The Healthy Brain Report - Vitalmax · PDF fileTo Protect Your Brain The Healthy Brain Report...

Surefire Tips & Techniques To Protect Your Brain The Healthy Brain Report and Revitalize Your Memory The Healthy Living Collection Almark Publishing By: Mark Rosenberg, M.D.

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By Al Sears, M.D.

Surefire Tips & TechniquesTo Protect Your Brain

The HealthyBrain Report

and RevitalizeYour Memory

The Healthy Living Collection

Almark Publishing

By: Mark Rosenberg, M.D.

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Published by: Almark Publishing

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All right reserved. No part of this book may be republished in any form without the permission of Almark Publishing. © Copyright 2012

Warning-Disclaimer: Almark Publishing has written this book to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is offered with the understanding that the publisher and the author are not liable for the misconception or misuse of the information provided. Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and accurate as possible. The purpose of this book is to educate. The author and Almark Products Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book. The information presented herein is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Pregnant or nursing women especially should consult their physician for proper nutritional guidelines.

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Mark Rosenberg, M.D. is director and founder of the “Institute for Healthy Aging” in South Florida. For the past 15 years he has combined modern medicine with nutrition, exercise and physiology to create a natural program for healthier living.

Dr. Mark Rosenberg received his undergraduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania and graduated from Georgetown University School of Medicine. He then completed his residency in emergency medicine in San Antonio, TX at Brooke Army Medical Center, where he won the award of “Teacher and Resident of the Year.”

In 1997, Dr. Rosenberg became a diplomat of the American College of Anti-aging Medicine. He has since become a highly sought-after speaker and lectures frequently on topics such as integrative cancer therapy and anti-aging medicine. In 2009, Dr. Rosenberg will be regularly lecturing in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.

Dr. Rosenberg has published a physician’s guide to the treatment of drug toxicities and served as a consultant to several hospitals for the treatment of drug overdoses. In addition to drug research, Dr. Rosenberg is avidly involved in supplement research, and has served as the Chief Science Officer for several supplement companies including VitalMax Vitamins.

Dr. Rosenberg has spent much of his time over the past few years studying cancer. He has developed a novel protocol that integrates standard chemotherapeutic regimens with non-toxic natural supplemental regimens. Dr. Rosenberg was featured on Fox News for inducing remission on a patient with cancer that had spread from the lungs, to the liver and spine. Wake Forest University is now currently beginning a study using this protocol.

MEET THE AUTHOR: Mark Rosenberg, M.D.

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Introduction ..................................................1

The Three Main Sources of

Cognitive Decline ...........................................4

Eating Your Way to Brain Power! ..................5

Correcting Mental Malnutrition ....................9

Relax...It Makes a Difference! ......................15

Exercise Your Body & Mind .........................17

Mind Exercises .............................................17

Conclusion ....................................................19

10 Fun Ways to Boost Your Brainpower ......19

3 Tricks to Improve Your Memory ...............20

Chart: Smart Foods for Smart People ..........21

Chart: Smart Eating Guide ..........................23

References ...................................................25

Table of Contents

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The Healthy Brain Report

Surefire Tips & Techniques to Protect Your Brain

and Revitalize Your Memory

The greatest gift you have as a human being is your intelligence… your “brain power.” Your ability to reason, to solve problems and, most important, to remember – is what makes you the individual that you are. Loss of this ability, particularly memory loss, either short-term or long-term, is a frightening prospect for anyone.

At one time it appeared that this loss of memory was something that was simply “in the cards” for nearly everyone who lived long enough. Now, thanks to a deeper understanding of how the brain works and breakthroughs in prevention, that’s no longer the case. Now, in fact, it’s possible to actually “revitalize” your memory by taking a few simple, surefire actions.

Once upon a time, doctors and medical researchers believed you had a set number of brain cells. As you aged, these brain cells would shrink, and some would die or become damaged.

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But you didn’t make new brain cells. So everyone was doomed to a shrinking, less functional brain as they aged.

Fortunately, that’s not actually how things work. New research has revealed that you can grow new brain cells all through your life. And you can develop new connections between your brain cells, too.1 What this means is that cognitive decline isn’t an inevitable part of aging. You just need to take proper care of your brain—and the best time to start is now!

In this special report, you’ll learn powerful techniques proven to boost your brain power, to improve your memory, and to protect against future memory loss. Simply by following the steps outlined in this report you’ll guarantee you’re taking all the actions needed to enhance and protect your most valuable assets: your mind and memory.

The report starts with a look at “brain food” – those foods that provide the natural vitamins and nutrients proven to prevent brain aging, to increase intelligence, and to improve memory.

The next section looks in depth at the most exciting area of brain power enhancement. Namely, supplements you can use to slow and often actually reverse the brain’s aging process, enhancing your memory and boosting your natural brain power in one easy step.

Then you’ll discover how simple, relaxing, and enjoyable activities can protect your brain from a silent enemy that does more damage than you can imagine.

Finally, you’ll discover some easy (and fun) exercises guaranteed to keep your brain and body limber and strong no matter what your age.

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At the end of this report you’ll find easy-to-follow guides that you can remove or copy and place on your refrigerator, desk, or dashboard... convenient for easy reference or shopping purposes.

By following the guidelines in this report, you’ll take a holistic approach to brain health. This multi-pronged approach is the most complete way to enhance your memory and boost your brain power, no matter what your age. While any one of these four steps – diet, supplements, relaxation and exercise, both mental and physical – can work wonders when taken all by itself, the very best approach to achieving brain power is by using all four methods.

Before I show you how to keep your brain healthy and limber no matter how long you live, let’s take a closer look at the dangers your brain faces as you age.

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The Three Main Sources of Cognitive Decline

As you age, you might find you have a more difficult time remembering where you put your keys or recalling the names of new people. This mild form of memory loss is common and easily preventable or reversible through good nutrition and exercise, both mental and physical. Alzheimer’s and dementia each present a more serious threat to your brain function. Neither are a normal part of aging, and lifestyle choices can dramatically lower your risks … which is why it is important to begin making healthy changes now.

Memory Loss: Mild memory loss is so common as we age, that it’s considered normal. But you don’t have to resign yourself to memory struggles. Eating the right foods, doing things that challenge you mentally, and getting enough exercise will usually restore your memory’s normal vitality. This report will give you plenty of tips and techniques to prevent this kind of common memory loss.

Alzheimer’s Disease: Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia in the United States. Currently more than 4 million American’s have been diagnosed with the disease, and that number will rise steadily in the coming decade. Alzheimer’s isn’t something that you are destined to either get or not get. Again, like mild memory loss, there are a number of lifestyle factors that affect your risk. You can follow the steps in this report to significantly reduce your risk.



1997 2006 2050

Projected Prevelance of Alzheimer's

Prevelance ofAlzheimer's in Millions

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Dementia: Dementia is actually a catch all term for the condition of declining cognitive function, regardless of the disease that is causing the difficulties. Dementia affects language function, memory, and sometimes visual and spatial abilities. In some cases, the onset of dementia-causing diseases is inherited, and you don’t have as much control as you do in other situations. But once more, the steps in this report can slow the progress of dementia due to genetic diseases.

Now, let’s look at the first thing you need to do to keep your brain healthy. By feeding your brain the best nutrients through the foods you eat, you will make a real difference in your brain function and overall long-term health.

Eating Your Way to Brain Power! As you almost certainly know, a well-balanced diet can add years to your life. The best diet is high in fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables, with a balanced intake of good fats and proteins. This kind of diet builds on the nutrients and natural foods that humans have eaten for hundreds of millennia. Such a diet contains antioxidants and other elements you need to slow the effects of aging. The nutrients and antioxidants preserve your youth by combating free radicals that destroy healthy cells.

A healthy diet also combats other conditions known to damage or slow down your brain. In Stockholm, Sweden researchers examined 1,500 individuals over a 21-year period. They found that people with high cholesterol and high blood pressure have a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. 2

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Luckily you can control both of these risk factors by making healthy lifestyle choices … especially by making good food choices.

But don’t be fooled by diet myths—a low fat diet is not the secret to good health, supplements do work, and it’s never too late to make better choices.

By eating the right foods, you can do wonders for your brain. In fact, research has shown that there’s a link between diet and conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s. 3

Eating the right foods helps ward off these diseases. And these foods actually help you think more clearly, react more quickly, and recall information more quickly.

Here, then, are the basic dietary steps you can take – starting today – to increase your brain longevity and your brain power.

♦ Learn to choose good fats. Your brain uses fats as a valuable resource, but it needs the right kinds of fats. Mono and polyunsaturated fats are good. So is a moderate amount of natural saturated fat. Essential fatty acids also play an important role. The one fat you should always avoid is trans fat. This man-made fat literally works like a toxin in your body, and can damage brain cells.

♦ Limit grains and potatoes. Grains and potatoes both force your body to release insulin in order to use the sugar they release into your blood. Too much of these kinds of foods creates a destructive cycle of elevated insulin, which damages cells.

♦ Eat a balanced diet. That means a balance of fresh fruit and vegetables in a variety of colors, along with good quality dairy and meat products.

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♦ Be sure to have at least two servings daily of chicken, turkey, fish, beans, avocado, or Swiss cheese. Why? Because these foods are a great natural source of the B vitamins (thiamin, B6 and B12) that are proven brain enhancers.

♦ An apple a day keeps memory loss at bay. Apples not only make tasty snacks, they’re also full of boron, a mineral that speeds the movement of other nutrients into and out of brain cells. At least one study has shown a marked difference in the mental performance of individuals get ting 3.25 milligrams of boron daily compared to those getting just one-quarter of a milligram. 4 Grapes and broccoli are also good sources of boron.

♦ Don’t forget the eggs. Eggs are rich in choline, a key building block in the production of acetylcholine, a necessary nutrient to ward off forgetfulness. Eggs also provide some of the best quality protein you can find, and are loaded with other good nutrients.

♦ Eat a serving of yogurt each day. Yogurt contains tyrosine, an amino acid your brain needs to be at its best. Studies show tyrosine supplements boost alertness and memory.5

Plain yogurt with a bit of honey or fruit mixed in is your best bet.

♦ Don’t miss meals. When you skip a meal or are forced to miss a meal for some reason, your blood sugar level can drop (hypoglycemia). When that happens, you’ll probably notice an almost immediate feeling of lightheadedness and, perhaps, irritability. Your short and long-term memory even suffer. What’s worse is that even a short episode of hypoglycemia can cause long-lasting (perhaps permanent) damage to the neurons that make effective brain function possible.

In the Smart Foods for Smart People section at the back of this report you'll find a handy guide to more foods you can eat to enhance your brain power. The Smart Eating Guide is also

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located there. It’ll show you easy ways to replace brain-busting foods with brain-boosting foods.

Choosing good foods is a great step toward brain health. But it’s impossible to get all the nutritional brain-boosters you need through diet alone. That’s why it’s important to take supplements to “round out” your healthy diet.

Let’s look in more detail at the importance of these nutrients and how they work to boost your brain power.

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Correcting Mental Malnutrition….Even if you’re eating a well-balanced diet, you may be starving your brain of nutrients you need to fight against forgetfulness, memory loss and diminished brain power.

How can that be?

It’s simple. There’s just no way – no way at all – you can eat enough of the right foods to get all the nutrients necessary for enhanced brain power. That’s why I recommend that you take dietary supplements each and every day. Here’s a list of the best supplements for your brain and what they do:

♦ Phosphatidyl Serine – simply called “PS” for short – is a special kind of “good fat” known as a phospholipid. Your body uses it to build and maintain healthy brain cells. According to scientists, PS boosts your brain power by making the membranes of your brain’s nerve cells healthier. These nerve cells are responsible for nerve impulses in your brain. And nerve impulses are the building blocks for thoughts, memory, and general brain power. By improving nerve cell health, PS makes your brain more powerful because you can generate, store, transmit and receive nerve impulses better and faster. One amazing study printed in Neurology magazine in 1991 focused on the affects of PS on cognitive function. In this clinical trial, close to 150 people suffering from age-related memory loss took PS for three months. In that time, members of the study experienced, on average, a 12 year improvement in memory. That means a person with a memory typical of a 64 year old could remember things like a 52 year old in just three months. The men and women in the study all showed improvement in learning and remembering names, faces and

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phone numbers. They also had better recall, could find “lost” objects easier, and showed better concentration.6

♦ Coenzyme Q10. A “coenzyme” is a substance that is allied with an enzyme (a natural or organic substance produced by a plant or animal) and that works with the enzyme to activate it. Coenzyme Q10 (commonly called CoQ10) works with the brain’s “power plants,” known as mitochondria to produce energy, increasing mental endurance and stamina. At the same time, CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant, warding off the effects of free radicals, the agents now known to cause aging not just in brain cells but in other cells throughout the body. In simpler language, Coenzyme Q10 helps you guard against fatigue, mental lethargy and even depression while it provides protection against aging, heart failure, high blood pressure and stroke.

There’s no doubt that your brain uses a lot of energy. It needs the right kind of fuel to function properly. And when it comes to fuel, CoQ10 is critical. In fact, it’s almost a sure bet that someone who’s suffered a stroke or is rapidly losing cognitive function has low brain levels of CoQ10.

Besides working as a fuel, CoQ10 also functions as an antioxidant, protecting your brain against free radical damage.





People taking phosphatidyl serine(300 mg per day)

People not takingphosphatidyl serine

% increase inmemory afterthree weeks

Taking Phosphatidyl Serine (PS) Can Improve Your Memory 30% In Only 3 Weeks!

30% increase in memory

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As an antioxidant, CoQ10 is particularly important because it’s both fat soluble and water soluble. Most antioxidants are water soluble, which means they can’t work as effectively in high-fat areas like the brain. CoQ10 can work everywhere in the body.

Now, you may be wondering why antioxidants are so important to brain health. Just where do all these damaging free radicals come from? Well, the process your body uses to convert nutrients to energy produces free radicals. It’s pretty cool that your brain uses the same nutrients for fuel and to clean up after its fuel-burning process.

Your body does make CoQ10, but its production slows with age. CoQ10 is difficult to get in adequate amounts from traditional food sources. So, a supplement is the way to go… it’s necessary for your good health.

Now, let’s look at another nutrient that you can take to boost your brain power.

♦ Acetyl L-Carnitine. (ALC) This is another natural substance that aids in cognitive functions. It clears out the accumulation of fatty acids in your brain’s power plants… the mitochondria. Think of ALC as a cleanser that boosts your brain’s metabolism. It enables your brain to transmit and store information more surely and quickly. One of the most remarkable effects of regular ALC supplementation is the improved communication between brain cells.

In one small study, patient’s suspected of having Alzheimer’s disease took ALC supplements over the course of a year. Compared to patients on placebo, those taking ALC experienced slower cognitive decline. 7

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In another study, conducted in 1991, researchers tested patients for their ability to find their way out of a maze. Those taking ALC supplements were, on average, 43-percent faster. 8 Other studies have shown that ALC has a positive effect on the attention span and cognitive ability of people suffering from Alzheimer’s and senility.

Now let’s take a look at one of the most important supplements you can take if your goal is to rejuvenate your brain and recapture the brain power you had as a young man or woman, namely,

♦ Phosphatidyl Choline. Like PS, Phosphatidyl Choline (commonly known as PC) is a phospholipid. This good fat provides nutrients to cells and helps build cell membranes in the brain and other organs. It is also a building block for acetylchloine, one of the brain’s main neurotransmitters.

One study conducted by scientists at the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that natural choline (found in food) is taken by the bloodstream directly to the brain where it is used “almost instantly” to help the brain make acetylcholine. In another study, patients suffering from memory loss saw up to a 60 percent improvement when they took a choline supplement.

Of course, you may wonder why you should take supplements if you can obtain choline in natural form from your diet. The problem is that when you ingest choline as part of a meal, it and other amino acids in the food actually “compete” with each other for protein receptors. There’s no guarantee that the choline in your meal will actually make it to your brain. A supplement that contains PC is the best solution.

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♦ The B Vitamins and Folic Acid. Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., a brain-nutrition and longevity expert, describes the B-complex vitamins as “absolutely critical” for boosting your brain power. Vitamin B deficiencies lead to memory loss, mental lethargy, disorientation, mood swings and even depression.

Research shows that a vitamin B12 deficiency is among the most common causes of age-related brain dysfunction, including memory loss.

Researchers link adequate levels of B vitamins, including B-6, B-12 and Folic Acid to good mental function. 9 In one study, researchers found that ongoing brain health is better when patients eat a diet rich in these vitamins. 10

Sure, you can get these B vitamins through diet, especially a diet that includes lean meat and fish. But you can’t get the optimum dose and balance of the B vitamins you need solely from your diet.

♦ Vitamin E: Vitamin E is another important antioxidant. It’s fat soluble, so it works efficiently in the brain. And researchers at John’s Hopkins have found that a diet rich in vitamin E significantly reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.

♦ Curry: That’s right, this Indian cooking spice helps support brain function. The turmeric in curry has anti-inflammatory properties that researchers believe to be responsible for curry’s brain boosting properties. In animal studies, even low doses of curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, cut plaque deposits in the brain by up to 50%. These same plaque deposits may lead to Alzheimer’s disease, so these findings are very significant. 11

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♦ Ginkgo: This popular supplement improves brain function by increasing the blood flow to the brain. Ginkgo’s positive effects tend to wane with time, so it’s better to use it as a short-term treatment. It’s a perfect supplement for those days that you especially want to be at your best.

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Relax...It Makes A Difference!Aside from poor nutrition, there’s another big brain cell killer. And that’s stress.

Stress produces cortisol, a hormone. Too much cortisol damages brain cells and can cause you to feel foggy and forgetful. Cortisol is one of the few hormones that rises as you age. But you can control cortisol levels by learning to control your stress.

Of course, you can’t completely eliminate stress from your life. But you can reduce its effects using the following techniques:

• Breathing exercises

• Journaling

• Taking up a hobby

• Meditating

Breathing exercises are very calming. The key element is that you breathe properly. You should inhale from your diaphragm… that muscle just below your rib cage and at the top of your belly. You should exhale by relaxing your diaphragm… don’t force the air out, just let it flow out on its own.

Just the simple act of breathing properly can make a huge difference in stress reduction, but you can also breathe in set patterns to improve the relaxing effect.

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Try breathing in the following pattern:

• For the first four breaths, breathe in deeply for three seconds using your diaphragm to pull in the air. Don't hold the breath. Instead, immediately exhale for three seconds by completely relaxing your diaphragm.

• For the fifth breath, breathe deeply for six seconds and exhale for six seconds.

• Repeat the pattern at least four times.

Journaling, for many people, helps them to release negative feelings like stress. Something about the act of writing down the things that are bothering you may help you to let them go. If journaling works for you to relieve stress, then make time each day to write.

Hobbies are wonderful for stress reduction. The key is to find an activity you love and that you find relaxing. Do be careful because some hobbies can be stressful for certain personalities. For example, if you’re very competitive, then golf might be stressful when you’re losing, but an activity like playing the piano might be just the thing.

Meditation is a proven stress reliever. During meditation, you sit quietly and comfortably and work to let go of your thoughts. The idea is to focus on a single thing like the flow of your breath or a single word or short phrase. Even just 10 minutes of meditation a day can make a world of difference in how calm you feel. Give it a try!

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Exercise Your Body & MindExercise provides a direct benefit to your brain. In one study, even mild exercise like walking for 30 minutes three times each week improved brain function by 15%. 12 People in the study improved both concentration and abstract reasoning. In the studies I mentioned at the beginning of this report, that show we do make new brain cells, exercise proved to be one of the best ways to do that.

Mind/body exercises such as yoga are also valuable. Yoga and other mind/body exercises restore the brain’s ability to access existing memories, create new memories and improve concentration.

Physical exercise provides a double benefit to the brain by increasing blood flow and relieving stress. And exercise increases the brain’s production of neurotransmitters (such as norpinephrine) that carry signals and help to maintain healthy levels of alertness or relaxation. Try to exercise half an hour to one hour daily.

Mind Exercises…There’s no doubt that just as exercise helps keep your body younger and stronger, mind exercises can ward off the effects of aging and add to your brain’s longevity. That’s why you should add mental exercises to your daily routine.

How important is mental exercise? Well, clinical studies have shown that a lack of brain exercise (the type provided by doing challenging puzzles, solving difficult problems, or even just trying new things) can actually lead to shrinkage of the brain.

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Now, nobody likes to be told to exercise more. But don’t let that stand in the way of exercising your brain every day. Mental exercise is fun because you get to choose how to exercise your brain.

If, for example, you enjoy working crossword puzzles (and many people do) that’s a great form of mental exercise. So is playing chess. And those Sudoku puzzles that so many newspapers run are great too.

New hobbies usually provide a good mental challenge. Learning to play a musical instrument, taking up ballroom dancing, or studying a new language all are great, fun brain boosters.

Here are a few other forms of mental exercise you can use to keep your brain young and powerful:

♦ Read the daily newspaper and discuss what you read with friends, family members and associates at work.

♦ Take up a hobby that requires the use of brain cells: build wooden model ships, collect stamps, paint, get involved with photography – anything that’s intellectually challenging.

♦ Join a book discussion group. Many libraries and community centers sponsor them or you can start your own.

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To Conclude… By following these easy steps today, you will boost your brain power, add to your brain’s longevity and rejuvenate your memory.

10 Fun Ways to Boost Your Brainpower

1. Drive a new way to your favorite grocery store. Taking new routes to get places helps build new pathways in your brain.

2. Listen to relaxing music. Complex classical compositions especially seem to boost mental clarity.

3. Get a good night’s sleep. Well rested people think more clearly than those who are groggy.

4. Make a list. If you’re worried you’ll forget something, then write it down.

5. Read a challenging book on a topic that interests you.

6. Buy a book of logic puzzles.

7. Memorize a poem.

8. Take a class at your local community college.

9. Take up a hobby with a social element. A hobby like ballroom dancing that engages you both mentally and socially seems to have more brain benefits than one that doesn’t provide social interaction.

10. Above all, try new things!

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3 Tricks to Improve Your MemoryThese tricks don’t actually improve your memory, but they can make it easier for you to recall things… like where you put your glasses down, the name of the person you met at the grocery store yesterday, or that book title you heard that you really wanted to read.

Trick Number 1: Attach an emotion to what you are trying to remember. Emotion is closely linked to memory. You are much more likely to remember an experience that was emotionally charged.

So for example, if you want to remember the name of a new person, focus for a moment on the emotion the name brings up for you or think of a book or TV show that has a character with the same name.

Trick Number 2: Think of a ridiculous story to go with what you are trying to remember. This technique works especially well for remembering where you put things. For example, say you put your keys down on a table next to a house plant. Take a moment and imagine the house plant using its tendrils to juggle the key ring. When it’s time to get your keys, chances are much better you’ll remember where you put them.

Trick Number 3: Practice. Okay, I know that doesn’t sound very exciting, but a little practice every so often can help keep your memory limber. So, how do you practice? There are lots of ways to practice. For instance, when you go to the library, take a moment to read the titles of the first five books on a shelf. Then turn your back on the shelf and try to remember what those titles were. Or use a deck of cards. Flip over six or seven cards. Examine them for 30 seconds. Then close your eyes and try to recall which cards you flipped.

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Food Nutrients Brain FunctionBeverages

Ginkgo tea (standardized to 24% ginkgolides)

Ginkgolides, flavones

Supports healthy blood circulation. Functions as antioxidant.

Green Tea (not before bedtime) Catechins, caffeine

Supports antioxidant activities; minimal amount of caffeine provides stimulus.

Mineral WaterEssential minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium

Calcium/Magnesium; vital precursors for neurotransmitters; potassium helps to provide electrical current to conduct nerve impulses.


Skim MilkAmino Acids (e.g. tyrosine and vitamin B-12)

Stimulates attention, support healthy levels of neurotransmitters, and cognition activity.

Yogurt Tyrosine, Protein Helps build brain cells and improve function.


Shellfish (shrimp & crab)

Zinc, chromium, vitamin B-12

Zinc: important enzyme reactions and to manufacture RNA and DNA. Chromium: helps body use glucose, brain fuel. Vitamin B-12: supports cognitive health.

Smart Foods for Smart People

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Food Nutrients Brain Function

Salmon, tuna, trout, and mackerel(Choose types of fish with low mercury content.)

Selenium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-6, choline and other phospholipids

Omega-3 fatty acids support healthy blood circulation. B-6 supports normal brain function. Choline supports healthy nerve function.

Produce and Nuts

Fresh fruitsAntioxidants, vitamin C and bioflavonoids

Supports healthy blood vessels.

Pecans, peanuts, walnuts, pine, Brazil & hickory nuts

B-complex: B-1 (thiamin), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3 (niacin), B-5 (pantothenate), B-6 (pyridoxine)

Supports healthy citric acid cycle and mitochondria function. Detoxifies internal toxins. Supports cognitive powers.

Berries, especially blueberries and strawberries

Rich in antioxidantsAnimal studies show berries may increase coordination and concentration.

Spinach Rich in antioxidants Supports learning ability.


Eggs choline, omega 3s, good protein

Supports healthy nerve development in children and adults.

Grass fed beefCLA (conjugated linoleic acid), Vitamin B12

Supports healthy muscles and healthy brain function.

Smart Foods for Smart People (Cont’d.)

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Instead of This: Eat This:Breakfast

Bagel(with mineral–deficient enriched grains) Omelet with veggies and cheese

Coffee and roll (with high amounts of carbohydrates) Plain Yogurt with honey and fruit

Bacon, eggs, and hash browns (saturated fat clogs arteries)

Hard-boiled eggs and non-fat yogurt (rich in choline and magnesium)

Pancakes or waffles (with enriched grains)

Poached eggs with a grass fed beef steak

LunchPasta with salad and bread (raises blood sugar too abruptly, causing “rebound” fatigue)

A salad made from dark leafy greens with chicken or wild Alaskan salmon

Cheese Pizza (saturated fats clog vessels)

Shrimp scampi (rich in zinc and protein)


Iceburg lettuce salad (generally low in nutrients)

Caesar or other dark green leafy vegetable salad (rich in carotenoids and minerals which are antioxidants and important to brain function)

Pot Roast (rich in saturated fats)

Grass-fed beef steak with the fat trimmed. (Balanced fats, rich in protein and B vitamins, good source of essential fatty acids.) Enjoy a salad and sautéed vegetables for side dishes

Alcoholic drinksSmall drink of red wine; rich in antioxidants. (Small amounts of alcohol can be healthy for you.)

Smart Eating Guide

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Instead of This: Eat This:Snacks

Cake, doughnuts, ice cream or sherbet (saturated fat and/or sugar)

Apples, orange slices, fruit bowl (rich in antioxidant vitamins that fight free radical damage)

Gum drops, hard candy, candy bars (excessive sugar; nutritionally deficient)

Nuts or organic chocolate (rich in boron which supports mental alertness/rich in antioxidants)

Buffalo wings with dressing (fat city)

Seafood gumbos (rich in zinc which helps to support memory functions)

Smart Eating Guide (Cont’d.)

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3. Penland JG. “Dietary Boron, brain function, and cognitive performance,”

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4. Perlmutter, David MD and Colman, Carol. “The Better Brain Book.”

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5. “11 Steps to a Better Brain.” New Scientist Magazine. May 28, 2005

6. Crook TH, et al. “Effects of phosphatifyl serine in age-associated memory

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carnitine in Alzheimer’s Disease,” Neurobiol Aging 1995; 16(1): 1-4

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9. Rosenberg, I.H., et al. “Nutritional Factors in Physical and Cognitive

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10. Tucker KL, et al. “High homocysteine and low B vitamins predict cognitive

decline in aging men,” Am J Clin Nutr 2005; 82(30): 627-35

11. Carper, Jean. “Save Your Brain,” USA Weekend. June 2, 2002

12. “11 Steps to a Better Brain.” New Scientist Magazine. May 28, 2005

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