The lazy grasshopper


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Transcript of The lazy grasshopper

Page 1: The lazy grasshopper


‘Good morning to our judges, teachers and friends. Today, I would like to present

story entitle ‘The Lazy Grasshopper’.

There was a grasshopper who liked tossing and playing his guitar. He had musical

talents, so he played his guitar well. He neither likes to work nor collect food for


“My hobbies are singing and listening to music. I must enjoy myself first,” said the

lazy grasshopper.“He likes to play his guitar and do nothing else,” said the ant

who was his neighbour. Unlike the grasshopper, the ant was very hardworking. He

had a lot of work to do.

The grasshopper laughed at him, “Why must you work so hard? You should enjoy

your life first. Come and sing with me and you would be happier.”

“I’m storing food for winter time. If there isn’t enough food for winter, I’ll starve

to death,” explained the ant who rejected the invitation from the grasshopper.

“Winter?” Ha! Ha! It is still a long time to go. We have ample time to prepare.

“Let’s enjoy the beautiful spring,” said the grasshopper. “If you don’t look for food

today, you’ll have nothing to eat tomorrow. Please stop playing your guitar for a

while,” advised the ant.

Soon, the season of spring was over. The weather became warmer and warmer

because it was the summer time. The lazy grasshopper was as happy as ever. He

used to sleep, sing and play his guitar day in and day out.

Page 2: The lazy grasshopper

“Nothing is more important than enjoying my life,” said the lazy grasshopper.

“Those who work so hard are very stupid,” he thought.

After summer, the weather became cooler. All the other animals started to store

up the food they need in winter except the grasshopper, he was still enjoying his

music and singing his love song the whole day.

“My friend, please listen to my advice. Winter is coming soon and you need to

store up some food,” the ant, his neighbour advised him again.

“You are very busy body. Please mind your own business and don’t disturb me

when I’m enjoying my music,” the grasshopper snapped, refused to listen to his

friend’s advice. The ant signed for the stubbornness in his neighbour but he could

not do anything.

After a few days, the grasshopper put down his guitar and wanted to look for

some food. He had a shock when he saw that a thick of layer of snow had covered

the road in front of his house. Then only he started to be panic. He cried sadly,

“what should I do now? I’ll die if I don’t have any food.”

Hurriedly, he went out to look for food. He was trembling in cold as the icy cold

wind blew continuously. He was extremely disappointed when he saw the field

was covered with thick layer of snow.

“Oh! My God!Please help me!” he prayed hard when he moved to another spot to

find food. The snow on the ground was thick and slippery. He slipped a few times

and hurt his limbs. He struggled to move on but his legs were hurt. “Help! Help!”

he cried loudly for help. However, most of the animals either hibernated or rested

at home during winter season.

Page 3: The lazy grasshopper

Fortunately, his neighbour, the ant came over to his house and found that nobody

was in. Then, he heard someone crying for help. He quickly went out to search for

the grasshopper. The grasshopper had fainted due to the severe cold and hunger.

The ant saved his life and provided him with some food.

The grasshopper regretted for his own bad attitude and promised to change for

the better. He had learnt the lesson.

From the story, we know that it is important to plan well in our life. We should

plan and work hard to achieve our plan. Always practice positive attitudes such as

hardworking, helpful and polite.

Thank you.