The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších...

WINTER 2006/07 The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších The Treasures of Prague's Churches Objevte bohatství pražských kostelů What's Up in Prague Kam zajít v Praze

Transcript of The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších...

Page 1: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

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The Krkonoše - a winter WonderlandZimní království v KrkonošíchThe Treasures of Prague's ChurchesObjevte bohatství pražských kostelůWhat's Up in PragueKam zajít v Praze

Page 2: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil


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Page 3: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

04 Winter @ Corinthia Zima v Corinthii

06 The Krkonoše Mountains - a winter Wonderland Krkonoše - zimní království na severovýchodě Čech

10 Events @ Corinthia Události v Corinthii

14 The Treasures Of Prague's historic Churches Poznejte krásu a historii pražských kostelů

16 Interview with jazzman and businessman Martin Kratochvíl

Rozhovor s jazzmanem a byznysmenem Martinem Kratochvílem

20 What's up? Kam v Praze?

22 Hits 4 Kids in Prague Hity pro děti

Corinthia Panorama HotelMilevská 7, 140 63 Praha 4Tel: (+420) 261 161 111, fax: (+420) 261 164 141, e-mail: [email protected] Towers HotelKongresová 1, 140 69 Praha 4Tel: (+420) 261 191 111, fax: (+420) 261 225 011, e-mail: [email protected],

Guest @ Corinthia Hotels Czech RepublicWinter 2006/07 PublisherTop.Spirit, a.s., IČO 49240137,© 2006 Corinthia Hotels International,, MK ČR E 13651

Production Boomerang Publishing, www.bpublishing.czEditor: David CreightonFoto: David Pajer, ČTK, FotobankaCZ

Renáta Dudová Public Relations ManagerCorinthia Panorama Hoteltel: 261 168 711fax: 261 215 287

Dear Guest @ Corinthia,

Winter is upon us, and when the nights are long the opportunities to enjoy Prague’s culture are endless. A chamber music festival, an ice hockey match or an exhibition at Prague Castle: there is, we believe, something for every reader and every taste. There are so many exciting destinations outside the capital too. In this issue we bring you one of the highlights of the Czech winter season: the glorious Krkonoše Mountains. If you are a skier, snowboarder or you just enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, you will surely be enthralled by them. If you stay in Prague there is, of course, plenty for you to discover: its collection of historic churches, or the magic of this city on a sharp, clear winter’s day to name just two of them. Winter and early spring is always busy @ Corinthia, and we have prepared a full programme for you to enjoy. Enjoy our food and drink events such as the Kohl & Pinkel tour at Corinthia Towers, or sample the best of the Orient at the Sushi Nights at Corinthia Panorama. If you want to keep fit you can take advantage of our state of the art health and fitness facilities in both hotels.We at Corinthia wish to make your visit to be an amazing experience. We are delighted to invite you to feel the Corinthia spirit of warmth, colour and vitality.

Vážení hosté,zima je za dveřmi a během dlouhých večerů jsou možnosti užívat

si pražskou kulturu nekonečné, ať už si vyberete festival komorní

hudby, strhující utkání v ledním hokeji či výstavu na Pražském

hradě. Mimo hlavní město je také mnoho zajímavých atrakcí

a pozoruhodných míst, a proto vám přinášíme pozvánku do

populárních Krkonoš.

Zimní období je v Corinthia hotelech vždy rušné, proto jsme

pro vás připravili bohatý program. Užívat si můžete jídla

a pití například během Kohl & Pinkel tour v hotelu Corinthia

Towers nebo u příležitosti Sushi Nights v hotelu Corinthia

Panorama. Chcete-li zůstat v kondici, můžete využít našich

jedinečných wellness a fitness center v obou hotelech.

V Corinthia hotelech se snažíme z vaší návštěvy Prahy udělat

úžasný zážitek. Srdečně vás vítáme a věříme, že zažijete ten

hřejivý pocit různorodosti a vitality, který přináší Corinthia hotely.

Christian Grage, generální ředitel, Corinthia Towers Hotel

Kamil Madej, generální ředitel, Corinthia Panorama Hotel


Obsah • Winter 2006/07


welcome contents

Christian GrageGeneral ManagerCorinthia Towers Hotel

Kamil MadejGeneral ManagerCorinthia Panorama Hotel

06 10 14

Tomáš Tachovský Corporate Sales ManagerRegional Sales Office - Czech Republictel.: 261 191 633fax: 261 225 045




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Page 4: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

Kohl & Pinkel - Cabbage on Tour 2007It is a traditional German dish: “Kohl und Pinkel” (Cabbage and “Pinkelwurst”, a special type of sausage) and Corinthia Towers Hotel chefs have finally brought it to Prague. On Saturday 27 January, 2007 you can enjoy the one and only Cabbage Tour in Prague for the third year, with the Kohl und Pinkel feast to follow.

Participants will be taken to the local countryside, where they will be dropped off at fixed points. Equipped with a “Bollerwagen” (handcart), map and booklet with detailed instructions, a CD-player, a set of games equipment, small glasses, some sausages, snacks and drinks, the groups will start to walk towards their destination. Fun, live music and traditional country food is served while the Pinkel Queen and King are being crowned.

Join us with your friends or colleagues! Contact: [email protected].

V.I.K. Brunch V.I .K . Brunch i s probably the b e s t f a m i l y b r u n c h i n t o w n . E n j o y o u r s u p e r b f o o d w h i l e

children are having fun in the “kids only” play area prepared in cooperation with the famous LEGO toy company. Themed brunches: look out for the St Nicholas Brunch on 10 December and the Boxing Day Brunch on 26 December. In 2007, you can enjoy Ice Age Winter Brunch on 21 January, Carnival Brunch on 18 February and the Magic Trick Brunch on 11 March. Reservations at: [email protected].

Wyndham partnershipWyndham Hotel Group and the Corinthia Group of Companies recently signed an agreement in principle to jointly manage hotels under the Wyndham and Ramada brands in the EMEA region: Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Under the terms of the deal, 15 existing Corinthia-owned hotels across Europe, Africa and the Mediterra-nean will be re-branded as Ramada Plaza, Wyndham Hotels, and certain Corinthia Branded properties will be affiliated with a new tier - the Wyndham Grand Collection. Wyndham Hotel Group encompasses more than 6,400 franchised and managed hotels.

Toscana Onion and Leek SeasonWe know how to make exciting dishes from these seasonal vegetables. Starters include Greek Romaine salad with marinated leek and onion. Our main course, leek risotto with creamed onion and red pepper, has a seafood theme. And be intrigued and delighted by our onion-leek cake with maple honey sauce!

The Lobsters are Coming!Get ready for a special culi-nary mission on 9 March 2 0 0 7 : e a t a s m u c h r e d

lobster as you can! Once again Corinthia Towers Hotel together with Makro is hosting the popular Invasion of the Lobsters event, bringing together superb seafood, excellent drinks and good music. The earlier you book, the less you pay. It is a culinary event you cannot afford to miss! Reservations at: [email protected].

winter@ CorinthiaCorinthia Towers Hotel

Zelí na výletě Oblíbenou tradici takzvané

„Zelné túry“ oslavíme

27. ledna 2007 v Corinthia

Towers Hotelu. Po velkém

úspěchu loňské tour se té

letošní musíte zúčastnit!

V.I.K. Brunch V rámci V.I.K. Brunche vám

nyní ve spolupráci s LEGO

nabízíme speciální herní

zónu. Nejlepší rodinný

brunch ve městě pořádáme

každou neděli. Termíny

tématických brunchů:

10.12. Mikulášský brunch,

26.12. Vánoční brunch,

21.1. "Doba ledová",

18.2. Karnevalový brunch,

11.3. Kouzelnický brunch.

Partnerství Corinthia a Wyndham Hotel Group Wyndham Hotel Group

a společnost Corinthia bu-

dou společně provozovat

hotely v regionu EMEA.

Dohoda se týká 15 hotelů,

u nichž dojde k rebrandingu

na Ramada Plaza, Wyndham

Hotels a Wyndham Grand


Invaze humrů v březnuNa 9. března 2007 chy-

stáme ve spolupráci

s Makro populární Invazi

humrů, proto neváhejte

s rezervacemi a objed-

nejte si místa na této

gurmánské akci emailem:

[email protected] nebo

na tel. 261 191 103.



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Page 5: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

winter@ CorinthiaCorinthia Panorama Hotel

Speciální akce v Mezzo v duchu orientální kuchyněMezzo Bar & Restaurant vám

nabízí ideální možnost zažít

atmosféru Dálného východu,

a to každý čtvrtek večer, kdy

podáváme speciální japon-

ské menu. Což takhle zkusit

exotická jídla jako je třeba

pečený steak z modrohlava

s proužky zeleniny?

Sezónní menu restaurace Piazza ve znamení hubV středomořské restauraci

Piazza budete moci ochutnat

jídla podle tradičních ital-

ských, ale i českých receptů.

Tématem této sezóny jsou

houby. Součástí menu budou

tak svůdná jídla, jako jsou

například lasagne s liškami,

lahodně vonící šunkou,

špenátem a mozzarellou.

Nabídka teplých nápojů v Lobby BaruK pravé zimní atmosféře

neodmyslitelně patří i sezónní

nápojové speciality jako jsou

punč nebo grog. Užijte si je

v Lobby Baru!

Mezi nabízenými teplými ná-

poji najdete: Hot Plum brandy

(slivovice, horká voda, cukr),

Apple Comfort (Southern

Comfort, horký jablečný džus),

Milk Punch (Irish cream,

whisky, horké mléko) a grog

(rum, horká voda, cukr), vše

za 180 Kč.

V Lobby Baru naleznete také

široký výběr doutníků.


Sushi NightsMezzo Bar & Restaurant gives you the ideal opportunity to try the authentic flavours and

atmosphere of the Far East, every Thursday, when we offer a special Japanese menu as part of the Sushi Thursdays @ Mezzo programme. Why not sample Sakana no jasai ankake (roasted butterfish steak with sour vegetable strips) or Tuna Dengaku (grilled tuna steak with miso).

Piazza seasonal menuMediterranean-style Piazza res-taurant at Corinthia Panorama Hotel regularly features cuisine

with a seasonal emphasis, and this time we are giving you the chance to sample traditional Italian and Czech recipes based on mushrooms.

The special seasonal menu includes tempting dishes such as lasagne with chanterelles, parma ham, spinach and mozzarella, or grilled chicken breast stuffed with hermelín cheese, and mushroom sauce.

Hot drinks at the Lobby BarThe flavours of winter transformed into hot drinks that suit every taste can be enjoyed at the Lobby Bar.

Hot drinks on offer include Hot Plum Brandy (slivovice, hot water, sugar), Apple Comfort (Southern Comfort, hot apple juice), Milk Punch (Irish cream, whisky, hot milk), Grog (rum, hot water, sugar), all at CZK 180.

At the Lobby Bar you can also choose from a wide cigar selection.


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Page 6: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

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° If you are a skier, snowboarder or you just want to enjoy beautiful winter landscapes, you need look no further than the Krkonoše (Giant) Mountains, in East Bohe-mia. At this t ime of year this mountain range, the highest in the Czech Republic, truly is a winter wonderland. The Krkonoše resorts of Pec pod Sněžkou, Harrachov and Špindlerův Mlýn offer some of the best winter sports opportunities in the Czech Republic, and all are less than 90 minutes from Prague by car.

Introducing the Krkonoše MountainsRunning from Harrachov to Trutnov in northeast Bohemia, the Krkonoše Mountains (Karkonosze in Polish; Riesengebirge in German) are a chain of rounded peaks, well above 1,000 metres, along the Czech/Polish border. The highest mountain in the Czech Republic, Sněžka (1602 m), is situated in the range. From a historical point of view, the Krkonoše territory is fascinating because the area was traditionally German-speaking

until relatively recently. For Czechs, the mountains have a special si-gnificance, not least because they are considered to offer the best skiing and snowboarding in the country, partly because the snow remains there for a long time. This is also one of the most beautiful corners of the Czech Republic and a favourite destination of city-dwellers.

Of course, the mountains are popular all year round and are a fa- vourite of climbers and mountain-bikers. The territory was designated

a national park in 1963, covering 40,000 hectares. Nature lovers and birdwatchers will also enjoy the unusual f lora and fauna, which are not typical of the Czech Republic. Architecture enthusiasts will find this part of the Czech Republic fascinating as well: many examples of traditional wooden buildings can be found there.

We have l isted some of the main winter sports resorts below. For further information contact the relevant tourist office.

In winter the Krkonoše is transformed into a winter wonderland

The Krkonoše Mountains a winter Wonderland



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Page 7: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

Pec pod SněžkouSituated 1215 metres above sea level, Pec pod Sněžkou is one of the most popular winter resorts in the Czech Republic and the largest in the Krkonoše, with snow covering the area for around five to six months.

You can make use of all the standard facilities for skiers, inclu-ding ski hire and ski schools. For downhill skiers there are around 10 kilometres of slopes, which vary in difficulty. And when it gets dark you can keep skiing: three slopes, including Javor, which has the longest downhill slope in the Czech Republic, are lit by artificial lighting. If you prefer cross-country skiing the conditions are, of course, ideal, and you can follow the Giant Mountains Main track (Krkonošská magistrála). Snowboarders too, have plenty to enjoy at the new board park at Javor, where new artificial bumps and jumps have been

HarrachovSituated around 25 kilometres west of Pec pod Sněžkou and smaller

than its neighbour, Harrachov is another favourite Krkonoše skiing resort. It is located very close to the Polish border, on the E65 route from Prague to Poland, making it easily accessible from the capital. The resort is situated on the shoulder of Čertova hora (Devil‘s Mountain), whose summit is 1022 metres above sea level. Harrachov is regarded as especially good for beginners and intermediate skiers.

All the standard facilities for skiers are available, including ski hire and skiing schools. There is a one long ski run, and multiple slopes suitable for skiers of all experience levels. Snow covers several slopes for at least five months a year thanks to artificial snow. Harrachov is also known for its ski jumps; there are eight around the town, and you may be interested to know that two world ski jumping records were broken here. Snowboarders can use the downhill slopes, one of the few Krkonoše resorts to offer this option. Cross-country skiers can make use of a number of routes around

The Krkonoše Mountains a winter Wonderland

Some Krkonoše locations offer night skiing

Page 8: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

Krkonoše – zimní rájZima je tu a chcete-li si užívat překrásné zimní krajiny, není třeba se

dívat dále než do Krkonoš ve východních Čechách. V tomto ročním

období jsou skutečným zimním rájem, vzdáleným necelých 90 minut

jízdy autem z Prahy. Podívali jsme se zblízka na nabídku tří největších

a nejlepších krkonošských středisek.

Pec pod SněžkouK dispozici je zde veškeré standardní lyžařské zázemí včetně

půjčoven lyží a lyžařských škol. Pro sjezdové lyžaře je tu kolem

10 km sjezdovek, které se liší obtížností. Lyžovat se dá i za tmy: tři

sjezdovky včetně centra Javor, které se může pochlubit nejdelší sjez-

dovkou v České republice, jsou vybaveny umělým osvětlením.

Dáváte-li přednost běžkám, jsou zde podmínky jak jinak než

ideální, můžete se vydat přímo napříč Krkonošskou magistrálou.

Snowboardisté si v novém parku v centru Javor také na umělých

muldách a skokáncích užijí zimních radovánek.


HarrachovHarrachov leží 25 kilometrů západně od Pece pod Sněžkou a stejně

jako jeho menší kolegyně je dalším oblíbeným krkonošským

střediskem na lyžování. Svou polohou je velmi blízko hranicím

s Polskem a leží takřka přímo na silnici E65 z Prahy do Polska, což

z něj činí velmi snadno dosažitelné místo. Středisko se nachází

na rameni Čertovy hory, která se tyčí do výšky 1022 metrů nad

mořem. Harrachov je považován za ideální pro začátečníky a středně

pokročilé lyžaře.

K dispozici je i zde veškeré standardní lyžařské zázemí včetně

půjčoven lyží a lyžařských škol. Je zde jedna velmi dlouhá běžecká

trať a několik sjezdovek pro lyžaře všech úrovní. Díky umělému

zasněžování je k dispozici sněhová pokrývka 5 měsíců v roce hned

na několika svazích. Harrachov je také znám pořádáním závodů ve

skoku na lyžích; kolem městečka je celkem osm skokanských můstků

a možná nevíte, že právě zde byly překonány dva světové rekordy.

V Harrachově není žádný snowboardingový park, ale snowboardisté

zde mohou sjíždět normální svahy. Harrachov je jedním z mála

krkonošských letovisek, kde je toto dovoleno. Běžkaři mohou využít

některé z mnoha běžeckých tras kolem Harrachova. Je zde dokonce

i závodní stopa.


Špindlerův Mlýn K dispozici je veškeré standardní lyžařské zázemí včetně půjčoven lyží

a lyžařských škol pro začátečníky. Sjezdoví lyžaři mohou vyzkoušet

svahy různých obtížností. Na nově otevřené sjezdovce Hromovka

lze lyžovat i večer. Zkrátka samozřejmě nepřijdou ani běžkaři, takže

proč nevyrazit na Krkonošskou magistrálu, která je vždy perfektně

udržovaná. Nadšení snowboardisté si mohou užít snowboardingový

park Horní Mísečky.


Špindlerův MlýnRoughly in the centre of the Krko-noše range, Špindlerův Mlýn is the most important winter sports centre in the district and includes the ski areas of Horní Mísečky and Svatý Petr.

The town has all the standard facilities for skiers, including ski hire and skiing schools for beginners. Downhill skiers can try

the slopes, which vary in difficulty. You can ski at night on the newly opened Hromovka slope. Cross-country skiing is possible, of course, so why not follow the Giant Mountains Main track, which is perfectly maintained. Snowboard enthusiasts will enjoy the Horní Mísečky snowboard

The Legend of Ruebezahl

The Krkonoše territory is an area steeped in legends, many of them familiar to Czechs of all ages through Krkonoše Fairy Tales (Krkonošské pohádky) shown on television. The most famous legend concerns the giant called Krakonoš who lives in the Mountains and gives them their name. He is usually shown as a bearded, pipe-smoking figure, who can do good and evil in the Krkonoše. His name in German - "Ruebezahl" means "the one who counts turnips", and legend has it that he once kidnapped the princess Emma, and took her off to his lair in the mountains. He left her with the order to count his turnips to distract her from escaping.

Aerial view of Špindlerův Mlýn



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Page 9: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

Experience 120 different shops and a wide choice of fine restaurants, cafes, luxurious stores,

and a full range of services to meet your demanding lifestyle, Palác Flóra is the best in quality

and convenient shopping. You can even enjoy the unique 3D IMAX or 8-screen multiplex Cinema City.

Palác Flóra is easily accessible by underground, line A (station Flora) or by tram no. 5, 10, 11

and 16. We are open from 8 am to 12 pm.

Palác Flóra, Vinohradská 151, Praha 3,

Unique shopping experience

Fl Guest 210x297_R_AJ.indd 1 22.11.2006 12:48:09

Page 10: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

INVASION OF THE CLAMS The clams invaded Corinthia Towers Hotel once again on Friday 22 September! Guests sampled clams, mussels and many other delicious shellfish. As always, the motto at this event was “Eat them before they eat you”. Excellent wines accompanied the unlimited consumption of superb seafood. The success of the evening made the guests hope for another clam invasion. Don’t miss our next seafood spectacular, Invasion of the Lobsters Part IV, on 9 March 2007. Reservations: [email protected]

INVAZE MUŠLÍ 22. září na hotel Corinthia Towers Hotel zaútočily škeble. Heslo akce s názvem „Invasion of the Clams” bylo naprosto jasné: „Snězte je dříve, než snědí ony vás!“ Hosté si pochutnali na bohatě prostřených tabulích se škeblemi, slávkami, Coquille Saint Jacques a jinými lahodnými korýši. Zážitek z konzumace neomezeného množství mořských plodů umocnila kvalitní vína. Nenechte si ujít už čtrvté pokračování Invaze humrů, která se koná 9. března 2007! Rezervace na: [email protected]

TOUCH AND TASTE SOUTH AFRICACorinthia Towers Hotel allows you to taste and feel another country without even leaving the hotel! On 20-22 October 2006 we hosted the latest in a series of themed events celebrating music, dance and food of different countries, and as always a little bit of the culture of another part of the world came to Prague. This time we enjoyed a flavour of South Africa! Over 200 guests enjoyed the culinary masterpieces of celebrity guest chef Ms. Jackie Cameron, Head Chef of Hartford House Hotel, KwaZulu-Natal Province. The buffet featured an exotic “Braai” style barbecue with zebra, crocodile, gnu, kudu, ostrich and many other meat and seafood dishes. All of this mouth-watering food was accompanied by a selection of typical traditional chutneys, spices and sauces. The Gala dinner was followed on Saturday by a “Wine & Dine” evening where guests enjoyed a lavish 5-course menu, accompanied by superb wines of one of the premium labels of South Africa. A sommelier from the Delheim vineyards introduced different wines as a highlight of each delicious course and Zulu dancers thrilled the guests with a sensational show. The event also featured the Very Important Kids brunch South African style. Braai barbecue, special sweet dishes and traditional Zulu dance show and South African music made it an event for our youngest guests to remember!

TOUCH AND TASTE SOUTH AFRICAVe dnech 20.-22. října 2006 jsme si v Corinthia Towers Hotelu pořádně užili hudbu, tanec a jídlo z Jižní Afriky. Přes 200 hostů ochutnalo kulinářské mistrovské kousky Jackie Cameron, slavné jihoafrické šéfkuchařky. Součástí gurmánského zážitku bylo i exotické barbecue ve stylu „Braai“ s tradiční oblohou.V sobotu gastronomická akce pokračovala galavečeří „Wine & Dine“ se štědrým menu o pěti chodech doprovázených jedinečnými jihoafrickými víny. Skuteční tanečníci Zulu fascinovali hosty skvělou show. Součástí akce byl i dětský brunch pro Very Important Kids v jihoafrickém stylu včetně barbecue Braai, díky němuž si tuto událost budou dlouho pamatovat i naši nejmladší hosté!

The General Manager of Corinthia Towers Hotel, Mr. Christian Grage, serves guests at the Invasion of the Clams event

The guests of Touch and Taste South Africa event enjoyed not just the culinary masterpieces but a great music and dance programme too

Mr. Mike Short, General Manager of Pilsner Urquell (left), and celebrity guest chef Jackie Cameron with the General Manager of Corinthia Towers Hotel, Mr. Christian Grage (right)



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CORINTHIA TOWERS HOTEL RECEIVES JAROSLAV VAŠATA AWARD Corinthia Towers Hotel was recently awarded the Jaroslav Vašata Bronze Plaque for the best gastronomy concept in the Czech Republic for the year 2006. The award was presented by the Czech edition of “Food Service” magazine. Corinthia Towers Hotel is the first ever hotel in the Czech Republic to receive such an award.

HOTEL CORINTHIA TOWERS OBDRŽEL CENU JAROSLAVA VAŠATY Hotel Corinthia Towers nedávno obdržel bronzovou plaketu Jaroslava Vašaty za nejlepší gastronomický koncept v České republice za rok 2006. Cenu hotelu udělila česká pobočka magazínu „Food Service“. Hotel Corinthia Towers je prvním hotelem v České republice, který takové ocenění obdržel.

AWARD FOR IVETA HADNAGYOVÁ, CONFECTIONERCorinthia Towers’ young and talented confectioner Ms. Iveta Hadnagyová proved she could rise to the challenge in creative pastry! Iveta took first prize in the junior category in the final of the Confection of the Year 2006 competition. Fittingly, Iveta won with a stunning chocolate creation inspired by the theme of Mozart, to mark the 250th birth anniversary of this great composer.

OCENĚNÍ PRO CUKRÁŘKU IVETU HADNAGYOVOUIveta Hadnagyová, mladá a talentovaná cukrářka, působící v hotelu Corinthia Towers, dokázala, že je skutečnou mistryní svého oboru! Iveta dosáhla skvělého ocenění, když zvítězila v juniorské kategorii ve finále soutěže Cukrář 2006. Cukrářka Corinthia Towers Hotelu vyhrála díky své čokoládové kreaci inspirované oslavou 250. výročí narození skladatele Wolfganga Amadea Mozarta.

CORINTHIA TOWERS HOTEL HOSTED OLYMPIQUE MARSEILLE FOOTBALL TEAMThe Czech Republic football team FK Mladá Boleslav hosted Olympique Marseille for a UEFA Cup match. The Czech team managed to win 4:2. Corinthia Towers Hotel hosted the French football team, including stars such as Franck Ribéry.

CORINTHIA TOWERS HOTEL HOSTIL FOTBALISTY OLYMPIQUE MARSEILLEFotbalový klub z Mladé Boleslavi, který po loňské úspěšné ligové sezóně dostal šanci hrát evropské poháry, hostil slavný francouzský klub Olympique Marseille. Hráči jihofrancouzského velkoklubu v čele s hvězdou francouzské reprezentace Franckem Ribérym využili během své návštěvy ČR služeb hotelu Corinthia Towers.

The General Manager of Corinthia Towers Hotel, Mr. Christian Grage (right) and Mr. Martin Jiskra, Executive Chef at Corinthia Towers Hotel (left), receive the Jaroslav Vašata Award

Iveta Hadnagyová won the confectionery competition with a superb relief of Mozart made entirely out of chocolate

Corinthia Towers Hotel hosted the French football team, including stars such as Franck Ribéry


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Page 12: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

ALBERTO TOMBA STAYED AT CORINTHIA PANORAMA HOTEL On 11 October 2006 Corinthia Panorama welcomed the legendary Alpine skier Alberto Tomba. The charismatic champion, who has won gold three times at the Winter Olympics, stayed at Corinthia Panorama Hotel. On 12 October Alberto Tomba held a press conference in the Piazza Restaurant in the hotel, and he enjoyed his visit so much he even prolonged his stay in Prague. Tomba la bomba!

ALBERTO TOMBA SI OBLÍBIL HOTEL CORINTHIA PANORAMARestaurace Piazza hotelu Corinthia Panorama uvítala 11. října 2006 legendárního mistra v alpském lyžování Alberta Tombu. Charismatický šampión a olympijský vítěz navštívil Prahu v rámci propagačního turné, a tak byl několik dní hostem našeho hotelu. Alberto Tombovi se v hotelu Corinthia Panorama tak líbilo, že se dokonce rozhodl si pobyt prodloužit!

PRAGUE FASHION WEEKCorinthia Towers Hotel is a proud partner of the famous Prague Fashion Week an event where the world of fashion and beauty is presented twice a year in the city. The latest event was held from 13-19 November. Prague Fashion Week is part of a series of fashion weeks in New York, Paris, London and Lisbon. Corinthia Towers Hotel hosted a press conference with top Czech fashion designers and offered its hospitality to foreign designers during their stay in Prague.

PRAGUE FASHION WEEKHotel Corinthia Towers je dlouhodobým partnerem prestižní události Prague Fashion Week, která dvakrát do roka halí město do roucha módy a krásy. Naposledy se akce konala v týdnu od 13. do 19. listopadu. Hotel Corinthia Towers nabídl své kapacity a zajistil ubytování pro designéry ze zahraničí v průběhu celého jejich pobytu v Praze.

THE LONGEST CROATIAN NIGHTGuests at Corinthia Panorama Hotel enjoyed the fast rhythms and stirring music of Croatia and explored the Mediterranean as it once was on 2 November 2006. We listened to excellent music of the Lyra band from Osijek, and there was the delicious Croatian food – delicacies such as grilled octopus, and truffle ice cream, accompanied by superb Dalmatian wine. All meals were specially prepared by Mr. Stuparič, Executive chef at Corinthia Panorama and our Croatian guest-chef from Croatian restaurant Mlyn.

NEJDELŠÍ CHORVATSKÁ NOCVe čtvrtek 2. listopadu 2006 hotel Corinthia Panorama ožil díky speciální chorvatské noci. Hosté ochutnali speciality jako jsou pljeskavica a jedinečné dalmatské víno. Všechna jídla exkluzivně připravil Vladimír Stuparič, šéfkuchař hotelu Corinthia Panorama a chorvatský šéfkuchař z restaurace Mlyn, kterého jsme hostili exkluzivně pro tento večer.

Alberto Tomba, the charismatic Italian ski champion, welcomed at Corinthia Panorama Hotel by Mrs. Petra Vinikarová, Rooms Division Manager (left), and Mrs. Renáta Dudová, PR Manager of Corinthia Panorama Hotel (right)

Corinthia Towers Hotel is proud partner of the Prague Fashion Week, which showcases the biggest talents on local and international fashion scene

Delicacies such as grilled octopus, and truffle ice cream, accompanied by superb Dalmatian wine provided a top culinary experience



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Page 13: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

Delicacies such as grilled octopus, and truffle ice cream, accompanied by superb Dalmatian wine provided a top culinary experience



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BOHEMIA TICKET, Malé nám. 13, Praha 1 phone: +420/224 227 832Na Příkopě 16, Praha 1, phone: +420/224 215 031e-mail: [email protected]

STÁTNÍ OPERA PRAHA WILSONOVA 4, PRAHA 1 phone: +420/224 227 266 e-mail: [email protected]

’06 |07S E A S O N

Welcome to the Prague


inz Guest 105x148,5 8.11.2006 12:11 Stránka 1


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We provide for you • Ci ty tours through Prague• River cru ises• Tours to the most interest ing p laces

of the Czech Republ ic• Pr ivat guides• Pr ivate tours according to your wish• and many more. . .

Our brochure with more deta i ls , pr ices and departure t imes you can f ind at the recept ion desk or you can contact us d i rect ly at :Te l . : +420 222313035Nonstop: +420 731486669e-mai l : in [email protected]:


THE CZECH MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS, PRAGUEHUSOVA 19, PRAGUE 1 - OLD TOWNin its two baroque houses and romanesque cellar presents exhibitions of modern and contemporary Czech art.Daily except Mondays from 10am to 6pm

MOUNTAINS, CLIFFS AND ROCKS14. 12. 2006 – 4. 2. 2007This exhibition presents the development of how Czech visual art has seen nature since the 19th century.B. Havránek, J. Mánes,A. Kosárek, J. Mařák, A. Chittussi,J. Šíma, J. Zrzavý, F. Muzika, J. John, F. Skála, J. Róna, A. Veselý, J. Koblasa,J. Seifert, Z. Hůla, I. Kafka and others.

LUDĚK FILIPSKÝ 15 . 2. –25. 3. 2007 An exhibition presenting the work of Luděk Filipský (born 1945), a native of Moravské Budějovice who lives and works in Kutná Hora. This show held at the CMFA focuses on Filipský’s latest painting series, which play a major role in his diverse work that also features drawings and objects.

repro: A. Veselý, Hollow and Mountain, 2003

Page 14: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

° Prague i s known as the “City of a Hundred Spires”, and rightly so. Wherever you go in the centre of the city, you are never far away from a historic church, and given that several centuries of architecture are represented by these buildings, you have an opportunity to walk through centuries of architecture.

What is more, each historic Prague church has some intriguing stories and legends to tell. Here we present a list of some of the most significant churches and some of the legends associated with them.

Gothic Glory - Týn Church, Old Town With its rocket-like towers seemingly ready for take off above Old Town Square, Týn Church, or to give it

its full title, “Church of Our Lady before Týn” (Kostel Panny Marie před Týnem), is the most conspi-cious of the Old Town churches and also one of the most familiar. But look more closely at its towers. You will notice that one tower is much broader than its twin. According to medieval legend, the male (fat) tower had to protect the female (slim) tower from the midday sun.

Look out for the beautifully carveddetails on the porch on the north side of the building (by the lane leading to Ungelt courtyard). The designs apparently show the influence of Petr Parléř, the architect of St Vitus Cathedral. To get to the church follow the passage from the Gothic arcade of Týnská škola in front of the church (the building with crescent-shaped

gables) . You will probably be surprised by the interior.

Outside, the church looks un-mistakably Gothic and medieval; inside the Gothic architecture has been replaced by Baroque, although some Gothic features, notably the 15th-century pulpit, survive.

Another, more famous feature is the grave of Tycho Brahe, the legendary Danish astronomer, who arrived in Prague wearing a silver and gold false nose; part of his own was cut off in a duel. According to folklore, his exit was just as colourful as his arrival in Prague: Brahe is said to have succumbed to a burst bladder after over-indulging at the court. The red marble grave can be found in the pillar on the right of the chancel steps.

St James Church, Old Town – a Hanging ArmIt is a short walk from Týn Church to another of Prague’s great churches, St James (Kostel svatého Jakuba), which in the Middle Ages was associated with the city’s butchers. Although founded in 1374, St James is now thoroughly Baroque in appearance, and the architects of this period used illusion to make the space seem longer and taller than it is in reality. The interior is also interesting because of the series of side altars, particularly, the lavish tomb of the Count of Mitrovice, in the aisle to the left of the entrance.

Although the church seems to have no visible trace of its medieval past, there is a gruesome link with that period. On the right, as you enter, you will see a very shrivelled

Prague’s Churches Legends and a Journey through the Centuries

The spires of Týn church



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Page 15: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

Pražské kostely forearm hanging from the west wall. It is said to have belonged to a thief, who tried to steal the jewels of the Madonna from the altar. The Madonna grabbed his arm and refused to let go leaving the butchers no choice but to chop off the criminal’s arm. It has been there ever since. Our Lady of The Snows – Prague’s Second Tallest ChurchBehind Wenceslas Square, beside a peaceful garden, Our Lady of the Snows (Kostel Panny Marie Sněžné) is, after St Vitus Cathedral, the tallest of Prague’s medieval churches. The intriguing name of the church reflects its namesake in Rome, where a miraculous August snowfall was taken as a sign to build a church. Charles IV intended Our Lady of the Snows to be used for coronations and to be of the same size as the cathedral at Hradčany, but his ambitious plans came to an end when the money for the project ran out after the chancel was built.

But the fact that the church was only partially built simply emphasises its spectacular height, which you can appreciate as you look up at the graceful vaulted ceiling and the spectacular black

and gold altar. You can also walk round the neighbouring garden (Františkanská zahrada) to appre-ciate the grandeur of the church even more.

Our Lady of Victories – The Bambino di PragaIt is the legend of the Infant Jesus of Prague (Bambino di Praga or Pražské Jezulátko in Czech) that attracts visitors to the Church of Our Lady of Victory (Kostel Panny Marie Vítězné).

The In fant was a l l eged to have healing powers and became famous in 1637 when it is said to have performed a miracle, and later restored the sight of the Countess Kolovrat. It began to attract pilgrims and requests for help from far and wide, and the money from donations enabled a silver altar to be bought for it. Over time the Bambino di Praga has acquired around a hundred sets of clothes and other costumes, and Carmelite nuns change them regularly. The Infant Jesus continues to inspire devotion from pilgrims, especially from Latin America. A small museum in the church displays a selection of the clothes brought for the Bambino di Praga.

The Bambino di Praga attracts many pilgrims



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Ať už v centru města zajdete kamkoliv, vždy to budete mít kousek

k nějakému historickému kostelu. Pojďme se tedy podívat na ty

nejvýznamnější z nich a zároveň se dozvědět něco o legendách,

kterými jsou tyto kostely opředeny.

Sláva gotice – Týnský chrámTýnský chrám je jedním z nejpozoruhodnějších kostelů Starého

Města; podívejme se však podrobně na jeho věže. Všimněte si, že

jedna věž je mnohem širší než její dvojče. Podle středověké legendy

měl on (široká věž) chránit ji (štíhlou věž) před poledním sluncem.

Podívejte se také na krásně vyřezávané detaily na kryté straně

severní části budovy (uličkou vedoucí k nádvoří Ungelt). Design

zjevně ukazuje na vliv Petra Parléře, architekta katedrály svatého

Víta. Jakmile uvidíte interiér, budete pravděpodobně překvapeni.

Zvenku totiž kostel vypadá jednoznačně jako gotická středověká

stavba; uvnitř však gotickou architekturu i přes několik znaků, které

přežily, nahradilo baroko. Slavnou součástí tohoto místa je i hrob

Tycha de Brahe, legendárního dánského astronoma.

Kostel sv. Jakuba na Starém MěstěOd Týnského chrámu je to jen kousek cesty k dalšímu významnému

pražskému kostelu, kostelu svatého Jakuba, který byl ve středověku

baštou místních řezníků. Zajímavý interiér zdobí série postranních

oltářů a zdobená hrobka hraběte Mitrovského. Kostel si napohled

zachovává spojení se svou hrůznou minulostí ve formě vysušeného

předloktí, které visí ze západní stěny. Říká se, že tato paže patří

zloději, který se snažil ukrást klenoty Panny Marie z oltáře. Panna

Marie chytla jeho paži a už ji nepustila, takže řezníkům nezbylo než

tu loupežnou ruku uříznout.

Kostel Panny Marie Sněžné – druhý nejvyšší chrám v PrazeHned po katedrále svatého Víta se jedná o nejvyšší středověký

chrám v Praze. Poutavý název kostelu odráží svou jmenovkyni

v Římě, kde zázračné sněžení v srpnu vnímali jako znamení

k vybudování kostela. Karel IV. plánoval chrám Panny Marie Sněžné

využívat ke korunovacím, ale jeho ambiciózní plány ztroskotaly, když

byl rozpočet tohoto projektu vyčerpán. Skutečnost, že tento chrám

je vybudován pouze částečně, ještě zvýrazňuje jeho velkolepou

výšku. Ze sousední Františkánské zahrady lze obdivovat majestátnost

chrámu ještě lépe.

Pražské Jezulátko v kostele Panny Marie VítěznéLegenda o Pražském jezulátku (Bambino di Praga) láká návštěvníky

do kostela Panny Marie Vítězné mnohem více než samotná

architektura paláce. Polyxena z Lobkovic darovala v roce 1628

bratrům řádu bosých karmelitánů tuto vzácnou sošku Jezulátka. Říká

se, že Jezulátko konalo zázraky a přitahovalo poutníky. Peníze z darů

umožnily karmelitánům pořízení stříbrného oltáře. Během let získalo

Jezulátko přes sto kompletů oblečení a dalších oděvů a karmelitáni

je pravidelně měnili (výběr těchto šatů můžete vidět v malém muzeu

přímo v kostele).

Page 16: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

° Martin Kratochvíl has had a very active career. A household name in the Czech Repub-lic, he started off in music, becoming a leading pianist in the jazz scene. He is also the founder of multimedia company Bonton and has made films about Nepal, a country which he loves. Mr Kratochvíl took time out of his busy schedule to meet with us at Corinthia Towers Hotel.

You have had a diverse career: musician, owner of the Bonton record label, and filmmaker among other things. Did you plan such a career or did it “just happen”?I think my career came along as life went along. Music was my first love, and the Bonton busi-ness was just a longer and exciting episode – I’m not a born businessman. But on the other hand, when I look back over the last 15 years it was a great time and I learned a lot. But these changes in my career were not abrupt as people think. For example, I went to the Himalayas, shot films about them and then wrote the music for the films. Then I sell the music through Bon-ton. All these aspects are related, and there is a certain logic to my career path.Do you have a favourite moment in your ca-reer?I think music is something I can do best, and shooting movies is great too. But the most ex-citing thing for me is music. I’ve made 30 CDs, but playing live, preferably in a small venue, is amazing.

You were also involved in the international Jazz Festival, which Corinthia Hotels International is supporting. Can you tell us a little about it?Well I’ve been involved in this event for a long time. It’s had a long tradition that goes back to the 1960s. It used to be a huge event in the Communist era, and in a nation hungry for any western music, information and influence, it was very welcome. Louis Armstrong, Duke El-lington and many other famous people came to Prague. It has metamorphosed into something different, but it still brings great people, and it continues the great tradition.You have spent a lot of time in Nepal and have made films about it. What attracted you to Nepal?I go there regularly and just came back from Nepal recently, which was my 25th visit. I fell in love with it the first time I was there but be-fore then it was difficult to get out of this coun-try, and for people who love mountains like me, the Himalayas were a dream. In the past I dreamt about going there and tried to contact the Chinese Embassy during Communist times, but they told me I couldn’t get there and there were no roads. I had map of the area but it was an American pilot’s map, and the Embassy told me that I could be arrested if I went to Nepal and was caught with it there! I kept trying to go and then eventually this country opened up and Communism fell. I first went to Nepal in 1992 and since I have been going two or three

times year because I have been shooting films there. So when I go I’m not just going for a ho-liday but I’m working too. We made a big se-ries, about Czech expeditions to the Himalayas. I also shoot films about Nepalese society and culture. I even tried to climb up 8,000 metre-high Shisha Pangma, but I only reached 7,900 metres.Czech and Nepalese cultures are very different. What have you learnt from Nepal?You really learn a lot. One of the first things you learn is human loyalty because you are fully in the hands of the guides and porters. You de-pend on them with your life. People are also very honest. People don’t steal, or rather steal-ing is very rare, and they trust you so much.You realise that the problems we deal with in this country are really miniscule and really small in comparison to a country where you cannot build a road because the mountains are always sliding down, or if there is no good weather there is no rice. You change your per-spective a lot. It’s a healthy experience, physi-cally and mentally. Spending so much time in these altitudes makes you feel great. You have travelled all over the world and tried different cuisines. Do you have any favourite foods?You’ve hit the right note! If I had the choice I would always choose Asian food. I’m a real fan of it, especially Indian, and I also love Thai and Chinese food. This time when I was in the Hi-malayas I found an amazing place in Pokhara. It was just a stall where one guy had just very powerful gas stoves and he was cooking for four hotels. He cooked mostly Bengali food, but also standard dishes like Madras or Vindaloo. What he was cooking was a work of art. We were so hungry from the trek so we went to his stall non-stop for two days and couldn’t stop admiring his work. You have had a very varied career, but are there any things you would still like to try that you have not done before?Well, I’ve sailed before but not as much as I would want. I want to buy a yacht and go round the world. When my feet will no longer be capable of taking me up the Himalayas. It’s a nice plan for a pensioner!

Music, mountains and other things

Playing jazz live in a small venue is amazing, says Martin Kratochvíl

an interview with Martin Kratochvíl, Czech enterpreneur & adventurer


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Page 17: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

Corinthia Hotels International

BUDAPESTBudape š ť


The 19th-century avenues of Pest, with their shops and restaurants, the Castle and cobbled streets of Buda, and the famous bath-houses. Visitors can enjoy these attractions and many others more in Budapest. And after a day’s sightseeing the 5-star Corinthia Grand Royal Hotel provides al l the services that discer-ning travellers need as well as offering the charm and s ty le o f a d is t inguished hote l .

Grand Imperial European cityThe city is situated majestically on one of the world’s great rivers Danube. Budapest is one of the great Central European capitals. But the Hungarian capital has a strong eastern flavour too.

Get a feel of this character and start your tour in Castle Hill in Buda. The ornate turrets and ramparts of the Fisherman’s Bastion afford superb views over to Pest, particularly to the striking Neo-Gothic Parliament beside the Danube. Another highlight is the nearby Gothic Mátyás Church, which contains copies of the Hungarian crown jewels. Dominating the scene in this part of town is the enormous Buda Castle, which dates from the 13th-century; today it is home to the Hungarian National Gallery and the Budapest History Museum. The streets around the Castle are some of the most picturesque in Budapest. This is a Budapest of quaint lanes and cosy restaurants, and it contrasts with the grand boulevards of Pest across the river.

Buda’s twin across the River Danube has a different character, and the confidence of the

19th-century Budapest is in evidence everywhere here, especially the grandiose avenues reminiscent of Paris.

Corinthia Grand Hotel RoyalAnd when choosing a base you need look no further than Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal. Housed in a suitably imposing nineteenth century building, it is located in the very the heart of Pest and combines all the classic style and elegance of a 5 star hotel with state of the art facilities. Indeed, the hotel has set a new standard in luxury five-star city centre hotels. Its wealth of interior architectural detailing was carefully restored and incorporated into the new building. The Corinthia Grand Hotel Royal thus immediately regained its status as a symbol of elegant hospitality.

The hotel offers the very best in terms of comfort and facil i t ies. The 414 rooms come under various categories, including Superior and Executive Guestroom and Suites. If you are a business traveller, we have all the facilities you will need. The Executive Club has its own reception, breakfast room, Club lounge and boardroom, and guests have at their disposal every conceivable facility, and a highly personal service. When it comes to eating and drinking, you can sample the classic Central European atmosphere of the Royal Kávéház & Szamos Marcipán Cukrászda café. Or travel to the Orient at our award-winning Rickshaw Restaurant. If you want to keep fit where better to do it than at the Royal Spa, which has just recently re-opened, in the hotel, and is the the ultimate luxury spa experience! Whatever your reason for visiting and however long you choose to stay in Budapest, we will do our very best to make you feel at; www.

BudapešťHlavní město Maďarska

tvoří Buda, starobylá čtvrť

vysoko nad jedním břehem

řeky Dunaj, a protější Pešť.

Na hradním kopci v Budě

si můžete udělat přehled

o rozvržení města. Nenechte

si ujít Rybářskou baštu

a gotický kostel Mátyás. Pešť

je naopak čtvrtí velkých alejí

a její ulice připomínají slavné

pařížské bulváry.

Corinthia Grand Hotel RoyalCorinthia Grand Hotel Royal

je pětihvězdičkový hotel se

všemi službami, které si může

moderní host přát. K mání je

414 pokojů, restaurace a bary

a dále Executive Club určený

pro hosty na služebních

cestách. Fit po celou dobu

vašeho pobytu můžete zůstat

díky špičkovým službám lázní

Royal Spa.


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Page 18: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

Serves 4Ingredients2 pears (tinned pears will do)

200ml of white wine

1 tblsp of lemon juice

2 tblsp of honey

1 tblsp of sugar

300ml of water

1 whole cinnamon stick

10 cloves

1 tsp of whole black pepper

1/2 tsp of grated orange peel

40g of blue cheese

2 large slices of dried ham

For the sauce:

60ml of pear juice

100ml of white wine

1 tsp of honey

30ml olive oil


30g roasted walnuts

30ml dressing made from

balsamic vinegar

Method:Boil the wine, water, lemon juice, sugar, honey and spices in a saucepan.Peel the pears, cut them into quarters and remove the pips. When the liquid has boiled down to around half of its volume, add the pears and simmer for about 5-6 minutes. Then take the sauce-pan off the heat, place it in cold water and let it cool down. Boil the pear juice with the wine and honey down to a third and mix with the olive oil.Place a piece of cheese into each pear, wrap it in the ham, and put into the oven to bake.Pour a teaspoon of the sauce on to the plate, place the pears in the centre and garnish with dressing and roasted walnuts.

Fine Dining @ CorinthiaR I C K S H AW R E S TAU R A N T @ C O R I N T H I A TOW E R S H OT E LPHAD KH I MAO Serves 5Ingredients 1.5kg of beef

10 kaffir leaves

4 tblsp of oyster sauce

1 small bowl of Thai basil

1 tblsp of sweet soya sauce

1 small bowl of ground


1 tblsp fish sauce, 1 tblsp

ground garlic

1 tsp sugar, 1 onion, 1/2 tsp

ground black pepper,

150ml oil

Wine, Galangal, Chilli pepper

Method: 1) Cut beef into large pieces 2) Place beef in a dish with oil , pepper, starch, sugar, wine and sweet soy sauce. Let it marinade for one hour in a cold dark place3) Run meat through water. 4) Heat oil in wok or frying pan and quick ly add the meat, garlic and Kaffir leaves, and cut into very small pieces, galangal and lemon juice. Add remaining spices and stir.5) Just before serving add fresh basil, chilli and onions. Serve rice as side dish. This meal is very hot and spicy.

Baked pears with blue cheese, dried ham and walnuts

Very spicy stir-fried beef with oyster sauce and fresh Thai herbs


Very spicy stir-fried beef with oyster sauce and fresh Thai herbs



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Kulinářský svět


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Tickets available at the concierge desk in thehotel´s lobby.

Theatre box office and ticket reservation:Národní 4, Praha 1, tel.: +420 224 931 482


group orders: 222 222 041 • fax: 222 222 039 • [email protected]

LATERNA MAGIKA´s secret is in its mixtureof film and live performance. The continuoussearch for novelty and originality stemmingfrom the combination of these elements lies atthe heart of the ensembles creative work.

105x297.qxd 24.8.2006 23:29 StrÆnka 4


Složení:2 hrušky (i kompotované), 200 ml bílého vína, 1 lžíce citrónové

šťávy, 2 lžíce medu, 1 lžíce cukru, 300 ml vody, celá skořice,

10 ks hřebíčků, lžička celého pepře, 1/2 lžičky nastrouhané

pomerančové kůry, 40 g modrého sýra, 2 plátky sušené šunky

Omáčka: 60 ml hruškového džusu, 100 ml bílého vína, lžička

medu, 30 ml olivového oleje

Doplňky: 30 g opražených vlašských ořechů, 30 ml sirupu

z balsamikového octa

Příprava:1. V rendlíku svaříme víno, vodu, citrónovou šťávu, cukr, med

a koření. Hrušky oloupeme, rozřízneme na čtvrtky a zbavíme


2. Když se nálev svaří asi na polovinu, vložíme hrušky a vaříme

zvolna asi 5 - 6 minut. Potom stáhneme rendlík z ohně,

posadíme ho do studené vody a necháme zchladnout.

3. Hruškový džus svaříme s vínem a medem na třetinu

a přimícháme olivový olej.

4. Do každé hrušky vložíme kousek sýra, obtočíme šunkou,

a dáme do trouby zapéct.

5. Na talíř nalijeme lžící omáčku, do středu položíme hrušky

a doplníme sirupem s opraženými ořechy.

PHAD KHI MAOSilně kořeněné za pohybu smažené hovězí se pstruhovou omáčkou a čerstvými bylinkami z Thajska5 porcí Složení: 1,5 kg hovězího, 10 kafrových listů, 4 polévkové lžíce pstruhové

omáčky, 1 malý hrnek thajské bazalky, 1 polévková lžíce sladké

sojové omáčky, 1 malý hrnek koriandru , 1 polévková lžíce rybí

omáčky, 1 polévková lžíce česneku, 1 čajová lžička cukru,

1 cibule, 1/2 čajové lžičky černého pepře, 150 ml oleje, víno,

galgán lékařský, chilli paprička

Příprava:1. Nařežte hovězí na velké kusy. Následně naložte hovězí

do mísy společně s olejem, pepřem, škrobem, cukrem, vínem

a sladkou sojovou omáčkou. Tuto marinádu nechte ležet

1 hodinu na chladném a temném místě. Poté maso opláchněte


2. Zahřejte olej na pánvi a rychle na něj položte maso, česnek

a kafrové listy. Nařezejte maso na malé kousky; přidejte galgán

a citrónový džus. Přidejte zbývající koření a míchejte.

3. Těsně před podáváním přidejte čerstvou bazalku, chilli

a cibule. Jako přílohu podávejte rýži. Tento pokrm je velmi

pikantní a kořeněný.

Page 20: The Krkonoše - a winter Wonderland Zimní království v Krkonoších … · 2006. 12. 12. · Corinthia Towers Hotel Kamil

What’s up? Winter 2006/07

Until 31.1.2007CZECH PRESS PHOTO 2006 EXHIBITIONAlways thought-provoking, this popular event displays the results of a prestigious yearly competition for Czech and international photo journalists, with the aim of encouraging a personal view of events through the eyes of photographers. The exhibition comprises a number of picture categories including people in the news, sport, nature and daily life.

Until 7.1.2007GRETE POPPER PHOTOGRAPHS This exhibition of works by the leading German photographer Grete

Popper (1897-1976) include portraits as well as images shot in the studio,

and unique images of the streets of Prague. Outdoor pictures, such as an

evocative image of skaters on a frozen River Vltava near Charles Bridge,

capture the atmosphere of the period when they were shot. The pictures

are important for their creative compositions, unusual angles and lighting.

1.1.2007 NEW YEAR CONCERT, RUDOLFINUM Just as the famous New Year concert is a Viennese tradition, the New Year

concert is a hugely popular Prague event, now in its 12th year. Corinthia Towers

is delighted to be a partner of this event, which is held in the sumptuous

surroundings of the Rudolfinum. Works by W.A. Mozart, A. Dvořák, J. Strauss

and B. Smetana will be performed by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra.

Throughout WinterMUSAION ETHNOGRAPHIC COLLECTIONThe new permanent ethnographic exhibition of the National Museum focuses

on all aspects of folk culture of the Czech Republic and is housed in

a beautiful Empire-style building which was recently restored. Accompanying

events such as folk concerts and regular exhibitions are also staged in the

museum. If you are interested in Czech life and customs then you are sure

to find the Musaion Collection very rewarding.

Until 1.1.2007 PRAGUE CHRISTMAS MARKETS With the famous Christmas Tree already installed and decorated, Prague‘s

Christmas markets begin just before St Nicholas Eve on 5 December, when

children receive sweets or potatoes, depending on whether they have been good

or bad! The winter wonderland atmosphere continues throughout December on

Old Town Square and Wenceslas Square, with stalls selling traditional crafts

and winter warmers such as hot chestnuts and mulled wine. Daily events such

as performances of Christmas carols, help you get into the Christmas spirit, and

at night you can marvel at the magic of Old Town Square.

Throughout WinterWINTER ICE HOCKEY SEASON, SAZKA ARENAIce hockey is followed with great passion and enthusiasm in the Czech

Republic. The sport enjoys cult status, and players of the national team are

regarded as heroes. Experience the thrilling atmosphere and fast pace of an

ice hockey match at Sazka Arena, home to HC Slavia Praha. This team plays

in the Extraliga, the highest level ice hockey league in the Czech Republic, and

the season runs until the end of February.

Throughout WinterMAXIMUS – CZECH PRODUCTS ONLINEBuy your loved ones something special from Maximus, a company selling

traditional Czech products online such as cut glass and a very extensive range

of crystal chandeliers. Delivery anywhere in the world.

Until 28.1.2007JAN JIŘÍ HEINSCH EXHIBITION The Imperial Riding School of Prague Castle regularly features important art exhibitions, and this time it pays tribute to the Baroque artist Jan Jiří Heinsch. The exhibition, entitled “Jan Jiří Heinsch: Painter of Baroque Piety”, displays Heinsch‘s original works, inspired by Venice, and looks at his role in Czech Baroque art. The exhibition features 30 of his paintings and other works by this significant artist.

ALEXANDR ONISHENKO GALLERY EXHIBITIONOne of the most successful artists in the Czech Republic came to this

country with few possessions and began selling his work alongside

other artists on the Charles Bridge. But the quality of his work

shone through and Alexandr Onishenko quickly went on to open

his own gallery where one can explore his landscapes, see corners

of his forests, fly with his birds, gallop with horses, explore Gothic

courtyards or soar with him over the rooftops of Prague. Come and

see Alexandr Onishenko’s remarkable paintings at Galerie Jakubská

in Old Town, Jakubská 4, Prague 1. (Mo-Sat 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.)

Throughout WinterEUROART MUSIC FESTIVALCorinthia Towers Hotel is a proud partner of the EuroArt Prague festival, which is run by an independent, non profit arts organisation dedicated to promoting chamber music. The festival has been held since 2003 and features a diverse range of music performed by leading chamber musicians from all over the world. Unlike other music festivals, EuroArt Prague lasts over several months, and the winter concerts, held on 12 December 2006 and 16 January/20 February 2007, will include performances of the works of Gershwin, Mozart, Shostakovich and Kurt



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Do 31. 1. 2007 VÝSTAVA CZECH PRESS PHOTO 2006 Tato populární událost odhaluje výsledky každoroční prestižní

soutěže našich i zahraničních žurnalistů-fotografů.

Po celou zimu 2007 FESTIVAL EUROART PRAHAFestival podporovaný Corinthia Towers Hotelem je věnován propagaci

komorní hudby. Od září do června hosté učinkují v krásném sále

Lichtenštejnského paláce na Malé Straně.


Hotel Corinthia Towers má tu čest být partnerem tohoto koncertu, který

se koná v přepychových prostorách Rudolfina. Pražský filharmonický

orchestr zahraje díla W. A. Mozarta, A. Dvořáka a dalších.

Do 1.1.2007 PRAŽSKÉ VÁNOČNÍ TRHYV centru Prahy máte až do Nového roku možnost vychutnat si

jedinečnou atmosféru sváteční Prahy. Najdete tu typické české

řemeslné výrobky, například dřevěné hračky nebo sklářské umění.

Po celou zimu 2007 LEDNÍ HOKEJ V SAZKA ARÉNĚ Zažijete tu strhující atmosféru a rychlý spád hokejových zápasů

v supermoderní sportovní hale.


Nová stálá národopisná expozice Národního muzea je zaměřena

na lidovou kulturu ČR a je propojena s ukázkou lidových řemesel.

Po celou zimu 2007MAXIMUS – CZECH PRODUCTS ONLINEVyužijte skvělé nabídky a pořiďte svým blízkým dárek od firmy, nabízející tradiční české umělecké předměty a artefakty

- od broušeného skla, přes porcelán s cibulákovým vzorem

až po speciální skleněné lustry. Vše na:

Po celou zimu 2007VÝSTAVNÍ GALERIE ALEXANDRA ONISHENKAJeden z nejúspěšnějších umělců v České republice, Alexandr

Onishenko, vystavuje svá pozoruhodná díla ve vlastní galerii

Jakubská v centru Prahy. Otevřeno od pondělí do soboty

od 10.00 do 18.00, Jakubská 4, Praha 1.

Kam v PrazeZima 2006/07


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While staying at the Corinthia Towers Hotel

in Prague you can do and dis-cover many really great things. You can practise swimming and have fun at both Corinthia Hotels, which have amazing swimming pools with fantastic views over Prague. If you are in your room you can have fun with our spe-cially prepared toy boxes. And at the Corinthia Towers Hotel’s Beer & Bowling Restaurant it gets really sporty: you can try your bowling skills, play darts, table football, billiards or even karaoke. Our chefs have prepared a special Kids Menu there; just ask for it and enjoy the yummy food. There is more information on our website – check out our ”Corinthia My Hotel” section.

PRAGUE’S PUPPET THEATRES Did you know that the Czech Republic is famous for its puppet shows? Puppetry has been popular in the Czech

lands for centuries, and Prague is one of the best places for you to enjoy it. Puppet theatres put on special shows for kids, and all Czech children know the Spejbl and Hurvínek Theatre in Prague, named after two very famous puppet characters. Spejbl and Hurvínek are a Dad and Son who get involved in all sorts of adventures. Spejbl (Dad) is slow and serious, and clever Hurvínek (Son) tries to get up to all sorts of mischief. Spejbl usually wins, but not always. Look out for Spejbl and Hurvínek puppets in gift shops – you might want to buy them as souvenirs. Dad is bald and thin and his son has bright orange hair and wears shorts, even when it is cold! Performances at the theatre are in Czech, but you can see puppet shows at other venues in Prague, such as the National Marionette Theatre, near Old Town Square and Divadlo Minor (Minor Theatre). Why not go to a performance and see this Czech tradition for yourself. Info at: and

BEYOND THE MOONCorinthia Hotels Prague continue to support the “Beyond the Moon“ programme, which helps children with life-threatening diseases and their families. We are proud to be sponsors of this project helping to make a child’s life much better.

ICE SKAT INGIf you enjoy ice-skating don’t miss the Vodafone ice rink at Ovocný trh in the centre of Prague. It’s open every day from 2-31 December, from 10.00 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Catch the magical winter wonderland atmosphere right in the centre of Prague!


Let’s go on a very long journey back in time... to the Stone Age. What was our planet like? How did our ancestors live? What animals lived at this time? Find out the answers to all these questions at the Mammoth Hunters exhibition at the Natio-nal Museum on Wenceslas Square. It brings this period to life, and you can see a life-sized model of a woolly mammoth and a reconstruction of Stone Age dwellings, among other things. The exhibition runs until 30 April 2007, National Museum, Wenceslav Square.

Hity pro děti

Zábava v Corinthii

V pražských Corinthia hotelech se

můžete věnovat mnoha aktivitám,

například plavání, nebo si užít

spoustu legrace na pokoji díky

krabici plné parádních hraček.

V Beer & Bowling Restaurantu

hotelu Corinthia Towers se

můžete věnovat sportu; zkusit

si bowling, šipky, nebo biliár,

popřípadě karaoke. Naši

šéfkuchaři připravují speciální

dětská menu.

Pražská loutková divadla

Loutkové divadlo je v České

republice speciální tradice, tak

proč nepoprosit dospěláky, ať vás

s sebou vezmou na představení

do Národního loutkového divadla,

Divadla Spejbla a Hurvínka nebo

Divadla Minor? Program hledejte


Beyond the Moon

Pražské Corinthia hotely pokračují

v podpoře programu „Beyond

the Moon“, který pomáhá dětem

s těžkými nemocemi a jejich

rodinám. Jsme hrdí, že sponzoru-

jeme tento projekt, který přispívá

k lepšímu životu mnoha dětí.

Přijďte si zabruslit

Pokud rádi bruslíte, nenechte si ujít

kluziště Vodafone na Ovocném trhu

přímo v centru Prahy. Otevřeno je

každý den od 2. do 31. prosince,

od 10:00 do 21:30 hodin. Zažijete

tu kouzelnou zimní atmosféru!

Lovci mamutů

Vrátit se daleko do minulosti, až do

doby kamenné, je určitě fascinující.

Jaký byl tenkrát život? Jak lidé

žili? Odpovědi na tyto otázky

získáte na výstavě „Lovci mamutů“

v Národním muzeu na Václavském

náměstí. Otevřena je do 30. dubna.



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° Level 25 of the Corinthia Towers Hotel, located on the top floor, and the Top Deck of the Corinthia Panorama Hotel, are very special health clubs. Not only do they have a full range of sports facilities, they also offer the most amazing views of Prague.

Level 25 Health & Fitness CentreLevel 25 has a swim- ming pool, situated on the top floor,

with large windows and panoramic views of the city. Our sauna and steam bath are divided into men’s and women’s sections and both include a small basin with cold water to refresh you. Moreover, we offer different kinds of aerobics activities, such as aqua aerobics, step aerobics or body styling, all led by professional instructors. If you prefer the gym, it is no problem. Our well-equipped gymnasium is waiting for you, and if you need advice you can ask a professional fitness trainer. In addition, you can keep fit by playing squash, and of course you have the possibility of hiring equipment – rackets and balls – from

us. After all the sports and fitness activities why not wind down either in our solarium, or with a relaxing massage.

NEW AT LEVEL 25As of December, you can enjoy

new massages or relax at our

new sauna.

MASSAGES- Reflexory Foot massage

- Tui-Na Chinese Massage

- Lavastones massage

- new Sauna room

KEEP FIT! Try the popular Pilates method

at the fitness aerobic studio,

every Sunday and Thursday

at 6 pm, or enjoy working out

with our brand new Star Trac

fitness equipment

Top DeckThe Corinthia Panora-ma Hotel swimming pool and the adjoining

whirlpool offer spectacular views of Prague. We offer regular aqua aerobics courses, yoga, fitness and a great relaxation area.

Fitness @ Corinthia Keep fit at Corinthia!

Fitness s krásným výhledem na velkoměsto

Level 25 v nejvyšším patře Corinthia

Towers Hotelu a Top Deck Corinthia

Panorama Hotelu jsou fitness centra

s nejlepšími výhledy na Prahu.

Perfektní místa pro sport nebo

uvolnění v jedinečném prostředí.

Level 25

Level 25 nabízí plavecký bazén

v nejvyšším patře s panoramatic-

kým výhledem na město. Nabízíme

různé druhy aerobiku pod vede-

ním profesionálních instruktorů.

Nově vybavená posilovna čeká jen

na vás. V kondici se můžete udr-

žovat i hraním squashe.

Po sportu můžete zregenerovat

svoje síly bud’ v soláriu, nebo vy-

užít nabídku masáží ve speciálně

designovaných prostorách.

NOVĚ V LEVEL 25od 1. prosince 2006

RELAX- reflexní masáž nohou- čínská Tui-Na masáž- masáž lávovými kamenyNOVÁ SAUNA

PILATESVyzkoušejte populární fitness me-todu pilates, lekce probíhají každý čtvrtek a neděli od 18 hodin.

Top Deck

Také bazén v Corinthia Panorama

hotelu nabízí velkolepý pohled

na Prahu. Pořádáme zde aerobní

kurzy, využít můžete i relaxační

zónu včetně masáží.


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