THE ICHMOND DISPA - Chronicling...

THE HHHHH m$im*:*t ICHMOND DISPA WHOLE NUMBER. 10,506. RICHMOND, VA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 4, 1885. TITREE CENTS PER COPY. Sj£rgy8|Aj: t v nrnt-ooHa alua BR R OO HIT II W 0 I R RR OO t ll vi isl Sgt "I* neil an immense lol 1 vi Hst* (M1 MlKHKjs ISDKKWKA Wide eipres*!y for our trade, at prices 1 Wt be matched In Ibis city. F.elow we v .jaaM a lea atanansen: I* dorn. l.AI'll s K INK Mini, APRON** anti ruffles, al ins.* I MUS lllEMIRB, ruflU-trlriinied. len.; KADJI* SKI HTS, with fonr rows of lu. big. Bl 80c.; KA PI KS HKA-AKHK. with five rows lucking and ruffling, al MM; I.AMFs i.diws with niffltng trimrnli at See.; KA Pl KS (TIKMIsK, trluiliu-d with tm t-ng, Httiutiuri- edge, and Inserting, ot 50c.; KA Pl KM' SKIKTS. with four rows of tn. lng, liamhtirg inserting and Ha ni tn Bon nc mir st ft* j KA MKS uoWNS. front trimmed with ** Bug. Hsniliurx edge and Inta-rtli sleeves trimmed with Hamluirg ed and lucked, at li; JAMI.H HKll'TX. witli four row* of lue lng and s mtv wide Hninl.urg floun. at li; KA MKs OOM NS entire fi .ml of fine Hal bing edge and Inserting, al «l..*,ii; MVMEd. APIlo.N'S. trimmed grlta \, wilieIsee. si Me,; IHII.PKK.N s nilAWKHM. ililli tucksai ruftti-s ni IV. SR.and sae., aeeordlng INFANTS si.IPs. Iliinilnim-trimined, 2 ¦><..; We will iii-o show this BSBSk tin- fine stock of INFANTS K.M'K AND MCI KIN CM'S Hinl NIT'NIs CM'S ev Min, I.KVI BESTER s.lil-lt in7 Hroad street. §fjr hfARITH J. 1 *-<:.. '111 uiaiu-iniu'oii nt Cleveland ivs li. ¦ dei 1. il Stales Slid (li ..It. rim: nf irgala* m DMT QOOD8J, A.-.. Ly I.KW .(. DAVIS. 1 c-lse ol li HINUB \ MS;,! 7.1. H IHUl. i .-us.' ina. OIXUHAMMri i ,c. :i *rnrd; i ¦aneofMKBRIMACB IT.IN'TKD PH*! 1 at s.e. a \Hi.i uoiiu UK-.; I .use WHITE i oki.Kl. pHil IB nt te. yui.l Morl li 8 .e. I nisi- Will ll. STRIPED LAWN ul .;,'. ..uni. uo.i'd I*- cheap at Sj-.; 1 <sv WHITE SATIN STKH'KH NAIN MM Kal I e. a yui'l umiii ll .- I .hm- WHITE CHECKED MAI RHOOK I Mi ii yard worth 10c.; Vittd-uidc D MIK I'll! Ni KD PERCALE ai 7c. rd soiiu I88JB,; si RIVED si Mist iki ns nt | ,. a ysr IKlllll NM Ml. (TIKCKKD DHKSSOOUl.s. nearl nil W(M>1. nt I* c. ii yard fm melly sol si ate. ; LACK si TUPI li S< HIM r..r (TKTAJNS i. lg ... «hans is very nheap; i U II.I.KD (HASH TOWELLING itt 6e. ] Hill tioilli He. ReaatannM ot COI ron SHEETING; lle.kinantH of BLEACHED COTTON; Hcint.iuiU al COTTON DIAPER; Kinma nts of DREM ooo is of aver] .ti en ipdoii'; Ki munni* of 01 KTAIN LACER; Hfiiiiisiitsof CARPETH mid MATTINU. mil 4 LETT a DAVIS. ORV i.tunis. Ml I lu NS ,t. pAl bOZO A CO. sn- univ ..|i icu,: a FKAI I'll I I. AssuHTMKNT Ol HOOP- KOKKAHLV SPIUNi. .THAR, sucli as TMICOTR JEBBB1 OTTOMANS (new), SHOOI'AS. (T.UT11S SKUliKs, 1- I.ANNKl.aud CLOTH HITIT Nt ls. In mw Hud .-liol,.<¦ RjrlRg colorings. One ween! brm at BLACK silk QOODt luis Leen BRsneessatM hs lo induce us to men .reemil.y a levi SII.Ks mc coiiM.lei Itu beal na ptlns we lawn ooot oiiered -vu*.: A HI .MK HUH CASHMERE HILKatll, tl.ic 11.48 ami Sl.r.u; A Mil. ITsTiiuis. ami \ KUY sll.KV s mini tN.'sii MBRVEI.UEU st ll *n. io. sud U TR* sidle .uni,..: RR excelled iii li<:iii!y .I finish, sud Hie Rtet M m'mil is fully glilllSllleiit. .n.u Mnei and i un iud - \ i- 1 IT .N's I. BMgnnl slvli-s; sjaawkkl natrnnina ut LACE CURTAINS, le l,*,.e«st CMIDO/O A DO. IHI.1A, vttssniH>. ar. LUI KS. .U just received a large addition la bu lin* oi - KINK i'I.ui Ks - -maiuiiK tlt.- isntesi variety aval slum ll in Ihecllv. - OOM! WT' -ll 1 (ll M. - -Till. Pilli I. Will, \s|uMs||- Ona ni :s»i .uppH citatoinenwith- - Kl N KAMI'S. K. H. T'AVKOK . mil Mala sliest.- -.o-Miniie |.(>sl-ollii -l'clC|>i.'.ii- mil i ,Jl N LAMP. WH1I ALI THK IM- U p|-(>\ I Ml.Ms- isl. P.rilllsney botan siual to titty .perm nandlea, ad. Keonosai lin. Critil M'liilee Ol .U-i't coals one tlilntof i.-ui |M-r i.i. ad ii.i'.e tin- ordinary l.uutiey. 8th, Nc<ci bicitUsor siiiok.-s the inn,n.-y. .Mh. Pet-fees safety. Ik-lng madr >i lu** csniioi lui uk If il rails. Tiles* o. |s.r.. lum!, ni issi Insult, r. In tuns* it>>! i. .eke)-j..!, ic Hm warranted aol lo lank ok lam*i vi 'li ilgill a ns>ui of ordinary sis* .> Hist icsdiiig sud sewtJlg <ii:i lie doutt lu .1 |*iis. i.l.un.ii .,; _lill) 7 Ms ill si:- Rt! Oft 7.1 M. li- IS. RA*** . *Ve - c im: C I A I. S A I. I - Ar - la- l.KW/ss .- (ptst'l m;t i. ui . IS NAIN s-THKKT. .' I am nowselling uiy itii*KtiM>iL-of I'HTLIIKX. RH'-NZKS. IttNgOERj - and Fj Titi fl - At I SOM HM ruo HU M'1'K-ini.K tym Ki ".ri. ll; PRIOkM Iii Lule 11>oin for )tn|.n>yviiniiils. CAM. 1 \HI.V «iNi> i;i;r (TloP'K. -~ \AUMi >:> il LOW KlOKlU'.i. A BSOLUTKLT PURE. ROYAL B tt. jaix buri* n oem -MUmSr |noai-lyl IVslRIVi R BTAT-MRRTB. | I'lill.IHHRll RY AVTHORITY OR TUB AtTOI1TOB or rrni-ic acoo~rt».J ALKXANORIA MSI RANCKt!0M- PANY. Annual Statement for the n»eal year end¬ ing the 81*t day ol January, 1884, ot the actual condition of Hie ALKXAN- PRIA INKTRANCK COMPANY, organ- ..! nader the lawlor the State of Vir¬ ginia, made lo thc Auditor of Public Aeeouuu ror the Commonwealth of Vir¬ ginia, p."nant to an act ol the Oeneral Assembly reRulathiR the report* of In¬ surance cwajsiriles, approved Keliruary BB, 1878. Same or Hie company In full.AlU.AB- Bria Imbbbabos t orca.v. Hoine or principal orflce nf mid *.¦. '...'¦ v r * s VA. Character or the company (whether fire, fire anti marine, or marine insurance com- i«ni> Pian ann Mauimu. Presldeiit IlKN'.M WUK*'I. Secretary and Treasurer i.iokok Whit. oiVMiiisetl *ml uteorporated.Rovnnni B in. 1170. Commenced Imalne** Ai-rii. IP, 1871. I. CAPITAL. The amount of RuharrltR d ¦tock of snell .-ur;*.ration. 157,'J?.*, til Tlie »mount t.r*alde«|iital stock [Hid np In ensh. 37,801 3d I'hc amODOl of .kin capita! slock paifl op Ls stock note (HI38 *c- cuietl by cash depoaltai. 19,473 .*>. II. ABSKTS Tiie us*., ts of said company, unit a deluded atAtcmciit of how anil lu si hat the same are in- ve*|etl Loans ob tamil* and mecOjsce .duly reeortied hu.I Leina se¬ cond lieu on the fee simple'. upon which md more than one sears Interest ls due. 1.Odo lo Interest mci ned thereon. IOU* .li iimiil if Sink*. Bonds, omi Irrasurg .totes u) tits United /gates, and also o/Blocks ami Huntis ni Incorporated Cities in this Hate, "/.</"' nit otnr, I unit llnnit* oiri(,d absolutely /.../ //,, (\mptutg. T'.lsl Tool Psr Mariel Vsliic Value. Vs. mi.i. Baltwai I...ntl*, lin's .... ? IMfm 110407 V:.. Mid. linilwsy i l.M'li V's .Vim. raliway 1...I..L. Mir-.... 11.000 ( har. BB ir.-ipl'lsu l,'slli«:id li'.ii'ls A lex an ilris « M| iel.. >. saudra City moo 3.000 tao ::,oi o I st. mid . r.. lilllie tl.ili.Ki'i t-.ind- 1.000 I c' iel Inc.. lill' TOWR "f Dunville bondi.. l.r.i'H I il. Nall.ius' Hunk -...a. '.'.onn X' « "linell be.*. I.....I :-..iniii V. ¦.ff n md t). Psibi.'.d bond*, J.nnO 1.423 10.340 ,*i,l()0 1400 Kif. v«o l.i.Oo 860 1,300 -.000 1.3P0 Hid Trail |Wf ni"1 "'i' I., s.slii. .si rltil ul in I rs et raim. 4*..*. 0 18,480 ;s.i90 00 Cash In Company* prlndpoi of. Mee. :il;j 7S I ash Ixtonging to the Company depndted In Hie ClUaene Re- lional Plink. _ 1 lt (H tics preininiiis in course of col- It ellon, md mole I lill ll I tiree month*du*. M 73 Hft'ce fm li' turi mid Kupplle*. J'jci: Vim lu la in-4i> couBoni MO sui.75 . (41 7.". 11 . cios* ii mount of all Hie a*- ¦ot* of Hie Company.942.901 si Aranon! Ol ptt-mmmsunpaid on |u.lilies which have l>*cii Is¬ si.. U iiiiue tliuii t bree mont I.s. s'l.v 81 Aggregate amonnl ol nil the .«- s. is ldc ('Ompanj stilled at theil aetnal value Ms.sot sn III. LIAHILITIKS. Ntl nun.nut ol nu|ws,<) lanae nothMm ..! *s premium* received an l receivable upon all nnespind lire-risk* run n ni; one sear oe ii ss tn in dnlc oi policy, $.'!,- Tuu.-iT; uueai ned premiums. per cent.M.sot 13 ll ross piemliiius re- ¦> lv*d mid lec.isii- ui*.n nil naen- i.<i tire-risks run¬ ning mon Ullin oHi¬ st ai fiom darner Bal¬ le) 14.814 ri un¬ earned premluma, pm ruiii i.iee 77 ('1*0*1 plelolllllls .cash lind bil s i, ned ami receivable upon nil unexpired ma¬ rine risks. Hm oo lifl'i BO -.!».*, so Ciisb ills ideiuls to stock hoi.It-i-s remalnlntng annan*. . Ibie ami Hcciutd for salaries, rent. adverttslngi mid for nit.ncs hikI oilier m Urellane ona upanses. Comm.MOO*. Link, raw. and oth.i charlies due ami to b*- eonie due to inp-nts and bro- keisou piei.iiiiiiis paid and in onise ol colhiiiiin. 18.70 Total amount ol all liabilities. av.-epl capital alni net « s 47.-, g| .hunt stock .-apitul actually p.. id up tn cash. (7 sui 80 sm pit.s beyond caplial *ml all other liabilities . -a 57 Al"'renate n mount of all liul.ili- n. s iiiciidlnii paid-up caplial ste. I. 1. lid Uti Mil'pIllH.*42.!(ll i-J IV. INi OMK. Ihe Income ol thc said compa¬ ny din lui. thc pieced iiiiftwcl sc month*, and rrom ss hal source* derived: fer Hie lt isis. Ker M.i- rlnr»i!.l I lilli.d ¦fisk- ti..uni. .t 1.44 i.i;,i. 73 .*.4i; s D, .lu.t .-.niy rata- *m itiit-e. rafe.*. sliai. Bent, and 1*4*1B I r. mi¬ mes.. il 71 . \cl >.is|i srtu-jllv ri i'i ted Ter ..5J7. 11. ii .um.¦ ... 04 348 RS K. ccive.l for Interest BM bond* and n oiliiHK. s. tog Interest Ulld divi- ll.lids on stocks and latud* COl- laterat loans, and all ether soil I ces. ,.., A uk reg* te mm omit, of minn l.s te.eiSftl during Ihe year. V. KXI'KNDITPRKS. The f'X|M'titliliiie* of Raid BOBS- | sw I. y. K's'nc a detailed Itate- ment of the same: tm Marine Kai Ure , A lid .ml Li.'.-. I.i-ks. t.r.s- r< nenin' ml i.a nv |«id r '. ..-. '..- . Iu.ll..jt*39.- llM'.Isi.. -. uceU'ru.R ll. l-rcvkm- *'i- ..103 80 pic IOCS, si T..Ixl ci. .len-. 371111 lg 4.R43 V«l 33.U33 3t> 4.848 00 - 4(18lt|«i Nd ii m..i.nt pa ht dui iiik tin* year i..i .wes (BOS.0I piate-Klaas l.s-es. o a tm N I'll i,cds ... malls paid sttsk- hol.lcis 'amount ol stockhold¬ ers' dis i.lends declared dui inc Hie sear BJ SOI B.SSB BO Paul fmreoinioisaraasar broker- age... R30 00 Paid tor sa ia rles. fees, ami all oilier ahai«.soi ..'ticer*, clerks. .nota, and ali other enip'oyae* iiOR on .'atti mr state, nu.'ional, and Io¬ ctl t tn xe* in I hi* bim! other Nial.. il* *n XII ol her paVmcnls anti expend- Itaro- via.. Inn rest on depos¬ its, lt:.-.Bi: print I mc. -j.tHa.s-c. ».|Im-v linn.line. Ac., IMBJIA. IS* 'J7 V'l i'talf SUKilliil of aclual **»- p.-nsxs dm ms Oo- >*-*r. « 8 3s4 IR sw. Ut bs Hi sim Wiil.Ai, President. . ntl Hf <>i W t*». Kteretarj. la-fur*- No'siy lii'.llc for Alexandria eily. V. mb 4-lIt L II.LIAKII- AM» PpOL-TABLtS ni: sal:: it: ka p. S PIXAl INO. HOI* KI'S Malo street. pl, -I) Oil vs! sf lal io.. i ls IL: Di THIS (TTY'S NEWS. A EOLI) IH'Ilt.LAR'S TOUR. Kirri Warfe al AlLsBanr-RsllrssS * usa* aad sa ru.sir H*as**»~t*ss *f v bm, IVauBrs. Mltirw«r». td Or. An expert thief has Iteen operating the line of thc Richmond and Alleghai railroad Howardsvlllc and tl city, and there is good reason to sa pot-p that he has done nome success! work here also. From information 1 reived bj one of the employees of M John Wren's Detective Agency it a pesrs that the thief went into thc ra road station at Howardsville Wedne day night; went into that at Uren Itluir Thursday night, and at ncith place got anything. Friday nigl in the depot at Pemberton'*, got a thirty-two-calihre pistol. Sato day night he entered the re- dence of Mr. A. M. Seddon, near I) ver, and got the following sil vera an Two embossed pepper cruets, initia "J. S. V."; one sugar-dish and oi cream-pot with saucer, ami frostcd- tbc word '* Josephine" engravi upon it; one small celery cruet, in tials "J. r% V."; one frosted-silvi bucket for spoons; two old-rashioni salt-cellars, with two sinull spoons ar one mufitard-spoon. All of the abo' are gold-lined and of small dimensions one pair of old-fashioned sugar tong silver. Sunday night fee entered thc residem of Mr. Milton (syce, on thc corner- terete avenue and Mulberry avenue, ar sci tired the following articles: Oi ladies' dotiblc-case Swiss watch. No. ra-*en 7W3U; one ladies' chain, wil ni .k-( hain attached: also a pin wil roral head and a pearl on cadi sidi pair ol gold bracejets. plain : locke willi picture of an old gentleman, bar nf locket containing hair; one hillie: poid ring, ruby set. containing Uv pearls: one penllciiian's seal ring wil black set; one ladies'neck-chain, silvi li ia tire work, with medalion attached two pair of silver repri -enting a daisy and thc other arose tyvo ladies' silver ri |irt-sciitiiip a guitar and the other a bo- if ribbon Loth composed of lilagre >ne pair of silver lilagrc bracelets ; M i liiitioiial-liaiik note. Night before last he, or sonic on be. ( iitcred the residence ni Mr- >laytnii. on I hird street, (iambic'sHil md carried od' ii gold vvntcli and -/7"> nonet. The reason Mr, Wren has for sii| inning that all this robbery was don v one man is that at each place en ItBgRM WM effected throuuli a viimloi at Mrs. Slav tun's while Hie tinnily wot I supper): that generally the tint laed a large i|iiantity ol' matches lo nuking light : that Ute robberies fol owed in succession tot the operator' asy movements ; and that they iver II evidently Um work of i practicei and. The poli.-c generally do no. share ii lr. Wren's opinion as to UM robber* t Mis. Slav ton's. They think the hat BM dene bj "local talent ".pro by a colored man. The follow iu- iv | deSCI iptiou ol' tin uni vilm operated on thc Alleghan- oad, obtained by Wren's men froii iflerent parties who saw the strange beni the stations or on the ronda k oung man about twenty-live or thirli ennofan shoal live feet seven inehn igh; light complexion; light hair mall, light moustache; black Den] at: blue silii ol clothes, iloulile-'ircastet nat: shoes iiiudil j (at that time) amt huh nt in the top ol' right one yy atdi-chaii nd a charin on il; rings on holli hands nineo ring on middle linger ol' left band he party won- a innff-colored noollei !urt. Mr. Wren's infonnation is that tin.' ian was at or about each ol the hu ali ea OB thc Alleghaiiy mad on UM <luii hen the ri 'Ilbery wa- ina.le or attempt I a< above narrated. lhere is un rea-on to -lisped thal ie author ol these robberies is tin ian who entered the lievv. and mosio- ;orc of Captain C. F. fohn sfta*, lr is case the man bv use of skeleton- cys opened the front door and weill ito the store. In the mole recent rob. LTies ihe thief, or thieves, went in bj ii-mg windows. The luau who robbed JchsaMen re¬ amed here tot several days al'ter- ards. and finn led to the North, and is hardly likely.peesible, hut not kel].that he would SO soon return Kichm.iinj. V MAN AUKKSTKIl. Yesterday afternoon two colored men lined Joe l>ank< and Thomas Cooper Tried the watch-chain Stolen I rom Mrs. ayton to Mr. Kllis Abram's pnwn- lOp. Mr. A bram had been informed of the bbery and furnished yvith a dint I ill ni ol'the stolen property. SO vi hen tin- iain was brought in mid corrcspoiidt-d the description ol' the stolen, hi¬ nt for a policeman and bad the men rested. The arn-sis were made bj I'olicemeii annon and Fox. and the srriMod wein ken to thc Seennd police-station. lt is supposed that the thieves ciiteieil rough UM front win.lon. The police are informed that Hanks iinerly lived on Mrs. Slayton's einises. ie New York lu ni...ruin Visitor, The ((iminittee of Richmond Demo¬ ns iimi Veterans ol the Illtie sud ay. who are arranging for the recep- n of the Cleveland and Hendricks ar Veterans ol' HrooLlvn. N. V., are bnned that the Club will be hen on I 6th. They will (onie from ;ton to Richmond on their (bartered .amer, and will bring SM men and a nd ol' music ol forty pieces, lieiu-isl renae, and possibly QeMeral Mci'lel- i. will be with them. The iuuiittce will give them a wann leonie. ami have arranged te ii.put them at Sanger Hall. f this entertainment there will be no npliiiienHirv tickets sent out to OW i/eiis. hut one hundred will he sold two dollars each tu help the f-unmii- defray expenses. These tickets I go mostly to these vvho have «. nu tutted in money or prov i-ions. Co¬ ri Cary and the collecting committee 1 he out on the streets again to-day hiting the help of tho-e win. yy ish to kc the allan a sin e-s and give the ituis a plcasiiiii impression of Ki'li¬ nd. L.t. I.wnutt I .l-l.ililli. re-night at the Theatre the popular y -* Lynwood." remembered bv nu of its acceptable pre-eutatiou here e before this season, will be twa very interesting drama, in irk ihe priiu-ipal aetefS represent i-eis in Ihe two uimies during the war. The company is a good one. iMinulie Hem Hi Isl bMbrMBJ 'he annual meeting of the Catholic iclicml Society was held last nig'-u (he follow mg olliceis e|i-e(e,| du enstiiuj year: I'resi.leui. lohu M. gins: Vice-President, William J'rou ; Recording Sc !......rj . fensjpk VV. Uni-: Financial Secretary. Thoma* Byrne ; A*si*tant Financial Secretary, John K. McDonough. Trustees : Pit- ru k FennesRey, William Rankin, and James holden,: Chaplain, Very Rev. A. V»n De Yyver. TB* De*lb ams. Tlie following is tlic official mortuary report for tlie city of Richmond for the week ending Saturday, February 28, 18Kr>: AV hole number of deaths in the city, exv-Iusive of still-birth*, 4X Cause of Death.. Apoplexy, 2; bronchitis. 2; congestion of liingn, I; cu.sumption. 5 ; convulsions (infantile). 2 : diarrliu'S. 2 ; dropsy. 1 ; drowning. I ; 2; hemorrhage (from lungs). 1 ; infantile lockjaw, 1; in¬ flammation of bowels, 1; marasmus, I j meningitis. 4 ; old age, 3; paraly¬ sis. 1 ; pneumonia, 8 ; premature birth, 1 ; puerpera, 1 ; scrofula, 1 ; surgical operation, 1 ; unknown. 1; other dis¬ eases, 3. Age..One day to thirty. 3; one month to six, ti; six months to twelve. 2; one year to three. 4; three years to live. 2; live years to ten, 1 ; ten year* to twenty. 4; twenty years to thirty. 4 : thirty years to forty, 2 ; forty years to fifty. 2; lifty years to sixty. 3; sixty years to seventy, 7; seventy years to eighty, 4; eighty years to ninety, 3; unknown, I. lt B~N calare..Mean temperature for (lu week ending February 21st, 34.71 ; for week coiling February 28th, 37.71. Rainfall.Amount of rainfall for thc Raak ending February 21st, 0.81 fee-OS ; br week ending February _stlt. 0.04 inches. Hate..Rate of mortality of whole population was 33.28 per 1,000 per sniium: rate of mortality of white population was 24.7b' per I.(UKI per annum : rate of mortality of colored population was 44.12 per 1,000 per annum. _ I lie Nial*'* « otioscl The Hoard of Commissioners of thc Sinking I'lind were recently advi-ed that in eeUBSUnenee of the sickness of Judge Shipman. Shipman A Ornate vs oulil he linallie lo appear for the State before BBS Supreme Court ol'the I Tuted States in thc argument ot BBS debt eaaea. Thc Hoard have therefore en- L'.'.ceil as saaBSSl to assist the Attorncy- Geaeral Hon. J. A. Campbell. cx-Judgc of the Supreme I 'our:: Senator Qarland. ol' Arkansas; iiml Hon. Ii. T. .Merrick, ol Washington. In the Harsons ease the Attorncy-tfcnrral will be assisted hy Jadfg Staples. All these cases are fixed for hearing on March 17th. Th* Prince I .lund 4 lerk. Hon. P, W. McKinney, otTaraville, has written lo the Committee of Inves¬ tigation Baying that .Mr. Hooper, derk ot the Prince Morard Court, luis re¬ turned bona- after two months' gb* sence in the West, ami a ks I'm him some little time to make his answers to thc corni'mitre's interrogatories. Mr. Hooper owes the State, apparent¬ ly, for live or six years, daring which lune it is supposed that, like most of the collected eaasalarabie -nins of money for poll-taxes. No tloul.t the committee will give Mr. Hooper ¦ reasonable time to report what he outs. A Ric lit..1.1.o.; The hui hiing to be erect eil on Cary street between Twenty-fifth and Twcn- ' fr-sixth by the Kenny Tobacco Com¬ pany, of New York, will be the largest building here used in the tobacco-man¬ ufacturing BUSmeSB, lt will ho live stories high and have a front of thc length of thc square, and 2,im'h.ihiii 1 brick will lie required tot the construe- lion ol it. lt is te be Used in thc be- gumin;: as a tobacco-stcininerv. After awhile the iniiiiifacturing of cigar, tics may lu-commenced herc. The tittil have already four or live cigarette-factories, ami want tobacco stemmed for them. 1 Pe.ional* and Brier*. Central James (;. Field will lecture ' in the chapel af Richmead College tins morning at 9'M on .. Moses a- a law- I giver." Mr. Nallan Frank... the inperil vio- ' linist from New York, who IO delighted l.icliiuontl audiences last year, will bc f the attraction at this week's Mo/art. Thc Mozart's new hall is to be railed . ..the Mozart Academy af Manic*" sad a tablet is to be erected iu the vestibule as i munni lal of those nheee rabserip- tiaai built the etlilicc. 4'lljr 4'lrenit lourl. In the City Circuit Court yesterday. Il, IL Spott appeared by counsel ami moved to quash the writ ot' MuaVfioai ttponat iiml an execution issued on March 2. 1885, at the inH of Um Conv inonweslth rs. baily -I. He mer and others. Thc motion was continue.i lill Saturday mid thc sale postponed till March 19th. This writ was an ardor to the sheriff of Frederick county to ad¬ vertise and sell certain property in Win¬ chester t,, satisfy the Coiiiinonwcaltl* 13,025 with interest thereon at (i per tent, from the 13th of .lune. 1873, until pay mt at shall be mailI: the same berne the amount of a bond executed hy Emily J. Hassan*, M. H. Spott. ami others to thc CoiiimoiiM'calth for the purchase of certain real estate. "¦sting* i nun. Thc following cases weie dispose,! ,,| yesterday : T. D. Ryan was lined *li» aud jailed lor ten days for resisting; the police. Hick Johnson (colored), house-break¬ ing and larceny. Jailed for twelve¬ months and tined one cent. I'oll.e lourt. The following cases weie disposed of yesterday ami-.BJ : C. F. Tinsley, charged with allowing his team to remain on thc .sidewalk, was tined 92. Anderson Miller (colored), larceny af Clothing, Ac. to the value i?2i. Three mouths in jail. F. D. Keeling, drunk. Fined *2..'>(». Henry Hryant (colored) and Martin Blake (colored), charged willi felony. Sent on to the Hustings Cont. Aaron Kearney, charged with Being a vagrant. Fined' 91 and sent to jail for sixty days. Arthur Lowe and Tim O'Brien, charged with l-eing suspicious char¬ acters. Discharged. Thomas Bickerson (colored), petty larceny. Seat to jail for sixty days. with labor. dinah Mest (colored), petty larceny. Discharged. Harriet K|k*s (colored), petty larceny. Him barged. , Albert Burton (colored), drunk and disorderly. Fined 15. Joseph Washington (colored), charged with creating a disturbance. His charged. lewis Washington, assault and bat-| hti tcry. Fined $.*i and security rci-uired for heller behavior. 1 Herman I leek, drunk and disorderly. '¦a* Fmcd M. » About three hundred people have "j W-en reported for running vehicles with- ».<> out license. t | BA N CH ESTER MA TTERS. ArtUeui .. Mr, willie Rider- Mr. *8*Wt»«a' I ssml-Pi-rMSil, fcc. Beta cen | and 4 o'clock ye*ttcrda\ ""' ri.n Mr. Willie FJder. son of Mr R. F. Kider, met with a painful acct dent. He was on Mayo's island shoot ipp at some hirds, the gun used ht him was breech-loading and exploded His left eye was severely burned ami his face slightly cut. He was taken U his home on Hnll street and l>r. Ma thews summoned, lt was found thai be c..u|,l sec ont of this eye. snd it is hoped that he will not lose it. Thc breech of the gun was blown off ami the stock shattered. Th.- funeral or Mr. William 15. How¬ man took place from the Central Melli- odist church yesterday afternoon at .1 o'clock. There were a large number of the friends of deceased present to show their last tribute of respect. His remains were interred in Hollywood cemetery. The committee appointed to solicit contributions to the capital stock ol th. street railway through this city and to Richmond re**>rt that they are making rapid progress with their work and that they are confident that the road can be built in n short while. The March term ol' Chesterfield ( ..lin¬ ty Court, which is a grand-jury term, tnl-els next Monday. Theil are hut few I., be di-posed of. A petition has been gotten up by Cap¬ tain J. 8. Lipscomb, and is now being circulated, requesting our citizens to contribute to a purse for Mr. Sii-'lling, a Confederate soldier, who lost both legs during thc late war. Mr. Snelling has for many years kept a grocery- stand in front of the Market Hall, but has been forced to close. He has a large family, which is now in destitute eireum-tances. and any donations- will bc grati fully received. Several persons left here ycster.laj to ¦ilona1 thc inauguration to-day,-John II. Ingram. Ban,., among the number. ROT. I.. It. Thornhill will return from Appomattox some time thia week. 111. The trams leaving I'ii-hmoml for Washington yesterday were extraordi¬ narily crowded. One military went oil ::iy and happy. Tiny tarried rather more men than they axpet I'd. Hiin- beda of people will leave by tin- carly train this morning. Wiinlhty lt. pori ni ( I! y -*1lssioo Hnrli. 'Ile Mission has ben heavily taxed n February, owing tn the large nuin- "ter of sick re.miring constant atteii- ion. [-lamber of sick ration-; given out, I."20ti; quarts of soup, 2,250; pones *f bread, 4,508; red lannel dtetii- )ilted. 125 yunis; 30 blankets gad leanforis 'Jon yards unbleached cotton ind canton Dannel; Uni pairs old -(hoes : 100 old gnrtavsntR; 200 t*-oaJ-tieketa liven; SOO visits made by the district isitors. The appeal for help vvri-< promptly .(...ponded to in the form of money and lothitig. and the ladies are still hoping ind believing they will receive further lid to enable them to relieve the Reeta ities of the sick ami suffering through he cold, bleed, mniith of March. 'nciiiimiiia is prevailing to a great ev¬ ent. The treasury of the Mission eonUina inly about 100, and at this tune re* |iiires $,'}('() to Basel expenses. This ill shun HM citizens the iiecawNittp tat arther help. The manager- expn IS their thanks ni the liberality ol' the Council to- mrda tho city Mission, and especially n the Couitnittees on Light and Streets ii thc alacrity with which they caine 0 their aid in a time of great need, (Hurl: ok JOftRPH M. Mi.aik. Grocer, [ 8(»3 Main si. (PACR BLOCK), LtCHMOBD, Va., March 4, 1885. 1 have the honor and plats ere of an- ouiif]i;g that I have opened a Hit Wi ll TOBI at the eouthtreel corner of bend md s' streets. The patronage of tins community i- lvitcd to both stores, and I pledge my est efforts to sn vc them promptly*and lithfully. The lollniving-nanied geutlemen will e glad to see their friends at Second nd Hroad streets John H. Scott, chief derk : Robert K. Harrison, Charles Walk.-. Captain Benjamin J. Keliana .loin) H. Blair. George I 'ennni. The ftillowing-iiamcl gentlemen nil] e glad to see their friend-- al R03 Main net (Face Block) Andrew Briggs, chief .derk : Ichabod ll. Ualkc. A. D. Jacknon, W. \. Pollard, C. I.. Sijiiire, li. K. Ty l.t. A. I!. Mearborn. Robert M. Benton. Very respectfully, .foejBPH M. Hi.vik. Telephone Nea.: At803 Main street IT : at Second and Breed. 85. alrvayanre and Ha«n*tlc ¦brMRW. Mr. and Mr-. J. Henry will vet re¬ am thi.e week- st So. 807 Unce reel. Thia is a rafe chance for all. iimeioiis parties -satisfied daily. W. C. Smith. 30*1 north Fifth street, the agent for the celebrated Perry iad-Carts for physicians or business Kernot, .il IV berry A. Wei-iger. Insurance A-cuts ire and Marine), have moved into their w office. NO. lill M:iin street, State ink building. Telephone. So. 4'i. icy represent the I'lin ni\ Assurance mipaiiy and Commercial Inion A . rance Company, both of London, and uinix Insurance Company of Brook- ii. X. Y. Aggregate assets. $17.- D,9TM& A special oller of I'loa-er-Seeds for l children, ten kinds, in choice col- k, and one Tuberose Bulb, bj mai! or livered in the city for ilk*. Circulars .all. H- A. Catlin, No. b north Ninth street. POOt OaasM Hov *J71. 'I'hone. Sll Order in Manchester anything we otter Charleton'.s. Kleventh and Hull ce ts. ..errale Mil. ls. A small lot of Percale -huts, north ve will sell st (1.1 cent- each. Sues j, lt'*, KI.'., and 17 only. v.. h. Spbxcbi -V Bbb, '.ml Main street. Old newspapers for sale at the Dis- tch rounting-room at -'"> cents per ndred._ in ei:oi-t.*c ..? MiviHMtiit sre tte- lilr.t with UH. llAlii.sCnl'olt nrRvr. llrhmonii'scitir.tisall prefer I»r. Datrltl's gli Syrup tn all others, eople who value pur (tn lake Hr. Kav W's e/i. Uv rup of Tar llor-iiounit. Wild pt ry, *e.. *e. In prefi-reii'-* !o*ny other. SILENCE WON THE VICTORY. Th* Baw |* ike lusMea Psrtlaateai 0»*r Ike Rr*«rt-ra, A Y'ienna letter says The civil wir that broke out recent ly in this city be¬ tween the press and Parliament termi¬ nated in a signal vii tory for thc knights of thc fTntil. Never iras lhere ev mci I in any hotly or among any professi:itt s stronger feeling of esprit de wits. The tpiarrel originated with Herr Von Sho- enrrer, thc turbulent anti-Semitic Depu¬ ty. Thc House was iv. lull session when Yon Behaaaaref rose and called atten¬ tion to thc fact that reporters, nitli dis¬ agreeable-looking faces, w-erc in the's or corridors af the House, snd moved that they bc compelled to with- draw. Thc presence of thc reporters in thc lobbies was certainly nothing mw. as ihe lobbies communicate b~a special stairway with the reporters' gallery in order to facilitate intercourse between the latter and thc Deputies. This has been the HM since Austria has had a Parliament. There exists even a rule ol' the concerning this t iistom. which authorizes thc re¬ porters to enter into thc lobbies to talk with thc Deputies. Herr Smolka. President of thc Cham¬ ber, could therefore have forestalled the entire difficulty by suggesting to the fire-eat ing Deputy to study thc rules of thc House a little more carefully. In¬ stead of doing this, as bc should have done, he sustained the motion of Herr Schoeticrer. and the reporters were forbidden to appear thereafter in any part af the House reserved for thc mem¬ bers. To this uncalled-for uknee the entire pr< replied with I cry of contempt and indlgaation. A meeting was et-M at which the representatives of all the newspapers attended, without dhu.MM lion ot opinions or polities ; and it was then and there decided, with imposing solemnity, that until such time as thc House would make the am,mle tenor* aide the pram would not consider that ns haviiif ary iriltaBOS. And mark that this decision was taken by nu n and papers that were IceUStOflmd to VBge against one another B relentless war. But on this occasion all discord and ill-feeling disappeared as l.v en¬ chantment. Thc professipa had been BTQSSly insulted, ami the insult should bc vigorously resented. All «¦ re of one Blind aa that point. Libe¬ ral* and Conservatives. Progressists and j Kcai'tionarics.journals onthe Right and journals on the Lift, <lennans ami Tchi 'ks. Italians and Poles. Hangaria.s, Croats, and slavs, bs well a* the foreign press, nil united in the BBB thought "f legitimate reprisal. I'or four dayl not a word appeared in snj Vienna journal in relation t>> Parliamentary proceed¬ ing*. The eloquent Solon* who were BOCnstomed te talk from the hOUBO-top now lound themselves talking in a ccl- lar. They had no longer the enjoy¬ ment which :i politician so Keenly relishes of scenic theil WOMBO in print. These who. after burin;; 'tliiu colleagues erith ¦ dull and bb- grammatical harangue, msc up asxt morning, t" lind their remarks trans- formed int.. a rmi!..Ml discourse by the magic of the rcpt.itel's pencil, felt themselves relapsing once more into Obscurity. The crisis at length caine. On the lift li day Herr Smolka repealed the rule called into being by the anti- I St nntic tiri-eater, and solemnly I limned the rash, ukase al an end. Peace was concluded, the parliamentary . Tr»i(*rt«- blazoned ma ia the aaampapan the foUoning morning, and the tegisfe- tOTR, who for four days had been re¬ duced to tin- condition ol' deaf mutes, again burgeoned forth into illustrious orators. Tin fall "I Khartoum has produced mt usual anxiety in Vienna, as there i- a little Austrian colony in that citv. According to Egyptian official statistics. then were ia Khartoum in 1KB-, be¬ sides thc missionaries ami nuns, six Austrian merchants under the protec¬ tion of thc Austrian Consul. Herr Han¬ sel. The nuns had ilse I Catholic school for giris, which, with the church and bnrying-gronnd, was under Aus¬ trian protection. W hal has become of the little colony? Nobody knows. If Kl Mahdi has massacred them it will cost him thc friendship of the \ iauneee« for ju-t now everybody herc is a .. Mali-list." Austria is s(, peculiarly situated that she is interested iii every Fiiropean ijiiaiitl. but tliis tune she can look on as a disinterested spectator. Indeed, she is thc only European country al present engaged in the honorable occu¬ pation of minding her own Inn.ness. She is the only kuiopean Power thal .an be lound at home. Ml thc rest ire away. France is inTonquin, Kn^r- laad in Egypt, dei many in Zanzibar and the C.inieiootis. RuBBM il prowling ground AfghsBistan, Italy is stealing huts from Turkey on the Rad Sea. while little Portugal is trying to staff ihe entire Congo regions into her pocket. In fact, the saying sf Count von tiena, is literally realised " There is no more Kurope."' lt has been mooted that Tiela, biBf ol' the Hungarian Cabinet, is devhdng i colonial -(heme, but BB is entirely too practical a statesman to engage in any suth phantasy. Such a policy would he in direct opposition to all the tradi¬ tions of the empire. But il is quito certain that wc arc foBovrhaj every hioseiiitiit oi oui aeighbon irith ajeah ons eve ami keeping a sleepless watch over our own interests. One of the results of the present situ¬ ation is to make j.lain to the world that the lamons Triple Alliance is no more. Italy has ostentatiously withdrawn from it. She has been so Used for thc pitst liventy yeal s |0 get¬ ting something for nothing that she imagined her presence iii the Triple Ai¬ linn, iheald be paid for. She liss doubtless made ,t secret bargain with England, the ..consideration" beeag the annexation of Tri|Kili. Already the Human journals are ''rubbing up obi documents to prove that thc sultan's title to the country _ de¬ fective. They think he ought to be relieved ol it in the interest of. v civilization, lt is strange how inter- u gated ..civilization" il at present in ( reclaiming barbarians, especially those i, who Occupy rich, fat lands. The grand- h cst eventuf the social season, which has j, been unusually brilliant in its round of s pleasure, was the *. Concordia " ball of i journalists anti authors. Crown-Prime \ Rudolf. Archduke William, Court- ; c Steward oiint Bomhelle**. and a score j sf adMB* distinguished personages were j Btosent. A deputation from the Jour¬ nalists' Inion of Buda-Pcsth attended. 0 lic.-i.l.s many notabilities from various a ither places. p ¦mal* Tal la Ina HoMly l* >.i,_lauit. f, A St. Petersburg telegram say* p Hu- .lum nal de St. Petersbonnj, in thc ours* of sn important snd evidently nspircd article, han the following con- ¦crning the Afghan difficulty : "lt is ;o bc Imped tliat the Karl of Lhitt'erin, abo is ms! i neted to confer with the Ameer of Afghanistan, will give the I tl alter wiso counsel. If Fusland I n .nd }lussia are to regard Afghan istan as a hilder to prevent friction, thi A meer MB] not make it a brand ot discord nor interference with the delim¬ itation of tbe frontier. Tho fact thal thc Amctr is to have an interview wi'! thc Karl of Ibiffcrin shows that thi Ameer is tiesMfedewt on Hritish policy, Therefor.* Hritish pAfcy is th* more re¬ sponsible for the acts ol' the Ameer. It is to be hnjxd that the moderation and prudence of the Knglish Cabinet will prevail in thc settlement of the frontier dispute, despite the clamor raised bv the Knglish politicians.'' The journal concludes tliis significant article with the following new political epigram .. Pti stipe endangered on the Vile can¬ not bc restored on tlic Herri Rood.'' ti HEAT FAINTING DESTROYED .torr's "slrrslm Brssit" ".trsllr* by I***- issi Itan-is. The Philadelphia Times say, that it has just been discovered that the beau¬ tiful Hore curtain which attracted so much attention in this city during the a nicniiial year has been totally de¬ stroyed, tinstave Pore was paid 2*>.- I'l-c francs for thc painting, and duties and other expenses made it cost about 15,0*00. John Sleeper Clark, the actor, owned the work of art when it was di ¦ stroyed. and he valued it so highly that when George K. Goodwin, manager of the Walnut-Street Theatre, offered him $li,()00 for it, the comedian refused it. saying: .. Ne, George, it's worth more than that to hold for s rise." About the time the Kiralfy Brothers ..pened the Alhambra, now known as llavcrly's Theatre. Mire, tin- oldest partner, went to Paris in nearch ol' novelties, and after a good deal of negotiation induced i.ustave Hore to paint a drop-curtain representing " The Sleeping Beauty." The curtain was hung in the A Piambra and nttraeted a creat desi of attention. In order to prevent the curtain from be¬ coming worn it ass not placed on the curtain-drum, but area pulled up un.I folded in the middle. lu time the fold¬ ing a crease in the canvas, and in thc spring af 1 -**7r* it was taken down tn be retouched. Over forty of the most promi¬ nent scene painters of the country were at one time or another invited to BeBM their prMt to retouch the Hore curtain. Painter after pointer anent to Philadelphia, in-pectcl the picture, and went awav. declining to assiriK* the re¬ sponsibility of reproducing the peculiar atinnsphern effect surrounding " The Sleeping Beantr." carefully draped ia Malia the eurtnin was swung at the back ol the lt age, and there it was John Sleeper Narke bought the theatre, a few Moaibi later Ber lossy Kiralfy suildenlv appeared before Mr. clark and offend him 11,500 for the curtain. Mr. Clarke declined the oiler. Bolossy begged and goat ice- lated, and by loOO-blds raised his oller to $4,000. Thin Mr. Clark (nhl him the picture was not tot Saki A year or so later, when Mr. Clark became ince.I thal he could not linda scene- painter in this country willing to re¬ touch "The Sleeping Beauty," he de¬ rided to send it lo Palis ami employ Hore to do the work. With si sheet ol' white muslin Ofer its lace the curtain was rolled up and locked in the star's dressing-room on thestege. Mr. Clark went to Knrope. Tteo ot three Beaeaaa VOfet by and still the big picture rc- tnained in the Theatre. Wbni in 1883 Joseph D, Murphy, now dead, leased the Theatre, the Hore curtain was -till there, and a clause in the lease read that '-The Sleeping Beauty " was to be carefully ptreaotrTen and that the lessee iva- to be responsi¬ ble for its safe keeping. Windier Mr. Murphy appreciated the value of thc painting is not known, bat he evidently forgot the clause in thc lease. Karly in the season he decided to produce the cantata of . Thc Haymakers.' §ees> ral BOW sets ol' scenery -.vere ivaiited for the production, sud the Baaaagee treal back te ihe stage te look over the -lock Staff and BM wham I ould bo worked over into "Hats" foi thc can¬ ilta. Bat little available canvas cituld ¦I lound. What's that bundle?" -aid the uanager, pointing tuan immense roll of esaarkably clean eaaraa swinging ia he corner. .I hat is the Sleeping Beauty," an* mered the seme-painter. .. Well, cut her up ami make a pan if flat-." Bal that's the Dort curtain." -aid be artist. Well, what ol' it -" lt certainly -n't dnnig tillich good where it i-." The painter argued, ('-.postulated, ind dually went oil' in a bad humor, belaring that he would not be a party o -iich vandalism. That afternoon ba .-lagc-carpetileis. under instructions rom the practical manager, sliced up he curtain, titted it to a pair ol ll it rauie-. and hoisted il to the paint-room rn the fly-gallery. The master scene- laiuter recovered his good humor late be following day. and on returning 0 the theatre found that during his b-cinc his a-.-istant had. with white amt. obliterated every sign ol''s handiwork. When the paint- rs stopped work that malu a iehl af luxuriant tiinothy-lmy covered In- canvas that had a few hours before ieen adorned by ..The Sleeping l.cau- y." Since then the same canvas has xiii covered willi so many interior and xterior BObbUM for comic opera that it 1 covered with paint a .purler of an iirh deep. The comer sa the curtain hat bears the signature of the great lench artist hangs neglected ou a peg a the property-room, ami it was brough this relic that the destruction I -The Sleeping Hean ty " was dis- ov( red. Charles K.|Hurii>. Mr. Clark's tmerican agent, is worried over the estruction of the curtain. The owner -till ignorant of his Lss. Walt* tar th* l.t-nerals Allaaepl. A Hurlington special says: Peter till, an eccentric colored salve yendor, f this, place, who became famous by liding to President Carin-!.! when he 88 shot a box of his browa salve, this lorning shipped by express lo General rant several boxes of his salve, with a tter to Mrs. Grant giving direction- ow to use the concoction, and promis- ig a speedy cure for the hero. Old till, dining thc residence of Ceuerai rant in Hurliugton, was employed by Irs. Grant to do odd jobs, and ou se¬ nnit of his piety became a favorite. Ursitaerisl Wrmb MMat'l M.vela*. A Chicago special says : Aa a result I' the recent exposures of the methods professional mesmerists who em- loyed professional subjects, one of the I'refcssors" named Kennedy pro- ssed his readiness to submit to an ita- nitisl investigation bv a committee ol' hy sk ians. 'Ihe test was made at tbe herman House to-day, when the "l'ro- ssor" utterly failed to mesmerise a nglc one of the subjects, they bavins; ren selected by tbe physicians at ran- um frooi people wholly unknown to ie oj-cnitor. All of Ihe visitors ad- ii ed I'rokssor Kcaucdy's air of conti- dence, ind though the committee waa ntianimonalyof thenpiumn that hi* pre¬ tensions were without foiimlition, he mir considered e mister of Ihe art af -bluff."' He staked his credit epou the ordeal, and having ie^omintos-ly failed, showed nota particle of clmfrin. Indeed, the opmion wa* expressed that he had passed throu~h srmitatr *a«ne» an muir times that be hsd learned how to bear him*.,!! under trying circnoi- stiaces. Tr.»* rot* Mat pt. Hv cable to th* lr-patch.l SYDRI y. N. S. W. March 3..itw New South Wales contingent for the Soudan campiign. comprising rJiMt men. started to-«lay un their voya~» lo Firypt. Their departure wa* made the occasion af a public holiday. Th* sin cfs along which the troop* marched lo the steamers were beautifully deco¬ rated, and were lined for mile* wilh dense throngs of people, who manifrsted t unbounded enthusiasm. The <»ev- ernor delivered a stirring sjieech, and special for the safety of the volunteers were lieid in all the churches nie transports were encorted out of the harbor by a perfect Meet of steamer*. The patriotic fund now amount* tn X4ri.<*lM». lalllr-lklaiia Killed. Hs telegntph to the lRapatrn.) St. I-ot'ls, March .1..Advice* from I >.intuitt county. Texas, say that the sheep ranche of Ryan A Level, whwh has borne a bad reputation for a lou- time, being regarded ss rs for cattlc-lhietcs ami Mexicans, wa* at¬ tacked three days ago hy Americans. Manuel Hore*, the overseer, ara* hang¬ ed, tao or three herders were shot and killed, ami thc sheep scattered in all directions. No effort h»> been made tn arrest the guilty parties. Dimmitl county ass the scene of the late fro iMes with Mexican-. Carla) lan*!** HUI**). [Bj te leura ph to th* Hlapateh.i NRW k'ORR, March .1..Thi Spanish i i.nsut-f irneral received the following dispatch from the I .osernor-deneral of Cuba lbw afternoon: .-Carlo Agnero was killed yesterday at Colon by th* Civil Uoard." Thc Spanish authotith-s in.lile ntisiic, cs.lui efforts to hive Aguiit. t vlii'l'icd from Key West l*st summer. t Mine** 4 hllil rea and Ul* lr,. *teho*l* lits MagassR io iii* Mpaam.1 San Fit \Mgs, ii. Mirch .1..In the Supreme Couti to-day it was decided that Chinese children must bo admitted to the public Beeamma 11:1 ittiiim Baila*»*¦ Hs c»I.Ie to tlie Dlipatch.l Lon nos, Mardi il..Mr. loadstone's icinpoiary illness has pissed away. and he is ntteiiiling to public business ti-tlay. A i.o\ ..i in, isr (itRAN-Tivr Norn Kuri nil, d or | .lia tl |sis( |>ii id fur 11 l Ills UH KM ITU A I'tHH tH. Ki'iiui'*.'! Vs. BMOKI TKIXV ti., tits. I g vs. in mn kii'MV Qmii.tiRTh.s the BM "I Br. l*R>s :.| Keiine.l> a Favorite Heme- .ls II. VS i!i..s!.-..l 1'r.M.f-Ke.ter. Intti**.- Spoil* Tim, «. _ tan.n Tanti onuaa. TUB IMsI'VI. II J..H-1'RIRTIRrl llol'HB ia tliorouuhlyci|iilppctl toilo*ll tiin.lsof H.s.*. AM) Jilt-IilNTIM. *t the sliortt-st not.**. HROKr. I'KIX V liliAKS, 4! I MOX Mt I*, TO ll tV. a itiiiivit.M. baraar ii seseen lllllles. I,lilli.-;.-s. HILI MH*ons CTAR KLKCTRIC LAMPS STILL ¦v5 xiiiAii. i.ten Ban .raaf them d*- liiihie.l. i.Iscsr IirIiI i*i|iinl lo foin gas-tefs or len ovdtnarj i»inp*. No more lamp *x- I <"' ware of Imitators. 0>l Un- kiah, manu- fiicturetl bs lit.line*, fltsitli A IU) .len. .nt! sold st sit,asl Xl wi i. stied DOS casi ll nutt s'leet. ll".' .'list III.*.: siled, .ntl St 111* '!.- | ot. tt north Mc v.-u th street. Cse *tiy or- tllllM.IV kt los. *t un ei|M-llse ol two cen.per Right. J. B. I.VNN * nt. Moir. Agants for the southern Mtate*. Prier* 1-ieBlIy letluci'l. ruin 4-lt* DI lt VM M tl l WHIMKBV. CTSLT. dh.: I>(» Vdt KROW WHAT IT MT Ask vour physician or .lruzi; 1st, .n«l he will tell sou lt Isa lt INK. HKAIU.Y ItllMON. IHKK\ I I'l'ill. MALT WHlssKKY I* entirely free from fu*el oil: absolutely pom Mint iimiitiiltf rafci!: a povitlv* cine for rii.Vsl MITi'.N. li K.vii.NAitv itt il MALAMA* IRDIOCBTIOR. wasting I'Imkaihm, ami the onlr iv <¦¦ aim lett ANTIDOTE Mill (Hui.Kilt. A HK\ KRAO- ASM MKIiICINK CO-r- MINI'.U. to any xlilrea* in Hie Knited Hlate* ie*st of the It.H-ks MolllltRltl*). all expres* .ll*Hie* |.le|*ll.l ill plllitt evue.lio rBunre fm com incut ...ula ming six quart bottle*, .ii receipt ol ott a.lUiet. Pilli K ONK IXll.f Alt I'KR IIOTn.R. hs leading .1 ru**isis»iul flue grocery- not ises. THK Ul Kl V MALT- WHIMRKY C<>. Baltituor*. lld. K. A. MAI NUKItsiaRilN.aaenwror BicR- aiontl. fe IH-dlniOwll mimi nu. vt tn.s. \\'DII '.KAI' WATKIL iits'inc to repair* and improvement* nov bri** Unideal lb.- s>|.rlii*r, MK Mil.l.Mirr UK Altl.K lo sd 1.1 iltit l's li iM KUM Illili TU!-* MATCH for a few day*. Wt- usk ilieir indulgence for a abort whit*. V'ers r.-s|»s'tfiills. IM lt. U.K. LAUD A I'd. \ jen's for Mineral Wale. ir" Virginia, mb 4- ti 1*411 ITU T I'fiHT BRAHMAS..I HAVE * ¦< s. .. i.: .i i, ithi.s.if ih. lats.vr.nameO bleed for mle cheap. I m. i«**i.| to Ba IBB .noblest of lb* noble fowl* ' and the A_Mt of all ci tassr-s for iai.eneMof chicken* aad i.;<.-tii»if eu;**. Tliii ls* rare chan**, a* Hil* ls the season tnt matins:. IXI.MI lor hatch lita I'KVM'.t 111 KOCK. LIUMT Hit MIMAS, mihi MK. "VB I. KO HUB* lilt kev.*- cnn ls- supplied if order* ar* promptly lent. XV. «*, lif.t'HKll. Broad and line street* li im Coal-Yard. ash l-gt UBI r-ar*V-*r^-se-. .- , ,.¦*.-«/ .> *N.*\/*V* '.VN/',/* ,*gArf j W. KILLI I'S _ SON, e^BOgm A Jo KLRMMHIROrRORR- ^m^^ TAKBBH. 1808 east Maim rtrbbt (uud*r Bt. CtMtrlsa Hotel). BCBIAI.-i'AMKH. MlIBOniiK and r~- NKKAL Ctl.NVKYANCKS fumt*b-d at all tioiii-s. Tel««rapb order* attend-1 to day og night. *e io-ea* aBjrrurra. V. lu v iso.v. G. J. dav ison. W. V. UAVmoB* DAVISON'S HKXTAI. PARI.OBM, No. Ill rust Malu .tre*t. ifflce hour* from v A. Al. to I R af. Term* moderate. s*t_J*ctlan am teed. RI- WIRRB. USJlt'lMBM. tko\ - ¦.» IA BARRRUS Pl RR SCt'PPIR- 1" NOMI WIJfB: 10 I .ai.vis IT'KK IMBI' WINK; 10 barrel* ll KK HI.AI KUKMRY WIMK. Iireet rrom lb* s mes ard of C. W. (larrvtt* t .. Kiifl. il Nf. for sal* by -KATl-.i:. MYRBM a Ct).. te J7-81 14J4 Ra.RBlrecf. MTKam-RRlllTSKB. StUMIMdjI. V0TICE..1 NA»W OCCUirT^liii i-" buii.lmg .No. nee iarjr sir**! ifor*»*rly Rahm A HuRler.. .od _»ve on BawdIRM- lil.NKMOK M-.W ANU IMl*t4UVBU Rat* I-^VlTH^e^"-^ *rf»' i* elm noei*a*T«tiMn

Transcript of THE ICHMOND DISPA - Chronicling...

THEHHHHH m$im*:*t


Sj£rgy8|Aj: tv nrnt-ooHa alua


vi isl Sgt "I* neil an immense lol

1 vi Hst* (M1 MlKHKjs ISDKKWKA

Wide eipres*!y for our trade, at prices 1

Wt be matched In Ibis city. F.elow we v

.jaaM a lea atanansen:

I* dorn. l.AI'll s K INK Mini,APRON** anti ruffles, al


I MUS lllEMIRB, ruflU-trlriinied.len.;

KADJI* SKI HTS, with fonr rows of lu.big. Bl

80c.;KA PI KS HKA-AKHK. with five rows

lucking and ruffling, alMM;

I.AMFs i.diws with niffltng trimrnliat


KA Pl KS (TIKMIsK, trluiliu-d with tmt-ng, Httiutiuri- edge, and Inserting, ot

50c.;KA Pl KM' SKIKTS. with four rows of tn.

lng, liamhtirg inserting and Ha ni tnBon nc mir st

ft* jKA MKS uoWNS. front trimmed with **

Bug. Hsniliurx edge and Inta-rtlisleeves trimmed with Hamluirg edand lucked, at

li;JAMI.H HKll'TX. witli four row* of lue

lng and s mtv wide Hninl.urg floun.


KA MKs OOM NS entire fi .ml of fine Halbing edge and Inserting, al


MVMEd. APIlo.N'S. trimmed grlta \,

wilieIsee. siMe,;

IHII.PKK.N s nilAWKHM. ililli tucksairuftti-s ni IV. SR.and sae., aeeordlng

INFANTS si.IPs. Iliinilnim-trimined,2 ¦><..;

We will iii-o show this BSBSk tin- finestock of INFANTS K.M'K AND MCIKIN CM'S Hinl NIT'NIs CM'S ev

Min, I.KVI BESTERs.lil-lt in7 Hroad street.

§fjr hfARITH J. 1 *-<:..

'111 uiaiu-iniu'oii nt Cleveland ivs li. ¦ dei

1. il Stales Slid (li ..It. rim: nf

irgala* m DMT QOOD8J,

A.-.. Ly


1 c-lse ol li HINUB \ MS;,! 7.1. H IHUl.i .-us.' ina. OIXUHAMMri i ,c. :i *rnrd;i ¦aneofMKBRIMACB IT.IN'TKD PH*! 1

at s.e. a \Hi.i uoiiu UK-.;I .use WHITE i oki.Kl. pHil IB nt te.

yui.l Morl li 8 .e.I nisi- Will ll. STRIPED LAWN ul .;,'.

..uni. uo.i'd I*- cheap at Sj-.;1 <sv WHITE SATIN STKH'KH NAIN

MM Kal I e. a yui'l umiii ll .-

I .hm- WHITE CHECKED MAIRHOOK IMi ii yard worth 10c.;

Vittd-uidc D MIK I'll! Ni KD PERCALEai 7c. rd soiiu I88JB,;

si RIVED si Mist iki ns nt | ,. a ysrIKlllll

NM Ml. (TIKCKKD DHKSSOOUl.s. nearlnil W(M>1. nt I* c. ii yard fm melly solsi ate. ;

LACK siTUPI li S< HIM r..r (TKTAJNS i.

lg ... «hans is very nheap;i U II.I.KD (HASH TOWELLING itt 6e.

] Hill tioilli He.ReaatannM ot COI ron SHEETING;lle.kinantH of BLEACHED COTTON;Hcint.iuiU al COTTON DIAPER;Kinma nts of DREM ooo is of aver] .ti

en ipdoii';Ki munni* of 01 KTAIN LACER;Hfiiiiisiitsof CARPETH mid 4 LETT a DAVIS.

ORV i.tunis. Ml I lu NS ,t.

pAl bOZO A CO.

sn- univ ..|i icu,: a



sucli as


1- I.ANNKl.aud CLOTH HITIT Nt ls.

In mw Hud .-liol,.<¦ RjrlRg colorings.

One ween! brm at BLACK silk QOODt

luis Leen BRsneessatM hs lo induce us to men

.reemil.y a levi SII.Ks mc coiiM.lei Itu

beal na ptlns we lawn ooot oiiered -vu*.:

A HI .MK HUH CASHMERE HILKatll,tl.ic 11.48 ami Sl.r.u;

A Mil. ITsTiiuis. ami \ KUY sll.KV

s mini tN.'sii MBRVEI.UEU st ll *n. io. sud UTR* sidle .uni,..: RR excelled iii li<:iii!y

.I finish, sud Hie Rtet M m'mil is fully

glilllSllleiit..n.u Mnei and i un iud - \ i-

1 IT .N's I. BMgnnl slvli-s;

sjaawkkl natrnnina ut LACE CURTAINS,le l,*,.e«st CMIDO/O A DO.

IHI.1A, vttssniH>. ar.

LUI KS..Ujust received a large addition

la bu lin* oi- KINK i'I.ui Ks -

-maiuiiK tlt.- isntesi variety avalslum ll in Ihecllv.-

OOM! WT' -ll 1 (ll M. -

-Till. Pilli I. Will, \s|uMs||-

Ona ni :s»i .uppH citatoinenwith-- Kl N KAMI'S.-» K. H. T'AVKOK

.mil Mala sliest.--.o-Miniie |.(>sl-ollii

-l'clC|>i.'.ii- mil i

,Jl N LAMP. WH1I ALI THK IM-U p|-(>\ I Ml.Ms- isl. P.rilllsney botansiual to titty .perm nandlea, ad. Keonosailin. Critil M'liilee Ol .U-i't coals one tlilntofi.-ui |M-r i.i. ad ii.i'.e tin- ordinary

l.uutiey. 8th, Nc<ci bicitUsor siiiok.-s theinn,n.-y. .Mh. Pet-fees safety. Ik-lng madr

>i lu** csniioi lui uk If il rails. Tiles*o. |s.r.. lum!, ni issi Insult, r. In tuns*it>>! i. .eke)-j..!, ic Hm warranted aol lo lankok lam*i vi 'li ilgill a ns>ui of ordinary sis*.> Hist icsdiiig sud sewtJlg <ii:i lie doutt lu.1 |*iis. i.l.un.ii .,;

_lill) 7 Ms ill si:-

Rt! Oft 7.1 M. li- H» IS. RA*** . *Ve

- c im: C I A I. S A I. I- Ar

- la- l.KW/ss.- (ptst'l m;t i. ui


.' I am nowselling uiy itii*KtiM>iL-ofI'HTLIIKX. RH'-NZKS. IttNgOERj

- and Fj Titi fl- At I SOM

HM ruo HU M'1'K-ini.K

tym Ki ".ri. ll; PRIOkMIii Lule 11>oin for )tn|.n>yviiniiils.

CAM. 1 \HI.V «iNi> i;i;r (TloP'K.-~ \AUMi >:> il LOW KlOKlU'.i.


ROYALB tt.jaix

buri* n oem




or rrni-ic acoo~rt».J


Annual Statement for the n»eal year end¬ing the 81*t day ol January, 1884, otthe actual condition of Hie ALKXAN-PRIA INKTRANCK COMPANY, organ-

..! nader the lawlor the State of Vir¬ginia, made lo thc Auditor of PublicAeeouuu ror the Commonwealth of Vir¬ginia, p."nant to an act ol the OeneralAssembly reRulathiR the report* of In¬surance cwajsiriles, approved KeliruaryBB, 1878.

Same or Hie company In full.AlU.AB-Bria Imbbbabos t orca.v.Hoine or principal orflce nf mid *.¦.

'...'¦ v r * s VA.Character or the company (whether fire,

fire anti marine, or marine insurance com-i«ni> Pian ann Mauimu.Presldeiit IlKN'.M WUK*'I.Secretary and Treasurer i.iokok Whit.oiVMiiisetl *ml uteorporated.Rovnnni B

in. 1170.Commenced Imalne** Ai-rii. IP, 1871.

I. CAPITAL.The amount of RuharrltR d ¦tockof snell .-ur;*.ration. 157,'J?.*, til

Tlie »mount t.r*alde«|iital stock[Hid np In ensh. 37,801 3d

I'hc amODOl of .kin capita! slockpaifl op Ls stock note (HI38 *c-cuietl by cash depoaltai. 19,473 .*>.

II. ABSKTSTiie us*., ts of said company, unita deluded atAtcmciit of howanil lu si hat the same are in-ve*|etl

Loans ob tamil* and mecOjsce.duly reeortied hu.I Leina se¬cond lieu on the fee simple'.upon which md more than onesears Interest ls due. 1.Odo lo

Interest mci ned thereon. IOU*

.li iimiil if Sink*. Bonds, omiIrrasurg .totes u) tits United/gates, and also o/Blocks amiHuntis ni Incorporated Cities inthis Hate, "/.</"' nit otnr, Iunit llnnit* oiri(,d absolutely /...///,, (\mptutg.

T'.lsl ToolPsr Mariel

Vsliic Value.Vs. mi.i. Baltwai

I...ntl*, lin's .... ? IMfm 110407V:.. Mid. linilwsy

i l.M'liV's .Vim. raliway

1...I..L. Mir-.... 11.000( har. BB ir.-ipl'lsu

l,'slli«:id li'.ii'lsA lex an ilris « M|

iel..>. saudra City


tao::,oi o

I st. mid . r.. lilllietl.ili.Ki'i t-.ind- 1.000

I c' iel lill'

TOWR "f Dunvillebondi.. l.r.i'H

I il. Nall.ius' Hunk-...a. '.'.onn

X' « "linell be.*.I.....I :-..iniii

V. ¦.ff n md t).Psibi.'.d bond*, J.nnO









Trail |Wf ni"1 "'i'I., s.slii. .si ul in I rs etraim. 4*..*. 0 18,480 ;s.i90 00

Cash In Company* prlndpoi of.Mee. :il;j 7S

I ash Ixtonging to the Companydepndted In Hie ClUaene Re-lional Plink. _ 1 lt (H

tics preininiiis in course of col-It ellon, md mole I lill ll I tireemonth*du*. M 73

Hft'ce fm li' turi mid Kupplle*.J'jci: Vim lu la in-4i> couBoniMO sui.75 . (41 7.".

11 . cios* ii mount of all Hie a*-¦ot* of HieCompany.942.901 si

Aranon! Ol ptt-mmmsunpaid on|u.lilies which have l>*cii Is¬si.. U iiiiue tliuii t bree mont I.s.

s'l.v 81Aggregate amonnl ol nil the .«-

s. is ldc ('Ompanj stilled attheil aetnal value Ms.sot sn

III. LIAHILITIKS.Ntl nun.nut ol nu|ws,<) lanaenothMm

..! *s premium* received an lreceivable upon all nnespindlire-risk* run n ni; one sear oeii ss tn in dnlc oi policy, $.'!,-Tuu.-iT; uueai ned premiums.

per cent.M.sot 13ll ross piemliiius re-

¦> lv*d mid ui*.n nil naen-i.<i tire-risks run¬ning mon Ullin oHi¬st ai fiom darner Bal¬le) 14.814 ri un¬earned premluma,pm ruiii i.iee 77

('1*0*1 plelolllllls .cashlind bil s i, nedami receivable uponnil unexpired ma¬rine risks. Hm oo

lifl'i BO

-.!».*, soCiisb ills ideiuls to stock hoi.It-i-sremalnlntng annan*. .

Ibie ami Hcciutd for salaries,rent. adverttslngi mid fornit.ncs hikI oilier mUrellaneona upanses.

Comm.MOO*. Link, raw. andoth.i charlies due ami to b*-eonie due to inp-nts and bro-keisou piei.iiiiiiis paid and inonise ol colhiiiiin. 18.70

Total amount ol all liabilities.av.-epl capital alni « s 47.-, g|

.hunt stock .-apitul actually p.. idup tn cash. (7 sui 80

sm pit.s beyond caplial *ml allother liabilities . -a 57

Al"'renate n mount of all liul.ili-n. s iiiciidlnii paid-up caplialste. I. 1. lid Uti Mil'pIllH.*42.!(ll i-J

IV. INi OMK.Ihe Income ol thc said compa¬ny din lui. thc pieced iiiiftwcl scmonth*, and rrom ss hal source*derived:

fer Hielt isis.

Ker M.i-rlnr»i!.lI lilli.d¦fisk-

ti..uni. .t 1.44i.i;,i. 73 .*.4i; s

D, .lu.t .-.niy rata-*m itiit-e. rafe.*.sliai. Bent, and1*4*1B I r. mi¬mes.. il 71 .

\cl >.is|i srtu-jllvri i'i ted Ter

..5J7.11.¦ ... 04 348 RS

K. ccive.l for Interest BM bond*and n oiliiHK. s. tog Interest Ulld divi-ll.lids on stocks and latud* COl-laterat loans, and all ethersoil I ces. ,..,

A uk reg* te mm omit, of inc..meminn l.s te.eiSftl during Iheyear.

V. KXI'KNDITPRKS.The f'X|M'titliliiie* of Raid BOBS-

| sw I. y. K's'nc a detailed Itate-ment of the same:

tm MarineKai Ure , A lid .mlLi.'.-. I.i-ks.

t.r.s- r< nenin'ml i.a nv |«id

r '. ..-. '..-. Iu.ll..jt*39.-llM'.Isi.. -.

uceU'ru.R ll.l-rcvkm- *'i-..103 80 pic

IOCS, siT..Ixl ci.


371111 lg 4.R43 V«l

33.U33 3t> 4.848 00- 4(18lt|«i

Nd ii m..i.nt pa ht dui iiik tin* yeari..i .wes (BOS.0I piate-Klaasl.s-es. o a tm N

I'll i,cds ... malls paid sttsk-hol.lcis 'amount ol stockhold¬ers' dis i.lends declared dui incHie sear BJ SOI B.SSB BO

Paul fmreoinioisaraasar broker-age... R30 00

Paid tor sa ia rles. fees, ami alloilier ahai«.soi ..'ticer*, clerks..nota, and ali other enip'oyae* iiOR on

.'atti mr state, nu.'ional, and Io¬ctl t tn xe* in I hi* bim! otherNial.. il* *n

XII ol her paVmcnls anti expend-Itaro- via.. Inn rest on depos¬its, lt:.-.Bi: print I mc. -j.tHa.s-c.».|Im-v linn.line. Ac., IMBJIA. IS* 'J7

V'l i'talf SUKilliil of aclual **»-

p.-nsxs dmms Oo- >*-*r. « 8 3s4 IR

sw. Ut bs Hi sim Wiil.Ai, President.. ntl Hf <>i W t*». Kteretarj. la-fur*-

No'siy lii'.llc for Alexandria eily.V.mb 4-lIt

L II.LIAKII- AM» PpOL-TABLtSni: sal:: it: ka p.

S PIXAl INO.HOI* KI'S Malo street.





i lsIL:Di



Kirri Warfe al AlLsBanr-RsllrssS *

usa* aad sa ru.sir H*as**»~t*ss *f v

bm, IVauBrs. Mltirw«r». td Or.

An expert thief has Iteen operatingthe line of thc Richmond and Alleghairailroad Howardsvlllc and tlcity, and there is good reason to sa

pot-p that he has done nome success!work here also. From information 1

reived bj one of the employees of MJohn Wren's Detective Agency it a

pesrs that the thief went into thc ra

road station at Howardsville Wedneday night; went into that at UrenItluir Thursday night, and at ncithplace got anything. Friday niglin the depot at Pemberton'*,got a thirty-two-calihre pistol. Satoday night he entered the re-

dence of Mr. A. M. Seddon, near I)ver, and got the following sil vera anTwo embossed pepper cruets, initia"J. S. V."; one sugar-dish and oi

cream-pot with saucer, ami frostcd-tbc word '* Josephine" engraviupon it; one small celery cruet, intials "J. r% V."; one frosted-silvibucket for spoons; two old-rashionisalt-cellars, with two sinull spoons ar

one mufitard-spoon. All of the abo'are gold-lined and of small dimensionsone pair of old-fashioned sugar tongsilver.Sunday night fee entered thc residem

of Mr. Milton (syce, on thc corner-

terete avenue and Mulberry avenue, ar

sci tired the following articles: Oiladies' dotiblc-case Swiss watch. No.ra-*en 7W3U; one ladies' chain, wilni .k-( hain attached: also a pin wilroral head and a pearl on cadi sidipair ol gold bracejets. plain : lockewilli picture of an old gentleman, barnf locket containing hair; one hillie:poid ring, ruby set. containing Uv

pearls: one penllciiian's seal ring wilblack set; one ladies'neck-chain, silvili ia tire work, with medalion attachedtwo pair of silver repri-enting a daisy and thc other arosetyvo ladies' silver ri

|irt-sciitiiip a guitar and the other a bo-if ribbon Loth composed of lilagre>ne pair of silver lilagrc bracelets ; Mi liiitioiial-liaiik note.Night before last he, or sonic on

be. ( iitcred the residence ni Mr->laytnii. on I hird street, (iambic'sHilmd carried od' ii gold vvntcli and -/7">nonet.

The reason Mr, Wren has for sii|inning that all this robbery was donv one man is that at each place en

ItBgRM WM effected throuuli a viimloiat Mrs. Slav tun's while Hie tinnily wotI supper): that generally the tintlaed a large i|iiantity ol' matches lonuking light : that Ute robberies folowed in succession tot the operator'asy movements ; and that they iver

II evidently Um work of i practiceiand.The poli.-c generally do no. share ii

lr. Wren's opinion as to UM robber*t Mis. Slav ton's. They think thehat BM dene bj "local talent " by a colored man.

The follow iu- iv | deSCI iptiou ol' tinuni vilm operated on thc Alleghan-oad, obtained by Wren's men froiiiflerent parties who saw the strangebeni the stations or on the ronda koung man about twenty-live or thirliennofan shoal live feet seven inehnigh; light complexion; light hairmall, light moustache; black Den]at: blue silii ol clothes, iloulile-'ircastetnat: shoes iiiudilj (at that time) amt huhnt in the top ol' right one yy atdi-chaiind a charin on il; rings on holli handsnineo ring on middle linger ol' left bandhe party won- a innff-colored noollei!urt.Mr. Wren's infonnation is that tin.'

ian was at or about each ol the hu aliea OB thc Alleghaiiy mad on UM <luiihen the ri 'Ilbery wa- ina.le or attemptI a< above narrated.lhere is un rea-on to -lisped thal

ie author ol these robberies is tinian who entered the lievv. and mosio-;orc of Captain C. F. fohnsfta*, lris case the man bv use of skeleton-cys opened the front door and weillito the store. In the mole recent rob.LTies ihe thief, or thieves, went in bjii-mg windows.The luau who robbed JchsaMen re¬amed here tot several days al'ter-ards. and finn led to the North, andis hardly likely.peesible, hut not

kel].that he would SO soon returnKichm.iinj.


Yesterday afternoon two colored menlined Joe l>ank< and Thomas CooperTried the watch-chain Stolen I rom Mrs.ayton to Mr. Kllis Abram's pnwn-lOp.Mr. A bram had been informed of thebbery and furnished yvith a dint I illni ol'the stolen property. SO vi hen tin-iain was brought in mid corrcspoiidt-dthe description ol' the stolen, hi¬nt for a policeman and bad the menrested.The arn-sis were made bj I'olicemeiiannon and Fox. and the srriMod weinken to thc Seennd is supposed that the thieves ciiteieilrough UM front win.lon.The police are informed that Hanksiinerly lived on Mrs. Slayton'seinises.

ie New York lu ni...ruin Visitor,The ((iminittee of Richmond Demo¬ns iimi Veterans ol the Illtie suday. who are arranging for the recep-n of the Cleveland and Hendricksar Veterans ol' HrooLlvn. N. V., arebnned that the Club will be hen onI 6th. They will (onie from;ton to Richmond on their (bartered.amer, and will bring SM men and and ol' music ol forty pieces, lieiu-islrenae, and possibly QeMeral Mci'lel-i. will be with them. Theiuuiittce will give them a wannleonie. ami have arranged teii.put them at Sanger Hall.f this entertainment there will be no

npliiiienHirv tickets sent out to OWi/eiis. hut one hundred will he soldtwo dollars each tu help the f-unmii-defray expenses. These tickets

I go mostly to these vvho have «. nututted in money or prov i-ions. Co¬ri Cary and the collecting committee1 he out on the streets again to-dayhiting the help of tho-e win. yy ish tokc the allan a sin e-s and give theituis a plcasiiiii impression of Ki'li¬nd.

L.t. I.wnutt I .l-l.ililli.

re-night at the Theatre the populary -* Lynwood." remembered bv nu

of its acceptable pre-eutatiou heree before this season, will be very interesting drama, inirk ihe priiu-ipal aetefS representi-eis in Ihe two uimies during thewar. The company is a good one.

iMinulie Hem Hi Isl bMbrMBJ'he annual meeting of the Catholiciclicml Society was held last nig'-u

(he follow mg olliceis e|i-e(e,| du

enstiiuj year: I'resi.leui. lohu M.gins: Vice-President, WilliamJ'rou ; Recording Sc !......rj . fensjpk

VV. Uni-: Financial Secretary. Thoma*Byrne ; A*si*tant Financial Secretary,John K. McDonough. Trustees : Pit-ru k FennesRey, William Rankin, andJames holden,: Chaplain, Very Rev.A. V»n De Yyver.

TB* De*lb ams.Tlie following is tlic official mortuary

report for tlie city of Richmond for theweek ending Saturday, February 28,18Kr>:

AV hole number of deaths in the city,exv-Iusive of still-birth*, 4X

Cause of Death.. Apoplexy, 2;bronchitis. 2; congestion of liingn, I;cu.sumption. 5 ; convulsions (infantile).2 : diarrliu'S. 2 ; dropsy. 1 ; drowning.I ; 2; hemorrhage (fromlungs). 1 ; infantile lockjaw, 1; in¬flammation of bowels, 1; marasmus,I j meningitis. 4 ; old age, 3; paraly¬sis. 1 ; pneumonia, 8 ; premature birth,1 ; puerpera, 1 ; scrofula, 1 ; surgicaloperation, 1 ; unknown. 1; other dis¬eases, 3.Age..One day to thirty. 3; one

month to six, ti; six months to twelve.2; one year to three. 4; three yearsto live. 2; live years to ten, 1 ; ten

year* to twenty. 4; twenty years tothirty. 4 : thirty years to forty, 2 ;forty years to fifty. 2; lifty years tosixty. 3; sixty years to seventy, 7;seventy years to eighty, 4; eightyyears to ninety, 3; unknown, I.

lt B~N calare..Mean temperature for(lu week ending February 21st, 34.71 ;for week coiling February 28th, 37.71.Rainfall.Amount of rainfall for

thc Raak ending February 21st, 0.81fee-OS ; br week ending February _stlt.0.04 inches.

Hate..Rate of mortality of wholepopulation was 33.28 per 1,000 persniium: rate of mortality of whitepopulation was 24.7b' per I.(UKI perannum : rate of mortality of coloredpopulation was 44.12 per 1,000 perannum.


I lie Nial*'* « otioscl

The Hoard of Commissioners of thcSinking I'lind were recently advi-edthat in eeUBSUnenee of the sickness of

Judge Shipman. Shipman A Ornatevs oulil he linallie lo appear for the Statebefore BBS Supreme Court ol'the I TutedStates in thc argument ot BBS debteaaea. Thc Hoard have therefore en-

L'.'.ceil as saaBSSl to assist the Attorncy-Geaeral Hon. J. A. Campbell. cx-Judgcof the Supreme I 'our:: Senator Qarland.ol' Arkansas; iiml Hon. Ii. T. .Merrick,ol Washington. In the Harsons easethe Attorncy-tfcnrral will be assistedhy Jadfg Staples. All these cases arefixed for hearing on March 17th.

Th* Prince I .lund 4 lerk.Hon. P, W. McKinney, otTaraville,

has written lo the Committee of Inves¬tigation Baying that .Mr. Hooper, derkot the Prince Morard Court, luis re¬

turned bona- after two months' gb*sence in the West, ami a ks I'm himsome little time to make his answers tothc corni'mitre's interrogatories.Mr. Hooper owes the State, apparent¬

ly, for live or six years, daring whichlune it is supposed that, like most of collected eaasalarabie-nins of money for poll-taxes.No tloul.t the committee will give Mr.

Hooper ¦ reasonable time to reportwhat he outs.

A Ric lit..1.1.o.;The hui hiing to be erect eil on Cary

street between Twenty-fifth and Twcn- '

fr-sixth by the Kenny Tobacco Com¬pany, of New York, will be the largestbuilding here used in the tobacco-man¬ufacturing BUSmeSB, lt will ho livestories high and have a front of thclength of thc square, and 2,im'h.ihiii 1

brick will lie required tot the construe-lion ol it. lt is te be Used in thc be-gumin;: as a tobacco-stcininerv. Afterawhile the iniiiiifacturing of cigar, tics

may lu-commenced herc. The tittil havealready four or live cigarette-factories,ami want tobacco stemmed for them.

1Pe.ional* and Brier*.

Central James (;. Field will lecture '

in the chapel af Richmead College tinsmorning at 9'M on .. Moses a- a law- Igiver."

Mr. Nallan Frank... the inperil vio- '

linist from New York, who IO delightedl.icliiuontl audiences last year, will bc fthe attraction at this week's Mo/art.Thc Mozart's new hall is to be railed .

..the Mozart Academy af Manic*" sad *¦

a tablet is to be erected iu the vestibuleas i munni lal of those nheee rabserip-tiaai built the etlilicc.

4'lljr 4'lrenit lourl.In the City Circuit Court yesterday.

Il, IL Spott appeared by counsel amimoved to quash the writ ot' MuaVfioaittponat iiml an execution issued on

March 2. 1885, at the inH of Um Convinonweslth rs. baily -I. He mer andothers. Thc motion was continue.i lillSaturday mid thc sale postponed tillMarch 19th. This writ was an ardor tothe sheriff of Frederick county to ad¬vertise and sell certain property in Win¬chester t,, satisfy the Coiiiinonwcaltl*13,025 with interest thereon at (i pertent, from the 13th of .lune. 1873, untilpaymtat shall be mailI: the same bernethe amount of a bond executed hyEmily J. Hassan*, M. H. Spott. amiothers to thc CoiiimoiiM'calth for thepurchase of certain real estate.

"¦sting* i nun.

Thc following cases weie dispose,! ,,|

yesterday :

T. D. Ryan was lined *li» aud jailedlor ten days for resisting; the police.

Hick Johnson (colored), house-break¬ing and larceny. Jailed for twelve¬months and tined one cent.

I'oll.e lourt.The following cases weie disposed of

yesterday ami-.BJ :

C. F. Tinsley, charged with allowinghis team to remain on thc .sidewalk, wastined 92.Anderson Miller (colored), larceny af

Clothing, Ac. to the value i?2i. Threemouths in jail.

F. D. Keeling, drunk. Fined *2..'>(».Henry Hryant (colored) and Martin

Blake (colored), charged willi felony.Sent on to the Hustings Cont.

Aaron Kearney, charged with Beinga vagrant. Fined' 91 and sent to jail forsixty days.

Arthur Lowe and Tim O'Brien,charged with l-eing suspicious char¬acters. Discharged.Thomas Bickerson (colored), petty

larceny. Seat to jail for sixty days.with labor.dinah Mest (colored), petty larceny.

Discharged.Harriet K|k*s (colored), petty larceny.

Him barged. ,

Albert Burton (colored), drunk anddisorderly. Fined 15.

Joseph Washington (colored), chargedwith creating a disturbance. Hischarged.

lewis Washington, assault and bat-| htitcry. Fined $.*i and security rci-uiredfor heller behavior. 1Herman Ileek, drunk and disorderly. '¦a*

Fmcd M. »

About three hundred people have "jW-en reported for running vehicles with- ».<>out license. t |

BANCHESTER MA TTERS.ArtUeui .. Mr, willie Rider- Mr. *8*Wt»«a'

I ssml-Pi-rMSil, fcc.Beta cen | and 4 o'clock ye*ttcrda\""' ri.n Mr. Willie FJder. son of Mr

R. F. Kider, met with a painful acctdent. He was on Mayo's island shootipp at some hirds, the gun used hthim was breech-loading and explodedHis left eye was severely burned amihis face slightly cut. He was taken Uhis home on Hnll street and l>r. Mathews summoned, lt was found thaibe c..u|,l sec ont of this eye. snd it ishoped that he will not lose it. Thcbreech of the gun was blown off amithe stock shattered.

Th.- funeral or Mr. William 15. How¬man took place from the Central Melli-odist church yesterday afternoon at .1o'clock. There were a large numberof the friends of deceased present toshow their last tribute of respect. Hisremains were interred in Hollywoodcemetery.

The committee appointed to solicitcontributions to the capital stock ol th.street railway through this city and toRichmond re**>rt that they are makingrapid progress with their work and thatthey are confident that the road can bebuilt in n short while.The March term ol' Chesterfield ( ..lin¬

ty Court, which is a grand-jury term,tnl-els next Monday. Theil are hut few

I., be di-posed of.A petition has been gotten up by Cap¬

tain J. 8. Lipscomb, and is now beingcirculated, requesting our citizens tocontribute to a purse for Mr. Sii-'lling,a Confederate soldier, who lost bothlegs during thc late war. Mr. Snellinghas for many years kept a grocery-stand in front of the Market Hall, buthas been forced to close. He has a

large family, which is now in destituteeireum-tances. and any donations- willbc grati fully received.

Several persons left here ycster.lajto ¦ilona1 thc inauguration to-day,-JohnII. Ingram. Ban,., among the number.

ROT. I.. It. Thornhill will returnfrom Appomattox some time thia week.

111. trams leaving I'ii-hmoml for

Washington yesterday were extraordi¬narily crowded. One military went oil::iy and happy. Tiny tarried rathermore men than they axpet I'd. Hiin-beda of people will leave by tin- carlytrain this morning.

Wiinlhty lt. pori ni ( I! y -*1lssioo Hnrli.'Ile Mission has ben heavily taxed

n February, owing tn the large nuin-"ter of sick re.miring constant atteii-ion.[-lamber of sick ration-; given out,

I."20ti; quarts of soup, 2,250; pones*f bread, 4,508; red lannel dtetii-)ilted. 125 yunis; 30 blankets gadleanforis 'Jon yards unbleached cottonind canton Dannel; Uni pairs old -(hoes :100 old gnrtavsntR; 200 t*-oaJ-tieketaliven; SOO visits made by the districtisitors.The appeal for help vvri-< promptly

.(...ponded to in the form of money andlothitig. and the ladies are still hopingind believing they will receive furtherlid to enable them to relieve the Reetaities of the sick ami suffering throughhe cold, bleed, mniith of March.'nciiiimiiia is prevailing to a great ev¬ent.The treasury of the Mission eonUina

inly about 100, and at this tune re*|iiires $,'}('() to Basel expenses. Thisill shun HM citizens the iiecawNittp tat

arther help.The manager- expn IS their thanks

ni the liberality ol' the Council to-mrda tho city Mission, and especiallyn the Couitnittees on Light and Streetsii thc alacrity with which they caine

0 their aid in a time of great need,

(Hurl: ok JOftRPH M. Mi.aik.Grocer, [

8(»3 Main si. (PACR BLOCK),LtCHMOBD, Va., March 4, 1885.

1 have the honor and platsere of an-

ouiif]i;g that I have opened a Hit Wi ll

TOBI at the eouthtreel corner ofbend md s' streets.The patronage of tins community i-

lvitcd to both stores, and I pledge myest efforts to sn vc them promptly*andlithfully.The lollniving-nanied geutlemen will

e glad to see their friends at Secondnd Hroad streets

John H. Scott, chief derk :

Robert K. Harrison,Charles Walk.-.Captain Benjamin J. Keliana.loin) H. Blair.George I 'ennni.

The ftillowing-iiamcl gentlemen nil]e glad to see their friend-- al R03 Mainnet (Face Block)

Andrew Briggs, chief .derk :

Ichabod ll. Ualkc.A. D. Jacknon,W. \. Pollard,C. I.. Sijiiire,li. K. Ty l.t.A. I!. Mearborn.Robert M. Benton.

Very respectfully,.foejBPH M. Hi.vik.

Telephone Nea.: At803 Main streetIT : at Second and Breed. 85.

alrvayanre and Ha«n*tlc ¦brMRW.Mr. and Mr-. J. Henry will vet re¬

am thi.e week- st So. 807 Uncereel. Thia is a rafe chance for all.iimeioiis parties -satisfied daily.W. C. Smith. 30*1 north Fifth street,the agent for the celebrated Perryiad-Carts for physicians or business

Kernot, .il

IV berry A. Wei-iger. Insurance A-cutsire and Marine), have moved into theirw office. NO. lill M:iin street, Stateink building. Telephone. So. 4'i.icy represent the I'lin ni\ Assurancemipaiiy and Commercial Inion A .

rance Company, both of London, anduinix Insurance Company of Brook-ii. X. Y. Aggregate assets. $17.-D,9TM&A special oller of I'loa-er-Seeds forl children, ten kinds, in choice col-k, and one Tuberose Bulb, bj mai! or

livered in the city for ilk*. Circulars.all. H- A. Catlin,

No. b north Ninth street.POOt OaasM Hov *J71. 'I'hone. SllOrder in Manchester anything we otterCharleton'.s. Kleventh and Hull

ce ts.

..errale Mil. ls.

A small lot of Percale -huts, northve will sell st (1.1 cent- each. Sues

j, lt'*, KI.'., and 17 only.v.. h. Spbxcbi -V Bbb,

'.ml Main street.

Old newspapers for sale at the Dis-tch rounting-room at -'"> cents perndred._in ei:oi-t.*c ..? MiviHMtiit sre tte-lilr.t with UH. llAlii.sCnl'olt nrRvr.llrhmonii'scitir.tisall prefer I»r. Datrltl'sgli Syrup tn all others,eople who value pur(tn lake Hr. Kav W'se/i. Uv rup of Tar llor-iiounit. Wildpt ry, *e.. *e. In prefi-reii'-* !o*ny other.

SILENCE WON THE VICTORY.Th* Baw |* ike lusMea Psrtlaateai 0»*r

Ike Rr*«rt-ra,A Y'ienna letter says The civil wir

that broke out recent ly in this city be¬tween the press and Parliament termi¬nated in a signal vii tory for thc knightsof thc fTntil. Never iras lhere evmci Iin any hotly or among any professi:itt s

stronger feeling of esprit de wits. Thetpiarrel originated with Herr Von Sho-enrrer, thc turbulent anti-Semitic Depu¬ty. Thc House was iv. lull session whenYon Behaaaaref rose and called atten¬tion to thc fact that reporters, nitli dis¬agreeable-looking faces, w-erc in's or corridors af the House, sndmoved that they bc compelled to with-draw. Thc presence of thc reportersin thc lobbies was certainly nothingmw. as ihe lobbies communicate b~aspecial stairway with the reporters'gallery in order to facilitate intercoursebetween the latter and thc Deputies.This has been the HM since Austriahas had a Parliament. There existseven a rule ol' the concerningthis t iistom. which authorizes thc re¬porters to enter into thc lobbies to talkwith thc Deputies.

Herr Smolka. President of thc Cham¬ber, could therefore have forestalled theentire difficulty by suggesting to thefire-eat ing Deputy to study thc rules ofthc House a little more carefully. In¬stead of doing this, as bc should havedone, he sustained the motion of HerrSchoeticrer. and the reporters wereforbidden to appear thereafter in anypart af the House reserved for thc mem¬bers.To this uncalled-for uknee the entire

pr< s« replied with I cry of contemptand indlgaation. A meeting was et-Mat which the representatives of all thenewspapers attended, without dhu.MMlion ot opinions or polities ; and it was

then and there decided, with imposingsolemnity, that until such time as thcHouse would make the am,mle tenor*aide the pram would not consider ns haviiif ary iriltaBOS. Andmark that this decision was taken bynu n and papers that were IceUStOflmdto VBge against one another B relentlesswar. But on this occasion all discordand ill-feeling disappeared as l.v en¬chantment. Thc professipa had beenBTQSSly insulted, ami the insultshould bc vigorously resented. All«¦ re of one Blind aa that point. Libe¬ral* and Conservatives. Progressists andj Kcai'tionarics.journals onthe Right andjournals on the Lift, <lennans amiTchi 'ks. Italiansand Poles. Hangaria.s,Croats, and slavs, bs well a* the foreignpress, nil united in the BBB thought "flegitimate reprisal. I'or four dayl nota word appeared in snj Vienna journalin relation t>> Parliamentary proceed¬ing*. The eloquent Solon* who wereBOCnstomed te talk from the hOUBO-topnow lound themselves talking in a ccl-lar. They had no longer the enjoy¬ment which :i politician so Keenlyrelishes of scenic theil WOMBO inprint. These who. after burin;;

'tliiu colleagues erith ¦ dull and bb-grammatical harangue, msc up asxtmorning, t" lind their remarks trans-formed int.. a rmi!..Ml discourse by themagic of the rcpt.itel's pencil, feltthemselves relapsing once more intoObscurity. The crisis at length caine.

On the lift li day Herr Smolka repealedthe rule called into being by the anti-

I St nntic tiri-eater, and solemnly limned the rash, ukase al an end.Peace was concluded, the parliamentary

. Tr»i(*rt«- blazoned ma ia the aaampapanthe foUoning morning, and the tegisfe-tOTR, who for four days had been re¬duced to tin- condition ol' deaf mutes,again burgeoned forth into illustriousorators.

Tin fall "I Khartoum has producedmt usual anxiety in Vienna, as there i-

a little Austrian colony in that citv.According to Egyptian official statistics.then were ia Khartoum in 1KB-, be¬sides thc missionaries ami nuns, sixAustrian merchants under the protec¬tion of thc Austrian Consul. Herr Han¬sel. The nuns had ilse I Catholicschool for giris, which, with the churchand bnrying-gronnd, was under Aus¬trian protection. W hal has become ofthe little colony? Nobody knows. IfKl Mahdi has massacred them it willcost him thc friendship of the \ iauneee«for ju-t now everybody herc is a.. Mali-list."

Austria is s(, peculiarly situated thatshe is interested iii every Fiiropeanijiiaiitl. but tliis tune she can look on

as a disinterested spectator. Indeed,she is thc only European country alpresent engaged in the honorable occu¬

pation of minding her own Inn.ness.She is the only kuiopean Power be lound at home. Ml thc restire away. France is inTonquin, Kn^r-laad in Egypt, dei many in Zanzibarand the C.inieiootis. RuBBM il prowlingground AfghsBistan, Italy is stealinghuts from Turkey on the Rad Sea.while little Portugal is trying to staffihe entire Congo regions into her pocket.In fact, the saying sf Count von tiena,is literally realised " There is no

more Kurope."'lt has been mooted that Tiela, biBf

ol' the Hungarian Cabinet, is devhdng icolonial -(heme, but BB is entirely too

practical a statesman to engage in anysuth phantasy. Such a policy wouldhe in direct opposition to all the tradi¬tions of the empire. But il is quitocertain that wc arc foBovrhaj everyhioseiiitiit oi oui aeighbon irith ajeahons eve ami keeping a sleepless watchover our own interests. One ofthe results of the present situ¬ation is to make j.lain to theworld that the lamons Triple Allianceis no more. Italy has ostentatiouslywithdrawn from it. She has been so

Used for thc pitst liventy yeal s |0 get¬ting something for nothing that sheimagined her presence iii the Triple Ai¬linn, iheald be paid for. She lissdoubtless made ,t secret bargain withEngland, the ..consideration" beeagthe annexation of Tri|Kili. Alreadythe Human journals are ''rubbing upobi documents to prove that thcsultan's title to the country _ de¬fective. They think he ought tobe relieved ol it in the interest of. v

civilization, lt is strange how inter- ugated ..civilization" il at present in (reclaiming barbarians, especially those i,who Occupy rich, fat lands. The grand- hcst eventuf the social season, which has j,been unusually brilliant in its round of s

pleasure, was the *. Concordia " ball of i

journalists anti authors. Crown-Prime \

Rudolf. Archduke William, Court- ; c

Steward oiint Bomhelle**. and a score jsf adMB* distinguished personages were jBtosent. A deputation from the Jour¬nalists' Inion of Buda-Pcsth attended. 0lic.-i.l.s many notabilities from various aither places. p

¦mal* Tal laIna HoMly l* >.i,_lauit. f,A St. Petersburg telegram say* p

Hu- .lum nal de St. Petersbonnj, in thcours* of sn important snd evidentlynspircd article, han the following con-¦crning the Afghan difficulty : "lt is;o bc Imped tliat the Karl of Lhitt'erin,abo is ms! i neted to confer with theAmeer of Afghanistan, will give the I tlalter wiso counsel. If Fusland I n

.nd }lussia are to regard Afghanistan as a hilder to prevent friction, thiAmeer MB] not make it a brand otdiscord nor interference with the delim¬itation of tbe frontier. Tho fact thalthc Amctr is to have an interview wi'!thc Karl of Ibiffcrin shows that thiAmeer is tiesMfedewt on Hritish policy,Therefor.* Hritish pAfcy is th* more re¬

sponsible for the acts ol' the Ameer. Itis to be hnjxd that the moderation andprudence of the Knglish Cabinet willprevail in thc settlement of the frontierdispute, despite the clamor raised bvthe Knglish politicians.'' The journalconcludes tliis significant article withthe following new political epigram.. Pti stipe endangered on the Vile can¬not bc restored on tlic Herri Rood.''


.torr's "slrrslm Brssit" ".trsllr* by I***-issi Itan-is.

The Philadelphia Times say, that ithas just been discovered that the beau¬tiful Hore curtain which attracted so

much attention in this city during thea nicniiial year has been totally de¬stroyed, tinstave Pore was paid 2*>.-I'l-c francs for thc painting, and dutiesand other expenses made it cost about15,0*00. John Sleeper Clark, the actor,owned the work of art when it was di ¦

stroyed. and he valued it so highly thatwhen George K. Goodwin, manager ofthe Walnut-Street Theatre, offered him$li,()00 for it, the comedian refused it.saying: .. Ne, George, it's worth morethan that to hold for s rise." Aboutthe time the Kiralfy Brothers ..penedthe Alhambra, now known as llavcrly'sTheatre. Mire, tin- oldest partner, wentto Paris in nearch ol' novelties, andafter a good deal of negotiation inducedi.ustave Hore to paint a drop-curtainrepresenting " The Sleeping Beauty."The curtain was hung in the A Piambraand nttraeted a creat desi of attention.In order to prevent the curtain from be¬coming worn it ass not placed on thecurtain-drum, but area pulled up un.Ifolded in the middle. lu time the fold¬ing a crease in the canvas, andin thc spring af 1 -**7r* it wastaken down tn be retouched.Over forty of the most promi¬nent scene painters of the countrywere at one time or another invited toBeBM their prMt to retouch the Horecurtain. Painter after pointer anent toPhiladelphia, in-pectcl the picture, andwent awav. declining to assiriK* the re¬

sponsibility of reproducing the peculiaratinnsphern effect surrounding " TheSleeping Beantr." carefully draped iaMalia the eurtnin was swung at theback ol the ltage, and there it John Sleeper Narke bought thetheatre, a few Moaibi later Berlossy Kiralfy suildenlv appeared beforeMr. clark and offend him 11,500for the curtain. Mr. Clarke declinedthe oiler. Bolossy begged and goatice-lated, and by loOO-blds raised his ollerto $4,000. Thin Mr. Clark (nhl himthe picture was not tot Saki A yearor so later, when Mr. Clark ince.I thal he could not linda scene-

painter in this country willing to re¬touch "The Sleeping Beauty," he de¬rided to send it lo Palis ami employHore to do the work. With si sheet ol'white muslin Ofer its lace the curtainwas rolled up and locked in the star'sdressing-room on thestege. Mr. Clarkwent to Knrope. Tteo ot three BeaeaaaVOfet by and still the big picture rc-

tnained in the Theatre.Wbni in 1883 Joseph D, Murphy,

now dead, leased the Theatre, the Horecurtain was -till there, and a clause inthe lease read that '-The SleepingBeauty "

was to be carefully ptreaotrTenand that the lessee iva- to be responsi¬ble for its safe keeping. Windier Mr.Murphy appreciated the value of thcpainting is not known, bat he evidentlyforgot the clause in thc lease. Karlyin the season he decided to produce thecantata of . Thc Haymakers.' §ees>ral BOW sets ol' scenery -.vere ivaiitedfor the production, sud the Baaaageetreal back te ihe stage te look over the-lock Staff and BM wham I ould boworked over into "Hats" foi thc can¬ilta. Bat little available canvas cituld¦I lound.

What's that bundle?" -aid theuanager, pointing tuan immense roll ofesaarkably clean eaaraa swinging iahe corner.

.I hat is the Sleeping Beauty," an*

mered the seme-painter... Well, cut her up ami make a pan

if flat-."Bal that's the Dort curtain." -aid

be artist.Well, what ol' it -" lt certainly

-n't dnnig tillich good where it i-."The painter argued, ('-.postulated,

ind dually went oil' in a bad humor,belaring that he would not be a partyo -iich vandalism. That afternoonba .-lagc-carpetileis. under instructionsrom the practical manager, sliced uphe curtain, titted it to a pair ol ll itrauie-. and hoisted il to the paint-roomrn the fly-gallery. The master scene-laiuter recovered his good humor latebe following day. and on returning0 the theatre found that during hisb-cinc his a-.-istant had. with whiteamt. obliterated every sign ol''s handiwork. When the paint-rs stopped work that malu a

iehl af luxuriant tiinothy-lmy coveredIn- canvas that had a few hours beforeieen adorned by ..The Sleeping l.cau-y." Since then the same canvas hasxiii covered willi so many interior andxterior BObbUM for comic opera that it1 covered with paint a .purler of aniirh deep. The comer sa the curtainhat bears the signature of the greatlench artist hangs neglected ou a pega the property-room, ami it was

brough this relic that the destructionI -The Sleeping Heanty "

was dis-ov( red. Charles K.|Hurii>. Mr. Clark'stmerican agent, is worried over theestruction of the curtain. The owner-till ignorant of his Lss.

Walt* tar th* l.t-nerals Allaaepl.A Hurlington special says: Peter

till, an eccentric colored salve yendor,f this, place, who became famous byliding to President Carin-!.! when he88 shot a box of his browa salve, thislorning shipped by express lo Generalrant several boxes of his salve, with atter to Mrs. Grant giving direction-ow to use the concoction, and promis-ig a speedy cure for the hero. Oldtill, dining thc residence of Ceuerairant in Hurliugton, was employed byIrs. Grant to do odd jobs, and ou se¬nnit of his piety became a favorite.

Ursitaerisl Wrmb MMat'l M.vela*.A Chicago special says : Aa a result

I' the recent exposures of the methods1° professional mesmerists who em-loyed professional subjects, one of theI'refcssors" named Kennedy pro-ssed his readiness to submit to an ita-nitisl investigation bv a committee ol'hysk ians. 'Ihe test was made at tbeherman House to-day, when the "l'ro-ssor" utterly failed to mesmerise anglc one of the subjects, they bavins;ren selected by tbe physicians at ran-um frooi people wholly unknown toie oj-cnitor. All of Ihe visitors ad-ii ed I'rokssor Kcaucdy's air of conti-

dence, ind though the committee waantianimonalyof thenpiumn that hi* pre¬tensions were without foiimlition, hemir considered e mister of Ihe art af-bluff."' He staked his credit epouthe ordeal, and having ie^omintos-lyfailed, showed nota particle of clmfrin.Indeed, the opmion wa* expressed thathe had passed throu~h srmitatr *a«ne» anmuir times that be hsd learned howto bear him*.,!! under trying circnoi-stiaces.

...i.mwTr.»* rot* Mat pt.

Hv cable to th* lr-patch.lSYDRI y. N. S. W. March 3..itw

New South Wales contingent for theSoudan campiign. comprising rJiMt men.started to-«lay un their voya~» lo

Firypt. Their departure wa* made theoccasion af a public holiday. Th*sin cfs along which the troop* marchedlo the steamers were beautifully deco¬rated, and were lined for mile* wilhdense throngs of people, who manifrsted

t unbounded enthusiasm. The <»ev-ernor delivered a stirring sjieech, andspecial for the safety of thevolunteers were lieid in all the churchesnie transports were encorted out of theharbor by a perfect Meet of steamer*.The patriotic fund now amount* tnX4ri.<*lM».

lalllr-lklaiia Killed.Hs telegntph to the lRapatrn.)

St. I-ot'ls, March .1..Advice* fromI >.intuitt county. Texas, say that thesheep ranche of Ryan A Level, whwhhas borne a bad reputation for a lou-time, being regarded ss rsfor cattlc-lhietcs ami Mexicans, wa* at¬tacked three days ago hy Americans.Manuel Hore*, the overseer, ara* hang¬ed, tao or three herders were shot andkilled, ami thc sheep scattered in alldirections. No effort h»> been made tnarrest the guilty parties. Dimmitlcounty ass the scene of the late fro iMeswith Mexican-.

Carla) lan*!** HUI**).[Bj te leura ph to th* Hlapateh.i

NRW k'ORR, March .1..Thi Spanishi i.nsut-f irneral received the followingdispatch from the I .osernor-deneral ofCuba lbw afternoon: .-Carlo Agnerowas killed yesterday at Colon by th*Civil Uoard." Thc Spanish authotith-sin.lile ntisiic, cs.lui efforts to hiveAguiit. t vlii'l'icd from Key West l*stsummer.

t Mine** 4 hllil rea and Ul* lr,. *teho*l*lits MagassR io iii* Mpaam.1

San Fit \Mgs, ii. Mirch .1..In theSupreme Couti to-day it was decidedthat Chinese children must bo admittedto the public Beeamma 11:1 ittiiim t« Baila*»*¦Hs c»I.Ie to tlie Dlipatch.l

Lon nos, Mardi il..Mr. loadstone'sicinpoiary illness has pissed away.and he is ntteiiiling to public businessti-tlay.A i.o\ ..i in, isr (itRAN-Tivr Norn

Kuri nil, d or | .lia tl |sis( |>ii id fur 11l Ills UH KM ITU A I'tHH tH.

Ki'iiui'*.'! Vs.

BMOKI TKIXV ti., tits.

I g vs. in mn kii'MV Qmii.tiRTh.s theBM "I Br. l*R>s :.| Keiine.l> a Favorite II. VS i!i..s!.-..l 1'r.M.f-Ke.ter. Intti**.-Spoil* Tim, «.


tan.n Tanti onuaa.TUB IMsI'VI. II J..H-1'RIRTIRrl llol'HB ia

tliorouuhlyci|iilppctl toilo*ll tiin.lsof H.s.*.AM) Jilt-IilNTIM. *t the sliortt-st not.**.


4! I MOX Mt I*, TO ll tV.a

itiiiivit.M. baraar ii seseenlllllles. I,lilli.-;.-s. HILI MH*ons

CTAR KLKCTRIC LAMPS STILL¦v5 xiiiAii. i.ten Ban .raaf them d*-liiihie.l. i.Iscsr IirIiI i*i|iinl lo foin gas-tefsor len ovdtnarj i»inp*. No more lamp *x-


ware of Imitators. 0>l Un- kiah, manu-fiicturetl bs lit.line*, fltsitli A IU) .len. .nt!sold st sit,asl Xl wi i. stied DOS casi ll nutts'leet. ll".' .'list III.*.: siled, .ntl St 111* '!.-| ot. tt north Mc v.-u th street. Cse *tiy or-tllllM.IV kt los. *t un ei|M-llse ol twocen.per Right. J. B. I.VNN * nt. Moir.Agants for the southern Mtate*. Prier*1-ieBlIy letluci'l. ruin4-lt*

DI lt VM M tl l WHIMKBV.

CTSLT. dh.:

I>(» Vdt KROW WHAT IT MTAsk vour physician or .lruzi; 1st, .n«l he will

tell sou lt Isalt INK. HKAIU.Y ItllMON.

IHKK\ I I'l'ill. MALT WHlssKKYI* entirely free from fu*el oil: absolutely

pom Mint iimiitiiltf rafci!: a povitlv*cine for

rii.Vsl MITi' K.vii.NAitv itt il MALAMA*IRDIOCBTIOR. wasting I'Imkaihm,

ami the onlr iv <¦¦ aim lettANTIDOTE Mill (Hui.Kilt.

A HK\ KRAO- ASM MKIiICINK CO-r-MINI'.U. to any xlilrea* in Hie Knited Hlate*ie*st of the It.H-ks MolllltRltl*). all expres*.ll*Hie* |.le|*ll.l ill plllitt evue.lio rBunrefm com incut ...ula ming six quart bottle*,.ii receipt ol ott a.lUiet.

Pilli K ONK IXll.f Alt I'KR hs leading .1 ru**isis»iul flue grocery-

not ises.THK Ul Kl V MALT- WHIMRKY C<>.

Baltituor*. lld.K. A. MAI NUKItsiaRilN.aaenwror BicR-

aiontl. fe IH-dlniOwll

mimi nu. vt tn.s.

\\'DII '.KAI' WATKILiits'inc to repair* and improvement* nov

bri** Unideal lb.- s>|.rlii*r, MK Mil.l.MirrUK Altl.K lo sd 1.1 iltit l's li iM KUMIllili TU!-* MATCH for a few day*. Wt-usk ilieir indulgence for a abort whit*.

V'ers r.-s|»s'tfiills.IM lt. U.K. LAUD A I'd.

\ jen's for Mineral Wale. ir" Virginia,mb 4- ti

1*411 ITU

T I'fiHT BRAHMAS..I HAVE* ¦< s. .. i.: .i i, ithi.s.if ih. lats.vr.nameObleed for mle cheap. I m. i«**i.| to Ba IBB.noblest of lb* noble fowl* ' and the A_Mtof all ci tassr-s for iai.eneMof chicken* aadi.;<.-tii»if eu;**. Tliii ls* rare chan**, a*Hil* ls the season tnt matins:. IXI.MI lorhatch lita I'KVM'.t 111 KOCK. LIUMTHit MIMAS, mihi MK. "VB I. KO HUB*

lilt kev.*- cnn ls- supplied if order* ar*promptly lent. XV. «*, lif.t'HKll. Broad andline street* li im Coal-Yard. ash l-gt

UBIr-ar*V-*r^-se-. .- , ,.¦*.-«/ .> *N.*\/*V* '.VN/',/* ,*g Arf


1808 east Maim rtrbbt (uud*r Bt. CtMtrlsaHotel).BCBIAI.-i'AMKH. MlIBOniiK and r~-NKKAL Ctl.NVKYANCKS fumt*b-d at all

tioiii-s. Tel««rapb order* attend-1 to day ognight. *e io-ea*

aBjrrurra.V. lu v iso.v. G. J. dav ison. W. V. UAVmoB*DAVISON'SHKXTAI. PARI.OBM,

No. Ill rust Malu .tre*t.ifflce hour* from v A. Al. to I R af.

Term* moderate. s*t_J*ctlan amteed. RI-

WIRRB. USJlt'lMBM. tko\

- ¦.»


Iireet rrom lb* s mes ard of C. W. (larrvtt*t .. Kiifl. il Nf. for sal* by

-KATl-.i:. MYRBM a Ct)..te J7-81 14J4 Ra.RBlrecf.

MTKam-RRlllTSKB. StUMIMdjI.V0TICE..1 NA»W OCCUirT^liiii-" buii.lmg .No. nee iarjr sir**! ifor*»*rlyRahm A HuRler.. .od _»ve on BawdIRM-lil.NKMOK M-.W ANU IMl*t4UVBU Rat*I-^VlTH^e^"-^*rf»'

i* elmnoei*a*T«tiMn