The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent...

The Nervous System

Transcript of The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent...

Page 1: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

The Nervous System

Page 2: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Divisions of the Nervous SystemNervous System

Central NSPeripheral NS

Afferent Efferent

Somatic Autonomic

Sympathetic Parasympathetic

Page 3: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Divisions of the Nervous System

Central Nervous System – made up of brain and spinal cord – sends instructions to the rest of the body, and processes incoming information.

Peripheral Nervous System – made up of peripheral nerves – delivers sensory info from rest of body to the CNS. It also carries (instructions) motor commands from CNS to peripheral nerves

Afferent (IN) division of PNS – delivers sensory info to CNS from receptors

Efferent (OUT) division of PNS – carries motor commands from CNS to target organs. (efferent has the effect)

Page 4: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Divisions of the Nervous System

Somatic nervous system – (Voluntary) part of efferent division that controls skeletal muscle contractions

Autonomic nervous system – (Involuntary) part of efferent division that regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular secretions (subconscious)

Page 5: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Divisions of the Nervous System

Sympathetic – Activates the body for flight or fight response. Is at work when stressed or excited. (accelerator)

Parasympathetic – Activates the body for rest and digestion. Is at work when tired or relaxing. (brake)

Page 6: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Cells of the Nervous System

Neurons – receive and transmit stimuli, conduct action potentials

Neuroglia or glial cells – 4 functions1. Support and protect neurons. Sort of stick neurons

2. Provide nutrients and oxygen

3. Insulate with myelin which helps nerve signal travel faster

4. Protect by destroying pathogens

Page 7: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Functional Differences Among Neurons

Sensory neurons – (afferent neurons) carry nerve impulses from the body to the brain or spinal cord. Sense environment.

Interneuron – (association neurons) lie within the brain or spinal cord and transmit impulses from one part of the brain or spinal cord to another

Motor neurons – (efferent neurons) carry nerve impulses out of the brain or spinal cord; ex: stimulate muscles to contract and glands to release secretions. Cause the body to do respond.

Page 8: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Neuron Structure Body – contains nucleus and other organelles Dendrites – receive information and send impulses to the cell body Axons – send impulses away from the cell body Schwann cells & Oligodendrocyte –myelinate the axons of neurons

found in the PNS myelin sheath – fatty material that forms sheath-like covering around

some nerve fibers (axons); increases the speed of an impulse. Non-myelinated travel .5 m/sec; myelinated 125-150 m/sec nodes of Ranvier – gaps in myelin sheath Synapse – site where a neuron communicates with another cell (ends

of axons) Synaptic cleft – the space that separates the neuron and the cell it is

communicating with. Ex. Neuromuscular junction (muscle & nerve)

Page 9: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Neuron Structure

Page 10: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Conduction of a Nerve Impulse Resting Membrane Potential

the cell expends energy (uses ATP) to drive the Na+/K+ membrane pumps that actively transport the 3 Na+ ions out and 2 K+ ions into the cell. Every time this happens charge across membrane goes up 2, b/c more positives on outside.

many negative ions in cytoplasm; can’t move too big. There is an electrical difference between outside and

inside of cell. Overall electrical charge is - 70 millivolts: + outside/

- inside = polarized

Page 11: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Conduction of a Nerve Impulse Action Potential; step 1. Depolarization

a stimulus (temp. change, pressure change, etc.) causes Na+ channels to open.

rapid influx of Na+ due to open channels and attraction to negative ions inside cell

membrane becomes more - outside and more + inside = membrane is depolarized. +10 millivolts

Page 12: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Conduction of a Nerve Impulse Action Potential; Step 2 Repolarization

Need to reestablish negative inside K+ channels open causing rapid outward diffusion of

K+. Positives out = negatives in Repolarized back to around -70 millivolts. Na+/K+ pump continues to restore and maintain K+

and Na+ levels or resting potential refractory period – neuron cannot conduct another

impulse until it is repolarized.

Page 13: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Conduction of a Nerve Impulse

Summary: the rapid sequence of depolarization and repolarization takes about one-thousandth of a second and is an action potential—a bioelectric current that moves in a wave down a nerve fiber—the wave of action potentials along a nerve fiber constitutes a nerve impulse

Nerve impulse = Action Potential 1000 nerve impulses a sec are possible.

Page 14: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Slide 1Figure 12-13: The Generation of an Action Potential

Copyright ©2005 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings


– –– –– ––


+ +






+ +








+ +






+ +







– –––

– –
















+ +













+10 mV+30 mV–90 mV

Activation of sodium channels and rapid depolarization

Inactivation of sodium channels and activation of potassium channelsThe return to normal permeability

–60 mV



Depolarization to threshold

–70 mV


Axon hillock

Initial segment

Page 15: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Slide 2

Copyright ©2005 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 12-13: The Generation of an Action Potential

– –––

– –











–70 mV


Axon hillock

Initial segment

Page 16: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Slide 3

Copyright ©2005 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 12-13: The Generation of an Action Potential

Axon hillock


+ +






+ +




– –––

– –












–60 mV



Depolarization to threshold

–70 mV


Initial segment

Page 17: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Slide 4

Copyright ©2005 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 12-13: The Generation of an Action Potential


– –

+ +






+ +








+ +



– –––

– –
















+10 mV

Activation of sodium channels and rapid depolarization

–60 mV



Depolarization to threshold

–70 mV


Axon hillock

Initial segment

Page 18: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Slide 5

Copyright ©2005 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 12-13: The Generation of an Action Potential


– –– –

+ +






+ +








+ +






+ +







– –––

– –



















+10 mV+30 mV

Activation of sodium channels and rapid depolarization

Inactivation of sodium channels and activation of potassium channels

–60 mV



Depolarization to threshold

–70 mV


Axon hillock

Initial segment

Page 19: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Slide 6

Copyright ©2005 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 12-13: The Generation of an Action Potential


– –– –– ––


+ +






+ +








+ +






+ +







– –––

– –
















+ +













+10 mV+30 mV–90 mV

Activation of sodium channels and rapid depolarization

Inactivation of sodium channels and activation of potassium channelsThe return to normal permeability

–60 mV



Depolarization to threshold

–70 mV


Axon hillock

Initial segment

Page 20: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Myelination Myelination speeds up nerve impulses because

myelin covers neuron membrane, not allowing the diffusion of ions.

This causes the action potential or wave of depolarization to be conducted through the cytoplasm

Action Potential, therefore, skips from Node of Ranvier (gaps in Myelin sheath) to Node of Ranvier.

This skipping of myelinated portions of neuron allows the nerve impulse to be conducted 300 times faster.

Page 21: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

Pathway of a Nerve Impulse A nerve impulse travels along a neuron from the

dendrites, to the cell body, down the length of the axon. When the impulse reaches the axon; the synapse releases

neurotransmitters that diffuse across the synaptic cleft and stimulate the post-synaptic cell, causing a response.

Neurotransmitters stored in vesicles in synapse. 3 types of synaptic clefts.

1. Neuron – muscle; neuromuscular junction. Muscle contraction

2. Neuron – neuron; neuro-neuronal junction. Nerve impulse

3. Neuron – gland; neuroglandular junction. Gland releases hormones or enzymes

Page 22: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

The Synapse

Page 23: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

What you have all been waiting for the 7 step of nerve impulse!!!!!

Step 1 - Resting Membrane Potential – Na/K pump moves 3 Na out & 2 K in which along with many negative ions inside axon creates -70 mvolt charge.

Step 2 - stimulus stimulates neuron Step 3 - Depolarization - Na gate opens

allowing Na into cell causes voltage to become + 10 mvolt.

Page 24: The Nervous System. Divisions of the Nervous System Nervous System Central NSPeripheral NS Afferent Efferent Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic.

What you have all been waiting for the 7 step of nerve impulse!!!!!

Step 4 - Re-polarization – K gate opens allowing K out of the cell voltage returns to -70 mvolt

Step 5 - Na/K pump works to restore nerve to #1.

Step 6 - When Depolarization reaches synapse, neurotransmitter vesicles are released into synaptic cleft.

Step 7 - Neurotransmitters stimulate the post-synaptic cell.