The Lamb of God Chronicle -[0905] Lamb of God Chronicle May...

The Lamb of God Chronicle May 2009 The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054 Christchurch 8640 Phone [03] 383 2631 Fax [03] 383 0609 Mobile 021 817 232 Email: L[email protected] Website: INDEX TO CONTENTS Reflection Page 1-2 Our People Page 3 News and Articles Page 4 House Group Resource Page 5 Kairos NZ News Page 6 Web Sites Page 7 Fr. John: 2009 Itinerary Page 8 Members/Info/Records Page 9 Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 9-10 National Prayer Watch Page 11-12 Reflection: 30 th Anniversary of the Lamb of God This month sees the 30 th Anniversary of the founding of the Lamb of God. On 9 May 1979, we recognize our ‘prophetic call’ and foundation. The first formal prayer meeting was not held until 8 July that year. The month of May also sees the 24 th Anniversary of the founding of the Lamb of God as a National Community with locations throughout New Zealand. Let me share just four, of many, significant things of our call and beginning thirty years ago. 1. A group of eight people had been ‘exploring’ community since 1975. Veronica and I and our children were a part of that group. In our journey of exploration we had a period of ‘all finances in common’. We used to shop together and purchase a veritable mountain of groceries then take it by trailer to a large garage. We would worship the Lord then the children would go get what mum and dad wanted from the mountain of food and pack it for taking home. Everyone took what they needed, regardless of who had paid for it. It was fun and it was helpful. Then we moved to experiencing all living together for two short periods. The first time was about 40 kilometres outside of Christchurch in an old and somewhat run-down house [the room assigned the Foley family had a large rat sitting on the bed when we arrived late and opened the bedroom door] and the other at Kaikoura, two and a half hours drive to the north, in a large and old rambling presbytery. It was one of those places where all of the doors had large keys sitting in the locks. The problem was we had so many children that within hours the children had pretty well lost all of the keys and we needed climb through windows to access rooms! Interesting times.......

Transcript of The Lamb of God Chronicle -[0905] Lamb of God Chronicle May...

Page 1: The Lamb of God Chronicle -[0905] Lamb of God Chronicle May 2009.pdf · The Lamb of God Chronicle May 2009 The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054

The Lamb of God ChronicleMay 2009

The Lamb of God Community PO Box 35 054 Christchurch 8640Phone [03] 383 2631 Fax [03] 383 0609 Mobile 021 817 232Email: [email protected]:


Reflection Page 1-2Our People Page 3News and Articles Page 4House Group Resource Page 5Kairos NZ News Page 6

Web Sites Page 7Fr. John: 2009 Itinerary Page 8Members/Info/Records Page 9Birthdays/Anniversaries Page 9-10National Prayer Watch Page 11-12

Reflection: 30th Anniversary of theLamb of God

This month sees the 30th Anniversary of the founding of the Lamb of God. On 9 May1979, we recognize our ‘prophetic call’ and foundation. The first formal prayer meetingwas not held until 8 July that year. The month of May also sees the 24th Anniversary ofthe founding of the Lamb of God as a National Community with locations throughoutNew Zealand.

Let me share just four, of many, significant things of our call and beginning thirty yearsago.

1. A group of eight people had been ‘exploring’ community since 1975. Veronicaand I and our children were a part of that group. In our journey of exploration wehad a period of ‘all finances in common’. We used to shop together and purchasea veritable mountain of groceries then take it by trailer to a large garage. Wewould worship the Lord then the children would go get what mum and dadwanted from the mountain of food and pack it for taking home. Everyone tookwhat they needed, regardless of who had paid for it. It was fun and it was helpful.Then we moved to experiencing all living together for two short periods. The firsttime was about 40 kilometres outside of Christchurch in an old and somewhatrun-down house [the room assigned the Foley family had a large rat sitting on thebed when we arrived late and opened the bedroom door] and the other atKaikoura, two and a half hours drive to the north, in a large and old ramblingpresbytery. It was one of those places where all of the doors had large keyssitting in the locks. The problem was we had so many children that within hoursthe children had pretty well lost all of the keys and we needed climb throughwindows to access rooms! Interesting times.......

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2. The above experiences were rich, but did not lead at that time to a structured‘community’. By this time I was leading the group and it grew rapidly into acharismatic prayer group. In fact so large that every Friday afternoon I camehome from work early and needed move furniture out of the house so morepeople could get in for the evening prayer meeting. I even ended up needing toremove pictures and photographs from the walls so bodies could squeeze in. ButI became disturbed by the emphasis on ‘experiencing gifts’ [and in those dayssome of it was pretty wild] so I started to talk more and more about beingcommitted and including our children. That had an impact. I could leave thepictures on the walls, then the furniture in the house, then we started to finishbefore midnight! People left in droves as we talked ‘being committed’. We endedup with maybe fifteen. Then in March 1979 Veronica and I moved house just afew kilometres to where we still live [No9]. That stirred a wacky ‘prophet’ still inour midst to declare the Lord would ‘destroy’ Roger and Veronica if they moved.That was it as far as the extremes of the charismatic renewal for the Foley’s. Wemoved in March and established the remnant of the group meeting for prayer atNo 9. Then the door to ‘community as we know it’ opened just two months lateron 9 May.

3. That day I experienced a special encounter I will never forget. I was walking ourold dog, Mandy, mid afternoon. I was not thinking of anything in particular, justgetting home and watching for trafficas I crossed the road. Then an over-powering sense of the presence ofGod, the likes of which I guess I havenot experienced in such a way since.It literally forced me to my kneesin the middle of the road, with oldMandy still on her lead! I wasoblivious to traffic; I was simplyovercome with a sense of ‘presence’.I ‘heard’ the Lord say ‘Now is thetime to build this community’. Fullstop, nothing more. As I walkedhome I wondered what to do. Was Igoing loopy? So I put it to a stern testof discernment- I shared it with Veronica. She must have sensed somethingspecial going on here. Then two days later I called the Bishop of Christchurchand gained time with him. I shared with him about our journey since 1975, all of it,and of this 9 May experience. I asked him, what should I do? He did not laugh, hedid not dismiss it. He talked of the mysterious ways of the Spirit and concluded‘Roger- if this is of God, it will grow’ and he prayed a blessing over me andencouraged me to explore where it might lead.

4. And so we set into the deep. But this time with the Lord’s chosen and declaredtime, and the Lamb of God established. The work has grown and is nownationwide and international. We are ecumenical in nature and very multi-culturaland rich in composition. We are blessed with nearly 250 youth and children. It is asubstantial work of God.

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To close let me share one comment I hear often but I do not like. Many people say ‘ohare you a part of Roger Foley’s community?’ or ‘Lamb of God was founded by Roger’.NO- read again what I have said. Yes we were searching and I was a part of that. Butthe Lord raised the Lamb of God and He did it in His timing. It was and is and hopefullyalways will be His work – not to be credited to the work of any man.

Many of you know that my prayer has always been that one day I will shuffle into ourprayer meeting, maybe with a walking stick, and Veronica and I will simply enjoy beingthere with our brothers and sisters, and our grandchildren and great grandchildren. And Itrust I will see men and women taking us forward who would also respond by falling totheir knees in a busy street if the Lord wanted to catch their attention!

Let us move on with confidence.............. Roger Foley: Senior Coordinator


Congratulations! Mike and Judy Prendeville [Southern], on the birth of granddaughter Decalyn Anne born

29/12/08 to Mathew & Kaylee

Kirsten Challies [Christchurch] was out running recently and came upon a lady wholooked familiar. The lady recognised Kirsten as from the Lamb of God and stopped herto say what a wonderful job the community is doing! She said that if it weren't for theLamb of God she wouldn't have been able to go events such as our facilitating SisterBriege McKenna and Fr John Rea, which she has so appreciated. She told Kirsten"keep up the good work". Encouraging.......

Maureen Lyons [Christchurch] is one of those faithful people who get on with quietlyserving without fanfare, notice and few if any public thanks. Maureen joined Lamb ofGod in her teenage years and is now married and she and husband Chris are raising sixwonderful children. She serves on the Mainly Music team, at lamingtons, coffee morningministry, in the crèche and in several other ‘hidden ways’. She even gets time to pick upher guitar and lead worship at the occasional sister’s event. Almost every Sundayevening as I sit at my desk to look at my priorities for the upcoming week, I get ‘pinged’in my email in-box by Maureen. It is a full electronic transcript of the prophetic worddeclared at the Christchurch Community Gathering that afternoon. It amazes me howMaureen does it! It must be gone 6.00pm before she gets home from the meeting. Thensit down and watch TV and relax? No. There is a busy household with six children,meals, getting children ready for bed, preparing school lunches, getting clothes readyand so much more. Maureen has been typing up the prophecy for many years now andshe does it by taking the audio tape each week and transcribing it. Not an easy task.She has only taken two small breaks following the births of Charlotte and Felicity.Thank you, Maureen and Chris - I for one am inspired by such faithful and ‘hidden’service. Such service inspires me. Roger

[Note to all Branch leaders: Please send your local news/snippets to Roger Foleyor Tom Caballes so that we can acknowledge important occasions in the lives ofour brothers and sisters and make sure we do not miss any of them.]

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Victoria Matthews [Anglican Bishop of Christchurch] speaking at a Men’s Breakfast inChristchurch last month:‘If you are not a Christian and yet you have a spiritual hunger- which I think is just adefinition of being a human being- and you are surrounded by Christians who neverspeak of their faith, and who go out of their way to act as if it makes no difference tothem, would you ever go to church? If you spend your time with Jesus, then peopleshould be asking you about what makes you tick. It should show in your place of work,your family and in your church. If someone says to you “are you worried about such-and-such” you should be able to say “Yes, I’m worried but I’ve been praying about thatand I think I have been able to hand it over”- well wouldn’t that be an incredibletestimony to someone who wasn’t a Christian to hear? To be able to speak of therelationship that is ours with Christ, if we could do that there wouldn’t be enough pews inany church in the diocese.’


In March leaders from our South Island Branches [Nelson, Blenheim, Christchurch andSouthern] formed a Service Team to advance and better coordinate the works of allLamb of God Centres in the South Island. The Service Team is to comprise the followingmen- Robert Van Doorn, Mark Challies and John Murray [Christchurch], Terry Westbury[Nelson], Mike Cullimore [Blenheim], Mike Prendeville [Southern] and will be coordinatedby Roger. The Service Team is comprised of mainly younger leaders and this is seen asa way to prepare for the future to ensure our works move ahead.

Yvonne D’Souza and Shalini Saldanha with some of the participants of theChildren’s Life in the Spirit Seminar held in the East district, Auckland.

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‘CHALLENGES IN LIVING TOGETHER AS COMMUNITY’Resource for House Group Discussion by Roger Foley

‘Ephesians 4, verse 2... Is this possible?’


Ephesians 4, verses 1-6

‘As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you havereceived. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is onebody and one Spirit- just as you were called to one hope when you were called, oneLord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through alland in all.’

Key Book for building Christian Community

*Ephesians 4 and following - the word reveals the way to unity in a world that needshelp, it is practical teaching for us today* V2: ‘Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love.’

How does this speak to us today?

*A humility that comes from our relationship with Jesus as Lord*Being aware of our own ‘nothingness’ outside of the Lord working in us*The opposite of ‘nothingness’ is conceit and arrogance*We need a ‘gentleness’ and a ‘lowliness’*We need a disposition/spirit of patience under [prolonged] provocation

Bearing with one another in love

*Making allowance for the faults and failures of others, or for different personalities,abilities and temperaments*Must not be a facade of courtesy whilst inwardly resenting the person*It means positive love to those who irritate, disturb, or even embarrass

Discussion starters:

1. How do you go in ‘bearing’ with others ‘in love’- easy or difficult?2. Would you welcome others sent by the elders to add your group - or do you have adifficulty ‘bearing’ with some folk?3. If you think you would have a difficulty- can you reason why?

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PitStop 2009 in Blenheim

About 40 young people from Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch and Blenheimparticipated in the Pitstop youth weekend rally held in Blenheim from April 17 to 19 and they hadan amazing time. Different speakers gave talks, shared their lives and the participants haddiscussions groups and praised and worshipped their hearts out to God for 3 days!

Some of the topics discussed included Goal setting, Focus and Priorities, Dangers and Pitfalls,Staying in the Race; some of Blenheim leaders gave the presentations and others were given byyouth leaders themselves. Mike [nickname: Fleur] and Carol Cullimore led the Lord ’s Daycelebration on Saturday night and weekend rally finished off with an awesome time of praise ofworship and sharings by the participants. See you again in Pitstop 2010!

Thanks to our brothers and sisters in Blenheim for their hosting and generosity to all of us!

PitStop 2009 Photo Album

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Kairos New Zealand Schedule of Events – 2009

May 29-31 Mid-Winter V [Christchurch]June 20 Kairos Youth Leaders Training [Auckland]July 04 Kairos Youth Rally [Auckland]July 16-19 Winter Oasis [Auckland]Sep 24 – Oct 6 Fiji Mission trip [Fiji]Oct 03 Kairos Youth Leaders Training [Auckland]Oct 17 EDGE Family Night [Auckland]Dec 11 Kairos Christmas Party [Auckland]Jan 10-14 Summer Oasis 2010 [Christchurch]Jan 15-16 S/O Leaders Training [Christchurch]


KAIROS South Pacific Web Site – go take a look …

Check it out at-

You can network and chat with other young people by going to this website:

We designated every Friday night at 10pm as a time to meet other young people.

Sign up [free] for Youth Culture Newsletter ……The most recent edition of the Youth Culture Newsletter is now available online. It will nolonger be sent to you via the Lamb of God e-mail list but you can get it at this link-

This is a recommended Sword of the Spirit publication for youth and parents.

Living Bulwark Sword of the Spirit – Recommended!

This Sword of the Spirit on-line publication has received more than 43,000 visits (anaverage of 135 visits each day) in its first year. All back issues for the past 12 monthscan be found at: The current issueof the online magazine can be seen at: .

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18-26 April Ministry with “Disciples of Jesus”, Perth28 April-03 May Ministry with “Holy Spirit of Freedom”, Perth04-08 May Parish Retreat, Hilton, Perth10-14 May Seminar for “Disciples of Jesus”, Sydney22-24 May One Day Retreat and Healing Service, Te Puna/Tauranga05-09 June Seminar for “Servants of Jesus”, Sydney12-14 June Healing Services, St. Benedict’s, Canberra22-30 June Healing Services, Auckland with Lamb of God CommunityJULY RECESS08-16 August Dove Fellowship and Healing Services in Christchurch24-31 August Healing Services, “Sword of the Spirit”, Miami03-13 September Healing Services, “People of Hope”. New Jersey14-20 September Healing Services, “People of God”, Pittsburgh PA21 Sept- 03 Oct Healing Services, “Work of Christ”, Lansing MI05- 31 October Samoa. Carmelite Retreat and ministry for Archbishop Alapati08 – 18 November South Island Healing Services with Lamb of God Community


Monday 22 June to Tuesday 30 June, Healing Meetings in various locations


Sunday 09 Lamb of God Centre Healing Meeting

Monday 10 Fr John speaks on ‘Mary’

Tuesday 11 Fr John speaks on ‘Marriage’

Wednesday 12 Fr John speaks on ‘Gifts of the Spirit’

Thursday 13 Fr John speaks on ‘Faith’

Friday 14 Greymouth: Healing Meeting

Saturday 15 Free day

Sunday 16 Lamb of God Centre Healing Meeting


Sunday 22 November to Sunday 29 November

Sunday 22 Lamb of God Centre Healing Meeting

Monday 23 Life in the Spirit: part one

Tuesday 24 Life in the Spirit: part two

Wednesday 25 Lamb of God Centre Healing Meeting

Thursday 26 Blenheim Branch Healing Meeting

Friday 27 Free day and travel

Saturday 28 Wellington: Gifts Seminar [half day]

Sunday 29 Wellington: Gathering and prayer Gifts Spirit

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SENDING NEWS FOR CHRONICLE PUBLICATIONBranches are encouraged to email news, happenings and snippets to Tom Caballes [email protected]. Each issue is closed around the 20th of the month.

IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT OUR RECORDSMembership Records and Data: Branch leaders are responsible to keep updatedrecords and then email all new attendee additions, deletions, address and phonechanges, births, deaths, transfers, etc to -

Tom Caballes [email protected] copy to [email protected]

BIRTHDAY INFORMATION[day and month, but year is optional] Branch leaders are asked to keep updated recordsand email all new attendee additions to –

Tom Caballes [email protected]

GETTING CHRONICLE & OTHER NEWS BY EMAIL[1] If you are receiving this as an electronic edition, we just need hear if and when youchange your email address. Notify [email protected].[2] If you are receiving this by hard copy but you have an email address, please sendyour email address to [email protected].[3] The Chronicle has a national and international mailing schedule. If you know ofothers wishing to be added, notify [email protected].

Wedding Anniversaries for the Month of May


Joy Anthony Fatima 01/05 Auckland

Sison Joel Tiza 01/05 Central

Hong Thomas Irene 02/05 Auckland

Fonseca Lenny Joyce 03/05 Auckland

Westbury Terry Sandy 03/05 Nelson

D'Silva Elvis Andrea 07/05 Auckland

Challies Mark Kirsten 09/05 Christchurch

McManus John Janet 10/05 Southern

Pereira Edwin Anna 10/05 Auckland

Barber Nick Rosalie 11/05 Nelson

Carvalho Ivan Annette 11/05 Auckland

Dias Vincy Gracie 12/05 Auckland

Muollo Raema Ray 14/05 Nelson

McKenzie Alan Margaret 15/05 Southern

D'Costa Tony Christie 21/05 Auckland

Penteado Jose Angela 23/05 Auckland

Fonseca Arun Christine 24/05 Auckland

D'Costa Rex Winnie 26/05 Auckland

D'Souza Ronnie Reena 27/05 Auckland

Nicholls Danny Jacinta 31/05 Christchurch

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Birthdays for May

SURNAME NAME BIRTHDAY BRANCHMcKenzie Rachel 01/05 Auckland

Pereira Epifanio 01/05 Auckland

Pinto Elroy 01/05 Auckland

Cammell Wayne 02/05 Auckland

Collie Lucy 03/05 Auckland

D'Souza Nigel 03/05 Auckland

Pedrera Lilibeth 03/05 Central

Middlemiss Philip 04/05 Christchurch

Patrao Martin 04/05 Auckland

Arputraj Shayna 05/05 Auckland

Castelino Saahil 05/05 Auckland

D'Souza Clyde 06/05 Auckland

D'Mello Gail 07/05 Auckland

Lorca Blessie 07/05 Christchurch

Matthews Emily 07/05 Christchurch

McGettigan Fr. Mervyn 08/05 Southern

O'Malley Kathryn 08/05 Central

Prendeville Mike 08/05 Southern

Rufino Anton 08/05 Wellington

Lewis Rohini 09/05 Auckland

Mendoza Alessi 11/05 Wellington

Mendoza Alpert 11/05 Wellington

Briguera Juan Carlos 12/05 Wellington

Middlemiss Alison 12/05 Christchurch

D'Souza Cynthia 13/05 Auckland

Mariposa Ludeth 13/05 Central

Greig Sue 14/05 Blenheim

Rebello Kester 14/05 Auckland

D'Costa Winona 15/05 Auckland

Lowe Ruby 16/05 Auckland

Fredericks Anita 18/05 Blenheim

Nicholls Jacinta 20/05 Christchurch

Celestine Peter 22/05 Auckland

Blackwell Jacqui 22/05 Nelson

Coutinho Kimberly 22/05 Auckland

Coutts Thomas 23/05 Christchurch

Joy Anthony 23/05 Auckland

Samson Monique 23/05 Wellington

Burke Sanchia 24/05 Christchurch

Penteado Jose 24/05 Auckland

Garrett Mike 25/05 Blenheim

Lobo Leroy 25/05 Auckland

D'Costa Winnie 26/05 Auckland

D'Souza Debbie 26/05 Auckland

Nicholas Sarah 26/05 Christchurch

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Passi Fred 26/05 Auckland

Hall Maryanne 27/05 Auckland

Hopkins Izzard 27/05 Auckland

D'Sa Dominic 28/05 Auckland

D'Santos Priscilla 29/05 Auckland

D'Costa Rex 30/05 Auckland

Prayerwatch - Soldiers Of Christ, Arise!

There is much power in the Blood of the Lamb. “The next day John saw Jesus coming towardshim and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1: 29. Johnthe Baptist calling Jesus the “Lamb of God” takes us back to Exodus 12: when the Israeliteswere called to leave Egypt by celebrating the first Passover. The killing of the Passover Lamband the sprinkling of it blood on the doorposts and lintels of the Israelites homes was protectionfrom the angel of death that affected the Egyptians causing the death of their first born. Isaiah53: also mentions the Lamb and being healed and made whole by his stripes from sorrows,sickness and pain. The protection of the Lamb’s Blood over the Israelites in Egypt foreshadowedthe death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God as a sacrificial Lamb with His blood being shed tocleanse all mankind from sin [1 John 1: 7-9]. Jesus’ blood shed on the cross has reconciled usto God our Father [Colossians 1: 19-20]. By Jesus giving his blood as a sacrifice in his death onthe cross he conquer Satan and death so it is through his Blood that we also conquer Satan anddeath and have life eternal [Revelations 12: 11]. As the Blood was a sign for the Israelites inEgypt so we need to acknowledge that Jesus’ Blood cleanses us of sin and reconciles us withGod. Our faith needs to be put in Jesus so the enemy cannot touch our lives which are washedin the Blood and are covered and protected by His Blood when we believe in Jesus.If you have any comments or questions concerning the Prayerwatch then please send them tome at [email protected] or give them to one of your branch leaders to send to me.God bless and watch over you all.

Alan McKenzie. National Coordinator: Prayerwatch

Lamb of God Prayerwatch - Prayer Intentions

SPIRITUAL WARFAREAgainst strongholds of Apathy, Witchcraft, Confusion and other named spirits.

INTERCESSORY PRAYERCOMMUNITIES Protect and bless the life and mission of SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, PatmosCommunity [Fiji], Lamb of God Nadi [Fiji], Vanuatu Group, Light of Christ [Nelson], TheCovenanted Community For Christ, [Penang & Taiping], protect and bless their life and mission.

FAMILYAuckland: Chris, Shalini and Denver Saldanha, Keith & Rohini Lewis, Jo & Anila Collins, Mira &Alwin D’Souza, Gladys Gomes, Bernie MacNevin, Elvis & Andrea D’Silva, Peter Celestine,Yvonne D'Souza, Basil & Reena Fernandes, Ivan and Sheila D'Souza, Joseph & Teresa Gomes,Elizabeth Locke, Dominic, Sandra & Francis Rajkumar, Karyn & Neville Coutinho, Wayne &Michelle Cammell, Caedmon and Nicky Rebello, Central: Orencio & Riza Gueco, Jun & Angie

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12Briguera, Cutie Zalamea, Blenheim: Jamie & Judith Rodgers, Mark & Mary Jackson,Christchurch: Roger & Veronica Foley & Family, Robert & Karen Van Doorn & Family, Darren& Julie Humphries, Bev Cummins, Philip & Alison Middlemiss, Lesley Tilston, Bernard & AndreaForster, Southern: John & Janet MacManus, Richard & Christine May, Margaret & AlanMcKenzie,

HEALING CANCERAuckland: Christine Pinto, Sandra Middlecote, Central: Bryan Scoullar, Blenheim: CarolCullimore, David Aberhart, Tony Price, Christchurch: Reima Petersen, Tai Stirling, MargaretConsidine,

HEALING HEARTAuckland: Winona D’Costa, Alfred Saldanha, Allan Carvalho, Maria dos Anjos D'Souza,Central: Paul Oliver, Blenheim: Chris Fredericks, Jamie Rodgers Christchurch: Dorelle Ham,Undine Cavanagh, Philip Middlemiss, Chris O’Connell,

HEALINGAuckland: Thomas Hong, Edward D'Souza, Peter D’Souza, Chris Saldanha, CeejayRodrigues, Mira D'Souza, TJ Brown & Samuel, Elise D'Souza, Valeri Menezes, Cheryl Lobo,Kati Cammel, Wendell Fernandez, Shalini Saldana, Jesse and Peter Delgado, Fatima Joy,Audrey Cabral, Marinelle Misst, Collin and Vimath Sequeira, Ruby Lowe, Tili Leatitagaloa,Philomena Lobo, Tony Antao, Susan Dias, Chrisanne Antao, Lovlin Franswah, Sheila D'Souza,Cynthia Braganza, Dorothy Fernandez, Sandra Rajkumar, Luiza & Luan Antao, Central:Stephanie O’Connell, Raphael (Bubbles) Rufino, Alice Rufino, Sharon Powick, Michael Powick,Blenheim: Peter Greig, Josiah Grieg, Grace Weston, Mike Garrett, Christchurch: Lisa Borkus,Karin Van Doorn, Chris Aston Grieve, Veronica Foley, David Black, Siobhan Forster, AndreaForster, Catherine Roberts, Andrew Black, Southern: Fr Merv McGettigan, Daniel MacManus,Steven & Judy Homes & Family, Sara Homes,

BEREAVEMENTAuckland: Arun & Christine Fonseca, Central: Paul & Christine Oliver, Blenheim: Carol & MikeCullimore, Patmos: Joe & Sinead Kado,OTHERS NEEDS

OTHER NEEDSAuckland: Stanley & Teresa D'Souza & Family, Keith & Rohini Lewis & Family, Mark &Elizabeth Stolten, Sean D’Silva, Bradley Pinto, Bob Misst, Greg Hall, Christine Fonseca, DeepakD’Souza, Alwin D’Souza,

COVERING PRAYERNational Council, Kairos Ministries, Branch Life, Lamb of God Centre, Branch Visitations,Clustering in Auckland, Ministry of Fr. John Rea, Employment of Members, Light of ChristSpecial Ministry, Wellington branch [sickness among extended family], Mid-Winter V[Christchurch] May 29-31, preparations, travel, God’s blessing on weekend, etc.

“I have made you a Watchman” Ezekiel 33: 7