the hub - the life and news of BCC



the comprehensive guide to life at Birmingham Christian Centre

Transcript of the hub - the life and news of BCC

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in this edition of the hubpage 3: Pastor’s perspective

page 5-6: Sundays in Sept & Oct page 8: Regular Events page 9: Special Events

page 9-10: What are life groups page 11: What’s on for Youth page 12: What’s on for Kids

page 12: Prize Giving page 14-15: Meet The BCC Family

page 15-16: Mission to Swazilandpage 17: Meet the Team


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Transformed Lives…Transforming Lives.

Transformation…nothing less. When I think of what we should aim for

I cannot think of a higher goal than being transformed

into the likeness of Christ. We are all guilty of setting our sights too low

when it comes to God and living out our faith. Myself and many other pastors would admit that sometimes we set our sights on the ‘ABC’ of church life - Attendance, B u i l d i n g s and Cash! But the

church I see is much more

than these things, it is people

transformed by partnering with the Spirit to become someone who will touch and transform others. I would ask you to set no less of a goal for yourself, inner transformation that works its way out to change your world and the people you come into contact with.

Have you ever considered that the Lord Jesus staked all his hopes on that first band of followers? If you think it through this was extremely risky. Jesus being perfect, had all the power and authority to carry out mission to the world, but refused to turn his mission into a ‘one man show’. Instead he invested in those disciples so that they could do the works he did. Even more risky is that he did not stick around to personally supervise but trusted that they would be open enough to receive the Holy Spirit to empower and guide them in the mission he started. When you think of it, we owe a lot to the willingness of those original disciples to be personally transformed and then to pass this on to their generation until eventually the message reaches us.

....continued to page 3 I want to ask nothing less of you-

Pastors Perspective

“To transform the city we need a viral movement “ - Mark Ryan

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you have been transformed and need to learn the depth of this transformation. There are people waiting to know the transformation that they could receive and we, like the early disciples need to pass it on to them. Jesus has staked his mission on you, but he has not left you alone, we have the Holy Spirit to lead and empower us. We can have a transformed life, we can transform a life.

Over the next little while I am going to teach on the full meaning of the transformation we can all enjoy. I am looking forward to this set of teaching because I think it will bring liberation to many. The ‘Life Groups’ will follow this teaching and thus everyone should have an opportunity to make real progress in their lives. Join a Life Group if you want to get the most out of the teaching on Sundays.

It is 6 months since Kathy and I came to be with you at BCC, it is time now to really dig in and begin to shape the new vision for our church. Anything new will be based on the timeless truths of the scripture, you can depend on that. It is time for us all to begin to move on in our journey together, to become all what God has been investing in BCC. There are people waiting on you to show them what it

means to live the transformed life. God is depending on you to be His people for this city.

September is always a busy and exciting time as people go back to school and university, it is no less a busy time in the church. As you will see from this edition of the Hub there is alot going on. Before we do anything else let’s pray together and commit ourselves and our plans to the Lord. I hope you can come to our joint prayer meeting on September 2nd. In the final analysis transformation is down to the Spirit and how we partner with Him, prayer is essential if we are to do this. I hope to see you there.

Sundays in September & October

Transformed lives...Transforming lives…This has to be more than a slogan but become a reality

in the life of our church. For the next few weeks we will be exploring how we can really be transformed. This will be an exciting and thought provoking teaching series not to be missed!

LIFE GROUPSWeek beginning

21st September The new Season of LIFE GROUPS begins:

“Personal Transformation to City Transformation”

Contact:[email protected]

to find out how to get involved



Sunday Mornings 10:30am We provide a dynamic ministry for Teens (11-15yrs). The House is our discipleship ministry for Children (�-11yrs)We also provide a fully staffed creche with trained volunteers (0-� yrs)

Sunday Evenings 6:30pmA great mix of teaching & creative worship

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TransformationCan it really


Today we set out a blueprint of how we

can get the life of God really changing us. We are going to forget the cliché’s and hype and get down to how transformation really works.

Main Room“The Fear”‘Pandemonium’

Be inspired on a great night of ministry with

Pastor Jonny Lee as he teaches on global pandemics and how not to live out of PANIC but with a sense of awe that God is in control!

Mind Games or mind transfor-mation?

It is often said the real battle is in the mind. Today

we will teach you how to win that battle! From the trenches of random thoughts to the pathway of Godly patterns in our thinking. We will trace how to move our minds in line with God’s renewing power.

Baptismal Service

Let’s have a blast as we celebrate the life

changing commitment that baptism symbolises. Come and support your friends and family in this important step of their lives.

Close encounters of the divine kind

We all know we should pray, we all seek to

worship deeper, today we unlock the keys of how to do it. Moving from drudgery to divine encounter is a journey every Christian must take. Let’s start that journey today!

Back to church Sunday: Bringing home a Prodigal

This Sunday is a Sunday of opportunity. Everyone

knows someone, you might know someone who used to come to church but has since left. This morning we invite you to invite them to come back to church, with relevant film, drama and message, they won’t be disappointed!

Cafe Church Can we really be happy?

Every individual who ever walks the face of Great

Britain at some point in their lives wants to be happy. You want to be happy. Can we ever really be happy? Tonight we start a new series that will give practical and spiritual help to the longing for happiness. Café Church services will be appropriate to invite your not yet Christian friends to.

Main RoomMark Greenwood on:

“The Fear”

Mark is a gifted h u m o r o u s

communicator and director of the Forty Three Trust and an associate of J.John. Invite friends and family to a relaxed evening which promises great insight into THE FEAR!!

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OctoberA place to belong...

There are � basic elements to belonging,

we belong when we are nurtured, we belong when we know we have heart level unity and we belong when we roll up our sleeves and work together. This morning we take the warm sentimentality out of belonging and give it real guts!

Main Room“Fear of the Future”

Patricia, an original Main Room team member

and BBC project manager will bring some thoughts on how not to be afraid of your future; the fear that success is brought by our own achievements and efforts! Is life out of control!

Understand your ConnectionsYou are connected to more people than you think you are. Your life exists in a web of relationships. Family, work, leisure and friends can provide many divine opportunities for you to reach out. Today we will learn how when you reach out God reaches into you and changes you.

Discipleship: You need to get it!

Gone are the days when we categorised

Christians into the two groups of ‘church goers’ or ‘real disciples’. This just doesn’t work for our modern world, church going won’t cut it. The ancient call to discipleship and the willingness to hear it has always been Jesus’ primary method of transformation.

Take the tool out of the shed!

Your gifts might be rusty, they might have not

been used for a while. You may not even know what they are but it’s time to take them out of hiding and begin to use them in the workshop of the world! Discover your gifts and live out the destiny of doing the things that God has prepared in advance for you to do.

Cafe ChurchThe Secret of Happiness

Being kind in an unkind world.

Kindness is not just being nice, it is an explosive and powerful thing. Often kindness is relegated to the niceties of certain personalities, but science tells us differently. It is a fact that kind people are simply happier. Tonight lets learn to be kind.

Main Room“Do Not Worry”

Back by popular demand, Ciaran a

young man with an aptitude for Science; will help us engage with the promises of the Bible in line with scientific events and so we needn’t worry about meteorites, aliens, or nuclear disasters!

Cafe Church The Secret of Happiness

Count your blessings. A grateful person is

a great person. There is a power in being thankful that permeates our whole life to make us happy. Lets look at steps we can take to make us more grateful and increase our ability to be happy.

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“Jesus is not a resource, but something to live for...“ - Jonny Lee

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Regular EventsThe Return of the Coffee

Morning: Every Tuesday 11am to 1:�0pm, BCC Family

and friends can come and enjoy a warm friendly atmosphere. this is not designed as a general outreach meeting but more for those with whom you have a friendship relationship with -New Mums also Welcome

Life Groups: BCC has over �0 Life Groups meeting all over the City!! If you are not in a Life Group

please contact us on: 01212�62997 or at [email protected].

Wednesday Fellowship: our senior citizens gather in the Oasis at BCC every

Wednesday from 11am for an inspiring devotion and a fellowship lunch!!

Worship practice: Thursday 8-10pm, Choir rehersal 1st & �rd Thursday 7:�0-9:�0pm

Polish Cell: Spotykamy się w drugi czwartek każdego miesiąca o godzinie 19.00. 10

września i 8 października. Czekamy na Ciebie!

“Learning and growing together is fun...“ - Paul Clarke

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Up & Coming Special EventsLet’s Pray Together...

September 2nd we have our joint BCC all together prayer meeting at 7:�0 pm in the main auditorium - this is a time to lay our church

before the Lord and seek God together . Healing prayer for the sick will be offered.

Calling all Life Group Leaders....two dates for your diary. A ‘Thank You’ reception on Tuesday September 8th at 7:�0pm in the Oasis Lounge and also a leaders training session on Tuesday

September 15th in the Bournville Room at 7:�0pm. At this meeting you will get all your material for the next set of life group sessions.

The new Life Group Season begins in the week Beginning September 21st.

Baptismal Service... Join us on Sunday the1�th September at

the evening service as we celebrate the life changing commitment that baptism symbolises.

Mens Conference - WILD GOOSE CHASE... Come and Join Stronger: Men @ BCC for a fantastic weekend away on the 18th - 20th September with quality teaching, fun

and fellowship. Book ASAP TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!! See Danny Easton or email [email protected].

Womens Conference - Back to Basics With guest speaker Rachel Hickson!!! 25th September, 7:00pm Sharp at Birmingham Christian Centre, contact 0121 2�6 2997

or email us at [email protected] for more information.

What areLife Groups?

Life Groups…doing life together…receiving life together.

Any church has to be big/small. We have to show the awesome nature of God on Sundays with our larger celebration but there is a part of church that has to be smaller and connected, a place where you can know and be known. That’s where ‘Life Groups’ come in. Life Groups are an essential teaching and community arm of our church; the Life Group is a place where you can ask questions, discuss and get under the skin of the teaching the church is giving at that season.

The Life Group is also a place for care and nurture – a place for you to be prayed for and to pray together through the changing seasons of your life. We cannot walk the Christian path alone, we need to ‘do life together’.

If we are serious about discipleship, joining a Life Group is a natural step in deepening our journey with Christ and with others in the church. BCC is not just somewhere to meet on a Sunday,

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but it is a developing church community with the goal of transforming your life so that you can transform the lives of others. A Life Group connects you with a group of people who like you want to work out their faith. The Life Group leaders are committed to your spiritual health and will partner with you to become all that you can be in Christ. Don’t miss out on Life Groups because of your children please seek to make child care arrangements so that you can invest in your own spiritual development. Husbands and wives can attend groups on different nights or attend alternately and then teach each other what they have learnt. Some Life Groups have child care arrangements in the group. Don’t let the kids stop you getting involved!

Life Groups are for young adults and students who may not be used to meeting in this way – here at BCC if we don’t have a life group for you – we will start one!!

Register today for a Life Group by filling in a registration card found on your seat or in the foyer. To register you can also email [email protected].

Don’t miss out, get connected in…Life Groups…doing life together…receiving life together.

“Being a Christian is a way of life. Not just for Sundays... “ - Lisa Edmead

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Whats on for YOUTHYOUTH – The I-Season!

The Centre relaunch FRIDAY NIGHTS 7pm-10.�0pm starting September �th

-Want to get the focus from ‘I’ to ‘We’ from ‘I’ to Him don’t miss out on somewhere to chill out, belong and become all you were designed to be!

GC Teaching sessions as part of our Sunday morning services

Klub Epidemik introduces “Blah! Blah!” Discussion, debate and chat on the hottest topics for youth and how to get focused for God’s destiny in them! 1st and �rd Tuesdays of every month! 7pm start!

THE SHUFFLE CONFERENCE 2�rd-25th October for 12-s to 25s

all Youth, Students and Young adultsBooking forms now availableLOOK OUT FOR MORE INFO!!!

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Whats on for Kids

Sat 3rd Oct at BCCTime: 6-8pmX:site is a FANTASTIC event for kids aged 7-

11 from across Birmingham. We get together on a Saturday evening, every two months, and have LOADS of fun! Parents can come too - there is a parent lounge with drinks, comfy chairs, and also space to work. Alternatively parents can drop the children off and pick them up again at 8pm (Registration open from 5.�0pm.

27th to 28th October - 9:30am-5.30pmF.I.T: An exciting half term programme called

F.I.T. (Fighters in Training). This is for both girls and boys aged 9-1� years old. It will be an exciting two days with times of challenge, getting to know God, mentors and full of sport, games and fitness!

Prize Giving 09Isaac Osbourne of Coventry City Football

Club, came to the July prize giving at BCC this summer, where he presented all the prizes to the children who got awards in ‘The House’. Isaac also presented BCC’s special award for Achievement and that is the Mark Maynard Memorial Shield that was presented to this years winner Domeni White and runners up Jacob Easton and Rebecca Yamalimba also received their comemarative shields! Isaac donated a shirt signed by the whole of the first team at Coventry City for us to auction off as part of Chapter One or 1�th month campaign!

Isaac we wish you the very best for your coming season, we hope you challenge for promotion to the Premier League!

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“My desire is touching heaven with total praise“ - Fitzroy Storrod

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Meet BCC Family

Interview with Kayode and Lola Adenekan - Pastor Paul Clarke

Paul: How long have you been attending BCC as a family?

Lola: Since 199�, fifteen years now, quite a while, it’s just been so brilliant.

Paul: Tell me a little bit about your Family.

Kayode: There are three of them: Moses is 15, Michael is 1� and Daniel is just 11. Now they are all very unique in their own individual ways and sometimes it is a challenge trying to meet their individual needs, but we thank the Lord that he has continued to help us, to help them.

Paul: Do you think the children’s work and the youth over the years at BCC has helped them?

Kayode: Yes, definitely, in fact without their exposure to the life at BCC, it would have been be a lot more difficult, all of

them have been very active in BCC and we owe a lot of their Christian growth to the teaching they have received.

Paul: Lola you are a nurse and I know that Kayode works as a paediatrician, Lola tell us about your work as a nurse

Lola: I have been a nurse since

1982; I qualified as a nurse when I completed my training in 1978 specializing in respiratory medicine.

I’ve worked in Nigeria and the

Gambia then in the UK Heartlands and Good Hope Hospital. I now work as a specialist nurse looking after complex cases, it is really challenging but I thank God for his grace and favour. It’s a calling and I really thank God for that.

Paul: Kayode tell us a little bit about your work as a doctor.

Kayode: I have been a paediatrician since 1985. I have had my present post for almost 1� years. It is a

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challenging job; with the opportunity to share in peoples lives and to help them medically. The particular challenge at the moment is in the Young Adults Centre with young people suffering socially, psychologically and from drugs, self harming and anorexia. I have as much impact on their lives as possible with my Christian faith, my faith is well known and I take a definite stand as to particular life and death issues. I pray within hospital policies but my faith definitely has impact. Other key areas are being honest and taking responsibility, in all of this the Lord has helped me, and these experiences have helped me in my Christian faith and also in bringing up my children. I’m really grateful to God for the opportunity to work in this area where you have everything you need to help the kids but it is a big challenge.

Paul: Could you mention something about your work in domiciliary care.

Kayode: I have worked hard as a paediatrician, but it does not complete the cycle. About 8 years ago we decided to start a domiciliary care company with another family in the

church. What we are doing is making sure we employ good carers and send them to people to care for them in their home. At the moment we have two offices in Birmingham and we employ approximately 70 carers. I go to homes to visit clients to carry out risk assessments and to assess the quality of care people are receiving; it is my passion to make sure that people receive good quality care that the government is paying for. I thank God that I can continue to help in peoples lives as it has been very challenging especially in the current climate. The people that we are caring for, are of varying ages. From young adults to very old people in the extremes of life like 85-90, they need a lot of help – there are opportunities to step into this profession and offer compassionate care to these people. I think our Christian calling actually prepares us better to face the challenges and I personally can testify to that.

Paul: Thanks Kayode and Lola

Mission to Swaziland

This summer a team from BCC spent three weeks working alongside missionary Jane Bradshaw in the heart of Swaziland, Africa. Prior to their trip, BCC hosted the Chapter One event, together as a church we raised a staggering £7,500 to build a library on Hawane Farm, an orphan care centre for �6 children.

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As part of an action packed schedule, the team completed the Chapter One project by filling the shelves with 2500 books, which the community of Epping, Essex provided.

The team’s lives were transformed as they transformed the lives of others as they built relationships with the children on the farm and at the local pre-school.

With HIV/Aids reaching �5% of the population, the life expectancy of those in Swaziland has halved from 60 years to just over �0 years in the last twenty years. The team were moved by these shocking statistics and experienced the reality of this when they helped with

health promotions and health clinics, as well as visiting families at their homesteads and the local hospital.

With a nation that could be wiped out by 2050, Swaziland needs our support by prayer, giving and going!

Thank you to everyone that

supported BCC missions this year through Chapter one: Build the future, you’ve made a massive difference!

The team are eager to share their stories about their time in Swaziland with everyone so please don’t be shy, come and find out more about their trip.

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class! Louise puts it down to poking fun at Jonny’s accent and Jonny to his intense magnetism! They married in 200� which to them still feels like yesterday!

Louise, who has built a career over the last 1� years as a manager of Recruitment consultancies is

Jonny, Louise and Ava-Gisele Lee – THE POWER OF THREE

In this edition we meet BCC’s youngest leadership family (congrats!) and also longest serving current Pastor’s. Louise joined BCC in 2000 and Jonny in 2001 where they met at a New Members

a dynamic and influential woman and Jonny, ex-P.E. Teacher, for the past seven years has been serving on the leadership team with major responsibility for the youth ministry of the church! They have both enjoyed the ups and downs of the leadership challenge and are looking forward to the years ahead at BCC!

Now they are joined by Ava-Gisele who was born in July of this year! She is already bossing the house and Jonny is ‘putty’ in her hands! Being of good stock she has learnt Hebrew and can say “Mahershalalhashbaz” the longest name in the Bible!

Both are strong communicators, with a sharp sense of humour and have an intense passion for life, God and church and this current generation being effective in life in our time! They have a ‘bucket list’ of things they want to do before they kick the bucket and it includes hot air ballooning, walking on glaciers, writing books, and world travel!

Get near them and prepare to be ignited to be all you can be and more!

Meet the Team

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“Enjoy Life. Make a difference“ - Sum-mer intern, PA to Pastor Mark, Misha Ewing

Whats on in NovemberFireworks Party: The 5th of

November 6:�0pm onwards, Family fun night for BCC,

Burgers, Bangers and Believers!!

All Church Prayer Meeting: 18th November 7:�0pm in the Auditorium

Guest Speakers coming to BCC:

Len Isaacs - Street PastorsBill Wilson - Metro MinistriesGordon Neale - Elim Midlands and North East Leader- Get ready to receive from these great Biblical Teachers

The Parade, Birmingham, B1 �QQT: 0121 2�6 2997E: [email protected]:

BirminghamChristian Centre

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