The Kentucke gazette. (Lexington, KY) 1787-12-22 [p...

tt T RE CH T, July 9. IT was by a majority of 12 voices that theftates of Hollanlhave Jc e m.'ruj.j to jeiueft the medi- ation of Eja'nce, of which the gVartd penfipnaiy is charged to givn nO' ice 'to th ma. uia 4de, am- - blTador from his Chultltm efty. July 10 Qri the i3th aitiveJ hc.c a re'nfnce-jneito- f 600 me.h from Amfterdanl, which coril: buto nuch toexh'iiiratetbefbints of oui gani "on. n his beenpropo eJ to diftroy all impediment, preparatory to afiego which, we.expe.-t- ; biit this poect. is de.c'.ied for a day or two till we here what' lleps are taken lefpe-lingti- ie proposals of Holland, for . the Media- tion of France. ' .' FR A N C F p'R.-T-- ; .July. .to. A report prevails here, that'tbc patriots have offered the people of Brabant sixty milions, of florin. o join them in the common oaufe,Aaie peiluaded, that Great Britan is difpo'ed too'cy.ery thing efficacy for the ftadtholdcr. The jafiunov of her royal highness ically covered a fcciet plan- cone-rt- - ed with the court of London, to "accelerate a- ieo-hitio- n in savour of the house of Oiarfge-;- . ami that having- faile'd, makes the thread, on which the repose of Europe hangs very slender. '"..,. . HAGUE, Juti 19. V: ' The marquts de Verad amba(j'ad'or fromtht .trdnch Mug, prejented the following memorial yesterday, to'the. ' Jlates general: ' ' ' High and Mighty Lcftf ' " The king being informed that the states of Holland Jiropof d, on- the jth inflant, your high mghtinejfes, to have recourse to his co xi'ateing the dlf ferences which divide the r'epubVc- - -- H,s majely is highly sensible of th s mirk of confidence ; ami he has ordered the under figied, his entba 'adr, to declare to your highmightinejjes, not only that he is dijpofe'd'to agree thereto, but aljothat he is eager, a far vs laysin his power:, to inthe repnb'.ic, and giod liar mo ty betwe:n .nam-e- n of the uuion. " The king with Injle this occasion toexprejs to y our high mightiness, the e we mi gref which heje troubles give him, that agitate the u aled prwcesad to six your auentio upon the dijafters which mnjlfol-law- , is they are not jpeediiy termjiated. " H r majeftythi iks,that to Attain this salutary eni, it is t.rejfi,ig, that your high mightinejei take themoft speedy and ejficatiotis means lollop the p'refent hojliie me JwS which are reparii.g hi many of the provindesi Tjnr high m'htlit ,e thereby priventing a civil wir, and facilitate thejuccjs of a reconciliation, which is Jo' dejiraole to efel. T'iis exho.taiio'i on the nan of he kinn himself, is dilated by th'fr's .dfhip which he bears tothe republ'c-th- s interest wh chhetakes for its prefer- -' ration, and its prosperity and the attention which he has has for each of its co iftituent memberst Le Marquis de rerai." At the Hague, t 8th July 1787. LONDON, July 12. Amoming ;aper jays, that the public may beaffured of this important sail ; tha- - 0:1 the 30th ult. the French fquilron, cunjifting of 8 (hips nj 'the line and 4 frigates fa' led from Br est hvbour. The lord of the Britijh havi g i teligf ce of the equipment, Jent the Hebe frigate to ook into Brtft water ; the squadron was sailed before the H.bes arrival, andfbe retu.ned with tltis intelligence. As far as military preparations Can give alarm, the al-r- is given from the centre of France throughevery direction. In Paris thefoldiery are recruiting in every corner, and in every ulace from Cata:s to Paris ; and from Dunkirk tothe Stfjbourg jrner of Lorrain, all the gar' rijO'is throughthe lOrthern ettrem'ty of the kingdom art covfrderab.y Theduc de Rochambeau i at Valenciea es w'thai army of 12,000 men. Theje are fa&s confirmed by "11 the lute ft lettersfrom that country. Aietterfro n G; enhagen says, the military and naval movements intlrs kingdom Denmark) are now inaparti tatioi, cause divers opinions to be held as to the purat-- g of juch extraordinary proceedings ; the general notion is, tint 'he intention of thii court, is to take an aftivepart in savour of the .rince of Orange, in whose behalfJome of the northun states have combined. ErtraB of a letter from Oft end, July 11 " Thenumber of Dutch families that are arrived here' have taken up alt the souses that were empty, and the fou iations offeveral capital buildings are laid within 20) yardsofthe harbour sit formerchants, and ground morked out for more. Shnttd Vie troubles in Holland co r me, this wilt be as capital a town as Anifterdairt cr Rotterdam for trade and commerce. The emperor has Ircadth, are injerttajor y. tnejirji time am jj. Jent orders for ereftingtwo deks for building large slips Jit for the Eafl India trade, aiidin Jhon, does every thing in his power to promote 'the wells are and happinejs of Ids people. By the Dutch male wlrch arrived-ealyti:i- morning, we .have received the following intelligence : Iheintereft of the prince of Orange rapidly increases fi"ce his reccit Jucctjs in the reduction of the ttwn oj ll'yck; the troops f apt iiigthe-cordo- of Holland, in the Jervtce ofthatftate, daily dejsrl in gieat numiersto tlie princes camp, and. his Jeren. highnifs was preparing to a?t w'th .vigour Inthe ma: Usance of his jrivileges. (The above article is copied from a public newspaper which has k thirto dijeovered the m'oft violent zeal in the patriotic cause -- The Utrecht gazette. From rejpe.iabie ruthvr'r.y- - we can injorrfi our readers-- , that analliance ofenjvea d defenjive has been ligncd between Great itain ana PntJJii.' '. It patfed the great Jeal laftweek, ,'n' was fovarl'ed to' the continent with thegre-'tcj- i eK.ped iio,i. 'sirs will inall probabidiyac- - , celevatt the 1 rtjii of the tumuls in Htllond. Accoiujti Fr tic,r peak yery pofuiveiy ofhoftile preparation; th re, and that 2'y fb'.softheliiie, and 13 frigatei are sitting out with all poffuli dljlauh; bdeember r, 1731 " TST'HER'EAS the fubTcribers to the propofaN for W s a so, e s to be The for promoting i.jrftil'knowledqe, weie p,e ; ye-ite- fiom iiKetin; on 'j;C foirnH Mondry in temhef ' Lilt, acco.dmg 10 appointment ; and as it fs piObau'e that, a meeting 01 che fu hlcriber- - cannot in "eny ilioitcime be had, anJ absolutely necefliry that fometh-i'- g flrouid he done for the ber.elt Of tlie Soc- iety, without further loss or timei.itis piopofeJ, by fuiulry kb ciibe.s, that a e'eft' cpmnmtee. Cura'or and I'leaiuicr shall be fmibwith cho en by thefnb-fcnhidi- s, inthe (only) m :nei, which their clifperf-c- d fituauan, will at p.'efei.i. ddhi.t of. The Committee, Curatoi and Treafmer, to.vl, in their fevcral capaci- ties, rill a meeting of ihe luivfr iber? can be had. . Each ubici iber is, the. c'V, c requeued, to forward to Mr. l'bofn is Speed at D mv.iJIa, before the sit ft day of .February next, a cntleincn as he Chuf-e- s, to conilituie a.feleft coiimiktce ; and affo, the names of fuchgent'emen, as hewuliesto be appointed, Cu- rator and 1'ieaiiiier. ltiSpiopofed.'that, fufc'i geitlemcn' as arc sound, on the fai.dfhil day of I eb.uaiy next, to have a majo rity pfliieh 'otes ijl their C.your, as have then come to hand, shall bea se cit committee and acl: as Curator tandTicaiiiieH,tilla meeting, as abovementioned, can be had. . A list of all the fublcriborsis, hereunto" fubioinecf; and it is neceil'ary taob erve ihat, the felefl con-mittce- to. confifl of seven membeis, including the chainhan, who is to be chofenby the committee. George Muter, John Jouett, Sam M'Dovycll, 1'ho.Allin, Hcirry innes, Robt. Todd, James Speed, Jos. Crockett, Will. M'Dowcll, Ebenr. Liooks, Willis Gicen, T.Hall, Thoma . Todd,. .Caleb Wallace, Thoina Sped, Will. Irvine," GabiielJ.JahnftOnChas. Scott, Joshua Baibee, LeviTodd, .Step. Ormfly, James Parker, J Oveuon.junr, AlesKParker, J. Browiij johnrowler, Jno. Coburn,-Ge- Goidon,-Alex- . D. Orr, Robt. Barr, Hor. Turpin, Robt. Johnson, John Craig, James Canard, ifaac Shelby, Dawid Leitch, H. Marfljall, Chrifto. Gteenupv 'jPHe public (hould be cautions how they deal with a certain capr. John Martin of Lincoln county, as that man has lately taken advantage of the law ii pleading the limi- tation act, and that only, becaufc he has been Indulged nearly three years This 1 hope will be a sufficient warning to the citizens of Jntcke particularly thofrin bufirefs Danville, Dec 4, 17S7. 4? M.NAGLE. N. B. He says I owe him, let him pro- duce his accout proved, and then I will give him credit onthe execution I have against him. M. N each time aster and longer ones proportion. nOBERT " BARR ' Just gives notice, that he has opened tj e lemainin-par- t of his dry goods, and has lately iccc ved of GROCERY and DYE STUirS with the following MEDICINES, viz. LAUBLR salts, Lest powdered bar!;, red pow-- J de.ed ditto, camphor, powdeiel ihubaib;mag-nici- a, tartar emetic, cream of tartar, quxkfiivcr oint- ment, powdeicd jal'ap, powdered ppecacuana, flour of sulfur, antimony, Biiu'flioil, Batemans dops, Hser-le- m oil, Tuington's balsam, AnderTon's pills, Hoopci's female pills, eirence of pepper m.nt, liouor-if- h ball, &c. &c. As I propose to quit trade, as foor as tlvs caigo of meichandize is vended, shall infutine ell on the low-e- st teims to facilitate the frme, SUPER "1NE cloibs, .SILKS, &c. with other sine goods, will be sold lower than this diftiiftcsn in futmebe fuppPed. A fmal quantity of POPvK is wanted, goods will be given in exchange at cafli price. R. B. ' Lexington, Dec. 15,1797. j8 10 be hired on twelve months credit, for one year, . nine lik ly negroes, at Danville on the first d..y f J mUary nexr, he necelary.cloat' ing will be t.en lbpulated, boa and good see u ity wi.l be ifdi'ned. . Dec. 12, 18 Gharry innis TO BE' SOLD Ty the lubici iber foi ready caih, two va-lurf- ble in l ttscon iguous ro eaui other, conveniently filuate in the town of Lexing- ton, with confide.'able .improvements thereon i Also one out lott und;r gsod fenci and in repair for farming, for frm apply tothe Printer hereof- - HCNRY LEE FOUR DOLLARS REWARD.. STTAS ilolcn, or taken by rsiftake Horn ihc sub W Iciiberai LimelVone landing, on the 17' b indsnt, the following articles, viz. One i nil a No. 57, conidimug 24 ya.d-- , about 2 and a bail yd.-- . of couoit deliver, a mall veunaiuof gray gc iTt.ui lege, two fruits, uith lundry ot!iei articles which cannot Be as ccit.ned.- - Whoeei will lciuin the lame to captain James Bay in Lexui;,ior, or capt. Moniibn at Ba.ids-tow- n inall receive .heabovcrewaiJ. Nov. 30, 1787. 17 EVANSHELEY. fubferiber has for sale in Danvil;'e,a largq THE. of drygoa Is that he will exc'iangc ei- ther by small or large quantities, for ho.nei cattlu good hoifos, some stills between 63 and Soga'lons ,or black male fcrvants between 15 anias yea of age, the faidgoods being on the most leafonable icimsof any imported into this ditlrift. Thcgood, to be deli-veie- d, .when the above mentioned piopcty is so l,ke-wif- e. 17 P- - TARD1VEAU, ; YHEREAS the aTembly have appoinfel TohT W Brown equiic, a member of CongreTs, anJ-M- r. Brown having informed me, that he ffioul I rei turn to this- - diftrift in Mav next, m oiocv to attea-hisbufin- a's usual in Aefupieme court ; I hare ven- tured to offer m farvice's in conjunTion with Mr Ormlby, to Mr. Brown's clients in all cases whcie am not immediately on theoppofite side of the quefti-on- ,- without requiring from them any com pen far ion, and shall be happy in any measure to be couduc've to his afi'd their intieft ; and I do further allure such of Mr. Brown's clients against whom I am employed, that I shall take no advantage of his abfencc, being gicat benefits which this diitricl will de- rive by his appointment, and being well convinced, that in accepting of the trull, he hath sacrificed his private intcrcft for the public good, letters directed t0 me in this place shall be punctually anfweied. Danville, Dec. 2, 1787. 10 HARRY INNES. 1TT A TTrTM?l?TC&c. at tlii JL Lll ISUiIlJ Office. their Printing Office in Main Street, where fubferipthns (at iSfptr. T wV'KRTON Printed ar.d Sold by Jof N and Fielding Bradford, at &c. for this paper, are thankfully received, and Printing in its different branches done w.ithCare and Expedition -- Advertifmcnts ofn in A i", ) Ayertife- - more length jwj

Transcript of The Kentucke gazette. (Lexington, KY) 1787-12-22 [p...

tt T R E C H T, July 9.

IT was by a majority of 12 voices that theftatesof Hollanlhave Jc e m.'ruj.j to jeiueft the medi-

ation of Eja'nce, of which the gVartd penfipnaiy is

charged to givn nO' ice 'to th ma. uia 4de, am- -

blTador from his Chultltm efty.July 10 Qri the i3th aitiveJ hc.c a re'nfnce-jneito- f

600 me.h from Amfterdanl, which coril: butonuch toexh'iiiratetbefbints of oui gani "on. n hisbeenpropo eJ to diftroy all impediment, preparatory toafiego which, we.expe.-t-; biit this poect. is de.c'.iedfor a day or two till we here what' lleps are takenlefpe-lingti- ie proposals of Holland, for . the Media-

tion of France. '


F R A N C F p'R.-T-- ; .July. .to.A report prevails here, that'tbc patriots haveoffered the people of Brabant sixty milions, of florin.o join them in the common oaufe,Aaie peiluaded,

that Great Britan is difpo'ed too'cy.ery thing w.aiefficacy for the ftadtholdcr. The jafiunov of herroyal highness ically covered a fcciet plan- cone-rt- -

ed with the court of London, to "accelerate a- ieo-hitio- n

in savour of the house of Oiarfge-;- . ami thathaving- faile'd, makes the thread, on which the reposeof Europe hangs very slender. '"..,.

. HAGUE, Juti 19. V: '

The marquts de Verad amba(j'ad'or fromtht .trdnchMug, prejented thefollowing memorial yesterday, to'the.

'Jlates general: ' '

'High and Mighty Lcftf '

" The king being informed that the states of HollandJiropof d, on- the jth inflant, your high mghtinejfes, tohave recourse to his co xi'ateing the dlfferences which divide the r'epubVc- - -- H,s majely ishighly sensible of th s mirk of confidence ; ami he hasordered the under figied, his entba 'adr, to declare toyour highmightinejjes, not only that he is dijpofe'd'toagree thereto, but aljothat he is eager, a far vs laysinhis power:, to inthe repnb'.ic, and giodliar mo ty betwe:n .nam-e- n of the uuion.

" The king with Injle this occasion toexprejsto y our high mightiness, the e we mi gref which hejetroubles give him, that agitate the u aled prwcesadtosix your auentio upon the dijafters which mnjlfol-law- ,

is they are not jpeediiy termjiated." H r majeftythi iks,that to Attain this salutary eni,

it is t.rejfi,ig, that your high mightinejei take themoftspeedy and ejficatiotis means lollop the p'refent hojliieme JwS which are reparii.g hi many of the provindesiTjnr high m'htlit ,e thereby priventing a civil wir,and facilitate thejuccjs of a reconciliation, which isJo'dejiraole to efel. T'iis exho.taiio'i on the nan of hekinn himself, is dilated by th'fr's .dfhip which he bearstothe republ'c-th- s interest wh chhetakes for its prefer- -'

ration, and its prosperity and the attentionwhich he has has for each of its co iftituent memberst

Le Marquis de rerai."At the Hague, t 8th July 1787.

LONDON, July 12.Amoming ;aper jays, that the public may beaffured

of this important sail ; tha- - 0:1 the 30th ult. the Frenchfquilron, cunjifting of 8 (hips nj 'the line and 4 frigatesfa' led from Br est hvbour. The lord of the Britijh

havi g i teligf ce of the equipment, Jent theHebe frigate to ook into Brtft water ; the squadron was

sailed before the H.bes arrival, andfbe retu.ned withtltis intelligence.

As far as military preparations Can give alarm, theal-r- is given from the centre of France througheverydirection. In Paris thefoldiery are recruiting in everycorner, and in every ulacefrom Cata:s to Paris ; and fromDunkirk tothe Stfjbourg jrner of Lorrain, all the gar'rijO'is throughthe lOrthern ettrem'ty of the kingdom artcovfrderab.y Theduc de Rochambeau i atValenciea es w'thai army of 12,000 men. Theje are

fa&s confirmed by "11 the luteft lettersfrom that country.

Aietterfro n G; enhagen says, the military and naval

movements intlrs kingdom Denmark) are now inapartitatioi, cause divers opinions to be held as to the purat-- g

ofjuch extraordinary proceedings ; the general notion is,

tint 'he intention of thii court, is to take an aftivepartin savour of the .rince of Orange, in whose behalfJome of

the northun states have combined.ErtraB of a letter from Oft end, July 11

" Thenumber of Dutch families that are arrived here'

have taken up alt the souses that were empty, and the

fou iations offeveral capital buildings are laid within

20) yardsofthe harbour sit formerchants, and ground

morked out for more. Shnttd Vie troubles in Holland

co r me, this wilt be as capital a town as Anifterdairt

cr Rotterdam for trade and commerce. The emperor has

Ircadth, are injerttajor y. tnejirji time am jj.

Jent orders for ereftingtwo deks for building large slipsJit for the Eafl India trade, aiidin Jhon, does every thingin his power to promote 'the wells are and happinejs of Idspeople.

By the Dutch male wlrch arrived-ealyti:i- morning,we .have received thefollowing intelligence :

Iheintereft of the prince of Orange rapidly increasesfi"ce his reccit Jucctjs in the reduction of the ttwn oj

ll'yck; the troopsfapt iiigthe-cordo- of Holland, in theJervtce ofthatftate, daily dejsrl in gieat numiersto tlieprinces camp, and. his Jeren. highnifs was preparing to

a?t w'th .vigour Inthe ma: Usance of his jrivileges.(The above article is copied from a public newspaper

which has k thirto dijeovered the m'oft violent zeal in the

patriotic cause -- The Utrecht gazette.From rejpe.iabie ruthvr'r.y- - we can injorrfi our readers-- ,

that analliance ofenjvea d defenjive has been ligncdbetween Great itain ana PntJJii.' '. It patfed the great

Jeal laftweek, ,'n' was fovarl'ed to' the continent withthegre-'tcj- i eK.ped iio,i. 'sirs will inall probabidiyac- -

,celevatt the 1 rtjii of the tumuls in Htllond.

Accoiujti Fr tic,r peak yery pofuiveiy ofhoftilepreparation; th re, and that 2'y fb'.softheliiie, and 13frigatei are sitting out with all poffuli dljlauh;

bdeember r, 1731"

TST'HER'EAS the fubTcribers to the propofaN forW s a so, e s to be The

for promoting i.jrftil'knowledqe, weie p,e;ye-ite- fiom iiKetin; on 'j;C foirnH Mondry intemhef ' Lilt, acco.dmg 10 appointment ; and as it fspiObau'e that, a meeting 01 che fu hlcriber- - cannot in

"eny ilioitcime be had, anJ absolutely necefliry thatfometh-i'- g flrouid he done for the ber.elt Of tlie Soc-iety, without further loss or timei.itis piopofeJ, byfuiulry kb ciibe.s, that a e'eft' cpmnmtee. Cura'orand I'leaiuicr shall be fmibwith cho en by thefnb-fcnhidi- s,

inthe (only) m :nei, which their clifperf-c-d

fituauan, will at p.'efei.i. ddhi.t of. The Committee,Curatoi and Treafmer, to.vl, in their fevcral capaci-ties, rill a meeting of ihe luivfr iber? can be had.

. Each ubici iber is, the. c'V, c requeued, to forwardto Mr. l'bofn is Speed at D mv.iJIa, before the sit ft dayof .February next, a cntleincn as he Chuf-e- s,

to conilituie a.feleft coiimiktce ; and affo, the namesof fuchgent'emen, as hewuliesto be appointed, Cu-rator and 1'ieaiiiier.

ltiSpiopofed.'that, fufc'i geitlemcn' as arc sound,on the fai.dfhil day of I eb.uaiy next, to have a majority pfliieh 'otes ijl their C.your, as have then cometo hand, shall bea se cit committee and acl: as Curator

tandTicaiiiieH,tilla meeting, as abovementioned, canbe had.

. A list of all the fublcriborsis, hereunto" fubioinecf;and it is neceil'ary taob erve ihat, the felefl con-mittce-

to. confifl of seven membeis, including thechainhan, who is to be chofenby the committee.

George Muter, John Jouett,Sam M'Dovycll, 1'ho.Allin,Hcirry innes, Robt. Todd,James Speed, Jos. Crockett,Will. M'Dowcll, Ebenr. Liooks,Willis Gicen, T.Hall,Thoma . Todd,. .Caleb Wallace,Thoina Sped, Will. Irvine,"GabiielJ.JahnftOnChas. Scott,Joshua Baibee, LeviTodd,.Step. Ormfly, James Parker,J Oveuon.junr, AlesKParker,J. Browiij johnrowler,

Jno. Coburn,-Ge-

Goidon,-Alex- .

D. Orr,Robt. Barr,Hor. Turpin,Robt. Johnson,John Craig,James Canard,ifaac Shelby,Dawid Leitch,H. Marfljall,Chrifto. Gteenupv

'jPHe public (hould be cautions how theydeal with a certain capr. John Martin of

Lincoln county, as that man has lately takenadvantage of the law ii pleading the limi-

tation act, and that only, becaufc he has beenIndulged nearly three years This 1 hopewill be a sufficient warning to the citizens ofJntcke particularly thofrin bufirefsDanville, Dec 4, 17S7. 4? M.NAGLE.

N. B. He says I owe him, let him pro-

duce his accout proved, and then I will givehim credit onthe execution I have againsthim. M. N

each time aster and longer ones proportion.


Just gives notice, that he has opened tj e lemainin-par- t

of his dry goods, and has lately iccc vedof GROCERY and DYE STUirS

with the following MEDICINES, viz.LAUBLR salts, Lest powdered bar!;, red pow-- Jde.ed ditto, camphor, powdeiel ihubaib;mag-nici- a,

tartar emetic, cream of tartar, quxkfiivcr oint-ment, powdeicd jal'ap, powdered ppecacuana, flourof sulfur, antimony, Biiu'flioil, Batemans dops, Hser-le- m

oil, Tuington's balsam, AnderTon's pills,Hoopci's female pills, eirence of pepper m.nt, liouor-if- h

ball, &c. &c.As I propose to quit trade, as foor as tlvs caigo of

meichandize is vended, shall infutine ell on the low-e- st

teims to facilitate the frme, SUPER "1NE cloibs,.SILKS, &c. with other sine goods, will be sold lowerthan this diftiiftcsn in futmebe fuppPed.

A fmal quantity of POPvK is wanted, goods will begiven in exchange at cafli price. R. B. '

Lexington, Dec. 15,1797. j8

10 be hired on twelve months credit, forone year, . nine lik ly negroes, at

Danville on the first d..y f J mUary nexr,he necelary.cloat' ing will be t.en lbpulated,

boa and good see u ity wi.l be ifdi'ned.. Dec. 12, 18 Gharry innis

TO BE' SOLDTy the lubici iber foi ready caih, two va-lurf- ble

in l ttscon iguous ro eaui other,conveniently filuate in the town of Lexing-

ton, with confide.'able .improvementsthereon i Also one out lott und;r gsod fenciand in repair for farming, for frm applytothe Printer hereof- - HCNRY LEE

FOUR DOLLARS REWARD..STTAS ilolcn, or taken by rsiftake Horn ihc subW Iciiberai LimelVone landing, on the 17' b indsnt,

the following articles, viz. One i nil a No. 57,conidimug 24 ya.d-- , about 2 and a bail yd.-- . of couoitdeliver, a mall veunaiuof gray gc iTt.ui lege, twofruits, uith lundry ot!iei articles which cannot Be asccit.ned.- - Whoeei will lciuin the lame to captainJames Bay in Lexui;,ior, or capt. Moniibn at Ba.ids-tow- n

inall receive .heabovcrewaiJ.Nov. 30, 1787. 17 EVANSHELEY.

fubferiber has for sale in Danvil;'e,a largqTHE. of drygoa Is that he will exc'iangc ei-

ther by small or large quantities, for ho.nei cattlugood hoifos, some stills between 63 and Soga'lons ,orblack male fcrvants between 15 anias yea of age,

the faidgoods being on the most leafonable icimsofany imported into this ditlrift. Thcgood, to be deli-veie- d,

.when the above mentioned piopcty is so l,ke-wif- e.

17 P- - TARD1VEAU,


YHEREAS the aTembly have appoinfel TohTW Brown equiic, a member of CongreTs, anJ-M- r.

Brown having informed me, that he ffioul I reiturn to this-- diftrift in Mav next, m oiocv to attea-hisbufin-

a's usual in Aefupieme court ; I hare ven-

tured to offer m farvice's in conjunTion with MrOrmlby, to Mr. Brown's clients in all cases whcieam not immediately on theoppofite side of the quefti-on- ,-

without requiring from them any com pen far ion,and shall be happy in any measure to be couduc've tohis afi'd their intieft ; and I do further allure such ofMr. Brown's clients against whom I am employed,that I shall take no advantage of his abfencc, being

gicat benefits which this diitricl will de-

rive by his appointment, and being well convinced,that in accepting of the trull, he hath sacrificed hisprivate intcrcft for the public good, letters directed

t0 me in this place shall be punctually anfweied.Danville, Dec. 2, 1787. 10 HARRY INNES.

1TT A TTrTM?l?TC&c. at tliiJL Lll ISUiIlJ Office.

their Printing Office in Main Street, where fubferipthns (at iSfptr.T wV'KRTON Printed ar.d Sold by Jof N and Fielding Bradford, at

&c. for this paper, are thankfully received, and Printing in its different branches done w.ithCare and Expedition --Advertifmcnts ofnin

A i", ) Ayertife- -

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