The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1898-07-29 [p 11]. · 7.I1t hi 1nkin utitit 1 tu, f.r the,4...

- ----- - . - --- ' - - - - - - - - : : - - - . - - .- - - - - - - -- - - - -- -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - I . p1I1 OLA1tA DAUY MF1 PRIDAY , JULY 29 189. ' - - - I _ " LJJLAil'e1I- MliiIetil , tIL t1u'MI , 7 .I1t hi 1nkin utitit 1 tu , f.r the ,4 eflIlIIg ititil tifltIl . ) for ntnrdtic ' IttiI.Stiitili CdtOh1N- .I ( . lttiei , , I i-2 , ii ioril fliNt Inerflon $ le fl uriI therenrter. ttIinr 1ttIIi fur ICMN liiii ! 2c fur tln ItLst InNer- lion. - . ' 1'Iie $ , flhIVerINCItelItR flhtINt be run AI'QrtlNrrI ! , requeNlitig a tiurn- erciI - , ('Ileflic , cnn 1iitV * n'iwcr- I ( rcMelI in it un inbereit I etter I ii - 'Vise iiwer NO IUIIIrCNRCI ¼ ' % .III Ie iIpII eved on 1)rcNrntntIoIt of check uuIIT , SI'VEJATIoNS sN'1'CI ). Copying. oiJ3eeb1d- g.IIUtI1V . HlIL' . IALdsM1.N ; for cgtr3 ; IZ n month nn.j- OxpeneN ; Old tlrm ; exper1&nco unneeeN Hut y C. C. jjkliop & Co. , St. LUUINM- o.iiIsT . thing grlflg ; COStN YOU flott1Ilg to- tti' J _ ; it1F nxtt MCO or yourett and eonil- lLiro - wRh ot1ier& ! Cteghton Ijtk. , room ib. IJ-M71 3- 0'vt2rp ) , lxperloneeil $ ) ' 'lIPIfl' ' cleric , with. gj lflhtflUtl0tUrIflg estollIhtnenL ) ; Htat : $ Lthit vfrnccs tctlory , I.1IJ er week , with gOOl , prcqpeetN for nUvaliec- Itient - ' , 4LI(1VL' ( 27 , 13cc. JJ-491 28 . . _ _ ._ _ _ _ YO1'(1 ( Tfltth on Ifl(1 reference requlve(11 xP.rIeflco not abaulutely flocestrY. 2J , l1it. . . -fl-M500 _ - _ _ _ ' SA11ISt to elI chico 8peclultIeH In- 1nIIsnN ILOd NglrnHkrt ; fine SIde lincH ; n0entM IThkkC a;:; * . liiy by nil nie- rlittti - It(1Itt .itt ( ; . , ' IJo , 13 , $31)tltlt Bend , ind ' aflMINT iOsmoNs ? ; don't lV3. . 'InrtOr nny lPll sorvIci OXnlnIfltLtlif- lvIthout ieeIig , our IIlutvatel ( rttxtItigtIe- o1 Information ; ,, IPl1t free , Culumblan- 4ullegc , Wt.1ilnt.otU.'- VANTJDVIiidow . , . trimmer and furnish- once , 1O Ilurney Ht , _ : : :__ ' ' ' ' zui nxinrIencect ntIvcrtItin so- Ilcitor - for niecInl work. APPlY 41. H- .Meycrs . , Mercer hotel. 13-M530 29' I-- 1 t 1l1IiI' , 100 GIRLS ( or all kns of work ; $3 to $7 ? wcu1. . ; nw1Ii5 OLUce. 1522 pouias. l jIL r . C512- I 0001) gIrl to help cook nod chambermaid. ' 1 _ _ _ tft. _ C4iC _ ". ' _ i- i.TI1'LOYMFNT : _ bureau , 3522 Dodge : tel S7 , C-M100O A1 $ AfiiVL4iCh5S. ; trltnmei'- son. ' . iJeroIzlieIiner' , 207 S. 15th. , C.tII0 3- 0'v&np'btcn IrI f3r iIOUWk. l3r :! Grant street. C-103 2 LADIES small capital ; call this week , rtt 1711 1)mIgr srect , and secure it monv- , making 1tIslneH. C--517 2S- 'WN'I'ED girl for general housework. 112G- So. . 31st. C-M523 30 * d COOt ) gIi'I for general housework Iii a- frtnIl : of two ; references required. 418- N. 17th St. C53330- WANTEDThetc women , a 'ouk $ enm- 'strest - itnd 5Lfl nIt4tnut matron fo an 5' I ( lhtfl lmniilini ichool. It Is ticIret1' that I ho eaIT)5trIM anti ZUSiE4tRIIt matron , iluti1d be qomniurolcnntn of the IisojaL . clitircli. , . 'feitImonia15 t4riIIIrtd. CzUI : tt - 23SV 1rariiy St. , i.Vetedii 10 nUd 12 n. m. ( ' - 3t10- t1ti o4 genen1houskWk ; gjndages. 1130 . 31st. C51031- WNTEl ) . goml girl for gtmerai 1oin - work. Mrs. A. P. Tukcy , 25I1CLtcLgh st- .CM51 . (; 30 . , S . - t 1 ..SL _ t FOit ILI3cT1tovsI0ss : ! CHOICE houses and cottnge all over city ; 11- iitJsE , ; Ileiiova _ . Co. ., , . 10 N. 15th St. , i " $ J - . ' DZ-1 { hOUSES , stores. Bemis. Paxton block- .S' . ' " ' . .A- _ _ U. . _ : _ ' _. MOV1NC ioiisbit k1 gooth nt(1 pinoa. Oin. Van & Storage Co. . i51I Farnain.'- rd. . . 163g. D-516 - - - 1'1ltN1TUR1 and Oeasehohi of a 7 and 13- room modcrn lInt for ieilo ; bargain ; gooc- itucatiun , rent low. l3emls5 l'axton blk.- S . , D517- 7ROOM modern house with ntable , large shady grounds. l3cmls , Paxton Bik- .DM2S1 . volt RENT , four-room cottage anti 3 acres 2 mIle west potolflce. 1' . p. We1. 'S _ . D-M577 ' ' FEW COTTAGES. 436 Board Trade. k r _ ,, . 4 I . C-fliOMnudcrn lIat. 1112 South 11th. D141b- CtjjlOct4Uofl. _ . 601 2301 N. 27th 5t hue 8 roomssultablg for ts'tj famjlfr fl(3.O0- ( . - t1ItOS. , 1613 FAItNAM ST- .DM42 . for ent fnrnItur. & fr iile. 2025 Furnain , hat A. D-1300 22' . _ : I.a : NlCI ( ie , ItIs-rooii 1iator1 24L1m anti lIiLnflthn.t .It1lIY 2518 Ca1t1wli , , D-M 1S- 5SIXBOOM cottage , 9th and Pierc- e.1)I51 . : ; 3) ' ? LOD1 RN , dctachrd , nJne.roomjicnisu ; nice Iitwn. shade trees. choice locution ; 2523 CttlItol UVCIIItC rciit&tl , 3300. 'fti. 373 , li. I. JiOliOU , MeCagitoillUg , D530- FUI12't1S1ILD flat oC six rooms ; suitable for two famliteR ; rent reasonable. .i52 North 20tliS ,, , , , i'OR 11INT , hdnp , micviy ttiritlslie'd roon IatlI In coinrtiou I I1nittttr ateet , Council i1iurctt1 . . P'M551 I voltifliNTI't2H1H ) 1IOIS.- io . _ _ _ ; ROOMS , 1417 Douglas ; one iea tn room- .T1IflI1 . rooms , liouse1eoun. 1113 south 11th. . _ ___ 3. F-M47U BOOMS ; near till car linet. Isli California.- 3G5Jy29 . - . & - ) FU11N1SI11D rooms , facing expustj- grouitth , board ii deIrcti. 3s18 N. 20t- hE630 A2- 'NICEIX furntshe3 rnomm* ; reatonablo : f ur blocks ( rein Itostoilice. 1811 Ctuis- .J . : - - - - - ) VISITOItS to the TrntismIsistflI , ttncjI. .5 , ternationul FXitOsJtIufl wishing tt * ecnro comfortable can save tItnunntt 4 I OXICIttC I) ) writing to or calling Uflttfl tile OlitcIttI 3 I1lI'1Lttifl 11Ut'Cnti , 1310 J.'urnan tiL , the oItl ) authorized agency of tilq lixpoaltion mitnagemnent , $ trnngors op- srrivatl in Onislia can caicH tttreet cars dIrect front any depot. 0111cc oiitii dLt ) anti night , _ EIVG. NTI4Y furnished roolub , lntth , tele- .plionq' . trtinulonts ; PrIce reasonable.- ri.on . ) j. DaItIe building. 1Ightcetith nail Farnatu street , OliOSltt City huh. Cars to depots told exposition. Tel , 2076. Mri. Jrffrtes , 1M923t- 'l'i4N1S1Li1) - rooms , suitable ror 1ioUt' . 3rcpIng ; 2 rooms , 3.50 a wetk ; single rootr. $25a wcelc ; center of the city. Aii 1Jy till rcni1tct , 1702 , _ , 22' : Ctiriiilicd mpoms.- conta1iocnii n. Private ( ntniIy6oo ; a day up. itfl , Daven- PPIt. - . i-M317 A4' - -- S- __ ____ - - FOIL 11T. Cttriiiheti roomN at hotel Iellono Aiine ; servIce complete ; ritea- reasonable ; cars for ocp9tt1o11 lfltlJ $ thU - t 410or.lnquire 1 Iott1 oflIciti7i AV'- a noois Lilt' housekeaingtci man and wife ; rent takeit in board , 311) ) N. 37th. 211- L , NiC room ; vtl1ut pt N. 39th. j" ' ' ': 1-MStu 31'- IJQW , Pl4Cti'ltol ave. ; trantlents taken.I- 1OOhlS. . . modern , near exposition greunils. 1l2 Locuit tat. 1.3t52I A2' - - - vuIt , lItO.I $. ( Centintled.- a. . .- . - - flOM , 3.0O month , 1lG Farnam. . ' 1.-12 : io'- J"1YitSlMtIIi ) 1iOOI1M Al ) i1Rfl , rIfl lope , 2020 hlarney : coot rooms , free batIiit transients taken ; rateN reat'Onablo , 1.3l0- T1iI 10IN1'WIT 11OUST , 21st antI I'Ihkncy Iit * ' . , 30 daintIly furnitlitt ) rooms ; one square from the Arch of the Statis ; everything new and fIrst-claNs ; termtr- enuonnble. . I26T- ITFI ? strfl1flAMflrst.class tamtlyhotel.- 25th . and Dodge St , I$22 ] 'UflNlS1TFD room wIth board : raonaldo rates , Mrs. C. a Todd , 2107 DauglttL I-99 2S'- 'Fl - Ifl A1.l3Ay , 2101 Dottglns , family hotel ; Permanent boarders accepteil at $2 tind 30 l'cr month , F-d2S A3 down timt 'for ale" or ' 1tor rent" sigh hi your s'indns' . TIle 10cc reacheS more people in a. 415 %' than will nU'S ) flt- IWilIdow In a month ; and they consult thso columns when they Watt 10 bUY or rent , Mits. : :17. Liiotts. 622 N. 19th lIt. Nice cool * oOflS , gas , bath , iltilt Clash board ; rates rr' , F-Mtr. 4t2- 3Exi&i'rIoN T1CIITE. and Saratoga Iittel fare for 2.00 cr day ; adjoins the grnistds Shtrinsn avenue car line pastes th li)1U'C ( stinmr , resort style ; fatnhlii'ri Hnhicl&od ; inoikqn , cool , home- likot - . baths , gas , 1)1500 (111(1 library. Trio1- 934. - (' . ToIililt' Parlors , hnnimoclnt , viit verntulnmt. narl < , sentii lii the street rnrs no (3115t jolly leOilfl ) aflhl croqurt.- al . Write cir 'lllone this inibtlte , spect otTer .15 for thosu who do. F- I100MS antI board Ilear exposition. 1210 Binney. F-7L50t-A3' - - F1a1(0AN'r cool rooms , with . firstclass'l- ermril ' , three blocics from P. () 1fl Cab- Ito ! avenue. FM522 3t' : 'Polt ltET-MTOlIES MI ) OFFICII. FOR flINT , the 4-story brick tttiiitng at 1310 'Farnam St. ThLL1 building has a lire- .rOoflelllent . basement , waters Oil all Iloors , gas , etc. Appi7 at the omen of- rlto flee , . 1910- rioL1SAri store anti warehouse ; track- ages ' ( IXtPilCflt 'sltiiping facilities. C. E. Benson , 310 Ititinge Bldg. 1-M293 A20' FOR 1fl3NT , mo1ern storoin new Davlige- bldg. .. o3)postto city hall- .Jolni . Itobbins , agent , 1802 Farnain st- .lM301 . . DESK room. C. U.'uhIaco , 313 Brown 111k. 1-535 % GEN'l'M WtN'I'IiiD- .AGINTS . anti branch mitnagors ; ialary or- cOriminsion. . hfnnterTailorInm Co. . CIa- cinnati - , 0. 3-M947 Oct11' . WAN'FEU-'V () ItlP.V- IANTED . TO RBNT , Modern S C or 7- Fawn cottage. Address V 62. the.K304 VANTED , two furnished rooms for light housekeeping : references given and re- ( iuire'l.V 32. Bee. . 1-M530 29- 'St11Tfl - of two or three rooms , furnished. for light llOUSOl'O1)Ifl,1 , Iii Ontaha or the 11111 iTs. Address Hewitt , General Delivery , City. K33730'S- TOItAcIB. . PtCI FIC Storage 'idThVarehoti'se Co. , 908- 910 - Jores , general storage and forwarding O4.Van & Storage , 131114 lrarn'm. TeCI59. M520- WAN'FEflTO flh1. - . IF YOU nra In flee(1 of anything try the Colutnlls of The Bee ; they will bring yiu you want. N-SO ? 110US13 , about six rooms. to move north of Anlv avenue. Donaghue , 109 S. 10th st- .N514 . 25' FOR SAI.'VVlBSITiJ1tt.1- iU1tNTt1111) . of 5-goom house ; complete .. . for lowtekeepIng ; . house for rent. 201- 2Seward. . 0-492 31' FOIL SI-lIOItS1S , WAGONS , ETC- .3j3'j . ; - received , anotiler consignment of- btigghs , ijurries ittid traps ; r1ces lower tliiui ever. Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones st.- . 1'-M329 22- IIOIISH. . homers atiti two-sea ted carriage almost new. all in good condttion , cheap for cash. Call at 2122 Caldweli st- .PM3l7 . 31'- FOIl.. SALIiMISCELLANI3OLTS. 100 IUNDS mineral waters. hermnan & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-M24-A1S GET cut prices Oil Ilog and poultry fence- .Savt0tist . fr SWCC)1flg Iloors , etc. Tel. 455 , 901 Douglas. Q61G- SALFi , ten RT1AN.S , Xor S cents at druggists ; one gives relict. Q323- Thlli Spaniih possessions in both the east and vest , In map form , with nearly 20- 0phoogrnphlc reproductions of the Amen. can tiTuS Spanish llitVtcs , naval command.- ens . , etc. All for 23 cents , at The Boo oiiiee. If ordered by 'mail , address Navy Fhotograph Depnrtmcfit , Omaha Ben , . Q-8439 :r IIAVIO 2 RemIngton typewriters that 1 will eli cIleal ), Frank 13. Moores. City hail. Q21- 1ioo , poultry and lawn fellers : all wire ; U- best. . Wire Works , 14th and hlarney. . Q529- OT & mattress for 150. Lewis , 1414 Dodge , Q-20 Jy2a- STAMI'S , COINS-Bought , sold. Morton- son. - . 404 N. 16th. Q-1t1575 3- 03OR SAT1. Smith Premier and flontrigton typewriter ; tccotd hand. Typqsvniters nettled Cut ) repaired. 5. 3. Deright & Co. , _ )116 Int'lntn : st. Q-MS3L A- 9CONFIC'I'ION1ItY stock ; business 30- daily. . V IC , lice. Q-M428 30'- hI1Sl' HE SOLD--snutli manufantunio- gbusltiessno competition , large proll ttihil- vestigato - this. Atidress W. 3- FO1tSALE or trade , oitgines , boiler PUmPS , elevators , tlmittiIlg , luhleYS ) , Pipe , valves nitil other maphinory , Spragu Machine Wonics , 1216 Jones Ift , 'rtti , ) &sa.Q$1lA2C' .ii'w- p7. 1.00 Sterling bicycles 42.O Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. 10thQ5l0.A20 lantern hldc's with lecture , i3teneop- .ticon . anti Magic Lantern outfits bought anti moit1. Send for litttmt. litciiards aim- uhhircit , 1) 20') Nicohtet Avenue , Minneapolis , Mini ) , Q-Mh9 31' 3 frt'slm milk cnwcall tn- .tweon . 3 & I p. in. 1730 S. 20th st. Q-M&IS 22- 'ilsCvI4L.tcEoUs - ) , T'3NTY-FIV1 cents will buy the latest Pullication Illustrating the U. S. untiI- PUIIiShI navieN, nns'nl commapders , etc. ; almost 200 photographic reproductions , with a large mmtn of the 1ast and Vest- Indies. . at the oiilce of 'rime lOre. If or- ilt'reil - I ) )' mail , address Navy Photograph 1)epartment , Omaha 23cc. 11870- ANTI.MONOPOI1Y arbago ( b. , cleans cCLm3pOOl8 & hrt %' ' vaults , 621 N 10. Tel. 177- 2.hl243A17' . BIDS will be received until 12 o'clock noon of August 3, 1898. for the purehmamis of one six ( (6) ) per cent tell-year bomi Iii sum of 1300.00 , hsuiil 1w School Iistrlct No. S ( ) , Grant county. Nebraska , un- tier the law. No bids at ieFs thuut nar cmi it- hci ronstmleri'd. . Aildne'ss L. 33't'etvrr , 1)lrector'ltitnman , Neb , lt-M529 30- 'WNTI1) , tulet small contract for layInK brick sidewalk. 500 N. Y. Life Bidc. 1tMS2I- vA7.q'El ; : ) , locitinn by physician : I , ears'e- xpenlemn'o : ' () Lbt buy 0(11cc ( ilxturos , but no reel estate : Nebraska or S. Dakota lireforned , Atltr'ss Box 344 , Omaha. Nd , . - . 1- 1'CLAtlt'OY.t'V ____ _ - $. LOW1' articles found : missing frIends traced ; life readings ; lucky bclt. Oil N.- 20th . , -M86 30' - - - iAStt3l1 flA'1'lt4 , CTc2- .UAThl1 . _ , Indies only. : dts. Porter , Oou.- Ulk. . . , . TMSS9A9- I1DlC'ATlt baths , mmm'isage : also vapor baths , unseen , mom l'atis , 301 N- .12th. . T-M121 AIr. ' iAUltA hLlj1SON , baths mnt'sae anti- magnetic tteatment 1lc r4. 16th room 12 , lpstairs , T-m12S2 A20'- MRS. . 111. llON , electric massage liath- ivarior restful amid curative. 417 5. 11th , tmpstnlrs , TM45931'- MA1)AM1 - SI1ITU. 113 North 12th street , massage and baths room 2. 'r-i29-Ai' : tMl. AMIS , 507 i. 13th , 8. 10 : massage , baths , T-M307 A2- '1'Elt S O.t I. . VIAVI CO. . 340 Bee building. $30 ltUt'TUh113 cured for 830. 1o tietenilon from bimsineer 6 in Omaha. Call- er write for citcuhars. 1'mnnhro Ilupture Cure, 232-933 Ness. York Life bldg. , Omaha , Nob. - A LAIlUI Map of the World1 one of Cuba and another of the entire Indies , showing Cuba , l'orto Rico , hlayti , San Domingo Martinique and all the other liltilan Islands : 10 cent' at 'l'iictft' ' etfico. fly mall , ii cents , .Ailtlr ss CUban Moi Dnpt.Omalahiee , , I3ATflS , rnasageIdme. . Post 3lD' 916th. . - __ _ IAD1lS' Tui'kish baths. Mme. Post , . 15th. U5S'II- A - afl1AT phyicinn's cu e for sexually wCak men for particulars 2e. Box S, Omaha , 13-732 A4- 'PILtS __ circm1Iii 7 to 10 (lays , vithoUt pain ; treatment doci tim ' .vorkJ call or send for circiiars Tile Empire l'ilo Cure , 032 New York 1.I ( huildlng. U-M219 hOW to become lawful physicians , law- yers - , dentists or plimirinctelats. Lock box 126 , Chicago.- St71'flflF'L1JOUS . bait moles. ate. , perma- nently - removed by dcctrlclty : refprenc'S.- Mrs. . . Cronyim , specialist , ii 10. CrChihtOn- bik. . tJ-M32 30' TIlE OMAhA SOCIAL CLIiIO furnishes personal Introductions anti correspondence to stiitable partirs. Call or address. with stamp , 110cm 2, 620 5. 13th. AIIm Twino' , manager. ii-i oo All BATh ROOMS for ladies. 210-220 Bee buildutg. , _ . jIrA4 IN 'L'hlE LEAD.-Get your.slhoti'hiatf ' soled antI limteled wIllie you wait 1 mim- Itites - for SOc.'ork giiat'antebcl. 710 N. 16t- h.U347A23 . LATEST bicycle or liotisewaist at tha Ep- perly - corset parlors , It ) 10 , Crelphton Itlic , , . U-M306 A2- 1jj115 ; ; for lafites ; far superior to 't'UrkIsli baths ; at 216.220 Bee Bldg. U-M333 MARRY , Tlltt National latrlmnonlal Club has nmetnbcrtt , worth $500 to $0,000 : new prIvate lists 2e. Box 2653. DCmtver , Cob. U-M46 Al' MONEY TO LOAN-IIIOAI1 ESTATE- .vAN'rlD . , clioIe ( aria anti city loans. U- .C . , Petero & Co. , 11. S. Nat'i BaltIc Bldg. w635$1- 00.000.Oommpeclnl fund to loan on llrst class improved Omaha property , or for buIld- lag purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. 51. p7fl cent money , Bemis , Paxton 131- k.w54i . $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved pruIertyV. . Faz'nam Smith & Co. , 132- 0Farnamn St. W207- C PER cent city and farm loans. Oar'in- Bros. ., 1613 Farnam St. W4.35 ANThONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ; ilUiCk money at low. rates for choice farm- lands in Iowa , Northern Missouri. East.e- rmi . Nebraska , ' -539 MONEY to loan on improved Omnhmn real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 36th , W5I0- MILLTONS eastern moneyfor Investment ; srpd for Izculars. 1nvestors Directory , N, Y. , , . W997$- 200.Ooandup. - . F. , 16 antI Douglas. V-Aug-25 MONEY To LOAN-CHAT'VJOLS. $10 TO 810.000 TO LOAN ON- IIOIJSI3IIOLD FURNITURF1 AND PItt- NOS - , IIOI1SES. WAGONS AND CAR- R1AGS - , WAI1EIIOUSIl ! RECI.IPg , etc. . of lowest ratem in Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of oods ; strictly confidentIal : you can pay the loan oft at any time er- in any amounts.- O7tIAIIA4IORTGAGE . LOAN CO. 300 South 16th t. TIlE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY IN- .CORPORATED . LOAN COMPANY IN- OMAHA. . X-342 MONEY loaned salaried popbo hoIdtnm permanent positions , with responsIble concerns upon their own miame , without security : easy PaYments. Tolmnn , It. 700. N , Y. Lift' bldg. X5431- IIJSINESS CIIitNCES. FOIl SALE or remit , a No. I good black- smith - atiti wagon shop , consists of build- iitg - GO feet front by 40 feet d.cp two stories liight. inctutre P. 0. Ihox B , i1.V. . , Norfolk. Neb. . Y107A.6'- roll. . EX JIANGI6. FOR SALE OR , team and two- .cat'd . buggy , for single horse and buggy Old Ne1raski food stable , 16th anti Leav- .enwortb . Sts Z-254-3Q' FOIt ALF1 : , or trade for land In Otoe Co. , Neb. . new 10-room hotel , complete with furnishings , W 20 , Bee. Z-M47S - - . ' - FOIt EXChANGE nice quarter cetion of good farm land anti clear lots for savimigs hunk certitheates. StUb mtmzmount anti what barmbc , Address . 31 Bee 0111cc. ' 5l63. FOR SALE or trade , house and lot renting for 8.00 monthly. for team. %' 3:1 : , lIeu , Z-5h1 3' FOR $ ALII-IIE.tL IiiSItT0. FOLLOWING desirable property business lot corner , COxISO ft. , In So , Omaha , paved , Ihusimmess lot. GOxISlI IL , imnllroved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract ( (24 lotM ), OUth HI. Tract ( (20 hots ) , 30111 tOt. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. RESO- TiiJSEI3 __ ___ ___ _ , luts , farms , lands , loammu ; also llre insurance. feints , Paxton block.RF$48 BEST farm near Omaha at babf appraised value. John Sizer , 2502 l0lomd st. , Omaha. ItE-hOS July 29- 'ITAVE - you some lots to soil ? Now Is the time to dispose of themni let the p001,10 know tltitt you want to dispose of them , The Bee reaches the people who have the money. ___ lIElO- GFOR1I.E , desirable residence lpts , 121c , 130 , Iii llrst-clpm's inentlomi tom ; mplmlutcs' walk front court house ; Cheab ) rdr cash , Address 0 0 , lIeu. IIEt1701ii- oo.oo F'ORo fmbl-izvt1 lots on itlectelo car hue , 3. M. h'ronzcr , Opit old P. 0. R13-M7O2 , FOil HAIJ , 85-acre farm 3 miles ( rota Council llltiffs : a bargain. Address lock- box COl , Council Bluffs , Iow- a.RtMl60 . At LOtT- .iisr. . . gent'sgoiit yatc , nude by James Kuhn , No. 10100' loft In closet at Union Pacille depot ; liberal toward ( or rutura- to U. I' . tIcket otfic- o.wrorIIN . , Friday , July 22 , smnall black horse. stile liar top buggy aimtl harness ; liberal reward for rdturmi to Dhlirance'sb- armi , 17th & St. Mary's Ave. Los 1-514-22' - LOST , brosll Water SpaniOl , white breast , long curly ears , old collar with brass knobs , name Pedrot $ 5.00 res'ari1 for r.turn . 10 FIre Eogint , House , 20th and Vinton. l.ost513 29' LOST bunch of keys ; return to 10 Fren- zer - Iiloclc unit get reward. Lost-M515 30' - FOil Ll0.tSI.I- ViAROl'l . yard , with trackage , centrally be- C4ttt - , Address lhin 52 City , 428 81- L__ 1'iA.'US 'VL'13t ) . I'IANOS tuned , 5160. Rose , 1521 Dodge. ._ - - : SIIOb1TltXJ ) A4l ). TPEVit1TIG. VAN HA'F $ chio1 , 713 N. ZtIfe , The selnmnl whose students get employment , Conducted by an experienced reportCr.- AT . OMAZIAIIus , College , 16th & Douglas.- . 65- 7SITOIITIIAND , iiptod0.te , taught by eobrt reporters , Boyles' School , 4035.7 Boo bldg.- AUCTlOO. . . 5MAXCY : & CO. , aUc'tIotleer , romn 619 Paxton block , Want your ttucilotl salq- of real estate , imierchandise , fumniturr , live ttock , etc. FOR SALE. a stock of millinery goods ; nbso 5 or 0 ShoW casits , at it bargain.- tinxey . & Co. , 519 Paxton building. , 42623 TYI'10W'lil'I'iIhtS- .TYP1VRITE1tS . for remIt , 4.00 ler month. The Smith-I'remier Typewriter Co. , 162- 3Fomnamu St. ; Telephone 1551. 56 IIOOMINaTON Stnntlaro Typewriter titid- auppiis. . 1619 r"nmntOnm. 121-Alt' WANT stenographers to Investigate "The- Obiver ; ' typewriters bought and sold. 1609. Douglas St. I 422 All . rent amid StIll the best tymcwr1ters- mnnrle : largest stock of good supplies In- Omaha. . United Typewriter anti Supply Co. , 1612 l"mtrnamn at. -412 STHNOflJI.tI'JiEIIS.- WE . SOLICIT and Itirnisit Positions fo stenographers free. 'rho SmithPremier- T'icwn1ter Co. Tlopliono 12S1. 659- U I CYCI.ES.- N'fl'V . wheels , 17.50 to $ L ; secondhand wheels , $3 to 15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & . __ - - AND STUTTERING. SChOOL for euro of thete defects , .flllIa 30 , Vaughan , 803 N , Y. Lifo bldg- .M190 . Aft' . 1'A'.VXIIIIOII2115- .U . , MAROWITZ ' 'oans mono )' . 413 N' . lath. 653 s _ - FUIINITUILIO IiciCiii.- M. . . S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumning. Tel. 1371. - 54- 5VlOIIN MAIUNG. C. A , CASE , violins repaired. 41t3Slieol' 131- k.122A14 . - MEDICAL. LADIES , If you can't tell a doctor your trouble address 1' . 0. Bo SO , Omaha , Neb. , for Information. M-896 Aft' ; : ri.. 'omcii who can't raise family should consult the renowned German specialist , Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge , St. Letters - 2 cetits.- 439 AD'- LUIIIUEIt. . . OMAhA Ilantiwood Lumber Co. , onic , hick- ory - , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 13& Cal- l.I'ltlVA'l'E . 1iOSI'1TtL.- DR. . . LIEBERcancers , female diseases , 101- 3Leavenworth. . -MICO Al- OSUES& CO. , ( -N : thee lildg , Omalw , Neb- .E . ? SemI for our Iree luveut- t. Orb Guide.- N . - Cheimp losvst Farms for Sale iii Madison county , I have th cheapest anti most desirable ( arms In southern Iowa. Prices ranging from 3.10 to $50 per'- acre. . Come antI see them or send for list. Mention Omaha Bee. Address A. IV.. CIIAV'FORD , Wlnterset , ha. - _ . 1oS1oFIcj.E WOT1CE. ( Should b reai1 t'rll' by all Interested , as changes may odur at. any time. ) ForeIgn mnail fot' the week ending July 20 , iss , wilt flOu ( PROMPTI.Y In all COSIIS ) at the Gemicr.ti I'ostolilco as follows : I'AIt.- CELS . PC)1TMAILS eloo 000 hour earlier titan closing time Bhowa belo- w.TransAtlantIc . Mqils- .SATURDAYAt . 7 a. ma , for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND , ITALT , TURKEY , IIOYI'T and ] OILITISII INDIA , per s. s- .La . Gascogne , via. hlavre ( letters for oIlier jiarts of Europe ( except Spain ) umust be directed "per La ( nscogne ) ; at S a , m , for NEThERLANDS direct , imer s. ii. , via Rotterdamn ( letters mnust- be directed 'icr Wericendam" ) ; at 0 mm. nfl , ( stipplementary 10:00 : ii. In. ) for EU- 11OPE - ( except Spain ) , per a. s , Auranla , via Quecustown. After the eslng t4 the Supplementary Transatlantic Mailr named above , addi- tionni - supplementary malls are opened on the piers of tao .mcrIcar. . English , French and German steamers and remaIn oiemm , untIl within ton minutes of the hour of saIling of steamer. Mails for South aimit Central AnLCrloLI , West Imitlies , Etc- .FRIDAYAt . 12 m.forLA PLATA COPN- TIIIES - direct , nor p. s. binds , svruItDAY-At 2 it , mu. for NEWFOUND- LAND - , per 5. 8. Coreati , from I'hiladel- phia - : at 0:30 : it. fltV tsuiplementary 10 a.- m. . . ) for S' . ThoMAS , iT. CROiX LEE- Vi'AItD - SOdV1ND'A11D 3SIANI5S , fuse si.1sacAtc , iter 5. 5. Mautana : at 10- a. . ma. ( supplementary 20:31) : u. ma. ) ( em' FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , SAVA- NILLA - amd CARTIIAGENA, icr s. s- .Alleghuiiy . ( letters lot' Costa Rica must be directed "Per Alieghany" ) ; at ho a.- m. . . ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in , ) for HAITI , per s. ii , VA , Dumnois ; at 11 mm. nm , for BRAZiL , and LA I'LATA COhN- TRIES , POt S. s. British I'rlnce , 'ia I'ei'- nambpco - and ltio Janeiro ( letters ( or North Brazil must ho directed "iler British PrInce" ) ; at 8:30 : p. m. ( or NEW- FOUNJLAND - , per steamer ( rota North Sydney , Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Ifali- fax. - . and thence by steitnier. ciosc , at this bifico daily at 8:30 : p. am. Mails for 2di- .qucbon . , by rail to Bomitomi. antI thenCe by steamer , close at this omlice daily at 8:30- p. : . ra. Mails ( or MoxJc . City, overland , uttlttsmt specially uddntmsseil ( or nespatchi bY- steamer. . close at this 0111cc tinIly itt 2:30- a. : . mu. antI 2:20 : p. m. "Registered mail Closel at 0:0' : ) P. m.prcivlous day- .'FrnmiNl'uelflo . Mnilt , MaIls for time Society Islands , per ship ( 'Ity of Paitolti ( from Stilt Francisco ) , close lwre dully ult to July 23 at 6:80 : 1) am. Mails for China and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per s. i. Emnimrens of In- din ( from Vaneouver ) , Olose hero daily up to Juty " 25 at 6:80 : p. on. Mails for Chmimmrm , Japan and er H, S. Aztec ( from Situ Frmncl&meo ) , close Itom'o daily up to- .luly . 29 at 0:30 : p. n , Maila ( or China amimi Japan , per H. S. Tcmcommmmm ( from 'I'acoma ) , chase hero 11,1112' , UP to Atigust " 4 at 6:0)I- I. : . UI. Mails ( or Australia ( except tlmot l'orVcst Australia , which era forwartlc'tj via Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji timid Samoan Islitmlmm , uer a. s. 2Ianjpomta ( ( ruin Sun FruncIco ) , close hem'o daily tIlt to August " 6 at 7 a. mu , , B a. ni. und 6:20 : p , to. ( or on nrni'ab at New York of it. s. Etrurla with British mails for Austra'ia ' ) . Mails ( or Ausraiia ( exceiJt West Amimitrabimi ) , New Zealand , Hawaii ittlil FIji lsimtrm'bs ' , Pet' B. tI. .Aurangl ( from Vancouver ) , close here tinily after All. gust 6 anti up to Amgtmimt , "II at 0:30 : i' . m- u.TraitsPacific . mafia are forwarded to port of- saulItm daily nail the schedule of closing is arranged emi the lmrosumnhition of their uninterrupted overland transit. "flois.t- et'otI . Immall chores at 0 p. am. Previous cf'm- ty.COltNEl41jJ3 VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postomee , New York , N. Y. , Juiy 22 , 389- 3.ItAlLViY . ThEE SIAIID- .hIICjfIO . , & Ckr4c St. l'aui Railway - City I ' .4UL Strests.- p . ToieihOfle.029 Lcae ; ArnIe Chicago Limited Express . . . . . . . . . .. S 545 ; pm am Omaha a ChIcago Exprcjv. . .. " 11:00 : am 'l'l5 Sioux ' .tty and Des Moinus Exjress. , . . , " 11:00 am " 4:15 : pm gill. " .ualiy a'xcetmt Sunday.- v . A Ii A S U IIAILROAD. . Lo.ivc Asrivet- . . Louis "Canon- Ball' Express , . . ,. ' 4:30 : pm ' 11:30 : am , Daily. flAll.S.t' TiME 0tItlJ. . , ( ( otltInhtcfi. ) tIITCAflO i NOI1TUWE1T.- I . hhiIlwny.-City Tiocit ) I Oil1c1 1401. }'Ahmatn Strbet.- Tel4 . ' p lone 1.61 , 'DepOt.- 'relepliomme . Teat anti dtmuon Streets. , , 629. Leave Arrive. Daylight Chicago ' , Special ...... . . .... . 6:10 : nt 'l133'pm- Mo ; , Valley , Sioux City. St. I'atIt & 1tiinncaplIs . . . . .. . ' CtlO aol ' 10:43 : tim Mn , Vmtl Cl' , Siottx city . . . . . . ... . . . . . .. . 7:45 : em 9:00 : pm- Ihoom' , lenmIon , CouncIl Ibiuffs . . . 10:10 : pm 1O:03 : am Eastern Ix. , Ds- MOifleS , % larshnhi town , Cedar Rap.- Itl . and Chicago. . ' 11:65 : cm 420 pm- Atbantie Flyer , CimI- cage and East. .. . . ' 4:53 : pta 4:20 : pm Fast Mnii , Chicago to Omaha 0115 3lN- ortltcm'n ExPress ,, 6:30 : tmm ' 8:40 : em- OmCimlcago Spa- clal - ... .. . . . . . .. . .. . e 55 pm 8:25 : nm- S Daily. 1Th1hIORN & FnTMONT I VnhIey Railway- Offices , Unhtt'd , StatosNatlotICI Banlc 1311117 , Southwest Corn'r tI'weift t and la"ilam Streets. Tickut Omce , 140- 1Farnan I elopholw , 561. , , FIfteenth and Streets. Tclcphmonrm 1458. Leave. Arrive- .j.lact . Ii Itt , rend- wopti - , Hot IlrI'gs 8:09 : m ' 5:00 : pm- VyomImlg , Casper nod Dotiins . . .. . .e * 3:00 : pin " :00 pm- Itastings. . ierk , Da- vid - C ty , Superior , Cletteva , Exeter & Seward. . . . ... .. . , , . . 3:00 : pm ' 5:00 : pm Norfolk , Verdigr3 amId Frolnoilt . . . . . ' 8:15 : am 'lQtS : am Lincoln , Wahoo & Fremont ... . . ..... " 8:15 : ama " 10:43 : am- Fretnont Local . . .. " 7:50 : am York I'nsscnger. . . .. ' 6:10 : pm ' 9:40 : am- DaIly. . " Daily except 13unday. " Hun. day only. " Daily except Snttirday.'- S. . . , , Daily except lmlonday. - _ _ . - ' l1CmCAGO , ST. I'AIJL. tIN. , nenpOlim .1 Omaha flattiyG- eneral - Oilthes , Nebras a- Divisien , Fifteenth. . and Webster Streets. CitY 'iIchcet Office, 1401 Farnom Street. ' Tmle- .phone. . . 501. Drls8. Fitteuth ahd IVeblter- atr''eta. . Teleimliolie , 3,438.Loave. . ttrnlv6.- Rioux . City Acconl. . " 5:30 am S:33 : pm Sioux CIty Accom. " 9:50 : amp ' 8:85 : pm1- 31am Emerson , " , , SlquxCi'ty , Pollen , )-Imtrtinatcin , inU 1I3loommicb& ? 1:00pm "UiSS tim S , Maim. kato St. Paul & . at ,. . , . . . I , . am r.AA .... . S n.nA - ; ,; vu an- .a" . Sums. day Cal ) '. D.Ocs not , stop t Dtola or Coffmnan. STOUX' QIT1' & PACIFIC ii lThiiroatl _ VOeZmcral Otflces- I United ' Stnt mt National Bitlik Building, S. 'cv. Con- per Twelfth and Farmam- Street. ; . Tl lcet Office , 1401 Vrrtl Street , Telephone 31. Depot , Tetttlm amid Illagon- Strcut. . 'i'elephione , 629. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City, Man- Icato - , tOt PattI , a th4O nm S:40 : am- Mlnmieapohis . . . .... 5:30 : im : * 10:13 : p Sioux City Local. .. , 7:45 : am 9:00 : pin a Daily'- urIin I iTh1CAGO , BURLINGTON ' Quincy Railroad - "Time ( On Burlington RoUto"Tickot0- 111cc 1502 Faroam Street , L R OUt0 'rciepkono 230. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tela- _ phone 128.Leave. . Arrive. Chicago Veetibuled Express . .. .. . . . . . . . a 5:05 : pm e 8:10 : am Chicago Expres . . . .ft45 ; ama 4lpm : Chicago & SL , Louis Express . . . ' 7:45 : pmfl 8:10 am Crston Locol . . . .. 400 1m ' 10:15 : am Pacific Junction . Local . .. ... . . .. . . . . 'U:55 Pin ' 5:40 pm Fast Mmtit . . . . . .. . . . . ' 2:50 : pm Chicago .SPechnI .. . * 12:05 : amV ' 'l1:30'lmm : Daily , ' Daily except Sunday. , & MIS. I ' I souri River flaihroafi-"The IfigiOfli Burlington Rout.--aon- I crab OUlces N. .W. , Corner L P1tju1 1a 'renib tind Fartiam Streets. i Ticltet'Otilccm , 1503 irarmiam _ _ l Street Telephone 250. De- pot - , Tenth anti Mason Streets , Teep1ions 128. L'save. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook 8:35 : am 9:35 : an Lincoin , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California , BlaCk lulls. lilontana & . Puget 3ouimd 4:13 : pm S 4:00 : pm Lincoln Local a' 7:00 : imni ' 7:40 pm Lincoln Fast Mail ' 2:55 : pm * am Denver, Colorado , Utah , California and Puget Sound 11:55 : pin 11:55 : pin Daiiy. "D.ttly except Sunday.- I . 1OANSAS CITY ST. JO" BuiIin ' SOlh & Council 'muffs lOath- iOfl - i road - "The Burlington Route"-Tlcket Ofilco , 1502 II outs I Farnam Street. Telephomio 250 Depot , Tenth antI Mas- om - Streets. Telephone 125. Leave. Arrive. Kansa 5 City Day Express . . . . . 9:0 : am 5:40 : pm Kansas City Nlgh Express .. . ... . . . . . 11.V 6:30 : ama 'Expr.sition . Fiyer"- St. . htmim , . . .. . . . . .. S 430pm ' 12:05 : pm for St. Jooph and Daib. .a . UNION rACIFZ _ "THE Overland Routc't"-ijoneraj Of- ficfs - : , N. W. Corner Ninth and ' Parnam Vtreets Ct 'rioket OfPce , I3Q Fnrnam StrOct , Telephone 216. . Depot , Tenth end Mason -- - - __ _ _ _ __ : ' , , Leave , Arrive , "rime Overland LImited' for Den- von Salt Luke , ' and western p'te , . 1t59 a 4:45 : pm Thu Colorado t3pe- dab. - . fur Denver & till Cohorado 'ts , 11iS5 pm . 6m40 a ma Fast Mull TraIn for Salt L.ake , Pacific'- coamt and all western poimlt , . . 435 ; nm 6:40 : am Ummcoln , Beatrice & Strumsburg Ex. , " 6:00 : pm " 1.0:20 : pm Fretnont , Column- bus , Norfolk , Grit Iiand & Kcarney 4:35 : jim 'i2o ; pmn Grand Island Ex. .. " 5:00 : pin " 12:20 : pin a Daily. Daily except Suntigy , booth Omaha Local l'asa.-Leay , 6:15 : ii. . m , ; 1:00 : a. iii. ; 11:15 : a. in , ; 3:10 : , in. Ar- rives - , 10:15 : it. in. ; 3:30 : p. rn ; ttsj ; p. ma. . Council Bluffs Local-Leaves , 3:35 : a. m. 650 a. in. ; 7:10 : a. am. : 8:40 : u , m. ; 10:30 : a. in. ; 2:13 : p , m. 4:35 : P. m ,; 5:53 : p. ni8:20 ; : .i. in. , 10:0f : 12' mu , , Arrives , 6 ; a. m. ; 7:20 : a. m. ; ,8b : a. m , 11:20 : a. ni. ; 3:10 : p. , m ; 5:40 : p mu , ; 6:30 : 1) . zn'.I 9:06 : p. nm ; J0O : , . mu , - - - CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & I'aciiIo Raihromd-"Ti10 Gmiumt flock 5gfi , It City Ticket Oiile , 1323 S I arnamu t3tret. Ticphoui 4S Depot , Tenth utah Imison Streets , Telephone Leave , Arrive. tiocky Mountain ' Linmitod , emist , ., ' 1:30 am a : s am Rocky Mountain . ' ' LimIted , WeSt . . . : :20 an : Chicago & St. PIAII Vcstibubad 13'V press . . .. nl 4:25pm : Lincoln , Co1'mmilo ' , ' iimnings , 1'uobio , Denver and wamt. . 1i30 pm VI1E m VCtmIcago , Don - tiImiiumt , & Itock Ia'and ' . . ..., , . .;, . " 7:00 : pal " 11:25 mite Atlantic Exprest , ' for Des Muln'm'9 amId eastern points ' 1:20 : am a' o Colorado F'lyur . . . . . " 7:10) : iun " 8:30 : am a Daily. ' Daily excaat Sunday. MISsOURI PACIFIC RAIL6- '17fto111'9 - k. rond-lenerul Ofitces and , ttU7X3.tjkhJr Ticket 0111cc , Southeast Cor. ncr 14th and Douglas Streets , _ Telephone , 111. ( Depot, 35th amId ' , 'ebstcr Sts. Telephone 1455. Leave , Arrive- .Haouas . and Neb , Lin'ited . . . . . . . .. . . a 3:0h : pm 3255 ; Pin Ilaiitmas City & t. Louis lIxtiresit .. . a 9:30 : pm ' C00 ; aVin Nimliraskit f.oeal . , . a 4.3 () pm . Daily , ' Daily xept Sunday , n.afl7dA1IA & iop. LOUIS BAIL- .J . immtU--OmnCtia. 1ansiis city i Etfllern Ii.nilroaui"Tho PQnt J Arthur ROUI&-TickCt 0111cc , , RQrt : ; 1"armiarn SIremt , ihone 22. Denol , 'l'enth ampi itsOn Streets. Telephone f29 , Leave , . .rnive.- lit. . LouIs Cannon Bali Express. . . . 4:33 : inn ' 11:30 : am- 1'mtnsas (. 'lty & Quiney Loeni ' 1:40 : nm 95 ;( pin Kansas City Ex- l'te8I ' , .. . , . 1:30 ama Port Arthur EIx- vress - . .... ,,. , . 'Dai1N YARNS SPUN iN CONGRESS VarOtlS St.OrhlS Often lJ8eil to Point a Moral- S n . Adorn aSpcech PRIVATE JOHN A1EN THE CHAMPION 'lte ) Statesiunit frotmi Timpelu , lIIst. , llmiils time hIei'rI-Ss.tor Hoar ltil.eiils for n iotritCnrit- iticlt' , - I'LIIIOII'I htm'iort. Withal tlieie list been less of wit timid humor in time house than in mutiny a sesetoit- itlist and gone , Wl'Ites Congressman Cmnn- ililitit - 1mm the W'nItimiton Post. 'cry few have ventured upon nneedotes in Illustration of their arguniemits , Something remarkable , however , has occurred In time senate. Semi- nbc Hoar of Massmichitisetts limis actually told two anecdotes in discussion , There as not much p7th in either story , but they are both wQrth recording because to- tailed Imy the dIttiniiihed muid somewhat tlignlflmbl 0nator trout Massachuetts. Ills resmbhance to horace Greehey is absolutely startling to any one famIliar with Mr- .Oreeley . ( a few years before his deatb. Ibis gestures and his tone o voice bear out tbel- cep.ib1nmlco. . Even his arituments are at'- ramiged - amid presemited in a was' very famnllimm- eto those who ilerused Mr. Greeley's "lead- ers" - in the paltny days of time New York 'rrItmumie , , . In nnsser to a remark of Senator Teller hoar saId : "That is lIe from the bull. , The soimtor is very much like a- snialb boy 'who was naked in the anithunetic lesson how nnt h eltmi pouuds of beef would conic to Vat Tccnts a lotltltl ) , 'Fime boy r0phtcd : 'You can't get no beef at no such pnicci' ". It was a simple nneedote , but regoi'deil as- hinrdIynllplicablp by the stahl senator ( rota- Coorado. . Senator lIear'saoeonil story iS intereatliig , bccthiso b redit it to General Cratit. It was told during a debate on hiomnesthamls and the fisheries , In epoalcing of tIme discretion givomt to tbp president in tIme bill he sold that 9 VouId b ero' much lIke thbe ; famous story of (immoral Grant , which WIIB joli3 throughout the country , that when he tniel to soil a horse for lilt father ho told the customer that his father hind told hIm to ask 25 for the horse , but If he would smot jive 0 , then be would take 20. " This story wai prltit4d In Joe MIller's joke book 100 years ago antI it seems sur- pnising - ( lint the senator should attach it. to- Geiierml Grant.- No . other onator hail the temerity to tell a story in the hot weather , lii the house , liowe'r , timings were different. Gen- eral - Grosvenor told a many story 1mm nu ac- cim.lctitnl - tariff drbte. lie said that to tIme dry season the owner of a hock of sheep in Highland county , Ohio , short of ( coil for his sheep , determined to sell them at auctioo. Some were very good and sommie rather roor. TIme auctioneer vainly tnietl to get a blil emi them. Fimiahly the owner bald : "I have nothing to feeti these sheep on and I will give them to anybody who will tnke them. ' ' An amateur farmer looked them over very carefully and fInally said : 'Veil , If you will ilow me to tiii'ow' out. about fifteen I will take the balance of Uiem. ' Carmoek's Retort.- Probalily . time beSt speech made in the sesslof was limo speech of 11. W. Carmacic , a MemphIs editor , whose steaL was contested by lion. Josiah l'ntterson , an adorer of cx- President Cleveland. It had the old Sar- geant - S. Prentiss ring and awoke time echoes of the ball of the house of representatives ma they had otibcen awakened lit years. Withal It was a very effective speech. It captured votes anti held Mr. Carmacic's sat when nothing else could have held it. It WAS h rd with breathless interest anti was widely cheered ) vhen Canmnaclc sat down. Iii reply to General Grosvenor. who bad made a stIrling appeal Iii behalf of l'atter- soil , Mr. Carmack smtith : "I always tremble at the thought of contromitimig so valiant a- tonguiiluger anti so nccomplisiied a lip artist as the gentleman from Cub. Ills lroves ) 1mm tItle anemIa entitles him to be regarded as the veritable blue gum mugger of debate , an oratorical scorpion , whose tongue Is his tail. It hiss been said that I hail reformed , but time gentleman from Ohio bUll not. It will be U very sati day for to- form if lie ever does. I feel about him a good deal like aim ohil colored preacher down iii Tiptoti county , in may .ltsti'ict , felt about a certaIn convert. Title preacher had just concluded powerful otbortation , aimil thu voices of the comigregation were quivering on the second line of that good olil hymn , 'Vt'hliO the lamp holds nUt tO burn the vilest sInner may return.1 At this juncture a partIcularly tough old reprobate , with chicken feathers all over bit head , got up iu time baclc part of time audience anti started toward tIme altar. The preachier for one me- went stood sreccimlcss anti aghast with horror ; then , throwing up his hummnmis , ho- oxeluinied at time 101) of Oils voice : 'DeaconS- imumnons , fo gawd's sake blow out do- lamp. . ' If the honorable gem4hemaii from Ohio should over show a disposition to re- foi'ni - amid comae in our direction I wammt to blow out the lamp before he gets there. " It was a ten.stnike. Everybody in time house burst into a roar , and nobody laugimeil mono heartily thamiV Grosvenor himself. Judge l3urhco of Texas , told an eicehlent story iii the debate over time contested eieeticn coutet.- "Down . lu my state , " saId he , "there was a dltmtingUlsbOil clman2cter wVluo had beemi chief justice of our supreme court anti governor of the state , lIe is affectionately known to all classes down in Texas as the old Alcalde , ' Governor Roberts. On one occasion a 1)111 passed both houses of time legislature , 'which lie .letenlnlned to veto on- accoumit of its doubtful legality. A corn- mnltteoVof - the senate and house waited upomi- him. . and said : 'Governor , It will imover do- te veto that bill. Why , whoim you do , Texas will go to hell , ' 'rime old man straigntened himself up , and said : 'ientememi , if Texas goes to hell whIle I'ni governor she's got to- go accordlmug'to lass' , ' And that , " contInued Judge Burke , "is exactly the position that I take , fbI only in contested election but iii all other cases as well. " Semis. , Stunt's by I'ri'stii Joltut Allot ,, Pr p11 tIme story telhIni in thp huouse , how- ever - , John Alien of Mississippi , still oigns- stiproms. . Probably time greatest speech that ho ocr ; indo On the hoar of the house was during the coneUieration of time Cam meek- Patterson contested cicettoim case. Imi be- ginnIng - time soechi lie called attention to- Mi' . l'atterson'tt remarks : "Dlii any of you , ' said he , "over hear any one pronounce a mote beautiful eulogy omm biiost'It thou that jtist ir000ummcoti by Josiah i'attcrson ? In- histoutni : to it I was reinlnileil of .Vlmat my- frlenil Jalme Cummings once said about moe.- IL . watt In the great campaign of 1884. Thu- Clovelnnd.llondriCksAhieIm club at Tupelo bttd a meetIng , and Mr. Taylor and Mr- .Attilorson . spoke to time climb that imiglit. As 1 chanced to be a hmonme from amy com- apaigning - , I nttnded thp club maccling. After the regular speakers 1 was culled for , anti stibmittt'd some remnarlcs about myself anti nl' cnIopaIn , After I hind spoken the crowd called icr Jake Cummings , a long , black , eltek plcl negro carpenter , who lives in Tu- pobo. - , . Jake's mmpeonlt ran about this way ; ' , gemmen , it's a gittc.n lintlci Into an' I don't know as i18 necasry tor me- te say anythiag. You it hoerd Mr. 'fmy- Vbr : and Mr. ttndeni'a ' on the golmmh uol- tics of the .py. 'rliey's dutim taP you what sort at a macin Illaine is antI that sort of a Oman Cloveluni 10. It don't look to tue lIke no hones' miman o'mgh ; to hava a'i' troutiho- V Itickcn out do flttoest man of ILICVXU two , soil ( lien you's hmenil Mr. Allen en his- self , an' Ito hits IVICCIllIIieImIetl , ( hmlsseR soi- nticim higher llama tiny the rc't of us kin rIeomimientl him , it altm' worth hiilo fur Inc ten say nuthin' about hmimmi , ' "When I hear.I what Uncle Joltim ? hail to sa,5 about 'hmisselt' today. " continued John Allen , "I thought. li hail rlccommimentletl hIs- self so mitch higher titan any the rest on ims can 'rieconimoentl hmlmn' that it ain't womth while to ( alit intielm about him. " As botlm l'attersomi nail Caninat'lc- ktmioerats , , Johmtt .V.It'ti arraIgned the to- iniblIran - party for taking silos in the nail- ter. - . "mVe feel , " at1d he. "altoilt this moA- tter - of your tryirg to pIrk a regular item- lace for us , like time clii 1111111 felt u ho hod two dasmglmters-omie lotig , lean , lank and ugly nini time other plump , sa'ct , yottaga- imd IireLt3' , ilets' 11mm' oIler mmtmtl lime gIier girl. Sally we th' tirettlier nod the omitiger tine. A fellow hail beemi knock- tog amount ! the Imotiso for seine time. Time old miman hmatl seen Islam with both Betsy ntiti- SaIls' . One day time youmg : luau called time old gc'ntlemnnu asititi and said : I love your tintighter. She loves me. I vnnt to lilarry' iter't' lmrtve Imeemi talkIng shout thIs flintier. 's'e think we can be happy tim- gothmer - arnl I have comae to ask your con- eflt - and your blessIng. ' "The old mann replIed : 'Clod bless yell , .1mm ; I have watchtetl )'Ott frotmi your boyh- moomI - ; I always liked you 01111 1 have said there was thmt' macking of a man In yotm. I cheerfully give tip my daughter lietay and lay blessing. I hope yon viii maIco her "At. this 3mm shtontetl 'Ohm , ittIt it Is not Bets that. I tvant ; it is SaIlyl Thai oI.t nian indignantly replied : Yeti not Sally , you lmmock-kmmc'etl : , tmtv.Ieggetl , slab-sIded , good for nothing scottttilrol , you Coimie lucre picking ntmd choosing nnmon ; my gals. ' "Now , " contimotiemi Joliti , ilcn , "leaving off tue qffmmsivo epitlmeta nccoimmi nii'itig tIme old miman's mietitinciatiomi of Jim , I ivishi to say Ia the gentl emamm from Pennsylvania ( Mr. Fttz- patrIck ) that. we on this side Ut the house don't want hint coining licking nail choosing regular iloniocrats for tin. " Ftmrther on in lila speech John Allen said : "Colonel l'attersotm talks like hue Is in tim republican faith today ; lie Os jttnt gasping for political breOtim. I advise yotm to iitt time Ilmilsimimig totmehics on hint while ho is In the faith , and then we can preach over his imoil- tleni - corpse the mine sermon that itmy clii colored friend , Uncle Epliraint halts , preached over the corpse of'histilmmg 11111 , ' another ilarkoy , who was fottad dead near time railroad track in the mmclgltborhoocl where I Vfl5 raised , Uimcho Epraiin said : 'My brederemi amid sisters , we has moot yer terday- to pay olin Ins' respecks to our departed bruddcr. Sonic sea he wux a. good man ; 501110 SOZ Ito w'uz a bad imman , Whar hio'- golmo Wel can't tell , html , bredoron , In our grief. t'o lisa one great couscrlation ; that is- we know Ito's clad. ' St.t'y Ahmout I''m'lty.- in . reply to a BhieCelt of Mr. llepbmmrn of Iowa , in regard to tlio ProsperitY of the country , John Allen stid : : "Time suggestion Ilmado by time gentleman ti'omui Iowa who 1mm , just taketi his seat imn called mime to the hoer , lie nays that 'atm homiest immami is thin imoblent work of Cml , ' I rise to give timi house au opportunity to behold the 'noblest- work. . ' I sPeak for mmm' own country and my owl ! section , and I ntimst say thnmt the pros- penity - that he hams told us so mmmtich about no- mimhmids - Inc of a story. I 'boii't put it cmi you as a mmcmv story , html just give it Oii account of its applicability. It. is the story of an old darky who caught a 'possum. dressed hmini well , anti pIll Iiiimm in tIme oven to bake , and , aurroumi led 111113 with sweet potatoes , ammit then liCiml down to sleep while the 'Possilmil- bake.i. . About. thiC tliiio tue 'hiotIsumn was doimo- a slick littme durkey shiped iii ammil stole tIle 'possum and ate It all imp. Thcii lie took thmo bones , lut them down in front. of tbo ohit- uman , greased his lips with 'possum gre'aso noel drlbbh d 'pomsum grease orn bits fipgcr.- Vheii . tIme old hiatt woke UP , 110 umlssed lIfe p0581W. lie saw the bones 1'1img in front of him , lIe saw 'ossurn grease Ott his fingers. and tasted 'vossltium grease on his lips , aiim ! filIally said : 'Well , am it posserhul dat I- eat.. dat alir 'possum while I wur asleep ! It done look like I must have eat lmInm , but fo'- Gawd , dat ahir 'ponsuiim hind less effect oim amy coiistitUtlott ( lan enny 'possum I olier caL'- "You tell ui' , about this prospnity , " con- tinued - Mr. Allen , "amid you produce your fIgures here iiiiti mimake them look like pros- perity - , bitt 'fo' God' tltls ProsPeritY has hail less effect cmi our constitution than any prosperity we over had before in all our lives , ' ' John Allen , however, had tItus far more than dimthmmgtilslmed flimnst'lf as a wit , lie had inado tile best carnpaigmm speech ( luring the session. It was while the commaider- ntion - of the bill regarding rations of eheeso for time soldiers was under consideration. Nothing nmorc effective has been hucaril iii the hiouso and there will probably be a great demnamid for time speeclm for distribu- lion thm'ougimout. time tmmuion , Iii limit speech Alien , in order to. irovu bin patrlotitmn , offered to johti a command of congrcssnieit under time comumnmmd of Geimerai Grosvenor and go to the front. " 1 have mmot the same fear , " said be , "that one old confederate expressed wiutmu nkcd- if lie was going to time war mind Ito replied that Ito dlii not belIeve lie is'nuid go. lie had 1)00mm thulnkiitg right stuart over It , lint ho had finally conic to Torn Owdmm's conchu5- 10mm - about it , Tom was an old coucdermmtp cohdlor who thought that. if lie wore time blue uniform lie couhil make it mmli right ss'ithi time boys tlmat were living , but had some ilolihuts about time boys Wilt ) were dead.- If . lie should he killed wearing time. blue uniform amid appear before God's bar on the ilay of judgment wcaritmg that , tmtmlform tIme boys who were dead would open their eyes In astommishmment. lie could imagine tlmemn gazlmig mit. him utterly noupluseil. Then hear comime one about at time toll of his voice iii titter indlgnatiomi , 'Deserted to the 1"amilc a , timiummi ii mm. ' ' ' Thesu are eamlibes of time stories told In congress in time hot weather. 1mm days to come , wimemm the fail ebectiomms are at hand , they wili servo as caumpaign material for many a mmtatesmnan striving to enlighten life , flxjioriiia mi is I it Call itt teed isiF , FORT WOliThi , 'Fox , , July 28SpeclaIT- hto ( , - Texas Agricultural wmmd Mechanical college will soon eornmmmonco cattle.fecmdingo- xperimnotmte for the purpose of finding omit mV1mat feed ration vihi prodtmco limo best no- simlts. - . An eremm bunch of steers yIli ho- pimrcliascth which mVlil ho divided into six 1)0115 , mmmiii elicit will be ted thu saimie lcugtts- of time , Thio fowl to be useil in tlmoso expeni- iflStt'9 - ' m"mhl Ito CDIII , ( VOttOll. seed inoal , cot- ton - ecd hulls and hay. ' 'Thu qucstiomt to be- determitied Is Iii what proportiomm these pro. ducts lutist be (i'd to produce tue best ro- stilts. - . 1arlon Sammnom , recemilly oppointud one of time directors of the college , says that cotton-seed hulls amid meal are the best food ( or fattening purlioses , but an thIs can bu htittl only for a hlimiltctd time , other food must lie tlimt'ml as well , and lie recomnmendms- a rattomm of lire pounds of cottonseed meal , mixed with eight ImolImmIls of cornmeal , to the animal , and mmli time hulls they can eat , I'roin Gui ' , tstomi to Smut I ingo , FOIIT WOIITII , Tex. , July 28.Special- Three ( , ) - promolnent capItalists are in Fort 'S'orth lookIng closely into the cattb market , : allroati ratel , yamU nccommnodutIoums anti other itmatters coflhCctetl with time slslpment- of cattle , They intend to make a trial ship. maul of cattle to Santiago , yla Galveston , at an early date. They say tlmirt time greatest difficulty just. now will hi , to secure rropcr transportation from Galveston to Santiago , If thu vemmturu Proves successful , other nbiim- mcimls - will follow at short intervals. One of Limo iiutersted Iiartios claims that with ( air sea charges there will be a profit In the handling of beet cattle hi eastern Cuba of- at least 30 per eee.

Transcript of The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1898-07-29 [p 11]. · 7.I1t hi 1nkin utitit 1 tu, f.r the,4...

Page 1: The Omaha Daily Bee. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1898-07-29 [p 11]. · 7.I1t hi 1nkin utitit 1 tu, f.r the,4 ' eflIlIIg ititil tifltIl for ntnrdtic IttiI.Stiitili CdtOh1N-.I (. lttiei,,

- ----- - . - ---' - - --- - -- : :- - - .- -.- ---- - ---- ---- - . -- --- - ---- ---- - ---- -- ----

I .p1I1 OLA1tA DAUY MF1 PRIDAY , JULY 29 189. '-- - I _ "

LJJLAil'e1I-MliiIetil , tIL t1u'MI ,

7 .I1t hi 1nkin utitit 1 tu , f.r the,4 eflIlIIg ititil tifltIl ) for ntnrdtic' IttiI.Stiitili CdtOh1N-

.I( .

lttiei, , I i-2 , ii ioril fliNt Inerflon $

le fl uriI therenrter. ttIinr 1ttIIifur ICMN liiii! 2c fur tln ItLst InNer-


. '1'Iie $ , flhIVerINCItelItR flhtINt berun

AI'QrtlNrrI ! , requeNlitig a tiurn-erciI

-, ('Ileflic , cnn 1iitV * n'iwcr-I( rcMelI in it un inbereit I etter I ii

- 'Vise iiwer NO IUIIIrCNRCI¼' %.III Ie iIpII eved on 1)rcNrntntIoIt ofcheck uuIIT ,


Copying. oiJ3eeb1d-



HlIL' .

IALdsM1.N; for cgtr3 ; IZ n month nn.j-OxpeneN ; Old tlrm ; exper1&nco unneeeNHut y C. C. jjkliop & Co. , St. LUUINM-



thing grlflg ; COStN YOU flott1Ilg to-

tti' J_ ; it1F nxtt MCO or yourett and eonil-


wRh ot1ier& ! Cteghton Ijtk., roomib. IJ-M71 3-

0'vt2rp) , lxperloneeil $ ) ''lIPIfl'' cleric ,with. gj lflhtflUtl0tUrIflg estollIhtnenL) ;

Htat : $ Lthit vfrnccs tctlory , I.1IJ erweek , with gOOl ,prcqpeetN for nUvaliec-Itient

-' , 4LI(1VL'( 27 , 13cc. JJ-491 28

. . __._ _ __YO1'(1( Tfltth on Ifl(1 reference requlve(11

xP.rIeflco not abaulutely flocestrY.2J , l1it. . . -fl-M500_- _ _ _

'SA11ISt to elI chico 8peclultIeH In-

1nIIsnN ILOd NglrnHkrt ; fine SIde lincH ;

n0entM IThkkC a;:; * . liiy by nil nie-rlittti

-It(1Itt .itt ( ; . , ' IJo , 13 , $31)tltlt

Bend , ind '

aflMINT iOsmoNs? ; don't lV3. .

'InrtOr nny lPll sorvIci OXnlnIfltLtlif-lvIthout ieeIig, our IIlutvatel ( rttxtItigtIe-

o1 Information ; ,, IPl1t free , Culumblan-4ullegc , Wt.1ilnt.otU.'-


. , .

trimmer and furnish-once , 1O Ilurney Ht ,

_:::__' ' ' '

zui nxinrIencect ntIvcrtItin so-Ilcitor

-for niecInl work. APPlY 41. H-


, Mercer hotel. 13-M530 29'

I--1 t 1l1IiI' ,

100 GIRLS (or all kns of work ; $3 to $7

? wcu1. . ; nw1Ii5 OLUce. 1522 pouias.l jIL r . C512-

II 0001) gIrl to help cook nod chambermaid.'1 _ _ _ tft._C4iC_ " .'_ i-


bureau , 3522 Dodge : tel S7, C-M100O A1 $

AfiiVL4iCh5S.; trltnmei'-son.

'. iJeroIzlieIiner' , 207 S. 15th.

, C.tII0 3-

0'v&np'btcn IrI f3r iIOUWk.l3r:! Grant street. C-103 2

LADIES small capital ; call this week ,rtt 1711 1)mIgr srect , and secure it monv-, making 1tIslneH. C--517 2S-

'WN'I'ED girl for general housework. 112G-

So. . 31st. C-M523 30 *

dCOOt) gIi'I for general housework Iii a-

frtnIl: of two ; references required. 418-

N. 17th St. C53330-

WANTEDThetc women , a 'ouk $ enm-'strest

-itnd 5Lfl nIt4tnut matron fo an

5' I (lhtfl lmniilini ichool. It Is ticIret1' thatI ho eaIT)5trIM anti ZUSiE4tRIIt matron

, iluti1d be qomniurolcnntn of the IisojaL. clitircli. ,

. 'feitImonia15 t4riIIIrtd. CzUI :tt- 23SV 1rariiy St. , i.Vetedii 10 nUd 12 n. m.('- 3t10-

t1ti o4 genen1houskWk ; gjndages.1130 . 31st. C51031-

WNTEl ) . goml girl for gtmerai 1oin -work. Mrs. A. P. Tukcy , 25I1CLtcLgh st-


(; 30

. , S . - t 1..SL _ t FOit ILI3cT1tovsI0ss:


CHOICE houses and cottnge all over city ;


iitJsE, ; Ileiiova_ . Co.., ,

.10 N. 15th St.

, i " $ J -. ' DZ-1 {

hOUSES , stores. Bemis. Paxton block-.S'


' " '..A- _ _

U. ._ :_' _.

MOV1NC ioiisbit k1 gooth nt(1 pinoa.Oin. Van & Storage Co. . i51I Farnain.'-rd.

.. 163g. D-516-- -1'1ltN1TUR1 and Oeasehohi of a 7 and 13-

room modcrn lInt for ieilo ; bargain ; gooc-itucatiun , rent low. l3emls5 l'axton blk.-



7ROOM modern house with ntable , largeshady grounds. l3cmls , Paxton Bik-


volt RENT , four-room cottage anti 3 acres2 mIle west potolflce. 1' . p. We1.'S _ . D-M577

'' FEW COTTAGES. 436 Board Trade.

k r _ ,, . 4I .

C-fliOMnudcrn lIat. 1112 South 11th.D141b-


. 601

2301 N. 27th 5t hue 8 roomssultablg forts'tj famjlfr fl(3.O0-(.- t1ItOS. , 1613 FAItNAM ST-


for ent fnrnItur.& friile. 2025 Furnain , hat A. D-1300 22'._:I.a: NlCI ( ie , ItIs-rooii 1iator1 24L1m anti

lIiLnflthn.t .It1lIY 2518 Ca1t1wli, ,

D-M 1S-

5SIXBOOM cottage , 9th and Pierc-e.1)I51

.: ; 3) '

? LOD1 RN , dctachrd , nJne.roomjicnisu ; niceIitwn. shade trees. choice locution ; 2523CttlItol UVCIIItC rciit&tl , 3300. 'fti. 373 ,

li. I. JiOliOU , MeCagitoillUg , D530-

FUI12't1S1ILD flat oC six rooms ; suitablefor two famliteR ; rent reasonable. .i52North 20tliS,, , , ,

i'OR 11INT , hdnp , micviy ttiritlslie'd roonIatlI In coinrtiou I I1nittttr ateet ,Council i1iurctt1 . . P'M551 I

voltifliNTI't2H1H ) 1IOIS.-


._ _ _

; ROOMS , 1417 Douglas ; one iea tn room-



rooms , liouse1eoun. 1113 south11th. .

_ ___ 3. F-M47U

BOOMS ; near till car linet. Isli California.-3G5Jy29

.- . &-

) FU11N1SI11D rooms , facing expustj-grouitth , board ii deIrcti. 3s18 N. 20t-

hE630 A2-

'NICEIX furntshe3 rnomm* ; reatonablo : f urblocks (rein Itostoilice. 1811 Ctuis-



:-----) VISITOItS to the TrntismIsistflI, ttncjI..5 , ternationul FXitOsJtIufl wishing tt * ecnrocomfortable can save tItnunntt


I OXICIttC I ) ) writing to or calling Uflttfl tileOlitcIttI 3 I1lI'1Lttifl 11Ut'Cnti , 1310 J.'urnantiL , the oItl ) authorized agency of tilqlixpoaltion mitnagemnent , $ trnngors op-srrivatl in Onislia can caicH tttreet carsdIrect front any depot. 0111cc oiitii dLt )anti night , _

EIVG. NTI4Y furnished roolub , lntth , tele-.plionq'

.trtinulonts ; PrIce reasonable.-


) j. DaItIe building. 1Ightcetith nailFarnatu street , OliOSltt City huh. Carsto depots told exposition. Tel , 2076. Mri.Jrffrtes , 1M923t-


rooms , suitable ror 1ioUt' .3rcpIng ; 2 rooms , 3.50 a wetk ; singlerootr. $25a wcelc ; center of the city. Aii1Jy till rcni1tct , 1702 , _

, 22'

: Ctiriiilicd mpoms.- conta1iocnii n.Private (ntniIy6oo; a day up. itfl , Daven-PPIt.

-. i-M317 A4'- -- S- _ _ _ _ _ _- -FOIL 11T. Cttriiiheti roomN at hotelIellono Aiine ; servIce complete ; ritea-reasonable ; cars for ocp9tt1o11 lfltlJ $ thU- t 410or.lnquire 1 Iott1 oflIciti7i AV'-

a noois Lilt' housekeaingtci man andwife ; rent takeit in board , 311)) N. 37th.211-

L, NiC room ;vtl1ut pt N. 39th.j" ' '': 1-MStu 31'-

IJQW , Pl4Cti'ltol ave. ; trantlents taken.I-



. modern , near exposition greunils.1l2 Locuit tat. 1.3t52I A2'

- --

vuIt , lItO.I $ .


..- . - -

flOM , 3.0O month , 1lG Farnam.. ' 1.-12 :io'-

J"1YitSlMtIIi ) 1iOOI1M Al ) i1Rfl ,

rIfl lope , 2020 hlarney : coot rooms , freebatIiit transients taken ; rateN reat'Onablo ,

1.3l0-T1iI 10IN1'WIT 11OUST , 21st antI I'Ihkncy

Iit *' . , 30 daintIly furnitlitt ) rooms ; onesquare from the Arch of the Statis ;everything new and fIrst-claNs ; termtr-enuonnble. . I26T-

ITFI ?strfl1flAMflrst.class tamtlyhotel.-25th

.and Dodge St , I$22

] 'UflNlS1TFD room wIth board : raonaldorates , Mrs. C. a Todd , 2107 DauglttLI-99 2S'-


Ifl A1.l3Ay , 2101 Dottglns , family hotel ;

Permanent boarders accepteil at $2 tind30 l'cr month , F-d2S A3

down timt 'for ale" or ' 1tor rent"sigh hi your s'indns' . TIle 10cc reacheSmore people in a. 415 %' than will nU'S ) flt-IWilIdow In a month ; and they consultthso columns when they Watt 10 bUY orrent ,

Mits. ::17. Liiotts. 622 N. 19th lIt. Nicecool * oOflS , gas , bath , iltilt Clash board ;

rates rr' , F-Mtr. 4t2-

3Exi&i'rIoN T1CIITE. and SaratogaIittel fare for 2.00 cr day ; adjoinsthe grnistds Shtrinsn avenue car linepastes th li)1U'C( stinmr, resort style ;

fatnhlii'ri Hnhicl&od ; inoikqn , cool , home-likot

-. baths , gas , 1)1500 (111(1 library. Trio1-


( ' . ToIililt' Parlors , hnnimoclnt ,

viit verntulnmt. narl < , sentii lii the streetrnrs no (3115t jolly leOilfl) aflhl croqurt.-


Write cir 'lllone this inibtlte , spect otTer.15 for thosu who do. F-

I100MS antI board Ilear exposition. 1210

Binney. F-7L50t-A3'- -F1a1(0AN'r cool rooms , with . firstclass'l-ermril' , three blocics from P. () 1fl Cab-Ito ! avenue. FM522 3t'


'Polt ltET-MTOlIES MI) OFFICII.FOR flINT , the 4-story brick tttiiitng at

1310 'Farnam St. ThLL1 building has a lire-.rOoflelllent

.basement , waters Oil all

Iloors , gas , etc. Appi7 at the omen of-rlto flee , . 1910-

rioL1SAri store anti warehouse ; track-ages '( IXtPilCflt 'sltiiping facilities. C. E.Benson , 310 Ititinge Bldg. 1-M293 A20'

FOR 1fl3NT , mo1ern storoin new Davlige-bldg. . . o3)postto city hall-


Itobbins , agent , 1802 Farnain st-.lM301


.DESK room. C. U.'uhIaco , 313 Brown 111k.1-535

% GEN'l'M WtN'I'IiiD-



anti branch mitnagors ; ialary or-cOriminsion. . hfnnterTailorInm Co. . CIa-cinnati

-, 0. 3-M947 Oct11'

. WAN'FEU-'V ( ) ItlP.V-



TO RBNT , Modern S C or 7-Fawn cottage. Address V 62. the.K304

VANTED , two furnished rooms for lighthousekeeping : references given and re-(iuire'l.V 32. Bee. . 1-M530 29-


of two or three rooms , furnished.for light llOUSOl'O1)Ifl,1, Iii Ontaha or the11111 iTs. Address Hewitt , General Delivery ,City. K33730'S-


PtCI FIC Storage 'idThVarehoti'se Co. , 908-


Jores , general storage and forwarding

O4.Van & Storage , 131114 lrarn'm. TeCI59.M520-

WAN'FEflTO flh1.- .IF YOU nra In flee(1 of anything try the

Colutnlls of The Bee ; they willbring yiu you want. N-SO?

110US13 , about six rooms. to move northof Anlv avenue. Donaghue , 109 S. 10th st-



FOR SAI.'VVlBSITiJ1tt.1-iU1tNTt1111)


of 5-goom house ; complete. . . for lowtekeepIng ; . house for rent. 201-

2Seward. . 0-492 31'



; -

received , anotiler consignment of-btigghs , ijurries ittid traps ; r1ces lowertliiui ever. Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones st.- .

1'-M329 22-

IIOIISH. . homers atiti two-sea ted carriagealmost new. all in good condttion , cheapfor cash. Call at 2122 Caldweli st-




100 IUNDS mineral waters. hermnan &McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. ,Omaha. Q-M24-A1S

GET cut prices Oil Ilog and poultry fence-.Savt0tist


fr SWCC)1flg Iloors , etc. Tel. 455 ,901 Douglas. Q61G-

SALFi , ten RT1AN.S , Xor S centsat druggists ; one gives relict. Q323-

Thlli Spaniih possessions in both the eastand vest , In map form , with nearly 20-0phoogrnphlc reproductions of the Amen.can tiTuS Spanish llitVtcs , naval command.-ens

., etc. All for 23 cents , at The Boo

oiiiee. If ordered by 'mail , address NavyFhotograph Depnrtmcfit , Omaha Ben ,

. Q-8439

:r IIAVIO 2 RemIngton typewriters that 1

will eli cIleal ) , Frank 13. Moores. Cityhail. Q21-

1ioo , poultry and lawn fellers : all wire ; U-

best. . Wire Works , 14th and hlarney.. Q529-

OT & mattress for 150. Lewis , 1414 Dodge ,Q-20 Jy2a-

STAMI'S , COINS-Bought , sold. Morton-son.

-. 404 N. 16th. Q-1t1575 3-

03OR SAT1. Smith Premier and flontrigtontypewriter ; tccotd hand. Typqsvnitersnettled Cut) repaired. 5. 3. Deright & Co. ,

_ )116 Int'lntn: st. Q-MS3L A-

9CONFIC'I'ION1ItY stock ; business 30-

daily. . V IC , lice. Q-M428 30'-

hI1Sl' HE SOLD--snutli manufantunio-gbusltiessno competition , large proll ttihil-vestigato

-this. Atidress W. 3-

FO1tSALE or trade , oitgines , boiler PUmPS ,

elevators , tlmittiIlg , luhleYS) , Pipe , valvesnitil other maphinory , Spragu MachineWonics , 1216 Jones Ift , 'rtti , ) &sa.Q$1lA2C'

.ii'w- p7. 1.00 Sterling bicycles 42.OOmaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. 10thQ5l0.A20

lantern hldc's with lecture , i3teneop-.ticon

.anti Magic Lantern outfits bought

anti moit1. Send for litttmt. litciiards aim-uhhircit , 1) 20') Nicohtet Avenue , Minneapolis ,Mini ) , Q-Mh9 31'

3 frt'slm milk cnwcall tn-


3 & I p. in. 1730 S. 20th st.Q-M&IS 22-


) ,

T'3NTY-FIV1 cents will buy the latestPullication Illustrating the U. S. untiI-PUIIiShI navieN , nns'nl commapders , etc. ;

almost 200 photographic reproductions ,

with a large mmtn of the 1ast and Vest-Indies. . at the oiilce of 'rime lOre. If or-


I ) )' mail , address Navy Photograph1)epartment , Omaha 23cc. 11870-

ANTI.MONOPOI1Y arbago (b. , cleanscCLm3pOOl8 & hrt %' ' vaults , 621 N 10. Tel. 177-


BIDS will be received until 12 o'clock noonof August 3, 1898. for the purehmamis of onesix ((6)) per cent tell-year bomi Iii sum of1300.00 , hsuiil 1w School Iistrlct No. S( ) , Grant county. Nebraska , un-tier the law. No bids at ieFs thuut nar cmi it-

hci ronstmleri'd. . Aildne'ss L. 33't'etvrr ,1)lrector'ltitnman , Neb , lt-M529 30-

'WNTI1) , tulet small contract for layInKbrick sidewalk. 500 N. Y. Life Bidc.


vA7.q'El; : ) , locitinn by physician : I , ears'e-xpenlemn'o : ' ( ) Lbt buy 0(11cc( ilxturos , butno reel estate : Nebraska or S. Dakotalireforned , Atltr'ss Box 344 , Omaha. Nd ,.- . 1-

1'CLAtlt'OY.t'V_ _ _ _

_ -

$ .

LOW1' articles found : missing frIendstraced ; life readings ; lucky bclt. Oil N.-


, -M86 30'

- --

iAStt3l1 flA'1'lt4 , CTc2-



, Indies only. :dts. Porter , Oou.-Ulk.


, . TMSS9A9-

I1DlC'ATlt baths , mmm'isage : also vaporbaths , unseen , mom l'atis , 301 N-.12th.

.T-M121 AIr. '

iAUltA hLlj1SON , baths mnt'sae anti-magnetic tteatment 1lc r4. 16th room 12 ,lpstairs , T-m12S2 A20'-

MRS. . 111. llON , electric massage liath-ivarior restful amid curative. 417 5. 11th ,tmpstnlrs , TM45931'-


SI1ITU. 113 North 12th street ,massage and baths room 2. 'r-i29-Ai'

: tMl. AMIS , 507 i. 13th , 8. 10 : massage ,baths , T-M307 A2-

'1'Elt S O.t I. .

VIAVI CO. . 340 Bee building.

$30 ltUt'TUh113 cured for 830. 1o tietenilonfrom bimsineer 6 in Omaha. Call-er write for citcuhars. 1'mnnhro IluptureCure, 232-933 Ness. York Life bldg. , Omaha ,Nob. -

A LAIlUI Map of the World1 one of Cubaand another of the entire Indies ,showing Cuba , l'orto Rico , hlayti , SanDomingo Martinique and all the otherliltilan Islands : 10 cent' at 'l'iictft' 'etfico. fly mall , ii cents , .Ailtlr ss CUbanMoi Dnpt.Omalahiee, ,

I3ATflS , rnasageIdme.. Post 3lD' 916th.. - _ _ _

IAD1lS' Tui'kish baths. Mme. Post ,

. 15th. U5S'II-


afl1AT phyicinn's cu e for sexuallywCak men for particulars 2e. Box

S, Omaha , 13-732 A4-


circm1Iii 7 to 10 (lays , vithoUt pain ; treatment doci tim '.vorkJ call orsend for circiiars Tile Empire l'ilo Cure ,032 New York 1.I ( huildlng. U-M219

hOW to become lawful physicians , law-yers

-, dentists or plimirinctelats. Lock box

126 , Chicago.-



bait moles. ate. , perma-nently

-removed by dcctrlclty : refprenc'S.-


. Cronyim , specialist , ii 10. CrChihtOn-bik. . tJ-M32 30'

TIlE OMAhA SOCIAL CLIiIO furnishespersonal Introductions anti correspondenceto stiitable partirs. Call or address. withstamp , 110cm 2, 620 5. 13th. AIIm Twino' ,manager. ii-i oo All

BATh ROOMS for ladies. 210-220 Beebuildutg. , _ .

jIrA4 IN 'L'hlE LEAD.-Get your.slhoti'hiatf'

soled antI limteled wIllie you wait 1 mim-Itites

-for SOc.'ork giiat'antebcl. 710 N. 16t-


LATEST bicycle or liotisewaist at tha Ep-perly

-corset parlors , It ) 10 , Crelphton Itlic ,

, . U-M306 A2-

1jj115; ;for lafites ; far superior to 't'UrkIsli

baths ; at 216.220 Bee Bldg. U-M333

MARRY , Tlltt National latrlmnonlal Clubhas nmetnbcrtt, worth $500 to $0,000 : newprIvate lists 2e. Box 2653. DCmtver , Cob.

U-M46 Al'




, clioIe (aria anti city loans. U-.C


, Petero & Co. , 11. S. Nat'i BaltIc Bldg.w635$1-

00.000.Oommpeclnl fund to loan on llrst classimproved Omaha property , or for buIld-lag purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.

51. p7fl cent money , Bemis , Paxton 131-k.w54i


$1,000 and upwards to loan on ImprovedpruIertyV. . Faz'nam Smith & Co. , 132-0Farnamn St. W207-

C PER cent city and farm loans. Oar'in-Bros. . , 1613 Farnam St. W4.35

ANThONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ;

ilUiCk money at low. rates for choice farm-lands in Iowa , Northern Missouri. East.e-rmi

.Nebraska , ' -539

MONEY to loan on improved Omnhmn realestate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 36th ,

W5I0-MILLTONS eastern moneyfor Investment ;

srpd for Izculars. 1nvestors Directory ,N, Y. , , . W997$-


. F. , 16 antI Douglas.V-Aug-25






etc. . of lowest ratem inOmaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.No removal of oods ; strictly confidentIal :

you can pay the loan oft at any time er-in any amounts.-


LOAN CO.300 South 16th t.



OMAHA. . X-342

MONEY loaned salaried popbo hoIdtnmpermanent positions , with responsIbleconcerns upon their own miame , withoutsecurity : easy PaYments. Tolmnn , It.700. N , Y. Lift' bldg. X5431-


FOIl SALE or remit , a No. I good black-smith

-atiti wagon shop , consists of build-


GO feet front by 40 feet d.cp twostories liight. inctutre P. 0. Ihox B , i1.V. . ,

Norfolk. Neb. . Y107A.6'-

roll. . EX JIANGI6.

FOR SALE OR , team and'd

.buggy , for single horse and buggy

Old Ne1raski food stable , 16th anti Leav-.enwortb

.Sts Z-254-3Q'

FOIt ALF1:, or trade for land In Otoe Co. ,

Neb. . new 10-room hotel , complete withfurnishings , W 20 , Bee.

Z-M47S- - . ' -

FOIt EXChANGE nice quarter cetion ofgood farm land anti clear lots for savimigshunk certitheates. StUb mtmzmount anti whatbarmbc , Address . 31 Bee 0111cc. '5l63.

FOR SALE or trade , house and lot rentingfor 8.00 monthly. for team. %' 3:1: , lIeu ,

Z-5h1 3'

FOR $ALII-IIE.tL IiiSItT0.FOLLOWING desirable property business

lot corner , COxISO ft. , In So , Omaha , paved ,Ihusimmess lot. GOxISlI IL , imnllroved , South

Omaha , street paved.Tract ((24 lotM ) , OUth HI.Tract ((20 hots ) , 30111 tOt.For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St.

RESO-TiiJSEI3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

, luts , farms , lands , loammu ; also llreinsurance. feints , Paxton block.RF$48

BEST farm near Omaha at babf appraisedvalue. John Sizer , 2502 l0lomd st. ,Omaha. ItE-hOS July 29-


you some lots to soil ? Now Is thetime to dispose of themni let the p001,10know tltitt you want to dispose of them ,The Bee reaches the people who have themoney. _ _ _ lIElO-

GFOR1I.E , desirable residence lpts , 121c,130 , Iii llrst-clpm's inentlomi tom ; mplmlutcs'walk front court house ; Cheab ) rdr cash ,

Address 0 0 , lIeu. IIEt1701ii-

oo.oo F'ORo fmbl-izvt1 lots on itlectelo carhue , 3. M. h'ronzcr , Opit old P. 0.


FOil HAIJ , 85-acre farm 3 miles ( rotaCouncil llltiffs : a bargain. Address lock-box COl , Council Bluffs , Iow-





. gent'sgoiit yatc , nude by JamesKuhn , No. 10100' loft In closet at UnionPacille depot ; liberal toward (or rutura-to U. I' . tIcket otfic-



, Friday , July 22 , smnall blackhorse. stile liar top buggy aimtl harness ;

liberal reward for rdturmi to Dhlirance'sb-armi , 17th & St. Mary's Ave.

Los 1-514-22'-

LOST , brosll Water SpaniOl , whitebreast , long curly ears , old collar withbrass knobs , name Pedrot $5.00 res'ari1for r.turn. 10 FIre Eogint, House , 20th andVinton. l.ost513 29'

LOST bunch of keys ; return to 10 Fren-zer

-Iiloclc unit get reward.

Lost-M515 30'-

FOil Ll0.tSI.I-



yard , with trackage , centrally be-


, Address lhin 52 City , 428 81-

L__1'iA.'US 'VL'13t ) .

I'IANOS tuned , 5160. Rose , 1521 Dodge.

._- -:

SIIOb1TltXJ ) A4l). TPEVit1TIG.VAN HA'F $ chio1 , 713 N. ZtIfe , The

selnmnl whose students get employment ,Conducted by an experienced reportCr.-



OMAZIAIIus , College , 16th & Douglas.- .65-

7SITOIITIIAND , iiptod0.te , taught by eobrtreporters , Boyles' School , 4035.7 Boo bldg.-




5MAXCY: & CO. , aUc'tIotleer , romn619 Paxton block , Want your ttucilotl salq-of real estate , imierchandise , fumniturr , livettock , etc.

FOR SALE. a stock of millinery goods ;nbso 5 or 0 ShoW casits , at it bargain.-tinxey

.& Co. , 519 Paxton building.

, 42623




for remIt , 4.00 ler month.The Smith-I'remier Typewriter Co. , 162-3Fomnamu St. ; Telephone 1551. 56

IIOOMINaTON Stnntlaro Typewriter titid-auppiis. . 1619 r"nmntOnm. 121-Alt'

WANT stenographers to Investigate "The-Obiver ; ' typewriters bought and sold. 1609.Douglas St. I 422 All

. rent amid StIll the best tymcwr1ters-mnnrle : largest stock of good supplies In-

Omaha. . United Typewriter anti SupplyCo. , 1612 l"mtrnamn at. -412




SOLICIT and Itirnisit Positions fostenographers free. 'rho SmithPremier-T'icwn1ter Co. Tlopliono 12S1. 659-




wheels , 17.50 to $ L ; secondhandwheels , $3 to 15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 &


SChOOL for euro of thete defects , .flllIa30 , Vaughan , 803 N , Y. Lifo bldg-


Aft' .




, MAROWITZ ''oans mono )'. 413 N' . lath.653

s _ -FUIINITUILIO IiciCiii.-



. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumning. Tel. 1371.-54-


C. A , CASE , violins repaired. 41t3Slieol' 131-k.122A14



LADIES , If you can't tell a doctor yourtrouble address 1' . 0. Bo SO , Omaha ,Neb. , for Information. M-896 Aft'

; :ri.. 'omcii who can't raise family shouldconsult the renowned German specialist ,Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge

,St. Letters- 2 cetits.-

439 AD'-




OMAhA Ilantiwood Lumber Co. , onic , hick-ory

-, ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 13& Cal-






. LIEBERcancers , female diseases , 101-3Leavenworth. . -MICO Al-


(-N :

thee lildg , Omalw , Neb-.E

.? SemI for our Iree luveut-t. Orb Guide.-


Cheimp losvst Farms for Saleiii Madison county , I have th cheapestanti most desirable (arms In southernIowa. Prices ranging from 3.10 to $50 per'-acre. . Come antI see them or send for list.Mention Omaha Bee. Address

A. IV.. CIIAV'FORD , Wlnterset , ha.-_.

1oS1oFIcj.E WOT1CE.

(Should b reai1 t'rll' by all Interested , aschanges may odur at. any time. )ForeIgn mnail fot' the week ending July

20 , iss , wilt flOu (PROMPTI.Y In all COSIIS )at the Gemicr.ti I'ostolilco as follows : I'AIt.-CELS

.PC)1TMAILS eloo 000 hour earlier

titan closing time Bhowa belo-w.TransAtlantIc





7 a. ma , for FRANCE ,



Gascogne , via. hlavre (letters for oIlierjiarts of Europe (except Spain ) umust bedirected "per La ( nscogne ) ; at S a , m ,

for NEThERLANDS direct , imer s. ii., via Rotterdamn (letters mnust-

be directed 'icr Wericendam" ) ; at 0 mm.

nfl , ( stipplementary 10:00: ii. In. ) for EU-11OPE

-(except Spain ) , per a. s , Auranla ,

via Quecustown.

After the eslng t4 the SupplementaryTransatlantic Mailr named above , addi-tionni

-supplementary malls are opened on

the piers of tao .mcrIcar. . English ,

French and German steamers and remaInoiemm, untIl within ton minutes of the hourof saIling of steamer.

Mails for South aimit Central AnLCrloLI ,West Imitlies , Etc-




-direct , nor p. s. binds ,

svruItDAY-At 2 it , mu. for NEWFOUND-LAND

-, per 5. 8. Coreati , from I'hiladel-


: at 0:30: it. fltV tsuiplementary 10 a.-


. ) for S' . ThoMAS , iT. CROiX LEE-Vi'AItD

-SOdV1ND'A11D 3SIANI5S , fuse

si.1sacAtc , iter 5. 5. Mautana : at 10-

a. . ma. (supplementary 20:31): u. ma. ) ( em'FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA , SAVA-NILLA

-amd CARTIIAGENA , icr s. s-


( letters lot' Costa Rica mustbe directed "Per Alieghany" ) ; at ho a.-


. ( supplementary 10:30: a. in , ) forHAITI , per s. ii , VA , Dumnois ; at 11 mm. nm ,

for BRAZiL , and LA I'LATA COhN-TRIES , POt S. s. British I'rlnce , 'ia I'ei'-nambpco

-and ltio Janeiro ( letters (or

North Brazil must ho directed "ilerBritish PrInce" ) ; at 8:30: p. m. (or NEW-FOUNJLAND

-, per steamer (rota North

Sydney ,

Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Ifali-fax.

-. and thence by steitnier. ciosc, at this

bifico daily at 8:30: p. am. Mails for 2di-.qucbon

., by rail to Bomitomi. antI thenCe by

steamer , close at this omlice daily at 8:30-p.

:. ra. Mails (or MoxJc . City, overland ,

uttlttsmt specially uddntmsseil (or nespatchi bY-steamer. . close at this 0111cc tinIly itt 2:30-a.


. mu. antI 2:20: p. m. "Registered mailClosel at 0:0': ) P. m.prcivlous day-



Mnilt ,

MaIls for time Society Islands , per ship( 'Ity of Paitolti ( from Stilt Francisco ) ,

close lwre dully ult to July 23 at 6:80: 1)am. Mails for China and Japan ( speciallyaddressed only ) , per s. i. Emnimrens of In-din ( from Vaneouver ) , Olose hero daily upto Juty " 25 at 6:80: p. on. Mails for Chmimmrm ,Japan and er H , S. Aztec ( fromSitu Frmncl&meo ) , close Itom'o daily up to-.luly. 29 at 0:30: p. n , Maila (or China amimiJapan , per H. S. Tcmcommmmm (from 'I'acoma ) ,

chase hero 11,1112', UP to Atigust " 4 at 6:0)I-


. UI. Mails (or Australia ( except tlmotl'orVcst Australia , which era forwartlc'tjvia Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , Fijitimid Samoan Islitmlmm , uer a. s. 2Ianjpomta( (ruin Sun FruncIco ) , close hem'o dailytIlt to August "6 at 7 a. mu , , B a. ni. und6:20: p , to. (or on nrni'ab at New Yorkof it. s. Etrurla with British mails forAustra'ia' ) . Mails (or Ausraiia ( exceiJtWest Amimitrabimi ) , New Zealand , Hawaiiittlil FIji lsimtrm'bs' , Pet' B. tI. .Aurangl ( fromVancouver ) , close here tinily after All.gust 6 anti up to Amgtmimt, "II at 0:30: i' . m-



mafia are forwarded to port of-saulItm daily nail the schedule of closingis arranged emi the lmrosumnhition of theiruninterrupted overland transit. "flois.t-et'otI

.Immall chores at 0 p. am. Previous cf'm-

ty.COltNEl41jJ3 VAN COTT ,

Postmaster.Postomee , New York , N. Y. , Juiy 22 , 389-






, &Ckr4c St. l'aui Railway - City

I '.4UL Strests.-p


Lcae; ArnIeChicago LimitedExpress . . . . . . . . . . . S 545; pm amOmaha a ChIcagoExprcjv. . . . "11:00: am 'l'l5Sioux '.tty and DesMoinus Exjress. , . . , " 11:00 am "4:15: pmgill. " .ualiy a'xcetmt Sunday.-



Lo.ivc Asrivet-. . Louis "Canon-Ball' Express , . . , . ' 4:30: pm '11:30: am, Daily.

flAll.S.t' TiME 0tItlJ. .


( ( otltInhtcfi. )


.hhiIlwny.-City Tiocit)

I Oil1c1 1401. }'Ahmatn Strbet.-Tel4

.' p lone 1.61 , 'DepOt.-


.Teat anti dtmuon Streets.,

, 629.Leave Arrive.

Daylight Chicago ' ,Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:10: nt 'l133'pm-


, Valley , SiouxCity. St. I'atIt &1tiinncaplIs . . . . . . . ' CtlO aol '10:43: tim

Mn , Vmtl Cl' , Siottxcity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:45: em 9:00: pm-

Ihoom' , lenmIon ,CouncIl Ibiuffs . . . 10:10: pm 1O:03: am

Eastern Ix. , Ds-MOifleS , %larshnhitown , Cedar Rap.-Itl

.and Chicago. . '11:65: cm 420 pm-

Atbantie Flyer , CimI-cage and East. . . . . ' 4:53: pta 4:20: pm

Fast Mnii , Chicagoto Omaha 0115 3lN-

ortltcm'n ExPress , , 6:30: tmm ' 8:40: em-OmCimlcago Spa-


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e 55 pm 8:25: nm-S Daily.

1Th1hIORN &FnTMONTI VnhIey Railway-

Offices , Unhtt'd, StatosNatlotICI Banlc 1311117 ,

Southwest Corn'r tI'weift tand la"ilam Streets. Tickut Omce , 140-

1Farnan I elopholw , 561. , ,

FIfteenth and Streets. Tclcphmonrm

1458. Leave. Arrive-.j.lact


Ii Itt , rend-wopti

-, Hot IlrI'gs 8:09: m ' 5:00: pm-

VyomImlg , Caspernod Dotiins . . . . . .e * 3:00: pin " :00 pm-

Itastings. . ierk , Da-vid

-C ty , Superior ,

Cletteva , Exeter &Seward. . . . . . . . . . , , . . 3:00: pm ' 5:00: pm

Norfolk , Verdigr3amId Frolnoilt . . . . . ' 8:15: am 'lQtS: am

Lincoln , Wahoo &Fremont . . . . . . . . . . " 8:15: ama " 10:43: am-

Fretnont Local . . . . " 7:50: amYork I'nsscnger. . . . . ' 6:10: pm ' 9:40: am-

DaIly. . " Daily except 13unday. " only. " Daily except Snttirday.'-S.

.. , , Daily except lmlonday.

-__ .- '

l1CmCAGO , ST. I'AIJL. tIN., nenpOlim .1 Omaha flattiyG-

eneral- Oilthes , Nebras a-

Divisien , Fifteenth. . andWebster Streets. CitY

'iIchcet Office , 1401 Farnom Street. '

.. 501. Drls8. Fitteuth ahd IVeblter-

atr''eta. . Teleimliolie , 3,438.Loave.. ttrnlv6.-


City Acconl. . " 5:30 am S:33: pmSioux CIty Accom. " 9:50: amp ' 8:85: pm1-

31am Emerson , " ,,SlquxCi'ty , Pollen ,

)-Imtrtinatcin , inU1I3loommicb&

? 1:00pm "UiSS timS , Maim.

kato St. Paul & .at , . . ,

. . . I , . am r.AA .. .. . S n.nA- ;, ; vu an-.a"


day Cal )'. D.Ocs not, stop t Dtola orCoffmnan.

STOUX' QIT1' & PACIFICii lThiiroatl _ VOeZmcral Otflces-I United ' Stnt mt National

Bitlik Building , S. 'cv. Con-per Twelfth and Farmam-


. Tl lcet Office , 1401 Vrrtl Street ,

Telephone 31. Depot , Tetttlm amid Illagon-Strcut. . 'i'elephione , 629.

Leave. Arrive.Sioux City, Man-


, tOt PattI , a th4O nm S:40: am-Mlnmieapohis . . . . . . . 5:30: im : * 10:13: p

Sioux City Local. . . , 7:45: am 9:00: pina Daily'-


' Quincy Railroad - "Time( On Burlington RoUto"Tickot0-

111cc 1502 Faroam Street ,L R OUt0 'rciepkono 230. Depot , Tenthand Mason Streets. Tela-_ phone 128.Leave.

. Arrive.Chicago VeetibuledExpress . . . . . . . . . . . . a 5:05: pm e 8:10: am

Chicago Expres . . . .ft45; ama 4lpm:Chicago & SL ,

Louis Express . . . ' 7:45: pmfl 8:10 amCrston Locol . . . . . 400 1m '10:15: amPacific Junction .

Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'U:55 Pin ' 5:40 pmFast Mmtit . . . . . . . . . . .

' 2:50: pmChicago .SPechnI . . . *12:05: amV ' 'l1:30'lmm:

Daily , ' Daily except Sunday.,

& MIS.I ' I souri River flaihroafi-"TheIfigiOfli Burlington Rout.--aon-

I crab OUlces N. .W., CornerLP1tju11a 'renib tind Fartiam Streets.i Ticltet'Otilccm , 1503 irarmiam__ l Street Telephone 250. De-pot

-, Tenth anti Mason Streets , Teep1ions

128.L'save. Arrive.

Lincoln. Hastingsand McCook 8:35: am 9:35: anLincoin , Denver ,Colorado , Utah ,California , BlaCklulls. lilontana & .Puget 3ouimd 4:13: pm S 4:00: pmLincoln Local a' 7:00: imni ' 7:40 pmLincoln Fast Mail ' 2:55: pm * amDenver, Colorado ,Utah , Californiaand Puget Sound 11:55: pin 11:55: pinDaiiy. "D.ttly except Sunday.-



1OANSAS CITY ST. JO"BuiIin ' SOlh & Council 'muffs lOath-


i road - "The BurlingtonRoute"-Tlcket Ofilco , 1502

II outs I Farnam Street. Telephomio250 Depot , Tenth antI Mas-om

-Streets. Telephone 125.

Leave. Arrive.Kansa 5 City DayExpress . . . . . 9:0: am 5:40: pmKansas City NlghExpress . . . . . . . . . . . 11.V 6:30: ama'Expr.sition. Fiyer"-St. . htmim, . . . . . . . . . . S 430pm '12:05: pmfor St. Jooph and


UNION rACIFZ _ "THEOverland Routc't"-ijoneraj Of-ficfs

-: , N. W. Corner Ninth and' Parnam Vtreets Ct 'rioketOfPce , I3Q Fnrnam StrOct ,Telephone 216. . Depot , Tenthend Mason -- - -__ _ _ _ __: '

, ,

Leave , Arrive ,"rime Overland

LImited' for Den-von Salt Luke , 'and western p'te , . 1t59 a 4:45: pm

Thu Colorado t3pe-dab.

-. fur Denver &

till Cohorado 'ts , 11iS5 pm . 6m40 a maFast Mull TraIn for

Salt L.ake , Pacific'-coamt and allwestern poimlt , . . 435; nm 6:40: am

Ummcoln , Beatrice &Strumsburg Ex. , " 6:00: pm "1.0:20: pm

Fretnont , Column-bus , Norfolk , GritIiand & Kcarney 4:35: jim 'i2o; pmn

Grand Island Ex. . . " 5:00: pin " 12:20: pina Daily. Daily except Suntigy ,booth Omaha Local l'asa.-Leay , 6:15: ii..m , ; 1:00: a. iii. ; 11:15: a. in , ; 3:10: , in. Ar-rives -

, 10:15: it. in. ; 3:30: p. rn ; ttsj; p. ma. .

Council Bluffs Local-Leaves , 3:35: a. m.650 a. in. ; 7:10: a. am. : 8:40: u , m. ; 10:30: ; 2:13: p , m. 4:35: P. m , ; 5:53: p. ni8:20; : , 10:0f: 12' mu , , Arrives , 6 ; a. m. ; 7:20:a. m. ; ,8b: a. m , 11:20: a. ni. ; 3:10: p. , m ;5:40: p mu , ; 6:30: 1) . zn'.I 9:06: p. nm ; J0O: ,. mu ,-- -

CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND& I'aciiIo Raihromd-"Ti10Gmiumt flock 5gfi, It City Ticket Oiile , 1323S I arnamu t3tret. Ticphoui4S Depot , Tenth utahImison Streets , Telephone

Leave , Arrive.tiocky Mountain 'Linmitod , emist , . , ' 1:30 am a : s am

Rocky Mountain . ''LimIted , WeSt . . . ::20 an :

Chicago & St. PIAIIVcstibubad 13'Vpress . . . . nl 4:25pm:

Lincoln , Co1'mmilo'

, 'iimnings , 1'uobio ,

Denver and wamt. . 1i30 pm VI1E mVCtmIcago , Don -

tiImiiumt, & ItockIa'and' . . . . . , , . . ; , . " 7:00: pal "11:25 mite

Atlantic Exprest , 'for Des Muln'm'9amId eastern points ' 1:20: am a' o

Colorado F'lyur . . . . . " 7:10): iun " 8:30: ama Daily. ' Daily excaat Sunday.



k. rond-lenerul Ofitces and, ttU7X3.tjkhJr Ticket 0111cc , Southeast Cor.

ncr 14th and Douglas Streets ,_ Telephone , 111.( Depot, 35th

amId ','ebstcr Sts. Telephone1455.

Leave , Arrive-.Haouas

.and Neb ,

Lin'ited . . . . . . . . . . . a 3:0h: pm 3255; PinIlaiitmas City & t.

Louis lIxtiresit . . . a 9:30: pm ' C00; aVinNimliraskit f.oeal . , . a 4.3 () pm .

Daily , ' Daily xept Sunday ,

n.afl7dA1IA & iop. LOUIS BAIL-


.immtU--OmnCtia. 1ansiis city iEtfllern Ii.nilroaui"Tho PQntJ Arthur ROUI&-TickCt 0111cc ,,

RQrt: ; 1"armiarn SIremt ,

ihone 22. Denol , 'l'enth ampiitsOn Streets. Telephone f29 ,

Leave , . .rnive.-lit. . LouIs Cannon

Bali Express. . . . 4:33: inn '11:30: am-1'mtnsas ( . 'lty &

Quiney Loeni '1:40: nm 95; ( pinKansas City Ex-l'te8I' , . . . , . 1:30 amaPort Arthur EIx-


. . . . . , , . , .'Dai1N


VarOtlS St.OrhlS Often lJ8eil to Point a Moral-


n .Adorn aSpcech


'lte) Statesiunit frotmi Timpelu , lIIst. ,

llmiils time hIei'rI-Ss.tor Hoarltil.eiils for n iotritCnrit-

iticlt', -

I'LIIIOII'I htm'iort.

Withal tlieie list been less of wit timidhumor in time house than in mutiny a sesetoit-itlist and gone , Wl'Ites Congressman Cmnn-


1mm the W'nItimiton Post. 'cry fewhave ventured upon nneedotes in Illustrationof their arguniemits , Something remarkable ,however , has occurred In time senate. Semi-

nbc Hoar of Massmichitisetts limis actuallytold two anecdotes in discussion , There

as not much p7th in either story , butthey are both wQrth recording because to-tailed Imy the dIttiniiihed muid somewhattlignlflmbl 0nator trout Massachuetts. Illsresmbhance to horace Greehey is absolutelystartling to any one famIliar with Mr-.Oreeley


( a few years before his deatb. Ibisgestures and his tone o voice bear out tbel-cep.ib1nmlco. . Even his arituments are at'-


amid presemited in a was' very famnllimm-eto those who ilerused Mr. Greeley's "lead-ers"

-in the paltny days of time New York

'rrItmumie, , .

In nnsser to a remark of Senator Tellerhoar saId : "That is lIe from the

bull. ,The soimtor is very much like a-

snialb boy 'who was naked in the anithuneticlesson how nnt h eltmi pouuds of beefwould conic to Vat Tccnts a lotltltl) , 'Fime boyr0phtcd : 'You can't get no beef at no suchpnicci' ".

It was a simple nneedote , but regoi'deil as-

hinrdIynllplicablp by the stahl senator ( rota-Coorado. .

Senator lIear'saoeonil story iS intereatliig ,

bccthiso b redit it to General Cratit. Itwas told during a debate on hiomnesthamls andthe fisheries , In epoalcing of tIme

discretion givomt to tbp president in tIme billhe sold that 9 VouId b ero' much lIkethbe; famous story of (immoral Grant , whichWIIB joli3 throughout the country , that whenhe tniel to soil a horse for lilt father hotold the customer that his father hind toldhIm to ask 25 for the horse , but If he wouldsmot jive 0 , then be would take 20. "

This story wai prltit4d In Joe MIller'sjoke book 100 years ago antI it seems sur-pnising

-(lint the senator should attach it. to-

Geiierml Grant.-No


other onator hail the temerity totell a story in the hot weather , lii thehouse , liowe'r , timings were different. Gen-


Grosvenor told a many story 1mm nu ac-


-tariff drbte. lie said that to tIme

dry season the owner of a hock of sheep inHighland county , Ohio , short of (coil for hissheep , determined to sell them at auctioo.Some were very good and sommie rather roor.TIme auctioneer vainly tnietl to get a blil emi

them. Fimiahly the owner bald : "I havenothing to feeti these sheep on and I willgive them to anybody who will tnke them. ' '

An amateur farmer looked them over verycarefully and fInally said : 'Veil , If you will

ilow me to tiii'ow' out. about fifteen I willtake the balance of Uiem. '

Carmoek's Retort.-



time beSt speech made in thesesslof was limo speech of 11. W. Carmacic , aMemphIs editor , whose steaL was contestedby lion. Josiah l'ntterson , an adorer of cx-President Cleveland. It had the old Sar-geant


S. Prentiss ring and awoke time echoesof the ball of the house of representativesma they had otibcen awakened lit years.Withal It was a very effective speech. Itcaptured votes anti held Mr. Carmacic's satwhen nothing else could have held it. ItWAS h rd with breathless interest anti waswidely cheered )vhen Canmnaclc sat down.Iii reply to General Grosvenor. who badmade a stIrling appeal Iii behalf of l'atter-soil , Mr. Carmack smtith : "I always trembleat the thought of contromitimig so valiant a-

tonguiiluger anti so nccomplisiied a lip

artist as the gentleman from Cub. Illslroves) 1mm tItle anemIa entitles him to beregarded as the veritable blue gum mugger

of debate , an oratorical scorpion , whosetongue Is his tail. It hiss been said that I

hail reformed , but time gentleman from OhiobUll not. It will be U very sati day for to-form if lie ever does. I feel about him agood deal like aim ohil colored preacher downiii Tiptoti county , in may .ltsti'ict , felt abouta certaIn convert. Title preacher had justconcluded powerful otbortation, aimil thuvoices of the comigregation were quiveringon the second line of that good olil hymn ,

'Vt'hliO the lamp holds nUt tO burn the vilestsInner may return.1 At this juncture apartIcularly tough old reprobate , withchicken feathers all over bit head , got up iu

time baclc part of time audience anti startedtoward tIme altar. The preachier for one me-went stood sreccimlcss anti aghast withhorror ; then , throwing up his hummnmis , ho-

oxeluinied at time 101) of Oils voice : 'DeaconS-

imumnons , fo gawd's sake blow out do-

lamp. . ' If the honorable gem4hemaii fromOhio should over show a disposition to re-


-amid comae in our direction I wammt to

blow out the lamp before he gets there. "

It was a ten.stnike. Everybody in time

house burst into a roar , and nobody laugimeil

mono heartily thamiV Grosvenor himself.Judge l3urhco of Texas , told an eicehlent

story iii the debate over time

contested eieeticn coutet.-"Down


lu my state , " saId he , "there was

a dltmtingUlsbOil clman2cter wVluo had beemi

chief justice of our supreme court antigovernor of the state , lIe is affectionatelyknown to all classes down in Texas as theold Alcalde , ' Governor Roberts. On oneoccasion a 1)111 passed both houses of time

legislature , 'which lie .letenlnlned to veto on-

accoumit of its doubtful legality. A corn-



the senate and house waited upomi-

him. . and said : 'Governor , It will imover do-

te veto that bill. Why , whoim you do , Texaswill go to hell , ' 'rime old man straigntenedhimself up , and said : 'ientememi , if Texasgoes to hell whIle I'ni governor she's got to-

go accordlmug'to lass' , ' And that , " contInuedJudge Burke , "is exactly the position thatI take , fbI only in contested election butiii all other cases as well. "Semis., Stunt's by I'ri'stii Joltut Allot , ,

Pr p11 tIme story telhIni in thp huouse , how-ever


, John Alien of Mississippi , still oigns-

stiproms. . Probably time greatest speech thatho ocr ;indo On the hoar of the house wasduring the coneUieration of time Cam meek-Patterson contested cicettoim case. Imi be-


time soechi lie called attention to-

Mi' . l'atterson'tt remarks : "Dlii any of you , '

said he , "over hear any one pronounce amote beautiful eulogy omm biiost'It thou thatjtist ir000ummcoti by Josiah i'attcrson ? In-

histoutni : to it I was reinlnileil of .Vlmat my-

frlenil Jalme Cummings once said about moe.-



watt In the great campaign of 1884. Thu-Clovelnnd.llondriCksAhieIm club at Tupelobttd a meetIng , and Mr. Taylor and Mr-



spoke to time climb that imiglit. As1 chanced to be a hmonme from amy com-apaigning


, I nttnded thp club maccling. Afterthe regular speakers 1 was culled for , antistibmittt'd some remnarlcs about myself antinl' cnIopaIn , After I hind spoken the crowdcalled icr Jake Cummings , a long , black ,

eltek plcl negro carpenter , who lives in Tu-


-, . Jake's mmpeonlt ran about this way ;

' , gemmen , it's a gittc.n lintlci Intoan' I don't know as i18 necasry tor me-

te say anythiag. You it hoerd Mr. 'fmy-Vbr


and Mr. ttndeni'a' on the golmmh uol-tics of the .py. 'rliey's dutim taP you whatsort at a macin Illaine is antI that sort of aOman Cloveluni 10. It don't look to tue lIkeno hones' miman o'mgh ; to hava a'i' troutiho-V Itickcn out do flttoest man of ILICVXU

two , soil ( lien you's hmenil Mr. Allen en his-self , an' Ito hits IVICCIllIIieImIetl, ( hmlsseR soi-

nticim higher llama tiny the rc't of us kinrIeomimientl him , it altm' worth hiilo furInc ten say nuthin' about hmimmi , '

"When I hear.I what Uncle Joltim? hail tosa,5 about 'hmisselt' today. " continued JohnAllen , "I thought. li hail rlccommimentletl hIs-self so mitch higher titan any the rest on ims

can 'rieconimoentl hmlmn' that it ain't womthwhile to ( alit intielm about him. "

As botlm l'attersomi nail Caninat'lc-ktmioerats, , Johmtt .V.It'ti arraIgned the to-


party for taking silos in the nail-ter.

-. "mVe feel , " at1d he. "altoilt this moA-


-of your tryirg to pIrk a regular item-

lace for us , like time clii 1111111 felt u ho hodtwo dasmglmters-omie lotig , lean , lank andugly nini time other plump , sa'ct , yottaga-

imd IireLt3' , ilets' 11mm' oIler mmtmtl lime

gIier girl. Sally we th' tirettlier nodthe omitiger tine. A fellow hail beemi knock-tog amount ! the Imotiso for seine time. Time

old miman hmatl seen Islam with both Betsy ntiti-

SaIls' . One day time youmg: luau called time

old gc'ntlemnnu asititi and said : I love yourtintighter. She loves me. I vnnt to lilarry'

iter't' lmrtve Imeemi talkIng shout thIsflintier. 's'e think we can be happy tim-


arnl I have comae to ask your con-


and your blessIng. '"The old mann replIed : 'Clod bless yell ,

.1mm ; I have watchtetl )'Ott frotmi your boyh-


-; I always liked you 01111 1 have said

there was thmt' macking of a man In yotm. Icheerfully give tip my daughter lietay andlay blessing. I hope yon viii maIco her

"At. this 3mm shtontetl 'Ohm , ittIt it Is notBets that. I tvant ; it is SaIlyl Thai oI.t nianindignantly replied : Yeti not Sally , youlmmock-kmmc'etl: , tmtv.Ieggetl , slab-sIded , goodfor nothing scottttilrol , you Coimie lucre pickingntmd choosing nnmon ; my gals. '

"Now , " contimotiemi Joliti , ilcn , "leaving offtue qffmmsivo epitlmeta nccoimmi nii'itig tIme oldmiman's mietitinciatiomi of Jim , I ivishi to say Iathe gentl emamm from Pennsylvania ( Mr. Fttz-patrIck ) that. we on this side Ut the housedon't want hint coining licking nail choosingregular iloniocrats for tin. "

Ftmrther on in lila speech John Allen said :

"Colonel l'attersotm talks like hue Is in timrepublican faith today ; lie Os jttnt gaspingfor political breOtim. I advise yotm to iitt timeIlmilsimimig totmehics on hint while ho is In thefaith , and then we can preach over his imoil-tleni

-corpse the mine sermon that itmy clii

colored friend , Uncle Epliraint halts ,preached over the corpse of'histilmmg 11111 , 'another ilarkoy , who was fottad dead neartime railroad track in the mmclgltborhoocl whereI Vfl5 raised , Uimcho Epraiin said : 'Mybrederemi amid sisters , we has moot yer terday-to pay olin Ins' respecks to our departedbruddcr. Sonic sea he wux a. good man ;

501110 SOZ Ito w'uz a bad imman , Whar hio'-

golmo Wel can't tell , html , bredoron , In ourgrief. t'o lisa one great couscrlation ; that is-

we know Ito's clad. '

St.t'y Ahmout I''m'lty.-in

.reply to a BhieCelt of Mr. llepbmmrn of

Iowa , in regard to tlio ProsperitY of thecountry , John Allen stid: : "Time suggestionIlmado by time gentleman ti'omui Iowa who 1mm,just taketi his seat imn called mime to thehoer , lie nays that 'atm homiest immami is thinimoblent work of Cml , ' I rise to give timi

house au opportunity to behold the 'noblest-work. . ' I sPeak for mmm' own country and myowl ! section , and I ntimst say thnmt the pros-penity

-that he hams told us so mmmtich about no-


-Inc of a story. I 'boii't put it cmi you

as a mmcmv story , html just give it Oii accountof its applicability. It. is the story of an olddarky who caught a 'possum. dressed hmini

well , anti pIll Iiiimm in tIme oven to bake , and,aurroumi led 111113 with sweet potatoes , ammit

then liCiml down to sleep while the 'Possilmil-

bake.i. . About. thiC tliiio tue 'hiotIsumn was doimo-

a slick littme durkey shiped iii ammil stole tIle'possum and ate It all imp. Thcii lie took thmo

bones , lut them down in front. of tbo ohit-

uman , greased his lips with 'possum gre'asonoel drlbbh d 'pomsum grease orn bits fipgcr.-


tIme old hiatt woke UP , 110 umlssed lIfep0581W. lie saw the bones 1'1img in front ofhim , lIe saw 'ossurn grease Ott his fingers.and tasted 'vossltium grease on his lips , aiim !filIally said : 'Well , am it posserhul dat I-

eat.. dat alir 'possum while I wur asleep ! Itdone look like I must have eat lmInm , but fo'-

Gawd , dat ahir 'ponsuiim hind less effect oim amy

coiistitUtlott (lan enny 'possum I olier caL'-

"You tell ui', about this prospnity , " con-


Mr. Allen , "amid you produce yourfIgures here iiiiti mimake them look like pros-


, bitt 'fo' God' tltls ProsPeritY has hailless effect cmi our constitution than anyprosperity we over had before in all ourlives , ' '

John Allen , however, had tItus far morethan dimthmmgtilslmed flimnst'lf as a wit , liehad inado tile best carnpaigmm speech (luringthe session. It was while the commaider-ntion

-of the bill regarding rations of eheeso

for time soldiers was under consideration.Nothing nmorc effective has been hucaril iiithe hiouso and there will probably be agreat demnamid for time speeclm for distribu-lion thm'ougimout. time tmmuion , Iii limit speechAlien , in order to. irovu bin patrlotitmn ,

offered to johti a command of congrcssnieitunder time comumnmmd of Geimerai Grosvenorand go to the front.

" 1 have mmot the same fear , " said be , "thatone old confederate expressed wiutmu nkcd-if lie was going to time war mind Ito repliedthat Ito dlii not belIeve lie is'nuid go. liehad 1)00mm thulnkiitg right stuart over It , lintho had finally conic to Torn Owdmm's conchu5-


-about it , Tom was an old coucdermmtp

cohdlor who thought that. if lie wore time

blue uniform lie couhil make it mmli rightss'ithi time boys tlmat were living , but hadsome ilolihuts about time boys Wilt ) were dead.-


lie should he killed wearing time. blueuniform amid appear before God's bar onthe ilay of judgment wcaritmg that , tmtmlform

tIme boys who were dead would open theireyes In astommishmment. lie could imaginetlmemn gazlmig mit. him utterly noupluseil.Then hear comime one about at time toll of hisvoice iii titter indlgnatiomi , 'Deserted to the1"amilc a , timiummi ii mm. ' ' '

Thesu are eamlibes of time stories told Incongress in time hot weather. 1mm days tocome , wimemm the fail ebectiomms are at hand ,

they wili servo as caumpaign material formany a mmtatesmnan striving to enlightenlife ,

flxjioriiia mi is I it Call itt teed isiF ,FORT WOliThi , 'Fox , , July 28SpeclaIT-hto

( ,- Texas Agricultural wmmd Mechanicalcollege will soon eornmmmonco cattle.fecmdingo-xperimnotmte for the purpose of finding omit

mV1mat feed ration vihi prodtmco limo best no-


. An eremm bunch of steers yIli ho-pimrcliascth which mVlil ho divided into six1)0115 , mmmiii elicit will be ted thu saimie lcugtts-of time , Thio fowl to be useil in tlmoso expeni-iflStt'9

-' m"mhl Ito CDIII , ( VOttOll. seed inoal , cot-


ecd hulls and hay. ''Thu qucstiomt to be-determitied Is Iii what proportiomm these pro.ducts lutist be ( i'd to produce tue best ro-stilts.

-. 1arlon Sammnom , recemilly oppointud

one of time directors of the college , says thatcotton-seed hulls amid meal are the bestfood (or fattening purlioses , but an thIs canbu htittl only for a hlimiltctd time , other foodmust lie tlimt'ml as well , and lie recomnmendms-a rattomm of lire pounds of cottonseed meal ,mixed with eight ImolImmIls of cornmeal , to theanimal , and mmli time hulls they can eat ,

I'roin Gui ', tstomi to Smut I ingo ,FOIIT WOIITII , Tex. , July 28.Special-Three

( , )- promolnent capItalists are in Fort'S'orth lookIng closely into the cattb market ,: allroati ratel , yamU nccommnodutIoums antiother itmatters coflhCctetl with time slslpment-of cattle , They intend to make a trial ship.maul of cattle to Santiago , yla Galveston , atan early date. They say tlmirt time greatestdifficulty just. now will hi, to secure rropcrtransportation from Galveston to Santiago ,

If thu vemmturu Proves successful , other nbiim-


will follow at short intervals. One ofLimo iiutersted Iiartios claims that with (airsea charges there will be a profit In thehandling of beet cattle hi eastern Cuba of-at least 30 per eee.