The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State...

The M. A. C. RECORD. MICHIGAN STATE AGRICULTURAL CO LL EGE . ANNOUNCEMENT. The first meeting of the EI1:;ill' will he held in roolJl I Ii of EIIJ::incerill J,!' 110.11 IOni;.!hl (Tucsda\) . at se\'.:::n o'dock. D"all l3 issdl spl'ak . It is desired thil! every SI\Ldcnt in t erested in l'll- ginccriug will he prCSCIlL al t he first meeting" of tl](' rear, ;lI1d t:Jkc;1I1 ac t in:: inkrc"t in the work· in:: of the society . A cordial in\'itatiOIl is cx tc mlcc! 10 the new e ngineer ing sHul':::li!!> to 110\ ollh- attt:nd this IllcctinJ.!. hut join the' societ), awl help lIlak!,: the same n slIccess during' Ihe prc,.cnl n:ar. Th e R ,,:CUHI> shull 110\>(' for f ull n-llOrls of these mcctill;,!s frOIll time \0 lillle. M. A. C. ASS OCIATIONS. Til!::" WII.!. liE HEilE OCTOI<KH II_ At t],e aJlIlu;.1 ml'din),! of the (ir,tIId \{ : 'p ids .\lllllllli held 011 Ucl. Z, il "as de,·ided 10 rUB ;111 e..:eu r sion Ir:lin 10 1.:lI1sin;.:- nn Uct o hl'r I.J.IO see Ihe hi;.:' wilh Ihe Cni-crsilY uf . \I iehig-an. III1)(h Lynch. '10, was :IPIJ.OiIiICd to I11nkc all :!lul hc:.:an M OIKe. Thel willl'oinc to ':\1. A. C, "')111e zoo or -31)0 strong- O il Inc :11'01 C 11011.-" and re sc n' arion \1 ill he 1I1:l<le IIt :11 the hUlIl'n Clm he tu;:"ther th,' {'un le,.!. piau tn 1":1\ e Grand Rapids llhl)UI 9 iI. Ill" nrril' :It Ih" cull ,,)!c alII, The), II ill he a C{' ulllmod:lIl'd fur dilllle r lit Clllb o ;11.0111 1 : !) , whi ch II ill )!il e ;Ull· pIc tim e for Ihem to prcp:tre 10 yell. T ickets wi!! prohablv be for· wanl"d 10 Ihelll ;11101 011 the truili, T he Ilwm\wrs pbn Oil e'l;- lellsil'c :lml h:l\e a .. k,''[ for pO"lcr" :lI1l1"" I1l'illg- Ill, ' g-:l'Hl'. The"e II ill Ihrollg-h. 0111 \()II II wherc Ihl') lIill do mosl goo..l. and a .. tlll" r ,' is no hi:.:-h g-1II1le 011 Ihat day. it hclieH'd 111:IIIV of Ih,' hh:h s"hool I.lOU' II ill lake":tlll'ant;tg-e of Ihis e",cursiol1, \\'onl frOI11 Oelroit irulie:ll e" th:1\ thl're, 100, the "lulllni arc g-l'ILillj,!" h ll !!;\' ill1U lI"ill, without dOli III, rUI) :1 spccilll trail) to aC('ommo<late Ihe crowd who Wl1l1t \0 t011l':. A hi:: I11I1SS was hdd at Ih c llolc! Tuller all Oct. -1' at which lime ':\1. . \, C. was toasted, spceches werc m: ldc and the II s u;11 cllihusia .. m W:I:. Ill:lnifc st. T here is 110 dUll hi that this will draw more of our :llun1lli and forlller sl u{ I<!t1ts th an has bee n Sl'en at l\L .. \, C. for mall)' ye:lrs . L ct's show t he !\1. A, C. sp iri t. WOOD SHOP. A fine new too l C'.Ibi nct ha s been in stalled i ll the tool r oo m o f the wood shop, T he c abin ct sta nds some se ven fee t in heighl and, wilh doo rs open, Illeas ures nine fe e t ill width, Every possihle foot of space is utiliz ed, the tools being placed on the i nside of the doors themselves, while those of .. wcight li re found in side the cabin et Six drawe rs ii' the lowe r pat I an' IIsed for storing" sup pl ie .. , eiC . "fbe .:ahinel furnishes a \'alll' abk· :\{Idilion tu Ihis tlep:tnm.:nl. as it provilics for 11 s),!Slelll;lIic ar ran).!e· IIIl'nl. whirh i" most desir; lble, 111 the r l'ar !:thor:!t ory hll,; a]",o be,'11 placetl :l ('ahil1t"l lor "pcci :l l tools; till' room is lilll'd with th" l'aric,\I>o killlls alld si?es of hloc,k:. upon \1 hid, 10 work, ,md one or two quite important rhangcs and :!tlditinIlS e"lltcmpl;otl'<I in the ncar future. j' ,'rh;lp" the .,10 .. 1 irnport:mt dilion 10 thl' c ti llipmcnt of thi:. oraton' is the ill:'I:III;llioll o f !lome ,(0 .. eats '(III r:liscd platforms. From Ih",!!,' -"cats Ihe will be able to sec plainly Ihe di:lg-rams placed 011 sla mlartis on the 1II:1in Iloo r, ".l 'he in"truelOr is Ihu senablciltocx. pl:lin to " II'holc seclio n jus I Ihe 10 folloll in thc hendl "r tuhc work, ' Hld 10 lit\.' studl'II1 a photo;! r aph of whal his Ilork is 10 look like when {'omplt:teIL lIere- loforl' the class II:lS uhli::Td to "it "POll h.,nchl.:'" 1\ imluw ",II·, dC,. :lIl1llhl'lI onl,' ;I portion of the sc('tinn could "ee and g:c1II1l' 1111)St ;';0011 uut of the lel'tll rl ', CLA SS RUSH . TIl,' c!:t,. .. rll .. h (\11 11':\", l>lll' of Ihe 1Il0,.t licr{ 'ch ru nll'lId,'(1 ,'I'l'r helol, 'rh., .. nme I;ro).!ram lias l-a rril'llo ul " .. 1:1 .. , ,,,,,r, The fOOl, ball rll"h. lir,;1 on ti'l' prl,",!rllill, lIas lI'un hy thc fr l'Si"11I1 ':Il , Ihc .. \.pho. mur,'", II inning- ,'ad, of tltt' three [lull", Tlw of war 1\ ,,'> "" exeitin((" :h elcr. and \Ias al so WUII hI' the :;n'OIllI I e:tr lIl"r!. T hl: rrn",d Ih,')1 on ,he llrill ;..::rnlllld, :llId for Ihe fllll I,'n 'nil1uI,'S h"lh foug-ht liertcly nile tOllphuld Ihl'lr the nlh,'r to lear it down. Onl, ,I f<!\\ SCl'O I HI" hdore th:.: lin:!1 .. h;,1 (lid Ihe sopllo- U](,rc .. ;oll("\.'e ... d ill pnllil1:.! the Ib:! froll] its pu .. ilioll on lIu,' trcc. The lilwl s,'ore 11:\" the r cforc III f:tn,r of the "Ixoml .I·l'ar men, r I to ,. M. A. C. BAND. Ordy aholll 50 per Ce nt., or 16 pl: •• leT>o, of ollr t:.Sl ye: lr' s c"del b"nd ;ore in colle)!e Ihis y ... ar, : 1I1l1 the w .. k of workin:.:- in the lIew mah'ri:tl i" not unlike Ihe lbSl'l1luh' of :t footu:11l S{III.1t1. ,\ gootlh' IIl1'mocr of men hOlI'e shown lip, !low, '\.'er, allll Clark i" I'ery well pleasetl with the OUIloo k at Ihe present tim e. SCI-' e ra l cornet plfl)'ers ha, 'e m; I(\c appli, e;ttion, which is I' e ry g ra ti fyi n g, :I S it was f eared import, lIIt instru. menl w ou ld be'luc ki ng , The band will, this SC A so n, change frOm high to low, or in te rna tional pilC h, which will make just a l itt le co n fusion on the start. It will, howel'er, be much better for the or chcst ra pla yers, as Ihey w ill not ueed to consl :lI1tl)' cha nge as has he rc to fore been necessar), . Some nell" instru m ents ar e to be pl. c hased, and a prome n ade conce rt will doubtl es s be givcn earl y in No. vembe r, W e s hall sti ll ha ve " th e best ca dct ba nd in the co untr y ." AL U MNI '88. A, B, GOOdl1 ill, of the :l11(."'c ha,; been of tI't I iI_ l:i:-!,c vf C :l fSOI) Cit.I', for year .. , '93' ,\ 1 the rC( luest of tilt· D"'I':trtlll"!l\ of A:,:-ricultllr:.1 Edu.:atioll of lit,' .. ill of l.'alifomia 0, I, Cruo<. 1,," i .. nt,;kill;: a trip 10 Ih;t Siale, Cro .. 11\ II ill :tll,'utl s':I'er:oll'tlu· calioll:d aurl :1 1111111, bcr of hi:,:-h in which a:.:-ri. ('lIllure i!; tnug-ht. I Ie will also li",il the s t:lle a:.:-ricuitural of lJ a, vis :111(1 Sun ()n his rdllrn he I'l:l liS 1(1 \i .. il Ih,' :I:,:-ri. od,ur"l of . .'\"t.:w litH I Uk!:thorna. ")5' Prof. C, 1'. CIOH'. 'q:; r.:- l'elll1\l1- kH'rerl hi" cOlllln'liotl II ilh I he ,:\i:tryttlld J-:\perirnl.:tll (Ind 1:lk,'n 11]1 II<lrk Ilith Ill" 1>;li s, iolt of i'urn"lo;.:y ill the l'lIitl 'll Dl'J)a rlnl,'nl of :II where he i" knOlli'll as :11!" eSpert in fruil id,'l1tijil"tliOIl, ' ! h' ",,:,'epliol1:1l1) Ildl tined ior SIKh :t po"ilioll, .. \fl, 'r :,:-radu;IIHl:,r from ,\1, .\, C. hI.: II ,' nl II' the (jcllel,. L'lx'rilllelll II here the Jar,.:c"t nnl11ht:r of I uf frui ts !";111 hI' l"ulIIl Oil Olle fan:" "ilher prm iel l'" or il1"Iillllillll:l1. in Ihi" eUII!lln-, ,\flcr selTr,,1 l':"l'.:nel1",' h" "el.':lIl1l' f of ilort culture til I)e!:tw:lrl' E:"pL·riment St :l ti')I1, alld laler lIith the ,:\1:tryland I :"'pe rilllell\ :-;1:lIiO):r, In hOlh kllh'r .. he 11",1 .. hruuJ.:ht ill 1' lJIIlal'l with fruit cr" 10 a Il'n' lar"c e:..lelii. .\ .. of tit,' S',IIC II., rl i(:1111 ur,ll he wurk".! lip the wUll\ll'rfll! e'l;llil.;. lioll" of fruit Ill'll! ""l'll Dl 'l'l'mh"r in Baltimure. :111.1 \1 as Iwi L'c hHlwrel1 b.I' hein:,:- "cnl to \\ 'c"lcn, fruil ill 1"11.1 amI Co\or:lllo, ,\5 a rdlllt of I i .. il he \\"lIS 111' lited to judJ.:e ce rt ain Ihe folluwing Yl':l r, Through hi .. ef, forts lhe fruil a"soci:lliun won :1 1:lrg-e numher of pri,.l ''' . in· medals ,mel cups, ,\1. . \, C, h:ls reHson to he proud of the arh ie\'ements uf Ihis siunh !'Oll. ;tlld !\I ar) I:Uld should rq.,rc\ hal illg' lost him. '07· Il cTrn:1II Kramer is surn')'o r atlll l'ivil engi nccr, 10<.:M<':llllt 757 G ra liot .'\\'c.,Oct r oit. '07-'08, Fletche r A, Gould, 'OJ, and Be ss COI'ell, who g- rll dUalC(1 OIlC late r, wer e marri ed 011 Sept, S 1[151, and left Itt on ce for Con'allis, Or e., whe re M r, Gould is te a chinJ! cil'il enginee rin g in the sl: l tc co llege, '13' A so n, T homa s Joseph,Jr" was born to M r. and Mrs . T homas J. Mi lan on June zz, 191 1. Mrs, Milan wa !j for merl), :r-.'1is s Em ily E. How e, with the cllSS o f '9'3, :-;0. a '9K G<.:org-e F, Ri ch mond, no\\ in Iblphollg', Tonkin, [till:! Chill:t, l\rilo:S Prof. Ked/.!e il\l"feslilll,!ly of his II urk ill Ihal ("r off ],,,,,1. :t11l1 af't'r l';llling- te, 'nind SlInte of the exa r lill;: thin;.:s he 11:)5 rC1juir,'{1 to do \\hil e "tlld\'ill" nt ':\1, .\, C" he sOllll'lhiug: of II hat is r equirell of hinl Itnw, :>lld ".\ lillIe knU\I'I"llgl' .,f what \'U II"lilutc" :. turr,'l'l lives 1101 SC\'IlI:;O tn I;tc 11U1\," Thl' f"lltHli,,;.!" lJ uot:ltiun .. frOIH hi:. kl'er are :01':;0 applicable just IIUW ; , time "jun' ! h "u to "UjJl'rI"i..,l' a link laud in)::" ill I:OlI llCl'lillO II irh "ur f:l<lor) II hirh furthl' r th:lt, ill II'), npillio ll , 1 he I ;tril'd i IIl11 rul" ;,,11 t: i n'lI :11 ,\, C, hl'''1 iiI-. Ihe "tudelll for Ihe II u rI.. Ill' m:l,l he l' :oIl ... ,1 111'011 to perfuTm ill p r:t <.:li":ll lifl", II nOI II" iufl'rr"I\ th:u I hlT:tllte "Ie r- j'ur(lcllel\ \I iIi! kllllll k,l).!e of su g"ittell from Ihe .. i, (ou r_ ,' "" ,'apt;!ill uf ",p,ad :"\,,,, (,. ,ret I dill It'am tu Ili!otin:,:ui"h Ihe differell,'e hc1lll'I.:II'. li:,:hl litollllll"in Ir:tll .. il ,llId -laL'k uf 11"1, :11111 if I rellll'mher ri;.!htl,\ to M'or" IMirll .. ill thl' I IIll'ution Ihe tu further ,h" poiln ! II j .. h to ,uake, IiI,: Ih:1I at !I'L' lin,e III 11('re en· I!c-aloring: 10 run a linc Ih rvlI;.!h;lll lit,' nl'''lrlll' liv n .. IIt", I·rof. \','Ilder nmt.1 1)<) .. Ihink .. I, I Ii) tit" lI"'e of il :011. fnr I \\";( .. :':0' ill:':- 10 fl.!low Ih,' 1:1\\, or lither clJu;tlil .\, C, \11· !'--I .. l\ LIn, !'--"]l1. ]{ O)t P : lUll .\, 20, I', I I, Tltt ]{ EH'IlI, \va" a illlr I'" l;t I , I intcwlcd 1(1 ... 011 1111 \hl' l';lrh in <k l"h,'r, hUI ,! .. ., al 1t''';ll' in :'Ilidltt:,lItc!lkti II1C Ih"n' in ,\11;;11 .. 1 :Iud \It' (\\Ife 'Hul lilt!t- :'IIi ... ., Dt,r"thl) were alllllle.ll>lill :.I I";le in Ihe rit\ of Detroi t. Whi le Ih,'r,', how, <;II.'r, II:trvcy f lallll, '0,), .. calnl him· self in a car b">oillc mt.: ,md wit! me hUll hI.: was 11011 a jUlli(u' till the r e. ] Ie of '0lt wa,.; in the 1'.:,,1 11I'lkin;..:: f;lst 111111, \\ eli\(' OJ! Ihe hank of thc ,. , \ll1rill\ , ' :1 fcw y:,nls from 1111' t:.rg-e rnOIlUllIl'nt l'rccl ed to S;Lr:(1 Flv\"<I, III I his lI'ilh n:otional for hi" sacrilicc in Ihe l.. elli5 ,t Clark Exposilioll. 1011';1 is a g- r eat .. tatc. \\ '1' wish Ihe readers of the RI-( Ci lllD a "GOtI speel!." S. H. i{ ()(a;ns, '0.,. '07, ,:\Ir, ! l1Id : \Irs, Edwtlnl L Smith annOUllee the ltlarriag-e of thci r (Iaug-hter, Lenor:t C:llist: l, 10 An- .Irew S. VIm Ia lte rell 011 T hurs day, Septembe r 1-1,1911, al Ca iro, Eg ypt. "0. Ihbcock is e ll gaged n c heil list in II hig !Iul,!a r fu cto ry at Ha rvey, III, T hey are just now bcgi,mi ng th ei r bi g winter run, a nd Mr. B. sta le s th at it w ill be an ex_ ceed in gly busy seaso n f or h is lac. to r y,

Transcript of The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State...

Page 1: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State A, Gould, 'OJ, and Bess COI'ell, who g-rlldUalC(1 OIlC ~'ear later,



The first meeting of the EI1:;ill' ecrill~ ~ocich' will he held in roolJl I Ii of EIIJ::incerill J,!' 110.11 IOni;.!hl (Tucsda\) . at se\'.:::n o'dock. D"all l3issdl ~vill spl'ak . It is desired thil! every SI\Ldcnt interested in l'll­ginccriug will he prCSCIlL al lhi ~.

t he first meeting" of tl](' rear, ;lI1d t:Jkc;1I1 act in:: inkrc"t in the work· in:: of the society.

A cordial in\'itatiOIl is cx tcmlcc! 10 the new engineering sHul':::li!!> to 110\ ollh- attt:nd this IllcctinJ.!. hut join the' societ), awl help lIlak!,: the same n slIccess during' Ihe prc,.cnl n:ar. The R ,,:CUHI> shull 110\>(' for f ull n-llOrls of these mcctill;,!s frOIll time \0 lillle.


Til!::" WII.!. liE HEilE OCTOI<KH II_

At t],e aJlIlu;.1 ml'din),! of the (ir,tIId \{ :'pids .\lllllllli l\ ~"od;llion.

held 011 Ucl. Z, il "as de,·ided 10 rUB ;111 e..:eu rsion Ir:lin 10 1.:lI1sin;.:- nn Ucto hl'r I.J.IO see Ihe hi;.:' ~a!l\e wilh Ihe Cni-crsilY uf .\I iehig-an. III1)(h Lynch. '10, was :IPIJ.OiIiICd to I11nkc all I tCCl'~sar} arran;,,:clncltl~,

:!lul hc:.:an M OIKe. Thel willl'oinc to ':\1. A. C, "')111e

zoo or -31)0 strong- Oil Inc :11'01 C 11011.-"

and resc n 'arion \1 ill he 1I1:l<le ~" IIt :11 the hUlIl'n Clm he tu;:"ther d\lril1~ th,' {'un le,.!. Th~'1 piau tn 1":1\ e Grand Rapids llhl)UI 9 iI. Ill" nrril' in~ :It Ih" cull,,)!c alII, The), II ill he a C{'ulllmod:lIl'd fur dilllle r lit Clllb o ;11.0111 1 ~ : !), whic h II ill )!il e ;Ull· pIc time for Ihem to prcp:tre 10 yell.

T ickets wi!! prohablv be for· wanl"d 10 Ihelll ;11101 ~;)ld 011 the truili, T he Ilwm\wrs pbn Oil e'l;­lellsil'c adn'rtisill~, :lml h:l\e a .. k,''[ for pO"lcr" :lI1l1"" I1l'illg- Ill,' g-:l'Hl'. The"e II ill hedi~lrihlllcd Ihrollg-h. 0111 \()II II wherc Ihl') lIill do mosl goo..l. and a .. tlll" r,' is no hi:.:-h ~,'hool g-1II1le 011 Ihat day. it i~ hclieH'd 111:IIIV o f Ih,' hh:h s"hool I.lOU' II ill lake":tlll' ant;tg-e of Ihis e",cursiol1,

\\'onl frOI11 Oelroit irulie:ll e" th:1\ thl're, 100, the "lulllni arc g-l'ILillj,!" h ll !!;\' ill1U lI"ill, without dOli III, rUI) :1 spccilll trail) to aC('ommo<late Ihe crowd who Wl1l1t \0 t011l':. A hi:: I11I1SS mcctin~ was hdd at Ihc llolc! Tuller all O c t. -1' at which lime ':\1. .\, C. was toasted, spceches werc m:ldc and the IIs u;11 cllihusia .. m W:I:.

Ill:lnifcst. T here is 110 dUll hi that this ~anll! will draw mo re of our :llun1lli and forlller sl u{I<!t1ts th an has been Sl'en at l\L .. \, C. for mall)' ye:lrs. L ct's show the !\1. A, C. spiri t.


A fine new tool C'.Ibinct has been installed ill the tool roo m o f the wood shop, T he cabinct sta nds some seven feet in heighl and, wilh doors open, Illeas ures nine fe e t ill width, Every possihle foot o f space is utilized, the Ii~hter tools being placed on the inside of the doors themselves, while those o f

.. wcight li re found ins ide the ca b inet pro~. Six drawers ii' the lower

pat I an' IIsed for storing" suppl ie .. , eiC. "fbe .:ahinel furnishes a \'alll' abk· :\{Idilion tu Ihis tlep:tnm.:nl. as it provilics for 11 s),!Slelll;lIic ar ran).!e· IIIl'nl. whirh i" most desir;lble,

111 the rl'ar !:thor:!tory hll,; a]",o

be,'11 placetl :l ('ahil1t"l lor "pcci:l l tools; till' suppl~ room it~df is lilll'd with th" l'aric,\I>o killlls alld si?es o f hloc,k:. upon \1 hid, 10 work, ,md one o r two quite important rhangcs and :!tlditinIlS ~re e"lltcmpl;otl'<I in the ncar future.

j','rh;lp" the .,10 .. 1 irnport:mt ~{I,

dilion 10 thl' cti llipmcnt of thi:. I~h. oraton' is the ill:'I:III;llioll o f !lome ,(0

.. eats '(III r:liscd platforms. From Ih",!!,' -"cats Ihe !'1Udenl ~ will be able to sec plainly Ihe di:lg-rams placed 011 slamlartis on the 1II:1in Iloo r, ".l 'he in"truelOr is Ihusenablciltocx. pl:lin full~' to " II'holc seclion jus I Ihe Ijlle~ 10 folloll in thc hendl "r tuhc work, 'Hld ;.:'i\l~s 10 lit\.' studl'II1 a photo;! raph of whal his Ilork is 10 look like when {'omplt:teIL lIere­loforl' the class II:lS uhli::Td to "it "POll h.,nchl.:'" 1\ imluw ",II·, dC,.

:lIl1llhl'lI onl,' ;I ~111,,1t portion of the sc('tinn could "ee l'!:tilll~ and g:c1II1l' 1111)St ;';0011 uut of the lel'tll rl' ,


TIl,' c!:t,. .. rll .. h (\11 ~;.Iurd,,\' 11':\",

l>lll' of Ihe 1Il0,.t licr{'ch runll'lId,'(1 ,'I'l'r helol, 'rh., .. nme I;ro).!ram lias l-arril'lloul " .. 1:1 .. , ,,,,,r, The fOOl, ball rll"h. lir,;1 on ti'l' prl,",!rllill, lIas lI'un hy thc frl'Si"11I1':Il , Ihc .. \.pho. mur,'", II inning- ,'ad, of tltt' three C;"!I' a",~ [lull", Tlw IU~ of war 1\ ,,'> "" exeitin((" :h elcr. and \Ias also WUII hI' the :;n'OIllI I e:tr lIl"r!.

T h l: rrn",d Ih,')1 ~:Ith,'r,·d on ,he llrill ;..::rnlllld, :llId for Ihe fllll I,'n 'nil1uI,'S h"lh .-I:o,~~c~ foug-ht liertcly nile tOllphuld Ihl'lr tla~, the nlh,'r to lear it down. Onl, ,I f<!\\ SCl'OIHI" hdore th:.: lin:!1 .. h;,1 (lid Ihe sopllo­U](,rc .. ;oll("\.'e ... d ill pnllil1:.! the Ib:! froll] its pu .. ilioll on lIu,' trcc.

The lilwl s,'ore 11:\" the rcforc III f:tn,r of the "Ixoml .I·l'ar men, r I to ,.

M. A. C. BAND.

Ordy aholll 50 per Ce nt., or 16 pl: •• leT>o, of ollr t:.Sl ye:lr's c"del b"nd ;ore in colle)!e Ihis y ... ar, :1I1l1 the w .. k of workin:.:- in the lIew mah'ri:tl i" not unlike Ihe lbSl'l1luh' of :t footu:11l S{III.1t1. ,\ gootlh' IIl1'mocr of men hOlI'e shown lip, !low,'\.'e r , allll I~rof. Clark i" I'ery well pleasetl with the OUIloo k at Ihe present time. SCI-' e ra l cornet plfl)'ers ha,'e m;I(\c appli, e;ttion, which is I' e ry g ra ti fyi ng, :I S it was feared thi~ import,lIIt instru. menl w ou ld be'luc ki ng ,

The band will, this SCAson, change frOm high to low, or inte rnational pi lCh, which will make just a litt le con fusion o n the start. It will, howel'er, be muc h better for the o rchcst ra players, as Ihey w ill not ueed to consl:lI1tl)' cha nge as has he rc tofore been necessar), . Some nell" instru ments are to be pl. r · chased, and a prome nade conce r t will doubtless be givcn early in No. vember, W e s hall still ha ve " the best cadct band in the country ."

AL U MNI '88.

A, B, GOOdl1 ill, of the :l11(."'c t:1:IS~, ha,; been pre~id"l1l of tI't I iI_ l:i:-!,c vf C :l fSOI) Cit.I', for sl'~'er:d year .. ,

'93' ,\ 1 the rC(luest of tilt· D"'I':trtlll"!l\

of A:,:-ricultllr:.1 Edu.:atioll of lit,' l'nill~r .. ill of l.'alifomia 0, I, Cruo<. 1,," i .. nt,;kill;: a trip 10 Ih;t Siale, ~Ir, Cro .. 11\ II ill :tll,'utl s':I'er:oll'tlu· calioll:d m~,ctiu;..::s, aurl li~it :1 1111111, bcr of hi:,:-h ,.;t"h()ol~ in which a:.:-ri. ('lIllure i!; tnug-ht. I Ie will also li",il the s t:lle a:.:-ricuitural ~l"h()o li' of lJa , vis :111(1 Sun [,ui~ O 'B i~po. ()n his rdllrn he I'l:l liS 1(1 \i .. il Ih,' :I:,:-ri. od,ur"l co l ll'~~'" of ~\riJ'OIl:t . .'\"t.:w ~Il'"ico litH I Uk!:thorna.


Prof. C, 1'. CIOH'. 'q:; ha~ r.:­

l'elll1\l1- kH'rerl hi" cOlllln'liotl II ilh Ihe ,:\i:tryttlld J-:\perirnl.:tll ~1;1I1t)1I, (Ind 1:lk,'n 11]1 II<lrk Ilith Ill" 1>;lis, iolt of i'urn"lo;.:y ill the l'lIitl'll ~lall'5 Dl'J)a rlnl,'nl of ,\~ri':III'lln' :II \\,:) ~hill;.:-t~'I1. where he i" knOlli'll as :11!" eSpert in fruil id,'l1tijil"tliOIl, ' ! h' i~ ",,:,'epliol1:1l1) Ildl tined ior SIKh :t po"ilioll,

.. \fl,'r :,:-radu;IIHl:,r from ,\1, .\, C. hI.: II ,' nl II' the (jcllel,. L'lx'rilllelll ~1;llioll, II here the Jar,.:c"t nnl11ht:r of I :lril·li~'" uf frui ts !";111 hI'

l"ulIIl Oil Olle fan:" "ilher prm iel l'" or il1"Iillllillll:l1. in Ihi" eUII!lln-, ,\flcr selTr,,1 I·C,!r~ l':"l'.:nel1",' Ih~re h" "el.':lIl1l' f 'rufe~~or of ilort i· culture til I)e!:tw:lrl' E:"pL·riment St :l ti')I1, alld laler h<JniL"l1lt\lri~t lIith the ,:\1:tryland I:"'pe rilllell\ :-;1:lIiO):r, In hOlh thes~' kllh'r ~I:lll' .. he 11",1 .. hruuJ.:ht ill 1' lJIIlal'l with fruit ~rtJ\\, cr" 10 a Il'n' lar"c e:..lelii.

.\ .. :-;"'T~I'ln-'" of tit,' ~1a1"l1;ol1d S',IIC II., rl i(:1111 ur,ll ~"l'i~I\' he wurk".! lip the wUll\ll'rfll! e'l;llil.;. lioll" of fruit Ill'll! ""l'll Dl'l'l'mh"r in Baltimure. :111.1 \1 as IwiL'c hHlwrel1 b.I' hein:,:- "cnl to \\ 'c"lcn, fruil ,.;hnll~ ill 1"11.1 amI Co\or:lllo, ,\5 a rdlllt of hi~ ljr~t I i .. il he \\"lIS 111' lited to judJ.:e ce rt ain cl:l~"<'" Ihe folluwing Yl':l r, Through hi .. ef, forts lhe fruil ~ro\lers' a"soci:lliun won :1 1:lrg-e numher of pri,.l''' . in· c1udin~ medals ,mel cups, ,\1. . \, C, h:ls reHson to he proud of the arh ie\'ements uf Ihis siunh !'Oll. ;tlld !\ I a r) I:Uld should rq.,rc\ hal illg' lost him.

'07· Il cTrn:1II Kramer is surn')'or atlll

l'ivil engi nccr, 10<.:M<':llllt 757 G ra liot .'\\'c.,Oct roit.

'07-'08, Fletcher A, Gould, 'OJ, and Bess

COI'ell, who g- rlldUalC(1 OIlC ~'ear late r , were married 011 Sept, S 1[151, and le ft Itt o nce fo r Con'allis, O re., whe re M r , Gould is teachinJ! ci l'il enginee ring in the sl:ltc college,

'13' A son, T homas Joseph,Jr" was

born to M r. a nd Mrs . T homas J . Milan o n June zz, 191 1. Mrs , Milan wa !j fo r merl), :r-.'1iss Em ily E. H o w e, with the cllSS o f ' 9 '3,

:-;0. a

'9K G<.:org-e F, Rich mond, no\\ in

Iblphollg', Tonkin, [till:! Chill:t, l\rilo:S Prof. Ked/.!e il\l"feslilll,!ly of his II urk ill Ihal ("r off ],,,,,1. :t11l1 af't'r l';llling- te, 'nind SlInte of the exar lill;: thin;.:s he 11:)5 rC1juir,'{1 to do \\hile "tlld\'ill" l"h,'m i~tn nt ':\1, .\, C" he H1~'nt;;;l1~ sOllll'lhiug: of II hat is requirell of h inl Itnw, :>lld ;ul~]". ".\ lillIe knU\I'I"llgl' .,f what \'UII"lilutc" :. turr,'l'l an:III~I" lives 1101 SC\'IlI:;O $-ell~d",~s tn I;tc 11U1\," Thl' f"lltHli,,;.!" lJ uot:ltiun .. frOIH hi:. kl'er are :01':;0 e~pl."l'i[llh applicable just IIUW ; ,

"~ome time "jun' ! h "u oC";I~ion to "UjJl'rI"i..,l' a link laud ~"n"\:~ in)::" ill I:OlI llCl'lillO II irh "ur f:l<lor) ~ile II hirh furthl' r il!u"lrah'~ th:lt, ill II'), npillio ll , 1 he I ;tril'd i IIl11 rul" ;,,11 t: i n'lI

:11 ~!. ,\, C, hl'''1 iiI-. Ihe "tudelll for Ihe II u rI.. Ill' m:l,l he l' :oIl ... ,1 111'011 to perfuTm ill p r:t<.:li":ll lifl", II II1I1~t nOI II" iufl'rr"I\ th:u I hlT:tllte "Ie r­j'ur(lcllel\ \I iIi! kllllll k,l).!e of su r· Il'~ill;.! g"ittell from Ihe .. i, \ll'Ck~' (ou r_ ,' "" ,'apt;!ill uf ",p,ad :"\,,,, (,. ,ret I dill It'am tu Ili!otin:,:ui"h Ihe differell,'e hc1lll'I.:II'. li:,:hl litollllll"in Ir:tll .. il ,llId -laL'k uf Ill"r~!t 11"1, :11111 if I rellll'mher ri;.!htl,\ 1ll:1It:1~nl to M'or" ~ele)1 IMirll .. ill thl' Ijuni~, I (tlil~ IIll'ution Ihe ~1I1'jl'li tu further cmph:l~i/'l' ,h" poiln ! II j .. h to ,uake, IiI,: Ih:1I at !I'L' lin,e III 11('re en· I!c-aloring: 10 run a linc Ih rvlI;.!h;lll lit,' nl'''lrlll' livn .. IIt", I·rof. \','Ilder nmt.1 1)<) .. ~iI,!y Ihink .. I, I rd\l,,~',l Ii)

~c,' tit" lI"'e of il :011. fnr I \\";( .. :':0' ill:':- 10 fl.!low Ih,' 1:1\\, or ~'I"'e lither clJu;tlil h i~h ~"lUltlill:':- prOfl~~i~l/I:'

~r. .\, C,

\11· !'--I .. l\ LIn,

!'--"]l1. ]{ ~,' O)t P :

lUll .\, 20, I', I I,

Tltt ]{ EH'IlI, \va" a ~ICk"llIl.: li~· illlr I'" l;t I , I intcwlcd 1(1 ... 011 1111 \hl' l',iito~ l';lrh in <kl"h,'r, hUI ,! ~i,kn, .. ., al 1t''';ll' in :'Ilidltt:,lItc!lkti II1C Ih"n' in ,\11;;11 .. 1 :Iud \It' (\\Ife 'Hul lilt!t- :'IIi ... ., Dt,r"thl) were alllllle.ll>lill :.I "~1I1:lll" I";le in Ihe rit\ of Detroi t. Whi le Ih,'r,', how, <;II.'r, II:trvcy f lallll, '0,), .. calnl him· self in a car b">oillc mt.: ,md wit! me hUll hI.: was 11011 a jUlli(u' till the re. ] Ie ~aid ~w;lln, o f '0lt wa,.; in the 1'.:,,1 1'~Iatthll~illl'S~,lInd 11I'lkin;..:: f;lst 111111,

\\ eli\(' OJ! Ihe hank of thc ).!rl'~t ,. ,\ll1rill\ , ' ju~t :1 fcw y:,nls from 1111' t:.rg-e rnOIlUllIl'nt l'rcc led to S;Lr:(1 Flv\"<I, III Ihis ~1:tlC, lI'ilh n:otional assistHII~C, for hi" sacrilicc in Ihe l..elli5 ,t Clark Exposilioll. 1011';1 is a g- reat .. tatc. \\ '1' wish Ihe readers of the RI-(Ci lllD a "GOtI speel!." S. H. i{ ()(a;ns, '0.,.

'07, ,:\Ir, !l1Id :\Irs, Edwtlnl L Smith

annOUllee the ltlarriag-e o f thci r (Iaug-hter, Lenor:t C:ll ist:l, 10 An­.Irew S . VIm I·Ialterell 011 T hurs day, September 1-1,1911, al Ca iro, Egypt.


~.1. ~1. Ihbcock is e llgaged n c heillist in II hig !Iul,!ar fu ctory at Ha rvey, III, T hey are just now bcgi,mi ng thei r big winter run , a nd Mr. B. stales th at it w ill be a n ex_ ceedingly b usy season for h is lac. tory,

Page 2: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State A, Gould, 'OJ, and Bess COI'ell, who g-rlldUalC(1 OIlC ~'ear later,

The M. A. C. RECORD ~ ".~I."<O nc.~ T" •• o n ou,,, .... T~C "O~LCc;.

'Ca ... T .. t " 'C." IO&" STue A" " 'CULTullU ~LL.G<:

.ua'CI" ~T'ON 150 CErns ~E:R 'rt.-.R

.: "t.,~(1 &.;; I;:<-ouu .. dll~~ mHIl ",lItur lit Ul",tnlf. ~U.·b. Addr~ .. 1111 ~"'",.·r(Dl!un. ""d "<I\,Htt~lnl<

matter 16 the M. A ~'. Itn"UIII._ .:".1 , ... ,,-11 11 11 •• \l lell. A,Mn-.s .. 1I ('<>ll1rlllmIOl)S 10 \ b'" »1"""\I!rlil ~:dUvr.

Re m It b,. I'. ~I. ,\lu"" r flr.h"r. n .... 1l Or Re ll •• t" .... d LoJ!I('r. I~) ".,1.",,(1 .1."'1>11. Hu~tU(,"1 Otlh"1.' ,,-1111 J."wr"nr" .:. VII"

Bu n:on 1'.,,,\1" 1< ('0 .. ~1'~~I: Un,,, <1 A,c .. ","" .. L,u,olnll . l>I lell.



M. A. C., 1~_.\r .. )1 I , 0 ..

1\1. .-\. C. \\011 ,ilL" lirsl f()(,th;\!l ;,:"111110.: ::;illurJ:.y h.1 tldC;lliug" Alma h\' 3ho\~' o;COfl!. .\ :,:ood 0,: .0\\'(1

":1\';; 011 IHlml to ;;cc Lhl:' :.::tffie, anti tholl);h {lImhlc!' lIen: frC(j u": llt , the te:l1n tlid "omc excellent work. :lnd ~Ir. ~I:.rklill is p1ca,.c,1 wilh thl! showin .. !1\:"I\!C. Riblct all tl lIill did SOll~ cx cclknt work, the [orrnL'r scoril1;,!" both tu\lchd"wn~ and the latlcr casih- kkkin;.: :!o"I. I n the third tluar'te r Il ill Iri", 1 f!lr )!o,, \ from tield hut f:ll lcll. [n this lju;lr. ter \{ihlel dill some tine opt' n tield work. T he new lIlen, '111(\ esp<,d. ,111\ the bl1d.; tield, shO'led up well , all;[ ~J. A. C. will hll\' e her Ilsu:\1 s trollg- :1X';.:re)!;1lioll f .... r lyll ,

T he sl[ lI:ul hal'e :1 hart! w"l'k i1h e,lo! of thelll in prL'p:lring fnr thl' U. "f ),1.. :110 (h~1 institulion has Olle of the ~tnm~~,;t 1\';1I1IS, c,'c r , and arc f'lrlhcr ml\'~n"ell at thIS S<'"SOII Ih:1I1 they havc hl'l'u in ye:lr".

).1 ass mectings will he held 011 " 'elineSI!:1\' 111111 Frida), e,'elling's, :l.t wll1l:h 'lillie new son}::s will hI! p r:u;.'liced, the )'t'lls ., relic wed " and some KOOoI specdws Ill:ldc, Th e lantern will be llIade :1 paramount fe,Hllre ,!'o the!'c mass Illcclin:-;:s will be o f interest "l ~lI, It's \'ou r meel, ing-50o l·oml·.

I n the Il\)rlh\\est corner o f ,he Armory :t hooth will 1)<: resen'cd for ~I r, BHs~·h . who will "e l\ season ti~ kels. re&cn e.l Scat ti ~ kO;.'ls :lI1d b\IIlons. R ec;er rel! ~eats w ill a lso be on snle :It the ~ecr('lar\"s oltice, D owll\' H otd, :mll 31 II:t~dy's :lnd Driscoll 's,

The gener:l l :1dllli,.;;io1\ 10 the ~I ichig:m ~ame will he $! ,00, Ea,;t ~1II1 west h[e: ,cher scaB . i5 ce m s, Gr:llltl S\:md untl south hleachers, 50 l'eB!!, The Sl r~'et car CIlIl1P:lIl,\' h~ve pronlisl'd :ldded fu cilitit's tu take can .. of the c rOWl\. T he band will lIled ou r Gralld R apid~ :<!HI

Detroit f r iend;;: ;It Ihe st:ltion.

Air-"Alel;ll nder's R:\g Ti m:! B:and,"

Come on 1\",1 elh,~ r : Nnl~ on and chet' r for the Farm .. r's football team ,

Come on and eh~r : l.'(Ime on and cheer ; thlily 're t he beiit we'n!! e .. er 1I!!eIl,

The,. can pull II. forward pRS>!; like you l1e\'~r I!ll"' uervr~,

So cat u, rI! llhat it mllkes l!.Ilother !lCQre, R"h l Rlr.h l for t he good old a li"e green,

)1. A, C,

Cowe on II.n!l cbeer; coule on and cheer for Ihe Farmers alll/,e l illl!!,

Oh, look a' here, Look a ' here. how they:"e ~l1Il1shi"g Uj) thnt line,

And i.f you wan t to !:It!! tli (186 Aggie!! make I\1I0 l her touchdown,

Come on and oheer, C,J!l1e on and ehl!(' f (or the fo'a rm., rll 8 11 t lll:l t i llie ,

(To be s ung on Oct, 14 ·)

The M. A. C. RECORD.


It is interl'sting: to note the steps which led 10 the recclH :Ippointment of It. E, D ool ittle, '96. 10 Ihl! impor. tallt position 011 the HO:lrd of Cnn, trot, Bureau uf Chclni 3try. :ct \\ ' ;I~h, in;,:'toll,

_\fter ~r:\lIUalivn, ~Ir, Doolittle se.:un:d a pO':itil)lI ;\S :I!isist:Ult to " ' , L , R ,)!'sm:1I1, ',s9 , then Slale :lIl:l[yst with Ihe D;lir\' "nd F oOl[ Commis­SI('I1, Durin; (jo\', [~ Iiss' admin­iSlr:ilio/l Ill' II' ~ " appoilltcd st alc ,111 -

al "y~l, which pusiliun he held duriu).{ s:lid ~overl1or 's ,elll1r~' of ollicl', lie the II resi:":l>cd, :'11<1 II:'S ;.;il "II an 'II"

pnillllllellt wilh Ihe llurc:11I of Chenl' is trl' in the fUOtI laioor;lton COil· Ilcelell wit[1 tile l'US,oll1sI lt:p:I;,nlcllt, ~cw Y ork Cit\·. I ll-n' hi,. work was m;lillly the 'le~lill:! of imported :lr\ ides ,)f food. Latter[y he 11115

bc.,n heall of I hi~ bhoralOr \,. 'lI1,1 has lk;cn rL'):;!' :l Tlkti for some time :IS 011': o f D r . " 'ik\ '", 1ll0~1 ah!.,> :lssist, i1nts, It is IHliliral, tlwrdore, that he shoul,1 he "elcl:tl'd to se r n: Dr. \\'iley on this n'r~' import:lllt hO:lrll of cQlltrol.

'" e ,:1II110t help hut fed Ih;l\. in tl1l: f;lcc of Ihe rapid a,1I :lllcelll{'nt which Ihis :'\1. :\, C :111II1I1I1l~ h;ls 1)lade.the /lame whk-h he henr.:; COli­\' C \ 'S a vcn' WrOI,;{ impre""ion,;I" hl: hns heen "',loinK IIl\lCI1" ever since he ('n terl·.! l'O!k-;!I' ,


T he 01111111,,1 re t:eptioll g-in'IJ lIy the joint Christi:!11 :\ ssu .... i:l( ioIJiI WRS attended bl' aOOut 600 \'1)\111:; people \:cst Frida~' .:\elliug iii the armory , The Ilsual infonn:11 atl11o,phcre ])rt·,

":Iileli, ;IS was CV illcllccd hy the uui, I"c rsal indu[gl'llce in icc crelllll eones and, though som>:'! of the frl'shmen will again s"y, .. thell the IIC:r..t <b y sht! wou ldn ' t spe;lk to me," yet it W;1S ,ery cl'i,lent thin !I\:Iny lIeW :1";, quail1 tam'es were l1I:!de b~' ,.11, From tll:!t dew , as wdilis from a sodal standpoint. SUl'h aff:lirs :lrc ~'ery 1,':11,

uable to Ollr college life. for \\ h .. 1 is o f more ":llue to us than to lind :l eolh.'i;e f riend:

~lllny h;ll'e 'lsked why these re, ceptions ;Ire 110t held more o ftI' ll, It would sec'" th:H in thiil ,011 I1ee · 1;011 ;1 neW task has been :b kcd of the Cl1l'isti;cII A ssociation" of ou r eollcX"e, \\,hy can not they prol'ide :U1d impI'oYe the b"i[ities fo r socia [ elljoYI1lO;.'lIlof our ~tl l del1 t " who 110

not <hIllel.' o r hdo!!)! 10 :1' society o r fralernil \'?


T he priJ.!' of $~5 ;1., offl' rell b)' the E llnollli:1Il Lit ~ rar,\ Soeil'ly for the llest essa\' or "lor\" \\11" llidded between ~I ;, l-I, It: Bc",le;! "nd )'Ii!'s Ruth Landers, ,\Ir, Bowles, production W;1S all eXl'dlent essay on "Thl' Grea ler Cllion," :lIId ~Iiss L:lI1dcrs' wor k, ill the form of 11 Stor ~', is publ ishell b('low:

TtI~: )t:ST!CE of 1) ,\IIKSt;SS,

It was th O;.' dose of " d:l)' ill early spring, a day fu JI of the madness :md ecstacy o f life , new, horn , throb, bing and 'Cx u[t 'ln t. In [\ secluded portion of the [lark, two hi lic birds 0 11 a home-see killg expedi tio n caU wary gmnccs toward 11 hendl where a m an and a wo!Uan were cOll ve rs ing in low tones, The breeze touched

t hem [ig:ht[y, :11111, as Ihe} look great hre:lths of ils moist carlhk frngr:tll ce, thdr simple souls fd t ail thl' 1II:I;:ic :llId wildlCry of Ihe sprill;,:'lune,

The \\'0111:l11',; voia:, lender .. nd pas"ioll~1l: :IS Ihc sunshine of her Sllnll\' sOlllhblllU . had :tIl undercur, rent of P:ltl1o.;; a:> ~he tu rned 10 her COlll)il;lniOIl,

.. IIIH P Cllr(oc, it j" so lon;:,lhis \\'lIitin);{, allel I am so tired , Eac h (\;1)" we mU~1 work so hal'll at thl! f:U:lUfI, ~lId. if olle hils. :H1l)ther is JI [wlly~ ready for her pl:ICt:: , Sec 111)' hl1l1ds, t he), (lrt: hig :md h:lrd, :wd 111,\' f;(<:1: 100, is ~rowil1g olt! ami u;.;I)'. " 'hell I :1 1l! <III ,[t! 11 01l1:!I), then Y4u w il l love a fresh ,"(1111),( fa ,'e, ,lI1d J sh,ll! be "II Illy life :110111.',"

[ler I' oi ~'e broke, :1l1d tcaTS fell 011 the shoulder of his rou~h CO;!I, a~ he dr('" ht'r to him ill the shadow,

.. 1I ;I\ell ' t I Iried lill\c one: " he muttered hOOlrsc1y. "),1 c r c j f II [

,\IOlher ~ Ihink VOli thal to I1Ie ,he I\:litin:! is shorl~: , \111 I not :1[1":1\'" \\ :llItill:.:' )'011 d:l ~' :end ni;:ln: riid I pr:t~ for the f~'\"er 1ii~'k l1e~s : \\';1" il I who made thl' !!uik.::- 11,,5 the w:liling- been my bull, Alliti:l? l'!.n!>\\,ef m{'."

,. :\fo, nu, P edroc,";;hl' ('xclailll('J, tr~ illg to Slelll wilh hc r h:lllli tIll' lorrenl o f his word!;. .. Y ou h,n'c tried. Y o u h:II'e worked 50 hard, :lIld I , who ou~hl \(I hl'lp yOll, only hllrt \011 wilh lilY ('um pluinill;;!,s."

,. l :istell ehiltt': " hc intcrposed , "\'011 mll"T !lot talk so, ! l'anle 10· I li~hl to lell you :,!oot\ lIe ws, I 111:1,\

~c\ mOllc), ,,0011, :lI ld if I do, \I'~' will be TIllirr ied, ;\0, don't :ls k Ille where I'm III gel it. " Oil \ll ils t trllst 111{' all il 501111' d'I\' , in our home , IT1I" wifc w ill ask 11I~ :t lld 10 hl' r I w;J1 Id l ;111."

" I w i[1 Irll~I you;' she whispcrel1. :m~I.:ls Ihe II:!rknes" dQ5e,l in arOllllll tln'lll, onl~ the h rel'J.e klll'w his :IIlS\ler. Th~t Ili~ht, hl1rr~ iug ;llollg Ihe

t1:1rrow Sln'et lowa nl h is lod~ illg s. [>etlroc start~'d :I.:; II hea\ \' IHIITd fell on his :Irm.

" Don't he ;Ifr~;l\. [t 5 Euri~'O."

S:l id a low IO; !.:e, "11011' is t h c prelly Anit;:! toni:!hl : "

T hey had stopped bdore;l door :11111 P c<lroe he[,1 it Opl'lI ill "il~1I1 in, \' itlltion for the olher to enter :(s he replied;

"She i$ t irell :Hili s;lll, Ell r ieo. \Vc h;lIe 10l'ell 1::l(h othc r 50 10llg,

always I h;,,·ekep t hc r \I';1;lillg" l is t:nough to nHlkc s:ld :!nyoue,"

A cros:> tht: fa ce \,f the n l: WCUll11'r t h~' re fl itted :Ill expression o f Sllth diaholic snt i"faclio ll II1;tl il 11':15 \l'dl fo r hill1 that P{'droc did no t sec it. li e w aS:1 midd[e'llg-l't! [la1i:1n. he:l\ I' of form :!IId [e,, 'urc, ! Ii.!! eVl's cra f, till' hid the!11sel'eS behiild half do~e,1 Iii Is, ;ll1d, from this \,anla;:e groun .. 1 nothill~ eSl'''pcd their s.:: r ll, li ' II', Ilis dress :lnd speel'h showed :l [onKer absellee from the lIlothcr I:oullt ry than did Ihose of Petiroe, while his lace worc 311 expr('ss iu/t of S I11 U~ s:ilisf:lction :elltl well being qui I.: ;1] con tr:lSI with the sad, lrouhlcd l'OIllHenance of thO;.' Olher.

" Bllt when 1'011 a rc marri~l l . Pc, dro('," he rCIU ;ned, "then il will a ll he different. : \nila will not soon be lired w ith working !or her P edro, I 'll warrallt you,"

" Yes," PedrOl' repeated slowlr, "whell we arc Illllrried it will be dif, fere n t. But it is so long to wait,"

"It needn't bc lOll!;," urged the o t her, " Y ou hl lvc on ly 10 tell mC;l few th ings that I h :l ve ;II. right to kno w , and rou can marr}' y our

,\l1 ila tomo rrow. Com .... if I' OU lovcd her ;IS she 11)\'('s \ ou , ) ou would nOl sil there he~it:llfl1g-,"

.. I do 10\'e Iwr," pro(c:'led P ellroe, •. hut I h;"e sworn 1fl\' oalh tu Ihc "ocil'l~ , \\' hell I wa~ hilt ;I ho\', I s \'¥'ore it with !HI h:lnd in '!HV

f:Hher'", Can I p~1\ my Ion: bdor'e m,' o:lth, Euril'o ,,'

'" Bu t to tdl Ille is nOI to hreak y"u r oath," p~'rs i "h'd Ihe older m;1I1 , .. You ,lidn't s\\e:lr tl) hi.1e these Ihill:,:'S frOIll tile 1I1emhl 'rs uf the (;:l1111110ra, [kilo \\, J'J11 n(')1 now ;I 11Ic!llher, hUI I \\':1111 1'1)11 10 hdp Ille 10 he Olll' , [:1111 11111 del'cr o,;nou;!h to do murde r lIlyself, I II1I1SI know hn\\' Hlher!! ha l'e <I .... ne i t:'

" Bil l 1; :1 11 Oll[\, 1.,011 \'011 the plllll ';;, " pk-:lded l'ell~'ul'," I ' did no t hdp \\ jth the work, I \\'a;: !lick, Th:wk God, ! \\,ai sick :lnd my h:lllds arc clt':m vf bloOtI."

.. Bul il is the pl;UI~ I W:llll, .\ s fdr the killin~, Bah ~ Ulle mall dies like :lnother, ! ,';(11 S~'e that p 'lrt myself,"

., \' ou swcar tll:lt \ OU \\ ill he a II1cIIlhe r, Ihal ,I"UU :lre'llot :l I'll) S"llt I" hUlit out our secreto :"

.. : \ "p." ~ ,\ SJl~ o n my,'oulltry_ men: '1'011 dll rl' to ';~I Ih:lt :" re' t<>rtl·d Euri l •u . ri~ill:! tlin':ltl!ni ll"lv. . ,.

.. :'i t dowil. EuricQ;' P ed ro!; hcg-g-eri. ',I ,1011'1 kllOw what [ , aI' , I'll tell \ ' OU all \ ' 011 11':111\ Ito ktiow, Tomormw ni,:hl :I t l'ight o'clock cOl11e 10 Inc :and I willl"lI )'011 1111. But brill~ thl' Illoney "ilh rOll, G rc al God ~ the 1I1011l;V I will haH'," '

,'Tomorrow, "I ei~ht in this rfJ<),n Ilwl1," said [': uri cIJ, 1110\'ill~ to "",,rd the dOlJ f , "You allSll'tr 111)' IllIl'!;' tiOll~, :l 1ll1 the IIII)IIC,' i~ lou rs t.l

;.tile 10 Allitia 10Il1nr;ow:"

Out side the door. he>ed :11111 gal e a (Iuil'k )!t:.n.::e :"oun(l hilll, ;ct the " :11111.' lime thru~lill:': his hall.1 in to hi~ I, rl':tst to h'd the strn.' k of a pislol, As Il l' llirl so. his ('O'I!. whil:h ha\1 been hUltolled [ig'htl~, WllS opl:/wd ~U(I :l sille r sl:tr /:Il·;uned in Ihc li;.:hl of Ihe Si reet I;unp,

I'e.lrue liStl'l!l'c\ In('ch;lIIk .. lh· III!, til his foolsleps dlcd :nl': I~ 1\0\\:11 the londy Street, Ihl'l! Ihe \\('il r iUl'SS o r e re:lIl1e 'II1Xi~'ly :tnd h l • fdl as[eep :laoss Ihe llIlrrO\I, h:t rd hell , .'\ r:cy of li),::h l ShOlll' ill Ihrou:.:h the 10m cllr t:ein :llld fell UllOlI his da r k Irouhled fa ce :\11.1 his h:lI l1l~ l'I:csped :1 \)0\1' his head , hard, rO\lgh hll111ls , "ck',U/ o [ blom!."

T heil the dO'l f of a little closet "Willig upl'n sJr)\\ Iy, :11It! the ti~ lIr~' of :t 111:111 ,' rl'[H ou t. ~ oisdcssh, he callie h) the hedsi\tc and looked down :It tile "lcq>il1;': forl11 ,

":-':0:' he 11Iultl'r~·d, "1'011 Iloul,\ Icll, would ,I·'HI: Yvu woulJ gire U~ to Ihc Jloli~'e I" gl' t 1I101H'I' for ~' oll r Aniti .. , Pour [001, YOII' were :l lw;I I'S a \\'e:lk OIiC ll1HI \'ou'll he sl11:111 1""5," '

Ilis h:1 1111 \\ :.1 5 r;ci"ed :tnd ;,.ome· thill);! Ibshed in the li:.:ht, T h.: re 11':1" :I ~hllr p, clitti llJ,! sOll nd 11.1111 then a soft "ickcl1;n)! p[lIl1g'e, T he door opellct\ 1I1l.1 dosed softlv , :Hld a da rk li)!u rc stepped :I\\':l,\' inio th.:!' shad, ows, hUI be h ind him in the room .!!olllethi ng rl'ci ;111(1 W:l r lll d r ippl'd from Ihc bed ;lncl t ried to fullow h im 10 the Iloor.

It W:lS th ere log reet Eurico when he cam e with Ihc money, :end he quickly d osed the door 011 th e s ick­c lling s ight, h ilt out ill the park a g irl sln red into th(' lIight wilh dark e~'cs 10vi ll J[ alld e:4 ~.:r, w " iting for him w ho should cOlll e to bring he r h appiness,


Page 3: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State A, Gould, 'OJ, and Bess COI'ell, who g-rlldUalC(1 OIlC ~'ear later,

The M. A. C. RECORD .




\\'C Clfry cIl' rylhill;':: III the line of

Announcements. Programs, Invitations, Etc. \\'c spccialil!c on illdiddllal orders. for Fille Stationery - embossed or prill led


M I F FLI N'S EI HAT S you bu\' at Mifflin' s help you to

"look your best" because they're ah\-a),s authoritativel\' stvled and so

carefulk made that they retain chat" new looking" appearance that has made them the

favorite of particular men. Caps, Swe:tters, Ibin Coats, Shirrs - in fact all

the late furnishings.




Ube mills IDr)? ~oobs (to. 108-1 10 WAS H IN C TON A V E . SOUTH ,.

,I WE al C in !arg-cr slore qllaril'rs (llId /'CH'C added 5e~'t'ra! IW'W lilles-Sllils. COllIs,

" "111:';/5, Art lVl'a/le If 'ork, clc., alld ... ill be p 'eased 10 lIIeet all our col/egf'fricl/ds (!f last Yl'a r, (lnd as 1/1((1,), Jle.,ji·icllds as possible.

~· lj;t!! filii: q/ Pd/tnt's. !!...1Ii1ls, Sf/cels a1ll1 cases.

CUIIII' ill and get aC'lleai,lled willi IfS .

.Ihrke Ollr s'ore your headquarll'rs,

Do You W a nt I':lir Shears Knife Safe,,· H :1I.or-

i;!l\Hl,·. Am{) ":Ir{)!). ~:n·r· H",,,ly,,r,,1 ~:",I('r s to ~"lc'~1 fm'"

II 0n('S and Strops Saws I lammers I btchels Chisels Serew Drivers

In fact, anything yOIl need in hardw:lrc yOIl wi.ll liud _ und at prices 10 suit - at

Norton'S Hilrdwilr6



Cot s Folding Beds

Ma tresses

Book Cases Desks


M.J. [( B.M. BUGK

"'''''!'';'''''' ~ ABOU T TH E CAMPUS ~l Master \' craIJ and ~ I iss Izen:!

Faunce, of Petosk ey. are guests at t~H: bome of B. A. F:tunce and fam· ily this weck .

\ V . B, Li\'cr"nce writes th:lI he :\nd Mr. Douglas arc nicely 10l':lIeu at 30! J O~ l\son .Court, ~ l aJiSOI\. T he wor k 111 wbu;b the\' have cn· rolled is butte r and cheese IlMking, (Iairy c"nle alld dairy h;lcteriolo~y.

The. :::it;\tc T~· ;tchcr;;' Associ;ttioJ! meets this year in Detroit, :So\,.:l and 3. ~1. A. C. alUnlni will please remember tht: banquct to be held on Friday e\'c ning, .:Sov. 3. ~~lace of mecting ;!lul details COIlCe rlllng pro· gram will be anll~Hlnced later.

Prof. Killeen plans to organize a n !\L A . C. orchestra, and will issue a caB fo r thosc interested to join in the work. I f prope r enthu· siasm is shown it m:l\' be possible fo r M . A. C. to furnis'h her or~'hes· Ira music for the mid·win":r llml "lay Fest i\'al programs.

T he ~1. A . C. \"eterimlf\' ~lcJi· cill Association will hold its 'opening meeting on Thu rsdllY nigh t of this week. Sec. Brow n an.1 D r. \Va rJ Giltner, St:lte Veter in<1rian, ~vill speak. T his is the fi rs t n:ee~1nK, and to it all students a rc IIlVlled, At the close of the p rogram the boys pla n a little feed . These meet· ill"'s w ill be held every two we\.'ks, a l171 the subjects d iscussed will be of inte re!lt not only to veterill<1ry stu· den ts but to those tak ing general a"'r ic~hu ra l as w ell. It is the aim of the course to g ive sor t of a liter· a ry aspect to the technical cOllrse in Veterina ry Science.

F . A. Spr:Hlg o f Ollr experiment station is in the west 011 :\ busiuess trip.

Joseph \ Vells, ' 13, W:IS mllcd to his hOHIC in \'assar, :::iaturday by the deljth o f :In <Iunt.

Bo , \', T:lIll1 e r, who has been in the fo restry work in the west, is now teaching in the public schools of Libhy, ~t OIlI.

}oJ r. <1ml ~I rs. Charles Orlher an · 1l0Ulll:e the marri:lgc of their daugh· ter, Tres~a ~labd, 10 .\Ir. 1::l1on L . J ewell , '10, on \\" edncsd<1)" Uct. -+, nt FCllll\oillt·, ~ I idl,

The ll ort. club will meet. this week Tuesday , illstead of " ·cdnes· day evening.' K. D. \',111 \\'agencn will speak 011 '·lIandling of Y OUJl)[ Orchards in Irrig:atcd Sections."

~I r. :lI1d ~ I rs. I I . ::;, Reed an: now loc:ltell :It 69 Rosedale Court, Detroit, ncar the home of Floyd R obinson, with whom ~ l r. Recd is associated in thc DClroit Testing Laboratory. .

~I iss Ercmin;lh J lIrrard, teachcr of domestic science in Lansing public schools, has resig ncd her position and has acceptcil <1 simila r pos ition lit North Y:lkima, W ash. ~]jss

J arrard was for some time a spccial ;;tude llt at i\L A. C.

T he 1\.1. A . C. Il and Book, which is a direc lOry of faculty and students for the present ycar, w ill be 011 sale at thc College Book S to re probably next Saturday . T hc p rice will be fi ve cents eilch. T he d irectory w as this year compilc:;d in M iss Y ake· ley 's office.

Thc st:tte convcntion o f Kiug-'s O'1Ughters met in Detroit and fluite it number of E:lst Lansing­people attended the meeting.

Prof. B:.rrows has been at -'lew· ton, i\l ass., during" the past len d:I)'S, where he was callcil to :It· tcnd the fUller,,1 of his s ister's hus· band.

A new lOck has been p1:\ced on the door of the reading room, and thc libr:lriall requests ih:1I :Ill keys for the forme r lock he turned in at the scc ret:lry's o lli ce as 50011 as pos· sihle.

At the recent I11cetilljC for the pur· pose of electing otliccrs of the stu· dent council, Alfred lddlcs \\':IS l·lectcd presidcnt,an,1 R. G . Chamb· erlnin is the llew secrctHn' and IrellS· urer. The scnior mcm"ilers o f Iht' cou llcil :Ire, M;iX Garduer, E. E . I lo tchin :U1(1 i\1 r. Iddles. The JUIl. ior 11l('mhers arc \V.:::i. Fields ;mt! H.. G. Chamberl;lin. Th e sopho. mores are reprcsenteci hy R obe rt A. Brown,

The f reshmen, under the direc· tion of the student cou llcil, held thei r elcction of officers on Tiles· (by, Oct. 3. T he election resulted ilS follows: P rcsidenT, Osear H.. j\'l iHer, a five .year ;\grio.:ulwral stu· dent from Sag-inaw; \'ice presidellt, ~Iildred R. F:lrwell, of Tekonsha; treasurer, E. G. Baxter, of Roches· ter, N. Y., and for secretary, Ol i\'cr A. T;lylor, of Shelby. The election passed off ve ry smoothly indeed, and plans were begun nt once for thc big rush, which was pulled off Saturday.

Thc ')00 mark has beell reached in the cn rollment of !lCW students

Prof. ~I}'crs too k a trip, the paSI summer, in which he covcred somc 3.500 miles of territory, and visited '5 or 16 colleges alld mli\·e nlities.

K, D. \. an \\. ;1~el1en, who retu rns this year tu finish his course, has taken .\Ir. Ern;;her:;cr's place as foreman of the P Olllt ry Depart1l1(·nt.

The second anllu:1I m~'clillg: of thc AmeriC<11l Association for the Ad· Y;IllCeme nt of Agricul tural Teach · ing will be held at Columbus, Ohio, on No\". q. .\mon!-:" those who appc .. r all the p ro;.:-ra'll arc F. \\' . Il owe, for sOllle time all instr uctor ill soils itt :\1. A. C., unll 1l0W with the Dc-pnrtl11cllt of Agricultural Education in :Sew York; also .D. J. Crosby, '93, with the department o f agri l· ldturc.

Copics of the anl1ual reports of the secretary of thc State BOi'lnl of A:,.::ricu!ture for 1909 ;tllll t910 arc ;I\'ail ahlc to stude nt!! of the .:ollegc, ,Iud C,1I1 .hL' procured by calling at Room I S on the grollml Hoor of tht: ,lgricllitural build ing. These pub. lications cOnl;lin reporlS of colle .. c and experiment station dcp;lTtll1e~t, !:tr mers' illst~tutes, localmetcoro]og_ I~' al observations ami transactions of the Michigan State Agricultural So­l· iety. The e.'(per illlCnI station bul· letins of the year arc included ill these reports also, Thcse reports contain information rei;l\ive to the la nds, buildings, equipmcnt, etc., of the institution which can not be pro. cured elsewhere and w ith which lhe s tudent should be fa milia r.

Page 4: The M. A. C. RECORD. - Michigan State A, Gould, 'OJ, and Bess COI'ell, who g-rlldUalC(1 OIlC ~'ear later,

The M. A. C. RECORD.


it cOlllpklcly cu\"crs the fidJ o f 100::llnc\\",;, p01iti~'5, al1\\ the world of sports .

Ikc;Hlsc its telegraph and correspondence scrncc enable it 10 "In' it~ rC'Hh:rs tnl' Iaksl gener al news of the 0:1)" III :\\\ . ~:lncc uf :111\ other newspaper conling in to Lansing.

Ha ve TH E STATE JOURNAL deli vered t o y our home by car rier


1-.Llr kcd hy a ll :lItcmhm cc that I,IXC<l tlw c:tpacih" of tIll' b r ;.;-c Ilo r t. lecture room, :HI(I the S:I!IlC cn\hu­sia:om of old, lh..: I lort. Cluh opened a n ew n'ar Oil 01'1. .\. T ht; many Ilew lacl.''; flll(\ the p r";5c l ll'C of Pro f. Eu stace'!; llt1lllpcr crop for 1913 pn:"ag-cs a pro"pcrnus ,U1d profitahle }~':lr for thc c!uh. If the popularity of the· li or! . l'Ol1rS(' g-0l"!> milch far­ther it S\.'l·1l1S quitl' likdy th;\I lin; Ikp,lrlrne!lt \\ ill iI;lve 10 ch;mge place" with \he Ag"' Departmenl or G O\', (),;UOnl will han.: to ch:lIl;':c his pulic\' of CUlling' olll :lppropn:t­lions fo r new buil~lill"s , ~ixl\' -Ihc

per t'l'lll, of lik .l1ll7il. r A;,:,.:harc clecled Il urT, . ,Illd amOllg- th e Il lull' r­

cla""mell the currenl i~ ,d~o well ~et, T he p r ,,;.!r:1I11 \\,;lS :111 iUkr,,::. li u;!

recital of tIll: I':ll·"ti011 l"pcrieuccs of the st'nior~ , and .1 hrief :1CCOl1!1\ is g-il'cn hduw,

:\[dJcrlllid alquil'l·d famc' as ", Ira,,' "tarkl'r

con"ider :ll,\c of a ! hrc~h ­ne:.r lIank i l l;':- 01l111!

e rc<·k. H:ldOllr

Sh01T H . workt·d for Ihl Lak e H, :11 _\li"h:1I1:1ka, 1I1J.,

\\herc hl' ()h~erlcd thl' 1Il0"l'll1c'1l1 of fruit h' 1I1;1rke1.

\:r;II1("1I ;11'(j Ilorl.:l·d in a railro:t'! nlli,-c'. l\Cill~ "1l1plo"ed h~' Ihl· (;, [e .\. \' ;11 l'c'l<>~ke\' a" lid,d n:.;el\1. 11,· h;1I1 ;HI opp';rllltlit.' I" .. h~erl« [1\1,: pnllil, .. f a lruil .,: ;111(\ Ir,l,k.

H lil! nofl travl'ied thn'\I~h Iho: S('\llh\\l'~1 ,m, Il"llur;I,ll" wlll' rl' I,e studied il'ri~"li"n prohlctl1~ and Ihe hurlirullur:.1 !I"~~ihi l iLie,,. of 11")~l'

rq.:: 11.)11 '. Cal,l\\dl \, .,- eillpl "ycd 011 the

f rllil bnll "f \\'. I,. Klilll' , "t F"rm­ill ;.:lun. :,\1 i,h.

Il:t,kll ~jW!' II.,· ~U1l\lIlcr al Ihl' K"I.II11.I/.,'" .'-'"1,, 11.,-\,il.<l-I'1I1 ll(,1 (l~ II pali"m, II.- \\',r",·,[ i'-" pallll­

cr. C,lrlll,llh' I, "rk\·<1 con Ille 11",,'e

brill ill':!" ( , r;\I,,1 !{ i'l.i,i-. \\her~ I,l' h .• d 11lud) ~''lwric'lln, II nil th, IC:lo.;b H'llow,.,

CT\'~lc r ad')pT..:d thl o.; "Tj)o.;III, r'~ lr;ld~': ;lmllouill Imrn<: a.1 :;IlIIH(]lr 'It

1);1Ihl ilk, :\1,\1,. l)eGr;;ff t",.1; lh" "UlI\mer U.U I'~e

r.t :\1. _\ . C. , lhell w eIll \(, L;Il>,a­tla!!;n . ~, y" in tile Clwutau'lwt ~rape re;.!i<lu, Ilhen: he had :!,,,,,I cXPC rieIIU:,

EJi,;()1l \\orked fur hi" brother Oil

:l f r uiL brill ill He rTiell Co., _\ li ch, Fish~' r and ~o,;hlclls'ncr "-ere elll ­

ployed all the lurgc fruil pl<tnl'ltion" of 'Edw;lnl I[\lt chill~, li t Fcnll"i lll' , T hey had pract ical l'xperiellrc in ,til the summc r horlicuhu ral w o rk, and cspcri" l\-' in the contrul o f disc;t;5CS a nd th in ;li ng o f ntrious fruilS ,

Ga rdne r workt:d for \\", L. H ardcr all his far m IIcar LuJill;.pon,

Gibson was on hili o w n farm in the mountaills of :-": orlh Caroli na. H e said the o n ly crops ill thc south this yea r a rc COltOl!, corn, ;Iud g rapes,

Knowlton worked on the home fa rm nca r Fennville, in AlIcg::m Co.

MU lln W:lS w ith the Bota ny De­partmen t o f the College, and W IIS

sellt to ,'an o us f:li rs in ch ltr~e o f a n exhibi t,

Hart. Shaffner &

Marx Clothes

Spalding Sweaters Imperial and Knox Hats

Heid Caps

""' Men ' s Wear that proves itself the world over.

The Ma pes Co. 2\1 7_2011 $0 ,,111. W .. l1.i" I: IO a "',e,

For rrcrs LaI;sil1l·S Lfudil1l CI0l~ifr5.


GROC E R Y @..

H I C CS & BA UE R, P flOPflll:TOflS

She!licld "!ll'IlI Ihe SU"Hl1cr ;It

hl}llll· (\11 II Linn l1e:lr Ilarri'Vll, CI;Il'c' Ct,. Iii' al~o :tl1el1dcd the l'lI l :>n'p",enl of thc' _';lliun; ,1 (ju ;'rd,

S'Uilh 1"01.: a I :;;<l- ,(\i l(' w:llk Ihrllll"h Ihe frllil To.!"ioll of \re~ll'Tll " -' :-':l'" York . :t nd , d~() yi:iill'd Ihe h:cnka lake ;.!r;lpecollnlr_\ .

T"h \I;t " emplo_, ... d Oil Ihe farlll of I, 0, Fraki"h. :It e;lF.llu\-i ". ~l idl" ,\nl! his ~'\)rk \\:h .::hidh cuuin;!" ,,(II 'l'\l()\,~ :Iud hlllllin:.; fu"r p'·;H:h 1"'r~'l':"

Truax W:I~ al f<'11Il"ilk, "Il Ilw Ill,me f:l r lll, ,mol 11t;lrkekd " crop of lIpplc~ hdor..: rcwrllill~ 10 l"lI l';':l"

Kirh, \\"a- 'It C"leTt. Y:lll Hu reH ""1111': wilh Ihe Kirbl Orchanls (:"" ~Iwci:.ti"t;. III plad;l''''

The Id,.lfI(\ of Ihl· \\" c,dllJ,' ap' pk W:t~J!ill'II'h" (I. \\ ' . :-'hhlt'll~~ll"r. and "fll·r ils 1r1lril~ h"rl hl'ell ,1,''''­fjlhtnllc,l to) ,ht: ~.'II~f.t l\l"11 .!f Ihe l"f<}\\d Ih..: Illec1il);! ,,,Ij,,urnl·d.

I). F . \'-l"IIJ_B, .... ,· ril,c·.

Comcll l-niler,il\" hi,,, -::,() ~ a~ri ­

tul!lIr <t1 "ll1<lel1t" clI~ullcd thi~ faIL

The I,;,kl' ).j"houk CUnfcn·ltle 011 Illlerll;,lional ,\rhilr,,(ir,1I "ff",r :t

priF.<.: o f $100 fur Ih<: hes! L~~:I,I' "n '-JlI1crJl;tti.,IIHi , \ rhilr.,li()l1'· 10, :>11

1I11<!er "r;tduau: man "hull'lIt {,( ,<11\'

..:olle!.F~ o r ullin: rsil\" in the L' , .'-;, ~r " -Cluwd ,., The donur ,A Ihe p r iF.e is

CheSler Dewitt Pug"ky, uf I'eck~­kill, :-:, Y., [J an'an.!, '(~9 . T he con ­test dose~ :'\J a rch I), 1 1)1~, anti thosc interested shutiltl wrilc Ihe secretnry , al ;\J ohon k Lak{:, X, y,

'o!:l, ~ 1. R, Allell i~ as"islallt su pe rin_

tend!;nt !It ichigal1 Sugar Co" :::iebe waing, M ich .

R oswe ll G_ Cllrr, last \,ear a tcadlc r o f a~ncultu re ill the high school at Dillon, !-o'!ont_, is now in cha rg e of the W oodbury far m, n ca r the college.

J. w. fiNAPP co. Th(' store where sludents of tlte ).1. A. C. ('[UI ~llJ!]l l y tbe ir el"t'Ty w(,nt.

The Cloa k. Suit (l IHI Fur d"par tmtolll l'~ady to 1I1eet e.ery ueillaud (I f the women with Tailored Suits. Qut::ellly GOWIl~ . Handsome CoalS, Perfectly Tail\,rrotl :-:kiT(~, Con;"t~. Waists and Bellutifnl Ftlr.'<,

Complete a,;;.'<ortm\.'Jlt of Hosiery and U liuerwear or the UlOSt re liable makes. ~l e ,, '~ silk ...:;>eks, the 5\k kind, for 25c I'r, W"mf'n's liilk b, ... ,k h"St: , 1i~le t op. for (jOe pro )len's "ilk !Iud lisl~ -,",'eks, he;;L ""en ring ki "d . 2.5 ['r. W"meu'!< garter 1'''1' li~le htl<e :\ic-3 p:lirs $1.()() lIltn 's tille !isle 8UC1:~, '.!.~c ~1I.'lle'" Hk,-3 pajn;; ~>0c, Wom"'ll~ tille 1i~le ho,;c, (p,ellfore«d h~l i'llltl to!!, er,c pr.

Bu y your Furn is hings a t a De par tme n t Sto re and mo ney_ -ill" 5r",,, ,hM d".,s IU ,', l><I,,"rit.s,,'

cJ.W.KNAPP @. C):;NTRAL i'l 101.JU:U A BLE S TORe

LAN:;"",,, , MJCIT_

TilE IU I'I~E r ,{ G /i'_-! r I'R I_\"J'!,YG COJ!!'_·! ,\'}"

Eng r a ver" Printe rs Station .. r .

'lQ1E ar~ esret'iall~' well ~quipped ~ 10 ~upply you with anphing

,·ou may need in lh~ line ot CALLING C\RDS, DANCE AND SOCIET Y PROGRAM S

Lawrence & Van Buren Printil\g Company

Jacob Reed's Sons of Philade!ph:n

_ \ rc l)w l;lr!.[~'''1 nl:l1lula<:lltr<'I'~

,!f CO L LEGt! U'lFOR," S lit

lhc l'ni1cd ~I;til'~. ;Itld hill"!.! WOII and 1I1:1illl;,il1 (I'L' hl1"­r1(;~~ 11\ "hl·C'I' foro.;c (,f IlKril,

michigan JI~riC1lltlul1 l eOlh:g~ .,n· lilli"llt'd l'X;II)1pl\'~

"f ',III'l'r"dll,\.

J acob R e ed's Son s .l/.I~'''r.r ,./

•• Go ld Mt:J<t1 Unifor ms"


01 R ECTO RY L,\X:-;I:'\(j I~L':-;IXI '::-;~ _,\:-':0

1·1 {()J'E~SI():-':,\J. :,\IE~,

,'h" ''''m,· ~ I" 1\", Itln'l·h-,,·y, n_ W"11 '" \1,,,-1' 01 nil "I'T "l1'~r ",I"·rl1> ... r,, ""!' l 'f rellnhle 1>"'·IIo·~. W" I,"p" 11",1 Ih., 1"~()l!y a u" ", u ul"nt" ,<'III tn1t.p P"W" In l~tlru"lze th"", ,..h" p"tr""lv U'.


Col.1.t:r; t: B,-\HIH:H SIlO!P. J() r~lh H",,·,·, J\uoly -l'..tI- t :r"I .. , y"" ",,,t u," t~·.,t "",,rk I"·rl'. T ,·~' 11 ,,((\I ~" ~,


A ~1. t:~I ~:ItY, 110 W(l'<it. A ,·",:<:, Rt>ok ... • I'ln ~ Sllttlo" ... ry . • :' IIHh,·t<{j 1,'"111",,

O"rdo, "-""nIHin P~ , ,,. l'letnres. ~-rHnl"~ . Fine f'rnml"" a Speclnlly. "P_l<rdltlt Ullu, i 'ut(;I,,~g-eutl" 1 ."u~lnl< .


G KO. U , HLV IlEA 11 ,t 00, hcookhlndrrs. I\(:~oun~ book m .. keu. pope. mlln!!'.

l1bmr.)' Itud t1ne an hlmlln1l5. tile boxes. map mounllnlf". IIIl'UIlIS. paeket book~. etc. Q i l iun.' Il"on~ ;\10 . • !lI; . In Olly Natlo"al Bank 8ulllllnil


ELG IN ~lI rrLI N . I .... dlu and Gell t le_ m~"'8 Furul.hlng Good,. See ad .

T H );; ~ ,"P~:S OO. II ltrt.Sha /rner 6M""x Olot"e~ a u d MtU·8..!'- lI rn l.blll ... . M-'J.N W ""htn J!,"ton Ave. Souill.



Ron';EIr" "-"PIT,\I. t)I-:I'(; "TOIU;, I'" 1" <I"",. I""'''''r ~IO'·'·. ')P l><hllt! UnJll_I", Klr~'I;,

DRY GOODS, , \\ . . ":>: ,\I'J' , ."._ ·;,c.,c,.c,c.~ •. -.. :.,~.~"c.c,";,:,;,c,"~,

_ ' nl,loi,,~ -. :'":'-:"~I \1',;_101,,,,,\,,,, .\' " "",

'1 11. 1." l,llY ,,""1'" '-'I,-I"·~ ",",.1_ . • \ ",,11_.' ,",1_. \\·,,1_,_ .1,·, '"" ',',11, "-",·k, ~:" .. ," -11" W"_ld",,\<,,, ,\" .. "",,110_


C,\I·I T"1. t:l.t .• TI:I,' E""I~E ~;HI:>:t: ,~).- F,,'I I'",· " r EI,·,·";,·,,I '''UPllll,' .. ,

1",",u<l"'1< ,,,,,I"''''· _10"",,, ",·,1 "",·01 ... ""r _ I~, ,, I"mall"" "0)01 '''''''l" ... ",II"" Ii""" ... II; ~'" ~Ih'hl .. " n .\".


\1 .1,.' I:. )1. t~I"·h.-t·"'·',l"I'·'" ('",""'r _ . \\-"·h" .... ',,,, ,I,,·. "u,1 1 .. "1,, .";In·d .

,., ,. ~,I.


'I" " Il '1'" ,",. " ILl I: I"\",\ I;~:.-(," "" 'n I ~ \ 1),,(',1'., "n·. '1'1"" nr,·.' '1"""iI ~ ""n',1 "01_ io',·y,,,,,,,,_ •. ,''. III \\·n_h"'I<I"" ,.\,.~,~. :-;,., ".1.


\\';"_ ", T. , '_-\ .... E.- )1"""r",·lnrln".

_ " 1."",p,.,IT,~.\ Iblnln· __ I" .. I',"·I .. ,·~, , .... Ii ,·1 ..... "",.j.- "f ,'1" loa!" "r .. to,,, I.""". "1-,, ""h,', d a,,,1 ,·,·", ,'''1,·<1 ,,' 1,,,,1.; 1\_ "",,,1 ,,- '" w, Th, t I'h'''·''''''''''r;''"" 11'''\0",,1,' '1',,'1> I 11,·,)((;_11" , "",., ".' " ,11(1"'111\'''' PI"",,·:: I. ~"".', \\'" .. 1010,,,1"" " "'. S,


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~::I' H. 111,; t t" ~ "",I ; 1<, ~ p, n" Su,,_ ,IllY'. 1~ It) I nnd ~ 10 ~ p, "'. t:".t 1 ""l<I,,~ :'>11<'1" 1'111 .. '''" pi""", I::H.

D il. I!. W, I.,-\ S l"l~ , E">II~,n'IIT"'. )11~h, "111"" hnu,,: ; I" ~::IV~. m .. 1~ : :~' 1(\ ~

""II ",::10 t',' P, m. S«ll <l up;-. I" to II ~'l n, mo. ; Wl< p, m. l'lth""~' p!t.wP \"_':!S.


A I.I.E:>: I'RI:>: T I~(l CO,-I II (Tr>tnd A ",,_ .t-\. ro " t' """Ih, Prlnlln", "ud "!I!<-e .uppll~~ .

Ill'lt pho,\{' 10'.". Al(lumhllc phoue 4VOd,

R"BEHT S ~! ITH 1'1'r.. co. <':0''. "' lUb_ '\. Inglon ,-\ v~.II" d i O](ln "I,


1' H Y " ~': ~ IJA I , I :S ;;;H OP lor Shoe He­Phhl nlf . _"11 w or k ",II .. r .. .. leoo. Ma_

chInen. H .. "d S ewed FIoles . Huh""', H eell "'l1.lIe YOII wall . 1'1 ue line of (!onle"t1on~r,. W .ltf'r's old ~I )) "d , ~ I .. hl ", .. n A ve~

UNIFORMS. 'JCA'-;OOOOH;;-OHC,.;-KcC!1 'S SO!'1';, 14t4-:!6 OhUlnut

f;J _ I' bliRde lphla . 1-" . Mnk~11! of "Oold :o.I .. d,,' t'nl rOrt"~ . ·