THE ONE MC - Issues/2004may.pdf · THE ONE MC United States ... capped with a fine presentation...

THE ONE MC United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base Volume 9, Issue 5 PRIDE RUNS DEEP May 2004 OUR CREED “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation towards greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government.” MEETINGS THE SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 1030 AT THE SPRINGFIELD AMERICAN LEGION POST, 6520 AMHERST AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD, VA WARDROOM Base Commander : Ray Stone: (703) 913-9843, [email protected] Vice Commander : Curt Haggard: (540) 720-0462, [email protected] Secretary : Mark Riethmeier: (703) 490-3679, [email protected] Treasurer : Art Esposito: (703) 437-3996, [email protected] Chaplain : Al Friedrich: (703) 370-4496 Chief of the Boat (COB) : Robert “Dex” Armstrong: 703-921-0067, [email protected]

Transcript of THE ONE MC - Issues/2004may.pdf · THE ONE MC United States ... capped with a fine presentation...

THE ONE MC United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

Volume 9, Issue 5 PRIDE RUNS DEEP May 2004


“To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation towards greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government.”






Base Commander: Ray Stone: (703) 913-9843, [email protected]

Vice Commander: Curt Haggard: (540) 720-0462, [email protected]

Secretary: Mark Riethmeier: (703) 490-3679, [email protected]

Treasurer: Art Esposito: (703) 437-3996, [email protected]

Chaplain: Al Friedrich: (703) 370-4496

Chief of the Boat (COB): Robert “Dex” Armstrong: 703-921-0067, [email protected]


Greetings fellow shipmates, Our gathering in May was yet another great meeting, capped with a fine presentation from our guest speaker LCDR Mark Manning, the former XO from the USS SANTE FE (SSN 763), who briefed us on the personnel and manning issues in today’s submarine community. Mark is currently a Nuclear Officer Program Manager at OPNAV and was able to share some very interesting insight into what’s happening on our boats today. Although his Power Point slide show was WAY too large for my poor little laptop to handle, he never missed a beat and even without audio / visual aides, went on to give us some first-hand ‘skinny’ of the changing roles and the operational capabilities happening in the sub service today. Of particular interest was his discourse on improved knowledge systems, including the new submarine imaging system and vastly improved distribution of collected data. You can now sit in the head, watch an LCD display and see what the skipper sees through the periscope! Whew! That sure is a far cry from sitting on the can, reading an old dog-eared, coffee-stained Louis L’Amour paperback western! During our ‘milk & cookies’ session following the meeting, we aired one of the episodes of the ‘50s era Silent Service television series on the big-screen TV. ‘Captivated’ is the only way to describe our younger base members who were viewing this show for the first time. In addition, beer sales in the lounge took a noticeable upswing for a Saturday afternoon! This ‘new additional feature’ for our base was so well received that I will continue providing a new and different episode each month as a regular part of our meetings, as long as the post permits. On the 29th of this month, the post is sponsoring a pig roast and social gathering to honor our WW II veterans and to join in the WW II Memorial dedication activities. All are invited to attend (tickets are $8.00/person, available at the post lounge or $10.00/person at the door – WW II vets: FREE) and join the ceremony which starts at noon. A big buffet luncheon (ribs, chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, as well as pig) is planned and a big-screen TV will be in the ballroom to show the live coverage of the event downtown. Following the ceremony will be dancing to ‘30s and ‘40s music until… Whenever. Bring a WW II vet with you and enjoy a gathering you’ll remember for a long time! Beginning with the June meeting, we will meet in the larger meeting room downstairs (just to the right as you come in the front door). This new meeting room should easily accommodate our ‘growing’ base membership for a while. See you all at the June meeting! Cheers mates,




The meeting was held 8 May, 2004 and was called to order at 10:32 AM. The meeting was held at the American Legion Post 176, Springfield, Virginia.

The Base Chaplain, Al Friedrich, read the Invocation. The Base Commander, Ray Stone read the boats lost in the month of May. Boats lost were:

USS SQUALUS SS-192 23-May-1939 USS GUDGEON SS-211 12-May-1944 USS LAGARTO SS-371 03-May-1945 USS STICKLEBACK SS-415 28-May-1958

USS SCORPION SSN-589 22-May-1968

Sailors, Rest your Oars

The Chief-of-the-Boat (COB), Dex Armstrong, lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Base Secretary and Historian, Mark Riethmeier, read a brief history regarding the loss of USS SCORPION. This was followed by a short discussion about the SCORPION by members.

The Base Commander began the introduction of members who shared their submarine careers.

Members and guests in attendance were: Dex and Solveig Armstrong, Randall Buss, William Creighton, Art Esposito, Frank Fannan, Al Friedrich, RADM Ralph Ghormley, Curt Haggard, Steve Jaeger, Bill Lanahan, Guest Speaker LCDR Mark Manning, Steve Morgan, Paul Nelson, Tom Perrault, Pete Petruy, Joe Phoenix, Rod Puffer, Mark Riethmeier, Art Rosen, Ross Sargent, Tim Shannon, Art Smith, Ray Stone, Ron and Peggy Williams and Reb Wootten.

New Members

We wish to welcome aboard new members Bill Lanahan and Steve Morgan.


Birthdays For The Month of MAY Carl Clauson 8 May Ruri Wootten 16 May

Wayne Baldwin 10 May Mark Riethmeier 16 May Chris Kwiecien 10 May Joanne Pasquinelli 18 May Anita Varone 11 May Amy Cecchett 19 May

Fenton McGonnell 12 May Susan Shannon 24 May Ron Williams 14 May Bill Clement 28 May

Last month’s minutes were discussed. A motion was made to accept the minutes as posted on the web. The motion was seconded and passed. Corrections to the April ONE MC: Boats lost, PICKEREL was misspelled. THRESHER ceremony attendees: Wayne Baldwin, Jenny and Roxanne Johler were omitted as attendees. Additionally, Fred Johler’s name was misspelled in the list of attendees and in the captions for the photos in the ‘Milk and Cookies’ session. The Base Treasurer, Art Esposito, presented the Treasurer’s Report. A motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The motion was seconded and passed. The Base Vice-Commander, Curt Haggard, presented a report of the Membership Committee. We have two new members (as indicated above). National USSVI is raising dues. Annual dues rate will double and life-membership rates will triple. (There is a payment plan available for the latter.) Applications are available on the back of the current One MC. Members are encouraged to post copies at their offices. The Executive Committee Report for the meeting held 18 March is included in the posted One MC. A motion was made to accept the Executive Committee Report. The motion was seconded and passed. The Base Vice-Commander presented a report of the Public Affairs Committee. Business cards have been distributed. Notice of release of the One MC is emailed. (For those without email, copies of the One MC are mailed.) The Storekeeper and Veteran Affairs Report: The Base Commander said that a Northern Virginia Base Store will be added, offering patches, garrison caps, etc. Our base SK is Lou Maruzo and can be reached at 540-727-7610 or by e-mail at [email protected]. The COB provided a light-hearted trip report for Dex’s and Solveig’s visit to Groton, CT. They attended a Submarine School graduation, a golf tournament, a performance by Bobby Reed and toured the USS TOLEDO. Old Business: School Project – (Ron Williams Lead) Met at Ron Williams’ house. Personnel are working contacts to prepare for next school year. National Convention in Saratoga Springs, NY – Due to lack of response, the Amtrak train at special rates is no longer available. Curt Haggard has put together an alternate plan having a luxury bus that


will pick up all riders at the American Legion Post 176 and drop them off at their hotels (and the reverse on the return trip). Picnic at Moose Lodge – (Tim Shannon Lead) Scheduled for 10 July. Future Speakers – Scheduled 12 June: Dex ‘Technology Meets Popeye’; 14 August: Lecture for ASDS; 11 September: Hope to get someone to speak on Homeland Security; 9 October: Author Norman Polmar. Promotion of Slade Cutter – Three other bases have joined Northern Virginia supporting the Promotion. Rod Puffer suggested that if anyone has contacts with other bases, we try to get them on board as well. Although the powers that be are not opposed to the promotion, the issue is low on their priority. New Business: The American Legion Post 176 will have a Pig Roast on 29 May. Members of WWII SUBVETS are admitted free. A DJ will spin songs from the 1930’s and 40’s. Base Bylaws Re-write – (Paul Nelson volunteered to be Lead) The past Base Secretary, Tom Perrault, past Base Commander, Tim Shannon and the District 3 Commander, Ron Williams, were asked to assist. Rod Puffer announced that this was the 50th Anniversary of VE Day. The next meeting in June will be held in the large room on the first floor (to the right as you enter the building). The Base Commander read a letter that was sent by the American Submariner to PCU VIRGINIA that the Northern Virginia Base continues to be their sponsor and that the ship will receive 9 copies of the American Submariner quarterly. Junior Submarine Sailor Sponsorship – A motion was made to support a local sailor in need. The motion was seconded and passed. Three applications will be sent to the Northern Virginia Base. A selection will be made by a board. Selection is expected by 11 December.

Obituaries: Our deepest sympathies go out to Bill Kreher, who lost his father whose memorial service was

conducted May 3rd at 10:00AM at St. James Catholic Church, 905 Park Ave., Falls Church, VA. He will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

Binnacle List: Please keep the following in your prayers.

Dick Laulor and Bill Kreher’s wife Lynn. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and passed. The meeting adjourned at 11:32 AM. A 50/50 raffle was held. The winner received $52. From that received by the Base Treasury, $25 went to the bar.


Our May guest speaker was LCDR Mark Manning, the former XO from the USS SANTE FE

(SSN 763) and the current Nuclear Officer Program Manager at OPNAV

Guest Speaker, LCDR Mark Manning

The current allowances for crews are 130-140 men with an average enlisted age of 19-20 years old. The initial drive for this was in order to have sufficient men for 5-section duty while in port. If necessary, about 15 racks can be installed on the Torpedo skids. The Secretary of the Navy wants to reduce crews to 110-120 men. Currently, there are 54 attack submarines and 18 ballistic missile submarines. Despite continuous demands for downsizing, retention of men increases. Chief petty officers and some first class petty officers now serve as Diving Officer of the Watch. The supply officer is the only officer on board submarines not nuclear qualified. There are some Limited Duty Officers (LDO) on the SSBNs serving as assistant weapons officers. It is vital that the Navy maintains LDO and Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) positions for repair facilities. This is important with many of the SSN 688 Class submarines entering refueling overhauls and the newly implemented SSGN project converting the first four Trident missile submarines. Completion dates are scheduled for 2007 and 2008. Video LAN is a Distributed Based System which allows personnel to view digital stills or videos taken with the periscope and sonar displays with a detection range approximately 3000 times greater than before. Personnel can even watch CNN broadcasts at sea with the new EHF radios. The ships bulkier navigation systems have been replaced with a Ring Laser Gyro which is about the size of a shoebox. Research is also being conducted to look into weapons that perform well in shallow water. With the many trouble spots in the world such as the Gulf and China/Taiwan, submarines are finding themselves operating more frequently in “brown water” as opposed to out in the deep oceans.



As after every monthly meeting, interested members retired to the Post 176 lounge for refreshments. Peggy Williams provided snacks and Ray Stone provided an episode of the 1950’s series “The Silent Service.”


The following is additional information provided to base members but not presented at the monthly meeting.

The Submarine Force Library and Museum and the Historic Ship NAUTILUS are sponsoring several events in association with the celebration of the ship’s 50th anniversary. Program information is available at

The Navy Submarine League Annual Symposium is scheduled for June 9-10, 2004 at the Hilton Alexandria. Registration and Program information will be available in mid April.

A source for the USSVI vest obtained is Bob DeVore. It is high quality with a base cost of $70.00. USSVI emblem, personal name, boat names and hull numbers are extra. His address is: Bob DeVore / 1361 Stringer Lane / Mt. Washington, KY 40047 / [email protected] / 502-538-7853.

Submarine prints are available through: Tom Denton / 8629 Discovery Blvd / Walkersville, MD 21793 / / e-Mail: [email protected] / (301) 845-0049.

A ‘Silent Service’ episode enjoyed by the crew.


Executive Leadership Meeting – 22 April 2004

On 22 April 2004 at 1900, the Leadership Team Meeting of the Northern Virginia Base of United States Submarine Veterans Incorporated (USSVI) was held at the American Legion Post 176, in Springfield, Virginia. Attendees were Ray Stone (Base Commander), Curt Haggard (Base Vice Commander), Dex Armstrong (Base COB), Mark Riethmeier (Base Secretary), and Ron Williams (District 3 Commander). Topics of Discussion: • Update Capitol Base for Memorial Day in Arlington–15 May, 1130-1300 (Ray) • School Presentations Update (Ron) Art Smith, Benny Parker, Mark Riethmeier met at Ron’s

House. Ron and Mark speakers with Art and Benny as backup. Mark is making Prince William contacts for schools and JROTC

• Reconcile expenses with treasurer (Art) Flowers sent for Friedrich funeral, donation to Pendola memorial fund

• Garrison Caps received for Base Officers. Payments made to Art • Junior Submarine Sailor in Naval District Washington (working with NDW CMC) and $250

“Grant” to be awarded December 2004 • Inviting the 2 Submariners from the Washington AFRH to the July Picnic • July Picnic at Moose Lodge (Tim Shannon has lead) Month of June was booked • In support of May Speaker(and future speakers) need laptop, projector and screen (Ray and Paul

Nelson) • Update Database, Sailing List/Muster List • Discuss emailed items (Ray)

The ‘gang’ gathers for refreshments and a few sea stories.


A Tale from the AFTER BATTERY!!

Silver Dolphins by Bob 'Dex' Armstrong

How can an insignia that means so much to so many of us be debased by the Naval establishment by handing it out wholesale as a midshipman's summer cruise souvenir? When you didn't work hard for something, it has no worth. We have devalued most decorations to the point that a large part of what you see above the pockets of American service personnel means little or nothing. The men and women who wear them know in their hearts that all this meaningless gedunk has the same value as the decorative icing on a wedding cake… It is harder to earn Scout merit badges than it is to pick up some of the ribbons of today.

The men and women of this generation have known no other system and have no point of reference… They have no way of knowing it was not always that way. They have no way of knowing how valued and respected our Silver Dolphins were… Why? Because the men of the Navy knew how difficult it was to get them. If nothing else, the entire world was aware of the magnificent record and willing sacrifice of our World War II submarine force.

We don't like to talk about the national disgrace that attended our intervention in Southeast Asia… We have made many attempts to cast our defeat in that theater in some kind of bullshit rationale. There was no surrender… No American handed over his/her sidearm and watched our flag hauled down. We got our ass kicked by a little country with no navy… An air force that was an international joke… And very little technology. I cannot tell you why, but anyone who is honest can recognize an ass kicking. I did not serve in Viet Nam. When I went to the boats, it was called French

Indochina. I want to make it clear, I do not denigrate the service of anyone who served in Southeast Asia… As I said, I wasn't there and there is nothing worse than a sonuvabitch who wasn't there portraying themselves as an expert on something that they have no first-hand experience in.

Americans hate a loser… Especially a loser who cloaks his failure in excuses. We admire a man who puts up a good fight, gets whipped, admits his failure, and moves on. That was the way it was in my generation. In Southeast Asia, the entire team saw it was being thrashed and left the field with ten minutes left in the fourth quarter… And took the ball with them. I think the kids today call that the 'tiny heart syndrome'. We tried to pack our bags and steal away in the night… It didn't work and proud America had to sit and watch the evening news show us the most embarrassing goat screw of all time. The men who master-minded that sorry epic should wander the earth wearing paper bags.

No one thought a whole helluva lot of military service in the early '70s… It was a joke… Dope smoking was rampant… Neo-Nazi elements flourished in our so-called elite forces. Arrogance abounded… The 'My SEALS are tougher than your Green Berets' bullshit. Glory belongs to those who deserve it. It is earned by deeds. Interservice rivalry - not good. My rants… Even if mostly tongue-in-cheek… My ripping of the nuke force - not good. Born of exclusion that was a corrosive influence. My mindless bullshit perpetuates the same stupidity I rail against. RamJet eloquently pointed that out to me… He was right. That is what smoke boat shipmates do for each


other… They don't sugar coat it. They say you are simply full of shit and you listen. Its called reciprocal respect… It used to come with Silver Dolphins.

To boost recruiting, the services adopted the 'everybody gets a badge' policy. They invented the awards package practice… Multiple ribbons for the same thing. Examples… After Grenada, I was sitting in my office in the pentagon and looked out the window at a vast uniformed formation in the center court. Officers were walking down the rows shaking hands and handing each man a brown envelope… Containing the Grenada invasion decoration package. These guys had been thousands of miles from the action, in the comfort of the pentagon… Their long-range support earned multiple ribbons. Anyone involved in the one hundred-hour war in the gulf got a minimum of three medals. The three idiots recently captured in the Balkans and whom Jesse Jackson released were a slap in the face… These three clowns got six medals. For what? Why should getting captured, no matter how unfortunate, rate six gahdam medals?

Kids today waltz around with rows of ribbons. Our Navy has multiplied its badge grab bag to the point it makes you lose your lunch. Bigger equals better… Take a look at the SEAL badge… Looks like the hood ornament off an Italian roadster… Takes three pins to hold it on a uniform. The Air Force hands out little silver badges that look a lot like parachute wings… You get them for doing accurate paperwork!

The fine men and women of our armed forces are being seduced by decoration inflation. Look at the old films of returning World War II GIs… A couple of rows of ribbons earned dearly. Men like Old Gringo wore Dolphin patches on their sleeves. Old Gringo's cloth Dolphins made the Silver Dolphins we worked like hell to get, mean something. We wanted to be worthy of the legacy men like Old Gringo had handed us.

It would be a sin to hand out Silver Dolphins like Cracker Jack prizes… To give

them away as a summer memory. Decisions like that come from little men who have no idea what they mean to you and me, and we are powerless to do a gahdam thing about it. That hurts.

We used to laugh at Latin American Naval officers. They had meaningless ribbons, medals, badges, sashes, gold braid and big hats with a load of crap embroidered all over their visors. They looked like comic opera characters. Now, our ranking officers, men who never slugged it out toe-to-toe with another world power, wear more meaningless crap than a South American dictator.

Ribbons don't make the man. Training, pride and an established record, make the man. Valor comes through reputation. Any man who crawled the volcanic sand beaches at Iwo Jima is a hero. He doesn't need a rhinestone-studded badge to tell him so. All we have to know is, he was there.

They put a 'V' for valor on silver and bronze stars to tell you they were combat decorations. What other kind of bronze and silver stars are there? In our day, those medals told us the man wearing them had been shot at for a living. More inflationary bullshit.

If by some Tooth Fairy induced miracle I woke up as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs tomorrow, I would have every unit commander pass around a galvanized bucket and tell the troops to toss in any worthless post Viet Nam badge, medal or ribbon not earned under fire… And I would make U.S. military insignia mean something once more. Next, I would phone the Postmaster General and tell him I wanted to see the design for the Hundredth Anniversary of the Submarine Force stamp on my desk by the end of the week. I would tell him the day Donald Duck, Snoopy, Mickey Mouse, Elvis Presley, and Marilyn Monroe were worthier of postal recognition than boat sailors, was the day we had lost all ability to recognize national contribution.


None of this applies to the U. S. Marine Corps. The Marines, God bless 'em, have done their damnedest to resist the seduction of 'Something for nothing' awards. Being a U. S. Marine is all one has to be… We all know their unequalled record… A history written in heroic deeds wherever they have gone.

Social experiment, sensitivity concern, hand-out funding and the erosion of a previously proud awards system have victimized this generation of military men and women. Poor bastards… We owe them better.



DIRECTIONS to our Meetings:

OLD KEENE MILL RD Going EAST - From Burke · Past the light at Commerce St, Old Keene Mill Rd expands to 5 lanes · Continue East, stay to the Right, continue past Spring Rd · Pass Springfield Methodist Church and a Mobil station on the Right · Just before the overpass (I-95), turn Right on Springfield Blvd · Turn Right into American Legion Post 176 parking lot

I-395 Going SOUTH - From Washington DC · Pass the through the 395/495/95 interchange, move to the Right · Take exit 169B (sign 'SPRINGFIELD W 644') · Stay to the Left and Pass Brandon and Backlick · Turn Right on Bland (by sign 'TO S 617, TO 7900') · Turn Right at the first light and cross over Veterans’ Bridge · Turn Right at the Springfield Blvd light at base of the bridge · Immediate Left into American Legion Post 176 parking lot

I-495 (Capital Beltway) - INNER LOOP - From Woodrow Wilson Bridge - OUTER LOOP - From Tyson's Corner · Take 95 SOUTH exit · Take exit 169B (sign 'SPRINGFIELD W 644') · Pass Brandon and Backlick · Turn Right on Bland (by sign 'TO S 617, TO 7900') · Turn Right at the first light and cross over Veterans’ Bridge · Turn Right at the Springfield Blvd light at base of the bridge · Immediate Left into American Legion Post 176 parking lot

I-95 Going NORTH - From Woodbridge (Richmond) · Take Springfield exit 169 (Stay Left for exit 169B onto Old Keene Mill Rd) · After passing under I-95, immediately move to the Right lane · Turn Right on Bland (by sign 'TO S 617, TO 7900') · Turn Right at the first light and cross over Veterans’ Bridge · Turn Right at the Springfield Blvd light at base of the bridge · Immediate Left into American Legion Post 176 parking lot

FRANCONIA RD. Going WEST - From Annandale · After passing under I-95, immediately move to the Right lane · Turn Right on Bland (by sign 'TO S 617, TO 7900') · Turn Right at the first light and cross over Veterans’ Bridge · Turn Right at the Springfield Blvd light at base of the bridge · Immediate Left into American Legion Post 176 parking lot



APPLICATION FOR ALL NEW, RENEWAL, or TRANSFER MEMBERSHIPs "To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their

country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government."

I subscribe to the creed of the United States Submarine Veterans Inc., and agree to abide by all Bylaws, Regulations, and Procedures governing the Unites States Submarine Veterans, Inc., so long as they do not conflict with my military or civil obligations. I will furnish further proof of my eligibility for membership if required. Signature __________________________________________________________________ NAME:____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________ CITY:_____________________________________________________________________


$30 (1st year) - $20 (subsequent years)



DATE: ________/_________/_______(MM/DD/YY) STATE: _____________ ZIP:_______________

BIOGRAPHICAL DATA (New Members / Updates)

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY): _________/_________/____________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________

Telephone: (h) ___________________________________; (w) ___________________________________; (c) ___________________________________ Date First Enl. /Comm. (MM/DD/YY):______/______/_______ Date Discharged (MM/DD/YY):_______/_______/_______

Total Years of Service: ________________ Highest Rate / Rank Attained: ________________________ Retired (Y/N)? _______ Qual Boat: _______________________________________________ Hull#__________________ Yrs. (YY/YY) ________/_______

Qual Rate / Rank___________________________ Qual Date: (MM/YY): ____________/_____________ Other Boats: _________________________________________ Hull# ________________ Yrs. (YY/YY) _______/_______ Other Boats: _________________________________________ Hull# ________________ Yrs. (YY/YY) _______/_______ Other Boats: _________________________________________ Hull# ________________ Yrs. (YY/YY) _______/_______ Other Boats: _________________________________________ Hull# ________________ Yrs. (YY/YY) _______/_______

Spouse's Name: _____________________________________________; Spouse's Birthday (MM/DD): ____________/____________

Applicants serving on active duty are requested to provide a permanent address through which they may be contacted. Upon completion, please

Mail to: Curt Haggard, 54 Lawhorn Rd., Stafford, VA 22554-7616, or

Just bring it to a meeting, or

Check the website at the Top of This Page for email addresses