The Holy Twelve Apostles as Models for our Lives Voice/2020... · 2020-05-27 · The Monthly...

The Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church The Voice Volume : 20 Number : 6 Month : June 2020 The birthday of a saint, on which the Church celebrates their memory, is considered the day of their death, because it is at the same me and day as their birth in the Kingdom of God. Thus, while each of the Twelve Apostles of Christ celebrates on different days, nevertheless for the Church to honor them and show the unity between them, it determined to celebrate the Twelve on June 30th every year. Besides the Twelve Apostles, Christ had a wider chorus of Apostles, seventy in number. The Twelve Apostles were His closest associates, who followed Him everywhere. Aſter the deducon of Judas Iscariot from the chorus of the Twelve Apostles, his place was taken by Mahias. The names of the Twelve Apostles are: Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew (Nathanael), Mahew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Jude the Brother of God and Mahias. On the day of Pentecost the Apostles received the Holy Spirit and became fervent preachers of the Gospel to the ends of the inhabited world. They suffered for the propagaon of the Gospel and all had a martyric end, except the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, who was "perfected in peace", because he experienced martyrdom by the side of Christ throughout the duraon of His Passion and sacrifice on the Cross. They were poor in material goods, like Christ, but they enriched many, since they "had nothing yet possessed all things". The joint celebraon of the Twelve Apostles gives us the opportunity to highlight the following: First, the Apostles of Christ aſter Pentecost showed great self-denial and self-sacrifice and preached the Gospel throughout the world. These cowards, who throughout the duraon of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ were hidden in the Upper Room "for fear of the Jews", aſter the Resurrecon and Ascension of Christ and especially aſter Pentecost when they received the Holy Spirit, became true lions. They set their fear aside, gained strength and spiritual courage, braved all the difficules, even unto death, which they exceeded in the limits of their personal life. Pentecost was a historical event, but it is also a mystery which is repeated in the life of every true member of the Church, who are the saints. All the saints experienced their own personal Pentecost that altered them internally and transferred courage and strength to them to endure all sorrows, torments, temptaons and difficules with admirable fortude and paence. But the feats of the saints, which "the powers of heaven wondered at", did not take place only with their poor human strength, but especially by the Grace and power of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens, supports and comforts the "pious fighters". Of course, the Apostles, like the Martyrs, Venerable Ones and all the saints, fought with admirable self-denial and superhuman paence, but if they did not have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them throughout their existence and strengthening them, it would The Holy Twelve Apostles as Models for our Lives By Protopresbyter Fr. George Papavarnavas Connued on Page 2 Holy Twelve Apostles (Feast Day - June 30)

Transcript of The Holy Twelve Apostles as Models for our Lives Voice/2020... · 2020-05-27 · The Monthly...

Page 1: The Holy Twelve Apostles as Models for our Lives Voice/2020... · 2020-05-27 · The Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church The Voice Volume : 20

The Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

The Voice Volume : 20 Number : 6 Month : June 2020

The birthday of a saint, on which the Church celebrates their memory, is considered the day of their death, because it is at the same time and day as their birth in the Kingdom of God. Thus, while each of the Twelve Apostles of Christ celebrates on different days, nevertheless for the Church to honor them and show the unity between them, it determined to celebrate the Twelve on June 30th every year. Besides the Twelve Apostles, Christ had a wider chorus of Apostles, seventy in number. The Twelve Apostles were His closest associates, who followed Him everywhere. After the deduction of Judas Iscariot from the chorus of the Twelve Apostles, his place was taken by Matthias. The names of the Twelve Apostles are: Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew (Nathanael), Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Jude the Brother of God and Matthias. On the day of Pentecost the Apostles received the Holy Spirit and became fervent preachers of the Gospel to the ends of the inhabited world. They suffered for the propagation of the Gospel and all had a martyric end, except the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, who was "perfected in peace", because he experienced martyrdom by the side of Christ throughout the duration of His Passion and sacrifice on the Cross. They were poor in material goods, like Christ, but they enriched many, since they "had nothing yet possessed all things". The joint celebration of the Twelve Apostles gives us the opportunity to highlight the following:

First, the Apostles of Christ after Pentecost showed great self-denial and self-sacrifice and preached the Gospel throughout the world. These cowards, who throughout the duration of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ were hidden in the Upper Room "for fear of the Jews", after the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ and especially after Pentecost when they received the Holy Spirit, became true lions. They set their fear aside, gained strength and spiritual courage, braved all the difficulties, even unto death, which they exceeded in the limits of their personal life. Pentecost was a historical event, but it is also a mystery which is repeated in the life of every true member of the Church, who are the saints. All the saints experienced their own personal Pentecost that altered them internally and transferred courage and strength to them to endure all sorrows, torments, temptations and difficulties with admirable fortitude and patience. But the feats of the saints, which "the powers of heaven wondered at", did not take place only with their poor human strength, but especially by the Grace and power of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens, supports and comforts the "pious fighters". Of course, the Apostles, like the Martyrs, Venerable Ones and all the saints, fought with admirable self-denial and superhuman patience, but if they did not have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them throughout their existence and strengthening them, it would

The Holy Twelve Apostles as Models for our Lives By Protopresbyter Fr. George Papavarnavas

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Holy Twelve Apostles (Feast Day - June 30)

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The Voice June 2020

have been impossible for them to have endured what they endured and succeeded in what they succeeded. But genuine "pious fighters" exist also today in the cities and the deserts. And certainly they could not have endured the "heat of the day and frost of night" without heavenly strength and consolation. Fr. Paisios said of an Athonite ascetic, who lived the entire winter without need of clothing or food and especially without heat, that "to sit in his cell with such deprivation meant that he had the consolation of God". Experiencing the mystery of Pentecost is made possible within the Church after a persistent and arduous struggle, humility and patience. The Holy Spirit, who "blows where He wills", loves to set his camp in the humble, who sacrificially love Christ and keep His words. Second, the material poverty of the Apostles was the natural result of their way of life. That is, the Apostles had their minds and hearts turned towards God, praying unceasingly, truly loving God and men, and so it was not possible to accumulate material wealth. According to Saint Gregory Palamas, he who has love does not have money and whoever has money does not have love. Indeed he stresses that they are deluded who think that they can both have money and love, just as it is impossible to pray while accumulating money. He says: "'Anyone who has love', said one of God’s friends, 'has dispersed his money. The man who says he possesses both love and money is deluded. He is either bereft of money, or bereft of love, that is to say, of God.' God is love, and He declares to us, 'Ye cannot serve God and mammon' (Matt. 6:24), using the word 'mammon' to mean everything we have to excess: gold, or silver, or anything else. He shows us that it is impossible for anyone who keeps money to pray, 'for where', He says, 'your treasure is, there will your mind be also' ( Matt. 6:21), but not in prayer. The Lord also says of such men, 'This people honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me' (Matt. 15:8-9). For that reason God’s beloved thunder proclaims, 'Whoso hath this world’s goods, and does not give to his brethren what they need, the love of God is not in him'" ( I John 3:17). Of course, anyone who has a family is obligated to care for them and therefore it is natural to have some money and estate, but they should not put their hope in them. Saint Gregory Palamas, who said the above, wants to prevent us from having attachment to material possessions, which are the root of sensuality and avarice. When the heart is given to God, then a person has their hope in God. They manage their material goods, but they don't idolize them or become attached to them. If we truly love the Apostles, we must, as Saint Gregory Palamas urges, show it in practice. That is, we should become their imitators, namely "practitioners" of their words and works and "not only listeners". He then stresses: "If you cannot, like the Apostles, speak, teach, rebuke and exhort to virtue, you can however become good workers of the Gospel and teachers of yourselves and others by your works and example."

Source Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi: , "Σύναξη τών Δώδεκα Αποστόλων", May 2012. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

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The Voice June 2020

Fr. Mark’s Pastoral Post - Its

A Personal Note

As we move into the month of June, I want to express how much I miss not being able to worship together. I am grateful for all of the prayers and support as we continue to endure the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. I also pray for each and every person in our Holy Trinity – St. Nicholas Parish Family. I am thankful that we have the ability to stay connected through our live broadcast of Divine Services, as well as other emerging online ministries.

It can prove difficult to navigate through the uncertainty of these days. I believe, however, that should we continue to bring God into focus through prayer, we will be strengthened and encouraged to move forward without fear. We must exercise patience, embrace humility, and show love - for these virtues lead us to eternal life with our merciful God.

Marriage Preparation Seminar

A Marriage Preparation Seminar will be held on Saturday August 1, 2020 from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. All couples who plan to be married at Holy Trinity - St. Nicholas must attend this seminar prior to their wedding date. Please contact the Church Office to register. It has yet to be determined if this will take place at the Church or through a video conference.

Inside this Issue:

The Holy Twelve Apostles .................. 1

Fr. Mark’s Pastoral Post-Its................. 3

Saturday of Souls Before Pentecost.... 3

President’s Message........................... 4

Sunday Church School Graduates....... 4

Transitions......................................... 4

Parish Announcements....................... 4

Support-A-Parishioner........................ 5

Digital Ministries................................ 6

St. Nicholas Camp............................... 6

Stewardship Message......................... 7

Stewardship List................................. 7

Parish Calendar ................................. 10

Church Information ........................... 11

Saturday of the Souls ......................... 12

The Saturday of Souls Before Pentecost

By Sergei V. Bulgakov

On the Saturday before Pentecost we commemorate all departed pious Christians, with the idea that the occasion of the coming of the Holy Spirit not only consists of the economy of the salvation of man, but that the departed also participate in this salvation. Therefore, the Holy Church, sending up prayers on Pentecost for the enlivening of all the living through the Holy Spirit, petitions for the grace of the Holy Spirit also for the departed, which they were granted while they were still liv-ing, and was the source of eternal blessedness, because "all souls are enlivened through the Holy Spirit". The Holy Church appeals to us, "Let all of us pray to Christ, today as we remember the dead of all ages": "Your servants who rest in Your courtyard, and in the bosom of Abraham, from Adam even until today who have chastely served You, fathers and our brothers, friends, together with relatives", "forefathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, from the first and even up to the last", "every age, the old, and young babies, and children", and "the new born babies", "every rank and gen-eration", "kings, priests, bishops, monks and novices", "husbands together with wives", "those departed at sea, or on land, or in the rivers, wells, or lakes, or in the trenches", "in the mountains, on travel", "in the deserts, or in the cities", and "any place", "in vain pursuits, cut in half by lightning, both from deathly abomination, and any wound", "dying from Di-vine foreboding, all mortal thunder sent down from Heaven, the cracking of the earth, the rising storms of the sea", "to be carried away by hailstones, snow and increased clouds, or killed by a brick, or covered over with earth", "unexpected death of the pious, and from every stream of fallen trees, iron, or rocks", "was food for an animal, either birds, or reptiles", "who died from poisonous bites by the enwrapping of snakes, from being trampled by horses, from strangling and hanging by the simple-hearted", "who was killed by drinking drugs, poisons, choked on bones", "those whom You have allowed, O Lord, to die from a sudden unexpected fall", "all who repose, O Lord, piously repose", "Our Savior, deliver all the faithful departed from the ever burning fire and the never ending darkness, the gnashing of teeth, and the unending torment of worms, and every torture", "Arise on the last day with glory", "grant me Your heavenly kingdom".

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The Voice June 2020

Parish Council President's Message by Gus J. Lazares

Fellow Parishioners,

I hope that this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. First, it was wonderful to

see our community heed the call to stock the food pantry! It is a joy to see our light shine forth

brightly in this post-Paschal season! Second, I want to thank everyone for their stewardship efforts

during this unprecedented time. Without the Panegyri this year, your contributions mean more than

ever. I have heard some interesting ideas for additional fundraising and philanthropic efforts, and I

encourage all of you to share any ideas that you may have with the Parish Council.

Third, I know that we are all wondering when the Church will be reopening given that the Governor has begun to allow

businesses to reopen. The short answer is that it is too soon to tell, but it appears to be very much on the mind of the

Metropolitan and the Archbishop. A little more than a week ago I attended a virtual meeting with Metropolitan Nicholas

and the Parish Council Presidents throughout the Metropolis; at this meeting Metropolitan Nicholas encouraged us to

express our thoughts and concerns surrounding reopening. Following that meeting Metropolitan Nicholas indicated that all

the Metropolitans would be meeting with the Archbishop to discuss these issues further. We do not have an update yet, but

one thing that seemed clear from Metropolitan Nicholas was that he is going to allow Parishes some flexibility depending

upon each Parish’s unique practical and legal environments. We will keep you updated!

Finally, I want to thank those of you who have been reaching out to fellow parishioners to check in with them during the

pandemic. We are truly a family at Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas and it is great to see how we have chosen to express that in a

time of need. The Parish Council looks forward to seeing you all again.



†James J. Sakelos, age 89, May 22, 2020

Congratulations Sunday Church School Graduates! Please keep our graduating seniors in your prayers:

Gabriella Bottomley

Turner Burton

Nikolaos Georgakopoulos

Nina Heister

Evan Kapourales

Tommy Proffitt

Michael Valcarcel

Parish Announcement

Michelle Wilson would like to extend her gratitude for the donations given in memory of her husband, †Wallace Wilson.

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The Voice June 2020

Digital Ministries

Youth, Young Adult, and Parish-Wide Initiatives

Novel Reading Group: The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis | Mondays beginning June 1 at 7:00pm Our Monday parish reading group will be moving from spiritual texts to a novel by C.S. Lewis next. This is a fantastic time for new people to join the reading group as this will be a more straightforward and entertaining text. We will be meeting together on Zoom, so keep an eye out for the email from the parish with Zoom links to all of our reading groups.

NEW! Theological Reading Group: Philokalia—The Eastern Christian Spiritual Texts: Selections Annotated & Explained Fridays beginning June 5 at 12:00pm We are excited to announce a new parish reading group meeting on noon Fridays for those who have flexible scheduling or who want to join in at lunch. This will be a 45 minute reading group discussing portions of the Philokalia—a foundational spiritual and theological text in the Orthodox Church.

GOYA will be finishing their novel and will continue through St. Nicholas Camp. Details TBA See below for information on St. Nicholas Camp coming soon!

HOPE & JOY Storytime with Deacon Nick | Thursday, June 11 at 6:30pm Join us on Zoom to say hi to your friends and hear a story read by Deacon Nick! Details to be emailed to the parish list.

OCF Reading Group: Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives | Wednesdays at 4:00pm We are reading Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives with our college students. This reading group takes place on Wednesdays at 4:00pm, and all college students are invited to pop in as they are able.

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The Voice June 2020

Stewardship Message By Dean and Kathy Francis

The saying “Pay it Forward” describes an old and familiar concept and was even the title

of a book and movie some years back. The idea is that if you receive a favor or a gift it is

not payed back the to the giver, but to a third party in the future. Stewardship can be

thought about in the same context. We have received the gift of the Holy Scriptures,

Sacred Tradition, and the spiritual teachings of the Orthodox Fathers through the

Church. We have also been given the gift of a vibrant Church at Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas

by our parents and grandparents. Just imagine for a minute where we would be if past

generations hadn’t been good stewards of what they had received.

To keep “Paying it Forward” it is important to bring up our children in the Church so that they can continue to carry the torch

for future generations. While it starts by setting an example with regular and active participation in worship, there are other

important elements that can bind the next generation to the Church’s future. We are blessed with the gift of a strong youth

ministry. Engagement in Sunday Church School, participation in HOPE, JOY, GOYA, the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical

Festival, and other programs under the leadership of the Church clergy show the relevance and importance of the Faith to

our children’s lives, dreams and plans. This connection hopefully motivates them to stay active in the Church as they become

adults and have their own children.

Our house of worship and strong community are also an inheritance. Sharing of our material blessings, time and talents is an

investment in the future of our house of worship, as is participation in fellowship. We have heard people refer to the

community as their “Church Family.” Everyone cares, comforts and supports their family and does what they can to ensure

that it thrives and stays intact in the future.

By “Paying Forward” the gifts we have received from our parents we can leave a strong legacy for future generations.

Aamodt, Peter & Karen Akroush, Mike & Kathy Alexandrou, Eirene Andreadis, Paul Andreadis, Sophie S. Andrews, Evan & Terry Apostolides, Vasso A. Argeros, Aristea Arvanetes, Gregory & Sandra Assaley, Lewis & Patricia Bakas, Katrina Bakiri, Keti & Andrew Murray Barnhart, Thomas & Sylvia Rombis Bates, Justin Batsakes, George P. Batsakis, Chris & Lydia Batsakis, Pantelis & Eleni Beish, Andrew Beish, Karen Belitsos, George P. & Peter Wolfe Bender, Robert & Kathy Bertok, Christina Betas, Jim & Stephanie Bikas, George M. & Anna Borcoman, Tate & Nicole Bottomley, Stephen & Stephanie

Boumis, Peter & Kimberly Brown, Bryan & Nickie Brown, William Bujnoch, Digger & Lindsay Burton, Matthew D. & Kathy Caddell, Chris† & Eleni Callas, Nicholas Callos, Thomas & Patricia Callos, Triffon & Stacey Campbell, Christopher & Lydia Caneris, Adonis & Ana Maria Caneris, Alexandra Caneris, Anthony & Antoinette Caneris, Dr. Onassis A. Chachoff, Nada Chantilas, James & Dr. Lydia Chapas, Lefty Chichura, Marcus & Michelle Christoforidis, Alexander Christon, Angelos & Deanna Christopher, Spiro & Olga Claffie, Sean & Angela Colak, Tony & Joan Colyer, Jeff & Laura Colyer, Keith & Diane Condorodis, Anestis J. & Janeen D.

Condorodis, Dr. Constandinos J. & Carolyn Cook, Barbara Cook, Karen Copetas, Helen Copetas, Theodore & Judy Crawford, Jonathan & Sharon Dalton, Andrew & Maria Dargis, Melody & David Daskalakis, Tom & Dori Demetrion, Jim J. & Carole Denas, Haralambos & Athoniseea Diaz, Chris & Stephanie Drew, Dr. William & Katherine Drossos, Perry & Martha Dunlap, Andrew Eatrides, George J. & Marian Economacos, Eleni Economacos, Tom & Jennifer Economakis, Tina Economos, Chris & Alexa Edgington, Paul & Mary Lou Eisenhart, Andrew & Christina Elias, Nicholas Elias, Tom & Tina Eliopoulos-Rosenbloom, Connie Emroll, Fr. Mark & Presvytera Ginny

2020 Stewardship List Through 5-20-20

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The Voice June 2020

Emroll, Maria Estep, Eric & Kayla Evangelou, Sofia Farmakis, Thomas & Stephanie Favatella, Nathan & Allison Fawcett, Tracy & Jessica Fekkos, Haralambos & Loella Ann Fillios, Alexandra Fillios, Elias & Mary Fillios, Nicholas & Amy Fillios, Philip & Sherry Fillis, Anna Firman, Nancy & Jerry Fotos, Aspasia Francis, Dean & Kathy Frangowlakis, Thomas Frankenstein, George & Christine Franklin, Gari Frantzis, Kosta & Tammy Furkas, Lisa Furkas, Louis & Olympia Gaier, Dean Gaier, Jeff & Chris Anne Gaier, Samantha Galanes, George Gaskins, Mark & Kristin Gelis, Anna Gelis, James & Kathy Gelis, Madeline Georgakopoulos, Konstantinos & Angeliki Georges, Pete & Anna Georgeton, John C. & Ann Georgeton, Peter T. & Nancy Georgiou, Dean & Jessica Georgostathis, Gus & Connie Georgostathis, Gus & Eleni Georgostathis, Maria Georgoulakis, Sofia Gerros, Mary Ghiz, Leslie Glaser, Brian & Stella Grammas, James & Tasia Grammas, Mary Grammas, Nick G. Grammas, Nick P. & Katherine Grammas, Pam Grammas, Paul & Denise Gregory, Matula Gregory, Thomas & Pamela Gregory, Victoria Haralamos, Akrivi Haralamos, George & Eleni Harner, Ryan & Melissa Hayden, Jason & Rebecca Hill, Ann "Tasha" Hodges, Nick & Millie Hollister, Carl & Cynthia

Iatrides, Steve & Christina Kutsubu Iliopoulos, Ilias & Vasilia Jones, Demus J. & Betty Jones, James A. & Jo Ann Jones, Lauren Jonson, Alexander & Ann Jonson, Chris C. & Loy Jonson, George N. & Sophia Jonson, Luke & Lauren Jonson, Thelma Kahle, John & Nickie Kalemanis, Gary & Maria Kalemanis, George & Nikki Kambelos, John P. & Erato Kambelos, Dr. Peter J. Kanaris, Christos Kanaris, Irene Kanaris, Kostantinos & Katy Kanelopoulos, Bill & Katy Kanelos, Dino & Julie Karageorge, Dimitri & Athena Karakatsani, Marianthi Karampas, George Karas, Adrian Karas, Bill J. & Lynn Karas, Ted & Dixie Kasidonis, John & Tina Kaviris, Athena & Ron Collins Kavouras, George & Fran Kehayes, Peggy Kehayes, William & Melissa Kellaris, Dr. James & Janice Kelley, Michael & Pauline Kessis, Nick Kessis, Paul Kevin, Patrick & Diane Kindle, Jeffrey & Belinda Kissopoulos, Effy Kissopoulos, Lisa Kladakis, John & Teddi Kladakis, William Konstantinou, Chrisanthi Kontopos, Pete & Katerina Kontopos, Vagelis & Amanda Koros, Kostas & Dina Kostopoulos, Dina Kostopoulos, Nikolaos & Dana Kostopoulos, Rose Kougios, Michael & Alice Koutsogiannis, Gus & Cathy Kranias, George & Litsa Kunkemoeller, Thomas & Janice Kyrios, Lillian Kyrios, Maria Laftsidis, Alexandros & Chrysoula Kakarimpa Lambrinides, Nicholas & Diane Lambrinides, Ted & Kim

Lambrinides, Thomas J. & Mary Ann Landando, James & Yvonne Landers, Lauren Larew, Karl & Jordan Lazares, Gus J. Lazares, John K. & Patricia Leon, Gus A. & Kathryn Leslie, Wayne & Peggy Levenderis, Bill & Jill Liaros, Vasilios & Evangelia Liston, Robert & Eleni Loukoumidis, George & Stacey Love, Beryl Love, Kara Lustig, Elaine & Lowell Lysko, Bob & Stacy Makris, Thomas & Ellen Makrozahopoulos, Dimitrios & Joanna Maleas, Pete C. & Pearl Manolakas, Vera Marinakis, Dr. Bill D. & Evonne Marinakis, George D. & Eleni Marinakis, Panagiota D. Maris, George & Tricia Masella, Ron & Christine Mavridoglou, Anthony & Janette Mavridoglou, Michael & Laura Mavridoglou, Nicholas & Jessica McCotter, Greg & Sofia McHugh, Dustin & Alicia McNulty, Robin & Melanie Meade, Jason & Maria Megois, Lee S. & Stephanie Merianos, Andy & Kelsey Merianos, Ted Meyer, Andrew & Maria Mikesell, Marco & Aphrodite Mintsoulis, Demetrios & Theresa Mintsoulis, Maria Mirkopoulos, Nicholas & Cathy Cooke Mirkos, Marilyn Mirkos, Steve & Edyta Misali, John P. & Deborah Misali, Mary Jean Misali, Paul J. & Christina Mohler, David & Angel Mokas, Mary Morgan, Paul & Mary Morris, John Mortensen, Danny & Cheryl Moulas, Dean & Catherine Moustakis, George & Frances Moyer, Gabe & Maria Muennich, Sam & Melissa Nakos, Eva Bruhn Naser, Jacoub & Dina Neuendorf, David & Patricia

The Parishioners listed here have made a commitment and/or contribution towards 2020 Stewardship. If

you have not made your Stewardship commitment for 2020, we encourage you to do so today.

Commitment Cards for our 2020 Stewardship Campaign are available through the Church Office or can

be obtained by contacting any member of the Parish Council or the Clergy.

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The Voice June 2020

Neuendorf, Matthew Nicholas, Eugene & Cindy Nicholas, George & Genie Nicholas, Nick & Helen Nicholas, Tyler Nicholas, Zachary & Nikolia Nichols, Ron & Philanthy Nikias, Charles P. & Vicki Nitsis, Dimitrius & Leisa Nyktas, George & Mary Orphanos, Peter & Angela Pagdadis, Sotiris Palassis, Nick & Maria Panagiotidis, Pantelis & Anastasia Pandilidis, Peter & Elsie Pantel, Nicholas J. Papaioannou, Thomas & Mary Paparodis, Bess Papas, James & Demetra Papasavvas, Nektarios & Sally Papathanas, Allison Papathanas, Harry & Joyce Papathanas, Katie Papathanas, Michelle Papathanasiou, Konstantinos & Tammy Pappas, Steven & Jolene Parsenios, Lewis G. Parthenakis, Dr. Nicholas & Angie Pascal, James Pastrimas, Emanuel & Lisa Pavlakis, George & Suzanne Payiatis, Paul & Patricia Peck, Eric & Evangelia Perdikakis, George C. Perdikakis, Gus C. Perdikakis, Gus G. & Jo Ann Perdikakis, Lynn Peters, Claire Petkos, Joannis & Christina Petrillo, Brandon & Amanda Petrou, Evey Petrou, James & Carrie Pirkey, John & Dena Poneris, Constantinos & Tara Ponticos, George D. Ponticos, Koula Poplos, Theodore & Stephanie Prasinos, Jim & Nicki Prasinos, Zoe Priest, Daniel & Christina Psaros, Gus & Eleni Psihountas, Mary Quill, Kevin & Mary Quinn, Ryan Ralles, George Ralles, Paula Raptis, James & Maria Retzios, Thomas L. & Angela Riber, Sam & Filio Richardson, Josh & Nicole Riemann, Christopher & Blanca Riggs, Adam & Athena Robson, Brian & Crystal Rodish, Pete & Sue Rogozinski, Athena & Wayne

Rombes, Tom & Angie Rombis, Petros & Sofia Rood, John & Jennifer Saba, Youhana Sakelos, James† Sampson, Tony & Mary Ann Sampson, Michael G. & Roxanne Sansalone, Anthony & Angeleke Sansone, Craig & Susanna Sarakatsannis, Nicholas J. & Vicki Sarakatsannis, Nicholas L. & Carla Sarakatsannis, Panny Sargeant, Silvana Sarlis, Nikolaos & Vaseleke Sarros, Harry J. Savas, Dionysia & Martin Wilz Schlimm, Joshua & Katina Schmitz, Thomas & Cathy Schoemaker, Henry & Georgia Schooley, Barbara Schuler, Bill & Julie Schultz, James & Sarah Sebastian, Chrisanthy Semertzides, Dr. John & Evie Seremetis, Afrodite K. Seremetis, Peter D. & Janine Shutrump, Lori Sias, Georgios N. & Kathy Sideris, Danny & Amy Sideris, Mina Sideris, Nick & Jane Siegel, Gus Simos, Mary Sims, Penelope & Robert Singleton, Steven & Sandra Siouris, Andrea Snyder, Milan & Elaine Spanorigas, Nicholas Spanos, Van & Litsa Sperelakis, Sophia Spirtoff, John & Vicki Stacey, Christine & Ralph Stamatakos, Gus & Vivi Stamatakos, Tom & Becky Stanifer, Randy & Eleni Stapleton, Brad & Theodora Stathis, Angelos & Aspasia Stathis, Lee & Evie Stavros, Cathy Stefanopoulos, Andrew & Carol Stefanou, Christopher Stefanou, Peter & Biljana Stelzer, Ryan & Anntonia Stenger, Lauren & Doug Stephan, Charles M. Stephan, George Stephan, Melinda Stephan, Michael Stephan, Nicholas & Alyssa Steppe, Greg & Ellene Stergiopoulos, Janis Stergiopoulos, Michael Stergiopulos, Anna Stergioulis, James & Paula Storch, Mark & Angela

Strain, Richard & Katherine Stroplos, Gus Suhar, Sylvia Sweiss, Riyad Tassopoulos, Michael & Ritsa Thomakos, Artemis Thomakos, Stan & Michelle Thomakos-Cantrell, Katerina Thorpe, Elizabeth & Kyle Tipis, Constantine & Lisa Topalidis, Dimitrios & Anna Traiforos, Dr. Eleftherios & Magdalena Trennepohl, Mike & Tina Trester, Ron & Maria Triantafillou, Nicholas & Melissa Triantafillou, Tilemahos Triantafilou, Alex & Jennifer Triantafilou, Alexia Triantafilou, George & Eleni Triantafilou, Peter J. & Miranda Triantafilou, Rita Trivett, Michael & Matina Tsacalis, William & Marie Tsiominas, Tom J. Tsolometes, James & Maria Turner, Kent & Carolyn Tzetzis, Dn. Nick & Diakonissa Ivey Valcarcel, John & JoAnne Varnell, Charles & Krista Vasilakis, Theologos & Mary Vasiliou, Demetrios & Gloria Vessey, Lenie Vidas, Angelis & Evridiki Vidas, Cynthia Vidas, Ethel Vidas, Evangelia P. Vidas, Olga Vidas, Ted & Zoe Vidas, Victoria Vlahakis, Tom & Carol Vlahopoulos, Helen Walls, Jason & Chryssoula Watson, Doug & Akrivi Weckenbrock, Michael & Elizabeth Weis, Daniel & Anastasia Weisenborn, Cary & Maria Wilkinson, Matthew & Lexi Williams, Jacinta "Jay" Zaferes, Eleni Zaferes, Katherine† Zaferes, Patricia P. Zaferes, Peter T. & Tricia Zaferes, Toula† Zagorianos, Kristos & Kathy Zaharopoulos, Dimitra Zeilman, John & Anna Zigoris, Irene

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June 2020 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 7 pm Novel Reading Group: The Great Divorce

2 3

4 pm OCF (College) Reading Group: Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives

6 pm Paraclesis



10:30 am Paraclesis

12 pm Theological Reading Group: Philokalia


Saturday of the Souls 8:30 am Divine Liturgy and Memorial Service


Holy Pentecost 8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Kneeling Service


7 pm Novel Reading Group: The Great Divorce



4 pm OCF (College) Reading Group: Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives

6 pm Paraclesis


6:30pm HOPE & JOY Storytime with Deacon Nick


10:30 am Paraclesis

12 pm Theological Reading Group: Philokalia



8:15 am Matins 9:00 am Divine Liturgy


7 pm Novel Reading Group: The Great Divorce



4 pm OCF (College) Reading Group: Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives

6 pm Paraclesis



10:30 am Paraclesis

12 pm Theological Reading Group: Philokalia



8:15 am Matins 9:00 am Divine Liturgy Happy Father’s Day


7 pm Novel Reading Group: The Great Divorce



4 pm OCF (College) Reading Group: Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives

6 pm Paraclesis


7:00 pm Parish Council


10:30 am Paraclesis

12 pm Theological Reading Group: Philokalia


28 8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Divine Liturgy


7 pm Novel Reading Group: The Great Divorce


Holy Apostles 8:30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy

All services and ministries continue to be provided online until further notice. Please contact the Church Office for more information at 513-591-0030 or [email protected].


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11 | Page

The Voice June 2020

Clergy Presiding Priest: Rev. Father Mark Emroll

Assistant: Deacon Nick Tzetzis

Staff Parish Administrator: Eugene Nicholas

Building Maintenance Technician: Craig Sansone

Parish Ministries and Organizations

Philoptochos Society: Carrie Petrou, President

Parish Choir: Ariadne Antipa, Director

Cantors: James Raptis, Philanthy Nichols

Altar Boys: Father Mark Emroll, Deacon Nick Tzetzis

Sunday Church School: Religious Education Team, Peter Aamodt, Chairman

Greek School: Alexandros Laftsidis, Director

GOYA, HOPE and JOY : Father Mark Emroll, Deacon Nick Tzetzis,

Youth Ministry Teams

College Students, OCF: Presvytera Ginny Emroll, Deacon Nick Tzetzis

St. Sophia Mothers Club: Maria Meyer, President

AHEPA: Nicholas L. Sarakatsannis, President

Daughters of Penelope: Vera Manolakas, President

Maids of Athena: Evanthia Sansone, President

Over 50s Club: Maria Freeman, President

Adult Religious Education: Father Mark Emroll, Deacon Nick Tzetzis

Outreach/Samaritan Fund: Father Mark Emroll, Deacon Nick Tzetzis,

Eugene Nicholas

The Good Shepherd Food Pantry: Stephanie Diaz, Maria Freeman,

Mary Morgan Agios Demetrios Society: Jim Grammas, Maria Panagis

Panegyri: Peter Zaferes, Leadership Team

Parish Bookstore: Christina Polychroniou

Office Hours: Weekdays 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Worship Schedule: Matins, 8:15 am; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 am

Other Services as scheduled.

Our Mission

THE VOICE is the official monthly

newsletter of Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas

Greek Orthodox Church in Cincinnati,

Ohio. Our Parish was founded in 1907

and serves Orthodox Christians

throughout the tri-state area. Our mis-

sion is to reach out to all members of

the Community by providing relevant

information on the religious, spiritual

and cultural life of the Parish; news on

the accomplishments of Parish mem-

bers and organizations, and editorial

points of view.

The next deadline for submitting news to the "Voice" is

June 7, 2020

Submissions can be dropped off or mailed to the Church Office or

e-mailed to

[email protected]

Our Church website can be found at


Officers Members

Gus Lazares, President Joanne Georgostathis

Gus Koutsogiannis, Vice– President Gus Poneris

Peggy Kehayes, Treasurer Sylvia Rombis

Tom Tsiominas, Asst. Treasurer Andrea Siouris

Matthew Neuendorf, Secretary

Bill Kanelopoulos, Asst. Secretary

Page 12: The Holy Twelve Apostles as Models for our Lives Voice/2020... · 2020-05-27 · The Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church The Voice Volume : 20

Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 7000 Winton Road Cincinnati, OH 45224 Tel: (513) 591-0030 Fax: (513) 591-0043 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED



Saturday of the Souls (Psychosavvato)

“For Thou, O Christ our God, art the Resurrection, the Life, and the blessed Repose of all those who have fallen asleep in the Faith and unto Thee do we offer up glory, to the

Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen”.

June 6, 2020

Let us pray for the eternal memory and blessed repose of:






Requested by:__________________________________________________

Parishioners wishing to have the name of their departed loved ones read during the Saturday of the Souls are asked to fill out the above form and return it to the Clergy as soon as possible.