The Jere Beasley Report, Nov. 2006

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Transcript of The Jere Beasley Report, Nov. 2006

  • 8/9/2019 The Jere Beasley Report, Nov. 2006


    A ` f p h o b t a e s ` w a e o ` ` c h t j e s t n e r e v ` r t w ` o t y - n h v ` y ` d r s

    S A @


    I ` d s f ` y , D f f ` o , G r e w , J ` t a v h o , ] e r t h s & J h f ` s , ] . G . , D t t e r o ` y s d t

    OE^@JI@Y 9==>


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    W GAEEF ^ HEF@OG@ J PWS I @ W SE]]@C

    Sa` s`os`f`ss lhffhobs tadt adv`eggurr`c ho eur odtheos sgaeefs hor`g`ot y`drs adv` pdr`ots dff ev`r ta`geuotry br`dtfy geog`ro`c ner ta` sdn`ty doc w`fndr` en ta`hr gahfcr o. Sa`hr geog`ro hs g`rtdhofy kusthnh`c doc tadtgeog`ro hs sadr`c iy dff p`rseos waeadv` r`speoshihfhty ner ta` gds` en gahf-cr`o.Sa` jest r`g`ot hoghc`ots ho ]`oo-syfvdohd doc Geferdce adv` ireubat ta`sgaeef vhef`og` hssu` te ta` dtt`otheo en dff Dj rhgdos. Whjhfdr trdb`ch s just i`dv`rt`c ho ta` nutur` hn dt dff pesshif`.

    Sa`s` fdt`st hoghc`otsds aerrhify idcds ta`y w`r`dr`ot ta` werst ho P.W.ahstery. Jdoy Dj`rhgdos ceot r`dfhz`tadt ta` werst sgaeef dttdgl ho eur odtheos ahstery wds ho 4892, wa`o djdo if`w up d sgaeef ho Idta,Jhgahbdo,lhffhob 30 dcufts doc gahfcr`o. Sa`r`adv` i``o jdoy eta`r hoghc`ots ev`r ta` y`drs hovefvhob vhef`og` ho eur sgaeefs tadt r`suft`c ho jufthpf` c`dtas.Ho r`g`ot y`drs, aew`v`r, tahobs adv`bett`o juga wers`. Eivheusfy, st`ps

    just i` tdl`o te jdl` eur sgaeefs dssdn` ds pesshif`.H adv` te weoc`r way eur pefhthgdf

    f`dc`rs ho Rdsahobteo adcot jdc` ta`gurihob en sgaeef vhef`og` d tep prher-hty ner Geobr`ss feob dbe. ]r`shc`otIusa ads hochgdt`c tadt a` whff nhodffy b`t tahobs jevhob. A` gdff`c d sujjhtj``thob te jdl` pfdos. Iut Geobr`ss,dtta` r`qu`st en ta` Iusa Dcjhohstrdtheo,adc gut ta` sdn`ty nuochob ner sgaeefs,

    wahga hs disefut`fy hogejpr`a`oshif .D

    geobr`ssheodf geon`r`og` gejjhtt``gut ta` iucb`t ner n`c`rdf sgaeef sdn`ty nuochob iy jer` tado $8= jhffheo.Sadtgdj` dt d thj` wa`o sgaeef s`gurhty j`dsur`s o``c`c te i` br`dtfy hogr`ds`c doc g`rtdhofy oet hboer`c.R`sp`oc auocr`cs en ihffheos en ceffdrsr`iuhfchob Hrdq, iut ner sej` r`dseo,gdot nhoc ta` nuocs o``c`c te pret`gteur sgaeef gahfcr`o.D r`pert dvdhfdif`

    te Geobr`ss r`v`df`c tadt ta`r` adv`i``o 4> sgaeef-r`fdt`c vhef`ot c`dtas,33 oeo-ndtdf sgaeef saeethobs, doc ev`r 440 ahba-prenhf` vhef`og` hoghc`otsshog` ta` ep`ohob en sgaeef ho Dubust.Sadt saeufc i` `oeuba te b`t ta` dtt`o-theo en dff en ta` pefhthghdos ho Rdsahob-teo,hogfuchob ta` ]r`shc ot,doc prejptta`j te tdl` hjj`chdt` dgtheo. Xeugdo b`t jer` honerjdtheo dieut ta`sgaeef vhef`og` grhshs dt www.sgaeefs`gurhty.erb.


    D Jeotbej`ry pefhg` ennhg`r wdslhff`c r`g`otfy curhob d reutho` trdnnhgstep, d trdbhg `v`ot tadt f`nt eur gejju-ohty ho saegl. Sahs c`dta en d irdv`

    yeuob jdo jdc` dff en us r`dfhz` aew cdob`reus ht hs ner fdw `onerg`j`ot p`r-seoo`f eo ta` str``ts tecdy ds ta`y bedieut cehob ta`hr jest hjpertdot werl.

    R` c`p`oc eo ta` j`o doc wej`o wae werl ho fdw `onerg`j`ot tepret`gt ta` puifhg. Ponertuodt`fy, w`ceot dfwdys dppr`ghdt` dff tadt ta`y cener us uothf d trdb`cy eggurs.D nrh`oc en jho` wae s`rv`s ds gah`n en pefhg` ho djdker Dfdidjd ghty sdys tadt ev`r 8=% en ta` grhj` tadt eggurs ho ahs ghty hs crub-

    r`fdt`c. H adv` a`drc shjhfdr gejj otsnrej chstrhgt dttero`ys nrej s`v`rdf

    Dfdidjd geuoth`s.Rhtaeut d ceuit, ta`crub guftur , wahga hs fhl` d gdog`r hoeur geuotry, gdus`s d br`dt p`rg`otdb`en ta` grhjhodf dgthvhty tadt dnn`gts v`ry gejjuohty ho ta` P.W.

    Hts `ss`othdf tadt w` suppert fdw `onerg`j`ot dt `v`ry f`v`f en bev`ro-j`ot.Sa` eivheus pfdg` te stdrt hs iy hogr`dshob ta` nuochob. Wdfdrh`s ner ennh-g`rs just i` hogr`ds`c, ta` ouji`rs en ennhg`rs hogr`ds`cta` ennhg`rs just i`prep`rfy `quhpp`cdff en wahga r`quhr`s dc`qudt` nuochob. H i`fh`v` tadtd nhtthob trhiut` te ta` ndff`o ennhg`rL`hta Aeutsweufc i` te jdl` ta`dc`qudt` nuochob en fdw `onerg`j`oto``cs d tep prherhty dt ta` n`c`rdf, stdt`,doc fegdf f`v`fs en bev`roj`ot.


    H dj aep`nuf ta` stdt`s geff`b` c`s`b-r`bdtheo gds` hs v`ry gfes` te gejhob tedo `oc.Sahs gds` ads i``o ho ta` geurtsner c`gdc`sse feob tadt jdoy

    Dfdidjd ghthz`os adc nerbett`o dff dieutht. P.W. Chstrhgt Kucb` Adrefc Jurpay

    erc`r`c ta` pdrth`s te pr`s`ot ta` pre-pes`c s`ttf`j`ot te ahj iy Egtei`r 47 ta .D ndhro`ss a`drhob wds te i` s`t iy ta` kucb`.Ds H uoc`rstdoc ht, ta` s`ttf`-j`otds prepes`cwhff i` beec ner dff geog`ro`c. Poc`r ta` s`ttf`j`ot,

    Dfdidjd stuc`ots whff i` dif` te r`g`hv


    H. Gdphtef Eis rvdtheos . . . . . . . . . . .

    HH. Jy Eis`rvdtheos eo @f`gtheo. . . . .HHH. Geurt Rdtga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    H . Sa` Odtheodf Wg`o` . . . . . . . . . . . .

    . Sa` Gerperdt` Rerfc . . . . . . . . . . 40

    ^H. Geobr`ssheodf Ppcdt . . . . . . . . . . 4

    ^HH. ]recugt Fhdihfhty Ppcdt` . . . . . . .

    ^HHH. Jdss Serts Ppcdt`. . . . . . . . . . . . .

    HQ. Iusho`ss Fhthbdtheo . . . . . . . . . . .

    Q. Hosurdog` doc Nhodog` Ppcdt` . . .

    QH. ]r`cdtery F`ochob. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    QHH. ]r`jhs`s Fhdihfhty Ppcdt` . . . . . .

    QHHH. Rerlpfdg` Adzdrcs. . . . . . . . . . .

    QH . Srdospertdtheo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Q . Drihtrdtheo Ppcdt` . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    Q^H. A`dftagdr` Hssu`s . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Q^HH. @ovhreoj`otdf Geog`ros. . . . . . .

    Q^HHH. Sa` Geosuj`r Gero`r. . . . . . . . . .

    QHQ. Y`gdffs Ppcdt` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    QQ. Nhrj Dgthvhth`s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    QQH. Wej` Gfeshob Eis`rvdtheos. . . . .

    QQHH. Wej` ]drthob Rercs . . . . . . . . . . .

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    nhodoghdf dhc nrej d $4= jhffheo o``cs-ids`c prebrdj hogfuc`c ho ta` s`ttf`-j`ot.Dfse hogfuc`c ho ta` s`ttf`j`ot hs$90.1 jhffheo te Dfdidjd Wtdt` Pohv`r-shty ner r`pdhrs doc o`w prebrdjs doc$2.7 jhffheo te Dfdidjd D&J ner r`pdhrsdt tadt gdjpus. Kucb` Jurpay hssu`c doerc`r eo W`pt`ji`r 91 ta sdyhob $30.0jhffheo ho surpfus `cugdtheo iucb`tnuocs saeufc i` us`c te s`ttf` jdker hssu`s ho ta` gds`.Ds yeu jdy r`gdff, ta`fdwsuht st`jj`c nrej ta` P.W. C`pdrt-j`ot en @cugdtheos 4828 nhochob tadtta`r` w`r` sthff trdg`s en s`br`bdtheo ho

    Dfdidjds geff`b` syst`j. Eivheusfy,tadt wds ev`r 9> y`drs dbe. Hts chnnhguftte uoc`rstdoc way tahs gds` ads auobdreuoc se feob.

    Sa` n`c`rdf bev`roj`ot su`c ta`Wtdt` en Dfdidjd ho 4814 dnt`r uohv`rshty f`dc`rs ndhf`c te dbr`` eo d pfdo tegerr`gt ta` preif`j.Dggerchob te ta`fdwy`rs hovefv`c, ta` gds` saeufc i`r`sefv`c ho d jdxhjuj en twe jeotas.Fdwy`rs ner ta` pdrth`s te ta` suht dr`pr`s`otfy werlhob eut d nhodf v`rsheo en ta` s`ttf` j ot. Sa` s`ttf` j ot, hn dpprev`c,whff prevhc` d nhv`-y dr hjpf`-j`otdtheo p`rhec ner gadob`s te i`jdc`. H aep` oeo` en ta` prepes`ct`rjs whff o``c tadt juga thj . D neurta trhdf ho ta` gds` adc i``o s`t te

    stdrt eo Egtei`r 4=ta

    .Nrdolfy, hts ahba thj` ner tahs gds` tegej` te do `oc. Sa` fdwsuht wds dprhj` `xdjpf` en d stdt` oet ndghob upte do eivheus preif`j doc ta`o

    werlhob eut d sdthsndgtery sefutheo. Kucb` Jurpay, wae hs ids`c ho Yej`,B`erbhd, ads i``o trdv`fhob te Ihrjhob-adj ner y`drs te pr`shc` ev`r ta` gds`.A` wds ta` kucb` ho twe en ta` tar``jdker ahba`r `cugdtheo trhdfs ho ta` suhtdoc ads hssu`c d ouji`r en shbohnhgdot

    rufhobs ho ta` gds`. Hts v`ry gf`dr tadtta` kucb` wdots tahs fdwsuht te i` ev`r.Hjprev`j`ots adv` i``o jdc` hohogr`dshob ta` ouji`r en ifdgl stuc`otsho ahba`r `cugdtheo doc ta` ouji`r en ifdgl ndgufty j`ji`rs dt waht` uohv`r-shth`s ev`r ta` pdst t`o y`drs. Aep`nuffy,tahs s`ttf`j`ot whff dffew eur stdt` tejev` nerwdrc ho ta` nh`fc en ahba`r `cu-gdtheo.


    Sa` odtheodf pefhthgdf phgtur` s``jste i` uoc`rbehob d jdker sahnt, ds ta`puifhg hs i`bhoohob te nuffy r`dfhz` aew idcfy ta` ndhf`c pefhgh`s en ta` Iusa

    Dcjhohstrdtheo adv` aurt eur geuotry. Ra`o yeu ndgter ho dff en ta` gerruptheo

    doc sgdocdfs hovefvhob puifhg ennhghdfsdoc feiiyhsts ho Rdsahobteo, ta` t`rrhnhgteff r`fdt`c te ta` eggupdtheo en Hrdq,doc ta` aub` iucb`t c`nhght, tahobsgeufcot i` behob juga wers` ner ta`BE].Dff odtheodf peffs saew tadt Dj`rh-gdos sthff rdol ta` Hrdq Rdr doc t`rrer-hsj ds ta` ihbb`st preif`js ndghob ta`geuotry. Oerjdffy, ta` `geoejy hs djdker ndgter ho geobr`ssheodf rdg`sdoc ho jdoy hostdog`s ht c`t`rjho`s

    whoo`rs doc fes`rs.Sa` peffs r`v`df tadt

    Y`puifhgdo `nnerts te gdphtdfhz` eo wadtta`y gfdhj te i` beec `geoejhg o`ws

    whff ruo up dbdhost streob vet`r p`s-shjhsj eo ta` hssu`.Sa`y shjpfy ceoti`fh`v` ta` spho tadt ta` ]r`shc`ot doceta`rs dr` tryhob te put eo ta` stdt` en ta` `geoejy. Jest nefls H tdfl whta dieut ta` `geoejy ho jy stdt` t`ff j`ta`y g`rtdhofy ceot i`fh`v` hts ds beecds sej` en ta` odtheodf pefhthghdos sdy hths. D r g`ot O`w Xerl Shj`s -GIW peffneuoc tadt 7>% en r`speoc`ots ho ta`P.W.tahol ta` geoejy hs b`tthob wers`,

    v`rsus eofy 42% wae s`` ht hjprevhob.W`v`rdf ndgters geufc i` gdushob ta`

    bfeej ev`r ta` `geoejyp`sshjhsjr`fdt`c te ta` wdr ho Hrdq, `xpfechoba`dfta gdr` gests,d jerdf c`gfho` tadt hsi`gejhob jer` cdob`reus tado `v`r,doc geog`ro ev`r tar`dts en t`rrerhstdttdgls. Sa` sadrp chvhsheo i`tw` o

    werl`rs pdy doc ihb iess sdfdrh`s dfsegeotrhiut`s te ta` n``fhobs. ^et`rs dr`ifdjhob Y`puifhgdos ner jest en ta`preif`js. @v`o i`ner ta` r g`otsgdocdf hovefvhob Y`p. Jdrl Nef`y,C`jegrdts adc d 43-pehot `cb` ev`r Y`puifhgdos eo adocfhob ta` `geoejy.Sahs gej`s nrej d r`g`ot peff ceo` iy ta` ]`w Y`s`drga G`ot`r. Doeta`r surv`y wds ceo` kust i`ner` ta` nuffhjpdgt en ta` Nef`y sgdocdf i`bdo teshol ho whta nefls. D r`g`ot surv`y en pet`othdf vet`rs odtheodffy dsl`c sp`ghnh-

    gdffy wahga pdrtys gdochcdt`s weufcb`t ta`hr vet` ho Geobr`ssheodf rdg`s.C`jegrdts adc d 97-pehot f`dc ev`r Y`puifhgdos ho `v`ry breup en p`epf`qu`stheo`c ho ta` peff. Sahs hogfuc`c

    vet`rs, r`bhst`r`c vet`rs, doc dcufts. Htsahbafy shbohnhgdot tadt ht saews ta` f`dcY`puifhgdos adc d jeota i`ner` ta`y teel geotref en Geobr`ss ho 4883 wdsf`ss tado adfn tadt ouji`r. Ht r`pr`s`otsta` fdrb`st jdrbho djeob r`bhst`r`c

    vet`rs ta` C`jegrdts adv` adc shog`4821.Sahs peff wds ruo i`ner` ta` Nef`y sgdocdf doc ta` p`rg`hv`c gev`r-up iy ta` Y`puifhgdo f`dc`rsahp surndg`c. Hsusp`gt tadt jdrbho hs juga whc`r tecdy.

    O`v rta`f`ss, Y`puifhgdo strdt`bhstsdr` werlhob adrc tryhob te pdhotC`jegrdts ds i`hob w`dl eo odtheodfs`gurhty. We ndr, taes` `nnerts adv` ndff`oeo c`dn `drs. Whog` ta` peffs r`n`rr`c tediev` w`r` ruo-i`ner` ta` fdt`st ieel iy Iei Reecrunn gdj` eut doc prher teta` Nef`y sgdocdftahobs adv` c`nh-oht`fy i`gej` juga wers` ner ta` BE].

    Ra`o d pdrty ruos eo ndjhfy vdfu`s, vet`rs `xp`gt j`o doc wej`o `f`gt`cuoc`r ta`hr idoo`r te r`dffy uoc`rstdoc

    wadt ndjhfy vdfu`s dr` dff dieut . Hi`fh`v` jest nefls adv` adc `oeuba doc

    whff vet` ner gadob` eo Oev`ji`r 2 ta .

    Weurg`; Neri`s doc Dsseghdt`c ]r`ss


    Jer` tado d cez`o odtheodf doc stdt`erbdohzdtheos adv` s`ot eut j`ssdb`s teta`hr j`ji`rs dieut ta` et`rs Nhrstpf`cb` dslhob ta`j te geotdgt ta`hr n`c`rdf r`pr`s`otdthv`s. Sa`s` `-jdhfs

    w`ot eut te jhffheos en pet`othdf vet`rs.Sa` et`rs Nhrst pf`cb` doc ta` et`rs-Nhrst]f`cb`.erb R`i sht` dr` ta` r`suft en d kehot nnert iy ]uifhg Gdjpdhbo DgtheoNuoc, Gejjeo Gdus , ]uifhg Ghthz`o,doc eta`r odtheodf doc stdt` erbdohzd-theos.

    @drfh`r tahs y`dr, ]uifhg Ghthz`o,Gejjeo Gdus` doc ]uifhg Gdjpdhbo

    Dgtheo Nuoc dsl`c dff gdochcdt`s r`bhs-t`r`c whta ta` N`c`rdf @f`gtheos Gej-jhssheo te shbo d pf`cb tadt, hn dca`r`cte, whff be d feob wdy tewdrc r jevhob

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    ta` gerreshv` honfu`og` en jeo`y ho pef-hthgs. Eog` tahs adpp`os, w` gdo gf`doup Geobr`ss. Sa` pf cb` hs gdff`c et`rs Nhrst i`gdus` iy shbohob ht, gdo-chcdt`s prejhs` te put ta` hot`r`sts en

    vet`rs da`dc en gerperdt` jeo`y`chot`r sts.Ds w` dff loew, ta`s` dr` ta`hot`r`sts tadt oew pdy aub` sujs en jeo`y te a`fp geobr`ssheodf gdochcdt`sb`ter l``pta`hr `f`gt`c s`dts docpr`tty w`ff geotref `f`gtheos. Ev`r 7==gdochcdt`s adv` shbo`c ta` pf`cb` tausndr.Sa`hr odj`s gdo i` neuoc eo d R`isht`, et`rsNhrst]f`cb`.erb. Iy shbohobta` et`rs Nhrst pf`cb , ta` gdochcdt`sdbr``c te suppert f`bhsfdtheo tadtdggejpfhsa`s tar`` grhthgdf bedfs;

    Nhrst, te jdl` `f`gtheos ndhr tareuba gdjpdhbo sp`ochob fhjhts doc puifhgnuochob ner dff gdochcdt`s wae dbr``

    te tdl` oe prhvdt` geotrhiutheos.

    W`geoc, te r`ster` dggeuotdihfhty iy pdsshob doc `onerghob j`dohobnufo`w r`strhgtheos eo bhnts doc trdv`fnrej feiiyhsts doc eta`r pew`rnufhot`r`sts ner j`ji`rs en Geobr`ss-9==2.Sahs hs quht` do aeoer ner Yeo doc

    hs br`dt `xpesur` ner Dfdidjd. Eur stdt`ads d streob vehg` ho Yeo Wpdrls wa`oht gej`s te hjprevhob doc pret`gthobta` dbrhguftur hocustry. Sa`r` dr`jdoy `xghthob eppertuohth`s da`dc hodbrhguftur` suga ds dft`rodthv` nu`fs,hjprevhob outrhtheo ner eur gahfcr`o,doc jdlhob sur` ta`r` hs dc`qudt` chsds-t`r r`fh`n ner ndrj`rs doc precug`rs.Yeohs i`hob r`gebohz`c dbdho iy ahs p``rsds d r`df f`dc`r, doc tadts beec. Iut, ta`p`epf` en Dfdidjd dfr`dcy lo`w tadt

    doc dppr`ghdt` Yeos eutstdochob werl ner eur stdt`.

    R`st ^hrbhohds Dbrhguftur` Gejjhs-sheo`r Bus Y. Ceubfdss, d v`t rdoj`ji`r en ODWCD doc ta` Weuta`ro

    Dsseghdtheo en Wtdt` C`pdr tj`ots en Dbrhguftur` (WDWCD) shog` 48>3, adctahs te sdy;

    H dj v`ry preuc te s`` Yeos f`dc- `rsahp doc dihfhth`s r`gebohz`c odtheodffy. H adv` adc ta` epper-

    tuohty te s`` nhrstadoc ahs s`rvhg`te ahs r`bheo ho hts thj` en chstr`sste pr`s`rv` ta` dbrhguftur` hocus- try ho ta` Bufn Gedst doc Weuta`ro

    stdt`s. A` hs oew ho fho` te dssuj`jer` r`speoshihfhty eo ta`odtheodf f`v`f.

    Nferhcd Gejjhssheo`r en Dbrhguftur`doc Geosuj`r W`rvhg`s Gadrf`sIreoseo dcc`c ta`s` gejj`ots;

    H dj pf`ds`c tadt Gejjhssheo`r Yeo Wpdrls ads i `o f`gt`c ds W`g- r`tdry-Sr`dsur`r en ta` Odtheodf

    Dsseghdtheo en Wtdt` C`pdrtj`otsen Dbrhguftur . Gejjhssheo r Wpdrlsads i``o d tru` nrh`oc te Nferhcddbrhguftur . A` uoc rstdocs ta`uohqu` gadff`ob`s tadt dbrhguf- turdf precug`rs ndg` ho ta` seuta

    nrej p`st doc chs`ds` hogursheoste gejp`ththeo nrej `v`r hogr`ds-

    hob hjperts te ta` c`vdstdthob sterj `v`ots w` adv` s` o ta` fdst twe y`drs. Sa`s` `xp`rh`og`s whff `odif` ahj te irhob d uohqu` p`r-

    sp`gthv` te ta` ODWCD Iedrc en Chr`gters. A` whff r`pr`s`ot eur r`bheo en ta` geuotry w`ff whtahotahs dsseghdtheo.

    Yeo whff `v`otudffy i` ]r`shc`ot en ODWCD. Sa` ennhg`rs en ODWCD nhrsts`rv` ta` erbdohzdtheo ds W`gr`tdry-Sr d-sur`r doc ta`o jev` up ho peshtheo`dga y`dr. Sahs bhv s ennhg`rs do epper-tuohty te f`dro jer` dieut dbrhguftur` hoeta`r stdt`s doc iuhfc r`fdtheosahpsdgress ta` geuotry.Sahs typ` en pdrto`r-sahp hs hovdfudif` ner eur stdt`. Yeo whffs`rv` ds ]r`shc`ot en ODWCD ho 9==8-9=4=. A` s`rv`c ds ]r`shc`ot en ta`WDWCD ner 9==0-9==>. Dfdidjd ghthz`os

    dr` jest nertuodt` te adv` d jdo fhl`Yeo Wpdrls sp`dlhob ner doc stdochobup ner dbrhgufturdf hot r`sts. A` adsceo` do eutstdochob kei ds Gejjhs-sheo`r doc whff ce `v`o jer` ev`r ta`o`xt n`w y`drs.

    HH.Jy eis`rvdtheosEo Sa` B`o`rdf



    Ho jy ephoheo, Iei Yhf`y whff i`r``f`gt`c te d s`geoc t`rj iy d v`ry fdrb` jdrbho, wahga geufc i` ds juga ds do 41% chnn`r`og`. Sa` Yhf`y neflsadv` ruo do dfjest p`rn`gt gdjpdhbodoc adv` i``o `xtr`j`fy w`ff nhodog`c.

    Dff en ta` s tdt`whc` peffs ceo` te cdt`

    pr`chgt d a`dftay jdrbho en vhgtery ner Bev`roer Yhf`y. Rahf` H gdot s`` tadtgadobhob,H just dcjht tadt H adv` o`v`r s``o d rdg` ner bev`roer ho Dfdidjd

    wa`r` vet`r hot`r`st ads i``o se few.Hadv` te i`fh`v` tadts i`gdus` jestnefls adc jdc` up ta`hr jhocs `drfy hota` rdg`. Ht jdy dfse j`do tadt nefls dr`thr`c en dff ta` o`bdthv t`f`vhsheo dcs.Hodoy `v`ot, tahs fdgl en hot`r`st geufc

    dnn`gt vet`r turoeut, iut H ceot i`fh`v`tadt `v`o d few vet`r tetdf whff shbohnh-gdotfy dnn`gt ta` eutgej`.


    Ht dpp`drs tadt Khj Nefsej doc Futa`r

    Wtrdob` whff tdl` ta` rdg` ner ta`ouji`r twe spet cewo te ta` whr`.Ids`c eo wadt H a`dr nrej dreuoc ta`stdt`, H i`fh`v` tadt Khj whff `cb Futa`r iy d rdzertaho jdrbho. Rahf` H ceoti`fh`v` ta` p`epf` en Dfdidjd dr` r`dcy te `f`gt d Rdsahobteo feiiyhst te ta`peshtheo en fh`ut`odot bev`roer, Futa`r ads i``o dif` te aduf ho aub` djeuotsen gdjpdhbo jeo`y. H i`fh`v` tadt ahsnuoc-rdhshob dihfhty whff l``p ta` rdg`gfes`. H wds r`dffy surprhs`c te s`

    Futa`rs gdjpdhbo be se o`bdthv`dbdhost Khj se `drfy. Eo` en ahs doth-Nefsej dcs whff rdol ds p`radps ta`

    werst `v`r us`c ho do Dfdidjd pefhthgdfrdg`. Ht wds ceworhbat j`do-sphrht`cdoc chrty doc hs v`ry juga fhl` ta`sluol dc tadt wds gr`dt`c iy doeta`r eut-en-stdt` doc ahbafy pdhc pefhthgdfgeosuftdot. W`v`rdf nefls wae tefc j`ta`y adc hot`oc`c te vet` ner Futa`r adv` gadob`c ta`hr jhoc dnt`r s``hobtahs dc doc dr` oew werlhob adrc ner

    Nefsej.I`gdus` ta` ennhg` ta`s` twe j`o

    s``l ads vhrtudffy oe pew`r ev`r ta`dgthvhth`s en ta` W`odt`, doc oe cuth`seutshc` ta` W`odt`,hts chnnhguft te uoc`r-stdoc way ta` BE] doc eta`rs adv`sp`ot se juga jeo`y ho tahs rdg`.Wej`pefhthgdf eis`rv`rs i`fh`v` tadt hts th`cte ta` pr`shc`othdf rdg` ho 9==1 doc tadtsej` en Futa`rs ceoers `xp`gt Bev`r-oer Yhf`y te i` jevhob te Rdsahobteo ho9==8.En geurs`, tadts pur` sp`gufdtheodt tahs pehot. O`v`rta`f`ss, hts ta` eofy r`dseo tadt H gdo s`` te kusthny ta` jhf-fheos tadt adv` i``o sp`ot eo Futa`rsgdjpdhbo. Ht jdy dfse `xpfdho way Futa`r hs tryhob se adrc te adob eoteta` Yhf`y gedttdhfs!

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    6/44> I`dsf`yDff`o.gej


    Nrej dff dggeuots,Dttero`y B`o`rdfSrey Lhob saeufc who r``f`gtheo.Srey ads ceo` do `xg`ff`ot kei ds Dttero`y B`o`rdf doc ads whc`spr`dc suppertdreuoc ta` stdt`. A` hs d beec ndjhfy jdo doc tadts hjpertdot te jest

    Dfdidjhdos.Sa` beec pdrt dieut tadt hs

    Srey r`dffy ads f`bhthjdt` ndjhfy vdfu`sdoc ce`sot adv` te r`fy eo d gdjpdhbogeosuftdot te jefc ahs hjdb`. Sadts

    v`ry juga r`nr`sahob ho ta` `rd en jec`ro pefhthgdf rdg`s. Sreys teuba stdoc eo grhj` hs disefut`fy o``c`ccurhob ta` thj`s ho wahga w` fhv . Hn jy honerjdtheo nrej dreuoc ta` stdt` hsgerr`gt, H pr`chgt d who ner Srey iy djdrbho en dieut 03% te 3>%.


    Sa` kuchghdf rdg`s ho Dfdidjd dt ta`dpp`ffdt` f`v`f adv` dttrdgt`c d br`dtc`df en jeo`y, iut v`ry fhttf` vet`r hot`r-`st taus ndr, doc tadt hs usudffy idc o`wsner erchodry ghthz`os. Ho ndgt, ta`Ir`oodo G`ot`r ner Kusthg` dt ta` O`w

    Xerl Pohv`rshty Wgaeef en Fdw doc ta` Kusthg` dt Wtdl` Gdjpdhbo, d oeopdrth-sdo,Rdsahobteo, C.G.-ids`c breup tadt

    ads i``o trdglhob sp`ochob ho stdt`Wupr`j` Geurt rdg`s shog` 4887,prek`gt ta` rdg` ner Dfdidjd gah`n

    kusthg` ds fhl`fy te i` ta` jest `xp`o-shv` geurt `f`gtheo ho ta` odtheo tahs

    y`dr. Eivheusfy, ta` o`bdthv` teo` en ta`Odi`rs-]drl r rdg` ho ta` BE] prhjdry ads f`nt d idc tdst` whta ta` puifhg. Hojy ephoheo, tadt gdrry-ev`r ads adc do`nn`gt eo dff en ta` kuchghdf rdg`s eo ta`b`o`rdf `f`gtheo idffet te sej` xt`ot.Hdj geovhog`c tadt nefls dr` shgl doc

    thr`c en o`bdthv` dcs doc juc-sfhobhobiy ta` gdochcdt`s doc r`dffy wdot tea`dr sej`tahob peshthv` ner d gadob`.Sa` gdjpdhbos en ta` gdochcdt`s waetdl` tadt dppredga whff fhl`fy i` ta`

    whoo`rs. H dj behob te j`otheo i`few dn`w en ta` rdg`s tadt whff i` eo ta`Oev`ji`r 2 ta idffet.

    Wupr`j` Geurt Ydg`s

    Rhta ta` `xg`ptheo en ta` rdg` ner Gah`n Kusthg` en ta` DfdidjdWupr j` Geurt, dff en ta` gdj-pdhbos adv` i``o v`ry quh`t. Ho dihb surprhs` te jest pefhthgdfeis rv`rs, ta` Odi`rs gdjpdhbo

    w`ot o`bdthv` v`r y `drfy. Jdoy n`fttadt ta` Dj`rhgdo Sdxpdy`rs

    Dffhdog` weufc ce ta` chrty werl ner ta` BE] gdochcdt` ho tadtrdg`ds ht chc ho ta` prhjdry rdg`dbdhost Sej ]drl`riut ner sej`r`dseo ht gdj` chr`gtfy nrej ta`gdochcdt` ahjs`fn tahs thj`. Ht jdy i` tadt tahs breup hs dnrdhc htsnuochob seurg`s hn chsgfes`c geufci` d ihb preif`j ho tadt rdg`.Ho doy `v`ot, ht whff i` hot`r`sthob te s``aew vet`rs r`dgt te tadt typ` gdj-pdhbohob nrej d shtthob Wupr`j`Geurt Gah`n Kusthg`.

    Sa`r` dr` sej` v`ry beec gdoch-cdt`s ruoohob ner ta` eta`r neur sfets

    waes` odj`s whff i` eo ta` idffeteo Oev`ji`r 2 ta . Eivheusfy, ids`ceo ta` peffs, ta` Odi`rs-Geiigeot`st whff i` v`ry gfes` doc jdoy pefhthgdf eis`rv`rs i`fh`v` tadt Kucb`Geii whff tdl` tadt rdg`. GadjpFyeos, wae hs d v`ry beec `xdjpf`en wadt d beec kucb` saeufc i`ndhr, hjpdrthdf, doc aeo`stads oeeppeshtheo doc whff r`turo te ta`geurt. Kusthg` Reecdff, wae nhts ta`Fyeos jefc, c`s`rv`s te i` r``f`gt`cdoc H i`fh`v` a` whff i`.Df Keaoseo,d

    w`ff-r`sp`gt`c ghrguht kucb` nrejYuss`ff Geuoty, ads ruo d v`ry beecrdg` eo d v`ry fhjht`c iucb`t. Jdoy peffst`rs i`fh`v` a` ads d beecgadog` te who. Ieta Bf`oo Jurcegl doc Kucb` Keao @obfdoc adv` ruo

    v`ry peshthv` gdjpdhbos doc adv`jdc` d jest ndverdif` hjpr`ssheoeo nefls H adv` tdfl`c whta. Aew`v`r,o`hta`r en ta`s` gdochcdt`s ads i``odif` te rdhs` v`ry juga jeo`y teruo eo.Sa`r` hs oe ifdgl p`rseo eota` Wupr`j Geurt. Jest Dfdidjdghthz`os i`fh`v` tahs fdgl en chv`rshty hs wreob doc dgtudffy aurts eur stdt`s hjdb`.Sadt i`fh`n jdy thp ta`eutgej` en tahs rdg` te Kucb`@obfdoc.

    Geurt En Dpp`dfs Ydg`s

    Ieta geurts dt tahs f`v`fta` Geurten Ghvhf Dpp`dfs doc ta` Geurt en Grhjhodf Dpp`dfsdr` v`ry hjper-tdot.Sa` rdg`s ner ta`s` geurts adv`sej` v`ry beec gdochcdt`s, iut sendr oe gdochcdt` ads dttrdgt`c juga dtt`otheo. H r`gejj`oc tadt eur

    Dfdidjd r`dc`rs ga`gl hote ta`gdochcdt`s prher xp`rh`og` docqudfhnhgdtheos te sht eut ta`s` geurtsdoc ta`o c`ghc` wae te vet` ner.


    Sa` Ydg Ner Wtdt` Sr`dsur`r

    Eo` few`r f`v`f rdg` tadt adsbett`o jer` dtt`otheo tado doy en

    ta` eta`rs hs tadt ner Wtdt` Sr`dsur`r.Ho jy ephoheo, tadts i`gdus` en ta`tr`j`oceus kei tadt Ldy Hv`y, ta`hoguji`ot, ads ceo` curhob a`r nhrst t`rj. Ldy doc jy whn Wdrdadv` i``o v`ry beec nrh`ocs ner

    y`drs . Wdrd t`ffs j` tadt Ldy hs dbeec p`rseo doc d c`chgdt`c puifhgs`rvdot. Ner tadt r dseo,H adv` l`ptup whta Ldys werl ds Sr`dsur`r.Hojy ephoheo, tahs fdcy hs d whoo`rho `v`ry r`sp`gt. H i`fh`v` sa` whff

    i` r``f`gt`c iy d v`ry fdrb` jdrbho.Yeo Wpdrls Rhff I` Y``f`gt`c Iy D Fdrb` Jdrbho

    Yeo Wpdrls ads ceo` d tr`j`oceus kei ds Gejjhssheo`r en Dbrhguftur`doc Hocustrh`s. A` hs eo` en ta`jest pepufdr ennhg`aefc`rs ho ta`stdt`.Sahs rdg` weot `v`o i` gfes`ner d ouji`r en r`dseos. D jdker ndgter hs Yeos dihfhty te crdw BE]

    vet`rs hote ahs gdjp.

    F`bhsfdthv` Ydg`s Dreuoc Sa`Wtdt`

    D r`gerc djeuot en jeo`y hs i`hobsp`ot iy ta` gdochcdt`s ho Dfd-idjds f`bhsfdthv` rdg`s tahs y`dr.Hondgt, sej` en ta` hochvhcudf W`odt`rdg`s whff s`` w`ff ev`r eo` jhffheoceffdrs sp`ot iy ieta gdochcdt`s.

    Dnt`r Oev`ji`r 2 ta , ta` puifhg

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    saeufc stdrt c`jdochob ta` `drfy pdssdb` en streob gdjpdhbo nhodog`r`nerj ho 9==2.Sadt weufc i` v`ry beec ner ta` p`epf` en Dfdidjd.Sa`r` hs disefut`fy oe wdy te kusthny ta` whfc sp`ochob tadt tdl`s pfdg`ho Dfdidjd pefhthgdf rdg`s.

    H whff j`otheo eo` W`odt` rdg` tadt

    jdy adv` ta` werst o`bdthv` dcstadt H adv` s``oeta`r tado taes`iy ta` Wtrdob` gdjpdhbodochot`r`sthobfy, ta`y gej` nrej dn`jdf` gdochcdt` wae hs gadff`ob-hob W`odter R`ocdff Jhtga`ff.Saes`dcs dr` oet eofy ndfs` ho s`v`rdfdsp`gts, iut ta`y dr` d fhttf` teechrty te suht j`.R`ocdff ads d geo-s`rvdthv` vethob r`gerc ho ta`W`odt` doc ads i``o d gadjpheo ner `cugdtheo doc dbrhgufturdf hot`r`sts.

    Ht whff i` hot`r`sthob te s`` hn ta`tdgthgs us`c dbdhost ahj werl. Hi`fh`v` tee jdoy nefls loew docfhl` ta` W`odter nrej Fuv`ro` te i`neef`c. Iut tahs typ` gdjpdhbohob hssdhc te werl weoc`rs ner d w`ff-nhodog`c gdochcdt`w` whff s``.

    Ids`c eo wadt H dj a`drhob, dochonerjdtheo nrej ta` peffs, H ceoti`fh`v` ta`r` whff i` jdoy whos iy ta` BE] f`bhsfdthv` gdochcdt`s

    uof`ss ta`y dr` dfr`dcy ho ennhg`. Dnt`r Oev ji`r 2 ta , ta`r` saeufc sthffi` d C`jegrdthg jdkerhty ho ieta ta` Aeus` doc W`odt`.Dftaeuba ta`gdjpdhbos adv` i``o v`ry o`bdthv`ho sej` en ta` rdg s, p`epf` ho ta`f`bhsfdthv` chstrhgts loew ta` hoguj-i`ots doc dr` loewf`cb`dif` dieutta`hr dggejpfhsaj`ots ds w`ff dsta`hr saertgejhobs. Sa` 7=-s`geocseuoc iht`s eo S^ tadt gest ta` gdo-chcdt`s aub` sujs en jeo`y kust

    ceot adv` ta` `nn`gt ho fegdf rdg`stadt t`f`vhsheo dcs adv` ho stdt`whc`rdg`s. F`bhsfdthv pefhthgs dr` sthfffegdf ho ta` sga`j` en tahobs.Ho doy `v`ot, hts chnnhguft te kusthny ta` jhf-fheos en ceffdrs i`hob sp`ot ho f`bhsfd-thv` rdg`s iy ieta pefhthgdf pdrth`s.Haep` streob gdjpdhbo r`nerj f`bhs-fdtheo whff i` eo` en ta` beec tahobsgejhob eut en tahs pefhthgdf s`dseo.


    Dj`ocj`ot 9, wahga hs eo ta`Oev`ji`r idffet, hs d geosthtutheodfdj`ocj`ot te r`quhr` fegdf bev`ro-j`ots te geff`gt dt f`dst 4= jhffs hoprep`rty tdx`s ner `v`ry sgaeef syst`jho ta` stdt`.Sahs stdif` nfeer ner sgaeef

    nuochob dfr`dcy `xhsts ho 4=4 DfdidjdWgaeef syst`js. D y`s vet` eo Dj`oc-j`ot 9 whff irhob ta` eta`r 7= syst`jsup te tahs idr` jhohjuj.D 4=-jhff tdxdjeuots te $4= ner `v`ry $4,=== hoprep`rty vdfu`. I`gdus` en ta` wdy eur stdt` s`ts prep rty vdfu`, d 4=-jhff tdxdjeuots te eofy $>= eo d aeus` whta djdrl t vdfu` en $4==,===. Sahs hs dbeec hov`stj`ot ner ta` `cugdtheo en eur gahfcr`o. H r`gejj oc d y`s vet`eo Dj`ocj`ot 9 te a`fp eur sgaeefs.

    Eur gahfcr`o c`s`rv` eur suppert doc Haep` jest Dfdidjhdos dbr``.



    Nefls wae dr` hot`r`st`c ho pefhthgs

    preidify ceot pdy ds juga dtt`otheo te kuchghdf rdg`s ds ta`y ce te r`bufdr pefht-hgdf rdg`s.Sa`r` hs eo` tahob ner g`rtdho

    wa`o ht gej`s te kuchghdf rdg`s,aew`v r, doc tadt hs, geot`sts ner stdt`

    kucb`sahps dreuoc ta` geuotry dr`b`tthob jer` pdrthsdo, juga odsth`r, docjuga jer` `xp`oshv . Ho jest stdt`s

    wa`r` kucb`s dr` sthff `f`gt`c, ihbjeo`y`c hot`r`sts s``lhob te honfu`og`geurt c`ghsheos dr` sp`ochob tr`j`o-ceus sujs tahs y`dr te `f`gt ta` gdoch-cdt`s tadt ta`y fhl` doc tadt ta`y wdotte a`dr ta`hr gds`s. Ho ndgt,kuchghdf rdg`sadv` i`gej` ta` jest hjpertdot pefhth-gdf rdg`s ner sej` en ta` fdrb` gerperd-theos waes` geocugt l``ps ta`j ho eur geurts.Dfdidjd hs d prhj` `xdjpf` en tadt sert en tahob. Hn ta`r hs `v`r dsyst`j en f`gthob kucb`s tadt o``c`c tei` gadob`c,hts ho Dfdidjd.

    Hts jest uonertuodt` tadt kuchghdf

    rdg`s dr` oew i`hob ruo kust fhl` gdj-pdhbos ner r`bufdr pefhthgdf ennhg`, doctadts idc o`ws ner erchodry ghthz`osdoc beec o`ws ner ta` idc gejpdoh`sho Gerperdt` Dj`rhgd. Sa` geocugt en

    kuchghdf `f`gtheos ho d ouji`r en stdt`s,hogfuchob Dfdidjd, pehot te ta` s`rheus-o`ss en ta` preif`j doc hts tar`dt te

    kuchghdf hot`brhty, hoc`p`oc`og`, dochjpdrthdfhty. Ihb jeo`y gdot i` dffew`cte chgtdt` wahga gdochcdt`s whoc ups`rvhob ds kucb`s, iut tadts `xdgtfy

    wadt hs adpp`ohob oew ho d ouji`r en stdt`s.

    Sahrty-oho` stdt`s sthff gaees` dt f`dstsej` en ta`hr kucb s iy `f`gtheo, host`dcen iy sej` nerj en oeo`f`gthv` j`rhts`f`gtheo syst`j. @tahgdf ieuocdrh`so``c`c te pr`s`rv` puifhg trust doc ta`sp`ghdf ref` en d geurt ds d o`utrdfdriht`r just i` s`t doc `onerg`c. Ho9==3, sp`ochob eo gdjpdhbos ner stdt`supr`j` geurts hogr`ds`c te $39jhffheo odtheowhc`, up nrej $98 jhffheo

    kust twe y`drs `drfh`r.Sa` sp`ochob hoWupr`j` Geurt rdg`s ner ta` b`o`rdf`f`gtheo whff i` `v`o ahba`r.Sa` dgthvh-th`s en ta` sp`ghdf hot`r`st breupss``lhob nhrj gejjhtj`ots eo geotre-

    v`rshdf hssu`s nrej gdochcdt s wae wdotte i` kucb`s adv` br`dtfy hot`oshnh c. Ner `xdjpf`, ta` sef` purpes` en ta` qu`s-

    theoodhr`s i`hob s`ot eut te kuchghdf gdo-chcdt`s ho Dfdidjd ta` GarhsthdoGedfhtheo en Dfdidjd hs te b`t taes`gejjhtj`ots. H susp`gt tadts adpp`o-hob ho dff en ta` eta`r stdt`s wa`r`

    kucb`s dr` `f`gt`c. Kucb`s dreuoc ta` geuotr y adv`

    i`gej` se geog`ro`c tadt ta` odtheodfGeon`r`og` en Gah`n Kusthg`s,gejpes`cen ta` tep kurhsts nrej dff 0= stdt`s,

    vet`c r`g`otfy te stdr t do hohthdthv`dhj`c dt gadobhob ta` c`t`rherdthob

    guftur` en kuchghdf `f`gtheos. Eivheusfy,ta`r` hs oe p`rn`gt wdy te gaees` d

    kucb`. Iut te uoc`r jho` ta` waef`purpes` en ta` geurt syst`j iy dffew-hob sp`ghdf hot`r`sts te fht`rdffy iuy

    kucb`sahps, er dt f`dst try te ce se, hs ta` werst syst`j en dff. ]`rseodffy, H ndver ta` `f`gtheo en kucb`s, iut whta r`strhg-theos ieta eo gdjpdhbo ceodtheos doceo sp`ochob iy gdochcdt`s.Se jdl` ta`

    I`dsf`yDff`o.gej 2

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    syst`j werl, aew`v`r, tahrc-pdrty hovefv`j`ot en breups suga ds Dj`rh-gdo Sdxpdy`rs Dffhdog` just dfse i` geo-treff`c.Saes` breups gdo bhv` jhffheoste i`o`nht d gdochcdt` doc o`v`r adv` ter`pert ht.Weurg`; O`w Xerl Shj`s


    Sa`r` ads i``o d br`dt c`df en sp`gu-fdtheo ho Dfdidjd ev`r wa`ta`r kusthg`seo ta` Wupr`j` Geurt dr` honfu`og`ciy ta`hr fdrb` gdjpdhbo ceoers eog`ta`y dr` f`gt`c.Y`g`otfy, ta` O`w XerlShj`s rdo do `xg`ff`ot hov`sthbdthv`ph`g` wrhtt`o iy Dcdj Fhptdl doc Kdo`tYei`rts tadt feel`c hote kuchghdf rdg`s,gdjpdhbo jeo`y, doc aew tadt jeo`y

    dnn`gts geurt rufhobs. Sa` r`pert`rsz`re`c ho eo ta` stdt` en Eahe. H weufcr`gejj`oc tadt dff en eur r`dc`rseitdho d gepy en tadt stery hn dt dff pessh-if` doc r`dc ht gdr`nuffy i`ner` behob teta` peffs eo Oev`ji`r 2 ta .Sa`r` wds dbr`dt c`df en hov`sthbdthv` werl ceo` iy ta`s` r`pert`rs, trdglhob gdjpdhbojeo`y doc fdt`r kuchghdf dgtheos ho ta`nerj en geurt rufhobs.Wej` en ta`hr nhoc-hobs w`r` saeglhob, te sdy ta` f`dst.

    I`gdus` 7= stdt`s dr` aefchob `f`g-

    theos ner s`dts eo ta`hr ahba`st geurtstahs y`dr, hts d beec thj` te geoshc`r

    way se juga jeo`y hs i`hob sp`ot hota`s` kuchghdf rdg`s. Sa` Shj`s drthgf`bhv`s us d beec hc`d en aew jeo`y bhv`o te gdochcdt`s gdo dnn`gt geurtrufhobs. Wp`ochob ho ta`s` kuchghdfrdg`s hs slyregl`thob,whta sej` kucb srdhshob jhffheos en ceffdrs ner dshobf` gdjpdhbo. Dfdidjds rdg` ner gah`n kusthg` hs d prhj` `xdjpf`.Ds ta`djeuots hogr`ds`, qu`stheos dieut

    wa`ta`r jeo`y hs gerrupthob ta` hoc`-p`oc`og` en ta` kuchghdry dr` i`hobrdhs`c dgress ta` odtheo.

    Do `xdjhodtheo en ta` Eahe Wupr`j`Geurt iy ta` Shj`s r`pert`rs neuoc tadthts kusthg`s reutho`fy sdt eo gds`s dnt`r r`g`hvhob gdjpdhbo geotrhiutheos nrejpdrth`s wae w`r` dgtudffy hovefv`c ho dp`ochob gds` doc nrej breups tadt nhf`cirh`ns ho suppert en d pdrty. Wej` en ta`

    nuocs gdj` eo dv rdb`, ta`y vet`c hondver en geotrhiuters 2=% en ta` thj`,dggerchob te ta` Shj`s . Ho ta` 49 y`drstadt w`r` stuch`c, ta` Eahe kusthg`sdfjest o`v`r chsqudfhnh`c ta`js`fv`snrej a`drhob ta`hr geotrhiuters gds`s.Ho ta` 940 gds`s whta ta` jest chr`gtpet`othdf geonfhgts en hot`r`st, kusthg`sr`gus`c ta`js`fv s kust 8 thj`s.Hn tahs hsdggurdt , doc H i`fh`v` ht hs, ta` p`epf`en Eahe dr` b`tthob d idc c`df.

    Sa` Shj`s drthgf` geogfuc`c tadt dnt`r d s`rh`s en ihb-jeo`y kuchghdf geot`stsdreuoc ta` odtheo,ta` idfdog` en pew`r ho s`v`rdf stdt` ahba geurts ads sahnt`cho r`g`ot y`drs ho ndver en gerperdtheosdoc hosurdog` gejpdoh`s. Kucb`s dr`r`quhr`c iy gec`s en kuchghdf `tahgs techsqudfhny ta`js`fv`s wa`o`v`r ta`hr hjpdrthdfhty jhbat r`dseodify i` qu`s-theo`c ev`r nhodoghdf er eta`r geonfhgts.

    Dppdr`otfy, ta`r` hs do `xg`ptheo te tahsstrhgt ruf`, doc tadt hovefv`s gdjpdhbogeotrhiutheos.

    Jest f`bdf xp`rts i`fh`v` tadt r`gusdfev`r gdjpdhbo ceodtheos saeufc i` ta`ruf` doc oet ta` `xg`ptheo.Ho 4888,ta`

    Dj`rhgdo Idr Dsseghdtheo r`vhs`c htsJec`f Gec` en Kuchghdf Geocugt ter`quhr` kucb`s te chsqudfhny ta`js`fv`shn ta`y r`g`hv c gdjpdhbo geotrhiutheosen d g`rtdho djeuot nrej d pdrty er hts

    fdwy`r. Iut ta` idr dsseghdtheo chc oetodj` do djeuot, f`dvhob tadt c`ghsheote ta` stdt`s ho ta` `v`ot ta`y dcept`cta` gec`.Sa` Shj`s drthgf` sdys oe stdt`ads dcept`c ht. ]`rseodffy, H i`fh`v` tadtgdjpdhbo nhodog` r`nerj dnn`gthob kuch-ghdf rdg`s weufc sefv` ta` r`gusdfpreif`j.Sadt weufc fhjht ta` o``c ner

    kucb`s te adv` te r`gus` ho gds`si`gdus` pdrth`s adc bhv`o ta`hr gdj-pdhbos jeo`y. Whjpfy put,ht weufc cry up ta` sp`ghdf hot`r`st jeo`y tadt oew

    geotrefs dff kuchghdf rdg`s ho stdt`s fhl`Eahe doc Dfdidjd.Weurg`; O`w Xerl Shj`s

    C Y . I YEOO@Y W ]@DLW E PS E O @ QQEO G DW@

    Cr. Cdvhc Ireoo r, eo` en ta` jestr`sp`gt`c j`o ho Dfdidjd, jdc` sej`rdta`r hot`r`sthob gejj`ots r`g`otfy geog`rohob ta` Wtdt` en Dfdidjds gds`

    dbdhost @xxeoJeihf, wahga ads i``op`ochob ho ta` Dfdidjd Wupr`j` Geurtshog` Dprhf 92, 9==3. I`gdus` eur nhrj,dfeob whta ta` Guoohobadj Ieuocsnhrj ho Jeihf`, trh`c tahs gds` ho ta` ndffen 9==7,H loew nhrstadoc tadt fhdihfhty hota` gds` wds v`ry gf`dr doc ta` preen dttrhdf tadt @xxeo hot`otheodffy ga`dt`cta` stdt` wds `xtr`j`fy streob. Hn eur ahba geurt neffews ta` fdw doc `vhc`o-thdry preen pr`s`ot`c curhob ta` f`obtay trhdf, ta` kurys v`rchgt doc ta` kucbj`otho ndver en ta` stdt` whff adv` te i`dnnhrj`c.A`r`s wadt Cr. Ireoo`r adc tesdy dieut ta` gurr`ot stdt` en dnndhrs;

    H p`rseodffy i`fh`v` ta` DfdidjdWupr`j` Geurt saeufc i` pfdg`c eo d p`c`stdfi`yeoc r predga. Ht just i` Sa` Hosthtutheo tadt

    Dfdidjds ghthz os adv` tetdf geo-

    nhc`og` ho ner ndhro`ss doc kusthg`.Sa` Dfdidjd Wupr`j` Geurt just

    shjpfy i` diev` pefhthgs. Dfdidjh- dos uoc`rstdoc tadt `f`gtheosjdl` beec p`epf` ce doc sdydfjest doytahob te i`gej``f`gt c. Ht hs ner tahs r`dseo tadt jest stdt`s ce oet `f`gt ta`hr dpp`ffdt` geurt kucb`s doc kus- thg`s.Dfdidjhdos saeufc oet wdot ta`hr kucb`s doc kusthg`s te r`g`hv`gdjpdhbo nuocs

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    gds` te j`chdtheo. @xxeoJeihf wdfl`c eut en ta` j`chdtheo doc

    ner twe y`drs ta` DfdidjdWupr`j` Geurt ads ceo` oetahob!

    Ht hs pdst thj` ner ta` DfdidjdWupr`j` Geurt te r`sefv` tahsdius` en ta` p`epf` en Dfdidjd.

    Cr. Cdvhc B. Ireoo r Egtei`r 9==>

    Cr. Ireoo`rs gejj`ots adv` gdus`cd br`dt c`df en j`chd hot`r`st dreuoc ta`stdt`. Jdoy p rseos taeubat tadt ta`gds` adc dfr`dcy i``o c`ghc`c doc tadt@xxeo adc pdhc wadt ht ew`c ta` stdt`.Ponertuodt`fy, tadt hs oet ta` gds`.R`dr` sthff wdhthob ner ta` geurt te s`t dcdt` ner erdf drbuj`ots.

    O @RW]D]@YW W @@ D ] YEIF@J

    W`v`rdf o`wspdp`rs adv` gejj`ot`ceo ta` @xxeo gds`.Sa` nhrst te gejj`ot

    wds ta` Jeotbej`ry Hoc`p`oc`ot waes` `chter adc d geov`rsdtheo whta Khj Jdrtho geog`rohob ta` @xxeojdtt`r. Whog` ta`o ]ahf Ydwfs en Dssegh- dt`c ]r`ss wret` d v`ry beec ph`g` eota` gds`. Sa` neffewhob hs do `chterhdf

    wahga dpp`dr`c ho ta` Auotsvhff`Shj`s .

    Whf`og` Nrej Sa` Geurt

    Sa` @xxeoJeihf gds` hs eo` jer`drbuj`ot ner dppehot`c kusthg`s.

    Hot`ffhb`ot p`epf` gdo chsdbr``ev`r wa`ta`r Dfdidjds dpp`ffdt`geurts eubat te i` `f`gt c, ds ta`ydr` oew, er dppehot`c, ds ta`y dr`ho sej` eta`r stdt`s - doc ds ta`ydr` dt ta` n`c rdf f`v`f. Ner ta`fdt`st `vhc`og` supperthob ta`dppehot`c-kucb`-doc-kusthg` drbu- j`ot, eo` o``c feel oe nurta r tado ta` stdtus ho ta` DfdidjdWupr`j` Geurt en ta` stdt`sfdwsuht dbdhost @xxeoJeihf.Dgtu- dffy, ta` shtudtheo hs i t t r c`sgrhi`c ds d fdgl en stdtus. Nhrst,

    sej` idglbreuoc.

    Idgl curhob ta` Dcjhohstrdtheo en Y`puifhgdo Bev`roer Nei Kdj`s,wae s rv`c nrej 4880-4888, ta`

    stdt` nhf`c suht dbdhost @xxeoJeihf gfdhjhob ta` gejpdoy adc ga`dt`c ta` stdt` eut en $4 ihffheoho odturdf-bds reydfth`s. Eog` ta`gds` wds trh`c, ta` stdt weo,doc ta` kury dwdrc`c ht $44.8ihffheo tadts rhbat, ihffheo. Sa`

    kucb` wae a`drc ta` gds` c`ghc`c ta` djeuot wds `xg`sshv` doc r`cug`c ht te $7.> ihffheo. @xxeo-

    Jeihf sdhc ht wds sthff `xg`sshv`doc pursu`c hts dpp`df doywdy.(@v`o dt $7.> ihffheo, ht wds ta`ahba`st dwdrc ho stdt` ahstery.)

    Sa` gds` `oc`c up ho ta` DfdidjdWupr`j` Geurt tar`` y`drs dbe,whta ta` fdst irh`n nhf`c jer` tadod y`dr dbe. Doc sthff ta`r hs oewerc hn ta` ahba geurt whff `v`oerc`r erdf drbuj`ots ho ta` gds`.

    Rhta nhv` en ta` oho` kusthg`s up ner `f`gtheo ho Oev`ji r, hts oet uor`dseodif` te geogfuc` tadt ta`geurt hs ho oe aurry te c`df whtata` jdtt`r i`ner` ta` `f`gtheo.

    Hoc``c, wadt`v r ta` geurt c ghc`swhff irhob cewo adrsa grhthghsj.Hn ta` geurt upaefcs ta` v`rchgt doc ta` $7.> ihffheo dwdrc, ht whff i`dggus`c en louglfhob uoc`r tetrhdf fdwy`rs doc p`epf` wae

    weufc aurt ta` stdt`s iusho`ssgfhjdt`. Hn ta` geurt ev`rturos ta`v`rchgt, ht whff i` gdff`c d teef en ihb-iusho`ss Y`puifhgdos doc do`o`jy en d stdt` bev`roj`ot tadt geufc ce d fet en tahobs whta $7.> ihffheo.

    Wuga grhthghsj whff i` ta` sdj`i`ner` er dnt r `f`gtheo, iut tadt

    saeufcot jdtt`r.Radt bhv`s5 Sa` kusthg`s ta`js`fv s dr` oet tdflhob. Ht weufc i` hjprep`r ner ta`j tece se. Gdochcdt`s ner ta` geurt dr`dfse sdyhob fhttf . Sa` gdoeos en

    kuchghdf `tahgs dppfy te ta`j dsw`ff ds te shtthob kusthg`s doc

    kucb`s. Dt d thj` wa`o ta`Wupr`j` Geurt ads prep`rfy i``ofduc`c ner hts `nnhgh`ot doc `xp`ch- theus adocfhob en gds s, ta` @xxeo

    Jeihf c`fdy stdocs eut ds doetdif` `xg`ptheo. Reufc do

    dppehot`c geurt adv` c`dft whtata` jdtt`r iy oew5 Hts adrc te sdy,iut dppehot`c kusthg`s weufc oet adv` adc `f`gtheo-cdy werrh`s.Sa`y geufc adv` geog`otrdt`c `othr`fy eo ta` brdvhty en ta` gds`doc ta` s`rheus hssu`s ht rdhs`s.

    Oeo` en tahs hs te subb`st wahga

    wdy ta` geurt saeufc ruf`. Iut ruf`ht saeufc. Sadts ta` geurts ref`.Rahf` ta` cdy jdy o`v`r gej`wa`o Dfdidjhdos whff dgg`pt dodppehot`c rdta`r tado `f`gt`c geurt, ta`y saeufc `xp`gt ta` oho`

    kusthg`s oet te sahrl ta`hr cuty ner n`dr en pefhthgdf ndffeut. Eog` ta``f`gtheo hs ev r, tahs gds` saeufc jev` te ta` tep en ta` cegl t, doc ta` geurt saeufc tdl` st`ps te`osur` tadt `v`ry gds` hs adocf`c

    ds quhglfy ds ta` ghrgujstdog`sdoc hssu`s dffew.

    @ QQEO I DGL H O G EPYS E @Y 4818 ^ DFC@[ W ]HFF

    Ds w` dff loew, doc ds Cr. Ireoo`r pehot`c eut ho ahs drthgf`, hts i``o ev`r 40 y`drs shog` ta` @xxeo ^dfc`z sphff`c44 jhffheo bdffeos en gruc` ehf dfeob ta`

    Dfdsld gedst ho eo` en ta` geuotr ys werst `ovhreoj`otdf chsdst`rs. Hts chnnh-guft te i`fh`v` tadt d kurys $0 ihffheo

    kucbj`ot dbdhost ta` gejpdoy hs sthffth`c up ho ta` geurts. Iut, advhob c`dft

    whta tahs pefhthgdffy pew`rnuf gejpdoy,Hj oet tee surprhs`c. @xxeoJeihfGerp.s dpp`df en ta` dfc`z v`rchgt wdste i` a`drc ner ta` tahrc thj` r`g`otfy ho d n`c`rdf dpp`dfs geurt ho Wdo Nrdo-ghsge. Ds w` dff loew, ta` gds` st`jsnrej d 4883 c`ghsheo iy do Dogaerdb`

    kury te dwdrc puohthv` cdjdb`s te

    73,=== nhsa`rj`o doc eta`r Dfdsldos.Sa` r`shc`ots gfdhj`c ta`y w`r`adrj`c wa`o ta` ^dfc`z strugl dgadrt`c r``n doc sphff`c gruc` ehf dfeobdieut 4,0== jhf`s en gedstfho . Sa`gdptdho en ta` ^dfc`z wds cruol doc@xxeo lo`w tadt a` adc d crholhobpreif`j.Sa` kury neuoc @xxeo doc ta`

    dfc`z gdptdho r glf`ss ho ta` dgghc`ot.@xxeo drbu`s ht saeufc adv` te pdy oe

    jer` tado $90 jhffheo ho puohthv`

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    cdjdb`s. Sa` gerperdtheo, wahga r`pert`c tahrc-qudrt`r `drohobs en $4=ihffheo, sdys ht ads sp`ot jer` tado $7ihffheo te s`ttf` n`c`rdf doc stdt` fdw-suhts doc te gf`do ta` ]rhog` RhffhdjWeuoc dr`d.Ho twe pr`vheus dpp`dfs, ta`P.W. Geurt en Dpp`dfs ner ta` Ohota Ghrguht erc`r`c P.W. Chstrhgt Kucb` A.Yuss`f Aeffdoc en Dogaerdb`,wae wdsta` trhdf kucb`, te r`cug` ta` kucbj`otdbdhost @xxeo, sdyhob ht wds uogeosthtu-theodffy `xg`sshv`. Kucb` Aeffdoc gej-pfh`c ho 9==9,r`cughob ta` v`rchgt te $3ihffheo. @xxeo dpp`df c tadt c`ghsheo.Sa` trhdf kucb` wds ta`o erc`r`c iy ta`dpp`dfs geurt te r`vhsht ta` c`ghsheo.

    Kucb` Aeffdoc gdff`c @xxeos dgtheosr`pr`a`oshif , doc s`t ta` nhbur` dt$3.0 ihffheo pfus ta` dggru`c hot`r`st.Sa` dpp`dfs geurt ads twhg` qu`stheo`cta` dwdrc, s`ochob ht idgl `dga thj` teta` trhdf kucb` te r`cug` ta` v`rchgt.

    Dggru`c hot`r`st geufc irhob ta` tetdfdjeuot te dreuoc $8 ihffheo.

    Ho ta` r`bheo hts`fn, pegl`ts en r`fd-thv`fy nr`sa @xxeo ^dfc`z ehf r`jdho eosaer`fho`s ds chstdot ds Ldtjdh Odtheodf]drl, dieut 7== jhf`s nrej ta` sht

    wa`r` ta` sup`r tdol`r chsberb`c 44jhffheo bdffeos en gruc` ehf,dggerchob tebev`roj`ot sgh`othsts wae pr`s`ot`cta`hr stuch`s dt d geon`r`og` fdst jeota

    ho Dogaerdb`. K`nn Waert, d OdtheodfEg`dohg doc Dtjespa`rhg Dcjhohstrd-theo r`s`drga`r, sdys;

    Sahs stunn hsot gadobhob dt dff. Hts kust ta` sdj` lhoc en bee tadt bet c`pesht`c ta`r` ho 4818.

    Dggerchob te ta` breup tadt dcjhohs-t`rs ta` s`ttf`j`ot jeo`y pdhc iy @xxeo te ta` bev`roj`ots, eofy s`v`oen tahrty jdrho` sp`gh`s, r`seurg`s, er s`rvhg`s adv` r`gev`r`c te pr`-sphff

    f`v`fs.Ra`ta`r ta` sphff hs te ifdj` doc wa`ta`r r`jodot ehf hs gdushob adrjr`jdhos uos`ttf`c. ]rhog` Rhffhdj Weuocr`shc`ots dr` geovhog`c tadt ta` sphfftrhbb`r`c d gdsgdc` en `ovhreoj`otdfhffs. Ds suishst og` nhsa`rj o docauot`rs, ta`y sthff s`` ta` `nn`gts en tadtehf sphff eo d cdhfy idshs.


    Sa` P.W.Wupr`j` Geurt whff geoshc r s`v`rdf iusho`ss gds`s curhob hts upgej-hob t`rj, hogfuchob d gds` tadt geufcjdl` ht `dsh`r ner geosuj`rs te aefchosur`rs, idols, doc eta`r iusho`ss`sfhdif` ner oet oethnyhob ta`j wa`o ta`hr

    gr`cht rdthob gadob`s.Sa` gds` hovefv`sgeonfhgthob hot`rpr`tdtheos en ta` Ndhr Gr`cht Y`perthob Dgt iy few`r n`c`rdfgeurts ho gfdss dgtheo fdwsuhts dbdhostB`hge B`o`rdf Hosurdog` Ge., Wdn`geHosurdog` Ge. en Dj`rhgd doc eta`rs.Sa` Dgt r`quhr`s gejpdoh`s te oethny geosuj`rs dieut rdt` hogr`ds`s tadt dr`ids`c eo honerjdtheo ho ta`hr geosuj`r gr`cht r`perts.

    Sa`r` hs d spfht en dutaerhty eo tahshssu` ho ta` ghrguht geurts en dpp`df.Ho

    jest n`c`rdf geurts, geosuj rs dff`bhobiusho`ss vhefdtheos en ta` chsgfesur`r`quhr`j`ots just saew tadt iush-o`ss`s lo`w ta`y adc vhefdt`c ta` fdw

    wa`o ta`y ndhf`c te t`ff geosuj`rs tadtd gadob` ho ta`hr gr`cht rdthob prejpt`cd rdt` ahl`.Sa` P.W. Geurt en Dpp`dfs ner ta` Ohota Ghrguht ruf`c fdst y`dr tadtgeosuj`rs ceot adv` te saew ta` gej-pdoh`s r`dfhz`c ta`y w`r` ir`dlhob ta`fdw. Host`dc, geosuj rs o``c eofy teprev` tadt gejpdoh`s hboer`c ta` fdwsr`quhr`j`ots.Sadt wds ta` rufhob iy ta`Ohota Ghrguht ho d s`rh`s en gfdss dgtheofdwsuhts hovefvhob neur hosurdog` gej-pdoh`s.

    Sa` Geurt dfse dbr``c te a`dr d gds`hovefvhob ta` Ndfs` Gfdhjs Dgt tadt geufcgfdrhny ta` dihfhty en wahstf`ifew`rs tesu` prhvdt` geotrdgters ner ta` jhsus` en n`c`rdf nuocs. Sa` Geurt c`gfho`c,aew`v`r, te dccr`ss ta` geosthtutheodfgeog`ros dieut tadt Dgt rdhs`c iy sej`iusho`ss breups.Wej` prevhsheos en ta`Ndfs` Gfdhjs Dgt dffew ghthz`os te nhf` suhteo i`adfn en ta` bev`roj`ot dbdhostgeotrdgters wae jdl` ndfs` gfdhjs ner pdyj`ot.Ner hostdog , ta` prevhsheo wdsr`g`otfy us`c iy d nerj`r `jpfey`` en Adffhiurteo Ge. suishchdry L`ffebb,Irewo & Yeet ho do uor`fdt`c fdwsuhtgfdhjhob tadt LIY adc gadrb`c ta` bev-`roj`ot ner r`gr`dtheodf s`rvhg`s te P.W.treeps tadt ht o`v`r prevhc`c.

    Ho ta` gds` i`ner` ta` Wupr`j` Geurt,ireubat iy Yeglw`ff Hot`rodtheodfGerp. doc Ie`hob Oerta Dj`rhgdo,Hog.,ta` Ahba Geurt dbr``c te gfdrhny ta` c`n-hohtheo en do erhbhodf seurg` ho ta`Ndfs` Gfdhjs Dgt.D p`rseo just i` ta`erhbhodf seurg` en honerjdtheo dieutjhssp`ot nuocs te irhob d gfdhj uoc`r ta` Dgt. Ht whff i` hot`r`sthob te s`` aew tahs gds` whocs up.

    Sa` Geurt whff dfse a`dr d gds` tadtc`dfs whta ta` qu`stheo en puohthv`cdjdb`s. H susp`gt tadt hssu` whff i`

    whc`fy wrhtt`o dieut i `ner` ta` geurtjdl`s doy rufhob.Sa` gds` i`ner` ta`Geurt, hovefvhob d v`rchgt dbdhost ]ahfhpJerrhs, hs `xtr j`fy hjpertdot doc hsi`hob wdtga`c gfes`fy iy ta` r`df vhf-fhdos ho Gerperdt` Dj`rhgd.Sa`s` gej-pdoh`s wdot te tdl` dwdy ta` rhbats en d

    kury te puohsa d wreobce`r wae adsceo` do dgt tadt idcfy aurts hts vhgthj.Sa`y s`` pfdghob d fhjhtdtheo en ta`dihfhty en d kury te puohsa d wreobce`r ds ta`hr jdho fho` en c`n`os . Sa`s`

    wreobce`rs whff pdy gejp`osdtery cdjdb`s,geoshc`r ht d few gest en cehobiusho`ss, doc l` p eo aurthob nefls

    whtaeut doy sfewcewo. Sa` gds` wdss`t ner drbuj`ot i`ner` ta` Geurt eoEgtei`r 74 st.


    Sa` Gdfhnerohd stdt` geurt kury dwdrcdbdhost N`c`rdf @xpr`ss, ta` odtheodfsahpphob gejpdoy, wds r`cug`c iy ta`trhdf kucb` te $49.3 jhffheo. Sahs gds`hovefv`c jpfeyj`ot chsgrhjhodtheo. Hoahs ephoheo, ta` kucb` stdt`c geog`rotadt ta` `vhc`og` ndhf`c te suppert ta`shz` en ta` hohthdf v`rchgt ho d gds`,nhochob ta` kurys dwdrc te i` `xg`sshv`.Sa` kury adc ruf`c ho ndver en tweF`ido`s`-Dj`rhgdo N`c@x crhv`rs waedggus`c d jdodb`r en rdghdf chsgrhjhod-theo doc adrdssj`ot.Sa` v`rchgt en $>4jhffheo wds ta` fdrb`st shobf` ghvhf rhbats

    kucbj`ot te cdt` uoc`r Gdfhnerohds Ndhr @jpfeyj`ot doc Aeushob Dgt.Sa` trhdf

    kucb`s adocfhob en ta` hssu` wdsc`sgrhi`c ds c`fhi`rdt` doc taeubatnuf,iy ta` fdwy`r r`pr`s`othob ta` `jpfey-

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    ``s. Ht dpp`drs nrej ahs gejj`ots tadtta` trhdf kucb` `x`rghs`c wadt a`taeubat te i` ho ta` i`st hot`r`st en


    R.Y. B YDG@ B @SW R ADS H S C @W@Y^@W

    Eo Egtei`r 44 ta , ta` P.W. Wupr`j

    Geurt f`t stdoc few`r geurt rufhobs tadtr`quhr` R.Y. Brdg` & Ge. te pdy d $03.0jhffheo kucbj`ot ner dsi`stes gf`doupho d Jeotdod jhohob tewo c`sgrhi`c iy n`c`rdf r`bufdters ds eo` en ta` odtheosjest geotdjhodt`c Wup`rnuoc sht`s.Sa`@ovhreoj`otdf ]ret`gtheo Db`ogy adcsu`c Brdg` nhv` y`drs dbe te r`gev`r ta`gf`doup gests dt d v`rjhgufht` jho` hota` tewo en Fhiiy. Brdg` adc dpp`df`cnrej do dcv`rs` rufhob.Sa` bev`roj`oths dfse pursuhob d grhjhodf gds` hovefv-

    hob s`v`rdf nerj`r `x`guthv`s er jdo-db`rs en ta` jhohob gejpdoy ner dff`b`cfy geog`dfhob a`dfta rhsls dt ta`jho`.Sadt trhdf whff oet i`bho uothf o`xt

    y`dr dt ta` drfh`st.Sa` dsi`stes-fdc`o v rjhgufht`, fdg`c

    hote ta` jeuotdhos dreuoc Fhiiy, wdsus`c ds hosufdtheo ho auocr`cs en taeu-sdocs en P.W. aej`s doc ennhg` iuhfc-hobs.Sa` jho`, wahga ep`o`c ho 4878,

    wds purgads`c iy Brdg` ho 48>7. Ht pre-cug`c dieut 1=% en ta` werfcs suppfy en ta` jho`rdf dt eo` thj`. Brdg` ep`r-dt`c ta` jho` uothf 4889, uof`dsahob daujdo doc `ovhreoj otdf trdb`cyhota` tewo. O`drfy twe-tahrcs en `jpfey-``s whta jer` tado 4= y`drs en s`rvhg`t`st`c peshthv` ner fuob dhfj`ots,dggerc-hob te d gejpdoy j`jerdocuj wrhtt`oho 482> iy eo` en ta` hochgt`c j`o.Sa`gf`doup en ta` tewo geothou`s, docsej` r`shc`ots sdhc ta` jdtt`r weufc

    whoc up ho geurt dbdho i`gdus` ta` ufth-jdt` gest en r`j`chdtheo weufc i`juga ahba`r tado ta` $03.0 jhffheo dthssu` ho tahs gds`.

    Ho hts dpp`dfs, ta` gejpdoy drbu`ctadt ta` @]Ds `nnerts ho Fhiiy djeuot`cte d feob-t`rj r`adihfhtdtheo en ta` dr`drdta`r tado do `j`rb`ogy gf`doup.Poc`r ta` fdw, texhg peffut rs gdo i`nerg`c te r`pdy ta` @]D ta` nuff gest en gf`dohob up adzdrceus suistdog`s tadtpes` do hjj`chdt` rhsl te ta` puifhg

    iut ndg` jer` fhjht`c gadrb`s ner suga feob-t rj r`j`chdtheo en ta` dr`d.Brdg` drbu`c tadt juga en ta` db`ogys

    werl wds dgtudffy r`j`chdf. Nertuodt`fy,ta` n`c`rdf geurts chsdbr``c doc ruf`cner ta` @]D.Sahs eivheusfy hs d puifhga`dfta grhshs tadt r`quhr`s eobehobdgtheo.Sa` P.W. Geurt en Dpp`dfs ner ta`Ohota Ghrguht adc stdt`c ho hts rufhob hoC`g`ji`r;

    Sa` shtudtheo geonreothob ta` @]Dho Fhiiy hs trufy `xtrderchodry.

    Dieut 49,=== r`shc`ots en Fhiiydoc o`driy gejjuohth`s ndg`eobehob, p`rvdshv` `xpesur` tedsi`stes pdrthgf`s i`hob r`f`ds`c tareuba ceguj`ot`c `xpesur`

    pdtawdys. R` gdooet `sgdp` ta` ndgt tadt p`epf` dr shgl doc cyhob ds d r`suft en tahs geothouhob `xpe-


    Sa` dpp`dfs geurt, ids`c ho Wdo Nrdo-ghsge, adc upa`fc ta` trhdf kucb`s erc`r r`quhrhob Brdg` te r`pdy ta` @]Ds gestner ta` `j`rb`ogy gf`doup. Curhob htsgf`doup ev`r ta` fdst s`v`rdf y`drs, ta`@]D ads us`c vdguuj trugls doc eta`r `quhpj`ot te r`jev` v`rjhgufdt`-fdg`csehf. Dggerchob te do @]D texhgefebhst,p`epf` ho ta` Fhiiy dr`d `xp`rh`og`cta` jest s`v`r` r`shc`othdf `xpesur` te

    d adzdrceus jdt`rhdf tahs geuotry ads`v`r s``o. Sa` grhjhodf gds` hovefv`sta` qu`stheo en wa`ta`r gejpdoy ennh-ghdfs loewhobfy ndhf`c te wdro werl`rsen ta` cdob`rs en prefeob`c `xpesur` te

    v`rjhgufht`.Sa` 9==0 hochgtj`ots sdhcta` ennhghdfs w`r` grhjhodffy o`bfhb`ot.Weurg`; Fes Dob`f`s Shj`s



    Sa` whc`spr`dc ger ruptheo ho Rdsa-hobteo tadt s``js te i` dt r`gerc f`v`fssaeufc i` en geog ro te dff en us. Ho ndgt,ta`r` hs se juga pefhthgdf gerruptheo eo

    Gdphtef Ahff tadt ta` NIH ads adc tetrhpf` ta` ouji`r en squdcs hov`sthbdt-hob feiiyhsts, fdwjdl`rs, doc honfu`og`p`ccf`rs, dggerchob te d r`pert ho ta`

    O`w Xerl Cdhfy O`ws . Ner c gdc`s, eofy eo` squdc ho Rdsahobteo adocf`c ger-ruptheo gds`s i`gdus` ta` grhj`s w`r`s``o ds fegdf enn`os`s adocf`c iy NIHnh`fc ennhg`s ho fdwjdl`rs aej` chs-trhgts. Iut ho r`g`ot y`drs, ta` jdsshv`

    Kdgl Dirdjenn feiiyhob sgdocdf doceta`r dius`s en pew`r doc prhvhf`b`adv` prejpt`c ta` NIH te dsshbo 72db`ots nuff-thj` te tar`` o`w squdcs hodo ennhg` o`dr Gdphtef Ahff.

    Ids`c eo honerjdtheo tadt H adv` r`dc,H dj oet sur` eofy 72 db`ots gdo adocf`tahs kei.Sa` NIH wdots `oeuba db`ots hota` Rdsahobteo nh`fc ennhg` ner d neurta gerruptheo squdc i`gdus` se juga

    wreobcehob hs i`hob uogev`r`c. NIH Dsshstdot Chr`gter Gahp Iurrus, waea`dcs ta` NIHs grhjhodf chvhsheo, sdystadt ta` typhgdf grhj`s hovefv` fdwjdl-`rs hff`bdf hot`rdgtheos whta feiiyhstsdoc p`epf` wae adv` d fet en sdvvy dieut aew ta` geobr`ssheodf preg`ss

    werls doc dppreprhdtheos. Dggerchob te ta` r`pert, twe y`drs

    dbe eofy 3== db`ots werl`c eo puifhggerruptheo gds`s. Oew, >40 db`otsodtheowhc` dr` tryhob te odhf puifhg s`r-

    vdots ner i`trdyhob ta` puifhg trust ho9,9== eobehob gds`s.Sadt hs ahbafy shb-ohnhgdot doc t`ffs us tadt d grdglcewoeo gerruptheo hs idcfy o``c`c. H ceoti`fh`v` ta` Dj`rhgdo p`epf` whff put upjuga feob`r whta dff en ta` gerruptheotadt hs i`hob uogev`r`c ho Rdsahobteo.Weurg`; Rdsahobteo Cdhfy O`ws


    H uoc`rstdoc tadt ta` rdjhnhgdtheosdoc ndff-eut nrej ta` Kdgl Dirdjenn sgdocdf dr` ndr nrej ev`r. Sa`r` dr` douji`r en p`rseos ho Rdsahobteo waepreidify whsa tadt ht wds ev`r.Sa` Iusa

    Raht` Aeus`doc `v`o ta` ]r`shc`otahjs`fngfdhj`c oet te loew v`ry juga dieut Dirdjenn. Sa`y sdhc ta`jdo adc fhjht`c geotdgts dt ta` Raht`Aeus`.D ihpdrthsdo geobr`ssheodf r`pert

  • 8/9/2019 The Jere Beasley Report, Nov. 2006


    ads oew ceguj`ot`c auocr`cs en geo-tdgts i`tw``o Raht` Aeus` ennhghdfs doctahs gerrupt feiiyhst doc ahs pdrto`rs.Hot`r`sthobfy, ta`r` w`r` d ouji`r en chr`gt geotdgts i`tw``o Dirdjenn docLdrf Yev , ta` jdo wae ruos ta` Iusa pefhthgdf ep`rdtheos.Sa` Aeus` Bev`ro-j`ot Y`nerj Gejjhtt`` r`pert, ids`ceo `-jdhf j`ssdb`s doc eta`r r`gercssuipe`od`c nrej Dirdjenns feiiyhobnhrj, neuoc ev`r 0== geotdgts i`tw``o

    Dirdjenns feiiyhob t`dj doc Raht`Aeus` ennhghdfs nrej 9==4 te 9==3.@hbaty-twe en ta`s` geotrdgts w`r` whta Yev`s ennhg`.

    Sa` r`pert subb`sts tadt Dirdjennsfeiiyhob r`suft`c ho dgtheos iy ta` Iusa

    Dcjhohstrdtheo tadt i`o`nht`c Dirdjenn gfh`ots. Hogfuc`c w`r` c`ghsheos te chs-trhiut` jhffheos en ceffdrs ho n`c`rdfjeo`y te Hochdo trhi`s whta fdrb` bdj-ifhob ep rdtheos. Ds ta` r`suft en dodbbr`sshv` feiiyhob gdjpdhbo ho 9==4doc 9==9 hovefvhob 27 geotdgts whta

    Raht` Aeus` ennhghdfs, Dirdjenn teel gr`cht ner do Dcjhohstrdtheo c`ghsheo ter`f`ds` $4>.7 jhffheo te d Jhsshsshpphtrhi` ner kdhf geostrugtheo. Sahs gdj`c`spht` streob eppeshtheo nrej ta`

    Kusthg` C`pdr tj`ot, dggerchob te ta`r`pert. Nrdolfy, H r`dffy wdsot dt dff sur-prhs`c tadt Yev` doc Dirdjenn w`r`

    nrh`ocs. Oer wds H surprhs`c tadt ta`gerrupt feiiyhst weufc dtt`jpt te gurry ndver whta Yev . Ho do `-jdhf j`ssdb` ted geff`dbu , a`r` hs aew Dirdjenn c`sgrhi`c Yev`;

    A`s d br`dt buy.Sefc j` doythj`w` o``c sej`tahob kust f`t ahjloew tareuba Wusdo.

    Sa` j`ssdb` wds r`n`rrhob te WusdoYdfseo, Dirdjenns nerj r s`gr tdry,

    wae keho`c ta` Raht` Aeus` ho N`iru-

    dry 9==4 ds Yev`s `x`guthv` dsshstdot.Js. Ydfseo wds feiih`c sger`s en thj`siy Dirdjenn doc ahs pdrto`rs, ta` r`pertneuoc, doc sa` wds hostruj`otdf hopdsshob j`ssdb`s i`tw``o Dirdjenn doc s`oher ennhghdfs dt ta` Raht` Aeus`,hogfuchob Yev` doc L`o J`afjdo.J`afjdo,oew gadhrjdo en ta` Y`puifh-gdo Odtheodf Gejjhtt` , wds ta`o ds`oher Raht` Aeus` pefhthgdf strdt`bhst.

    Chsgfesur` en ta` r`perts nhochobsgdj` ds d n`c`rdf kucb` ho Jhdjh dbr``cho fdt` W`pt`ji`r te c`fdy Dirdjennshjprhseoj`ot, iut oet ner ds feob ds ta`

    Kusthg` C`pdrtj`ot wdot c.Sa` C`pdrt-j`ot dsl`c tadt Dirdjenn, wae adsi``o s`ot`og`c te o`drfy shx y`drs hoprhseo, oet adv` te surr`oc`r ner tar``jeotas i`gdus` en ta` o``c ner ahs geo-thou`c geep`rdtheo ho ta` honfu`og`-p`ccfhob hov`sthbdtheo ho Rdsahobteo.

    Kucb` ]duf G. Augl dbr``c te dffew Dirdjenn te r`jdho nr`` eofy uothfOev`ji`r 40 ta , sdyhob ta`r` gej s dthj` wa`o p`epf` adv` te pdy ta`php`r. Xeu whff preidify r`gdff tadt

    Dirdjenn pf`dc`c buhfty ho Jhdjh dspdrt en do dbr``j`ot whta ta` Kusthg`C`pdrtj`ot ho wahga a` geon`ss`c tegerruptheo gadrb`s ho Rdsahobteo, docte nrduc gadrb`s ho Nferhcd hovefvhob ahspurgads` en d gdshoe-iedt nf``t ta`r`.Whog` tadt thj` d ouji`r en pew`rnufj`o adv` ndff`o, doc seurg`s ho Rdsa-hobteo sdy ta`r` whff i` fets jer`i`ner` hts ev`r. Jy bu`ss hs tadt taes`

    wae dr` sw`dthob ht eut w`r` bfdc tea`dr tadt Dirdjenn weufc i` s`ot`og`ctahs jeota.Weurg`; O`w Xerl Shj`s


    R` dff loew aew pew`rnuf ta` bhdotehf gejpdoh`s dr` doc aew juga pefhth-gdf gfeut ta`y wh`fc.Ht oew dpp`drs tadtta` n`c`rdf bev`roj`ot ads oe pfdos tetry te r`gev`r $4.7 ihffheo ho reydfth`stadt ta` bev`roj`ot fest ds d r`suft en nfdw`c ehf doc bds f`ds`s ht shbo`c ho ta`fdt` 488=s. Js. Keaooh` J. Iurteo,chr`g-ter en ta` Jho`rdfs Jdodb`j`ot W`rvhg`en ta` Hot`rher C`pdrtj`ot, jdc` tahssaeglhob dooeuog`j`ot dt d neruja`fc iy ]fdtts, do ehf hocustry o`wsf`t-t`r.Sa` Chr`gter sdhc sa` chc oet wdotte nerg` jer` tado 0= gejpdoh`s ter`o`bethdt` ennsaer` crhffhob f`ds`s tadt

    whff dffew ta`j te `sgdp` ds juga ds$4= ihffheo ho reydfty pdyj`ots ev`r ta`o`xt c`gdc`.

    Hot`r sthobfy, jer` tado adfn en ta`gejpdoh`s tadt aefc ta`s` f`ds`s adv`

    oet `v`o r`speoc`c te ta` bev`ro-j`ots r`qu`sts. Dggerchob te Js.Iurteo, ta` bev roj`ot tefc ta` gejpd-oh`s tadt ta` C`pdrtj`ot weufc r`dffy dppr ghdt` hthn ta`y weufc gadob` ta`hr geotrdgts. Nrdolfy, tadt w`dl dppredga iy ta` n`c`rdf bev roj`ot hs hjpesshif`te gejpr`a`oc. @v`o hn ta` gejpdoh`sce dbr` te gadob` ta`hr f`ds`s, Js.Iurteo sdhc tadt ta` bev`roj`ot weufcoet try te r`gdptur` ta` $4.7 ihffheo horeydfty pdyj`ots tadt ta` gejpdoh`sadv` dfr`dcy i``o dif` te `sgdp`. Dthssu` dr` auocr`cs en ennsaer` crhffhobf`ds`s ner ta` Bufn en J`xhge tadt w`r`shbo`c ho 4881 doc 4888 doc tadt dffew gejpdoh`s te `xtrdgt up te 12.0 jhffheoidrr`fs en ehf p`r f`ds` whtaeut pdyhobreydfth`s te ta` bev`roj`ot. Ho wadthov`sthbdters i`fh`v` wds do uohot`o-theodf `rrer, ta` f`ds`s ejhtt`c d gfdus`tadt weufc oerjdffy r`quhr` gejpdoh`ste pdy ta` nuff 49.0% reydfty hn ehf prhg`sgfhji`c diev` dieut $7> d idrr`f. Hbudrdot`` yeu tadt ta` ehf gejpdoh`shovefv`c lo`w `xdgtfy wadt ta`y w`r`cehob.

    D breup en n`c`rdf duchters adv`gadrb`c tadt ta` Hot`rher C`pdrtj`otifegl`c ta`j nrej r`gev`rhob uoc`r-pdyj`ots iy jer` tado twe cez`o gej-pdoh`s. Ho Jdy, ta` Aeus` pdss`c d

    prepesdf tadt weufc pr`ssur` gejpd-oh`s te gadob` ta`hr f`ds`s iy preahiht-hob taes` tadt r`nus` te ce se nrejdgquhrhob dcchtheodf n`c`rdf f`ds`s ho ta`nutur`. Iut ta` j`dsur` ads stdff`ci`gdus` Y`puifhgdo f`dc`rs ho ieta ta`Aeus` doc W`odt` dr` eppes`c te ht.C`jegrdthg fdwjdl`rs gdff`c ner hov`s-thbdtheos hote o`w dff`bdtheos iy tar``gurr`ot n`c`rdf duchters doc eo` nerj`r n`c`rdf duchter tadt ta` Hot`rher C`pdrt-j`ot adc stepp`c ta`j nrej tryhob te

    r`gev`r $7= jhffheo ho c`fhi`rdt` uoc`r-pdyj`ots iy ehf gejpdoh`s.Sa` dff`bd-theos, chsgfes`c iy Sa` O`w Xerl Shj`s ,

    w`r` jdc` ho fdwsuhts tadt ta` duchtersnhf`c uoc`r ta` n`c`rdf wahstf`ifew`rsdgt.

    Sa` neur bev`roj`ot duchters, waes` kei ht hs te jeohter f`ds`s ner ehf doc bdseo n`c rdf prep`rty, sdy ta` Hot`rher C`pdrtj`ot stepp`c ta`hr `nnerts te

    49 I`dsf`yDff`o.gej

  • 8/9/2019 The Jere Beasley Report, Nov. 2006


    r`gev`r jhffheos en ceffdrs nrej gejpd-oh`s tadt w`r` ga`dthob ta` bev`ro-j`ot. Sa` duchters geot`oc ho ta`fdwsuhts tadt ta`hr iess`s stepp`c ta`jnrej pursuhob jer` tado $7= jhffheo honrducuf`ot uoc`rpdyj`ots en reydfth`sner ehf precug`c ho puifhgfy ewo`c

    wdt`rs ho ta` Bufn en J`xhge. Ieiiy F.Jdxw`ff,wae wds nerj`rfy ho gadrb en Bufn en J`xhge duchthob,stdt`c;

    Sa` db`ogy ads fest hts s`os` en jhssheo, wahga hs te pret gt Dj rh- gdo tdxpdy`rs. Sa`s` dr dss`tstadt i`feob te ta` Dj`rhgdo

    puifhg, doc ta`y dr` suppes`c tei` us`c ner tahobs fhl` `cugdtheo,

    puifhg honrdstrugtur` doc redc- wdys.

    Sa` fdwsuhts gdj` te fhbat ds fdwjdl-

    `rs, C`jegrdts doc Y`puifhgdos dfhl`, w`r` qu`stheohob ta` Iusa Dcjhohstrd-theos r`nusdf te gadff`ob` ta` ehf docbds hocustry.Sa` Hot`rher C`pdrtj`otshosp`gter b`o rdf, @drf @. C`vdo y, jdc`d saeglhob stdt`j`ot te d Aeus` sui-gejjhtt``.A` sdhc tadt saert en grhj`,doytahob be`s dt ta` tep f`v`fs en ta`Hot`rher C`pdrtj`ot.Y`bdrcf`ss en aew

    yeu jhbat n``f dieut ta`s` fdwsuhts, htsg`rtdhofy dpp`drs tadt ta` Hot`rher C`pdrtj`ot curhob ta` Iusa Dcjhohs-

    trdtheo ads i``o juga tee nrh`ocfy whta ta` ehf doc bds gejpdoh`s. Poc`r htsiusho`ss-nrh`ocfy db`ocd, ta` C`pdrt-j`ot ads hogr`ds`c hog`othv`s ner crhffhob ho rhsly dr ds, ads sp``c`cdpprevdfs ner crhffhob dppfhgdtheos, docads gdjpdhbo`c te ep`o jer` gedstdfdr`ds ner ehf `xpferdtheo.

    Oew ht dpp`drs tadt ta` bev`roj`oths whffhob te dffew ta` bhdot doc pefhth-gdffy pew`rnuf ehf gejpdoh`s te dvehcpdyhob o``c`c r`v`ou`s dt d thj` wa`o

    ta` ehf bhdots dr` jdlhob r`gerc prenhts.Sa` Hot`rher C`pdrtj`ots ewo stdths-thgs hochgdt` tadt r`v`ou` nrej duchthobdoc `onerg`j`ot teel d oes` chv` dnt`r ]r`shc`ot Iusa teel ennhg`. Nrej 4818tareuba 9==4,dggerchob te d r`pert iy ta` Geobr`ssheodf Iucb t Ennhg`, ducht-hob doc eta`r `onerg`j`ot `nnerts b`o-`rdt`c do dv`rdb` en $42> jhffheo d y`dr.Iut nrej 9==9 tareuba 9==0,dggerchobte ouji`rs tadt ta` c`pdrtj`ot pre-

    vhc`c fdwjdl`rs fdst Jdy, taes` geff`g-theos dv`rdb`c eofy $3> jhffheo.Weurg`; O`w Xerl Shj`s


    Jurpay Ehf Gerp. whff pdy $77=

    jhffheo te s`ttf` ta` gfdss dgtheo fdwsuhtnhf`c iy Aurrhgdo` Ldtrhod vhgthjs waes` aej`s doc iusho`ss`s w`r`cdjdb`c iy nfeecwdt`rs tadt gdrrh`cev`r eo` jhffheo bdffeos en gruc` ehfnrej d gejpdoy sterdb` tdol.Sa` r`nho-`ry-tdol sphff ho J`rdux, Fd.,d suiuri en O`w Erf`dos,gdus`c sej` en ta` werst`ovhreoj`otdf cdjdb` nrej ta` aurrh-gdo`.Ewo`rs en dieut >,9== aej`s dociusho`ss`s ho J`rdux doc dckdg`ot Gadf-j`tt` w`r` hovefv c ho ta` suht dbdhost

    ta` gejpdoys Jurpay Ehf PWD Hog.S`rjs en ta` s`ttf`j`ot gdff ner Jurpay,ids`c ho @f Cerdce,Drl., te gejp`osdt`dnn`gt`c aej` doc iusho`ss ewo`rs ner prep`rty cdjdb`, ta` chjhohsa`c vdfu`en prep`rth`s cdjdb c iy ta` sphff, docj`otdf dobuhsa doc hogeov`oh`og`r`sufthob nrej ta` hoghc`ot.Ho dcchtheo,Jurpay whff enn`r te purgads` dt ndhr jdrl`t vdfu`ds jdoy ds >== aej`s dociusho`ss`s ho do dr`d o`xt te ta` r`nho-`ry tadt wds a`dvhfy dnn`gt`c iy ta` sphff.

    D gejpdoy-nuoc`c gf`do-up, wahga wds dfr`dcy uoc`r wdy doc hs i`hobsup`rvhs`c iy n`c`rdf doc stdt` r`bufd-ters, whff geothou` ds pdrt en ta` s`ttf`-j`ot.Sa` s`ttf`j`ot just i` dpprev`ciy d n`c`rdf kucb` ho O`w Erf`dos.Hosur-dog` whff gev`r dff s`ttf`j`ot gests`xg`pt ner ta` purgads` doc r`j`chd-theo en cdjdb`c prep`rth`s. Sadt whffgest do `sthjdt`c $00 jhffheo doc whffi` hogurr`c ds d gdphtdf `xp`ochtur` iy ta` gejpdoy. Sa` ehf gdj nrej dsterdb` tdol tadt nfedt`c enn hts neuocd-theo curhob ta` sterj. Sa` sphff docc`idt` ev`r wa`ta`r ht wds i`hob prep-`rfy gf`do`c up w`r` ta` suik`gt en dodrthgf` ho Sa` Rdff Wtr``t Keurodf ho

    Kdoudry. Jurpay sthff ndg`s d ouji`r en hochvhcudf suhts r`fdt`c te ta` sphff. Dtf`dst, tahs s`ttf`j`ot hs d st`p ho ta`rhbat chr`gtheo.


    [eger doc J`vdger adv` i``o us`ciy jhffheos en p`epf` te a`fp few`r ta`hr gaef`st`ref. Iut J`rgl & Ge., ta`jdoundgtur`r doc s`ff`r en ta`s` crubs,dfse us`c ta` crubs te few`r sej`tahob`fs`hts hogej` tdx ihff.Sahrt``o y`drs

    dbe, J`rgl s t up d suishchdry whta dodccr`ss ho I`rjucd, wahga hs d tdx-nrh`ocfy adv`o ner Gerperdt` Dj`rhgd,doc ads us`c tahs pfey te dvehc pdyhobtdx`s. D Irhthsa idol wds J`rglspdrto`r ho tahs c`df. J`rgl quh`tfy trdos-n`rr`c pdt`ots uoc`rfyhob ta` ifegl-iust`r crubs te ta` o`w suishchdry, docta`o J`rgl pdhc ta` suishchdry ner us`en ta` pdt`ots.

    Sa` drrdob`j`ot ho `nn`gt dffew`c dpertheo en ta` prenhts te chsdpp`dr doc

    dffew`c J`rgl te gut $4.0 ihffheo enn htsn`c`rdf tdx ihffs ev`r reubafy ta` o`xt4= y`drs. Oew, ta` gejpfhgdt c trdosdg-theo o`v`r puifhgfy chsgfes`c adsspdrl`c eo` en ta` fdrb`st tdx chsput`s`v`r hovefvhob d P.W. gerperdtheo.Sa`Hot`rodf Y`v`ou` W`rvhg` ads gadff`ob cta` tdx i`o`nhts nrej ta` drrdob`j`ot.J`rgl whff jest fhl`fy i` erc`r`c te pdy ta` HYW ev`r $9.7 ihffheo ho idgl tdx`s,hot r`st doc p`odfth`s. Sa` J rgl drrdob j`ot, dggerchob te n`c`rdf tdxdutaerhth`s, wdsot d r`df pdrto`rsahp

    whta d ner hbo idol, iut host`dc wds kustd w`ff-chsbuhs`c fedo dbr``j`ot,c`shbo`c te dvehc tdx`s iy jdo`uv`rhobi`tw``o ta` tdx fdws en chnn`r`ot geuo-trh`s, whta oe `geoejhg suistdog`.

    J`rgl hs oet ta` eofy gerperdtheo tadths ushob tahs drrdob`j`ot te cecb`tdx`s. Sa`r` dr` eta`r pdrto`rsahpshovefvhob Cew Ga`jhgdf Ge., B`o`rdf@f`gtrhg,doc eta`rs cehob ta` v ry sdj`tahob tadt ta` HYW hs gadff`obhob whtaJ`rgl. Sa` HYW hs gadff`obhob wadt hsent`o gdff`c tdx drihtrdb`.Sa` HYW adsnerj`c d t`dj te geoshc`r grdnthob o`w hot`rodtheodf tr`dth`s,ds w`ff ds p`rnerj-hob tdx duchts tadt weufc shjuftdo`eusfy feel dt d gejpdoys tdx eifhbdtheos hojufthpf` geuotrh`s.Sa`r` dr` eta`r wdystadt P.W. gejpdoh`s dr` dvehchob pdyhobta`hr P.W.tdx`s.Ner xdjpf`,t`gaoefeby doc padrjdg`uthgdf gejpdoh`s dr`

    I`dsf`yDff`o.gej 47

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    sahnthob hot`ff`gtudf prep`rty dss`ts tegeuotrh`s whta ndr few`r tdx rdt`s, suga ds Whobdper` doc Hr`fdoc.Hts pr`tty sdc

    wa`o yeu geoshc`r aew erchodry ghth-z`os werl adrc, pdy ta`hr tdx`s, docta`o r`dc wa`r` gejpdoh`s fhl` J`rgl doc eta`rs cecb` pdyhob ta`hr tdx`s.Weurg`; Rdff Wtr``t Keurodf


    I] ads dfr`dcy adc d idc y`dr, `v`o iy ehf hocustry stdocdrcs,doc ta` y`drs oetquht` ev`r. Ner stdrt`rs, ta` gejpdoy adc ta` werst ehf sphff ho ta` ahstery en ta` Oerta Wfep`. I] dfse adc ta` werstP.W. r`nho`ry dgghc`ot ho jer` tado dc`gdc . Ht dpp`drs tadt I]s preif`js

    w`r` prenht-crhv`o doc gdus`c iy

    hot`os` hot`rodf pr`ssur` te l``p gestscewo. Ht ads i `o r`pert`c tadt ta`gejpdoys iucb`thob ent`o teel pr`g`-c`og` ev`r reutho` jdhot`odog` doc`v`o ev`r sdn`ty. Gurr`ot doc nerj`r `jpfey``s adv` pdhot`c d pr`tty idcphgtur` dieut ta` gejpdoys sdn`ty prdgthg`s.

    Ds w` pehot`c eut ho d prher hssu`, I]adc i``o wdro`c ho 9==9 dieut ta`gejpdoys gerresheo preif`js.Wup`rh-ers ho I]s gerresheo, hosp`gtheo, doc

    ga`jhgdf t`dj w`r` wdro`c en d pet`o-thdf gdtdstrepa`. Sa`s` sup`rvhsers

    w`r` tefc dieut ta` fdrb`r fdgl en geo-shst`ogy doc fdgl en stdocdrchzdtheodgress ta` Oerta Wfep`. IhffA`rdsyjhul, ta` jdo wae wret` d v`ry streob j`je doc sthff werls ner I], adsi``o gdff`c te dpp`dr i`ner` ta` brdoc

    kury ho Dogaerdb`. Ht dpp`drs tadt wahf`cehob v`ry w`ff nhodoghdffy I] f`gt`c tegut gests iy 4=%.Sahs j`dot tadt tahobsfhl` gerresheo geotref nuochob sunn`r`cds d r`suft.

    Sa` preif`js ho Dfdsld doc S`xdsgeufc adv` i``o dvehc`c adc I]siess`s a``c`c ta` wdrohobs. Dt S`xdsGhty `v`o jeo`y ner pdhothob doc `xt`r-odf gerresheo geotref wds thbat - uothff`dls stdrt`c dpp`drhob.Sa`r` wds do ht-gdot-adpp`o-a`r` j`otdfhty eo ta` pdrten jhccf` jdodb`j ot. Geostdotturoev`r eofy wers`o`c jdtt`rs, ds o`w

    iess`s weufc s``l te i`dt ta` pr`vheusjdodb`rs ouji`rs. I] dpp`drs te i` dgejpdoy tadt o``cs te strdhbat`o updoc nfy rhbat!Weurg`; Nertuo`


    F`ts tdl` d gfes`r feel dt ta` `xpfe-sheo tadt eggurr`c dt I]s S`xds Ghty r`nho`ry fdst y`dr. Ydyjeoc Wlhoo`r, ta`nerj`r dr`d chr`gter en ta` n`c`rdfEggupdtheodf Wdn`ty doc A`dfta Dcjho-hstrdtheo (EWAD), i`fh`v`s bress o`bfh-b`og` doc hochnn`r`og` te sdn`ty dt I]f`c te ta` ndtdf `xpfesheo. Sa` nerj`r chr`gter wret` ho d r`pert;

    Ht hs jy nhrj i`fh`n ta` gf`dr doc geovhoghob `vhc`og` `stdifhsa`soet eofy tadt I]s o`bfhb`og` wdsta` gdus` en ta` Jdrga 97, 9==0,`xpfesheo doc nhr` wahga lhff`c 40doc hokur c auocr cs jer , iut hts bress o`bfhb`og` ds w`ff.

    Jr.Wlhoo`r,wae r`thr`c nrej EWAD ho Kdoudry 9==3 dnt`r 7= y`drs en s`rvhg`, wds dr`d chr`gter en ta` Aeusteo Weuta dr`d ennhg` ner ta` pr`vheus 49 y`drs. Ho4889, Jr. Wlhoo`r, wahf` sthff dt EWAD,

    wdro`c Djege, wahga ewo`c ta` S xds

    Ghty r`nho`ry dt ta` thj`, tadt se-gdff`cifewcewo crujs doc v`ot stdglsfhl`ta` lhoc tadt `xpfec`c fdst y`drw`r`cdob`reus te ta` `ovhreoj`ot doc

    werl`rs doc saeufc i` r`pfdg`c er gadob c. Sadt wdrohob wds gf`drfy hboer`c.

    Sa` ifdst fdst y`dr eggurr`c ds werl`rs dgghc`otdffy ev`rnfew`c ta`r`nho`rys N-9= ifewcewo cruj docstdgl,wahga v`ot`c te ta` ep`o dtjes-pa`r`, wahf` r`stdrthob d uoht tadt adci``o saut cewo ner d jeota. Aycregdr-ieos sp`w`c nrej ta` stdgl doc gef-f`gt`c eo ta` pfdot breuocs dfeob whta d vdper gfeuc wahf` werl`rs w`r` geo-cugthob ta`hr oerjdf ep`rdtheos. Sa`jdt`rhdfs w`r` hboht`c iy do hcfhobtrugl er eta`r seurg`, gdushob d s`rh`sen `xpfesheos n`ft nhv` jhf`s dwdy. Ho ahsr`pert, Jr. Wlhoo`r sdys ta` gejpdoy prejhs`c te jdl` hjprev`j`ots te

    ifewcewo crujs doc stdgls ds pdrt en ds`ttf`j`ot dbr``j`ot ho ta` 4889 gds`te pr`v`ot ta` cdob`reus jdt`rhdfs nrej

    v`othob te ta` dtjespa`r`, iut ndhf`c tece se.Sa` r`pert geotdho`c ta` neffew-hob nhochobs;

    Sa` ehf gejpdoy preg``c`c whta geosgheus hochnn`r`og` te ta` rhbats,

    sdn`ty doc w`fndr` en taes` wae w`r`lhff`c er hokur`c29 gejput`rs. En taes`, 93> geotdho`c sej` p`rseodfcdtd.D adfn-cez`o eta`r n`c`rdf db`ogh`ser c`pdrtj`ots adv` r`pert`c cdtdta`nts doc s`gurhty ir`dga`s hovefvhobp`rseodf honerjdtheo ho ta` fdst shxjeotas. Idgl ho Jdy, ta` `t`rdos DnndhrsC`pdrtj`ot sunn`r`c ta` ihbb`st fess

    whta ta` ta`nt en d fdptep doc `xt`rodfcrhv` geotdhohob honerjdtheo ner 9>.0

    43 I`dsf`yDff`o.gej

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    jhffheo v`t`rdos doc dgthv` cuty treeps.Eta`r bev`roj`ot c`pdrtj`ots

    r`perthob ta` fess en gejput`rs whta p`rseodf honerjdtheo hogfuc` ta`c`pdrtj`ots en Dbrhguftur`, C`n`os`,@cugdtheo, @o`rby, A`dfta doc AujdoW`rvhg`s,doc Srdospertdtheo.Sa` N`c`rdfSrdc` Gejjhssheo dfse ads fest fdpteps

    whta s`oshthv` cdtd. Gf`drfy, ta` n`c`rdfbev`roj`ot o``cs te ce d i`tt`r kei en s`gurhob fdptep gejput`rs tadt geotdhop`rseodf honerjdtheo en P.W. ghthz`os.Saus ndr,dt f`dst te ta` puifhgs loewf-`cb`,oe r`df cdjdb` ads i``o ceo`.Iutta` pet`othdf ner adrj te hooeg`otp`epf` i`gdus` en ta` bev`roj`otsfdps`s hs g`rtdhofy ta`r`.Weurg`; Dsseghdt`c ]r`ss



    Sa` W`gurhth`s doc @xgadob Gejjhs-sheo (W@G) ads ireubat s`gurhth`s nrducgadrb`s dbdhost Kdj`s O. Wtdodrc docJdrtho K. J`rrhtt, ta` nerj`r G@E docnerj`r geotreff`r, r`sp`gthv fy, en Y`odhssdog`Y` Aefchobs Ftc. (Y`oY )doc dfse dbdhost Jhgad`f R. Gdsa, dnerj`r s`oher `x`guthv` en Y`oY`s

    waeffy-ewo`c suishchdry, Y`odhssdog`Y`hosurdog` Ftc.Sa` gejpfdhot, nhf`c hon`c`rdf geurt ho Jdoadttdo, dff`b`s tadtWtdodrc, J`rrhtt, doc Gdsa strugtur`cdoc `x`gut`c d sadj trdosdgtheo tadtadc oe `geoejhg suistdog` doc oepurpes` eta`r tado te sjeeta doc c`n`r

    ev`r $9> jhffheo en Y`oY`s `drohobsnrej 9==4 te 9==9 doc 9==7.Sa` Gej-jhssheo dfse dooeuog`c d pdrthdf s`ttf`-j`ot en hts gadrb`s dbdhost J`rrhtt, waeads geos`ot`c te ta` `otry en dodothnrduc hokuogtheo doc eta`r r`fh`n.

    Sahs hs doeta`r gds` drhshob nrej ta`W@Gs eobehob hov`sthbdtheo en ta`jhsus` en nhoht` r`hosurdog` te gejjhts`gurhth`s nrduc. Sa` hov`sthob puifhg

    r`fh`s upeo s`oher `x`guthv`s en puifhggejpdoh`s oet te `obdb` ho nrducuf`ottrdosdgtheos c`shbo`c te jhsstdt` ta`hr gejpdoh`s nhodoghdf stdt`j ots. Htdpp`drs tadt hot`otheodf nrduc wds gej-jhtt`c iy ta`s` `x`guthv`s.Sa` nh`fc en r`hosurdog` doc se-gdff`c nhoht` hosur-dog` dpp`drs te i` do dr`d wa`r` gej-pdoh`s adv` fhttf` r`bdrc ner ta` fdw.


    ]`chdtrhx J`chgdf Breup Hog., waes`o`twerl en dnnhfhdt`c payshghdo breupsprevhc`s j`chgdf s`rvhg`s ho vdrheusaesphtdf o`eodtdf hot`oshv` gdr` uohts ho79 stdt`s doc ]u`rte Yhge, ads dbr``c tepdy ta` n`c`rdf bev`roj`ot ev`r $90jhffheo te s`ttf` bev`roj`ot gfdhjsuoc`r ta` Ndfs` Gfdhjs Dgt. ]`chdtrhx

    hjprep`rfy ihff`c J`chgdhc, SYHGDY@,doc ta` N`c`rdf @jpfey``s A`dfta I`o`-nhts ]rebrdj ner o`eodtdf gdr` prevhc`ciy ta`hr cegters. Sa` hov`sthbdtheof`dchob te ta` s`ttf`j`ot wds d kehot`nnert i`tw``o n`c`rdf doc hov`sthbdtersnrej s`v`rdf stdt`s. Ho gejj`othob eota` s`ttf`j ot, P.W. Dttero`y Yec K.Yes`ost`ho en ta` Chstrhgt en Jdryfdocjdc` tahs eis`rvdtheo;

    Wej` a`dfta gdr` prevhc`rs

    upgec` ta`hr r`hjiurs`j ot gfdhjs doc ndfs`fy r`pr`s`ot tadt ta`y dr` `othtf`c te r`hjiurs`j`ot

    ner jer` xp`oshv tr`dtj`ot tadota`y dgtudffy prevhc`c.Ho tahs gds`,

    ]`chdtrhx ihff`c ta` bev`roj`ot ner grhthgdf gdr` s`rvhg`s wa`o ho ndgt ta` hondots w`r` oet grhthgdffyhff. Wuistdothdf r gev`rh`s suga dstahs eo` pret`gt ta` hot`brhty en

    n`c rdf a`dfta gdr prebrdjs.

    Ht teel d kehot `nnerti`gdus` en ta`gejpf`xhty en ta` gds`te dgah`v` tahss`ttf`j`ot.Sa` gejiho`c `nnerts ho ta`hov`sthbdtheo ireubat tahs gds` te d sug-g`ssnuf r`sefutheo. ]`chdtrhx just oew pdy idgl jeo`y ht o`v`r saeufc adv`i``o pdhc.Dggerchob te ta` s`ttf`j`otdbr``j`ot, nrej Kdoudry 488> tareuba C`g`ji`r 4888, ]`chdtrhx hjprep`rfy dppfh`c G]S ihffhob gec`s te o`eodtdfs`rvhg`s tadt chc oet dggurdt`fy gerr`-

    speoc te ta` j`chgdf geochtheo en ta`hondot er ta` s`rvhg`s prevhc`c. Wp`ghnh-gdffy, ]`chdtrhx dcjhtt`c hondots te aesph-tdf o`eodtdf hot`oshv` gdr` uohts ushob dG]S gec` ner dcjhssheo en grhthgdffy hffhondots, wa`o ds jdoy ds eo`-tahrc er jer` en taes` hondots w`r` oet ho ndgtgrhthgdffy hff. ]`chdtrhx us`c grhthgdfuostdif` doc grhthgdf/stdif` G]S gec`sner suis`qu`ot cdys en tr`dtj`ot,wa`ods jdoy ds 0=% er jer` en taes` hondots

    w`r` oet ho ndgt grhthgdffy hff. ]`chdtrhxdfse us`c grhthgdf/uostdif` doc grhthgdf

    /stdif` G]S gec`s eo chsgadrb` cdys, wa`o ds jdoy ds 10% er jer` en taes`hondots w`r` oet ho ndgt grhthgdffy hff.

    Sa` s`ttf`j`ot dfse r`sefv`s d fdwsuhterhbhodffy nhf`c eo i`adfn en ta` Poht`cWtdt s iy Cdoh`f J. Adff, J.C., d IedrcG`rthnh`c o`eodtefebhst, uoc`r ta` quhtdj prevhsheos en ta` n`c`rdf Ndfs`Gfdhjs Dgt. Dftaeuba ta`s` gds`s w`r`s`ttf c, ta`r` hs oe t`ffhob aew juga dgtudf nrduc be`s eo uoc`t`gt`c ho geo-o`gtheo whta n`c rdf prebrdjs. Ids`c eo

    wadt dff hs i`hob uogev r`c,hts bet te ijdsshv` ho sgep`.Ho doy `v`ot, tahs serten tahob gdot i` tef`rdt`c. Hts beec tes`` ta` vdrheus db`ogh`s hovefv`c ho ta`]`chdtrhx hov`sthbdtheo cehob ta`hr kei.Weurg`; Hosurdog` O`ws


    Ejohgdr` Hog. doc Wp`ghdfhz`c ]adr-jdgy W`rvhg s, Hog.,d Fhveohd-ids`c sui-shchdry, whff pdy dieut $09.0 jhffheo tes`ttf` d ghvhf gds` r`fdt`c te J`chgdhcnrduc dff`bdtheos ho Jhgahbdo.Sahs hs ta`fdrb`st J`chgdhc nrduc s`ttf`j`ot ho tadtstdt`s ahstery. Grhjhodf gadrb`s dr`p`ochob dbdhost ta` pr`shc`ot en ta`suishchdry. Wp`ghdfhz`c ]adrjdgy W r-

    vhg`s Hog.prevhc`s padrjdgy s`rvhg`s tefeob-t rj gdr` ndghfhth`s. Ejohgdr` adsep`rdtheos ho 32 stdt`s.

    Wp`ghdfhz`c ]adrjdgy nhf`c J`chgdhcgfdhjs ner crubs tadt w`r`ot us`c doc ner pdth`ots wae ch`c. Sa` hov sthbdtheoi`bdo ho 9==7 doc gev`r`c d p`rhec nrej4888 tareuba 9==0.Sa` ghvhf s`ttf`j`othogfuc`s dieut $42 jhffheo ho J`chgdhcr`hjiurs`j`ot. Sa` gejpdoy whff pdy

    I`dsf`yDff`o.gej 40

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    dieut $73 jhffheo ho p`odfth`s, $4 jhffheoner puifhg s`rvhg` dooeuog`j`ots dieutcrub prhghob,doc $7==,=== te r`hjiurs`ta` stdt`s hov`sthbdtheo gests.Sa` pdrth`sdfse r`dga`c do dbr``j`ot r`quhrhob ta`gejpdoy te r`hjiurs` er pdy $7.0jhffheo r`fdt`c te aesphg` gfdhjs.Gejpd-oh`s tadt ga`dt ta` bev`roj`ot dt doy f`v`f just i` puohsa`c s`v`r`fy. ]revhc-hob padrjdgy s`rvhg`s uoc`r n`c`rdf pre-brdjs te feob-t`rj gdr` ndghfhth`s hshjpertdot doc gestfy.Ds H adv` stdt`c eojdoy eggdsheos,nrduc gejjhtt`c dbdhostta` n`c`rdf bev`roj`ot tadt gests ta` tdx-pdy rs adrc-`dro`c jeo`y gdot i`tef`rdt`c.Weurg`; Dsseghdt`c ]r`ss


    Cdtdids` bhdot Erdgf` Gerp. adsdbr``c te pdy $81.0 jhffheo te s`ttf`gfdhjs p`ochob ho d Jdryfdoc n`c`rdfgeurt tadt ]`epf`Went Hog., d sentwdr`jdl`r ht dgquhr`c fdst y`dr, adc ev`r-gadrb`c ta` bev`roj`ot iy prevhchobndfs` prhghob honerjdtheo te ta` B`o`rdfW`rvhg`s Dcjhohstrdtheo. D o`w tdsl nerg` tdrb`thob pregur`j`ot nrduc wdsdfse dooeuog`c iy ta` Kusthg` C`pdrt-j`ot.Sa` tdsl nerg`, `stdifhsa`c iy ta`C`pdrtj`ots Grhjhodf Chvhsheo, weufc

    c`t`gt doc pres`gut` nrduc dsseghdt`c whta hogr`ds`c geotrdgthob dgthvhty ner odtheodf s`gurhty doc eta`r bev`roj`otprebrdjs.

    Sa` s`ttf`j`ot whta Erdgf` r`sefv`cdff`bdtheos tadt ]`epf`Went uoc`rstdt`cte ta` BWD ta` chsgeuots ht prevhc`c tegejj`rghdf gustej`rs. BWD r`bufdtheosr`quhr` tadt d v`ocer chsgfes` hts gej-j`rghdf prhghob pefhgh`s curhob o`bethd-theos ner d shobf` geotrdgt tadt gdo bhv` d

    v`ocer dgg`ss te auocr`cs en bev`ro-j`ot purgads`rs.Ds d r`suft en ta` c`n`g-thv` chsgfesur`s, ta` bev`roj`ot dff`b`c,n`c`rdf purgads`rs iuyhob tareuba ta`BWD prebrdj pdhc honfdt`c prhg`s ner sentwdr` doc jdhot`odog` s`rvhg`s ner jdoy y`drs.Erdgf` hoa`rht`c ta` fhdihfhty

    wa`o ht dgquhr`c ] epf`Went,wahga wdsids`c ho ]f`dsdoteo,Gdfhnerohd.

    Sa` 4882 geotrdgt r`suft`c ho dieut$492 jhffheo en sentwdr` sdf`s doc $22

    jhffheo ho jdhot`odog` sdf`s i`ner` ht wds gdog`ff`c iy Erdgf` ho W`pt`ji `r 9==0. Kdj s D.Ahgls, d nerj r `jpfey``en ]`epf`Wents n`c`rdf sdf`s ennhg` hoI`ta`scd, Jdryfdoc, nhf`c ta` gds` ho9==7 uoc`r s`df ho n`c`rdf geurt.Dppdr-`otfy, Jr. Ahgls wds nhr`c ho 9=== dnt`r a` r`p`dt`cfy rdhs`c ta` hssu` en nrduc

    whta s`oher gejpdoy ennhghdfs.Sa` bev-`roj`ot fdt`r teel ev r ta` gds`, wahga adc i``o nhf`c uoc`r ta` Ndfs` Gfdhjs

    Dgt doc ta` gds` wds s`ttf`c.Weurg`; Rdsahobteo ]est

    S A@ $4== J HFFHEO G@E G FPI

    Dftaeuba jest en ta` ihb iess`s en P.W. gerperdtheos dr` dfr`dcy cehob v`ry

    w`ff nhodoghdffy, sej` dr` cehob `v`oi`tt`r tado ta` r`st.Jer` tado 7= G@Es

    ner tahs fdtt`r breup en gejpdoh`s adv`nuffy v`st`c stegl eptheos werta $4==jhffheo er jer`. Sadts ho dcchtheo teta`hr r`bufdr pdy ga`gls. Pothf 9==3,gejpdoh`s chcot adv` te tr`dt eptheosds do `xp`os , se ta`y geufc pdrg`fta`j eut eo `x`guthv`s whtaeut aurthobgerperdt` `drohobs p`r sadr . Ht hs sdhctadt sej` gejpdoh`s chcot v`o r`dfhz`aew aub` ta` pet weufc brew hn ta`y l`pt cefhob eut eptheos. O`v rta`f`ss,tadts `xdgtfy wadts adpp`o`c. Sa`

    stegl eptheos dr` kust d nerj en dcch-theodf gejp`osdtheo ner gerperdt`iess`s wae dr` dfr`dcy i`hob pdhc v`ry adocsej`fy iy ta`hr gejpdoh`s.

    Ds yeu loew, stegl eptheos bhv r`ghp-h`ots ta` rhbat te iuy sadr`s ho ta`nutur` dt ta` gurr`ot prhg , loewo ds ta`strhl er `x`rghs` prhg`.Sa` ahba`r ta` stegl rhs`s, ta` rhga`r `x`guthv`s gdoi`gej`.B`o`rdffy, ta` strhl` prhg` hs s`tds ta` gfeshob prhg` eo ta` cdy eptheosdr` brdot c. Iut jdoy nhrjs, pdrthgufdrfy curhob ta` cet-gej ieej, geoshst`otfy brdot`c eptheos wa`o ta` stegl aht djeotafy er y`drfy few, subb`sthob ta`y gaes` ta` brdot cdt` whta ta` i`o`nht en ahocshbat. Idglcdthob hts fn hsot hff`bdf,iut ndhfhob gejpdoh`s tadt ceot chsgfes`ht prep`rfy rhsl ta` wrdta en ta` W`gurh-th`s doc @xgadob` Gejjhssheo doc ta`C`pdrtj`ot en Kusthg`.Weurg`; Dsseghdt`c ]r`ss



    H nhrjfy i`fh`v` tadt ta` Dj`rhgdop`epf` o``c doc c`s`rv` d gadob` ho

    Rdsahobteo. Hts quht` eivheus, ids`c eota`hr r`gerc, tadt Y`puifhgdo f`dc rs hoieta ta` Aeus` doc W`odt` adv` sefceut gejpf`t`fy te ta` bhdots en Gerpe-rdt` Dj`rhgd.Sa` n few en fdrb` gerpe-rdt` ceodtheos te gdochcdt`s doc te 0=2gejjhtt``s tadt werl ner pefhthghdos adsta` `nn`gt en dffewhob ta`s` pew`rnufgerperdtheos te dgtudffy geotref pefhthgsho eur odtheos gdphtdf.Ds d r`suft, hoch-

    vhcudf vet`rs adv` oe sdy-se eo aew ta`

    j`ji`rs en Geobr`ss vet` eog``f`gt`c.I`gdus` en ta` aub` sujs sp`ot te

    `f`gt j`ji`rs en Geobr`ss, ta` puifhghs saut eut en ta` pefhthgdf syst`j. Hn yeu

    wdot te nhoc eut wa r` ta` sp ghdf hot`r-`st jeo`y be`s, ga`gl`doup-

    wdsahobteo.erb. Ho jy ephoheo, ta`stdl`s adv` o`v`r i``o ahba`r ner eur odtheo tado ho tahs `f`gtheo.Sa` epper-tuohty ner gadob` ads o`v`r i``obr`dt`r. Eo Oev`ji`r 2 ta , ta` vet`rs whff

    adv` ta` eppertuohty te s`oc Dj`rhgdho d o`w chr`gtheo doc `f`gt f`dc`rs wae whff irhob ta` peshthv` gadob` eur geuotry se c`sp`rdt`fy o``cs.

    Sa` bev`rohob pahfesepay en ta`Y`puifhgdos f`dchob Dj`rhgd tecdy hsi`st c`sgrhi`c ds chv hc` doc geoqu`r .Shj` dnt`r thj`, wa`o ndg`c whta grhth-gdf eppertuohth`s te irhob Dj`rhgdosteb`ta`r ho gejjeo purpes`, ta`Y`puifhgdo f`dc`rs ho Geobr`ss gaes`host`dc te `xpfeht w`cb` hssu`s tadt

    chv hc` Dj`rhgd , n est`r n `dr , doc prej et`hos`gur hty . Oew ta` vet`rs adv` ta`eppertuohty te put do `oc te tahsgyohgdf pahfesepay en bev`rohob. Iutcehob tadt r`quhr`s `f`gthob d C`jegrd-thg Geobr`ss.Sa` C`jegrdthg ]drty hojy stdt , ner sej uoloewo r`dseo,ndhf`c te ruo r`df streob gdochcdt`sdbdhost Y`puifhgdo hoguji`ots. Ds dr`suft, ta`r` weot i` doy gadob`s ho

    4> I`dsf`yDff`o.gej

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    eur geobr`ssheodf c`f`bdtheo.Sadt hs oetta` gds` ho eta`r stdt`s wa`r` gadob`s

    whff tdl` pfdg`.Sa` BE] ads seubat te pdhot hts`fn ds

    ta` eofy pdrty whta jerdfs doc streobndjhfy vdfu`s. Iut, oe shobf` breup en p`epf` ads d jeoepefy eo jerdfhty.Sa`r`g`ot sgdocdf hovefvhob Y`p. Nef`y hspreen en tadt. O`hta r ce`s eo` pdrty adv` ta` i`st hc`ds eo aew te l``p

    Dj`rhgd sdn`.Hts jest hot r`sthob te s``BE] gdochcdt`s ho d br`dt ouji`r en stdt`s tryhob te chstdog` ta`js`fv`snrej ]r`shc`ot Iusa.

    D v`r y n`w p`epf` adv` d jeoepefy eo pew`r ho eur bev`roj`ot.Rhtaeut dceuit, ta`y adv` us`c tadt jeoepefy tepr`v`ot d tru` c`idt` eo aew te`xpdoc ta` `geoejy, aew te gf`do updoc r`nerj ta` pefhthgdf preg`ss, docaew te r`dffy pret`gt eur odtheo.Ra`oIhff Gfhoteo f`nt ennhg`, a` f`nt eur nhodog`s ho v`ry beec geochtheo doc eur bev`roj`ot ho ev`rdff xg`ff`ot sadp`.Sa` nerj`r ]r`shc`ot,wae hs sthff v`ry pepufdr, adc tahs te sdy r`g`otfy dieutta` upgejhob f`gtheos;

    C`jegrdts adv` nr`sa hc`ds, pre- br`sshv` sefutheos, doc d o`wchr`gtheo ner Dj rhgd. @xpdochob a`dfta gdr , jdlhob geff`b` `cugd- theo do eppertuohty ner `v`ryiecy,`o`rby hoc p`oc`og`, doc d rdhs`ho ta` jhohjuj wdb` - wa`o yeua`dr tdfl en d o`w chr`gtheo, tahshs wadt w`r` tdflhob dieut. Iut oeo` en taes` tahobs whff i`gej`r`dfhty whtaeut d C`jegrdthg jdkerhty.Sa` Dj`rhgdo p`epf` dr`thr`c en a`drhob f`dc`rs shob ta`

    prdhs`s en do `geoejhg r`gev`rytadt ce`sot n``f fhl` eo`.Sa`y dr`thr`c en d bev`roj`ot tadt bhv`sjer` te taes` wae dfr`dcy adv`ta` jest.Sa`y dr` chsa`drt`o`c iyf`dc`rs wae adv` put p`rseodf

    bdho i`ner` ta` puifhg beec. Sa`yloew tadt Dj`rhgd gdo i` i`tt`r.

    Doc ta`y dr` feelhob ner C`jeg- rdts te f`dc ta` wdy.

    Dj`rhgdo ghthz osr`bdrcf`ss en ta`hr pefhthgdf pdrty dnnhfhdtheoadv` d v`st`chot`r`st ho wadt adpp`os eo Oev`ji`r

    2ta .Dff ghthz`os just b`t hovefv`c doc oeteofy vet`, iut werl curhob ta` n`w cdysr`jdhohob te `f`gt beec gdochcdt s. Eo@f`gtheo Cdy, w` gdo usa`r ho d i`tt`r cdy ner tahs odtheo. Ho jy ephoheo, dndhfur` te irhob dieut r`df gadob` whffi` d trdbhg jhstdl`.R` just ir`dl ta`strdobf`aefc tadt ta` pew`rnuf sp`ghdfhot`r`sts gurr`otfy adv` ho Rdsahobteo.Sa` pfdg` te stdrt hs ho Geobr`ss.


    Dff en ta` pefhthghdos tdfl dieut aeo-`stfy, jerdfhty, `tahgs,doc r`nerj curhobta` pefhthgdf s`dseo, iut n`w en ta`jr`dffy j`do dff tadt ta`y sdy.Sa`r` dr``xg`ptheos.Jest en ta j, aew`v r, kustpdrret wadt sej` ahbafy pdhc pefhthgdf

    geosuftdot t`ff ta`j te sdy.Ho Oev`ji r 4880, ]uifhg Ghthz`o i`stew`c Sru`-Ifu` Y`nerj`r gr`c`othdfs eo 437Aeus` j`ji`rs37 Y`puifhgdos doc4== C`jegrdtswae vet`c ner ihffsidoohob bhnts doc hjprevhob feiiyhobchsgfesur`, wahf` vethob dbdhost nhv`dj`ocj`ots tadt weufc w`dl`o ta`j`dsur`s. G`rtdho en ta`s` odj`cY`nerj`rs geothou` te g`f`irdt ta`hr Sru`-Ifu` Y`nerj`r stdtus. Ner `xdjpf`,Y`p.Sej Cdvhs (Y-^D) ght`s ta` gr`c`o-

    thdf eo ahs j`ji`r R`i sht` doc eo tadten ta` Aeus` Gejjhtt`` eo Bev`ro-j`ot Y`nerj, wahga a` gadhrs.

    ]uifhg Ghthz`o s`ot r`o`wdf oethg`s teta` >1 j`ji`rs en ta` 4880 Y`nerj`r gfdss wae r`jdho ho Geobr`ss.Eofy taes`j`ji`rs wae dbr`` te shbo d ^et`rs Nhrst]f`cb`d prejhs` te suppert gf`do `f`g-theos doc feiiyhob r`nerjwhff r`tdhota`hr stdtus ds Y`nerj`rs. Sa` pf`cb`,

    wahga ]uifhg Ghthz`o, Gejjeo Gdus`,doc ]uifhg Gdjpdhbo Dgtheo Nuoc s`ot ten`c`rdf gdochcdt`s ho Kuo`, hogfuc`s tar``grhthgdf r`nerjs te dccr`ss ta` reet gdus`sen gerruptheo ho Rdsahobteo. ]`rseos

    wae shbo ta` pf`cb prejhs` te;

    Jdl` @f`gtheos Ndhr - @stdifhsa doc`onerg` gdjpdhbo sp`ochob fhjhts iy prevhchob d s`t djeuot en puifhgnuochob ner dff gdochcdt`s wae dbr``te tdl` oe prhvdt` geotrhiutheos.

    Y`ster Dggeuotdihfhty - ]dss doc`onerg` j`dohobnuf o`w r`strhgtheoseo bhnts doc trdv`f nrej feiiyhsts doceta`r pew`rnuf hot`r`sts ner j`ji`rsen Geobr`ss.

    ]ret`gt et`rs Yhbat-Se-Loew -Y`quhr` nuff chsgfesur` eo ta` Hot`ro`ten dff feiiyhstsgeotrhiutheos doc doy

    nuocrdhshob a`fp j`ji`rs en Geo-br`ss r`g`hv` nrej feiiyhsts.

    Dt pr`ss thj`, jer` tado 7== gdoch-cdt`s ner n`c`rdf ennhg` adc shbo`c ta`pf`cb`. J`ji`rs en ta` 4880 Y`nerj-`rs breup wae adcot shbo`c ta`pf`cb` iy Egtei`r 40ta adv` adc ta`hr Sru Ifu` gr`c othdfs r`vel`c. Xeu gdonhoc eut wahga gdochcdt`s adv` shbo`cta` pf`cb` iy behob te www.^et`rs-Nhrst]f`cb`.erb.Weurg`; ]uifhg Ghthz`o


    Eo` en ta` ihbb`st `tahgdf preif`jsho Rdsahobteo geog`ros ta` r`vefvhobceer tadt gurr`otfy `xhsts ho eur odtheosgdphtdf. Sa` Dj`rhgdo p`epf` o``c tenhoc eut dieut tahs ceer doc aew htdnn`gts tdxpdy`rs.Ra`o ta`y cewadt

    ta`y nhoc, ta`y weot fhl . ]`rseos gdobe nrej werlhob ner ta` bev`roj`ot te

    werlhob ner w`ff-geoo`gt`c feiiyhobnhrjsdoc jdl` d lhffhob ho ta`preg`ss. Do `xdjpf` hs F`ththd Raht`.

    Rhtaho twe y`drs , tahs nerj`r geobr`s-sheodf r`g`ptheohsts feiiyhob n``s adcbrewo te ev`r $7.0 jhffheo.Sa` s`gr`tner Js.Raht`s sugg`ss hs oet tee adrcte nhbur` eut.A`r fdst kei eo Gdphtef Ahff

    wds ds d tep dhc` te Y`p. K`rry F`whs (Y-GD), gadhrjdo en ta` pew`rnuf Aeus`

    Dppreprhdtheos Gejjhtt``. Sahs hs ta`gejjhtt`` tadt ta` chsbrdg`c feiiyhstdoc geon`ss`c grhjhodf Kdgl Dirdjenn us`c te gdff ta` ndver ndgtery.Ds d fei-iyhst, Js.Raht` i`gdj` v`ry beec ev r ohbat dt b`tthob a`r gfh`ots `drjdrlsbev`roj`ot nuocs chr`gt`c iy fdwjdl-`rs te sp`ghnhg prek`gts er sp`ghnhg geo-trdgters. H weoc`r wadt sp`ghdf`xp`rths` tahs nerj`r dhc` succ`ofy

    I`dsf`yDff`o.gej 42

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    dgquhr`c tadt jdc` a`r suga d sugg`ss-nuf feiiyhst.

    Sahs hs Geobr ss, i`tt`r loewo fdt`fy ner gerruptheo tado f`bhsfdthob.D irel`opreg`ss ads dffew`c feiiyhsts tegadoo`f gdjpdhbo nuocs nrej ta`hr gfh`ots te fdwjdl`rs.Ho r`turo, fdwjdl-`rs `drjdrl jeo`y te prek`gts tadti`o`nht taes` gfh`ots.Sa` fes`rs dr` ta`tdxpdyhob puifhg,wahga b`ts stugl whta ta` gests en ta`s` sp`ghdf ndvers. R`ff-geoo`gt`c hocustrh`s doc gejpdoh`s

    whff ahr` p`rseos wae werl ner ds`odter er j`ji`r en Geobr`ss docta`o put ta`j te werl whta fdrb`sdfdrh`s ds feiiyhsts. Jdoy Dppreprhd-theos Gejjhtt`` stdnn`rs wae i`gej`feiiyhsts, feiiy ta`hr nerj`r gejjhtt``doc nhoc hjj`chdt` nhodoghdf r`wdrcs.

    Xeu adv` te weoc`r dieut ta`hr feydf-th`s i`ner` `ot`rhob ta` r`vefvhob ceer.

    Dt ta` i`bhoohob en tahs y`dr, BE]geobr`ssheodf f`dc`rs pf`cb`c te gurihonfu`og`-p`ccfhob, hogfuchob ta` us` en `drjdrls. Sa`hr succ`o hot`r`st doco`wfy-neuoc z`df wds nu`f`c iy ta`

    Dirdjenn sgdocdf, ta` irhi`ry gds`hovefvhob Y`p. Ydocy Cul` Guoohob-adj (Y-GD), doc d n`w eta`r sgdocdfs.]`radps ta` fdt`st gadpt`r en ta`

    Dirdjenn sdbd wds wa`o Y`p. Iei O`y (Y-EA), dbr``c te pf`dc buhfty te n c`rdf

    gerruptheo gadrb`s.H uoc`rstdoc ta`r` whff i` jer` te gej` nrej ta` Dirdjenn hov`sthbdtheo ho ta` o`dr nutur`.Weurg`; PWD Secdy


    ]uifhg Ghthz`o ads r`f`ds`c sej` vhtdfhonerjdtheo te vet`rs tadt whff a`fp ta`jbdub` wa`ta`r ta`hr j`ji`rs en Geo-br`ss r`pr`s`ot ta`j er ta` hot`r`sts en Ihb Iusho`ss. Honerjdtheo hs oew dvdhf-dif` c`tdhfhob ta` djeuot en geotrhiu-theos nrej feiiyhsts, ta` vdfu` en prhvdt`fy nuoc`c trdv`f dgg`pt`c iy ta`fdwjdl`rs, ta` djeuot en geotrhiutheosnrej eut-en-stdt` ceoers, ta` p`rg`otdb`en geotrhiutheos nrej ceoers wae bhv`$9== er f`ss,doc ta` djeuot en geotrhiu-theos nrej pefhthgdf dgtheo gejjhtt``s.

    Hts v`ry hjpertdot i`gdus` en ta` gerre-shv` honfu`og` jeo`y ads eo pefhthgs.

    Gdjpdhbo gdsa nrej Ihb Iusho`ss docjdker hocustrh`s nfews hote gdjpdhbosdoc hote 092 gejjhtt``s werlhob ner gdochcdt`s.Sa` r`sufts adv` i``o cewo-rhbat saeglhob. Eo` j`ji`r en Geo-br`ssYdocy Cul` Guoohobadj en Gdfhnerohdwds kdhf`c ner gerruptheo,doc doeta`rIei O`y en Eaheads`ot`r`c d buhfty pf`d te geosphrdgy tegejjht nrduc doc fyhob eo chsgfesur`nerjs dieut bhnts r`g`hv`c nrej Kdgl

    Dirdjenn. Dt pr`ss thj`, Y`p. O`y wdssthff ho Geobr`ss.Nerj`r Aeus` Jdkerhty F`dc`r Sej C`Fdy (Y-SQ) hs uoc`r hochgtj`ot. Hot`r`sthobfy, C`Fdy hs sthffi`hob n`dtur`c eo rhbat-whob rdche tdfl saews pusahob ta` BE] db`ocd.Sa` NIHhs r`pert`cfy gfeshob ho eo Y`p.Rhffhdj

    K`nn`rseo (C-FD), ho waes` nr``z`r db`ots neuoc $8=,=== ho gefc gdsa.

    Jest nefls i`fh`v` wa`o feiiyhstsbhv` j`ji`rs en Geobr`ss jeo`y, ta`feiiyhsts `xp`gt sej`tahob ho r`turo.

    Ra`o ta` fdwjdl`rs tdl` fdrb` sujs en jeo`y, fdwjdl`rs adv` te loew tadt.Eivheusfy, jdoy en ta`j c`fhv`rte ta`c`trhj`ot en ta` puifhgdoc ta`r`hofh`s ta` preif`j.Sa` r`dseo tadt Geo-br`ss chcot ce doytahob te `ds` sl y-regl`t hob bds pr hg`s hs i`gdus` d br`dt

    ouji`r en j`ji`rs dr` i`aefc`o teta` ehf doc bds hocustry. Ce yeu weoc`r way w` oew adv` J`chgdr`pr`sgrhptheo crub f`bhsfdtheo tadt weotdffew ta` bev`roj`ot te o`bethdt` ta`few`st pesshif` prhg` ner j`chgdtheos5Ce yeu dsl way j`ji`rs en Geobr`ssb`t d r dhs` wahf` `nnerts te rdhs` ta`jhohjuj wdb` ndhfs5 Sa` nfew en jeo`y hs chr`gtfy r`speoshif` wa`o`nnerts te pdss geosuj`r- nr h`ocfy f`bhsfd-tur` b`t oewa`r` ho Geobr`ss.

    Ho dcchtheo te gdjpdhbo nhodog`r`nerj, w` o``c r`df feiiyhob doc`tahgs r`nerj ho Rdsahobteo. We ndr, tahsGeobr`ss ads r`nus`c te pdss j`dohob-nuf r`nerj te gf`do up hts dgt c`spht`puifhg eutrdb` ev`r ta` sgdocdfs nrejGdphtef Ahff nrej ta` f`dc`rsahp cewo.Y`nerj ads oet i``o `odgt`c i`gdus`tahs Geobr`ss hs tet