The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-12-30 … · at tbe a;,roac ' ig mai.cipaJ eiecuon....

AMUSEMENTS. .,i,rH. theater. i ...WSWHT HPT ONE NU w" will appe- -r ' nnrrveUed ape. olalty of KIP VaK WIMxaI.B EVERY EVENING BURIHO TH1-- . WLhk. Mi at ...Saturday Matinee. Served ,eemr.mUy Clrj-le- , 1 M " ttU7 A mu-'- OB to -- - ln.ieryi MaTlNEE Jt 'irlmloti Wall parte of theboaae 11 W 2 win" 5SCS Hii-- mS MtUM- - MONDAY. JNllkV t,WL I'HJt WYNnHAH tXm"V '""P"T aiv. w. e. suhset, a. r . O Baltimore. Ill deUver two Lecture for -- he benenl of the Young Men's Association , et the v .EKNLA VV OPERA. HOOSE, MKMPH1B, rrU If lariat, Jesmary .tisa Saturday Xlfki, Jeaaavary a i,..,i Kiist Lecture-Ma- n "ecoud Lac- - Hire Ideal An. hoik. Cents. ..Proprton ' " a, - - BTTHCTBUTOrllCAWOCLATIOlt, tforaiarly Dcutsher Mayfewt Vereln', IS COOKRAN HALL, MONDAY IVdHHO, JANUARY 1,171. TICK I'M 1 - arKverybody and his Bland It lnvlled " cDnmn or ABBArsjBMxarTS: Sb ailing. A. Stotx, Z rBaiblar,H.Rshini JOSEPH OOODMAN, Secretary. ASR(HJCMERTS. tto request of my acquaintance. 1 "" AT " John lo aoC k. - . A...K....I tWInr. VR. R. B. - " HIDCUUII ..a.- -- the swt nth mjto. A oanaTTifor srhooi V Liter i tn TrilrdWara an'.. ensuing municipal ,,Uon, Jaanary B.BJaOTJB. tRri'B y h did at " W tobeoffle. o'Bchooi vialu.rfor Uie Fifth ware. . rrr,w.tC UT an IB A C D (j f" 11 i : ,0r orto . ai ach.i y tor for i ... s xt b Ward d:B co.ii for . , W. U BOOK In a candidate for Coun- - VJ. cl mau of lb Third v ara ai , .a.". . nai election. January '. .mi li in annontiee r J l- - i. i v .. . :or , onncniuau ol meriikl Ward at 'i ouauing muulcli. . . j ih PmimHI A. can o'tbel bird Ward, at Uie n .n January. J J WBiTK la a candidate for Council-- m.. m L,. ii ward at Ibe irnwi- - ia on. Jaunan gl 5 . t .i ,if manv voWre of tbc Tbird A aaJ , .nnoaaeo inywl a a calculate "or Couocilm.u of toe Third W ard at tbe auing raunlclpal S&QmSSSHS . v . .. runHi nf mfinT roten of IbaTbird a'.iri l ununnnoc jitc1! aa a candltialf tor councilman ot ibe Third Ward at the municipal ejection, jiV OH" B. HlBAlOO announce clmrnir a J a candldaie 'm to BM office ol . ouncllman ot the BeenUi Wardaltneen. T.nit mcnlcipai eiwi-mii- . T the reuuai m axmvy "i A inn ot tae Uevenih Ward, 1 hereoy an aiincf myeal: aaa candidate Tor Councilman iny enanin. municipal ggfagrgR, a. UK.Ji-AW- , Ja. aiuiouncea him-- . f ava cauuluaie roi Couaollman of , kalaaaO Ward, at Ibe auaulng mttiilclpal oTrcTu-n- . " WL- - otiti ZltXT amounoaa b Impel f aa a ean J dl'Jate ior re eitlor o tne omce of Coun-ci.ina- n ol ibe rirat Ward, at the ensnlns aiu- - Blulpai election. i,. axiiicr Alloc or my friend ad- - counce m yscll a for re eleeUun r... . n.i'i. of lot .i;a want, ii uiw l ouree mat i pur-uo- u during term has constituent. 1 ea- - e ven uaUwfacUon to .cl to as Uui appruvaiat the -- a W. Bii HMAJS announce bJmae f a JAMrti lor to olboeof T hue Pifkn w arc at itao r - lbi: claotioa. d.y w candluale Onnfllmar mnnidpa'. r" XAitTii acuouncta blmkelX a can- didate lor from tbe V ifib A LxUXeBC announce CHA&LEH tor Councilman of the Finn Ward, at the entiling municipal eleo- - I loii. January 1. 171 dl4 a csndld-n- e for aa iam to repreaent Liieoeioad Ward ll 1 i avc noi diacbarged m,- - dnty faltniully. jo noi yote lor me. Aaa my .eaoriate tu offea. W. crxAfUa. . . jaSBi announce uioiaelf oan- - M. ciuate lor coantiilinad of the Kigbib Waid at Lde euauxog maoicipa. election, January Cgg. au Per city Tax CeUarier. TY reoaesi 1 announce mye i a candidate O Bar uaa offlce ol rax coilacior. at the ea- auing municipal elecuen. in Jaunary dlai J. A UBOMAUCfc. Jx , ranouacea bimaelf MXAUIVRtY, city Tax Collector a loc eoattlnx mnn'.cipal election, Jan. t. la. a. 13 TWOnlii announoa blmaeal a oandl. 17 date lor City Tax collector at the mnniclpa. ejection. Janu.ry till, .f a. W. MuBaiTcAI announce nlnwelf a raii.liilal-- r .or aa city lax i ciieckur at tu auauliig municipal eieitlou. iaouarp a, llCi For AMrraeu. are authorlned tn anntunce OH n WE W Vritt acandidate lor aa ol VhelTl.. Ward at theenauli.g m unlcipal elecilon. January 4, lt72. ua . a candidate for Alder-- . N man al I ll un Ward, at tn mu .ici-- election January th. QIC ArFaaL: At ihe aarueet i id. ElilTOita many voter or uie rnui ......... .... a oami-dat- e lor aider- - luan S toe film Ward. . K.ACa wa at. DL'Kal. aa Alderman, would aarve aX ill" t giiLii W aid la.u.liliiv anu euiw- - iv ! Til D.JOH.H CillHIWI l'i ei:i aim. a. ujtsivKSiJN annouucea mmenfa BK9 (cr Aldarman n tne fSigbth Ward ai iii- - ana" tig municipal eiecUua, January 4. Ig7a. d!4 I AHa H&k vBTO.N ids iunoea Llinae.i aa a a, canuiua iui AiuDiuuii Ward at enaiung municipal election. January a, wr. dir nai my my R7IL tbe the T AM a Democratic candidate lor Wharfmex- - . . ABklTT K. BAbM.N ' 1 an independent f odldate lor ibe cmee ji v iiarimuaiei g:ect:oa Januarj 4. Bam any aoiicitaliou, I announce UrlTHOiiT a and. dale lor Wharlmaaler at tbe a; ,roac ' ig mai.cipaJ eiecuon. el. ii dUOlK. UAKJJ W. XJOHTBL'BNK announce Ri bimaell aa a candidate lor Wbarfmaater at ine tnaning mnnaipai eiecLiou, exea. a. iaeei . W. W1LB.1SH reepectfully announce C bimaalf a candidate lor lue poaiuou oi wtiarfuiaater M the port of atemonia at tbe enamrix election, and aaxa tne auAragoa or ni and lellow-clllaen- a. avT U. H jLi aunonnoe a canul il . cat for Wuarimaaier at tbe enauicg BVaBBOipH -- ,cUon, January 4, iwx, dB a W. MulaJalHUM. ibe t Depuly 1 , Wbar'meater. annouucea blmeelt aa a cabd'date for wnarfBuaier at lb enaclng mantel a. e.ecti m. January t. ucx. ue rm1 J. JUjUJM ' Of announce nimaelf a can X . did u lor W oat 'maaier ai ibe euauing mouioipei auction, Jannaiy 4, 171, on tne Jamb Jonnaon llceec B M. fll TTItTbT. in CHMdlance to ibe oali ol me oicaaue el Mem po la. oeara lo nlmae.1 aa canoidale lor w uar fmaa- - mtinlclpai election- FLiXN ajinouncea bimaell a JOB lor W baVlmaeter al tbe ensuing icunicipa. election, 'an nary 4. 1a7a. nolo c. DoiO-i-a an noa nee bimasir HENBi foi W najriu.ater al Uie SbSU ing municipal election, January 4, lwg, r bvikj .v-- 1 WOLF announoee bimaelf a can oidate lor WbaiUuaaler al lb enaulng municipal election. January 4. ioia, boi BOARDERS. IK. Booma and BaaM Apply io Mrs. UAO. U HjL1. js Mikat ireei. uau r.iiAAtliiNi, Two oieaennl rooma. unlur- O .!. With board, oe oblalued al .Jc V aabliiglon aueet, auitabie anu dsnrabie sm aaaa axes wmsw ' i .. :n nd story nm Is rasa Ml IV aaiiabi tor a family or young men. and a irouiparior ictim ULiuroianea, w:ui ooaiu ai Nu. AU Maillao.. me t. d2v ilOABDIMj- - Nice board, by day or weea D Kajeru, luini bed or unfurnlansa. to rent, wild iia X7i Main street, up. slBtrs oaf 1 1 OAKbKkH JD No. HI mar. lti H STRAYED OR STOLEN. uHslL- - o .iMiji ol Lbe lDni , Larv Ly bt f.loQT b yVTA ujiDg abov U Mr. t KK, oorau tAcvptx .UiU LrteU, ml ieciv ibm aoQTM rwravr. M a r i. li.A'111 I cai ltl e.cck LOST. Apply at no i JWi'hVN Hi- - th ta ug Tb to ua ObciMMt ol -- lnrte ceii.Cc.fa or tn be awata uu com. few Ilie hundred iW.O) do.lal. each. 27 ieauil . transferred b J. F. ba-t"- n ia M M and J it Cocoraa. tl JUL ansiaot.a'.- : o.i I'.r P.wOnlbe an Hhelby or Linoea -- ueet, a Lug from Oayoso i Main, liars revolving poflrall OJ a eui euaa on owe awe ana Rair ontlJB rAber lbe Under will be gener-.,nal- - rssjaraad by leaving It ai i Poato tw ,11- -. M. 14li.uA hi. nundreai tlifinaaairl offioa. tjaat ha ' will be anon ftil tn hie ,QP unieee soife i'.- -.. occur, or unusual oauaea - - fraa the Irfel " ll- - ...rnple ind loose cotton in any part of the e ty. ureae 8. of. BallTH A 00.. at Prs ana Flceery, oorner aiain "'. vy anted. COttOn-picae- aira -w --. ..uuin uu . w i BV . lOOK A Wad I war. ai i . ..,..-u- . Mmnhla immediately lor tbe t.etse Iltg hook erer puhllbed. To t right Pf- - m a large salary or commission will oe ilen. A 'Id re' HvUgMAiaa,, ilempbt, Tenn. oB . lOABD and FurnUbad Boom, for a lady, O child and nnree Address, with terjta, WUllam, Appeal ofBas, , t OKS Brsrrbody to buy, ell e xcbariire D their old oooka at xtl itreet. d.H comfortable bona, with tlv or HOUBS-- A within 11TO mlnte' walk of r Aililre.- - BKNTO.N. care AP- - psal. staling term per month ror on year or more. y ITU ATION" By a competent engineer and r micblnm. lae erenoe i. Koglneer this ofBce. xj j ITU ATION- - By a aaleaman LB tbe grocery " licalne; can glee good good reiereBce. Addrea in teaniau, tu.a waaa mi- - a .eel cottaee ; eldence of I - ... rr rnnma North ktampblS ,T7r.rr-- d. Address 1a C. M. , 40 north Cenrt - n yj tret:. j W ASTEU TO Timber by tbetnon- - ii h a v lie Taaen a iemw - nuv luW'K MIL.LJ4. .nA rH!tH idem. Until th HTOT rtBSS i ..w timber tor oartlet that nam Umber at H0J per tbonsand tor "TP"" and loplar, and 00 lor oak nd ash, In, :...m in .enxtn or under, uneandtwo per cent, will be charged lor every additional ln ree, to JACKKIN. dS7 Lata ot Mnrfreesboro.Tenn. C VK.BYBOOY to read the sdeertJeement of Ea BCBlrian ioij-- " oay' Appeal. ... a., i - ..i ni. f hi i Iv for four per B eon, with two rooms, cne .ornlskatl; ,.Ur...a inlisiiass Address au. di Block, Meeapbla ajCHOOl aty a jroang lady of ;P' O and well linaimwi w .aU -- "- brauobea and muaic. BBaeaeee B. B. Tyro, 7 octave oiauo by a ,1ANO-Toretago- od t., h,Mrin audit early at 106 Oou rt t r'eeu Ai the os. atore m Main 1 xtreeti only good reoom mended need aPP'T. 5 l.,-AHX- B AB 1 BON KB A No. 1 washer lid ir.inei, ataonthwest corner Vance and Lauderdale, uooa ije '. . at a ... . man caoableof tali M ing charge oi running a ateam saw and artstaBBM :be country, either on Joint ac coun' oron reaaonaoie !, n aaB s. UANDBlliaa, MITObU:! L OT A lot, of 30 leet front; price not to ex noKi xaun eaan. auurea lAW, Appeal offloa. TorfHE To rent a bouse with five or six tl rooms, convenient to oualnoa, ireea, "B " Peaoody Motel . HYivimi vii Furniture. Feathers and S nouaebold Uoods of all kinds t ought at El BAW Hecon i Ktrec n r.. ........ . FOR SALE. khtaiihaNT in Aiood iooailon. Address yij aa t aa saxeaa jHEPrlltBl) FUPF1KS, St O Clinton and Pontotoc ta the oomer H. N1CH0LB. . 1.1 u a railroad BOH1P We are 2) iborlsed to eeil a portion oi the Scrip leaned ay county 10 me aoove roau ai ninety Ave tenia tne dollar lor tbe next :rv uaya. This is tbe only aerlp good lor laxe levied lor tbU road a UEHHAN NATIONAL BANK Twenty-thre- hundred acres of LAND in Bolivar county, Mlas., well pro-- Laexad bv levee. Apply to Baa, r. Bberrou Maaon Depot, Tipton oonuty. Tenn Qns S703 Btelnway. oi HlAJSu-- A years, will be aold at a Call at 7 rourthauatu D low noil sag riuo hanil and IT aBlS SS aa any in tbe market. Apply at H.,,,tian (ivanon m Co.. in rear oj -- jo Second street HO' Turnips, Horse, Markft- - ilaraeaa, "Jej a. I OBULEB. T Stooud f BCCKBY IiiBJt ' 'ue-ha- lf intarest In ths ll .mi-.- alo e. No 11 rilroet. For lei mi apply on tbe premise. dxv II lLJH UOAT aVI goal N Ad at st of on only .1.... ofBce trael. Main rooms A No. freeb ml! Ob m mmAmm X X ibis ofSor. U EiD I OTaTOKH 'AM barrel Car y BUf-- aeu; barrel fcarly Boss; jjO bsrreli Kaily Ooodrlcn; 1'asi Darrel Pectblowo; ran iiarreiB Plnxeyes; barreU London Ladiee: au barreu. ' i "m BU. TsUlrlvB A CO., dgl Noa. aoo and aali Front street 1 uUSK-M- j. Monroe at rest ; oontaiAu . 1 1 dktl A neat ooltage, for iu oaab COTTAiia" at .11 A vary atreea. dala ' 1 - i acres 1a near B., on avenue. Poniar bLtami noulevaru. suitable ror .arneuar uulcder or milk nualneaa;, 100 leal Iroul by mjt teat on Moaoy avenue, neat oid Uaielgb road,Jual uutald Ibe city ilmlla. tO lA.'.MA Su, No. JUPopiar alreeL rtlvSij A XaaiWn Bcsewood Piano. i qnlrs thi offlce. ftOT.ON PLAIITATION- - tax cleared; . Cooper AiH.tll 1101' tfiHHi reeldenoe. out-b- o taamin. etc : near Laoonla. iMsna oouui Arkaneaa; may protemad by theclreie levee. Term eeny; apply to W. 4. Wsatberford. Eiu. No. 14 Union itroet, no-i- BUCK A DBAKK. ,it mjaI.i airiMi nn ll well ocmer La of Wssatxasassj reel a nargaln. Inquire jn Uie iTeniiae. or at ibis onto. net ki.i l.KNi-- Ilaalraole residence. 334 Je lerxin street. Anpir on pramiaea. buu r wain-la- a aaraata. one or tbe most Lv comp ete and deilgnuul residences in tsbiiiby county , st.uated on tbe south aide or treet extended, known as the Col. Mill's place, recently owned and occupied iiy coronna, gam, For terms, etc, apply ai urn Emmet Bank. OTB-- Walnu: street, on Ume. 3 Union ht. r a 1.1 DKKUjY. J2S 1 ko Apnl; UBOBliK ULXON. FOR RENT. nee ooltage residence on IV Walker svenue. lmmadlateiy on ner- - nan.i.. Kiieet railway, near aotitti gate oi irmaiml Cam .a.nlal n. n 'our r- - olU' kllcoec and roo.n for aarvan'a, and sulBt'lenl around for garden. Apply at at Union street. T aii al Na w coiiaae. lust flniBued la not L Looney Swilcb, Hernando street X H. bBaaBMBsm a.Bguer i ki T .ne .urge front room. " uu a7 luruiauid. " at Will-L- a. Alams strveu ICdLLIBScr-Mr- a. Mary K. Fa'teraon'n new rev dau.e. all in periecl repair, Uiree miles from the city, at Homi'i Mui; jj i.u Memobls and Charlerton Hal road. Apply lo MALONE, THOMAS t UJ., 16 Union ti est. dm A neat cottage. COTTAOE auaat. Apply at dec2S LACK That ell a en t tail oomlortabie P place, on Bay bui u Avenue, south of Jack sou atreet, formerly ocoupied by Lira. B. A. Purtei ; large brick bonae, twelve rooms, Ave acres ground and ai! oalbouaea. etc Apply to . A. BT . ALL. aa IB Main street, , TuJili AND DWltLLlNt--lo- 4 Main street, O and Oraaoreaan Baas aieuua, won bona. Anpiy lo P. A. CiCALLA, di corner Bailor end cheater atresia. Three offluaa lo rent In Stanton OFFICES Apply to OJfiO . D. CJsOCKKTT. dig 17 Union aueet. A pair of otoloe office, also, a OFrlCXB ofBoe on same Door, situated on corner Madison and Front slxeats, immedi- ately over tbe Banking House oi u K, Moi- - loy. To good and pet manan l tenants Lbey will be rented low. Tbe stalrwsy niving tieen laie'y widened, tbey are without doubt 'be basl cffloes in lbe cuy lor locauoo, iiiut, etc. appo at as union strew. o . . m pi.ack r:ie Cherrv Place, on j aaaasra avennai aitsat. a amali OUM Atinl aouin ol aame, with three acre auaonao rAAiaa naauaui noM U Ualon MreeL RBBLi)tiCKBI OFFICIOS' affaoe I Uealdenoe DOB W A. WWtLATLKY.a) Main. LKAKK-T- O UAB1BNKBB About b ll acres or flue garden ianU, with anuuiber of fine Peach Trees already Bearing, on I an- - tral Avenue, on the HoLyford Hoed, aboat i.S miiea from Coon rtqoara. A arnantilAl ueinun aoa a - i a i. eausi. To a good, responsible gardener ltwlU be ieased al a very iow prioa. Apply to ti flBASUt lout., las r tout Bi'ewe. mlnutea walk from RkiDaVNCaV-Xa- n ears. Nine rooma, baih room and wawr-voit- a. clxteru. wall, stabltx aarduu, orchard, three scree, wail ancloaed mu in good crder Apply to minor Men-weth- so at mu alreeL oew LOCAL NEWS. (Jo to Leddin'a Colleaje. Attend Boberoaiu'a Bualneaa College. Tbos. Cubblns, bricklayer, 3u Main ArmatroUM H Puolosranblc Uailer . .No. 211 Main sUeeL Three lauiUeaa gem picluna. ft ttfty cents. . MM Hxxadvertuiemenlof Dr. Butt's Dispensary, beaded Book lot tbe Million Marriaae Uulde l aarTltrT" column, ll anoum be read oy Pumps, S16 Second street. r oh an Irntaled throaa, oougb or oold, Hn.wn a Hri.ncnial Tria;llo ' ale offered a lib tin- rullea! coubiienca in ibeu efficacy. Tbey maintain the good reputation they have JUhUy aouulred. rs m kil raigis. A CKKTCXT tt'Hk UAC nn nf X. JO n it S. A S at ... la tbe great antidote for hea sjeo mm bf V4mMt bbJdK uxUrr ot buttaloea. It in now tb woi popular iunerai spring walei ol Uie a4. ai.ti tbu beL auutiauve anu aperi-sutk- wo. hupp. ed in cm of twu duaen II, CtiU'lU..) S. "C HpiJIHt.. .ill Ci- - oalieutiiilm- - for tamily msm. mDoni si a nnmir-'rr-' sa. WhoieSMie Age n la. Th ct MMOMMt and bast Uyeing and CImsbIu KraiiMaa i,i Lh citv al M (second street lUnnt A aaBMjgaaiHa'S OSd MtMabdA fJBia iDlorniatoj a av - , every put of lbe l aitexl Siaita, in Eng- land, the baarln of the Black Bee, 1 Krypl and tba Danube, aa tbey have In Umb- os, u nernoiirhoooji. lbe tain, would not THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-SATXTBD- AY, DECEMBER 3Q. 1871. THE APPEAL IN THE CITY. snares at wbtrh tke natly Apiieeil ess bw Piaenied. Th niTT v A anu. can tie had everv morn. lug at the following-name- d places in the city : At lbe uracil oi ine paper, ito. i vinou At ti e news-stan- d of Joe Locke, No. aH Main street. .. . At the news-stan- d of W.J. Mansford, corner of Second and Monmestreet. At the news-stan- d in lbe peaoooy novel. At the news-stan- d In the commercial hotel. At Uie uewvi-itan- In the Worsharo bona. At tbe newa-Mtan- d In tbe Overton hotel. At the news aland In tbe Southern hotel. At the news stand or Bmmoa A Bon, No. 10 J effuraon street. Atthe news-stan- d of W. D.Splekernagle.cor-nero- f Firtb and Poplar streets. vt tl news-sta- n 4 i.n St. Umln wharfiwail. At tke news-stan- d at Lanier A Kldrtdge a, SAAn.fl .IM.I iiia, Uaillann. At the iiews-atan- d of Hobbday, on Beala siri-et- . near Main. At the newsstand at the Hal I road depot. At tbe news-stan- d on tha Memphis and Lit- tle Hock wbarfuoat. At South Memphla news-depo- t, Vo.dO Beale street, near Second. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Changeable the weather. Progressing Ihe Selma railroad. --The drink of tbe season About this time look ont for allnaiiaw. Tbe time for advertisers tbe present, Getting ready the fashionables for New Year'i. day. The grand Teutonic ball occurs Monday nlgbt at Cochran balL Of bcalneaa, one can never have too much. Those understand that best wbo advertise most, Bishop Quintan! hi expected to visit st. Paul's church, at Franklin, In a lew weeks, to admlitlsle' the rite of Episcopal confirmation. The lBuulry with white men Just now la, why don't tbe candidates arrange among t maul it and present a ticket that all good clUsena can support? Why, O why ? We learn bv a letter from Midway, Mon- roe county, Arkansas, tbat a worklnguian from Memphis, named John Oonstenper. died there on the ITftb Inst from of mean whisky. The gentlemen who are hlgbest In public favor at the lair for the gold watch aro Mr. Young, of the Mississippi and Ten nessee depot; Harry Hyan, of the Cberlecton depot, and Mr. Plynn, of the Memphis and Ohio depot. The race Itetw.n them la pretty even. I hepnnch-tw- l people are Messrs. Cannon, Charley Meebau and Pa' Kelly. The)- - are running a very pretty race. William H. Way, of Prospect Hint:, Ar kanaas, writes na an affecting, tearful letter, tiemoanlng hit fate because he bought bis stock of goods and groceries a month ago in St. Lonls.whlch "have not yet come to hand." The way for Way to do 1 to mend bis ways and always hoy In Memphis. His prospects at Prosiieet would be better prospeotlvely. Messrs. Eugene McAullfi and WUllam Coaiollo. the two excellent j siller men of the Tenth ward, were yesterday presented with fine bats by the following named gentlemen, employed at the Mississippi null Tenneaar rail- road depot ; J. H.ChUdreeK, Jobn Cain, F. H. White, W. A. Ward, James Yonge H. M. Leech, Z. J. Ooodwln and William Klrby The recipients of the batt request us to relura their heartfelt thanks, A narrow escape from waxexperlettoed morning in tbe store of Pease grocery', on Front street. The sill next t.e ..replace caught lire and burned nearly to a blaze. A few hucketaol water sud some incitement soon extinguished the tire and relieved the people concerned of all ap- prehension. Two firemen arrived and exam- ined the premises, and found that everything was all safe after the Ignited spot had been cooled down. -- A correspondent says that "the finest speci- mens of forensic eloquence ever uttered In Memphis were speeches made In the Graves case. 11 is aaid that Mr. McBae's argument trails fsullleas in logical construction aslnlls tasteful rhetoric John F. Sale did the hard work, and was the manager of the delense. To these two Mr. Grave owes his acqnlttal, as we are told. The attorney-gener- tailed only In effecting a conviction. He and his adju- vants were wanting l n nothing save In triumph over lmposslbiliiua.'' The falrat rtocco hall last night was crowd- ed with ladlesand gentlemen. Numerous ad-1- 1 11 nus were made to the stock npon the ta- llies, and considerable excitement was shown In th voting 'or the gold watch and the Iiuncb-bow- l. The fair Is the only place In the city now, except the lb eater, where any amusement is to be found. This is the princi- pal cause of the rush last ntghL The music and dancing, which unndertheefflclent man- agement of Mr. McKeon, is also a great attrac- tion. The beautiful mantel-cloc- with glass shade, seems to he an attraction with the solid jwople. RAILROAD NEWS. Tb iueiUaSHil Sonlbrra UnllrMul On The riucliinul Enquirrr of the i!7th in-- t. mvs: "President Rowland announced on 'change veterday the committee to report njon i tie" Southern rallroatl, under Theodore f'ook: recently introduced resolutions. The committee, which is mm folio wh. Lm believed to tve almowt unanimously hostile to the $l(i,u00,- - scheme : Theodore Cook, chMirmnn; Robt. Mitchell, Jms. 11. LaftWR, S. DmvIs, ;r , ami J. J. I'm to-- . Cnder the rules of the chamber, when the report of this committee shall be spbrntUaVaii. tne time for tbe consideration of ine :inu iphoiuiioi Tkt Hea ie.I Bobbery on MjM mni The aUaiivlUe Lexiger sayn : "hu lioosier thieve, have fairly borne oil the cluunpion ship In the stealing line. Noar ShoMls, .Martin county, a few nights wio, tw we learn from a ueuUeins--n of taat place, a gang of thieves went to a sawmill, took, down all the machin- ery, including the engine and boilers, loaded It upon cars of tbe Ohio and Misslasipul rail- road hailed a passing train, bitched ibetiars to it, and hied away to Illinois with their booty, when Uiev will soon, doubtleMs, net up n iiusiiiff- - i'i heir uwn ho;k. i.- thieveMakulk in olsearltr until they can beat th sirrand feat of their Uooler ret hren. No wonder they have vigilance commllteeH er there." Uoxi f tbe M4 L.nlMVitle Ksad, We learn that General Boyd retires from the snperintendency oi the Memphis ana Ohio nad ou the hrnt ol January. He lias won and deaervea a high place, proiesuonaliy and aociallv iu the estlmaLiou ot tbo peopieot this city, .mu his withdrawal from this pusltlun he mm tilled soakiHfoily aod will be uuiverrtallv regretted. It Is tn be hoped thai be will remain acumen of Memphis and may vet be In in cod lo decline attraoUve prolfered at another place, where It pniptMeu qui ufsuuii .niroi h .iwi. ii. ;h ." m.. two etuat oenlral cities of the L'uiou. We pari fnmi (enenU J3oyd with Hiut'ere regret ... commend mm as a thop'UKh-bre- d gentiemau and railroad man- ager to the previ and people uf SU Luuis and Louisville. ere Trejiiblt) an ib Alabama mI batlawyM Fn;m the iiHitauooarit Times we learn tbat the trains un lbe Alabama and ( haUanooga rii'irtiaii wercsii i ;u'v.uv. til :i.aiia. " rder ot Mr. Wbeeler, superintendent ol the Mulht'rn division. The rfSfions lor yiT. Wheeler's action are stated to be liased on objections on his part to some Investigations which General Wofloi.1 had lnistltuled Into Mr. WbeWer's way of doing bunlnras. By an agreement between the represen tat Ives of the status of Ueorgla and Alabama, eneral Woiford, the receiver fur troorgia, has "ontml of the road between t'battauooga tind Birmingham, while Colonel jlnurat, for Alabama, controls th southern end of tbe mad. L'olonei liindrml appointed as his superintendent Mr. Wheeler, and Gen- eral WofTbrC appointed Colonel White as BUerlntendeni of the northern division. General Woftord having repeated ly received information that Mr. wheeler bad the em- ployes selected by lum were collecting more money than tbey were Mcoountlng ror on freights aud passage, directed Colonel White to Institute it system of checks which would pat m stop to this kind of peculation- Mr. Wheeler seems to have objected to this, in- terference with what be oontiidered his vested rights, and has stopped the trains. John T. MjnB Ueerml Boyr Huecev Mr. John T. I'lynn. Esq., is the suooeflsor of Generai J. K. Boyd, whose resignation lakes ' on the urt inHtaui. Mt. Klynn wuh torn in Charlemton, Mouth (Carolina, tn IbiO. He re- moved lo etlcmphis when seventeen years f are. liaviQK secur! a cifrkfibin tn ihe pjiis and Ohio railroad office In llSos, when Mr. T pp was president, Hy.coffln mm Inteudeut mu nckeit cniei ngineer, j. i. ireievant sod r H. ialley ireight agent. In lir Mr. r tyun becaine naggage-ma-Hte- and at the age of twenty, after passing through every Intervening gradation of omc. lie tecame a pasrcngeroonducur. He dlschargHl the duties ii in" iHis!Uin wnn ontu-i'it- 'Kin anu lautt less oon ftjmw'' until January lti, when he beoame a mciii oer oi .ajor .i.j.vvicks cav airy company. He served through ihe war ind again, In 1N6T, entered the service of tbe Mem phis and ' dilo railroad company aa freight c .nducior. wd moiains anervvarti nHacoepuxi a :itrasnip i un ta'u v r hi om ,am: in n run; ried the Hccoinplhtbed daughter of Colonel John KoMtter. In May. its, be was ticket tajzent hi llutntii.uiT, hiiu mhi l i h ant. l:i VuguM, 1!T0, we believe, he became general rrtight agent anu occupied tbe Memphis oihue, whprehe ha discharged his multifari- - iuh ami oueious um i s wnn peneci salisla--tion to the offloars of the nipany and to tbt. public No iusu baa done mure to popuiari Ihe Memphis aud buulsvlUe line. The oarwvr of this young genllem'n, the youngest ol Memibis buys U ban achieved tuch rank in iherailway world, Kbows how much can be aiMumplisbed by steady, Uraiess devotion to. duty, and b jKirsi.sieui aiinsnn to a deilued in buKini-w- . - ..i-- . why may not Mr. Klynn win tne rame oi i. nnk or ol Tom N ull" He has many years b- lore him. and If In future his course be as wisely adhertsl to as in former years, mere in no poaiuou in the railway work lo which Mr. Klynn may nut as pire anu wiui ii ne uia. uoL aouru esnpbls, ft 1 ma-- anal ibe Smmw That the AieKAIs was not misled when It perxisiently advoaated the oonstrnctlon f tbe Memphis abd SKtU roaa, oi woicn -- lxteen milesnext this city will be in operatiouJn May next. Is shown by the fact that there are now atx railways oonvarglng at Selma. The i eidral Alabama, from Meridian, Mlssta-dpi- the Selma ami Mempnls, about elghtv mile completed; the Selma, Home and lMlun ; selma and Montgomery ; Selma and Gulf, to l'ensacola, forty miles completed ; Selma and New tleaua, twenty mile, nuuihed. Other raliruads building in Alabama are: The vickKburg and Brunswick, from Kulaulalo Meridian, ruid the Kint Alabama aud Cincin- nati from jpeJlka to Guutersvllleand Uienoe to Uuntaville. where connecUon Is made with an nntluiKliisd line to Sparta, Tennessee, and with tbe Memphis and Charleston. This road bM the WMmm 01 exleoding 1U line south to Kufaula, connecting with the llruiiswlcb and Albany; forty-liv- e miiea are Unbvhed and about thirty more have born graded, The North and South road bas uluety-Ki- x miles finished mm M outgone iy to Hirmingbam. It Ik now ountrollMd by the lalsvTlle and Nashville road, and in connection with lbe Mooujoinery auu i?,utauJa on the Houin uu rtBnU'iuu mm ifonMIT udTth, will make the shorieai line now in progress from Savannah to lbe ubio, and uutil Kurrest's oad is bum out shortest route to i lie aontAuaat Atiantlo ooasU The road Tom House. Georgia, to Decatur, Alabama, has bu oummenoed. i he Mobile and Grand rruuk roaai is to run from Mobile to Blrming-mn- i on Ui-- j Alabama and Cbatusnooga rail- road; i weii miles of it an ouniuleted. It la snppoMMd thai al the point where this road and ttie Seima and .New Grleans luleraect they will consolidate, and the Mobliu and Grand Trunk run to Selma, thanoa up the Selma, r, abd 1ml lou railroad Uae W Ajihlay, a tolling ber to select. She c noose a small one full baawily set witb jewels. Tnla, upon trie i. aba nnda lar loo neavy. Laying It by, sua selects a beaatlfnl oroes o? point aoo Hi of Montavalm, I hence direct to Birmingham. A road is chartered and talked of from Montgomery, via Rome, Georgia. M 'hattaiiooga. Aaolher, soutbeaat from Trov. AUaiitaOeorgU, proraaiea to aaa lo uer rvAiiruvju ii'i..n lireatlge, by building a road lo Birmingham, Ud thenoe ' ' Decatur. Tbe one litui Mas aorveyed, and in road ha ll,i pajmllB from Ueotmia nd Alabama. It Is in the bauds of very energetic men, at whom bead la Cam re- tail I Wailaoe, the most experienced railroad Vullder In thesou'h. With this grand systain of roads MamphU secures direct connection through Salmi and through Decatur lo Bir- mingham and Montgomery. ervllfe MMMSl Uallvar Komi liMifM. Tin projeeied nuv (najrtaredi roads from JsycbsoB aud. Meiaphls to Jackson and Bolivar, atsd tbeure on eaat ure oonfeaaedly important, and tbs rooten feaalbU, so that neither of theae iiolnUcab be deemel debautsMe the import-- i in re and feasibility. Hher quesliMns or rnat-te- however, claim some attention n refer- ence to them; and First Two separate lines are not now re- quired (if maintainable at Mill from Somsr-- tile to Mem phi or from a point of J unction astof Somen ille, from Jackaon and Bolivar, to Memphis, in view of this, it was well sug- gested, some weeks ago by a writer In one of tne jt em pun paf- - w Charleston road would do well with Its branch to extend Uiat to Jackson at .i and that some concert should be bad to tbat end bv the parties interested; or both roads i 0'i HotnervlllM should make common Mtock from SomerviUe to Memphis so as lo v)perate but one line. The interests lnvol-.t- i, ifnot the very sncc-ss- either prtiiect, seenm to demand one of these arrang ( .enta, and the farueet attention of the companies con- cerned showld be given ana urged to this sub- ject, as otberwtMM It would be useless to Incur further tronble or harass the people with ex- pectations in regnxfd to either road. It Is letter to wm s safely and wisely than fruit 'easly or or mahlv. rtecond Tbe line from Somervllle or the above luncUon to Memphis ought to be early settled, so tbat tbe energies of the people may be applied to a settled Una, and so tbat no lieartburnlngsor onmpialnl of duplicity may be made. Doubtlessly, considerate men and englneMra, with tbe map before them, and with auy knowledge at all of tbe country, can have little difficulty aa to tbe proper general ronte from Memphis to .somervllle ; for the road. If intended or needed for any purjtoMe at alt, should supply and answer the railroad wants of the people and ixmntry concerned. Tbe map shows a large and wealthy country etweeii the Memphis and Charleston and the Me up his aad Louisville roads, or the waters of Wolf and Hatch ie rivers. These roads run. generally, with those rivers re- spectively. The new road shou.d not run along with either of those roads or streams, therefore, unless the wants and business of the country along either demand it, aa nobody Is foolish enough to think. Neither the IjOuIs-vll- le nor Charleston road has heretofore sus- tained itself. Tbe one, after being leased, has now sold Itself, and the other is about to do the sane thing, In efleet: and both furnish, and are desirous, to supply, all necetaary war ts along their lines. How ridiculoua would be tbe Idea of running this new road by Bartleit on the north or Gsr man town on the south! What profit could result? What bat ex- pense, from such occupation, jointly, ot a :errltory which the existing roails are more than able to accommodate? The new road, em a railroad, thus run, would not pay the cost ol the lubricating oil. It would be wholly uae-,-s- in lbe meantime there Is a fine, rich country Intermediate and on the direct line, and needing and well able to support railroad facilities, and to help build the road. See the d country from Mempbls to Colonel Clayton and thence, crossiug Wolf river at right angles, to Fishervllle; and thence by or near line: ' to Somen iUe or the above junction! it will he observed that, treatise Wolf river and its hottcm seperate this fine highland country from tbe Charleston road, it is almost entirely without railroad facilities. It la comparatively mmote from either rood, and if the middle loute be not adopted. It will he readily conceded thai i he connection west of Somervllle with MempbU need only le by tbe oa- - or other of the exist- ing roads 'named the Lou-viR- e or .'bar lesion L and that the vast amount of unn.cessary out would be thus saved to tbe people and lbe ompanle.1 concerned. But an latorraedtaie road ought to be built and would pay, and no other can ie built or would pay oven for oper- ating it this side of Somervllle, Steer clear, then, or the Louisville and Charleston roads alike, so far as possible, if It is Intended to accommodate the country and socure a large business for the road, a buslotsvi worth a! least an hundred thousand dollars annually more then It tbe road abould be run within the immediate influence of either of these roads. 1 propose, as 1 may flndtlm, to offer you some thoughts on "norrow-guages,- " aud on our Memphis road.s and interests gene PKOGHESN. CITY POLITICS, Fous-t- Worst Mr. I. Hill Declines. .M km phis, December 29. KditorM Appeal In reply to the compliment- ary call made npon me by Citizen," to serve as alderman for the Fourth ward, I must re- spectfully decline Merving, on account Ot other duties which occupy my time. Rcspeotluily, L M. HILL. Kill to Word Mir. Mart Id Oafaea larCatia-cllmas- i. .Memi'h is, L.'?cember iy. RdiL'TK Appeal I am a candidate tar council- man from the Fifth word, and promise, If elected, to devote my time and whatever abil- ity I posseas to Ihe welf-r- e of my con-3m- S llapecUully, MABTIN COHEN. PrapoaltlaM. Editort Appmil want some white man to Ih- - wharf master of Memphis, I believe I will mmm sw Us ihB asy MmMMtStve iuhu t at, but do not believe, with tbe competition, I can get enough votes to beat a negro. Tnder the dicumstances, and for the public good, I propose to settle wbo shall be the caudidaie by lot among those o fieri ug, or ;u any other fair way. If this is not consented to, I will be next to the negro iladtcal in the race. JAB. M. MCOIUHT. o'f ar W barf master. ibUbor Appeal 1 agree exactly with ' old Tlmes'; in tne ,valanche. about Tobias Wolf. There is an effort to injure his election by the cry of "no " ll he has no c:hance, who bos? The people of Meatphls know htm loo well and loo favonvb.y to overlook bis claims. It will look like a it turn to the good old days to see Wolf wharf master again. He has the bet chance in the field, and is the man for good iltlxen to oonoentrae upon. ANOTHER "LB ONE. amusements! Thk music-lovin- g teople of the ci.y ten- dered a deserved tribute to the professional worth of Sobatxky last evening. Despite tht inciemenoy of tbe weather and tbe attrac- tions of other places of amuweinent, tbe opeia-hous- e was well filled by a most fastidious assemblage. There was elegance ot apparel and watchful Interest manifested by those caoble bf appreciating excellence In the dlviueartof melixly. Mr. G. H. Martin sang charmingly, and Mrs. Czapskl was mcored after eocli song. .Mr. Boy lb sustained ins part with admirable tmm retd, and hit voice was prunouuoed by a skilled amaU'ur beside us. LuLering the hall at a late hour, OUT reporter heard uoneni tbe i CM, 1 lie au dleuce went away delighteai. Tua CEaVtral Bptiht CBrncii last night 1. ad tb- cnribimas lestnai iiruiecni dren. Thechurch wasiull uf peon t, amuue-r- oaied .ii the au, limbic rose in strain from criuDtless little tnroais,auu alter tueae otloual part was ov . the little ones wen into the sacristy to enjoy themselves. GAS. la tba Uaa Can. puny ttastiag? dUor Appmtllt the Memphis Gaslight company can afford lo furnish gas al three dollars or leas per thousand, why did tbey not do it long ago" Why abouid cousuimr bu, them when tu tbeit own curd, they ititend. If poMslbie, to break up the new com pauy.and drive thorn uut c' existenct? Hup puss they suooved, du they Intend keeping the price down to the lowest point at which tbey may nave ouargeu tieiore (MeiLiiini; in other company? The Gayuso oompau' pro- poses and agrees to charge but three dollars for the next two years, per thousand, forgtrod coal gas, juotauon as is nurneu in nearly ail me cilies oi une woriu. ioe uiu uoiupsuy Essav aa we win sen ai nuv reuu less auu Mkeep descendlug in same propoitlon." Now we wait i to Know, ii ine new uoinnauy .ions, then what are we to nay the old uoruj any for our gas? one dollar, two doilirs, lwo dollars and fifty cents, or, as now, live Pillars )er thousand cubic feel? We waul au answer that we may know what to expect. Will Mr. Williamson ur captain Gift "rise to explain, auu ouugt. auLsvi iiiiiiiirnrMiwT M km p ii is. Decern her Jt, We are Loli that ihe price chanted by the old sob company has leeu keid up simply because, for twu or three yrsars, or more, tbey have been constantly threatened oy tbe new company. J he old nas ore poring ror the hgbt with the new ooiapony. i.tigaUon has been costly, and coin poll Hon, without a pile ot money accumulated to con- duct it, might be ruinous. Experience has taught uo that theae con ii lets between corpo- rations ore more costly to tbe people than to saw. parties to ine struggle, une company or the other finally oaves in, or both combine, ami i in- - peopit must make al lOMae sustained. The policy ul each Individual Is to nuv wniie .ne sun -- nines, ana tjei nia gas on the be-- d pxioslble terms. The oust of gas within the next twelve months will not d one lollor per thousand feet. It is a great mistake to supioao uiatgas companies worK for public good. They go. like the writers ol the above note, mainly for the main chance. PERSONAL. Wk aciviiowledE a coil from Mr. J. VatUar. Of the Merc b an tsExc hangs, Little Rocl;. Ma. A. B. MjisiaaR, .New York; Mr. V. R Hawkes. .Sew York: Mr. i.. H. Hewe., Wasli- tngton. District of Columbia; D- -. W. G. Bui- - uck ami family. MIxsosmppi: cuionel McGeuee. Mlaslsalppl; Captain W. K. fope, Mississippi; colonel it. Bono, Mississippi: Ma jor James i race. ew Orleans, are gutls uiv I'eaoouy noiei. Ir you suffer from neuraJgia,apply "NeurL. EaXxjiime the urate in this office, Tls a oreal aavrng ot si. I have this day received trom Parla the ffrsi shipment since the war of a selection of among them Uie celebrated, A UALliETs MAP. lor suLsrlur lolstibln'sorany other soe.p made. THEO. K t Corner and Second ntreota. BKMIaIIV zkphti wout, GERMANTOWN WOOL, KNITTING YARNB, ETC. BERLIN WOOL TAFE8TKY W( RK, Such as Hllpper i'alte-ua- , Gttuinaus, Stool Co vera. A complete assortm. nl uf these g.ods can be found al R Beale T. W. JOHNSTON 4 CO "S, Opposite Peabody Hotel. HKLiaiNO ofK at x per ceuL loos than iiosL a splendid and fashionable lot of hats, just leoelved uy MlHB N. ENGLIBH, -- o, autv ntun luoot. (n view Captain 0. prTrnalow baa r bartered the Selma tor tha Red river trade in place of i Tbtxtaanib Kr. St. Paul is in tronble with tbe raiiroaua, wbo THE MUSSO TRAGEDY Death f Mr. Graves As. laves by tbe oroavar. Tbe C lm lbe I be baal Affair. Ex teat of tbe Mftsiiavderstavadfag and Haw It was Braatnt Absnt. THJB TALK OF THE CITY esterd7 wss no Ultla excited over tbe lactsdsUiled In the morning pi i peri sbow-in- g the fesrful havoc which family llVfaaliijg hsd produced ont in the north part of the city. The KILLING OF MR. GB0V1CB and the dangerous woandtng of two ladles and snotbarnisn (Mommo seamed snob an ex- traordinary event that fsmules shuddered In their quiot nonarholdM, and cried oat lb spirit, if not in srllenlate words, ' who will how us any good, where shati we find safe- ty?" The son and earful events were the t heme of general conversation, and the sub- ject of general criticism Tbe man who had done such tearful damage was in tbe county JUL The people who had been the victims of nia vtoieni wram were sirevcuea out on neas of so tiering and torture. The arnnalntapcas of Mr. Gioves who bad visited him the pre- vious evening and during yesterday morn- ing were convinced that be would uie, that i ommm won NO HOPE FOB HIM. but vet they were no less startled when at two o'clock they were Informed that he hod died. The coroner woa at once sent for by threa or foar messengers. In a short time he wmm found while on his way home. There was no delay in his going to the house of death and mourning, NO. 175 ALABAMA STREET, where Mr. Giovea hod bet a lying since tba h ii ray of tba previous evening. It became generally know: Ly every person w no had cognizance of Ihe complicated family affairs ont of which this moat serious difficulty grew, that family .uxrruls and mbuud jr standings and bickerings had exi ted inonths before, nay years: and that tbe shooting, which we chronicled yesterday morning, was nut THE LEUITI MATE RKBULT of thess misunderstandings and bickerings. Mr. and .Mrs. Groves, both of whom were shot on Tnnrtday evening, were lbe parents of Mr. Musso, sue having been married to him five or six j ears ago. Musso and ha wife had lived in iaTeat lnf!l3tty since tbe time they weremorrled. Mr. Grovea old not know the full extent of the disagreement until thorHy before the fatal event whloh canoed alt death. The DETAlLtt OF THE ENCOUNTER were published In yesterday's Appaax. the coroner a tcuneet, yesterday, tbe wit t lessee examined made inrther revelations onthepaln ui sarjaet. Mr. Grovea died at two or three oclock. coroner Motfatt arrived at the house aa hour or so afterwards, and at once wen: into tbe investigation- - rrev: ooi to his arrival, the honta w bre Mr. Groves lay dead was a hoasa of mourning. The whole family wora in tears. Nothing bat sighing anu THE LOUD WAIL OF LAMENTATION was hoard- A few sympathizing and cart- ons neighbors were present, binding np the jaws of the oad man. The solemn-f- a ?ed clergyman was also present, and when tha to in of trrlef were ioadest. he ursemolej the family together in the parlor and with con-- ifoiins: war as nusnea ineir hoot ior a lime aa the sound of prayer was heard the tears were dried up. Attar that there was no more crying nor wailing in the house, hut each nan on moved about perormlnz nia or her duties In a quiet, resigned, passive sort of way. THE INQUEST. Tha first witness called In the case before Coroner Mottatt was Mrs. iirehan, daughter ot the dead man. In answer to questions put by '.be cotmei, .Mrs. Greiian s&iu mat .Mr. Musso did the shooting which killed .Mr. Groves, her falner. Musso hod sent by bis clerk a message to uer iatner to come ana see mm ; wneu n At lather and mother were on lbe way, tbe pre-- wiona evenuia. to see .musso, sue .urs. ureiii.u met them near Musso's place, and, aa they ue nrt'Cet-oiiia- ; toiceiner to IUe nous-- , tnev met Mr- -. HocJl, who told them not lo go to the bouse, tjecause .iu-s- was prepared irtnem and she tbonght they would be in danger if ii i uey went mere, i uey weni, nowever, una, uu entering tbe store, the old man i Mr. Groves wpui to the door which leads to a little inner room at the end of the counter, aud, proached he door. Musso came out as aud Groves asked him if he had prepared to shoot aim ; witb that, joe stepped beiiiud the ooun ur, ana got ma pisiot By the torouer Who llred first? he ap-- , Mr. Answer I think Joe tired first; father then commenced snooting, or pulled ooi his nioto to do it; 1 caught hold of his hand with one of mine, and I caught held of him with tho other; 1 struggled with blm awhile, but he got i ur muxjuv m uis jiBui i i tan r?wHiu si that he could shoot, mid he shot at Joe: father 1 ihlnk, shot twice; he hred two shot- Joe did not -- peak at a I; he made no reply when lather asked him if he was prepared to shoot una. Coroner Now, Mrs. Grehan, can yon tell ihe :urv nere wiij u w.u mat nreti iiiv nrsi Answer- - .(oe'Mubso fired the first shot. If I ain't raistMkeu; I was rather excited at the time; my father got out his pistol and would have nred first If 1 had not lukt-- hold ol him Mr. Groves knew that Mr. and Mrs. Mtiaso did not get along very well together, but he did in.L kuuu mat UU.sso nad er nis 'vii. he knew that be woo in the habit of ing bar auu starving her anu his children i tic mey married. Coroner -- How many people and who were U'.. Answer My father and rnothar and my sis ter were shot: I think it was Lte second shot winch my lather hred that brattle, lasswei heard him say nothing; I knew uf no threats .ised ut that lime, but whenever be got mad he .lien tbnatene.! father. The witueas was then examined by colonel ll . whom lie answered ii Iollu Musso was at the end of the ountei when my tamer sjvoke to blm. Bu lock What caused your father to go mere: Answer Joe Musso sent for him, and mother went wiin aim: raiuur anu momer ue out on Second street; they were at hon,e when they were vem ior. Bulljck Do you kuow for what purpose mey were ior.' Answer-J- oe said he sent for him to kill hiin; my father was not unaTY al all: he said he wanted to settle it all without any fussing; he went there to make peace; wheu mother was sm a, sister was sput too; u snot passed through ray own clothing, also; five shots took ciiccl; my miner went mere in nis own waon uutiocK w no want ir mm AnswerA boy, Muoso's clerk; his name is Willie; l did not see blm go out or come bui father told me so. The coronerWho were present when the souuuug looK placet' Aiibwer There were no persons there bu father mid mother, MrMussoaud mysvif. Mrv aiusso wiu not mere wneu me snooting com menced. The ' oroner What did .Mrs. Hock -- ay wheu you and your father met her befure going 'o .viussi. s uonbe Answer Mrs. Hock said it was a feariul du iy hut felt she had to di harte It: lo toil father not to go to Musso s, that there would teirouuie; .muss.. nu .- and was ready forthem .Mrs. Hock bad just left there. The witness then said tiial Ihe note which Musso bad sent was m uer lather 's coat which was taken away by some one ibe previous evening, and ll could not ie tound. The pis tol he used h as also In the same iKckel. Colonel Bullock then asked the witness .i mu auu nis wne nad uvei sjmoauu ii her wise, and the wituess ikuswered. "Very much otherwise. ' I saw tbe mark where be had kicked ber; tbat wab before fatlicr came-- ; I never seen bun strike her my-el- f, but I seett the marks he mode, let oi times; do not tbtnk anytHxIy could make potsM while Mnsso was In the house; when .Musmo llveil t tho corner oi mini anu jet: :.n sirect. musw beat her ofi(n; 1 went mi her there once and took her uway, and kept her for three or fopr days; I waul after her often at uiahl aud brought hes here: father never hod anything. to soy, one way or anotner; ne was sent tor yesterday Ihursday to make teac General Black, who apteared as counsel for Musso, next examined the witness, and to :oiu aaa au- - oroaj Gruves went In .t the door on Winchester avenue there being another entrance to the store on Mosby street; Musso was back in the little room at Ihe time, and father approached the door that 'ends Intuit; the door Is at the end of the counter, aud by the time he reached Hit open cad o me counter, near tne door. Musso came out; Musso Rtada no reply to my father, put went behind the uouuter at once to gel his pistol; father sold nothing until he Went nght up to him: he did notseo.Musao until he reached the door of tbe little room hi; net stood at the open end of the counter. tbat Musso could not get out without passing mm or juiuPicg over me counter; i was father: I .:u hod of his pistol witb oue hand and oi mm witn tbeotoer. Ouesipin Whose pistol shot your Auswer1 know ll was Musso s. 1 h is on el uded tht tuit imon v of Mrs. trelui!i. i beu the Jury ;ulioui ued to uu ad Joining room, where Mrs. Groves was lying on maiirf-s- s on ine noor, uriounueu n a mini Dei lauv irit ud- -. and aunarentiv sunerimr coubueiauie pu.n. MRS. GROVES gave her tostlmouy as follows; She sold that u intirsua., enihii -- ne - m home, out on Seooud street, a mile and a half away, and she aid noi know whether her nusuand nad re- ceived u uule or not; wheu be came from the ferr over Wolf iiver. I said to him. "Why. you have come home early f He said, "Yea, I got a note irom Joe, asking me to go see him: there Is trouble;" I told him not to gu : he said yes, he was gulng; they sent for inv often, aod I did not gu to sue them; we got on a wagon andcaiueln; we met Mary Grehan, and she was going with us to the house of Musso; iiefore we reached it we met Mrs. Hock, who told us not to go; she said t was a very painful and disagreeable dne for her. but It was ber duty to .soy that Musso was oroasmri d with iluLa. and would kill Mr. Groves as ijulck as he could see him; we went to the s;ore anyhuw, and went In; Mr. Giovea asked Joe, me nisi wing n lie said ne would kill him as soon as I - could see lulu The young man who was oehind the counter ibec jumped over uand ran out; Joe then got behind the counter and got his pistols, ul I said, joe, don't you go -- hoot, and just than "bang!" bapg I" weut the pistol, (he shots were fired; then bis wife came run ning down stairs; we never moved out ol tho same place; I think he shut her as soon as she got into the store; wheu he had done shooting be Jumped over the counter and ran out: we went cut after, and went over to tho other corner and sank down at tbe dour; 1 know Joe tired the first shot. unaannn now do you xnuw mat, aire. Groves? Answer I saw Uie fire coining frum SB plstuL i no mu ihu.v aiso usiined mat sue was sure i was a bullet from Joe's pistol which killed her husband Mr. U roves, she sold, fired only uo spots: his p:stoi was a lour-- s hooter, and there were only two shots in it. Tbo night belore her husband was over the river, and ne hred two snots t4 aiiraci ttie atiemion ot me buaimn , snl iu knew he did not put any mote halis in his pistol. She knew he did not oad It again, because uie cartridges were in her room. The witness men testified In regard low hat she knew ol the family history ol tbe Mus so s. She sa d mey nad Jived unnapplly -- luje they got married. Mr. Grovea was oulj be ginning to Qnd It ou. When the last baby was horn she sent for me three limes In suc- cession, and the yellow woman who come lor me said he had struck her with a poker on ; he. head. 1 have a piece of the poker home now which ho bioke upon her hosd: when came in to see her sold: "Honey, did he strike you with the poker.'" and she sold yea, ttlvl anoweu sue iiere uc uuu uui uei. i siiuw no reason be tiud ior heating nor, ior i; sue had only h&i a itsboud, she would bs as good a wife as ever lived. I have known him Ut hu wtvitikf. ixnd Wisuivs when he would rot tUlow her anything to eat. on JeflaroonH'reet in- knocked the store down she could not ooofc anything, and he would not allow bar to get anything out of tbe store. Before Chris- tina, she went up owu and nought tnree chai;, and whoa they weratathotfie by it BpanliiU cruiser. MARRIED. he threw them uut on the street and locked nor out atso. i uia every t rung i couiu iu make them live mm msn an(f wife togather. In answer to Colonel itutiock. she il that tier husband kept tbe ferry over Wolf river, beyond i lielsea ; he told nor husband that tho only way to hat e peace was to have a separation between his wife; yes terday morning, wrier ne was preparing io come in, he ooatd, "Nov. Joa moat do what is right; Joe must now come up to the scratch sh must have enough to sup,, or her." Qneetlon -- Did you ever know Joa to bear. rested ior beating bis wile? i never him to be arrostea only once for beating her. I u all the attempt- ed settlements, Mr- -. .Musso was the eaceabl- - party ; the object we had In coming m yester- day waa to have a peaceable settlement; we wanted to settle it with lairyers. To olonel imllocki I think you would settle it. Her father said he must come up to the scratch. This finished the testimony of .Mrs. Grovea, and ihejury moved back Into the room where Mr. Grovea lay dead, and proceeded, alter wsltlng half an hour, to examine Mrs. iraclt. Mrs. Hock, In answer to questions pat to her by Coroner Moflait, sold tbat she . ed at tbe corner of Poplar street and Qulnby ave- nue; knew Groveaoiuoo she was a child; knew Mnsso several years; was In his store Thurs- day eve dag, between four and five o'clock; after that saw Groves gulng there- - be did nut tell me be was going, bat I stopped and talked to blm and told him not to go. becausi, i.:.s - woa prepared for blm ; I said 1 woo passing there, and Mrs. Musso called me in; obe showed me the marks of violence ho bad indicted upon her: mm I woo going to leave tbe store, Musso ran out and said to Tils wife,"lf your father cornea,! am prepared for him. t. What caused him to soy this? A He oold some one hod told him he woo coming, and he was prepared for him; I mere- ly told Groves not to go there, his was much excited, and I wss afraid something was going to happen to hint; he appeared ex- cited, ana moved oft; .Mr. Musso told me I'd be mixed up In the affair If I stayed. Mrs. Hock's teoUmony concluded here, and Mr. John Grehan was examined. Ho said that Ihe night before the day uf the shooUng Mr. Mu-s- o went to his store, which is In tba neighborhood, and said, "HONEY AND I CANT AGREE; We cant get along together. I want yon to go over there and tlx things. I do not want auy expense Incurred In tbe way of lawsuits. If you don't help me to fix up things, 1 shall have to send after iap." Isold I'd consider of it, and send word next morning. A young man named Mahony cant after me in the morning, and sold Joe wanted to see me. 1 was eating my breakfast, and my wife re- marked: 'Yes: tbey are fussing again; I will go over too." We went over to the store. They wanted ine to see uuiunei nuiiocx. i went down town during the day, and had a conver- sation with llullock, and made some arrange- ments. I vas after leaving the barber's shop on Adams street, and woo in taking a drink In a saloon, hkii sergeant WYaiherford come and told ine thai tbe family had not. Here the evidence closed The Jury at once, on the conclusion uf Mr. Grehan "s testimony, retnrned the following VERDICT: "We find that the deceased, Mr. Groves, come to his death from tbe effects of a pistol shot fired by Joe Mnsso, which took etlect in the pit of the storaaeb." 1NTEHV1EW WI TH MltS. MIISSO. The Jurors then dispersed, and b reporter went to interview .Mrs. Musso. whom ne found in bed up stairs over tba store in which the shooting woo done. She was suffering from the combined eifecU of a severe kick on one thlgb and a pistol shot in the other. She said that fche was married to Musso five or six vears aao, and eight months ait If warn her h unban commenced lo abuse ber. She stated that she was the motheiOaY three children, i he voung -- ' of whom la only two mouth- - old. While living on Jeflerson street Musso olteu LEFT II Kit WITHOl'T FOOD, and on one occasion took away the tcveplpe, so t hat she could not cook any food. Since the last child was born he hod struck heron tbe head with a poker, making a deep cash, iu day before the shooting he gav e ber so severe a kick that she did not perceive when she was shot on Hceoiini oi tne pa'n resulting iron the Injury he mill ted. Shesald that he filed A BILL OF DIVORCE In lvin, and she filed a coos-ldt- and after uov or two he withdrew tho Mil. she com- plained bitterly that h's treatment of her had been vary severe all the time. Thoy bod a quarrel on tbe day of the shooting, aod she bad just gone upstairs. When she hoard ihe niatol--ho- t she rati down to the store and saw her husband firing across tbe counter. She could not tell when she was shot, THE VOUNG MAN, WILLIE, who carried the note to Mr. Groves, wasar rested vestrday at the Instance of Colonel liul lock aod Musso, and will have a hearing this inornusa naiore a magistrate. JOHN LOAGUE. He Ansnero au Old Ultra and n Kadi col t auiiulUce at tbe Bsine Tlia-e- Tbe Platform iTpsa Whleb Rr Experts to be JUeeteol Mayor of Memphis, I, road aud Kadi cat Declaration f lrlarfples and Policy- - He Does Hot Bliak at tbe IVeo;ro. He "Goes tbe Whole Hog,' nod Does Hot Wl ace Tbe Seorrosea will Sbare tn tbe Mpella. The following appeared in rue ppk al ot yealerdiy, in t he department i "t.Tty Politics: " LET ITS HAVE IT. Appeal learn that the liadlcal leauers in Memphis icn-nti- held a r, at which certain promises were made by John league, amonic them that If elected he would ill vide the police force between negroes and white candidates. Can this be trne? With tbe t hlcot troubles belore me, hope not. I hope Mr. Loague will answer and say if this be so. A Obn Citizen In answer to this Inquiry' Mr. Loague t. ud us the following correspondence, which, when read by the white voters of Memphis, will, we think, fix his defeat beyond any question Memphis, December 2a, 171. Joiiie Ke-- j. tar Sir We hav been requested by some of our feUow-cltiae- to ascertain your views anu intentions In re- gard to certain matters of public Interest at this urn, sou we wiereiore respciiuiiy ass; you lbe following questions : First- - if elected mayor of Memphis do you propose, as mayor, to moke any distinctions amougyour n acci.unt c race color, or previous conditloU; or will you treat ail solely wuu reiereuoe to their cbaractera, talents anu merits, wunoot maicing ar. ;u vidimus distinctions f Second Inyourdiipeiuation of public pat romtge and employment, will any class of cit izens b proscribed on accouut of t .,'or. lace nationality, or religion, or will you recognize It as your acred duty to do equal, exact and impart laiuaiice alike to all, in strict conform- ity to the constitution of the United SUb and ine iiwiQi your country Third-Wi- ll you take active aud efllcient measure i ie press crime and vice, and to en force ooea-enc- tame law, thereby givig se-- cunij uuu lunniuRu pioiaecLiou to ins. uoertv and propeu'ty, to the humblest citl.en aa well as to toe w canny auu puwerlur; Fourth Will you seek to eil'ect needful re forms, so far as n your power, in each branch and deoaittneut of onr citv iAivs.rnina.ntf Klft- h- Will you aim to encourage and foster Immigration, inauufactnreo, labor, aud 11 hsueai iudustriai pursuits iu Memphis, and to give to our nvtr irsue anu commerce all the lacllltles- Hi your powe Mixth Will you exert oil your Influence and all your energies to mal-.- Memphis become In duo time, aud that uptediijr. ihe great ruii- - roao cemer ot tne and tne great cotton iu a r k e , me i unesi Elates; seventh is it true, aa has been leported that you e it urged upou the preM-n- i mvu tbe reappointment of .Mr. Thomas o Oounell ascmeroi ponce, and would you soappotu him, it you should be elected We make this en'.ulrv frrm no nukiml feel ings towards .Mr. o'fKmnell. but simply be- cause of certain stories that have been circu lated in mis matter, and wnioh were designed to injure uout ui you. ive are with much esteem, . ours respectfully, H. F. lWTTKHSON. BAKltVol'K UKW1& MsHUi'silNK Mii. L'lAui K J ANSWER. Memphis. ttaaasasBaa ?ri M(sro H. F. Patterson, Barbour Iewis, Moseo Hopkins, and others : trttiUemsn- - I have received vonr lirirr.f ihk wstj mw.iui 'M me eenuin inqui ries, and . kaysa ar.i awasss m :inswering Ob and inmptly, as follows : First- - If I am elecUsI mavor. as I unilnniat. edty shall )e, I hail make no invidinn tinctious ainouii my n account oi tueir mrin-piMc- race. or hat o n i v eoior, r previous condition In life, whether rich or poor, humble and lowly, or otherwise, but in my atlminljlraUon of tbe attaim uf oar city, will know men by thMlr merits, tholr lives ana cnars.'iuia, tueir talents and ser vioes, aud uut uy- - any accident uf their birth i khall regard the rights of uverv cllizAn s emiall y aaoreil before the law, the rule of my official conduct. Second No citizen, and uoolas aj cttizem,, hail be tirialtTiSii on account of relnrlnn or poiitlss, race, color, oi nalionalltv. but euuai um uup.uusi usuce siiau is- - rendered to ail alike. The constitution and lawa of my country I believe to be the best ov r devised oy man. shall strictly them, and do ml In my power to sustain aud eniorue them. Thud 1 will use every uossihle effort lo fr. our city irom murder and rebbary and vioo anu crime in every form. e have been over- run with these terrible evils for mure than is necessary. The laws should be enforced with vigui and meigy, and should be obeyed bv ail alike. I du ma mean that the rich auu iuwer- - ul snail he iterimtted .o eicape while the ixsir ind friendless ahail be nuuished. Lite. Iilksrtv and property, and every othir right of tbe citizen, snail be sacredly protected for all alike, from the humblest to tbe highest. If ,uy class in tbe community is ever u lm msv. tally favored, it should be the poor, for the rich can take care of t ' iinselves. l'Ourtb Important itToriuit are neude.1 in various departments of our citv on There are too many offices. Greater economy Is demanded by our oppressed Lest, style and display, and more aimpUcit.. bu-g- y and efficiency are loudly demanded at the present time. i .snail earnestly aud zeiUously with all iood ci Listens In Mwirinn Improve and reform uurcily go v eru men i as iar as iK)fwsiuie. r inn in regard to immigration, I would trnestly seek lo induce worthy anii astss men trom every loud to oome aud casltheir with Ui iu demphis, and in icmiiw- - t WOUid oe M to stsa great UUiubeisof the hardy sons of toll from my own door native land. Iu our genial oUme, aud among om d nd geiiaroua people every sober and deserving man can achieve success and make huuieliaud his family comfortable and happy. The rich toll and inlid winters of Weal Tennessee are verv lnvitlno- 4r, fka r.r mer. He, as welt as the mechanic and laixir-iu- g man, will be warmly welcomtu by our iwitiiuunltr. Tbe men who labur are the trm wm.u a suite. They are the producers of the country, and deserve ihe hlgUt re.Oi.ct. All possible facilities inuat he given to our river trade and commerce aa weii tu, w iiiai oy raiiroao. our eee aoj river front greatly need Improvlne. Our sUjainboati. shonltl bae the burdeii of wharf- age lightened, no .ai as possible. The raliA ...,Tu khmi IH fax. . . a . . auu ,4U IU ,,ro. deeds applied to. the improving our lamlltt and Jiver frout, said increasing the facilities and conveniences for boat every rear. New Orleans has suffered largely by her heavy upon steamboats and other vessels, and we in oat take warning by her example Our whole city depends largely frrluprrjapar-H- y upon our river trade, and it should be en- couraged and Increased by ever)- - mean In our bower. In Hill connection. I wmilH . , every effort should be made to have our taxes, troth city aud State, ouuallxed.jusilv divided and lightened, so far at possible. Neither nor any clAsa, should be tingled out for burdensome and oppressive taxation and i aijusuou of Uils kind, ugw uJaUng raiiuy auuiis, ciii. should bo raatlf ' as early aa practicable. Ail go ;d citizens mould unite and combine thetx enarftaa to kccomp tab this moot desirable i Aim i tnina uiat lr too ctiizenaox noro- - iihls. and Itannbllc men and nfllclals. trill be true to themselves and to our beautiful city, and especially will extend all the aid in their power lo all groat public enterprise connected with Memphis, that in a few years wa will have at least twenty f. iiahuis coming into .viempnio irom evert- point of the compttss, and bringing na weiutn and prosperity iroui every quarter oi the naUon. There la no reason why ocr city should not In future grow as rapidly as t hicanu or nt, ijouia, until in time itsnaii ne imiy eqai to them. Ib a faw years uf united effort and enterprise we con aad must make It the roil-- r ind aud business centre of tba Booth, aitd tho great cotton market of the world. Hove ii th I deeply regret that It should be necessary for mo to say anything In reference to Mr. O'DonnelL for whom I shall always entertain kind feelings personally; bat, as It has ueen wrangfnlly repreeented to tbe public that I had formed an alliance with him, and Intended to make him Chief of police in case of my election, I deem it my duty, both to him and myself, to say that I never urged his appointment or re- appointment have formed no alliance with him, he never asked the appointment from me, and. If 1 am elected, will not appoint him. At the same lime I wish to kindly coun- sel my fellow-citizen- s to bury all resentments for the post, and to cherish the spirit of kind- ness, go;d feeling, and charity toward alt. Having, gentieracu. answered oil your In- quiries fully and candidly, I am, witb duo re- spect. Yours, tvrulx, JNO. LOAUUE. Gats FiTTise, .ili. Hecond sir To Ihe JltbHc: GAS. Company. GasiCgbt The board of directors of the Memphio GMa lign t company ileal re to declare. In an author itative manner, the future policy of their com pany In regard to the sale of gas : our company la poMseoaed of the most com plete and ample appurtenances neoessary for the manufacture and distribution of an ade quate supply of iiluminating gas for the city ol Memphis, the right to vend which we claim aa an exclusive and vested right, .n addition to the extensive works for the max ulacture of coal gas, we have in operation a,rsraTus tor i nan uXaclurlng gas frum naptha. under tbe uioccus secured by the Rand i Gale patent. Ily this method (owned and controlled en- tirely by us;, an illuminating gas Is manufac- tured by our company superior to that which any other company can manufacture in this etty, by from fifty to one hundred per cent. This Is a fact which will become patent to every gas consumer of tbe city should another company enter Into competition wlLh us. Within the present week an Improvement hat ....mi made at our works which will forever secure to this city the credit of pesjsessing a light unsurpoaoed throughont the globe. Through the some agency we will hereafter Is- SssM to correct, ;n a lew miuuien, ucucieu cieo In the power of the light wc furnish occa sioned by cold weather, or from other causes. We do not propose to lose oconsumer on ac eonntof mice. Should another company com mence to sell gas at a price lower than the rote fixed bv this company, we will at once reduce our rate lo a point fifty cento per thousand cubic feet lower than the amount fixed upon by such other company, and will keep de- - mi ndiniT !u be same ratio. V- - e would remind the public that we desire no assurances or guarautleo on tho port of oar consumers, as we believe that whenever mat- ters com- - to open competition, the superiority of the light offered by this company, to say nothing of Inducements tn price, will recure a continuance uf the patronage it has so long etj'tyeda it is made the imperative duty of every offl cer and employe of this company to pay strict attention tu the wants and reqmrements of onr patrons, and any lack of courtesy or neglect ol complaiais will subject the onender to severe rebuke or prompt rAUmiaaai from our by the board, and ordered pub lished, December la, lsn. JAMKS M. WILLIAMSON, President. Geouox W. Gin, Secretary. Hot. ovrOKT AND KOONOM T. ThiM TOO will get bv having your grates set with Lemon's Improvement, Coil at -- V6 wound street, RlfiHT WROMGS NO MAM. It 11 ranch easier to hink aright without doing right than to do aright without thing-K- ariirht. JutttouEhts may fail of produc in., iii-- i. dMdii. but iust deeds always beget Just Uioughts. For wnen tho heart is pureand there Is hardly anything which con misbad tbe understanding in matters of lm- - iMM,ii:if. 11,'i'vrnmeut: nut l ne clear. st unuer- standing eon do little In purifying ao impure or ine strongest in straightening a crooked one. You cannot reason or taiK ur. Aiitnmi xtshls Into cleaniiuess. I'erleet i n c.tu, under no combination of events, produce imperteuilon, norcau virtue teaet vice, o more can a weltHireesed man conduct or deport hin!sif llWe a rairamutnti: he wintry anu c aseulieiuau iu spite ol mmself. Al least so it is xaftih thosA. whobuv ilielr etothoooi Vancener the m popular and best merchant tailor in Memphis. Go and seoiliim about it, at ..i.h AMatn street, the n emporium of lash ion. HE BUYS HIS CLOTHES AT WAGGENER'S Flutes. .Music Box en, Aoordeons, Flu Unas, sheet Music, Music Folios, Music Books, eta etc., suj ta'ie for Chrtstmaa presents at Iopold ojoepei s, otJ aUain street, oetwecn oayi o aui aOMOk Vekv Tfti'K. The moot haudttniae and best CbrlsuuMM present Is certainly a splendid piano. If you wish to make a presert for which you will ever Is rememhered, real at Leopold Goepei s where can be found the Knabe IMaiios, tbe celebrated Boll Treble Planus, the Bauer I'lonos, the Lighle Pianos, the Marshall t Wendell Pianos; abto the celebrated Smith's American and Taylor Ic Farley organs. Call aud see the fiuedlsplay alLsOopold Lt75 Main street, between aSSU 'SO Hlia DSBSSMi V 11 R18T5I Ai IS OOMIM4I, And for the advent of this chiefeot of all our luUdays the iudelatigable Charley Howard Iihs made every prenaratiun. His liuie esuLhllsbmeiills packed with ail manner of MOM suaa -- oon oum, imie candies, and a.l the toothsome sugar-wai- e lor which he lias mu long been famed put up in elegant boit, all retuiy for delivery lo your But all this has not dUtroated Mr. Howard's attention from his luncheon rvoiu the favorite rei-o- the lauiies wJKB on Main street shonnlnv. Lat licious cotleo, broiled oysters, mlnce-ui- rich cakes and other luxuries, are vet to ts oblniued at a!78 Main otreet, served un Cnor- - tey s oest siyie. Btkjm FiTTXJrO, ixMiooad otreet. NEUhll. " is kent bv ail first-lsa- t. drnip. gists. Apply to them fur a circular. '.: onomv. - Take your fall clotblmz to the Hteam Dyeing aud (.Meaning House iHnnt b riHUsoU a oid ;aildi, , Hire!. MAJNSGiN A t oskpiu At. Kf.lh. ity. -.- VoUiinu tends more to connubial iiappiue--'- man cneeriui anc healtuy i man is aud children. Mrs. Whit comb's vyrup lo the great children's soothing lei.Lvuy . CiiKtaTMAS Prkoxnts. Just received a fine tssoriiueUL of lbe renuwue-- Knabe Planus ut ieopuid Goepei s, Siz Main street, between uayosoauu steal e. WALAICK Okoaisk dresses the hair beauUinlly, A. F. DAVIS, lbU4enud sign painter. M second streot. ur- - uens jnmpiiy executed at rates Jorc Locke, .36 S; Main street, has the iaikteot at so; i iii, u: oi MpgfrT'n3! Plctoriala aud dai- lies In the city. MrfBI7iamM Immediately relieves and naueniiy oreo neuralgia. AJLbI THE I.ADIEb THAT WAST HOIITHIH. HlfCE for their friends who call on NEW YEARW DAY Will set their Coafecitooeriu at Ber tans, CORNER FOURTH AND POPLAR OTS. '.sf.jV.ican Driven Weils Browne' d5Heonud street. at Browne A PURE OLD BQURBON W JrilSS J. A. SILLER tHICKEN-CwC- BRAND. WK ' the pajtlcular attention of the VV . tl 1 ' : 1. i. trail. 1 1. . .. .. ... . . 'uia. mt."? oi in. ceieoraiea and weD- - xnown oranu for the past twenty years ol J a. Miller ChlcXen-Ccc- x Bourbon and Rye Whlrky, made m Paris, Bourbon county Ky., and warranted to tbe trade ror lis pu- rity and uniformity In quality, anil to by ege faster than any other whisky made In th. finest cooperage We havenir-ltren- t axes, the new. one. two thma rnn. and five years of age, at prices varying aa to age. etc. 'SKWABK OF COUNTERFEITS 3IBBC11 brand ou on head of the barrel and the burnt brand ol the distillery on tha other iivau, maun iu anu in irom parts. Bourbon cDunty, Ky. Wholesale dealers, grocers and urogglstx are Invited to examine cur itocK. For sale in lots only by VOBB, UOLBOKUE k CO., Bole Agent. corner Wainutand Ihlrd. dC llaw Bt. Lonla, Mo. ATOID m 1CK.H. - A victim of early causing nervous debllt'y decay, etc, harlng tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means oi nelf-cnr- which he will send iree to leilow-- a aflerera. Addre J. fl. gSEVlH ua-- NaasAusUeajt, jirfrk. i iiuui ana u.. uey ot auiy.av.Ai. leva, an paid, lt (exeeptlug forty-nv- e u$) acres ol ihe said land, heretofore relinquished By me v trestee, anu excepting also seventy acre of said tract not embraced In Bald Trust roaa. at l' . LVjrbat. STRaBQATS. FOB CAIRO. Miapsti mi Lsas sai l.sw STEAMER ST. 108EPH, WILL. LBAVB au ABOVE THIS DAY, 301 list., at 5 p.ft, W. K. DILL, AxeaL 'tO VLICM CALVTeBT. aayt. FOR NEW ORLlEAJJH. St. Lsas O New Orleans Psckst Co For vlexaborr. Nate tux and (Taw Orlaana. Htr JUHH KVLfc J. H. Ilorx. irastar I'lila elegant paasanger atsmr x" . wlU laave a asov ttaSSBV THIS DAY, Doth oat.. at II m. J. T. WAKLLLNUTON, Agent, (UU 1 Madison stTMt. St. Lmm 4 swOrtMM Packet Co. For vickshrirx. Natchtx and Naw orlaana. Bar P. VT. 8TRADKB i. T. Bait, tnaitar Tnla elegant passenger staamar will leave aa above TRii DAz, old lnat.. at 4 nan. For rnlgnt or paage apply to J. T. VAonistfAi.v, axaoi, d Wo. 1 alaaUaam aUaat. HastsMa asaal Saw arvl.saia Fwaata 4 For Vlexxbarg, New urleans aad I ha Tin maggHaail j ananil EmmaC EIIMt. John O. Elliott Jes. Bll'.ott ..... erl. Will save Mem LDia aa aoove: WEDNESDAY. January 3. 1CT: WEDNEH. DXY.Janaary 17; WlUsiSDAY. JanaarrlS WEDNhsnAr.Febrn.ry It: WEDNESDAYS reoruxry zs. For freight or paasage apply to KLLIOITA - 1 LKK. AgrntA dag Jeflerson and Promenade street. FOB VIOKSBUBO. Dnitad Htatea Mall Line for Vi Helena, Napoleon and vtcXstmrg. JULIA ,,, Boyd, master elegant paaaangar BBBXaas Will leave a aoove THIS DAY. JCth Inst . at 5 p Freight reeei ad at sneHt.Loaia Wharf boas. w. a. Agent, dlO FLEM. IIALVKKT. Knp't. FOR ARK AN HAH RIVER. nasi A r. aaaa. Blvrr Paveket 5 onapmny- - C B Hall FOB PINi. BLUFF AND LITTLE HOCK. Stvnmar FatOloburno Bre Prltehard Tnla elegant and swift Wll .eave ut ajasyn SATUKDA V . December iJth, b sua. For frelahl or rassige ppiy on board or.ta A. 11. ril..'.M.l'AI, Agent, Office on OODxaany'i wbarfboal. livi Foot of Ooart atraaa. FOB WHITE RIVER, lhla Wbite Bl v.r l alleel T1B1 1 1,1 Bf, For Devxll's Bluff, aad Jacxsonport. Iltosvmer n X. TSTjfa.Xa'X. W.J A.bfore This elegant will leave as above on 8.TURllAY,M:h Inst., at 5 p.m. For : Of l aaiage applt to W. 11. KKNNrEt'AY, Agent, on Company's Wbarfboat, rial Foot of tvmrt .treat. FOB HT. FRANCIS RIVER. Heiesvav, Hsrlaaas atsd at. .'raairl. stiver antha. HHaaw Ti-- fa ST. Mmmmmt TtTTowman.. .. mastei . WLU leave Memphis Tubbbaxb aad Thck. datb, at 6 o cioca pan. ForejsyiaaaJaKspjpljrioardDa FRIAR'S PC INT AND BKNDH. Frtsu-'- l HtSaa ua &atM Mail PiauL MMmmM PbiL AiUa, jamas h maslar. Leaves Meuii Lis MoniiA) aim Priaays, at p.ia., oonneoung al Haiana with Lha alaar for ela.lanna and I.' rt.nlil. river all potata FOR NEW ORiiEANH. For Now Orloana, FBBBUAltY 11. im. Tha "s vat: 1Q cent nxasenger titaanur UBS I'rsuk 11 irk., ana tea Joavn s. rjciiivaa, Clera. WILL leave uu ally ou WEDNESDAY broary 7U. Is... arriving al Maw or. liana Monday. February I.tii. aivinx ex- ur eionista five daja In Lb. CieaoeLl City during the Mavrdl Una aloudaya, Depantng, will New tiiieans on uer up trip starday, ruDrcvy i. iu. ivoonu can na oaaatrii i io: me excursiuu Ly appiyin. un Loarit or to ds7 JOBM ft A. AM A Rofstar MeapSia ud Naw Oriaasa For New Orieaoa tbo Basds. Soaion 1B71-1B7- B. Tba iaegant Pasaangar and Freight St amer MWmi SELLE LEE judEs J. HlcXauiasler J. a. Hulli vsn...clerk WlU leave Mamphls ror Haw Orleans aa louows: 1B71 Thavraday Novum oar 18th, at 5 pan Thursday.. NoTatabar J0th,aiipm Thnradaj Daoeraber 14th, at I pan amunajf ..AnaitiAuier an, a. o ai. 187B Thursday January nth. at 6 dob 'rhcrsday .................. ... J auuary lath, at 6 p.a Wedneday.. February at p ra 1 1. ur.uay Fanroary as, tat t Thursday........ .................. arcu 7tL, at t pan inureuay . jaaren at a W. H KKNM.DAf Axelit. HAliaEH 1'1)1aT. Mem puts ami Halls Point Pat-sa- t ror utAiiit rnini anu way LAnuiugs. Kita.NK KOBU4T J J Andrews, rtuseaegaut ste.mer vi i .eave Mempnls iur rlstles r. ml tun on way poinia MONDAY A.vD Dai , a ti o Ciocx p ra. roareLMrjiwsageirjIynboardl FOR ARlAANHixS RIVKK. Arfcaaglg PtSXS ifiK KLEUANT PArJBKNUKB HO ATM OF una line leave Memphis ior all on Ar Kansas rtvr MOM) ATM AStO FK1SATM. al AH Bum, For irt)Lni. or other lnnarxaassasa. apply to master. 'reign: IUUlba aod FOR Uesuisr naaalaj tVtRi rtfVBf Lisa. points paaaaat. W. it. lAr.r, n ada Agent, Ofltoa on Oomnany ' W bareboat, J root of airaaa. FOR WHITE RIVER. HUH. Stiver United (states Alavas Mr. WALT W. AaavfaieL, Banler Leaves Memphis for Jaoxxonport BVJBBY SATUKDAY, ato p.m. Sir. LEtJAL TKAUKK. W. Klllott, Maatax Leaves Memphis for Jacxsonport EVBBT E290A x, ato p.m Devall'a Bint going days Satnntay For freight pannage apply board itr,ce i n aad t Tin, 1 ri ill K. p. J. TU "Siii-iI'l- T The sal at and J neld and s. or on or to at "., Agenta, Promet.ade at., foot ol Jefferson. M. AJ4NNEDAY, Agent, a WharfboaLlootl FOB HBIaBNA AND KHIAK'S POINT Far waaxsaraa. Aaatla. 0. SaSaai Friar'a Paw. The raj labia, Srst-clsa- s paaungia nacfcat jafistfiSt. W. nfl MARK R. CHEEK Will ran regularly, aa above. Leaving Mam-pill- s every TUESDAY, THUKBDAY and pnnetaaily at i pan. ror freight or passage, spply on board. Far iiii.ii, un. Offlce La,., leave SO Coort Friar'a WlU DAYS, punctually rraignt PaSt, BaSab, Wk tba Baa' fc 1UB U laJl ssgau Ovagaaaygaj m mi I K M tSlllT" Aa J. ffni' f ims leave Mernohn ror or p boat eon n W. asf alOHDAYB pan. s, apply on noaru. To Contractors. CITY E.N UIN HUB'S OFFICE, 1 Tnsnr., Xsaeambar U, 17 L j ear Healed proposals will be received at this offlce IS o'clock m. Tneaday, the 2ih nsL. for straightening the seeond bayou be- tween Beale and Qayoeo streets. Th oily reserves the right to rated any ot all of tha bids. Ftrr further Information apply at this offlce. J, H. HUMPHREYS, all city Engineer. Ti CsntractiiTf, C ITT SNCKNEEB'S oy FICE, 1 j MxMPHrs, Tun., December 11, lgn. J aar Healed proposals will ran received at his ofBce nntU 111 o'clock m. Tuesday, the -- Sth mat., for log Fl .'th street, from Syca more to the nerlh line of the city. The right lo reject and or all of the bids 1 reserved by tha city. For further information at this office. J. H. HUMPHBBYB. iff City En. I aeer. IWTtCE. District of Team In Bankruptcy. Malt 1 At Memphis, Tennessee, 27th day ot Decern. btr, Urn O 'BE undeislgned hereby gives notice of B. nis appointment as assignee of E. Oreon, of Jackson, Madison county, of Tennessee, within said irlsulci, who ha baan adjudicated a volnntary uankropt upon his own petition by the Dlatrlct Court oi said District. dgj U, OOLDtUXkAB, 17 stUsJBiaWH rtnticr, AUCTION 8ALS. AUCTION SALES as" CEO. SHIE1D6 at CO. Nartagatt oer. Mala aaa Jaffaraw atrtato, sallF Balea aT Dry lleaaxi. Buta, BBawaa Uata, aadyaaaaVa leaBlag. Baaaaaas asssl V arietta, tiraeertaa. It da ara. i hlaa aass) utaaawarvA, WateBss. ate. AIM, Toys, bri.aaauas Trlrka. War, etc., ale. GEORGE SHIELDS & CO., AUCTIONEERS, iVo. B40 IVXaalxA ST .sSl. JBsUajrMC Auctiooaera a Coaraiaaloo Will aall TH1B MOBNIIBO. at 'ark. Without reserve or limit: laa eaaaa ut Maxa'a "all, Ktfs Wax aaad Split naalax ia) eaan al Meat's auaat Says' mill styles; 50 aet of Furs good quality aad styles; 600 aroa assorted To net Soaps; uK tiosiin Army Hecks; 100 gu tea fresh Hi acXlag ; alac, t 'lot n ing. Dry uoods. Hau. capa, A, Cutlery, (ilaas .vare. etc ear country merehana. and tha trad. per, .rally, will Cnd it to tbefr interest to aitetwt ov sales. Private axle at auction prices, tu all t lme. auaJLarwi oax, auotiosbbbs, La. mission Marehants and Manntae-iu- r ra Axenta. of Hecond and Adams strwlta Wiuoomme uc uur tegular lall rail. Auction, ou TFKSDaT, set ember 6 ana and oontlna them three times a waaK during the season. Onr aatnemcj oonaign-or- e. embracing every ilae of Kojeign srai Domeauc iirtx lioODS. CiajTHlNO, HAIrL. BOOTH, SHOES, NOTIoNB, FANCY AMIS VJUUETT UOODS, Etc. wlU xeep as obbs. stanUy sup, lied with every descrlptron af Mar.ihaadias suitable for onr tsars' et, tana ottering to si- t- and eonntiy merchants a rare, opportunity to replenish oots at prices Bat be ow rexuiar rates Onr regular sale dan wl!! beTCBBDxrs aso Thi mbdatb. A. S. raOvl . Au Lace Goods Latest Lowest Styles Prices Valoncieaop Coiiars, Point Lace Cp'ianr , Point Applique Co'.'.an, Point 0 tiaze Coilart. Valle.icsunne Berthas, Handkerchiefs to Hatch LARGEST STOCK. 0. C. & H. M. UewinttiiH, "SOUTHERN PALACE, ' 3 813 Main St. Mom phis & Kansas City R, 5. MKETLBta or h 4.xtn or niBEx-roK- s. orrica or tu M. A K. C B. B, c UATXeviLLB, Aba., .November nrAjry, iSil. r rv pur.uance oi tne proviaio'us of section a nasi ot aw anaauiiea A'a to pro-vid- e lor a general jyatera of Kallrosd laser, porauen,'' passed by ihe Oeneral Aaaeaaolr of theBtateot silanaaa, and approved July Mta, a general m the fit sat oil anil rtlocshoLder 'f tbe 'aeniphle and Kan aa City B llroad Uau. ps ny will be held on Wrdaaaday, the iota diy f Juaary, 1871, at the ofBce of Loelan C Uanaa. E q., in tha alty of Jacxsonport. In lacxaon county, or ArKan'as, lor ihe election of dlieo ror tha tiaaatag year, and the transaction of othsr ut ll nexs Every Director and HtooAholder la re- quested to attend. WM. BTKBxs Dixxerroaa smd stc.xholilx. B. F. Patterson, u D. MrKia dr. M M I Wm o. Ford. W. A. B. Tladale. EKC on ors W. of if tin aaa with train Mon- - i days coming down Wednes taaaiing tnareot, master, apply West mi until grad Oalvln state corner state aiiroaa JsTtaba Bitter, Lucien U Oacxa. i. W. Kldrtdge, K. Paltersoa. MIorSli necix Geaeral Metinf tba Staokfioidera Mtnpmt uuriesea Hailraaa UABBaay. Pi'BSOANT to the leeointlonof the d of the Memphis andChr.rlea. uiiuv.UT,aiguB.. the allaa up in the citv of " Thnreilsys ; t I t .'.I i miiva aaa. ism taay or Daeem. ber, 1871, a general meeting of lr e stoaat. holders of tne said railroad c imoaDv to be held In said city of Uemphis ji Wrtaeaday, taa I71S Day of Mary, 1872, For the purpose o conaiti . ,D1 tneh action aa aaid loo.noldexs mar daaaf advisable In reference JilS thenoulhern Ballw. cvArlty5,m d m Jtfv S tbalaaas ol Ul. Ma' n'liind in. .oxl? oTs? d ''''ff5- -f branch 5Zi r. . .! auu . ar aaton HallroaA Company. Gbo BOBltBTSON. M. .V. o11'Ka. Praaldenl ayaratary. all daw Kotic to StockholUers. rT,B regular annual meeting S the Stock-- v holders of the Herman National Bank of a em phis will take place at ibis bank, oa Tl EBOAT, JAB CAST fife, 1M7X, between the hoar of 10 o'clock aan. and 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of cbooalag thirteen directors to serve during tag year 172 MABT1M O BIFF IB, cashier, d Qarman National Bank, Mamphla. ELECTION JDFUIRECTORS. Union ABD Plahtbbs' Bxivk or Mxxphis, l MEnrHis, txhii., December n, LS71. r Sa TOOKHOL UBBB are hereby noiiflrd that Mr the purpose of choosing Fifteen for the 0 nlon and Planters' Bank of Memphis, to serve .'or ihe succeeding iwetw inomurj, an election will oe naia at inlk 1 Monday, KUa ol Jaatnaxy, 1XTS, from 10 a m until 1 pan. deelO 8. P. BEAD, KVTT NOTICE -- TAXES. -- .FF1CE OF CITY TAX COLLECTOB. V MBMrHls, December 41T City taxes not psld by the 157LJ 1st al Jan. past dae. . 174. will b declared Wa would moat retpeettuiiv call all Amu,. .itaaiitia io ania tact, aa xasereat walk aa Taxes are levied ior tn. norma. a meeting the demand of the city govern. meat at that time. Oane f.rward i.j a year. o I P.O.. la. c fflce hoars from FBL1I W. BOBKKTSOB, ui.t ia Crsaitor s Notice. HAVING suggested the lm olvencv of the of (xeorge Humphrey, deseaaad. tnla 1 to noli y all pers na having claims against said estate to fL'e the setae, proper- ly authenticated, with the Clerk ol the County coort of Bhelby county on or before 4th day May, 73, or the same will be forever rjarrea. This December 2B, Wl. San BB-B- Y LAIRD, Administrator. Notloa. TO th stockholders of the Memphla and 3alelgh railroad: A call for twenty Ave Ceant. on taa capital atoct innacribed as PATable on or before the Is, ol irrvJS afreet J" "'' Tl". Mm W. BBOOKH. PvL4t Braaysi t. 14, almost a QEORGK W. SAJ3GNT, Attorney tor Xassathiijetta In partment, bus iikewiBe perttonaUy axBmined the condition ol panics since tbe Chicago tire.

Transcript of The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-12-30 … · at tbe a;,roac ' ig mai.cipaJ eiecuon....

Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1871-12-30 … · at tbe a;,roac ' ig mai.cipaJ eiecuon. el. ii dUOlK. Ri UAKJJ W. XJOHTBL'BNK announce bimaell aa a candidate lor Wbarfmaater


.,i,rH. theater.


w" will appe- -r ' nnrrveUed ape.olalty of


Mi at ...Saturday Matinee.

Served ,eemr.mUy Clrj-le-, 1 M

"ttU7A mu-'- OB to -- -ln.ieryi MaTlNEEJt 'irlmloti Wall parte of theboaae 11 W

2 win" 5SCS Hii-- mS

MtUM- -


aiv. w. e. suhset, a. r .

O Baltimore. Ill deUver two Lecture for--he benenl of the Young Men's

Association , et the


rrU If lariat, Jesmary .tisa

Saturday Xlfki, Jeaaavary a

i,..,i Kiist Lecture-Ma- n "ecoud Lac- -

Hire Ideal An. hoik.Cents.



tforaiarly Dcutsher Mayfewt Vereln',



TICK I'M 1 -

arKverybody and his Bland It lnvlled "

cDnmn or ABBArsjBMxarTS:

Sb ailing. A. Stotx, Z rBaiblar,H.RshiniJOSEPH OOODMAN, Secretary.


tto request of my acquaintance. 1 ""AT" John lo aoC k.


. A...K....I tWInr.VR. R. B. - "

HIDCUUII ..a.- --

the swtnth mjto.

A oanaTTifor srhooi V Literi tnTrilrdWara an'.. ensuing municipal,,Uon, Jaanary B.BJaOTJB.

tRri'B y h did at"W tobeoffle. o'Bchooi vialu.rforUie Fifth ware.

. rrr,w.tC U T an IB A C D (j f" 11

i : ,0r orto . ai ach.i ytor for i ... s xt b Ward


co.ii for

. , W. U BOOK In a candidate for Coun- -

VJ. cl mau of lb Third v ara ai , .a.". .

nai election. January '..mi li in annontiee r J

l-- i. i v .. . :or , onncniuauol meriikl Ward at 'i ouauing muulcli.

. . j ih PmimHI

A. can o'tbel bird Ward, at Uie ooiiu.agn .n January. J

J WBiTK la a candidate for Council--m.. m L,. ii ward at Ibe irnwi- -

ia on. Jaunan gl 5. t .i ,if manv voWre of tbc TbirdA aaJ , .nnoaaeo inywl a a calculate

"or Couocilm.u of toe Third W ard at tbeauing raunlclpal S&QmSSSHS

. v . .. runHi nf mfinT roten of IbaTbirda'.iri l ununnnoc jitc1! aa a candltialf

tor councilman ot ibe Third Ward at themunicipal ejection, jiV

OH" B. HlBAlOO announce clmrnir aJ a candldaie 'm to BM office ol. ouncllman ot the BeenUi Wardaltneen.

T.nit mcnlcipai eiwi-mii- .

T the reuuai m axmvy "iA inn ot tae Uevenih Ward, 1 hereoy anaiincf myeal: aaa candidate Tor Councilman

iny enanin. municipal ggfagrgR,a. UK.Ji-AW- , Ja. aiuiouncea him-- .

f ava cauuluaie roi Couaollman of, kalaaaO Ward, at Ibe auaulng mttiilclpaloTrcTu-n- .


otiti ZltXT amounoaa b Impel f aa a eanJ dl'Jate ior re eitlor o tne omce of Coun-ci.ina- n

ol ibe rirat Ward, at the ensnlns aiu- -

Blulpai election.i,. axiiicr Alloc or my friend ad- -

counce m yscll a for re eleeUunr... . n.i'i. of lot .i;a want, ii uiwl ouree mat i pur-uo- u during term has

constituent. 1 ea- -e ven uaUwfacUon to as Uui appruvaiat the

-- a W.

Bii HMAJS announce bJmae f aJAMrti lor to olboeof

T hue Pifkn w arc at itao r -

lbi: claotioa. d.y




r" XAitTii acuouncta blmkelX a can-didate lor from tbe V ifib

A LxUXeBC announceCHA&LEH tor Councilman of theFinn Ward, at the entiling municipal eleo- -I loii. January 1. 171 dl4

a csndld-n- e for aaiam to repreaent Liieoeioad Ward ll1 i avc noi diacbarged m,-- dnty noi yote lor me. Aaa my .eaoriate tuoffea. W. crxAfUa.

. . jaSBi announce uioiaelf oan- -M. ciuate lor coantiilinad of the Kigbib

Waid at Lde euauxog maoicipa. election,January Cgg. au

Per city Tax CeUarier.TY reoaesi 1 announce mye i a candidateO Bar uaa offlce ol rax coilacior. at the ea-

auing municipal elecuen. in Jaunarydlai J. A UBOMAUCfc.

Jx , ranouacea bimaelfMXAUIVRtY, city Tax Collector aloc eoattlnx mnn'.cipal election, Jan. t. la. a.

13 TWOnlii announoa blmaeal a oandl.17 date lor City Tax collector at the

mnniclpa. ejection. Janu.ry till, .f a.

W. MuBaiTcAI announce nlnwelfa raii.liilal-- r .or aa city lax

i ciieckur at tu auauliig municipal eieitlou.iaouarp a, llCi

For AMrraeu.are authorlned tn anntunce OH nWE W Vritt acandidate lor aa ol VhelTl.. Ward at unlcipal elecilon. January 4, lt72. ua

. a candidate for Alder--.N man al I ll un Ward, at tn mu .ici--

election January th. QIC

ArFaaL: At ihe aarueet i id.ElilTOita many voter or uie rnui......... .... a oami-dat- e lor aider- -

luan S toe film Ward. . K.ACa

wa at. DL'Kal. aa Alderman, would aarveaX ill" t giiLii W aid la.u.liliiv anu euiw--iv ! Til D.JOH.H CillHIWI l'i ei:i aim.

a. ujtsivKSiJN annouucea mmenfaBK9 (cr Aldarman n tne fSigbthWard ai iii- - ana" tig municipal eiecUua,January 4. Ig7a. d!4

I AHa H&k vBTO.N ids iunoea Llinae.i aa aa, canuiua iui AiuDiuuiiWard at enaiung municipal election.January a, wr.


nai mymy




T AM a Democratic candidate lor Wharfmex- -

. . ABklTT K. BAbM.N ' 1 an independentf odldate lor ibe cmee ji v iiarimuaiei

g:ect:oa Januarj 4. Bam

any aoiicitaliou, I announceUrlTHOiiT a and. dale lor Wharlmaalerat tbe a; ,roac ' ig mai.cipaJ eiecuon.

el. ii dUOlK.UAKJJ W. XJOHTBL'BNK announceRibimaell aa a candidate lor Wbarfmaater

at ine tnaning mnnaipai eiecLiou, exea. a. iaeei

. W. W1LB.1SH reepectfully announceC bimaalf a candidate lor lue poaiuou oiwtiarfuiaater M the port of atemonia at tbeenamrix election, and aaxa tneauAragoa or ni and lellow-clllaen- a.

avT U. H jLi aunonnoe a canulil . cat for Wuarimaaier at tbe enauicgBVaBBOipH -- ,cUon, January 4, iwx, dB

a W. MulaJalHUM. ibe t Depuly1 , Wbar'meater. annouucea blmeelt aa acabd'date for wnarfBuaier at lb enaclngmantel a. e.ecti m. January t. ucx. ue

rm1 J. JUjUJM ' Of announce nimaelf a canX . did u lor W oat 'maaier ai ibe euauing

mouioipei auction, Jannaiy 4, 171, on tneJamb Jonnaon llceec


M. fll TTItTbT. in CHMdlance to ibe oali olme oicaaue el Mem po la. oeara lo

nlmae.1 aa canoidale lor w uar fmaa- -

mtinlclpai election-

FLiXN ajinouncea bimaell aJOB lor W baVlmaeter al tbe ensuingicunicipa. election, 'an nary 4. 1a7a. nolo

c. DoiO-i-a an noa nee bimasirHENBi foi W najriu.ater al Uie SbSUing municipal election, January 4, lwg,

r bvikj .v-- 1 WOLF announoee bimaelf a canoidate lor WbaiUuaaler al lb enaulng

municipal election. January 4. ioia, boi


IK. Booma and BaaM Apply io Mrs.UAO. U HjL1. js Mikat ireei. uau

r.iiAAtliiNi, Two oieaennl rooma. unlur-O .!. With board, oe oblalued al.Jc V aabliiglon aueet, auitabie anu dsnrabiesm aaaa axes wmsw '

i .. :n nd story nm Is rasa MlIV aaiiabi tor a family or young men. anda irouiparior ictim ULiuroianea, w:ui ooaiuai Nu. AU Maillao.. me t. d2v

ilOABDIMj- - Nice board, by day or weeaD Kajeru, luini bed or rent, wild iia X7i Main street, up.slBtrs oaf

1 1 OAKbKkHJD No. HI mar. lti


uHslL- - o .iMiji ol LbelDni , Larv Ly bt f.loQT b yVTA

ujiDg abov U Mr. t KK, oorautAcvptx .UiU LrteU, ml ieciv ibmaoQTM rwravr. M

a r i. li.A'111I cai ltl e.cck


Apply atno i

JWi'hVN Hi- - thta

ug Tb toua ObciMMt

ol-- lnrte ceii.Cc.fa or tn

be awata uu com.few Ilie hundred iW.O) do.lal. each.

27 ieauil . transferred b J. F. ba-t"- n

ia M M and J it Cocoraa. tlJUL ansiaot.a'.- : o.i I'.rP.wOnlbe an Hhelby or Linoea -- ueet,

a Lug from Oayoso i Main, liars revolvingpoflrall OJ a eui euaa on owe awe ana

Rair ontlJB rAber lbe Under will be gener-.,nal- -

rssjaraad by leaving It ai i Poato tw,11--. M. 14li.uA

hi. nundreai tlifinaaairl offioa.tjaat ha ' will be anon ftil tn hie

,QP unieee soife i'.--..

occur, or unusual oauaea

- - fraa the Irfel " ll- -

...rnple ind loose cotton in any part of thee ty. ureae 8. of. BallTH A Prs ana Flceery, oorner aiain "'.vy anted. COttOn-picae- aira -w

--. ..uuin uu . w i BV. lOOK A Wad I war. ai i. ..,..-u- . Mmnhla immediately lor tbet.etse Iltg hook erer puhllbed. To t rightPf-- m a large salary or commission will oe

ilen. A 'Idre' HvUgMAiaa,,ilempbt, Tenn. oB. lOABD and FurnUbad Boom, for a lady,O child and nnree Address, with terjta,

WUllam, Appeal ofBas,, t OKS Brsrrbody to buy, ell e xcbariireD their old oooka at xtl itreet. d.H

comfortable bona, with tlv orHOUBS-- A

within 11TO mlnte' walk ofr Aililre.- - BKNTO.N. care AP- -

psal. staling term per month ror on year ormore.

y ITU ATION" By a competent engineer andr micblnm. lae erenoe i.Koglneer this ofBce. xj

j ITU ATION- - By a aaleaman LB tbe grocery" licalne; can glee good good reiereBce.Addrea in teaniau, tu.a waaa

mi-- a .eel cottaee ; eldence ofI - ... rr rnnma North ktampblS,T7r.rr-- d. Address 1a C. M. , 40 north Cenrt- n yjtret:. j

WASTEU TO Timber by tbetnon- -

ii h a v lie Taaen a iemw -nuv luW'K MIL.LJ4.

.nA rH!tH idem. Until th HTOT rtBSS

i ..w timber tor oartlet that namUmber at H0J per tbonsand tor "TP""and loplar, and 00 lor oak nd ash, In,:...m in .enxtn or under, uneandtwoper cent, will be charged lor every additional

ln ree, to JACKKIN.dS7 Lata ot Mnrfreesboro.Tenn.

C VK.BYBOOY to read the sdeertJeement ofEa BCBlrian ioij-- "

oay' Appeal.... a., i - ..i ni. f hi i Iv for four per

B eon, with two rooms, cne .ornlskatl;,.Ur...a inlisiiass Address au. di

Block, Meeapbla

ajCHOOl aty a jroang lady of ;P'O and well linaimwi w .aU -- "-

brauobea and muaic. BBaeaeee

B. B. Tyro,7 octave oiauo by a

,1ANO-Toretago- od t., h,Mrin audit early at 106

Oou rt t r'eeu

Ai the os. atore m Main1 xtreeti only good reoom mended needaPP'T. 5l.,-AHX-B AB 1 BON KB A No. 1 washer

lid ir.inei, ataonthwest corner Vanceand Lauderdale, uooa ije '.

. at a ... . man caoableof taliM ing charge oi running a ateam saw andartstaBBM :be country, either on Joint accoun' oron reaaonaoie !,n aaB s. UANDBlliaa, MITObU:!

LOT A lot, of 30 leet front; price not to ex

noKixaun eaan. auurea

lAW, Appeal offloa.

TorfHE To rent a bouse with five or six

tl rooms, convenient to oualnoa,ireea, "B " Peaoody Motel. HYivimi vii Furniture. Feathers andS nouaebold Uoods of all kinds t ought at



Hecon i Ktrec n r.. ........ .


khtaiihaNT in Aiood iooailon. Addressyij aa t aa saxeaa

jHEPrlltBl) FUPF1KS, StO Clinton and Pontotoc ta

the oomerH. N1CH0LB.

. 1.1 u a railroad BOH1P We are2) iborlsed to eeil a portion oi the Scripleaned ay county 10 me aoove roau aininety Ave tenia tne dollar lor tbe next:rv uaya. This is tbe only aerlp good lorlaxe levied lor tbU road


Twenty-thre- hundred acres ofLAND in Bolivar county, Mlas., well pro--

Laexad bv levee. Apply to Baa, r. BberrouMaaon Depot, Tipton oonuty. Tenn

Qns S703 Btelnway. oiHlAJSu-- A

years, will be aold at aCall at 7 rourthauatu

D low




hanil and IT aBlS SS

aa any in tbe market. Apply atH.,,,tian (ivanon m Co.. in rear oj -- jo

Second streetHO' Turnips, Horse, Markft- -

ilaraeaa,"Jej a. I OBULEB. T Stooud

f BCCKBY IiiBJt ' 'ue-ha- lf intarest In thsll .mi-.- alo e. No 11 rilroet. Forlei mi apply on tbe premise. dxv


N Ad






.1.... ofBce




A No. freeb ml! Ob m mmAmm

X X ibis ofSor.

U EiD I OTaTOKH 'AM barrel Car y BUf--

aeu; barrel fcarly Boss; jjO bsrreliKaily Ooodrlcn; 1'asi Darrel Pectblowo;ran iiarreiB Plnxeyes; barreU LondonLadiee: au barreu. ' i"m BU.

TsUlrlvB A CO.,dgl Noa. aoo and aali Front street

1 uUSK-M- j. Monroe at rest ; oontaiAu .1 1 dktl

A neat ooltage, for iu oaabCOTTAiia" at .11 A vary atreea. dala

'1 - i acres1a near


on avenue.Poniar bLtami noulevaru. suitable ror

.arneuar uulcder or milk nualneaa;, 100

leal Iroul by mjt teat on Moaoy avenue, neatoid Uaielgb road,Jual uutald Ibe city ilmlla.

tO lA.'.MASu, No. JUPopiar alreeL

rtlvSij A XaaiWn Bcsewood Piano.i qnlrs thi offlce.

ftOT.ON PLAIITATION- -tax cleared;



AiH.tll 1101'

tfiHHi reeldenoe. out-b- o

taamin. etc : near Laoonla. iMsna oouuiArkaneaa; may protemad by theclreie levee.Term eeny; apply to W. 4. Wsatberford.Eiu. No. 14 Union itroet,


,it mjaI.i airiMi nn ll well ocmerLa of Wssatxasassj reel a nargaln. Inquirejn Uie iTeniiae. or at ibis onto. net

ki.i l.KNi-- Ilaalraole residence. 334 Jelerxin street. Anpir on pramiaea. buu

r wain-la- a aaraata. one or tbe mostLv comp ete and deilgnuul residences intsbiiiby county , st.uated on tbe south aide treet extended, known as the Col.Mill's place, recently owned and occupiediiy coronna, gam, For terms, etc, applyai urn Emmet Bank.

OTB-- Walnu: street, on Ume.3 Union ht.

r a 1.1 DKKUjY.






nee ooltage residence onIV Walker svenue. lmmadlateiy on ner- -

nan.i.. Kiieet railway, near aotitti gate oiirmaiml Cam .a.nlal n. n 'our r-- olU'kllcoec and roo.n for aarvan'a, and sulBt'lenlaround for garden. Apply at at Union street.

T aii al Na w coiiaae. lust flniBued



L Looney Swilcb, Hernando street X H.

bBaaBMBsm a.Bgueri ki T .ne .urge front room. " uua7 luruiauid. " at Will-L- a. Alams strveu

ICdLLIBScr-Mr- a. Mary K. Fa'teraon'nnew rev dau.e. all in periecl repair,

Uiree miles from the city, at Homi'iMui; jj i.u Memobls and Charlerton Halroad. Apply lo MALONE, THOMAS t UJ.,16 Union ti est. dm

A neat cottage.COTTAOE auaat.

Apply atdec2S

LACK That ell a en t tail oomlortabieP place, on Bay bui u Avenue, south of Jacksou atreet, formerly ocoupied by Lira. B. A.Purtei ; large brick bonae, twelve rooms, Aveacres ground and ai! oalbouaea. etc Applyto . A. BT . ALL.

aa IB Main street,, TuJili AND DWltLLlNt--lo- 4 Main street,

O and Oraaoreaan Baas aieuua, won bona.Anpiy lo P. A. CiCALLA,

di corner Bailor end cheater atresia.

Three offluaa lo rent In StantonOFFICES Apply toOJfiO . D. CJsOCKKTT.

dig 17 Union aueet.A pair of otoloe office, also, a

OFrlCXB ofBoe on same Door, situated oncorner Madison and Front slxeats, immedi-ately over tbe Banking House oi u K, Moi- -loy. To good and pet manan l tenants Lbeywill be rented low. Tbe stalrwsy nivingtieen laie'y widened, tbey are without doubt'be basl cffloes in lbe cuy lor locauoo, iiiut,etc. appo at as union strew. o

. . m pi.ack r:ie Cherrv Place, onj aaaasra avennai aitsat. a amali OUM Atinl

aouin ol aame, with three acre auaonaorAAiaa naauaui

noM U Ualon MreeL

RBBLi)tiCKBI OFFICIOS'affaoe I Uealdenoe



acres or flue garden ianU, with anuuiberof fine Peach Trees already Bearing, on I an- -

tral Avenue, on the HoLyford Hoed, aboati.S miiea from Coon rtqoara.

A arnantilAl ueinun aoa a - i a i.

eausi.To a good, responsible gardener ltwlU beieased al a very iow prioa. Apply to

ti flBASUt lout., las r tout Bi'ewe.

mlnutea walk fromRkiDaVNCaV-Xa- nears. Nine rooma, baih

room and wawr-voit- a. clxteru. wall, stabltxaarduu, orchard, three scree, wail ancloaedmu in good crder Apply to minor Men-weth-

so at mu alreeL oew


(Jo to Leddin'a Colleaje.Attend Boberoaiu'a Bualneaa College.Tbos. Cubblns, bricklayer, 3u MainArmatroUM H Puolosranblc Uailer . .No. 211

Main sUeeL Three lauiUeaa gem picluna. ftttfty cents. .


Hxxadvertuiemenlof Dr. Butt's Dispensary,beaded Book lot tbe Million Marriaae Uulde

l aarTltrT" column, ll anoum be read oy

Pumps, S16 Second street.

r oh an Irntaled throaa, oougb or oold,Hn.wn a Hri.ncnial Tria;llo ' ale offered a lib

tin- rullea! coubiienca in ibeu efficacy. Tbeymaintain the good reputation they have JUhUyaouulred.

rs m kilraigis.












la tbe great antidote for hea

sjeo mmbf V4mMt bbJdK

uxUrrot buttaloea. It

in now tb woi popular iunerai spring waleiol Uie a4. ai.ti tbu beL auutiauve anu aperi-sutk-

wo. hupp. ed in cm of twu duaenII, CtiU'lU..) S. "C HpiJIHt.. .ill Ci- -

oalieutiiilm- - for tamily msm.mDonisi a nnmir-'rr-' sa.

WhoieSMie Age n la.

Th ct MMOMMt and bast Uyeing and CImsbIuKraiiMaa i,i Lh citv al M (second street lUnntA aaBMjgaaiHa'S OSd MtMabdA


iDlorniatoj a av - ,every put of lbe l aitexl Siaita, in Eng-

land, the baarln of the Black Bee, 1 Krypland tba Danube, aa tbey have In Umb-os, u nernoiirhoooji. lbe tain, would not



snares at wbtrh tke natly Apiieeil essbw Piaenied.

Th niTT v A anu. can tie had everv morn.lug at the following-name- d places in the city :

At lbe uracil oi ine paper, ito. i vinouAt ti e news-stan- d of Joe Locke, No. aH

Main street. .. .

At the news-stan- d of W.J. Mansford, cornerof Second and Monmestreet.

At the news-stan- d in lbe peaoooy novel.At the news-stan- d In the commercial hotel.At Uie uewvi-itan- In the Worsharo bona.At tbe newa-Mtan- d In tbe Overton hotel.At the news aland In tbe Southern hotel.At the news stand or Bmmoa A Bon, No. 10

J effuraon street.Atthe news-stan- d of W. D.Splekernagle.cor-nero- f

Firtb and Poplar streets.vt tl news-sta- n 4 i.n St. Umln wharfiwail.

At tke news-stan- d at Lanier A Kldrtdge a,SAAn.fl .IM.I iiia, Uaillann.

At the iiews-atan- d of Hobbday, on Bealasiri-et- . near Main.

At the newsstand at the Hal I road depot.At tbe news-stan- d on tha Memphis and Lit-

tle Hock wbarfuoat.At South Memphla news-depo- t, Vo.dO Beale

street, near Second.


Changeable the weather.Progressing Ihe Selma railroad.

--The drink of tbe seasonAbout this time look ont for allnaiiaw.Tbe time for advertisers tbe present,Getting ready the fashionables for New

Year'i. day.The grand Teutonic ball occurs Monday

nlgbt at Cochran balLOf bcalneaa, one can never have too much.

Those understand that best wbo advertisemost,

Bishop Quintan! hi expected to visit st.Paul's church, at Franklin, In a lew weeks, toadmlitlsle' the rite of Episcopal confirmation.

The lBuulry with white men Just now la,why don't tbe candidates arrange amongt maul it and present a ticket that all goodclUsena can support? Why, O why ?

We learn bv a letter from Midway, Mon-

roe county, Arkansas, tbat a worklnguianfrom Memphis, named John Oonstenper. diedthere on the ITftb Inst from of meanwhisky.

The gentlemen who are hlgbest In publicfavor at the lair for the gold watch aro Mr.Young, of the Mississippi and Ten nessee depot;Harry Hyan, of the Cberlecton depot, and Mr.Plynn, of the Memphis and Ohio depot. Therace Itetw.n them la pretty even. I hepnnch-tw- l

people are Messrs. Cannon, CharleyMeebau and Pa' Kelly. The)- - are running avery pretty race.

William H. Way, of Prospect Hint:, Arkanaas, writes na an affecting, tearful letter,tiemoanlng hit fate because he bought bisstock of goods and groceries a month ago inSt. Lonls.whlch "have not yet come to hand."The way for Way to do 1 to mend bis waysand always hoy In Memphis. His prospectsat Prosiieet would be better prospeotlvely.

Messrs. Eugene McAullfi and WUllamCoaiollo. the two excellent jsiller men of theTenth ward, were yesterday presented withfine bats by the following named gentlemen,employed at the Mississippi null Tenneaar rail-

road depot ; J. H.ChUdreeK, Jobn Cain, F. H.White, W. A. Ward, James Yonge H. M.Leech, Z. J. Ooodwln and William Klrby Therecipients of the batt request us to relura theirheartfelt thanks,

A narrow escape from waxexperlettoedmorning in tbe store of Pease

grocery', on Front street. The sillnext t.e ..replace caught lire and burnednearly to a blaze. A few hucketaol water sudsome incitement soon extinguished the tireand relieved the people concerned of all ap-

prehension. Two firemen arrived and exam-ined the premises, and found that everythingwas all safe after the Ignited spot had beencooled down.

-- A correspondent says that "the finest speci-mens of forensic eloquence ever uttered InMemphis were speeches made In the Gravescase. 11 is aaid that Mr. McBae's argumenttrails fsullleas in logical construction aslnllstasteful rhetoric John F. Sale did the hardwork, and was the manager of the delense.To these two Mr. Grave owes his acqnlttal, aswe are told. The attorney-gener- tailed onlyIn effecting a conviction. He and his adju-vants were wanting l n nothing save In triumphover lmposslbiliiua.''

The falrat rtocco hall last night was crowd-ed with ladlesand gentlemen. Numerous ad-1- 1

11 nus were made to the stock npon the ta-llies, and considerable excitement was shownIn th voting 'or the gold watch and theIiuncb-bow- l. The fair Is the only place In thecity now, except the lbeater, where anyamusement is to be found. This is the princi-pal cause of the rush last ntghL The musicand dancing, which unndertheefflclent man-agement of Mr. McKeon, is also a great attrac-tion. The beautiful mantel-cloc- with glassshade, seems to he an attraction with the solidjwople.


Tb iueiUaSHil Sonlbrra UnllrMul On

The riucliinul Enquirrr of the i!7th in--t.mvs: "President Rowland announced on

'change veterday the committee to reportnjon i tie" Southern rallroatl, under Theodoref'ook: recently introduced resolutions. Thecommittee, which is mm foliowh. Lm believed totve almowt unanimously hostile to the $l(i,u00,- -

scheme : Theodore Cook, chMirmnn; Robt.Mitchell, Jms. 11. LaftWR, S. DmvIs, ;r , ami J. J.I'm to-- . Cnder the rules of the chamber,when the report of this committee shall bespbrntUaVaii. tne time for tbe consideration ofine :inu iphoiuiioi

Tkt Hea ie.I Bobbery on MjM mniThe aUaiivlUe Lexiger sayn : "hu lioosier

thieve, have fairly borne oil the cluunpionship In the stealing line. Noar ShoMls, .Martincounty, a few nights wio, tw we learn from aueuUeins--n of taat place, a gang of thieveswent to a sawmill, took, down all the machin-ery, including the engine and boilers, loadedIt upon cars of tbe Ohio and Misslasipul rail-road hailed a passing train, bitched ibetiarsto it, and hied away to Illinois with theirbooty, when Uiev will soon, doubtleMs, net upn iiusiiiff-- i'i heir uwn ho;k. i.-

thieveMakulk in olsearltr until they can beatth sirrand feat of their Uooler ret hren. Nowonder they have vigilance commllteeH er


Uoxi f tbe M4

L.nlMVitle Ksad,We learn that General Boyd retires from

the snperintendency oi the Memphis anaOhio nad ou the hrnt ol January. He lias wonand deaervea a high place, proiesuonaliy andaociallv iu the estlmaLiou ot tbo peopieot thiscity, .mu his withdrawal from this pusltlun hemm tilled soakiHfoily aod willbe uuiverrtallv regretted. It Is tn be hopedthai be will remain acumen of Memphis andmay vet be In in cod lo decline attraoUve

prolfered at another place, where ItpniptMeu qui ufsuuii .niroi h .iwi.

ii. ;h ." m.. two etuat oenlral citiesof the L'uiou. We pari fnmi (enenU J3oydwith Hiut'ere regret ... commend mm as athop'UKh-bre- d gentiemau and railroad man-ager to the previ and people uf SU Luuis andLouisville.

ere Trejiiblt) an ib Alabama mIbatlawyM

Fn;m the iiHitauooarit Times we learn tbatthe trains un lbe Alabama and ( haUanoogarii'irtiaii wercsii i ;u'v.uv. til :i.aiia. "rder ot Mr. Wbeeler, superintendent ol the

Mulht'rn division. The rfSfions lor yiT.Wheeler's action are stated to be liased onobjections on his part to some Investigationswhich General Wofloi.1 had lnistltuled IntoMr. WbeWer's way of doing bunlnras. By anagreement between the represen tat Ives ofthe status of Ueorgla and Alabama, eneralWoiford, the receiver fur troorgia, has"ontml of the road between t'battauoogatind Birmingham, while Colonel jlnurat,

for Alabama, controls th southernend of tbe mad. L'olonei liindrml appointedas his superintendent Mr. Wheeler, and Gen-eral WofTbrC appointed Colonel White asBUerlntendeni of the northern division.General Woftord having repeated ly receivedinformation that Mr. wheeler bad the em-ployes selected by lum were collecting moremoney than tbey were Mcoountlng ror onfreights aud passage, directed Colonel Whiteto Institute it system of checks which wouldpat m stop to this kind of peculation- Mr.Wheeler seems to have objected to this, in-terference with what be oontiidered his vestedrights, and has stopped the trains.

John T. MjnB Ueerml Boyr HuecevMr.

John T. I'lynn. Esq., is the suooeflsor ofGenerai J. K. Boyd, whose resignation lakes' on the urt inHtaui. Mt. Klynn wuh tornin Charlemton, Mouth (Carolina, tn IbiO. He re-moved lo etlcmphis when seventeen years fare. liaviQK secur! a cifrkfibin tn ihepjiis and Ohio railroad office In llSos, when Mr.T pp was president, Hy.coffln mm Inteudeutmu nckeit cniei ngineer, j. i. ireievant

sod r H. ialley ireight agent. Inlir Mr. r tyun becaine naggage-ma-Hte- and atthe age of twenty, after passing through everyIntervening gradation of omc. lie tecame apasrcngeroonducur. He dlschargHl the dutiesii in" iHis!Uin wnn ontu-i'it- 'Kin anu lautt

less oon ftjmw'' until January lti, when hebeoame a mciii oer oi .ajor .i.j.vvicks cavairy company. He served through ihe warind again, In 1N6T, entered the service of tbeMem phis and ' dilo railroad company aa freightc .nducior. wd moiains anervvarti nHacoepuxia :itrasnip i un ta'u v r hi om ,am: in n run;ried the Hccoinplhtbed daughter of ColonelJohn KoMtter. In May. its, be was tickettajzent hi llutntii.uiT, hiiu mhi l i h ant. l:iVuguM, 1!T0, we believe, he became generalrrtight agent anu occupied tbe Memphisoihue, whprehe ha discharged his multifari- -iuh ami oueious um i s wnn peneci salisla--tion

to the offloars of the nipany and to tbt.public No iusu baa done mure to popuiariIhe Memphis aud buulsvlUe line. The oarwvrof this young genllem'n, the youngest olMemibis buys U ban achieved tuch rank iniherailway world, Kbows how much can beaiMumplisbed by steady, Uraiess devotion to.duty, and b jKirsi.sieui aiinsnn to a deilued

in buKini-w- . - ..i-- . why may notMr. Klynn win tne rame oi i. nnk or olTom N ull" He has many years b- lore him. andIf In future his course be as wisely adhertsl toas in former years, mere in no poaiuou in therailway work lo which Mr. Klynn may nut aspire anu wiui ii ne uia. uoL aouru

esnpbls, ft 1 ma-- anal ibe Smmw

That the AieKAIs was not misled when Itperxisiently advoaated the oonstrnctlon f tbeMemphis abd SKtU roaa, oi woicn -- lxteenmilesnext this city will be in operatiouJnMay next. Is shown by the fact that there arenow atx railways oonvarglng at Selma. Thei eidral Alabama, from Meridian, Mlssta-dpi-

the Selma ami Mempnls, about elghtv milecompleted; the Selma, Home and lMlun ;

selma and Montgomery ; Selma and Gulf, tol'ensacola, forty miles completed ; Selma andNew tleaua, twenty mile, nuuihed. Otherraliruads building in Alabama are: ThevickKburg and Brunswick, from KulaulaloMeridian, ruid the Kint Alabama aud Cincin-nati from jpeJlka to Guutersvllleand Uienoeto Uuntaville. where connecUon Is made withan nntluiKliisd line to Sparta, Tennessee, andwith tbe Memphis and Charleston. This roadbM the WMmm 01 exleoding 1U line southto Kufaula, connecting with the llruiiswlcband Albany; forty-liv- e miiea are Unbvhed andabout thirty more have born graded, TheNorth and South road bas uluety-Ki- x milesfinished mm M outgone iy to Hirmingbam. ItIk now ountrollMd by the lalsvTlle andNashville road, and in connection withlbe Mooujoinery auu i?,utauJa on theHouin uu rtBnU'iuu mm ifonMITudTth, will make the shorieai line nowin progress from Savannah to lbe ubio, anduutil Kurrest's oad is bum out shortest routeto i lie aontAuaat Atiantlo ooasU The roadTom House. Georgia, to Decatur, Alabama,has bu oummenoed. i he Mobile and Grandrruuk roaai is to run from Mobile to Blrming-mn- i

on Ui-- j Alabama and Cbatusnooga rail-

road; i weii miles of it an ouniuleted. It lasnppoMMd thai al the point where this road andttie Seima and .New Grleans luleraect theywill consolidate, and the Mobliu and GrandTrunk run to Selma, thanoa up the Selma,r, abd 1ml lou railroad Uae W Ajihlay, a

tolling ber to select. She c noose a smallone full baawily set witb jewels. Tnla,upon trie i. aba nnda lar loo neavy. LayingIt by, sua selects a beaatlfnl oroes o?

point aoo Hi of Montavalm, I hence direct toBirmingham. A road is chartered and talkedof from Montgomery, via Rome, Georgia. M

'hattaiiooga. Aaolher, soutbeaat fromTrov. AUaiitaOeorgU, proraaiea to

aaa lo uer rvAiiruvju ii'i..nlireatlge, by building a road lo Birmingham,Ud thenoe ' ' Decatur. Tbe one litui Masaorveyed, and in road ha ll,i pajmllBfrom Ueotmia nd Alabama. It Is in the baudsof very energetic men, at whom bead la Cam re-

tail I Wailaoe, the most experienced railroadVullder In thesou'h. With this grand systainof roads MamphU secures direct connectionthrough Salmi and through Decatur lo Bir-

mingham and Montgomery.

ervllfe MMMSl

Uallvar KomiliMifM. Tin projeeied

nuv (najrtaredi roads from


aud.Meiaphls to

Jackson and Bolivar, atsd tbeure on eaat ureoonfeaaedly important, and tbs rooten

feaalbU, so that neither of theaeiiolnUcab be deemel debautsMe the import-- i

in re and feasibility. Hher quesliMns or rnat-te-

however, claim some attention n refer-ence to them; and

First Two separate lines are not now re-

quired (if maintainable at Mill from Somsr--

tile to Mem phi or from a point of J unctionastof Somen ille, from Jackaon and Bolivar,

to Memphis, in view of this, it was well sug-

gested, some weeks ago by a writer In one oftne jt empun paf- - w vaw.satsvA.svCharleston road would do well with Its

branch to extend Uiat to Jackson at .i

and that some concert should be bad to tbatend bv the parties interested; or both roads

i 0'i HotnervlllM should make commonMtock from SomerviUe to Memphis so as lov)perate but one line. The interests lnvol-.t- i,

ifnot the very sncc-ss- either prtiiect, seenmto demand one of these arrang ( .enta, andthe farueet attention of the companies con-

cerned showld be given ana urged to this sub-

ject, as otberwtMM It would be useless to Incurfurther tronble or harass the people with ex-

pectations in regnxfd to either road. It Is letterto wm s safely and wisely than fruit 'easly oror mahlv.

rtecond Tbe line from Somervllle or theabove luncUon to Memphis ought to be earlysettled, so tbat tbe energies of the people maybe applied to a settled Una, and so tbat nolieartburnlngsor onmpialnl of duplicity maybe made. Doubtlessly, considerate men andenglneMra, with tbe map before them, andwith auy knowledge at all of tbe country, canhave little difficulty aa to tbe proper generalronte from Memphis to .somervllle ; for theroad. If intended or needed for any purjtoMe atalt, should supply and answer the railroadwants of the people and ixmntry concerned.Tbe map shows a large and wealthy country

etweeii the Memphis and Charleston and theMe up his aad Louisville roads, or thewaters of Wolf and Hatch ie rivers. Theseroads run. generally, with those rivers re-

spectively. The new road shou.d not runalong with either of those roads or streams,therefore, unless the wants and business of thecountry along either demand it, aa nobody Is

foolish enough to think. Neither the IjOuIs-vll- le

nor Charleston road has heretofore sus-tained itself. Tbe one, after being leased, hasnow sold Itself, and the other is about to dothe sane thing, In efleet: and both furnish,and are desirous, to supply, all necetaary war tsalong their lines. How ridiculoua would betbe Idea of running this new road by Bartleiton the north or Gsr man town on the south!What profit could result? What bat ex-

pense, from such occupation, jointly, ot a:errltory which the existing roails are morethan able to accommodate? The new road, em

a railroad, thus run, would not pay the cost olthe lubricating oil. It would be wholly uae-,-s-

in lbe meantime there Is a fine, richcountry Intermediate and on the direct line,and needing and well able to support railroadfacilities, and to help build the road. See the

d country from Mempbls toColonel Clayton and thence, crossiug Wolfriver at right angles, to Fishervllle; andthence by or near line: ' to Somen iUe or theabove junction! it will he observed that,treatise Wolf river and its hottcm seperate

this fine highland country from tbe Charlestonroad, it is almost entirely without railroadfacilities. It la comparatively mmote fromeither rood, and if the middle loute be notadopted. It will he readily conceded thai i heconnection west of Somervllle with MempbUneed only le by tbe oa- - or other of the exist-ing roads 'named the Lou-viR-e or .'bar lesion L

and that the vast amount of unn.cessary outwould be thus saved to tbe people and lbeompanle.1 concerned. But an latorraedtaie

road ought to be built and would pay, and noother can ie built or would pay oven for oper-ating it this side of Somervllle, Steer clear,then, or the Louisville and Charleston roadsalike, so far as possible, if It is Intended toaccommodate the country and socure a largebusiness for the road, a buslotsvi worth a! leastan hundred thousand dollars annually morethen It tbe road abould be run within theimmediate influence of either of these roads.

1 propose, as 1 may flndtlm, to offer yousome thoughts on "norrow-guages,- " aud on ourMemphis road.s and interests gene



Fous-t- Worst Mr. I. Hill Declines..M km phis, December 29.

KditorM Appeal In reply to the compliment-ary call made npon me by Citizen," to serveas alderman for the Fourth ward, I must re-

spectfully decline Merving, on account Ot otherduties which occupy my time. Rcspeotluily,


Kill to Word Mir. Mart Id Oafaea larCatia-cllmas- i.

.Memi'h is, L.'?cember iy.RdiL'TK Appeal I am a candidate tar council-

man from the Fifth word, and promise, Ifelected, to devote my time and whatever abil-ity I posseas to Ihe welf-r- e of my con-3m- S

llapecUully, MABTIN COHEN.

PrapoaltlaM.Editort Appmil want some white man to

Ih- - wharf master of Memphis, I believe I willmmm sw Us ihB asy MmMMtStve iuhu

t at, but do not believe, with tbe competition,I can get enough votes to beat a negro. Tnderthe dicumstances, and for the public good, Ipropose to settle wbo shall be the caudidaieby lot among those o fieri ug, or ;u any otherfair way. If this is not consented to, I will benext to the negro iladtcal in the race.


o'f ar W barfmaster.ibUbor Appeal 1 agree exactly with ' old

Tlmes'; in tne ,valanche. about Tobias Wolf.There is an effort to injure his election by thecry of "no " ll he has no c:hance, whobos? The people of Meatphls know htm loowell and loo favonvb.y to overlook bis claims.It will look like a it turn to the good old daysto see Wolf wharf master again. He has thebet chance in the field, and is the man forgood iltlxen to oonoentrae upon.



Thk music-lovin- g teople of the ci.y ten-dered a deserved tribute to the professionalworth of Sobatxky last evening. Despite thtinciemenoy of tbe weather and tbe attrac-tions of other places of amuweinent, tbe opeia-hous- e

was well filled by a most fastidiousassemblage. There was elegance ot appareland watchful Interest manifested by thosecaoble bf appreciating excellence In thedlviueartof melixly. Mr. G. H. Martin sangcharmingly, and Mrs. Czapskl was mcoredafter eocli song. .Mr. Boy lb sustained ins partwith admirable tmm retd, and hit voice wasprunouuoed by a skilled amaU'urbeside us. LuLering the hall at a late hour,OUT reporter heard uoneni tbe i CM, 1 lie audleuce went away delighteai.

Tua CEaVtral Bptiht CBrncii last night1. ad tb- cnribimas lestnai iiruiecnidren. Thechurch wasiull uf peon t, amuue-r-

oaied .ii the au, limbic rose in strainfrom criuDtless little tnroais,auu alter tueae

otloual part was ov . the little ones weninto the sacristy to enjoy themselves.


la tba Uaa Can. puny ttastiag?

dUor Appmtllt the Memphis Gaslightcompany can afford lo furnish gas al threedollars or leas per thousand, why did tbey notdo it long ago" Why abouid cousuimr bu,them when tu tbeit own curd, theyititend. If poMslbie, to break up the new compauy.and drive thorn uut c' existenct? Huppuss they suooved, du they Intend keepingthe price down to the lowest point at whichtbey may nave ouargeu tieiore (MeiLiiini; inother company? The Gayuso oompau' pro-poses and agrees to charge but three dollars forthe next two years, per thousand, forgtrod coalgas, juotauon as is nurneu in nearly ail mecilies oi une woriu. ioe uiu uoiupsuyEssav aa we win sen ai nuv reuu less auuMkeep descendlug in same propoitlon." Nowwe wait i to Know, ii ine new uoinnauy .ions,then what are we to nay the old uoruj any forour gas? one dollar, two doilirs, lwodollars and fifty cents, or, as now, livePillars )er thousand cubic feel? We waul au

answer that we may know what to expect.Will Mr. Williamson ur captain Gift"rise to explain, auu ouugt.

auLsvi iiiiiiiirnrMiwTM km p ii is. Decern her Jt,

We are Loli that ihe price chanted bythe old sob company has leeu keidup simply because, for twu or three yrsars, ormore, tbey have been constantly threatenedoy tbe new company. J he old nas oreporing ror the hgbt with the new ooiapony.i.tigaUon has been costly, and coin poll Hon,without a pile ot money accumulated to con-duct it, might be ruinous. Experience hastaught uo that theae con ii lets between corpo-rations ore more costly to tbe people than tosaw. parties to ine struggle, une company orthe other finally oaves in, or both combine,ami i in- - peopit must make al lOMae

sustained. The policy ul each Individual Is tonuv wniie .ne sun -- nines, ana tjei nia

gas on the be-- d pxioslble terms. The oust of gaswithin the next twelve months will not d

one lollor per thousand feet. It is a greatmistake to supioao uiatgas companies worKfor public good. They go. like the writers olthe above note, mainly for the main chance.


Wk aciviiowledE a coil from Mr. J. VatUar.Of the Merc ban tsExc hangs, Little Rocl;.

Ma. A. B. MjisiaaR, .New York; Mr. V. RHawkes. .Sew York: Mr. i.. H. Hewe., Wasli-tngton. District of Columbia; D- -. W. G. Bui- -uck ami family. MIxsosmppi: cuionelMcGeuee. Mlaslsalppl; Captain W. K. fope,Mississippi; colonel it. Bono, Mississippi: Major James i race. ew Orleans, are gutlsuiv I'eaoouy noiei.

Ir you suffer from neuraJgia,apply "NeurL.

EaXxjiime the urate in this office, Tls a orealaavrng ot si.

I have this day received trom Parla the ffrsishipment since the war of a selection of

among them Uie celebrated, A UALliETs MAP.lor suLsrlur lolstibln'sorany other soe.p made.


Corner and Second ntreota.



Such as Hllpper i'alte-ua-, Gttuinaus, Stool

Co vera.A complete assortm. nl uf these g.ods can be

found al



T. W. JOHNSTON 4 CO "S,Opposite Peabody Hotel.

HKLiaiNO ofK at x per ceuL loos than iiosLa splendid and fashionable lot of hats, justleoelved uy MlHB N. ENGLIBH,

-- o, autv ntun luoot.

(n view Captain 0. prTrnalow baar bartered the Selma tor tha Red rivertrade in place of i Tbtxtaanib Kr. St.Paul is in tronble with tbe raiiroaua, wbo


Death f Mr. Graves As. lavesby tbe oroavar.

Tbe C lm lbeIbe baal Affair.

Ex teat of tbe Mftsiiavderstavadfag andHaw It was Braatnt Absnt.


esterd7 wss no Ultla excited over tbelactsdsUiled In the morning pi iperi sbow-in- g

the fesrful havoc which family llVfaaliijghsd produced ont in the north part of the city.The

KILLING OF MR. GB0V1CBand the dangerous woandtng of two ladlesand snotbarnisn (Mommo seamed snob an ex-traordinary event that fsmules shuddered Intheir quiot nonarholdM, and cried oat lbspirit, if not in srllenlate words, ' who will

how us any good, where shati we find safe-ty?" The son and earful events were thet heme of general conversation, and the sub-ject of general criticism Tbe man who haddone such tearful damage was in tbe countyJUL The people who had been the victims ofnia vtoieni wram were sirevcuea out on neasof so tiering and torture. The arnnalntapcasof Mr. Gioves who bad visited him the pre-vious evening and during yesterday morn-ing were convinced that be would uie, thati ommm won

NO HOPE FOB HIM.but vet they were no less startled when attwo o'clock they were Informed that he hoddied. The coroner woa at once sent for bythrea or foar messengers. In a short timehe wmm found while on his way home. Therewas no delay in his going to the house ofdeath and mourning,

NO. 175 ALABAMA STREET,where Mr. Giovea hod bet a lying since tbah ii ray of tba previous evening. It becamegenerally know: Ly every person w no hadcognizance of Ihe complicated family affairsont of which this moat serious difficultygrew, that family .uxrruls and mbuud jrstandings and bickerings had exi tedinonths before, nay years: and that tbeshooting, which we chronicled yesterdaymorning, was nut

THE LEUITI MATE RKBULTof thess misunderstandings and bickerings.Mr. and .Mrs. Groves, both of whom wereshot on Tnnrtday evening, were lbe parentsof Mr. Musso, sue having been married tohim five or six j ears ago. Musso and hawife had lived in iaTeat lnf!l3tty since tbetime they weremorrled. Mr. Grovea old notknow the full extent of the disagreementuntil thorHy before the fatal event whlohcanoed alt death. The

DETAlLtt OF THE ENCOUNTERwere published In yesterday's Appaax.the coroner a tcuneet, yesterday, tbe wittlessee examined made inrther revelationsonthepaln ui sarjaet. Mr. Grovea died attwo or three oclock. coroner Motfatt arrivedat the house aa hour or so afterwards, andat once wen: into tbe investigation- - rrev:ooi to his arrival, the honta w bre Mr.Groves lay dead was a hoasa of mourning.The whole family wora in tears. Nothingbat sighing anu

THE LOUD WAIL OF LAMENTATIONwas hoard- A few sympathizing and cart-ons neighbors were present, binding np thejaws of the oad man. The solemn-f- a ?edclergyman was also present, and when thato in of trrlef were ioadest. he ursemolej thefamily together in the parlor and with con--ifoiins: war as nusnea ineir hoot ior a limeaa the sound of prayer was heard the tearswere dried up. Attar that there was no morecrying nor wailing in the house, hut eachnan on moved about perormlnz nia or herduties In a quiet, resigned, passive sort ofway.

THE INQUEST.Tha first witness called In the case before

Coroner Mottatt was Mrs. iirehan, daughter otthe dead man. In answer to questions put by'.be cotmei, .Mrs. Greiian s&iu mat .Mr. Mussodid the shooting which killed .Mr. Groves, herfalner. Musso hod sent by bis clerk a messageto uer iatner to come ana see mm ; wneu n


lather and mother were on lbe way, tbe pre--wiona evenuia. to see .musso, sue .urs. ureiii.umet them near Musso's place, and, aa theyue nrt'Cet-oiiia- ; toiceiner to IUe nous-- , tnevmet Mr- -. HocJl, who told them not lo go to thebouse, tjecause .iu-s- was prepared irtnemand she tbonght they would be in danger ifii i uey went mere, i uey weni, nowever, una,uu entering tbe store, the old man i Mr. Groveswpui to the door which leads to a little innerroom at the end of the counter, aud,proached he door. Musso came out


Groves asked him if he had prepared to shootaim ; witb that, joe stepped beiiiud the oounur, ana got ma pisiot

By the torouer Who llred first?

he ap-- ,Mr.

Answer I think Joe tired first; father thencommenced snooting, or pulled ooi his niototo do it; 1 caught hold of his hand with oneof mine, and I caught held of him with thoother; 1 struggled with blm awhile, but he goti ur muxjuv m uis jiBui i i tan r?wHiu sithat he could shoot, mid he shot at Joe: father1 ihlnk, shot twice; he hred two shot- Joe didnot -- peak at a I; he made no reply whenlather asked him if he was prepared to shootuna.

Coroner Now, Mrs. Grehan, can yon tell ihe:urv nere wiij u w.u mat nreti iiiv nrsi

Answer- - .(oe'Mubso fired the first shot. If Iain't raistMkeu; I was rather excited at thetime; my father got out his pistol and wouldhave nred first If 1 had not lukt-- hold ol himMr. Groves knew that Mr. and Mrs. Mtiaso didnot get along very well together, but he didin.L kuuu mat UU.sso nad er nis 'vii.he knew that be woo in the habit ofing bar auu starving her anu his children

i tic mey married.Coroner -- How many people and who were

U'..Answer My father and rnothar and my sis

ter were shot: I think it was Lte second shotwinch my lather hred that brattle, lassweiheard him say nothing; I knew uf no threats.ised ut that lime, but whenever be got mad he.lien tbnatene.! father.The witueas was then examined by colonel

ll . whom lie answered ii IolluMusso was at the end of the ountei when

my tamer sjvoke to blm.Bu lock What caused your father to go

mere:Answer Joe Musso sent for him, and mother

went wiin aim: raiuur anu momer ue out onSecond street; they were at hon,e when theywere vem ior.

Bulljck Do you kuow for what purposemey were ior.'

Answer-J- oe said he sent for him to killhiin; my father was not unaTY al all: he saidhe wanted to settle it all without any fussing;he went there to make peace; wheu motherwas sm a, sister was sput too; u snot passedthrough ray own clothing, also; five shots tookciiccl; my miner went mere in nis own waon

uutiocK w no want ir mmAnswerA boy, Muoso's clerk; his name is

Willie; l did not see blm go out or comebui father told me so.

The coronerWho were present when thesouuuug looK placet'

Aiibwer There were no persons there bufather mid mother, MrMussoaud mysvif. Mrvaiusso wiu not mere wneu me snooting commenced.

The ' oroner What did .Mrs. Hock --ay wheuyou and your father met her befure going 'o.viussi. s uonbe

Answer Mrs. Hock said it was a feariul duiy hut felt she had to di harte It: lo toilfather not to go to Musso s, that there wouldteirouuie; .muss.. nu .- and was readyforthem .Mrs. Hock bad just left there.

The witness then said tiial Ihe note whichMusso bad sent was m uer lather 's coat whichwas taken away by some one ibe previousevening, and ll could not ie tound. The pistol he used h as also In the same iKckel.

Colonel Bullock then asked the witness .imu auu nis wne nad uvei sjmoauuii her wise, and the wituess ikuswered. "Very

much otherwise. ' I saw tbe mark where behad kicked ber; tbat wab before fatlicr came-- ;I never seen bun strike her my-el- f, but I seettthe marks he mode, let oi times; do nottbtnk anytHxIy could make potsM while Mnssowas In the house; when .Musmo llveil t thocorner oi mini anu jet: :.n sirect. muswbeat her ofi(n; 1 went mi her there once andtook her uway, and kept her for three or foprdays; I waul after her often at uiahl audbrought hes here: father never hod soy, one way or anotner; ne was sent toryesterday Ihursday to make teac

General Black, who apteared as counselfor Musso, next examined the witness, and to:oiu aaa au- - oroaj

Gruves went In .t the door on Winchesteravenue there being another entrance to thestore on Mosby street; Musso was back in thelittle room at Ihe time, and father approachedthe door that 'ends Intuit; the door Is at theend of the counter, aud by the time he reachedHit open cad o me counter, near tne door.Musso came out; Musso Rtada no reply to myfather, put went behind the uouuter at once togel his pistol; father sold nothing until heWent nght up to him: he did notseo.Musaountil he reached the door of tbe little roomhi; net stood at the open end of the counter.tbat Musso could not get out without passingmm or juiuPicg over me counter; i wasfather: I .:u hod of his pistol witb oue handand oi mm witn tbeotoer.

Ouesipin Whose pistol shot yourAuswer1 know ll was Musso s.1 h is on el uded tht tuit imon v of Mrs.

trelui!i. i beu the Jury ;ulioui ued to uu adJoining room, where Mrs. Groves was lying on

maiirf-s- s on ine noor, uriounueu n a miniDei lauv irit ud- -. and aunarentiv sunerimrcoubueiauie pu.n.

MRS. GROVESgave her tostlmouy as follows; She sold that

u intirsua., enihii -- ne - m home, out onSeooud street, a mile and a half away, and sheaid noi know whether her nusuand nad re-ceived u uule or not; wheu be came from theferr over Wolf iiver. I said to him. " have come home early f He said, "Yea, Igot a note irom Joe, asking me to go see him:there Is trouble;" I told him not to gu : he saidyes, he was gulng; they sent for inv often, aodI did not gu to sue them; we got on a wagonandcaiueln; we met Mary Grehan, and shewas going with us to the house of Musso;iiefore we reached it we met Mrs.Hock, who told us not to go; she saidt was a very painful and disagreeabledne for her. but It was ber duty to .soy that

Musso was oroasmri d with iluLa. and wouldkill Mr. Groves as ijulck as he could see him;we went to the s;ore anyhuw, and went In;Mr. Giovea asked Joe, me nisi wing n liesaid ne would kill him as soon as I - could seelulu The young man who was oehind thecounter ibec jumped over uand ran out; Joethen got behind the counter and got his pistols,

ul I said, joe, don't you go -- hoot,and just than "bang!" bapg I" weut the pistol,(he shots were fired; then bis wife came running down stairs; we never moved out ol thosame place; I think he shut her as soon as shegot into the store; wheu he had done shootingbe Jumped over the counter and ran out: wewent cut after, and went over to tho othercorner and sank down at tbe dour; 1 know Joetired the first shot.

unaannn now do you xnuw mat, aire.Groves?

Answer I saw Uie fire coining frum SBplstuL

i no mu ihu.v aiso usiined mat sue was surei was a bullet from Joe's pistol which killed

her husband Mr. U roves, she sold, fired onlyuo spots: his p:stoi was a lour-- s hooter, and

there were only two shots in it. Tbo nightbelore her husband was over the river, and nehred two snots t4 aiiraci ttie atiemion ot mebuaimn , snl iu knew he did not put anymote halis in his pistol. She knew he did notoad It again, because uie cartridges were in

her room.The witness men testified In regard low hat

she knew ol the family history ol tbe Musso s. She sa d mey nad Jived unnapplly -- lujethey got married. Mr. Grovea was oulj beginning to Qnd It ou. When the last babywas horn she sent for me three limes In suc-cession, and the yellow woman who come lorme said he had struck her with a poker on ; he.head. 1 have a piece of the poker homenow which ho bioke upon her hosd: whencame in to see her sold: "Honey, did hestrike you with the poker.'" and she sold yea,ttlvl anoweu sue iiere uc uuu uui uei. i siiuwno reason be tiud ior heating nor, ior i; suehad only h&i a itsboud, she would bs asgood a wife as ever lived. I have known himUt hu wtvitikf. ixnd Wisuivs when he would rottUlow her anything to eat. on JeflaroonH'reetin- knocked the store down she could notooofc anything, and he would not allow barto get anything out of tbe store. Before Chris-tina, she went up owu and nought tnree

chai;, and whoa they weratathotfie

by it BpanliiU cruiser.


he threw them uut on the street and lockednor out atso. i uia every t rung i couiu iumake them live mm msn an(f wife togather.

In answer to Colonel itutiock. she ilthat tier husband kept tbe ferry over Wolfriver, beyond i lielsea ; he told nor husbandthat tho only way to hat e peace was to have aseparation between his wife; yesterday morning, wrier ne was preparing iocome in, he ooatd, "Nov. Joa moat do what isright; Joe must now come up to the scratchsh must have enough to sup,, or her."

Qneetlon -- Did you ever know Joa to bear.rested ior beating bis wile?

i never him to be arrosteaonly once for beating her. I u all the attempt-ed settlements, Mr- -. .Musso was the eaceabl- -

party ; the object we had In coming m yester-day waa to have a peaceable settlement; wewanted to settle it with lairyers. To olonelimllocki I think you would settle it. Herfather said he must come up to the scratch.

This finished the testimony of .Mrs. Grovea,and ihejury moved back Into the room whereMr. Grovea lay dead, and proceeded, alterwsltlng half an hour, to examine Mrs. iraclt.

Mrs. Hock, In answer to questions pat toher by Coroner Moflait, sold tbat she . ed attbe corner of Poplar street and Qulnby ave-nue; knew Groveaoiuoo she was a child; knewMnsso several years; was In his store Thurs-day eve dag, between four and five o'clock;after that saw Groves gulng there- - be did nuttell me be was going, bat I stopped and talkedto blm and told him not to go. becausi, i.:.s -

woa prepared for blm ; I said 1 woopassing there, and Mrs. Musso called me in;obe showed me the marks of violence ho badindicted upon her: mm I woo going to leave tbestore, Musso ran out and said to Tils wife,"lfyour father cornea,! am prepared for him.t. What caused him to soy this?

A He oold some one hod told him he woocoming, and he was prepared for him; I mere-ly told Groves not to go there, hiswas much excited, and I wss afraid somethingwas going to happen to hint; he appeared ex-cited, ana moved oft; .Mr. Musso told me I'dbe mixed up In the affair If I stayed.

Mrs. Hock's teoUmony concluded here, andMr. John Grehan was examined. Ho saidthat Ihe night before the day uf the shooUngMr. Mu-s- o went to his store, which is In tbaneighborhood, and said,

"HONEY AND I CANT AGREE;We cant get along together. I want yon togo over there and tlx things. I do not wantauy expense Incurred In tbe way of lawsuits.If you don't help me to fix up things, 1 shallhave to send after iap." Isold I'd considerof it, and send word next morning. A youngman named Mahony cant after me in themorning, and sold Joe wanted to see me. 1

was eating my breakfast, and my wife re-marked: 'Yes: tbey are fussing again; I willgo over too." We went over to the store. Theywanted ine to see uuiunei nuiiocx. i wentdown town during the day, and had a conver-sation with llullock, and made some arrange-ments. I vas after leaving the barber's shopon Adams street, and woo in taking a drink Ina saloon, hkii sergeant WYaiherford comeand told ine thai tbe family had not.Here the evidence closedThe Jury at once, on the conclusion uf Mr.

Grehan "s testimony, retnrned the followingVERDICT:

"We find that the deceased, Mr. Groves,come to his death from tbe effects of a pistolshot fired by Joe Mnsso, which took etlect inthe pit of the storaaeb."

1NTEHV1EW WI TH MltS. MIISSO.The Jurors then dispersed, and b reporter

went to interview .Mrs. Musso. whom ne foundin bed up stairs over tba store in which theshooting woo done. She was suffering fromthe combined eifecU of a severe kick on onethlgb and a pistol shot in the other. She saidthat fche was married to Musso five or six vearsaao, and eight months ait If warn her h unbancommenced lo abuse ber. She stated that shewas the motheiOaY three children, i he voung-- ' of whom la only two mouth- - old. While

living on Jeflerson street Musso olteuLEFT II Kit WITHOl'T FOOD,

and on one occasion took away the tcveplpe,so t hat she could not cook any food. Since thelast child was born he hod struck heron tbehead with a poker, making a deep cash, iuday before the shooting he gav e ber so severea kick that she did not perceive when she wasshot on Hceoiini oi tne pa'n resulting ironthe Injury he mill ted. Shesald that he filed

A BILL OF DIVORCEIn lvin, and she filed a coos-ldt- and afteruov or two he withdrew tho Mil. she com-plained bitterly that h's treatment of her hadbeen vary severe all the time. Thoy bod aquarrel on tbe day of the shooting, aod shebad just gone upstairs. When she hoard iheniatol--ho- t she rati down to the store and sawher husband firing across tbe counter. Shecould not tell when she was shot,

THE VOUNG MAN, WILLIE,who carried the note to Mr. Groves, wasarrested vestrday at the Instance of Colonel liullock aod Musso, and will have a hearing thisinornusa naiore a magistrate.


He Ansnero au Old Ultra and n Kadicol t auiiulUce at tbe Bsine Tlia-e-

Tbe Platform iTpsa Whleb Rr Expertsto be JUeeteol Mayor of Memphis,

I, road aud Kadi cat Declaration flrlarfples and Policy- - He Does

Hot Bliak at tbe IVeo;ro.

He "Goes tbe Whole Hog,' nod DoesHot Wl ace Tbe Seorrosea will

Sbare tn tbe Mpella.

The following appeared in rue ppk al otyealerdiy, in t he department i "t.Tty Politics:

" LET ITS HAVE IT.Appeal learn that the liadlcal

leauers in Memphis icn-nti- held a r,

at which certain promises were made byJohn league, amonic them that If elected hewould ill vide the police force between negroesand white candidates. Can this be trne? Withtbe t hlcot troubles belore me, hope not.I hope Mr. Loague will answer and say if thisbe so. A Obn Citizen

In answer to this Inquiry' Mr. Loague t. udus the following correspondence, which, whenread by the white voters of Memphis, will, wethink, fix his defeat beyond any question

Memphis, December 2a, 171.Joiiie Ke--j. tar Sir We hav

been requested by some of our feUow-cltiae-

to ascertain your views anu intentions In re-gard to certain matters of public Interest at thisurn, sou we wiereiore respciiuiiy ass; youlbe following questions :

First- - if elected mayor of Memphis do youpropose, as mayor, to moke any distinctionsamougyour n acci.unt c racecolor, or previous conditloU; or will you treatail solely wuu reiereuoe to their cbaractera,talents anu merits, wunoot maicing ar. ;uvidimus distinctions f

Second Inyourdiipeiuation of public patromtge and employment, will any class of citizens b proscribed on accouut of t .,'or. lacenationality, or religion, or will you recognizeIt as your acred duty to do equal, exact andimpart laiuaiice alike to all, in strict conform-ity to the constitution of the United SUb andine iiwiQi your country

Third-Wi- ll you take active aud efllcientmeasure i ie press crime and vice, and to enforce ooea-enc- tame law, thereby givig se--cunij uuu lunniuRu pioiaecLiou to ins. uoertvand propeu'ty, to the humblest citl.en aa wellas to toe w canny auu puwerlur;

Fourth Will you seek to eil'ect needful reforms, so far as n your power, in each branchand deoaittneut of onr citv iAivs.rnina.ntf

Klft- h- Will you aim to encourage and fosterImmigration, inauufactnreo, labor, aud 11

hsueai iudustriai pursuits iu Memphis, and togive to our nvtr irsue anu commerce all thelacllltles- Hi your powe

Mixth Will you exert oil your Influence andall your energies to mal-.- Memphis becomeIn duo time, aud that uptediijr. ihe great ruii- -roao cemer ot tne and tne great cottoniu a r k e , me i unesi Elates;

seventh is it true, aa has been leportedthat you e it urged upou the preM-n- i mvutbe reappointment of .Mr. Thomas o Oounellascmeroi ponce, and would you soappotuhim, it you should be elected Wemake this en'.ulrv frrm no nukiml feelings towards .Mr. o'fKmnell. but simply be-cause of certain stories that have been circulated in mis matter, and wnioh were designedto injure uout ui you. ive are with muchesteem, . ours respectfully,


Mii. L'lAui K J ANSWER.Memphis. ttaaasasBaa ?riM(sro H. F. Patterson, Barbour Iewis, Moseo

Hopkins, and others :

trttiUemsn- - I have received vonr lirirr.f ihkwstj mw.iui 'M me eenuin inqui ries, and .kaysa ar.i awasss m :inswering Ob iraus.lvand inmptly, as follows :

First- - If I am elecUsI mavor. as I unilnniat.edty shall )e, I hail make no invidinntinctious ainouii my n accountoi tueir mrin-piMc- race. or hat o n i veoior, r previous condition In life, whetherrich or poor, humble and lowly, or otherwise,but in my atlminljlraUon of tbe attaim uf oarcity, will know men by thMlr merits, tholrlives ana cnars.'iuia, tueir talents and servioes, aud uut uy- - any accident uf their birthi khall regard the rights of uverv cllizAn semiall y aaoreil before the law, the rule of myofficial conduct.

Second No citizen, and uoolas aj cttizem,,hail be tirialtTiSii on account of relnrlnn or

poiitlss, race, color, oi nalionalltv. but euuaium uup.uusi usuce siiau is- - rendered to ailalike. The constitution and lawa of mycountry I believe to be the best ov r devisedoy man. shall strictly them, and do mlIn my power to sustain aud eniorue them.

Thud 1 will use every uossihle effort lo fr.our city irom murder and rebbary and viooanu crime in every form. e have been over-run with these terrible evils for mure than isnecessary. The laws should be enforced withvigui and meigy, and should be obeyed bv ailalike. I du ma mean that the rich auu iuwer- -ul snail he iterimtted .o eicape while the ixsirind friendless ahail be nuuished. Lite. Iilksrtvand property, and every othir right of tbecitizen, snail be sacredly protected for allalike, from the humblest to tbe highest. If,uy class in tbe community is ever u lm msv.tally favored, it should be the poor, for therich can take care of t ' iinselves.

l'Ourtb Important itToriuit are neude.1 invarious departments of our citv onThere are too many offices. Greater economyIs demanded by our oppressed Lest,style and display, and more aimpUcit.. bu-g- y

and efficiency are loudly demanded at thepresent time. i .snail earnestly aud zeiUouslywith all iood ci Listens In Mwirinn

Improve and reform uurcily go veru men i asiar as iK)fwsiuie.

r inn in regard to immigration, I wouldtrnestly seek lo induce worthy anii astssmen trom every loud to oome aud casltheirwith Ui iu demphis, and in icmiiw-- tWOUid oe M to stsa great UUiubeisof thehardy sons of toll from my own door nativeland. Iu our genial oUme, aud among om

d nd geiiaroua people every soberand deserving man can achieve success andmake huuieliaud his family comfortable andhappy. The rich toll and inlid winters ofWeal Tennessee are verv lnvitlno- 4r, fka r.rmer. He, as welt as the mechanic and laixir-iu- g

man, will be warmly welcomtu by ouriwitiiuunltr. Tbe men who labur are the trmwm.u a suite. They arethe producers of the country, and deserve ihehlgUt re.Oi.ct. All possible facilities inuathe given to our river trade and commerce aaweii tu, w iiiai oy raiiroao. our eee aojriver front greatly need Improvlne. OursUjainboati. shonltl bae the burdeii of wharf-age lightened, no .ai as possible. The lowe.straliA ...,Tu khmi IH fax. . . a . .auu ,4U IU ,,ro.deeds applied to. the improving our lamllttand Jiver frout, said increasing the facilitiesand conveniences for boat every rear. NewOrleans has suffered largely by her heavyupon steamboats and other vessels,and we in oat take warning by her exampleOur whole city depends largely frrluprrjapar-H- y

upon our river trade, and it should be en-couraged and Increased by ever)- - mean In ourbower. In Hill connection. I wmilH . ,

every effort should be made to have our taxes,troth city aud State, ouuallxed.jusilv dividedand lightened, so far at possible. Neither

nor any clAsa, should be tingledout for burdensome and oppressive taxationand i aijusuou of Uils kind, ugw uJaUng

raiiuy auuiis, ciii.

should bo raatlf ' as early aa practicable. Ailgo ;d citizens mould unite and combine thetxenarftaa to kccomp tab this moot desirable

i Aim i tnina uiat lr too ctiizenaox noro- -iihls. and Itannbllc men and nfllclals. trill betrue to themselves and to our beautiful city,and especially will extend all the aid in theirpower lo all groat public enterpriseconnected with Memphis, that in a fewyears wa will have at least twenty

f. iiahuis coming into .viempnio iromevert- point of the compttss, and bringing naweiutn and prosperity iroui every quarter oithe naUon. There la no reason why ocr cityshould not In future grow as rapidly as t hicanuor nt, ijouia, until in time itsnaii ne imiy eqaito them. Ib a faw years uf united effort andenterprise we con aad must make It the roil-- r

ind aud business centre of tba Booth, aitd thogreat cotton market of the world.

Hove ii th I deeply regret that It should benecessary for mo to say anything In referenceto Mr. O'DonnelL for whom I shall alwaysentertain kind feelings personally; bat, as Ithas ueen wrangfnlly repreeented to tbe publicthat I had formed an alliance withhim, and Intended to make him Chiefof police in case of my election, I deemit my duty, both to him and myself, tosay that I never urged his appointment or re-appointment have formed no alliance withhim, he never asked the appointment fromme, and. If 1 am elected, will not appointhim. At the same lime I wish to kindly coun-sel my fellow-citizen- s to bury all resentmentsfor the post, and to cherish the spirit of kind-ness, go;d feeling, and charity toward alt.

Having, gentieracu. answered oil your In-quiries fully and candidly, I am, witb duo re-spect. Yours, tvrulx,


Gats FiTTise, .ili. Hecond sir

To Ihe JltbHc:



The board of directors of the Memphio G Ma

lign t company ileal re to declare. In an authoritative manner, the future policy of their company In regard to the sale of gas :

our company la poMseoaed of the most complete and ample appurtenances neoessary forthe manufacture and distribution of an adequate supply of iiluminating gas for the cityol Memphis, the right to vend which we claimaa an exclusive and vested right, .n additionto the extensive works for the max ulacture ofcoal gas, we have in operation a,rsraTus tori nan uXaclurlng gas frum naptha. under tbeuioccus secured by the Rand i Gale patent.Ily this method (owned and controlled en-tirely by us;, an illuminating gas Is manufac-tured by our company superior to that whichany other company can manufacture in thisetty, by from fifty to one hundred per cent.This Is a fact which will become patent toevery gas consumer of tbe city should anothercompany enter Into competition wlLh us.Within the present week an Improvement hat....mi made at our works which will forever

secure to this city the credit of pesjsessing alight unsurpoaoed throughont the globe.Through the some agency we will hereafterIs- SssM to correct, ;n a lew miuuien, ucucieucieo In the power of the light wc furnish occasioned by cold weather, or from other causes.

We do not propose to lose oconsumer on aceonntof mice. Should another company commence to sell gas at a price lower than the rotefixed bv this company, we will at once reduceour rate lo a point fifty cento per thousandcubic feet lower than the amount fixed uponby such other company, and will keep de--mi ndiniT !u be same ratio.

V- - e would remind the public that we desireno assurances or guarautleo on tho port of oarconsumers, as we believe that whenever mat-ters com- - to open competition, the superiorityof the light offered by this company, to saynothing of Inducements tn price, will recure acontinuance uf the patronage it has so longetj'tyeda

it is made the imperative duty of every offlcer and employe of this company to paystrict attention tu the wants and reqmrementsof onr patrons, and any lack of courtesy orneglect ol complaiais will subject the onenderto severe rebuke or prompt rAUmiaaai from our

by the board, and ordered published, December la, lsn.

JAMKS M. WILLIAMSON, President.Geouox W. Gin, Secretary.

Hot. ovrOKT AND KOONOM T . ThiM TOOwill get bv having your grates set withLemon's Improvement, Coil at --V6 woundstreet,


It 11 ranch easier to hink aright withoutdoing right than to do aright without thing-K-

ariirht. JutttouEhts may fail of producin., iii-- i. dMdii. but iust deeds always beget JustUioughts. For wnen tho heart is pureand

there Is hardly anything which conmisbad tbe understanding in matters of lm- -iMM,ii:if. 11,'i'vrnmeut: nut l ne clear. st unuer-standing eon do little In purifying ao impure

or ine strongest in straighteninga crooked one. You cannot reason or taiKur. Aiitnmi xtshls Into cleaniiuess. I'erleet i n

c.tu, under no combination of events, produceimperteuilon, norcau virtue teaet vice, omore can a weltHireesed man conduct or deporthin!sif llWe a rairamutnti: he wintry anu c

aseulieiuau iu spite ol mmself. Al least so it isxaftih thosA. whobuv ilielr etothoooi Vancenerthe m popular and best merchant tailor inMemphis. Go and seoiliim about it, at ..i.hAMatn street, the n emporium oflash ion.


Flutes. .Music Box en, Aoordeons, Flu Unas,sheet Music, Music Folios, Music Books, etaetc., suj ta'ie for Chrtstmaa presents at Iopoldojoepei s, otJ aUain street, oetwecn oayi o aui


Vekv Tfti'K. The moot haudttniae and bestCbrlsuuMM present Is certainly a splendidpiano. If you wish to make a presert forwhich you will ever Is rememhered, real atLeopold Goepei s where can be found the

Knabe IMaiios, tbe celebrated BollTreble Planus, the Bauer I'lonos, the LighlePianos, the Marshall t Wendell Pianos; abtothe celebrated Smith's American and TaylorIc Farley organs. Call aud see the fiuedlsplayalLsOopold Lt75 Main street, betweenaSSU 'SO Hlia DSBSSMi

V 11 R18T5I Ai IS OOMIM4I,

And for the advent of this chiefeot of all ourluUdays the iudelatigable Charley HowardIihs made every prenaratiun. His liuieesuLhllsbmeiills packed with ail manner of

MOM suaa -- oon oum, imie candies, and a.l thetoothsome sugar-wai- e lor which he lias mulong been famed put up in elegant boit, allretuiy for delivery lo your But allthis has not dUtroated Mr. Howard's attentionfrom his luncheon rvoiu the favorite rei-o-

the lauiies wJKB on Main street shonnlnv.Lat licious cotleo, broiled oysters, mlnce-ui-

rich cakes and other luxuries, are vet to tsoblniued at a!78 Main otreet, served un Cnor--tey s oest siyie.

Btkjm FiTTXJrO, ixMiooad otreet.

NEUhll. " is kent bv ail first-lsa- t. drnip.gists. Apply to them fur a circular.

'.: onomv. - Take your fall clotblmz to theHteam Dyeing aud (.Meaning House iHnnt briHUsoU a oid ;aildi, , Hire!.


t oskpiu At. Kf.lh. ity. -.- VoUiinu tends moreto connubial iiappiue--'- man cneeriui anchealtuy i man is aud children. Mrs. Whitcomb's vyrup lo the great children's soothinglei.Lvuy .

CiiKtaTMAS Prkoxnts. Just received a finetssoriiueUL of lbe renuwue-- Knabe Planusut ieopuid Goepei s, Siz Main street, betweenuayosoauu steal e.


Okoaisk dresses the hair beauUinlly,

A. F. DAVIS,lbU4enud sign painter. M second streot. ur- -uens jnmpiiy executed at rates

Jorc Locke, .36 S; Main street, has the iaikteotat so; i iii, u: oi MpgfrT'n3! Plctoriala aud dai-lies In the city.

MrfBI7iamM Immediately relieves andnaueniiy oreo neuralgia.


HOIITHIH. HlfCEfor their friends who call on


Will set their Coafecitooeriu at Ber tans,CORNER FOURTH AND POPLAR OTS.

'.sf.jV.ican Driven WeilsBrowne' d5Heonud street.

at Browne A



WK ' the pajtlcular attention of theVV . tl 1 ' : 1. i. trail. 1 1. . .. .. ... . .

'uia. mt."? oi in. ceieoraiea and weD- -xnown oranu for the past twenty years ol Ja. Miller ChlcXen-Ccc- x Bourbon and RyeWhlrky, made m Paris, Bourbon countyKy., and warranted to tbe trade ror lis pu-rity and uniformity In quality, anil to

by ege faster than any other whiskymade In th. finest cooperage We havenir-ltren- taxes, the new. one. two thma rnn.and five years of age, at prices varying aa toage. etc.'SKWABK OF COUNTERFEITS 3IBBC11

brand ou on head of the barrel and theburnt brand ol the distillery on tha otheriivau, maun iu anu in irom parts. BourboncDunty, Ky.

Wholesale dealers, grocers and urogglstxare Invited to examine cur itocK. For salein lots only byVOBB, UOLBOKUE k CO.,

Bole Agent. corner Wainutand Ihlrd.dC llaw Bt. Lonla, Mo.

ATOID m 1CK.H. - A victim of earlycausing nervous debllt'ydecay, etc, harlng tried in vain every

advertised remedy, has discovered a simplemeans oi nelf-cnr- which he will send iree toleilow-- a aflerera. Addre J. fl. gSEVlHua-- NaasAusUeajt, jirfrk. i

iiuui ana u.. uey ot auiy.av.Ai. leva, anpaid, lt (exeeptlug forty-nv- e u$) acres olihe said land, heretofore relinquished By mev trestee, anu excepting also seventy acreof said tract not embraced In Bald Trust


at l' .




Miapsti mi Lsas sai l.sw



THIS DAY, 301 list., at 5 p.ft,W. K. DILL, AxeaL



St. Lsas O New Orleans Psckst CoFor vlexaborr. Nate tux and (Taw Orlaana.

Htr JUHH KVLfc J. H. Ilorx. irastarI'lila elegant paasanger atsmr x" .

wlU laave a asov ttaSSBVTHIS DAY, Doth oat.. at II m.

J. T. WAKLLLNUTON, Agent,(UU 1 Madison stTMt.

St. Lmm 4 swOrtMM Packet Co.For vickshrirx. Natchtx and Naw orlaana.

Bar P. VT. 8TRADKB i. T. Bait, tnaitarTnla elegant passenger staamar

will leave aa aboveTRii DAz, old lnat.. at 4 nan.For rnlgnt or paage apply to

J. T. VAonistfAi.v, axaoi,d Wo. 1 alaaUaam aUaat.

HastsMa asaal Saw arvl.saia Fwaata 4

For Vlexxbarg, New urleans aad I haTin maggHaail j ananil

EmmaC EIIMt.John O. ElliottJes. Bll'.ott ..... erl.

Will save Mem LDia aa aoove:WEDNESDAY. January 3. 1CT: WEDNEH.

DXY.Janaary 17; WlUsiSDAY. JanaarrlSWEDNhsnAr.Febrn.ry It: WEDNESDAYSreoruxry zs.

For freight or paasage apply toKLLIOITA - 1 LKK. AgrntA

dag Jeflerson and Promenade street.FOB VIOKSBUBO.

Dnitad Htatea Mall Line for ViHelena, Napoleon and vtcXstmrg.

JULIA ,,, Boyd, masterelegant paaaangar BBBXaas

Will leave a aooveTHIS DAY. JCth Inst . at 5 pFreight reeei ad at sneHt.Loaia Wharf boas.

w. a. Agent,dlO FLEM. IIALVKKT. Knp't.


nasi Ar.aaaa. Blvrr Paveket5 onapmny- - C B Hall


Stvnmar FatOloburnoBre Prltehard

Tnla elegant and swiftWll .eave ut ajasyn

SATUKDA V . December iJth, b sua.For frelahl or rassige ppiy on board or.ta

A. 11. ril..'.M.l'AI, Agent,Office on OODxaany'i wbarfboal.

livi Foot of Ooart atraaa.


lhla Wbite Bl v.r l alleelT1B1 1 1,1 Bf,

For Devxll's Bluff, aad Jacxsonport.Iltosvmer n X. TSTjfa.Xa'X.

W.J A.bforeThis elegant will leave

as above on8.TURllAY,M:h Inst., at 5 p.m.For : Of l aaiage applt to

W. 11. KKNNrEt'AY, Agent,on Company's Wbarfboat,

rial Foot of tvmrt .treat.

FOB HT. FRANCIS RIVER.Heiesvav, Hsrlaaas atsd at. .'raairl. stiver

antha. HHaawTi--

fa ST. MmmmmtTtTTowman.. .. mastei .

WLU leave Memphis Tubbbaxb aad Thck.datb, at 6 o cioca pan.

ForejsyiaaaJaKspjpljrioardDaFRIAR'S PC INT AND BKNDH.

Frtsu-'-l HtSaa ua&atM Mail PiauL

MMmmM PbiL AiUa,jamas h maslar.

Leaves Meuii Lis MoniiA) aim Priaays, atp.ia., oonneoung al Haiana with Lha alaar

for ela.lanna andI.' rt.nlil. river

all potata


For Now Orloana,FBBBUAltY 11. im.

Tha "s vat: 1Q cent nxasenger UBS I'rsuk 11 irk., ana tea

Joavn s. rjciiivaa, Clera.WILL leave uu ally ou WEDNESDAY

broary 7U. Is... arriving al Maw or.liana Monday. February I.tii. aivinx ex- ureionista five daja In Lb. CieaoeLl City duringthe Mavrdl Una aloudaya, Depantng, will

New tiiieans on uer up trip starday,ruDrcvy i. iu. ivoonu can na oaaatrii i io:me excursiuu Ly appiyin. un Loarit or to

ds7 JOBM ft A. AM A

Rofstar MeapSia ud Naw Oriaasa

For New Orieaoa tbo Basds.

Soaion 1B71-1B7- B.

Tba iaegant Pasaangar and Freight St amer

MWmi SELLE LEE judEsJ. HlcXauiasler J. a. Hulli vsn...clerkWlU leave Mamphls ror Haw Orleans aa

louows:1B71Thavraday Novum oar 18th, at 5 panThursday.. NoTatabar J0th,aiipmThnradaj Daoeraber 14th, at I panamunajf ..AnaitiAuier an, a. o ai.187BThursday January nth. at 6 dob'rhcrsday .................. ... J auuary lath, at 6 p.aWedneday.. February at p ra1 1. ur.uay Fanroary as, tat t p.niThursday........ .................. arcu 7tL, at t paninureuay . jaaren at a

W. H KKNM.DAf Axelit.

HAliaEH 1'1)1aT.

Mem puts ami Halls Point Pat-sa- t

ror utAiiit rnini anu way LAnuiugs.Kita.NK KOBU4T J J Andrews,

rtuseaegaut ste.mer vi i .eaveMempnls iur rlstles r. ml tun


way poinia MONDAY A.vDDai , a ti o Ciocx p ra.

roareLMrjiwsageirjIynboardlFOR ARlAANHixS RIVKK.

Arfcaaglg PtSXS

ifiK KLEUANT PArJBKNUKB HO ATM OFuna line leave Memphis ior all

on Ar Kansas rtvrMOM) ATM AStO FK1SATM. al AH Bum,

For irt)Lni. or other lnnarxaassasa.apply to













W. it. lAr.r, n ada Agent,Ofltoa on Oomnany ' W bareboat,

J root of airaaa.


HUH. Stiver United (statesAlavas

Mr. WALT W. AaavfaieL, BanlerLeaves Memphis for Jaoxxonport BVJBBY

SATUKDAY, ato p.m.Sir. LEtJAL TKAUKK. W. Klllott, MaataxLeaves Memphis for Jacxsonport EVBBT

E290A x , ato p.mDevall'a Bint going

days SatnntayFor freight pannage apply board

itr,ce i n





ri illK. p. J.


"Siii-iI'l- T

The sal at

and J neldand s.

or on or toat "., Agenta,

Promet.ade at., foot ol Jefferson.M. AJ4NNEDAY, Agent,

a WharfboaLlootl


Far waaxsaraa. Aaatla. 0. SaSaaiFriar'a Paw.

The raj labia, Srst-clsa- s paaungia nacfcat

jafistfiSt. W. nflMARK R. CHEEKWill ran regularly, aa above. Leaving Mam-pill- s

every TUESDAY, THUKBDAY andpnnetaaily at i pan.

ror freight or passage, spply on board.










WlUDAYS, punctually


PaSt, BaSab, Wk

tba Baa'fc

1UB U laJl ssgau Ovagaaaygaj m mi I K MtSlllT"Aa J. ffni' fimsleave Mernohn

ror or p

boat eon n




s, apply on noaru.

To Contractors.

CITY E.N UIN HUB'S OFFICE, 1Tnsnr., Xsaeambar U, 17 L j

ear Healed proposals will be received at thisofflce IS o'clock m. Tneaday, the 2ihnsL. for straightening the seeond bayou be-

tween Beale and Qayoeo streets. Th oilyreserves the right to rated any ot all of thabids. Ftrr further Information apply at thisofflce. J, H. HUMPHREYS,

all city Engineer.

Ti CsntractiiTf,

C ITT SNCKNEEB'S oy FICE, 1j MxMPHrs, Tun., December 11, lgn. Jaar Healed proposals will ran received at

his ofBce nntU 111 o'clock m. Tuesday, the-- Sth mat., for log Fl .'th street, from Sycamore to the nerlh line of the city. The rightlo reject and or all of the bids 1 reserved bytha city. For further information atthis office. J. H. HUMPHBBYB.

iff City En. I aeer.


District of TeamIn Bankruptcy.


1At Memphis, Tennessee, 27th day ot Decern.

btr, UrnO 'BE undeislgned hereby gives notice of

B. nis appointment as assignee ofE. Oreon, of Jackson, Madison county,of Tennessee, within said irlsulci, who habaan adjudicated a volnntary uankropt uponhis own petition by the Dlatrlct Court oi saidDistrict.

dgj U, OOLDtUXkAB,

17 stUsJBiaWH rtnticr,





Nartagatt oer. Mala aaa Jaffaraw atrtato,

sallF Balea aT Dry lleaaxi. Buta, BBawaa

Uata, aadyaaaaVa leaBlag. Baaaaaasasssl Varietta, tiraeertaa. It da ara.i hlaa aass) utaaawarvA,WateBss. ate.

AIM, Toys, bri.aaauas Trlrka.War, etc., ale.



iVo. B40 IVXaalxA

ST .sSl. JBsUajrMCAuctiooaera a Coaraiaaloo

Will aall TH1B MOBNIIBO. at 'ark.Without reserve or limit:

laa eaaaa ut Maxa'a "all, Ktfs Wax aaadSplit naalaxia) eaan al Meat's auaat Says'mill styles;

50 aet of Furs good quality aadstyles; 600 aroa assorted To net Soaps; uK

tiosiin Army Hecks; 100 gu tea fresh Hi acXlag ;alac, t 'lot n ing. Dry uoods. Hau. capa, A,

Cutlery, (ilaas .vare. etcear country merehana. and tha trad. per,

.rally, will Cnd it to tbefr interest to aitetwtov sales. Private axle at auction prices, tuall t lme.

auaJLarwi oax, auotiosbbbs,La. mission Marehants and Manntae-iu- rra Axenta. of Hecond and Adams

strwlta Wiuoomme uc uur tegular lall Auction, ou TFKSDaT, set ember6 ana and oontlna them three times a waaKduring the season. Onr aatnemcj oonaign-or- e.

embracing every ilae of Kojeign sraiDomeauc iirtx lioODS. CiajTHlNO, HAIrL.BOOTH, SHOES, NOTIoNB, FANCY AMISVJUUETT UOODS, Etc. wlU xeep as obbs.stanUy sup, lied with every descrlptron afMar.ihaadias suitable for onr tsars' et, tanaottering to si- t- and eonntiy merchants a rare,opportunity to replenish oots at prices Batbe ow rexuiar rates Onr regular sale danwl!! beTCBBDxrs aso Thi mbdatb.

A. S. raOvl . Au

Lace Goods





Valoncieaop Coiiars,

Point Lace Cp'ianr ,

Point Applique Co'.'.an,Point 0 tiaze Coilart.

Valle.icsunne Berthas,

Handkerchiefs to Hatch


0. C. & H. M. UewinttiiH,


3 813 Main St.Mom phis & Kansas City R, 5.MKETLBta or h 4.xtn or niBEx-roK- s.

orrica or tu M. A K. C B. B, cUATXeviLLB, Aba., .November

nrAjry,iSil.r rv pur.uance oi tne proviaio'us of sectiona nasi ot aw anaauiiea A'a to pro-vid- e

lor a general jyatera of Kallrosd laser,porauen,'' passed by ihe Oeneral Aaaeaaolrof theBtateot silanaaa, and approved JulyMta, a general m the fit sat oilanil rtlocshoLder 'f tbe 'aeniphle and Kanaa City B llroad Uau. ps ny will be held on

Wrdaaaday, the iota diy f Juaary, 1871,at the ofBce of Loelan C Uanaa. E q., in thaalty of Jacxsonport. In lacxaon county,or ArKan'as, lor ihe election of dlieo rortha tiaaatag year, and the transaction ofothsr ut ll nexs

Every Director and HtooAholder la re-quested to attend.

WM. BTKBxsDixxerroaa smd stc.xholilx.

B. F. Patterson, u D. MrKia dr.M M I

Wm o. Ford.W. A. B. Tladale.

EKC on



of if tinaaa

with train Mon-- i

days coming down Wednes taaaiing tnareot,











JsTtaba Bitter,Lucien U Oacxa.i. W. Kldrtdge,

K. Paltersoa. MIorSli necixGeaeral Metinf tba Staokfioidera

Mtnpmt uuriesea HailraaaUABBaay.

Pi'BSOANT to the leeointlonof the d

of the Memphis andChr.rlea.uiiuv.UT,aiguB..the allaaupin the citv of "Thnreilsys ;




.'.I i miiva aaa. ism taay or Daeem.ber, 1871, a general meeting of lr e stoaat.holders of tne said railroad c imoaDvto be held In said city of Uemphis jiWrtaeaday, taa I71S Day of Mary, 1872,For the purpose o conaiti .,D1tneh action aa aaid loo.noldexs mar daaafadvisable In reference JilSthenoulhern Ballw. cvArlty5,m d

mJtfv Stbalaaas ol Ul. Ma' n'liind in. .oxl?oTs? d ''''ff5- -f branch 5Zir. . .! auu . ar aaton HallroaACompany.Gbo BOBltBTSON.

M. .V. o11'Ka. Praaldenlayaratary. all daw

Kotic to StockholUers.rT,B regular annual meeting S the Stock-- v

holders of the Herman National Bank ofa em phis will take place at ibis bank, oa

Tl EBOAT, JAB CAST fife, 1M7X,

between the hoar of 10 o'clock aan. and 1o'clock p.m., for the purpose of cbooalagthirteen directors to serve during tag year172 MABT1M O BIFF IB, cashier,

d Qarman National Bank, Mamphla.

ELECTION JDFUIRECTORS.Union ABD Plahtbbs' Bxivk or Mxxphis, l

MEnrHis, txhii., December n, LS71. rSa TOOKHOL UBBB are hereby noiiflrd that

Mr the purpose of choosing Fifteenfor the 0 nlon and Planters' Bank of

Memphis, to serve .'or ihe succeeding iwetwinomurj, an election will oe naia at inlk 1

Monday, KUa ol Jaatnaxy, 1XTS,from 10 a m until 1 pan.

deelO 8. P. BEAD, KVTT


V MBMrHls, December


City taxes not psld by the157LJ

1st al Jan.past dae.. 174. will b declaredWa would moat retpeettuiiv call all Amu,.

.itaaiitia io ania tact, aa xasereat walkaa Taxes are levied ior tn. norma. ameeting the demand of the city govern.meat at that time. Oane f.rward i.ja year.

o I c fflce hoars from


Crsaitor s Notice.HAVING suggested the lm olvencv of theof (xeorge Humphrey, deseaaad.tnla 1 to noli y all pers na having claimsagainst said estate to fL'e the setae, proper-ly authenticated, with the Clerk ol theCounty coort of Bhelby county on or before4th day May, 73, or the same will be foreverrjarrea.

This December 2B, Wl.San BB-B- Y LAIRD, Administrator.

Notloa.TO th stockholders of the Memphla and3alelgh railroad: A call for twenty AveCeant. on taa capital atoct innacribed as

PATable on or before the Is, olirrvJS afreet

J" "'' Tl".Mm W. BBOOKH. PvL4t




almost a

QEORGK W. SAJ3GNT, Attorney tor Xassathiijetta Inpartment, bus iikewiBe perttonaUy axBmined the condition olpanics since tbe Chicago tire.