The N philosophy

The Philosophy of Nudities “My soul proclaims the greatness of my early morning Muse”, Chris Ngo gingerly introduces her new creative collection for a purpose: As human dignity through creativity honors constant and repetitive labor: time to create, time to rack leaves and sand! Thanksgiving 2012 A Kiss On La Pléiade Butterfly


Statement: The N Philosophy is about attitude toward religions and beliefs. You thought you knew Christian belief? then explain why miracles stop? what makes people fall out of practice beliefs? hint: Jesus multiple loud talks against hypocrisy. It might well be incorporated foreign beliefs in order to understand Christian views. To companies recruiters How to maintain harmony in team work while nurturing creativity at work, is an art. Arts rooted in goodness,truth and beauty.My mutual feelings to yours.

Transcript of The N philosophy

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The Philosophy of Nudities

• “My soul proclaims the greatness of my early morning Muse”, Chris Ngo gingerly introduces her new creative collection for a purpose: As human dignity through creativity honors constant and repetitive labor: time to create, time to rack leaves and sand!

• Thanksgiving 2012

A Kiss On La Plé Butterfly

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Why nudities?

• Nudity has been a polarized way for artists to express from beauty, truth, love (for sure!) to frustration, oppression, obsession, anger, human passions.

• This nudist on the cross has been God’s first and best art work!

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• Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet - Mark Twain

Not until the Marc Twain price granted to Will Ferrell 2011( rerun on PBS) I realized that America and Western don’t like to talk about religion, only act on it. No wonder my blogs have been so boring! The image of the naked Will Ferrell on the screen is an example of Christian dedication for service: observe peoples and work hard to make peoples laugh. It takes a white pea exposed to Nigaud to make her conceive a truth about an attitude toward religion!!!

Escape the present, engage interpersonal dimension, emanate place and self.-A.Aida

Forever optimist, with love!

•Let’s hold our hands, enjoy the universe, outer and inner. Let’s walk under the light of the sun and the moon through darkness. Let’s walk with confidence, knowing we are in the apple of God’s eye (twisting Herman Hesse‘word Hold Me By Hand)

Gemini – Photo

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Philosophy of NudityPen name is Clarisse Nigaud. My human

souffrage started in the very early years. Remember the Time magazine photo of a Vietnamese girl naked, crying and running away from napal smoke? I am displaying naked my adolescent metamorphose, running around in laughters. All childhood inner struggles that shaped my present existence swing from ASD to schizophrenia, nymph to naughty, narcissist to PTSD. think you are safe from mental disorders? think again! Butterfly metamorphosis, adolescence is a painstaking period of self mirror and self adjust. Otherwise, one would suffer from one own shortcomings. Ever wonder why your patience is not durable enough? Your fingers mistype on the keyboard? Your feet slam on the gas instead of the break?

Two Studies of a Seated Nude with Long Hair, about 1901–2, Gustav Klimt. The J. Paul Getty Museum

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A little bit about the nigaud on the loose...

• My old maid nanny is a dedicated second mother to me. Too dedicated, I have to say, she took really good care of my sleep and eat, especially the cleaning part. She used to run after me in order to make me stand still so that she could finish morning excruciating bath sessions - a real struggle between her personality and my hot headed wild little buck. Physical wrestlings were frequent and painful, an analogy to my psyche budding metamorphosis. One summer day I began to revolt, stripped off my panty and ran around the block in plain daylight.

All I know I learned from my nanny! Applying in the present reality...• Now living in America during economic recession...I am screaming and running

around the internet village: enough is enough! No more narrow minded horse blindfolds! Let my spirit soars, doesn’t cost you a penny! No more screening, web moderators, red necked, close-minded recruiters seeing applicants only in numbers, credit rates cars, houses. Guess how normal people maintain their decency and pure heart? In poverty. Clear your smoke! Give me back human rights, to speak and to work so that I can create numbers for your taxes and loans! Only freedom with responsibility and self-awareness renders a sound democracy.

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...look not to what is seen but to what is unseen; for what is seen is transitory, what is unseen is eternal --

• The Creation of Thoughts: Is it happened from human brain? Let’s zoom in accross time and space to see how the ancient scholar, Saint Bernard de Clairvaux dissect thoughts generation process: “ The soul touched by its merits a certain degree of illumination from the sun of justice. In this illumination, reason examines the memory and, reflecting within itself, finds her to be corrupt and impure...Pondering in wonder how and why—through what opening, by what route, ant what point—such drops of filth have flowed there, reason discovers that it was through the body, by means of the will, that they made their way into the memory of conscience—through the entrance provide by wicked suggestion, by way of evil delight, and at the point of evil consent. Groaning in sorrow over this discovery and seeking consolation, reason finds none in the memory or in the body, or in the will. At this point an answer comes to reason from God: Blessed are the poor of spirit...”

“collateral damage good” aspires:

• Suffer humbly and patiently

• See no evil, hear no evil do no evil: when fronting with disasters

2Cor4: 18

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• Back in Saturday Aug 18th , 2012 the early sun rays flickered the midnight blue curtain, pierced through my screen door, then shone the stage of my latest sculpture of Holy Mother and Child (see my Past Works, There I sat under sipping my coffee peacefully. Right after, my memory was flooded with sweet images of the past. The sculpture smiling eyes looked deep into my soul, wish she could say anything to me, but then, is it needed any intelligent words? Ideas began to flow in my little box called brain. K Freeze

• Snowy Owl on PBS Matsui plays White Owl

What is the difference between natural laws and Christianism? Natural laws share quite a bit aspects with Buddhism and some other Asian religions, regarding harmony with the Nature, Mother Earth. There is a certain distinctive level of wisdom in that line of thought, give credit to it. Christianism led homo sapien out of darkness, differentiate between human and animals. Things that make humanity unique among all other species of life, asking whether such changes were possible in the six million years posited as the timeframe in which humans diverged from apes. Latest science discoveries challenge further Darwinism. The search for the ultimate Truth goes on, forever! It is fun to follow the lines of thoughts based on human knowledge, and it is even more ironic when God answers through His acts!

The creation of thoughts

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From Human Condition to Human Spark - part I•Human development traces back the Stone Age when hunting tools were invented. As hunting and fighting became the necessity for survival, more complex language was also developed to convey training of how to make tools and what are the purpose and the planning. Came along the grammar and so on...• The language impediment in mental disorders children led to the new finding gene FoxP2 as key actor of brain development. Alan Aida points out the part of cortical region that generates empathy, complex thoughts, anticipating the future actions of counterparts, the distinction of good and bad in six months babies, and more... A development chimps cannot reach the same level, only their sense of self identification and the sense of community. “human attributes”, human is better than chimps because of team work, cooperation in a civilized community.Alan Aida has been my favorite American optimist gentle giant, that is why I poke on him now. I agree with Alan on this: Some use sciences as modern ramification to equate human empathy as animals are capable to feel and act so! Theories remain constant, as attributes (or attitudes) become the key determinants. Remember, Jesus also emphasizes on love and charity in humility as the heart the quintessential factor for humanity.

On the other hand, maybe am confused , being civilized is willing to listen and to cooperate two ways, willing to self mirror and moderate, yet stay objective judgment without bias. Team spirit and name games, once principles and truth compromised, the outcome get twisted, slipery slope. Both Tea Party and Republicanism ought to change the game and catch up with the world.

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From Human Condition to Human Spark – Part II

From human condition to “human spark” : Alan Aida theory is good. Yet, theories and findings are always right, it is the execution part that distort the intention as evil auxiliaries cause miseries in their hidden agenda. One cannot reserve “human spark“ for a chosen group while letting human condition regressed. “A mind is a terrible thing to waste?” To progress ahead technologies, a good society (including social media and mass dictator) should not keep trapping vulnerable people, then blame them as “ damage goods”. What is the culture of bullying?


Human Spark! Life is complex, a post modern complexity. To nurture creativity, begins with social environment set up. Nature vs nurture is no longer a Nazi shadow, but a new path as human evolution needs to thrive for excellences beyond human conditions, for exploration new frontiers, inner self and outer space. Human spark needs nurturing environments. Be it as it may, What are the consequences if bypass present human condition and focus only human spark for the next generations of selected groups in America only ?

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K Freeze: Hshe – An Universal Face of Post Modern‘s Burden

November 1st, while working on the MBIT project, Chris Ngo sculpted a bas-relief that she named it Hshe (He or She). As you see in the photo, Hshe can be man or woman, can be from any race in the world: Hshe is universal.= Hshe’s fine nose ( french attribute raffiné, which translated as refined, yet in English this adjective is more appropriate when described an object); Anyway, Hshe is a refined post modern character, cold and fierce, as describe the sharp traits on the face, using a little cubic Picasso style. Yet, Hshe has a strong jaw very capable of executing a determined action. And Hshe’s lips, pretentious, passionate and ambitious, mirror the perennial Post Modern attitude: What in it for ME?

The cast down pondering eyes reflects universal concerns on what is happening globally: huge scale natural disasters, dwindling natural resources, staggering poverty, anguish rattling humanity and so on. Which render the corner of the lips a sense of regret, a sense of reluctancy in making decisions, or in search for the perfect one that is good for all . For Hshe cannot solve all human needs without compromising justice. For Hshe rely solely on self, power, knowledge, capacity and all. For Hshe already forget God or intentionally pushes Him out of the equation.  Thanks for your patience reading this line!

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The “N” Philosophy is about the attitude toward religions. To avoid useless wars, we align values within and across religions. Self adjust is one part of the whole: Ultimate truth, goodness and beauty would never use violence but have invisible power to convince effective conversion.