The Murders in the Rue Morgue

THE MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE I.-CHARACTERS AUGUSTE DUPIN: Ester HENRY DUVAL (HIS FRIEND): Wilma ORANGUTAN: Kareem MADAME ESPANAGE: Mery CAMILLE (HER DAUGHTER): Carmen THE SAILOR: Marco GEORGES GODINOT (THE HEAD OF THE POLICE): Carlos POLICE 1: Kareem POLICE 2: Wilma NARRATOR: Ester, Kareem, Wilma II.-SCRIPT NARRATOR: this story takes place in Paris. A strange murder of two women in the street named Rue Morgue was just such a mystery. Let me to tell us how it happened. SAILOR:I am so tired. I expected that orangutan doesn’t make anything. Although it seems a little friendly it is a wild animal, so I have to train it with this stick. NARRATOR:He walked around the room and then he left, meanwhile the orangutan entered the room. It has a knife in its hand and it tried to shave. ORANGUTAN: uuuuuuuuuhhhhuhhhhhhh (It tries to shave while it looks at the mirror) NARRATOR:The sailor tried to enter in silence but the orangutan noticed him. SAILOR:Don’t move, please, give the knife. NARRATOR: However the orangutan noticed his stick and ran away from him. SAILOR: No!!!!!!!! Beast!!!! Come here!!!!! NARRATOR: The orangutan ran, ran away until it saw the light shining from the open window at the top of Madame Espanage’s house. It decided to climb up the window. 1



Transcript of The Murders in the Rue Morgue

Page 1: The Murders in the Rue Morgue





NARRATOR: this story takes place in Paris. A strange murder of two women in the street named Rue Morgue was just such a mystery. Let me to tell us how it happened.

SAILOR:I am so tired. I expected that orangutan doesn’t make anything. Although it seems a little friendly it is a wild animal, so I have to train it with this stick.

NARRATOR:He walked around the room and then he left, meanwhile the orangutan entered the room. It has a knife in its hand and it tried to shave.

ORANGUTAN: uuuuuuuuuhhhhuhhhhhhh (It tries to shave while it looks at the mirror)

NARRATOR:The sailor tried to enter in silence but the orangutan noticed him.

SAILOR:Don’t move, please, give the knife.

NARRATOR: However the orangutan noticed his stick and ran away from him.

SAILOR: No!!!!!!!! Beast!!!! Come here!!!!!

NARRATOR: The orangutan ran, ran away until it saw the light shining from the open window at the top of Madame Espanage’s house. It decided to climb up the window.

MADAME ESPANAGE: I am so tired, it was a hard day.

CAMILLE: Yes, mom, today was a great day. Our all desserts sold, you cooked them very rich. All people felt a taste.

MADAME ESPANAGE: Thanks, dear daughter, but I hadn´t never achieved without your help.

CAMILLE: Well, mom, I am going to bring a cup a tea.

MADAME ESPANAGE: Thanks, Camille.

NARRATOR: However they didn´t know their lives were in danger.


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MADAME ESPANAGE: Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (she cries out loudly) Help! Help! A beast!! A devil!!! Camille!!!

ORANGUTAN: Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

(Both cries out)

NARRATOR: The orangutan felt fear and hurt Madame Espanage’s neck. Afterwards Camille entered the room.

CAMILLE: Mom!!!! No!!! (She tears, tears) who did it?!!!!! (She cries out grief)

NARRATOR: Camille didn´t notice the orangutan was hidden behind the closet, but then she noticed it.

CAMILLE: Help!!! Help!!!! (She cries out loudly) Murder!!! Murder!!!!

NARRATOR: The orangutan didn´t like those shout and it decided to shut up her.

ORANGUTAN: uuuuuuuuuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuu (It hurts Camille’s cheast)

NARRATOR: The orangutan noticed the room was in disorder, so it put Camille’s body inside the chimney and it threw Madame Espanage’s body through the window, then it ran away when it listened to sounds. All these events were watched by the sailor who had followed it.

SAILOR: No! Stupid beast!! What the hell you have done!!!! It is better I am going away too.

NARRATOR: Their shout were heard by the neighbors who ran until the room, but it was too late. The head of the police, Georges Godinot, was with them who began to collect evidences.

GEORGE: Everything is strange. The window is closed. It cannot be opened from outside, only It can be opened from inside, but where are their bodies?

POLICE 1: Boss, here, there is something inside the chimney, it is a body.

NARRATOR: Both pulled the body.

GEORGE: She is Camille, her daughter.

POLICE 2: Boss, here, down, there is another body.

NARRATOR: They had to bring the body from outside to the room.

GEORGE: Ufff, She is Madame Espanage. We must carry out these bodies.


NARRATOR: A few days later. A clever guy called Dupin met with a great friend, Henry Duval. Dupin was very interested in the murderers occurred recently.

DUVAL: Look at!! Dupin. The newspaper speak about the case.

DUPIN: Let me see. Yes, you are right. It seems the police haven’t found the guilty yet.

DUVAL: Yes, because they haven´t found a true evidence which leads the murder.


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DUPIN: I think it is time to visit our old friend George. He and the police need our help.

NARRATOR: In doing, they went and he gave then a permission to enter the room and investigate the crime.

DUVAL: George had reason. Everything is not in order. The window is closed.

DUPIN: hmmm, the murder had to climbed up the pipe before arriving the room, however the window just opens from inside.

DUVAL: But Madame Espanage’s body was found in the ground. How is it possible?

DUPIN: Right! But if you stare thoroughly, you will see that the murder had to pull up the window because its bolt has a spring, so the murder could enter.

DUVAL: But how did the murder jump easily until here?

DUPIN: Because the murder has already studied everything the room, the window, the pipe… what the hell is this?

DUVAL: It seems hair.

DUPIN: This is not an unusual hair. It is rough and it is grey.

DUVAL: I think we must carry out it.

DUPIN: I think this kind of hair I had already saw before.

NARRATOR: Dupin and Duval left the room but they continued with the investigation. A few days later…

DUPIN: Duval! Look at this picture!

DUVAL: Its color hair looks like the evidence. Dupin how did it arrive to the city?

DUPIN: I don´t know, but there is a traffic of animals in our city, the sailors is in charge of it. Well, I know how we can find him, the sailor. I invited him here. I said to him I have the orangutan.

DUVAL: But all the sailors are dishonest. He will never say he is the murder.

DUPIN: I know, but he will lead us to the guilty. If he is not the guilty of the murder, he will come to this house today.

NARRATOR: In that moment anybody knocked the door, he was the sailor.

SAILOR: Good evening.

DUPIN: Sit down, you have come about the orangutan. How old is he?

SAILOR: I don’t know exactly. He may be four or five years. Have you got him here?

DUVAL: Oh, no, we have no place for him here. A friend of mine who keeps horses is taking care of him.

DUPIN: Please, describe him.


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SAILOR: Yes, sir, I can describe him, I am going to give you something for your trouble.

NARRATOR: In that moment, Duval walked slowly to the door. He locked the door then he took out his gun.

DUPIN: I don’t want any money, tell me everything you know about the murders in Rue Morgue.

NARRATOR: The sailor fell back on to his chair. His whole body was shaking but at the end he told them everything.

NARRATOR: Two days later, the sailor himself caught the orangutan and sold it to the Director of the Animal Gardens of Paris, but before that, Dupin, the sailor and Duval talked to Georges Godinot, the head of the police.

GEORGES: It seems a fiction story, it is almost impossible to believe it but your statement was important, Sailor.

SAILOR: Now, can I go?

GEORGES: Yes, you can. Only you have to sign this agreement which says you won’t buy any wild animal again.

SAILOR: Of course, sir, thanks, see you.

(The sailor leaves the scene)

GEORGES:Thanks, guys. Thanks, Dupin. I am glad with your work. Well done!

NARRATOR: Georges was ashamed because the police were not be able to find the guilty, however, Dupin who was not one of them did it.