Almost 25 years after God calls Abram to leave his home in Mesopotamia and go to the land of Canaan, God formally establishes a covenant with him. Like that established with Noah, his descen- dants, and all living beings, it is uncondi- tional, everlasting, includes blessings and promises, and carries with it a sign decided upon by God. However, unlike the rainbow, placed in the clouds and passively received by humanity, the sign of God’s covenant with Abraham — male circumcision — is something with which Abram and his descendants, not God, are entrusted. They are to circumcise their sons and other male children in their household on the eighth day after birth as a physi- cal sign of the covenant. The punishment for failing to do so is severe. “An uncir- cumcised male who has not circumcised the flesh of his foreskin,” says God, “shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.” By the early second millennium BCE, the time in which, according to tradition, Abraham and his wife Sarah are said to have lived, male circumcision was not unknown in the ancient Near East, nor was the concept of covenant. The Egyptians, for example, circumcised their sons as part of a prenuptial cere- mony or, more likely, near the age of puberty as an initiation into manhood. The Canaanites, like the neighboring Ammonites, Edomites and Moabites, also practiced circumcision, and archeological discoveries have shown the resemblance of the Hebrew covenant to other covenants of the ancient Near East. Indeed, the literary-juristic form of the covenant between God and Abraham bears a striking resemblance to covenants made between Hittite sovereigns and their vassals dating back to the third mil- lennium BCE. Yet what is unique about God’s covenant with Abraham is the explicit connection between the covenant and male circumcision, as well as, in con- trast to the gods and goddesses of ancient Mesopotamia whose “capriciousness was taken for granted,” specific unconditional and eternal commitments by God. God promises Abram progeny and land, and to signify his change in status, changes his name from Abram to Abraham, an expanded form of Abram indicating the many nations that will descend from him. It is not arbitrary that God chooses cir- cumcision as the covenantal sign. Fertility is central among God’s promises here, as are concerns about lineage by the priestly editors of Genesis 17. Male blood, shed during circumcision, came to be seen as salvific, in contrast to women’s impure menstrual blood, and by the end of the first century CE, with the growth of Christianity, circumcision became recognized as a sign of Jewish difference and as a marking in the flesh of the intimate relationship between God and the Jewish people. But what about women? When God changes Sarai’s name to Sarah and tells Abraham, “I will bless her and she shall become [the progenitor of] nations; rulers of people shall come from her,” it is made clear that the covenant will not be established through Abraham’s first child, Ishmael — the son of Abraham and Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian slave — but rather through Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah. As with Abraham, God’s covenantal promise to Sarah includes fertility, and her name change may symbolize the end of her barrenness. While this promise isn’t seared into Sarah’s flesh or that of her female descendants, they too will be full covenantal members. One can argue that Sarah is “not a covenantal person in her own right,” since she does not bear the physical sign of the covenant, although as the one who gives birth to Isaac, she is “essential to the covenantal process.” Yet one might also claim, as I would, that the centrality of women to Judaism — a role that includes but is not solely predicated on our giving birth — belies this former argument. While one need not have a (cir- cumcised) phallus to be a covenantal person in one’s own right, perhaps we need more private acknowledgement and public celebration of this religious truth. Brit banot (the covenant of daughters) rituals, alternately named simchat bat (celebration of a daughter) rituals, in which Jewish girls are named and wel- comed as full members of the covenant, need to become more mainstream than they are today. They need to be seen as obligatory, in the same way that most Jews see male circumcision as a religious or cultural obligation. And I hope that the time when this ritual for baby girls takes place can be agreed upon, if not universally, then at least by individual Jewish communities or religious move- ments: on the eighth day after birth as a parallel ritual to brit milah; on the 13th day, the biblical end of women’s state of impurity following the birth of a daugh- ter; or on the first Rosh Chodesh (new moon) following the girl’s birth, in acknowledgement of Rosh Chodesh as a special holiday for women. Dr. Ellen M. Umansky is the Carl and Dorothy Bennett Professor of Judaic Studies at Fairfield University in Connecticut and director of the univer- sity’s Bennett Center for Judaic Studies. A version of this article first appeared on 18 — THE JEWISH CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 11, 2016 BY DR. ELLEN M. UMANSKY Parshat Lech Lecha Genesis 12:1-17:28 CELEBRATIONS Bar Mitzvah Zachary Morgan Paper, son of Andrea and Michael Paper, will become a bar mitzvah at Adat Shalom during the Shabbat morning service on Saturday, Nov. 12. Grandparents are Phyllis Kaplan, Larry and Eileen Paper and Susan and Jack Mennis. Food Thought for • Catering for any occassion • Shiva trays • Party trays and more • Offsite Kosher Catering (in approved synagogues) • Call ahead for curbside service • 24 Hr. answering service 412.682.5033 • 194 North Craig Street • Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Deli & Catering Co. Fall in Love with A New Subaru from Kenny Ross. 724-716-4809 Fall in Love with A New Subaru from Kenny Ross. TORAH The making of a covenant with men and women Brit banot need to become more mainstream than they are today. Call Fred Le at 412.731.5300 for more information. We teach you at your home at your pace! HAVE YOU JUST PURCHASED A NEW COMPUTER? DO YOU HAVE AN OLDER ONE THAT HAS PROBLEMS? DO YOU FEEL INTIMIDATED BY IT? Let Fred come to your home and fix or teach you how to use your computer the way it was meant to be used! Fred taught his 76-year-old mother to use her computer; they spoke face-to-face since 1996! He can do that for you, too! The deadline for all copy and art – print and classified advertising, press releases, celebration announcements – is NOON FRIDAY. deadline notice We go to press at noon on Tuesday and regret we cannot accommodate changes after the FRIDAY NOON deadline.

Transcript of THE JEWISH CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 11, 2016...

Page 1: THE JEWISH CHRONICLE NOVEMBER 11, 2016 … · and Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian slave — but ... • Shiva trays •

Almost 25 years after God calls Abramto leave his home in Mesopotamia andgo to the land of Canaan, God formallyestablishes a covenant with him. Likethat established with Noah, his descen-dants, and all living beings, it is uncondi-tional, everlasting, includes blessings andpromises, and carries with it a signdecided upon by God.However, unlike the rainbow, placed in

the clouds and passively received byhumanity, the sign of God’s covenantwith Abraham — male circumcision — issomething with which Abram and hisdescendants, not God, are entrusted.They are to circumcise their sons andother male children in their householdon the eighth day after birth as a physi-cal sign of the covenant. The punishment

for failing to do so is severe. “An uncir-cumcised male who has not circumcisedthe flesh of his foreskin,” says God,“shall be cut off from his people; he hasbroken My covenant.”By the early second millennium BCE,

the time in which, according to tradition,Abraham and his wife Sarah are said tohave lived, male circumcision was notunknown in the ancient Near East, norwas the concept of covenant. TheEgyptians, for example, circumcisedtheir sons as part of a prenuptial cere-mony or, more likely, near the age ofpuberty as an initiation into manhood.The Canaanites, like the neighboring

Ammonites, Edomites and Moabites, alsopracticed circumcision, and archeologicaldiscoveries have shown the resemblanceof the Hebrew covenant to othercovenants of the ancient Near East.Indeed, the literary-juristic form of thecovenant between God and Abrahambears a striking resemblance to covenantsmade between Hittite sovereigns andtheir vassals dating back to the third mil-lennium BCE. Yet what is unique aboutGod’s covenant with Abraham is theexplicit connection between the covenantand male circumcision, as well as, in con-trast to the gods and goddesses of ancientMesopotamia whose “capriciousness wastaken for granted,” specific unconditionaland eternal commitments by God. Godpromises Abram progeny and land, andto signify his change in status, changes hisname from Abram to Abraham, an

expanded form of Abram indicating themany nations that will descend from him.It is not arbitrary that God chooses cir-

cumcision as the covenantal sign.Fertility is central among God’s promiseshere, as are concerns about lineage bythe priestly editors of Genesis 17. Maleblood, shed during circumcision, came tobe seen as salvific, in contrast towomen’s impure menstrual blood, andby the end of the first century CE, withthe growth of Christianity, circumcisionbecame recognized as a sign of Jewishdifference and as a marking in the fleshof the intimate relationship between Godand the Jewish people.But what about women? When God

changes Sarai’s name to Sarah and tellsAbraham, “I will bless her and she shallbecome [the progenitor of] nations;rulers of people shall come from her,” itis made clear that the covenant will notbe established through Abraham’s firstchild, Ishmael — the son of Abrahamand Hagar, Sarah’s Egyptian slave — butrather through Isaac, the son ofAbraham and Sarah. As with Abraham,God’s covenantal promise to Sarahincludes fertility, and her name changemay symbolize the end of her barrenness.While this promise isn’t seared intoSarah’s flesh or that of her femaledescendants, they too will be fullcovenantal members.One can argue that Sarah is “not a

covenantal person in her own right,”since she does not bear the physical signof the covenant, although as the one whogives birth to Isaac, she is “essential tothe covenantal process.” Yet one mightalso claim, as I would, that the centralityof women to Judaism — a role thatincludes but is not solely predicated onour giving birth — belies this formerargument. While one need not have a (cir-cumcised) phallus to be a covenantalperson in one’s own right, perhaps weneed more private acknowledgement andpublic celebration of this religious truth.Brit banot (the covenant of daughters)

rituals, alternately named simchat bat(celebration of a daughter) rituals, inwhich Jewish girls are named and wel-comed as full members of the covenant,need to become more mainstream thanthey are today. They need to be seen asobligatory, in the same way that mostJews see male circumcision as a religiousor cultural obligation. And I hope thatthe time when this ritual for baby girlstakes place can be agreed upon, if notuniversally, then at least by individualJewish communities or religious move-ments: on the eighth day after birth as aparallel ritual to brit milah; on the 13thday, the biblical end of women’s state ofimpurity following the birth of a daugh-ter; or on the first Rosh Chodesh (newmoon) following the girl’s birth, inacknowledgement of Rosh Chodesh as aspecial holiday for women.

Dr. Ellen M. Umansky is the Carl andDorothy Bennett Professor of JudaicStudies at Fairfield University inConnecticut and director of the univer-sity’s Bennett Center for Judaic Studies.A version of this article first appeared


Name: Food for ThoughtWidth: 5.041"Depth: 1.5"Color: BlackComment: displayAd Number: 10026266


Parshat Lech LechaGenesis 12:1-17:28


Bar MitzvahZachary Morgan Paper, son of Andreaand Michael Paper, will become a barmitzvah at Adat Shalom during theShabbat morning service on Saturday,Nov. 12. Grandparents are PhyllisKaplan, Larry and Eileen Paper andSusan and Jack Mennis.



• Catering for any occassion• Shiva trays • Party trays and more• Offsite Kosher Catering (in approved synagogues)

• Call ahead for curbside service• 24 Hr. answering service

412.682.5033 • 194 North Craig Street • Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Deli & Catering Co.

Fall in Love withA New Subarufrom Kenny Ross.


Fall in Love withA New Subarufrom Kenny Ross.


The making of a covenantwith men and women

Brit banot need tobecome more

mainstream thanthey are today.

Call Fred Le� at 412.731.5300 for more information.

We teach you at your home at your pace!HAVE YOU JUST PURCHASED A NEW COMPUTER?


Let Fred come to your home and fix or teach you how to use your computer theway it was meant to be used! Fred taught his 76-year-old mother to use hercomputer; they spoke face-to-face since 1996! He can do that for you, too!

The deadline for all copy and art – print and classifiedadvertising, press releases, celebration announcements – is


deadline notice

We go to press at noon on Tuesday and regret we cannotaccommodate changes after the FRIDAY NOON deadline.