKETEERBudd Gott, Editor

" JOlt tow. tho.good ,hal you_

'- OflOl.... you

_"- I' your own.-$0. ...,..,

lhe Gr.."

Val. XV. Na, l~

NOTS Appreciation Day SetFor Tomorrow in Ridgecrest

NOTS Appreciation Day, the first of its kind to besponsored by the Indian ,xrells Valley Merchants Associa­

tion and supported by the merchants of Ridgecrest, will beheld tomorrow, April II, in appreciation to residents of

China Lake for their patronage,The big day of bargains and numbers on a prominently exhlb­ IS orfcred to acquaint all eus- Ited pOiter for cach of hi' pr\'tet.tomera and potential customera One will be the winning numberwith the stores and wares available and the other will be an alternatefrom Rldgecrellt merchants and to number. At tbe end of the bUlllnesspromote I"ood will. day Saturday, unclaimed wlnnln,

In addition to the cltywlde bar- numbera will be aw.rded to bolderagain ..let: and lIerviccs ollered,.p- of .Iternate numben.proximately 200 prhea rangin, tn Winnera may claim thli'lr prisel onvalue lrom $10 to $lt5 will be Saturday but merchandise may not.....rded to bolden of .ny type of be removed until the next bUllinessStation pauea poueulng a lucky day In order to minimize the con·humber. lusion durin, the crowded hours.

The IIlIt 01 pass numben wu It it hoped by the I\VV Merchantspicked at random and submitted by AasoclaUon that the event wlll bethe Security OUice. Theil' are Ihe the most sueoeaaful In RIdgecrenred numbera that appear on tbe hLstory and that it will pave theback of all Station pauCII. Identity way to more barpin da)" in the01 palla holdcn will not be knOwn the merchanla until the prl~es

are claimed.Each merchant wUl display t ....o

Pre-Wildflower ShowEvents Will Set Mood

Event..- leading up to the Deacr~

'Vildllower Show .scheduled for Sat­urday and Sunday. April ~ and 26,\l'lll be hli'ld at China Lake.

At 9:30 a.m., April U, Pat Cox,talenled China Lake artist. wllllpeak on Color, and Loul.e Rich­ards will depict the "Principles ofFlower Arntni'li'ment:" In Ihe Com·munity Center.

Baby .ittlni' .rnlngementa maybe' conllrmed with Mrs. Chu~, Ext.76614 ror mothe~ wishing to at­tend the evenl,

Co-chalrmen 01 the Detert Wild­nower Show, Jeanne Bruce andEllubeth Sean. have proi'fllDlmedtbeft prior meetinp.

SIXT1' \'EAUS--Three Test Deportment emplo)'_ receh·e 2O-Vcer plnJllfrom Dr. h'llr HlKhhoerg (lefU, TC$t Deparlment "cad. Pin rec.lplenls(aeeond from L to r.) are: George Schriner. Earle Cow.n and Lewl.!>Stephens. 01 the tolal 6i )....,.", :e are Te5t Department time.

Marine GeneralsVisit Local Test Unit

Two .Iolarlne Co.". ,enerala, Maj.Cen. H. R. PailI'. and Bril". Gen. G.R. E. Shell, from Marine CorpsHeadquart..n In Wallhington, D.c..visited the Station on Tuelday andiWedneaday.

They were be['ll' to study thpMarine Corps mobile Terrier mlsalleunit and the Sidewinder air-to-airguided mlllsile.

Accompanying them were: Col. T,C. Moore, Jr., Col. D. J. Roblnllon,Col. A. M. :Mahoney, Col. J. O. Bel\,Col. R. J. Qddy, Dr. C. E. Wise, L.t.Col. J. K. Dill, Lt. Col. C .W. Hoff­man. l.I.. Col. T. McDonald, Jr., andLt. 001. G. E. Norrit - all lromMarin.. Corp.l Headquartera, and;)taj.. E. B. Keyes from Headquar­te~, Fleet Marine Force. AUantlc.

Frid.y, April 10, 1959

handles the off-Station trainingprograms.tlon of pre-supen'i&Ory trainees,proceuing development plans, etc.Most of the departments M\'e .1­ready completed their guidelines.nd it III expected the new dayc1assell will gct under ...a)' In lateAprll or early May.

Trainlnjf III for e,·erl·one, and IheSialion will aSJli!it an emlllo)'ee 10de\'eloll hlnl!lot'lf, but t.lle eJuplo)·eemll'J1 take Ihe Initialh'e. AJI)·one In_ten'lltetl In furtherinr; hili careerill urgf'd to do 116. The opportunlt)'I, readil)' a,·albbte-take III

Consistent with the notion thattraining iI everybody's busineu.each department elIUlbllshes Its ownpolletes and procedures for Super­visor Development, .uggestlng dc·sirable limits on the number of daycla!Jllu, procedures for the selec~

Supen·isor oe'-I!'lopment

Accordini' to Bob Stephli'flson,Coordinator of the program, thekey to Supervisory development Isthe Supervisor De\'elopment Plan.Once a department h.. decided toparticipate, each lupcl'"Vlsor Inter­eJlted In the prog-ram designs a planfor his development. He and hisboss then agree upon a plan of ac­tion lor the coming year. The planmay Involve supervllIOry day elass~

es-there are 19 of these eovedn,such lields .. personnel regula.tiOD, human relations, aafel-)'. lie­

curtty, contract adminlatration and• wide variety 01 managementskllls--nli'ht school and correspon­dli'nce courses. committee member­ship.. rotation ualgnments oU­Station training- programs, .ndother opportunities all deemed .d·vlsable.

In prep.ration ror the n..w sup­erviao~ day clauea, a special "Con~ference Leaderahlp Course forTralne"" WtUI given IfI3t Marcil.More than 30 'upervlsory tralner1llattended this week-long coursetaught by Prot....or George Leh­ner of UCLA .nd thc Employee Dc·velopment DIvlllon's Bob Stephen.son. The course proved to be 10popular that It will be repeatedearly in June .. a portion ot an·other conterence leaderahlp COUI"S'

-the "'CUlarly scheduled Confer~

ence Leade~hlp Course for Sup­ervlaor1ll.

SI'ECIAUSTS-I'!clured In the Education Office .t lltiehelson ~.

Itoom 101.%; 0. 10 r,) .re: D1ek Felton, Coordinator, ProteHional Den.f­oplllent Proc.....,; \·nmne TI'e.d.....U, Edu.catlon Speda1i-I, and oIt'Il.-ISKli'hlalan. IiofC:retar)·. An'll. Anderlwm, liCLA repl'li'wntath·e. ill not howa.

rHADI" , EOl!<JAnOS---8heetOlel.1 aplJl'li'ntkes learn lbe Intricadeaof the toob 01 their tl1lile durlnK • vortion of their lralnlnl.

Adult E\'fmlng- High School. rang­ing from s'll'immlng l...-ons to sup­ersonic aerodynamics.. In tbe putthree yea,.., more than 100 UCL.,Acoursea have been offered, wltbO\'er J,lIOO studenta attending them,with arrangements lor thCMl cllUll­es being made by Dick 1<'elton, Co­ordinator, Profea.sional l)cvelop­~ent Program.

After acveral years on the Sta­tion, aU kinds of new training op­portunitlu become available to theemployee. The lormer JP may applyfor an edue.tlonal fellowship cn­abllnl' him to leam mo~ about hlsfield .t the collel'e ot his choiceat Station I!'llpente. The Sup.ervlaorDcvelopmli'nt provam could be thli'next ,uep lor the former appren~

tiee. The newcomer Who w....­signed to an ex.ecutive de\'elopment


AI'I'JtI!:!\"TICE I'UAOI'ICE-I'art or the tmlnlnJ" .hen the SlatiOll'selectronic n1l1'oChanle apllrenllees IIn'ot.·es the Ollerathm of varied equip­menl-__edtH'lltlon inn_htllble throughout their careera.

Unh·er.lty, while Dick Feltonc;o;:.dlnates the professional develop­ment program. About half waythrough his training the JP wlJltake a 3peeial week-long orlenUltionprogram administered under thedirection of Bill Hampton. Techni­cal Presentationll Coordinator.

The program for the Junior Gov_unment Assistant I. quite Similarto that offered the JP; however,the JGA Is gi'·en work experlen~

In .uch art'llll as Pel'llOnnli'I, Budi'el,'Mana,ement Engineering and Sup­ply. Spcelal seminlll'1l are conduct­ed coverini' management practiCCJIand theory.

For the 23 men who begin theirapprl!'ntieuhlp each year, their.chedule calls for .pecltic c1auroom.tudy In trade theory, mathematics,drawing. phYllle., safety, etc., androtated .hop auignmenta to pro­duce apprentiecs With more know­ledge than Is aetu.lIy required forjourneyman statu.. Thc succf'Uful Icompletion of an apprenticeship atNOTS Invoh'cs the equivalent of a ijunior college education and lead. Ito an Allaoclate ot Al'lII dcgree trom 'Bakersfield College. Thli' Station'.trade theory inslructors lire CarlFlagg, shcetmetai, plumbing andpillCfiUlng instructor; Al Sievert..machinist instructor, and JoeStrllfier, electrician In,ltructor.Others Instruct on a part-timli' b&s­U.

The new employCol' may be'gin atNDTS under a Ci\'ll Ser\'lce-ap­IIroved training agreement. TheStation hili active training pro-­lr"'m. tor computer programmen. program may lind himllClf lJIklni'.eeountlng specialists and person-, a COUI"Ie In orpnizatiolll or humannel generalillts. It Is eVl!'n possible relationl taught by n.tlonallythat a tailor-made tll~uth'e de- kno,.,·n expertll ...ho 'illt the St.a­velopment plan-a .peclal type of tion under .peclally appn:l\'ed con­trlllnlng agreement-will be work- tracts while th.. former JeA mayed out. Per&Onnli'1 technicians play travel to Jlllnois to take a lIpeclalan Important role In these trllinin;; course In management engineering.agrecment.t with help from the en- The higher level supervisor maytire Employee Devclopmcnt Di\'l- complete two weeks' ltudy atilion staff. UCLA·s \Vestern Training Labora-

0pIMlrlunlt)- for All tory or II confcrenee on Weal)()nSRci'ardle.. or the cmployee's job. Syatems at 1ttassachusett..- Institute

he will find about 00 courses avail- of Technology. Orr-Statlon meetingsable each .acmester from UCLA. lind eonferenct'Sl al'li' coordinated byBakersfield Collei'e and Burroulhs Bob Blalac: Y\'onne Treadwell

•th", Jurisdiction 01 the Iiub-<ummi~-

tee. Thu", the TL't:hllleL.n alld Artl­Nln Coullnitice hali four Wml)OlI­enl_lhe Al1l'rt'.ntice TraininJ{ Co­ordination Bo'rd, ..-Ith Earl Looml"ali dmirma.n; Journe)·nillll Traln­' Coordinatioll UOll.rtl, ~rl EIl­Inl(toll, chairullIn: the TechnicalTraining Coordination 11oMrd, ..-ith!'lonnan UUml'P .... chairman. a/ldthe IV-A Tnllnlntr CoordinalionBoard, chalnnlulship \"lU2.nt.

Ordnance Sc~nees

Havlni' reeporulbility for the ed­ucational and technical growth ofNOTS' peeplli' II the EducationCommittee lor Ordnance Science•.

The protcaaional dcvli'lopment planI. a comprehcnllive and well-Integ­rated SChedule of UCLA eveningcourse3, technical day_clas.ell, tech­nical lecture., proreaslonal­vice training programs, varied andprogrellllive work uslgnmenu, edu­cational fdlow.hlpa. junior prolea­.ional training and undCl'I'raduate.nd cooperative tralnlni'. The pro-­gram Ls designed to fulfill employeeneed for prolesslonal accomplith­ment.. advancement and recorni­tion: their rt'quirements for ad­vanced academic degree.: and theStation's interli',u In the develop­ment of competent, Imaginative andproductice p.eraonnl!'l at both theworking and the .upc.....I&Ory levels.

Another ot the working sub-com­mittee. 01 EDC Is the Administra­tive Developmcnt Committee who»epurpollC it Is to tuggest trainingfor administrative people, Includ­ing traince.ll enrolled In the JuniorGovernment Assl.tants (JGA) pro­I'ram. Twice each year lhree 1Ieleet­ed perllOnncl begin the .ill-months­long JGA tralnini' prOi'ram coor­dinated by Yvonne Treadwell.

The new .Iupervlaory devl!'lopmentproi'ram ill concemed .pceificailywith the de''1.'lopment of .upervl­.IOrs. The Pf'Olr"'m, InlLiatl'd lastDecember. la baaed on the philoso­phy that supervillor requlreJa ,lightly dillerent training fro'lIany other; theretore a variety of de­velopment techniques has beenmllde a\·ailable. Training-brief orIntenslve--is offered In a vllrlctyot .ubjects. Bob Stephenson, Asllillt­IIont Hcad, Employee DevelopmentDivision, coordinates the program.

TraillinJ{ Ope... tlonNearly e\·cry employee beginning

emplo)'ment at NOTS undl!'rgoc"Station-lIpon&Ored tl'ainlng. Thefirat formal education the newcom­er receh'cs most likely will be Sta­tion orientation. coordinated byYvonne Treadwell, Education Spe­e1a1itt. After this Introduetion toNOTS. training oUcred the employ­« will depend on the person-h~

goalll and the work he wlil do.II the newcomcr I. a Junior Pro­

fellSlonal he will be aaslgnl'd to arotation plan designed to broadenhis technical knowledge and famil­Iarize him with thc Station; he willenroll in technical day classes andmay takc e~tII'nlIlon eoune. fromUCLA. Arva Anderson, UCLA rep­reacntatlve. acts as agent for tho::

Page Four

OpportunityUnlimited forAll PersonnelStation Training P.oogram AidsDevelopment at Eveloy Jol) Level

Not necessarily unique are the educational opportunities afforded Federal employees

at NOTS-limited in scope and purpose only by the interest and initiative of those un­

dertaking available study-but the training program is onc designed to benefit any Sta­

tion employee who wishes to participate. 'xrith training the key to accomplishment, the

Station's varied programs have quickened the career progress of countless emp!oyees­

tradesmen, professional or administrative personnel-thousands of men and women have

benefited b)' NOTS-administered educational opportunities since the inception of the

first such program, in 1948.Concurrent with the de\'elopment

of the Station Itself wa, the de­velopment of facliltle. specificallyformulated to meet the unique re­qulremenla of NOTS' overall pro­I'ram. At the time when much orthe activity hlld to do with con­.truction, thc need lor tradellmcnWall met by Initial training .ched­ulell for app""ntlce. In the buildlni'

d~. ~ rt\lIOe&I'ch and develop­mental activities expanded In seope.nd import. 110, too, grew the needlor skilled artllaDll In de'·elopmentfields with .uch trades' education~ing thli'n added to the apprentice­ablps .Iready oUcred.

Just a )'1.'ar artcr the Initiation of.pprentlce tr.lnlng, tbe Juniorllanagement Aulatant.t' programwas launched, evolving In 1~, In­to the prescnt Junior GovernmentAssistants' .chedulc. Meanwhile,the Station'. eVf!r-expanding needfor teehnlcal people - enginef!f'lI.physici3t3, chf!ml3ts and 0 the r.cientlsts-Ied to the lormulatlon orthe Profealonal Development pro­gram encompaulnl' Junior Pr0­fessionals, the Work Asslgnmcnuand the undergraduate progl'amsand provlaion for lr"'duate stud)'by selected penonnel.

Other St8t1on·3poDllOred oppor­tunities Include the technical da)'cia.ues: ort-Statlon training (IOv- SUJ't:la'l.SOR DE\-EWI'lIlE!'lT-I'rof_r GeotTe Lehnu 01 UCLA atl!l'1lment, unlveraity and profea- Ihe I'9litrum durln, lhe wpen'ilior)' tralnel'1l eoune eondueted In i\l.arch..iona\); technical lectures. execu­tive developmenL prOl'raml, Man­.gemli'nt Retreats, and Civil Se..... Ice.pproved training agreement.t forcomputer programmen. perlIOnnelgeneralbts and accounting train­ees. The newe.t program conccrnll.Iuperv!.aory development throughc1lU1l1work and the plllllll formulatedby the varioUll departments.

In addition to the Station-wideprolrunut, man)' ~l*rtJnent!l offerC&Uf'$CS Iipeclfle:tLIl)' designed tontet't the need!J of the:ir 0""11 I"!-rson­.,.1. AlIl1O!it all departmentll holdn'CUlar meetinll:' 10 di§eUS'J De..prOC'edul'li'li and t~hniq_ and••n)- of thenl h.,-e periodie "re­~.ts" for hl,her le\·e1 liupef\-ison.

By the very nature of hill duties,each NOTS employee, howevli'r, IsInvolvcd In &Ome form of tralnlni'.This may be the day_by_day lurn­Ing aceompll.hed at one', place ofwork, whether by a typist. an en·i'lneer or II technical editor. AllStaLlon penonnel are urged to en­roll in the .dult edue.tion couracsor the claue. offered by &ken­field Collei'e. Thoae requiring ahigh school diploma may obtainIt through clUleS offered by theBurroughs Evening High School.nd many Baker,tfield College cour­8<=S are creditable toward Bacheloror Asaociate of ArtII degree..

Educational l)e\"l.,IOIJn>entSt.ation training policle. are

rE'COmmended by the Employee Dc·velopment Committee, under theCOi::nizance of Dr. T. W. Milburn,Head, Employee Development andResearch Division 01 the Personneland Community Relatlon3 Depart­ment. Reorganized la3t year, theCommittee Is a policy-makingbod)', coordinatini' the activities ofIts four .Iub-committeli'tl. whleh Inturn, adminlstli'r the Sl'\'eral .peel­f,c training prognlmll.

The mcmbe~ of EDC. and theirl!Iub-commltten, are: Cdr. RobertC_ Engram, Technician and ArtisanCommittee; Russel Bjorklund_ Ad­Jllinistrath'e Development Commit­tee; Douglas J. Wilcox, PasadenaEmployee Development Committee,and Dr. Milburn. A vacancy has ex­Ilited on EDC ,Inee Howard \VlIcox.,lormer chairman of the EducationCommittee lor Ordnance Sciences,len NOTS recently.

To optimlt.e emplo.ree de\'elolJ­ment, 1::00, .-ub--eOllunittees arebroken do..-" Into liub-.-trueture!l re­.-ponsible for -pcelfle 'I'li'as ,,1tllill

Page 2: THE OpportunityUnlimitedforAllPersonnel ROCKETEER

Page Three

Randal R. Walker has rtportp"Ilboard to head the Budget Branchof UOD. a \'lIane,' crt'.te<I br thetra.nsfer of Johnny Southwl'll t,N'01.. Corona. :Mr. "'alker traM'(ers here from the Budget Divtlli(lnof Central Staff at Chin. Lake. H-!bad been with ~ntl"lll Staff lor tbepast tour )'ea......

Hc holds an AB dcgTt'(! from Uc.Berkeley. and an MS deJ'Tt't' Inpublic administration from USC.

For the timt' being. Mr. \Valkt'rplans to stay hcre during the w~kand return to China Lake on week·endIJ. In June. when lIChool i.. (lut,hi.. tamlly-his wile, Grace, andchildren, Janel 7, Lynne :>. andStanley 2-will move to thill area.

California Con9ressmen See Navy Facilities

"-t:.LOOlIES OOXGla::ss.'\IA,"-Cont~n..n GeorCt' A. Kawm (DJ,(ril[bl), ~Ih District. I.. ltl't't'h'tl on hili .,rh·al al !'OOTS ~dt'.na byCDIl_ Co .,. RHr!J (et>RlfOr), Offk-er-in-Oiar~t'. aod D. ". "ileolt (Ieftl.UfOali,'r OrdnanC't'.



Navy Men CitedBy Sheriff's Dept. V

San Dimaa Sht'rlff·.. Stlltlon thl'S Congressmen I'S"ltt.:d","rd d. Jone!l week cxprcued Its apprcclatlon for

Edwll.rd J. Jonell. Jr" Deputy for the hclp el<tendl'd b)' ~avy diver" Pasadena Fac"II'lt'les'Admlni .. tration, lea\'e .. NOTS Pass- Chief Bo~'n W. CHane)', Howard fdenll tooay, tie reportr; to Chin:l E. J..ynch. BMC, USN; Uoyd 1.. D" PLake on Monday to hi.. ncw pOlii- \Vebb, BMI. USN; lind Howard L. ISCUSS rogramstlon of ASliodate Head of Slaff for Carswell. BMZ. USN. during thl!Managemcnt with Central Staff. Ed recovery of two drownl'd boys from CongreSllmen Gcorge \V. Kasc,nhM been at NOTS Pasadena sincc Polson LIIke March 15. (D-25th Di.. triet) and Edgar 'V,19~, ~erving: previously as Helld. Hle.. land (R-21 .. t Dislrlct) wert'Plllnnillg lind Administration Staff. IImong visitors lo NOTS Puaden:.

Underwater Ordnance and Hcad, Ex-NOTS Employee last week. on V.'e<lnesday and Fri.Personncl Oh·I..lon. dny. n-spec[i\·cl)·.

A fare.....cll luncheon In hi.. honor G H' hP .. M('Cllng with Cdr. C. J. BCt'r~,Is being held loday at 11;30 a.m. at ets Ig OSition Otficer-ln-Charge, D. J. Wilcox,.;1 Dorado Inn. Head of VOD. and Fred Nathan,

Born In New York City, Mr. Ex-NOTS emplo)'fi! Harold YOilt Head of Personnel Dh'islon. th!')'Jones received a Maatcr of Science of Altadena WlI.lI recently nllmed ....·ere briefed on major projectll un­degree from the University of \Vi,l, director at reliability for the new derway al NOTS Pasadena andcon..ln In 1948 and I.. p",!lCntly product control group of G!'neral thcn toured the Foothll1 facilltit'lworklnl' towlIrd hill Doc:tor of Pub- Moton' AC Spark Plug Division, of the Station where they saw hard.lie Administration degree at the IICC<lrding to word reaching Ihe ware and 8Qme of the unique teatUn!\'el'lllt), of Southern California.. Stalion early Ihll wt't'k. facilitle.. In U!K'.

Subsequcnt to World War II. Mr. Mr. Vaat was formerly with P808, Mr. Hiestand'.. home III in Alt!l'Jones scr\'ed with lhe office of ha\'ing left In ]9;)1) to Join the dena. while Mr. Kast'm makl"ll hi.J

Mllitar)' eo"ernmcnt for Bavaria 1...=:m~~~W~OO=I~"~d~.~'='~'.:'~"~':U:'~I':'='~_.:.;h~,~m=,_;='=W~':'~I:..::Co.:.:."~"~L::... _u chid of the manlXlwt'r allocationbranch. Prior to joining the ..taIfat Paaadl"na he wu Employmt'ntSuperintendent at the U~[C Depa:of Suppllt's, Bantow, California.

Movies of Europe ToBe Shown Wednesday

\\.t'dIlt'Ml.)-. April l3, 1959"'Europl! Al Your \\'in<1ow"

Bldl. ; Con!. UllOm

Tax Deodline-April 15R idt'nu or California ha"e onh'

3 more d")" in which to file Iht'irltate and tt'd~ral Income ta.'t re­turrlll wllhout pt>nalt)·. Deadlint' forlllinl' i, April IS.

NFFE AnnouncesApril Bingo Party

The National Federation of Fed­tral Employl:CS. Loc.1 1101, willhold a blnco party Thursday t"-t'n­in,. April z:J. at p.m. in the PlUa­dt'na Support Center t'Rfclt'ria, lZ:>S. Grand Avenue, Pasadena.

Twcnty pmes of bingo and reofn'Shmenu art Included In tht' do­nallon of ant' dollar. Additional bin­go cards will bt' a\'ailablt'_ A doorprlze--dock ra<lio-will be gl\'en alucky ticket holder In addition tutht' man)' blllgo pri~lI to be a.....<lrd­"',

Ticket.. are a\'allable from Ka·dine Robinson, P8&.». JoaquinVegllra. P809!. and LeRoy Rey­nolds. P7093. Morri~ Da\\'.

nE\'I"EWS 1'lt()(iltA;\I.s-conl"rt'tIaIlwn Ed~r W. Hiestand (R), 21JitDislrid, I,; bri ..ft'd on major Ilrolram!!' Undf'rWA)' .t l'\'OTS r .....den. by

ICOlt. C.... lWen (If'fil, OfflC('r-in·(:h.rlte, .lId D. J. Wilcox (right).New Emplo)'et'lI lIead, l],,!Il'nnller Ordnllnce.

Velma C. Murphy. clerk-steno­grapher, UOD', Guidancc and Con­trol Divillion. UOD; llnd Bevcrly L.St Amand, elerk-typi~t. Planningand Administration Divi .. lon. Sup·ply Department.

l'romotlon5Harry W. Smith from enginecr

dl'8lgncr (gcnerall. GS-S to GS-9,In UOD's Torpedo Dc\'clopment 0[­


WlIIillm T. McDonald. t'lectronlumechanic...tep I, in Test Dh'ilIion,Pasadena.

Apt. 10


" " .

....TlNUIel\rrH, ... .........,. _ I , ...

WfHlHO, ... I /0", dolly

.MASTER MUSIClAl'\'5 - Don Ill·cardo .lId his on-healra will 1)1_)'for Ihe Adult Sialion Dall~e 1\1 theCornmunil)' Cenlt'r tomorro..... "lith!,April IL All 51ation .dult" I\rlO 1,,_

'- ...::.~ ,:,, "ited to Ihis no·admlso>loll dlnee- - which ....-i11 bt'gin al 9 p.m.

ets C<lnt.act Ann Seitz al the Com·munlty Centt'r Office between ]2lind l) p.m. Monda)' throu,h Fri­da)·...

RAFr OubCongratulation, .nd many thank_

to the RAFT ClUb Dance Commlt­l.ff In char'il'e of the "April ShO'o"­en N Dance held lit the Club lastFrIda)' evenin&,. Pat Reid, chair·mlU\; Denise Johnson; PatriciaCmt; Janice and Elaine Machowski;Walter Coome.; Dick Grego!')';Frank Kahapea lind their mall)'belpen did a .plendid job.

Memben! \Vateh for the ne...,tdance .scheduled for Saturda)' ev·lng, April 25. Thi. will be "HappyBlrthday~ night. so Ict the ClubStaff know If you bave IU\ AprilBirthday.

New membership cards wlll be14lIued beginning May 1. Thuemcmbership cards will be good fora full )'ear and at a reduction Inprice. The cards .....iIl be $1.80 forthe year. Don H0l'pn and Stt'faDeI)'lI will lItart acc:eptlng newmembenhips .nd renc on April20. Mr. Hoggan Is also planning toaccept nominations for a Club prc~­

idem; vice-president: ~cretal)"; re­freshment and decorating: C<lmmit­tee, The prellldcnt, vice_presidentand secretary wlJl be "t'leeted fromfour candidatt'S for t'ach office, andtwo will be !K'iected from four can­didatell for the commlttectl. Beginthinking of those Club member....... ho .....ould be good candidates andput a nole lI.lI to your choice In our"Suggestlon 801<," which Is to be:placed next to the Club bullctinboard.


111.55 ......l>oock..1 di<oo;ll,".... til.

Io<k._ offi<••Mondo, ""'_h "ido,

KRCK (1360)7,20 0..... 12:20 p..... ~,3' ~.m.

Mondor 'hr_h ',ldo,

MAtiNEE"GUN DUll IN OUlANG.()" (7~ Min.]

Gsorv- Mont--..SI1OIT5. "P'uppy To'." (7 Mon_J

"'Wild ,", H",~ol<" Chopl... No. 12111 M:...l

/OIAnNfE"AflI1CAH TIlfASUR(" (10 Min.)

""".....y sn.lf..1d$HOItT5, "led tidlng HoocIl....... (7 M;n.l

''Wild 1<11 H.<kol<" O>opl. No. I. (II""...)



TUES.·WEO. A'" 104·15",OltUt lA.NGHS" (IS /llin.)

f,id Mo<M.Il'f<ly. S" n IioywardQu,doot. T'" U.$. f " .... s.r.;t. $mako

J"",p... '-d ,hi,"" 01 0 bro....l/, t<fmp """n'id by ° 1;,eb"lI.

~ts, "8ecxh ~i<ni<" (7 Min.l"W... ld In 0 Mo..h" (22 Min.)

SUN.......ON. A'" 12·13"OPUAtlON MAD IAll" (\06 Mi",)

Jatk t_......... E,n. 1(0'<0<,.

ka'hr,n Gront, Modi. looneyComecI,. Mod<ap .......1•• w~o ,.r",•• 10

obide bt '_1010""1, "0\1'1' 0" .Iobor¢.POrtJ' I .... ""'... ~I. h" go-by-rhs-book<oplo,'" .... i<>bllloot. I.;yolsnl li!f>I,

SiiOIf. "$<,omh'id ....he... (7 Ml...)

E¥fNli'fG"PlUNDERERS 01' nt! PAINl"fD flAts..

(76 Min.]J n Cor,o!l. Cor,_ CoT••1

We" Co!t\e boron ond SCl""nen ,I;""IIc>d 0' h-,ed g.un con-eo ,..'0 ,h. froy, Mod.order .. -... <na'. """. "".0< O. leo "",:/1<:11'''' """",_10 1101.....

SHOlITS, "8v\rbodY &eo," (7 M ...,"P""ealy "".....01..1'· t16 M,nJ

"GilDA" (IDS ""n.Jlil<l Hoyworth, 01..... fo<d

Dr'a""". Y~ '-'-",on _ka f<:ll' ""no_0'. In Sov!h Am.<",o. 0.._ br."II'bock 0 ..........1....... Is 0 .. old 1",_ of lhe

"-;eo.. ond ,,,,,,,ka 1.,1 Two song. ond 0,;d ......t>olSHOtT. "Mag",,',·"".. (7 M.n.]


F,;day, Ap,;1 10, 1959

I'HIIU..ftl. An_. 16-11"JUK! lOX RHYTHM" (II Min.)

Jatk .Ions•• 1,lon DonIIlV'f,fori Gron' T'lo

f.JulltOl. $lng " ° .;,lIIng Pli~ ..ond Ilv_h I, ohio 10 Plod..... a The gl,l iii." the •...,.,1 beal a ••he"U her u_n down.

,sHORts, "WOl. toble," (7 .......)"fo...... f ... 0 Doy" (16 ""n.1

Winds ICripple T,Y Booster,Crew quick To Repair

On Thursday night, April Z, alltclevi .. lon reception In the arell wa..cut orr from 8:30 to 9;40 p.m. du~

to wind damage to the IZ.OOO voltpower line to the booster slallon onLaurt'l Mountain.

A repair crew consisHng ofA'1. II George Sutht'rlt'n, Cround Electron·

ic.. Coonllnator. _nd Meh'ln Rob·bins. Ernt'U Bumgarner. and Her­\'t'y Hoppt'r of the Power and Com·muniealion.. section in Public WorkSDepartmt'nt a"!K'mbled quickly to

(VfNING make the trek 10 Laurel ML to in-"ALA51tA ~ASSAGE" m /IIi",) ,,-estipte the cause and make reo"" Wilho..... Nora Ho.,doen pairs.

Act·..... T,ud,,,, I"... "..,.,.... d;...I1·... TI"It'\'ilIlon reception .....all restor.tho ... 1. 01 ..... pI.,... up '0 I!>e othw a-d_.,...", ,....111 Senoo> _I >r...k dIo.. he;>l ed one hour and 10 minutes afte:-.!oi''''''Y toll olong. [tbt' damage occurred-but Iht' Crt'W

S/iOIts,"~ s';__ (7),1n.] worked on until midnll'ht to com-"GoldetllA6<lor'· (15 "'.rW plete tbe job.

":f=':'~:~~~:'"[=~~~~~~B'~J'~"~CO~M'~"'~,""~""'~D"~,,t~M~~·~..~..J.. 1Ed Jones Leaves ESO To Sponsor Budget Branch

Nm Tuesday, April 14, will be ,he first in ,he Cha- For Central May Flower Show To Be Headedcha-cha dance class series. They will be held every Tuesday A Flower Show sponsored by ESO

for five weelu at the Anchorage at 8:30 p.m, Join in the Staff Position will be held at!'\'OTS Sftturday and Bv R. WaIkerfun and jom this class by registermg at the Community Sunda).. .M&)' 23-:!.f., .Cftlrding to

h I IIL_ Publicity Chairman Fran Johnson..

Center office now. Charges for t e 5- esson series wi uc Joe Rnin hu been nanH!d IU chair-$5.00 for civili.ans, $2.50 for military. maD ot the Show ",th the lolIO'o'-·

nte.tre Tkkd Refund chlUe your special adml.ulon tick· inl' committff chairmen; Clauifi-It wu announced this week by oWth National Orange Show to be cation and Judging. lrt'nt' Dickson.

Lt. (iI') A. M. Ol.on, Special Ser· beld in San Bt'rnardlno, April ~ PI29; Commerci.1 and Landscapevices Officer. that April 30 ~ the through May 3. G.te admluion at Dillplay... Ralph Fer'UllOn. P7ooZI;lut day for ",funds for purple the Ora~ Show will be $1.00 while D i .. P I. Y Facihtica. Bill MaC)"theatre tickeu. To obtain your reo theae ..pecial adm,,"lon tlckeu art' P808U.lund, bring your tkke~ to Mary priced at 3 t1ckt'~ for I!.OO or 71) A notice ....'ill be iuued ..... Ithln theDomincut'% In the Special Senices cents for a ,in,le UckeL To pur· nea:t t .....o week. ghing the type.. ofQltlce. Room 2. second deck, HoU4- c1aulfication......·hkh m.y be en-inr Bulldinr_ teredo Mrs. Johnson said. RibbonsOran~ Show Discount Tiekt'ts and prises will be awarded theSpecial admlulon tickets ha\ft' winnt'r5.

been received .nd are now on saleat the Community Center for thc


Ap,;! 10, 1959




ExCt'!i!>h'e lilleCd~timatt'd at to m.p.m.----in a aonelimlled 10 -&;t-mllt' lraffie. eau d thili car 10 o.-erturnand burn on Ihe I~ndliburlf Wa!!'h Access Uoad earlYWI Frida,)' mor"in~, putting aile Station man In thehasllil ......·ilh baek .nd Ilrobable inlt'rllal InjuriK.,

THIS Is the Result of Hi9hway Sport


UIGli 8I'£EO-OI1I,)' the mdal Akeldon of thi!!' oneeproud 19M t'R~, I) in~ bnide a t1amal;ed spt!f:d limitlii~n, rt'm.hls .,1 • powerful rt'minder of the dantcnof u:l't'!ish'e "'I~. DeMort hIChWa)'li, uJicongestedthouf(h the)' ...... are no more safe than an)' 00&.

Page Two

,. '-'~ ~i!lP;:j~_

-----000 R~Qdi J

q'i::::l!!!;":::;'W!tfIiiJ (;_{~NHion~1 libur)' \\" k, April 12-11, hu ~ simple 1nd bumble

pu~thc uimubtion of intercs[ in good reading, not jun for one.. edt, bUI for tnc emin: S2 "'eeks of e.·C'r}· ycn.

The theme of the I!H9 !\',nion:al Librnr \\-eek is "A Bcner-RudAmeric~. A Bcttt>r·lnformed Americ~:' Tbil; theme :aimi to deuloplifetime re~ding h<lbiu so Ihn Americani :are properly informed andC1n mtt't thtir RSponsibilitics <IS citizens. Thc "'Drld"'ide responsibih­tj.:s of the U.S. NJ\)' m~ke it imporunt for <III n~\~1 personntl-bothci\ili1n and miliur)---to broaden their knollo,ledge, nOt onl)' in the fitld

lof n<lv~1 afhirs. but 1JW) in nnioml and inlcrnatiorul :atr:ain.

Tbt- SJ.,lwn Libn,r). w,Hh Us 1',000 lolll"'~S, ws i"frKm.Jio".'.nlflc.lio".'. l~cb"jCl.l, .nJ frrofnsion.1 books in m",,) finds. ~s~ci.1Jl'

.7iU~" lor tlfI tlg' KrOlll's.• tiS wt/I tiS f,clion for rltT)YJ",., Ohkr.Lbr,r;"" IHIf r~qu~sl books 0" ;"/~,_libr.r) 10#1'1 TJ. b.." .sJuJ. 51••'mil mill') I"k, .JltlnltlS" of booJu offtT~d b) fIN SI",io" Lib,,,,,. til

1l.~/I tiS lhoy III ,iI,b1~ ;n lIN librtlrits of ,If of lIN Chin. LJk~ schools.Tlw RiJl~C"sf Brtlnch of 11K K"n Co/m/) LJbr,r). III 2H RiJg"'r~sl

Bollk'·lIrJ. It ill .Iso ord,., Ironl lIN M,i" l-ib,lIr) boolu "01 tllllf"bl,on 11x;, slNll fl. tiS tI P.rl of Ilxir S~fI jc~ 10 11K comnllmi/).

Al no Olher time in history h~s such 1 \·,triety of ,,·onh ..·hilt~~ding been av~ihblt. Thc P1Jt t ....enry yUr5 h~\·e marked the :liScen­d~ncy of the p,tper.b~ck until lO(hy ~nyont un hne-for tht prictuf ~ m:agnine, a \.tritt}, from c11s~iCJ to ,,'hodunits.

Books art the doors th1t IC<ld into coundess rooms on the grUtt:stof :all 1dventun:S-Ihe life of thc mind. ACS Meet

h dProfe..sor HlIrold I... F'ricdma" of'Campaign 40' Launc e th, U""On\(y ,( Sooth,," Call1,,-

nln will ..peak to thc Mohave Des­Evcry Navy employec will bc urgcd during 1959 to par- crt Section of ACS at their next

ticipatc in thc Beneficial Suggestion Program, The sl'mbol m~tln, ncxt Monday, Aprll 13.Thc dinner will be at 7 p.m. In

of the Navy-wide program is "Campaign 40." thc Community Church, ']'rona, fol--, lowed by the meelilli at 8 p.m. For

On August 4. 1919, thc \.STlO re~ervflllOIl" call Wm. P. Norris,N:t V Y suggestion program ~t.>t> t Ext. 71748.

was born, inaugurated by C:) Itlt-UH ~ NOTS Overselu Clubl~ral1klin D. Rooscvelt, thcn ~ _I· ~ Plcturcs of Scolland 11'111 be

.:a..' f'/ IIJ""(>'.Mn'l"~ shown Ql 7:30 p.m. In Room B ofacting Sccretary of the Navy. ~ , '7'. the Community Cenlt'r ncxt Mon-

ln recognition of the pro-.-.' L()th" day, April 13. by Fay Couch.

gram's 40th annivcrsary, thc * / * Soaring Club XAF !\lEX (1)lL\LE,SUI;:O--&wlI NAF mf'1I r~h'e leiters of com_Navy goal is a 40 pcr cent L-.- Members of the Soarin&, Club will nwndalioll from G.". Andt'non. Commelldt.'tI (1.10 r.l are: U. n.

" , b * r ' * mre'"''' M,nday " 7030 p,m. ,. ' . " ,particIpatiOn rate-40 su - ~ 'h Gild H _ 'h' ,. IUlIIstra.AD!.forsllf'clalc"Cortdut";lwror:raphl'rliM.L.\\h,hlll.LE.

*e er u. at e nten;ec:.lon _ . "

mittcd suggcstions for etlch * of the NAF and S.'\'ORT roads. An)'-I Bar~, J. h. C.",pl.lof'lI, Eo D. Mosi. J. G. F~II"" and n. A. Brown for leM100 enlployees. e:>' j}, ,/,;·,."I'lI,.(,I1.... I (lne O\'er 14 )'ears of IIgc who i, In- than I~ I'rror III surfaCt' S)·1I0pti.. OhJIN\'lllions \\ hich Ilh.Ct'd XAF !leCond

~ " ~~ tuested in a\'iaUon Is Invited. ImOllg all na\-.I "calher N'IJOrUn" sl.llon...The goal is not impossible. ;,p .1?rt~, ...." I I ----------

Not only have Other Govcrn- tl. C. L Photo Society

mental agcncies exceedcd thjs (J-ft \~~ ~~~M~m~~~::~n\\'~~ Pt:e:~; Sport Slants Naval Party ...ratc. but mdi\'idual Naval j tography of modt'lll for C<I\'cr il- 8r "f:hutk" l\furold (Continued from PlIgt' 1)

:activities h a \. e h:ad much Otticial at luUrations at the April 15 mt't'tlng Athlellc Director In 1946 Admiral Zermtno was

h hof Ihe China Lake Photographic I '.. designated .., Chief of Staft of the

ig cr rates. Participation rates of 80 per cent or more Society. The mtttlni will begin at Tht' Station III scndlft&' a v~lIe)" Na\')', foJlO'o"ed b)' j)()lItr; lUI C<Jm.have becn reachcd by some Naval activities. 8 p.m. In lh~ Anchorale. Those at- ball INI~ to Lo3 Ahmit~ :'\:8\'al mander o( the Third Na\'al Zone,

NOTS' current participation rate is 10.8 nPr cent, ,'ust tendln&,-vtllltOI"l and camcra-bugs Air Stal~on, April 14, to In 1948: and.., Chief (If Naval Op-r~ C<lrdially invited-will be gh'en the comJl('te In tht' EI<"\-enth Xaval Di,- eraliollS. Other duties preceded his

aboye onc-half of the 1958 Navy a\'erage of 20 per ccnt. o!,portunl~.toaPPI)'RiChard'lIprin_ltrlctt?'amplOn~hips. Tht> tentath'e 19~ Pn"IIIklential appolntmcnt ..,An avcrage of onc emplo)'cc in tcn at N'OTS is submitting clpln on 1I\'e modell. tnl\-ch~g squad IIIdude the fo11o....-- Extraonlinal)" Plenipotentiary Min.

one suggestion per )'ear. If f",'f'r)' employee submitted JUSt Science Club Movies Ing otllCt'rs and men;, ~r. R. E. I~t!'r of M .. ,uco bt>f(lre tht' Xorwe'Two color films will bt' prelit'ntt'd ~u5M'lI. ~dr. R. O. \\e. tC<ltt. Jack giaD Go\·t'rnment. and the $ub$e­

one suggestion in calendar year 1959, we would attain :t. by the Natural &:icn~ Club at its KiriCpatnck. ADI. Robert Parry, quent promotion to Ambassador be.100 per cent ratc. ti t M d A" 13' ADI. Chalmcr Hans. AE:!, GcralJ fore thc same Government-

mee ng nex on ay. prl • n La~'man. A:.t:!. ""rnon MeDon.l.!.Thc philOSOph}' at NOTS is based on the belief that the Community Center at 8 p.m. \." John Sulll\'an AEI C AI H II

evcry cmployec has at least one cxcellent suggestion for the ''Coral Wonderl.nd." 30 mlnutt's In ~DL Ira Mathe';"&' ADz'. Ger:l~, , £Ii' f !enith. dcplctll the undl"l'$Cft area !olcCo,· AT3 B 0 ( IdlmprO\'emCnt In e clency 0 our onPrations. f A I II d "Abo·· I th' , , rul'(' I"IlM e Lr· (I u, ra • an ng-Ifte.. (I t' AT!. Robert Thomp50n, FTC, Rh;h.

Thc accomplishment of thc Tav),'S mission in this dy- Sea Coast." 20 mlnutc... picturt'... ~f ard Furstl'nburg. FT:? Doyl!'namic cra of rockets. missiles. and nuclear power demands t': ~Iety (If northern AU!ilraha, Cri~tm3n.. FTZ_ Rob.. rt Shubin.

that wc utilize evcr)' available skill and knowlcdge. Ourl· r c nCt. NAACP IFTS=", and Gt'Orge Bahnli..n. AD2. .......... < ..,.1, ...........-.1 IhIII hid d' 'f· 'b . 1I0....."hOt' TOUrilanll'IIt 5.0".... ....., _r, I IM lollo.. ;"lI i".....

cn~p. oyces avc ~ rea y ma e Sign I lCant contn utions to The Indian Wells Valll"Y Branch It is rt>qul''1l('(i that pt>l"IOnnel <1('. 0...1 o~ ---'ole , ~ ......Id be booM"

mISSIon accomphshmcnt through the Beneficial Suggestion of thc National Asso<:latlon for the siring to partielpate in a S~tlon I.-:":::.=P~~,'::-. 05-7. I'D 3SI~S. Cod.

Program. \,\'ith a genuinc effort to attain our campaign Adnnccmcnt of Colored People will Jntramural Honq.hoc Tournllmcnt ~112l. Ohll" ",o'~ " ::I t~.d~et 'e.', en "II:'

1 'I·' h I f h I med Tuesday, April H at 7:30 p.m. liubmil entrit'9 to the Spi!dal $l"r- I th <01 e<l" ""'''I ;..._~pcrl e! .j>C>t. PI""g~a • -:vc can capl~a Il.e on t e va ue 0 t e cmp oyce con- at the County Building In Rldge- vices OfficI", Cooe ~. \'Ia Militar~' ..."(nbutlon br tappmg the vast source of idea power reprc- crest. At lhe conclu.. ion of the rt'g- Pcrsonnel Officer or emllan 0.-. fil. o"" r obo~...ilh fown Hoyo

sented by the 90 pcr cent of our employees who are not ular mt't'ling a dl..cussion on race partment Ht'ad, not later thall .",k, hom 3~. ~ ""I S1dg.. Eo". lUI.,.. . . h T . relation.. will be cl\'cn by a Bur', April 17. All entries wllJ Includc the

participating m t e Navy management Impro\'cment effort, rough.. I-Hgh School ..tudcnt group. '[ name and phone number of cach Put the Icing on your eakt-buyI would I·ke , " I d U. S. Sav,ng1l Bonds regularly

. l 0 encourage ~very ~upervlsor to stlm~ ate Women's Bowling league pl~yer ,.esiring t~ parliCjPllt~. Tro- lhrough lhe Payroll Savin'3 Plan.each of hiS employees to submit their valu:tblc suggcstlons, AnnU1l1 e1ectlon of officers will be phil'S ... rll be a"arded to ",Inncra

I am sure that NOTS. with the pcoperspirit and attcn[ion held by the Chlnll Lake Women',1 in each event held. "**•••••**.******••*****''Il bl' h d h ·11 'h hid' Bowling League nCl<t \Vednellday, Golf

WI . e~ta IS a recor ,t at W.I agam s ow t :It peop e. an April HI. In Room "B" of thc Com- USl~d. ?elow .. rc the lineups fortheir Idcas. arc NOTS most Important product. munlty Center at 7;30 p.m. lhe Clvlhllns v... Mllltar)' 18_hole - Of'ICIAl WEEKlY 'UlLlCATIOH

W LL STgolf tournament to be held Sunday. of'M

. W, HO I ER 1-"'''' I April 12. Fil'llt tee-of( time I~ 1:30 U.S. i'fAVAl 0lI0NANC!Captain. USN ~cfto..oe r2.ote.4 a.m. TESt stAtiONCommander I... Enriqul"s \·s. Lt. :MaorI' ChIno lIk•• Coli!.

";;;;",""';;;;'-'-==-;;;:;;;;:;~~~;;~iiiiiiiiiiiii Re,l..trallon for nel<t ycar'lI P. Cropper \'~. Cdr. Adams Copl ..1n W. W. H.m,l•• USN• 5'0lion C__nd.chl.!lSU will bc&'in IlCl<t Monda;,:. L. Rlchllrdson v... Unell. esc Con UlWApril 13, lIecordlng to the Bu~- F. Grober n. LCdr. Walstrom P'hill w.;, .......... hlI*roughs Hilh School Admlni..tration E. Rob)' V.I. LCcIr. lIennln&, e..t.nn. ""'....... 51cH W,1wOffiCt'. Bel'lnninc .t 12:30 p.m. each B. Mitchell \'1I. Major Miller .. L. t...... ""3. J.n fvlk , I'MANday, present junloTJI will regillter G. Gormlln \',. Boatwricht. GSI 1....0' .

Ion Monday; IIOphomort'li on \Ved. J. GIIJllen \'5. Lt. Ij&,l Olson ....11II...1,.'i .,.T-"";.."ll....._i...nesday. April 15. lind fre..hmt'n will G. Bowles \. . Mitehell. YN2 Do_ '.re&'tater on FridlQ', April 17. V. Wlbon \'$. Cdr. S. N. May 01'11.., H....01"9 \dI"9 3'

Durinr these three dlQ"ll. claase3 J. 'Vinselt \'S. Coome... AT3 TelephoM, 71>,.., 71'55. nonL. Del 'ASAOlNAwill be htld only in the mornln;;. anc)' \... Andeuon. Hlf1 Go"" l.h _ C...>poor>de",

Studentr; Who are not regi3terin;- K. Bea\'er \·s. Taylor. P="'2 ~'-e E..1. .oI2

on ant' of these d,,~... are t'Xeuse1 C. Tu~ n. CWO :Mcinnes Sha~ Moot-. .. E. llad<. D. SoflChsa.lrom clllSll". bl"cinning at 12 noon. M... Turse \'S. WlIlker. PX2 "","""",o;>her.

;.J"'''lj The counclling staff and Bur- A. Zernikow \'11. LCdr. \\'estcott "1"," ..-10.1, b, H ","" ..... II.BO\\'LI)lr,-G CIIA.\II~XOTS t'.n1Isk:d personnd bowlin~ tt'.m \Ii_ rough.. facult)' will C<lnduCI tht' rt'ii:' F. S1. George \'5. LCdr. Kllbbe CoI;f~ w;,h _ ;oled fw>d, 1,,_tht'. COfIullander's Troph)' bt'ld b)' LCdr. Fnank John5()n (third from lit ration. T. Short \'&. LCdr. Gambrill pI1 wi"" NAVO:OS P.J,.left). Di~·i..ioll Commandi"1 Otrla-r. ChllC'.k l\Ianlold (l) i!io I>hO\\l1 ...ilb Rel;ilItration of 81h Iradt' lItu- R. Dudl)' n. CWO Emberton Tho llo<keo_ ................., "'tot ,,_

denu for their freshman rt'a~ i< R. Bt'rberson \'5. Lt.. !>Unnl ISonoito _ito!. An •• off'.o.I u.s. ......,te.m n>l'Qlbe"" fLlo r.l Jan~ AI1t'.n~:"oe Dille, ATI; Arnold Fran'E" tt'ntath'el)' let tor the latter part, P. Fike n. Cdr. Kuntl; ,.M,,, -le.. OIhe<wlso.,....clfled.Iml: Gee',e "arlo, IOU; and Donald \\'alkt'r, "~~. (A " -, Pi ., Cd Go pr. -'-'- pAin \'lI. r. reall!'Y ....