The m arc h quiz finals

Researched and conducted by Balasubramanyam P Raman Umamaheshwaran

Transcript of The m arc h quiz finals

Researched and conducted by Balasubramanyam P

Raman Umamaheshwaran

2 dry rounds of 12 q’s each interrupted by a written round of 6 q’s.

Pounce and infinite bounce. +10/-10 on pounce, except where specified.

Round I

•Connect a series that includes the following titles with the two paintings on the right. One word connect.

Balloon DogBoy with PonyBraceletBread with EggBuilding BlocksCakeCracked EggDonkeyHanging HeartParty HatPink BowPlate SetPlay-Doh

The man on the left was a prominent British sailor. In 1797,he was part of The Nore mutiny, which along with the Spithead mutiny was one the most potentially disastrous mutinies by sailors of the Royal Navy against the admiralty, as England was still at war with France at that time.For his role in the mutiny, he was hanged.

Most of us have heard his name, although in a totally different context , as he shares his name with another “sailor”. In fact the “sailor” in question was more of a stowaway, one of the most unique in recent times.

Name this person, who also shares his name with a minor marvel character.

•This is an item from a 1930 catalogue by the PaidarCompany Chicago-Ltd, a company that served as a pioneer and the leading supplier to a certain industry for a good deal of time.

•What industry did Paidar cater to?

The next image is from a classic film-noir starring Robert Mitchum.

The advertisement for a brand of liquor is posted on the wall behind Mitchum, probably one of the earliest examples of product placement in film. This brand was started in Venezuela at around the time of the release of this film and has grown on to become one of the biggest companies in South America, as well as the biggest exporter to Central American and Caribbean nations.

Identify the movie, hailed as “the quintessal film-noir”

Identify the brand of liquor, which employs a pun in its name.

This building, the second of its kind and located in the city’s famous Loop area was completed in 1875 following an event 4 years earlier which led to this building being advertised as the “The World’s First and Only _________ hotel.”

Famous visitors included presidential hopefuls James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, Ulysses S. Grant, William Jennings Bryan, and William McKinley; writers Mark Twain, L. Frank Baum, and Oscar Wilde.

Name the building.

What event?

The following image contains a painting by X. The painting depicts a chieftain of irregular soldiers of the Ottoman army, mostly of Albanian origin, particularly known for their lack of discipline.

Although we have heard of these soldiers, it is mostly through temperamental ravings of somebody.

Give me the name of the painting

Also, who is X, a leading proponent of Academicism?

The size of 70 cm diameter was marked on the original plan that the ______ had drawn for the central object. In July 1983, the searchlight fell on the firm of Schott in Mainz, and somewhat later on Zeiss in Oberkochen, both in Germany. These firms proposed the type of crystal -optically perfect glass - with the name of Bohr Kron 7. On the 8th of June 1984, Zeiss presented the study, and gave the estimate: approx. 230,000 German Marks. the only one of its kind, is the biggest optically perfect glass globe ever made in the world which arrived at the International airport at Tirusulam in April 1991.

What am I talking about?

Who is this person?

He is talking about “a bad experience he once had on a U-Boat” in this clip from Beerfest. The “bad experience” is also made fun of later in the film during a drinking competition.

What is this “bad experience” he is referencing here?

This is what Stuart L. Tyson writing in the Scientific Monthly had to say about a wrong usage popularised by a 1902 adoption.

“As god of the high-road and the market-place ______ was perhaps above all else the patron of commerce and the fat purse: as a corollary, he was the special protector of the travelling salesman. As spokesman for the gods, he not only brought peace on earth (occasionally even the peace of death), but his silver-tongued eloquence could always make the worse appear the better cause.”

Give the wrong usage and the widely accepted correct one.

The following is the reason X gave for not filming a sequel to Y, despite seeming to promise one:

To name his epic farce, he made a play on the name of a historical tome by Sir Walter Raleigh,who,while in prison began to write his work, completely from memory. However, he was beheaded and never got to finish his epic, and X named his movie Y in reference to that incompleteness.

But the director also had a personal reason for the title — he was tired of people asking him what his next movie would be. This way, they would assume a sequel was up next, and leave him be.

Which director, X? And which film, Y?

A kodimaram literally means "flag pole." In Hindu temples, this is placed between the Rajagopuram and the Sanctum sanctorum and represents the Jeevadhara. It is made of wood, cladded with brass and with or without gold coating and its different parts are believed to be the residing place of several Devatas.

They are usually erected in temples after several stages of work. The lowering of the kodimaram into the pit is done accompanied by a ceremony that includes the placement of a talismanic object(s) arranged in order in the pit so that it touches the centre of the pit and the centre of the kodimaram.

What object(s), seen with several Hindus because of its believed piezoelectric and astrological properties?

The audio is of a song named “Uncommon Valor” telling the story of a United States soldier in the Vietnam War. The song opens with Richard Nixon’s resignation speech followed by a line from the opening of a very famous US civil defense/propaganda film(image in next slide) featuring “Bert the turtle” which was shown in schools from 1950 to 1991. The film’s title,repeating the US govt’s policy, advised children to ____ ___ _____ (indicative of length) in case of a bomb attack.

The song also makes a reference by name to operation_________ which was the title of a gradual and sustained aerial bombardment campaign conducted against North Vietnam for 3 years, during the Vietnam War.

The singer refers to it stating that “And now I’m forced to sit and wonder/Why I was a part of operation ________”

ID Artist/group whose name Obi-Wan would be proud of Which civil defense film? Which military operation?

6 visuals Identify the building/monument from the

inside/peripheral/aerial views 10 points per question Bonus of 20 on all

6 visuals Identify the building/monument from the

inside/peripheral/aerial views 10 points per question Bonus of 20 on all

Round II

These toys were originally created in 1959 by Danish fisherman and woodcutter Thomas Dam who could not afford a Christmas gift for his young daughter Lila and carved it from his imagination. In the early-mid 1990s, several attempts were made to market the concept to young boys with action figures of the Stone Protectors franchise, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Mighty Max line which had a series known as Dread Heads which achieved marginal success?

Set to receive their own Dreamworks feature film in 2016, what two word rhyming name do these toys possess?

Image in next slide.

He was born in and did his schooling in Kerala, but had to flee to Japan by 1925 as he was persecuted by the British for being involved with protests against the colonial rule. He entered politics as a follower of Subhas Chandra Bose, becoming his personal valet. During the Second World War, he joined the Indian Independence league in Japan.

A movie depicting his life was announced in 2008 starring two actors legendary in their respective industries with AR Rahman doing the music, and has been in development hell for the past 7 years, with release nowhere in sight

Who is this person? Who are the two actors supposed to star in this film?

Banksy’s first exhibition in LA was a wild success, attended by the hottest celebrities around. One of his pieces at this exhibition was titled “___ ________ __ ___ ____.” It included an actual ________ that was entirely spray-painted—with non-toxic paint—to have the same pattern as the surrounding wallpaper and the ________ was supposed to symbolise the poverty in the world as an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. When the actual exhibit went ahead, most animal rights activists strongly objected to such flippant treatment.


In 2001:A Space Odessey, the song “Daisy Bell” was famously sung by HAL-9000 during its gradual deactivation.

In The Theory of Everything, Eddie Redmayne portrays Stephen Hawking as typing and later recording the lyrics and chorus of this song , specifically “Daisy, daisy, give me your answer, do”

What achievement were these two films referencing through the use of the same song?

Video from the Dark Knight. From where to where does Batman jump?

A _____ in Cantonese , meaning “Top-class” or “big-shot” is a senior business executive or entrepreneur operating in China or Hong Kong.

The term gained more popularity after the publications of two works of the same name, one a short story by W Somerset Maugham in 1922 and the other, a novel by James Clavell in 1966. The latter one particularly popularized the term, as Clavell based it on real-life _____ William Jardine and based the “Noble House” in his novel on the Jardine Matheson Co. which was one of the biggest companies in Hong Kong at the time.

A genus of snakes also has this term for its name, although the etymology is entirely unrelated to the above.

Which term?

Designed in 1945 as a weekend retreat, this is one of the most celebrated homes in American history. There are even Lego kits available of it.

Having asked the architect to build her a country getaway, the owner was horrified to discover she was being asked to live inside a pristine work of art. The almost transparent simplicity meant the house’s heating bills were astronomic, not to mention the lack of privacy thanks to the innumerable number of tourists who flocked to see the architectural marvel by the superstar architect. At night, the vast windows and isolated location turned the house into a giant moth lamp, causing insects and mosquitoes to flood the open plan rooms.

Identify the building and the architect.

He was a French diplomat, spy, freemason and soldier who fought in the Seven Years' War. He had androgynous physical characteristics and natural abilities as a mimic. He appeared publicly as a man and pursued masculine occupations for 49 years, although during that time he successfully infiltrated the court of Empress Elizabeth of Russia by posing as a woman after which for 33 years, from 1777, he dressed as a woman, claiming to be assigned female at birth.

An anime was released in 2006 , and although its title as well as protagonists name was the same as the name of the person in the above paragraph, the story itself was only very loosely based on him, leaving out most of the transvestism and instead revolves around a murder mystery involving young Parisian girls.

Give the title of this anime/name of the person, both of which are same.

(image in the next slide)

X is one of three antagonists in Y. He is usually depicted as a monster or a giant. In the poem, X is feared by all butY. He and his mother are described as descendants of the Biblical Cain.

In 1936, J.R.R. Tolkien's Y: The Monsters and the Critics discussed X in detail. This essay was the first work in which this poem was seriously examined for its literary merits and not just about what historical information on the origins of the English language could be gleaned from the text.

In 1998, a real-time browser-based role-playing video game called X’s Cave was launched. The game was so well received that educational websites use it as an Internet learning aid for medieval literature .

Name the character described above, X And the work of literature, Y

____ ____ (indicative of length)

Mr LuskSorI send you half theKidne I took from one womenprasarved it for you tother pirceI fried and ate it was very nise Imay send you the bloody knif thattook it out if you only wate a whillonger.signedCatch me whenyou CanMishter Lusk

These are the words from a letter, now lost. Though hundreds of such letters were posted in 1888, the above, along with a few others are thought by historians to be the few actually written by a historical figure. The literacy level is much coarser in this one than the others, but historians have argued that it was a deliberate attempt to mislead the police.


________ was a legendary Japanese historical figure who lived in the 16th

century, revered for his allegedly unparalleled swordsmanship, inventor of the style that is today known as Niten-ryū style of swordsmanship,and the author of The Book of Five Rings, a book on strategy, tactics, and philosophy that is still studied today. He has been portrayed countless number of times in comics, anime and film, most famously by Toshiro Mifune.

This person is the subject of the heavy metal song given here, which derives its title from an autobiographical and slightly narcissist essay by an extremely controversial and influential Japanese author who, after a disastrously failed coup d’etat, committed seppuku, or ritual sucide.

Which historical figure? Which song or eponymous essay? Which author?

Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a historical novel by Luo Guangzhong.

This book contains an exaggerated account of The Battle of ________ between the allied forces of the southern warlords Liu Beiand Sun Quan and the numerically superior forces of the northern warlord Cao Cao.It was arguably the largest naval battle in history, involving roughly 850,000 men.

A highly dramatized two-part movie of the battle was made in 2008 starring Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Takeshi Kaneshiro directed by an influential director, whose personality can be best described as hardboiled.

Which historical battle? Which famous director?