The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)

Spearfishing boy and his catch This boy catches fish at Lake Mainit in simply sustainable way. LMDA encourages this kind of sustainable fishing to reduce the gradual extinction of fish and other natural resources in Lake Mainit. The Official Publication of Lake Mainit Development Alliance ISSUE NO. 6 JANUARY JUNE 2009 Lake Mainit Aquatic Resources 4 Coco coir at Paco, Mainit, S.D.N 5 PACAP Project Assessment 6 Training on Sustainable Fisheries 2 Lake Mainit ‘s pijanga under threat? 1 Featured Cover Photo


This official newsletter issue includes the PACAP projects and Sustainable Fisheries Management Program for Lake Mainit updates...

Transcript of The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)

Page 1: The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)

Spearfishing boy and his catch This boy catches fish at Lake Mainit in simply s us t a i nab l e wa y . LMDA encourages this kind of sustainable fishing to reduce the gradual extinction of f ish and other natural resources in Lake Mainit.

The Official Publication of Lake Mainit Development Alliance


Lake Mainit Aquatic Resources


Coco coir at Paco, Mainit, S.D.N

5 PACAP Project Assessment


Training on Sustainable Fisheries 2

Lake Mainit ‘s pijanga under threat?


Featured Cover Photo

Page 2: The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)


Is Lake Mainit’s Pijanga under threat?

Continue Page 3 “Lake Mainit Pijanga”

P ijanga, local name for freshwater white goby is the major fish specie in

Lake Mainit. However, the latest report shows that

pijanga size is reduced. Is pijanga now in danger?

Lake Mainit has been identified to have rich

biodiversity particularly on aquatic resources. The Foundation for the Philippine Environment (FPE) who assessed Lake Mainit biodiversity through the Lake Mainit Community-Based Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development project affirms that the Lake Mainit is the habitat of rare and endemic species.

According to the latest study on the Sustainable Fisheries Management Program (SFMP) for Lake Mainit conducted by the MSU-Naawan Foundation for Science and Technology, Inc. researchers from November 2007 to September 2008, it was found out that there were 41 species of finfish of which 14 species are freshwater fish while the rest are migratory; 5 crustaceans; 10 mollusk; and 15 aquatic plants. And out of 41 kinds of finfish species, the freshwater white goby, locally known as pijanga, pidjanga or pedianga is commonly identified from the catches in Lake Mainit area.

By: Johny S. Natad


M S U N a a w a n C o m p l e t e s

C o m p r e h e n s i v e R e s o u r c e Assessment of Lake Mainit

Aquatic Resources in Lake Mainit 4

PCFMPC Launches its Coco Coir & Peat Production 5

LMDA-FMC conducts PACAP Project

Assessment 6

PACAP Project Photos 7


The Lake Mainit Chronicle welcomes any suggestions, commentaries, development updates and information especially those which concern advocacy, protection and preservation of Lake Mainit ecosystem and its watershed. Kindly send it to the Lake Mainit Development Alliance, Program Management Office, Kitcharao, Agusan del Norte. You may also send them t o o u r o f f i c i a l e -m a i l a d d r e s s a t l a k ema i n i t _ l m d a@ya h o o . c om . p h o r a t [email protected]. The chronicle will be posted at The Editorial staff reserve the right to edit any submitted articles for clarity and space. ۩





JONATHAN M. NATONIO Finance/Circulation

GILBERT P. LEOPOLDO Production/Databank

OMAR C. BARILLO Assistant Editor

JOHNY S. NATAD Lay-out Design

Issue No. 6 ● January-June 2009

Published by Lake Mainit Development Alliance—PMO and Lake Mainit FOCAS Management Committee with funding support from the Philippines-Australia Community Assistance Program (PACAP)

Page 3: The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)

Page 2 JANUARY – JUNE 2009


T he Lake Mainit Development Alliance (LMDA) organized 5-day Training on Sustainable

Fisheries Management in the Context of Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries on June 15-19, 2009 at Balanghai Hotel and Convention Center, Butuan City. Said training was funded by Department of Agrarian Reform - International Fund for Agricultural Development Northern Mindanao Community Initiatives Resource Management Program (DAR/IFAD-NMCIREMP) through the Sustainable Fishery Program for Lake Mainit Phase II in collaboration with Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD) and MSU-Naawan Foundation for Science & Technology Development, Inc.

Engr. Kaiser Recabo, Jr, the LMDA Program Director opened the program. Dir. Antonio B. Menor of DAR/IFAD-NMCIREMP delivered welcome message to the participants. The first day of the training devoted for the Final Report Presentation and action planning on Sustainable Fishery Program for Lake Mainit on June 15, 2009. The expected participants of the Final Report Presentation and Action Planning were the Provincial Agriculturist Officer of Agusan del Norte and Surigao del Norte, Chief of Capture Fisheries Division of BFAR-13, the LMDA, Municipal Mayors and Sangguniang Bayan Members of six (6) municipalities, Coastal Resource Officer and Municipal Agriculturist. Dr. Asuncion B. de Guzman, Project Leader of MSU-Naawan Foundation for Science and Technology, Inc. presented the Final Report.

LMDA Organizes Training on Sustainable Fisheries Management By: Gilbert P. Leopoldo

Mr. Isidoro Lagahit, the NMCIREMP NRM Specialist facilitated the open forum after the Final Report presentation.

Municipal Agriculturists and Fishery Technicians from 6 LGUs in Lake Mainit, representatives from Provincial Fishery Office, BFAR, DENR and included also are representatives from Lanuza Bay Development Alliance (LBDA) were the major participants throughout the training course which adopts the Training Manual on Sustainable Fisheries Management in the Context of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (SFM-CCRF). Cesario Pagdilao, the Deputy Director of Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD) and Dr. de Guzman were the principal resource speakers of the training course presenting the following modules: Module 1- Scenarios & Issues on the State of Fisheries Resources” Module 2- Relevance of CCRF to Sustainable Fisheries Management” Module 3- National and Local Adaptation of CCRF in the Philippines” Module 4- Sustainable Fisheries Management” Module 5- Integration of SFM to Coastal Resource Management”

The training highlighted with the presentation of the modules, workshops, discussion and open forums. The activity culminated with the training course evaluation conducted by Ms. Maan Acedera of PCAMRD and distribution of the Certificate of Completion to the participants on June 19, 2009. ۩

The participants and resource person of the recent training on SFM-CCRF

Participants of the training on their group workshop

This article was also published at LMDA weblogs: •


Page 4: The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)

Page 3 JANUARY – JUNE 2009


Lake Mainit’s Pijanga (continue from Page 1)

Freshwater White goby (Glossogobius giuris) or pijanga belongs to Family Gobiidae. It is one of the native endemic fish species found in Lake Mainit. Accordingly, pijanga is characterized by having fused ventral fins which is used functionally to anchor on substrates. There are two identified types of pijanga: the deep water pijanga and the shallow water pijanga based on the characteristic of its habitat. The SFMP inception report said that pijanga is found in littoral and limnetic zones. Galicia and Lopez in 2000 reported that pijanga size ranged from 25 to 305 mm. but SFMP reported that pijanga now only ranges from 57 to 242 mm.

The reduction of the pijanga size is quite alarming. What the next finding would reveal might be the reduction of pijanga catches. The continuous illegal catching of sagoyun (fingerlings of pijanga) and over fishing using “baling” (seine) are some of the many reasons of the gradual and continuous declining of pijanga size. This indicates that pijanga might be disappearing in the next generations if unsustainable fishing practices cannot be avoided. ۩

Deep water (top) and shallow water

(down) Pijianga from Lake Mainit

(Source: SFMP)

Lake Mainit








Relative abundance of major finfish

species in Lake Mainit (Source: SFMP)

MSU Naawan completes Comprehensive Resource Assessment of Lake Mainit

A s part of the Phase II of Sustainable Fisheries Management Program (SFMP) for Lake Mainit, the Mindanao State University (MSU) Naawan

Foundation for Science and Technology Development, Inc. successfully completed the Comprehensive Resource Assessment of Lake Mainit.

The Comprehensive Resource Assessment was successfully conducted in February–July 2008 through ocular survey, actual field collections, interviews with the fisherfolk and surveys to the local markets. The report shows that based on the 28 monitored landing areas, it yields an estimated annual fish production of 620.0 tons, which is only about 4.1% of the 1980-1981 yields (15,108 tons) reported by Paul et. al (1990).

A total of 41 species of fish, 5 crustaceans,

10 mollusks and 15 species of aquatic plants have

been identified in the present survey. Lake Mainit and Kalinawan River are distinct

ecosystems in terms of fisheries and vegetation. Pijanga or freshwater white goby is predominant in lake while lampohon is prevalent in the Kalinawan River. The lake is dominated by submerged plants such as lusay and dugman while the river is dominated by the floating plants (water lilies). The report also describe that the fishing gears used are also unique in both ecosystems. The complete details of the Comprehensive Resource Assessment is published at The SFMP Phase II is funded by IFAD/DAR-Northern Mindanao Community Initiatives and Resource Management Project (NMCIREMP) and Lake Mainit Development Alliance with a total amount of Php 1,800,313.00. ۩ jsn


Melania sp (suso)

Pomacea canaliculata (kuhol) Viviparia angularis (ige)

Corbicula sp. (bibe)

Anodontia woodiana (Taiwan shell)

Page 5: The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)

ISSUE NO. 6 Page 4


A. PIJANGA (White Goby, Glossogobius giuris) B. BUGWAN (Goby, Hypseleotris agilis) C. TILAPIA(Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis nilotica) D. CARPA (Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio) E. HALUAN (Chevron snakehead,Channa striata) F. GISAW (Long-Arm Mullet, Valamugil cunnessius G. KASILI (Eel, Anguilla sp.) H. BOLINAO (Priapium fish, Neostethus thessa)

Other Fishes (some are found at Kalinawan River)

Local Name Common / Species Name

1. Agok-ok;

Pantat; Hito

Native catfish/ Clarias sp

2. Aha-an Snapper/ Lutjanus sp

3. Aso-os Common whiting/ Sillago


4. Bangkok Thai catfish/ Clarias batrachus

5. Bangus Milkfish/ Chanos chanos

6. BAnak, Bayanak Flathead mullet, Mugil cephalus

7. Bilbigan Emperor red snapper/

Lutjanus sebae

8. Bod-bod/


Goatfish/ Upeneus sp

9. Bogok Caranx/ Caranx sp 2

10. Bugaong Convex-lined therapon/

Therapon jarbua

11. Bul-a Goby/ Glossogobius sp.

12. Buras Rabbit fish/ Siganus punctatus

13. Danggit Rabbit fish/ Siganus sp

14. Durod Snakehead gudgeon/

Ophiocara aporos

15. Gabot Spotted barb/ Puntius


16. Gingaw Red snapper/ Lutjanus


17. Ibis Glassfish / Ambassis sp

18. Ibis Glassfish / Ambassis sp

19. Ibis pangan Glassfish/ Ambassis


20. Kikilo Spotted scat/ Scatophagus


21. Lampohon Mullet/ Mugil sp

22. Langub Trevally/ Caranx sp 1

23. Latab Spotted mojarras/ Gerres


24. Laya Giant sea perch/ Lates


25. Lipunan Mosambique Tilapia /

Oreochromis mossambica

26. Mawalay;


Common slipmouth/

Leiognathus equulus

27. Mole Anchovy/ Engraulis sp

28. Pigok Cross-barred grunt/

Mesopristis cancellatus

29. Pijanga;


Goby/ Glossogobius celebius

30. Pot-pot Slipmouth/ Leiognathus sp

31. Puyo; Bakang Gourami/ Anabas testudineus

32. Samin-samin Caranx/ Ulua mentalis

33. Suloy-suloy Halfbeak/ Hemiramphus sp

Bakoko Unidentified

Bungusan Unidentified

Subok Unidentified

Anga; Bunog Unidentified















Source: SFMP Phase II: Comprehensive Resource Assessment Final Report, June 2009

Page 6: The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)

ISSUE NO. 6 Page 5


O nce more the Paco Coconut Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PCFMPC) has taken the next steps in modeling a

strategy for sustainable upland development through the establishment of a decorticating machine which will help in their solid waste management program and earn incomes for the coop as well. This is a component of the Philippines-Australia Community Assistance Program (PACAP) assisted project “Increasing Upland Farmers’ Competencies for Sustainable Livelihood” which is implemented by Kasanyangan Rural Development Foundation, Inc. (KRDFI) under the FOCAS Management Committee facilitated by the Lake Mainit Development Alliance (LMDA). This component has a twin target of earning incomes and contributing to the health of the environment by reducing solid wastes. It targets to assist the coop earn Php 23, 400 per 2-month cycle; and reduce coco husks wastes by 312,000 per 2-month cycle.

Having completed the preparations, the members of PCFMPC and the LGU invited the resident minis-ter of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, Rev. Fe Onde, to officiate the blessing rites of the decorticating machine and multi-purpose building on March 31, 2009. The occasion was graced by LMDA Director and PACAP FOCAS Secretariat Chairperson, Engr. Kaiser B. Recabo, Jr., and members of the Barangay LGU.

The machine was fabricated by Regwill Industries Inc. Mr. Ramon Barbosa, OIC of the Philippine Coconut Authority of Agusan del Sur assisted KRDFI in contacting Regwill Industries Inc. The package consists of one decorticating machine (capacity: 11,000 husks per day, single pass) one unit 4DR5 engine with transmission and radiator and uses diesel fuel, one sieving machine powered by ½ hp electric motor. It included transport and installation of the unit in the area.

The coconut husks Women of PCFMPC separate fine coco fiber The coco dust

Stakeholders of PCFMPC, LGU, KRDFI and LMDA during the project

launching on coco coir & peat production.

The decorticating machine was installed in the multi-purpose building of PCFMPC and has made trial runs using the coconut husks gathered by the members. The machine has the capacity to decorticate 11,000 husks in an 8-hour shift with a single pass. The fibers produced in the trial run were of good quality. Operations will officially start on the first day of April to give time for the foundation or base area on which the machine was set to completely harden and become strong enough to stand the vibrations of the machine. ۩. (published at

The fabricated coco coir machine established at PCFMPC

By: Rowena Victoria D. Yumol, Executive Director

PCFMPC Launches its Coco Fiber and Peat Production

Page 7: The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)

Page 6 JANUARY – JUNE 2009


E ight community-based projects funded by Philippines-Australia Community Assistance Program (PACAP) is about to complete its

project implementation by June or August 2009. In order to achieve a feasible exit strategy and sustain-ability mechanism, the Lake Mainit FOCAS Management Committee (FMC) conducted a final project field assessment to all Focal Community Assistance Scheme (FOCAS) in Lake Mainit cluster on April 1-30, 2009.

The activity mainly aims to monitor, evaluate and assess the FOCAS project implementation, assess the maturity level of PO and determine the exit strategy and sustainability mechanism at the PO level.

Using Organizational Maturity Evaluation

(OME) tool, a focus group discussion and key informants interview were the methodologies applied in the conduct of project assessment to each partner People’s Organization (PO). Among the partner PO undergoing OME for the project assessment were the following:

1. San Isidro Upland Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative (SIUFMULCO)

2. Bobonaon Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative (BFMPC)

3. Paco Coconut Farmer Multipurpose Cooperative - (PCFMCP)

4. Binga Farmer Multipurpose Cooperative (BIFAMCO) 5. Budlingin Multipurpose Cooperative 6. Cuyago Farmers Association (CUFA) 7. Bangonay Developer’s Farmers Association

(BANDFA) 8. San Roque Multipurpose Cooperative (SAROMCO) 9. Marga Farmers Irrigators Association (MAFIA) 10. Canaway Farmers & Fisherfolk Association (CAFFA) 11. Capayahan Agrarian Beneficiaries Organization

(CABO) 12. San Isidro Lihok sa Kalambuan, Inc. (SILKA) 13. Sison Hungos Multipurpose Cooperative (SIHUMCO) 14. Dayano Farmers Association (DFA) 15. Tapian Developers Association (TADEAS) 16. Tagbuyawan Lakeshore Association (TLA) and 17. Camp Eduard Multipurpose Cooperative ۩ jsn

FMC team (right) conducts focus group discussion with

the members of the PCFMPC (left) during the project field

assessment on April 14, 2009, Paco, Mainit, S.D.N

OME-FGD to CAFFA, Canaway, Kitcharao, Agusan del


LMDA-FMC conducts PACAP project field assessment

OME-FGD to BANDFA, Bangonay,

Jabonga, Agusan del Norte

OME-FGD to DFA, Dayano,

Mainit, Surigao del Norte

OME-FGD to CABO, Capayahan, Tubod,

Surigao del Norte

Page 8: The Lake Mainit Chronicle(January June 2009)


Workshop discussion during the Multi

Stakeholder Meeting last May 19, 2009

FMC Secretariat and AADC at SB-

Kitcharao last May 22, 2009

43rd Lake Mainit FMC Meeting last June

5, 2009 held at Mainit, S.D.N

Copra buying of a Production Collective

in San Isidro, Tubod, S.D.N Hog raising project at Kitcharao &

Jabonga, Agusan del Norte

An EFASS Community Nursery in Tubod, S.D.N

Project Coordinator Omar Barillo

measures the height of 8 months old

lacatan of Bobonanon, Mainit, S.D.N

Ms. Hernandez visits the Falcata trees at Tagbayani, Sison, S.D.N

Nursery abaca seedling of SIUFMULCO at San Isidro, Santiago, A.D.N

Stocked Abaca fiber ready for delivery