The object of desire is lucozade

The object of desire is Lucozade. There are many types of Lucozade around. They vary in flavours and in varieties, such as fizzy and not fizzy. Most of the Camera shots I have used are mostly focused low on the ground with the main focus being peoples feet. There are also long shots featured in my advert, but the audiences attention will be drawn to the ball because it is a moving object and throughout the video they will see close ups of peoples feet with the ball. The people used are iconic, because I have used both males and females in my advert to use the theme: gender conflict. It shows that women can also be dominant in a sport just as well as men, even though it is mostly associated with men. The editing in the advert is quick and pacy, leaving little time for the viewer to ponder. This ties in with upbeat music, which could suggest adrenaline or competitiveness. There is no speech used because it shows concentration and competitiveness among the males and females in football. It shows that the product used can help women to join in sports more and give them more confidence and show that they could be just as good in football. Its an energy drink, which obviously, gives you energy and thus helps improve confidence, so this is showing that women can be dominant in sport as well as men and even shock them. I think the use of no speech is good because this way, it shows how concentrated everyone is on the task in hand and competiveness within both genders to be better than the other at this challenge. The clothes are casual and sporty to show that it’s just a sporty, but also a casual advert of people in a natural environment doing some skills with a football with friends. The actions of the characters is also very natural, it doesn’t look like it’s been practised/scripted too many times and all the skills just come to them at that time.



Transcript of The object of desire is lucozade

Page 1: The object of desire is lucozade

The object of desire is Lucozade. There are many types of Lucozade around. They vary in flavours and in varieties, such as fizzy and not fizzy.

Most of the Camera shots I have used are mostly focused low on the ground with the main focus being peoples feet. There are also long shots featured in my advert, but the audiences attention will be drawn to the ball because it is a moving object and throughout the video they will see close ups of peoples feet with the ball.The people used are iconic, because I have used both males and females in my advert to use the theme: gender conflict. It shows that women can also be dominant in a sport just as well as men, even though it is mostly associated with men.The editing in the advert is quick and pacy, leaving little time for the viewer to ponder. This ties in with upbeat music, which could suggest adrenaline or competitiveness.

There is no speech used because it shows concentration and competitiveness among the males and females in football. It shows that the product used can help women to join in sports more and give them more confidence and show that they could be just as good in football. Its an energy drink, which obviously, gives you energy and thus helps improve confidence, so this is showing that women can be dominant in sport as well as men and even shock them. I think the use of no speech is good because this way, it shows how concentrated everyone is on the task in hand and competiveness within both genders to be better than the other at this challenge.The clothes are casual and sporty to show that it’s just a sporty, but also a casual advert of people in a natural environment doing some skills with a football with friends. The actions of the characters is also very natural, it doesn’t look like it’s been practised/scripted too many times and all the skills just come to them at that time.

Both males and females would be featured in this advert and being a young age, so preferably teenagers around the ages of 16-18. They’re not too dressed up and just in normal clothing that they would go out in to play football.The use of the gender conflict shows that it could give girls more confidence to join in sports and not worry about being over ruled by the amount of males, as there is only one girl featured in the advert, so it shows she is not afraid to go and join in.It is set outside in bright and natural surroundings – a park, which is where it would be most associated for people to go and play casual football, and it is set in the summer.The soundtrack is upbeat and in the dance genre.The product is shown at the end because throughout the advert, people will be wondering what it is for, and so waiting for the product to be revealed at the end, makes them wait in anticipation and suspense.

Page 2: The object of desire is lucozade