The Local Herald

Volume 3, Issue 5, March 16, 2012 T H E Herald Local West End’s Community Paper Story by Bram D. Eisenthal Pictures by Lifetime Photos cont. p4 This issue: *Our first 24-pager *Loaded with columns, features and ads *Better than ever! The WEDDING Issue Doesn’t much matter if you liked the food or the band’s singer missed a high note: In the end, the memory you will likely take with you most, from any wedding, is how beautiful the bride looked in her dress. Same goes with her bridesmaids – the groom, even - or your prom date. The fashion of the day and how lovingly it was crafted for that person is unforgettable. So, in a way, Toni Monzione-Iermieri is an angel of happiness for untold numbers of people since starting her business, Boutique du Mariage Punta Chiara (3654 St. Charles Rd. in Kirkland, 514-694-6382) seven years ago... The Dress: The ultimate deal-maker Toni Monzione-Iermieri (left) with Dianne, one of her devoted staff members. Ready to make your wedding day, prom or other memorable event a day for all time! Dressed in simple white and wearing flowers in her hair, Music as she walks slowly to the altar, And picking up his Bible then the preacher turns towards her, “Will you take this man to be your wedded husband, To honour and love in the eyes of God above, Now let the people sing with me These words to live forever in your heart...” -Chris de Burgh, In a Country Churchyard


Local Herald, montreal west end edition

Transcript of The Local Herald

Page 1: The Local Herald

Vo l u m e 3 , I s s u e 5 , M a r c h 1 6 , 2 0 1 2



E HeraldLocalW e s t E n d ’ s C o m m u n i t y P a p e r

Story by Bram D. Eisenthal

Pictures by Lifetime Photos

cont. p4

This issue:

*Our first 24-pager

*Loaded with columns, f

eatures and


*Better than ever!




Doesn’t much matter if youliked the food or the band’s

singer missed a high note: Inthe end, the memory you will

likely take with you most, fromany wedding, is how beautiful the

bride looked in her dress. Same goeswith her bridesmaids – the groom,even - or your prom date. The fashionof the day and how lovingly it wascrafted for that person isunforgettable. So, in a way, ToniMonzione-Iermieri is an angel ofhappiness for untold numbers ofpeople since starting her business,

Boutique du Mariage Punta Chiara(3654 St. Charles Rd. in Kirkland,

514-694-6382) seven yearsago...

The Dress: The ultimate deal-maker Toni Monzione-Iermieri

(left) with Dianne, one

of her devoted staff

members. Ready to

make your wedding

day, prom or other

memorable event a day

for all time!

Dressed in simple white and wearing flowers in her hair,

Music as she walks slowly to the altar,

And picking up his Bible then the preacher turns towards her,

“Will you take this man to be your wedded husband,

To honour and love in the eyes of God above,

Now let the people sing with me

These words to live forever in your heart...”

-Chris de Burgh, In a Country Churchyard

Page 2: The Local Herald

Sharon’s been with CHOM for 15 years and I think she is going tosurprise and stimulate us with her musings about her chosencareer at my favourite Montreal radio station. Please take itaway, Sharon!

Finally, this issue includes features on some recent workingmarriages of personalities, one involving two artists who haveopened an impressive Montreal West atelier and the secondinvolving the seminal coming together of three men of the faith,representing Judaism, Catholicism and Islam, who have thepotential to make a HUGE difference toward the pursuit ofeliminating blind religious hatred from society. We wish themwell.

Enjoy The Local Herald’s first Wedding Issue, also our first 24-pager. We wouldn’t be here without you.



m Eisenth

al  -  The  Local  Seeker

The Local Herald, West End Montreal EditionVolume 3, Number 5, MARCH 16, 2012Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Local Herald does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies

published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as

the statements and opinions of The Local Herald.

So it’s that time of year. With March 21 the official firstday of spring and April showers bringing May flowers,thoughts naturally turn to romance. You can alsokneel on the ground as you propose and not getyour knees wet!

This issue is dedicated to that soulful tradition,marriage. It’s a sweet concept, even for those of us

who have tried it and didn’t fare too well. Yup, I did, andwhile I gave it a shot… sometimes my best and others not so much… Istill believe, although I don’t suggest entering into that sacred unionunless you are prepared to work… and work… and work… at it. Forever.Marriage is not for the selfish and, as an only child, I have been accusedof being that and more, but if you can hang in and make a nest withanother person, there can be nothing better. Besides, I suppose the kidshave to come from somewhere or we’re doomed to extinction.

Good luck to all of you who are married, about to join togetherin wedded bliss or who are considering the act.

As for content, we start off the celebration with a feature abouta woman who makes some of the prettiest wedding dressesaround. This is a story that is very close to my heart, because Iwas raised by such a woman. My late, beautiful mother, MinaEisenthal, was a European-trained couturier, pattern-maker,dress-maker… and she did stunning work. She spent the earlyyears of my life working for Madame Cassar, a hence-deceasedMontreal fashion designer those work was highly respected. Iremember my mom crafting the wedding dress of mygodmother’s daughter and how splendidly it turned out. Thefamily was thrilled and Audrey still talks about her dress to thisvery day. I have also kept the dress my mother made for mywedding, as a family heirloom, and I take it out once in a whileto look at it. Even a layman such as I can appreciate its finerpoints.

Now, while I did not inherit my mom’s talents through osmosis,I CAN sew a small tear or a button onto a shirt. I also make amean omelette, which has nothing to do with anything but Ican scrape the bottom of the barrel here, can’t I? So thanks,mother dearest, for teaching me there’s more to “manly things”than shovelling the walk, downing a glass of Chivas Regal orsimply acting macho.

This is also about marriage and that gives me a chance to payhomage to the marriage of fabulous content to what is a verynice publication, in my opinion, starting our cover story on afabulous West Island-based wedding attire vendor who willgive us some tips on what’s hot nowadays, compared to 20years ago or more.

We always have terrific columnists and I am pleased towelcome two more: Robert Callard, owner of Westmount’sChez Nick, cancer survivor, all around nice guy and latter-daycyclist. Rob, whom I am also proud to call my friend, took upcycling after his cancer diagnosis and is fairly convinced thatcycling helped save his life. So we certainly welcome hismusings on one of his favourite past-times, after family lifeand, of course, his legendary love of music.

And I’d also like to welcome long-time CHOM DJ SharonHyland, whose presence here is a coup if there ever was one.

Managing Editor: Bram Eisenthal Creative Design: Julia Lucio

OUR CONTACT INFORMATIONFree Classifieds and Advertising: 514-975-7745

EMAIL: [email protected]

Mailing Address: 327 2nd Street E. Cornwall, On. K6H 1Y8

The Property Seeker

A regular feature of The Local Herald West End Montreal EditionProfessional Consultant - Anita Benabou Rozenblat

You’re invited: In celebration of marriages of minds and souls

Page 3: The Local Herald


Young Josh is a fan of community papers and indicatedhis interest in publishing one someday. The Local Heraldtherefore claims dibs on this fine young man, but he’sgotta graduate from primary school first, at the veryleast!

Photo: Julia Lucio

New publisher groomedat The Local Herald

Experienced writer and editor available

to edit and proofread your documents.

Specializing in term

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Mark (514) 209-5689

Page 4: The Local Herald


Cover Sto


from cover)

...This isn’t a West Endbusiness, but I felt itwas unique andimportant enough tocover them


The business is insanely busy, something Ilearned the hard way when attempting tocontact Monzioni-Iermieri to set up aninterview. It’s not just about weddingdresses, but also attire for engagementevents, seasonal proms and fundraisers,that have her and the staff of this uniquefamily business hopping madly. Even herpartner, brother-in-law Stephen Barrett, isextremely occupied taking care ofgrooms-to-be and other men who needto ensure they are at the tops of theirgames in the fashion department. Hardlya man around isn’t metrosexually-inclinedthese days. Not that there’s anythingwrong with that.

Raised in Ahuntsic by Italian parents hailingfrom Campagnie in the Avalino region,Monzioni-Iermieri was surrounded by hautecouture all her life and, despite working in theconstriction industry alongside her bricklayer

father and as an special needsintegration aid, amongst other things,she always felt destined for herchosen career as a fashionentrepreneur. “This has always beenmy passion and I love what I do,” saidMonzioni-Iermieri.

Having had a dress designer motherand having spent my formative yearsin close proximity to her classic1950s Singer sewing machine, patterns, spoolsof thread, bobbins and needles galore, I GET

what a complete act of creation designing adress and doing alterations can be, I really do.But the business has certainly changed in recent

decades. “First of all, while Montrealers are stillinto glitzy dresses, on the West Island less ismore,” Monzioni-Iermieri told me. “Here, youfind people more interested in the simple-but-elegant ‘red carpet’ look. We sell many fineproducts off the rack, but if you can’t find it here,we have a team of designers ready to custom-

create a dress for you.”

She admitted that a designed dress is muchmore expensive than prêt-a-porter and alsomuch more time consuming. “You should alsobe aware that even a prêt-a-porter gownrequires alterations in many cases and willtake 2-3 weeks to get ready, something manyretailers do not tell you. And these, too, canbe expensive.” I shuddered, realizing that justhaving my pants hemmed is hardly free.

So, I asked Monzioni-Iermieri the logicalquestion: How long do you need to buy adress, in an age where most are crafted in far-away China? “It’s not like it was 7-10 yearsago, when you walked in and got your dress afew weeks later. For brides-to-be, give yourretailer about four months to deliver acustom dress, which will probably require 4-5

sessions for fittings and adjustments. Remember,the dress that is being made in China may be held up at the border or there may be

errors due to miscommunication.You need to prepare for allpossibilities. Remember, too, that

brides should have their initial meeting with theretailer a YEAR before the big event.

“Custom bridesmaid and prom dresses willrequire a 2-3 visit process, most likely.”

What’s really cool about buying a dress today isthat almost anything goes. Times have indeedchanged in haute couture and this translates intomore flexibility when choosing colours or styles.“I had a bride recently who had us design a goldand burgundy dress,” said Monzioni-Iermieri.“The traditional white wedding dress (much tothe chagrine of Billy Idol) is still in, but becomingincreasingly passé: If anything, ivory is becomingvery popular.”

Grooms-to-be are also becoming more involvedwith fashion choices and Monzioni-Iermieri saidthat about 50 percent of them fall into thatcategory, coming in with their fiancées to makethat historic decision. As mentioned earlier,Barrett works with the men at creating theirown styling for their big day. He takes themeasurements, does any required alterationsand will stand in for the groom if he gets coldfeet (Just kidding on the last part).

“We even have our own line of designer fashiondresses for brides having their weddings in theCaribbean or another overseas destination,called Mille Fiori (Thousand Flowers in Italian)that use lighter fabric which doesn’t crease aseasily.” On most flights, by the way, a priorarrangement with the airline will see the flightattendants taking personal care of the safety ofyour prized dress - They will hang it in their ownlocker on board.

Punta Chiara’s Mille Fiori line has become sosuccessful that one of its designs recently madeit onto a Top 10 list in Wedding Bells magazine.If I was a bride getting married, wearing one ona beach as the moon rose over the blue ocean,wearing a lightweight non-creasing dress wouldbe the way to go… but I digress….

The Dress: The ultimate deal-maker

Page 5: The Local Herald


Shrimp Fajitas Salad on Crisp Flour Tortilla ChipsYield: 12 servings, 2 pieces per serving

4 8-inch flour tortillas1 ripe avocado, pitted and peeled

1 1/2 teaspoons fresh lime juice1 teaspoon finely chopped cilantro

1/2 teaspoon finely chopped jalapeño, or more to taste

6 ounces extra small (salad shrimp) cooked and peeled shrimp, chopped (about 1 1/4 cups)

3 tablespoons finely chopped peeled ripe mango2 teaspoons finely chopped cilantro1 teaspoon finely chopped jalapeño1 teaspoon fresh lime juice2 tablespoons thin sliced green onion (scallion)

tops (garnish)

Preheat oven to 350°F.Use ruler to trim tortillas into 4 large 6-inch squares.

Cut 24 2-inch squares from the squared off tortillas;discard trimmings.

Spray baking sheet with nonstick spray. Arrange tortillasquares on pan and spray with nonstick spray. Bake untiltoasted golden and crisp, 10 to 12 minutes. Cool.

Purée avocado, lime juice, cilantro and jalapeño in afood processor until smooth. Set aside.

Combine shrimp, mango, cilantro, jalapeño and limejuice in small bowl.

Spread about 1/2 tablespoon avocado mixture in centerof each toasted tortilla square. Lightly press a tablespoonof the shrimp salad in center of each. Gar nish withscallion slices and serve.

Melted Gruyere Toasts withCrisp Frizzled ProsciuttoYield: 12 servings, 2 pieces per serving

Extra virgin olive oil4 slices (about 3 ounces)

prosciutto, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

24 1/4-inch-thick slices Italian bread

4 ounces aged Gruyere, coarsely shredded (about 1 3/4 cups)

Heat 1/2 inch olive oil in medium skilletover medium heat until hot enough tosizzle a piece of prosciutto.

Stir half the prosciutto into hot oil andcook over medium heat until prosciutto is crispy, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove fromwith a slotted spoon to a side dish. Addremaining prosciutto and cook until crispy.Set aside.

Heat oven to 350°F. Spray baking sheetwith nonstick spray and arrange breadslices on tray.

Top each bread slice with a roundedtablespoon of cheese. Bake until cheese is melted, about 5 minutes. Remove from oven.

Stand a crispy piece of prosciutto in the center of each melted mound of hotcheese and serve at once.

Prosecco GingerCocktailYield: 12 servings,

2 glasses per serving

1 1/2 cups water1 cup (6 ounces)

crystallized ginger1/2 cup sugar

2 bottles (750 ml) Cupcake Prosecco, chilled

24 thin diagonal sliced seedless or Persian cucumber

Combine water, ginger and sugarin saucepan and bring to a boil.Simmer on low heat, uncovered,15 minutes. Off heat let steep,covered, 30 min utes. Cool.

Purée in blender until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon ginger purée

to each champagne glass. Addchilled prosecco, and stir wellwith swizzle stick until blended.Garnish glass with cucumber slice.

Beet Purée with Sesame FlavorsYield: 12 servings, 2 pieces per serving

1 pound fresh golden or red beets, trimmed, peeled, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

24 endive leaves, thick ends trimmed, separated into individual leaves

3 tablespoons reduced sodium tamari or soy sauce

1/2 teaspoon toasted (dark) sesame oil1/4 teaspoon grated fresh ginger1/4 teaspoon minced fresh garlic

Salt to tasteToasted white sesame seeds


Place beets in a steamer and cook, covered, over sim mer ing water, until tender, 15 to 20minutes. Cool.

Place endive leaves in a large bowl. Add water and a cup of ice and refrigerate untilcrisped, about 15 min utes. Drain and pat dry with paper towels.

Place tamari or soy sauce in a small saucepanand boil gently until reduced to 1 tablespoon. Cool.

Purée beets, 1 tablespoon reduced tamari or soysauce, garlic, ginger, sesame oil and salt in foodprocessor until smooth and creamy.

Arrange endive leaves on a platter. With two tea -spoons, place a mound of beet purée in the centerof each leaf. Garnish with toasted sesame seeds.

Note: Canned or cooked vacuum packed beetscan be used as a substitute.

Whether it’s an engagement party, bridal shower,the reception or post-wedding brunch, profes -sional event planner Alison Hotchkiss knows athing or two about creating mem orable bridalcele brations. As the founder-owner of AlisonEvents, and author of “The Destination WeddingPlanner: The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Wed -ding From Afar” (Chronicle Books), she’s produced stunning weddings all over theworld. For tips from Alison for creating a bridal event to remember,

Page 6: The Local Herald



If this limited staff situation continues much longer,

we’re gonna change our name to The Lonely Herald.

We are looking for a sales rep, experience not

required… just desire and a chance to make some

cold, hard cash. No benefits, straight commission…

but also no one looking over your shoulder, clocking

your hours or stressing you out. This is a real

opportunity to grow along with a growing paper,

where your earning potential is limited only by your

ability and desire. Male or female, all ages, any race

or religion, bilingualism

preferred but NOT

required, although the

ability to converse in

English IS a must. If you

are interested in giving us

a hand, call us at

514-975-7745 and

leave us a message if we

do not answer.

We are seeking a sales


Is that you?

We know all the tricks to attract

attention!   Advertise with US! 


For moms, dads and

newlyweds, too: Time saving

food prep tips

These days, most people know that maintaining

optimal health begins with what we eat. The

problem is that, in today’s world, everything is

fast-paced including food. In the old days the mom would be

home cooking and keeping house all day long. There would be

time to bake homemade breads and cook all meals from scratch

using wholesome ingredients. This is just not possible anymore

with two-income families. Even if one parent stays home, there

are tons of activities and things to get done that make this type

of cooking nearly impossible.

Here are some ways to facilitate the process of making healthy

foods. Consider small appliances as tools to make quick-and-easy

recipes. For example, a small immersion blender turns a pot of

chunky vegetables into a smooth soup. It does the same for a pot

of meat sauce and the bonus is that the kids won’t know you

blended veggies into it! A food processor is the king for chopping

and grating. I use mine to grate large blocks of cheese. This saves

me money because pre-grated cheese costs a small fortune. I use

the grated cheese on homemade pizza, over pasta, in casseroles

and for omelettes. The standing mixer is “da bomb” when it

comes to baking. It’s easy to buy cookies and other snacks for

lunches but nothing beats homemade, especially since you can

control the amount of sugar and the type of flour that goes into

the recipe. Home baked goods can be a source of whole grains

and fiber. Store bought- Less so.

When making a meal from scratch why not prepare a double

batch and freeze it right away? Chop the vegetables the night before

and your meal will be half prepared when you get home from work.

Order your groceries online, creating more time to cook. As you can

see, the key to healthy eating really is in the planning. Take some time

to make menus and grocery lists so you already know what to make

for supper or go to a website like which does

it for you.

These are just a few ideas to motivate you to cook more and order

or eat out less. Stay tuned for some cooking short cuts to create

easy and healthy meals.

Caryn J. Roll P.Dt. (514.817.0135)Twitter: @MTRLnutrition Join me on

Whole Grain Roll by Caryn Roll

Plus we sell watches, bands and

leather straps (from France)


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Page 7: The Local Herald



Magician availablefor yourspecialevent


514 951-8633

A Romantic twist

What better time to introduce Partner

Yoga, than in "The Wedding Issue" of The

Local Herald?

Partner Yoga involves two people doing

yoga. But more than that, the two people support

each other - simultaneously - in the postures. While more

advanced poses might require one partner to carry the

weight of the other, certainly at the beginner level, there are

safe and relatively easy ways to explore Partner Yoga. Try

the pose below with a friend or loved one and see what

arises in the connection. Partner yoga is surprisingly playful.

It can also be an exercise that opens us up to greater trust

and intimacy. An embodied and deeply silent partnering,

such as this, is one form of honest communication.

Seated Partner Twist 1. Sit back-to-back with your legs

crossed, on the floor, with your partner. Sit upright so that

the lowermost part of your backs are as close to each

other as possible. Depending on your relative proportions,

your upper backs will touch. Take care not to lean your

weight back onto the other person. 2. Sitting up tall, bring

your left hand across your body and place it over your right

knee. Have your

partner do this as

well, with their left

hand to their right

knee. 3. Take a deep

breath in. Exhale and

reach your right

hand to your

partner's left knee,

which is behind you.

Doing so will gently

twist your upper

body, including neck

and head, to the

right. 4. Have your

partner do the

same, reaching their

right hand to your

left knee, and

twisting to their

right. 5. Stay in this

position for a few

deep and silent breaths through the nostrils. 6. On an

exhalation, release one another's knees and untwist. 7. From

a neutral position, repeat on the other side. Sit tall and place

your right hand on your own left knee, and have your

partner do the same. Take a breath in. On the exhale, each

person reaches their left hand to the partner's right knee

and twists left. Stay in the twist for a few deep breaths

before releasing on the exhale.

8. Record or share reflections on the experience with your


Chantalle Kudsi is a yoga and meditation teacher in the West-

End. Sheteaches group and private classes and can be reached

at [email protected]

Yoga U

- Chan

talle Kudsi


1. But not quite all

5. Shopping center

9. Bright thought

10. Murres

11. Linked

12. Products of human


13. Conceal

14. A territorial subdivision of


17. Seats oneself

20. Indistinguishable

21. Sell

22. A Roman emperor

23. Picnic insects

24. Cultivate


1. Flexible mineral

2. Fragrance

3. Tender, romantic, or

nostalgic feeling

4. Bronzes your skin

5. A lot

6. Artisan

7. Told an untruth

8. Stow, as cargo

14. Opera star

15. Biblical garden

16. Concludes

17. Make melodious sounds

18. Tropical root

19. Sluggish

Fun with words

Page 8: The Local Herald


I s s u e 1

BUY or SELL your HOME in the

Property Seeker

Many realestate gurusin the last 10years havet a l k e d

about achieving financialfreedom through thepurchase of rental property.Although there is some truthto this depending on yourinvestment/return, you haveto be sure that owning rentalproperty is right for you. Itisn't as glamorous as peoplethink and often times it is hardwork. I will discuss a fewbenefits, but also a fewdownfalls of being alandlord. It isn't just

about collecting the rentcheques.

One of the strongest benefitsis that you can buy a multi-unit property for as little as10% down for triplexes andfour-plexes and as little as15% for six-plexes and up.This enables the propertyowner to keep most of thecash in their pocket, while therental income covers themortgage. This allows timefor the property to appreciatein value as well....a sidebenefit.

Another reason to get intoreal estate is to use it apassive income stream. Is itso passive, though? Manypeople underestimate factorssuch as repairs/vacancy. Ifyou don't have a contingencyfund for emergencyexpenditures, you could be introuble. You must be ready tospend hundreds of dollarsshould something break inone of your apartments. What

The West End real estate section

Mortgage M


Multi-unit building purchase: Is it right for you?

if your tenant stiffs you for threemonths on the rent and leaves? Doyou know your rights? SinceQuebec law generally favours thetenant, it is important to chooseyour tenants carefully.

Another factor which worksagainst you can be the insurancepremium. Let's say you have a$500,000 mortgage while puttingthe minimum 15% down and wantthe highest amortization to get thepayment as low as possible. Thepremium added onto a mortgagelike this would be almost $25,000,making your mortgage $525,000. Ifyou are planning on holding onto

a property as part of a portfolio,the benefit will likely outweighthe downside. If you are planningon reselling your propertyquickly, that $25,000 willobviously impact you more. Youmust consider, as well, that thereare usually file-opening fees withthe lender and CMHC fees whenbuying these types of properties.The CMHC will also want to makesure that they calculate whetherthe property you are buying isconsidered a good investment. Ifnot, they will not insure the loan,which will in turn force you into aconventional loan that carrieswith it higher interest rates.

Multi-unit purchases typically

take longer, but if done with theproper real estate agent/mortgageprofessional, they can be veryfruitful. It is just important to beaware of what it takes to buy one, soyou don't end up with nastysurprises down the road thatdiscourage you from buying themto begin with.

Jason Zuckerman

Hypotheca Mortgage Brokers

(514) 771-1352 /1-800- 206-1350

[email protected]

Page 9: The Local Herald


Attention newlyweds andother potential buyers!


benefits and long-term value.

Home owners accumulate wealth for the future whileenjoying the

benefits of a shelter that they can use, improve andsell.

Advice for First-Time Buyers

* Pre-Qualification: Meet with a mortgage broker and find outhow much you can afford to pay for a home.

* Pre-Approval: Doing so while knowing how much you canafford is the first step: Sellers will be much more receptive topotential buyers who have been pre-approved. You'll also avoidbeing disappointed when going after homes that are out of yourprice range. With Pre-Approval, the buyer actually applies for amortgage and receives a commitment in writing from a lender.This way, assuming the home you're interested in is at or under theamount you are pre-qualified for, the seller knows immediatelythat you are a serious buyer for that property. Costs for pre-approval are generally nominal and lenders will usually permityou to pay them when you close your loan.

* List of needs and wants:Make two lists. The first should includeitems you must have (i.e., the number of bedrooms you need for

Home Sweet  Home   -  

Anita B

enabou R



the size of your family, a one-story house if accessibility is a factor, etc.). Thesecond list is your wishes, things you would like to have (pool, den, etc.) butthat are not absolutely necessary. Realistically for first-time buyers, youprobably will not get everything on your wish list, but it will keep you ontrack for what you are looking for.

* Visualize the house empty and with your decor: Are the rooms laid outto fit your needs? Is there enough light?

* Be objective: Instead of thinking with your heart when you find a home,think with your head. Does this home really meet your needs? There aremany houses on the market, so don't make a hurried decision that you mayregret later.

* Be thorough: A few extra dollars well spent now may save you bigexpenses in the long run. Don't forget such essentials as:

o Include inspection and mortgage contingencies in your written offer.

o Have the property inspected by a professional inspector.

o Request a second walk-through to take place within 24 hours of closing.

o You want to check to see that no changes have been made that were notagreed on (i.e. - A nice chandelier that you assumed came with the salehaving been replaced by a cheap ceiling light).

Happy shopping, everyone!

Do you have questions for Anita Rozenblat? E-mail your comments or questionsto [email protected]   

Signature Models | Custom Built Homes | Single Family LotsAdjacent to the Cavendish Mall, just minutes from downtown.

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The Dubelle Developments Ltée.

Page 10: The Local Herald








Spiritual Seedlings- Father John Walsh

March – When Irish eyes are smiling for us all

The month of March is the month of the Irish and the wannabe Irish.There are now seven, yes seven, Saint Patrick Dayparades in Quebec. The number of participants whowalk in the parades or watch as sidewalksuperintendents is truly amazing! Last year inMontreal there were close to half a million peoplelining Saint Catherine Street and the parade lastedover two hours. In Chateauguay, the parade wassmaller, yet, each year, the attendance andparticipation grows. Quebec City reignited the fireof the Irish in the entire region after a long hiatuswhen the parade had been discontinued – now,after only a couple of years, it is the talk of the

town. “Bonne Saint Patrick” is the greeting and it echoes on the streetsof the Old City as bands from all over the east coast of Canada and theUnited States celebrate a heritage that is dear to the hearts of manyFrench-speaking Quebecers.

It is said that almost forty percent of French-speaking Quebecers haveIrish blood running through their veins. The Irish came to Quebecduring the potato famines that created abject poverty and sickness onthe Emerald Isle. The emigration of substantial numbers of the Irish toQuebec meant a new way of life for them. They had no idea whatawaited them. To their surprise they were welcomed, housed, fed andcare for. They soon found out that their hosts were of the same faith,had large families and had a “joie de vivre” that was similar to the Irish“love of life” and they soon shared a way of life.

The many who came to Quebec riddled with typhoid were almost at

the point of death. They were quarantined on Grosse Isle, whereProtestant and Catholic clergy ministered to them. Many of thesededicated women and men died because typhoid was so contagious.Faith was the strength of the Irish who came to our shores. They believedin God’s care, which they knew came to them through human concernand service to them. The Irish survived the 1847-1848 crossings andtoday the Irish community remains proud of what they haveaccomplished in Quebec and in Canada.

There are long lists of members of the Irish community who have servedthe country as politicians, economists, business women and men,bishops, priests, religious women and a battery of dedicated people whocared for the good of the populace. The Irish are a great example ofindividuals who manage to integrate into a new world without losingtheir own identities. Today, the Irish in Ireland are undergoing whatFrench-speaking Quebecers have undergone since the Quiet Revolutionof the 1960s. Regular church attendance is on the wane, public displaysof faith are almost non-existent, and a secularisation of society leavesIreland and Quebec in very comparable worlds. The very particular Irishspirit that underlies the new Quebec culture and the new Irish culture,however, greatly benefit from a past that will never die.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

ED. NOTE: A trip to Grosse Ile and the Irish Memorial, a national park about twohours by boat past Quebec City, is a truly remarkable and highly movingexperience for both Irish and non-Irish alike. The Irish arrivals of the 19th and20th centuries have beenpreserved by the Canadian government, including thedisinfection centre, first and second class hotels and a cemetery where over6,000 Irish are buried, plus a majestic Celtic cross that welcomes visitors uponarrival. The island is open to the public throughout the summer months throughOctober… go to


Page 11: The Local Herald

The initiative of an interfaith blog –

by Father John Walsh

It is said that retirement has many challenges, but few forwhich you can prepare. One for which I had perhaps preparedfor many years - but was soon to discover as a new challenge– involved inviting two of my friends, Rabbi Chaim Steinmetzand Imam Dr. Ziyad Delic, to join me in forming an interfaithblog. All three of us became enthusiastic about thepossibilities. We emailed back and forth, trying to determinewhat the blog could bring to people who would read it. Itwasn’t long before we agreed that everyday lives are affectedby how people, including Jews, Christians, Muslims and allpeople of faith and goodwill, see themselves and the worldaround them.

All people are looking for meaning in their lives: Questionsabound! The reality is that responses to the very samequestions, situations and issues often offer differinginterpretations that create conflict. The three of us have spentsome time together and feel certain that our honesty willprevail, even when we agree to disagree. Rabbi Steinmetz isthe Chief Rabbi in an Orthodox Community, CongregationTifereth Beth David Jerusalem, located in the West End of theCity of Montreal. TBDJ, as it is commonly referred to, is anopen, warm modern Orthodox synagogue committed toserious involvement in prayer, Torah study, social action andcommunal involvement. You will see all these wonderfulhallmarks in the writings of the Rabbi.

Imam Dr. Ziyad Delic takes pride in his position as a CanadianImam. He is a published author, an activist, teacher, scholarand public speaker. He is known among young Muslims as“The People’s Imam” and has worked hard to forge strongrelationships with Christian, Jewish, Sikh and Aboriginalleaders. He is forthright when he speaks out againstextremism.

I am Father John Walsh, a Roman Catholic priest, who hasworked in ecumenical and inter-faith dialogues for severaldecades. I am presently on the Board ofDirectors of the Ecumenical Centre ofCanada. My ministry and studies havetaken me half way around the world andnow this blog will bring all three of us tothe entire world through the Internet. Thehope and aspiration of our blog is to offerthree expressions of faith on subjects andissues that face all of our faithcommunities and all people everywhere.We live on the same planet Earth, weshare the same city streets, we work in thesame offices and we hope all people offaith accept the incredible task ofhumanizing the world.

We are compelled to humanize our worldand respect each other’s differences, aswell as to rejoice at our similarities.Humanity is at stake. There aremovements afoot to promote a totallysecular society in which religion isprivatized and not allowed to be presentin the public domain. Many incidentshave occurred because of such an attitude: In

the United States, there was the removal of the display of the TenCommandments in a

government office building and, here at home, there was theprohibition of displays of Christmas trees and decorations,including the refusal to display a Menorah in public.

Religion is meant to be a positive contribution to thehumanization of the world. This blog is a coming together of thethree monotheistic religions, a collaborative project to present tothe public three perspectives on life in the 21st century. Thepoints of view of the three traditions converge when they willingly- and sometimes courageously - express their differentapproaches to explain how their religious traditions deal withissues all people have to face in this century.

This blog is a beacon of hope for a world in crisis and it is hopethat respects the faith of those who dare to open a dialogue. Inthe everyday of our lives, all people face the challenges of life,whether they live with a vision of faith or not. Living in this worldis sustainable to the extent that people freely, openly, willinglyand cooperatively work towards a better world to offer humanity apath towards a mature understanding and appreciation of life inall its facets.

Theoretical solutions to situations that arise in life leave mostpeople disheartened, whereas changes are accepted andwelcomed when tangible results, however inconsequential theymay seem to be on a world-scale, become stepping-stones to agreater unity of humankind. Small steps lead to giant steps. Smallvictories lead to greater victories. This blog is one small attempt tobring together three religious traditions, three clergy from thesetraditions, and to invite others to post their points of view in arespectful manner so that ultimately the circle of partners willgrow to encompass more and more people in an honest dialogue.

Change can never happen when we live where “my” world beginsand “my” world ends. We can change the world when we open ourindividual worlds to include “the other.”

Please click on

Groundbreaking New


(l-r): Imam Dr. Ziyad Delic, Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz and Father John Walsh


Page 12: The Local Herald


Business as Art/Art as Business Gallery Atelier Quartz shines in

Montreal Westby Chantalle Kudsi

A number of years ago, I was living in Toronto when the citylaunched its "Toronto: Live with Art" campaign. At the time, Icouldn't help but make the comparison to Montreal, a city soalive with art it would seem absurd to be reminded to live withit. In Montreal we are surrounded by art. We have a rich anddiverse artistic community. For artists, it is a great place to liveand to create.

But artists also need a venue from which to sell their work.Several weeks ago, The Gazette spotlighted some of thechallenges Montreal artists face when it comes to exposure, andin particular, what local art galleries are doing to diversify andstay relevant to the public.

Some art galleries in the city are exclusive, by appointment only,and feature work by one or two artists. Others are more casualin atmosphere and are like ateliers, studios, where duringopening hours the public is welcome to come right in, have alook around, engage with a working artist and see a number ofpieces available for sale by a variety of artists.

One such gallery new on the scene is Atelier Quartz, located onWestminster in Montreal West. Opened in August 2011, it's thecreative vision of artist and decorative painter Irene Marconi,who rents the space. Part studio and part exhibition space, ithouses both her atelier in the back and artist Chris Tobin'sstudio in the front. The remaining area is gallery, offeringpaintings by emerging and established artists in a range ofgenres and styles, from antique to realist to abstract modern.There are decorative mirrors, small pieces of furniture, andwooden floor sculptures, too.

Many of the works exhibited at Atelier Quartz are here onconsignment, providing a great opportunity for artists workingin painting, photography, sculpture, textile, or any othermedium, to find some exposure in the neighbourhood. Marconi,along with Tobin, has the final say as to which pieces go in. Thegallery then takes a reasonable 30% commission on every piecesold.

Marconi is a big supporter of first time exhibitors and, with thatin mind, the gallery can also be rented by the week to artistswishing to have their own exhibit. With its high ceilings, naturallight from street-level windows, exposed red-brick and freshwhite walls, the gallery is an ideal space for a vernissage.

Atelier Quartz was initially born out of an artist's desire to find awork space and to show people how the painting techniquesshe uses, such as faux finishes, Venetian stucco, and trompel'oeil, can enhance a home or business. "I was looking for astudio at street-level, because I wanted to have more visibility,"Marconi explains. "I always worked as a decorative painter, but Ialways relied upon interior designers or architects. The clientsdon't really know what you can do with paint. So this was thefirst step."

How did artist Chris Tobin, whose realist and abstract paintingshang around the gallery, also come to have a studio here? "I liveacross the street. When it opened up, I thought, wow, isn't thatcool. This has worked out great. What a great work space." "And now I'm more involved," he adds, having just done theAtelier Quartz website.

Both Marconi and Tobin are excited about things to come, andinvite you to check out Atelier Quartz. "It's not an intimidatinggallery, it's kind of got the feel of a studio," says Tobin. "And italso smells like a studio," adds Marconi. "Paint thinner and oil."

Page 13: The Local Herald


Atellier Quartz is located at 51 Westminster North in Montreal West,telephone (514) 439-6919, website

A self-taught artist, Irene Marconi has been creating high qualitydecorative finishes, including murals, trompe l'oeil, and fauxfinishes, for 20 years. More recently, she has made the foray intoeasel painting. Her customized work can be seen

Chris Tobin is a full-time artist who began painting in watercolourbut soon switched to oil, his medium of choice. He paints realism aswell as abstract and impressionism, andoften works fromcommissioned contracts. His artcan be seen at

Upcoming Events

From March 27 until April 1, Atelier Quartz will beholding a Daffodil Sale for the Canadian CancerSociety. A silent auction will also be held betweenthose dates, of work submitted by participatingartists in an array of mediums, with 40 percent ofsales going to The Canadian Cancer Society, 40percent to the artist and 20 percent to the Galleryto cover costs.

On Saturday, March 31, the gallery will host anevening event with silent auction, food,beverages, dancing and a live band. Proceeds goto The Daffodil Charity Foundation. For more

information contact Atelier Quartz.

Page 14: The Local Herald


Our critic takes a break from film post-Oscar (and music) todiscuss one of the literary field’s most successful writers:

Shlomo on Stephen – Latestbook about Kennedyultimate time capsule

There’s a tendency by many to assume thatpopular authors are generally also hackswho pander to the lowest commondenominator, since their great success

must necessarily come about because they write“down” to their audience. But that’s definitely not the casewith Stephen King, who for nearly 40 years has craftedskilled works that are among the best in their field. He’sknown as a horror writer but though many of his books,such as Carrie, The Shining, Salem’s Lot and It fit neatly intothat genre, others run the gamut from science fiction (TheStand, The Dead Zone) to mainstream books (DoloresClaiborne, Hearts in Atlantis).

He’s even written non-fiction, including Danse Macabre, ananalysis of the horror genre, in print and on screen, and OnWriting, literary criticism focusing on his craft. What all hisbooks share is an uncommon ability to present greatcharacters and, for the most part, to offer smartly thought-out and highly creative flights of the imagination.

I’m nearly done reading his latest book, 11/22/63, aweighty tome about a time traveler who goes back to1963 in a bid to prevent the assassination of PresidentJohn. F. Kennedy, and once again, I’m blown away at howgood King is at putting believable personalities down onthe printed page. You always utterly believe in hisprotagonists and how they act. 11/22/63, though, is alsoterrific SF, one of King’s best books in a career filled withgreat reads. Following on the heels of his equally fine 2009novel Under the Dome, a dark, disturbing SF saga about atown which wakes up to find itself encased in animpregnable dome, his latest suggests that, if anything,King is becoming even better at writing, no mean feat.

His books also reflect America, good and bad, heroic andcowardly. If Under the Dome is a subtle take on a post-Sarah Palin mean-spirited, ignorant USA, 11/22/63 is aKennedyesque or even Obamaesque novel about idealismand optimism and what people are capable of doing attheir best. Born in Portland, Maine, King has alwaysdisplayed a nuanced, discerning eye for small town lifewithout glamourizing nor demonizing it, as is evident in11/22/63, which also points out the positives andnegatives of the ‘60s as compared to our present. If bookscan sometimes be seen as time capsules of their time andplace, you can’t do any better then entering StephenKing’s fascinating, riveting worlds.

A graduate of Ryerson University’s School of Journalism,former West End Montrealer Shlomo Schwartzberg is aveteran film critic, has regularly reviewed films for variouspublications and lectures on film and TV studies. He was thedirector of programming for the Toronto Jewish Film Festivalfor eight years.


t En

tre Nous - Sh

lomo Schwartzberg


Freestyle wedding photography

Naturally over the last 20 years I have been asked “Do you do weddings?” many times. Normally Iwould decline, as I never saw myself as the sortwho positions the family in front of a staircase,having people chase me around asking if I got apicture of this person, or of that person… youget the picture?

Well, a transition in wedding photography startedto take place for me not too far back. Couples were starting

to hire photo-journalists to cover their weddings, veering awayfrom the traditional wedding album that many a family memberhas had to endure while visiting the newlyweds for yearsfollowing the wedding. Eventually the album finds itself dusty andburied away forever with old skates and the dish set they neveropened.

When I started getting some calls for weddings, first andforemost I created a contract that granted me the photographicfreedom I deemed necessary to make this work.

I decided to approach this as I would a photo essay. Capture thelove, the event, the moment and create a story for this historicevening. Then it would be something I would be inclined to do. Iexplain this to the couple, point out the essential people that, inmy opinion, I might direct my attention to ( as with mostweddings today, many people bring point and shoot digitalcameras and capture all the in-betweens) and off I go, looking fornice light conditions, a laugh, a hug, a kiss….

I have been very happy with the weddings I have photographed.Nice, tight cropped portraits, slow shutter speed movementimages that lend a sense of romantisicm and such, allcontributing some of my artistic flair to the memories of thiscouple, hopefully forever. Simply stated, I capture my images froma natural, non-posed point of view.

I do not feature the weddings I have photographed on mywebsite. But a portfolio is available online for private viewing.

[email protected]

Photophaeliac by Ricky Friedlander

A woman was telling her friend , "Itwas I who made my husband amillionaire." "And what was hebefore you married him?" asked thefriend. The woman replied, " Amulti-millionaire".

Marriage - an institution in which aman loses his Bachelor's Degreeand the woman gets her Masters.

A Bit of wedding humour

Page 15: The Local Herald


Letters Fro

m La La Land - Ste

ven G


I have a dear friend who has worked with Clint Eastwood for yearsand he has made it clear, Clint’s crew is all about friends and familyworking together. An actor friend of mine has worked with theCoen Brothers a couple of times, he tells me that their sets are alsoall about friends and no drama. They, like Clint, feel making amovie is difficult enough, they don’t need bad energy. Hollywooditself can be a soul sapping, hope stealing enterprise, why wouldyou surround yourself with anything less.

There is an old adage in the politics of the United States attributedto Harry Truman; You want a friend in Washington, get a dog! Ithink many who work in Hollywood would tell you the same thingabout surviving the “biz” where you are reminded, sarcastically attimes, that everyone is your friend and no one is.

I’m thinking about how lucky I feel that I have the friends I domore then ever. I sit writing this LETTER FROM LA LA LAND fromOld San Juan Puerto Rico about to board a really huge yacht tocruise the Caribbean for 7 days, all expenses paid. I would neverbe on this trip, but for the love, kindness and generousness of avery special friend.

The last couple of years have been tough for this ex-Montrealerliving and trying to work in LA. I have unfortunately learned thehard way that the “social safety net” in the US has some huge holesand after a battle with cancer, me and my family fell through one.

I know we could not have gotten by without a little help from myfriends...and family. Thank you Ringo for letting twist your words,and thank you Alan, David, Lawrence, Jacob, Randee, Tony andStephen for being there and teaching me what friendship andbrotherhood really means. Sometimes people truly surprise youwith the depth and breadth of love and kindness. Their love canbe illuminating, life changing and in one case truly surprising.

Over Thanksgiving break I directed a music video for countrymusic superstar Alan Jackson. Over the course of the week, hismanager, an old friend, got to catch up. Because of this crazybusiness we are in, we had lost contact over the last few years andshe did not know anything about my health issues. Weeks later,when I finished the video, she asked me a series of questionsabout what I do with my kids when my wife and I go away alone.I said we don’t do anything because we don’t go anywhere just us- haven’t in 20 years. Well she told me we would have to. Sheexplained that she had won a silent auction in my named at hugecancer research fundraiser. What she won in my name is the tripmy wife and are on as I write this!

That someone, anyone would do something like this is bothunbelievable and an incredible honor. To be worthy of suchgift...heck, such friends, is something else entirely. I am a very luckman. I have some wonderful friends who truly have taught meabout what it means to be a friend. And oh, I have an adorabledog.

A Hollywood director’s lookat this year’s best films

Liner Note

s - Sharo

n H


Every great union starts with an introduction,and, considering the theme of this month'sissue, here goes. Hi, I'm Sharon. Montrealer-born-and-raised, I've been working in radiofor about 18 years now, the bulk of it atCHOM 97-7. I celebrated my 15thanniversary there back in October.

I'm lucky that I've been allowed to marry my work and my play toone great lifelong soundtrack. I LOVE music! I love how a song cantake you right back to the moment you first heard it, how it canempower you, support you and even get you riled up and readyto take on the world. That's the power of music. It sets the mood,can make or break a party and can create lasting memories.

How about the all important choice of the song for your firstdance on your big day? Celine Dion, Whitney Houston and ShaniaTwain have made it to many a wedding that way. It comes downto one song that will convey to your family, friends and in somecases people you'll never see again, just how much you love theperson with whom you've just vowed to spend the rest of yourlife. No pressure!

Should that wedding song be "Because You Loved Me," "I WillAlways Love You" or "From This Moment"? Maybe Bette Midler islingering in the back of your mind, but you probably shouldn't beasking a question about whether or not you've told your newspouse that they're your hero.

Love may be blind, but don't be fooled by songs with “love” in thetitle. Eminem and Rihanna's "Love The Way You Lie" really sets thetone for a rocky start. Soft Cell's "Tainted Love" is an 80's classic;one of those songs that have you singing along sometimeswithout realizing what you're singing. "Now I know I've got to runaway" is not the vibe that says “I'm in this for the long haul.”Likewise with J. Geils Band's "Love Stinks," which might be betterplayed at your divorce party, which you shouldn't been planningbefore your wedding day, in any event.

Bad Company's "Feel Like Making Love," "Love Gun" by Kiss andMotley Crue's "Punched in the Teeth by Love," are, albeit fun, acombination of 'obviously bad choices for the occasion' and'difficult to explain to your parents.'

So, choose wisely and remember that the gushy tunes work for areason. They might seem cliché or even simple, but the song is thecompliment to the very personal love story you've already written(all together now... “Awwwwwww!”).

Every marital unionfeatures a great soundtrack


Page 16: The Local Herald


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Watch for an upcoming feature on a brilliantMontreal teen who is making waves at school for her

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t o d a y .     C a l l  5 1 4 - 9 7 5 - 7 7 4 5









in the







to start







Page 17: The Local Herald


The Local Herald proudly brings youbusinesses any soon-to-wed couples would

happily patronize: What a marriage!

Page 18: The Local Herald


Brides on a BudgetHow to Have a Fabulous Wedding for Less

(Family Features) The average wedding in Americacosts around $29,000, according to The WeddingReport, Inc., a wedding industry research company. Notsurprisingly, couples are looking for ways to savemoney on their special day.

Here are some ideas to help you have a wonderfulwedding on a budget.

The Date. Having a wedding on off-peak months anddays can be a bargain. November through April areslower months for weddings, so many halls, caterersand other service providers give discounts becausethey have fewer bookings. Some will also havediscounts for weddings held on any day other thanSaturday.

The Venue. If you know anyone with a beautiful homeor a large garden, consider having the wedding there.Be sure to factor in the cost of renting tables andchairs. Holding the reception at a private place lets youbuy your own alcohol and hire your own bartenders,both of which can save you money. Another option isto negotiate a package deal on an all-inclusive venuesuch as a hotel. The wedding and reception are all inone place, and out of town guests won't have far to gowhen the party's over. (Negotiate a good deal on ablock of rooms for guests.)

Invitations. Keep them simple. High-end paper,custom-colored inks, decorative linings and multipleenclosures all cost more. Do online research to findthe best deal - or print them yourself. You can findplenty of affordable options at craft, hobby or officesupply stores. To keep postage costs down, don't useoversized or heavy paper.

The Dress. It's possible to save big on your dress by

The Local Herald proudly bringsyou businesses any soon-to-wed

couples would happily patronize:What a marriage!

choosing poly satin instead of silk fabric. Anotheroption is to buy a discontinued design, rather thanthe latest one. These are usually less expensive andcan be found at smaller dress shops orconsignment shops.

Flowers. Do you really need fresh flowersblanketing everything? Many couples opt for freshflowers for the bridal party and silk arrangementsas decoration for the ceremony and reception.Look into candles, ribbons, shells and decorativestones as alternatives.

Food. Save serious money by planning thereception for a time when guests will not need afull, seated meal. If your ceremony is between oneand three in the afternoon, you can have a teareception. Serve tea, finger sandwiches, scones andmini pastries. For a reception starting at four orfive p.m., have a cocktail reception. Drinks andhors d'oeuvres are all you need. Make it clear onyour invitation - "Tea (or cocktail) reception tofollow."

Decorations and Favors. Take inventory ofwhat you already have - and what friends andfamily have. Borrowing is cheaper than buying orrenting, so ask around. Do-it-yourself favors are agreat way to personalize your wedding for less. Ifyou do need to buy supplies in large quantities,don't be afraid to talk to the store manager abouta bulk discount.

You can have a fabulous wedding for less withsome planning and elbow grease. But the bestadvice for saving money is to make a budget andstick to it. You'll be tempted to upgrade just a littlehere and there - but pretty soon your bargainwedding is no bargain at all.

Courtesy of Family Features

Page 19: The Local Herald


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Celebrating 25 years in business: Capturing moments that will be treasured for many lifetimes

Page 20: The Local Herald


The Directors: Directing your event with stylistic soundStory by Bram D. EisenthalPhoto by La V Photo

About 7-8 years ago, I wrote a column on a wedding band led by veteran West End crooner Tony Picciuto, who had started the then-namedIl Diretori with friend Frank Bufo. I instantly took a liking to the singer, but when I first heard his band I was really impressed. More like Sinatrathan Biber, Picciuto could really deliver them with panache: Classics and latter-day tunes alike.

Then Randi Katz came into the picture and while the band didn’t completely change its substance, it did transform into an even betterincarnation with her sharing the crooning with the master singer. Newly named The Directors, Katz helped the band usher in a whole newstyle, introducing Tony and the other musicians to those in the Jewish community, who appreciated great music as much as the Italians did.

“The band was always top three in its market,” Katz told me recently. “It began as a four piece, then five, seven and now an 11-piece showband. It has always adapted to the changing times, trends and the needs of the client. But more than anything, The Directors Showband isan unparalleled, electrifying group. We were the band cast for the role in the Golden Globe and Juno award winning, Academy awardnominated film ‘Barney's Version.’ The strong blend of qualified musicians matched with engaging, superior talented frontpeople/entertainers are what make The Directors Showband stand out.”

Their discerning attention to song selection and attention to the dance floor along with their strategic marketing efforts and customerservice are what keeps theband regarded as the mostsought after show band inMontreal. Given their properbackgrounds and experiencein the events industry, theirmanagement skills give themthe upper hand when dealingwith their clients.

The band performs at over 70corporate, private andfundraising events per year, anumber that keeps growingconstantly. For instance, I haveexperienced them three timesat Valentine’s Day events thatwere once annual occasions atBuffet Sorento in Lasalle andhad a blast every time, as bothgood food and dancing totremendous tunes wereguaranteed. Where else couldyou enjoy hors d’oeuvres, a sitdown dinner and dancing tillthe wee hours to aprofessional live band, all for amere $75 per person?

“Every event is an opportunityto get up and entertain,”Picciuto said. “We don’t view itas a tedious chore. It excited us and we’re driven by the fact that people want us to perform for their most important moments of their life.We’re driven by the passion and love for what we do.”

Asked if having a female crooner has made a difference, he replied that he didn’t see Katz as a crooner at all. “Crooner is not the way I woulddescribe Randi. Apart from being a beautiful and talented girl, her vocal versatility to cover any style of music is a

rare find. It’s hard to find in a singer that can cover everything from Etta James to Lady Gaga and do it well. All that and business abilities toboot!”

As for the gig on the film Barney’s Version, how did that happen? ”They found us on the Internet, but we had to audition and qualify for therole,” Katz told me. “And we’re still pinching ourselves (all you need do is look on the cover of the DVD and there they are, The Directors, Katz,Picciuto and several musicians prominently seen in the background). It definitely brought worldwide attention to the band. It also gave usthat seal of approval that we were on the right track. But as they say: ‘You’re only as good as your last performance.’

In the film, based on the story by late, legendary Montreal author Mordecai Richler, The Directors performs at one of Barney Panovsky’s (arole played by actor Paul Giamatti) weddings. Giamatti won Genie and Golden Globe awards for his inspirational work.

Wedding Belles, Beaus and B


Picciuto and Katz (seated, centre) flanked by their stellar musicians.

Page 21: The Local Herald


I was curious to hear such a seasoned veteran as Picciuto discuss wedding bands in general. How does performing at a wedding differ from doing othergigs?

“Nothing really changes, although at a wedding, when we’re entertaining 300 guests, the most important people in the room are the two people whoselives are coming together,” Picciuto said. “And every decision made is for them and their friends and family. You have to remember that this is the kickoffparty to their lives and that this will be a memory for the rest of their lives.

”Keep in mind that any band has to face the reality that music has changed,” Picciuto added. “The bands have to really be able to reproduce both oldclassic favourites and today’s music. The quality of the performances has changed, HAD to change, mainly because the customer has become moreeducated. American Idol and the other singing shows put a lot of pressure on singers and musicians to be at the tops of their game. Everyone in theaudience is a Simon Cowell.

“Where some bands are relying on technology (sequences) to produce sounds on stage, we still believe that producing the sounds and music live, eventhough this might be more challenging, is the way to go.” Katz was asked to give some pointers… what does one look for in a good wedding band?

“Find a band with strong performances, strong entertainment values and the ability to read the crowd, a band that plays for the party and not the clock.Remember that, for real professionals, performing is not a job, it is a pleasure. And that goes for every single supplier you’ll be dealing with that day. Besure you feel comfortable with them and that they are working for you and not themselves. The last thing you want to feel on your wedding day is thatyou are part of a production line.”

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6340 Cote de Liesse, Saint-Laurent, QC, H4T 1E3

Page 22: The Local Herald



Canadiens Nation held its collective breathwith the news last week that Jean Beliveauwas in hospital after suffering a stroke.News directors across Canada scrambled tomake sure the obit stories were up to dateand that potential guests were lined up forreaction should the hockey great finallysuccumb to one of his illnesses.

The outpouring of support for “Le GrosBill” has been overwhelming, but for me,

it seems as if the hundreds of thousands of words written aboutBeliveau have been written posthumously. I guess I understandwhy. He has had several health scares in the last decade, including atroubling case of neck cancer in 2000, that left him unable toproduce saliva. But Beliveau also appears to be indestructible andwe want him to be, we need him to be… he represents all that isgood in sport. He competed hard, won 10 Stanley Cups and wasnever even so much as mentioned as part of any scandal. Heseemed to rise above it all. He scored 500 goals with class, eventhough opponents described how running into him felt like hittingan Oak Tree.

Many of us in the business of sports reporting have some touchingstories about the legend. Beliveau is one of the rare athletes wholooks you in the eye when he says hello and shakes your hand. Hardto imagine what a profound effect that can have on the jadedreporting crowd. No matter how long we have to wait around toconduct an interview with Beliveau, we don’t seem to mind hissigning every last autograph requested of him.

And once you sit down to talk about any subject, be it theCanadiens, his friends or his time as Chef du Mission for Canadaat the Maccabiah Games in Israel (something that is very close tohis heart), Beliveau is thoughtful and introspective. He has a way

of making the person he is talking to feel like the only person in the room. Thereare reasons why he holds the Order of Canada and was offered a seat in theSenate.

I have interviewed and spoken with Mr. Beliveau more times than I can countand I have felt privileged every single time. Several years ago he invited me tohis house for one of those interviews. I can’t remember why I was even there. ButI know I was struck by his warmth and kindness and that of his wife Elise: Theyhave been married for nearly 60 years and she is just as classy as her husband.He took me down to his office in the basement of the home in Longeueil theylived in for 50 years. There he had some memorabilia, but it was hardlyostentatious. What struck me most was the pile of mail on his desk. I asked himhow much mail he received - he said it was about 100 letters per week. He tookthe time too respond to every single one. Here’s hoping that he’s back at his desksoon, catching up to that ever growing pile of mail at his new condo and at theoffices of the Montreal Canadiens.

(ED. NOTE: I have interviewed Mr. Beliveau twice and both times were truly anhonour for me, as well, as Paul’s every word about him rang true. And of everymilestone NHL goal I ever saw, it is the image of an aging Beliveau, captai of theHabs in his final season, 1970-1971, scoring a beautiful 500th on Minnesota goalieGilles Gilbert assisted by Phil Roberto and Frank Mahovlich, that I will remembermost. If a photo representing class, kindness and generosity is ever required, youneed look no farther than a picture of Jean Beliveau. We wish him a speedy andcomplete recovery).

Jean Bel iveau – Class, k indness and generosity Spotlight on Sports by

Paul Graif

The Cyclopath RO


It’s early March and, forme, the outdoorcycling season isalready in full gear.Yup, my spandex issorted, my jerseyshanging in unison,

bikes polished and tuned, trainingplans tweaked. I read everyimaginable cycling magazine over thewinter – twice.

I admit it – I’m a Cyclopath.

I know all of you – you’re the ones whogaze with hatred as I blow past on mysuper-lightweight full-carbon roadmachine, decked out in my Sundaybest lycra, color-coordinated down tothe aerodynamic socks they say takeseconds off your best riding time. Ibelieve it – I feel faster just knowing Ihave those socks on.

I love the sport of cycling, and with itcomes the nerdiness of the gear, theclothes, the tech talk…. theSpandex… don’t knock it till you try it!But I’m sane enough to know that youdon’t need all of the “stuff.” It’s justperiphery. Take it from me, cyclingsaved my life. The “gear” that comeswith it didn’t.

A few years back, overweight,lethargic, and in terrible physicalshape, I had one of those “moments”when you knew you had to changesomething in your life. I thought aboutmy passion for the bike as a kid, and

decided to give it a try again. Andthat was it. I was hooked.

The weight came off, I started to feelgreat, my motivation to take thesport up a notch increased, mymood changed, my car sat in thedriveway while I rode to work…Iwas seeing the world through adifferent lens …. a clearer lens. Andthen, one evening, I found a lump inmy abdomen. The doctors said thatcycling may just have saved my life– if I hadn’t lost all the weight, Iwould have never discovered thetumour. How is that for gratitude?

After the chemo, I got right back onmy bike and managed to ride 7,500kms. That year. Can’t tell you howthis sport has transformed my life inso many different ways.

Yes, a bike changed my life.

So wear the gear, or don’t. You don’tneed carbon fiber to ride - Just apair of legs, and a desire to feel thewind pushing you on a crisp Aprilmorning. The rest is easy.

I, for one, am in cyclopathic nirvana.

See you next time!

Rob Callard is a restaurateur inWestmount who cycles to work fromBeaconsfield eight months of theyear. He is married with three youngboys. They all support his cyclopathicpassion for cycling.

How cycling saved my life

Then as now – Jean Beliveau theepitome of class

While the NHL strike decimated the entire 2004-2005 season, Iarranged a meeting with Habs’ goodwill ambassador Jean Beliveau,then a spry 72 years old, in order to take some photos for a feature.I was allowed to invite my very good friend Morley Lonn and hisyoung sons Shayne and Kyle - Mr. Beliveau graciously posed forpictures with us and signed various objects in the Bell Centre’sCanadiens Oldtimer’s Lounge. A lot has changed today, with the80-year old Mr. Beliveau recovering from a stroke, Shayne runninghis own renovations business and Kyle about to be married in July.What has not changed, however, is our adoration of and respect forthe Habs’ legend. We wish you a fast recovery and a long life, Jean!

- Bram Eisenthal, Editor

Page 23: The Local Herald




We hope you have enjoyedthis issue of 


We are working on nextissue and it will be out

April 20, 2012

Deadline:Friday, April 13 5pm.

Next time : Don’t missthe Eco-friendly 


the West EndMontreal’s most

unique communitypaper.

Pro baseball back in Montreal?

As we memorialize Carter, theinterest is there

Gary Carter’s recent untimely and painful (for us, hopefully not forhim) death brought back such vivid memories of his belovedMontreal Expos, a team that was one of THE perennial sellouts inthe major leagues at one point, whose interest dwindled after aseries of financial and political wrangling that started when originalowner Charles Bronfman abdicated and sold the team to ClaudeBrochu. Up to that time, they captured our hearts and souls like noother local sports entity since the heyday of the current bottom-dwelling Montreal Canadiens.

A series of events in recent years, however, have reignited thepassion and raised the issue of baseball returning here, potentiallyas a semi-pro team and then as a MLB team again. Montreal HAS thehistory. Jackie Robinson DID break the colour barrier here with theMontreal Royals prior to starring with the Brooklyn Dodgers. TheExpos DID feature some of the league’s top players, with GaryCarter, Pedro Martinez, Vladimir Guerrero, Andre Dawson andothers too numerous to mention starting their careers here andthen fanning out to achieve career fame elsewhere. And it STILLhurts, a full eight years after the team relocated to Washingtonthanks to the manipulations of a heinous, irresponsible and single-minded owner named Jeffrey Loria, for whom the mighty dollar wasa loftier motivation than anything else.

Carter’s death brought it all back for so many people, but anytimewe have a chance to congregate and remember those fantastic 35years, the love is evident. Last year, the West End’s CummingsJewish Centre for Seniors feted the 1994 Expos, the “best team inbaseball” before a MLB strike nullified its World Series ambitions.The centre’s annual Sports Celebrity Breakfast was a massive sell-out that year, as a slew of players from that team, led by formermanager Felipe Alou, regaled the throng with stories andreminiscences. Talented hip hop artist Annakin Slayd screened hismoving, rousing video tribute called Remember (A Tribute to theMontreal Expos), filled with clips and images culled from hisextensive private personal collection. I challenge everyone whowatches it on YouTube not to shed a tear, or find themselvesbawling their eyes out.

Last weekend, Expos outfielder Warren Cromartie, who later alsobecame a bonafide star and owner in the pro Japanese league,appeared at an Irish tribute breakfast in downtown Montreal andrevealed that he and Carter had discussed the possibility of a proteam returning to Montreal someday. Hey, it has happened to thecity of Washington, twice already, in fact, so why not? There is noreason this city can’t support pro teams in every major sport,certainly not a lack of enthusiasm on the part of the French-speaking Montreal majority, who are tiring of the misguided anticsof the sad-sack Habs as much as anglos and allophones are. Startsmall, Cromartie urged, with an amateur or semi-pro team, as theyhave in Quebec City with the popular Capitales of the CanadianAmerican Association of Professional Baseball, and work our wayup! “The majors will take notice,” he said. Cromartie also stressed theneed for SOME sort of museum or other institution people can visitin this city, to learn about the history of the Expos. Currently,nothing at all exists here and that, he added, is nothing short of atravesty.

This weekend, on Sunday, March 18, Expos history will be front andforward the highlight of the day as the Cummings Centre’s Sports CelebrityBreakfast will memorialize Gary Carter when it honours entrepreneur,volunteer and philanthropist Alan Maislin. Cromartie will be on hand tospeak about his close friend and team-mate of nine seasons. Indeed,nothing was more heartbreaking than hearing a shattered Cromartie’scomments on a TSN/Team990 radio interview, immediately followingCarter’s death.

Meanwhile, our hearts go out to everyone associated with late Hall ofFamer Gary Carter, certainly anyone touched by him during his formativebaseball years in Montreal. And, as we remember with pride: We had himhere first! And, Gary, “we won’t forget your smile.”

Slayd’s “Kid (A tribute to Gary Carter)” is must viewing for anyone whowants to remember. Warning: More tears are guaranteed. Go to

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