The Last Whites of the East End

The Last Whites of the East End Compiled by tpr media May 2016


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Transcript of The Last Whites of the East End

The Last Whites of the East End

Compiled by tpr mediaMay 2016


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“(The) best documentary of the week was Kelly Close’s Last Whites of the East End.” Euan Ferguson, Observer

“This is a thoughtful requiem for the “good old East End.” David Butcher, Radio Times

“Kelly Close’s excellent film showcases some very illiberal opinions [but] affords equal time to some sober, progressive voices – along with those making the case for assimilation – in a consistently compelling watch.” Ali Catterall, The Guardian

"A seldom-televised slice of contemporary Britain." Gerard Gilbert, Independent

“This one-off documentary could have been a shallow requiem for the demise of pie-n-mash and Pearly Queens. Instead it showed the difference between influx and assimilation, the way London had worked for 2,000 years, and the nightmare of mass migration, a system that fails everyone.” Christopher Stevens, Daily Mail

“This poignant documentary meets some of the last white EastEnders.” Daily Mail

“This is a beautifully made film which neither patronises or sensationalises its subjects – and does not mince its words.” Robert Hardman, Daily Mail


“Many congratulations to Kelly Close and her team for a thoughtful and revealing portrait of how Newham has changed. That it managed to be truthful without being hateful, deserves great credit.”

“Congratulations on your film which was aired on the BBC last night. It was beautifully shot and edited and I enjoyed watching it immensely. I believe we should see more films like these that address contemporary social issues in an honest, balanced and frank way.”


Watching Last Whites of the East End, a totally absorbing, thought-provoking programme about Newham where I’ve lived for 16 yrs #lastwhites

Last Whites of the East End - fascinating insight into how communities change and migrate. #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd


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The last whites of the EastEnd

Eileen Kerslake (R) and Mary Elliott (L) at East Ham Working Men’s Club CREDIT: PAULGROVER

By Joe Shute

21 MAY 2016 • 6:00AM

nce the cockney heart of London, the borough of Newham is

now one of the most diverse in Britain and the white

working class who remain, claim they are struggling to hold

on to their culture

Thursday afternoon and in the upstairs ballroom of the East Ham

Working Men’s Club, the weekly tea dance is in full swing. A dozen or

so women in their eighties and above whirl slowly in lines about the

sprungwooden dance floor as others sit, sipping tea out of china cups.

One of the first up is 86yearold Mary Elliott, unbuttoning her blue

coat and leaving her walking stick behind. Like many of the women

here she was born and bred in the area, but now lives alone. Her

husband Ronald died 12 years ago and a few years later her only son,

Paul, moved out with his wife and son to Canvey Island in Essex after

their house was broken into.

“That made their minds up,” she says. “We always scrubbed our

flagstones and cleaned every weekend. You would leave your front door

open so people could come in and out. Nowadays I don’t even know my

neighbours, and that is the truth.”

Mary lives in a part of Newham called Custom House, named after the

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docklands which once employed thousands including her father,

Joseph, who worked as a stevedore on the boats. The area, she says, is

unrecognisable from those days. Not least as, in the block of 50 flats

where she lives, only four other families are white.

Her neighbours, new and old, aren’t taking up tea dancing: in the past

six years, membership has halved to 42 and, of those remaining, three

are over 90 and none under 70. Organiser Eileen Kerslake, an 88year

old from Canning Town, says she has been trying to appoint a

successor, to no avail.

Old customs are disappearing as fast as the once tightknit community

in this part of the East End. Across the road from the working men’s

club sits Upton Park, the home of West Ham for the past 112 years,

which the football club has just vacated for the Queen Elizabeth

Olympic Stadium, four miles away in Stratford. Bunches of blue and

burgundy flowers are tied to the main railings; symbols of the

bereavement felt locally.

The vacated stands are to make way for 842 flats built by Galliard

Homes to accommodate Newham’s burgeoning population, which has

rocketed by more than 64,000 in a decade and by 2031 is expected to

reach 375,500.

But the boom belies an even more startling figure: as record numbers of

new arrivals move in, the families who gave this area its famous

cockney culture and soul are decamping, en masse, to Essex and Kent.

Newham’s white British population fell from 82,000 to 51,000 between

2001 and 2011 alone. In 1991 white British (and Irish) comprised 56 per

cent of Newham residents. By 2001 that proportion had plummeted to

34 per cent and by 2011 halved again to 17 per cent, the lowest

percentage of any borough in Britain. Of the 147 languages today

recorded in Newham, one would struggle to hear a cockney voice

among them.

The transformation of Newham at such staggering speed – in the past

year it once more recorded the highest number of National Insurance

registrations (26,000) of any London borough – is the subject of a new

BBC documentary, <Last Whites of the East End>. Those upping and

moving say it is because their families’ way of life has disappeared: but

the more that leave, the less the borough feels like home for those, like

Mary, who stay behind.

Downstairs from the tea dance, Peter Bell sits in the members’ bar of

the working men’s club, a place he dubs “the elephant’s graveyard” to

rib the old timers sipping their pints. Bell, wearing a dapper suit with

white handkerchief poking out of the blazer pocket, has been club

secretary for 27 years. Back then it had 1,900 members, now down to

900 with most of those only paying their annual £40 subscriptions out

of nostalgia as they have long since left the area.

“All I can say is this borough has changed like you would never believe

and definitely for the worst,” Bell says. “It’s a slum and you wouldn’t

want to live round here. We’ve got older people who’ve lived here all

their lives and don’t want to go anywhere else. But they feel threatened

and frightened to come out of their doors. Why should that be allowed

to carry on?”

Newham Council, led by elected Labour mayor Sir Robin Wales since

2002, has long pursued a policy of inclusion among its diverse

population. The council makes a point of not funding any event that

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benefits a single particular ethnic group. The outcome is a sprawling

mass of different cultures, 73 per cent of whom, according to the BBC

documentary, are classed as black or ethnic minority.

“One of the things we have to grasp is London is the great international

city with people all over the world coming,” Sir Robin says. “If you

want to live in London you have to understand that things change.”

At a car wash on the Barking Road, three Ugandan men Meddi Kizito,

43, Reagan Gitta, 28, and Robert Mazea, 31, take a break from work in

a cramped hut, eating tilapia out of a saucepan with their hands. A

heavyset Eastern European man with a black eye wanders in and out

as we speak.

Meddi – who started the business six years ago – travelled alone from

Africa and like the other two has settled down in Britain and started a

family. They say they enjoy living in the East End because it reminds

them of home but have some sympathy for the native cockneys. “From

where we come from we would feel the same. Everybody has the right

to feel safe and secure in their own culture.”

Further down the road, Ginny Bailey, 43, runs a pie and mash shop set

up by her mother, Jaqueline. Two pubs nearby have long closed and

she says she has been forced to branch out her business to survive. Now

she runs deliveries to bankers in nearby Canary Wharf and has

considered starting to serve up halal meat pies, though fears her old

regulars would not approve.

Next door, Jimmy Hatton still runs the same garage that has been in

his family for 57 years. His relatives go back generations in the area and

include the famous boxer and onetime gangland bodyguard George

Walker. Hatton keeps the garage forecourt immaculate and covered in

pots of flowers in honour of his parents. “All of my friends have moved

out,” he admits ruefully. “But it was my dad’s wish to never sell this


Over at Silvertown, in the shadow of the Tate and Lyle sugar factory,

which in 2008 celebrated 130 years of production but today employs a

fraction of the workforce it once did, Usmaan Hussain echoes the same


The 35yearold restaurant manager’s family emigrated from

Bangladesh to England after fighting in the Second World War and he

has lived on the same street – Saville Road – since 1993. When he was

growing up his was one of only two Asian households on the street and

he remembers being subjected to appalling racism. In spite of that,

Hussain says he misses the old area terribly. His two daughters

currently attend nearby Drew Primary School where there are now 43

different languages spoken.

“They are exposed to multiculturalism but if you don’t know the British

way of life then what is the point of living here?” he says. “There are so

many communities within a community. I’m a Muslim but whichever

country you’re in you should be receptive to learning about their

religion or their culture. The Britishness has gone. And I don’t think it

will ever return.”

Last Whites of the East End is on BBC One Tuesday May 24 at



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Last Whites of the East End: BBC documentary exploresbeing a white British minority in a hub for migration /arts-entertainment/tv/features/last-whites-of-the-east-end-bbc-documentary-cockney-newham-white-british-minority-a7033556.html

Rachael Pells

Newham, east London – home to West Ham Football Club, the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Stadium and the latestconcrete jungle, courtesy of retail giant Westfield – is a hub for migration, one of the most ethnically diverse areas ofthe country. And it’s not just the demography that has changed in recent years. Expedited by the London 2012Olympics, property investors have been buying up and building sky-high. It’s a very different world from the one thatlong-term residents such as Leanne Oakman grew up in, even if her own perspective seems wearingly familiar.

“Years ago, people would have a fight with their fists,” she says, “and that would be it, when we grew up going toschool. Not any more. Now people will bring in knives. It’s not like the old East End, where everyone knew everyoneand you leave your doors open. You knew who you was hanging around with, and you don’t no more. It’s otherpeople as well…and it’s just scary, I think.“

Leanne is one of the people in Last Whites of the East End, a BBC1 documentary airing at the end of the month,which offers up a seldom-televised slice of contemporary Britain. Following the lives of such residents as theOakman family, the programme explores the impact of immigration and the concomitant “white flight” of “their ownkind”.

The twice-weekly tea dancers are a regular social highlight for older members of the community


“Newham has reached its tipping point,” says the commentary, “becoming the place with the lowest white Britishpopulation of anywhere in the UK." Which begs a question of many of those featured in the programme – those whowant to leave their homes for whiter, Essex communities to the east: are they simply racist?

“Absolutely not,” says executive producer Emma Wakefield. “It’s one of the issues we wanted to tackle with thedocumentary – how to open up a discussion about things like a changing demographic. It has been said that unlesswe find a language to talk about this kind of stuff, it will get hijacked by the Far Right - and then nobody else has avoice.

“It’s important for people to talk about change and not be judged," she continues. “These people’s emotions andfeelings about it are complex, which is understandable because change is hard.”

Peter Ball grew up in Newham and is the manager at the East Ham Working Men's Club

Many of the residents featured in the film voice their fears over a place that no longer seems like home, where theyhave started to feel “like foreigners in their own land” – all of which is bound to provoke comment. But the film is notwithout its surprises; from the elderly couples still enjoying a tea dance at the East Ham Working Men’s Club to thefifth-generation Asian immigrants discussing the concerns they have for their own children and how the area haschanged around them.

“There is a big debate in the film about what we think culture is and how that has changed,” says Wakefield. “Thereare families who have always been part of a tight-knit community and the decision to leave is distressing for them.”

Before they leave forever, she says, “This is a chance to ask those people what they really think and how they feel.And these conversations don’t have to be angry or political. They just have to be human.”

‘Last Whites of the East End’ is on BBC1 on Tuesday 24 May at 10.45pm



The last whites of the East End: BBCdocumentary reveals how cockneys arebecoming an endangered species in Londonborough of Newham after 70,000 immigrantsmoved inBBC's Last Whites of the East End looks at life in Newham, east LondonThe area has had an influx of 70,000 immigrants in the past 15 yearsWhite British families say 'Cockney' traditions are now dying out'East Enders' say community spirit has gone forever and area is a 'slum'Newham is UK's most culturally diverse borough according to 2011 census


PUBLISHED: 11:42, 14 May 2016 | UPDATED: 15:00, 14 May 2016

Cockneys are becoming an endangered species in a London borough after 70,000 immigrants havemoved in over the past 15 years, a BBC documentary has revealed.

The white population of Newham is leaving in droves, according to the Last Whites of the East End,which claims 73 per cent of the local population is now made up of ethnic minorities and Black British.

It was previously almost all white working class, with the majority dockworkers, but has now becomethe most multicultural place in the UK, with 147 languages spoken across the borough.

Although many of the area's new residents consider themselves 'proper East Enders', some say thedifferences in culture and religion are creating divides, with ethnic groups sticking together.

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Cockneys are becoming a minority in east London, (pictured) which is the UK's most multicultural borough,with 70,000 immigrants arriving over the past 15 years

But White British 'East Enders' say immigration is killing off traditions that used to be commonplace in the areain the 1970s (pictured), according to new BBC documentary Last Whites of the East End

Newham has 66 primary schools and two decades ago more than half the pupils were white British.

But now one school Drew Primary has just three white British children per class, with 43 languagesspoken throughout its halls.

Peter Bell has been secretary at East Ham Working Men's Club for more than 25 years and said itwas one of the last strongholds of traditional East End culture in the area.

The club hosts everything from tea dances to boxing club matches and is trying to keep communityspirit together.

Mr Bell, 66, told MailOnline: 'I think we are vital to the area. We try to keep as busy as we can andkeep our traditions going.

'If we closed then I can't help but think where would some of these people go? Where would the oldladies who come here every week go? What would they have to look forward to?

'We live in one of the poorest boroughs in the country, and when you walk out of this club, what yousee is essentially a slum.'

Mr Bell, who used to work in newspapers, added the different cultures in the area only causeddivisions because people don't interact with each other.

He said: 'I mean no disrespect to the Muslim community, but I don't think they want to be part of thetraditions here.


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Social club secretary Peter Bell, left, and lifelong resident Eileen Kerslake, right, both said the 'Cockney'community is almost extinct because the different cultures in Newham don't interact

Mr Bell, 66, said the East Ham Working Men's Club, pictured, was 'vital' for keeping traditions alive

'I hear words like multiculturalism and community and I think it's nonsense. We are in an area thathas massive unemployment and that is about to become overcrowded and you feel ostracised.

'People feel like they are being forced out. I moved to Hornchurch 12 years ago and I don't regret itone bit.'

The club is just a stone's throw away from West Ham United's now former ground Upton Park, andcould take in as much as £13,000 on match days.

But the ground is being turned into housing with the Hammers moving to the Olympic Stadium inStratford, and Mr Bell said the team's departure will be 'awful' for the area.

He said: 'Selling Upton Park for housing is just going to cause overcrowding. Where are all thesechildren going to go to school? Medically, where are all these people going to go to the doctors'?

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'I would just love it if the Prime Minister or some of our MPs would come out of Upton Park station andthen live in Green Street for two weeks. That would change their minds.'

Speaking on the programme, he added: 'People who haven't been for many years come out of UptonPark station and say "I can't believe what's happened here; it could be Baghdad."'

Eileen Kerslake, 88, said there would never be a true community in the area again

Speaking to MailOnline, Mrs Kerslake said: 'East Enders are very friendly people and in the old dayswe used to have lots of activities going on. We had street parties all the time. But there's nothing likethat anymore.

'I have nice neighbours who I speak to. But 90 per cent of the people who have moved here don'tspeak to anyone, not even to each other.

'It all started about 10 years ago, but it's worse now. It seems like there's been even more quickchanges in the past year and everything is different.

The programme, which airs on BBC1 on May 24, explores the reason why there has been a huge drop in thewhite British population

Darren Loveday, pictured, has left Newham and said he was 'the only white kid' at his college growing up



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The London borough of Newham was officiallyformed in 1965 after the merger of East Hamand West Ham under the new Greater Londonregion.

Traditionally it had a strong white working classpopulation thanks to the Royal Group of Docksthat were built between 1855 and 1921.

Named after Queen Victoria, Prince Albert andKing George V, the docks became a core partof the local economy, even when they weredamaged by German bombing raids during theSecond World War.

But their decline started in the 1960s due tothe increased use of container ships, and theyeventually closing to commercial traffic only in1981, causing widespread unemployment.

Many homes were destroyed in the area duringthe Blitz, leading to a huge development oftower blocks and an influx of immigrant workersto build them.

Now it is the most ethnically diverse borough inthe UK, with white British making up just 16 percent of the population in the 2011 census,dropping from 33.8 per cent 10 years earlier.

The 37.5 per cent drop was the largest of anylocal authority in England and Wales betweenthe two censuses.

Leanne Oakham, left with mother Debbie, is leaving Newham for Essex, while Tony Cunningham, right, is alsomoving out to Hornchurch to find a better school for daughter Charlotte

'You have schools with 500 pupils but you don't see any white children and that's one of the reasonspeople move.

'This is a Docklands area so we have always been used to people coming in, but no one stays longenough now to become friends and neighbours.'

Mrs Kerslake has lived in the area all her life, and was married to late husband Albert for 68 years.

She has run a dance and social club in the area for 20 years, which still has around 40 members atweekly meetings.

The pensioner has no children of her own but has seen her niece and nephew leave the area tomove to Kent.

She added: 'I don't blame them. I wouldn't follow them out because where would I go? Where would Iknow anyone?

'I've lived here all my life and I still know quite afew people. I couldn't live in the country, I haveeverything I need on my doorstep.

'But there never will be community again here.'

Some families are moving away, includingLeanne Oakham who lives on the same street inNewham as her mother Debbie and sister Amy.

Leanne, who is a sixthgeneration cockney, toldthe BBC1 show, which airs on Tuesday, May 24at 10.45pm: 'It’s not like the old East End whereeveryone knew everyone and we all left ourdoors open. It’s just scary now.

'Years ago people would have a fight with theirfists and that would be it. Not anymore. Nowpeople will bring in knives.'

She is moving to Essex and her sister believesthe move will eventually see the whole familyleave Newham.

Amy said: 'If I move then my mum will follow, andif my mum moves my nan will follow.That will beanother local family up and gone to Essex.'

Darren Loveday, 29, has also moved out ofNewham but comes back frequently as amember of a local boxing club.

He told the cameras about his days at collegewhen he would be taunted by students for beingwhite.

Mr Loveday said: 'I remember hearing, ‘White

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Newham was one of the six host boroughs forthe 2012 London Olympic Games and was alsohome to West Ham United's Upton Park untilthe club left for Stratford's Olympic Stadium.

Boy! Drop your phone and walk off’ shouted bythree boys.

'No disrespect, but I was probably the only whitekid in the college.'

There are some multigeneration immigrants whofeel like they are East Enders, like Usman Hussain, whose family moved to East London fromBangladesh in the 1930s.

Mr Hussain is a fifthgeneration Londoner who said he was pleased to see more Muslims in the areabut, at the same time, misses the white friends he knew when he was young.

Speaking on the documentary, he said: 'I do often think if my childhood friends were around right nowthey would say, "He’s more British than us. He’s more proud of being an East Ender than us."'

Tony Cunningham is the son of a Jamaican immigrant father and a Londoner mother whose familyhas been in Newham for 150 years.

He told the programme he was racially abused as a youngster but considers himself a cockney.

Mr Cunningham, a bus driver, added he now feels like an outsider in the community.

West Ham United have now left Upton Park, pictured, which will have an 'awful' effect on the area, say locals


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He said: 'We were called ‘n***** when we were growing up. To be honest I had to educate my nan,she had a cat called that.

'I feel alone. Most of the Muslims stick together, their children stick together. If you are an outsider,they don’t want no part of you whatsoever.'

Mr Cunningham, who is married to Romanian immigrant Vally, is looking to move to Hornchurch 'for abetter life' and because he fears his daughter Charlotte will be a minority at schools in Newham.

He also bemoaned the disappearance of Christian values in the area.

Mr Cunningham told the cameras: 'I’ve been to church before and I’d say half the people there areeastern Europeans.

'I think they’ll bring something very good to the area but not quick enough for Charlotte. Theseschools around here will make her lose her identity.

'There are no more nativity plays, no more Christmas cards, nothing like that is celebrated any more,it’s rubbed out.

'I don’t care if Charlotte goes to a school where there’s a mix of races and everything is on an evenkeel, but that’s not the case around here.'

But Emma Peltier, headteacher at Drew Primary, has defended its multicultural makeup and said itpromotes a happy society in Newham.

According to The Sun, she said: ' We no longer live in a monocultural society, we have 43languages spoken and at least once a week we have a child arrive who has no English. Reallyquickly children pick up the language.

'Schools and children can be a fantastic way of people assimilating into society because childrendon’t see colour and children don’t see religion.'

Last Whites of the East End appears on BBC1 on Tuesday, May 24, at 10.45pm

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Stratford Broadway: Newham is now the most multicultural place in the UK

News › London

Last Whites of the East End: BBC documentary reveals cockneys are becoming a dying breedHANNAH ALOTHMAN | 14 hours ago

Cockneys are becoming a dying breed in one east London borough,

according to a new BBC documentary.

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Date: 14May2016Reach: 177998Value: 4778


The film, the Last Whites of the East End, claims that white British people

are leaving the borough in such numbers that 73 per cent of the local

population is now made up of black and minority ethnic people.

The borough, in the shadow of the Olympic Park was historically almost all

white working class, home mostly to dockworkers who moved in during

the 1800s.

However, according to the documentary, more than half of the white

population has left Newham in the past 15 years alone, resettling in places

like Essex.

While in the same period, seventy thousand immigrants have moved into

the borough, meaning it now has the lowest percentage of white British

residents of anywhere in London.

Newham is now the most multicultural place in the UK, with 147 languages

spoken across the borough.

One man says in the documentary: “It’s hard to find somebody who

speaks English in Newham.

“We’ve always been a country where immigration plays a part, but not on

the scale you find now.

“You go from Aldgate to Barking and there is very few English people


Children at one local primary school, Drew Primary in

Docklands, speak 43 different languages, with a new nonEnglish speaking

pupil arriving each week.

Australian head teacher Emma

Peltier said she believes the

school’s multiculturalism to be a

positive thing.

She said: “We no longer live in a

monocultural society, we have 43

languages spoken and at least once

a week we have a child arrive who has no English.

“Really quickly children pick up the language.

“Schools and children can be a fantastic way of people assimilating into

society because children don’t see colour and children don’t see religion.”

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Date: 14May2016Reach: 177998Value: 4778


UNCOVERED: London's East End where Cockneys are fleeing amid mass influx of migrants A SHOCKING documentary has revealed how white Londoners are leaving the Cockney

East End borough in huge numbers after thousands of immigrants moved in.


PUBLISHED 15 01, Sat, May 14, 2016 I UPDATED: 18:51, Sat, May 14, 2016

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Leanne Oakham with her mother Debbie

People who haven't been for many years come out of Upton Park Station and say: 'I can't believe what's happened here, it could be Baghdad' Peter Bell, secretary of East

Ham Working Men's Club

l -

Meanwhile, Cockneys, who moved in during the

1880s as dockworkers from the east of the City,

are resettling in places like Essex.

Leanne Oakham, is a sixth generation Cockney

who lives on he same street in Newham as her

mother Debbie and sister Amy.

However the young mother is planning to move

to Rayleigh in Essex and expects her mother to


She told filmmakers "It's not like the old East

End where everyone knew everyone and we all left our doors open_

"It's just scary now. Years ago people would have a fight with their fists and that would be it.

"Not anymore Now people will bring in knives."

Ms Oakham added" If I move then my mum will follow, and if my mum moves my nan will


"That will be another local family up and gone in Essex.

Tony Cunnigham says he feels like an outsider in his own community

Meanwhile, Peter Bell has been a secretary at East Ham Working Men's Club for more than

25 years.

He says it was one of the last strongholds of traditional East End culture in the area.

The club hosts pensioners' tea dancing, boxing, drinking and watching football

Mr Bell, 66, says he fears the club will be forced to close its doors when the team move from

Upton Park to Stratford's Olympic stadium.

He said: "'I've been here 25 years I love everything about this club, everyone is a character

in here." But he tells fimmakers the area has changed beyond recognition.

Mr Bell goes on: "People who haven't been for many years come out of Upton Park Station

and say 'I can't believe what's happened here, it could be Baghdad'"

One punter says: "The biggest change I think is the pubs shutting, there are so many pubs

closing down.

"Muslims don't drink, so that's another major change."

Another added: "It's hard to find somebody who speaks English in Newham.

Peter Bell, secretary of East Ham Working Men's club

"We've always been a country where immigration plays a part, but not on the scale you find


"You go from Aldgate to Barking and there is very few English people left."

However, there are some multi-generation immigrants who feel like they belong to the East

End, like Usmann Hussain whose family moved to East London from Bangladesh in the 1930s.

Mr Hussain says although he was pleased to see more Muslims move into the area, he misses

the white friends he grew up with.

He said: "I do often think if my childhood friends were around right now they would say 'He's

more British than us .He's more proud of being an East Ender than us· "

Tony Cunningham, the son of a Jamaican immigrant and mother from London, whose family

have lived in the capital for more than 150 years, said he considers himself a cockney.

The bus driver revealed how he now feels like an outsider in his own community.

He added "I feel alone. Most of the Muslims stick together, their children stick together. If you

are an outsider, they don't want no part of you whatsoever."

However Emma Peltier, headteacher at Drew Primary, defended the area's ethnic make up,

saying "We no longer live in a mono-cultural society, we have 43 languages spoken and at

least once a week we have a child arrive who has no English. Really quickly children pick up

the language.

"Schools and children can be a fantastic way of people assimilating into society because

children don't see colour and children don't see religion."

Last Whites of the East End wilf air on BBC1 on Tuesday, May 24, at 10.45pm.

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The last whites of the East End: BBCdocumentary reveals how cockneys arebecoming an endangered species in Londonborough of Newham after 70,000 immigrantsmoved inBBC's Last Whites of the East End looks at life in Newham, east LondonThe area has had an influx of 70,000 immigrants in the past 15 yearsWhite British families say 'Cockney' traditions are now dying out'East Enders' say community spirit has gone forever and area is a 'slum'Newham is UK's most culturally diverse borough according to 2011 census


PUBLISHED: 11:42, 14 May 2016 | UPDATED: 15:00, 14 May 2016

Cockneys are becoming an endangered species in a London borough after 70,000 immigrants havemoved in over the past 15 years, a BBC documentary has revealed.

The white population of Newham is leaving in droves, according to the Last Whites of the East End,which claims 73 per cent of the local population is now made up of ethnic minorities and Black British.

It was previously almost all white working class, with the majority dockworkers, but has now becomethe most multicultural place in the UK, with 147 languages spoken across the borough.

Although many of the area's new residents consider themselves 'proper East Enders', some say thedifferences in culture and religion are creating divides, with ethnic groups sticking together.

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Date: 14May2016Reach: 937226Value: 25157

Cockneys are becoming a minority in east London, (pictured) which is the UK's most multicultural borough,with 70,000 immigrants arriving over the past 15 years

But White British 'East Enders' say immigration is killing off traditions that used to be commonplace in the areain the 1970s (pictured), according to new BBC documentary Last Whites of the East End

Newham has 66 primary schools and two decades ago more than half the pupils were white British.

But now one school Drew Primary has just three white British children per class, with 43 languagesspoken throughout its halls.

Peter Bell has been secretary at East Ham Working Men's Club for more than 25 years and said itwas one of the last strongholds of traditional East End culture in the area.

The club hosts everything from tea dances to boxing club matches and is trying to keep communityspirit together.

Mr Bell, 66, told MailOnline: 'I think we are vital to the area. We try to keep as busy as we can andkeep our traditions going.

'If we closed then I can't help but think where would some of these people go? Where would the oldladies who come here every week go? What would they have to look forward to?

'We live in one of the poorest boroughs in the country, and when you walk out of this club, what yousee is essentially a slum.'

Mr Bell, who used to work in newspapers, added the different cultures in the area only causeddivisions because people don't interact with each other.

He said: 'I mean no disrespect to the Muslim community, but I don't think they want to be part of thetraditions here.



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Social club secretary Peter Bell, left, and lifelong resident Eileen Kerslake, right, both said the 'Cockney'community is almost extinct because the different cultures in Newham don't interact

Mr Bell, 66, said the East Ham Working Men's Club, pictured, was 'vital' for keeping traditions alive

'I hear words like multiculturalism and community and I think it's nonsense. We are in an area thathas massive unemployment and that is about to become overcrowded and you feel ostracised.

'People feel like they are being forced out. I moved to Hornchurch 12 years ago and I don't regret itone bit.'

The club is just a stone's throw away from West Ham United's now former ground Upton Park, andcould take in as much as £13,000 on match days.

But the ground is being turned into housing with the Hammers moving to the Olympic Stadium inStratford, and Mr Bell said the team's departure will be 'awful' for the area.

He said: 'Selling Upton Park for housing is just going to cause overcrowding. Where are all thesechildren going to go to school? Medically, where are all these people going to go to the doctors'?

+10 +10


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'I would just love it if the Prime Minister or some of our MPs would come out of Upton Park station andthen live in Green Street for two weeks. That would change their minds.'

Speaking on the programme, he added: 'People who haven't been for many years come out of UptonPark station and say "I can't believe what's happened here; it could be Baghdad."'

Eileen Kerslake, 88, said there would never be a true community in the area again

Speaking to MailOnline, Mrs Kerslake said: 'East Enders are very friendly people and in the old dayswe used to have lots of activities going on. We had street parties all the time. But there's nothing likethat anymore.

'I have nice neighbours who I speak to. But 90 per cent of the people who have moved here don'tspeak to anyone, not even to each other.

'It all started about 10 years ago, but it's worse now. It seems like there's been even more quickchanges in the past year and everything is different.

The programme, which airs on BBC1 on May 24, explores the reason why there has been a huge drop in thewhite British population

Darren Loveday, pictured, has left Newham and said he was 'the only white kid' at his college growing up



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The London borough of Newham was officiallyformed in 1965 after the merger of East Hamand West Ham under the new Greater Londonregion.

Traditionally it had a strong white working classpopulation thanks to the Royal Group of Docksthat were built between 1855 and 1921.

Named after Queen Victoria, Prince Albert andKing George V, the docks became a core partof the local economy, even when they weredamaged by German bombing raids during theSecond World War.

But their decline started in the 1960s due tothe increased use of container ships, and theyeventually closing to commercial traffic only in1981, causing widespread unemployment.

Many homes were destroyed in the area duringthe Blitz, leading to a huge development oftower blocks and an influx of immigrant workersto build them.

Now it is the most ethnically diverse borough inthe UK, with white British making up just 16 percent of the population in the 2011 census,dropping from 33.8 per cent 10 years earlier.

Leanne Oakham, left with mother Debbie, is leaving Newham for Essex, while Tony Cunningham, right, is alsomoving out to Hornchurch to find a better school for daughter Charlotte

'You have schools with 500 pupils but you don't see any white children and that's one of the reasonspeople move.

'This is a Docklands area so we have always been used to people coming in, but no one stays longenough now to become friends and neighbours.'

Mrs Kerslake has lived in the area all her life, and was married to late husband Albert for 68 years.

She has run a dance and social club in the area for 20 years, which still has around 40 members atweekly meetings.

The pensioner has no children of her own but has seen her niece and nephew leave the area tomove to Kent.

She added: 'I don't blame them. I wouldn't follow them out because where would I go? Where would Iknow anyone?

'I've lived here all my life and I still know quite afew people. I couldn't live in the country, I haveeverything I need on my doorstep.

'But there never will be community again here.'

Some families are moving away, includingLeanne Oakham who lives on the same street inNewham as her mother Debbie and sister Amy.

Leanne, who is a sixthgeneration cockney, toldthe BBC1 show, which airs on Tuesday, May 24at 10.45pm: 'It’s not like the old East End whereeveryone knew everyone and we all left ourdoors open. It’s just scary now.

'Years ago people would have a fight with theirfists and that would be it. Not anymore. Nowpeople will bring in knives.'

She is moving to Essex and her sister believesthe move will eventually see the whole familyleave Newham.

Amy said: 'If I move then my mum will follow, andif my mum moves my nan will follow.That will beanother local family up and gone to Essex.'

Darren Loveday, 29, has also moved out ofNewham but comes back frequently as amember of a local boxing club.

He told the cameras about his days at college

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The 37.5 per cent drop was the largest of anylocal authority in England and Wales betweenthe two censuses.

Newham was one of the six host boroughs forthe 2012 London Olympic Games and was alsohome to West Ham United's Upton Park untilthe club left for Stratford's Olympic Stadium.

when he would be taunted by students for beingwhite.

Mr Loveday said: 'I remember hearing, ‘WhiteBoy! Drop your phone and walk off’ shouted bythree boys.

'No disrespect, but I was probably the only whitekid in the college.'

There are some multigeneration immigrants whofeel like they are East Enders, like Usman Hussain, whose family moved to East London fromBangladesh in the 1930s.

Mr Hussain is a fifthgeneration Londoner who said he was pleased to see more Muslims in the areabut, at the same time, misses the white friends he knew when he was young.

Speaking on the documentary, he said: 'I do often think if my childhood friends were around right nowthey would say, "He’s more British than us. He’s more proud of being an East Ender than us."'

Tony Cunningham is the son of a Jamaican immigrant father and a Londoner mother whose familyhas been in Newham for 150 years.

He told the programme he was racially abused as a youngster but considers himself a cockney.

Mr Cunningham, a bus driver, added he now feels like an outsider in the community.

West Ham United have now left Upton Park, pictured, which will have an 'awful' effect on the area, say locals


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He said: 'We were called ‘n***** when we were growing up. To be honest I had to educate my nan,she had a cat called that.

'I feel alone. Most of the Muslims stick together, their children stick together. If you are an outsider,they don’t want no part of you whatsoever.'

Mr Cunningham, who is married to Romanian immigrant Vally, is looking to move to Hornchurch 'for abetter life' and because he fears his daughter Charlotte will be a minority at schools in Newham.

He also bemoaned the disappearance of Christian values in the area.

Mr Cunningham told the cameras: 'I’ve been to church before and I’d say half the people there areeastern Europeans.

'I think they’ll bring something very good to the area but not quick enough for Charlotte. Theseschools around here will make her lose her identity.

'There are no more nativity plays, no more Christmas cards, nothing like that is celebrated any more,it’s rubbed out.

'I don’t care if Charlotte goes to a school where there’s a mix of races and everything is on an evenkeel, but that’s not the case around here.'

But Emma Peltier, headteacher at Drew Primary, has defended its multicultural makeup and said itpromotes a happy society in Newham.

According to The Sun, she said: ' We no longer live in a monocultural society, we have 43languages spoken and at least once a week we have a child arrive who has no English. Reallyquickly children pick up the language.

'Schools and children can be a fantastic way of people assimilating into society because childrendon’t see colour and children don’t see religion.'

Last Whites of the East End appears on BBC1 on Tuesday, May 24, at 10.45pm

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Features 'You come out of the tube and it's like Baghdad': Documentary shows how white Londoners are fleeing the East End The white population of Newham has halved over the past 15 years, as 70,000 immigrants have moved in

By JEN PHARO, TV Features Editor 14 May 2016 00:01:00

COCKNEYS are becoming an endangered species in what was their last East End stronghold, according to a new BBC documentary.

More than half the white population has abandoned the borough of Newham in the last 15 years alone, the film claims.

Seventy thousand immigrants have moved in during the same period.

Once almost all white working class, the area in the shadow of London’s Olympic Park now has the lowest percentage of white British residents of anywhere in London.


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descThe area has changed dramatically since the 1970s, as this pic of Newham shows image-copyGetty Images

And it is the most multicultural place in the whole of the UK.

According to Last Whites Of The East End, 73 per cent of the local population is now made up of black British and ethnic minorities.


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Meanwhile Cockneys, who moved in during the 1800s as dockworkers from the eastern edge of the City, are resettling in places like Essex.

They include young mum Leanne Oakham, who is a sixth generation Cockney and currently lives on the same street in Newham as mum Debbie and her sister Amy.


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descLeanne said she's planning to move to Essex, and expects her mum Debbie to follow

But she plans to move to Rayleigh, Essex, telling filmmakers: “It’s not like the old East End where everyone knew everyone and we all left our doors open.

“It’s just scary now.

“Years ago people would have a fight with their fists and that would be it.

“Not anymore.

“Now people will bring in knives."

Sister Amy predicts Leanne’s move will see them all leave the area.

She said: “If I move then my mum will follow, and if my mum moves my nan will follow.

“That will be another local family up and gone to Essex."

Peter Bell runs the East Ham Working Men’s Club which has become the last bastion of Cockney culture, and is just a few feet from West Ham’s Upton Park ground.


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descThen and now... the change in the make-up of schools in East London mirrors changes in the area


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descA new non-English speaking child arrives every week, with local pupils speaking 43 languages

It is a world of pensioners’ tea dances, boxing, drinking and watching football.

On West Ham match days, the club can take up to £13,000.

However, manager Pete, who has been in charge for 25 years, fears they will end up closing now that the team is moving from Upton Park to Stratford’s Olympic stadium.

He says in the documentary: “I’ve been here 25 years.

“I love everything about this club, everyone is a character in here.

“For example, there’s a bloke called Boring Paul who drinks here - you don’t want to get into a conversation with Boring Paul.

“Or Gary Lager, he gets so drunk it’s unbelievable.

“These are proper East Enders."

And he tells programme makers the area has changed beyond recognition.

He said: “People who haven’t been for many years come out of Upton Park Station and say: ‘I can’t believe what’s happened here, it could be Baghdad.’"


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descOne drinker at East Ham Working Men's Club said the scale of immigration had left the area unrecognisable

One drinker says in the documentary: “It’s hard to find somebody who speaks English in Newham.

“We’ve always been a country where immigration plays a part, but not on the scale you find now.

“You go from Aldgate to Barking and there is very few English people left."

Another says: “The biggest change I think is the pubs shutting, there are so many pubs closing down.

“Muslims don’t drink, so that’s another major change."

Version: 1

As well as football fans, the club caters for many pensioners who arrive twice a week for dances.

Manager Peter says: “Old ladies who’ve got no husbands come here with their walking sticks.

“Some of them can hardly make if up the stairs, but it’s the highlight of their week.

“If we go, what are they going to do?"

Eileen Kerslake, 91, who attends the tea dances every week with her friends, reveals her children have moved away and she’s being forced to move nearer to them following the death Albert, her husband of 68 years.


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descEileen says she has to move because she has nobody to keep an eye on her


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descDarren has moved out of Newham but comes back to go to his boxing club

Despite being close to the Somalian family who live downstairs, she says: “I have to move because there is nobody here to keep their eye on me.

“I don’t want to go."

Darren Lovejoy, 29, has moved out of Newham, but returns to go boxing at the same club.

Recalling his days at college in the area, he says: “I remember hearing, ‘White Boy! Drop your phone and walk off’ shouted by three boys.

“No disrespect, but I was probably the only white kid in the college."

Currently, there are 147 languages spoken in Newham, with one local primary school having pupils speaking 43 different languages and a new non-English speaking child arrives once a week.

But the area has been bringing in new residents – and proud new East Enders — for decades.

Muslim Usman Hussain’s family emigrated to East London from Bangladesh in the 1930s and he has lived in the borough since he was just 13.

He is a fifth generation Londoner who loves his city.


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descEast London has been bringing in proud new East Enders for many years

While he is pleased to have more Muslims around and has started a prayer group, he deeply misses the white

Cockney friends he grew up with, who have moved away.

He says in the film: “I do often think if my childhood friends were around right now they would say, ‘He’s more British than us.

“He’s more proud of being an East Ender than us’."

Bus driver Tony Cunningham’s dad was a Jamaican immigrant and his mum a Londoner whose family has lived in Newham for 150 years.

Growing up he felt like an outsider because he was mixed race and recalls: “We were called ‘n***** when we were growing up.

“To be honest I had to educate my nan, she had a cat called that."


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descTony was racially abused growing up but considers himself a true Cockney

But he considers himself a Cockney through and through — and that is what makes him feel like an outsider in his neighbourhood.

He says in the programme: “I feel alone.

“Most of the Muslims stick together, their children stick together.

“If you are an outsider, they don’t want no part of you whatsoever."

Now he is planning to move to Hornchurch, near the Essex border, with his Romanian immigrant wife Vally because he does not want their infant daughter Charlotte, going to a school where she will be in a minority.

He says: “I’m going to go and find a better life.

“I don’t regret it, not a bit."

Tony also claims in the documentary that Christian traditions are on the slide, although he believes the new wave of Eastern European immigrants, like his wife, will eventually turn that around.


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descMore than half the pupils at the area's 66 primary schools were white 20 years ago


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descThe general white population of Newham has halved over the last 15 years image-copyGetty Images

He said: “I’ve been to church before and I’d say half the people there are eastern Europeans.

“I think they’ll bring something very good to the area but not quick enough for Charlotte.

“These schools around here will make her lose her identity.

“There are no more nativity plays, no more Christmas cards, nothing like that is celebrated any more, it’s rubbed out.

“I don’t care if Charlotte goes to a school where there’s a mix of races and everything is on an even keel, but that’s not the case around here."

There are 66 primary schools in the area and 20 years ago more than half the pupils were white British.

One local school, Drew Primary in the Docklands, now only has three per class.

Australian head teacher Emma Peltier is proud of the school’s multiculturalism and feels they play a big role in promoting a happy society among different cultures.

Emma said: “We no longer live in a mono-cultural society, we have 43 languages spoken and at least once a week we have a child arrive who has no English.

“Really quickly children pick up the language.

“Schools and children can be a fantastic way of people assimilating into society because children don’t see colour and children don’t see religion."

Last Whites Of The East End airs on BBC1 at 10.45pm on Tuesday, May 24.

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Seventy thousand immigrants have moved into Newham Borough over the last 15 years

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The only way is Essex for those who despairof today's East End: CHRISTOPHERSTEVENS reviews last night's TV By CHRISTOPHER STEVENS FOR THE DAILY MAIL

PUBLISHED: 01:14, 25 May 2016 | UPDATED: 08:21, 25 May 2016

Last Whites Of The East End




The regulars at the East Ham Working Men’s Social Club are proper characters, real East Enders.There’s Lou the Jew, with a face like he’s sucking a lemon, and Gary Lager, who can drink till he’safloat.

Boring Paul is as dull as his nickname — unlike the late Bill the Bomb, who had a volcanic temperand a very short fuse.

Their local on Boleyn Road, Newham, is under threat, thanks to the departure of West Ham FootballClub. The team are leaving their ground after 112 years to play at the Olympic Stadium. EveryHammers matchday was like a gold rush at the social club and without that income it might notsurvive. Then where will Lou, Gary and Paul go?

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Filming began this week on the thirdseries of Broadchurch, with a redoubtablelineup not only Olivia Colman and DavidTennant as Detectives Soppy and Grumpy,but Roy Hudd, Julie Hesmondhaigh, SarahParish, Charlie Higson and Lenny Henry.Let's hope the script matches the talent.

The regulars at the East Ham Working Men’s Social Club are proper characters, real East Enders. Their local onBoleyn Road, Newham, is under threat, thanks to the departure of West Ham Football Club

The answer, as Last Whites Of The East End (BBC1) made plain, is probably Essex.

Newham borough has the highest proportion of new immigrants in London, driving out the familieswho have been there for generations, working people who were the lifeblood of the docks and thefactories.

Most of them are heading for towns such as Rayleigh to escape from spiralling crime and to find, as adisillusioned bus driver called Tony put it, a school that still stages a Nativity play at Christmas.

The primary school in Newham has nothing to offer his infant daughter, Charlotte. The children in itsclassrooms speak 43 different languages, and every week a new pupil arrives unable to understanda word of English. How would Charlotte learn anything, make friends or absorb any sense of Britishculture in that atmosphere, her despairing father asked.

The real tragedy is that Tony, far from being the Leftie stereotype of a docklands racist, exemplifiesthe very best of British multiculturalism.

His mother was white, a Londoner born and bred. His father was Jamaican, an immigrant in theSixties, which made for an interesting childhood.

‘We was called “n*****” when we was growing up,’ he said cheerfully. ‘My Nan had a cat called thesame thing. She didn’t really get it . . . ’

Tony’s wife, Vally, is Romanian: they met whenshe was running for the bus and he slowed downto let her board.

That makes baby Charlotte a blend ofCaribbean, Transylvanian and Cockney —typically British, in other words, a fine example ofShakespeare’s ‘mongrel race’.

But the East End, her parents have decided withregret, is no place for her to grow up.

This oneoff documentary could have been ashallow requiem for the demise of pie ’n’ mash and Pearly Queens. Instead, it showed the differencebetween influx and assimilation, the way London has worked for 2,000 years, and the nightmare ofmass migration — a system that fails everyone.

Little Bobby Beale in EastEnders (BBC1) has been doing his bit to speed up the eradication of whiteLondoners, first by bashing his sister Lucy to death with a musical box and now by braining hisstepmum Jane with a hockey stick. After the first attack, Little Bobby was bundled off to a posh schoolbecause dad Ian (Adam Woodyatt) understood that if you have criminal tendencies these days, aprivate education is essential. Trouble is, the lad took to it too well, especially sport — his teachershave already marked him out for the 2024 Olympic hockey squad.



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He wielded that stick with such forceful expertise that he shattered Jane’s spine as well as her skull,not to mention ruining Stacey’s wedding cake.

And yet everyone is still so kind to Little Bobby. They kneel and speak gently, they clap a hand onhis shoulder and call him mate.

When Ian saw what he’d done to Jane, his first instinct was to give the lad a cuddle and spirit him faraway — to Rayleigh, likely as not.

Let’s get this straight: the child is a psychotic imp, a junior Jack the Ripper.

He looks like the love child of Stephen King’s Carrie and Damien from The Omen movies.

Little Bobby doesn’t need locking up — he needs exorcising and burning at the stake.

That might sound harsh, but if we don’t, there will be no one left in the East End at all.

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Last Whites of the East End, BBC1 24 May, 2016 | By Kelly Close, Emma Wakefield

We warmed up many of our contributors over a pint - but we had to out ourselves as lightweights, says Kelly Close


Production company Lambent Productions Commissioner Maxine Watson Length 1 x 60 minutes TX 10.45pm, 24 May, BBC1 Executive producers Emma Wakefield; Ollie Tait Producer/director Kelly Close Assistant producer Clare Hix Editor Paul Carlin Director of photography Steve Standen Sound Tim Watts Post-house Envy

Kelly Close Producer/director

“What have I done?” This was my pervading thought my first week on this production - a sinking feeling that most documentary directors know well.

That week started alone, in the grimy heat of last summer on the Barking Road, Newham’s artery that stretches from Canning Town to Upton Park, where the majority of the film would eventually be made.

I am Canadian and have lived in the UK for 20 years, making films from Cornwall to Aberdeen, but the furthest East I had worked in London was Bow or Whitechapel. They felt worlds away from the somewhat tribal territory in which I now found myself cold-calling potential contributors.

I wanted to make a film that spoke to the Newham of today, that got beneath the skin of the exodus and inside cockney culture without going down the well-trodden route of typecast white British people angry with their lot.

Our commissioner Maxine Watson wanted evolving stories of people moving out to better understand their reasons for leaving - or staying, for that matter. This sounded straightforward enough, until I got to Newham, where it seemed that most of the cockneys that were supposed to be populating my film really were gone. The rest were mostly angry, and all were nostalgic for the past.

It was an old-school job. As I made my way from run-down pubs, to the butchers, the barbers or the boxing gym, it became clear that the exodus that had brought us to Newham had left those behind feeling isolated and wistful for the unique culture that defined them. It was not just about a place, but a way of life; a dying culture of manners and morals, what made them laugh or cry, what they eat, where they meet how they date or fight.

What my wonderful AP Clare Hix and I found very quickly was that all roads in the East End begin with a natter over either a cup of tea or a pint, and that it would take many of these to gain our contributors’ trust and convince them that we were not making a film about racists.

They were a canny bunch, with much to say about the ‘bloody liberal sandal-wearing BBC’, but eventually they let us in. I was christened ‘Kell’; Clare was ‘Babe’. We had an amazing time dancing, joking, playing bingo and watching West Ham matches while collecting stories and tried to work out what the film was saying.

However, we quickly learned never to drive to Newham - as once accepted, you are never without a drink in your hand and we are, in comparison, lightweights. Oh, and

the older ladies love a ‘dishy’ man in their midst, and misbehaved terribly in the presence of Steve Standen (DOP) and Tim Watts (sound).

The East Ham Working Men’s Club gave us Cockney culture in all of its loud and generous majesty. a rarefied world that welcomed us with open arms where ex-dockers and ‘sugar girls’ drink and dance, where gangsters are sent off into the next life and West Ham’s victories and defeats were celebrated or mourned with equal gusto. It became the heart of our film, and as the closure of the football stadium on its doorstep drew nearer, we all felt the sheer despair for a way of life disappearing in front of us.

Luckily, we managed to find very different people who were moving out. Through their stories, we sought to understand their collective reasons for leaving, punctuated by both fear and hope. Hearing from both white and non-white residents was crucial, and a way of capturing very different views and perspectives of the East End.

Through those leaving home, the surprising stories of those staying put, and the people trying to foster a new sense of belonging, we hope we have given insight into a small piece of the complex land that is Newham, a place shaped by immigration, where each generation has their own story and their perceptions with which to wrestle.

From that sinking feeling of my first day, my last is filled with gratitude for being lucky enough to make this film - and to the Eastenders, all of them, for their honesty.

Kelly Close My Tricks of the Trade

• Seek out companies and executive producers whose judgement you trust and whowill go to bat for a film. The best have championed and supported me, stayed closeto stories as they unfold, and kept a sense of humour through the sharp bits ofproduction. I recommend Emma Wakefield.

• Find a great AP. I try to work with my AP as a collaborator, co-conspirator andfriend. It helps if they like to share Vietnamese food, laugh a lot, and remind me topee. You know who you are.

• With crew days sadly now a luxury for documentaries it is hard not to resort to epicshooting days, especially in the winter. Over the years, I have realised that manicdirectors with unrealistic expectations are a bit like whack-a-moles to crew, andeveryone is better with a bit more time and a nice lunch.

• Where possible, try to avoid filming in the dead of British winter.

• Editors are magicians who are best with beautiful rushes, a great story, food,humour, and minimal meddling. I’m working hardest on the last of these.

Emma Wakefield Executive producer

Single documentaries are hard to get commissioned and harder still to make. But if ever there was a subject that lent itself to a powerful 60 minutes, this was it.

The single doc has become the preserve of the self-shooter, which makes sense editorially and financially. However, we went a different, arguably more traditional, route. Director Kelly Close worked closely with a crew, scheduling filming days in advance over six months.

What this gave us was a really considered period of filming and producing. It enabled us to follow links to places and people as they emerged, build relationships carefully, and craft a film that harnessed the creative ideas of a really dedicated team, each with their own area of expertise.

We had to think about every scene and every filming day. That sometimes felt limiting, but I think it forced us to analyse more deeply and think more carefully; and, given the subject matter, that really helped.

This is a film about the past and the present, and capturing a community as it diminishes was always going to be tough. But it was the craft behind the camera that has made this film so strong.

The editorial conversations that began when we were discussing the idea with Maxine Watson and continued to the very last day of the edit have kept us constantly interrogating the subject – and discussing how we represent it.

In part, it’s an elegy to the last cockneys. Filming in a very considered way with a brilliant crew, elevated it somehow – it chimed with the steps of the tea-dance and

the singing in the Working Men’s Club. And it recognised in those moments the essence of a way of life that we could celebrate whilst still asking tough questions.

It’s taken over two years to develop and make this film. It’s not a good business model; it is a labour of love. And it has absolutely been worth it.

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“Evo-Stik league comedy: too depressing to beamusing.”

“Unfortunately, the inventiveness of the writers JoeWilkinson and David Earl could not match this found

24 May 2016

TV Critics: Rovers; Last Whites ofthe East End; The KKK: Behind theMask25 May, 2016


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comedy. Sue Johnston struggled to find somethinginteresting in dotty, warm club manager Doreen. HerRoyle Family co-star Craig Cash, when talking about hisdivorce, momentarily discovered depth in the devotedfan Pete Mott, but it passed. Evo-Stik league comedy: toodepressing to be amusing.”Andrew Billen, The Times

“Rovers sticks closely to The Royle Family model, gentlypoking fun at people’s mundane observations. However,the writing sometimes got lost amid the gaping silencesas the almost exclusively vacant cast of charactersreacted to everything at a snail’s pace. The triumph ofthe recent Car Share might have reignited interest inwarm-hearted comedy, but, at the moment, Rovers feelstoo mild.”Jonathan McAloon, The Telegraph

“I know it is unreasonable to disparage something onthe grounds that it’s not The Detectorists. But it doesprove that such lightness of touch is incredibly hard toget right. That said, this new sitcom will give pleasure tomany and any excuse to have Cash back on TV is fine byme.”Julia Raeside, The Guardian

“Kelly Close’s film was emotional and not only because itbrought home that if you want to experience the ‘real’East End, you need East Enders. The question subtlyposed by this complicated, sympathetic film was whetherit was green fields or white faces Newhamites wereseeking out. The equally subtle answer acquitted themigrants of racism.”Andrew Billen, The Times

“This one-off documentary could have been a shallowrequiem for the demise of pie ’n’ mash and PearlyQueens. Instead, it showed the difference between influxand assimilation, the way London has worked for 2,000years, and the nightmare of mass migration – a systemthat fails everyone.”Christopher Stevens, Daily Mail

“There was some beer-fuelled nonsense about theZionists and racial purity but the party-goers generallysounded less like supremacists and more like whiteswith a huge inferiority complex. Their whingeingreminded us the real reason for the pointy hats hadbeen cowardice, small-town thugs hiding theiridentities. Behind the mask there’s little to fear.”Matt Baylis, Daily Express



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The only way is Essex? White flightmyths and the East EndA BBC documentary this week says that “Cockney culture” in London’sEast End is dying out—and that Muslims and migrants are to blame.East End resident Tomáš TengelyEvans sorts the fact from the fiction

The Last Whites of the East End, the BBC’s new programme, whips up racismagainst Muslims and patronises working class people. Relying on anecdotalassertions it claims that Newham’s “Cockney culture” is dying as white peopleflee to nearby Essex.

The programme comes after a barrage from the right wing press scapegoatingmigrants, and reinforces that racism.

Nadia Sayed, who studied at Newham Sixth Form College, told SocialistWorker, “It’s going to be really disruptive and intensify divisions in thecommunity.

“Saying that ‘Cockneys’ have been driven out specifically plays to Islamophobicprejudice.

“A bill is already going through parliament and Muslim students are being toldthat they don’t know about ‘Britishness’—whatever that is.”

The programme presents immigration, and Muslims in particular, as a mortalthreat to “white working class culture”.

Tahir Talati is chair of Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend) inNewham. He told Socialist Worker, “They always say that Muslims don’t want tointegrate, but when we move to a community they say white people areleaving.”

National census figures show that Newham’s ethnic minority population hasgone up by 122,700—128 percent—between 1991 and 2011.

The “White British” population, only measured as a distinct group since 2001,has gone down from 34 percent to 17 percent. But it remains the largest singlegroup and more people report a British or English national identity than before.

The increase in Newham’s ethnic minority population doesn’t mean that the

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borough is segregated. But the BBC presents this false image and doesn’tchallenge people’s misconceptions.

In the programme Peter Bell, secretary of East Ham Working Men’s Club, said,“I can’t believe what’s happened here, it could be Baghdad.

“I don’t think the Muslim community want to be part of the traditions here.”

Bus driver Tony Cunningham, whose father was a Jamaican immigrant, said,“Most of the Muslims stick together, their children stick together. If you are anoutsider, they don’t want anything to do with you whatsoever.”

Leanne and Amy Oakham, who we’re told are from one of the “oldest East Endfamilies”, discuss how they wouldn’t date someone who wasn’t white.

But this supposed segregated nightmare clashes with both people’s actualexperiences and the figures.

There was no tension or hostility. In my groups offriends, there was a Nigerian, a Jewish person and twoothers who just thought of themselves as English—and thatwasn’t unique.— Nadia Sayed, former Newham Sixth Form College student

Nadia said, “There was no tension or hostility in my college.

“In my groups of friends, there was a Nigerian, a Jewish person and two otherswho just thought of themselves as English—and that wasn’t unique.

“Even if it wasn’t socially, everyone would talk in the classroom and no one wasreluctant to do so.”

Ethnic mixing has actually gone up in Newham since 1991 according to nationalcensus figures.

Almost every ethnic group measured in the census became more evenlyspread in the 20 years to 2011.

Eight out of the ten most ethnically diverse wards in east London boroughs arein Newham.

Diversity and mixing isn’t just true in terms of wards in Newham, but also withinhouseholds.

Across east London the proportion of people living in households with morethan one ethnic group has gone up.

In Newham, discounting one person households, 34 percent are mixedcompared to the national average of 12 percent.

Those recorded as “mixed ethnic” has gone up by 65 percent between 1991and 2011 and account for 5 percent of the total population.

That’s not to deny the racist attitudes that people can express, but that’s hardlysurprising in the context of a right wing assault on migrants and refugees.

But racist attitudes aren’t static and can change through struggle and people’sexperience of living with one another.

I remember when I moved to Newham there was onlytwo or three ethnic minority families on our street. “Somefamilies who’d lived there for years had moved. “Initiallyit felt strange living there and they were not happy, butafter living together and mixing that’s changed— Tahir Talati, chair of Muslim Engagenent and Development (Mend) in Newham

Tahir said, “I remember when I moved to Newham there was only two or threeethnic minority families on our street.

“Some families who’d lived there for years had moved.

“Initially it felt strange living there and they were not happy, but after living

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“ Thank godNewham is notlike it was then.When I came,black workers

together and mixing that’s changed.”

But the notion of “white flight” is itself spurious. Paul Watt, a reader in urbanstudies at Birkbeck, University of London, spoke to Socialist Worker. He said,“The move to Essex and the Home Counties is due to long term pressures andit isn’t exclusive to east London.

“The London County Council built large estates out of town in the before andafter the Second World War, such as Becontree and St Helier’s. This helpeddrive workingclass suburbanisation.

Paul explained that suburbanisation is not exclusive to white people.He said,“Asian people in inner east London are moving to Redbridge for example”.

Paul said, “My take is that there have been elements of white flight in 20thcentury suburbanisation, but social housing shortages are an increasinglyimportant aspect.

“Workingclass people relied on council homes and they’re no longer beingbuilt and people can’t afford to live in Newham and other parts of east London.”

He added, “Unfortunately perceptions of urban decline are often filteredthrough a migration lens, instead of people looking at how urban change islinked to political economic factors”.

The BBC and the right have again raised a mythical image of the East End’sworking class—precisely so it can divide it.

Poverty and racism trapRacism and poverty reinforce one another and can trap people in certainareas. Tahir said, “We’re sometimes densely populated in certain areas, butthat doesn’t mean we don’t want to live alongside white people.”

Newham is one of the poorest boroughs in London and deprivation affects allethnic groups.

In its 201027 local economic forecast Newham Council noted, “Deprivation hasincreased in the domains of income, barriers to housing and services and livingenvironment.

“The deprivation in the barriers to housing and services domain has increaseddramatically, and is primarily due to low incomes.”

The assessment found the highest poverty rates among Asian Bangladeshiand Asian Pakistani households who had poverty rates of 61 percent and 59percent. That’s compared with 33 percent among “White British” householdsand 22 percent among Black Caribbean households.

‘There have always been immigrants’The Last Whites of the East End is based on the racist premise that ethnicdiversity is a bad thing. It presents a mythical image of East End working classcommunities, where everyone looked after one another before the “outsiders”came.

Berlyne Hamilton, a retired Ford car worker, has lived in Newham since heemigrated from the West Indies in 1960. He told Socialist Worker, “It’s justanother way of camouflaging racism. “Thank god Newham is not like it wasthen,” he said. “When I came, black workers couldn’t get decent jobs at Fordand you had a racist union.

“But I was the first black person elected onto the Works Committee and helpedchange that.

“You’d then have some people say, ‘It would bealright if only they weren’t all Jamaican. But apartfrom my Dominican accent, what was thedifference when I was walking down the street?“We’ve now got multicultural schools. Where mygranddaughter goes there’s all sorts of different

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couldn't getdecent jobs atFord and youhad a racistunion. — Berlyne Hamilton,

retired car worker, who's

lived in Newham since

emiigrating from the West

Indies in 1960

kinds of teachers and children.”

Immigration is not a new phenomenon. Theworking class is always changing. As Berlynesaid, “There’s always been different peoplecoming. When I came from the West Indies, itwas mostly Irish people.”

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The week in TV: Wallander; HiddenKillers of the PostWar Home; StormTroupers; Last Whites of the East End

Kenneth Branagh returned in an oddly leaden Wallander, while a film onwhite communities in London’s East End was surprisingly subtle

Kenneth Branagh as Kurt Wallander... ‘happy to be happy, drinking coffee’. Photograph: BBC/Left BankPictures/Steffan Hill

Euan FergusonSunday 29 May 2016 07.00 BST

Wallander (BBC1) | iPlayer

Hidden Killers of the PostWar Home (BBC4) | iPlayer

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Date: 29May2016Reach: 2025331Value: 28205

The wider hinterland,in every sense, ofsouthern Africa andits politics, wasstuffed almostlaughably into a pintpot

Storm Troupers: The Fight to Forecast the Weather (BBC4) | iPlayer

Last Whites of the East End (BBC1) | iPlayer

I never thought I’d be disappointed in Wallander, but I was disappointed in

Wallander. This can only be because, once, it set the bar so high. Such a refreshingly

dysfunctional man, in such a refreshingly dysfunctional landscape of snowy subtitles:

both the original Swedish series and the Kenneth Branagh outings oozed murkily on to

our screens reeking with dark dramatic class. Since then, of course, we’ve had the likes

of Saga Norén, and most recently the splendid Andri Ólafsson in Iceland’s Trapped, but

Kurt Wallender was still the first and, arguably, the best written, coming from the highly

complex Henning Mankell, lost in untimely fashion last year to cancer.

That Mankell had, certainly for a Swede, an abiding love

for Africa was never in doubt. What was in doubt was

the wisdom of cramming this, the opener to the last ever

Branagh series, into 90 short minutes. This meant the

standalone story had to be savagely abridged, but more

crucially the wider hinterland, in every sense, of

southern Africa and its politics stuffed almost laughably

into a pint pot; there was hardly room for the landscape

to breathe its mighty breaths, never mind the plot. In

fact the film The Constant Gardener, with which this

story shared more than surface similarities, managed to

grip throughout exactly the same allotted time, which shows it can be done.

This, however, seemed somehow leaden and rushed at the same time. Possibly from our

having to cope with the myriad shocks to the system of seeing Kurt not only jogging, but

actually smiling; once we’d had a good brew and nice sitdown to recover, there wasn’t

much time for anything else. Branagh, who can seldom put any feet wrong to my mind,

had seemed almost, momentarily, happy, and happy to be happy, drinking coffee on a

balcony surrounded by possibly the finest vista in the world and certainly the world’s

ugliest accents.

He’s back in Ystad tonight, but there

won’t be much more of that sly imposter

happiness. In fact, Mankell has a

determinedly bleak, not to say

unconscionable, ending planned for him,

written while the author himself was

dying: I’ve read the end of that last book,

and it’s tremendously hard to keep lumps

from the throat. Despite last week’s rare

misstep, we should still be bereft to see all

this go.

What we shouldn’t miss, at all, according to a bizarre yet notunwelcome slice of

scheduling, is the Killer, Hidden in our PostWar Homes. It was fascinating for all the

wrong reasons. Chiefly the glee on seeing boys’ chemistry sets from the 1950s, and

contrasting their recipients’ assumed delight on suddenly being gifted the means to set

most of a small suburban area ablaze, with the pursed lips of today’s Which? magazine

types, rancid with disapproval. The American versions came, splendidly, with actual

uranium dust and a mini Geiger counter. The Which? ladies’ faces itched with

Tumisho Masha in Wallander.Photograph: BBC/Left BankPictures/Steffan Hill

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The fact that Hidden Killers of the PostWar Home was offset with hokeyjokey

retro titles and jaunty music meant we weren’t meant to take it too seriously, but some

serious points emerged. Despite someone from the Royal Society for the Prevention of

Accidents (Rospa) averring, wrongly, that “the postwar house was the most dangerous

place you could be” – still, ladder falls, salmonella, (particularly) nylon nighties catching

fire, every one a tragedy for that particular family.

I still think it a Good Thing that the Health and Safety Executive exists – had it been

heeded, for instance, Piper Alpha would never have happened – but I am also firmly of

the opinion that the Consumers’ Association, the publisher of Which?, set up during

those killerhomes years, represents the greatest threat to everyday lifeaffirming

happiness this side of Isis. Whatever, this was chiefly an excuse for the presenter, Dr

Suzannah Lipscomb, to gaze distractedly at experts, of the Rospa and scientific and

Which? communities, while wondering, almost openly – “What must it be like on your

planet? The planet CleverButNotBeautiful?”

There have been rumbles and mutterings

about the wisdom of a threepart series on

the weather, and certainly Storm

Troupers is an actionable title, and

certainly we are in a surprising little TV

doldrums after recent weeks, but I found

it mesmerising, veering gripping.

Science journalist Alok Jha had precisely

no need to go into a wind tunnel and tell us

what it was like to be blown at, in a wind.

We live in Britain. This took up about six

inane and uniquely patronising minutes. The BBC will often do this with science, offering

demonstration of an effect rather than explanation of a principle. I do wish they

wouldn’t. Still, Robert FitzRoy, the father of forecasting, was absurdly fascinating, and

next week beckons, so long as they have even a dodgyteacher stab at explaining the

meteorology of James Stagg rather than entering Churchill’s bunker to recreate the

Dr Suzannah Lipscomb in the ‘hokeyjokey retro’ Hidden Killers of the PostWar Home.Photograph: BBC/Modern TV/Gary Morrisroe

Alok Jha had no need to go into awind tunnel in Storm Troupers, Britainknows what wind is like. Photograph:BBC/KEO/Paul Vanezis

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drama of Dday, Vera Lynn, Glenn Miller, scratchy broadcasts… am I tempting fate?

Best documentary of the week was Kelly Close’s Last Whites of the East End.

Somehow, within highly fraught parameters (a certain paper, torn online between its

distaste for both immigrants and the BBC, chose the line of genius, which was to quote

Twitter accusing the BBC of racism) the result was some surprisingly subtle testimony.

It’s hard to think of anyone, apart from those Mr Corbyn himself regards as

dangerously lefty extremists, taking offence at comments such as “[we’ve] always been

a country where immigration’s played a part, but not to this extent,” or “I’d just like to

know where my local pub is”. Newham has been an unvolunteered guinea pig for an

ongoing experiment in multiculturalism. And what emerged resoundingly was that,

while most people are utterly inured to difference of skins, threeyearolds in particular,

it is differences of religions that are proving the blockage. Except for threeyearolds.

Until they become civilised enough to learn the difference. Religion: bless.

‘Subtle testimony’: Eileen Kerslake in The Last Whites of the East End. Photograph: IanPierce/BBC/Lambent Productions

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BBC is accused of racism over documentary

Kaya Burgess

26 May 2016 00:01:00

The BBC has faced a backlash on social media over its documentary Last Whites of the East End, about ethnicity in London.

The programme interviewed families who had lived in the area for generations but were now leaving as a large number of immigrants arrived.

Ethnic minorities comprise 73 per cent of the population in the borough of Newham in east London. In the documentary, shown on BBC One late on Tuesday night, one local resident claimed that white people had been “ethnically cleansed” from the area.

Tony Cunningham, whose father was an immigrant from Jamaica and who has a Romanian wife, expressed concern about his daughter growing up in an area where people from different ethnic backgrounds were cliquey and did not mix.

Some viewers praised the show for giving an honest glimpse of life in areas that have experienced huge demographic changes, but Stephen Timms, the Labour MP for East Ham, said that the portrayal was one-sided.

One Twitter user said that the title “suggests there’s only a handful left [and] plays into racist lies”.

A BBC source said that there had been only seven complaints and a spokesman said: “The film features a wide range of people voicing their personal opinions and shows many different facets of life in Newham, exploring both positive and negative views.”

Related Images

Tony Cunningham was featured in the controversial documentary

Ian Pierce/Lambent Productions/BBC

Publisher: News UK & Ireland Ltd

Published Date: 26 May 2016 00:01:00

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The Times runs a nonstory about anonexistent BBC 'backlash'Roy Greenslade

Headline claiming documentary was ‘racist’ relies on a single anonymoustweet

Two of the interviewees on The Last Whites of the East End. Photograph: Ian Pierce/BBC/LambentProductions/Ian Pier


Thursday 26 May 2016 09.32 BST

“BBC accused of racism over documentary”, said the headline over a short news article

on page 17 of the Times on Thursday. I was about to turn over until I read the first


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The Times BBC London Race issues National newspapers


“The BBC has faced a backlash on social media over its documentary Last Whites

of the East End, about ethnicity in London.”

Now “backlash” is a favourite tabloid word, almost always misused. Here’s a dictionary

definition: “A strong negative reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social

or political development.”

But surely the Times would have good reason to use it? No, it most definitely did not.

After a couple of paragraphs describing the programme, which was screened by BBC1

on Tuesday night, came the following sentences:

“Some viewers praised the show for giving an honest glimpse of life in areas that

have experienced huge demographic changes, but Stephen Timms, the Labour MP

for East Ham, said that the portrayal was onesided.

One Twitter user said that the title ‘suggests there’s only a handful left [and] plays

into racist lies’.

A BBC source said that there had been only seven complaints and a spokesman

said: ‘The film features a wide range of people voicing their personal opinions and

shows many different facets of life in Newham, exploring both positive and

negative views.’”

Some backlash, eh? An MP, a single Twitter user and just seven complaints to the BBC.

A commenter to the story’s online version, Nicholas Watson, wrote:

“I don’t understand [the] Times’s presentation of this ‘story’ if it is even one.

There were only 7 complaints, meaning it’s not really a story. And if anything, it

should be: ‘The BBC only received 7 complaints about a documentary that the MP

for the area said gave a onesided portrayal about the changing ethnic mix.’”

Quite so, sir. There was no story, as such. Quite apart from the hyping of the “backlash,”

the headline relies on the anonymous tweet, which is the only mention of “racism” (since

we, and the paper, have no clue about the nature of the complaints to the corporation.

So why publish? I can’t quite decide the reasoning. Another chance to knock the BBC,

perhaps? If so, pretty pathetic. The Times should run a correction and an apology.

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Date: 26May2016Reach: 2025331Value: 28205

An Easter procession featuring Jesus on a cross Jose Jordan/AFP/Getty Images

Want to shock people these days? Tell them you believe in God.

For the first time, nonbelievers are in the majority. In England and Wales,

a new study shows that only 43 per cent of the population admit they are

Christians, while almost 50 per cent reckon they have no religious beliefs –

double the number of five years ago.

These findings have upset many, who see it as a sign our society is

becoming ever more shallow and materialistic, but it doesn’t necessarily

follow these ‘nonbelievers’ are lifelong atheists.

As we confront death, our views may change and become more fluid. In

the final weeks of his life, David Bowie said “you don’t get any atheists on

the battlefield”. Other religions account for just 7.7 per cent of the

population, in spite of the huge amount of coverage given to Islam.

I believe in the power of prayer and have done since childhood, attending

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Date: 27May2016Reach: 406812Value: 10919

an Anglican primary and secondary school in a working class area where

Catholics had their own, parallel system.

These days, people are astonished to discover I believe in God. It’s like

admitting you have a huge boil on your bum or you slept with the postman

last Christmas.

I find the Anglican Church is a source of neverending despair, with its

lacklustre attitude to promoting women, embracing sexual equality and gay

marriage, years of ignoring historic sex abuse, and so on.

Surely the point of belief is that it should be something that’s second

nature, something that you turn to without thinking, like a pair of much

loved shoes or an old jacket. My belief doesn’t rely on attending church or

agreeing with Archbishops, or any kind of communal activity or Synod

approved ruling.

I can’t understand why the church

doesn’t use its property portfolio

and vast wealth to support the

poor, instead of always asking

everyone else to cough up.

Churches must be the most

underused property in Britain; they

should be turned into affordable

housing, for starters.

Most Brits are secret believers:

they have faith but just don’t want

to admit it.

Much has been written about the “cult of the self” and some experts say

taking endless selfies is causing us untold harm. Have we replaced God

with selfworship?

I am not that cynical. When there

is a human disaster, ordinary

people rise up to help, and donate

to charity. In spite of all the hype,

the popularity of Kim Kardashian

doesn’t mean we’re turned into a

shallow society.

The BBC aired a controversial

documentary last week, Last

Whites of the East End, filmed in

Marks & Spencer should stickto pants and packed lunches


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Date: 27May2016Reach: 406812Value: 10919

the London Borough of Newham,

where the Britishborn population has fallen by 50 per cent over 15 years

and the minority ethnic community makes up 73 per cent of the population.

Cockneys filmed were whingeing about the loss of the “good old days”,

with many opting to move further east into Essex, where they claimed

Christians weren’t outnumbered in the schools and on the housing estates.

The irony is these former Londoners get married and have their babies

christened in church. They are just as connected to their beliefs as the

ethnic communities they are fleeing.

If only they practised true Christianity, which means reaching out to others.

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White flight takes hold of the East End

* The Last Whites of the East End BBC One

* Brendan O'Connor's Cutting Edge, RTE 2

* The Graham Norton Show, BBC One

Ian O'Doherty PUBLISHED28/05/2016 | 02:30

1Disgruntled: Bus driver Tony Cunningham

featured on 'The Last Whites of the East End'

Whenever you see a programme with the

provocative name 'Whites' in the title, you can

expect a few responses.

The first reaction, inevitably, is to wonder why

mention of the 'W' word is immediately surrounded

with racist connotations.

The second instinct is to assume that anyone who

would agree to take part must obviously be some

hideous racist who is hanging on to long outdated

notions of white supremacy.

In truth, The Last Whites Of The East End was far

more nuanced and much more touching than the

name suggested.

The borough of Newham in the East End is classic

Cockey territory. The heartland for West Ham FC,

it's the kind of area which, had it been French or

Italian, would have been designated as a Unesco

heritage site.

Instead, it's full of white, working class, English people, and nobody gives a fig about them.

Actually, correction - it used to full of white, working class people.

These days, a remarkable 43 languages are spoken in the local school and English - both the

language and the students - is now a minority.

In fact, Newham has the highest proportion of new immigrants in London, with locals

complaining that this is driving out those families who have been there for generations, the old,

working class stock, who used to work on the docks, factories and markets.

What was genuinely illuminating about the disgruntled locals, who resent being forced from

their old stomping grounds by new arrivals who don't even speak English, was that they weren't

the kind of knuckle head you expect to turn up at a BNP rally.

Instead, they ranged from the likes of Lou The Jew to a Bangladeshi trader to an Anglo-

Caribbean bus driver.

Tony the bus driver was perhaps the most engaging character in a programme which featured

some of the most quietly impressive people to have turned up on our screens in a long time.

Married to a Romanian woman, their child is, therefore, part British, part Caribbean and part

Romanian. But her father fears she will never be a cockney because he feels like a foreigner in

his street.

What 'The Last Whites Of The East End' proved was that you can have a multi-racial society, but

you can't have a multi-cultural one.

As ever, the devil lies in the details.

The closure of old pubs in an area might seem like a rather absurd complaint, for instance. But

to people who had lived there for six generations, the complete transformation of the local

landmarks, as well as the fact that white English are now a minority in the area, means that

white flight is inevitable.

Except it wasn't just white flight, and therein lay the main flaw of the documentary's name.

Most of the 'whites' were mixed race to one extent or another and that was the real tragedy - the

East End has always been a chaotic and brilliant combination of cultures old and new. But now

something has changed and everyone who has ties in the area, regardless of their ethnicity, feels

abandoned and betrayed by a political class which, as ever, is happy to use the working class for

their sick social experiments.

A depressing reminder that ethnic cleansing isn't always conducted by the barrel of a gun...

I'm not entirely sure when it happened, but at some stage Brendan O'Connor morphed into a

decent presenter.

His new show, Cutting Edge won't win any awards for originality, being another panel show but

at least it doesn't make the mistake of trying too hard to be funny.

This week's episode featured a good row; the kind of decent spat they used to have on 'The Late

Late' back when it was good.

On this occasion, the set-to was between hacks Niamh Horan and Alison O'Connor, who had

rather different perspectives on being a working mother.

The more avowedly liberal O'Connor felt more needed to be done to support working mothers,

while Horan argued that businesses aren't charities designed to accommodate every whim.

The studio audience was cold towards Horan, which in RTÉ terms means she was saying

something right.

What was interesting was the reaction to Horan's assertion that some working mothers 'ride the

system' and take advantage of maternity leave.

That's not in doubt, simply because most people have seen examples of this in the workplace.

But that's simply an observation of human nature, and riding the system is not unique to women

so it was hardly 'one step away from a call for forced sterlisation', as O'Connor claimed.

So, who won?

Sod that, I'm not inclined to be handbagged by either of them. But I'll just point out that the best

suggestion came from Al Porter who recommended that women start having kids when they're

still in school so by the time they go to college their eldest can look after their youngest.

Y'see, when you need a practical solution, just ask a man.

May I just say what a joy it was to see Elton John appear on The Graham Norton Show the other

night. At a time when so many celebrities are so guarded about their private life, it was lovely to

see one man who still wants to talk about his kids on a chat show.

Irish Independent

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Will their vile skinhead poster tip the seesaw against Remain? Take notice of thispatronising, manipulative and scary advert...and then Vote Leave, writes RICHARDLITTLEJOHNBy RICHARD LITTLEJOHN FOR THE DAILY MAIL

PUBLISHED: 22:30, 26 May 2016 | UPDATED: 07:21, 27 May 2016

Just imagine the furious reaction if Vote Leave unveiled a poster campaign featuring a burly NorthAfrican migrant menacing a sweet Miss Marple lookalike in an English park.

The outraged howls of ‘racism’ and ‘Islamophobia’ would be deafening, as everyone from the PrimeMinister to the Archbishop of Canterbury queued up to condemn it.

Within hours the police would be involved, launching a fullscale investigation into complaints thatthose responsible were guilty of inciting racial hatred.

And rightly so, many of you might well conclude. The EU referendum battle has already plumbed thedepths, with lurid language about Hitler, World War III and genocide.

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Date: 26May2016Reach: 2225325Value: 27054

Controversial: Operation Black Vote launched the campaign, due to be shown in London and Manchester, toencourage people from ethnic minorities to register and vote in the EU referendum

Using grotesque racial stereotypes to scare white people is as despicable as it is desperate. Thistype of rabid propaganda has no place in an advanced democracy.

So what’s the difference between this hypothetical Vote Leave advert and the genuine postercampaign wheeled out by Operation Black Vote, which is led by a member of the Remain camp?

It features two people sitting facetoface on a seesaw. One is an elderly Asian woman in a sari; theother a tattooed white skinhead jabbing his finger aggressively and snarling in her direction. Theposter is going up on 37 digital billboards in London and Manchester in the runup to polling day.

The justification for this demagogic imagery is that it is designed to encourage members of ethnicminorities to vote in the referendum and counter the ‘demonisation of foreigners and people ofcolour’ by the Leave campaign.

But the clear, not even subliminal or subtle, implication is that those who want to get out of the EU areall knucklescraping BNP bootboys brimming with hatred for nonwhites.

The ad has been described variously as ‘deplorable’ and ‘repugnant’, both of which I’d agree with.But I’d hesitate before calling it ‘racist’ — not because it isn’t, but because screaming ‘racist’ is, toborrow from Dr Johnson, the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Falsely alleging racism is the default position of the Left whenever they want to demonise anopponent or shut down debate.

So it was no surprise to discover that Operation Black Vote is bankrolled by two impeccably Leftwingcharities — the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation — run bypillars of the proEU ‘liberal’ establishment.

Encouraging members of ethnic minorities toregister to vote is a laudable aim. But this kind ofvile, fearinducing, hatemongering is waybeyond the remit of what is supposed to be aresponsible charitable organisation.

Yes, there are legitimate concerns about thescale of immigration, which we can’t control whilewe remain members of the EU.

Only yesterday we learned that the net influx from Europe is up yet again and the population ofEngland alone is forecast to increase by at least four million over the next eight years.

But, unless I’ve missed something, I can’t say I’ve noticed the Leavers resorting to ‘demonisation offoreigners and people of colour’.

If there’s any demonising going on here, it’s down to Operation Black Vote, its director Simon Woolleyand its advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi London.

The white thug on the poster is straight from central casting, complete with dangling braces, halfmast denims and cherry red Doc Martens bovver boots. He looks as if he’s stepped off the cover ofthe Skinhead Moonstomp LP, circa 1970.

The last time I saw anyone dressed like that was during the brief skinhead revival in the earlyEighties. These days, proper skins are about as rare as genuine Teddy Boys.



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KATIE HOPKINS: It'sbad enough spendingtaxpayers' money to...


The elite view ethnicminorities as a client class tobe manipulated

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Date: 26May2016Reach: 2225325Value: 27054

You’re more likely to come across skinheads in Eastern Europe, where the FarRight is in theascendant. That’s why so many people from Britain’s ethnic minority communities are wary ofunrestricted immigration from the Continent.

They see the rise of neofascist parties everywhere from Greece to Austria and France and concludethat maybe they’re better off outside the EU.

The Last Whites of the East End, looking into the evolving communities of east London (pictured in January)received mixed reviews on Twitter last night, with some branding it the 'most racist programme I've everwatched' and others threatening to cancel their licence fee due over the 'white supremacist propaganda'

While not all viewers were impressed with the show, some did applaud the BBC for giving an insight into theeast London borough of Newham where 73 per cent of the local population is now made up of ethnic minoritiesand Black British. Pictured: Queen's Road Market in the London borough of Newham, circa 1970

Tory MP and Out campaigner Priti Patel is horrified at being lumped in with Aryan supremacists by anoutfit which claims to speak for minorities. I shouldn’t have thought her Leave colleagues KwasiKwarteng and Adam Afriyie are too thrilled, either.

I can only rely on anecdotal evidence, because I don’t trust the polls, but when it comes to the EU,the views of blacks and Asians don’t seem to be much different to the majority white population.

Those who run their own businesses deplore the burden of bureaucracy and regulation, which theyhave to obey even though they don’t trade with anyone in Europe.

Many resent the fact that while EU citizens from former Communist states are free to settle in Britain,wouldbe immigrants from the old Commonwealth find insurmountable barriers placed in their way.



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The London borough of Newham wasofficially formed in 1965 after the mergerof East Ham and West Ham under the newGreater London region.

Traditionally it had a strong white workingclass population thanks to the RoyalGroup of Docks that were built between1855 and 1921.

Named after Queen Victoria, Prince Albertand King George V, the docks became acore part of the local economy, evenwhen they were damaged by Germanbombing raids during the Second WorldWar.

But their decline started in the 1960s dueto the increased use of container ships,and they eventually closing to commercialtraffic only in 1981, causing widespreadunemployment.

Many homes were destroyed in the areaduring the Blitz, leading to a hugedevelopment of tower blocks and aninflux of immigrant workers to build them.

Now it is the most ethnically diverseborough in the UK, with white Britishmaking up just 16 per cent of thepopulation in the 2011 census, droppingfrom 33.8 per cent 10 years earlier.

The 37.5 per cent drop was the largest ofany local authority in England and Walesbetween the two censuses.

Newham was one of the six host boroughsfor the 2012 London Olympic Games andwas also home to West Ham United'sUpton Park until the club left forStratford's Olympic Stadium.

As I’ve argued before, settled migrantcommunities, established for decades, are nowfaced with disruption and displacement by recentarrivals from Eastern Europe, the Middle Eastand Africa.

They are confronted with the same kind ofculture shock as the Londoners featured in thisweek’s BBC TV documentary Last Whites Of TheEast End, which focused on the startlingtransformation of the Borough of Newham overthe past 15 years.

Once a staunchly white workingclass area, mostof the traditional residents have upped sticks toEssex. There are now 143 languages spoken inNewham.

My late father grew up round the corner fromWest Ham football ground and we scattered hisashes in the nearby City of London cemetery. SoI go back there a couple of times a year andhave seen with my own eyes the way in whichthe borough has changed beyond recognition.

This important programme was wellbalancedand gave voice to ordinary workingclass peopleusually denied a platform on TV.

Despite the ludicrous kneejerk claims of thebraindead Twitterati, there was no racism ondisplay, just folk who now felt with justification likestrangers on the streets where their families hadlived for generations.

The East End has always been a melting pot.One of the main characters in Last Whites was abus driver called Tony who had a Jamaican dadand an English mum and is married to aRomanian girl.

He lamented the fact that local schools no longercelebrate Christmas because the dominantculture is Muslim and simply expressed a wish forhis daughter to grow up in the kind of society hehad.

The problem isn’t immigration itself, it’s the sheerscale of numbers and the rapid pace at which it has happened.

I watched the interviews with a mixture of curiosity, sadness and not a little anger. In a paralleluniverse, that could have been me, if my family had never moved away.

What was missing from this excellent programme was any attempt to question those responsible.

I don’t blame anyone for moving here in search of a better life, but I’d like to know exactly how thisenforced mass immigration is supposed to have benefited the indigenous East End population?

Where were the interviews with the politicians who decided to tear up our border controls? Couldsomeone explain to locals like Tony why they should ‘celebrate’ the ‘diversity’ which had been foistedupon them?

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A look at BBC One documentary Last Whites of the East End

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The programme explored the reasons why there has been a huge drop in the white British population in London

While not all were impressed with the show, some did applaud the BBC for giving an insight into the east


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London borough of Newham, claiming it was an honest reflection of 'urban communities throughout the UK'

Perhaps we could have heard from distinguished representatives of the Rowntree Trust or theEsmee Wossname Foundation about the desirability of turning a traditional London borough into aTower of Babel, destroying community cohesion in the process and driving people from homes theyhave lived in since they were born.

But you never get a straight answer, just noisy accusations of ‘racism’ if you dare to challenge theircosy consensus.

Of course, the ivory tower politicians and posturing panjandrums of the Lady Bountiful sector neverhave to live with the consequences of their policies and pronouncements. Far easier to divide andrule and sneer at the ‘Little Englanders’ who beg to differ.

They certainly don’t celebrate diversity of opinion. That’s why anyone who disagrees with them has tobe vilified.

The cartoon skinhead on the Operation Black Vote poster tells you everything you need to know.The ‘elite’ look on ethnic minorities as a lumpen client class to be patronised and manipulated, in thiscase by scaring them into voting Remain.

Let’s hope people not yet on the electoral roll do take notice and register in time for the referendum.

And then Vote Leave.

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Date: 26May2016Reach: 2225325Value: 27054

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News 'One of the most disgraceful pieces of racist propaganda': BBC faces backlash over 'Last Whites of the East End' documentary - but some say it was 'honest'

By LAUREN FRUEN 25 May 2016 13:00:03

THE BBC faced a backlash last night over their documentary Last Whites Of The East End with some viewers branding it “ignorant" and “inflammatory".

The show, which looked at communities living in the borough of Newham, London said cockneys were becoming an endangered species there.

The film claimed that more than half the white population has abandoned the area in the last 15 years alone.

During that period 70,000 immigrants have moved in.


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descThe area has changed dramatically since the 1970s and the show said cockneys were becoming an endangered species there image-copyGetty Images


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descThe change in the make-up of schools in East London mirrors changes in the area and some say the BBC show reflected the 'truth'


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descA new non-English speaking child arrives every week, with local pupils speaking 43 languages


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Boy, three, died from meningitis caused by rare stomach bug he caught just two weeks after starting pre-school

The programme sparked anger on Twitter with users saying it gave “ammunition to the EDL and far right groups".

Jayne Fisher wrote: “This is one of the most disgraceful pieces of racist propaganda I have seen. Shame on BBC. Switching off."

The Beeb’s documentary – shown on BBC1 last night - was blasted as “ignorant". It featured interviews from those who lived in the area.

Nazia Mirza tweeted: “This programme is going to convince the uninformed & those inclined to racism to justify their bigotry."

She added: “The important story of changing demographics in London could have been told without resorting to sensationalism."

But @pannyb replied: “It's hardly sensationalism. It's a massive change in no time at all. They have the right to worry and say whatever they want."


Programmes like this gives ammunition to EDL and far right groups to whip up local tensions. Very Disappointed! #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Alexander kuye (@AlexKuye) May 24, 2016 twitter-tweeten

What an ignorant programme. #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Alexander kuye (@AlexKuye) May 24, 2016 twitter-tweeten

This programme is going to convince the uninformed & those inclined to racism to justify their bigotry #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Nazia Mirza (@naziasmirza) May 24, 2016 twitter-tweeten

so irresponsible for @bbc to call their programme 'last whites of the east end'. Stupid, inflammatory and actually just not true

— Monica (@lolitalikesit) May 15, 2016 twitter-tweeten

This is one of the most disgraceful pieces of racist propaganda I have seen. Shame on BBC. Switching off

— Jayne Fisher (@JayneBFisher) May 24, 2016


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descThe Beeb’s documentary – shown on BBC1 last night - was blasted as “ignorant" after it looked at the community in Newham in East London image-copyGetty Images


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descLeanne said she's planning to move to Essex, and expects her mum Debbie to follow

Leanne Oakham - a sixth generation Cockney - currently lives on the same street in Newham as mum Debbie and her sister Amy.

But she told filmmakers: “It’s not like the old East End where everyone knew everyone and we all left our doors open.

“It’s just scary now.

“Years ago people would have a fight with their fists and that would be it.

“Not anymore. Now people will bring in knives."

Some claimed the show was only telling the “truth" about the East End.

Jay Nottage wrote: “People not liking this bbc documentary Last Whites of the East End its only telling the truth but I take it some people don't like the truth."

Another added: “Maybe the truth hurts."

Steve Hookway tweeted: “So people are saying that the last whites of the east end was racial. Maybe the truth hurts. It's certainly changed since I was a kid."


Version: 1

People not liking this bbc documentary Last Whites of the East End its only telling the truth but I take it some people don't like the truth

— Jay Nottage (@JayNottage94) May 24, 2016 twitter-tweeten

So people are saying that the last whites of the east end was racial. Maybe the truth hurts. It's certainly changed since I was a kid.

— Steve Hookway (@HookeyHookway) May 25, 2016

The area had been once almost all white working class but now has the lowest percentage of white British residents of anywhere in London.

And it is the most multicultural place in the whole of the UK with – according to the show - 73 per cent of the local population now made up of black British and ethnic minorities.

One drinker says in the documentary: “It’s hard to find somebody who speaks English in Newham.

“We’ve always been a country where immigration plays a part, but not on the scale you find now.

“You go from Aldgate to Barking and there is very few English people left."


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descThere are currently 147 languages spoken in Newham, with one local primary school having pupils speaking 43 different languages


image-containerinner-wrapimage-descTony said he was racially abused growing up but considers himself a true Cockney

The show spoke to Peter Bell, who runs the East Ham Working Men’s Club and fears they will end up closing following West Ham’s move from Upton Park to Stratford’s Olympic stadium.

There are currently 147 languages spoken in Newham, with one local primary school having pupils speaking 43 different languages and a new non-English speaking child arrives once a week.

Tony Cunningham’s dad was a Jamaican immigrant and his mum a Londoner.

During the show he said: “I feel alone.

“Most of the Muslims stick together, their children stick together.

“If you are an outsider, they don’t want no part of you whatsoever."

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Related Images

A BBC documentary called 'Last Whites of the East End' screened last night and has sparked outrage from some viewers who branded it racist

Getty Images

The area has changed dramatically since the 1970s and the show said cockneys were becoming an endangered species there

Getty Images

The change in the make-up of schools in East London mirrors changes in the area and some say the BBC show reflected the 'truth'

A new non-English speaking child arrives every week, with local pupils speaking 43 languages

The Beeb’s documentary – shown on BBC1 last night - was blasted as “ignorant” after it looked at the community in Newham in East London

Getty Images

Leanne said she's planning to move to Essex, and expects her mum Debbie to follow

There are currently 147 languages spoken in Newham, with one local primary school having pupils speaking 43 different languages

Tony said he was racially abused growing up but considers himself a true Cockney

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15:37, 25 MAY 2016 UPDATED 16:16, 25 MAY 2016 BY NICOLA AGIUS

The hourlong programme triggered an explosive racism row on Twitter, dividingviewers

'Pure RACIST' BBC special Last Whites Of The East End slammed as 'KKK-style documentary'

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 640092Value: 12636

BBC documentary Last Whites Of The East End has sparked an explosive racismrow .

The hourlong programme, aired last night, focused on the disappearing traditional

Cockney culture in the London borough of Newham.

Some who tuned in were so offended by the opinions expressed that they compared

it to white supremacy propaganda.

"Hitler documentary in the afternoon, #KKK documentary just finished and now

#LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd? F**king British TV at its racist best," fumed one viewer

on Twitter.

The hourlong programme, which aired last night, focused on the disappearance oftraditional Cockney culture in the London borough of Newham

Another then posted: "Just caught up with #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd on iplayer. A

documentary on life in Newham, where I was born & bred. What a load of racist


Shortly afterwards, a different viewer commented: "Sorry, but these people are just

racist #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd."

However, many other viewers praised the programme for its "truthful" portrayal as

locals revealed what life in such an ethnically diverse area is like.

"How can anyone who has been to the east end be foolish enough to say that

#lastwhitesoftheeastend is racist?" tweeted one viewer.


BBC racism row

by Nicola Agius 17 hours ago

Sally Doman@sallydoman


Sorry, but these people are just racist #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd

Damian Stuart@DamianAStuart

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 640092Value: 12636


How can anyone who has been to the east end be foolish enough to say

that #lastwhitesoftheeastend is racist?

Samurai Don@SamuraiDon


Plus some of the attitude that some people on the show had did border

on being racist. #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd


@wildwalkerwoman · A DAY AGO

Just caught up with #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd on iplayer. A

documentary on life in Newham, where I was born & bred. What a load

of racist tosh

Another commented: "Well done, BBC, for the excellent #LastWhitesoftheEastEnd. If

telling the truth is racist, then God help us.

"Unless you've been in these people's shoes and situations you should judge. They

aren't being racist. #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd?"

The documentary featured Newham residents from a variety of ethnic backgrounds

giving their thoughts on how the borough has changed.

Some 73 per cent of local residents are now from a black or ethnic minority

background after 70,000 immigrants moved to the area over the past 15 years.

Meanwhile, the number of white British residents has dropped by a third from 82,000

to 52,000 17 cent of the borough's total population with many moving to Essex.

READ MORE: Kinder surprise for farright group raging at black kids on chocolate

wrapper who discover they're Euro 2016 heroes!

Newham's executive mayor, Sir Robin Wales, said. "This is London, things are

always changing and people move. I have a German mother and a Scottish father.

"The main thing is that we get on and nearly 90 per cent of people here say they get

Newham's white British population has now plummeted from 34 per cent to 17 per centsince 2006


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Date: 25May2016Reach: 640092Value: 12636

on well together."

A BBC spokesperson defended the documentary, telling Mirror Online: "The

documentary Last Whites of the East End sets out to explore the impact of rapid

change on long standing communities in the East End of London and to discover why

some people are choosing to leave the area.

"The film features a wide range of people voicing their personal opinions and shows

many different facets of life in Newham, exploring both positive and negative views

across a variety of issues."

BBC showed Last Whites of theEast End and people said itwas racist

Ashitha Nagesh for Wednesday 25 May 2016 3:32 pm







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Date: 25May2016Reach: 706259Value: 18957

Someone made achatbot about theEU referendumcalled ‘WTF isBrexit?’ »

The BBC has been criticised for showing an allegedly ‘racist’documentary on people’s attitudes to ethnic minorities in aneast London borough.

‘Last Whites of the East End’, which focused on the views ofNewham’s White British population, was aired on BBC Onelast night.

Although gentrification, rising houseprices, a lack of affordable socialhousing and rising inwork povertyhave made thing difficult for peopleacross the capital, many people inthe documentary focused on the

area’s increased diversity.

A young mum called Leanne, for example, said shehas decided to move to Essex to be among her ‘own people’.

Because of this, there was quite a severe backlash on socialmedia while it was airing.

Some accused the programme of pandering tofarright views

Others took issue with the conflation of ‘immigrant’and ‘ethnic minority’

Shoppers on East Ham high street in Newham (Picture: Alamy)

Was it Britain First or UKIP that sponsored this racist,rancid steaming pile of bigotry from the BBC?#LastWhites

— Patrick Strudwick (@PatrickStrud) May 24, 2016

”.@bbc Are you pleased your programme has broughtout Nazis justifying their racist views? Why should Ipay for this? #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Amy Wyatt (@Lewisno1fan) May 25, 2016

”Complaining of dwindling White British, but what aboutpeople who were born/ brought up here… or we don'tcount? #Lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Shay (@shayshayea) May 25, 2016

”You can be 100th generation but in eyes of 'EastEnders' et al you will never truly be British as an ethnicminority #Lastwhitesoftheeastend“

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 706259Value: 18957

Many said the show was stirring up racial tensions

While others thought it could have been morebalanced

However, some people saw the documentary in amore positive light

— Shay (@shayshayea) May 25, 2016

”Watching Last White of the East End. Which seems tobe overtly siring the us vs them pot. 1. Talking about crime, without looking at stats.

— Zaynab (@Zaby_BL) May 25, 2016

”This programme is going to convince the uninformed &those inclined to racism to justify their bigotry#lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Nazia Mirza (@naziasmirza) May 24, 2016

”#LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd Why Are we forced to payfor racist views to get aired on TV? @BBC Zeroattempt at any balance.

— nicci kay (@nicci_kay) May 25, 2016

”This is how the @BBC chooses to spend licensepayers money? Don't forget POC also fund yourexistence #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd

— Shady LDN Girl (@shadyldngirl) May 25, 2016

”#LastWhitesoftheEastEnd – WTF! Nothing abouteconomics / manufacturing / docks / right to buy just"immigration" Just plain racist.

— charliesnow (@CharlieSnow) May 25, 2016

”#lastwhitesoftheeastend what is this racist tripe? I am anew resident in #Newham & I love it – people &community. Ridiculous programme

— Lou Thomas (@_louisethomas) May 25, 2016

”What was the issue with #Lastwhitesoftheeastend ?East End is massively different nowadays. Peopleneed to give theri heads a wobble.“

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 706259Value: 18957

When asked about the backlash, a BBC spokesperson ‘The documentary Last Whites of the East Endsets out to explore the impact of rapid change on longstanding communities in the East End of London and todiscover why some people are choosing to leave the area.

‘The film features a wide range of people voicing theirpersonal opinions and shows many different facets of life inNewham, exploring both positive and negative views across avariety of issues.’

Newham is an east London borough, and one of thecountry’s poorest areas.It is in the worst four boroughs of inequality,homelessness, unemployment and inwork poverty.However, it is in the top 16 boroughs for its quality ofeducation.It is one of the most multicultural places in the UK – atotal of 147 languages are spoken across the borough.

Newham is a very diverse borough.

It has the lowest percentage of white British residents ofanywhere in London – although white British people are stillthe largest ethnic group in the area.

— REDJIM (@iREDJIM) May 25, 2016

”Well done, BBC, for the excellent#LastWhitesoftheEastEnd. If telling the truth is racist,then God help us.

— Paul Evans (@psevans100) May 25, 2016

”Good to see @BBC highlighting how the East End haschanged dramatically. Better choice of title requiredtho. #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Paul Nolan (@PNafc79) May 25, 2016

Where and what is Newham?

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 706259Value: 18957

Multiculturalism has always been at the heart of London’seast end.

Hackney and Tower Hamlets – arguably the heart of Cockneyculture – have been hotspots for diversity and change forcenturies.

Brick Lane for example, now known as London’s ‘Banglatown’with a large Bengali population, was known as the heart ofthe Jewish East End in the earlytomid 20th century. Beforethis it was mostly a Christian area.

And now, with house prices rising and the area being morefashionable, working class people of all races are beingpriced out.

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 706259Value: 18957



TPR Media Yellow NewsNew Statesman (Web)26/05/2016



Last Whites of the East End reveals the complex effects of immigration

Is it possible to feel uprooted from a place you've never left? Plus: Going Going Gone: Nick Broomfield'sDisappearing Britain. Tony Cunningham is a West Ham-supporting bus driver, thick of eyebrow and shaved ofhead, who lives in Newham in the East End of London. He grew up in the borough and has always loved it. Lately,though, his feelings have begun to shift. What's that sound? It's Hornchurch calling. "Look at these neat suburbangardens," it whispers. "Look at this high street, with its branch of Costa Coffee." He feels bad about this infidelity toplace: conflicted and sad. But what can you do? "White people get a bad time here," he says, nursing a mug of tea."These people don't mix," he complains, driving past some Muslim women outside a primary school.So far, so Ukip.Except that Tony is not, perhaps, what you think. His father was Jamaican; his new wife is Romanian. Even as hejoins the socalled white flight to the Elysian fields of Essex – Newham, which he will leave behind, now has one ofthe lowest white British populations in the country – it would be hard and a bit stupid to condemn him as racist. Theword that comes more easily to mind is deracinated, assuming it's possible to feel uprootedness before you haveeven left a place. Fearful and lonely, he is ill at ease in his own world, aching for the past even as he accepts(darkly, his eyes scour the sparkly shopfronts) that it has probably gone for ever. One of the things that firstattracted him to his wife – they met when she ran for the bus that he was driving – is that she has the samestandards as his nan. "The eastern Europeans are filling up the churches again," he says, approvingly.Last Whitesof the East End (24 May, 10.45pm), Kelly Close's rich but slightly disorganised documentary for BBC1, was full ofpeople like Tony. Oh, the muddle of it all. Eileen, who was about to move to Norfolk after the death of her husband of68 years, did not have a bad word to say about her "lovely" Somalian neighbour. But, still, there was no disguisingher situation. "There's no one here belonging to me," she said, readying herself for the removal men. Usman,whose family arrived in Newham from Bangladesh in the 1930s, described himself as a cockney. Immigration had,he said, been both good and bad for his community. On the plus side, he no longer has to travel far to the mosque:new ones have sprung up all over. But the minuses include the loss – also to Essex – of his (white) boyhood friends.The latest wave of immigrants, he said, are not experiencing "the British way of life", for which reason he wishesthat his pals had stayed. They should have fought for their way of life, he complained; rushing to the far end of theDistrict Line and beyond is just "throwing your toys out of the pram". He is convinced that the East End he knew asa child will be gone completely in ten years.Deracination – it's not something the Labour Party cares much to talkabout, or that politicians of any hue seem really to understand (either that or they're wilfully ignoring it). A shiftingpopulation can bring it on, with all its complicated and pernicious effects, but so, too, can a changing landscape. Pulldown beloved buildings and the sense of abandonment, displacement and grief can be overpowering – as NickBroomfield, hitherto best known for his selfreflexive documentaries about such figures as Eugène Terre'Blancheand Sarah Palin, revealed in an extraordinary film for BBC4 (25 May, 9pm).I can't remember the last time an hour oftelevision made me so furious, or so leaky: after a certain point, the tears simply refused to stop. Have the 1960sand 1970s taught us nothing? It seems that they really haven't – and I write, before you accuse me of the worst kindof National Trust-ism, as a well-known fan of concrete. (I am, for God's sake, the biographer of Alison Smithson.)How can it be that the beautiful and listed buildings that were the subject of Broomfield's film – the Wellington Roomsin Liverpool and the Coal Exchange in Cardiff – have been left to rot? Simple! Rotting buildings are unsafe buildingsand councils can use emergency powers to knock them down and sell the land to developers.Broomfield's techniquewas first to let his camera linger on their finer features (the lovely Wellington Rooms, once a gentleman's club, havean Adam ceiling and friezes by Wedgwood), and then to show up the ineptitude and instinct for half-truths of theirdisgraceful municipal keepers: podgy white men, mostly, with no feeling whatsoever for the citizens they aresupposed to represent (this, I think, is in the end more significant than their lack of feeling for architecture).Finally,Broomfield tried, for a few moments, to breathe life back into the buildings. At the Wellington Rooms, Barbara andEllen, best friends since 1961, entered the ballroom to the sound of Irish music, a fiddler having been arranged(when it closed in the 1980s, the building was Liverpool's Irish Centre). And then, among the dust and the puddlesand the falling masonry, they held hands and danced. Their faltering gaiety was unselfconscious but it was also a

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rebuke. As they well know, something has been stolen – from them and from all of the people of their great city.




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BBC slated as The LastWhites of the East Enddubbed 'the most racistprogramme ever'ON Tuesday night the BBC aired a documentary about immigration in Newham, EastLondon — and it caused huge controversy.

By Molly Rose Pike / Published 25th May 2016

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The Last Whites of the East End looked into the views of a handful of white residents of the East

End, who feel they had been pushed out of their community by immigrants.

Many cockneys from the area had moved out to Essex as they feel the area has become too


Newham has 147 languages spoken across the borough, which some residents say is a negative


The show featured a resident called Leanne who decided to move out of the area to give her

children a “better life”.

We also met Peter, who is a secretary at East Ham Working Men’s Club, who feels like the

traditional East End way of life is disappearing.

The show’s viewers were less than impressed with the documentary, with many claiming it

promoted racist views.

One Twitter used branded it the “most racist programme I’ve ever watched”.

While another called out the BBC for spending taxpayer money on the show, they said: “This is

how the BBC chooses to spend license payers' money? Don’t forget POC also fund your


While another posted: “The issues in Newham are poverty, low pay, housing, inequality, rather

than racial divisions.”



MOVING OUT: The residents complained about integration... but then moved out of London

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 301141Value: 8136

“Never seen such an unbalanced, bias and racist programme. Great campaigning for EDL and


COCKNEY: The older residents have left London because relatives aren't there to look after them

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 301141Value: 8136

Brexit!” another posted.

The BBC have defended the show, a spokesperson said: “The documentary Last Whites of the

East End sets out to explore the impact of rapid change on longstanding communities in the East

End of London and to discover why some people are choosing to leave the area.

“The film features a wide range of people voicing their personal opinions and shows many

different facets of life in Newham, exploring both positive and negative views across a variety of


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Newham is the subject of a BBC documentary

12:40 25 May 2016 Sophie Morton

Viewers react to Last Whites of the East Enddocumentary

Last Whites of the East End, a BBC One documentary which aired last night, has attracted agreat deal of criticism about its content.

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 6525Value: 175

Viewers have taken to Twitter to share their views on the Last Whites of the East End, which was

broadcast on BBC One last night.

As the Recorder previously reported, the documentary has attracted criticism for being misleading

and unrepresentative of modernday Newham something many viewers were keen to point out.

Jonny Walker@jonnywalker_edu

@ArmitageJW · A DAY AGO

@NewhamRecorder Schools was particularly misleading Newham

schools are strong, multicultural, inclusive, Englishspeaking & we do

do Xmas!

Hayyan Ayaz Bhabha@HayyanAyaz

@CherryChaps69 · A DAY AGO

147 languages spoken in Newham apparently. I think that's worth

celebrating. #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd

Mubin Haq@Mubin_Haq

@Wealth_Equality · A DAY AGO

The issues in Newham are poverty, low pay, housing, inequality,

rather than racial divisions #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd


@pakstarr · A DAY AGO

It takes TWO to integrate. If you move out & don't wanna live with

them don't then blame them 4 not integrating #lastwhitesoftheeastend

However, others defended the documentary.



@NewhamRecorder A true depiction of Newham today

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ѕαмαитнα уι∂єтte@yidette3

@TimonereEilene · 19 HOURS AGO

It's only the truth #lastwhitesoftheeastend

Let us know what you thought of the programme by tweeting @newhamrecorder or [email protected]

The hourlong programme spoke to a number of people moving out of the borough about theirreasons for it, as well as looking at the migration of ethnic minorities into the area.

The documentary is available on now.

BBC documentary highlightswhite flight in NewhamA potentially controversialdocumentary focusing on theplight of Newham’s whiteworking class...

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Dr Ruth Cherrington

Shares: 6 Shares: 6

17:06 25 May 2016 Niall Joyce

UEL academic says Last Whites of the East Endhighlights ‘complex issue’

An academic from the University of East London has spoken out in support of a recent BBCdocumentary about the declining white working class population in Newham.

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 6525Value: 175

GV shots showing multicultural area. Green Street, Upton Park, E13 9BA

Dr Ruth Cherrington, an expert on working class communities and traditions, said the LastWhites of the East End opened up a discussion that is hard for some people to talk about.

“It is a phenomenon that can be controversial to talk about. That’s something I think thedocumentary did quite well,” she said. “It represented different groups without making outthese groups are racist.”

Dr Cherrington also pointed out that the documentary brought up some uncomfortable hometruths about modern Britain society.

“It raises the question of multiculturalism and does it work? It’s a complex issue. You can’t saywe’ll only have white working class people living in an area.”

The documentary, which aired last night on BBC1, partly focused on the West Ham workingmen’s club and the how it was one of the last bastions for the white working class communityto meet.

According Dr Cherrington the social clubs offer the white working class community a place tomeet much like religious groups can at their place of worship.

“I’m not saying communities should stay the same but if we want a multicultural society wemust provide spaces for people to mix, and also to do things other groups don’t,” DrCherrington added.

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Dr Cherrington also said the one area that the documentary failed to focus on was the currentstate of social housing.

“In the past a lot of social housing was comprised of white working class people and if youlose that social housing you have to move out and away. It also comes at a time when there isimmigration coming from all parts of the world,” she said.

“When people don’t feel like they belong anymore it’s because all their points of contact aregone,” she added.

The Mayor of Newham, Sir Robin Wales, released a statement today reiterating hisdisappointment with the ‘sensationalist’ documentary.

“The borough has changed over the years like many other areas across the country for a widerange of reasons from changes in the economy, house prices and the general transientnature of our population. But the image of Newham as having no community spirit is not onethat I or the majority of our residents identify with,” he said.

“However, it is important that we listen to the views of every resident within our borough andlook at how we can deliver a strong and cohesive community based on fairness for all.”

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BBC documentary highlightswhite flight in NewhamA potentially controversialdocumentary focusing on theplight of Newham’s whiteworking class...

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 6525Value: 175

Edition: UK Search The Huffington Post





Sarah Ann Harris

News Reporter, The Huffington Post UK

BBC’s The Last Whites Of The East EndPrompts Outrage At ‘Racist’ ProgrammeNot everyone agrees though...

25/05/2016 17:00


The programme, stills featured from it above, was branded ‘racist’ by some viewers

The BBC is facing a backlash from viewers who complained that a documentary on theevolving communities of London’s East End was racist.

Many people were deeply unhappy with the programme, which chronicled the

supposed exodus of white British people from the borough of Newham, with one viewer

branding it “white supremacist propaganda”.

Client:TPR MediaYellow News

Source:Huffington PostUKView Online View TextPDF

Date: 25May2016Reach: 913143Value: 24510

The documentary, that premiered on Tuesday, examined what effect the 70,000

immigrants who arrived in the last 15 years had on the communities they integrated


It was billed as a programme “exploring the effect of immigration on the dwindling white

community of the East End, from the perspective of those who remain and those who

chose to leave”.

But its contents was heavily criticised by social media users, who accused its

producers of ignorance, and labelled it “racist”.

What an ignorant programme. #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Alexander kuye (@AlexKuye) May 24, 2016

This programme is going to convince the uninformed & those inclined to

racism to justify their bigotry #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Nazia Mirza (@naziasmirza) May 24, 2016

Disgusting racists! #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd

— Mr Squeaky Clean (@Mr_S_Clean) May 24, 2016

But others hit back, retorting that the the programme simply laid bare the reality of how

one of the country’s boroughs with the lowest white British populations had changed

over time.

Those Claiming racist show , clearly didn’t watch or avoid the truth.

Reporting on a fact is not racist. #Idiots #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd

— Aaron (@Aaron_Whit) May 25, 2016

How can anyone who has been to the east end be foolish enough to say

that #lastwhitesoftheeastend is racist?

— Damian Stuart (@DamianAStuart) May 25, 2016

Client:TPR MediaYellow News

Source:Huffington PostUKView Online View TextPDF

Date: 25May2016Reach: 913143Value: 24510

The truth is hard for some to stomach but they can still manage a lazy shout

of ‘racist’ as a tonic for the shock #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— wendy (@wilcox_susie) May 25, 2016

A BBC spokesperson defended the programme, explaining that it broadcast both

positive and negative views across a variety of issues.

The spokesperson told The Huffington Post UK: “The documentary Last Whites of the

East End sets out to explore the impact of rapid change on long standing communities

in the East End of London and to discover why some people are choosing to leave the


“The film features a wide range of people voicing their personal opinions and shows

many different facets of life in Newham, exploring both positive and negative views

across a variety of issues.”

Client:TPR MediaYellow News

Source:Huffington PostUKView Online View TextPDF

Date: 25May2016Reach: 913143Value: 24510

Edition: UK Search The Huffington Post





Sarah Ann Harris

News Reporter, The Huffington Post UK

BBC’s The Last Whites Of The East EndPrompts Outrage At ‘Racist’ ProgrammeNot everyone agrees though...

25/05/2016 17:00


The programme, stills featured from it above, was branded ‘racist’ by some viewers

The BBC is facing a backlash from viewers who complained that a documentary on theevolving communities of London’s East End was racist.

Many people were deeply unhappy with the programme, which chronicled the

supposed exodus of white British people from the borough of Newham, with one viewer

branding it “white supremacist propaganda”.

Client:TPR MediaYellow News

Source:Huffington PostUKView Online View TextPDF

Date: 25May2016Reach: 913143Value: 24510

The documentary, that premiered on Tuesday, examined what effect the 70,000

immigrants who arrived in the last 15 years had on the communities they integrated


It was billed as a programme “exploring the effect of immigration on the dwindling white

community of the East End, from the perspective of those who remain and those who

chose to leave”.

But its contents was heavily criticised by social media users, who accused its

producers of ignorance, and labelled it “racist”.

What an ignorant programme. #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Alexander kuye (@AlexKuye) May 24, 2016

This programme is going to convince the uninformed & those inclined to

racism to justify their bigotry #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— Nazia Mirza (@naziasmirza) May 24, 2016

Disgusting racists! #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd

— Mr Squeaky Clean (@Mr_S_Clean) May 24, 2016

But others hit back, retorting that the the programme simply laid bare the reality of how

one of the country’s boroughs with the lowest white British populations had changed

over time.

Those Claiming racist show , clearly didn’t watch or avoid the truth.

Reporting on a fact is not racist. #Idiots #LastWhitesOfTheEastEnd

— Aaron (@Aaron_Whit) May 25, 2016

How can anyone who has been to the east end be foolish enough to say

that #lastwhitesoftheeastend is racist?

— Damian Stuart (@DamianAStuart) May 25, 2016

Client:TPR MediaYellow News

Source:Huffington PostUKView Online View TextPDF

Date: 25May2016Reach: 913143Value: 24510

The truth is hard for some to stomach but they can still manage a lazy shout

of ‘racist’ as a tonic for the shock #lastwhitesoftheeastend

— wendy (@wilcox_susie) May 25, 2016

A BBC spokesperson defended the programme, explaining that it broadcast both

positive and negative views across a variety of issues.

The spokesperson told The Huffington Post UK: “The documentary Last Whites of the

East End sets out to explore the impact of rapid change on long standing communities

in the East End of London and to discover why some people are choosing to leave the


“The film features a wide range of people voicing their personal opinions and shows

many different facets of life in Newham, exploring both positive and negative views

across a variety of issues.”

Client:TPR MediaYellow News

Source:Huffington PostUKView Online View TextPDF

Date: 25May2016Reach: 913143Value: 24510


The programme 'explored the effect of immigration on the dwindling white community'.

25 MAY 2016

BBC's Last Whites of the East Endsparks viewer backlash over racismclaims


Client:TPR MediaYellow News

Source:Digital SpyView Online View TextPDF

Date: 25May2016Reach: 906061Value: 24320

Controversial documentary Last Whites of the East End has sparked a viewer backlash after airing on BBC One last night (May 24).

Viewers claimed the programme, which was billed as exploring 'the effect of immigration on the dwindling white community of the East End' promoted racist views.

The show focused on Newham, which has received the highestnumber of new residents in the country over the past 15 years.

Digital Spy rounds up the social media reactions below:

Was it Britain First or UKIP that sponsored thisracist, rancid steaming pile of bigotry from theBBC? #LastWhites— Patrick Strudwick (@PatrickStrud) May 24,2016

#lastwhites "Truth is like poetry .... And peoplef£&king hate poetry"— Cameron Smith (@Londoncam73) May 25,2016

#lastwhites family complaining about make up ofeast end of London weren't even white they wereorange!— Barrie Wood (@totnesredgreen) May 25, 2016

#lastwhites family complaining about make up ofeast end of London weren't even white they wereorange!— Barrie Wood (@totnesredgreen) May 25, 2016

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Date: 25May2016Reach: 906061Value: 24320

#lastwhites Not seeing why people are so outraged sure there a few unsavoury attitudes thrown about but other than that I'm not seeing it.— Troy Dibben (@TroyDibben) May 25, 2016

#lastwhites the guy complaining about immigration is a mixed heritage man with an Eastern European partner! Don't get it!!!— Johanna (@decadedesigner) May 25, 2016

@_littlecreature #lastwhites was just designed to stir up racial hatred.— Ronke Chalmers (@purlyqueen) May 24, 2016

Some people are going to find #Lastwhites terrifying. However I think writing off the grievances expressed as purely racism is wrong— Brian Williams (@BriW74) May 24, 2016

We all do Xmas, we all do nativity; talking out of your arse. Ask someone who works in a school rather than drives around one. #lastwhites— Jonny Walker (@jonnywalker_edu) May 24, 2016

. @BBC are you actually serious with #lastwhites. West Ham are moving because of the change in Ethnic residents! A disgrace to Journalism— Lord of Kincavel (@RAF_Vinny) May 24, 2016


And there have been no complaints to Ofcom.

25 MAY 2016

BBC defends Last Whites of the East Endafter accusations of racism


© BBC Pictures / Lambent Productions/Simon Smith

BBC has defended controversial documentary Last Whites of theEast End, after a viewer backlash.

Some viewers complained last night on social media that theprogramme promoted racist views.

Client:TPR MediaYellow News

Source:Digital SpyView Online View TextPDF

Date: 25May2016Reach: 906061Value: 24320

Last Whites of the East End was billed as exploring "the effect ofimmigration on the dwindling white community of the East End".

"The documentary Last Whites of the East End sets out to explorethe impact of rapid change on longstanding communities in theEast End of London and to discover why some people arechoosing to leave the area," a BBC spokesperson told DigitalSpy.

"The film features a wide range of people voicing their personalopinions and shows many different facets of life in Newham,exploring both positive and negative views across a variety ofissues."

Although many used Twitter to vent about the show, Ofcom said thatit has received no complaints as of this morning.

Last Whites of the East End aired on BBC One.

‘The Last Whites of the East End’: Racist or Realistic?

25 May, 2016 East London, National News 20

Newham has 147 languages spoken across the borough, and a White British population of


A recent BBC programme focused on the issue of integration and diversity in London’s East End

has prompted extremely divisive reactions amongst viewers, with many users expressing anger

and disappointment at the way in which the sensitive topic was handled.

‘The Last Whites of the East End’ aired on BBC1 on 24th May 2016 and focused majorly on the

borough of Newham, where 73% of residents are now ethnic minorities and black British

minorities. Several residents spoke to the BBC1 show about how they will be moving out of the

borough soon for areas with a higher White British population such as Essex.

The show stated that around 70,000 immigrants have moved into London’s east end in the last

fifteen years, and claimed that although some residents consider themselves to be ‘true east-

enders’, many areas of the area have issues with communities sticking together and refusing to

integrate with neighbours.

In the programme Peter Bell, secretary of East Ham Working Men’s Club, said on camera,

“[People say] I can’t believe what’s happened here, it could be Baghdad.”

“I don’t think the Muslim community want to be part of the traditions here.”

Newham is considered one of the most multicultural areas of the UK, with 147 languages spoken

across the borough. According to national census figures, the ‘White British’ population of this

area has dropped from 34% to 17% since 2001 – however, this is still the largest single group of

any in Newham, and more people report a British or English national identity than before.

Newham council also appeared to disagree with the portrayal in the show. Mayor of Newham, Sir

Robin Wales, said in a statement: “One of this borough’s greatest strengths is its diversity.

People from all backgrounds, cultures and faiths proudly call Newham home.

“The distorted image of our borough reportedly portrayed in this documentary is not one I or the

majority of our residents identify with.”

Twitter user Chessca Pinamang said of the show: “#thelastwhitesoftheeastend why do you try to

fuel racist situations via television @BBC1? I find this slightly hard to watch”

Twitter user Jonny Walker and Newham resident agreed, stating:”Schools was particularly

misleading – Newham schools are strong, multicultural, inclusive, English-speaking & we do do


Twitter user Joseph Finlay took a similar stance, commenting that: “The Last Whites of the East

End is dangerous nonsense. People said all the same things in the 1880s with Jewish


The issue of ‘White Flight’ in the UK has been much discussed in relation to many urban areas

across the UK. Immigration is not a new phenomenon, and cities such as Bradford and

Newcastle have come under fire in recent years for having supposed large areas of low-

integration, high-immigrant populations. ‘White Flight’ is a term that originated in the United

States, starting in the mid-20th century, and applied to the migration of people of various

European ancestries from racially mixed urban regions to less multi-cultural suburban regions.

Deprivation and poverty was also addressed as part of the show – Newham is one of the poorest

areas of London, and issues of low income and barriers to social housing affect all ethnic groups

in the borough.

Social researcher Ludi Simpson states in his 2009 book ‘‘Sleepwalking to segregation’? Challenging

myths about race and migration’that the growth of ethnic minorities in Britain is due mostly to

natural population growth (births outnumber deaths) rather than immigration. According to his

research, both white and non-white Britons who are able to do so economically are equally likely

to leave mixed-race inner-city areas.

Not everybody disagreed with the portrayal of Newham, however, with some online viewers

supporting the approach taken by the show.

Twitter user Space Bunnyopolous tweeted in relation to the show: “The truth is not racist.”

Similarly, twitter user Jay Nottage commented: “People not liking this bbc documentary Last

Whites of the East End its only telling the truth but I take it some people don’t like the truth”

Twitter user Newark Anagram tied the programme into a comment on the EU Referendum,

stating: “The ‘Last Whites of the East End’ programme should act as a stark warning. If we don’t

#Brexit, other towns & cities will also disappear.”

While the programme clearly stirred up highly divisive reactions amongst viewers, both residents

of Newham and across the rest of the UK, some reactions were rather more light-hearted, with

Twitter user Katie O commenting: “Since when was Newham the east end?


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