The Home Rental Matching Engine™

Share Your Renting Experience We know where you want to live before you do.™ Home Tell us about your story Checklist for renters Posted on June 22, 2015 in real estate, rent, renting, save money Search … Recent Posts Checklist For Renters Five Things You Have To Consider When Looking For An Apartment Working From Home How To Find Good Neighbors? Consolidation In Online Real Estate Categories PDF generated automatically by the HTML to PDF API of PDFmyURL unblock Netflix

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Finally, you can put your feet up and relax with a steaming cup of coffee. Afterdays of legwork and networking with people, both online and offline, you’vefinally found your dream house. Now, you are just waiting for the day whenyou will ink the deal and take the keys. But wait! Have you read the fineprint? I know, I know. You’ve already made up your mind as the house suits..Read More

Five things you have to considerwhen looking for an apartmentPosted on June 19, 2015 in life in Iowa City, life in NYC, neighborhood, real estate

During the exciting search for a new place to stay apartment sellers arealways sure to show you the finest points of the apartment. The manybathrooms they can offer, the different room sizes, the spacious living areas,

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the newest and most up to date appliances in the kitchen, or not so up todate. Once they give you a once over of the entire place the always say – “Doyou have.. Read More

Working from homePosted on June 19, 2015 in quality, real estate, rent, WFH, work from home

It’s a new age, we understand that. Everything can be done remotely. Butdoes it actually work? We learned to go to work at 9:00am and come back at5:00pm. That was our working day. Dress professionally, have a cup of coffeeand head to the office where our manager will tell us what we have to do forthat day. Now, as companies try to cut costs, they allow and even encourage..Read More

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How to find good neighbors?Posted on June 15, 2015 in life in Iowa City, life in NYC, life tips, neighborhood

Moving into a new apartment can be a daunting task. You’ve found theapartment, the rent is perfect. You’ve emptied the boxes. Set up the furniture,just the way you like it. Everything is excellent. There’s just one thing. Youhave to meet the new neighbors. Having good relationships with yourneighbors is crucial. You can be best friends. Or, you can be the greatest ofenemies. If you are a friend.. Read More

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Posted on June 15, 2015 in consolidation, real estate, real estate news, rent, renting

Do you remember when you were looking for the apartment in which youcurrently live? Did you find it by asking your friend, reading classifieds in thenewspaper or just driving around the neighborhood? Chances you found itthrough those channels are very small. You probably did what 95 percent ofhome seekers are doing every day: you went online and searched on one ofthe online real estate marketplaces. How big.. Read More

Are there any available rentals inManhattan?Posted on June 14, 2015 in life in NYC, millennials, neighborhood, real estate, rent,renting


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Is it possible that almost every rental in Manhattan is occupied? Yes, numbersdon’t lie. According to a new market report, there is only 1.07 percent ofrentals available in Manhattan, lowest in three years. That’s unbelievable! Ifdemand for rentals and supply of rentals continue to increase at the samepace they have been increasing until now, we can say that in a few yearsdemand will be higher than supply… Read More

Can you save money on utility bills?Posted on June 11, 2015 in budget, environment, real estate, rent, save money, utilitybills

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Whether you own or rent a home, you never want to pay in utilities more thanyou have to. The question is can you lower your monthly bills? I’m happy toinform you that the answer is YES. There are many ways you can save moneyon your energy bill, water bill even gas bill. The key is to plan and beconsistent with your intentions. A few smaller investments up front will.. ReadMore

Do you think real estate agent knowswhere you should live?Posted on June 10, 2015 in budget, life in Iowa City, life in NYC, neighborhood, realestate, rent

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When deciding to buy a property, there are several good benefits you can getby hiring a real estate agent. A good agent has a great insight about currentconditions in real estate market and can provide you with more specificlistings, good legal advice and even negotiate a good deal for you. But theyare also salespeople. Their job is to sell an apartment from their inventory andto get a commission… Read More

Living with a dog in the cityPosted on June 9, 2015 in life in NYC, neighborhood, pets, pets in apartments, realestate, rent, renting

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In most people’s cases, pets are considered to be a major part of their lives.Whether it’s a dog, cat, squirrel or a parrot, pets bring joy to our everyday life.It is hard to describe the life with a pet to someone who never had a pet but Ican tell you: it’s very rewarding. Growing up, I always had dogs, not just anybreed, but only Rottweilers. Rottweilers are those dogs.. Read More

Rent Stabilized or Rent ControlledApartments?Posted on June 8, 2015 in budget, life in NYC, real estate, rent, rent control, rentstabilized, renting

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If you live in New York or Chicago, you must have heard about these terms.Not just that you heard about them, you probably wish you have rented oneof those apartments. Both of them involve rent regulation, but they havedifferent sets of regulation. According to the 2011 NYC Housing and VacancySurvey, there are about 38,000 rent controlled apartments compared to aboutone million rent stabilized apartments in NYC. So what.. Read More

Can virtual reality replace realapartment tours?Posted on June 5, 2015 in real estate

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Virtual reality (VR) became very popular after Facebook bought Oculus Rift for$2 billion in 2014. VR, by definition, is an artificial environment that iscreated with software and presented user in such a way that the usersuspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. VR is being used a lot invideo games, medical experiments such as helping amputee victims andchildren with autism, or even military soldiers training. So,.. Read More

Should apartment hunting start withGoogle?Posted on June 4, 2015 in life tips, micro apartments, real estate, rent

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Almost every apartment search starts online. It probably looks something likethis: you go online, google “apartment for rent in XXX city” and click on topresults. Well, the words you just typed in Google are the most popularapartment related keywords in Google keyword planner. They have more than823,000 searches every month with very fierce competition. If you start yourapartment search by words like “studio for rent in New York.. Read More

Rise of green buildingsPosted on June 3, 2015 in environment, life tips, real estate, rent

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Going green. It is such a popular topic these days. But what does it reallymean? Most people would agree that it means to change the way we live,from how we eat, dress, commute to how we communicate and work. Everypart in our lives can be changed to protect and save our environment. Rightnow, we can even build and decide to live in Eco-friendly apartments andhouses, so called.. Read More

Is it hard to find an apartment forrent in Midwest?Posted on June 2, 2015 in budget, real estate

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Many people say that finding an apartment for rent in New York City is one ofthe most stressful experiences in their life. Why is that? Because it’s so hardto find a good apartment, in good location, within the budget. But if you are inMidwest, you’re lucky. It is much easier here to get an apartment rental youwant. Low population density means you can always find some apartments,but to.. Read More

Is the location or the quality ofapartment more important when

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apartment more important whenfinding a rental?Posted on June 1, 2015 in life in NYC, real estate, rent

OK, so you made a decision that you will rent an apartment. What is the firstthing that you think about? Price? Location? Quality of the apartment? I canrecall when I was looking for the apartment in NYC, all I cared was the locationand the price; I really didn’t care about the quality of the apartment I wouldbe moving into. But still, the only thing I wanted from that place.. Read More

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