The Mount Murchie Mail · 2020. 4. 6. · The Mount Murchie Mail Your connection to Mount Murchison...

The Mount Murchie Mail Your connecon to Mount Murchison State School; where improvement is our language Week 7 Term 2 11th June 2019 To report suspicious incidents around the school grounds please call: School Watch 131 788 Contact us: Ph: 49922253 Office Hours: Tuesday , Wednesday, Thursday 8.45 am — 2.30 pm Administrave Officer Mrs. Robyn Matheson Principal: Mrs. Linda Holman 2019: Fearless improvers of reading and writing Gladstone Youth Parliament Mt Murchie Shining Stars Week 6 Mack, Payton, Zach Week 7 Alexis B, Alexis F, Lilly

Transcript of The Mount Murchie Mail · 2020. 4. 6. · The Mount Murchie Mail Your connection to Mount Murchison...

Page 1: The Mount Murchie Mail · 2020. 4. 6. · The Mount Murchie Mail Your connection to Mount Murchison State School; where improvement is our language Week 7 Term 2 11th June 2019 To

The Mount Murchie Mail Your connection to Mount Murchison State School; where improvement is our language

Week 7 Term 2 11th June 2019

To report suspicious incidents around the school grounds

please call:

School Watch 131 788

Contact us:

Ph: 49922253

Office Hours:

Tuesday , Wednesday,


8.45 am — 2.30 pm

Administrative Officer

Mrs. Robyn Matheson


Mrs. Linda Holman

2019: Fearless improvers of reading and writing

Gladstone Youth Parliament

Mt Murchie Shining Stars

Week 6

Mack, Payton, Zach

Week 7

Alexis B, Alexis F, Lilly

Page 2: The Mount Murchie Mail · 2020. 4. 6. · The Mount Murchie Mail Your connection to Mount Murchison State School; where improvement is our language Week 7 Term 2 11th June 2019 To

News from the Principal’s Desk Greetings School Community

This is such an exciting time of the term! We are seeing all of the teaching coming together as we progress our way through student assessments.

It is always rewarding to see how far students have come and planning what is to come next in their learning and personal journey.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Beahan family for the very kind donation of the outdoor setting which is now on the library

veranda. This is the first part of making this space into a Wellbeing Zone for our children and is a fantastic addition to our school.

Technology Workshop

Students in Year 3-6 have travelled to Wowan State School to participate in a Digital Technology Workshop. By all accounts this was an excellent

and exciting day of learning for both the students, Mrs Malkki and Mrs Shaw. Both the staff and the students are now super keen to use Scratch

for coding and we are working towards having that available for the students.

Sport Update

I am always exited to see our students participate in sport and am even more excited when they are able to achieve success. Congratulations to

Blake and Awhena who represented the Callide Valley at the Port Curtis Trials. A very special mention to Blake who was placed 3rd in his Discus

event and is now off toMackay as a member of the Port Curtis Team.

Professional Development Update

During Week 7, Mrs Malkki attended a two day workshop on Classroom Profiling. I completed this training in 2018 and Mrs Shaw will be also

complete the training later this year. The Classroom Profiling process allows teachers to work together to improve teaching practices. Having

the capacity for all of the teaching team to be trained by the end of this year is very exciting and will ensure that we are continually improving our

own skills to improve student learning.

Mrs Shaw and myself will be attending the Cluster Moderation in Week 10 and I will be participating in Pre-moderation training during Week 8.

Mrs Matheson and myself attended mandatory Finance during Week 5 at Biloela State High School. This ensures that we are meeting the

obligations to ensure that our finance processes remain in line with current policy and procedure.

I will be joining Principals in the local area to attend mandatory NAPLAN Online training on Thursday 20th June.

P&C Update

A big thanks to all families who were able to attend our P&C Meeting on Monday 3rd June. We covered a lot of information and took significant

steps forward towards achieving our 2019 goals. I am very excited at the work we are doing around developing Wellbeing Zones for all of our

students and am very grateful for all of the support from the P&C in supporting this important project for our children. We are collectively

committed to having these zones set up by the end of Term 3 so keep your eye out for all of the exciting changes happening in the grounds! I do ask

families to check the school noticeboard as we are looking to widen the workload for Tuckshop and selling tickets at the RSL. All dates are up and

ready for families to put their names down. I do understand that families have work commitments which mean they cannot attend Tuckshop

however, there is the capacity for families to assist with the preparation of food. As always, many hands make light work!

Earn and Learn

A big thanks to families who are bringing in their Earn and Learn stickers. Please keep them coming in so that we can use t hese to update our


Vision Screening

Vision screening for Prep students ins a great initiative that we are able to access. The screening occurred at school during Week 6. Vision is

vital for student success and can be missed both in the classroom and at home making this program an important support to student learning.

Youth Parliament

As I finalise this newsletter, I am working with the Year 5 & 6 students to polish our speeches for the Gladstone Youth Parliament event. We are

excited to be part of this event and will share our adventure in the next newsletter.

Canberra Camp Meeting

We are getting closer and closer to the Canberra Camp and it is time for families to be preparing. I am looking forward to meeting with our camp

families to go through the packing and medication requirements on Monday 10th June at 3 p.m. It is an expectation that all families will be

represented as excellent preparation will ensure that your child has a great time on camp.

Chaplaincy Update

Chappy has commenced our Year 5 & 6 Leadership Program which is running over Weeks 6-8 this term on Friday afternoons. We thank her for

providing this opportunity for our students and look forward to offering this program again later in 2019.

Yr 6 Transition into Secondary School

Transitioning into Secondary Schooling is a very exciting time for our Year 6 students. The first

onsite transition day at Biloela State High School will be Friday 21st June. Please see later in

this newsletter more information about this exciting day.


Permission forms for our Term 2 PCYC Day have been sent home in the Homework folders

today. We are looking forward to another great day of learning about Health and Physical

Education outside our own school environment. Students will be participating in the Tackle 6

Resilience Building Program, Rugby League Development Skills, Chappy Leadership Program

and Road Safety for the Rural Child with the Queensland Police Service and Queensland

Ambulance Service.

Yours in Learning


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Helping Your Child Make and Keep Friends

Parenting Ideas – Michael Grose

Children who develop healthy friendships generally have a definite set of social skills that help make them easy to like, easy to relate to and easy to play with. One such skill is the ability to adjust their behaviours to suit the social requirements of a particular situation. Many boys struggle in this area and can be loud, overbearing and bossy when their peers want them to be quiet, cooperative and to follow others. You can coach your child to fit in with the requirements of many of their social groups using this three-pronged approach:

Remind: Be pre-emptive with your teaching. Before your child visits their friends provide some relevant pointers about their behaviour. “Remember to say hello quietly and ask them if they’d like to play with you.”

Rehearse: It’s useful to practise with children how they should act in social situations. “Okay, Jeremy tell me what you will say when you want to enter a game. Let’s practice waiting for a break in the game, approaching someone you know and saying, “Excuse me. Can I play with you guys?”

Revisit: Give your child feedback after the event but keep it positive and upbeat. “That was great the way you let the other kids lead the way. Your friends love it when you let them be boss.” Boys, in particular, benefit from being told what works well in terms of their

Encourage healthy friendships

The wellbeing of many primary school girls is heavily impacted by her relationships with her peers. When relationships are going well she’ll tend to be happy, however when friendships become tricky then she can feel unhappy, even distraught. Help your daughter identify what a healthy friendship looks and feels like – she should feel safe, valued and able to speak up. Unhealthy relationships, such as cliques, are restrictive, one-sided, full of gossip and criticism. To assist them to reflect on the nature of healthy relationships help your child to formulate responses to these questions: “What does a good friend look like? How does a good friend behave? What do good friends do?”

Encourage friendships with both genders

The primary school age is an ideal time for children to form friendships with both girls and boys. This is particularly valid if your child has siblings of their own gender, or don’t have siblings. It’s through these early relationships that we gain the confidence to mix with different genders in the later years. Forming friends across genders helps to break down the mystique that sometimes forms, when a child has little contact with the ‘other’ gender.

Understand the impact of gender on friendships

Research shows that boys’ friendships groups are more inclusive and less changeable than friendships enjoyed by girls, particularly those in the eight to twelve age group. If you have a girl, be ready to support your daughter through the hurt of friendship breakdowns and remind them that new friendships are just around the corner. Many girls take a disagreement with a friend personally as they don’t have the emotional development to deal with conflict constructively. Help her reflect on her own place in a friendship breakdown, and encourage her to be open to restoring a relationship once emotions are in check.

Remember, friends a feather flock together

If you think that your child doesn’t have as many friends as a sibling or other children their own age, don’t be too alarmed. On average, children usually have only two or three significant friendships at any one time. It’s the quality rather than the quantity of friendships that counts. If you are concerned that your child lacks friends at school encourage them to take up a variety of extra-curricular activities. It’s easier to strike up a friendship with someone when you have something in common.

Above all else, encourage your child to be friendly by talking to others, showing an interest in what other children do, offering help when needed, and being willing to enter a game or social situation. Consider teaching your child, if necessary, alternatives to fighting and arguing when there is disagreement and conflict within groups.

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Year 6 Transition Day Dear Parents / Carers,

Thank you to all the parents and year 6 students that attended our recent transition evening held on Wednesday the 22nd of May.

If you were unable to attend a summary of the main information shared at the start of the evening is located on the High School Website. You may also contact the school to organise to collect or receive the information pack handed out on the evening.

Our next transition event to support the transition of students to High School is the first year 6 Transition day. On Friday the 21st of June year 6 students will be attending the High School to spend a day working in our classrooms, meeting teachers and learning about the school.

Each primary school will have its own procedure for students attending the school on this day so please check with the arrangements that are in place.

Students need to wear their normal uniform on the day. They should bring a school bag, notebook and writing materials to use on the day. Students should also have a broad brimmed hat, a water bottle and lunch. Additionally, the tuck shop will be open on the day at both breaks should students wish to trial this lunch time option.

The High School day starts at 8:45 a.m. and students should meet at the Spaceframe / Shelter found next to the basketball courts near Gladstone road. Students will complete school at 3 p.m. (unless other arrangements required by their primary school)

If you have any further queries about this day please contact David Hall (Junior Secondary – Deputy Principal)


David Hall

Deputy Principal—Biloela State High School

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Canberra Camp Update

18-23rd August

Final payment is to be made by

Monday 17th June.

We support families who would like to make

weekly / fortnightly payments. Please

contact the Admin team to make


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Mount Murchison State School Term 2 2019

Week 1

22nd April

Easter Monday

23rd April

24th April

9 a.m. ANZAC Day


25th April


26th April


Mothers day dona-

tions due

Cluster Athletics notes


Week 2

29th April

Moderation CoP Leader-

ship Meeting: Linda

Chappy Coffee Catch Up

30th April

Small Schools

Athletics Carnival

1st May

Lead Principals Telecon-

ference 3:30-5

School Photo forms due

2nd May

Parent teacher inter-

view notes due back

School Photos

3rd May


Port Curtis Cross Coun-

try Trials

Week 3

Sunday 12th May

Mothers Day

6th May

Labor Day Public


7th May

8th May

Biloela State High School Yr 6

transition visit

9th May

10th May


Callide Valley Athletics


Week 4

13th May

Chappy Coffee Catch Up

Parent teacher


14th May


15th May


Lead Principals Telecon-

ference 3:30-5

16th May


17th May

Show Holiday

Week 5

20th May


22nd May

Biloela State High School

Year 6 Transition Infor-

mation Evening

23rd May

24th May

Port Curtis Athletics



Week 6

27th May

Chappy Coffee Catch Up

28th May

Digital Technology

Workshop: Year 3-6

29th May

30th May

Prep Vision Screening

Lead Principals

Teleconference 3:30-5

31st May


Week 7

3rd June

P&C Meeting 3 p.m.

4th June

5th June

6th June

Gladstone Youth

Parliament: Year 5 & 6

7th June


Week 8

10th June

Compulsory Camp

Meeting 3 p.m.

11th June 12th June

Pre-Moderation PD : Moura SS

Lead Principals Teleconference


13th June

14th June

Week 9

17th June

Final Canberra Camp payment


18th June

19th June

I4S Inschool


20th June


Mrs Holman

21st June


Biloela State Highschool

Year 6 transition day

Week 10

24th June

Callide Dawson


Chappy Coffee Catch Up

25th June


26th June

27th June

Star Day

28th June