The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web...

The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy Maurizio Rafanelli IASI-CNR- Italy

Transcript of The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web...

Page 1: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web

Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy

Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy

Maurizio Rafanelli IASI-CNR-Italy

Page 2: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The problemThe problem

To make available geographical databases by Web

Page 3: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The aim of the paperThe aim of the paper

XPQL (eXtended Pictorial Query Language) mapped in Geographic Markup Language (GML 3.0).

Page 4: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The eXtended Pictorial Query The eXtended Pictorial Query Language Language

The XPQL query language has:

a set of spatial operators – G-union, G-difference, G-disjunction, G-touching, G-inclusion, G-

crossing, G-pass-through, G-overlapping, G-equality, G-distance, G-any and G-alias

a set of temporal operators: – T-before, T-meets, T-overlaps, T-starts, T-during, T-finishes and T-

equals symbolic geographical objects (sgo).

Page 5: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Symbolic geographical objectsSymbolic geographical objectssgo definition: <id, objclass, Σ, Λ > where:    id is the sgo identifier; objclass is the set (possibly empty) of classes

iconized by ψ ; Σ represents the attributes to which the user can

assign a set of values. Some attributes can be referred to a temporal dimension;

Λ is the ordered set of pairs (h, v), which defines the spatial characteristics and position of the sgo with respect to a reference point in the working area.

Page 6: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Geometric characteristics of an Geometric characteristics of an sgosgo

Let be an sgo, we have:

∂= geometric border of it is defined as:

a) if is a polygon, ∂is the set of its accumulation points (as defined in the set theory);

b) if is an open polyline, ∂ is formed by its extreme points;

c) if is a point ∂ is the empty set.

d) °= - ∂geometrical interior of

Page 7: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Geometric characteristics of an Geometric characteristics of an sgosgo


0 if contains at least one point but no polylines or polygons

1 if contains at least one polyline but no polygons

2 if contains at least one polygon.  

Page 8: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The spatial operators of XPQL The spatial operators of XPQL

G-union definition (Uni): The G-union of two sgo i and j is a new sgo defined as the set of all points belonging to i e and/or j.

G-touching definition (Tch): G-touching between two sgo i and j exists iff the points common to the two are all contained in the union of their boundaries. If this condition is satisfied, the result of this operation between i and j is a new ψ called ψh and defined by the set of points common to i and j.

Page 9: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The spatial operators of XPQL The spatial operators of XPQL

G-inclusion definition (Inc): An sgo i G-includes another sgo j (and we write ψ i Inc ψ j) iff all the points of j are also points of i. The result is an sgo h which coincides with the second operand j.

G-disjunction definition (Dsj): Two sgo i and j are G-disjoined between them (formally ψ i Dsj ψ j) if the intersection of their borders AND the intersection of their internal points is null.

Page 10: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The spatial operators of XPQL The spatial operators of XPQL

G-pass-through definition (Pth): Let i be a polyline and let j be a polygon. Then, the operator G-pass-through is applicable iff the polyline is partially inside the polygon (formally ψ i Pth ψ j).

Page 11: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The spatial operators of XPQL The spatial operators of XPQL

G-distance definition (Dst): Let i, j Abe two sgo of any type. Their distance is valuable and and iff their intersection is null. The (minimum) distance Dst ( = min) between them is a numeric value that represents this distance. This operator can be used to find all sgo having distance θ (θ being one of the following symbols: >, <, =, , , ≠) from the reference sgo. The distance ( d ) value is given by: d(i, j)= h where – h indicates a bi-oriented segment representing the distance

operator between i , j– is the qualifier which solves this ambiguity is a selection expression that includes conventional operators (>,

<, =, ≠, etc.) or methods that behave like operators.

Page 12: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The spatial operators of XPQL The spatial operators of XPQL G-difference definition (Dif): Let i, j Abe two sgo.

The difference between two symbolic objects i and j is defined as a new sgo (h) which contains all the points which belong to i but not to j.

G-crossing definition (Crs): Let , i Abe two polylines, and let °i °j ≠ . Then, Cross: i Crs j := h={x: x °i °j } and hA.

G-overlapping Definition (Ovl): Let i, j Abe two sgo of the same type. A non-null overlap exists between them iff their intersection is also non-null and has the same dimension as the sgo.

Page 13: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The spatial operators of XPQL The spatial operators of XPQL G-equality definition (Eql): Two symbolic geographical

objects i and j are topologically equal if they are of the same type and have the same shape.

G-any Definition (Any): Let ψi, ψj ∈ A be two sgo. Between them any admissible relationship is valid if the G-any operator is applied between them.

G-alias Definition (Als): Let i be a sgo. j is an alias of i if the only difference between them is their shape.

Page 14: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The temporal operators of The temporal operators of XPQL XPQL

T-before (Bef) Definition: An attribute ih of the sgo i is

T-before another attribute jk of the sgo j if i

h takes values (of the interval or instant) temporally “before” j

k (of the interval or instant). The attributes can take both intervals and instants as values.

T-meets (Mts) Definition: An attribute ih of the sgo i T-

meets another attribute jk of the sgo j if i

h takes the maximum value (of the interval or instant) temporally “coincident” with the minimum value of j

k (of the interval or instant). The attributes can take both intervals and instants as values.

Page 15: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The temporal operators of The temporal operators of XPQL XPQL

T-overlap (TOv) Definition: An attribute ih of the sgo i T-

overlaps another attribute jk of the sgo j if i

h takes the minimum value temporally “before” the minimum value of σψ jk and the maximum value temporally “after” the minimum value of j

k . Both attributes can take intervals as values.

T-starts (Sts) Definition: An attribute ih of the sgo i T-

starts another attribute jk of the sgo j if i

h takes the minimum value (of the interval or instant) temporally

“coincident” with the minimum value of jk (of the interval

or instant). The attributes can take both intervals and instant as values.

Page 16: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The temporal operators of The temporal operators of XPQL XPQL

T-during (Drg) Definition: An attribute ih of the sgo i is

defined as T-during another attribute jk of the sgo j if i

h takes the minimum value temporally “after” the minimum value of σψ jk and the maximum value temporally “before” the maximum value of j

k . Both attributes can take intervals as values.

T-finishes (Fns) Definition: An attribute σψ iof the sgo T-finishes another attribute j

k of the sgo j if ih takes the maximum

value (of the attribute or instant) temporally “coincident” with the maximum value of j

k (of the interval or instant). The attributes can take both intervals and instants as values.

Page 17: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

The temporal operators of The temporal operators of XPQL XPQL

T-equals (Tes) Definition: An attribute σψ ih of

the sgo ψi T-equals another attribute jk of

the sgo j if ih takes the minimum and

maximum values (of the interval or instant) temporally “coincident” with the minimum and maximum values of j

k (of the interval

or instant). The attributes can take both intervals and instants as values.

Page 18: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Translating from XPQL to Translating from XPQL to GMLGML

GML is used for coding the XPQL operands, operators.

There are spatial and temporal operands

Page 19: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Spatial featureSpatial feature

XPQL features are:• Point, Polyline, Polygon.

Their GML representation:• geometric classes PointType,

LineStringType and PolygonType

Page 20: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

PointType PointType Complex Type PointType <complexType name="PointType">


<extensionbase="gml:AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType"> <sequence>

<choice> <element ref="gml:pos" /> <element ref="gml:coordinates" <element ref="gml:coord"

</choice> </sequence>

</extension> </complexContent>


Page 21: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

LineStringTypeLineStringTypeComplex Type LineStringType <complexType name="LineStringType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractCurveType"> <sequence> <choice> <choice minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <element ref="gml:pos" /> <element ref="gml:pointRep" /> <element ref="gml:coord" /> </choice> <element ref="gml:coordinates" /> </choice> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>

Page 22: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

PolygonTypePolygonTypeComplex Type PolygonType Complex Type PolygonType <complexType name="PolygonType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractSurfaceType"> <sequence> <element ref="gml:exterior" minOccurs="0" /> <element ref="gml:interior" minOccurs="0"

maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>

Page 23: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Temporal featuresTemporal features

XPQL features are:• Instant and interval.

Their GML representation:• TimeInstant and TimePeriod

Page 24: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

TimeInstantTimeInstant<element name="TimeInstant" type="gml:TimeInstantType"

substitutionGroup= "gml:_TimePrimitive"/>

<complexType name="TimeInstantType" final="#all">


<extension base="gml:TimePrimitiveType">


<element ref="gml:timePosition"/>





Page 25: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

TimePeriodTimePeriod<element name="TimePeriod" type="gml:TimePeriodType"

substitutionGroup="gml:_TimePrimitive"/> <complexType name="TimePeriodType" final="#all"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:TimePrimitiveType"> <sequence> <element ref="gml:begin"/> <element ref="gml:end"/> <element ref="gml:_duration" minOccurs="0"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent>

</complexType> <element name="begin"

type="gml:TimeInstantPropertyType"/> <element name="end" type="gml:TimeInstantPropertyType"/>  

Page 26: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Coding spatial and temporal Coding spatial and temporal operators operators

The XPQL temporal operators are derived from GML: AssociationType

For the XPQL spatial operators, FeaturePropertyType is a particular class of properties (using the gml:AssociationType pattern) which defines associations between features.

Page 27: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.


<complexType name="AssociationType">


<element ref="gml:_Object" minOccurs="0"/>


<attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>


<element name="_association" type="gml:AssociationType"



Page 28: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.


<complexType name="FeaturePropertyType"> <sequence>

<element ref="gml:_Feature" minOccurs="0"/>

</sequence> <attributeGroup

ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/> </complexType>

Page 29: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Query expressed by GMLQuery expressed by GML

“Find all roads built between the years 1980 and 1990 that pass through provinces

created after 1975”

Page 30: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Query expressed by GMLQuery expressed by GMLtype definitions for operators =========================== --> ………… <complexType name="G-pass-throughType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:FeaturePropertyType"> <sequence> …………………….. </sequence> </extension > </complexContent> </complexType> ………… <complexType name="T-beforeType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AssociationType"> <sequence> …………………….. </sequence> </extension > </complexContent> </complexType>

Page 31: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Query expressed by GMLQuery expressed by GML<!-- ============================= type definitions for different geographical layers ================================--> ………… <complexType name="ProvinceType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:PolygonType"> <sequence> ………………….. </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> ………… <complexType name="RoadType"> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:LineStringType"> <sequence> ………………………… </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> …………

Page 32: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.

Query expressed by GMLQuery expressed by GML

<!-- ============================ the query example ============================= --> <QueryModel …………………> <gml:name>Example</gml:name> ………………….. <queryMember> <Province> ……………….. </Province> </queryMember> <queryMember> <Road>  </Road> </queryMember> <queryMember> <G-pass-through> ……………….. </G-pass-through > </queryMember> <queryMember> <T-before> ……………….. </T-before> </queryMember> ……………….. </QueryModel>

Page 33: The Management of Spatial and Temporal Constraints in GIS using Pictorial Interaction on the Web Fernando Ferri IRPPS-CNR-Italy Patrizia Grifoni IRPPS-CNR-Italy.


We are now focusing our activities on designing and implementing a new pictorial

language in areas different from the geographical one. Our hope is to be able to

specify relational queries in this way, without the end user needing to understand

the intricacies of boolean logic or set theory.