The Industrial Age · Web viewIn this chapter you will learn about how the United States became an...

Name: Social Studies- Gr. 8 Chapter 2: The Industrial Age Focus Question: How did industrialization and immigration change the face of American life? THE INDUSTRIAL AGE 1 What you will learn… In this chapter you will learn about how the United States became an industrial power in the late 1800s. A new wave of immigrants provided the labor, and the increase of industry and immigration lead

Transcript of The Industrial Age · Web viewIn this chapter you will learn about how the United States became an...

The Industrial Age

Name: Social Studies- Gr. 8

Chapter 2: The Industrial Age

Focus Question: How did industrialization and immigration change the face of American life?

What you will learn

In this chapter you will learn about how the United States became an industrial power in the late 1800s. A new wave of immigrants provided the labor, and the increase of industry and immigration lead to urbanization of the country.

Vocabulary: Section 1 (pg. 34-38)

Second Industrial Revolution:





Assembly line:

Who Invented What?

Directions: Identify each inventor with their invention.



Henry Bessemer

This person invented the electric light bulb.

Alexander Graham Bell

Created a system of assembly lines, to create more affordable cars. Introduced the Model T car.

Wilbur and Orville Wright

Think About It

(These are critical thinking question that require you to think deeply. Use the chapter resource as a reference for more information.)

1. Why did the most importance advances in technology happen in the steel industry? (Hint: Think about what items are made from steel.)

2. How did electricity change the lives of thousands in large cities?

3. Why did the assembly line help manufacture (create) products cheaply? (Hint: Think about a factory.)

Vocabulary: Section 2 (pg.39- 42)




Sherman Antitrust Act:

Directions: Complete the chart based on your knowledge and the readings in Section 2.

Big Business






Not enough steel, money and skilled workers. Prices were high


John D. Rockefeller

Caused pollution. Very expensive to make. No competition


Buildings. Rails for railroads and improved machinery.

Meat Packing

Refrigerated meat carts

No safety regulations.

Extended Writing Assignment

*Do not start this portion until instructed to do so. *

Directions: Select one of the following writing prompts, and write a detailed response. Be sure to include vocabulary and knowledge you have learned, and support your claims with sufficient details. Each response should be 2-3 paragraphs in length.


1.)Many big businesses did not care about their workers or the consumers of their products. They only cared about making a profit. Predict if you think that this mentality will cause problems or not.


2.)Choose one of the major leaders of a big business and write a persuasive response explaining your business and why people should invest their money in your company.

*Please write your response on a separate loose-leaf paper or typed in Times New Roman font and size 12.

Analyzing Political Cartoons

Directions: Analyze the following political cartoons from the time period, and answer the following questions.

1. What type of source is this political cartoon? (Primary or Secondary)

2. Based on the image, who has the most power? How do you know?

1. Who is the man portrayed in the picture? What is he holding in his hand?

2. What do you think the smokestacks on the Capitol building represent? (Look at the background.)

3. How does the cartoonist show the mans power?

Think About It

1. Was the Sherman Antitrust Act successful? Why or why not?

2. Describe how major Big Businesses formed.

3. What are some of the benefits of investing in corporations?

4. Why were people so concerned with companies gaining a monopoly?

Vocabulary Section 3: (pg. 44-47)

Knights of Labor:

American Federation of Labor:


Collective bargaining:

Samuel Gompers:

Haymarket Riot:

Homestead strike:

Pullman strike:

Think About It

1. Why were working conditions in factories unsafe?

2. Why did business owners oppose unions and collective bargaining? (Think about the definitions for unions and collective bargaining.)

3. Do you think labor strikes (riots) were the most effective form of demanding change for workers? Why or why not? (Think about the different strikes in the late 1800s.)

4. Imagine that you are a factory owner in NYC during the late 1800s. Would you support the demands of your employees and agree to a collective bargaining? Why or why not?


The Industrial Age

The Industrial Age