The Heart of the Matter - Revival Ministries Australia · The Heart of the Matter Page 5 Contents...

Restoration Teachings Series I The Call to follow Jesus The Power of the Resurrection The Church that Jesus is Building The Seven ONES Biblical House Church The Church that meets in the House The Third Day Church Restoration of all Things The Man Child Company Nature of an Overcoming People The Apostolic Company Paul Galligan REVIVAL MINISTRIES AUSTRALIA

Transcript of The Heart of the Matter - Revival Ministries Australia · The Heart of the Matter Page 5 Contents...

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Restoration Teachings – Series I

The Call to follow Jesus The Power of the Resurrection

The Church that Jesus is Building The Seven ONES

Biblical House Church

The Church that meets in the House The Third Day Church

Restoration of all Things The Man Child Company

Nature of an Overcoming People The Apostolic Company

Paul Galligan


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Restoration Teachings – Series I

The Call to follow Jesus

The Power of the Resurrection

The Church that Jesus is Building

The Seven ONES

Biblical House Church

The Church that meets in the House

The Third Day Church

Restoration of all Things

The Man Child Company

Nature of an Overcoming People

The Apostolic Company

This Manual of Restoration Teachings is Series I [of a two-part series] and is a

compilation and editing of our monthly newsletters from March 2005 to October

2007. Such an idea had been suggested in the past but we believe the Lord

crystallised this project in our minds recently as we sought Him for curriculum

material for the third year discipleship course [Year I and Year II are already in

print and being taught in discipleship courses in a number of countries].

Paul Galligan

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REVIVAL MINISTRIES AUSTRALIA an apostolic ministry to the nations

Making disciples Matt.28:18-20, Training & equipping workers for the harvest Matt.9:37-10:40, Lu.10:1-20 Bringing the church to maturity by fathering sons Gal.4:19 & 1Cor.4:14-17

The restoration of the five-fold ministry, Eph.4:11 Receiving again grace and apostleship, Rom.1:5

Making known the revelation of the mystery, Eph.3:2-11 Understanding & entering into the Spirit of sonship, Rom.8:15

Building apostolic relationships through the raising of sons in the ministry, 1Cor.4:17

Making available teaching materials: Manuals for children, youth, young Christians, discipleship, training & equipping, making known the deeper wisdom of God’s word Books: ‘Walking in our Inheritance’ & ‘Apostles Today’ by Paul Galligan CD’s & DVD’s of seminars and of short term training schools Website: all manuals & books available on website Monthly teaching newsletters & tracts Ministering in Training Days, Seminars, Conferences & Short-term Schools There are no fees for seminars or schools. We are a faith ministry dependent upon

donations and offerings. Manuals and/or printed notes are generally available for all courses

and seminars. Donations are made to cover the costs of manuals, CDs and DVDs. All of

RMA’s resources are sown freely to the body of Christ.

Publication Policy

RMA advises that all of our teaching and study manuals are copyrighted. However, they are

offered to the Body of Christ in obedience to the LORD’s command to make disciples

“teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you,” Matt. 28:20.

Therefore they may be copied and distributed for teaching purposes, not for profit.

© Paul Galligan, November, 2007

With acknowledgement of Janet Barton for transcription and editorial assistance.

Revival Ministries Australia Ltd. ACN 082081098 is a registered church ministry in the

Commonwealth of Australia with a mandate to conduct international ministry, and to

commission & ordain ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Revival Ministries Australia, PO Box. 2718, TOOWOOMBA Q.4350, Ph. +617 46130633

Location address: SHILOH Centre, 19 Russell St. Toowoomba, AUSTRALIA

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1. The Call to Follow Jesus

2. Walking in the Power of His Resurrection

3. The Church that Jesus is Building

4. There is One … the seven ones

5. Biblical House Church

6. The Church that meets in Houses

7. The Third Day Church

8. Restoration of all Things

9. The Man Child Company

10. The Nature of an Overcoming People

11. The Apostolic Company

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In this day the Spirit of Jesus is calling us to stop and consider our ways. Are

we truly following Jesus or are we simply doing things that we think are right but

have scant Scriptural basis?

In Luke 6:46 Jesus said “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’ and not do

the things that I say?” He then goes on to talk about two men who built houses; the

one wise and the other foolish. The wise heard what Jesus said and in hearing he

obeyed. He put into action Jesus’ words and commands and the house stood. The

foolish one heard what Jesus had to say but did not combine the hearing with faith

that would have led to obedience. The house of the wise stood firm; the house of the

foolish crumbled.

Jesus is calling to us today through this same word He spoke close to 2000

years ago. He is calling us to ‘forsake all’ and be His disciples; to ‘count all things

loss’ in order to ‘know Him’; to consider Him as the “Pearl of great price” and be

willing to give up everything in order to have such a treasure.

He is calling us to consider our ways! If we find we have been building on

sand in our individual lives and if we find that we have been trying to build Jesus’

church our way, on the sand, we need to consider our ways. We need to “remember

from where you have fallen” and to “repent and do the first works” (Rev.2:5).

Jesus is calling us to get back to ‘the heart of the matter’ and begin building

our own lives and His church in His way, according to the pattern He has given us in

His word.

It is time to ‘count the cost’ and “seek first the kingdom of God and His

righteousness” (Matt.6:33) and to go after “the prize of the upward call of God in

Christ Jesus” (Phil.3:14).

Nicholas Jackson, 2007

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Jesus called Peter and Andrew when they were casting a net into the sea. He

said to them “follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men … They immediately

left their nets and followed Him.” Similarly James and John responded immediately

and followed Jesus (Matt.4:18-22). We know from the book of John that Jesus had

previously met Andrew, Peter and John in the company of John the Baptist. From this

we can deduce that these young men, including Philip and Nathanael, were looking

for “the Hope of Israel”. They were all from the same fishing village, Bethsaida, and

were involved in the fishing industry, and yet they were also involved in the revival

that was happening through the ministry of John.

It is interesting to ponder ‘what was in the hearts of these young men?’

They were predestined by God to be called and chosen to be disciples of the Lord

Jesus Christ.

we are predestined by God to be called and chosen to be disciples of Jesus


the goal of discipleship is to be able to send out trained ministers into the

work of the harvest the Lord is challenging us to revisit and reinstate basic discipleship and

ministry training in order to raise up workers for the harvest

Jesus the Discipler Jesus began to call men to follow Him and be His disciples after He returned

from the wilderness experience. Both Matthew 4 and Luke 4 tell us that Jesus was

led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Having overcome the

devil and temptations, Jesus was now fully qualified to begin His ministry and a key

part of His ministry was to make disciples. Then He trained and equipped some of

those disciples to be the ministry leaders of His church.

1 John 2:13-14 tell us that “young men” are those who “have overcome the

wicked one”; that young men are those who “are strong and the word of God abides

in them”. Jesus had grown to maturity, the final test being His victory over the devil.

A disciple is ready to begin ministry when they have come into a measure of


over temptation and over the devil. It is out of this victory that we minister to


Sometimes in the church an individual is seen to have a gift and they are

encouraged to minister. However often that person has not been discipled in the word

nor actually trained in ministry and so the ministry that goes forth does not produce

the fruit of the kingdom.

Who discipled Jesus? What had happened in Jesus’ life to make Him ready? Jesus being the Son of

God is a totally unique person. However, in becoming man, Jesus took upon Himself fully our humanity. When His parents found Him in the temple at the age of twelve,

He said to His mother “did you not know that I must be about My Father’s

business?” (Lu.2:49) After that Jesus “went down with them to Nazareth and was

subject to them … And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with

God and men” v.51-52. The only other scriptural insight we have of Jesus before His

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baptism is from Luke 4:16, which tells us it was Jesus’ custom to go into the


There were eighteen years of preparation for the man Jesus

to take up the ministry as the Messiah.

Through these eighteen years

Jesus walked in obedience – He was subject to His parents;

Jesus walked in grace - His dependency upon God

Jesus grew in stature, speaking of His upright lifestyle;

Jesus learned patience, waiting for the time to come when He would fully

know the Father’s will.

He was prepared and ready by the age of thirty to step into the ministry as

Messiah and then as Saviour/Redeemer. We could say that Jesus was directly

discipled by His Father through the Spirit, even as John the Baptist was trained and

raised up by God Himself.

Jesus as the Son begins His ministry In Matthew 3 Jesus came to John for baptism. He was fulfilling “all

righteousness” (v.15). It was at His baptism that God anointed Him with the Holy

Spirit and declared His Sonship. Jesus was at the age of thirty. This was the age of a

male becoming a mature man, a mature son able to receive the father’s inheritance.

Jesus was then led into the wilderness and after His forty day fast and confrontation

with the devil “angels came and ministered to Him” (Matt.4:11). Then Jesus began

His ministry. He began to preach “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand”


The beginning of ministry for Jesus was to preach the kingdom of God.

Very few of us in coming to Christ and then stepping into ministry at some point

actually realise that the message is the gospel of the kingdom of God or the gospel

of Jesus the Messiah. Because of this many things that are said and done in ministry

miss the vital reality of preaching the kingdom of God and bringing people into the

kingdom through the new birth, (Jn.3:3-6). The result is that the church is largely a

powerless institution in society and not

the embassy of the kingdom of God in every town and city on the globe.

The First Disciples We have already said that six of the disciples came from the same town and

that at least five of them had met Jesus when they were in the company of John the

Baptist. These young men, having been brought up as faithful Jews, practising the

religion of their fathers, were searching for something more and had an ear to hear

what the Spirit was doing and saying in their generation. While they were still

employed with their fathers in the fishing business they had time to be part of the

revival that was gripping the nation at the time. Because of their heart to hunger and

thirst for ‘the more’, they were able to recognise Jesus when they were introduced to

Him. Therefore they were able to respond immediately to His very demanding

call to discipleship. How many of us have been willing up until now to respond

immediately and whole-heartedly to the call to discipleship by Jesus Christ?

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These Men Left All to Follow Jesus

they left family;

they left jobs and therefore income;

they probably sacrificed their future inheritance in the family business;

they left home and for Peter we know that meant leaving his wife, being

absent more than he was at home and when he came home he had twelve other

men with him looking for a meal!

Many in our life-time have come into a relationship with Jesus through the

word and the Spirit. Many have had a heart for what God has been doing and so there

have been strong movements and revivals; new churches have been planted; Bible

schools have opened. In Australia some of the big successful Pentecostal churches are

known throughout the nation. And yet how many over the decades and today are

really disciples of Jesus Christ?

How many have truly responded to the call of Jesus and have ‘forsaken

all’ to follow Him, to be discipled and to be sent out as workers in the harvest? How many of the churches and Bible schools are preaching the gospel of the

kingdom of God and teaching the things concerning the name of Jesus?

How many contemporary ministries, churches and schools are actually training

“ministers of reconciliation” who go out into the world as ambassadors of the

kingdom of God, exercising His authority as ambassadors?

Our Response to the Call to Follow Jesus

we are calling newer believers to discipleship

offering a set discipline of Scripture reading, study and prayer

helping the disciples to receive, recognise and respond to the ‘rhema’

[quickened, spoken into the heart] word of God

directing the disciples into witnessing to their faith on a regular basis, trusting God for opportunities and for the power to witness.

forming mentoring groups and individual relationships with those disciples who are ready to minister or who are already ministering

recognising the need to equip workers for ministry

having some practical training sessions in the following areas of ministry:

a) how to lead a person to Christ

b) immersing in water for believers’ baptism

c) how to minister the baptism of the Holy Spirit

d) instruction in exercising the gifts of the Holy Spirit, 1Cor.12:4-11

e) how to worship – learning to flow with the anointing of the Spirit

f) practical training and involvement in prayer and intercession

g) how to minister healing and deliverance

h) how to be involved in outreach and evangelism.

All that we do is to be in the context of the kingdom of God, not in the

context of some inherited form of church. The church is a body not an institution! The

church is not meant to have developed its own life – its own organisational structure,

government etc - separate to the kingdom. All power and authority is with Jesus

Christ. He does not give that power and authority to church institutions.

He releases His power and authority through His disciples

who have been trained and sent out in ministry

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The Power of His Resurrection

“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the

fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if by any means, I may

attain to the resurrection from the dead” Phil.3:10-11.

Paul lists four things that he desperately wants to know – believes he needs to

know – to attain to, to arrive at, the resurrection from the dead. Previously Paul

has said that he counts “all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ

Jesus, my Lord”; that he had already “suffered the loss of all things”, no longer

valuing those things which were once his security and identity – the things listed in


The Fourfold Revelation Required to Walk in Resurrection Power 1) “To know Him”

Paul strives and yearns “to know Him”, Jesus Christ. One could easily say,

‘surely Paul already knew Him better than most’; Paul was quite mature by now, in

prison after many years of successful and fruitful ministry, and yet he desperately

wanted to know Him more deeply and intimately.

The crux of eternal life is to know God. Jesus in praying to the Father for His

disciples said, “That they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom

You have sent” Jn.17:3.

2) “The power of His resurrection”

Paul wanted to know “the power of His resurrection”. The defining fact

about Jesus Christ and the Christian faith is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, literally –

He rose from the grave after three days. “If Christ is not risen then our preaching is

empty and your faith is also empty” (1Cor.15:14). In Ephesians 1:19, Paul is

praying for us to know “what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who

believe.” He goes on to say, it is the same “mighty power which He worked in Christ

when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the

heavenlies” v.20.

To know this power, we need “the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the

knowledge of Him” v17, and we need “the eyes of our understanding enlightened”

v18. In other words such knowledge and experience of the risen Christ in His eternal

power and glory can only be known by revelation: the Lord revealing Himself to the

God-seeking, sanctified and prepared heart.

How can we come to the place where God can give us such personal and life

changing revelation? Ephesians 5:26 gives us some insight, “Christ Himself is

sanctifying and cleansing the church by the washing of the water by the word”, and

in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, it is the God of peace who will “sanctify you entirely”,

while in 1 Peter 5:10, it is the God of all grace who will “perfect, establish,

strengthen, and settle you”.

The point is, God is doing this work in us. “For by one offering He has

perfected forever those who are being sanctified” Heb.10:14. It is the work of

sanctification in us that releases us into the power of His resurrection.

Thank you Jesus, for your unlimited supply of grace and peace to bring us to


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to the experience and knowledge of Your mighty resurrection power.

3) “The fellowship of His sufferings”

This striving to know Christ in His resurrection power can only be attained by

“the fellowship of His sufferings”. Early in his ministry as an apostle in Acts 14:21,

Paul had exhorted the new believers saying “we must through many tribulations

enter the kingdom of God.” How different is this to the ‘easy believism’ of ‘getting

saved to go to heaven’; how different to the ‘prosperity doctrine’; how different to the

‘escape via rapture’ mentality of the 20th

century. The sufferings of Christ are

presented as a ticket to our immediate and eternal future with Him in salvation. While

this is true, rarely have we told those we are leading to Christ, ‘welcome to the

crucified life’.

The call of Jesus into salvation is the call to suffer, to lay your life down for

Him and for others, even unto death. It is Paul who said in Colossians 1:24 “I now

rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the

afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church.” It was Jesus

who said, “in the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have

overcome the world” Jn.16:33. How did Jesus overcome the tribulation and the

suffering of life in this world – through the cross, and then through the resurrection!!

4) “Conformed to His death”

To come to resurrection life Paul declares that he must be “conformed to His

death”, the death of Christ. Romans 8:29 says we are “predestined to be conformed

to the image of His Son.” This includes death, not primarily or necessarily physical

death, but death to the ego: the ‘I want’, ‘I desire’, ‘I think’; death to the strongholds

and mindsets and prison houses that many of us are locked into because of pride and

resistance in our souls to the Christ-life within.

Being conformed to His death comes about by our recognition of the power of

God working within us to reveal to us and to make known through us the glorious

power of His resurrection. We are to “always carry about in the body the dying of

the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we

who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also

may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death is working in us, but life in

you” 2Cor.4:10-12. As we come to “know (and) pursue the knowledge of

YAHWEH” (Hos.6:3) the reality of Jesus’ death in us will be revealed.

A Foundational Doctrine The doctrine of “the resurrection of the dead” is the fifth foundation listed in

Hebrews 6:1-2. There are six foundations that must be properly laid before the

church can go on to perfection. God will not give the ‘permit’ to go on to perfection

before the foundations are set in place (v.3). The church has some working knowledge

of the first four foundations: repentance from dead works and faith toward God –

the first two foundations are linked together and in reality equal the born again

experience, the full coming to God of a new convert, i.e., being saved; the doctrine of

baptisms and the laying on of hands are also linked together – the apostle Peter said

in Acts 2:38 “…be baptised … and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit”. In Acts 8:12-

17 those who believed Philip were baptised and then through the laying on of hands

of the apostles they received the Holy Spirit. Likewise in Acts 19:4-6 the disciples of

John received Christian baptism and then Paul laid his hands on them and they

received the Holy Spirit.

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The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead

However when we come to the fifth and sixth foundations there generally is a

lack of reality in the church concerning the resurrection of the dead and eternal

judgement. While we all can know some things about these doctrines, it is the

revelation and spiritual experience of these doctrines in practice that is lacking. God is restoring the reality of these foundational doctrines to the church today.

Eternal Life is Resurrection Life

our first experience of being born again

our experience of water baptism

our experience of receiving the empowering of the Holy Spirit,

are all manifestations of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. The eternal

life we receive when we are born again is the life Jesus was able to release through

the power of His resurrection. In Jn.20:22 Jesus came up to His disciples in His

resurrected body, “He breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy

Spirit.’” Because Jesus had been to the cross and dealt with the sin of man, He now

was able to give the Spirit to those who believed in Him.

For the first time since the fall of Adam, human beings were able to receive

the Spirit of God into their lives. John.3:16 says that when we believe in Jesus we

receive eternal life. This eternal life is specifically sharing in the resurrection life that

Jesus releases by having become a man, dying vicariously [as atonement for our sin]

and overcoming human death – the result of sin – by rising again.

In John.11:25-26 Jesus declared “I am the resurrection and the life. He who

believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in

Me shall never die.” While in the context Jesus was helping Martha believe that her

brother could be raised from physical death, He was looking forward and teaching us

that the day was coming when eternal life would be given to those who believed in

Him to be “the resurrection and the life”.

Baptised into the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

It is in Christian baptism by immersion in water that a new believer in Jesus

Christ comes more fully into the power of His resurrection. Christian baptism is powerful and real because of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Baptism is our identification with Christ firstly in His death, then in His burial, then in

rising in newness of life in Him (Rom.6:3-4). It is through baptism that we “have

been united together in the likeness of His death” and “certainly we shall also be in

the likeness of His resurrection” v5. The apostle Peter also teaches us that “baptism

now saves us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” 1 Pet.3:21. The normal

Christian life is based on this foundation: that through baptism we have been placed

into ‘the resurrection of Jesus Christ’.

The Message of the Resurrection Brings Life and Opposition The message of the first apostles in the book of Acts that brought forth much

fruit, but also caused much opposition to rise against them, was the message of the

resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It was the resurrection of Jesus Christ from

the dead that declared Jesus “to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit

of holiness” (Rom.1:4). It was the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead that

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released eternal life to those who believed in Him. It was the resurrection of Jesus

Christ from the dead and His ascension into heaven that released the Holy Spirit to

come and fill the believers with resurrection power.

At this time God is restoring the foundational doctrines of

the Christian faith to His church so that we will walk in

the power of His resurrection and so that true judgement

will be restored to the church in these last days.

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THE CHURCH THAT JESUS IS BUILDING “I will build My church” Matthew 16:18

Biblical foundations

The church is the household of God and it is built on the foundations of

apostles and prophets. (Eph.2:20) There is no other foundation on which to build

the church other than the ministries of the apostle and prophet that God has given

through Christ to the church for the building of the church. For 1800 years the church

in general has not had Biblical foundations. Soon after the close of the New

Testament writing time, the church began to replace the ministry of the apostle with

the man-made office of a bishop. The bishop was raised up to rule over the church of

a city in contradiction to the clear teaching of Scripture, which says that the church of

each city is pastored [shepherded] and given oversight by elders. These elders were

ordained by the apostles. This is the Biblical pattern. (Acts 14:23, 20:28 & Titus


Restoring proper foundations

In Scripture, elders and bishops refer to the same office or ministry

(Acts20:28; 1Tim.3:1-7; Tit.1:5-9). There is no situation in the Scripture where a

single elder was given rulership over other elders or over the church of a city; rather

eldership was meant to be a plurality. Now at the end of the age, God is restoring

apostles and prophets so that the last days church can be built upon proper

foundations. Jesus is coming back for His church, built His way, not for some

conglomeration that man has mixed up and is now trying to put together, without due

regard to the Scriptures and the pattern revealed therein.

The cornerstone The Scripture says Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone (Eph.2:20). A

cornerstone in a building is set in place after the foundations have been laid. Once the

cornerstone is in place, then the walls of the building can be erected. In the Scripture

there is only one church and that church is built upon non-denominational apostles

and prophets who have been appointed in the church by God Himself (1 Cor.12:28).

The church that has emerged historically has not been built upon the foundations of

apostles and prophets and so we have numerous denominational divisions in the

church as people have followed the leadership and traditions of men.

The church of Jesus Christ is not the coming together of various divided

denominations but rather a church re-formed according to the Scripture.

Once Biblical foundations are restored and Jesus Christ is recognised and

received again as the cornerstone, “the whole building, being fitted together, grows

into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a

dwelling place of God in the Spirit” (Eph. 2:21-22). The ‘holy temple’ can be seen

to be the entire worldwide church that God is raising. However in every place, a local

church is being raised, made up of many fellowships. It is in the local fellowship that

the individual saints find their spiritual home, and are ‘perfected’, that is, adjusted or

fully equipped, set in place to fully function and thus to experience God in the midst.

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The revelation of the mystery All things gathered together in Christ

God will grant us wisdom and revelation to know the mystery (Eph.1:17 &

3:3). This mystery is outworked in the gathering of all things in Christ, things in

heaven and on earth (Eph.1:10). This refers to the coming of Christ in 1

Thessalonians 4:13-18, when God will bring with Jesus those who sleep, that is, the dead in Christ (v14). When the Lord descends from heaven “the dead in Christ will

rise first” (v16). “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together

with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (v17). This is the gathering

together of all things in Christ to usher in the new age of Christ ruling and reigning

with and through His saints.

Revealed by the Spirit

The revelation of the mystery is “revealed by the Spirit to His holy apostles

and prophets” (Eph.3:5), so that now “the unsearchable riches of Christ” can be

preached (Eph.3:8), leading to “the revelation of the manifold wisdom of God to

principalities and powers in the heavenly realm through the church” (Eph.3:10).

God’s goal is to fully displace the principalities and powers in the heavenly realm and

replace them with His church. This church understands the mystery because the

unsearchable riches of Christ are being preached by apostles and prophets

whom God appoints, enabling the saints to understand and walk in the

knowledge of the mystery.

The revelation of the true church It is as the church comes into the revelation knowledge of the mystery of

God’s will being outworked through the church in the earth that the glory of

God will be revealed. This revelation is the revelation of the true church as

revealed by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives the revelation firstly to apostles and

prophets who then through “the dispensation of the grace of God which was given”

(Eph.3:2), preach the unsearchable riches of Christ, enabling all the saints to “see

what is the fellowship of the mystery” (v 9). There is much more for the saints to

enter into; God wants to make known “the riches of the glory of His inheritance in

the saints” (Eph.1:18). Until now most saints have never heard the preaching of

Christ in such a way as to reveal the mystery.

The knowledge of the mystery was hidden

This mystery “has been hidden in God from the beginning of the ages”

(Eph.3:9). When God created all things through Jesus Christ, this mystery, called

“the hidden wisdom” (1 Cor.2:7), was present in creation but not known or

understood. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:6 that this wisdom is not understood by the

demonic rulers of this present age but is to be understood by the saints who have

come to a place of maturity in their Christian understanding, knowing the mind of

Christ (1 Cor.2:16). Throughout history men in their civilizations and tribal

communities have searched for this wisdom outside of Christ. This deeper wisdom

can only be known through the gospel, revealed by the Holy Spirit.

Displacing of demonic powers As the church comes into the revelation knowledge of ‘who Christ is’, and that

the church is “the body of Him who fills the all in all”, then this revelation will be

made known to the demonic rulers through the church (Eph.3:10). A great change has

taken place because Jesus died on the cross. The fruit of His death and resurrection is

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the formation of His body, the church. As His church is truly joined to Christ the

Head, then the manifold wisdom of God, understood by the church through the

prophetic preaching of the word, fills the heavenly realm, displacing the rule and

reign of demonic powers. These powers currently rule through deception and false

religion. When the church comes to know the revelation of the mystery, the demonic

kingdoms become fully subject to the kingdom of Christ. They will “bow the knee

and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil.2:10-


The revelation of the mystery releases glory

this wisdom is not for babes - babes need the ‘milk of the word’

this wisdom is not for children - children need the ‘meat of the word’

this wisdom is ‘the hidden manna’, for those growing into maturity

“God ordained this wisdom before the ages for our glory”, and now the Spirit is revealing this wisdom to us (1 Cor.2:10)

this wisdom is never understood by man’s intellect; it is by revelation to the

spirit of man

to ensure that His saints understand the revelation of His will, God has actually given to us “the mind of Christ” (1 Cor.2:16).

This means that the saints who have grown up into maturity, and even young

ones in Christ, can comprehend the word of God; can actually think the thoughts of

God. God is always working to fulfil His “eternal purpose”; He has already

accomplished His eternal purpose “in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Eph.3:11), and now it

is through the church that the outworking of God’s eternal purpose will be seen.

It is time to understand the mystery Amazingly, God has now entrusted the revelation of this mystery of His

eternal purpose to the foolishness of preaching.

In these last days God is again dispensing His grace to apostles and prophets

to make known the revelation of His mystery.

It was to Paul the apostle that Jesus chose to reveal much more and deeper

truth of the mystery of His church. Even today, well-meaning, gifted ministers are

opposing what God is doing. Many are consciously refusing to receive the apostles

Jesus is raising in these days. Many are defending institutional Christianity,

unnecessarily, against the clear dictates and teaching of Scripture. In his day Paul

called such preachers Judaizers. They were attempting to bind the new Christian

church into the institutions and practices of Judaism. Religious teachers of any age

and those who hear them, miss out on the revelation of the mystery, which is essential

for the glorification of the church. Such ones have no vision for the church other than

what they already know.

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THERE IS ONE – the Seven Ones

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of

your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is

above all, and through all, and in you all” Eph.4:4-6.

There are seven ones clearly presented in these verses and these seven ones

are the only reliable and enduring basis for our continuing walk with God in the

unfolding of His purposes at the end of this age. For many hundreds of years that

which is called church and those who are Christian have been confused and in

disagreement and division about many of the aspects of oneness mentioned in these


The time has come when our Lord’s prayer in John 17 is being answered by

the Lord Himself as He brings His church to maturity through the restoration of

apostles and all the five-fold ministry gifts of Ephesians 4:11. These gifts are given

for “the perfecting [equipping] of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the

building up [edifying] of the body of Christ” Eph.4:12. The perfecting or equipping

of the saints actually means ‘setting the body in order so that every member can

function properly and fully’. This will only happen if the five-fold ministers, apostles,

prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, are doing “the work of the ministry” that

Christ the Head of the church, who is building His own church, gives each minister to


There is ONE BODY The body is the church and Christ “is the head of the body, the church”

(Col.1:18). The body of Christ is made up of many members and each member is

joined to the body through baptism (1Cor.12:12-13). We are set as members in the

body by God, according to His good pleasure (v18).

The body cannot be divided. The whole body is to be “joined and knit

together” to the head – Christ (Eph.4:15-16). As in a natural body, members receive

life and consequently function properly only when they are ‘joined and knit together’

in the body. The apostle Paul expressed great concern and brought reproof to the

church at Corinth when he heard that they were dividing the church by following after

various men [leaders such as Apollos and Cephas and Paul himself] (1 Cor.1:10-13).

There is ONE SPIRIT We have received “not the spirit of this world, but the Spirit who is from

God” (1 Cor.2:12). The Spirit of God is referred to with many appellations [names]

in the Scriptures. He first appears in Genesis 1:2, being called “the Spirit of God”,

and in the last chapter of the Bible (Rev.22.17) with the bride church, “the Spirit and

the bride say, Come!” The Spirit is:

the Spirit of the Father (Matt.10:20)

the Spirit of the Lord (Lu.4:18)

the Holy Spirit (Lu.11:13)

‘the Spirit’ [many times He is simply called ‘the Spirit’]

Jesus said “God is a Spirit” (Jn.4:24)

the “Spirit of truth” (Jn.14:17)

the “Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” (Rom.8:2)

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the “Spirit of God” (Rom.8:9)

the “Spirit of Christ”(Rom.8:9)

the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil.1:19)

“the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead” (Rom.8:11)

“the Spirit of adoption” (Rom.8:15)

the Spirit of grace (Heb.10:29)

the Spirit is the “same Spirit” who manifests through the spiritual gifts to build up the body (1 Cor.12:7-11)

it is “by one Spirit we are all baptised into one body” (1 Cor.12:13)

we are to live and walk in the Spirit (Gal.5:15)

the church is to be “the habitation of God through the Spirit” (Eph.2:22)

“Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is

liberty”(2 Cor.3:17)

There is ONE HOPE OF YOUR CALLING What is the one hope? What is our calling? We need to be able to answer both

questions adequately from the Scripture so that by grace we may “lay hold of that for

which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of us” (Phil.3:12), and to “press toward the

goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (v14). The call is an

‘upward call’ or a “high call”. The hope is that as we are “found in Him, not having

our own righteousness, …, but that which is through faith in Christ” (v9), we

actually have a wonderful goal [future] in pursuing Christ.

The ultimate expression of the hope is found in Colossians 1:27. As we come

to know the riches of the glory of the mystery of the Word of God, then Christ is

revealed in us. The Scripture says “Christ in you the hope of glory”.

Romans 8:29-30 teach us that God has “predestined us to be conformed to

the image of His Son, that He might be the first born among many brethren.” This is the hope: to be conformed to the image of His Son. To this end, God called us.

Having called us He had already justified us and He has in fact already provided fully

in Christ for our glorification.

In Ephesians 1:17-19, Paul prays that we may come to know through

revelation “the hope of His calling”. This hope is a “blessed hope” in that we are

looking for and expecting the “glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour

Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13). This hope anchors our soul “within the veil” always

calling us on (Heb.6:19).

We all have the same hope and that is that we are called to be glorified with

and in Christ.

There is ONE LORD “Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one!” (Deut.6:4). Jesus

quoted these words exactly in Mark 12:29. Peter declared on the day of Pentecost,

again addressing Israel, “Therefore, let all the house of Israel know assuredly that

God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36).

There is no doubt that Peter was declaring to Israel that Jesus is the LORD of the Old

Testament. This is what cut them to the heart! “God has highly exalted Him and

given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every

knee should bow, of those in heaven and of those on earth, and of those under the

earth and every tongue should confess Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the

Father” Phil.2:9-11.

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The name of the Lord is a mystery to many in the Old Testament and the

English translators have mostly failed to adequately translate the name of God as

revealed to Moses in Exodus 3:14 and then used over 6,500 times in the Old

Testament. When the English word ‘lord’ is written ‘LORD’ in the Old Testament it

is actually referring to the name of God. The English translation ‘Yahweh’ or

‘Jehovah’ [older transliteration but probably less correct] is a much truer rendition of

the Hebrew. In the New Testament there is no doubt that Jesus is the Lord and that

His name is Jesus.

There is ONE FAITH The one faith refers to “our common salvation” and Jude exhorts us “to

contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” v3.

Paul says that the first mark of maturity is “the unity of the faith” (Eph.4:13).

The faith refers to that which we believe: it concerns our attitude to the Bible –

whether we truly believe “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Tim.3:16).

The one faith is the authoritative teaching of the apostles, which became holy


It is the “apostles’ doctrine” that the first church continued steadfastly in


It includes “the first principles of the oracles of God” which are the

foundational principles of “repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of

the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and

eternal judgement” (Heb.5:12-6:2).

The church world-wide is being called back to fully establish the basic

doctrines of the faith to give full understanding to all the saints of ‘our common

salvation’, because there is only ONE FAITH.

There is ONE BAPTISM Jesus gave the Great Commission after His resurrection, just prior to His

ascension. In both Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-16, Jesus commands baptism

as vital and essential in the salvation of souls. Jesus Himself had already set the

example by being baptised “to fulfil all righteousness” (Matt.3:15). Jesus was being

baptised in obedience to the Father according to His word.

New believers in Jesus Christ are to be baptised in obedience to the word of

Jesus. The very word ‘baptism’ means ‘immersion’, that is, to be dipped in water. In

the Scripture water is not sprinkled but rather the blood is sprinkled.

Water baptism follows repentance and faith (Acts 2:38; Mk.16:16).

The one baptism of the Scripture is in water, by the Spirit, into Christ; into

His death, burial and resurrection (1 Cor.12:13 & Rom.6:4-5).

There is ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL, who is above all, and through all, and in you all

This verse is awesome in showing the omnipresence of God, His ‘every-

where-ness’! This great God has fully revealed Himself in His Son Jesus Christ. John

1:18 says “No one has seen God at anytime. The only begotten Son, who is in the

bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.” God is intimately aware of all that

happens in His creation. Jesus said “not one sparrow falls to the ground apart from

your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Matt.10:29-


Jesus revealed God to us as ‘Father’. In the Gospels Jesus refers to God as Father over 170 times and in the rest of the New Testament the ‘Fatherhood’ of God

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is attested to continually. Paul says “For this cause I bow my knee unto the Father

of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named”


Even non-believers are covered by God’s omnipresence: “In Him we live and

move and have our being” (Acts 17:28).

It is time for us all who believe in Jesus Christ,

having been baptised into His body,

to give our attention to, and to receive the spirit of wisdom

and revelation in the knowledge of, these seven ONES

so that we may become ONE as Jesus desires and has prayed.

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As the apostolic church is restored we need to teach from the Scriptures

concerning the house church or the church that meets in the house. The model and

practice of ‘local church’ in recent times is not biblically valid, except if we were to

see the local church meeting as simply the house church meeting in a hired hall; but

this is not the case. The idea of dedicated buildings that are not used as part of every

day Christian life is not scripturally sound. We do not need to build a sanctuary for

God on the earth as there is only one sanctuary and that is the one mentioned in

Hebrews 9:11-12,24. In Matthew 18:20 Jesus says “For where two or three are

gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” This is a

sanctuary, two or three gathered with Jesus present in the midst.

The church of a city

In the Scripture the apostles wrote to the church of a city. In Jerusalem that

church was led by apostles and elders [which included prophets, Acts 15:22,32]. In

Antioch the church was led by prophets and teachers (Acts 13:1), and from Acts

14:23, the practice was for apostles to ordain elders in every place. There was the

church of the city with either apostolic leadership or apostolically ordained elders in


Meeting in homes

In the Scripture the church of the city met in various houses. The apostles

attended the house meetings and taught the apostles doctrine, (Acts 2:42,20:20). The

development of local churches numbering hundreds and thousands of saints is not a

biblical development. A church that meets in the home is by definition limited in

number. This means that every person who is saved is automatically included in

the life of the church. The church of the city will in time number hundreds and even

thousands of saints but they meet in house churches with a common eldership

oversighting the church of the city.

Where did the Church meet? The Church met in Houses

There is no evidence of large single congregations in the New Testament

except in the precincts of the temple of Jerusalem in the very early days of the

church’s life. The indisputable evidence of the New Testament is that the church met

in houses. Acts 2:46-47 tells us they met daily, from house to house; everyone’s

needs were met in the fellowship; they broke bread together, sang praises to God and

people were getting saved every day.

Establishing the Church in Friendly Houses

As the church spread to other towns and cities the disciples followed the

instructions Jesus had given them in Matthew 10:6-15 and Luke 10:1-12,

establishing the church in friendly houses. Throughout the book of Acts and Paul’s

epistles there are many instances of the church meeting in the house.

Paul greets the various fellowships in Rome

For example in Romans 16:5 there was a church in Priscilla and Aquila’s

house; in verse 10 Paul greets the household of Aristobulus; in verse 11 he greets the

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household of Narcissus; in verse 14 he greets a number of brethren who are together;

in verse 15 he greets the saints who are with the five brethren mentioned. There are

five churches mentioned, and these fellowships are part of the church of Rome to

whom Paul is writing.

The Myanmar experience In the Union of Myanmar [formerly known as Burma] the indigenous church

is generally not allowed by the authorities to construct dedicated church buildings.

This is a blessing in disguise – there has been some resentment among believers over

this law.

The church meets from house to house. Some of the house meetings that

gather to receive the visiting apostle number over one hundred, but it is normally 20-

40 people who gather. In such gatherings there can be as many as half of them coming

for salvation. Here we see the biblical example working, the lost are being added.

It has been an absolute delight to minister in the outlying areas of Myanmar

going from town to town into house churches. It is a very biblical experience. On one

occasion in a very isolated place the Holy Spirit came as on the day of Pentecost to a

crowded house meeting of approximately 60 people, the majority of them being

school students. Students and adults were speaking in new tongues [including English

which they did not naturally know], prophesying, singing new songs in the Spirit and

weeping in deep intercession. Some were drawn from the street to come up to see

what was happening.

The First House Church It could be said that the first house church in the Bible met in the Garden of

Eden, in the cool of the evening at Adam and Eve’s place. This is where they met

with the LORD. Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, when two or three come together in

his Name, He will be there in the midst. In Jesus our fellowship with God is restored,

and that fellowship is with the Lord whenever we gather in His name. We are blessed

to enjoy our Lord’s fellowship “in the cool of the evening.”

What happened in Adam and Eve’s house church?

We assume that the LORD God taught the word, making it clear to Adam and

Eve what the Divine purpose was and warning them to beware of the wiles of the

devil, that is, to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Jesus said that if

you receive the apostle you receive me (Matt.10:40). Jesus still comes into the midst

where there are people gathered together in His name.

One can imagine that life in Adam’s household after they had been expelled

from the garden, included Adam training up his sons to walk with God. In the

account of Genesis 4 we find that both Cain and Abel had a personal relationship with

God and had obviously been taught the doctrine of redemption through the offering of

a lamb.

The godly line from Seth through to Noah suggests the ongoing training

from generation to generation in their fathers’ households. Each first born son was

prophetically named and trained up in the knowledge of God’s redemptive purposes.

Finally in Noah’s family, his wife and his three sons and their wives, were all

involved in building the ark of salvation in that generation. The house church,

consisting of the four families, worked together under the apostolic leadership of

Noah. This was a mighty work they were called to, but the work we are called to is of

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equal significance as we prepare an ark of salvation in our generation through the

biblical ministry of planting the church in every place, in friendly houses.

Abraham a very successful House Church Leader

“For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his

household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and

justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him”

Gen.18:19. God says He chose Abraham because He foresaw that he would manage

his own household well and thus be qualified to become the father of many nations,

releasing the blessing of faith to every family (Gen.12:3). This blessing is through

Christ and is for every family.

The church is primarily to be planted in the home: it is a family church.

Long before Abraham had his own son Isaac, he had many spiritual sons.

Genesis 14:14 tells us that he had 318 trained men [servants] in his own house, who

were able to go to war with him. If most of these men were married imagine how

many souls were under Abraham’s care. This house church was really a travelling

village: hundreds of families living in tents, caring for their flocks and herds. And this

was in the early years of Abraham’s ministry.

In Genesis 18:1-15 the LORD Himself actually visited Abraham and

Sarah in their own tent. This was when the LORD prophesied the conception and

birth of Isaac. The word of the LORD is to be released in the house church.

Whenever two or three gather together in His name, ‘I AM’ is present.

HALLELUJAH! As we share in the faith of Abraham we receive the blessing.

God will visit us in our fellowships and His word will be precious and powerful.

A Lamb for a Household Reading from Exodus 12 reveals to us that the Israelites living in Egypt, lived

in households that included more than the immediate family. God instructed Moses

that each household was to prepare a lamb (Ex.12:3). If the household was too small

to consume in total the lamb, they were to join with another smaller household (v4).

There was an optimum number of people to make up a household and in the context it

appears the average household was of that optimum size. This is exciting teaching:

God has provided a lamb for every household. For every fellowship of

God’s people who come together there is a lamb. In the new covenant

house church, God has provided a lamb, His own Son. Each

household [house church] has been provided for and is authorised to

break bread in the home (Acts 2:46).

Jesus Christ is the Lamb for every household

There is a wonderful example of this in Acts 10 when Peter was invited to go

to the house of Cornelius to share the good news of Jesus Christ with Cornelius

together with his relatives and close friends. The household that gathered received

Jesus the Lamb of God, through the preaching of the apostle. Even as God

provided deliverance for His people from Egypt through Moses, household by

household, so now He has provided salvation for all people through Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ has appointed apostles and other ministers to establish the church in

every house that will receive them.

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Moses’ Instruction for House Church

Moses taught how the house church is to function daily (Deut.6:4-9). The

people of God in loving God with their whole heart and soul and strength must

function in their houses as believers from day to day.

“You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them

when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and

when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as

frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the door- posts of your house

and on your gates” Deut.6:7-9.

Establishing the House Church The church is established in ‘friendly houses’ by preachers [apostles,

evangelists, pastors or disciples as in Acts 11] being sent out in the will of the Lord.

In Luke 10:1-24 Jesus gives us clear instructions to establish house churches

in every place.

Going to every place before the Lord comes. The Lord appointed seventy

others; sent them out two by two, before His face, to every place where He would go.

We are to prepare every place for the coming of the Lord (v1).

Labourers for the Harvest. Why do we need to establish a church in every

place? Because Jesus said, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few;

therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (v2)

Plenty of Opposition. Jesus said He was sending them out as lambs among

wolves (v3). There will be wolves, beware! You will not be popular going out to plant

a church in every place. You may meet with opposition from other established

churches, if they are already there, and from the evil spirits in areas controlled by

sorcery and false religions.

Walking in the Obedience of Faith. We are not to take anything with us but

trust that God will supply; we are not to get off focus [no missionary tourism]. Jesus

said “greet no one along the road” (v4). Do not allow distractions to take you off


Led by Peace. Enter the house where a man of peace resides; in other words,

where you are received (v5).

Find a Friendly House. Have discernment: is this a ‘friendly’ house? If it is

not a friendly house don’t remain in it (v6).

Minister from that House. Remain in the friendly house; receive their

hospitality; minister from that house (v7). We are not meant to go knocking on every

door; remain in the place where you are received.

A city is judged by their hospitality. A city will be judged by the way they

receive the preachers that the Lord sends (v8).

Heal the Sick and Preach the Word. In the friendly house offer to pray for

the sick (v9). Jesus instructs us to heal the sick and to preach the kingdom of God.

Others may be brought to the house to receive prayer for healing as the news spreads.

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The power of God is present to heal in that house! This opens up the opportunity to

testify about Jesus. Judgement comes to people and cities who do not receive preachers.

Wipe the dust of that city off your feet [a prophetic act of judgment because they did

not receive the Word], but in so doing warn the city of the judgement to come (v11-


Receiving the Lord. “He who hears you hears me, he who rejects you

rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me” v16. It is as people

receive Jesus, believing on His name that they are born again (Jn.1:12). If people

reject the preaching they are rejecting the Lord. We receive Jesus by believing on this

Name. People will only know His name if we preach about Him.

Authority over the devil. The devil and demons are subject to us. Satan has

been defeated, Jesus said “I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give

you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of

the enemy, and nothing shall by any means harm you” (v18-19). Our lives are

hidden with Christ in God (Col.3:3).

Salvation. Jesus emphasises that the greatest miracle is the new birth,

bringing people into salvation. The goal is to see people saved (v20).

Salvation comes by revelation from God. The Lord sends us so He can

save people through our preaching (v21-22). Jesus reveals the Father to those that He

wills (Matt.16:17). People are saved through revelation.

The Mystery Revealed. This gospel we have received is the revelation of the

mystery which was hidden from the Old Testament saints (v23-24).

Functioning in the House Church In the Book of Acts we see the church planted and functioning from house to

house. In this study we are looking at aspects of the church functioning in the house.

Foundations Being Laid

the coming of the Holy Spirit; giving power for ministry and witness as Jesus had promised in Acts 1:8 (Acts 2:1-13)

Peter preaches Jesus, the Lord and Christ (v14-40)

The listeners were cut to the heart by the preaching of Jesus crucified, dead

and risen. (v37)

Peter tells them how to be saved; repent and believe the word, and “they

received the word gladly”; be baptised; receive the Holy Spirit (v38-41)

The foundations of the new church are being laid by the apostles.

Five fundamental functions of church life Acts 2:42 reveals the five vital components of church life

1. They continued steadfastly – this means what it says: the early believers

continued devotedly or steadfastly in the other four components. Without a

regular, full-on commitment to the things of faith, the church will not fulfill its


2. Apostles doctrine: the revelational teaching brought by apostles

3. Fellowship: the committed sharing together of the first church so that the needs of

every person were met

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4. Breaking of Bread: the Communion Table

5. Prayer: daily prayer meetings

The results of continuing steadfastly in these vital components of church life

a) v. 43 Great fear came upon all the believers. This ‘fear’ is the fear of the Lord,

which in the Old Testament is the equivalent of faith. Mighty signs and wonders were done

by the

apostles. The fear [faith] released the miraculous.

b) v. 44 The believers were all together and shared all things in common. A true



c) v. 45 Possessions and goods were sold, and the proceeds used to meet needs in the


d) v. 46 Daily – continuing daily

in one accord – in agreement, no private agendas [Chap. 5:1-11]

in the temple – they presented as a coherent, committed body of believers

in the church fellowship of their day

in the houses.

They broke bread from house to house, “a lamb for a house”.

The communion is fundamentally essential in the house church.

They shared meals together with gladness and simplicity.

Many churches authorise home meetings, but never authorise the breaking of

bread. Until all control (doctrine of the Nicolaitans) is taken off the believers, and

Christians meet daily in homes, fulfilling the five fundamental functions of church,

we will not experience “our first love” for Jesus and fulfill His good acceptable and

perfect will.

e) v. 47 “Praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added

to the

church daily those who were being saved.” The Lord added to the church,


those who needed salvation.

Practices of the book of Acts church in the houses i. They were praying late in the night. “And being let go, they went to

their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders

had said to them” Acts 4:23. Peter and John went to their companions

and reported to them. They found their companions meeting together in a


ii. In one accord “So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God

with one accord” Acts 4:24. They prayed together.

iii. Renewed boldness “And when they had prayed, the place where they

were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the

Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness” Acts 4:31.

The place [house] where they were meeting together was shaken and they

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were again filled with the Holy Spirit. They went out from the house

prayer meeting preaching boldly.

iv. All things in common “Now the multitude of those who believed were of

one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he

possessed was his own, but they had all things in common” Acts 4:32.

The result was revival broke out!

True community releases revival; many others want to belong.

v. Preaching with great power Acts 4:33 “And with great power the

apostles gave

witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon


all” ‘Great power’ and ‘great grace’ was upon the apostles. The apostles


preaching Christ. Jesus is the DOOR to the community.

vi. At the apostles feet Acts4:34 – 37 reveal the level of giving and


generosity of these disciples. The people were prepared to lay their money

“at the

apostles feet” and allow them to distribute it. This is a principle of God’s


Daily – They Did Not Cease! “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching

and preaching Jesus as the Christ” Acts 5:42. AMEN!

Until we return to the biblical model and practice of preaching and teaching

Jesus as the Christ in every house that will receive us and in public places such as the

temple, we will not see the life and witness of the glory of Christ Jesus that we long

for. We still only give partial approval to church in the home. Most churches forbid

the breaking of bread in the home and yet this is the right place for the breaking of

bread. It is neither biblical nor practical to break bread in large congregations. The work of the Gospel is continuous, publicly and from house to house, daily.

The elders of the church in the city work in unity to plant the church in every

friendly house. There needs to be a real soul-winning, apostolic house church in the

midst of every locality, in every city, town and rural area, so that every soul is

contacted and impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

A testimony In early 2003 I was in a city overseas and on the Sunday I preached in four

Sunday meetings. The first was in a suburban area, which was quite poor. It was a

humble house church meeting which included the breaking of bread. Three souls were

saved in that meeting. I led them to the Lord before I ministered communion. Then

they were able to receive the communion.

The next meeting was held in the upstairs of a large house which has been set

apart for meetings of the church. There was a regular Sunday meeting in this place

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with communion. No one came for salvation. The third meeting was held in a small

church building. It was packed. There was no communion and no one for salvation.

The fourth was an evening meeting in a pentecostal church building, with 3-400

present. Again there was no communion and no one for salvation.

The first meeting was held in a humble house in a humble street and unsaved

folks were drawn into the meeting. The breaking of bread in such a meeting is easy,

natural, intimate and powerful to save as we experienced. This is the biblical

breaking of bread in the house, with the apostle present to teach the word in the house.

Multiplication Those pastors who lead congregations which meet on Sundays in dedicated

buildings have the potential to plant multiple house churches. This means training

leaders and then dividing the congregation to meet in smaller meetings – from house

to house. I am not referring to cell-groups or home-groups here but to the actual

planting and establishment of the church in the house. Such a work is truly apostolic

and must be done for the effective witness of the Gospel to every creature. This is the

Biblical way to go:

the planting of churches in every friendly house.

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The church of the New Testament is the church that meets in houses. The

apostles taught the doctrines of Christ in the house meetings as believers gathered

daily. There were public ministries but they were mainly for evangelism. There is the

use of a public hall as in the case of Paul in Ephesus where he gathered the disciples

for training, but there is no ‘dedicated church building’.

According to the New Testament Scriptures the church in the house

is the church in its primary and ongoing expression.

The actual house to house meetings of the saints (believers) is the only

expression of church found in the New Testament except for public preaching and

testimony in places like Solomon’s porch (Acts 5:12), and apostolic teaching schools

such as the school of Tyrannus in Ephesus (Acts 19:9-10).

The Purpose of Ministry in the House Stated clearly and simply: the purpose of ministry in the house is to plant the

Biblical church and to release it to function. This is the way of ministry that Jesus

instructed the seventy witnesses in Luke 10; they were to stay in the house of the man

of peace [a friendly house, a house where they were received], heal the sick and

preach the kingdom of God. They were not to go from house to house but rather

Jesus’ expectation was that the sick and the lost would be drawn to the house where

the ministers of the gospel were (Lu.10:1-9)

The Church in the House in the Book of Acts There are clear references in the book of Acts to the church in the house.

In Acts 1:12-26 the hundred and twenty were waiting in the upper room,

continuing in prayer until the Holy Spirit came – they were in a house.

In Acts 2:42-47 after the public preaching in the street on the day of

Pentecost, three thousand souls were baptised and added to the one hundred and

twenty believers. Where did the 3120 meet? Verse 46 “they continued daily with one

accord, breaking bread from house to house.” They met in multiple houses. One

can imagine that the upper room of Acts 1 probably held few more than 120. Many

other believers opened their houses, inviting numbers of the new converts, who were

already baptised and had received the Holy Spirit on the day they believed, to come to

the house meetings where the apostles were teaching daily. As well, there were daily

prayer meetings in the temple precincts, specifically Solomon’s porch (Acts 5:12).

Acts 4:23, 31: after Peter and John were released by the Sanhedrin “they went

to their own companions”, [we can assume they went to a house] and prayed to the

Lord about their situation and asking the Lord for boldness and for signs and wonders.

Acts 5:42 “And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease

teaching and preaching Jesus the Christ.” Acts 9:11-19 Saul was “in the house of

Judas in a street called Straight”. Paul was healed, filled with the Holy Spirit and

baptised by Ananias in a house.

Acts 9:33-34: Peter raised the paralysed man from his bed – we assume he

was in a house.

Acts 10:24-48: Cornelius gathered all his relatives and friends together in his

house to hear Peter share the message of Jesus Christ. “While Peter was still

speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard the word” v44. Peter then commanded them to be baptised [they must have had some water in the house –

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maybe a Roman bath!] and he stayed with them in the house for a few days to


Acts 12:12 when the angel delivered Peter from the prison he went to the

house of John Mark “where many were gathered together praying”.

Acts 16:15-40 Lydia came to salvation through the preaching of Paul and as

soon as she was baptised she persuaded Paul and his team to “come to my house and

stay”. The church in Philippi was planted in Lydia’s house. That is where the

church met. When Paul and Silas were released from the prison they went back to

Lydia’s house where they saw the brethren (v.40).

In Acts 16:33-34, the Philippian jailer and his family were all saved and

immediately baptised; he then brought the apostles into his house and set food before

them. Again the function or conduct of church life was in the house.

Acts 18:7-8 in Corinth, Paul initially testified in the Jewish synagogue but

when opposition arose, “he departed from there and entered the house of a certain

man named Justus, who worshiped God, whose house was next door to the

synagogue. Then Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all

his household.” Often in the New Testament evangelism reached whole households;

this was because the ministry of the gospel came into the house!

Acts 20:20 Paul testifies that in Ephesus he “taught publicly and from house

to house”. He was speaking to the elders from the church in Ephesus. When Paul was

in Ephesus he taught publicly, daily, in the school of Tyrannus. But the church met in

houses and so in the evenings Paul ministered from house to house. The school of

Tyrannus is the model for apostolic training schools.

Acts 21:8 when Paul and his company came to Caesarea, he “entered the

house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him”.

House meetings happened automatically and after many days Agabus the prophet

arrived from Judea and ministered in the house (v.10-14).

Acts 28:30-31 “Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house,

and received all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the

things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding

him.” Paul had spent two years teaching in the apostolic school in Ephesus, but he is

just as committed to teaching the apostles’ doctrine in his own rented house for two

years. This is the last picture we have of the great apostle Paul in the Scripture and he

is practicing church in the house.

We have looked at all the direct references to the church meeting and

functioning in the house in the book of Acts. There are many other indirect references


all the normal meetings and conduct of church life from

salvation including baptism to the deeper wisdom of the word of

God being taught by the apostles happened from house to house.

Ministry in the Houses in the Epistles Romans 16:5 “Likewise the church in their house [Priscilla and Aquila’s


v.10 “Greet those of the household of Aristobulus”.

v.11 “Greet those who are of the household of Narcissus who are in the


v.14 “Greet Asyncritus … and the brethren who are with them.”

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v.15 another group of saints are together with some brethren Paul knows by

name. Paul had not been to Rome at the time he wrote the letter but he knows

‘brethren in a number of households’, ‘church in the house’, ‘brethren together’.

There are five of these groups mentioned and it is reasonable to believe that they were

five house-based fellowships that were part of the church in Rome.

1 Corinthians 16:15 refers to the household of Stephanus who “devoted

themselves to the ministry of the saints”. Stephanus is referred to as a minister and a

co-worker with Paul. He ministered through the church that was based in his house as

well as travelling in ministry. In v.19 Priscilla and Aquila had a church in their

house in Ephesus, as well as in Rome later and in Corinth earlier.

In Colossians 4:15 the church is in the house of Nymphas [or Nympha].

Philemon (1-2) hosted and led the church in his house. He was known for

his love and faith and his refreshing ministry to the saints (4-6) and to Paul the apostle


As in the book of Acts there are only some specific references to the churches

being in the houses. However there are no references in either the book of Acts or the

Epistles to the church meeting customarily anywhere else. It is time to return to

New Testament Christianity, to follow the apostolic pattern clearly set in the


As it is Written The apostles in the Bible minister publicly and from house to house. The

public ministry was generally evangelism, but included speaking in the synagogues

regularly in the early years of the church and also in the Temple precincts. Prayer

meetings were held in the Temple area. However the normal life of the church was

lived out [conducted] in the homes, from house to house. The new converts that

came from public evangelism were received into the church; that church met in many

homes. The three thousand saved on the day of Pentecost were added to the hundred

and twenty, and met in many homes daily, and were growing daily “the Lord added

to their number daily those who were being saved” Acts 2:47.

The only mention of the venue of church meetings as such in the Scriptures is

in houses. Yes, public witness happened in a variety of places, but never does the

Bible suggest that the church met in these places for the conduct of normal church

life. Normal church life, which is the ‘conduct’ or function of the church was

undisputedly in the houses. So why is there such confusion today? Often when I tell

another minister about the development of ministry in the house and the formation of

house churches, the comment is, ‘Oh, when the group grows they will be able to get a

building.’ No, that is not our goal. The goal is the multiplication of disciples who

meet in houses to hear the apostles doctrine, to fellowship together including the

meeting of each others needs, to break bread regularly – at least weekly but

preferably daily and to pray together to discover God’s purpose day by day; to

nurture the new converts and to disciple the believers.

The Conduct of Ministry in the House In the church that meets in the house there is

prayer, enabling the lost to find Jesus, praise and worship,

fellowship and sharing,

apostolic doctrine – leading to sound doctrine practiced, revelation

understood and grace received.

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many opportunities for ministry – signs and wonders, preaching and


All of these are illustrated in Acts 2:42-47:

Acts2:42 “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and

fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Five-fold ministry happened in

the house. The apostles came to the meetings and taught the doctrine; the saints

shared fellowship, broke bread and prayed together. These four aspects are the key

works of the church functioning in the house. Even quite mature believers are

continually made dependent on the staff of the local church – never delegated to

function in ministry at home breaking bread, praying together and studying the Word.

v.43 “Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were

done through the apostles.” There was evidence of the kingdom of God in the midst.

The sick were healed; miracles were happening in the houses.

v.44-45 “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,

and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had

need.” The fellowship that develops out of house-based ministry leads to a deep level

of sharing. Every member in the group is known and valued; individual needs are

shared openly and prayed about; help, support and provision flows as the Lord leads.

v.46 “So continuing daily with one accord … breaking bread from house to

house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.” There was the

opportunity for believers to meet daily in open friendly ways, to share meals together

and to share opportunities of experiencing the Lord through the breaking of bread.

The breaking of bread in the Scripture from its inception at the Last Supper was

always in the context of the meal. Today as the church returns to the house meeting

the breaking of bread can once again be part of the fellowship meal and take on

greater meaning.

v.47 “Praising God and having favour with all the people. And the Lord

added to the church daily those who were being saved.” The place of praise and

worship is in the house meeting. The house-based church is in ‘natural’ contact with

neighbours and all who live in the vicinity of the house church. The early Christians

had ‘favour with all the people’ – this means they were popular and well thought of.

Neighbours are easily included into house church.

The Testimony of Scripture is Clear The New Testament church met in houses. The church was planted in every

friendly house. Acts 5:42 “And daily in the temple and in every house, they did not

cease teaching and preaching Jesus the Christ.” In Luke 10, Jesus sent the

witnesses out two by two into every city and place where He was about to go. He

instructed them to find a friendly house and minister there, healing the sick and

preaching the kingdom of God.

The Goal is

multiple church plants: a church in the home of every Christian

family; a church in the house of every Christian household; a church

on every floor of every apartment block & every office block; a

church in every street; a church in every farming district.

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for the gospel to be fully preached; for the Great Commission to be

fulfilled; for the church to be prepared for the Lord’s return.

Therefore there needs to be a Bible based, soul winning, Holy Spirit

empowered church, in the midst of every group of people, so that

every soul is contacted and impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ministering from House to House For some years now the Lord has given us a focus of planting the church “in

every friendly house”. The Lord’s instructions to the seventy that He sent out in

Luke 10 was to find a house where they were received and to heal the sick and preach

the gospel in that house. In the book of Acts and in various places in the Epistles we

find references to the church meeting in the house. In fact houses were the main and

even the only meeting place of the church. Dedicated church buildings did not

appear until well after the New Testament writing time. It is difficult for us in the

modern era to comprehend how the church operated initially because the general

format of church meetings of today is so different. However there has been an

ongoing restoration of the church in the house.

In late 2005, a team of us were taken by an apostolic pastor who is based in a

small country town to a total of six localities [one city, four towns and a farming

property]. The meetings were with one person on the farm and a gathering of 15 was

the largest meeting. However in every place the Lord released His word specifically

and there was an anointing of revelation and understanding. We were amazed to see

the Lord working as we went ‘from house to house’ sharing the word of God and

ministering to the needs of God’s people.

We see the outworking of revival in our day, not at this time with lots of

people being saved, but rather the saints having life-changing experiences as we

speak of the apostolic revelation and the spirit of sonship. God is enabling us to

minister to individuals and small groups, who are learning to ‘be the church’, who

are no longer dependent upon a structure or a hierarchy or a set order of service, but

who are experiencing the leading of the Holy Spirit, who are taking responsibility to

be disciples, to grow in the knowledge of the word. In all of this, God is preparing a

people for the influx of many in the future.

At SHILOH a typical weekend sees teams from SHILOH going out to minister

in various house settings. For example on one weekend two of our pastors visited

house churches in Tamworth and Dorrigo [both of these towns are over 6hrs from our

base] and visited saints in another town – they were away for five days. Another

family drove over 200 kms, and ministered on a property in an isolated area. Another

pastoral couple ministered in house churches in separate towns on consecutive

weekends. God continues to open doors for apostolic ministry from house to house

and the church is being planted in the house and functioning in a scriptural way.

Growing In Christian Community In late 2005 a team of four from SHILOH Apostolic Company spent two and a

half weeks living in a Christian community in a nation where the population are

nearly all Muslim and the three percent Christian minority are mostly nominal

Christians belonging to a traditional denomination. All the ‘Christian’ cults are

present in this nation, as well as cults we have not heard of before.

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In the midst of such an environment God is raising a last days church.

Pentecostals have been preaching the gospel and effectively planting some few

churches. However now there are a band of younger leaders among the

Pentecostals who have a heart for the full apostolic restoration and reformation

of the church. Already their work on the ground is uniquely effective as they come

out of a community base where other family members and relatives are fully

committed to the work of the ministry that these pastors are doing. We had the

privilege of living in this community!

Every Member Contributing We stayed in a Christian compound of an extended family including married

sons and their families and other close relatives. This extended family are all fully

committed to the establishment of the kingdom of God: some go out to work, one

of the brothers is a successful businessman, and all contribute financially to the

work of the ministry. The son who is a pastor is honoured by the whole family as the

man of God and all are involved in the work of the ministry. As well, other co-

workers, who do not live in the particular compound, are fully involved in the


This Christian compound is in the midst of a Muslim district but this family

are well regarded. They find favour in business with Muslim businessmen often

coming to the home to consult. As well neighbours came with prayer needs and came

back to testify that God had answered the prayers. Through Muslim business contacts

we were provided with transport and on one occasion hosted in a restaurant for a

lovely meal.

The Church in the House This extended family with so many of them living together and working

together for the extension of ministry, was obviously ready to become the church in

the house, and the core of an emerging apostolic company. On the second Sunday

afternoon, relatives and others supporting our brother’s ministry, gathered with the

household and we had the most wonderful ‘house church’ meeting, with over 60

sitting on the floor of the compound courtyard.

This was a new experience for these brethren as they had formerly associated

‘church’ with a set meeting in a dedicated building, even though their church plants

are in house compounds. One of the highlights of the house church was the Breaking

of Bread and including the whole family in this celebration with our Lord Jesus

Christ. In many ways this house meeting was the highlight as it demonstrated the

restoration of the apostolic church, reforming to meet in the house.

A Practical Observation Since we began Revival Ministries in 1998 we have been committed to

planting the church in the house. We knew from the beginning that ‘we are the

church’ and the Lord showed us to practice the ‘first works’ according to Acts 2:42.

This we did everywhere we went, even in the car as we travelled and even on the

aeroplane when we went internationally. We encouraged meetings in the house

wherever we went and for some years as we have travelled in Australia, we have been

received in many houses and not so many church buildings.

Early in 2007, we asked our folk who were meeting in a congregational

meeting at SHILOH Centre on Sundays to break up as a congregation and meet in

smaller house churches. We already had two house churches meeting on Sundays in

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localities outside of the city of Toowoomba, but since January three more house

churches meet in the city. One of these groups continues to meet in the SHILOH

Centre but sitting in a circle in a downstairs area.

On one Sunday each month the five house churches come together for a

Community Sunday celebration. On that weekend we also have a special Friday

night meeting with worship and time to wait upon the Lord and on the Saturday a

training day from 10am to 4pm. Brethren from regional house churches, even from

far distances, gather with us on those special weekends and they have become very

significant times in our church life.

The reasons why we made the change in home base from a congregational

meeting to house churches were as follows:

to enhance the accountability of each individual saint to be a contributing

member in the church meeting (1Cor.14:26)

to encourage each individual saint or family to take responsibility for the well-

being of the other members of the house church.

to give to each member a sense of ownership: ‘this is my church and I am responsible and accountable for its success’.

Meeting in the smaller groups: a) enables individuals to function in giftings and contribute in the meeting

b) encourages the brethren to begin to care for each other as the whole group

operates more like a family

c) facilitates the raising and training of new leadership, giving apprentices

ministry experience.

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In August 2005, a prophet shared a message at SHILOH entitled, ‘the third

day church’. This was the first time we had heard teaching on the third day church.

Within nine months we had heard two more teachings on the third day church from

visiting ministers at SHILOH.

The Scripture texts primarily used are Hosea 6:2 “After two days He will

revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His sight” and

Luke 13:32 “and He said to them ‘Go tell that fox, Behold I cast out demons and

perform cures today and tomorrow and the third day I shall be perfected [I shall

reach My goal NIV].” This is prophetically understood as referring to millennial days

which equal 1000 years each. From Adam to Christ is approximately 4000 years and

from the time of Christ [His death] until now is nearly 2000 years and so the church is

now in the transitional time of millennial change, bringing us to the time of His

coming and the subsequent rule and reign of Christ on the earth with His saints for

1000 years. God is quickening his work in our day because there will be a kingdom

people, priests of the order of Melchizedek, walking in maturity, becoming the

glorious church Jesus is preparing for Himself.

The Tripartite Nature of His Unfolding Revelation For years God has been unfolding the tripartite nature of His unfolding

revelation in His dealings with man, bringing us to the walk in maturity whereby we

enter in and experience the third stage. This is illustrated in the revelational teaching

of the Tabernacle of Moses.

The Tabernacle of Moses

Outer Court, which can be said to be the first day church experience; Jesus has saved us out of the world, in the fulfilment of the ministry of the Outer Court [the

altar of blood sacrifice and the water laver = salvation including water baptism].

the Holy Place, which can be said to be the second day church experience; Jesus has baptised us in the Holy Spirit bringing us into the experience of the Holy

Place where we learn to minister to God

entering within the veil to the Holy of Holies which is the revelation of the third

day church; finally Jesus brings us within the veil entering into the fullness of the

Father’s glory. This is where we are destined to come!

Hebrews 9:1-5 briefly describes the Tabernacle of Moses, but in doing so

makes known to us a major revelation. Verse 2 says that in the first room of the

Tabernacle, called the Sanctuary or the Holy Place, there is the lampstand and the

table of shewbread but does not mention the third piece of furniture that was in the

Holy Place, the Golden Altar of Incense. Then the Scripture says that along with the

Ark of the Covenant the Golden ‘censer’ was in the Holy of Holies (v.3-4). However

the Greek word SC#2369 is ‘thumiasterion’ and means literally ‘a place of fumigation

in the sense of smoking, that is, the altar of incense’ but has been translated ‘censer’.

This is clearly a misinterpretation.

The Altar of Incense

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The altar of incense was an essential piece of God-given furniture in the

Tabernacle. Originally it was placed outside of the veil directly aligned with the Ark

of the Covenant. In the New Testament it is now said to be in the Holiest of Holies.

How can this be, and what deep truth is the Holy Spirit revealing to us? Through the

death of Jesus the veil has been removed and we enter the Holiest boldly “through

His flesh” (Heb10:20). The veil is now no longer there to separate one part of God’s

house from the other part, meaning that we have access to the very seat of His throne

of grace! (Heb.4:16)

The Three Feasts of Israel A revelational understanding of the Feasts of Israel enables us to enter into the

experience of the third feast and the walk in maturity unto perfection.

Passover in its three parts: Day of Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread and Day

of First fruits, is fulfilled by Jesus dying on the cross and rising again and is

fulfilled in the life of the believer through salvation including water baptism.

Pentecost, the Greek name of the Feast of Weeks, a single one day Feast, 50 days

after Passover, is fulfilled by Jesus sending the Holy Spirit, enabling the saints

to minister as priests and servants.

The Feast of Tabernacles beginning with the memorial blowing of Trumpets – calling the church to walk in maturity – followed by the Day of Atonement which

is fulfilled by the saints forsaking all sin, brings us to the time of Tabernacles

which is fulfilled by the fullness of the Godhead indwelling the saints

(Jn.14:23, Col.2:9-10).

The Revelation of the Godhead Each of the feasts and each compartment of the Tabernacle reveal to us and in

us the Persons of the Godhead;

firstly Jesus who saves us and we say we have come to know Jesus and we become His disciples, His children

secondly the Holy Spirit; Jesus fills us with the Holy Spirit and we come to know

the life in the Spirit, becoming His ministers;

thirdly the Father; the final goal is for Jesus to bring us in the fullness of the Spirit to the Father, being ‘adopted as sons’.

We have already seen that the presentation of the Tabernacle of Moses in the

New Testament is no longer presented as two distinct rooms but one because the veil

is now removed through Jesus. Therefore finally the revelation of God which John

says is the revelation that the fathers have “they know Him who is from the

beginning” (1Jn.2:12,14), is the revelation of the ONENESS of God.

Inheriting the Promises of God The other clear Old Testament type that typifies our walk is the Exodus of

Israel from Egypt, the journeying through the wilderness [of the world], then

reaching and inheriting the Promised Land. We are saved out of the world, but like

the children of Israel it takes the dealings of God by His Spirit to get the world out of

us – the restoration of our souls, “He restoreth my soul” – so that we are ready as

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overcomers to enter into the inheritance and walk with God in the fulfilment of His

precious and magnificent promises (2 Pet.1:2-4).

Many have taught that the inheritance or ‘Promised Land’ is heaven. However

this is a serious misunderstanding of God’s eternal purpose as clearly taught in the

Scriptures. Paul teaches us in Ephesians 3:2-11 that it is the revelation of the mystery

of Christ and His church that brings the fulfilment of God’s eternal purpose; in

1Corinthians 2:6-7 Paul tells us that it is this mystery, the ‘wisdom for the mature’,

the ‘hidden wisdom’, which God ordained before the ages for our glory.

The inheritance is not heaven but it is the kingdom of heaven revealed in the

earth through the church, bringing to fulfilment the promise of God that “the earth

will be filled with God’s glory” (Num.14:21) and “that knowledge of the glory of the

Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea”(Hab.2:14). This is outworked

by the manifestation of the sons of God (Rom.8:19) which is the “bringing of many

sons to glory” (Heb.2:10). Heaven is already filled with God’s glory, but His clear

intention is to fill the earth with His glory.

Little Children, Young Men and Fathers The apostle John (1Jn.2:12-14), clearly describes three generations, or age

groups, based on maturity that should exist in the church at all times: little children,

young men, and fathers.

Little Children

Little children represent the newly saved who need to be founded in the faith

through the nurture of the pastoral ministry, feeding them the milk of the word. Jesus

said to Peter “Feed My lambs” (Jn.21:15).

Then these same children need to be discipled in the word, that is, taught the

word of God - the doctrines of the faith – by the teacher. Jesus has commanded us to

“make disciples of all the nations, baptising them …, teaching them to observe all

things” (Matt.28:19-20).

Unfortunately most churches are not being obedient to make disciples but are

content to get ‘more church members’. It was a great shock to a brother apostle of

mine that when he began a discipleship group in a local church, he found some

members of the church were not even saved, others were not baptised in water and

most had never spoken in tongues. There has been a negligent attitude towards basic


Young Men

The ‘young men’ are the ones “who are strong, and the word of God abides

in them and they have overcome the wicked one” (1Jn.2:14). The ‘young men’

represent the believers who having received some basic discipleship [training in the

word] and now have a testimony; the word is abiding in them and they have victory

over the devil. Therefore they are able to minister to others. Such ones need specific

training and equipping for ministry to become servants in the house of God, preaching

the kingdom of God.


The ‘fathers’ are the mature ones. [Remember “in Christ Jesus, there is

neither male nor female” (Gal.3:28)] Fathers by definition have children. The

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normal expectation of God in the Scripture is for there to be ‘fathers’ in the church,

that is, spiritual fathers and mothers to bring up the little children to become the

young men who then need fathering to bring them to the place of maturity. When the

young men have come to that place of maturity they will receive the “predestined

adoption as sons” (Eph.1:5). It is at the time of maturity [a ‘kairos’ time, not a

specific ‘chronos’ time] that the young man is ready to receive “the adoption” which

is ‘the placing as a son’, the time to receive the promised inheritance.

God has Restored Fathers Because there has been a dearth of fathers in the church of Jesus Christ, God

has provided the answer through the sending of “Elijah the prophet, and he will turn

[is turning] the hearts of the fathers to the children” (Mal.4:5-6). To this end God

has raised apostles at the end of the age who, coming in the spirit and power of Elijah,

are fathers and through the apostolic fathers that He has raised, God is releasing the

truth and reality of sonship. However in this awesome restoration there has been some

misunderstanding and misapplication.

Some apostolic fathers have concentrated on raising sons unto themselves and have overemphasised the reality of ‘having fathers’ in an unscriptural way. In the

natural it is children who need a father not mature sons. So it is in the spiritual: it is

the children in Christ who need the fathers to raise them and train them to become

servants in the kingdom of God. As those servants mature they come to the place of

being ready to receive the adoption. Some have not seen the revelation of ‘sonship’

that is clearly taught in Scripture and that the experience and reality of sonship is

actually an experience of the Holy Spirit Himself bringing to pass the promised

‘adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His

will, to the praise of the glory of His grace’ Eph.1:5-6.

God alone can ‘beget’ sons

Those who have just become sons need some fathering to become successful

fathers. However God alone can ‘beget’ sons. It is a spiritual operation so powerful

that mature ministers have said ‘it is like being born again, again!’ The role of the

apostle as a father is to father sons, thus becoming a father to fathers. The sons then

who have been fathered by the apostle are able to father the ‘young men’ who are

growing up in the ministry to bring them into sonship and they in turn become fathers.

God wants all of His children fathered and God is “bringing many sons to glory”

through Jesus Christ who has already been made perfect through His sufferings for us


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“Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Indeed, Elijah is coming first and will

restore all things’” Matt.17:11. ‘Elijah came’ through the ministry of John the

Baptist, in preparation for the first coming of our Lord Jesus (v.12-13). But Elijah is

to come again and restore all things before the “great and dreadful day of the Lord”

(Mal.4:5) – the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus.

The Dreadful Day of the Lord We are blessed to be living in the time of preparation for the Second Coming,

although it is a ‘dreadful day’. The ‘dread’ is because of the increasing judgments of

our Lord in the earth. A team of us had been in Pakistan until a few days before the

earthquake in late 2005.

It was a shock to us to realise that at least to the ones we went to, I was the

first real apostle they had received in Pakistan, and to realise that much prayer was

being offered for Pakistan by saints in Australia, Mauritius, Africa, Myanmar and

probably other places. In that nation we experienced heavy oppression of poverty,

confusion, hostility, suspicion and unfriendliness. Then we witnessed a judgment [the

earthquake of November 2005] that effected millions, over 70,000 losing their lives.

God clearly says in His word that the purpose of judgments in the earth is that the

people “shall know that I am the LORD” (Ezek.30:19).

Judgement at His Coming The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is in a large measure for judgment: He

will be “revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking

vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel

of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from

the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes in that

Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe” 2


The Spirit of Adoption Integral to the restoration being brought about by ‘Elijah to restore all

things’ is the restoration of the hearts of the fathers and the restoration of the hearts of

the children (Mal.4:6). The great grace that Jesus Christ is releasing to us all in these

days is the grace of sonship; He is releasing the spirit of adoption, which is the

release of His grace and power to enable us to walk in sonship, to walk in a

mature relationship with God as our Father. We become “heirs of God and joint

heirs with Christ” (Rom. 8:17) the day we are born again, but we must grow up in

Christ from babyhood, through childhood, through adolescence and young adulthood

to the age of maturity, which is the age of adoption as a son, now grown up, now

ready to receive the inheritance that God has laid up for us.

The receiving of this great grace and enabling power is available for all whose

hearts are for Christ in these last days; to those who will forsake all to “seek first the

kingdom of God and His righteousness” Matt.6:33; to those who will “come out

from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean,

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and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you and you shall be My sons and

daughters, says the Lord Almighty” 2 Cor.6:17-18.

We are to be separated unto God and His purpose: no mixture! No unequal


No idols in the heart, drawing us away. No longer excusing ourselves as to why

we cannot be wholehearted and single-minded for Christ and His purposes.

Grace and Apostleship

“Through Him [Jesus Christ] we have received grace and apostleship for

the obedience to the faith among all nations for His name” Rom.1:5. This is such a

powerful verse revealing to us the means whereby the gospel will triumph in all

nations. God has given us grace through Jesus Christ and it is through the

‘apostleship’ that the nations will be reached; it is through the reality of this special,

peculiar, New Testament gift given first by God in sending Jesus Christ the apostle of

our confession (Heb.3:1). Then this gift was given by Jesus Christ in faithfully raising

the twelve apostles: a New Testament ministry for a new covenant, for the founding,

establishing and building of the church of Jesus Christ; and then given by Jesus in

His ascension through the Holy Spirit. Therefore this grace of apostleship is available

today and is exactly what the church needs today to fulfil our God-given task.

Obedience = ‘to Hear Under’

A key word in Romans 1:5 is the word OBEDIENCE. It literally means to

‘hear under’. The same word is used in 2 Corinthians 10:5 “bringing every thought

captive to the obedience of Christ.” It is crucial how we hear and what we hear; it

has to do with the preparation of the heart and a deep desire and conviction to believe

in and seek God (Heb.11:6). It is “obedience to the faith”. How does faith come?

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Rom. 10:17.

What are you hearing? Does what you hear lead to the obedience of faith?

Unless you position yourself to hear the apostles doctrine and position

yourself to receive the revelation of the mystery from His holy apostles and prophets

(Eph.3:4-5 & 8-10), you will not be able to receive the grace of apostleship that God

has given in and through Jesus Christ. It is this apostolic grace that brings the church

in every nation to “the obedience to the faith”. This is the faith that we are to contend

for, “the faith once and for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). That faith has been

watered down or taught incompletely up until this time but now God has restored

apostles and prophets to do the work of the ministry, completing the five-fold ministry

that Christ gave in His ascension, “for the perfecting of the saints, …, building up

the body of Christ till we all come to the unity of the faith, to the knowledge of the

Son of God, to a perfect man” (Eph.4:12-13).

From Foundations to Perfection Foundations in the house of God are apostles and prophets (Eph.2:20).

These two ministries found the church properly in the grace and truth of our Lord

Jesus Christ who is the only foundation (1 Cor.3:11) upon which to build. Then the

evangelist effectively preaches the gospel, bringing new converts into a properly

founded church where the pastor and the teacher function in ministry, to nurture and

disciple the believers.

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However the ministries of pastor and teacher can only bring the saints so far in

terms of their maturity. Then the prophets and apostles need to provide training and

equipping to bring the saints to full maturity, being able to perceive, understand and

teach the deeper wisdom of God, the revelation of the mystery.

Jesus Christ is the foundation of the church. There is no other foundation on

which to build. The apostles are the first foundation ministry: “you are Peter” a

foundation stone. “To you I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven”

(Matt.16:18-19). How powerful is that!

Jesus Christ has given New Testament prophets, the seers, the eyes of the

five-fold ministry to work alongside of the apostles, to point the way, to warn of

pitfalls, to discern opposition, to declare present truth, to speak life into people and

churches. In these days God is providing for every fellowship, every local church,

every house church to receive the Biblical foundations of the ministries of apostles

and prophets.

Then the church can be built into Christ, the chief cornerstone and the

church can grow up in all aspects into the head who is Christ. For this to happen

the prophets and apostles are also needed to provide equipping [perfecting] for the

saints to enable the whole body to grow up, coming “to the unity of the faith and the

knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of

the fullness of Christ” (Eph.4:12-13). The same ministries that provide the

foundational link to the Rock, Christ, now bring about the completion of the building

of the church by preaching Christ, “warning every man and teaching every man in

all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus” (Col.1:28).

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A woman clothed with the sun Revelation 12 introduces “a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon

under her feet and on her head a garland of twelve stars” (v1). Who is the woman?

Before we answer this question, let us remind ourselves that Revelation 1:1 tells us

the Book of Revelation is revealing things “which must shortly take place”, that is,

telling us of things yet to come. This woman is described in cosmic proportions: she is

“clothed with the sun”. At His transfiguration Jesus’ face “shone like the sun”

(Matt.17:2). The church is said to be the ‘bride of Christ’; the church is the woman.

The woman has taken on the characteristics of the Son of God, the husbandman.

A fiery red dragon This woman is ready to give birth and at that point “another sign appeared in

heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and

seven diadems on his heads”v3. There is no doubt as to who is the dragon. The devil

is the implacable enemy of the church, always intent on stealing, killing and

destroying (Jn.10:10).

A child is to be born “The dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour

her child as soon as it was born”v4. There is a birthing prophesied and this birthing

is referred to many times in the Scripture. Zion is giving birth to her sons! Many

Scriptures in the Prophets speak of Zion in labour, travailing to give birth. Isaiah

66:7-10 is such a passage: “Before she was in labour, she gave birth; before her

pain came she delivered a male child. … For as soon as Zion travailed, she gave

birth to her children.” Zion prophetically represents the Bride of Christ; she delivers

a male child [singular]; she gave birth to children [plural]. We can say from this that

the male child represents a corporate entity.

To become the sons of God In Romans 8 Paul speaks of “the creation eagerly waiting for the revealing

of the sons of God” v19. Then he says “the whole creation groans and labours with

birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of

the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the

adoption … The Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which

cannot be uttered” v22,23,26. There is a birthing! It is to bring forth the sons of God!

The Spirit is at work in the bride church to bring something to birth: to bring to birth

the sons of God for whom all of creation waits.

To rule all nations with a rod of iron “She bore a male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron”

(Rev.12:5). This reference is taken from Psalm 2:7-9 where the Son is promised the

nations as His inheritance and He “shall break them with a rod of iron; shall dash

them to pieces as a potter’s vessel.” Because of this, some have said that the woman

is Mary or the woman is the Old Covenant community that brought forth Messiah.

However, if the Book of Revelation is concerning things to come then we must look

further to understand the church and the bringing forth of a man child company in

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these last days. The true church is made up of Spirit-born, Spirit-baptised believers

who are baptised members of the body (1Cor.12:13).

Overcoming Jezebel

Revelation 2:18-29 is Jesus’ letter to the church at Thyatira. This is the church

that is called to overcome Jezebel. This is the only New Testament reference to Jezebel but it is a very important one. Jesus promises that those who overcome

Jezebel and “keep My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations

– ‘He shall rule them with a rod of iron; they shall be dashed to pieces like the

potter’s vessels’ – as I also have received from My Father.” It is this promise to the

church overcoming the power of Jezebel that gives us understanding of whom the

male child can be.

To rule is to shepherd

The woman in Revelation 12 is giving birth to a male child who was to rule

all nations with a rod of iron. The promise to Messiah in Psalm 2 is given by Messiah

to His church in Revelation 2:26-27. The word ‘rule’ in Revelation 2:27, 12:5,

19:15, is the Greek 'poimaino’, meaning ‘to tend as a shepherd’. Christ rules as a

shepherd king and His people will rule with Him with a shepherd’s heart but ‘with a

rod of iron’.

By the uncompromising word of God

How does a shepherd rule with a rod of iron? The rod is the rod of discipline

or instruction and iron is very strong and unbreakable. The rod of iron is the

uncompromising word of God! It is every word of Scripture “given by inspiration of

God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in

righteousness” 2Tim.3:16.

Who or what shall be dashed to pieces?

The nations will be dashed to pieces! In what way? The antichrist systems and

laws imposed on people that make it illegal for the gospel to be preached; that puts

pastors in jail for making converts; that put people to death who convert to

Christianity etc. It is these systems of government and law that oppose the LORD and

His Christ that will be dashed to pieces (Ps.2:1-12).

The spirit of Elijah Some have said that the power of Jezebel is the specific enemy of the ministry

of the prophet and the prophetic restoration of recent decades. However in the original

context of the Book of Kings, Elijah represents more than the prophetic ministry. In

reality Elijah is a type of the King/Priest.

In the nation of Israel at that time, Elijah had the ministry of priest in that he

was authorised to offer sacrifices but he also had the ministry of king in that the real

authority in the nation was with him and king Ahab was subject to the word of the

LORD through Elijah. Then in Revelation 2 Jezebel is to be overcome by the church

in Thyatira, not overcome by a prophet as such, but overcome by the church. It is the

church that is endowed with the spirit of Elijah that is being raised in these last days

to overcome Jezebel.

Our experience in the apostolic restoration is that of persistent and continual

attacks from the Jezebel spirit. The power of Jezebel is the power of Satan trying to

stop the church ruling and reigning in the earth. Even as Jezebel was totally destroyed

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by the word of the Lord so the Jezebel spirit will be destroyed by the word of the


The overcoming company “And her child was caught up to God and to His throne”(Rev.12:5). This

child is a corporate entity even as the woman giving birth is a corporate entity. The

male child [man child] can refer to ‘the sons of God’; it can refer to the apostolic

company; it can refer to the company of overcomers. These are all ways of describing

or pointing to the remnant church that is being birthed and raised in these last days.

Being “caught up to God and to His throne” is not referring to a catching away

[rapture] of the church out of the earth realm, but is referring to the nature of the

relationship that this elect group [man child] has with God: they are walking with

God in a transforming way even as Enoch walked with God, and they are an

overcoming body of saints who know the authority of the Lord of lords and the

King of kings [His throne], who are preaching and representing His kingdom on

the earth. Such a company will rule the nations!

How are we caught up to God and to His throne?

It is by being born from above (Jn.3:3); we must be born of the Spirit to enter

the kingdom of God (Jn.3:6). Since the day I was born again I have known that I am a

part of the kingdom of God. God is my Father and the Lord Jesus Christ is the King.

If there is a kingdom there must be a throne.

The nature of the Christian walk is such that we are meant to grow from being

babes in Christ to ruling and reigning with Christ in His kingdom. The sons of God

company has to come to birth; then there is a time of growth before the sons come

to maturity and walk with God in such a way that His kingdom is manifest

through them.

The Son of God Himself was in His mother’s womb for the normal time; then

He had to grow to maturity over 30 years. He then ministered for three and a half

years, manifesting the kingdom of God, completing the work the Father had given

Him to do. We are being prepared now for a time of awesome manifestation of Christ

in us, the result being that all the nations will be disciplined by the word of God and

finally Babylon will fall.

War in the heavens The result of this male child being birthed, who is now walking with God in

such an awesome relationship, is that “war broke out in heaven” (Rev.12:7). Notice

that the war in the heavenlies is between “Michael and his angels and the dragon

and his angels.” The war in the heavenlies is the LORD’s! The church is not called to

war in the heavenlies.

As a result of the war, the devil “who deceives the whole world, was cast to

the earth and his angels were cast out with him” v9. The church is called to

overcome in the earth! Our battle is with the accuser of the brethren who has been cast

down from heaven. Our victory is on the basis that “Now salvation, and strength,

and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come” v10.

The church is giving birth to sons Out of the true church made up of born again believers, sons are now being

birthed world-wide. The message of sonship was heralded forth in earlier decades by

some pioneers but now is the time for the fulfilment of this message. There is the

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bringing forth of the sons of God! These sons are representatively known as the man

child, as the overcoming company, a mature body of believers. In the apostolic

company it is easy to have this seed of sonship birthed in you. Then there is a time of

growth to come to maturity and to learn to walk in maturity. We can be part of this

man child!

The church is giving birth to sons.

These sons will be a militant, witnessing group of people

who will be unstoppable, indestructible;

the apostolic company who will rule the nations with a rod of iron.

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An understanding and practice of apostolic company The Lord is revealing the corporate nature of the church by bringing an

understanding and practice of apostolic company. In the days of Noah the ark of

salvation was a boat, but in these last days the ark of salvation is the church of

Jesus Christ. This demands a full and deep understanding of the true church as

revealed in the New Testament. The 120 in the upper room

The understanding of apostolic company comes firstly from the example of

the 120 disciples including the apostles and their leadership, who continued in the

upper room in obedience to Jesus in Acts 1. These brethren continued in prayer and

supplication and were “in one accord”. The main task given to Peter by the Holy

Spirit was to set the twelfth apostle in place so that the foundations upon which the

church was to be built, would be complete. Company is Scriptural

Later in the Book of Acts we find reference to “companions” (Acts 4:23,

21:8) and “company” (Acts 15:22). The concept of company as an understanding of

how the New Testament church functions in committed fellowship is found in the

Scripture and it is a God idea. For some years now we have been obediently

developing the practice of company at SHILOH as the Lord instructed us to do. This

company includes not only locally based people but related brethren in house

churches and small groups even thousands of kilometres away.

Authority and protection in the company

When an apostolic company begins to function properly there is tremendous

authority and protection released for the work of the ministry. In

September/October 2007, a team went out from SHILOH apostolic company to

minister in West Africa, London and the USA. In preparation for this trip there was

much corporate prayer in the company based at SHILOH. This prayer experience

became so strong that we saw that the team going out was not being sent out from the

company but rather the company [as expressed in the corporate prayer meeting] was

extending overseas through the team that was going out. We spoke of this

prophetically before we went and then we experienced the reality of it while we were


One in the apostolic mission

It was not only the team overseas that experienced this new level of being

joined to an apostolic company and feeling the effect of that even in a far country, but

also the brethren back home, even in isolated house churches up and down the East

coast of Australia, also experienced a new level of being joined and being one in the

apostolic mission that was being spearheaded by the team ministering overseas. There

were victories at home and abroad because we are beginning to become an

overcoming company

By the Blood of the Lamb Revelation 12:11 teaches us that victory over Satan, the accuser of the

brethren, is only possible as a corporate [plural] body of believers are properly joined

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together in the body of Christ. The Scripture says 'they overcame him'. It is as the

saints are joined together in apostolic company - a pattern people - who are committed

to walking in maturity, that "the blood of the Lamb" works to give the saints the


How does the blood of the Lamb work?

"If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one

another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (1Jn.1:7)

Brethren, it is essential that we walk together in the light of Jesus Christ, being led by

His Spirit in the light of His word, being in open, respectful and loving fellowship and

submitting to one another in the fear of Christ. A submitted life to the brethren in the

fear of God, is a sign of a Spirit filled life (Eph.5:18-21).

Therefore whenever difficulties, disagreements, misunderstandings or any

other problem arise between brethren, we must keep very short accounts and be

reconciled quickly to one another in the fear of Christ. This is how the “blood of

Jesus Christ” works in the body: whenever a problem [sin] arises, it is to be dealt

with immediately by repentance and confession, allowing the blood of Christ to

cleanse. Thus the relationships in the body are restored in the short term, allowing true

fellowship and enabling the saints to walk in the light together.

While there is vital need for each individual saint to walk in the light of Jesus

Christ, it is the corporate experience and expression that God is looking for – the

church walking in maturity – and it is the corporate expression that will overcome the

accuser of the brethren, providing for all the members in the fellowship to be walking

in victory.

The body functioning together

Colossians 3:12-17 is a powerful and commanding guide to life together in

the body of Christ. God expects the body to function in this way, “bearing with one

another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another,

even as Christ forgave you, so you also.” We can too easily overlook the clear

teaching and guidance of God through the Scripture in which He is instructing us as to

how we should walk and conduct ourselves in relationships in the body.

The apostolic company is referred to as ‘the elect of God’ and “the elect” are

to “put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness and long suffering.” All of

these are relationship words, governing our attitudes and our actions in relationship to

other members of the body. Then the Scripture says “put on love … and let the peace

of God rule in your hearts.” This is all in the context of the body.

By the Word of Their Testimony Secondly they overcame the accuser of the brethren "by the word of their

testimony". Notice again it is a corporate confession, 'their testimony'. This takes us

again to Philippians 3:15-17 "as many as are mature, have this mind ... Let us walk

by the same rule, let us be of the same mind.” Let us “be a pattern people”!

The apostolic confession

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The word of their testimony is the apostolic confession of "the faith once and

for all delivered to the saints” Jude 3. This is the testimony: the knowledge of the

mystery; the fellowship of the mystery (Eph.3:2-11); the reality of adoption as

sons (Eph.1:5). It is to the company, the church corporate, that God gives "the mind

of Christ” (1 Cor.2:16).

One of the historic documents of the Reformation is the Westminster

Confession. Our fathers in the faith of that period understood the importance of

‘confession’. The word 'confess' Greek 'Homologeo’ literally means 'to speak the

same word'. It is used powerfully in Romans 10:8 wherein we ‘confess our

salvation’, believing in our hearts.

This word ‘confession’ has the connotation of 'a binding public declaration by

which a legal relation is contractually established’ (SFLBible p.1566). Remember we

are to have a confession of Jesus our Apostle (Heb.3:1). Such a confession has been

missing from the church for 1800 years. It has been the absence of the testimony of

the apostolic nature of the church that has led to a great lack of victory in recent

history for the church.

Who we are

The word of our testimony is our understanding and confession of who we are:

the body of Christ, the elect of God, the saints, and our high calling [attaining to

the resurrection of the dead, (Phil 3:11)] into the purpose of God which He has

already accomplished in Christ Jesus (Eph.3:11) and is now bringing to pass in the

last days church.

This testimony includes the knowledge of the mystery, “the fellowship of the

mystery” (Eph.3:9), whereby God now intends “that the manifold wisdom of God

might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the

heavenlies” Eph.3:10.

Can you now see how the corporate church walks in victory, overcoming the

accuser of the brethren?

Loving not their own Lives to the Death Thirdly they overcame him "loving not their own lives to the death”. This is

the outworking of 1 John 3:16 "by this we know love, because He laid down His life

for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” Loving not our

lives to the death speaks of our commitment to the fellowship, to the apostolic

company and our appreciation of our placement in the body of Christ, “we were

bought with a price” (1Cor.7:23).

The ultimate price is martyrdom, and martyrdom is not only 'dying for the

faith' but it is also laying our lives down for our friends. In recent times the Lord has

made it clear to us that He wants us ‘to give our heart to Him and to one another’.

This is the nature of apostolic company. I have given my heart to my brethren. My

brethren have given their hearts. As the reality of ‘loving not our own lives to the

death’ becomes known to us, the committed relationships that we enjoy become a

powerful bulwark against the enemy’s attack, which mostly comes through


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When we begin to walk in the revelation of apostolic

company, of true Christian fellowship and community,

we will experience corporately enormous victory over


evil one and the glory of Christ will be more and more

manifest in and through the saints.

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The first apostolic company

As we read the first chapters of the Book of Acts we see the formation of the

first apostolic company. This company included the apostles who had been with

Jesus, “the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brothers” Acts 1:14, as

well as other believers, “about one hundred and twenty” Acts1:15b. They were men

and women who were in unity and in one accord (Acts 1:14&2:1); they were of “one

heart and one soul” Acts 4:32. This apostolic company was committed to prayer. It

was through prayer that Peter was led by the Holy Spirit to appoint Matthias to

replace Judas as the twelfth apostle.

An elect group of disciples

This first example of an apostolic company was an elect group of disciples in

one accord, continuing in prayer and supplication; it was to this company that God

sent His Spirit, fulfilling the Feast of Pentecost and releasing the apostolic ministry to

raise the church of Jesus Christ.

Able to receive 3000 converts

Peter was able to stand up on behalf of the eleven and preach a powerful

message concerning the Messiah-ship of Jesus, leading to the call for people to

“repent be baptised, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and

receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” Acts 2:38. This apostolic company was prepared

and ready to receive 3000 new converts on one day! And together “they continued

steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in

prayers” Acts 2:42.

The Spirit of Sonship The apostles that Jesus had trained were ready and prepared to receive the

fullness of the Spirit of sonship and were able to minister on a level comparable to

Jesus. The experience of Acts 2 for the apostolic company in the Upper Room was

vastly different to the experience of the new converts [3000] who were baptised that

day and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. The experience of the 120 was far

different to the infilling of the Spirit that the Gentiles received in the house of

Cornelius (Acts 10) or any of the other infillings [baptisms] of the Holy Spirit in the

book of Acts.

The Pentecostal Experience

The Pentecostal revival that began in the early twentieth century and has

continued since was the restoration of the infilling or baptism of the Holy Spirit. It

was not the restoration of the fullness of the Spirit of sonship. The Spirit of sonship is

being restored today!

It is time for maturity, not time for Pentecost. Finally Pentecost is one of the

foundations but sonship is the means by which the mature church reaches the

destination, which is the glory of Christ revealed in His saints in the earth.

Called to be an apostolic person

called out of the world to follow Jesus,

forsaking all to seek first for the kingdom of God,

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taking up the cross of personal self-denial and embracing suffering for His


going forth to witness and minister wherever the Lord sends.

Obedience to this call requires a total reorientation of one’s lifestyle and a


of all of life’s goals and practical involvements to fit in with the call of God.

The call of God is not to be a good Christian only; is not to be successful in

family life as an end in itself; is not to be successful in business pursuits, except it be

the will of God. The call of God is to fulfil the purpose of God: “we are called

according to His purpose”. The purpose of God is made known to us through the

knowledge of the mystery (Eph. 3:1-11).

God is raising apostolic companies

We are called to be part of an apostolic company: to be joined together ‘in one

accord’, ‘of one heart and one soul’ as the body of believers in Acts 1-4.

In these days the Lord is raising up apostolic companies, led by apostles, with

all the five-fold ministries in place, to fully function as a body. Each part of the body

is “joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective

working by which every part does its share, causing growth of the body for the

edifying of itself in love” Eph.4:16.

God is looking for apostolic companies to whom He can add 3000 souls in one

day! In other words He is forming companies today who can receive the Holy Spirit

in fullness to become the fully functioning body of Christ in the earth.

Apostolic companies are the vanguard

Apostolic companies are the vanguard that God is raising up in these days to

demonstrate to His people the victory He has given us over the devil and Satan. As

apostolic companies begin to function in the fullness of Messiah’s authority in the

earth, then a multitude of believers will flock to embrace the apostolic and the church

will finally come to her destination: to rule and reign with Jesus the Messiah in Zion.

In the times of restoration in which we are privileged to live, God has ordained

the formation of apostolic companies around the world.

An apostolic company is:

a body of saints who have been called together in commitment

to see the kingdom of God established on earth among the nations.

these saints have been called out of institutions and organisations into a walk of clear obedience to Christ and the word of God.

in these companies all the ministries and gifts that God has given in the New Testament find their place and full expression.

these companies stretch across nations; are led by an apostle[s];

are characterised by all the company members having a clear understanding of

the call of God and a powerful revelation of sonship.

The apostolic company is a pattern for the church

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In mid 2001 the Lord instructed us to form an apostolic company and over the

years He has enlightened us as to the understanding and practice of apostolic

company. The apostolic company is raised up by the Lord to become a “pattern”


Paul refers to this in Philippians 3:15-17 where he speaks of those who “are

mature” as having the “same mind” and walking “by the same rule”. Earlier in 1

Corinthians 2:6-16, Paul refers to the “wisdom of God in a mystery” which is for the

mature to receive and this wisdom “God ordained before the ages for our glory”.

God has always intended for the church to come to maturity and it is essential

for the church to come to maturity to be able to receive the revelation of the mystery

and begin to experience and walk in the glory of the Lord.

In these last days the concept of ‘church’ has become very confused with

many referring to a building or a denomination or an institution as the church.

Therefore God is specifically raising apostolic companies to model New Testament


Notice that Paul says “we have the mind of Christ” (1Cor.2:16)! It is a plural

reality! No one member of the body will ever have “the mind of Christ” on their own

but it is a corporate reality. It is as a company [corporate body] that the church will

overcome Satan and demonstrate the victory of Christ in the midst of His people.

Called to be an apostolic church

The apostolic church of the New Testament was not denominational nor

institutional and neither is the apostolic church of the last days. Everywhere around us

believers and Christian leaders are settling for compromise, apparently not

comprehending the call of God as clearly set out by Jesus and the apostles in the Bible

or simply ignoring what the Bible clearly says. Such Christians prefer the ways and

traditions of men above obedience to the word of God, mistaking loyalty to a

denomination or tradition for faithfulness to the word of God. The first apostles were

challenged by the religious authorities of their day and told “not to teach in this

name. But Peter and the apostles answered and said: ‘We ought to obey God rather

than men’” Acts 5:28-29. Likewise Jesus expects His church today to obey God

rather than men.

Jesus is to have pre-eminence So often if a person testifies to their faith in Jesus, the immediate question is,

‘what church do you go to?’ Man’s idea and practice of church historically has been

lifted up above Jesus and yet Jesus is always to have the pre-eminence in all things

(Col.1:18). Christians generally talk more about their church and what is happening in

their church [programs] than about Jesus and what is happening in their walk with

God. This is because we have made the church ‘ours’ rather than being the church of

Jesus Christ according to the New Testament.

Reaching nations through grace and apostleship

In Romans 1:5, Paul says that he and the church of his day, the body of

Christ, “have received grace and apostleship through Christ for obedience to the

faith among all nations for His name.” The Bible says it is through grace and

apostleship received from the Father through Christ that leads to the obedience of

faith among all nations.

Jesus trained and appointed twelve apostles: to them He entrusted the birthing

and formation of the church; to them He gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven. At

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the end of the age Jesus is again raising apostles to provide a proper foundation for

His church and to call forth all the ministries and gifts that have been given and are

needed for the building of the church. The church that Jesus is building today will

withstand the gates of hell.

From Pentecost to Tabernacles It was through that first apostolic company that God brought the fulfilment of

the Feast of Pentecost and it is through the apostolic companies that God is raising in

the last days that He will bring the fulfilment of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is the

church entering into the fullness of all that God has done in Christ, “the fullness of

the Godhead dwelling bodily in Him” (Col.2:9). It is God’s intention for the fullness

of the Godhead to now dwell in the body of Christ. This is the Feast of Tabernacles in

fulfilment: God indwelling His people; the fullness of Christ revealed in His church.

“John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from

God.” He heard “a loud voice from heaven saying ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is

with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself

will be with them and be their God” Rev.21:2-3. This is the fulfilment of all things!

This is the fulfilment that comes after God has sent Jesus Christ from heaven (Acts

3:20); this is the fulfilment that comes after “the times of the restoration of all

things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world

began” Acts 3:21.

Oversight and Covering of the Apostolic Company The nature of an apostolic company is as follows: the Lord has raised up the

apostolic company, restoring the apostolic ministry and gathering around the apostolic

leadership ministers and saints who are becoming of one heart and mind to serve the

purposes of God together in this day.

The Lord is gathering a growing number of other apostles, prophets,

evangelists, pastors and teachers, helpers and administrators, gifted saints, disciples

and new believers into the company.

Every leadership ministry including apostles are accountable to each other in

an eldership that is submitted to the word of God, recognizing that everyone of us

needs teaching, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness (2 Tim.3:16).

The leadership ministries that the Lord has given, specifically apostles,

prophets and teachers (1 Cor.12:28) but often including pastors and evangelists who

are functioning as elders, exercise oversight according to the appointment of the Holy

Spirit (Acts 20:28)

Jesus is the Head

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only head of the church, “He is the head of

the body the church” (Col.1:18) and He provides a full covering of His anointing

by the Spirit and the authority of His word. The church is to “grow up into all things

into Him who is the Head – Christ – from whom the whole body joined and knit

together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which

every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love”


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The whole body relates to the head, Christ. No man is ever accredited with

headship of the church in the Scripture. Every believer is a member of His body and

Christ is the Head of every member and every part of His church. Therefore the

covering does not come through a man but comes directly from the Lord when the

church is set in apostolic order.

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Discipleship Courses for Christian Ministers and Serious Disciples

These courses have been prepared for brethren who are serious disciples of the word

of God.

There are three years of course work altogether.

The first year’s modules, seminars and practical constitute the coursework for

Certificate I.

The second year’s modules, seminars and practical constitute Certificate II,

The third year’s modules, seminars and practical constitute Certificate III.

Three Seminars There needs to be three seminars arranged for each year’s course:

one at the beginning of the course to introduce apostolic teaching to the disciples,

one in the middle of the course to consolidate the apostolic teaching in their


one at the end of the course to complete the teaching and graduate the successful


Seminars need to be presented by an apostle or apostolic teacher.

Curriculum - based on manuals and books The manuals and books that are to be studied will be made available to the

acting principal of the course and copies can be made for all participants if that is


Certificates will be issued at the end of each year’s course to those who

successfully complete the course.

Each module is based on a manual [written by Paul Galligan or one of the team

at Revival Ministries Australia] or a book. Each manual has between four and eleven


We recommend that the school meets at least one full day per week and that at

least two sessions are presented each day. Please note that some of the sessions in

some of the manuals have recommended workshops that the students are expected to

participate in.

Each year’s course is the equivalent of nine modules. Normally a module is one

manual and the books in the course are equal to 2 modules each. Some of the sessions

are longer and an individual session may take a full day. Some of the sessions are

shorter and three or four may be covered in one day. Most of the sessions are average

length and we suggest two sessions per day.

In the third year course there are two modules [M7 and M8] that are devoted to

developing practical ministry skills – preaching set biblical topics & memorizing

Scriptures in particular subject areas.

The course should be successfully completed in nine months, following the

above schedule.

Practical Ministry: there are two areas of practical ministry required for the three years of the course:

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the regular celebration of the Lord’s Supper

disciplined reading of the Scripture – the whole Bible in one year.

For further information contact Revival Ministries Australia. There may be an

apostolic leader in your area who is able to present the seminars and also have access

to the Curriculum materials. Revival Ministries Australia, PO Box. 2718, TOOWOOMBA Q.4350, Ph. +617 46130633

Location address: SHILOH Centre, 19 Russell St. Toowoomba, AUSTRALIA

Email: [email protected] Website:

Books by Paul Galligan


This book will challenge your concepts and ideas

of what church is and your place in it

Jesus said “In vain they worship Me, teaching as

doctrines the commandments of men” Mark 7:7

Read this book to understand:

becoming a son being part of an apostolic company the mystery of the church relating to Jesus as the apostle walking in our inheritance the day of the saints ruling and reigning with Jesus Christ

Read how the church becomes the glorious church Jesus is coming back for

APOSTLES TODAY “Apostles today” brings together various aspects

and understandings of the ‘grace and apostleship’

(Rom.1:5) that God has given through Christ for the

redemption and discipleship of the nations.

There is a remnant church in every nation being

raised by the LORD to bear witness to His power and

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glory in these last days. A final key to the raising of

these saints is the full restoration of apostles by grace,

releasing to the saints the unlimited grace bestowed

upon us as sons by adoption.

These books are available on the website:

or by request from Revival Ministries Australia