The Muscular System Paper


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musular regions in suh instanes o# being in a ar ai&ent or sustaining a #rature o# some

sort. Ho%e)er, in other ases, ompartment syn&rome an arise #rom onstant physial ati)ity

suh as e3essi)e running. Symptoms o# this on&ition inlu&e musular pain that inreases o)er 

time, numbness in ertain musular regions, an& sin paleness. The only treatment option #or 

this &isease is to un&ergo imme&iate surgery. or this reason, this syn&rome is lassi#ie& as )ery

se)ere. During the surgery, pressure is release& #rom the a##ete& musular regions. +# surgial

inter#erene is put o## #or too long, permanent musle &amage may our in %hih a ertain part

o# the bo&y suh as the arm or leg %ill ease to #untion. +n this ase, amputation may be a

)iable option. Ho%e)er, another &isease that e3poses the )ulnerabilities o# the musular system

has an e##et on moo& an& beha)ior as %ell the internal strutures o# the bo&y.

hroni atigue Syn&romeM is a &isease that also &emonstrates some o# the

)ulnerabilities o# the human musular system an& there#ore &islaims many o# the )ie%s hel& by

soiety about musles. irstly, healthare pro#essionals ha)e establishe& t%o names #or this

&isease. Some &otors re#er to this on&ition as M %hih is abbre)iate& #or Myalgi

nephalomyelitis &ue to the #at that this &isease is belie)e& to ause musular s%elling as %ell

as in#lammation in plaes lie the spinal or& an& the brain. Ho%e)er, many &otors more

rea&ily use the phrase hroni atigue Syn&rome &ue to the #at that the most ob)ious symptom

%ith people %ho su##er #rom this &isease is tire&ness that ne)er seems to &issipate, e)en %ith

seemingly a&e5uate sleep. Due to the on#lit on %hat to regar& the &isease as, many healthare

 pro#essionals assume the name hroni atigue Syn&romeM. The auses o# this on&ition are

unno%n ho%e)er there are many theories that are hel& regar&ing ho% this &isease is ontrate&.

Besi&es the belie# that hroni atigue Syn&romeM an be largely inherite& in some ases,

healthare pro#essionals belie)e that in&i)i&uals %ho ha)e or reently ha& a )iral in#etion are

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more liely to su##er #rom this &isease. +t is also belie)e& that onstant mental stress an lea& to

an in&i)i&ual ontrating hroni atigue Syn&romeM. 6ariables that seem to %orsen the

state o# people %ith this on&ition inlu&e a poor &iet, &epression, onstant e3posure to

en)ironmental pollutants, an& la o# e3erise. Symptoms that are pre)alent in those %ho su##er 

#rom hroni atigue Syn&romeM inlu&e e3treme tire&ness that is not reme&ie& #rom sleep,

short term memory loss, trouble onentrating in e)ery&ay ati)ities, an& &i##iulty ompleting

e)ery&ay tass suh as bathing. 7nlie many other &iseases that a##et the musular system,

hroni atigue Syn&romeM an be treate& using )ery simple metho&s that a &otor an

suggest. These inlu&e taing time &uring the &ay to sleep in a&&ition to normal sleep ahie)e&

at night, the inorporation o# &i##erent rela3ation tehni5ues suh as ertain breathing e3erises,

an& the onsumption o# small meals that are high in starhes. +t there#ore seems that in or&er to

e##eti)ely treat hroni atigue Syn&romeM, one must &iso)er e3atly %hih #ators may be

ausing the proli#eration o# their on&ition. Ho%e)er, another musular &isease that also seems

to in&ue #atigue emphasi-es &i##erent )ulnerabilities in the musular system, espeially %ith

regar&s to so#t tissue.

ibromyalgia is onsi&ere& to be the seon& most ommon musuloseletal &isor&er a#ter 

8steoarthritis an& is more ommon in %omen than in men. This &isease urrently a##ets more

than 12 million "merians an& o#ten auses &epression as %ell as %ith&ra%al #rom others.

ibromyalgia is a &isor&er that auses musle an& /oint pain as %ell as hroni #atigue. Similar 

to hroni atigue Syn&romeM, there are no lear auses #or ibromyalgia, but instea& %i&ely

aepte& theories ma&e by healthare pro#essionals as to %hy this &isease &e)elops. Many

&otors belie)e that ibromyalgia is line& to stress an& an also &e)elop genetially. +t is also

 belie)e& that in&i)i&uals %ho ha)e lo%er pain threshol&s &ue to the la o# a brain hemial

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