The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia...

The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present and future. 1:4 Perfection is symbolised in seven spirits - seven being the number of perfection in scripture. Ch.5:6 seven eyes” symbolic associated with Jesus - raised to perfection, omniscient - a perfect manifestation of God.

Transcript of The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia...

Page 1: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven

churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present

and future. 1:4 Perfection is symbolised in seven spirits -

seven being the number of perfection in scripture. Ch.5:6 “seven eyes” symbolic associated with

Jesus - raised to perfection, omniscient - a perfect manifestation of God.

Page 2: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.
Page 3: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

The Alpha and Omega. John praises their saviour and Lord and looks

forward to his return. Jesus is the centre of God’s new creation. 1:11 Jesus is Alpha and Omega - first and last

letters of Greek alphabet of twenty four letters - Jesus described as “author and finisher of our faith.” (Heb.12:2).

God Himself has no beginning nor ending. Jesus’ Titles used in Letters to Ecclesias.

Page 4: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

Vision of The Day of The Lord. 1:10 “...found myself present on the day of the

Lord” ( Weymouth) - ie John was musing on when, “the God of heaven shall set up a Kingdom.” (Dan.2:44).

1:12 John in the isle of Patmos has vision of the Temple in Jerusalem with furnishings, altars, lampstands.

1:13 In symbol John sees a glorious vision, “like unto the son of man.”

Page 5: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

“One Like Unto the Son Of Man.” 1:14 Flaming eyes, glowing burnished feet, two-

edged sword - One who is to reduce unwilling, hostile world to His sway.

1:13 Golden girdle, whiteness of head and hairs - speak of righteousness and victory over evil.

1:17 John overcome by vision falls down as if dead - like Ezekiel and Daniel having received similar visions.

1:19 He recovered - wrote down what he saw.

Page 6: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.
Page 7: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

12 “ And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle”.

Rev 1.

Details of the Vision.

Page 8: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

14 “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters”.

Rev 1.

Further Details

Page 9: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

16 “ And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.”

Rev 1.

Page 10: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

Temple of Trajan at Pergamum.

Page 11: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

9 ¶ “ I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.

22 … Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.” Dan 7.

Page 12: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

5 “Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz:

6 His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.”

Daniel 10.

Page 13: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

Seven Stars and Candlesticks. Seven stars are ‘angels’ of the seven ecclesias -

inspired elderships ‘sent of God’ as were the apostles.

Apostle Paul earlier gave Timothy same task in Ephesus.

Seven candlesticks - seven churches or ecclesias. Scripture interprets the symbols - avoid own

human ‘wisdom’ or what is ‘fitting.’

Page 14: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

The Voice of Many Waters. Why is voice described as being the sound of

many waters? (Rev.1:15). Question immediately answered by reference

to same phrase in (Rev.14:2). “And I heard a voice from heaven as the voice

of many waters ... and they sung as it were a new song before the throne.”

These are the words of the redeemed from the earth.

Page 15: The Multitudinous Christ. Rev.1:4 Commences with greeting to the seven churches or ecclesias of Asia (Turkey). Manifestation of God is shown as past, present.

The Body of Christ. Believers form ‘body of Christ’ (Eph.4:12; 1

Cor.12:13). Paul describes Christ as the head of the ecclesia

- the saviour of the Body. (Eph.5:23). In vision multitude of saints at one with their head

- “washed” through baptism, Jesus presents it “to himself a glorious church...” (ecclesia). (Eph.5:27).

Ready to possess the Kingdom.