The New Global Wealth Architecture -Post 2015 Agenda

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Rebronning will set free human creativity It overcomes ASR - Automatisation, Sensor & Robotics - driven de-employment & poverty It will excite people

Transcript of The New Global Wealth Architecture -Post 2015 Agenda

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Bronning = the art of surrounding life

with regeneration (and wealth) sources

Rebronning = The Art To Re-Yield

This presentation follows on the .ppt

“The Global Agenda Shift”


• Un-Finance existence

• Free Work/Labor form finance

• A piece of nature & water, food and energy as birth right for everyone

Nature as real source

Income from common sources

Why ?

Because I will Live

Because You will Live

Because Nature is Alive

Because our Children will Live

Because we will be Back Alive Again

To touch things

To hear a good Joke

To Enjoy

To laugh exuberant

My deepest Why

At 5 year, I remembered how to get eternal life

At 30, I had seen parts of the lives of Elia, Francis of Assisi, and Leonardo da Vinci

At 33, My nights became enlightened So I wrote the three Bronning books

At 40, I became time/space traveler Got a seat at the Cosmic Pyramid of Light

At 50, I learned to travel through energy and matter

Why? Because we are Healing Dancers Life is Beautiful

The Changing Environments

• Climate causes large (economical) Loss

• Auto- & Robotization replaces need for Labor

• Marginal Cost bring profits to Zero

• Key Governments under pressure of Debts Taking unpopular decisions and prepare for homeland armed revolt Dominance

• Cost of housing, energy & food Grow dramatic

Sources of Dewealth

• Labor as a commons high jacked by Finance

• Earth sources high jacked by (economic) War

• Economy high jacked by stock market Owners

Sources of Dewealth

• Countries grow all in Debt to Bank Owners

• Over-population destructs Environment,

also by

• Bank Owners manipulate(d) use of Polluting Technologies

Dewealth Mechanism

• Over-Centralize Rights & Control, Tax & Fines

• Over-Patent & Over-Subsidize Gridable Technologies so that they can be Over-Taxed

• Establish Debt, Interest Systems & Inflation

• Over-Finance Debts & Devaluate Currencies

Sources of Dewealth

• Countries grow all in Debt to Bank Owners

• Over-population destructs Environment,

also by

• Bank Owners manipulate(d) use of Polluting Technologies

The Greatest Source of Dewealth The Currency Shift

• Officials from the USA and IMF announced to be prepared for the fall of the Dollar

• The 1969 IMF SDR or Chinese Yuan will become the global guarantee currency

SDR = Special Drawing Rights

allocation on September 9, 2009

Jim Rickards Coming Economic Depression, Aug. 27, 2014

Naomi Wolf, Dec. 6, 2012

The Universal & USA Preparation Mechanism

1. Invoke an internal and external threat, labouring the enabling act (right to open your mail, listen your phone; government give up their authority to the leader (THE PATRIOT ACT);

2. Secret prisons where torture takes place; 3. Develop a paramilitary force; 4. Survey ordinary citizens (stazi, sicuritate); 5. Infiltrate citizens groups; 6. Detain and release ordinary citizens; 7. Target key Individuals; 8. Restrict the press; 9. Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason (betrayal); 10. Army in own streets (2008 – bourse crash).

Ron Paul, Jun. 28, 2011

AMERICA IS GONE!! Listen to this...

It is over! WAKE UP PLEASE!!!.

Michael Maloney, June 10, 2014

End Of USA Dominance - Death Of The Dollar Update

Cycles to break

• The 1.000 year East-West Cycle

• The 30 year War & Monetary Cycle

• The 60 year Long Economic Cycle









What to do

• Free Labor from Finance => One global hour for hour labor exchange (account) system

• Make Earth Sources a commons => Share common sources use and profit

• Free Economy from stock market Owners => Non-speculation but Creation Economics

What to do

• Maintain Non-Debt policies => Four type of income have to guarantee Debt-Free Living

• Stop Over-population => Plan population degrowth

• Set-Free Cleaner Technologies => by Rule of Law and Governance

How Commons GLOS action on Finance

• Value Own land lots and make them free for transition, realize the infrastructure

• Allow federations to setup their own Bronning and Commons admin, integrate systems

• Plan the impact on financial institutions, prepare them for reorganization

• Restrict sustainable use and natural rest value

• Create Own land based pension reserves

How Global Financial & Tax Blueprint

• Implement Land and Community income for unemployed, setup support and admin, will create more services, health and happiness, kick starts poverty alleviation

• Shift step by step to more social production and income by setup of support, offer easy to transfer jobs; offer

financial equivalent consumption possibilities; quote needs

• Transit to one equal labor hour rate for each level

of education and job heaviness; it makes global commerce prices more equal, which spread jobs and lower transport

All this will lead to lower tax and lean finance

How to transit

• Let unemployed & Army start => Remodeling to

the four type of income and use of land

• Stop Over-population => Communicate the right population degrowth, how and impact

• Set-Free Cleaner Technologies => Reform Tax

system based on common wealth, finance & insurance use of cleaner technologies

How to control damage

• Develop a soft dollar crash system & after-crash

support => Monitor and moderate, share the pain

• Finance the New Economic system including the Post 2015 Agenda => Non-inflation policies & moderated debt remission

• Educate & Redistribute population over free and low

populate areas => By internet & minimum distance and free chose offers


Bronning = the art of surrounding life

with regeneration (and wealth) sources

Rebronning = The Art To Re-Yield

“The Global Agenda Shift”


Fix ten global rates for Labor value exchange: 1. Lower Educated work 1 hour for 1 hour 2. Mid Educated work 1 hour for 1,2 hour 3. Mi & Skilled work 1 hour for 1,3 hour 4. Higher Educated work 1 hour for 1,4 hour 5. Hi Skilled work 1 hour for 1,5 hour 6. Master Educated work 1 hour for 1,6 hour 7. Ma & Skilled work 1 hour for 1,7 hour 8. Post Master E&S work 1 hour for 1,8 hour 9. Multi PM E&S International work 1/1,9 10. Multi PM E&S Global work 1/2,0 hour

dLv digital Labor value

Administer a hour account for everyone: 1. Book at birth the Life Potential Basic Credits, for

instance 1.600 hours x 40 year = 64.000 hour credits , reserve 25% exclusively for Mutual's

2. Book each grow-up year Debit the type 2 & 3 costs (Mutual Community & Social Services)

3. Let participate in Labor Delivery type 2-4 and make available Debit/Credit booking for hours value exchange

dLv digital Labor value

dLv digital Labor value

Administer a hour account for everyone:

4. Book each pension year Debit the type 2 & 3 costs (Mutual’s)

5. Calculate early death & unabled Risks: and co-calculate them in the need for type 2-3 compensation

6. Allow work participation after pension

dLv digital Labor value

Labor is this way free from money and finance: It will flow free

Without need on average of 6% unemployment to manipulate labor pricing. This rises equally the labor capacity

Also it is free from in- & deflation, so it will not crash and loses pension or exchange value

Make Earth Sources a commons => Share

common sources use and profit

Share common sources use and profit

31. A part of the global land and water will be common wealth to ensure sustainability of nature and species.

33. Everyone gets (for instance) 1.000 m2 of fertile land on which enough sun and water enters to produce good food, healthy living, and land value difference compensation.

36. Everyone gets a pollution quote and the right on healthy air and surrounding.

37. Everyone has the right on correct information and sufficient education.

Share common sources use and profit

31. A part of the global land and water will be common wealth => Select area’s and arrange governance

33. Everyone gets (for instance) 1.000 m2 of fertile land => Select area’s and arrange administration

36. Everyone gets a pollution quote and the right on healthy air and surrounding => Calculate, Enlaw, Distribute, Transit, Manage

37. Everyone has the right on correct information and sufficient education => Guarantee Internet, avoid sickly information but don’t judge opinions

Share common sources use and profit

After calculation of needed land for biodiversity, Individual land, cities & infrastructure, there will be a large left-over of common land

This be leased for commercial use and minerals yield. The lease profit will be common income to distribute over entire population

The before the transition private own Commons will be partly confiscated so that both have a comfortable result

Live must be labor & resources based, not Stock

Market sentiment or Stock Market Owners based => Non-speculation but Creation Economics

Eliminate first all third or more grade derivates

Re-Appreciate business value: transition based on the new global wealth architecture

Maintain Non-Debt policies => The rules for Four

type of income have to guarantee Debt-Free Living:

Everyone starts life with an own piece of land and 64.000 dLv credits, which enables labor free grow-up, care, and education

All able to work has to spend 16.000 hour equivalent on mutual service

Nobody is allowed to consume more then 50% of her/his “remained life expectancy labor capacity“

Stop Over-population => Plan population degrowth

Based on natural resources, natural food growth & living on own land, villages or cities, space for biodiversity, and appropriate commercial development, we need to calculate the optimum population number per country and province

Then we have to fit the redistribution and (de)growth habits by good education and healthcare support

Set-Free Cleaner Technologies =>

by Rule of Law and Governance:

• Time release Patents that effect positive sustainable development

• Shift subsiding from tax-profit related to sus-tainability related profit, finance development

• Educate sustainable living, labor, service, business growth, and governance

Impact and



on the Post 2015


1. End poverty & 2. End hunger is covered by BR.33/34/35/38/39: Own land, jobs, commons services, low interest rates, no devaluation

3. Ensure healthy lives: Pension means, vital food, low pollution

4. Ensure education: BR.37

5. Gender equality: Equal start of live means, job offer & services

6. Water & Sanitation: BR.33

7. Renewable energy: BR.33

8. Grow decent work: BR.38/39

9. Infra & industry: BR.34/38

10. Country equality: Global dLv

11. Sustainable cities: BR.36

12. Sustainable consumption: BR.33/34/38/40

13. Combat climate change: BR.All, >6% extra dLv, financial efficiency, liberate survival spirit

14. Conserve oceans: BR.31 partly cover and has positive impact

15. Ecosystems: BR.31/40 and multiple in BR.33 private land use

16. Peaceful societies: BR.33/38/ 39/40 will transform army industry partly into SD services

17. Strengthen implementation, partnerships, sustainable development finance: BR. and Global dLv gives firm direction, invites to multi layer partnerships and reforms finance back to manageable tasks & proportions

SDGs Financial & Happiness Analyses

SDGs Financial & Happiness Analyses

Weakness & Threats

It is never done before

Yes and so it delivers a challenge

Governments have to take their responsibility

By their responsible consciousness

Bank & Business Owners will have to adjust their assets & operations

But most of them can, without losing good wealth

Weakness & Threats

Somebody can invent a better solution We can change for the better

Although implementation can now partly start, complete realization can take 30 to 60 years

But it generates sufficient jobs Possible miscalculations in parameters as expected

life time & population planning Maintain monitoring & early warning systems

Strength & Opportunities

Rebronning is a multi-millennium game changer

It breaks down slavery and poverty

It prevents impossible technological wars

Strength & Opportunities

Rebronning will set free human creativity

It overcomes ASR - Automatisation, Sensor & Robotics - driven de-employment & poverty

It will excite people