The Life Empower



the life empower development

Transcript of The Life Empower

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Published in Australia byNATURAL HEALTH SERVICES

A division of GWP DAVISON PTY LTDA.C.N. 001 651 707

184 Gymea Bay Rd, Gymea NSW 2227

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced by any means without the expressed written consent of the publisher.

This information is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, nor as a substitute for professional help. The author and publisher accept no responsibility for the results of actions taken as a consequence of applying this information.

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Has been tested and proven clinically over 30 years.

It has changed lives dramatically.

It will change yours.

Study, Learn And Apply It.

Prove it to yourself.

Consists Of Principles, Laws And Techniques That Work.

Two Parts – Theory And Practical

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This Is A Complete Programme For Your Total Personal Development, Physically, Mentally and Spiritually

The best and most powerful principles are now yours to study, apply and benefit from to truly empower your life and improve it's quality

It is impossible to include it all in this short course;

This is the start, the beginning There is much more to comeYou can go as far as you likeBut you must have a platform or foundation to build on. THIS IS IT. Just doing this will have an incredible profound effect on your life FOREVER.

Then you will want to do more, go further. You will be empowered and enthused to do so.

That's why we will start with the mind.

How To Get The Most From This Course It's not what I say or write it's what you hear or receive. Let it sink in, own it, teach it to someone else or an imaginary person to GET it.

Learning involves action, do something

What Do You Really WantAsked Myself That Many TimesSome Already Know

We all want the same things

To feel good and not feel bad

ie. Joy, happiness, peace, contentment, fulfillment, freedom, love, power

Horses for courses, different strokes for different blokes

Wealth helps sometimes, not always

Survey – Nigeria Happiest Country In The World

All states of being

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Can cultivate those states or conditions from within – without the external rewards – if we know how.Then guess what-our internal state creates the external – which reinforces the internal – a spiral

So What Is Your Desire?

Start somewhere – modify as you go

Write down what you want and plan as to how you will acquire it. Action steps

The DVD “The Secret” is about the Law Of Attraction.There are other books on it ie. Lyn Grabhorne's “Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting.”There is a summary in the next level


What You Vibrate From Within You Attracts The Same From The Universe Into Your Life And World

So if you focus on lack – what you don't have – that's what you get

It's about what you think and FEEL that creates the vibration or energy.

Unfortunately we are not always aware of what we are thinking or feeling and especially what we are vibrating. So it takes practice – a lot of practice to monitor and modify what we are thinking, feeling and vibrating.

The world and many people are predominately negative.Media, Entertainment etc. Also often presenting what we can't have so our desires may be focused on what we want but can't have.

So if you want more contentment or peaceFeel it first.Say the words how would it feel to be totally content '' '' '' '' FEEL Contentment'' '' '' '' Vibrate ContentmentOf course there are many things which influence how we feel – often negative

But we must take control and work on those things that influence our feelings and on our feelings themselves.Using thought to ask the right question ie. How would it feel to be totally content and to ask how would it feel to vibrate contentment?

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Avoid stimulation or stimuli (media, reading material) that makes us feel bad. Conversely immerse yourself in that which makes you feel good and which helps you focus on what you want .

Be Proactive Not Reactive


Focus on personal power. How would it feel to vibrate personal power

If you want love – cultivate it in yourself first, give it out.Emanate it, vibrate it, practice it.

Do one attribute per day or per week. Pretend, act, assume, feel, express.Start with love. It's the most powerful attribute, the most basic human need.We all want it - even crave it. Creates a win-win between yourself and others.It has a very powerful influence on others.

Effort applied through correct principle or law brings result.Must have the two

But an even more powerful formula isEffort + Correct Principle + Belief = Desired Result.

To simplify matters we divide you, the laws and principles into three parts.

Body, Mind And Spirit

Problems with the term spirit? Just substitute values in its place

What Are Values?

In part, what we choose to believe in; what you believe is fundamentally right – or wrong.Harming others?Helping others?Also essentially our relationships with others and God (if that is your belief).

Choose your beliefs very carefully because they influence the results in your life.Eckhart Tolle - “The Power Of Now” Book

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Energy in mass is enormousEnergy in one atom is enormousie. atom bomb – It splits the atomAtom is a nucleus (proton and neutron) with an electron or electrons orbiting a nucleus – has particles held together by a nucleic forceElectricity is the movement of electrons We don't understand it but we can still use it and benefit from it.Energy is in many formsLight has enormous energy alsoie. Laser (concentrated light) can cut through steelBody has potential energy 7 x 10 joulesThoughts and feelings are energyYou can't see them but they are there.

Atoms down to particles (quantum physics)ie. proton = quarkelectron = lepton

Particles are STRINGS - strands of vibrations of energy

So matter is energy

Particles go in and out of existence (known)


Waves of radio, tv, cellular phones transmit information or instruction

Waves are energy.

Universe is full of particles, atoms, waves , energy and information/instruction.Laws govern all thisLaws of gravityLaws of electricityLaws of chemistry, physics, biology, laws of the body, laws of the mind and laws of the spirit (values).We can use these laws to our advantage or not.



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We don't know everything.

Speed of light vs speed of thought Does light carry information?How much energy is in thought?How much energy is in feelings/emotions?How much energy is in both combined?Information can be in the “form of” vibrations

Great power is available when the laws of the mind and the laws of the body are combined. Even greater power is possible when the laws of body, mind and spirit are all in harmony or synchronised.

Does that stretch your mind, your thinking?It is mental exercise. Analogy of physical body and muscle, it gets stronger, better with use. More energy.

How are you going to use all the laws of body, mind and spirit?

The next part of the course goes into all these areas.

Keep reminding yourself that thoughts and feeling are energy. That they have power.

Energy has the ability to perform work to make things happen or move.The atom has power

2 atoms of hydrogen combined with 1 atom of oxygen gives us water ie. H2O

Water has many, many valuable uses including power. Electricity harnessed from water

Hydrogen has one proton and one electron. Splitting the atom gave us the hydrogen bomb.

Uranium the densest matter (naturally occurring) has 92 protons when harnessed gives us nuclear power.

Our bodies are 75% waterHow much power is that?

Water Is A Carrier Of InformationThoughts and Feelings have the power to influence, control or direct matter (ie. atoms)

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You know thoughts or your feelings when expressed can influence others though their thoughts and feelings.

Waves also influence matter ie. tv, radio

Your Thoughts and Feelings create waves

Waves carry information

What information does your thought and feeling waves carry?

We talk about vibrations We use whatever words we can to express ideas or truths, but they are inadequate. Capture the truth within yourself

Vibration - is simply movement backwards and forwards, but not in one direction only.

Frequency - is the rate or speed at which something vibrates.

Resonance - is when two manifestations of energy are vibrating at the same frequency or when one body of matter vibrates in such a way as to influence another to do likewise.

The Principle Of Harmonics - Two Frequencies May Be Different But They Harmonise Or Vibrate In Tune With Each Other

Guitar strings are a good example.Providing each guitar string is at the right tension and tuned to the correct key or frequency the six different “keys” harmonise.Same with the piano and other musical instruments, same with different instruments in an orchestra.

It's all a matter of energy

When we hear a note or a chord or music what is being transmitted?

Sound energy is in a waveCan music influence us? - very powerfullyCenterpointe – music and sound to create deep level brain waves - meditation

The Key Is :- What Energy, vibrations are we emitting through our thoughts and feelings and what will that resonate or harmonise with in the music of the universe.

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What will it attract to us What will be the music or symphony of our lives – or discord.

Peace vs Fulfillment Self reliance vs Service Conflict or Harmony


All have it Choose our thoughts and feelingsBe proactive not reactiveCalm amidst the storm Sailing

Choice – not all good news

Case histories, in other notes

Affirmations Don't Always Work

Subconscious Can Cause Blocks – Self Sabotage – Interference To Vibrations

Muscle test helps to detect specific blocks

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What You Can Do

Find a practitioner or get someone to muscle test you. If you have no one to muscle test you - work through the list.List came from testing thousands of patients

How will you know? You will feel it

The Missing Secret Ingredient is revealed through BIOCYBERNETICS

BIOCYBERNETICS is in two parts – LEVEL 1 G.C.T. & LEVEL 2 P.E.T.These contain the Secret KEY Passwords to unlock your blocks

Release the negatives DEprogram GCTAcquire the positives REprogram PETStart With RelaxationHow would it feel to be totally calm and relaxed Prepares the brainPrepares the genesClears the system

Select one or two release KEY passwords (See GCT KEY passwords worksheet) Practice one or two for one weekDo GCT for one monthThen move to the positives(See PET KEY passwords worksheet)This is the next level – contained in the Wholistic Health LibrarySame as GCT ie. one or two for one weekDo in quiet time and other timeF.A.T.S – Feeling, Action, Thought, See In Mind.NOTE:- The PET is a list of KEY passwords to gain entry to Mother or Major Programmes that usually are the underlying reason for many other issues. eg. An excessive need for attention, love or recognition could be due to low self esteem ie not believing you are a person of great worth and true value. So treating the Mother or Major programme can eliminate many other issues or “child” programmes.

To reprogramme the subconscious mind must create a “psuedo” profound experience using all the senses.

Subconscious Will Move Towards That Which It Perceives Will

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Bring Benefit Or Reward And Away From That Which It Perceives Will Bring Penalty

Biocybernetic System ie. Robot, Guided Missile

Programming of subconscious mind - since birth-partially erroneous. May not be aware of negative conditioning. Can create blocks, obstacles, self sabotage. Affects thoughts feelings actions and behaviour especially to our states ie. vibrations bringing what we don't want or blocking what we do want Have you ever tried and tried but failed

Eg. In clinic - weight loss, pregnancy, health – see many examples of blocks

Stress – limited self belief in the subconscious

Tiger in the jungle – Great white hunter or native.. same situation:- different response

Gene Functions Are Influenced By Our Perceptions And The Subconscious

Biology of Belief – Book by Bruce Lipton

Survival = Protection and Growth genes.

Protection genes are for perceived danger or threat etc

Fight or flight. State of tension and readiness

Growth genes are for nourishment, repair, regeneration, personal growth etc.

Body shares it resources between the two – can't supply both sets fully at the same time

Most of us live with perceived threat sometime subconsciously causing stress etc. and at the expense of our growth gene functions.


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1. Monitor your focus throughout the day.Catch yourself when you are having negative feelings or thoughts. Substitute them with your positive goal states

2. Practice checking your energy vibrations – what are you generating or emitting?

3. Practice your positive states and energy vibrations. Ten Empowering Principlesie. Peace, Power, Gratitude, Contentment, Love, Joy or Happiness, Fulfillment, Service, Discipline and Practice loving people, being kind, helpful, smiling etc

4. Very careful with desires that you can't have or your value system tells you it's wrong to have. It will disempower you ie. create the vibration of lack or not having = discord with the universe longing or lust. Old testament eg. King Saul, David and Solomon vs Joseph.

5. Realise to a large you can create your own life or reality by managing your creative energy correctly, you are a creator. The universe is a system of laws that will respond to the right energy – creative energy.

6. Use anything that helps you to focus and maintain your positive energies. Symbols, pictures, written cards, music, people etcThe sun could mean powerThe sea – abundanceNature – peacePeople – love

7. Avoid anything that creates negative or destructive thoughts, feelings, energy or vibration. Not easy in today's world but minimise it. ie. negative news, violent movies, escapist books etc.

8. Not all bad things are negative. We can learn valuable lessons from opposition, testing, trial, pain etc. IF we know how to respond to them and turn lemons into lemonade. Always ask “how can I benefit from this?” or what can I learn from this?

9. It takes effort and practice but becomes easier and more habitual as you progress.

Sometimes it's an opportunity to practice your positive energies on a negative situation, makes you strong.

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There are those that try to impose on your freedom Be proactive not reactive

10. The universe is partially at random and partially in order and in harmony.You can draw the power of the universe into your life as you harmonise with it including its information or knowledge. You can also create and manifest the positive results you desire in your life by harnessing the abundance in the world and the universe.

You May Need A Coach

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Stress - Mind Affects The Body, Body Can Affect Mind

Body, mind and spirit affect each other.Work on them allThe next level gives you the tools and principles to empower your life in all areas

In The Next Level

Physical – HEP six months to renew your body

Mental – Biocybernetics Brain Development

Spiritual – Human relations - communication Values

My value is to want to contribute, to help you, to help empower you

That benefits us both, win-win

May The Energy Of The Universe Be With You


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Gene Control Therapy (G.C.T.)

Revealing The Hidden Secret KEY Passwords

And Mental Exercises for DEprogramming your subconscious mind

Ask - How would it feel to be totally calm and relaxed? (This is your preparation exercise)

Ask - How would it feel to deeply and completely release all: - ....(See Key Passwords)

And/Or I deeply and completely release all: - ....(See Key Passwords)

May need to add past, present and future on the end.

You should take 5-10 minutes each day during quiet time or meditation to practice these exercises. They should also be reviewed frequently throughout the day when doing other activities.

For more information refer to the Bio-Cybernetics book and CD's, Lord of the Genes book and The Life Empowerment Course.

KEY Passwords

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fear – past, present and futurefear of threatfear of painfear of insecurityfear of lossfear of _ _ _ _? (add your own suggestion/word)fear of harmfear of abusefear of physical abusefear of emotional abusefear of sexual abusevunerabilitysusceptibilitysensitivity (unnecessary)


feelings of embarrassmentfeelings of self consciousnessfeelings of humiliationfeelings of helplessnessfeelings of ingratitudefeelings of discontentfeelings of neglectfeelings of undeservednessfeelings of disempowermentfeelings of overwhelmfeelings of unworthiness

forms of eternal negative controlforms of being dominated

harmful habits

that is holding me back frombeing the best I can beenjoying my life to the fullestbeing in control of myselfbeing in control of my lifebeing self disciplined

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Emotional and Fear Release Points

+ +

+ +



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FREEDOM OF CHOICE –What do you deeply and truly want.Do Life Success TestSee Wheel Of Life diagramApply balance principle of success

Wholistic Empowerment Body, mind and spirit

Study and apply laws and principles that govern success and results in each area

Success = effort + correct principle + belief

Start where you decide or where you are weakest but suggest the mind firstBasic need(s) Feel Good - Not Feel Bad

Based on the following fundamental principlesJoy or HappinessPeaceFulfillment or SatisfactionContentmentLovePowerService

Set goalsMake plansAction steps – implementationReview and revise

Discipline – pay the price

Commitment – Make promises and keep them especially to yourself. Start small.

Keep the desired reward or benefit continually in mind

Prepare for and overcome obstacles

Realise YOU will need to change

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The Top Ten Power Principles Of The Master Success Formula

1. Decide what you don’t want

2. Decide what you do want. Your desires. Find and follow your passion.- Write it down. It must be very clear, specific and descriptive- Must review or rewrite it daily- Include a deadline- Must focus on it continually throughout the day

3. De-program the subconscious mind (BIOcomputer)- Remove subconscious hidden blocks, release fears & self-

sabotage etc (see Biocybernetics G.C.T.). Discovering your passion may even be blocked.

4. Reprogram the subconscious mind- Act AS IF. Feel it already achieved (see Biocybernetics P.E.T.)

5. Program yourself to be always and totally grateful, content and happy- Demonstrate your gratitude by what you and how you love and

serve others

6. Live and be in the now

7. Relax and let go- Detach yourself from your desire - don’t need it. Have fun with it.- Be happy and content with what you are and have now, but allow

more to flow unto you abundantly and naturally. Don’t force it.

8. Ask empowering questions – not disempowering ones- Ask God/Universal energy or your subconscious questions and

expect answers

9. Act on inspiration connected with your desires and/or answers to your questions.

- The answers may come in various ways i.e. feelings, thoughts, symbols etc

- Write down your responses immediately- Learn and develop inner communication- As you begin action on your instructions, you may meet obstacles

or blocks along the way. This may be feedback which you can use to identify and release limiting beliefs etc. See #3

10. BELIEF - Imagine how your life would be with this incredible power:- The power to create your worthwhile desires- The power to make a difference in the world- Feel and vibrate all the benefits, PEACE, JOY, FULFILLMENT,


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- Experience it now!- If you find belief difficult then just try it. Conduct an experiment.

Try it on something small to start with.

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