The Interesting News Report

The Interesting News Report By: Priscilla Gonzalez Alvarez Kevin Rojas Herrera Jose Raúl Molina Calderón Angie Vargas Alvarez Daniel Sánchez 1


By: Priscilla Gonzalez AlvarezKevin Rojas Herrera Jose Raúl Molina CalderónAngie Vargas AlvarezDaniel Sánchez

Transcript of The Interesting News Report

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The Interesting News Report

By: •Priscilla Gonzalez Alvarez •Kevin Rojas Herrera •Jose Raúl Molina Calderón •Angie Vargas Alvarez •Daniel Sánchez


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Table of Contents

Stress Causes Addictions By Priscilla Gonzalez Alvarez ....................................................................... Page 3 Dark side of technology By Kevin Rojas Herrera ………………………………………………………………………Page 5 Recycling By Jose Raúl Molina Calderón…………………………………………………………….. Page 8 Legalization of marijuana By Angie Vargas Alvarez…………………………………………………………………….. Page 11 My Career By Daniela Sánchez…………………………………………………………………………….. Page 15


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Stress Causes Addictions By Priscilla Gonzalez Alvarez

An addiction has been understood as an uncontrollable habit. Another meaning that could be given to addiction

is something that you do in your routine and becomes essential in your life, but that leads to negative consequences. Some

common addictions of this century are videogames, sex, food, social networks, use of cell phones or computers, alcohol, drugs,

work and gambling. People can become addicts, because when they try something and they enjoy doing it, probably they will do

it again. Nowadays this is a big problem in society and we need to give people help in order to solve their addiction problems.

It is very important to know the signs that can be seen in these people. They usually start spending a lot of time

doing activities instead of sharing with others or complying with their responsibility. They just do not go out anymore, because

they prefer to dedicate their time to their addiction rather than being with friends or meeting new people. Stress is tension in

your body, an overload in your body because you feel like there is no time to do everything or maybe it could be preoccupation.

When people want to relieve stress, they tend to watch T.V, practice sports or just leave what they are doing and try to relax by

practicing yoga or sleeping.

The first thing to do to prevent an addiction is to avoid your life revolve around a particular object. Everything

should be done in moderation within the normal parameters possible. In order to stay away from stress and addictions a good

way to prevent them is to practice sports, it permits the person to occupy their free time being productive and stay healthy.

Recreational activities are another way to release stress and addictions that allows us to cultivate noble thoughts and feelings,

whether you do these activities alone or with your mates or family. But the best way to overcome an addiction is to address the

problem through psychotherapy and the depending on the degree and type of addiction by other health treatments. The main

thing is to see the causes of addiction, why we are linking with an object and why we are attached to it.


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Recreational activities are good to people, because they help to release stress, and this type of

activities are not always in your daily and they are healthy for your mind and body, because you learn from

them. You could learn to do other things like spend more time with your family, meet new people. Some of

these activities involve gathering in groups and practicing sports or just to know each other better. These

activities help people to stay away from drugs, addictions and bad decisions in life. Off course if you do

them with the right people that give you good vibes.

In conclusion, we have to learn how to live in harmony. It is an essential aspect in our lives to be in

peace with ourselves and find the balance between the environment and people around us. It is important

to follow some suggestions that experts recommend to overcome stress and addictions. Practice sports,

go out to meet with your friends or with new people and find something new to do are ways to release

stress. Everything in life has to be done with measures and balance, socialized with the correct



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Dark side of technology By Kevin Rojas Herrera

“Technology”; it is perhaps, one of the most mentioned words in our life and mass media. You can see something

new in the market every day and is going to be full of new attractive and useful elements, but like everything in life the extremes

are dangerous, destructive. At the end, something created for our benefit becomes a disadvantage for our lives.

The word “addiction” always has a negative meaning, and this topic is not the exception, this is one of the biggest

issues about technology, because for example one of the last studies in Spain said that 96% of the young people between 15 and

25 years old go to web almost 2 or 3 times per day, and the main reason of the access is for entertainment, information, and obv

iously social networks like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Google +, etc. In addition, 81% of the population spends that time on the

web instead of home responsibilities. Also, this study revealed on July of 2011, that 59.6 % of the population between 17-65 yea

rs old have a smartphone and one year later the percentage grew up to 74 %, that is a huge number and that shows that technol

ogy is a great tool to study and work. But we have to be careful with how much time we spend on computer and cell phone, and

analyze if this time we use on the web and technological devices are really necessary or if we are having addiction problems and

you need to start searching for help.


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Another disadvantage of technology is obesity. According to an article in, the higher rates

of obesity are often attributed to technology. “Kids today no longer spend their afternoons and weekends roaming their neig

hborhoods and playing in the backyard nearly as much as previous generations did.

Kids today tend to spend their time being entertained by television, video games, Internet and other electronic devices. Are

kids really exercising less? Statistics seem to indicate this to be the truth and perhaps the lack of mobility is increasing obesit

y in society as a whole”. That is something alarming because one of the most beautiful and important stages of our life and

where the construction of our personality is developing is when we are children. But if our hobbies are watching TV or playin

g video games, that is going to affect our social abilities and the way we act in front of people and in group activities.


Last but not least, one more negative point about this topic is the substitution of face to face communication. This is one of t

he biggest problems of technology because it affects the people’s relationships. It is sad to see people chatting while they ar

e in a meeting, lunch or dating. It is hard to believe but the reality is people not respect the person who is in front because t

hey are worried about the pop up of the cell phone. Undoubtedly, that is something we have to change because maybe yes,

it is a great tool to keep communication with people from another country or faraway places, but the reality is everyone is c

hanging their way of communication and prefers to send a text message or a tweet rather than going to a friend´s house and

go out for a drink.


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I am a student of IT engineering, and I recognize technology helps a lot to the world. Things

that were thought impossible are now reality thanks to the technology and one amazing thing abou

t it is that every day we have something new, new software version (update), more speed and stora

ge in less size, but one important thing we have to think about is to keep a balance, use the technol

ogy just for real necessities and don’t over use or replace them for things you can do without it, for

example nothing is going to replace a good conversation face to face, or the feeling of a handwritte

n letter, or a surprise party. We have to go back to the time where those things were really importa

nt and teach our children (future generations) about them. This is how we will build a better society

and preserve what really matters.


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Recycling By Jose Raúl Molina Calderón

The topic of recycling is very common nowadays, especially for the care of the planet and our welfare. Many

towns have proposed recycling campaigns, calling on the population to take care of the city. There are several ways in which they

can reuse waste, in order to create something that could be useful for them at home or at the workplace. Here are some ways of

reusing recycled materials: Separate each waste by type of material (cardboard, paper, aluminum, plastic, organic waste) and use

it for other purposes such as decoration, furniture, ornaments, clothes, etc. There is no excuse for not recycling. There are ways

of how you can contribute and all for one purpose, which is to preserve our planet.

Recycling is the action of reusing raw material, which is followed by suitable processing and handling. It also

means to Transform reversed order; which otherwise would simply waste valuable resources. You can collect used bottles, cans,

newspapers, etc and take them to a collection facility or place. This is the first step in a series of steps generating a lot of

financial, environmental and social benefits.


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Recycling is the action of reusing raw material, which is followed by suitable processing and

handling. It also means to Transform reversed order; which otherwise would simply waste valuable

resources. You can collect used bottles, cans, newspapers, etc and take them to a collection facility or

place. This is the first step in a series of steps generating a lot of financial, environmental and social


Environmental pollution is reaching such extremes in the world and in Costa Rica, people seem to

be bent on destroying the living environment, in a suicidal attitude. But while other countries are taking

serious measures to prevent and control pollution, in ours there are only isolated actions. To solve the

problem of pollution is an urgent need to take some steps:

• The State must worry about the problem of pollution, giving severe laws, monitoring compliance

and sanctioning violators.

• A great responsibility rests with municipal governments, directly responsible for the disposal of

garbage and sewage, fleet control, green areas, the control of noise pollution, ornamentation, and

pollutant emissions in jurisdiction.


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There are different ways to recycle. Recycled paper is first deposited in the recycling bins, then

loaded onto trucks and finally it sent to factories that reuse It elsewhere. The cans have 6 stages which

are: 1 - Consumption of content, 2. - Separate collection of cans, 3. - Compaction trucks, 4. - Cast cans, 5. -

Rolling cans, 6. - Fabrication or reuse of cans (please write a complete sentence). The plastic has to be

used for after being dumped by boats which are selected for later recycling in fact ories that reuse. Glass,

when clearly this is broken and no longer serves you boot, is then selected and sent to factories that reuse

it. Organic matter can be compost which is used to make fertilizer for gardens.

In conclusion, we can say that there are ways of how we can recycle. This always one reason why

we must implement and acquire this in our education and culture. It all part of the growth to find ways to

take care of our planet, our health and wellness. Each article or waste can become our utility, plus

television and community campaigns can make better our way of life, education and our planet.


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Legalization of Marijuana By Angie Vargas Alvarez

Could the legalization of marijuana create a society addicted to it? Has its consumption among young people

increased? The Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre Consumo de Drogas of 2010 has shown the results that young people start

using marijuana from 16.5 years and the number of Costa Ricans who consume it tripled in just four years (Cortes E, 2010 IAFA).

Marijuana has always been a problem which causes huge discussions among people. In Costa Rica marijuana is the most widely

consumed illicit substance; Mota, weed, grifa, hierba or ganja are some of the popular names given to marijuana in Costa Rica.

Cannabis Sativa is the scientific name, and it is a substance that contains more than 60 types of cannabinoid compounds, which

can have various effects on the cognitive perception and psychomotor functions, body temperature, gastrointestinal tract and

eyes, and in the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, hormonal and immune system (Grotenhermen, 2002). The consumption of

cannabis became popular in the decade of the 1960s because it was a step to become part of the culture of young people,

especially in developed countries such as the United States. With in the next 20 years it extended across the American continent

and almost the whole of the European continent and by 1990 it came around the world. (Global Cannabis Commission 2008).

Today the production and commercialization of cannabis are activities that are prohibited in most parts of the world according to

the Convención Única de Estupefacientes of Naciones Unidas 1961. In our country cannabis is a substance banned by the Ley

General de Salud of 1973. This act which criminally penalizes the production, distribution and sale of cannabis, but consumption

is not considered as a crime. Some think that it should be legalized, while others are opposed to legalization. There are

advantages and disadvantages in our country of the easy access to cannabis.


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What are the benefits for the country legalization of marijuana?

Diego Grosscors is the principal representative of the Movimiento Cannabico Costarricense which promotes

legalizing marijuana and educates people about this drug, in order to generate a responsible consumption. This movement

has a Facebook page entitled “Sí a la legalización de la marihuana en Costa Rica” and already has over 15,000 followers.

Grosscors claims that marijuana is not the gateway to other drugs, which is not hallucinogenic and kills neurons. This

movement raises the following advantages: If ending the illegal market will reduce corruption and violence, and prices

plummet artificial drugs and reduce the profit margin of organized crime, It will also reduce the crimes and the crimes

committed by the control of markets. (Mata A, 2012). The government will stop spending enormous resources allocated to

the fight against drug trafficking and will control the market and the rules and regulations for the activity and will also follow

the vendors and their accounts and investments, also would receive the taxes generated by the legal sale of drugs, which

would be helpful for the country It would break the vicious circle between selling drugs and weapons manufacturers and It

would drive better prevention and education campaigns to combat consumption, is taken into account that the issue of

drugs disappear from the agenda of the relationship with the U.S., which is always problematic. Others, like Dr. Julio

Bejarano Orozco IAFA researcher says that marijuana has a relatively modest impact compared to other legal and illegal

drugs, legalization would prevent people from being exposed to resort to conflict areas or known dealers deal with that are

unreliable to purchase drugs and offer a bad product. The activists believe that legalization should be accompanied by a

strategy of damage, prevention and treatment of addiction. No claim that marijuana does not cause any effect, or is said to

be for all, what is desired is that consumption is done in a polite, responsible and non-discrimination.


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But what are the disadvantages that could lead to the country allow marijuana consumption?

Beyond these positions, the fact is that marijuana like any other drug causes damage, both physical and social, and

threatens especially when consumption goes to addiction. Andres Mesen Fainardi, director of rehab Proyecto Nova and

addiction specialist says, “Marijuana is not harmless or mild; it generates a cognitive impairment, problems with memory,

learning, the individual pays less, and studies show people cannabis users are four times more likely to develop

psychopathology, such as depression, paranoia or panic attacks, drugs raise substances in the brain that activate the

pleasure centers, which can trigger the dependency” (Mata A, 2012: 25-26). Ernesto Cortes, an IAFA anthropologist, who

conducted surveys to determine that marijuana is being consumed by the very young and says that there is a close

relationship between marijuana and youth. Many of the young people who try cannabis do so as a form of socialization, as is

the case with other drugs such as alcohol and snuff. The problem is that this type of drug consumed early in life leads to

greater dependence. The behavior of young people can change and certain brain structures may suffer respiratory problems,

mental disorders and poor academic performance. Carlos Alvarado, ICD director refuses the idea of legalization. For him this

topic is not discussed in Costa Rica; he considers ridiculous and compares it with suicide. Carlos says, "if increase

consumption, the black market would continue to operate and lose control, nothing good could come of that. The secret is

to increase police checks, increase education and prevention campaigns. "The difference between consumption and

addiction lies in three factors: first one stronger dose to achieve the same effect, that can not stop using, and that the

actions of everyday life are disrupted by drug consumption. If at least one of these three elements is present, is an addiction.

The problem is not drug, whether alcohol or cannabis, the problem is the person and his consumption (IAFA, 2010).


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Is Costa Rica prepared to legal marijuana?

The addiction specialist, psychologist and director of Centro Paso a Paso, states that in Costa Rica is not the time to

talk about legalization, because there is much ignorance about marijuana and ways to treat addiction. "This is not waging a

war on drugs, but against ignorance. We have to think of a public health approach. I believe that the country is failing to

treat addictions, so it requires preparing the people in the field of education and true prevention "(ICD, 2007). In a press

release of the city of San Jose on August 24, 2011, Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla admitted that the issue of

legalization is at issue: "We have to approach it with great rigor on the basis of empirical evidence and experiences that

other countries have had harbored widely the concept of legalization, and the impact this may have on health devices and

addiction treatment, lest, for finding a solution, come to a path that leads us to more complex scenarios” (La Nacion, 2011).

Chinchilla said the discussion on the subject in Costa Rica is open, and stated that the country has already taken some steps

in that direction."Now here is decriminalized drug use, and what is the possession of drugs for personal use also judges the

decriminalizing gone by way of jurisprudence. It is a trend in many countries, in response to what some believe is the

criminalization of a public health problem” (La Nacion, 2011). However, we know that this topic will only be on "the table"

and that will take many years to give a response to the Costa Rican people. It seeks to address a reality that already exists.

Today many people use marijuana, and you have to accept a reality that no one wants to talk let alone confront. As detailed

at the beginning of this essay as stated by the Encuesta Nacional de Hogares del 2010, cannabis use has increased since a

very young age, which means that if there is greater availability of the substance on the market, has several varieties, best

qualities and possibly with producers and sellers more specialized. The Costa Rican country has no culture or education to

accept this legalization, at least not yet, and I personally agree with the psychologist Priscilla Spano, there is much ignorance

about marijuana, and its effects and ways to treat addiction. If at this time marijuana was legalized, Costa Rica would come

into crisis, consumption would rise excessively and production and marketing would be worse, because we have not been

educated to have this kind of freedom.


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My Career By Daniel Sanchez

System engineering as a profession includes many specialties in the field of information and with

it improve the good use of technology. Today system engineering has grown tremendously since it began its

first generation (1938-1958) to date. In the workplace there are many job opportunities, such as the

development of operating systems of any technological device. Unfortunately, there are advantages and

disadvantages in this career.

One of the biggest disadvantages is that at present there exists almost everything with regard to

computers-if we see it from another point of view. But unfortunately it is not because are on the career is

overcrowded and each time more and more professionals are on the street. This career has a lot people how

want have a work, but because that there are few jobs. The work is varied, and you can work in different

places, but demand is drooping.


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On another topic not computer also has positive aspects, since a person with just having a college can get a good

job and this depends on the experience and possesses no college, can win only studying more than 600,000 colons. The computer

has many “branches” and that makes it very diverse. One of them is the telecommunication, which is my favorite because it has to

be found everywhere. Another “branch” of computer programming, it’s employs people who have enormous capabilities of

reasoning and may combine this with advertising, which the two combined are listed carreras. A major source of employment

have been the technical support and emphasis on any currently many people need help with any computer or are even the same

cell, creating and born all the call center.

In our career, things are very different as in any other, because we have to cover many branches in a short time to

be well in the labor market. One of the main branches is the programming is a very difficult race but with great benefits, since

many companies have such an exclusive lounge to sleep or even places this pool table and game consoles-but how to price what?

In all his work is done on time and in perfect condition.

In conclusion we can see that computers have invaded our life’s completely, and the way we handle this invasion

can determine if this will be a good thing or a bad thing. Because we can’t be completely dependent on computers, so we have to

be really careful when we use computers, because they can make our life really easy but if sometime we don’t have them, this

would make it really hard.