The Morter Report November 2015

M rterReport NOVEMBER 2015 U TM se your power to brighten up darkness wherever you go. Lead by example, and have the courage to break away from what you’ve always done. Shine your light where it is most needed. Become the soluon by using your God-given talents and ambions. You don’t need to shine your light where it is already bright from others shining theirs. That’s like taking a new flashlight outside in the noon sun and complaining that it doesn’t work. Someone else needs your light more. Move way beyond your comfort zone. Why do we encourage you to improve your technique, communicaon and presentaon skills with our programs? Why do we challenge you connually to be your best? Why does it maer? Because, what you say and do counts. Choose the high road. Lead by example and be the change you desire. You’re light is shinning right now. Use it to help yourself and all those in your “tribe” to see more clearly! Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.


The Official Newsletter of Morter HealthSystem and Morter HealthAlliance.

Transcript of The Morter Report November 2015

Page 1: The Morter Report November 2015

M rterReport



se your power to brighten up darkness wherever you go. Lead by example, and have the courage to break away from what you’ve always done. Shine your light where it is most needed. Become the solution by using your God-given talents and ambitions.

You don’t need to shine your light where it is already bright from others shining theirs. That’s like taking a new flashlight outside in the noon sun and complaining that it doesn’t work. Someone else needs your light more. Move way beyond your comfort zone. Why do we encourage you to improve your technique, communication and presentation skills with our programs? Why do we challenge you continually to be your best? Why does it matter?

Because, what you say and do counts. Choose the high road. Lead by example and be the change you desire. You’re light is shinning right now. Use it to help yourself and all those in your “tribe” to see more clearly!

Copyright 2015 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

Page 2: The Morter Report November 2015

Making Dreams Come TrueOften times we look in a particular direction for our success and our abundance, only to virtually ignore a message or “win” from another direction. This is caused from an old pattern that’s running – a Subconscious Emotional Memory Override (SEMO). And, unless we acknowledge the pattern and make the necessary corrections, we’ll simply continue to do the same old thing over and over and wish for a different outcome.

I suggest we stop the insanity and establish a new pattern – a new beginning. When people question me and my focus or direction, I make a simple statement: I am always open to new ideas, new direction and new possibilities. It’s called being teachable, and it deals with the willingness to learn and adapt to change.

To me, dreams are all about focus and adaptability. I focus on what I wish to have happen, and then adapt to the “cards I’m dealt” – making course corrections as necessary. Because, sometimes I’m expecting a certain set of circumstances, and I get surprised at completely different and unexpected opportunities which just show up! It’s been said to never look a gift horse in the mouth. So, I don’t question what happens or how I’m going to get to the goal. I just move forward, changing course when necessary and adapting with total faith. And, more times than not, the success is just a decision or two away.

When dreaming, I have learned not to let the possibility of failure enter the matrix – that’s the faith aspect. I know what will happen before it happens. What I mean is that in my mind it has already happened as I pictured it. If the final draft looks different, so be it! I am embracing success and abundance from wherever it ultimately comes from. You can never limit or question the forces that are at work for you.

And, along those lines, I have learned to surround myself with people that think like me, and are genuinely for me and MHS success. There are people who are with me but not for me. I now look for those who support my dreams, those who leverage for my dreams, and celebrate my/our successes – those who are for me. Likewise, be for others on their journeys. There’s enough for everyone in this abundant world!

So, surround yourself with support, be supportive of others, be open to change and possibility and have enduring faith – that’s called making dreams come true!


by Dr. Ted Morter

All conditions are created by internal interference from inappropriate use of our mind, even those created by trauma. If the body does not heal from trauma, it is because our healing force or power is diverted or preoccupied from performing its function, which was determined by original design.

When we think of this source (God), we immediately have a feeling of peace, joy or love. This type of feeling is the only healing energy that exists in the universe, including your body. So, when we say love heals, we are utilizing the same frequency that built the body in the first place, and we are utilizing the only true healing power or frequency.

- Dr. M. T. Morter, Jr.

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To Give Giving . . . What does it mean to you? Does it refer to your time? Does it mean financially giving? Does it require actions? Are the best gifts given unconditionally? I would like for you to take a moment to consider what giving really means to you. What is the intention behind your giving? You see, for me, giving involves ALL of the above and more! I believe that the actual intention of giving is the most important aspect. When your intention comes from unconditional love it supersedes the amount of time you decide to give, the amount of money you choose to give, the actions required to complete your gift; and your gift is offered with absolutely no expectation of receiving anything in return. When we give something and expect anything in return it is NOT giving – it is bartering, bargaining, exchanging, or trading. Giving is a mind set. It is not about getting. The benefits of giving can be incredibly rewarding. The concept or intention of giving is what truly makes a difference in you and those around you. It creates a frequency and vibration that begins to impact and change who you are. This change begins subtly, slowly, almost unrecognizable to the untrained eye. It is like planting a seed. Nothing appears to change immediately; however, things are set in motion that will eventually bear fruit. This concept is true for you and your acts of giving. The fruits show up in many unexpected ways when you expect nothing in return! One of my favorite statements along those lines came from Dr. Morter and his vast wisdom. I truly loved this advice from him. “Love more and expect less.” When we truly understand and act according to these five words we expand our potential as human beings.


The Ultimate ChallengeThe ultimate challenge in healing and happiness is to accept the notion that what we think, feel, believe, and do, creates our reality and our experience – and therefore our happiness.

To understand the idea that these perceptions create an energy that we live in, and then create a physiological response in the body that dictates health or disease, will ultimately present us with a new freedom of living.

To achieve this ultimate challenge, we must elevate our understanding of the responsibilities that we have, and what we can observe in our daily liv-ing.

This is a human experience; it is an experience of “self.” Therefore, every-thing we encounter in life is really there to allow us to experience ourselves. As soon as we stop judging the experiences to be good or bad, we can begin to learn the lesson they teach. You will learn that there should be no more “positive” or “negative” feelings – just feelings. We will learn to embrace them all.


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by Dr. Sue Morter

by Dr. Tom Morter

Page 4: The Morter Report November 2015


At some point in time, we have all experienced what it feels like to receive negative criticism. For some, this is a daily experience, which can cause terrible feelings of shame, worthlessness, and even depression. This can be especially difficult when it comes from those we love and care about. A lot of people give up at this point. For many, reaching high levels of success and living their dreams simply isn’t worth it if they encounter judgment along the way. What can we do when this happens in our lives? Are there ways to deal with criticism in a positive way, so that it will no longer affect us? This may be a life-long process, but for most it can be achieved if certain steps are taken.

Step 1: Recognize why people judge and criticize. In some cases, criticism comes from well-meaning people who simply jump to conclusions without having all of the facts. An example of this in my own life came from my family, who all told me how foolish I was when I an-nounced that I planned to marry the girl I had just started dating a few weeks earlier. Thankfully, once they met and got to know Heather, they jumped on board with my decision.

Judgment often comes from misunderstandings and is generally a part of life for those seeking to do great good in the world. Think of Martin Luther King, Jr. He did something that no other man in history had done, and yet he was hated, cursed, and eventually murdered for his cause. Those who seek to oppose the good in the world will often take offense and judge those who have great positive influences on others. There is a saying, “Those who let their lights shine brightest offend the most cockroaches.”

Step 2: Rid yourself of your own judgment.Any time you judge or criticize someone, you then attract that same judgment or criticism into your life. Strive to get to the point where you no longer see events in your life as “good” or “bad,” but simply are. Children are great examples of this.

A great exercise to use to rid yourself of subconscious judgment is to make a list of everyone you can think of whom you have judged or that you feel have judged you. This can be quite an extensive list and can take some time to complete, but the rewards for doing so are incredible. Once you have this list, go to a place where you can be totally alone and not be heard. Starting at the top and going in order down the list, have a conversation out loud with each individual person and express to them (not in person) your feelings from the experience you had. Once you have done this, ask each individual for forgiveness. The words “Will you forgive me?” must leave your lips for this exercise to be effective. You will be amazed at how much lighter you feel after doing so.

Step 3: Be filled with love.We have all learned that nature abhors an empty space. If there is any sort of void within us, nature just might fill it by sending judgment and criticism from others. When we are filled with love, there is no room for this to happen. Each morning, stand in front of the mirror and compliment yourself for being amazing. Send love to every part of your body. Yes, even your tummy! Send love toward others, including those that have judged and criticized you. Try this for 7 days. You may be shocked at the results you get.

Finally, remember just how amazing you are! You truly are incredible, and you truly are loved!

dealing withNEGATIVEcriticism* by Eric Bailey

Page 5: The Morter Report November 2015


by Dr. Bruce Phillips

Earn, Save and Give, but the greatest of these is to Give. I know it sounds corny to start an article this way, but it certainly is true!

I find in my life experience that we must master each of these three skills as they relate to finances, and we should master them in this order. We certainly cannot give when we don’t have the resources to give. We also need to have a system in place to be financially responsible for ourselves before we give to others. But, the greatest reward is to give to others. I don’t know whom it blesses more the giver or the recipient. I have a simple formula and it’s 80/10/10. Use 80% of earned resources, save 10% and give away 10%. As I get older I’m using less of my resources and saving and giving away more. Maybe something like a 60/20/20 formula. My kids are grown and most everything I own is free from debt. In fact, in a couple years I should be completely debt free. In the future I won’t need as much to be responsible for myself and enjoy life.

The same principle holds true for emotional resources. How can we love others if we do not responsibly love ourselves and provide for our own emotional support? We must be sound in emotional wellbeing to properly express and give supportive emotional care to others. Try this. Self-test yourself using muscle testing to gauge, on a scale from 1-10, your level of love for yourself. I find this is a great way to monitor my personal emotional bank account.

Belief is another area in which we need to be sound so we can properly communicate our beliefs to care for others. Many people need the type of care we have to offer, but if we are not sound in our belief systems, we’ll get thrown off course when we collide with opposing beliefs. I like to think of all of the hard questions a person might ask me and form responses to address each question. This allows me to be prepared, informed and calm. We do not have to know everything, but we need to be eager to find answers we don’t currently possess.

Share your resources. Everyone needs something, and it may be a smile or a hug. We are truly blessed to be exactly where we are right now, and we get to choose exactly where we want to go!

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Page 6: The Morter Report November 2015


10GIVING BACKhelps you!ways

Fall is in the air and the holiday seasons are just around the corner. There is no better time of year to think about giving back. Here are 10 ways that giving back helps you.

1. Eases Your Anxiety and Depression Giving back helps you reach a greater sense of happiness. This feeling releases endorphins, which allows you to experience that euphoric feeling known as the “Helper’s High.”

2. Increases Your Health and JoyWhen you participate in giving back, your entire physiology undergoes a “feel good” transformation at an energetic and cellular level. This overall feeling, in turn, will boost your immunity – boost your overall sense of joy and wonder.

3. Connects You with Your CommunityWhen you volunteer and give back, you are adopted by an infectious community of “do-gooders.” This community represents leaders that answer the call when service is needed in their communities.

4. Gives You Greater Clarity About Your Own CallingGiving back, while attaching your service to your overall passion, provides you clarity in your personal life and your professional life.

5. Helps You Mend the Lives of OthersGiving back, whether it be financially, emotionally, or spiritually, has a mending effect on the lives of the receivers. Your consciousness innately knows something “Bigger” is going on with every act of love and kindness.

6. Improves Your Job Performance People who give back are resourceful, creative, and have an incredible steadfastness in their profession. They exhibit leadership skills that are second to none and perform at peak levels on a consistent basis.

7. Sharpens Your Skills and Attracts Lifetime PartnershipsVolunteering allows you to get into the game at all levels, often participating in tasks that are new and exciting. This gives you an ability to sharpen your skill sets and work with new people to create lifetime partnerships.

8. Helps You Stay Hopeful and OptimisticThere are days when the smallest effort can be life changing. These random acts of giving back restore a deep sense of hope and optimism in your life.

9. Gives You an Appreciation for Other People and PlacesGiving back in other communities or even countries will give you a dynamic appreciation for different cultures and profound interest for the people that live within those borders. Giving back in a community that appears to be less fortunate will open your heart in ways that will astound you.

10. Connects You with What It Means to Be HumanGiving back will reconnect you with the very feeling of what it means to be human, often re-grounding your connection with life and making you feel more alive than ever before.

Remember as 2015 comes to an end, the act of giving back is very often the gift we need to feel fulfilled in our own life. How are you giving back?

by Dr. Ralph LeBlanc

Page 7: The Morter Report November 2015


I have certainly had times in my life when I felt life just wasn’t going my way. When I am brutally honest with myself and explore what these experiences are showing up to teach me, I realize maybe I have been too self-centered (not in a good way). While it is important to look within, sometimes, I think we get stuck there . . . reliving old mistakes, focusing on a future that hasn’t happened yet, or focusing on what we don’t have or can’t do.

When I recognize this state of self-centeredness in myself, I ask myself the following question: Where can I do the most good? I have found this is a great compass to keep me on course. It takes me from “It’s all about me” to “How can I be of service?” As I was preparing for this article, I found this great quote:

“Your gifts are not about YOU. Leadership is not about YOU. Your purpose is not about YOU. A life of significance is about serving those who need your gifts, your leadership, your purpose.” -Author unknown

Serving takes us from focusing on ourselves, to looking at the needs of those around us. I have found on my gloomiest days, when I am willing to lend a hand to someone, even in a “small” way, I can go to bed happy and fulfilled. Now, it is easy to listen to that little voice saying, “What gifts can I share? I don’t have any special talents.”

Can you smile? Can you offer a compassionate heart? Can you sit with someone over a cup of coffee or tea? I am aware these things seem so “simple.” However, you only need walk through a grocery store this time of year to see, smiles are in short supply. Sometimes, I walk through the grocery store smiling at everyone, and I swear for some of those people, it may be the only smile they see in a day. I would say 9 out of 10 times, I get a smile reflected back to me. Again, for some of those people, it may be the only smile they share in a day. I am grateful for every single one.

Sometimes, we think our gestures of service must be HUGE! Frankly, this just overwhelms me, and pretty much shuts off my service valve. When I catch myself in this way of thinking, I remember all of the more simple acts of kindness and service that have been extended to me over the years, and I am reminded it is more about the love I poor into the service.

Today, I invite you to ponder, “Where can you do the most good?’

Where Can I Do the Most Good?

by Melissa Higby, LMT

Page 8: The Morter Report November 2015




October2 Personal B.E.S.T. II – Paris, France3-4 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France4-5 Personal Care – Paris, France17 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario23-24 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November13-14 B.E.S.T. Training – Atlanta, GA14 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Seattle, WA29 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

December4-5 Keep Living Your B.E.S.T. – Orlando, FL5 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario11-13 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

January15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Los Angeles, CA29-30 B.E.S.T. Training – Phoenix, AZ31 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

February20-21 Spiritual B.E.S.T. – Los Angeles, CA26-28 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

March18-19 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia19-20 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia20 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France31-2 Elite Master – Sedona, AZ

April 15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France17-18 Personal Care – Paris, France22-23 Eat to Live – Dallas, TX29-1 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

May20-21 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR

June3-4 Animal B.E.S.T. I – Rogers, AR5 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR10-12 Personal Care – Rogers, AR24-25 Live Rich – Denver, CO

July8-9 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL29-30 Live Out Loud – Chicago, IL

August12-14 Personal Care – Rogers, AR19-21 Personal B.E.S.T. – Chicago, IL

September8-9 Elite Diplomate – Dallas, TX10-11 Homecoming – Dallas, TX30-1 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY

October7-10 Paris Trainings – Paris, France21-23 Personal Care – Rogers, AR28-29 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA





All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique