The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Final Review

Transcript of The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Page 1: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Final Review

Page 2: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The man who assassinated JFK


Page 3: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The man who killed JFK’s assassin


Page 4: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

_________________ had overthrown the Batista government in 1959 and was closely allied with the Soviet Union in the 1960’s


Page 5: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Commanding General of the UN forces in Korea


Page 6: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

When every aspect of society is geared towards the war effort


Page 7: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

When a judge reaches 70, if they choose not to retire the president can appoint a new judge


Page 8: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Vietnam was divided at _____________ based on the Geneva Accords


Page 9: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The first African American Student at the University of Mississippi


Page 10: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Russian Expert who comes up with the idea of containment


Page 11: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Prime Minister of Japan who supported Nazi Germany


Page 12: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The General in charge of defending Bastogne


Page 13: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Authorized President Johnson to “take all necessary measures” against North Vietnam


Page 14: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The laws that legalized segregation since the Civil War (most often in the South)


Page 15: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Countries under Soviet influence become known as ___________________


Page 16: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

A New Deal program for men 18-25 which planted trees and did soil conservation


Page 17: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The governor of Alabama who personally tried to stop African American admission to the University of Alabama


Page 18: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The bill that gave tangible benefits to WWII Veterans


Page 19: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

This law started the first peacetime draft in U.S History


Page 20: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The police commissioner who authorizes use of clubs, vicious police dogs, and water cannons


Page 21: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The lawyer that leads the challenge to segregation in public schools (will later become a supreme court justice)


Page 22: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Communist leader of China who takes over the country in 1949


Page 23: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Meaning the way of the warrior, this was what Japans Government was based upon


Page 24: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

During the _________ plan, the U.S sent 13 billion dollars to countries in Europe to rebuild their nations


Page 25: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Governor of Arkansas who ordered troops from the AR National Guard to prevent the Little Rock 9 from entering school


Page 26: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The New Deal Program that focused on helping the economy bounce back from depression


Page 27: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

An organization of African American ministers formed to challenge segregation


Page 28: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The first President of South Vietnam whom the U.S supported and who was later executed


Page 29: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The people (actors, directors, writers) who refused to answer the HUAC’s questions


Page 30: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Japanese officer in charge of the attack on America


Page 31: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Kennan’s written analysis of the USSR


Page 32: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Leader of the Nation of Islam


Page 33: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Head of the SS


Page 34: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Winston Churchill’s term for the line of communist Eastern European nations


Page 35: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Emperor of Japan during WII who was treated like a god


Page 36: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

How the Vietcong delivered supplies and soldiers into South Vietnam


Page 37: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The event where Selema Marchers were brutally beaten


Page 38: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

After allegations of police brutality an African American neighborhood in Los Angeles erupted in violent protest


Page 39: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

A New Deal program that helped regulate farming


Page 40: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

An anti-war protest in which students left class for discussions on the Vietnam War


Page 41: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

A college protest group which used sit-ins to desegregate restaurants, theaters, and other public facilities in the 1940s


Page 42: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The military alliance led by the U.S which provided for mutual assistance should any one member of the alliance be attacked


Page 43: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Founder of the Nazi Party


Page 44: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The military alliance led by the U.S.S.R which was created in response to the U.S led military alliance


Page 45: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Vietminh victory at _______________ forces France to withdraw from Indochina


Page 46: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The idea that If Vietnam fell to communism, other surrounding nations would follow


Page 47: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The boy who was killed by “racism” and whos death contributed to the beginning of the Civil Rights Movement


Page 48: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The man who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr.


Page 49: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The law that allows Hitler to rule by decree for 4 years


Page 50: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What did FDR’s banking Holiday do?

Multiple Choice

Page 51: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The McCarthy era of the Cold War is now thought of as America’s ______________.

Multiple Choice

Page 52: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Operation _______________________ was a massive bombing campaign against North Vietnam and it’s capital Hanoi

Multiple Choice

Page 53: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Who was the Head of the SA whom Hitler killed during the Night of the Long Knives?

Multiple Choice

Page 54: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Nixon’s policy of the Vietnam War which assumed a greater role for South Vietnam in the war was called ____________________

Multiple Choice

Page 55: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What did Mein Kampf advocate?

Multiple Choice

Page 56: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What was the result of the Bombing of Berlin?

Multiple Choice

Page 57: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

___________________ was organized by CORE organized protest segregated bus terminals

Multiple Choice

Page 58: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

How does the Korean War and NSC-68 tie together?

Multiple Choice

Page 59: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The name of the German military operation whose goal was to obtain the oil fields in Georgia, Crimea and the Middle East was called…

Multiple Choice

Page 60: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What did Malcolm X emphasize in his speeches?

Multiple Choice

Page 61: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

How did the Urban Riots of the 60’s change the emphasis of civil rights?

Multiple Choice

Page 62: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The alliance Germany signs with Italy in 1936 is called…

Multiple Choice

Page 63: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What is the theory of island hopping?

Multiple Choice

Page 64: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Nation of Islam was led by _______________________

Multiple Choice

Page 65: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What happened after the US left Vietnam?

Multiple Choice

Page 66: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

In the Nazi’s 25 point plan, what was their #1 priority

Multiple Choice

Page 67: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Why did the Bay of Pigs fail?

Multiple Choice

Page 68: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

MLK delivered his famous “I have a Dream” speech during the ___________________

Multiple Choice

Page 69: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

UN forces landed behind enemy lines at ____________ in order to push the North Koreans out of South Korea

Multiple Choice

Page 70: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The atrocity committed by the Japanese when they marched into China's capital city and murdered 300,000 people became known as

Multiple Choice

Page 71: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Supreme Court case that legalized segregation was

Multiple Choice

Page 72: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What is significant about the Battle of Midway?

Multiple Choice

Page 73: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The African American organization that preached Black Nationalism was the _____________

Multiple Choice

Page 74: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The compromise reached during the Cuban Missile Crisis between the U.S and the USSR was…

Multiple Choice

Page 75: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Theory of Black Power advocated all of the following except

Multiple Choice

Page 76: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Truman doctrine was created because….

Multiple Choice

Page 77: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The goal of the Beer Hall Putsch was…

Multiple Choice

Page 78: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

MLK followed the non-violent philosophies of ____________________

Multiple Choice

Page 79: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

How did President Kennedy resolve the James Meredith v. University of Mississippi issue?

Multiple Choice

Page 80: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The avenue by which the Viet Kong got into South Vietnam and moved weapons into the country was the _____________________

Multiple Choice

Page 81: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Malcolm X was assassinated by________________________

Multiple Choice

Page 82: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

How did the Urban Riots of the 60’s change the emphasis of civil rights?

Multiple Choice

Page 83: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Which of the following cities were not attacked by the Germans in their Russian Campaign

Multiple Choice

Page 84: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Supreme Court case that ruled that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional was

Multiple Choice

Page 85: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What was the biggest battleground for the Civil Rights Movement?

Multiple Choice

Page 86: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

De facto segregation is…

Multiple Choice

Page 87: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Eisenhower decided to fight communism through covert operations run by the ______________.

Multiple Choice

Page 88: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The Allied invasion of Morocco was called

Multiple Choice

Page 89: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What was the Maginot Line?

Multiple Choice

Page 90: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What happened at Kent State?

Multiple Choice

Page 91: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

After Nuclear missiles were discovered in Cuba, JFK reacted by doing all of the following except

Multiple Choice

Page 92: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The family type that characterized the 1950’s was the ________________ family.

Multiple Choice

Page 93: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The alliance Germany signs with Italy in 1936 is called…

Multiple Choice

Page 94: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What was significant about the Battle of Coral Sea?

Multiple Choice

Page 95: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What is the theory of island hopping?

Multiple Choice

Page 96: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What did George Kennan believe about communism?

Multiple Choice

Page 97: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The event which causes the U.S to send the military into Vietnam was the ________________

Multiple Choice

Page 98: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What happened at My Lai?

Multiple Choice

Page 99: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Ho Chi Minh forms the guerilla army __________________ to unify North Vietnam and attack South Vietnam

Multiple Choice

Page 100: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

On April 4, 1968, MLK was assassinated in Memphis, TN by ______________________

Multiple Choice

Page 101: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What was one of the major effects of Rock and Roll in American society?

Multiple Choice

Page 102: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What was the purpose of the Tokyo Bombing Raid?

Multiple Choice

Page 103: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

During ______________ the Viet Kong and and North Vietnamese Army launched surprise attacks on U.S bases and South Vietnamese cities

Multiple Choice

Page 104: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Why was Pearl Harbor not at “Knock-Out Blow”?

Multiple Choice

Page 105: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

This militant African American organization advocated revolution and urged African Americans to arm themselves

Multiple Choice

Page 106: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What is significant about the Battle of Midway?

Multiple Choice

Page 107: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The separate-but-equal doctrine stated that

Multiple Choice

Page 108: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

During the Yalta Conference FDR and Stalin agreed to what?

Multiple Choice

Page 109: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The goal of the Berlin Blockade was to…

Multiple Choice

Page 110: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

The operation which was designed to try to trick the Germans into thinking the Allies would land somewhere else besides Normandy was called

Multiple Choice

Page 111: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Why did President Truman tell General MacArthur not to go near the northern border of North Korea when UN forces counterattacked?

Multiple Choice

Page 112: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What was the theory of Civil Disobedience advocated by MLK?

Multiple Choice

Page 113: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What did the Geneva Accords State?

Multiple Choice

Page 114: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

What were the views of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X in regards to the Civil Rights Movement? How did they differ? List at least one example in history where the philosophies of Martin Luther King was used and one example in history where the philosophies of Malcolm X was used. Which Civil Rights leader do you think was more effective and why? (15 Sentences)

Essay (Pick 2 of the 4)

Page 115: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Explain, in detail, the age of McCarthyism. Who was Joseph McCarthy and why did he begin his crusade against communism? What tactics did he use to find suspected communists? What was a high-profile communism case that he seized upon to cause hysteria against communism? How did the age of McCarthy stop? Do you think McCarthy is a tyrant or a protector of democracy? Why? (15 Sentences)

Essay (Pick 2 of the 4)

Page 116: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Explain, in detail, the battle and significance of Iwo Jima. How did this battle influence the decision to use the atomic bomb? Explain the arguments for and against the use of the Atomic Bomb. Why was Hiroshima the first city the U.S dropped the atomic bomb on (what criteria did it meet)? What were the effects of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima? Do you think we should have dropped 2 Atomic Bombs on Japan? Why? (15 Sentences)

Essay (Pick 2 of the 4)

Page 117: The man who assassinated JFK The man who killed JFK’s assassin.

Choose one of the following controversial topics from the Vietnam War. Make an argument (Pro or Con) for that argument. Make sure to use evidence from the Vietnam War and be as convincing as possible. (15 Sentences)

U.S. Gov’t response to military crimesU.S. Gov’t response to American Protesters at

Kent StateUse of Napalm, Agent Orange, and other

chemicals in warMilitary Draft during Vietnam “Containment” in Vietnam in the early 1960’s

Essay (Pick 2 of the 4)