The highway to your dreams

THE HIGHWAY TO YOUR DREAMS Transforming dreams to life! The sure way to miss success is to miss a vision, which is a gradual preparation to regret. Killmore Life transformation


Its a motivational book, to guide troubled mind through to the happy side of life.

Transcript of The highway to your dreams

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DREAMS Transforming dreams to


The sure way to miss success is to miss a vision, which is a gradual preparation to regret. Killmore

Life transformation

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Preparation to Regret

Knowledge is power, reading is the source of

knowledge, without which there is no power. When

one is equipped with knowledge, the same is

equipped with power to steer and change the world

of his own. Taking the world as a multi-million

square meter surface is illusion, the world is just

there beside you, you can change it just in few

minutes and live in the world you want and wished.

Dreams are often misunderstood by many as just

dreams, they will only have a different perception

when called vision. When we call them dreams

many fail to demarcate them from real dreams

when one is sleeping, they just take dreams in life

as dreams in sleeping, something not real, and

something that will not happen, or that is in air,

will never be material one day.

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So I usually don’t want to call them dreams but

vision, a vision is something that one sees alone, it

is not seen by the rest of the people around, when

you see a vision, your brother beside you, or your

friend can’t see your vision, even your spouse can’t

see your vision, he/she can have her own too but not

exactly what you are seeing. Therefore it is of

utmost importance to cling and be married to your

vision, your partner can be the first to discourage

your actions towards your vision, for the simple

reason that your partner can’t see your vision.

Don’t be surprised when you are the only person

who senses the sense behind what you want to

attain, it is because a vision is seen by one

individual and not as a family, or as a couple.

Chase your vision even if you appear foolish

and mad in the sight of your detractors or

family members or friends, just have this in

your mind that they can’t see what you are


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Your vision is yours and yours alone, only your

effort will alone will make you realize that vision,

I’m very sorry if you want to make it a family issue,

because they will drag you to the ground, for one

reason that they can’t see what you are seeing, so

it’s foolish and senseless to them,

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Go confidently in the direction of your

dreams. Live the life you have imagined. This

was Henry David, talking about dreams,

Many people just go for their dreams and fail

drastically, you will find that in this book, I will use

the words, dream and vision interchangeably. To

me they just mean the same thing. So don’t be lost,

I just mean a dream by vision. If you just go for a

dream you will fail, and you know what? People

will laugh at you, they will remind you that it was

just a dream and was something that cannot

happen, worse if they dared telling you before.


Go for your vision with total courage, gather all the

courage, before going for it. I love the way I love

Shelin, and the way she loves me, she promised to

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love me no matter what comes, this means she took

all the courage and deny herself and close all her

eyes and ears to anything that can come to her eyes

or her ears which are counter to her love towards

me, if it calls for death then she will face it with

total courage.

That is exactly what I mean by total courage, all

the courage. Giving total focus, and be ready to

fight anything that goes against your vision, be it

visible or not, whether it sounds more sense or not,

whether from anyone, or anyhow, whatever it is.

Then in that, I promise you, definitely you are

going to win the battle.

Working towards your dream is the most difficult

thing because it is opposed by the people you trust,

those you thought would be of great appreciation

will be the same to drag you behind, pulling your

efforts and ideas down. The reason being the same,

they can’t see what you are seeing, let them alone,

and just focus.

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You are the person with a vision, and once you

listen to them and follow them, your vision will

become faint and faint as you gradually make sense

out of their discouraging words. As you swallow

their advice slowly, they will slowly eat away your

vision till you can see faintly and finally can’t see


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The sure way to miss success is to miss a

vision, which is a gradual preparation to


To miss success is the easiest, to anything, just

miss your vision, then you have set yourself for

failure. You have set yourself on the road of

regression, the worst thing that draws back and

cause stress and depression is regression

The poor mind to say, ‘Why did I do this, what if I

didn’t, I could be there by now’ ‘Why did I listen to

him, if I didn’t I could be there now’. Some call it a

foolish moment, however I will call it a stressful

moment. Truly that is the moment you realize you

are weak and your weakness have put you into a

life of regression.

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Every invention today, or any successful endeavor

started as a vision, and by taking action on a vision,

i.e., acting positively upon it, it produces something

the world is proud to have. If you have a vision of

writing novels and you know very well that you are

creative in fiction and can develop a story from

nowhere, why wait, whom do you want help you

when all depends on your action,

Sometimes I become very upset and a little angry,

that people let their dreams die naturally when

they could have made a better environment for the

community by just acting upon a dream.

Act up. Open your mind, don’t put your brains into

a matchbox and let it shrink there till it can’t think


That’s why I said in another book, some people lie

that they want to be successful, when they ride on

the horse of fear, and shun their vision and dream

like foreign visions and dreams,

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Putting away the future of the community, the

future of their next generation just by being lazy to

take a simple action and cause a total change once.

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Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

Always remember, you have within you the

strength, the patience, and the passion to

reach for the stars to change the world.

Harriet Tubman

Harriet, said it all, I would put it in this way, and

every great invention begins with a dreamer. It

was when one think of inventing a mode of

transport that can travel and cruise through the

air, against the law of gravity. Proving the normal

sense, the common law and belief wrong,

challenging the status quo.

That was the courage to be seen as a fool to the

world, embarking on something that look and

sound insane in the ears of the general public. If

the engineer listened and took the common belief

that it never happened before, and it can’t, the

whole brilliant and dream that changed the world

today could have gone into the air and rendered

nothing but mud and cow dung.

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Don’t live a life of following the trends, the life of

copying, I said it in the book, don’t stop reading stop

copying. Start your own trails, don’t refer back to

check who did it, was it successful before, that is

not a mind of invention and creativity, but a mind

of copying.

A creative mind is very contrary to a mind of a

lawyer. The judgment in law depends on the

previous judgments made on the same cases,

referring to cases. A creative mind open new trails,

doesn’t matter if it was tried and failed before, or

whether it was never put on try or whether it

sounds insane and senseless to the professor

around. That doesn’t mean anything, all great

inventions were not from copying. I love telling

people the law of aerodynamics and the bumble

bee, we learnt that law at college.

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According to the law,

A bumble bee cannot fly, for the following reasons

1. A bumble bee’s body is too heavy

2. Its body is in the wrong shape

3. Its wings are too small

4. Its wings flap too slowly to lift its body

For these four reasons, it is proven that a bumble

bee cannot fly but walk. Though it has wings but

the law says it can walk but not to fly.


A bumble bee flies!!!!!!!!!!!!


He never waste four years at the college,

listening to the professor saying and proving

that he cannot fly but can only walk, maybe the

professor could have discouraged him and

draw away his belief that he can fly.

So he knows he got wings and can fly, so he


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Harriet said, remember in yourself you have

the strength, passion and courage to reach for

the stars and change the world.

Your dreams will not just drive you to change

just your life, and that of your next generation,

but the world too.

The courage to change the world is not in the

books, the strength is neither with the


The professor gives the idea but the courage

and the strength and passion is hidden in


That is the reason why coaching is important,

it has the power to draw out the potential and

that hidden courage and strength needed for a

person to change the world.

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People limit themselves

All men dream but not equally. Those who

dream by night in the dusty recesses of

their minds wake in the day to find that it

was vanity; but the dreamers of the day

are dangerous men, for they may act their

dream with open eyes to make it possible.

T.E. Lawrence

Heard it for yourself, don’t only dream at night,

because that is vanity, it goes with the sleep

and come again with the sleep but will never be

really enjoyed by the dreamer.

Day dreamers are dangerous, I tend to laugh

when reading such statements, because I

visualize when reading, I don’t ‘read to copy’

but to create. I see a day dreamer, dreaming of

something but in ‘open eyes and mind’. They

don’t read in closed eyes or mind.

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Day dreaming, acting towards your vision,

when you dream in the day, you are in the right

track, what is left and lacking is executing

action to change day dreams to life, turning by

acting. Give your dream life by acting on it.

Action always make change, whenever one acts

it brings change, positive action result in a

positive change whilst a negative action result

in a negative change.

What we want and desire is not far from us, it

is just but closest, there is need to take action.

I always say creativity is not to be exported

from someone, it is hidden inside you, it just

need a click and awake that invincible power of

creation to change the world.


There are three types of people in the world,

People who are creative and make change

Secondly the people who will be amazed and

can’t believe that someone was courageous to

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cause such a change, they ask funny questions

like ‘what happened really?’

Lastly the people who utilize the change and

benefit more on its launch.

The first type is a fearless caliber, people who

are determined, who can’t be hindered by any

type of wall from achieving their vision. When

such people dream of something they go for it

till it is achieved. They enjoy invention and are

motivated by maneuvering.

The second type of people is a group of people

who are fearful, they don’t believe in

themselves, they think everything is

impossible. They can’t even believe tomorrow

will be a successful day to them, they just live

in darkness. They don’t have any vision, they

dream during the night and not during the day.

These people are a dangerous group, they are

detrimental to the economy and the world at


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The third type are fearless nor fearful they are

opportunists, they know there will always be

an opportunity and they wait for it every

moment, once the opportunity presents itself

they go for it, live, head on. They are not afraid

of any risk, but they are not fearless or

courageous to be creative, to be innovative and

to invent.

This group of people knows very well that

somewhere there are courageous people, who

are non-hesitant to take action on anything,

even when the situation is very bad to expect

any change.

They keep their eyes open and expecting, they

are rich though can’t go to the level of richest

but afford a middle level class type of life. They

enjoy speculative life style, yah speculative life

is full of kind of joyful winnings. They gamble

with life.

The following scenario of brave and coward.

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When you push a coward, he moves away,

If you continue another push, the coward will

continue moving away

Then you put one more, third push, he will run


But push a brave man, he will push you back

Then push him more, he will push you more too,

If you push him the third time he will fist you

there and there, he won’t take your push


A coward can’t even give a try, they are

defeated before the battle starts. They take

every push, whilst a brave man will never take

every push, they believe in themselves, they

believe there is no better man to them, and

there is no powerful man to them. They are


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I like the dreams of the future

better than the history of the


Patrick Henry

The past is there to track your progress and

nothing else, therefore it is less important as

compared to the future.

The dream of the future is more desirable than

the history of the past. We live to enjoy the

future, we choose whether we want the future

to be brighter than the history of the past, or

we want to keep on emulating the past and

create a bleak future.

Dolly Parton, said ‘yesterday is gone but

tomorrow is forever’, her lyric is typical to our

daily lives.

When we focus on the history of the past we

become miserable, because the spirit of past

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failure will haunt us and drain our power and

courage to creativity and causing change.

The sorrows of yesterday will suck the hidden

potential in you, the potential to be a better

person than today.

If you are a millionaire now, after reading this

book you must be in the route to a higher level.

The point is you must not read this book like a

novel, a fiction, or romance kindle, it must

install a transformational mindset that resist

fear in all corners.

Life is sweet when you are achieving,

discovering better opportunities and utilizing


The next page contains what other writers and

Socrates says about dreams,

Not those sweet dreams sent to you by your

lovely wife of husband during the night, the

dream that is dreamed during the day,

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No one has ever achieved anything from the

smallest to the greatest unless the dream was

dreamed first.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a

broken winged bird that cannot fly.

Lanston Hughes

The future belongs to those who believe in the

beauty of their dreams.

Eleanor Roosevelt

Not to dream boldly may turn out to be simply


George Leonard

Commitment leads to action. Action brings

your dream closer.

Marcia Wieder

Dreams are the touchstones of our character.

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Henry David Thoreau

The question for each man to settle is not what

he would do if he had means, time, influence

and educational advantages; the question is

what he will do with the things he has. The

moment a young man ceases to dream or to

bemoan his lack of opportunities and resolutely

looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to

change them, he lays the corner-stone of a solid

and honorable success.

Hamilton Wright Mabie

The best way to make your dreams come true is

to wake up.

Paul Valery

A skillful man reads his dreams for self-

knowledge, yet not the details but the quality.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our waking hours form the text of our lives, our

dreams, the commentary.


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Hope is the dream of the waking man. Proverb



The problem most people have is of choosing

from alternatives. Brainstorming is good and it

puts forward all possible alternatives on the

platform to choose from but however, it makes

weaker people stuck on choosing from the


Many come to the extent of dropping the whole

idea, just because they can’t choose. Drop the

struggle of gambling with alternatives, just

choose one, period!

Then prove your creativity by executing your

chosen idea strategically, in a positive way to

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transform your life, and the life of the

community then the world at large.

Stop gambling, choose

There is no alternative that is totally free from

demerits, not even one was found, and not even

one will ever be found in the universe, a total

100% idea free from disadvantages. Never,

What is important is to maximize and

capitalize the merits and de-capitalize the

disadvantages associated, but of course after

weighing the effects of both.

Risk is everywhere, even in eating the food you

prepare, yourself, there is risk of food


For you to take a step towards attainment of

your dreams and vision, consider risk for the

purpose of considering the tactics against the

same risk, NEVER, consider risk for the

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purpose of it discouraging you from proceeding.

That is taking risk as a factor to drop or take

the vision, because you are surrounded with

risk, even what you are doing right now has a

percentage of risk, so STOP, giving risk

priority. Never invest your attention on risk.

My message

Stop looking down upon yourself, because of

your background, race, geography, education

level, or whatever.

It is never in the books, but it is important to

read and never stop learning. It is never in the

complexion of the skin. It is never influenced by

the past history of your life, or your

generation’s lifestyles. It is never in the

absence of risk,

Success is in the courage to take action. First

realize you passion, know exactly what you feel

good doing, that’s where real success come

from, Never copy, never get influence from

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others, letting people set your destiny, you will

be a slave for the whole of your life. You will

never enjoy the results of your endeavors.

Realize your passion and chase your vision

Reinvent yourself, stop being a noun and start

being a verb. Start being a doing person. Forget

about the patterns of your past, never think

about it, it doesn’t have any influence on your

future, never at all.

Take action towards what you love and enjoy

doing. That’s exactly where your millions are,

they are not in copying what your role model

has done.

Stop pointing your finger away, for blaming, if

there is a problem then the problem is you.

Don’t see problems very far from you because

you won’t solve them and absolutely fall. But if

you see yourself as the problem then it won’t

take you seconds to solve.

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Never think you are not successful because you

don’t know how to do something, it is because

you don’t want to do something.

Success is never about how to, it is about

wanting to.

Retire from the daily crying of ‘I don’t know

how to…’ say ‘I don’t want to’

Further than your eyes can see, that’s where

you can reach, if you want to. Beyond the

horizon is where you can be.

Remember Fear is nothing but a thought!!

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Killmore is a business and transformational

coach. He purpose of living is to transform

lives. You can be part of his coachees. Email

him on [email protected]

He has written several books, including the

high selling. Don’t stop reading stop copying, A

journey to a destination, Transformational

leaders handbook, Nothing happens until

something is done, etc.