The Inspirational Works of Sister Emmanuel+ · In Medjugorje, Our Lady lifted up the curtain when...

Explore a new way of life. Discover a forgotten door in your heart. Find a new vacation destination. Just book a flight and don’t look back. There’s a beautiful woman waiting for you. There’s a village praying for you. There’s an entirely new world of faith, of hope, of love before you. It is a place of peace. Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, come and see! The Inspirational Works of Sister Emmanuel+ ORDER ONLINE! The Hidden Child of Medjugorje Over 80 stories of healings and conversions! Plus Sr. Emmanuel’s personal conversion story.

Transcript of The Inspirational Works of Sister Emmanuel+ · In Medjugorje, Our Lady lifted up the curtain when...

Explore a new way of life. Discover a forgotten door in your heart. Find a new vacation destination. Just book a flight and don’t look back. There’s a beautiful woman waiting for you. There’s a village praying for you. There’s an entirely new world of faith, of hope, of love before you. It is a place of peace. Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, come and see!

The Inspirational Works of

Sister Emmanuel+


The Hidden Childof Medjugorje

Over 80 stories of healings and conversions! Plus Sr. Emmanuel’s personalconversion story.

Children of Medjugorje, Inc. (COM) is a Roman Catholic, not-for-profit, lay missionary organization dedicated to delivering five simple messages from Our Lady in Medjugorje: Fasting, Prayer of the Rosary, Scriptural Reading, Holy Mass and Confession. We are committed to building up the Church enabling the faithful to unite in prayer. With an outreach of over 10,000 in the United States and more than 60,000 around the world, COM connects the faithful internationally in an effort to educate and give hope to those who are lacking peace. Communicating the love of God to others and promoting the culture of life has become the benchmark of our work and the work of those affiliated with COM. We endeavor to shine a bright light of hope through the spiritual darkness and emptiness of the world.

Inspired by Our Lady in Medjugorje, COM encourages Christian formation in the conscience of people everywhere. The Christian faithful not only find motivating ideas, but they are also creating scenarios in their own communities that, for example, renew parishes, build foundations for youth groups and provoke a response in the context of social issues. Some may be called to evangelization, others, a ministry to the sick and suffering. Yet for others the mission is to uphold values that promote the dignity of man in the field of medical ethics and morality. All of us share the call to prayer. COM places itself on the front lines of the spiritual battleground, employing various communication technologies at the service of Mary, the Queen of Peace, so that she can extend her school of prayer, peace and love in Medjugorje to the whole world. We are her instruments, so that all people will come to see that they, too, are her children. COM, Inc. in the United States publishes books and Medjugorje newsletters, as well as produces videos and audio files in an effort to spread the messages given in Medjugorje. COM, Inc. Also financially supports short missions throughout the world where these messages are not well known.

Who We Are

Sister Emmanuel Sister Emmanuel tells that after receiving her first calling to the Beatitudes Community in 1976, she received another calling – to serve Our Lady in Medjugorje. Sent by her community, she initiated the first branch of the community in Medjugorje in 1989. During the Balkan war in the 90s Sister Emmanuel became known for her regular faxes about the situation in Herzegovina, always related to the mission of Our Lady. She has had an enormous impact on France, stimulating an extensive response to Medjugorje among French pilgrims, but her apostolate has broadened as her books have been translated into 22 languages and she has traveled widely to make Medjugorje known, particularly in the United States. Today, “Les Enfants de Medjugorje” and “Children of Medjugorje, Inc.” allow her to be connected everyday to thousands of people around the world, who are motivated by and spreading, the messages of Our Lady in their own humble way. Sister says that her greatest joy is to be part of a family formed by Our Lady, and being Her extended heart and hands for her children, especially those who do not yet know the love of God.

Sr Emmanuel has been writing about Our Lady of Medjugorje and sharing her messages of peace and love since the late 1980’s. Her complete listing of books is presented below -please note that we are working on new printings of several volumes that are currently out of print!

The Hidden Child © 2007

Throughout time, man has been in quest of security, of peace, and of happiness; however, rare are those who find that their quest is in reality a quest for God. In her new book, The Hidden Child of Medjugorje, Sister Emmanuel brings a precious contribution to the understanding of this aspiration. As the pages are turned, this book reveals itself to be a guide. It enables us to reach an end, which is none other than the Hidden Child, the Child Jesus. In the apparitions of Medjugorje, this Divine Child hides Himself so well in His Mother that at first sight, one pays Him no attention. But whoever finds the Mother, finds the Son. Thus will it be for all who read this book.

SKU16200 Price: $19.00

Freed and Healed Through Fasting © 2004

This little booklet offers Our Lady’s best medicine for divorce, a sick loved one, drug addiction, anxiety and other maladies: fasting! Find out why Our Lady in Medjugorje asks pilgrims to fast two days a week. Discover why She asks for bread instead of rice or potatoes. Go to the source and read all the messages She’s ever given about fasting! It’s all in this 84 page fire ball of a book that will change your perspective on fasting!

SKU16140 Price: $6.95

Medjugorje, Triumph of the Heart (Medjuogorje of the 90’s) © 1995 A revised edition of Medjugorje, the 90s, Medjugorje, Triumph of the Heart has become a Medjugorje classic over the years. It not only inspires pilgrims to dig deeper into their own pilgrimage experience but Sister Emmanuel also offers a pure echo of Medjugorje, the eventful village where the Mother of God has been appearing since 1981. She shares at length some of the personal stories of the villagers, the visionaries, and the pilgrims who flock there by the thousands, receiving great healings. Eight years of awe has inspired this book. It has been translated into 22 languages. These 89 stories offer a glimpse into the miracles of Mary’s motherly love.

SKU16138 Price: $11.95



The Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory © 1997 Queenship Publishing

When she was twenty-five, Maria was graced with a very special charism – the charism of being visited by the many souls in Purgatory – and being able to communicate with them! Maria shares, in her own words, some amazing secrets about the souls in Purgatory. She answers questions such as: What is Purgatory? How do souls get there? Who decides if a soul goes to Purgatory? How can we help get souls released from Purgatory?

SKU127 Price: $5.00

Children, Help My Heart to Triumph (© 1996 Children of Medjugorje)

At the height of the Bosnian War, Sister Emmanuel remained in Medjugorje with a few members of her community. During that time, memories of her father, a Prisoner of War during WWII, continually surfaced. Remembering how much he suffered, she felt a need to do something to spiritually help those on the front lines. Sister Emmanuel describes a call that she received at that time to appeal to the children for their sacrifices in order to alleviate the war. Children, Help My Heart To Triumph was written in response to that call. It describes for children how to make a 9-day novena of little sacrifices. Included is a coloring book that they can color and mail to Medjugorje where they will be presented at one of Our Lady’s apparitions.

SKU16177 Price: $7.99

THE WAR: Day By Day © 1993 Sr Emmanuel Sister Emmanuel stayed behind in Medjugorje with another sister of the Beatitudes and two brothers during the Bosnian War that began in the early 1990s. Many friends of Medjugorje read with great interest and concern, the faxes of Sister Emmanuel, a sister of the Community of the Beatitudes, which she sent back to her family in France. Fr. Daniel Ange writes: “She shared the day-to-day anguish of the people in the village…Sister Emmanuel describes a village emptied of its pilgrims, almost the same Medjugorje as before the pilgrimages began in the early 1980s.”

SKU16176 Price: $9.99




They are real! And they are dreaming to help us! And they are so very powerful! And we need so much help from above, don’t we? Then, why not sit for a while, praying to them and consider including them in our life? This CD tells us about their nature, their gifts and their love for us! “Make friend with your Guardian Angel”, said Our Lady in Medjugorje. Just waiting for a sign from you!

SKU16147 Price: $9.99

Choose Your Future

In Medjugorje, Our Lady lifted up the curtain when she took Vicka and Jakov to Paradise, Purgatory and Hell. Don’t miss this incredible “visit”! A wakeup call from our Mother! She helps us readjust our sights since we decide NOW what our final destination will be.

You only have one life on earth! Consecrate your death-day to God, Mary will make sure it is your birthday into Heaven!

SKU16197 Price $9.99

Divine Mercy Chaplet

This is the heartbreaking cry of Jesus seeking the lost, at any cost, even to the point of sharing the agony of the most hopeless sinners. Through the example of Judas, and with insight into the Jewish tradition of the time, we discover unexpected and amazing depths of Jesus’ mercy towards us, whatever our life might be! The Savior offers Judas many changes to escape despair and the power of Satan, until the last minute of his life. This dramatic story wakes up souls. It injects into them a powerful dose of hope: It’s never too late for God’s mercy!

SKU16148 Price: $9.99


A simplified version of the book. This one is for your car. Yes, there is a way to receive God’s healings and miracles in our lives! Yes, we can defeat Satan and keep evil away form our homes, Mary said in Medjugorje! If we only knew the power of fasting! This CD opens eyes to incredible insights and facts never shared before! Photo: Le petit parisien © Nouvellesimages S.A. et W. Ronis

SKU16142 Price: $9.99



From Astrology to God’s Light

“When I was 24 I went to India. I met an old astrologer who told me that he had with him the book of my life . . .” Sr. Emmanuel tells us her own story, how as a teenager she became involved with diviners and fortune tellers, how she practiced spiritism, seances, and ouija-boards. Her amazing testimony opens eyes to such deceptions; it helps us choose the Light, which heals.

SKU16152 Price: $9.99

He Told Me A Secret!

How to change the heart of a parish priest from Texas? Mary is so smart at it! Fr. Tim went to Medjugorje as a skeptic, he did not expect he would experience miracle after miracle there. He returned as an enthusiastic witness. Don’t miss this most incredible testimony! On side 2, another witness speaks. Patrick Latta from Canada was a successful car dealer. Money was his God. “I had both feet in hell”, he said. What happened to him? You’d better prepare your Kleenex!

SKU16149 Price: $9.99

Holiness Means Happiness

There’s still time to grasp the greatest treasure Mother Mary offers in Medjugorje: Her daily visitation! “Dear children, you do not understand the importance of my comings!” She says. Sr. Emmanuel reveals unexpected dimensions of Our Lady’s plan for us and the gifts she wants to grant us at the time of her apparition - healing of the heart, deliverances from obsessions, loneliness, etc. You have 24 hours to prepare yourself for her motherly encounter.

SKU16158 Price $9.99

How Wonderfully He Made Me!

We sometimes just hate our lives. We are wounded in many ways and have a negative image of ourselves. This tape helps us discover the wonderful plan of love that our Creator has for us and who we truly are in His eyes. “Dear children, rejoice in God the Creator because He has created you so wonderfully,” says Our Lady in Medjugorje. If you want to get rid of the sadness which burdens your heart and experience a new enthusiasm to go ahead in life. Don’t miss this CD!

SKU16153 Price: $9.99



Incredible Mercy of God

This is the heartbreaking cry of Jesus seeking the lost, at any cost, even to the point of sharing the agony of the most hopeless sinners. Through the example of Judas, and with insight into the Jewish tradition of the time, we discover unexpected and amazing depths of Jesus’ mercy towards us, whatever our life might be! The Savior offers Judas many changes to escape despair and the power of Satan, until the last minute of his life. This dramatic story wakes up souls. It injects into them a powerful dose of hope: It’s never too late for God’s mercy!

SKU16154 Price: $9.99

Mary’s Message for the New Millennium (Get Moms Messages for the Third Millennium)

Don’t miss the message of the new millennium given in Medjugorje! On the threshold of the Great Jubilee, the Blessed Mother gave Baby Jesus to us as the answer we need to walk with great peace in the midst of today’s turmoil. As we hold Baby Jesus in our arms we are healed of the “wounds of life” that we carry even from the womb. What better therapist can we hope for? It takes a child to repair the damage of violence, fear, and lack of love. Open your heart to this awesome gift of innocence, purity, tenderness, joy and also power. Through this CD, welcome your Child and your God!

SKU16145 Price: $9.99

Mother Who Are You?

Out of ignorance, some people miss praying to Mary, others may even reject her. If only they knew who she is and how powerful her motherly love is for us! Fr. Tim gives here convincing insights on the Mother of God and the four dogmas about her! He also helps us to enter deeply into the 5 Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.

SKU16161 Price: $9.99

Oh Come, Let Us Adore Him!

Our soul created by God is so huge that it can contain God Himself. But what do we put in it? Adoration is the key to make it whole and fulfilled, the best remedy to emptiness of heart, a terrible feeling that kills so much of our youth today! Adoration is the greatest activity of a man on earth! This CD will lead you on a fruitful relationship with He who exposes His loving self to you and transforms you into Himself. For we become what we contemplate!

SKU16141 Price: $9.99



Prayer Obtains Everything

Sr. Emmanuel lives in Medjugorje close to the visionaries who see Our Lady every day. Through her personal testimony she unveils for us a whole new understanding of prayer in 3 steps. Many Christians are stuck in the first step. This tape will move you forward and help you experience Mary’s promise: “If you would abandon yourselves to me, you would not even feel the passage from this life to the next life. You will begin to live the life of Heaven on earth!”

SKU16160 Price: $9.99

Prayer With the Heart

Satan is very good at convincing us not to pray. “It’s a waste of time, it’s useless and it’s boring.” These are nothing but lies! Through concrete examples, Sr. Emmanuel explains how we can enter deeply into prayer and reach the fullness of love that we long for. “Prayer is the only way to save the human race,” says Our Lady in Medjugorje.

SKU16162 Price: $9.99

Prophecies for Medjugorje Sr. Briege McKenna

A month before Our Lady appeared in Medjugorje, Sr. Briege received a surprising vision while praying over a Croatian priest. She saw this priest celebrating Mass and from the altar streams of living water flowed. The church was full of young people who were cupping their hands and drinking from the living water, then leaving the church and returning with more young people. Sr. Briege then saw the outside of the church seeing two steeples.

SKU16168 Price: $9.99

Rosary With Medjugorje (Double CD)

Are you driving, cooking, resting, or even sick maybe? Is it hard for you to pray the rosary alone? This tape will help you to pray your rosary in the spirit of Medjugorje. The six visionaries pray with you, as well as Fr. Svet, Fr. Slavko and Fr. Jozo. You will hear the voices that shaped Medjugorje. In addition, this CD helps you to pray the 20 mysteries of the rosary with the heart.

SKU16166 Price: $12.99



Story of a Wounded Womb

Here is what America and the entire world needs to hear in order to fall in love with life! What does Mary say about abortion and children? Through moving testimonies gathered in Medjugorje, Sr. Emmanuel reveals incredible aspects of God’s mercy and of Our Lady’s tenderness toward the most wounded of her children. After hearing such a wonderful message, all fears about the future of the world will vanish. Healings of the heart are in store for you!

SKU16155 Price: $9.99

Stressed? Oppressed? BLESS!

Many hearts are oppressed because of bad choices, but our Mother brings the antidote: blessing! Pick it up, use it and watch what happens! To bless from the heart is to take an ocean of peace. Free yourself from sadness! Inject God’s blessing into your homes and your whole environment. Yes it is possible. Have you ever blessed God for the gift of YOUR life? Sister shares some amazing insights about the experience of a child in the first week of conception . . . Don’t miss it!

SKU16159 Price: $9.99

The Amazing Secret of Purgatory

Put an end to all confusion regarding the afterlife! In Austria, Maria Simma received from God the charism of being visited by souls in Purgatory. She answers Sr. Emmanuel’s questions such as “What is Purgatory?” “Who decides if a should goes there?” “What are the sins that most lead to Purgatory?” “How can I avoid Purgatory?” “How about those who have committed suicide?” “How can we help a soul be released into Heaven?” This CD is a true revelation for those who have lost a dear one!

SKU16151 Price: $9.99

The Most Beautiful Mass of My Life

In Medjugorje, Our Lady puts us on fire. “Holy Mass is the greatest privilege given to man during his lifetime,” she says. “If you only knew, dear children, the graces and the gifts you receive during Mass.” Don’t miss out anymore! Discover in this tape many little-known things about the Mass! You won’t look at your watch anymore or be yawning. After hearing it young people say, “Wow, if this is Holy Mass, let’s go!” You too, experience the most beautiful Mass of your life! 1 cassette.

SKU16164 Price: $9.99



The Most Handsome Saint In Heaven

True stories capture hearts! Through this CD, discover and share the amazing lives of two young men who died in their 20’s, Brian Walsh from Detroit (USA) and Giorgio Frassati from Italy. Handsome, attractive, very much with it, lovers of life, they both decided to put God in the first place. Giorgio has been declared “Blessed” by our late Holy Father, Pope John Paul II and Brian’s cause is in process! Fr. Tim, an outstanding witness, explains.

SKU16150 Price: $9.99

Touch Your Heavenly Mother

When Our Lady appears in Medjugorje, the visionaries can see her as a normal person. They speak, laugh and cry with her, they can touch and kiss her . . . She is real! Through different anecdotes, Sr. Emmanuel reveals to us the real and loving presence of our Mother, and how we, non-visionaries, can also reach her. This tape puts an end to the old concept of a distant, out-of-reach Virgin, too holy and pure to possibly be our beloved mother who opens her arms for us today.

SKU16157 Price: $9.99

True Consecration to Mary

There are two ways of suffering. Some people become bitter and others become meek and merciful. Why? In Medjugorje, just like in Fatima, Mary gives us her Immaculate Heart so that our hearts resemble hers. Then, we become precious tools in the hands of God for the salvation of souls. Our Lady calls us, she seeks for us, and she needs us. Shall we answer her call? Albert’s story will help you review your family life.

SKU16156 Price: $9.99

When Death Separates us From Those We Love

Let’s put on the table all of our questions on death! Why do we have to suffer such heart-wrenching pain when a dear one goes? Where are they now? How about our love? Is there any way it can continue? With powerful testimonies, Sister helps us discover true hope, which leaves no more room for any kind of despair. This tape will change the lives of those who mourn!

SKU16143 Price: $9.99



Why Fear What Is to Come?

The Blessed Mother hasn’t come to spread fear or to threaten us with punishments. In Medjugorje she cries out proclaiming good news, putting an end to today’s pessimism. Do you want to have peace? To make peace? To radiate peace? Sister Emmanuel explains how each one of us can reach the highest degree of love. Only a few healings are needed! Why should we fulfill 15% of the plan only, when we can realize it in its fullness? If we make the right choice, “this century will be for you a time of peace and well-being”, Mary says.

SKU16146 Price: $9.99

Witness of a Professional Sinner

As for his body, David was near death. As for his soul, he angrily cursed God. A hopeless case if his wife, Ann, has not had the crazy idea to drag him to Medjugorje for his last days on earth! What happened there? David tells us with humor and the remarkable tenderness of an Irish tenor who has conquered the heart of millions. Can a devastated heart make such a turn as to become a living springboard for other “lost cases”? How can this work with Our Lady, Queen of Peace?

SKU16163 Price: $9.99

Preparing for a Successful Marriage with Fr Tim Deeter

FLEX YOUR MARITAL MUSCLE! Father Tim Deeter, experienced marriage counselor and trusted diocesan priest, shares the wisdom of preparing for marriage as one who trains to win an Olympic Championship. Through this inspiring DVD, engaged couples will find a powerful training guide with tips to strengthen their spiritual muscles for a marriage that will last a lifetime; and married couples will find tools to protect, renew and fortify their bond of love! Get this DVD. Learning from the experiences of others will breathe new life into your relationship!

SKU16201 Price: $9.99

ALSO Available on Video DVDSKU16201 Price: $15.99



Our Mother’s Last Call from Medjugorje with Sr EmmanuelVOLUME ONE: Our Mother’s Last Call From Medjugorje With Sr EmmanuelI Love Each One of You as Much as I Love My Son Jesus: “All the villagers thought that the end of the world had come.” In the beginning of her apparitions to Medjugorje, Our Lady asked for a nine-day novena. Find out what happened to the parishioners in Medjugorje who participated! Especially in the beginning she manifested signs and wonders for the villagers so that they may believe and the entire parish may be led to holiness. Listen as Sister Emmanuel introduces the television series “Medjugorje: Our Mother’s Last Call”, herself and several experiences of those in the village.

Give Me Your Worries and Pray for My Intentions: “Give me your worries, your problems and pray for my intentions.” Here in Medjugorje we are able to join Ivan’s prayer group on the little mountain during the summer. It is still one of the greatest events in Medjugorje because it is open to everyone. Explore new insights about the prayer group in Medjugorje, discover the story of Albert and his wife, Learn how to give the problems that weigh you down to Our Lady in exchange for her intentions and see the miracles take place in your own lives.

SKU16170 Price: $15.99




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Track One: Protect the Children (with Fr Jozo): Why is it good to be a priest in prison? Find out as Fr. Jozo guides us through the years of Communist oppression in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the reaction of the faithful people in Medjugorje. Father Jozo was the parish pastor in 1981 when the apparitions began. Listen as he describes his initial doubt and his eventual belief in Our Lady’s appearance, which led to his imprisonment.

Track Two: You Do No Understand the Importance of My Coming! Our Lady is the greatest ICU Nurse today! Not only does she provide care for her patients but also she provides the hospital and long-term rehabilitation! Our world is in a coma and we need a mother every day, that’s why she has been coming to Medjugorje since 1981! Find out from Sr. Emmanuel how Our Lady heals addictions and obsessions, how to receive the same graces as the visionaries and how to help the young people today who are in distress.

SKU16171 Price: $15.99


Track One: I Am Your Mother. Welcome Me Into Your Life

Track Two: I Rejoice to See You Here (With Phillip Ryan) “I came to Medjugorje in search of a light that I saw in my mother when she returned.” Hear what happened next and how this young man’s quest turned out to be a lifetime commitment: an exclusive interview with Philip Ryan. “She’s giving us the opportunity to listen to her, to discover who we are.”

SKU16173 Price: $15.99


Track One: I’ve Come to Tell you that God ExistsA successful graduate student on the verge of questioning her vocation, Rosie Ladewski chose to dedicate herself completely to her family after consecrating herself to Our Lady. Today she has seven healthy children and a family with strong values. Listen to how Our Lady graced Rosie with allowing her to “fall in love with her children”. Through this interview and stories by Sister Emmanuel realize new ways of prayer in your family and see miracles among your loved ones!

Track Two: United With Me to Pray For Those Who Do Not Believe Exceptionally, Mirjana has been chosen to pray for all of those who do not yet know the love of God. While studying in Sarajevo she was so sad to see her friends without faith, without the promise of Eternal Life. One day she said to Our Lady, “What can I do for them? How can I help them?” Learn Our Lady’s response and desire for all of us who come in contact with those who do not yet know His love.

SKU16174 Price: $15.99




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Track One: Take the SaintsOur Lady is revolutionizing our approach to holiness. She says, “I am your mother and I’ve come to lead you to holiness.” Take the Saints as your example! It’s not out of reach. It’s here offered to us today!

Track Two: JPII: With Fr. Daniel AingeWhat politician, what rock star, what famous person can say one word and he has one million young people following him in an instant? What was the secret to JPII’s success as a Father for our Church today? A trusted friend of our late Holy Father John Paul II, and with several ties to the Vatican, Father Daniel Ange, founder of Jeuness Lumiere and International speaker reveals stories about the holiness of JPII never before told or heard! Why is JPII a genius and a saint? What is JPII’s trademark? Why is he known as Peter, Paul and John? Don’t miss this exciting look at the life and times of JPII!

SKU16259 Price: $15.99


“Through love we can turn to good all that Satan wants to destroy.” Medjugorje was a place of conflict resolution and a safe haven for refugees. It is also a spiritual refuge for many today. Sr. Emmanuel relates to the International Human Rights Caucus what she witnessed in Medjugorje due to the war and how the Messages of Peace given by Our Lady in Bosnia and Herzegovina changed the country and kept the faith of the people intact.

“Only through prayer and fasting can wars be stopped.” Fasting through the ages of Catholicism with Father Slavko Barbaric. Watch this rare and timeless interview with Father Slavko on the beauty and importance of fasting. “Fasting prepares you for the

Eucharist.” He was a champion of fasting, a gifted preacher and well-respected and well-renowned writer on the topic.

SKU16322 Price: $15.99




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Track One: I Am The Mother Who Comes For The People“If you want practical advise, I am the mother who comes for the people.” Our Lady has opened a school giving messages and life lessons to all those who are open. She speaks a little but works a lot. The events and little happenings help people to understand from the heart how to witness the life of Jesus and Our Lady in Medjugorje.

Track Two: If You Would Abandon Yourself To Me.When someone dies in Medjugorje, he is “having his passage”, and from earth we

need to help them. Death becomes human here. It is part of the life of the village. When someone dies, immediately the bell tolls and all the people stop what they are doing and gather to pray for the dead. See rare footage of this tradition in the early days of Medjugorje.

SKU16331 Price: $15.99


Track One: I Invite You to the Consecration To My Immaculate HeartMarija has said, “Some of the problems that people entrust to me are so hard but when Our Lady comes, we feel such a peace and security that the worst problems can be overcome and look like nothing.” Through consecration to her Immaculate Heart, Our Lady invites us to give her our hearts so that she can transform them into hearts of joy! This DVD is an important insight into the goal of Our Lady in her coming to Medjugorje!

Track Two: Children, Help My Heart to Triumph! Have no fear of what tomorrow may bring! Why? Because Our Lady is carrying with her Baby Jesus and He is life! Though we are in times of war, natural disasters and degeneration, Mirjana tells Sister Emmanuel: “Do not be afraid to have children, rather be afraid not to have many children. Look, I’m a mother, I have two children!” Find out what kept Sister Emmanuel and her community in Medjugorje during the war and how they discerned such a life threatening decision and how this decision affected the life of the village.

SKU16333 Price: $15.99


Track One: Go to Confession Once a MonthThe late Holy Father, John Paul II told a high Cardinal, “If I were not the Pope, I would be hearing Confessions in Medjugorje.” Let Sister Emmanuel draw you into the Sacrament of Confession by revealing to you its importance for clarity in your own life. Think you’ve already confessed everything? Through the story of Franjo, the only person from his area in the village who could not see the miracles Our Lady was performing for the faithful, learn how Confession gave him clarity and a sense of direction for his life.




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Track Two: Tonight You Can Touch Me. Why does Our Lady say that if we don’t go to Confession monthly, we have little chance of turning back to God? The visionaries always speak about Confession as one of the main messages. Since spiritually we are little kids, she gives us practical teachings, practical lessons to come closer to God the Father and therefore change our hearts into hearts of peace and love, concentrated on Him.

SKU16358 Price: $15.99


Track One: Thank You for Having Created Me“I love you as much as my Son Jesus”. In Medjugorje, Our Lady reveals herself as nowhere else in the world, as a living mother, as a heart, as a woman who loves really and concretely. She’s not a nice beautiful picture in our dining room or a statue that cannot move. She carries a Baby in her womb, then gives birth to the Baby, then she raises Him, she teaches Him, she washes Him. We do not realize how much she is a real, living mother for each of us today, doing exactly that for us. She is raising us, teaching us, washing us clean in order to be presented to our Father in Heaven! Listen as Sister tells Sophie’s story.

Track Two: I Am Leading You, Dear Children, Towards Love, Towards the Father What is this special Motherly Blessing that changes people? How can Our Lady bless us when she tells us that the most important blessing is that of a priest? Discover the secret behind the special motherly blessing and its lasting effects for those who give it and those who receive it! The interest of Our Lady is not to draw people to herself, but rather to draw them to their Father in Heaven!

SKU16393 Price: $15.99


Track One: Pray, For Through Prayer, You Will Know What to DoOur Lady gave a message, which will answer many of our questions. Today, the young people are wondering what their vocation is and what the call of God is for their life. Sometimes they’re desperate. “Dear children, pray for through prayer, you will know what to do. You will know the will of God.” See rare clips of Sr. Emmanuel in her community.




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Track Two: For God, Divorce Does Not ExistMarriage and divorce: these two topics are of utmost importance to Our Lady because they are at the heart of the family. She wants to guide society through the difficult and current problems facing us, she does not want to abandon us. In Medjugorje, if there is a question facing the village that is not in the Scriptures she says, “Follow what the Church teaches you.” She comes to help us go deep and live the faith with our whole hearts!

SKU16483 Price: $15.99


Track One: Today, Rejoice With My Angels and MeAngels! Our Lady is a teacher in many ways and in order to teach the visionaries and the prayer group about their guardian angels, she gave them homework while they were on vacation - write a letter to their guardian angels. Listen as Sister Emmanuel relates several stories that illustrate Our Lady’s intimate relationship with the visionaries and the prayer group she created.

Track Two: I Will Leave a Great Sign There were indeed secrets given to the visionaries. One thing that is particular to Medjugorje is that there will be a great sign on the hill of apparitions. After being persuaded by Vicka for a sign, Our Lady said, “I will leave a great sign, visible by everyone, and permanent. I will realize my promise. Hurry to be converted. Don’t wait for the great sign!’ This sign belongs to the 10 secrets given to each of the six visionaries

SKU16562 Price: $15.99


Track One: Pray With the HeartSince 1981 Our Lady has been asking us to pray! Pray! Pray! But what is prayer and why is it so difficult today? Sister Emmanuel elucidates how to quiet ourselves by cutting down on our communication needs and obsessions. “Having to know everything about everybody is harmful for communion between persons.” With telephones that text message and skype phones that work over the computer and mobile phones that are fully equipped internet computers, how do we reach that chamber inside where we meet Jesus in our selves and in the temple of the other person? Pilgrims from around the world share their experience of prayer.

Track Two: A Rose for Mother Teresa (with Danielle Rose)What happens when remarkable musical talent, a pure heart, fine-tuned theological training, Medjugorje and the energy of youth combine in one beautiful young woman? Throw in a special blessing from Mother Teresa and what do you have? An explosion of grace! This interview tells the story of her conversion, her musical formation and her transformation in Medjugorje. You are sure to be inspired by the music and heart of Danielle Rose.

SKU16587 Price: $15.99




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Track One: Listen To My Messages With the Heart (Five Stones)Our Lady gave the visionaries five main messages, which Fr. Jozo likens to the five stones with which David struck down Goliath. These five building blocks of the spiritual life defeat Satan and build us up in holiness. Fr. Jozo presents the five stones and Sister Emmanuel and pilgrims witness to the powerful results they have experienced through living them. Our Lady says, “Live my messages!” Let Fr. Jozo teach you how!

Track Two: Every Thursday Re-Read Mathew 6:24-34Freedom! When OL speaks, she is a mother first, and when she speaks it’s out of concrete acts through which you learn. Otherwise you are an intellectual. Your head is full of good stuff but your hands are empty. So in Medjugorje, Our Lady teaches us about true freedom: having security, and faith, in God and in His loving hand in our lives. Sister Emmanuel speaks about Our Lady and her desire for the world to possess this true freedom, the ability to give everything to God. “Yes Lord, I have a Rolls-Royce but you know what Lord, this car is yours!”

SKU16684 Price: $15.99


Track One: Be Reconciled “Be reconciled, because I desire reconciliation among you and more love for each other, like brothers.” Nikola was a Croatian soldier fighting on the front lines in Mostar. He returned to Medjugorje to be with his adopted family – the Beatitudes. He was black with dust and dirt, he was pale, and his eyes had the look of someone who still had awful scenes of hell running through his mind. He had a beard of three days…find out what his first reaction was after being shot by the enemy and how love for his Muslim enemy flooded his heart.

Track Two: I Desire Reconciliation Among you many people do not have peace. You see them walking down the street. You may be one of them. One day the visionaries asked Our Lady why this exists. She said, “you are away from God and distance from our brothers is a result of distance from God.” The best way to close the distance is to thank God for all that He is giving. Pick up this video and find out how!

SKU16691 Price: $15.99




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Track One: Your Suffering Is Also MineTrack Two: Sufferings Are Really Great Gifts from God

In a rare interview with Vicka, one of the six visionaries, Sister Emmanuel explores the topic of suffering. “Our Lady does not say why we suffer.” Vicka tells Sister. “Rather, she teaches us what to do when we suffer. And how to deal with suffering.” Suffering is a great gift from God! It is a source of grace for you and for others! What does Our Lady look like? What happened when the children first saw her? Why is Our Lady concerned about the young people and how can we help them? What happens to a woman who commits abortion? What is Vicka’s prayer life like?

SKU16756 Price: $15.99 VOLUME SEVENTEEN

I Kneel Before the Freedom That God Has Given You Interview with Marija. “In the beginning we were afraid but we had such a big joy! She was like our friend. She put us in a good environment and little by little we grew in prayer and knowing Our Lady more. I remember many theological people came to question us and here we were, little kids from our little village with our little ideas…I only have to think of the face of Our Lady and my whole mood changes!” Explore other fun details about Marija’s relationship with Our Lady in the beginning and now. Discover why Marija loved the late Holy Father, Pope John Paul II so much. Find out why it is so difficult for Marija to transmit the message of the 25th each month, and why she proposed to Our Lady that She find someone else to do the job of conveying Her message of peace to the world!

SKU16831 Price: $15.99


“From Astrology to God’s Hands” Sr. Emmanuel shares with us her personal testimony. Hear how she fell into darkness through Ouija boards and Tarot cards, only to be saved by Jesus and the prayers of his people at the last

moment. A thrilling account of God’s miraculous love. Sr. Emmanuel continues the story of her conversion on track two. From suicidal thoughts and bouts of loneliness and depression to meeting the apostles of the new times and being saved by the Word of God! Sister’s story is one that many young people can relate to today. It’s a story of searching for truth and finding it!

SKU16896 Price: $15.99




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Do Not Fear -Trust Me (Conversations with Fr Svet)

SKU17310 Price: $15.99


Put Holy Mass at the Center of Your Life Our Lady is extremely smart! At the beginning she appeared to the children in a way that they would fall in love with her. They dreamed to see her the next day. When we were completely in love with her, she started appearing in a different way and there was a veil between them and Our Lady so that the visionaries understood it was not she who was important it was her Son. OL wanted the children to consider the apparitions as a tool to prepare for Jesus. Each day she comes 20 minutes before Holy Mass. The mother is preparing the children to go to God.

When she speaks about Holy Mass and the Eucharist, it’s the top. It’s the best. It’s the highest reality on earth. Our Lady said that “if man would prepare a little more to receive Holy Communion and spend more time in prayer after Holy Communion, they would experience more miracles in their lives and there would be less sickness among them.” Hear how Our Lady taught the children about evil, black Masses and the solution for sacrileges committed against the Holy Eucharist!

SKU16898 Price: $15.99


“Pray for Priests - Sr. Briege McKenna Sr. Briege McKenna shares the details of her early involvement with the events of Medjugorje. Hear the incredible word of knowledge she received for Fr. Vlasic in 1981 that predicted the coming of Our Lady to the parish in Medjugorje. What did Sr. Briege experience on the Oprah Winfrey show that relates to Medjugorje? Learn from Sr. Briege insights into Our Lady’s desire to help her children. “…At the very moment when Jesus said to John, ‘Behold your Mother’, Mary’s heart

expanded and the same love she had for Jesus, she had for each of us.” Understand why is it important for us to pray for priests and how Baby Jesus is leading the way!

SKU16968 Price: $15.99




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Pray For Unbelievers (with Mirjana Soldo)This private interview with Mirjana Soldo took place at her home in Medjugorje. In a candid dialogue with Sr. Emmanuel, Mirjana said, “OL asked us to put God at the center of our lives and families. It wasn’t a question of vocation for me because I didn’t feel the call to be a nun. We are all her “servants”. I know that for her, special children do not exist. She took the 6 of us to tell all of her children what she wants. We are normal. Everything I need in my life, I have to pray like every other mother. She has the same intensity for everyone. We are all her kids.”

SKU17058 Price: $15.99


Track One: I Wish Your Sufferings Become Joy!“He thought he had gone crazy and as he looked at the Cross, Jesus kept looking at him.” Find out what happened next to this humble priest from Ireland who climbed Mt. Krizevac looking for answers to questions regarding his parish. “Once you have discovered the power of Jesus’ love, the eyes of Jesus are printed in your heart and you no longer look for extraordinary things.”

Track Two: Pray For the Sick Learn about the importance of the Sacrament of the Sick and the healing it can carry. What does Our Lady say to those who suffer from some type of illness and how can we help them? “Dear Children, pray for the sick and believe firmly. I will come to help according to that which is in my power. I can’t heal, only God can heal. But I can help. I need your prayers and sacrifices.”

SKU17113 Price: $15.99 Our



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Track One: Fall In Love With the Most Holy Sacrament of the AltarWhen it’s a matter of adoring Jesus, Our Lady is ready to do anything to push us to Him. It’s always the Mother who brings the children to Jesus. “Dear children, I invite you to fall in love with the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Adore Him little children, in your parishes, and in this way you will be united with the entire world. Jesus will become your friend, and you will not talk of Him like someone whom you barely know.”

Track Two: Pray For Priests, My Most Beloved Sons Our Lady has chosen a full parish, not just a visionary, not just a priest, but also an entire parish that can be an example to the world and this parish of course has

priests. From the beginning, priests in Medjugorje could ask Our Lady questions about the priesthood and have a direct link with her. She said, “In these times, it is very difficult for a priest to remain faithful.” This DVD is a call to lay people. Help your priests through prayer and help them concretely by being by their side!

SKU17135 Price: $15.99

VOLUME TWENTY FIVE: Track One: I Have Shown You Heaven To Let You Know It Exists “Dear Children, I’ve shown you Heaven, Purgatory and Hell so that you know that it exists and you can tell others.” Sr. Emmanuel shares how Vicka and Jakov traveled to Heaven with Our Lady! The details of their visit are fascinating! Heaven is real, and it is waiting for you!

Track Two: I Have Shown You Purgatory To Let You Know It Exists “Pray daily for the souls in Purgatory.” Sr. Emmanuel shares the trip to Purgatory that Vicka and Jakov made with Our Lady. Many important facts about Purgatory are revealed. “It’s a place where there is a fog, so we couldn’t see the people there. We could feel that it was very crowded. We could hear people moaning out of pain…” Our lady told them, “Many souls stay in purgatory because there is no one on earth to pray for them.”

Sr. Emmanuel shares the sobering details of Hell she learned from Vicka and Jokov. What does it look like? How did they get there? How can God, who is all good, put people in Hell? He doesn’t! “Many people on earth decide to do everything against God, to put the will of God aside. Those people who already had hell in their hearts, it’s the same hell they have forever.”

SKU17223 Price: $15.99




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