The National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) Management of Your Federal Grant.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) Management of Your Federal Grant

Transcript of The National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) Management of Your Federal Grant.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative


Management of Your Federal Grant


Program Overview

Children’s Health Act of 2000

Public Law 106–310 106th Congress An Act to amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to children’s health. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in

Congress assembled. Section 1. Short Title This Act may be cited as the Children’s Health Act of 2000. Title XXXI—Provisions Relating to Services for Children and Adolescents 114 Stat. 1170 Public Law 106–310—Oct. 17, 2000 Section 582. Grants to Address the Problems of Persons Who Experience Violence Related

Stress (a) In General—The Secretary shall award grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements to public

and nonprofit private entities, as well as to Indian tribes and tribal organizations, for the purpose of developing programs focusing on the behavioral and biological aspects of psychological trauma response and for developing knowledge with regard to evidence-based practices for treating psychiatric disorders of children and youth resulting from witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event.

Principles Guiding the Development of the NCTSI

Transformation by improving trauma treatment and services

Focus on most widely experienced types of traumas Collaborative network Partner academic experts and service providers National coordinating center Consumer involvement and community outreach

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Accomplishments

Federal Government Staff

Government Project Officer Grants Management Specialist

Wendy DavisEmergency Mental Health and Traumatic Stress Services BranchCMHS SAMHSA1 Choke Cherry RoadRoom 6-1001Rockville, MD 20857Phone: 240-276-1853Fax: 240-276-1890 E-Mail: [email protected]

Malcolm Gordon, Ph.D.Emergency Mental Health and Traumatic Stress Services BranchCMHS SAMHSA1 Choke Cherry RoadRoom 6-1005Rockville, MD 20857Phone: 240-276-1856Fax: 240-276-1890 E-Mail: [email protected]

Jean Plaschke, M.S.W., LCSW-CEmergency Mental Health and Traumatic Stress Services BranchCMHS SAMHSA1 Choke Cherry RoadRoom 6-1138Rockville, MD 20857Phone: 240-276-1847 Fax: 240-276-1890 E-Mail: [email protected]

Wendy DavisEmergency Mental Health and Traumatic Stress Services BranchCMHS SAMHSA1 Choke Cherry RoadRoom 6-1001Rockville, MD 20857Phone: 240-276-1853Fax: 240-276-1890 E-Mail: [email protected]

Malcolm Gordon, Ph.D.Emergency Mental Health and Traumatic Stress Services BranchCMHS SAMHSA1 Choke Cherry RoadRoom 6-1005Rockville, MD 20857Phone: 240-276-1856Fax: 240-276-1890 E-Mail: [email protected]

Jean Plaschke, M.S.W., LCSW-CEmergency Mental Health and Traumatic Stress Services BranchCMHS SAMHSA1 Choke Cherry RoadRoom 6-1138Rockville, MD 20857Phone: 240-276-1847 Fax: 240-276-1890 E-Mail: [email protected]

Sherie Fairfax

Grants Management Specialist

SAMHSA Division of Grants Management

1 Choke Cherry Road

Room 7-1083

Rockville MD 20857

Phone: 240-276-1415

Fax: 240-276-1430

E-Mail: [email protected]

Grants Management Overview

Grant funding Grant requirements Common grants management actions

Grant Funding

Year 1 funding Approved budget Budget categories Indirect costs and indirect cost rates Drawing down funds

Applying for funding of additional grant years Financial reporting

Approved Budget

BUDGET INFORMATION - Non- Construction Programs


Grant ProgramFunctionor Activity


Catalog of FederalDomestic Assistance


Estimated Unobligated Funds New or Revised Budget




Non- Federal(f)


1.            $










2.            $










3.            $










4.            $










5. TOTALS      $












Total(5)(1) (2) (3) (4)

a. Personnel











b. Fringe Benefits











c. Travel











d. Equipment











e. Supplies











f. Contractual











g. Construction











h. Other











i.i Total Direct Charges (sum of 6a -6h)











j. Indirect Charges











k. TOTALS (sum of 6i and 6j)











7. Program Income











Indirect Costs

Financial Management

Division of Payment Management

The Division of Payment Management (DPM) provides centralized electronic grant and grant-

type payment, cash management, and grant accounting support services to the Department of

Health and Human Services (HHS) and other federal departments and agencies. The DPM

serves as a fiscal intermediary between federal awarding agencies and award recipients. As

part of its services, the DPM provides same day and next day automated payments; monitors

the status of award funds; provides related debt collection services, and performs Federal

Domestic Assistance reporting to the Department of Commerce. In addition, the DPM is

designated by OMB as the Federal Government’s central collection point for interest earned on

advances of Federal grant and grant-type funds.

The DPM operates and maintains the Payment Management System (PMS), one of only two

CFO Council approved civilian grant payment systems. The PMS provides disbursement, grant

monitoring, reporting, and cash management services to both awarding agencies and grant

recipients. The PMS on-line inquiry capabilities provide users with another tool to manage their

awards more effectively. The PMS can be accessed through the DPM home page at

http: / /

Drawing Down Grant Funds

Grant Funding for AdditionalGrant Years

Non-competing Continuation Application

Financial Reporting

Grant Requirements

Project plan in application Requirements in request for applications

(RFA) Terms and conditions in the Notice of Grant

Award Public Health Service Grant policies SAMHSA participant protection requirements Prior Government approval

Project Plan in the Grant Application

Program Requirements in the RFA

Notice of Grant Award

Standard Terms and Conditions Special Terms and Conditions

U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesOffice of the Assistant Secretary for Resources and TechnologyOffice of GrantsOctober 1, 2006

HHSGrants Policy Statement

Grants Management Actions

For all correspondence regarding your grant, be sure to reference your SAMHSA-assigned grant number!

Government Approval Is Needed

Rebudgeting Use of carryover funds Change in key personnel Change in effort No-cost extensions Change in grantee organization

Government Approval Procedures Initiated by the Project Director of the grant Written request countersigned by responsible business

official at the grantee organization Submitted to the Grants Management Specialist with

copy to Government Project Officer Reviewed for completeness and allowability by Grants

Management Specialist Forwarded to Government Project Officer for

recommendation of approval or disapproval If approved, the Grants Management Officer will issue a

new Notice of Grant Award to the grantee organization documenting the grants management action

Rebudgeting SAMHSA grantees are allowed a certain degree of latitude to

rebudget within and between budget categories in the approved total direct budget of the project to meet unanticipated requirements or to accomplish certain programmatic changes.

However, significant rebudgeting requires prior approval from SAMHSA Grants Management.

Significant rebudgeting occurs when the cumulative amount of transfers among direct cost categories for the current budget period exceeds 25 percent of the total amount awarded, or $250,000, whichever is less.

The request must include the following: Detailed budget and justification Amount of funds to be rebudgeted Indication of which budget categories will be moved from and to Indication as to whether there will be a change in scope Assurance that request will not change the existing total cost

commitment for current and future budget periods

Carryover Requests A Financial Status Report (FSR) must be submitted to

SAMHSA’s Division of Grants Management. Carryover Request must be signed by the Program Director and

the business office of the organization and submitted to Grants Management no later than 90 days after the FSR is due.

Request must include the following: Justification and plans for use of carryover Amount of funds requested for carryover. Must include a line-item

budget and budget narrative (in text format), of requested direct and indirect costs

If unobligated balance is significant (25 percent of the current budget period's total costs), an explanation as to why available funds were not used must be provided

Change in Key Personnel Change in Project Director/Key Personnel:

The grantee organization is required to seek approval in writing before a substitute or permanent individual is appointed to replace an absent or departed Project Director or key personnel.

If the Project Director or key personnel is absent from the project for 3 months or more, a substitute or permanent individual must be proposed by the grantee organization and approved by SAMHSA.

The request for approval of a substitute or permanent Project Director should include the following:

Justification for the change Curriculum vitae of the individual proposed

Change in Effort Whenever there is to be a change in the level of participation

(increase or decrease) in the approved project by the Project Director or other key personnel as designated by the terms and conditions of award, the grantee must notify SAMHSA as soon as such information is known, but no later than 30 days before the expected date of departure or change in participation level.

The request must include the following: Justification for the increase or decrease in the level of participation Statement of proposed changes in duties/responsibilities Description of the change in effort level (from what percentage to what

percentage) Description of the duration of change Indication of what rebudgeting may occur as a result of the change in effort

No-cost Extension This may be requested if the grantee requires additional time

beyond the established project end date to fully complete the project plan and objectives proposed in the original application or to accomplish orderly phaseout of the project.

The grantee must submit a written request for an extension to the SAMHSA awarding office no later than 60 days prior to the expiration date of the project period.

The request must include the following: Justification for the project to be granted a time extension Length of time for the requested extension (not to exceed 12

months) Project plans and objectives proposed for the time extension Estimation of the amount of unexpended funds available for the

extension period A detailed line-item budget and budget narrative for the extension


Change in Grantee Organization Original grantee organization must relinquish

the grant Recipient organization must accept the grant Documentation of any changes in scope of the

project New budget Original grant terminated and new grant

number assigned