The IvaThe Iva ChimesChimes -...

November 2018 Zion Lutheran Church, Hemlock, Michigan The Iva The Iva Chimes Chimes November Calendar Page 2 November Birthdays Page 2 November Anniversaries Page 2 Plain English Please! Page 2 Pastor’s Page Page 3 October Voters’ Meeting Summary Page 4 God’s Helping Hands Page 5 Selfless Dedication Page 6 Youth Group Activities Page 6 Zion’s Annual Bake Sale Page 6 Sauerkraut Available Page 6 The Shoe Sale Page 6 Stewardship Update Page 6 Thanksgiving Word Search Page 7 What’s Inside The Iva Chimes is available online at God’s Helping Hands Open 2nd and 4th Saturday through—December 10 am—1 pm Open Sundays after worship service for our members

Transcript of The IvaThe Iva ChimesChimes -...

November 2018

Zion Lutheran Church, Hemlock, Michigan

The IvaThe Iva ChimesChimes

November Calendar Page 2

November Birthdays Page 2

November Anniversaries Page 2

Plain English Please! Page 2

Pastor’s Page Page 3

October Voters’ Meeting Summary Page 4

God’s Helping Hands Page 5

Selfless Dedication Page 6

Youth Group Activities Page 6

Zion’s Annual Bake Sale Page 6

Sauerkraut Available Page 6

The Shoe Sale Page 6

Stewardship Update Page 6

Thanksgiving Word Search Page 7

What’s Inside

The Iva Chimes

is available online at

God’s Helping Hands

Open 2nd and 4th Saturday


10 am—1 pm Open Sundays after worship

service for our members

The Iva Chimes 2

November 2018

Nov 1 6:30 pm Amen’s Bible Study Nov 4 Daylight Savings Time Ends ~ Fall BACK Nov 4 9:30 am Worship w/Communion Wheeler/Zion Combined Choirs at Wheeler 10:30 am Fellowship Nov 5 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal Nov 6 9:00 am LWR Quilters 7:00 pm Church Council Election Day VOTE! Nov 7 10:30 am Bible Study Nov 8 6:00 pm Trustees 6:30 pm Elders Nov 10 10 am—1 pm God’s Helping Hands Nov 11 9:30 am Worship Wheeler/Zion Combined Choirs at Zion 10:30 am Fellowship Luncheon Veteran’s Day Nov 12 10:00 am Evangelism/Stewardship 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal Nov 13 9:00 am LWR Quilters Nov 14 10:30 am Bible Study Nov 15 6:30 pm Amen’s Bible Study

2 Ken Gath Brittany Rohde Arlene Rohn Scotty Rose 3 Aimee Gath 4 Elsie Bluemer Aaron Kocsis 5 Richard Huey Ann Klink 7 Chad Benes Diane Mc Quiston Barry Neuenfeldt 8 Bonnie Wietfeldt 9 Jessica Coulter Joel Hutfilz

20 Joyce Zastrow 21 Tom Clapp Les Hyatt 23 Elmer Blehm Dick Bluemer 24 Noah Rowe 25 Victoria Heath Brady Richnak 26 Aaron Coty 27 Willie Brickel Shaun Byron Vincent Werry 28 Jaxson Hildebrant Mark Hingston 30 Jadon Mayer Lynnette Rossow

10 Michelle Beyersdorf Bob Burdick 11 Tina Osmond 13 Rachel Hilbrandt Janice Hingston Judy Hingston Carson Hodges Joyce Little 15 Jim Gardner Fred Kruth 16 Ryan Kade Mitchell Rowe 17 Jim Hingston Dave Kade 19 Grant Hollingsworth

1 Jim & Diane McQuiston 7 Bob & Carol Eggebrecht 21 Tim & Brenda Northrup 25 Leon & Noreen Zastrow

Nov 18 9:30 am Worship w/Communion 10:30 am Fellowship 10:45 am Choir Rehearsal Nov 19 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal Nov 20 9:00 am LWR Quilters Nov 21 10:30 am Bible Study 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship Nov 22 Thanksgiving Day Nov 24 10 am—1 pm God’s Helping Hands Nov 25 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am Fellowship 10:45am Choir Rehearsal Nov 26 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal Nov 27 9:00 am LWR Quilters Nov 28 10:30 am Bible Study Nov 29 6:30 pm Amen’s Bible Study

November Calendar

Plain English Please! A man went to see his doctor and told him he wasn’t able to do all the things around the house that his wife wanted him to do. When the examination was complete, he said, “Now, doc, I can take it. Tell me in plain English what is wrong with me.” “Well, in plain English,” the doctor replied, “You’re just lazy.” “Oh. Okay,” said the man. “Now give me the medical terminology so I can tell my wife.”

God’s Helping Hands will be open following the church

service each Sunday. Stop by and help yourself to any items you or someone you

know may need!

The Iva Chimes

November 2018 3

Pastor’s Page

This is the month of National Thanksgiving, though for us Christians, thanksgiving is an every day celebration of our Triune God. “O give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His mercy endures forever!” Thank you for all who made a special effort to let me know and show me your appreciation for my ministry with a card, gift, and kind word for me this past month. I, in turn, thank God for all of you, and your part in the ministry at Zion and our surrounding community! I will prayerfully try and love you with my whole heart and life! Thank you for the raise you voted to give me at our last Voter’s Assembly. Thank you for your weekly attendance at wor-ship and for those of you who participate “behind the scenes” in special ways to help enhance our worship services in love to God and each other. Thank you for the prayers many of you pray for me and our church and the people at Zion who are the Church. Thank you for the grace, the undeserved love you show to me and others in our church family. Thank you for your forgiveness when any of us fall short of the glory of God. Gratitude is an attitude that only presents itself from the heart in the sight of God and His love for us in Jesus Christ. The only purpose we are alive is to live gratefully towards our God, in such a way that His love shines through us back to Him, by serving others. I encourage you to see to it that you read God’s Word in a private devotion with the Bible, alone and with others more faith-fully, to worship every Sunday, and to give generously, hilariously grateful, in however the Holy Spirit leads you. In this way, our thanks will shine all the more in our love shared with each other. Our unity in Jesus, will show thanks towards each other that can’t come by any other way. To look at anyone or anything else in life is to see things that make us less than grateful, even hateful. But, praise God, He is everywhere, and especial-ly, He was on the cross to save us from our ungrateful sins against Him and each other. Our Lord rose from the dead, and He now wants to be more and more in our minds and hearts to fill us and our world with Thanksgiving Day every day! Whenever you think of something you’re not too grateful about, ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of 7 things more for which you can give thanks. He will first and always point you to Jesus and His Word of promises, to make your gratitude possible and overflowing for the abundant life He promised you and me. Giving thanks for Jesus and you!

Pastor Paul Hauser

Pastor Paul Hauser

“Enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his

courts with praise! Give thanks to Him;

Bless His name!

Psalm 100:4

The Iva Chimes 4

November 2018

October Voters’ Assembly Meeting Summary Meeting called to order at 10:55 a.m. by President Fred Kruth. A quorum was determined. Pastor opened with prayer. Minutes from May 2018 Voter’s Meeting were read and approved. Pastor’s Report: Pastor reported on hospital visits and updates. Official Acts were read. One couple is undergoing marriage counseling. Updates were provided on Bible Study, Amen’s Bible Group, LWML, God’s Helping Hands, and upcoming midweek Advent services. St. Lorenz-Frankenmuth is offering training on Steven’s Ministry in the near future. Pastor and Elders have made 109 member visits since January 2019. It is the hope that we can begin distributing children’s Bibles to families with youngsters. Concordia has a resource that Pastor prefers. Pastor will begin distributing cancer booklets to patients and families afflicted with this disease. Board of Elders: Making visits with Pastor. God’s Helping Hands is growing and successful. We distribute clothes, household items and food. Board of Evangelism and Stewardship: Coffee hours will continue. Christmas gifts bags will be distributed. Advent soup suppers will be held. Looking for someone to take on the responsibility for planning the Car and Tractor Show. Board of Christian Education: Three students attend St. Peter under Zion’s covenant. VLHS is in the midst of earning funds for $10,000,000 in upgrades to their facility and programs. General Fund: Written report submitted. No discussion. Capital Projects: Written report submitted. No discussion. Financial Secretary: No report Memorial Fund : Report submitted. No discussion. Since the A/C was put in the church there is no more A/C fund. Benevolent Fund: A balance of $1760 in the account. There are plans to possibly assist the Mallek family as well as a family affected by a house fire. Trustees: Reports on the completed conditioning, roof repairs, church boilers, and recent plumbing repairs. Estimates are being taken to fix dam-age due to the roof leak. Recent fire damage at the parsonage is being addressed. The Church Council recently approved hiring a maintenance helper to assist with the ongoing repairs of the church facility. Phil’s Electric is readjusting indoor and outdoor lighting. Gathering bids to get the parking lot resealed. Catch basins are getting checked. No Old Business New Business: Approved Pastor’s housing allowance for 2019 is $12,666. Ballot for election of officers approved. Approval of establishing the “Zion Outreach Fund” beginning with $10,000 from the sale of the teacherage with funds from this account will be

dispersed at the discretion of the church council. The funds will be administered by the Memorial/Special Fund Secretary. Salary recommendations presented and approved as presented. Approved 2019 budget as presented (includes $19,000 for Michigan District, LCMS) with changes made to line items af-fecting the salary increases Meeting adjourned 12:15pm

The Iva Chimes

November 2018 5

God’s Helping Hands God’s Helping Hands has now been open for over two months and the attendance has gone up each time. We will continue to be open the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 10 am until 1 pm. We have received many donations of household items, small and large, toys, clothing, etc. These items are also available to our members immediately after the church service. Please pass this information along to anyone you know who may need help. Donations of food, clothing (especially children’s clothing), and small household items will be accepted on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am-2 pm. Small amounts may be dropped off at the east end of the building between the doors anytime. Please note we are unable to accept furniture and large household items. We have recently added food and have one room dedicated to that. Thank you to Marc Pinet for building shelving for the food pantry. We have perishable and non perishable

food items on a first come first served basis. There is a limit of 15 items per person.

Look for our new Facebook page “God’s Helping Hands of Hemlock & Merrill”. Please “like” and “share” to spread the word. We also have flyers available. Please pick up several and take to places you frequent and pass the information along. If you know anyone who is in need please let them know. If you would like to volunteer for an hour or two contact Paul Bohn.

Some of our volunteers!

Thank you!

The Iva Chimes 6

November 2018

Sauerkraut available for $3 per quart

or $1.50 per pint!

Youth Group Activities

Join us for Movie Night on Saturday, Novem-ber 10th from 6-10 pm for pizza, a movie, games and other activities! Bring a friend with


We are also preparing for the reason for the season with a Christmas Party on Sunday, December 16 from 1-6:30 pm. Lunch will be provided. We will enjoy games, snacks and a party and then attend “A Christmas Invitation”, a play at Merrill Wesleyan Church

featuring a few familiar faces! Join us for this event!

Selfless Dedication In a small town in America, there was a Doctor Brackett. He was know as the ‘poor man’s friend’ because he spent hours at the bedside of unfortunates and nev-er ever took a fee from them. He lived in two upper rooms above a grocery store. At the foot of the stairs going to his quarters was a painted sign which said:


He even lost his girl fiend (whom he planned to marry) because he spent more time with the sick than with her. He spent a life of selfless dedication to any and every person around him. When he died, his funeral was the big-gest ever seen in that town. At a meeting afterwards, the townspeople tried to figure out what kind of monument to erect to the memory of the doctor. On their way home from the meeting, a couple who had been especial-ly helped by the doctor, removed the sign from his door. The fol-lowing day it appeared over his grave. It read:


Zion’s Annual Bake Sale Saturday, December 1, 2018

9 am to 1 pm

Homemade Raised Donuts!

Help will be needed to make donuts! Donated baked goods will be appreciated.

Cookies, candies, pies, etc. Look for sign up sheet in the narthex.

The Shoe Sale The other day a woman went into a shoe store to purchase a pair of shoes, but proved very difficult to fit. The bored clerk explained it to her by saying, “Madam, one of your feet

is larger than the other.” She didn’t buy.

In the next store the task proved equally arduous, but here the alert, smiling clerk smoothed the woman’s still ruffled feelings by remarking. “Madam did you know that one of your feet is smaller than the other?” He sold her two pairs of shoes!

Offerings Received for the Lord’s Work As of October 28, 2018

Income received from: Loose Plate $ 4,238 General Fund Envelopes $ 128,159 Mission $ 6,879 Maintenance $ 12,050 Total Offerings Received $ 151,326 Misc. Other Income, Rent $ 8,021 Total Income $ 159,347 Offerings 1/1/18 thru 10/31/18 $ 151,326 Expenses 1/1/18 to 10/31/18** $ 174,168 Income minus Expense $ -22,842 ** $13,878 Hammer Res. (Parsonage final pmt.) ** $1,620 Richland Luth. Cemetery Share 2017 bill paid in 2018

Amount needed weekly $4,128 per budget Total offerings received thru 10/28/18 $ 151,326 Offerings needed thru 10/28/18 - 43 wks $ 177,504 Offerings short per budget $- 26,178

The Iva Chimes

November 2018 7

Answer key available in the church office.

The mission and vision of Zion Lutheran Church is to share Jesus with all people as we

J~oyfully worship E~ducate all people S~hare God’s Word U~tilize all gifts S~erve all souls

Zion Lutheran Church 17927 Dice Road Hemlock, Michigan 48626

Zion Lutheran Church Pastor: Rev. Paul Hauser Church Office - 989-642-5909 Secretary Office Hours Tues. & Thurs. 2-4 pm Fri 9 am-11 am Pastor Home 989-327-1557 Pastor’s Cell Phone 989-964-8722 Zion Prayer Chain 989-964-8722 Zion’s E-mail [email protected] Zion’s Website

Zion’s newsletter, “The Iva Chimes” is published monthly. Information to be included in the newsletter is due on or

before the 23rd of the month and can be emailed to the church.

Sunday Worship 9:30 A.M. Divine Worship Service

(Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month)



View this newsletter online at

Return Service Requested

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

November 21

7:00 pm

Thanksgiving Blessings to