The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the invisible … et...The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the...

The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the "invisible invisible invisible invisible" backpack of Vallecas. backpack of Vallecas. backpack of Vallecas. backpack of Vallecas. Shocking revelations in the summary concerning the investigation of March 11 of 2004, "neither the backpack of Vallecas was in the train " or either the explosives used were "Rubber 2 ", like it was shuffled. September 14 of 2005 according to the declaration of the Chief of the Group that coordinated the operations of March 11 to the judge Juan del Olmo (Right photo), picked up exclusively for "Libertad Digital" and "City FM" the TEDAX have looked-up twice "without finding trace of the backpack" that reappeared mysteriously later-on in a police station of Vallecas and was the key to determine the explosives what was the explosives used in the attacks, in that way to discard ETA ETA ETA ETA for the type of compound used. "The terrorists are not in the mountains or neither they are in the desert" !. Only, it was not found at the moment and the compound "it doesn't coincide" neither with the opposing in the van of Alcalá neither with what the TEDAX TEDAX TEDAX TEDAX attributes to the trains, it can’t be said that it was used in the massacre. Everybody knows today that Mr. Baltasar Garzón is member of the PSOE, this can give you a precise idea of the deceiving hypothesis that they want us to believe that they were the Moors. The destructions and clean cuts in the wagons, the TEDAX TEDAX TEDAX TEDAX from the beginning leaned towards the hypothesis that "it was a military explosive that was used" "Type C3 or C4" in any moment they thought that it could be Tytadine. All these details were completely omitted in the declaration of the agent Pedro, in charge of disabling the "Backpack of Vallecas" that had connected the cables to a "mobile telephone as a detonator" and "Rubber 2 as an explosive". This version collides frontally with the version that the judge Baltasar Garzón exposed in the Parliamentary Commission of March 11 of 2005, Garzón left it clear that, when he arrived at the train station of Atocha, a TEDAX TEDAX TEDAX TEDAX agent informed him that "it was Tytadine". Since, in fact, the investigation "went clearly in the other direction", it rest to know if the Judge Baltasar Garzón has a bad memory, to put it this way, or, if somebody told him something that was not certain and then he repeated it. Any Spanish citizen can discern that the cruelty of March 11 of 2004 has been a political act to regain the reins of the Government, Mr. Garzón should be shame deceiving the Spanish people with such nonsense, too many strings non-attach, too many coincidences that aim the Moors as the authors, what a chance, but he doesn't disturb the members of his political party, we know today that you can no longer sweep the garbage underneath the rug like it was done in the past, it’s necessary to advance far better proof that has advance the Spanish justice, it’s a pure show and nothing in concrete, the Ex-President José María Aznar was right: "The terrorists are not in the mountains neither they are in the desert", Mr. Baltasar Garzón knows very well where those terrorist are !. The problem is that "in spite of the efforts" the Judge Baltasar Garzón continues without remembering whom gave him that information ?. Source: WWW.ELSEMANALDIGITAL.COM WWW.ELSEMANALDIGITAL.COM WWW.ELSEMANALDIGITAL.COM WWW.ELSEMANALDIGITAL.COM .

Transcript of The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the invisible … et...The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the...

Page 1: The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the invisible … et...The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the """"invisible"""" backpack of Vallecas.backpack of Vallecas. Shocking revelations in the summary

The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the """"invisibleinvisibleinvisibleinvisible"""" backpack of Vallecas. backpack of Vallecas. backpack of Vallecas. backpack of Vallecas. Shocking revelations in the summary concerning the investigation of March 11 of 2004, "neither the backpack of Vallecas was in the train" or either the explosives used were "Rubber 2", like it was shuffled.

September 14 of 2005 according to the declaration of the Chief of the Group that coordinated the operations of March 11 to the judge Juan del Olmo (Right photo), picked up exclusively for "Libertad Digital" and "City FM" the TEDAX have looked-up twice "without finding trace of the backpack" that reappeared mysteriously later-on in a police station of Vallecas and was the key to determine the explosives what was the explosives used in the attacks, in that way to discard ETAETAETAETA for the type of compound used. "The terrorists are not in the mountains or neither they are in the desert" !. Only, it was not found at the moment and the compound "it doesn't coincide" neither with the opposing in the van of Alcalá neither with what the TEDAXTEDAXTEDAXTEDAX attributes to the trains, it can’t be said that it was used in the massacre. Everybody knows today that Mr. Baltasar Garzón is member of the

PSOE, this can give you a precise idea of the deceiving hypothesis that they want us to believe that they were the Moors. The destructions and clean cuts in the wagons, the TEDAXTEDAXTEDAXTEDAX from the beginning leaned towards the hypothesis that "it was a military explosive that was used" "Type C3 or C4" in any moment they thought that it could be Tytadine. All these details were completely omitted in the declaration of the agent Pedro, in charge of disabling the "Backpack of Vallecas" that had connected the cables to a "mobile telephone as a detonator" and "Rubber 2 as an explosive". This version collides frontally with the version that the judge Baltasar Garzón exposed in the Parliamentary Commission of March 11 of 2005, Garzón left it clear that, when he arrived at the train station of Atocha, a TEDAXTEDAXTEDAXTEDAX agent informed him that "it was Tytadine". Since, in fact, the investigation "went clearly in the other direction", it rest to know if the Judge Baltasar Garzón has a bad memory, to put it this way, or, if somebody told him something that was not certain and then he repeated it. Any Spanish citizen can discern that the cruelty of March 11 of 2004 has been a political act to regain the reins of the Government, Mr. Garzón should be shame deceiving the Spanish people with such nonsense, too many strings non-attach, too many coincidences that aim the Moors as the authors, what a chance, but he doesn't disturb the members of his political party, we know today that you can no longer sweep the garbage underneath the rug like it was done in the past, it’s necessary to advance far better proof that has advance the Spanish justice, it’s a pure show and nothing in concrete, the Ex-President José María Aznar was right: "The terrorists are not in the mountains neither they are in the desert", Mr. Baltasar Garzón knows very well where those terrorist are !. The problem is that "in spite of the efforts" the Judge Baltasar Garzón continues without


Page 2: The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the invisible … et...The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the """"invisible"""" backpack of Vallecas.backpack of Vallecas. Shocking revelations in the summary

In the following pictures and exposures you’ll see that those four trains were blown-up by the government today in place, too many loose ends that can’t be tie-up, it does not fit !, during the last `phase of the Spanish elections, nothing can stop-up the elections, it’s like when the navette its in the launch-pad, once the buttons are push, nothing can stop the launch, in the Spanish elections they have a security that no matter what, nothing in the last phase can stop the elections, the party

that was initially in power had the election won, but the PSOE had a surprise for every body, in order to win the votes that initially should go to the PPPPPPPP, they hay to produce a sociological-shock, some thing that should shock the Spanish voters and win their votes, if those crazy Americans went to the point to bring-down the two twin towers of the WTC on the 11/9 of 2001, and the worse is that it did work for some time, today any one with a little brain knows that those atrocities was done by the Americans and has nothing to do with Bin Laden, he was created by the Americans like the GIA was created by the Belgians in the 90’s, today we can see that the Americans must think that we’re all stupid to believed such crap, as is posted in this Site, very special explosives was use to bring down the two twin towers of the WTC, how can the Americans explain pulling-down the tower number 7 when this tower of 41 floors was not touch at all by the two explosions of the twin towers, how can the Americans explain bringing down 110 floors in less than 8.4 seconds ?. The Madrid train station bombings of Atocha was done in a very methodic manner, any one with a little brain can see that if you put the two wires that leads to the loud speaker of the cell phone and you place them to a detonator with explosives, will lead to an explosion, so you buy 14 pre-paid phone cards from a Moroccan that was leaving in Spain for 17 years, he has every thing build-up in his way of life in Spain, his life and way to earn his life was build in Spain, he has nothing to gain to be a presume terrorist, if you’ll go to the chemist and buy some items and with those items you’ll create a poison and will kill many persons, what has to do the chemist that sold you the products ?. Would any one be so stupid to leave the detonators in the wagon, or throw some detonators in a wagon, would any one be so stupid to leave them behind ?, haw can the actual Spanish government explain that a young boy less than 18 years old was stopped by the Guardia Civil in Toledo, he had no drivers license, he was under age, in the boot of the car that he was driving he was caring 150 Klgrs of dynamite and the Guardia Civil excuse them selves and let him continue his way, if the Guardia Civil stops you and you’re not in order, you’ll go no where, except to the post of the Guardia Civil, the senator of Ceuta and Melilla Carlos Benet Cañete at least he told the truth when he said that: "Zapatero he’s an accidental president, he has enter the Moncloa complex in a train of proximity" at least, he was telling the truth witch it’s very rare coming from a politician.

Page 3: The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the invisible … et...The Judge Baltasar Garzón and the """"invisible"""" backpack of Vallecas.backpack of Vallecas. Shocking revelations in the summary

Every thing its an lie, take for instance the judge in the first page of this article, witch political party he’s member off ?, this can explain why he had so much loose memory, he has no credential in this issue, neither the others, every thing it’s a show like that show that the Americans have made-up to make us believed that they have landed in the moon, the only landed that they have landed was in a Hollywood studio, in reality, they never have landed in the moon, they take us for morons, it

was not ETA, it was not Al-Qaida, they had to produce some-one that could be a possible terrorist, all that it’s very sophisticated for a simple immigrants, we know who really was behind, us your selves this simple question and you’ll have the answer whom really was behind those atrocities on the 11/3 2004 in the Madrid train station of Atocha ?. Who got benefit out of that massacre ?. The answer that you’ll get is the authors identity of that massacre ?. 191 innocent persons die and more than 1.824 others were injured in order to regain-back the control of the Spanish government. Mr. José Luís Rodriguez Zapatero and associates, there’s still the judgment after death, there no-one can influence the

Supreme JudgeSupreme JudgeSupreme JudgeSupreme Judge, your places has been already reserved, reservation also has been made for that other Judas of "El El El El Pequeño CaballeroPequeño CaballeroPequeño CaballeroPequeño Caballero" those 191 innocent deaths and many other injustices will not go unpunished !.

These three photographs of the Madrid bombsites provide critical clues to the class of explosives used, where they were placed, and therefore how and from where the terrorist operation was launched. Before reading the text of this report, see if you can work out visually what these clues are, and how to interpret them-up. Within seconds of the first deadly explosions inside and outside Madrid's Atocha station, you could sense that the culprits to be blamed for this crime would be Osama Bin Laden and the fictional Al-Qaeda, but there was no point in writing about it then. The first three days immediately following the ten synchronized military explosions were pure unashamed George Orwell time, with Christian and Judaic media alike completely immersing the general public in their predictable mind games. First it was claimed the perpetrators were members of Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) which means "Basque Homeland and Freedom", and a gratifying roar of spontaneous anger could instantly be heard all over the country. Relatives of the dead and injured badly needed somebody to hate, and the homespun terrorists from the northern Basque region of Spain would suffice in the first instance. This distraction served to focus public attention several hundred miles away from the four primary crime scenes, where closer inspection would surely have generated some very awkward questions for the Spanish authorities.

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Then only a few hours later in what appeared to be a chilling and apparently stupid rerun of 9-11, police officers were tipped off by media about a suspicious white van parked near Alcalá de Henares railway station, which was then found to contain a handful of detonators, and several Muslim religious tracts on a cassette tape. So the Al-Qaeda fix was already in, though the media deliberately played it down at this early stage. As we will shortly discover, the western media already knew that the platform surveillance videotapes at Alcalá de Henares showed no trace of any "Muslim Terrorists" boarding any of the four bombed trains, but did not wish local police to discover this glaring omission. After a suitable delay during which the crimes scenes grew cold, and critical evidence was removed, the London-based Arabic newspaper, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, suddenly announced that it had received a letter from the Brigade of Abu Hafs al-Masri, claiming the bombings for Al-Qaeda. This was the signal for global media networks to convert millions of sheeple all around the world, from their existing belief that Catholic Basques were responsible for the atrocity, to the newly-generated fiction that dangerous Muslim 'terrorists' had somehow slipped into Spain under the radar, and blown up four trains. This stunning religious conversion was reinforced when police found a planted unexploded haversack bomb in one of the train wrecks, which contained copper rather than aluminum detonators traditionally used by the Basques.

Unfortunately, since minute zero on day one, western media outlets had made a deliberate omission so inexplicable and so gross that it proved their own direct involvement or complicity in that mass murder of 191 Spanish civilians. Despite the fact that every media outlet taking its lead from the omnipotent New York Times reported that between eight and ten explosive devices had been detonated on board Spanish trains during the rush hour, not one of them mentioned suicide bombers. This is an impossible omission, because we all know that every car, or bus or plane or train blown up anywhere by Muslim Terrorists, is invariably attacked by suicide bombers. How do we know this ?. Because the New York Times always tells us so, that is how. No matter whether it is a truck in Baghdad, a bus in Tel Aviv, a car in Moscow or a train in Chechnya, the American media villain of the piece is always the ubiquitous Muslim suicide bomber.

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This is how the PSOE has won the elections, assassinating 191 innocent citizen’s that were going to work, the only people capable of knowing in the early stages that suicide bombers were not used in Madrid, and that suicide bombers could therefore not be mentioned by media at all, for fear of alerting local police to those damning video surveillance tapes at Alcalá de Henares, were members of the terrorist group responsible for executing the attack. In turn, the only terrorist group capable of controlling the editorial content of the New York Times is N.O.S. (Novus Ordo Seclorum), which draws its funding from Wall Street, its intelligence from Bnai Brith, and its depraved Special Forces muscle from Tel Aviv. Before moving on later in the report to prove this beyond doubt, by explaining exactly how the terrorist attack was conducted on the morning of Thursday 11 March of 2004, we first need to examine the motive, because most people spend an enormous part of their time asking the age-old question "Why ?" Forget all artful media attempts to drive you towards a World Trade Center look alike strike, based largely on the indisputable fact that the attack on Madrid took place exactly 911 days after the New York strike on 9-11. Rest assured the attack date was arranged in advance by N.O.S, in order to assist its media collaborators with the propaganda to follow.

ETA car bombs in Spain in 2001, note that because of the low-order explosives [combined with incendiaries] always used by these homespun Basque terrorists, an inevitable side effect of weapon detonation is fire. In direct contrast, the high-order explosives used by N.O.S. in the Madrid attack, did not generate enough flame to light even a single cigarette at any of the ten individual sites where the weapons were detonated. For the precise motive behind Madrid, we need to move back briefly in time to mid-2002, when Australian Prime Minister John Howard was having enormous problems convincing Australian citizens to go "All The Way With the USA" in the latter's blatant religious crusade against Islam, also known as the "War on Terror". The US has his course towards Doomsday. Though very few Americans are aware of it, two years ago more than 90% of all Australians were opposed to Howard's slavish obedience to the White House, and said so in no uncertain terms. Countless Aussies pointed out correctly that although thousands died every year in road traffic accidents and domestic muggings, no one had ever been killed in Australia by a terrorist.

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Clearly "ordinary" citizens had to be taught a sharp lesson that Muslim terrorists were real, and that all Australians should therefore allow John Howard and his lesser Zionist lackeys to impose whatever Draconian restrictions they wished on the populace, and further allow Australian servicemen to die overseas for George W. Bush Jr. By early October 2002 the sharp lesson was ready, and a sophisticated multi-pronged N.O.S. terrorist operation was launched against Australian tourists on the popular holiday Island of Bali. 191 innocent civilians died while they were going to work and over 1.824 were seriously injured. Are these precise numbers starting to ring any alarm bells anywhere about the Madrid operation ?. While Bali did very little in terms of altering the cynical Australian view of "Terror", it did have the effect of embarrassing many citizens into silence, in other words Howard and his lackeys were then able to dispatch servicemen overseas to die for George W. Bush Jr, without being continually mobbed by crowds of angry Australians. A handful of semi-literate Indonesia Muslims were later picked up and injected with scopolamine until they made ridiculous and impossible confessions about the sophisticated bombings in Bali, and that was the end of that, at least so far as Australia was concerned. Over the next eighteen months in Spain things got even worse than they had been in Australia. Where 90% of all Australians had opposed military intervention in the Middle East, the figure in Spain rose as high as 96%, until at one point it seemed as though the only Spaniard determined to sacrifice Spanish servicemen in Iraq for George W. Bush and his Zionist masters, was Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. Because of his truculent defiance of the wishes of the Spanish people, Aznar was sure to be voted out at the next general election, which made the timing of the N.O.S. attack in Madrid a master stroke.

When the Ex-President José Maria Aznar was finally thrown out at the general elections which happened just a few hours ago, the media would be able to claim that Spaniards were angry with him for not doing enough in the "War on Terror" to prevent the Madrid attack, when in reality José Maria Aznar had already done so much in terms of supporting George W. Bush Jr, and his cronies, that he had managed to alienate more than 90% of the entire Spanish population. Making an alliance with the devil, this will be always the answer. The Madrid attack also served to badly frighten the Spanish people in general, and to warn the new incoming Socialist Prime Minister that he has better toe New York's line, or more N.O.S. attacks would be sure to follow. Certainly Spain will be allowed to withdraw her troops from Iraq, because that particular crazed neocon invasion is already a lost cause, but future cooperation in the ongoing religious crusade against Islam generally is not negotiable. One of the biggest illusions of the Madrid operation, lay in convincing you the public that a large crowd of nimble terrorists just hopped on board all four trains as they were "Passing Through" Alcalá de Henares railway station on the down platform towards Atocha. Now think about this carefully. In my personal view each of the ten blasts would have required between 40 and 50 pounds of high-order military explosive in the C4/Semtex-H category. Such explosives have a very low specific gravity, meaning they are exceptionally bulky for their given weight. Therefore, this would have required ten [strong] terrorists on the down platform at the same time, each lugging a huge haversack in the middle of the rush hour. Strange then that no eyewitness at Alcalá de Henares remembers seeing any of them, for these bulky gentlemen would most certainly have stood out in the crowd, and caused considerable suspicion among the commuters. As mentioned earlier, this was the reason why the creative N.O.S. directed the western media to send the Spanish police off in various different directions for a while immediately after the attack, which kept them so occupied that they forgot to check the surveillance cameras at Alcalá de Henares railway station. Had police done so, or should they do so now if the tapes still exist, they will see only Spanish commuters on their way to work.

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So exactly where did N.O.S. bomb-up the four different trains, how did they do it, and how could they be sure each train would be in the right place when they pressed the remote detonation triggers ?. For the answer to that, take a look at the railway map below, which shows the procedure to be relatively simple, provided of course that you have unrestricted access to the trains themselves, and unrestricted access to the secure Spanish Rail system computers.

Now we can take another look at the pictures at the top of this page. Obviously by now you have found the first clue, i.e. that there was no fire at any of the ten blast sites, proving in turn that high-order military explosives were used in considerable quantities. Smuggling anything up to 500 pounds of very low specific gravity C4 into Spain would be extremely difficult nowadays, unless of course you already owned or controlled discrete facilities not normally inspected by Spanish Customs or the Police. It seems likely that even the most cynical of readers will be prepared to admit that ten big bearded Muslims, trying to lug giant haversacks of explosives into the country, would be instantly detected by even the most intellectually-challenged of customs officers.

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The second clue relates to the pattern of the blast. If you look very carefully, you will note that some of the fragments buried in the shredded roof panels, are in fact shrapnel from the floor of the carriage itself. Without going into too much technical detail [there is plenty of that for reference in the Bali report linked below], it is impossible for bits of the floor to

become embedded in the roof, unless the charges were fixed BELOWBELOWBELOWBELOW the floor before detonation. This is borne out by the fact that the train disabled outside Atocha train station had its back completely broken in two different places. Once again, haversack charges casually placed on top of the internal floor, would be completely incapable of shattering the strong steel longitudinal support girders running the entire length of the chassis of each carriage. Because it is impossible to attach sophisticated explosive charges on the underside of moving trains, obviously they were placed on the rolling stock under cover of darkness, while the trains were stationary during the night. This brings us to the next major illusion, uncovered by me after a series of very expensive calls from unlisted mobile phones. Though the western media deliberately led you to believe that these trains were 'just passing through' on continual services, that is not the case. Every one of the four trains were first service, each was making its first run of the day from its respective overnight depot, after being serviced and cleaned.

More pictures from the scene, with that on the left providing more visual evidence that the charges were placed below the floors of the railway carriages. So now we know where the charges were placed, but how was it managed ?. Night depots are traditionally well-lit and well guarded, meaning that the bombers must have looked credible, or bribed their way into the depots, or were actually carry convincing Spanish Rail identity cards, real or forged. Because relying on chance credibility or handfuls of hard cash at the gates would be considered crude unacceptable risks for an operation of this importance, it is beyond reasonable doubt that Spanish Rail identity cards were used. Nor does it stop there. Just picking any old train to bomb-up would be hopelessly inadequate, because there would be no guarantee that the random bombed-up train would even be put into service in the morning, much less be in exactly the correct position at the right time, for the planned maximum media impact. To do this the bombers needed access to rolling stock allocation for the following morning, which means they had direct access to the secure Spanish rail computer system.

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We are not talking homespun Basques or "Al-Qaeda" desert Muslims here, now are we ?. This was a highly professional operation, organized on sovereign Spanish territory by "sleepers" who knew very well the lay of the land, and in all probability had lived in Madrid most or even all of their lives. This means that they were Spaniards ant not Arabs as they want us to believed, who got benefit out of that massacre ?, he who got benefit out of that atrocity, that’s real author ?. These organizers facilitated entry for the professional Special Forces team selected for the job, and here we come down to a choice of only one state. Though I am aware there are dozens of paranoids out there who believe that American, British, French and other western Special Forces delight in killing innocent civilians, you can take it from me that this is simply not the case. In a perceived 'war zone' like Iraq it is certainly true that all soldiers kill civilians from time to time, either by accident or out of fear for their own lives, but targeting hundreds of unarmed civilians on their way to work in an essentially neutral country, requires a cold-blooded mentality quite beyond the reach of organizations such as Delta Force or the Special Air Service, to name but two examples.

The only people with sufficient field experience for a job like this, and the total disregard for human life needed to carry it off successfully, are the direct descendents of the Myahudi monsters who raped and shot their way through the Muslim Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps in Lebanon all those years ago, which is why N.O.S. still uses them exclusively for its international wet work. It is beyond any doubt that false flag operations like Madrid will continue unabated, until the red tide finally overwhelms the Jewish State, and forces its occupants back into the primordial slime from whence they first emerged. Quite apart from being a pensioner living on woefully inadequate disability support, the author incurred particularly heavy overheads researching this report, primarily due to the massive cost of extended international calls from unlisted mobile phones. If anyone out there has any cash to spare, please do not hesitate to click on the button below and make a contribution towards costs. It is only because of people like you that I manage to stay on the Internet at all. Thank you for caring.


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As it can be seen in this multiple photos, it was a perpetrated act to shock the Spanish people in order to regain back the power to govern Spain, no matter what the actual government inn place or the judges try to make us believed, it’s pure crap, they can’t prove with undeniable dough that those terrorist acts were made by the Moroccans, it just don’t fit, too many issues that don’t fit-in, too many issues that don’t have a rational explication, every thing it’s a cover-up, it doesn’t fit-up, the young boy that was arrested in Valladolid by the Guardia Civil, he had less than 18 years, he didn’t had a drivers permit to drive the car, in the boot of the car that he was driving, he was caring 150 Klgrs of explosives and the Guardia Civil excuse them selves and let him continue his way.

This can only be done if they had precise orders not to stop him or control him, if the Guardia Civil stops you and you don’t have all the papers in order, you’ll go no where, that means that they too had orders not to hold this youngster while he was driving to Madrid, is as simple as that, but they try to make us believed that were the Moroccans that have done that atrocity, witch in reality was the PSOE party that was behind that massacre. I do hope the Mr. José Luís Rodriguez Zapatero and his associates can sleep each night with all those deaths on their conscience, these issues will not go away, they will hunt them down like a bad sort, 191 innocent people demand that justice will be done, the other 1.824 others citizens, their suffering and health problems will not go unpunished, Mr. Zapatero, there’s still the after death judgment, this time, no corruption, no falsifying the documents, you can’t buy the judge this time, Mr. Zapatero and associates, "You’re all in very deep shit" !.

I do hope that the authors real justice will be serve, in this corrupted system, no justice will be serve, but there’s still the after death, where before the Supreme Judge, Mr. Zapatero and his associates, one day they will have to give account of their acts of the 11/3 of 2005 in the Atocha train Station, we know who really were the authors, I’ll be ashamed if I was Mr. Joseph Borrel Fontelles presenting my self before the European Parliament as a member of that terrorist party, the PSOE !.