the Journey of my MA degree



Introducing the process of making my MA degree show works.

Transcript of the Journey of my MA degree

  • 1. Hi

2. 1983 /(2011) (2007) ChiuShih-Bo born in 1983 in TaipeiTaiwan Master of Arts degree in Graphic Design the Edinburgh College of Art / the University of Edinburgh (2011) Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design National Cheng Kung University (2007).Graphic Designer Photographer Contemporary Artist 3. ....... ........... 4. ....... 5. Tuition Fee 14160 ... 6. ...... 7. 05/09/2010 KLM TPE-BKK-EDI 8. ..... 9. .....-_Something shit happens 10. ........... PM 11:20 11. .....|||AM 00:30|||||| 12. AM 06:30.... 13. PM 08:00 14. Schiphol Airport 15. 72......T-TAfter more than 72 hours 16. Edinburgh, Scotland ,Old Town 17. Princes Street 18. Royal Mile 19. Castle 20. Calton Hill & City Council 21. Princes Street Garden 22. Bank of Soctland & Waverley Station at night 23. Scott Monument & Princes Street Garden 24. German Market 25. New College 26. Scottish Parliament 27. Lothian Buses 28. Waverley Station 29. Scottish People 30. Teenagers 31. Ordinary Streets 32. the Meadow 33. A New Start 34. LandlordLandlady 35. !!!Too good to be true!! 36. Edinburgh College of Art 37. Campus 38. TutorialTutor, Mrs Zoe Patterson 39. 40. Semester 1Semester 2Semester 3ThemeDesignDegree ShowCase StudyStudio EvaluationContext EvaluationEvaluation 41. What you wanna know rather than what I'm gonna teach you 42. About Myself About Communication About Human Beings 43. ..... The worse things are coming 44. 10 C o 45. ... ...- 20 C o 46. PM 03:00Studio 47. 100 > 48. Richmond Place Apartment , Churchill House 49. T^T 50. ....Q_Q the saddest thing happens 51. 52. ... 53. SavingsDebit... 54. When under 10 in your accountDebitWithdraw 55. .... I was sick during the whole christmas break 56. Virus everywhere in my room 57. Reading Watching Movie 58. The Little Prince The AlchemistThe Schopenhauer cure 59. 60. The wise men understand that this world is only an image and a copy of paradise. The existence of this world is simply a guarantee that there exists a world that is perfact. 61. 62. "One only understands the things that one tames" said the fox. "Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship, and so men have no friends anymore. " 63. 64. "If good things are coming, they will be pleasant surprise," said the seer." If bad things are, and you know in advance, you will suffer greatly before they even occur." 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. About 5000 photos 71. EPSONTIVACTIVAC2011 72. Cafe Lucano 73. 2013 74. One day in March........... 75. ....O_o 76. "ShihBo, Are you taking drugs...? " ke"No........Orz" ......Orz 77. Mock Show 78. We a re lonely, but we Exposition Design are stars 79. UK TW0. 1 2 3 4SEE PRICES ON THE BACK OF EACH BOOK6/EACH 100/2ALBUMS 160/26BOOKS 200PLEASE FEEL FREE TO HAVE THE BRIEF OR SCAN THE QR CODE TO VISIT MY WEBSITEA 80. Private View 81. 82. Postgraduate Degree ShowEdinburgh College of Art2011 83. About Human Beings 84. New English Caligraphy"Art for the People" 85. 86. Sunflower Seeds 87. (1893-1976) 88. Tate Modern 89. United Nations 90. Endless Posters 91. Contrast 92. Continuity 93. Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition RepetitionRepetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition RepetitionRepetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition RepetitionRepetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition RepetitionRepetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition RepetitionRepetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition RepetitionRepetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition Repetition 94. Symbols and SignsXY 95. Colours Paper Ink Daytime Love Link Online Texture Night Sunshine Feminine Cold Pass Reminder Warning Offline 96. Five inevitable human conditions 97. LoveWealthLifeTimeFriendship 98. Love 99. Parallel Lines 100. Dot Line Surface Individual Life Track World 101. Meet Seperate 102. Forever 103. Wealth 104. Objects Numbers 105. AssetsO 106. 0 Credits8 Savings 107. Poor Rich 108. Friendship 109. My Innocent Childhood 110. 10 10 Days5 5 mins5 5 secs1 One Person50 50 Persons500 500 Persons 111. Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance AcquaintanceFR I ENDL I STAcquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Friend Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance 112. Acquaintance FriendOnlineIdleFRIENDLISTAcquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Friend Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance Acquaintance 113. My Best Friend 114. We're all Human 115. 2011 Formosa Show 100, London Design Festival, 2011 116. About Communication 117. Harry Potter....? 118. Google Translation 119. QR Code QR Code Alphabets 120. +ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYA Z 121. AffectionConfessionInnocenceLoveMoneyOpportunityRegretYesterday 122. Formosa Show 100, London Design Festival, 2011 2012 123. About Myself 124. the Precious Pieces of Inspiration 125. Whoever seeks peace and quiet should avoid womenthe permanent source of trouble and dispute. _ PetrarchIf you do not know the answer ask the stars.Everyone has their own distinct ideas and personalitys , other Do not try to change others ontrol y to c you. tr Alsodo not be changedD o n 't by others n d e r s t a n d u o If changedthat's not yourselfe r s t oth o ask 't t r y t Don ep en de nt Ea ch ind ivi du al is ind wi th ot he rs. No on e ha s to liv e Time passed I belong to the future You don't exist. Onlythosewhobreak upwitTo break uph ma liciou spwith malic ious p eople eople can g . ain tru e frie nds.I really hate social activities..... He ha d to ch oo se be tw ee n so m et hi ng ha d be co m e he ac cu st om ed to an d so m et he wanted hi ng to have. The re was also m er ch an t s the da ug ht er bu t sh e w as n im po rt an t as t as hi s flo ck be ca us e sh e di dn depend on h t im. Maybe s he didnt e re m em be r hi m ven . He w as su re th at it m ad e di ffe re nc e to no he r on w hi ch da y he ap pe : fo r he r,e ve ry ar ed da y w as th e sa m e an d w each day is he n the same as the nextit be ca us e pe op s le fa il to re co gn iz e th e go th in gs th at ha od pp en in th ei r liv es ev er y da y th th e su n ris es . at_ Truly understand the meaning of impermanence. When suffering,you should know that which is not eternal. When you are happyyou should think that the happiness won't last forever either........ Lucao, s Ka2011 126. 2012 127. "Shine" 128. Everyone is in a very fragile condition, and we're all only flesh and blood, and that's why I reckon, everyone should be grateful. - David Helfgott 129. but we are stars Everyone is a star in the universe, gazing at each other from a distance, both interdependent and distinct according to the rules of creation. Everyone is a lonely star; only in the stillness of the night sky do we find the frequency of the same colours. 130. Thx 131. So.. 132. Q&A