The little Unicorn


Transcript of The little Unicorn

Page 1: The little Unicorn
Page 2: The little Unicorn
Page 3: The little Unicorn
Page 4: The little Unicorn
Page 5: The little Unicorn
Page 6: The little Unicorn
Page 7: The little Unicorn
Page 8: The little Unicorn

As time passed, little by little the baby unicorn was no longer the indulged child of

the white paradise; on the contrary, he started to get teased by the others,

especially the more beautiful unicorns.

What was happening in the kingdom? Why were the other unicorns muttering and

pointing at the innocent, little one?

The child looked sadly at his parents, believing them to be ashamed of him. This

wasn’t true; they loved him so much, they only wanted to protect him. That was

why they placed him between them, hidden away from those that mocked him. It

was all very strange for the smallest member of the kingdom.

That was why, one day as he was walking with Zenus and Zckarlat, his loving

parents; the bullied little unicorn could no longer take the sadness that was

overwhelming him.

Page 9: The little Unicorn
Page 10: The little Unicorn

And so he ran away, galloping far from his protectors. His mother, who felt his

sadness the most, tried to go after her baby, but her husband, Zenus, told her:

“Zckarlat, don’t worry, just leave him be. It’s the only way for him to feel better.”

Their baby sitter also attempted to help the little one:

“Here is your crown my queen; I shall go after your little darling.”

But king Zenus stopped him too, and asked:

“Cabalifto, where do you think you’re going? Come back here!”

“Ohh… but your highness, the little one is all alone, and he does not know

the danger he is in. It is my duty to take care of him; I am his nanny.”

With just one look, Zenus ordered him to leave little Sikandar alone.

“My lord, then can I ask to go home? Hehe, it’s ok… we’ll talk later… just in case.”

Page 11: The little Unicorn